ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt THURSDAY, 31 AY 2. 1001. i It. CURRENT COUNCIL Ml.V.'t; MKNTIOS. Davis Bolls drugs. Etockert sells lace curtains. Kino A II C beer, N'cumayer's hotel. Victor Heaters. Dlxby &. Son, ugents. Wollmnn, scluntlllc optician, tVJ IT way I'asturnge. Judsoti. 923 Sixth avc. Tel. 311 For mili clonn, sharp bank eund, cnrlots. IV. H. I taper, 0 l'ctirl street. W, K draff, undertaker unit dlslnfctor, 101 South Main street, l'liona WA. Got your work dono at the popular ISagU laundry, 721 1'ro.idway, 'I'hone 157. Correct and exclusive styles of clegunt photos at Hthmldt's, 531 Broadway. Ubo Hall's Magic Compound. Host dan druff euro and hair preserver known. Hpoclal att. ntloti given to wedding prc.-t-entn. (.' lu. Alexander & Co., 33J IS way. Murgun & Klein, uptiolstei'tnK, furniture repairing, tnattrcsi maklii;. H. Main si. Dr. C II. I'owill ami Hon N. K. Kendall of Albla, la.. attended the Conger recep tion. County Auditor limes hnK the report of an additional ensu of smallpox In earner township. l-'or bale, liousehold furnlturo and horse unci buggy, cheap. lniUlle D. A. Hamilton, Urjnd hotel. A want ad In The Hm will bring results The same uttentlon given to a want ad in Council Hlufls as at tile Omaha olllcc. Take homo n brick of Vanilla cream. 23 cents, or Neapolitan, 35 cents. Will keep one hour wlthuut Ice. A. Motzgcr & Co. Kinest Kosdlsch and Mrs. Anna Wright wero married by Justice llryant last even ing at the homo of tho groom, 21 South Fifteenth Htrcet. 14, .1 Tipton of Albany. Mo.. Is visiting his cousin, Alexander Tipton. They had not Been each other In forty-seven years. MrH. Kmma fiaunderi", widow of Smith H.t.lliders, whh yesterday appointed admin lstratrlx of the nutate of her husband. Mm. P. II IIoIIIh received a cablegram yesterday announcing the safe ilrrlvnl ot her husband at Southampton, Hnglaud. on his way to London. Jnmea M. Ilruner of Omaha and I.Ida U. Farnsworth of this city were married at the homo of the bride on West Uroadw.iy last evening by llev. It. Venting. Charles J. S.iylcs and Miss Ilyrd linker stol. a march on their friends Tuesday evening nnd were married lu St. Paul's jeitnry at b o'clock by llev. George lidward Walk. lion. .1. II. Sullivan of Creston was lu this city yesterday on his way to Ottawa on a business mission, anil although they wero not of IiIh faith lie found considerable en joyment mixing with tho politicians here to greet Minister Conger. The closing of a contract with the I,cn nott company, one of tho best repertolro organizations on the road, by Manager Stevenxon of the Dohuny theater for n. summer engagement her.! will be pleasing news to our theater-goers. It will open Its engagement hero May 13, John Saunders, a eolored man. whllo cleaning windows lu the I )n trough block on liroadway yesterday afternoon, lost his balance and fell Into a stairway from the second lloor, alighting on the steps fifteen feet below He escaped with a sprained wrist ami a bruised ankle. John W llergers, a loan broker on Knr nam street, Omaha, wan arrested In Omaha yesterday afternoon and brojght to this city on a requisition from the governor to answer an Indictment returned by the grand Jury ten days ago, charging him with misconduct nnd Implicating Mrs. Maud JJean, wlfo of I. O. llettn. The offense Is alleged to have been committed at Gil Fifth avenue, Merger's wife secured a divorce from him and Mrs. Ileau has Instituted divorce proceedings lu the Omaha courts. N. V. Plumbing Co., loiepmino 330. ci.viii: ii. omiioiim; ami m'ikk. Hcv. (i. V. t'roflH if llcntrlee Olllclnten Ann I n nt Wiillnce WciIiIIiik. A homo wedding was at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. W'.JW. Walhicc, on niulT street, at B o'clock hiBt evening, when their daughter, Miss Ancttc N., became tho bride of Clyde II, Osborn of Denver. The ceremony was performed by He v. O. W. Crofls