r THE OMAHA DAILY ISEE: SATURDAY, 31 AY J, 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for 4liee eolnniin trill lie taken nntll 'i in. for the teiiliio- edition nml until Hs.tU p. in. for in urn I n u nml Similar edition. Rates, 1 .2c n word first Innertlon, In n tvnril Ihercnfter. Nothing tnlcen for less tlinn 20c (or the tint Inser tion. 'I"h mo ail vcrtUemen t mut he run consecutively. Advertisers, hy rrnnestlnic a nnm tiereil check, mil linve nninfr nil rpiiil to n numbered letter In care of The lire, .tnanrra no nddressed trill tie delivered on prescututloB of tba heck only. WAMIJII-MITtATIl).. lOL'NO Imly will assist with housework or work forenoons for room rind board. Address P29, Dee. A-MI7S 5 wa.y'i:ii-mali: help. W,NTi:i)-U'o Imve steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear once. C. F. Adams Co., 105 Howard .St. D-304 HARDER trrtdn taught thoroughly tn short limn; cafuloguo nml particulars free. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Nob. WANTED, good mechanical draftsman; mtlHt ho cxperlnced nnd eupuble, Apply, stilting age, experience und salary ex pected. Address O 13, llee. 11 te8 WANTED, yoting man, bookkeeper, with references. Address P 1C, lice. 11-397 3 WANTED, competent bookkeeper for Idwa branch; state ago. experience and salary expected. F 23, Dec. D M457 6 WANTED, barber; must be Al and steady. T. M. Ooodcn, Trinidad, Colo. D Ml 13 4 WANTED, traveling salesman visiting clothing tr.ido In Michigan, Indiana, Wis consin or west to carry six styles of spo clul working gloves and mittens; new and r winner; write, stating torrltory. II, I.. Chlsholm, 16 Exchange at., lluffalo, N. y. U-Mli; 4 WANTED, experienced card and sign writer, good wages and steady position for tho right party J. I.. Drnnilels & Buns, proprietors of Doston .Store, Omaha. D-193 5 WANTED, experienced hushelman for clothing dep.ictment. J. I,, Bramlels ,t Bons, proprietors of Uoston Store, Omaha. D-4JI I WANTKD, ilruggtnt of nbout two years' experience. One who wants to continue Htul learn tho business. Must be reliable and Industriuua. Address I 31, lice. D-602 3 COATMAKER wanted nt once. C. A. Fritz, Fremont, Neb. D-501 6 WANTKD, hod carriers; steady employ ment, good wages for competent moti, season 1!W1.. Apply Dulldors & Traders Exchange, St. Joseph, Mo. D-MI2'.! 6 WANTKD, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; special offer to ap plicants from distance; board, tools and scholarship; busy season; 11- to 315 weekly Eald graduates. Cull or write, Molcr Dur cr College,- 1823 Farnam st. DM5.M H WANTKD, a shoo salesman to travel In Nehrusku; must have n largo establish l trade mid Rive good references. Temwnt Shoo Co., ,tfrs. and Jobbers, St. Louis, Mo. H-M10 ."OATMAKER wonted. Write J. F. Geese I, Seward, Nub. 11 M51'J ti WANTED, n harnessmaker for a custom shop. Janifs. Krollk, Crete, Neb. H-M515 G- WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of food producta; offer good . opportunity; give fully .your past experience. Hox f 17. Chicago, III. a MSlfi 6 WANTED, man for this section hy old house, solid financial standing; $30 cash paid for two weeks' trial; permanent It successful. Manager, 331 Cuxton. building, Chicago. 1J-.M50S 5 PERSONS everywhere who can )vrltc metrl torloui Hkutchcs, articles or stories; good pay. Literary Bureau, 303 Cuxton build ing, Chicago. " 1 R-MJ10-5.-", WANTED; two rarpenters. .Claim Strange, contractor, Vutan, Neb. Jl-iMSOS 7 WANTKD, man to travel, territory prin cipally In .Nrtminkii; young man over '.'1 preferred; advertising: salary and ex penses; self-addressed envelope. Chas. Phillips, l'ontlac bldg., Chicago, D-M50I l HALESMEN WAVl'HD. SALESMEN, a tlrm with long established trade With physicians, will receive ap plications for vacancy In their corps of traveling men, altfo one for country dis trict, l'ennanency. Address I'. O. Dnx. !5S. Philadelphia. M5I5 5 v. . T i : n i HM.ii, 15 help. RELIABLE help, Canadian Olllee. 1522 Douglas. Tul. c 30ti WANTKD, 200' glrls."52Dodge.Tci. 876 C-307 DltKrtSM.UCINa taught thoroughly; sys tem received .hlshct award at Paris, I'M. McDowell Dressmaking School, 2C3 9. 15th t rooms 515-5H! Karbach blk. C 308 WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator; must have hud good cxpcilence. Apply roonl 220, lleo building. C-Ws WANTED, housekeeper In small family; no washing. Address' 1 10, llee. C 271 WANTED, good cook In family of 3. Mrs. Andrew Koscwuter, IIS H. 3tn st. c-Mtia GIU1- for general housework. Apply 277S California st. C-MII7 I WANTKD, girl for genernt housework. SS'.-O California st. Jlr. W. K. lyttcr. ; 1 WANTED, good rook; wages 3 a n-eek; references required. 2101 Cuss. C IW3 OUll, for gencrul housework; ono to sleep at, home preferred. 1923 Dodge. C-M490 4- v l.ADll.S wanted to lenm halrdresslnur niatuc.irlng, massage or chiropody, from four to eight weeks tequlred, Coniplotc outtlt of tools presented eneh student, t'osltlons secureit In best establlshmenta In city. fomiMrntlvely no expense. Call or writ Moler College. 1023 Fariutm Ht. C-Ma21 li. HOUSEMAID. 2701 Furnam. . C-M500 S ME1A' WANTED. MEN and women of neat uppearupco for local. work In Douglas and Sarpy, lioom m raxton blk.. Omaha. Neb. M-17o v" vim HK.vi-iiousi:. IF you want your houses well rented place them with llcnuwa i Co. D COJ TO move right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., otllce, Farnum, or tel. lRro-MSj. D-310 llbi'SKS for rent In all parts of the city. Urcnnau-Luvft Ca, 320 South 13th street.- D-3U Houses, stores. Ilcmls, I'axtou Block. U-Jl BEK 1IENKY II. l'AYNIOrtioi N. V. LU'eT . D-3U IIOrSEsTeTo, V. p. VeaiTri52rDouglas. " D-311 1IOUSKS and Mate, lllngwalt, Itarker block. D-S15 HOL'SKS wanted. Wallace. Drown block? D-316 KOH RENT, residence. 