of Beatrice, Neb., who had In the past officiated at the runrrlagcB of two of the bride's bisters nnd who was formerly tho family pastor. There wcro present sixty guests, those from out of tho city being: Judge and Mrs. F. A. Osborn of Denver, parents of tho groom; Mr. and Mrs. McClelland, llev. nnd Mrs. 11. K. Hughes of Tabor, Mrs, J. H. Orvls of I)es Moines, Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Wallace cf Dcs Moines, Miss Ida Wnllarc of Du buque, Dr. John Stoddard of Silver Creek, Neb., Miss Lillian Tweedy of Lincoln nnd Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin of Omaha. At tho conclusion of tho ceremony a wedding supper was served and Mr. and Mrs. Osborn left at 8 o'clock for a wedding trip that will cover a period of threo or four months nnd Include a visit to England und tho con tinent. Tho groom Is an attorney In Dcs Moines anil he and his wife will make their homo In that city. ItnelHK Meet nt Atlantic. ATLANTIC, la.. May 1. (Special.) Arrangements nro being mnde for tho an nual June racing meet here this year June 7 nnd 8. The, management hus hung up ionio good purses. Tho meet will be under tho management of John lllnke. rtubber Htatops nt DoLong's, 307 B'waj. Davis sells glass. It en I IXate TrimiCr r. Leander Lodge and wife to Oscar F. Lodge, w 1-3 nVi lot 9, block 10, "Wal nut, w. d J 1 II. II. Oberholtzer and wife to llobcrt Illeakley, lot 11, Midland add., q. c. il, 5 J. C. Maniuardt nnd wlfo to Ottilia W Karges, lots 2 and 3, block 2, Marquardt'H subd,, w. d 230 Sheriff to J, It. llockafellow, und. U of lands In sections 21, 22 and 27-7I-3S, sheriff's d 1,335 Bamo to same, und. 1-7 of sume, sher iff's deed 1,350 Oscar F, Lodge and wife to A. 14. Ivln cald, nMi lot 9, block IB, Walnut, la., w. il..." 1.W Six transfers, aggregating $1,811 Mnrrlnur Licenses. Name and Residence Age, truest Fodlsch. Council III tiff h 51 Anna Wright, Council lllnffs S Charles J. Sayles, Council Illuffs 22 Ilyrd linker, Council Muff 22 Dr. I'. O. Hue. New York City 27 Minnie 14. lllckuell, Council Illuffs 23 A Momentous Event... In Council Muffs this week will be tho Conger reception. Another lm- norlant event Is the 1)1 eutilnl session of the Women's clubs of the state, which opens today. A hearty greeting Is cx tnnili'il to nil Htrnnuers bv thn iii'onlii of our eltv and we cordially Invito all tins visitors in Council Mutts to call at our store titi'i see tho uncut line of Foot wear carried by any House In tho West. SARGENT'S I.onk fur the llmr, FARM LOANS Negotiated In Lantern Nebraska and Iowa. Jnmes N. Cnsady. Jr.. 120 Main St., Council Hluffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Sucees 'ir to W. C. Kstep) SS I'K.VUL STUF.KT. 'Phone OT. NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. WOMAN'S RIVAL CANDIDATES Ftderatioi of Iowa Olubi ii Midit of a Linlj Campaign. SPLIT IN STATE OVER PRESIDENCY ClectlonrerliiH: Adds Miler to the IllPiinlnl Ciinvemliili lteMirt Minn (JriiMtli mill Aililrrsses Tell of I'ronress In Work. The fourth biennial convention of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs was for mally opened yesterday In the llroadwuy Methodist church, Council Illuffs, there being In ottendancc about 300 women from various parts of the Hnwkeyn state. The forenoon session was devoted to routlno work, to receiving the reports of olllccrs and committees, and to similar preliminary matters. The actual work of tho body began with the evening's bcssIoii. At 9;30 o'clock tho Btate president, Mrs. Mabel V. 1). Huteulnsou, called the meeting to order and Introduced Mrs. Oldstcdt of Cedar Ilnplds, who read the Invocation, which Mrs. 1'. J. Montgomery, on account of Illness, was unable to deliver. An organ solo by W. L. Thlckstun followed, after which Miss Caroline Dodge, In a brief ad dress, welcomed the delegates on behalf of tho Council Hluffs women's clubs, and Hon. John N. Ualdwln extended a cordial greet ing on behalf of the Council Illuffs citizens. Mrs. Hutchinson responded for the federa tion. President'" Alilr'. In her address, ns president, at the morn ing session, Mrs. Hutchinson of Durllngton said: . , u...... ..Mi nvlMtrnrfi ana growth. In which time the town Federation or women is cuius win ki" ..v... band of energetic, women Into a Brent, or ganization with nine HttUtdlng committees, r . i..t .n.nM.lti... i. Inllrntttlat II tllfl two nprcim iiMiiiiiiii' i ", .......... .. torian and a statu secretary 1 1 the federa- .. I..... ..,.. ...,.l ui.ulAmnllvn tllllir lO lOrillllllllU (UtlllCT ! r.,. r,,v.......-v y for the advancement of a broad educational work, as ours now Is, In our atuto means a. labor of love for humanity s sake nnd un tiring energy. , part of th state for manunl training, and lillllll'lillu niimtu. ...... ..v... started In u number of places In the state ... . . ...III I... n ........ 1. 1 ,.,..lnn r atlU I iruri II nil! jtwm-v tinii'Mu' of everv clubwoman to work for It until wo shall bco It established generally In cur ......ll- ..U....I.. ,rM... It. ....la ...nut It., IPdlmwl puiMIl ririiuiiin. iitiii,r uiu.'i ...... ...i. with the brain. Our latest thinkers among IMIUCUllirM liy lliu llillli;, iiiu iivnw, unit i nnd hand, must bo developed equally and together, The majority of our young men earn tueir iivhik ' inmu uii,i. an Hum uhn lm nlillui'il to learn omethlnir of the scletico of home. Tho odlcers made their reports. Mrs. Allrn rtnltnv. n nnrronnondlnir Heerotnrv. reported 230 clubs now In tho federation nnd a membership of 8,000. Tho treasurer's report showed tho federation prosperous an tho nudltor reported the books In good condition. After the' report of the presi dent, Mrs., Hutchinson, the reports of tho members of tho extension committee wore heard, A commlttoo on resolutions, comprising Mrs tn I'nii of -Cnvniln MrH. V.vprptt of Council muffs, Mrs. Cogswell of Cedar llaptds and Mrs. Porter of Des Moines, was appointed by the chair. Miss Caroline' Dodge extended a general Invitation to tho citizens and clubwomen of Omaha to be present at the open sessions. llctMirilliiK Meerrlnry's Heport. As recording secretary Miss Grace Harsh made n full report, of which the following was of general Interest: The executive board of tho Iowa Federa tion of Women's clubs, having under con sideration the resolutions on reorganization, presented by Mrs. flrock of Pennsylvania and adopted by tho General Federation council at Philadelphia last June, and hav ing carefully read the reports of the state federation committee to the federated clubs of Massachusetts, hereby reports to tho chairman of the General Federation com mittee on reorganization, as follows: Whereas, The recommendation of the statti federation committee to the federated clubs of MuKsachtiHcttH seems to be well and practically thought of, and herea.s, It Is very important that tho most satisfactory ami feasible plan for selecting delegates from all the state fed erations to the General Federation's bien nial shall be adopted; and Whereas, We believe It might be dim cult and cause contention or Ill-feeling to select tho delegates to the general biennial its proposed in division (b) of article lv. under heading "Representation." by the Htnto federation committee of tho federated clubs of Massachusetts: and Whereas, It is desirable that n satisfac tory nmtkint be rnlsed out of tho dues for tho General l ederatlon of Women's clubs' expenses, and t Is believed that the annual le proponed by the Massachusetts plan in paragraph b of article III would be Imtde ipiatp; and rhM'Ji.MaHAiWo..fully "I'l'rove the Massa chusetts federation comm ttee plnn In all other respects on tho main tiuestlo " re SfBnrnn.tionin,,vn,,.i ,ho ,1r''',nt ..ties Ions "herefore! tna"" nm' representation; Resolved, That wo recommend that till that part of the proposed plan of tit" Mas sachusoltH mate tederatlok ro mmitte under tho heading o 1 "HepreJeiitStl m" after the words "one thousand." fn Vh Sn , V .'J'."1 ."'i;ll""nK b. be stricken out i nd that his bo Inserted In lieu thereof to.ult Kaeh state federation shall I e rAiresente.i vM1" sTareror"' V,? WfB?