1056 Georgia ave cor. Pacing; 10 rooms, attic, b:tsement, east front, modern and extra conveni ences; lot 00x110. with trees. Inquire 31 1 First Nutionul Dank bdg. D 31s IMIOOM detached house, all modem, newly papered. 2525 Cullfomla. D MCH LAUOE 12-room residence on tho North boulevard, will paint, paper and muko what Improvements are necessary, Rent, Jt0.lV). OMAHA IADAN AND TRUST CO., ltith sad Douglas. r D-MC75 FOR RENT, strletl)'1 nmdem flat, D.ivldge building, opposite city hull, b-ronm modern house, S006 Mason .St., near park, nice luwn and shade, (35. JOHN W, ROUDINS, 13 KARNAM ST. D-M91S FOUR rooms, modem, IU.0O. 90s N 27 St. D-M3SI M-28 FOR RE.NTIIOt XV.S. FOR RENT. f.-room modern Hut, 939 N. Slth st tl$.) "room house, city water, 2010 N. 27th st 15.00 s-room modern houre, Wil N. 2ith st.. , 20.00 9-roorn modern house, J910 Durdette st, I5.i) "room houe. city water. 1S03 8. 2$th st li.ou URENNAN, l.OVK & CO., 309 8. 13th St. D-V583 CHASTE. WIiXTaMBON, 1203 Farnam st. D-M2M FOR KENT, new brick dwelling, strictly modern, corner 2Sth and rnpnletnn ave nue, 35. D-M201 7 FOR RENT, flno largo residence, 11 rooms, 131 So. 2Jlh Ht. Apply to II. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge Bt. D-M3S7 8-ROOM modern house. 1117 A'lnton. In qulto 1111. D 101 5 SIX-ROOM house. 2304 Grace t. D-M406 3 FOR RENT, modern furnished house for summei mouths. It. C5J Uea bldg.' , D-M455 8 l Oll RENT. 11-room modern house near High school. The O. F. Dals Co., 552 Deo bldg, D-M54 8 FOR RKNT, modern up-to-date tint of 7 rooms, tlrst tloor. Call nt No. 1 Normnn die, corner I'urk nve. and Tactile sts. D-M150 GOOD house, one ncro ground, 3C9 So. 2"nh st. Garvin Ilros., 1613 Farnam st. D-I5T 3 2905 H. 17TH ST., seven-room house, city water tn kitchen; will paper and' paint to suit good tenant; block from So. Omaha car; rent, 115. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. D-M203 6-ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished. StO 8, 30th st. D-M527 t SEVEN rooms"nfba7n, 2S4I Webster, JIS; eight rooms, modern, 2W9 Capitol ave., W")j eight rooms, modern, 2o3 Hurt, W0; others. Rlngwnlt Dros., Darker block. D-MG03 I'OU Itr.M'-Kl.HM.HHEII RUfJMM. DEWEY European hotel, 13th und O-'urnum. E-320 THE THURSTON, 15th und Jucksou: steam E-321 THREE ulco rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 S. 11th. E-IH NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. 1400 Jones E 161 MB HOUSEKEEI'ING rooms, 6 up. 2023 St. Mary's. E-MStW M22 3 FURNISHED rooms for'mnn and wife; rent tuken 111 board. 319 N. 17th nt. ' E-916 FURNISIHID rooms, modorn. 1722 Dodge street. E-M273 Ml ELEGANT furnished front room. Gas, buth, telephone. 2129 Farnam, 3d lloor, west. 1'hoilu 1.2199. , E-M3S3 5' ROOMS. 1900 Capitol vot E-M40S 5 COOL south front room, with tbtithv excel lent neighborhood, convenient to both Hanscom park line cart), )15 per month. Address 1 28, llee. E-M4SI 4 TWO furnished rooms, slnglo or cnsulte, sultablo for two or .three; board. r50 S. 26th ave. E 498 0 LARGE, cool, south room, cheap. 2472 Harney. K-M507 6 l'I'll.MMIKI) ROOMS AD HOARD. UTOPIA. 1721 Duvvnport St. Fr-323 GLMiNCiVIRN.'translents.fhS diiy'. 1609 Doug.' F-333 ., THE Merrlam, numitief resort, 25' & Dodge , , r.K-M7t), NICELY" futnlihetl rooms. 1513 Georgia aw . F MK4 LARGE front room; tlrst-class board. 41581 Harney; F-M476 5 FOR II i:T-t'.VKl lt.MHlll;il ROOMS. DESIy room space. J5 per month, ground lloor room In 'Xht Deo buldlnx. facing lfnrnani'street;' no c'xpctiso fr light,' hea or Janitor scrvlcu. R. C. l'cters A: Co. Rental Agents, Dee building,- G 416 THREE unfurnished rooms on parlor lloor; niso lurnisuea ones lor nouscKeeptng. ;wi Dodga St. ' G M4o0 6 THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, for light housekeeping. 2211 Dougl ins si, G-M453 ! FOR REXT-S'J OItES AMI OKlCKS. FOR RENT, storo In tlrstclass location; rent rc'isonuhle. Apply R. C. I'etcrs' & Co., ground lloor, Ilea lildg. 1200 FOR KENT," tho "building formerly'occu pled by Tho Dec at 910 Farnam st. It has a.iiliuo Ullil ti iJ.int-lllt-111 Vlllll.ll nil? formerly used as Thu Dca press room, 'lids will be rented yery reasonably. If Interested apply at once 'to C. C, Rosc vater, secretary, room 100, Due building. 1-201 SEVERAL light, well located olllces, J10.00 aim i.-.tu; inesc win not stay vacant lung. R. C 1'eteru t Co., Rentul AgeUtH, lice Dulldlng, Omuhn. ' 1 MI2U 3 FOR RENT, am.- 935 N. 21th st ,.;.,....,,,.i.J15.00 1.31X1 N. 21th st vi..,,...o.. J0.00 2,225 Cuming st V.."... ,15.'u 917 s. i3th st .....;.....:;-" .t'o 1,419 Jackson Ht lu.10 URENNAN-LOVE CO., 309 S. 13th St. . , i' J-A1459 8 AOBNTS waated;? . AGENTS wanted to sell our new upple, tho fastest selling variety, over offered tp-the public; write for lull particulars at ofice. Address Western Nursery Co.j Lawrunce, Kun.. Dept. 43., . , J-M931 7 WANTED Can vaBflntf agcntBVlu i every county to solicit muacriplloua (or CTUK TWENTIETH CKNTURY FAUM15R and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVlfl STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains -1,400 Imperial octavo pages, hoo object-teaching engravings., and U lha .only book on live stock ever published adapted, .to th evyry-day, practical,, niopey-savlnu .usd of "uyvy furmer and tock owqer. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents' in tho.. coun'.ry with "H0ri, und buggy cspeclulli' desired., ;Ciin.vaser muko easily J60 to iwo 'per. month. "Ad dress Century Furmer .Solicitors' Dureau. Rco Uulldlng, Omaha, J-r-4S7. MAN OR.WOM.AN wanted to employ and superintend- Hgnt, lid' per week salary and. expenses L permanent position. Zlcg'ler Co.. 520 Monon hldB.,iChlcgp, III. v- J-M509 5 AGENTS on salary oV commission: The greatest agents.', ueller ever, produced; every user of pen. and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to 601 per, cent prollt; on agent's sales amounted to $620 In' lx days; an other 132 In two, hours, Mnnroo Mfg. Co., Xltl, lt Crosse, Wis, J MpU 5 AV.VNTEIl-TO ltU.XT. SMALL modem cottage, 2 In family; answer promptly; Irst-cluHs referencos. rereronco K Ml!9 5 aoiiress ! j), nee. STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Vnrrfhtiue Co.. 912 911 Jones, general storage undfoj winding OM, Van Stor. CoiTTsiUS Va7n. TeU. ISW-VVK ' .-325 :.T-f; ' WA.TKIl-TO IIUV, IF OU have a 7-R-room house that you want to sell and wnnt to huve muved uway, send offer tc P 3.', Dee. N-197 P WANTED to buy land In Jefferson. Liberty and Hardin counties, Texas; will imy cash for any size .tract if worth tho money. Address J. T. Edllng & Co., N. y. Life Illdg.. Kanfia City. Mo. N M.VjJ r, FOR SALE f'tiRMTUIlU. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodg Tel. C0. Now & Sdh.d furniture hougnr, sold, exchnnged. O-a.'O FOR SALE, kitchen and bedroom furni ture, piano. 023 N. 19th. O-ltf f.- FOiriVLE, furniture, c lieu p. ' 3320 Parker street. Ot-496 5 U P 1 1 OLSTERI NG.lt it & u"iTTeT. H6j 0-)9J ' PONTKNTS of B.roani limiic. folSlntr Va,! sowing mnchlno, " bookcase, Aximnster nmu .iMnl rnnvfl pn.Alln. uliiVd t ' .lit . t.nn, .....n, Q..WW....W v .v. v, III , f,ll, Addreii4 P 54, Uc. O-iZi V FOR SALK-IIOR.HKS V KM l. I.ES, ETC. FOR SALE, top buggy, "good condition! your offer Is my price, It It is rUht. O. M. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P-Msl FOR SALE, '-'seated family carriage, Sl'np. son make, $125. 1511 Farnam St. I'-CfJ LISTEN to the band. Have your vehicles rep'd by H. Frost, 14th and 11-worth. P-191 FOR NAI.P, MIS( El.l.A.M'.OI X. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry hrg fence. Wl Douglus, Q-32S 2DIIAND a"fccheap.Dcrlght, 1119 Farn.lm Q-329 sXFl;s7bu7,u"exc'ge. Schwartz, H4S. K Q-330 WIRE fence for poultry, Ilclglnn hare, hog Held or lawn. Wire Works, 01? 8. 16th St, Q-M87S Jy7 rVrtOOO Dt'TLDINO brick for Immediate de livery. Wlthnell nro'.-Smlth Co.. yotdn 22d and Hickory, 31st und Lake. Tel. 42d. Q-501 Mil FOR BALE, stone, 14th and Castellar Sts. Foundation and retaining wnlM. steel beams 24 nnd 16 feet long, 2 round col umns. Telephone 2152. Q-M29"? 5 THE OMAHA MERCURY prints 'awyers oners nnu legal oianKS anu noes general Job work. Q-M033 M3 TIJOROUOHDRED Jersey cow. young, iresntano very promiiing. u. v. itsrt, 1919 So. 53d, near Center. Q-WI ? TIMOTHY hay nnd all kinds of feed and coai. .Monroe & L'o 809 N. 16th. Tel. 971. Q-79S F-AMILY cow, fresh 4 days; Idg rich milker; picKei nroKe. .mso 6 lieitera about rresn. Turner, 30th and Center sts. Q-617 5 CLAIR VOYA.NTS. MRS. E. C. HENRY, Spiritual Medium, can uo consulted uauy on all Qtiairs or life. No matter what your trouble may be she readily locates tho dlfllculty and removes the cause; she reunites separated couples, develops mediums, teaches palmistry ;reo to those who develop. Of fice 1707 Cass street. 8-299 3 MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S-300 MME. GYLMER, palmist, 313 So. 15th st. 8-S78 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. CAMILLE DUVAL, 613 S. 16th. second floor. T .MB ELITE parlors, 015 South 16th, second lloor. T-M425 MS VERA DELMOKE, 1615 Howard, 2.1 11. R. 1. T WW H1.S MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. Room 7. T 403 6 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chropodlst; corns & superfluous rnlr removed by electricity. R, 12, Frenzer block. U 333 PRIVATE homo before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Durget, 2020 Durdottc. U 331 VIAVA, woman's wny to health; rational, wholesomo home treatment. 343 Dee Dldg, U-3.17 JUST think of Itl Electric light gallery. 27 enameieu stamp pnotos in tour positions and a photo stick pin for 25c. R. 0, Creighton, blk., 15th and Douglas. Open ,'J to 9. Wo make pictures at night. U-590 M16 RUPTURE curod; no knife,, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Kmplru Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Uulldlng, Omaha. 'U-333 M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west: mail orders solicited. Sulto 20O, Douglas Dlock. U-33S A DOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not u luxury -when ft affords you a cure and secures tho comfort nnd happiness of your roommate. U-rM212 SUPPLIES- for rtU mnehlnes:machlncs for rent. White Sewing Machine," 1620" Doug las. Tel. 2334. U-339 PRIVATE hospital for Udics before and during confinement; babies adopted. 2300 Grant, St. U-310 WA NTH dT"c h u rch soprano. C U. S.haw, Shccly Dldg, U-810 WANTED, church soprano. C. 13. Sbaw, Shccly Did. U-810 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlcmlst. Tel. 1238. Dest of city references. Leavo order at J51U Farnam. ,U M116 7 CARPETS and rugs cleaned llko new without taking up. Satisfaction or 110 pay. City reference. Drop postal. 50$ N. 10. U-431JCP M'DOWELL Dressmaking School; highest award at Paris, 1901; try our patterns. 209 S. 15th st., room 57b, Karbuch blk. U-MISS MEN and womon above 50 years of age will learn of something to their ndvan- tnga by sending address nnd 2-ceut stamp to- P. O. box No. S3, Omaha. U-MS2.", G MOSEY TO I.O AX REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eustern Nebraska and western lowil farms ut 5 per cent; borrowers cun pay 1100 or any multiple; nny Interest date; no delay. Drennan-Love Co.. 309 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-3U MONEY to' loan on Improved Omnha real estate. Dfennan-Lovo Co., '309 South 13th. W-342 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Compony, 1601 Farnam street. W-313 $1,000 AND upward to loan on Improved city ' property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co,, 1320 Farnam. W 344 FIVE per cent rnotx Demls, Paxton block. W-345 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and Warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Dee Dldg. W-316 MONEY to loan at IVj and 5V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. D. Mclkle, 401 8. 