&,S the"r n,?i falr, rpP;"n" atlon "S ' a thf. f",','1? throtiRhout ench stnto ,h,er" ?hllI,( b,n R Pliil committee uppoltm-d lalfTVWSfH federa Ion meeting In session; and (HAKCE IT" So said a man whose eyes were ex amined and found defective, when wo advised him to lay aside his cheap stcro glasses and let us lit htm with proper ones. Months later, after trying many so called opticians, he came to us with the remark: "Guess I'll take those KlnsKcs now." A reexamination showed vision In ono oye entirely gone, all through ncg ""HJc.!"'1 km will over restore It. "Taking chances" with your eyes la dovnrlght recklesne. nonces will! X-.W Herman M. Lcffcrt (irndunto Optlelitn, Sat! llroit,Tny. t'ouuell DlnrTa. KM of H omen's clubi' biennial, to which nny state federation shall be entitled, shall be determined by the number of clubs which belong to the state federation nnd not by the per capita membership of the clubs of the Mate federation. Resolved, That the word "three" of para graph 1) of article III of tho Massachusetts limit be stricken out and the word "live" be Inserted In lieu thereof. Afternoon fenlon. The afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock with a song by Mrs, W. W, Sherman, fol lowed by a vocal duet by Mrs, Sherman and Mrs. Mullls. As the icports from the members of the extension committee were not all heard In tho morning, they were taken up as the first business of tho afternoon, reports be ing given front tho Seventh district by Mrs. Henry Wallaco of Dcs Moines, and the Ninth district by Mrs. Decmer of Red Oak, library work being one of the chief efforts of that district, nnd five new clubs having been brought Into the federation. Mrs. Culbcrtson of Carroll reported library work of great Interest to tho clubs of tho Tenth district also. Two hundred and twenty-four Is the actual number of clubs now In tho federation, Just two more than uro federated In Illinois. Tho reports of the clubs were taken up, each being limited to fifteen minutes. The nlms and results accomplished by tho various clubs were presented. The committee on rules nnd regulations submitted the following recommendations: 1. There shnll be no proxy voting. 2. There shall be a timekeeper. 3. Tho doors shall bo closed during ud tlri'srcH and discussions. 4. No one shall !c allowed to speak twice In a discussion on one subject. 5. Threo minute shnll be allowed each member In the dlscuson, Tho reports of the committee on badges, of tho historian, of tho Journalist and of tho exhibit committee, nil showed the work belug energetically carried on. Mrs. Nolllo F. Cooke of Algona, chairman of tho reciprocity bureau, reported sorao difficulty in securing general appreciation of and Interest In the manuscripts and work of tho bureau. Other members of tho bureuu reported much tho same results of their work, nlso an Indlfferenco on the part of tho women In contributing to tho bureau. In the discussion which followed tho work of other stntes was mcntloued nnd suggestions were made for stimulating tho Interest in tho future. Owing to tho general popularity of the library movement, tho reports of tho li brary work was heard with general Inter est. They consisted of a report of tho special library committee by Mrs. Harriet C. Towner, general library work by Mrs. Florn K. Ilakcr and n paper on "Library Extension," oy Miss Alice Tyler of tho Stutc Library commission, LlhrnrlcN In Kvery County Sent. Theso reports included n general history of tho library movement and Miss Tyler said In conclusion that It was the hopo of tho women to establish a library lu every county seat of tho state that had not one already, and thnt they would en deavor to mako tho reading room tho most attractive resting place In town for the farmer's wlfo and daughter. The one social feature of the convention for which any tlmo was allowed was the reception to delegates and visiting women by tho clubwomen, of Council Bluffs In tho evening. The dining room and lobby of the Grand hotel had been handsomely decorated with palms, American Beauty roses, Lnwson carnations and American Hags, and from 2 until 11 o'clock wero crowded with clubwomen and visitors, among whom wero some of national repu tation. Tho receiving line was stationed at the west side of tho halt and consisted of Mrs. Carrlo Dodge, Mrs. Mabel Hutchison of Ottumwa, Mrs. Martha C. Illlck of Bur lington, Mrs. Grnco C. Harsh of Creston, Mrs. Allco A. C. Bally of Dcs Moines, Mrs. Clara C. Garst of Coon Rapids, Mrs. Nel lio F. Cooke of Algona, Mrs. Flora Blackay of Boone, Mrs. Julia C. Hallam of Sioux City, Mrs. Lyman M. Hurd of Dubuque, Mrs. Martha C. Bibbs of Boone, Mrs. Henry J. Howe of Marshalltown, Mrs. Mlnnlo P. Campbell of Malvern nnd Miss Bertha Kunbe of Chicago. Mrs. John K. Baldwin, Mrs. Georgo D. Phelps, Mrs. J. M. Mntthewa. Mrs. 11. C. Cory and Mrs. Horace Kverett received from 9 until 10. From 10 until 11 theso women wero added to the line: Mrs. Wal ter I. Smith, Mrs. J. P. Davis, Mrs. F. W. Miller, Mrs. W, II. Bates, Mrs. J. J. Stead man and Mrs. Charles Swalne. Throughout tho evening Ices were served by the young women of Council Bluffs. I'riiKrnm fur Todny. Following Is the program for today: 0 TO 12 A. M. Music. Club reports. Reports of delegates to Milwaukee bien nial of the l.eneral Federation of Women's clubs. ,!LVl,ll"Lc Improvement," Mrs. Martha C. Illbbs, chairman. Discussions. chairman'10""' Work'" Mrs' 'man Hurd, Need of a compulsory law In Iowa. vr,ri?ot.,c ,1,y 1,y wn,rl1'1B of laws of New i nrlc and Pennsylvania. Obstacles in the way or such a law. . 2 TO 4 P. M. Music. Mtha'T jS'hn'soHf WtinXSZlSZ cSWfil,!!?' A"H8 Mary a o'nTl'eT.f "Aut Caesar. Ant Nulltts," Mrs. Allan Dawson of Des Moines. ahhii SloiiCUy"' Mr8' Kvoly" BeU" Ke.Vn0CfambEUimV' Jc'" DWS" M- B"tha An hour with our birds. iin'B.rd Study." Mrs. W. L. Cooper of Bur- Bt,oi;STi!ton f B,rd"" S,rs' "nteud of Discussion. Ride. siding". H"rrlCt C-'tMy of Corning, pre. (a) Nocturne , (b) Faust Waltz (arranged by'Tran'i8151' Song ""Uarour"" Orga,,as,do M:. .V!"'" Coiincii ' Bluff;,: Illustrated" ftcturo-AM und Sculptors of Todav " 1 ,,lnta Lorado Tnft of Chl'cng'6.' Content fnr ProMileiil. While the color question promised to be tho interesting feature Tuesday, nothing new developed. In fact, the women ap peared to have entirely forgotten that they do not all agree upon that subject, so ab sorbed have they become In the election. Tho women of the western part of the state seem more than ever to feel that the presi dency belongs to them this time, whl lo the eastern and many of tho northern clubs are equally determined that that office shall go ,? ? Dc8,MolDe? candidate. While the Des Moines delegation Is the strongest In the state and as its choice. Mrs. Bally, hat, been generally considered tho most likely cnndl date, this combination of circumstances mas result to the Interest of the west after alt for It has leaked out thnt all is not har! montous In the De Moines delegation and Mrs. Walker Ie receiving strong support from some of the number. This lack of unity Is not due to nny tin popularity on the part of Mrs, Rally how ever, but rather to her popularity In the Des Motnes Woman's club, of which she Is president, and her delegates thinks that In electing her to the office of state president they would loie her in their homo club work, where they feet she cannot welt be spared. In Justice to tho work mapped out for that club this year, they argue, It would be Impoislble for her to hold both offices. After the meeting of the afternoon, the Des Moines delegation met antl talked the srT WNITELAW & GARDINER 9,",irery Corsets at BOSTON STORE, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. 