15th. W-317 PR I VAT K money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. W-3I& FIVE and 5Vi per cent city and furm loans, Garvin Dfos 1013 Farnam St. W 349 PRIVATE-money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-350 CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton. 005 Deo. W-M352 4H AND 6Vi per cent loans. W, II. Thomas, First National Dank building. Tel. 1048. W-351 UOMll To Lu.i.t URA'rrULS. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It is easy to advertise lowest rutes, as others do, but w feel positive that if you will mako comparisons you will be con vinced that you can do better with us than elfcowhero. Wo loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc., or we will muke you a SALARY LOAN without lndor.er or mortgage. We chargo nothing for making tho loan and you receive the full amount In cash, You may pay It back In ono month or take six montha or moro In which to pay It, and you need not pay tor It ono day longer than you keep It. Our terms uro tho easiest, our business Is confidential and our motlo Is "try to please." OMA1LV MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 llourd of Trade Dldg. Tel, 229J. (Established 1S92.) 300 8. 16th St. X-351 MONEY, $10 Your credit Is good with us. QuIck 415 loans on household goods, pianos, 2o etc., without removal trom your rest 425 deuce. Easy payments. They aro thu o lowest. . Vlo $40- LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE I4S without mortgage or Indorser, paya $50 hlo in easy weekly or monthly In $55 slullmenls, Our suite of. private Inter 00 viewing rooms has a different tn 405 franco and exit and wo cun guarantee $70 what all people of pride and refine $75 ment desire absolute privacy nnd so confidential treatment. $S5 AMERICAN LOAN CO,. Room 312 $'X Drawn block, S. E. cor. 16th nnd $100 DougluB streets, entrance on 16th st. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Dun Green, R, 8, Darker blk X-353 1 MONEY TO LON-t llA'ITEI,. SAUAKY LOANS. WE LOAN $10 TO $100 TO ANYONE HOLD ING A GOOD POSITION. WHY DOR ROW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE .AT LOWEST RATES IN TOWN, AND WITHOUT PUDL1CITY? RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Dlock, Room 303. ' X-MS0J LARo'ehT DUS1NESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant", team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 olllces In princi pal cities. Tolman, 4)0 Dbard Trade Dldg X-t27 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgage, no Indorser, 110 publicity; lower rates, much easier payment.". RELtADLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Dlock., X 355 LOANS O N " S A LA IUE& F U R N I tT'IIk! live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOK. C33 (ton floor) Paxton Dlock, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th' St. X-S37 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with rosponslblu concern upon their names without security; easy puytnents, Tolman, 410 Doard Trade Dldg. X-M7 MONEY' loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their turn- without security; easy payments. Tolman,4lo Doard ot Trailu bldg, X-S27 SHORT time Darker blk. loans. Jqo Pleasants, 51 X-3 MONEY to loan. 1. Zlcglcr, 109 Ware Dlock. X-301 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S 13. X-3SS lll'SIMCSK CIIA.M'KH. FOR SALE, bnkry and confectionery, do ing good business ,ln mail Nebraska town; good location, good reason for sell ing. Address O 42, Ree. YM797 M20 FOR HALE, drug storo doing first-class business; proprietor leaves on account of ill health. Address Dux F, lleo Olttcv, South Omaha. Y-992 3 FOR SALE, complete steam brick plant on D. & M. truck, cheap If sold soon. F. R. Wooley, Sewurd, Neb. Y-M1S7 Ml FIRST-CLASS family hotel for rent rur nlslied; sixty rooms; full of guests. Ad dress 1 20. llee. Y-MI28 7 FURNITURE, stoves and carpet store for salo on account of sickness; good loca tion; slock $8,000. Address P 22, llee. Y-441 7' FOR SALE, tho Osbomo House. Alnsworth, Neb.; hotel has been related and Im proved; has all tho commercial trade and is doing a good business. Write to A. E. Howe, Alnsworth, Nob. Y M443 Jcl FOR SALE, limited quantity PREFERRED STOCIC tn gllt-odge corporation; GUAR ANTEED D1VIDEND..C per cent per an num, payable ccml-annually. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY", N. Y. LIFE DLDG. Y-M1S2 5 FOR SALE, store building, with living rooms above, und stock ot general mer chandise; good location. Address Lcven sky & Llipman, Hay Springs, Neb. Y-M473 9 DEAUMONT OIL FIELDS-Stocks of all companies bought und sold. Reliable and authentic Information free. Latest maps oil fields, $1, Smith &. Co., brokers, Deau mont, Texas. Y M47I 9 A CHANCE for tho right man In tho wood working business; wanted, a manager with nbout $4,000 to invest. Address P 34, Doe. Y500 5 FOR RENT, part or all the time, good planing mill, 32x70 feet, besides power house nnd large lumber, nlied. Address P 31, Dee. Y 499 5' THE bankrupt stock, of gcnerul merchan dise belonging to tho ,8lawson-Wilcox Co. estate will bo said lU'tpubllo unction to the highest bidder for cash at Iodgo Pole, Neb., on May 11, 1901. For full particulars Inqtfro of Lcroy Murtlti, trustee, Sidney, Neb. - Y M513 5 i;OIt i:X(Jll,4JE. 2D-IIAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Omaha Dlcyclc Co., 10th and Chicago sts. JS-C07 120 ACRES good Iowa land nnd other good fnrm landa to trade for stock general merchandise: $9,000 to $10,000 merchandise stock for sale or trndo for clear Iowa or South Dakota land. Dox 363, Missouri Valley, la. id M621 0 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. RANCH AND FARM lands for Kale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. 11. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb, RE-362 HOUSES nnd lots In all pnrts of city; also acre property and farm lands. Tho O. V. Davis Co., Room 552, Dee Dulldlng. RE-303 FOR RALE on monthly 'payments, S-room modern houso on N. ,21th St. car lino; niso vacant lots, which will be Improved for purchoser-on moderate payment down. Mutual Ixmn und Dulldlng Association, G, M. Nattlngcr, secretary, Dee Dldg. RE 361 SEE HENRY D. PAYNE, 001 N, Y. LIFE. RE-3C8 $3,500 DUY8 3 6-room cottages, 2419-21-23 Dlnney, excellent condition, 15 per cent gross revenue on Investment; a snap. J. H. Johnson, 841 N. Y. Life. RE-M297 WANT offer on Una lot and seven-room .house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard St Bon, 309-10 Drown Dlock; RE-836 IIOU8E8, lots, farms, lands, loans; niso flro insurance. Demls, Paxton Dlk. RE 307 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Furnam St. RE-308 CHEAP LOTS, largs. ieslrubly located lots that uro suro to Increase In value from the start; motor lino will soon be ex tended to them nnd aro not far from present lines; only $75 Jo $151) ench and only $5 down nnd only $r, per. month. George P. Demls, Paxton block. , RE-M9I2 FOR SALE, a bargain; house of live rooms, .lot 50x148, tw'o blocks from Walnut Hill car line. $000.00. George 11. Fltehett, 309 Woodmen of tho worju uidc. RK-G.-.1 FOR SALE, 2 houses in Bouth Omaha, cen trally located; can bo bought ut i bar gain. Address C. C, Pullurd, Fremont, Neb. . RE M 000 10 FOR BALE, good cornerlot, about 4 blocks from the court house, Council Dluffs. $750. F. M. Dukcr, 107 Dearborn st., Chicago. RE-M411 4 WHY 18 IT That MORE HOUSES woro HUILT last year und MORE uro NOW IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION IN DKMIS PARK. than IN ANY OTHER PORTION OF OMAHA? Ride or wulk through tho Park, TALK WITH THE PEOPLE nnd FIND OUT WHAT THKY GdT FOR THEIR MONEY, nnd YOU will HAVE the ANSWER. Four lots sold recently; only a few left, but they aro tho choicest In the Addition, DO NOT DELAY 1JUY- ING too long OR VOU will MISS u good OPPORTUNITY. PAYNE-KNOX CO,, Main Floor N. Y, Lite Dldg. RE-M4I6 4 A DIG DARGAIN. Wo havo a beautiful 10-room, all modern house und barn on Wirt st. tn Kountie Place, with 99 feet of ground; the owner holds this property at $3,000, but tn anx ious to Bell and says "GET ME AN OF FER." NOW IB YOUR OPPORTUNITY. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Ufo Dldg. RE-W? 3 HOUSES FOR BALE 1,627 Locust, 7 rooms, on corner. $1,700. 1,023 Locust, S rooms, bath, electric light, $1.9O0, 3,715 N. 20th. 7 rooms, buth, electric light, near Kountze nark, $2,100. W. Q. UKE, 006 DEE UUILDINO. RE-M187 4 FOR i ALE-MEAL ESTATE. 7 DARGAIN! !! DA KG A 1 N ! ! ! Fine, new, all-modern houso, DEST OF PLUMDINO, PORCELAIN BATHTUD, MARDLE wushstuml, cemented cellar, lino furnace, Q.8 nnd ELECTRIC lights all In place; lot sodded throughout. Now ready for occupancy, Only $.1,5no, $500 cash, balance b per cent. ANOTHER JUST LIKE IT. An Inside lot, everything complete, Imme diate possession can bo given; right on car line, p.ivcd stteot, etc., for $3,250, $300 cash. Wo havo but three of these houses left. LOOK AT THEM nml take your choice. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main t'loor, N. Y. J.'lfe Dldg. RE-M4S3 4 ,.. SHIMKR & CHASE. c have a proposition to make those re Hiding In Omaha who own real cstato awuy from home. It Is n now plan that will lio of great advantage to you if yoj desiro to sell such property, exchange It for property near homo or desiro It well rented and cared for. Wo have special facilities for handling this class of business call at our ofllco nnd we will tell you all about It. im. .'MiV.101 CHASE, 001 Deo Dldg. Tel. 1142. RE-MISi 5 A LARGb south front lot, near 24th and AmeM nve,; muplo Bhndo trees; will bo Su'n"1 ilirclV "l.rHS1"' Shlmer & rhnse, Wl ''',''"': tel' Ui" RE-MI80 5 SOUTH front vii emit lot. near 2Uh"s7reei car; will tuko horse and buggy us purl payment. Shinier A- Chnsc, 004 llee 1. dg.. .'- RE-MI79.V FOR HALE, Improved ranch, at a bargain: 320 acres, unincumbered, 2.i, miles from county sent, ti miles of fencing, 3 iron pumii", one George Irrigation pump, sheds, stable, 3i, trees around houte, i acres alfnlfu. $2,200 cosh tnkes It, unlimited range nnd water; rnllwny shutes on tho farm, Address J. Synio, Sterling, Colo. RE-M31I4 SOUTHERN Iduho randies; great bartralns. For further Information wrlto m. ),. Slsson, Ward, Cassia county. Idaho. RK-.Mf.ll 6 SIKIRTIIA.M) A.Ml TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 370 u9.v,'!'::s.' College, court reporter principal, Deo Dldg. 371 NED. Duslness & Shorthand College, Doyd's Theater. 372 GREGG Shorthand. Out. C. Col., 16 & Doug -373 A11VEUTISIX4J K.VX8. ADVS. FANS. Rurkley Ptg. Co., Omaha. -M477 J2 CUTLliRY 41HIMHNG. METZER & PLEIN. cutlery grinders; lnwn ir.ojvers a specialty. Tolephono 244. 12th und Douglas. 131 u MEUICAl.i LADIES, $500 reward for a case ot suppres sion old Dr. Jocksdn's Montlhy Itegulator falls to relieve in 21 hours; positively guaranteed; no ergot or pills; many saved irom suicide; Ideal safo home treatment. Xft.ll t't ,. IH T nl. .. .... V, UI, ... . . ' linrti S4t Plilnunn 111 tewi ... 1 -...waBv., All, 230 11 VIRTUAMA cures Impotency, resulting irom Indiscretion or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, fitting lor success, hnpblncss . in business; -profes-. slonal. roclnl, married llfo; $".', or 3 fur $5. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt .of. price. Tl.a KlddDrug Co..' Klsln. 10. Amttlcan Ofllco, retail, wholesale, Myers. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M.' A. Dillon, Soutli omana; Davis Drug Co.. CTJuncll Dluffs. Full line legitimate rubber.goods. LOST. LOST, Masonic ring. Rcwurd for return to 1410 Harnoy street, Lost M 392 STRAJED nwny from 48th nnd L, South Omaha, 11 little buckskin poily; weight about 0110 lbs. O. Anderson. Lost M4SU 4 LOST, a white horse, weighing nbout 1,100; return to South Omaha city Jail and receive reward. Lost 526 4 HYGIEMC IIATIIS. I-OR ladles only, hygienic baths, with mas. sago and electric treatment. Under direc tion ot Mm, T. Schommer, gruduute mas seuse, formerly of "Tho llathery." 1S23 Douglas St. Tel. 2155. Open evenings by engagement. M501 Mil illCYCI.EH. SECOND-HAND bicycles at 4 price; must havo the room for new ones; good wheels for $3 and up; It will puy you to invest now; wheels sold on .payments. Ixiuls l'ltscher, 1622 Cupltol Ave. M36U GARIIAtlK HAULING. ANTI.MONOPOLY GARDAGB CO., cleans ceHspc(,ls nnd vaults, removes) gurbngo and deed unlmals nt reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. M25I M27 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 51.'. N. 'Y. L. Illdg. Tel 1001; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson. Osteopathlst, Mgr. -374 M;..'r MI?N.,.lul,ii..1?i - "'Htm school, Klrksvlllc, Mo Oil Paxton Dlk". Tel. 13B7. -375 scri;i; doors. Windows, etc. G. C. Co., 1519 Lcuv. Tel. 2529. 1 J 2 STAMMERING AMI ST UTT Kill . G . CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Dldg. , -377 SHOE REPAIRING. SOLES. 40o; rubbir henls and soles, '75o. Neb Repair Co., 217 N. 10th. Job Pulone, Prop. , -440 M31 TII.ORI.N'(2. t'5 PER CENT saved: blah-clans tnllnrtntr latest designs, Stephen J. Droderlck, 1017 Kn run 111 st. MRS5 M23 AlX'OliniO.V PLEATIXfi. ACCORDION pleating, cheupest, host, quickest. .Mrs, A. C. Mark, S, E. Cor, 17th nnd Furnam. s'd PAIKltETRY FLOORS. FRANK BEVICIC mnkes u speclnlty of nil kinds hardwood flooring and parquetry. My prices uro right. 1911 Oak St. 050 M19 ( A II PESTERS AMI JOnilERS, ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly uttemded to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th nml I -ike. Sts. 3f() Ft ItMTtnn REPAIRING, TEL. 1331 M. S. WulkllnT 2lTrcumlng8L . . -378 EXPERT ACt.'OU.NTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day or even Ing. R. 15, Com. Nat. Rank. O, R. Ruthbiin. 379 IKIII.EH MAKERS. OMAHA Roller Works, stenm bollers.tnnks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th it Izard Sts, -49 PATENTS. PATENTS, no fee unless silcceesful. Hues ft Co., Deo Dldg., Omaha. Neb. Advice free -133 Jul3 I, At mi in. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c, o llnrs, 2c; cuffs. Ic. 17.V1 liivenwottlt. Tl 517 TICK El' IIROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H, Phil bin. 1505 Farnnm. Tc!. 7:4. -3S0 PA WNIIROKERS. EAGLE liiin Onice, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -3 WALL PAPER. 3c 11 roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kelscy, 117 So, 17lh. Tel. 10 S. -',i;i t PHOI.STERIMi. GLODE COUClTt'O., 1510 Lenv'th, Tel. 2fi29. -IM EI.OCI TION. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge St. -577 M22 IIRESSM IKING. IN FAMILIES. Mlsa Sturdy, 31S s'-JOth St" -2S0 M27 WE MAKE GAS and vitalized air n safo gen oral anesthetic for painless ex traction. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'm 1. toil IlloeU. Pnlnlcs FIIIIiik. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed rroposats will be rtcetvJ ut the ofllco of the commissioner of public lands nnd buildings at Lincoln, Neb., until 12 111. May 21, 1901, for tho crectloti of the new fireproof building for tho asylum fur the chroniu Insane ut Hastings, Neb. Plans nnd specifications may bo seen at tho olllco of tho commissioner ot public lands und buildings, or nt the ofllco of tho superin tendent at the asylum at Hustings, Neb., and ut the ofllco of "Messrs. Dcrltnghof & Grant, architects, Beatrice, Neb., utter the 0th day of May. 1901. Each proposal must bo accompanied by good und sufficient bond In thu uum of 5,0oo mndc paynblc to the state ot Ne braska In ciiBo tho blddir receiving the award shall fall to execute a contract and furnish tho bond ns required within ten days after the receipt of njtieo of the ac ceptance of hlo bid. Proposals may bo mado for tho entire work under one genernl contract, or for uuy one of tho branches of tho work lis classified In tlm schedule, Tho Doard of Public Lands und Dulldlngs reserves the right to reject nny und ull bids and waive defects. GEORGE D. FOLLMER. Commissioner of Public Lands and Dulld- ings. Lincoln, Neb., April 30, 1901. Allium! Mertlnu. The annual meeting of stockholders of tho Fremont, Elkhnrn & Missouri Valley Railroad company will bo held at tho ofllco o ftho company In Omaha, Neb., on Frlduy, May 17, 1901, .at 10 o'clock a. m.. for the election of directors and tho transaction of such other business ns mny come before tho meeting. J. D. REDFIELD, Secretary. ,-M3dl5tM GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Departmont of the Interior, Olllco of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C, March 7, 190L Soaled proposals,, endorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothlnr, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Nos. 77 and 79 Woostcr street, Now York City, will, bo rocclvcd until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May 7, 1901, for furnishing tor the Indian service blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats und caps. Bids must bo mado out.on government blanks. Sched ules giving all 'necessary Information tor bidder: will. bo furnished on application to tho." IriUlan Ofllco. Washington, D. C, Noa. 77 anu 79 Woostcr atrcct, New York City; No. 120S Howard street. Omaha, Neb.; No. 235 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., or the Commissary of Subsistence, U. B. A., Bt. Louts, Mo. Dlds will bo opened ut tho hour and day above stated and bidders are in vited to bo present nt the opening. Tho de partment reserves the right to determine ihe point of delivery and to reject any and all bids or uny part ot any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. Apr8-to-May4 WANTED tor U. S. army, able-bodied un mnrrled men, between nges of 21 nnd 35; citizens of tho United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read pud wrlto English. Recruits specially desired for service in Philippines. For In formation apply to Recruiting Olllcor, O.or. 10th nnd Dodge Sts,, Omaha, Neb. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any thno). Foreign malls for tho week ending April 27. 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho general postotllcu as follows: PAR eels POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels post mulls for Germany close at 6 p. in. April 23, per .1. 8. Lahn, via Dremen, and April 21, per e, s. Barbarossa, via Bremen. Regular and supplementary malls closo at foreign branch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below. Trann-Atlanllu Malta, SATURDAY-At 5 n. m. for AZORES ISU ANDS, per s. s. Trojan Prince; nt 7 a. m. for ITALY, pei- , s. Wcrru, via Naples (mall must bo directed "rier s. s. Werra"); ut 7:30 u. tn. for NETI I ELANDS direct, per a. s. Potsdam (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Potsdum"); at 12:30 n. m. (sup plementary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per 0. h. Lucanlu,- via Quecnstown. PRINTED MATTER,""cTC. This steamer takes Printed Mutter, Commercial Pupers ii'id Samples for Germany only. Tho sumo class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not !u sent hy this ahlp unless specially directed by her. After the closing of tho Supplementary Tinns-Atluntlo Mails named above, ad ditional supplementary mails aro opened on tho piers ot tho American, English, French and German steamers, and 10 maln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing ot steamer. Mulls for South nnd Central America, Went Indies, Etc, SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for RRA'.IL, per s. H. Ruffon (mall for Northern Drazll, Argentina Republic, Uruguuy und Para guay must bo directed "per s. s. Dutron"): ut 5 n. m. tor NEWFOUNDLAND, pe; h. s. Sllvlu; ut 9 u. in. (supplementary 9:30 a. tn.) for PORTO RICO (via San Juan). VENEZUELA' and CURACAO, per s. s. Philadelphia (mull for Suvunlllu and Cnrthugenu. vlu Curucuo, must bo di rected "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 u. m. (supplementary 10 11. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMER ARA, per s. s, Mndlunu; at 10 a, m. for CUDA, per b. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 3A VANILLA and CARTHAGENA, per . s. Athos (mall for Costa Rica must bo di rected "per . s. Athos"); ut 10 11. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA, per s. s. Adlron cluck; at 12 m. for NORTHERN DRAZIL. per n. h. Gregory; nt 12:30 p tn. for MATANZA8, CAIIIAKIEN. NUEVITAB, GIDARA und DARACOA, per h. s. Curl tybu (ordinary mail only which must be directed "per s. s. Curltyba"). Mulls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thenco by steamer, closo nt this ortlca dally nt t,:30 p. tn.. connecting closu hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Mulls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this olllco dally nt 6:30 p. m. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thenco by steamer, close nt this ofllco dully, except Monday, at "o u. m. (tho connecting closes nro on Sunday, Wednes duy and Friday) Malls for Cuba, hy rail to Miami, I' la., and thenco by steamer cldso at this ofllco every Monday nnd Friday ut 'Ml p. m. Molls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this of tlce dally at 1:30 p, tn. und 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Plea, Belize, Puerto Cortcz und Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, und thenco by Bteimer, closo nt this ofTlco dally at 1:30 p. in. (connecting closes here Mondays for Dellzc. Puerto Cortez und Guntcmala and Tuesday for Costa POSTOI'I'irt: NOTICE. Rlcu). Registered mall closes ut p, m. previous day. TrniM.PnMlIc .Mulls. Malls for A istralla (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via 8u Francisco), nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close her dally at b:30 p. in. after April M18 nnd Up to April '-21, Inclusive, tor dispatch per . s. AorntiRl (supplementary mulls, vlu Seattle, close ut 6.30 p. m. April . Mails (or Hawaii, china. Japan and Phil ippine. Islands, via Sun Francisco, closs ncro dally ut 6:30 p, m. up to April 2S. Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Nippon Maru. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Van couver, close here dully at 0:30 p. m. fp to Am II "30. Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Empress of China (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Mails for China, Japan nnd Phlllpplno Islands, via Tncamu, close here dully at 6;30 p. in. up to May !. Inclusive, tor dispatch "per s. s. queen Adelaide. Malls (or Australia (except West Australia, which Is rorwurded Ma Kuroc), New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and llawull, via Sun Francisco, close hero dally at 6:3) p. m. after April 28 nnd up to May 'M, mclushc, or on arrival oi 4. a. Etrurla. duo ut New York May 4, for dispatch per . s. Sierra. Mslls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phll lpplno Isiuuds, via San Francisco, clos here dally ut 6:30 p. ill. lip to May 6th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Peru. Malls tor Hawaii, via San Francisco, closa hero, dally at 0:30 p. 111. up to May 'MI lor dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Mulls rot Tahiti und Marquesas lsl.inds, via San Francisco, close hero dally at (1.30 p. 111. up to Muy "is, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s, Australia. , Mails fot China, Japan und Phlllpplno Islands, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p s. up to May "Jl. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Idzuml Maru (registered mull must be directed lu Scuttle). Trans. Pacific mulls aro forwarded to port ot sailing daily und tho schedule of clos ing Is urruiiged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pro vlous day. CORNKLIUH VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflee, New York, N. Y April 26, 1901. RAILWAY GUIDE. IMO.V STATION KITH AND MARCV. Union I'nulllo. Leave. ....a 8:20 am ....a 8:50 um ....1111:35 pm Arrive. a 7:30 pm n 3:25 pm a 4:25 pm n 6:50 em bl2:30 pm n 6:50 am l 9:35 am Overland Limited. Fast Mall.. 1 Mall and Express,, Colorado Bneclal... ..nii:3.. pm Llncoln-Stromsberg Ex.b 4:03 pm i-aruia it yuanuc i.x..a pm Grand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm CIiIuiihu A; Northwestern, Chicago Special a 7:00 urn all:) pm Chicago Passenger u 4:15 pm a 8:40 am Eastern Kxrircss,.,, nlo:55 um a 4:05 pm Eastern Special a 4:55 pm u 4:05 pm Fcst Mall 0-2:44 pm Omaha-Chicago LTd,..u 7:43 pm u 8:00 am Fust Mall a 8:S0 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Slnux City A I'nolllc. Twin City Express a 6:55 nm nl0:23 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm u 8:13 am Bloux Cltv Local a 8:00 um a 3:50 pm CIiIciik", .Milwaukee Jb St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:0) pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 um b 3:W,pm Illinois Central. Chlcugo Express a 7:00 am n 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & Hu Paul Limited a 7:15 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 i.m Fort Dodgo Local, from Council Dluffs b 4:50 pm u 8:15 am Fort Dodgo Local, from Council Dluffs a 6:00 am Clilenito, Rook Island A Pacific. Des Moines & Daven port Lucu. a 7:2". am bll:35 am Chicago Express bl):16 am a 8:10 am Des Molnc loca a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago i'.mi Express.. u 5:00 pm a l:2i pm Des Mollies, Ro?k Island .& Chicu6i .;40 pm a 9:33 pm Ulncoln, Colo. Sprlngi, Denver, Pueblo una West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pin Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9:50 am' MIsNiiurl Paclllc. St Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm IC. C. & Bt- L. Express. .ul0;5O pm a 6:15 ura Omnha A St. Loula. St. Louis "Cannon Rail" 1 u 5:15 pm a'3!2U am Kansas City ae Qumcy Local a 7:00 am n J:00 pm Wnbaab. St. Loulj "Cunnon Dull" Expresk a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. UURLINGTON STATION 10T11 A MASON CblcaKO, Ilurllnston A Qulney. Chicago Special a 7:00 am al0:20 pin Chlcugo Vestibulcd Ex. .a 4:uo pm 11 7:45 am Chicago Local a 9:30 um a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:45 pm lliirliiiKlon ,t Missouri Hirer. Leave. Arrlvo. Nebraska & Colorado Expres a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm Wymur,. bcaincti & Lincoln a :40 am bll:55 nm Denver Limited a :25 pm a 3:00 put Black Hills & fuget Sound, Uenver Con nection ;.... 3:00 pm a 6:45 um Lincoln Fast Mall u 4:00 pm a. 9:17 am Fort Croolc & Platts- mouth b 3:20 pm bll:0S am Dellevuo & Puclflc Jet., a 7:40 pm a tt:iM am Dcllovuo & Paclllc .Ict..al2:10 am KnnaUM City, St. Joseph & Cunncll muffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:20 am a 6:25 pm Kansas City Night Es..ol0:30 pm a 6:15 dm Bt. Louis F'ycr a 5:10 pm allKS am a Dally. 0 Dally except Sunday. WEIISTER DEPOT-l.Vril & WKHSTER. Chicago, 81. 'Paul, Minneapolis O in nh a. Twin City Passenger... a f:(0 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:45" pm all;io am Emerson Local . 1) 5:30 pm b 8:30 am Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wator b 4:10 pm al0:li am Fremont, ElUhorn fc Missouri Valley, , Leave, Arrive, Black IIllls, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 im Vyomliig, Casper & Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Hustings. York, David City. '-Jjperior, Geneva, Exeter oawar b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln & Fro- mont b 7:30 am bl0:!5 are Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Bunday. o Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. s E vJ.M'll.'IM'lllfld Record Vono 6 Out. 7 Houti. Tt Mlnutei. BOSTON to LIvtHPOOL vl niirnunrnuiu Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12.000 Tom, Mr 8 New Enqland, " " 11,600 " M 22 P0rtTLAD to LIVERPOOL li QU E t' N $ TOWN vancouter. Cambroman MailB I Dam nlnn luna I June 8) Vancouver ... June 22 f fnrtier lefematlet. sMrtai Cowpiay'i Ollkti. t Durtwe Si., Calcett, I 111. LOOKING FOR A LOCATION llruilquarlcr of (he AnelenC Order ol I'nlted Workmrii Mnj Come In Omuhn. A committee of llvo members of the grand lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United Work men of the state of Nebrnaka were Id Omaha yeaterday to receive propoaltloui from tlio mombera of ibo order for thi location of the stato headquartors in Omaha, Tho committee was met by the Joint com mlttoo of the imtgcs of the city and shown tho tqmple building on Fourteenth street between Dodgo and Capitol avonue, wbjcb, has been offered to the grand lodge as a headquarters building, The committee left Omnha last night and wl report to tbfl meeting of tbo grand lodge at Nebraska City May 14. The members bavo visited Kearney, Lin coln and York, where propoaltlous for the location of tho headquarters were received. Hon. W. It. Laflln of Wymors Is chairman ' of tho committee. Purify the blood ana put tho system In order for summer work hy using at this time a short course of Prickly Ash Hitters; It Is the greateat blood purifier on earth.