25c Agents for McCnll's Bazar Patterns. Half Price Silks and Dress Goods Toe and $1.00 Foulard Dress Silks, In Blue and Black, with Q white figure, on sate today at OiW Remnants of Plain nnd Fancy Silks, suitable for dress IT J i1 Prtpr fronts and dress trimmings, on tale today at 1 lclll X 1 ILtJ Remnants of Woolen Dress Goods, In large variety of colors and lengths, on sate today at special discount. See our large Bath Towel, worth 50c, OE2 on salo today at DC Millinery This Is without doubt the busiest department In tho store, nnd no won der when If you would only compare our prices, and examine tho new and pretty creations that ore arriving dally, these wilt speak for themselves. New Rfln 4n CO Cfl and stylish Walking Hats, from UUb IU 0U Ready to wear Trimmed Millinery, In nil styles and shapes, at $1, $1.50, $2, $3.50, $5 up to $15. Wall Paper Full line of wall paper, all new 1901 styles, at the follow ing prices per roll: He, 34c, 5c, 7ic, 10c to 25c. Workmanship Guaranteed' Wrappers Ladles' dark nnd medium colored Wrappers on nQ sale at yOC ladles' fine Cambric Wrappers, In light nnd dark colors, neatly trimmed with flounce on skirt. In gray and black, blue, red nnd OI tf light fancies, on sale nt ipl.vlvr Fine Percale Wrnppers. handsomely made and trimmed, 7e with wide flounce on skirt, at ipltAtJ Silk Skirts Ladles' Black Taffeta Silk Skirts, with 6 rows of shirred flit ruffling round the bottom, at JJUVI.Uvl Black, nil tucked Taffeta Silk Skirt, with 6 rows of C1 Rfl shirring on flounce, n bargain at 4 lu. OVJ Special Prices on Ladies' Underwear mutter over. Tho situation was laid before Mrs. Bally, who seemed rather to profer tho office of stato president. In case Mrs. Bnlly withdraws. Mrs. Walker of Des Moines will receive tho support of that dele, gallon, whllo Mrs. Beemcr will bo the choice of tho west. Though n nominating commlt tco has been appointed, n member of that body says that that committee will not net until some choice Is expressed by an In formal ballot. WOMEN IGNORE COMPLEXION St. I'nul Cluh Member Flnnllr Adopt Hmoliiliiin I'riitrslliiK Against DrnwlMK the Color Line. ST. TAUL, May L By a vote of 42 to 21 and after a contest lasting tho entire after noon, the New Century club, one of the leading womon's clubs of St. Paul, adopted a resolution protesting against nny color line In the Minnesota State federation and desiring tho conditions of membership to remain ns at present, "Intellectual nnd moral fitness." Tho color question has been agitating the State Federation of Women's clubs for a long time. A few weeks ago n cluh com posed of colored women applied to Mtb. Lydla S. Williams of Minneapolis, tho president of tho stato federation, for nd mtsslon to that body. Mrs. Williams was disinclined to take tho responsibility of ad mitting them nml officially requested opinions from all tho clubs In her Jurisdic tion. Gravel rooting A. II. Read. 541 Broad'?. Davis sells paint. Lou; HollInK nt Atlnntle. ATLANTIC, Ja.. May 1. (Special.) The stato log rolling of the Woodmen of tho World wilt bo in this 6lty June 13 and tl. Ad. vices from lodges all over the state are to tho effect that they will send largo delega tions. Tho committee on transportation has made arrangements for special rates and special trains. J. C. Root of Omaha, sovereign grand commander, has been se cured ns speaker. A fraturo of the enter tainment will bo the prize team drill, Tho grand lodge team will also bo In attend ance, but not to pnrtlclpato In tho contest. Another fraturo will be a band contest In which prizes wilt be offered. Death (ram Kick of Horse. ATLANTIC, la., May L (Special, 1 Harry Agnow, son of Smith Agnew of Mnrne, this county, was kicked by a horse and died In a day, Tho funeral was this afternoon. Innn Orntorlenl I'oiilml, IOWA CITY, May L (Special.) Tho annual contest of tho Northern Oratorical league will bo at the opera house In loua City, Friday evening, May 3. ASKS MAYOR'S RESIGNATION l.ciitniinport t'lly Conn I'll llrmninla II,.. ttrrmnit of Crorur I', .lli'Krr, of MiiDiilHiiiiK llrrntli. INDIANAPOLIS, May I. A Hpechil to thn Sentinel from Lognnsport. Ind sayst At a session of the city council tonight u resolution was passed demanding the resignation of Mayor George P. Me.Kco, who Is charged in tho resolution with being an excesslvo user of Intoxicating liquor, the resignation to tnko effect at once. Mayor McKee Is a republican and has held the office two terms. Things of Worth at prices that will appeal ANNOUNCEMENT A two weeks' engagement of the OBER-AMMERQAtl PASSION PLAY COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 6, will be given at our store daily. Tiokets for first entertainment will be given away Saturday, May 4. WHITELAW BOSTON STORE, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. HARR1MAN STILL IN RACE Baji Ha Hn N InUntion of Withdrawing in Ongir's Faror. FOSTER EXPECTS TEN POLK DELEGATES Work on Sm Army Pout U lllookcil Cornltiit LI very iniiii l.cavci Wife nml Home ImliiiiiN Waul to (let Into i. A. It. DES MOINKS, May L (Special.) Sen ator W. Ilarriman of Hampton arrived In the city today to consult with his po litical friends nnd associates. He was one of the first to be announced as a candidate for governor, and ho has a strong follow ing In northwestern Iowa. Ho stated today that ho had no Intontlon whatever of with drawing from tlio race for tho nomination, no matter what others may do. Ho hod no comment to make on the action of Oeorgo D. Perkins In withdrawing In favor of tho nomination of Major Conger, hut ho would ot follow that lead. Within the past few days Sidney A. Fos ter has announced thnt he Is still In tho rnco anil that lie expecta to have at least ten of tho delegates from Polk county to tho slnto convention. The lm. i.nnn tii.- of other randldntes withdrawing In favor of Conger, but It now Reem nrni..ni.io n,,,i nothing more will happen until ho reaches uome. No Army Voni Work Xmv, Dps Moluea has given up hopo of having any work done on the new cavalry army post hero this year. Difficulties have made It Impossible to secure a settlement this yenr. A committee will go to Washington to try to securo the consent of the War department to n inodlhYatlnn of the eondl Hons Imposed upon Des .Mnlnes. but even If successful It anems Improbable there will bo any work dono this ar. Wrstrrn t'nliiii llpporU, The Western Union Telegraph company mnde Its report to the auditor of slain for taxation purposes today. The repntls show It owns 7.1SS miles of poles in town nnd Iiiih 2S.S0O mle nf W,.. The number of mllos of lino operated in Iowa Is 7.72, nud it has 1,387 stations In town. . 'niiiuili'a, Thn Wlnthrnp Fraternal assnclallon luu been Incorporated at Wlnlhrop, lluohiilmti county, with R.H00 capllal for the purpose of erecting a lodge hall, (leoige 8. Smngler In pii'Hldriit. Thn Devon (1ml II nil. I l.lk'rt Jlml. lMn.,lu (Ion has boon Incorporaleil nt Devon. Chick- una ,v county, with jii.ono capital, by w J. Merrltt and others. Slllnlllill I'llllllllllllla. New reports uf smullpov etn tecelved In llie omen of thn Htnto Hoard of Health to day, Including SohlenwlK, (Irani. Swan Lake towiiiihlp, Kmmiit county, Penn township, Jcfff rstm, Otter Creek township, Ctawfurd, Liberty towtmhlp. Wilght, and llnone tuwii ship, Dallas, A report from Vinton, being a 11 n a I report for llenlnn county, stales that there were from seventy to seventy lUn ruses lu Hie county lb" past winter und una death, but thai nil canes aro well now. This Is n iwmpln of reports which are now lining iroelvnl. Indicating that the epidemic Is growing less. The teusstloa at Corning Is tho departure in Large Masses to the most economical. Hosiery Full line of sizes In Mlsses's Black Rlbbd Hose, double sole 4 f nnd heel, guaranteed stainless, on sate at, per pair d 1 JG Boys' Black Ribbed Hose, double sole and' heel, sizes SH to -4 rl 9V4. guaranteed fast colors, on sate at, pair Jml C 20c Ladles' Black Silk Finished Seamless Cotton Hose, dotlbto heel nnd toe, extra long, made of fine combed Egyptian 4 . yarn, on sale today at, pair IOC 2uc. quality Ladies' Mocha Foot. Black Hose, on sate f ut,.palr .' j2JG Ladles' Split Sole, Black Hose (a scarce article In the mar ket), on sale today at, pair JoC 3ic quality Ladies' Black Lace Stripe and Drop Stitch Hose, on sale today at, pair JoC Laces BH;S? 25c Shirt Waists 'i J,l.?hl-i,tn1 J,,irk 9mbr'c Shirt Waists, nil sizes, 32 rk to 41, on snlo today only nt, ench OUC 69c, 75c, 89c, $1.00, $1.50 and $1.69. & GARDINER THE CORRECT NUMBER OF THE DOTS And lis! of prize winners, will ht publishmi in The Sunday Bee, May 5th, of J. D. reiiialt. a liveryman. Iraiug hl family. Iln drew all his tuoney from thu bank on Mmidn ami to 1 rewn atut from ttiern telephoned to a friend to eud his boy. a miii nf 10 or. to Creton and ho would take him t a show. Nothlim has been he en i.liun nf Keaiall, but his wife re. iclM'd a letter fin ut him snjlng h had UU her the ham und horses and a deed In the pinpi'ity. liny ''''' Imllniin, Cnlouel M H DhIh. department com mander nf the dram! Army nf the Republic, w.i ii at department ticadiuarters today gathering material fnr thn annual report to be matin to the department encampment at Duhiniun uevt month. Colonel Davis Is a member uf thn pout at Hloux City, which has a iiieer proposition before It. An Indian living over lu Nebraska lias applied for admission to thn pint. Ho served In thn I'nlted Slates army as n scout and can linw his discharge papers. There are two or three other Indiana ready to mako ap plication If this Is acted on favorably and t hit post ul Slnux City la yet In doubt as to what ought to be done. It s probable the Indians will bn admitted to membership, lutfrxtiilr Orntorx. A largo number of college met from various states lu the Interstate College Oratorical association arrived In Des Moines today, ond thlu evening they and dis tinguished citizens of Iowa were given a banquet at tho Klrkwood house. The en tertainment has been furnished by the stu dents of Dcs Moines college, who have had charge of all the details for the Interstate contest. Ribbon Sale 10c quality Ribbon, full lino of colors, and different width, on sate today at, yard .. 5c 19c Ribbon, 4 Inches wide, on sale to- A f day at 1UC Via and 75c Ribbon, 6 to 9 Inches wide, good assort ment of colors, on 25c sale today at. Special Prices on Kid Gloves The "Corns tock Process'' s the most successful method for reducing and rellerln pain In all kinds of dental operation thnt has et ben presenttd to the public. It has been used by leading den tists of tho east for nearly two years, and ha been pro nounced by them to be rtlrely satisfactory. Our patient are delighted with the results It produces. If you ri nervous and your teeth sr. sensltlv. w. will be- rdeajed tj explain It to you. .Telephone U5. H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. Grand Hola! 0d housekeepers rely upon KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO "Silver Gloss" STARCH for the Laundry Olvet finest Finish to all delicate Fabrics. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAH U often dliitii4 It c'"' ' Blo'tid Hlf, Imperial Hair Regenerator II lh nly itir nr1 hafmUif inHf for ttihff, tit HtvMtljr f.Mil)f tpplitrl, end Imvm Ih htlr ft nd rlo?. It urtfriualtrl f f ftf4 ar Mututh. ONB APfLlCATlOS l.AITS MONTHS. ItmrW ofhalr t lrd Ut: r'rtvtry att wi $fnd fr rmrMt Imperial Chom. Mfpr.Co., 135 2.1.1 Ht., N.V. Wold nv till druggist and hdlrdrcaera.