THE OMAHA DAILY HEK; THVBSDAY, MAY 2, 1901. 11 SLECjALJOTICES Advertisement for these rnltiinn rill lie taken until Vi in. for the venlnar edition mid nntll 8 :.'t() p.,i)i. fur moratriK nnit Sunday edition. Itates, 1 a vrord first Insertion, 1c n word thereafter. Nothing tnken for less tlmn 2Bc fnr the first Imer tlon, Titeac advertisements innat lie rnn eotisecit tl vely. Advertisers, hy reijuestlnK a ntitn ftereil check, can hnit nnnfr nd flresaed tn n numbered Irtter In rare f The nee. Amnrn no nildremeil trill Tin delivered tin presentation of the cheek only. WANTED 91 A LIS HELr. WAJiTED We havo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear nee. C. F. AUama Co., 1005 iiuwurd St. U-772 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue, anil particulars free. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Web. U-77J WANTED, good mechanical draftsman; must bo experienced and cupable. Apply, Muting age, experience and salary ex pected. Address U 13, Ike. B ISO WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only two weeks mora of our special offer f kchol.irshlp; board and lyOls, eight weeks completes; 112 weekly paid graduates. write for particulars today. Molcr Harbor college, jt,2J i 'urnum st. B M95S 2 WANTED, young man, references. Address I bookkeeper, with IB, lieu. U JJi J WHOLESALE house wants. 3 young men for traveling rnlesmen on salary. Previ ous experience not absolutely required. State ago and references. P 10, Boo. B-400 1 WANTED, at once, a good man that un derstands all laundry work; must be good shirt lronor; wages, 2 per day for party. North Platto Steam Laundry, North Platte, Neb. II Mil I 2 WANTED, rellablo man to call on barber trade; must furnish references and have a small capital. Cincinnati Perfume Co., Cincinnati, O. II MRS 2 WANTED, hod carriers; steady employ ment, good wages for competent men, season 1901. Apply Builders & Traders Exchange. B M422 1 WANTED, by D." App7cton& Co", Two hull grade hook men for Nebraska and one fnr Iowa; experienced solicitors of nny line arreptttble; references required. Ad dress Park & Hart, 531 Paxton Hlk. Call Htter 2 p. m. 1H-M423 2 WANTED, coitmukcr, at once; good pay anil plenty of work. O. Abruhumsou, I loldrege, Neb. Il-.M 160 3 WANTED, competent bookkeeper for Iowa branch; stale ago, experience, and salary expected. P 23. Be.e, It M 157 5 WANTED, an all-round butcher who can also tend market and Is a good sausage maker; must speak German; wrlto at once, addressing Journal, Columbus, Neb., stating name, age, references, experience und wages desired. IJ MH8 3 WANTED, barber; must bo Al and steady, F. M. Hooded, Trinidad, Colo. B MII3 4 WANTED. Iriivollncr salesman' -visiting clothing trado In Michigan, lniunna. W is consin or west to carry .six styloa of spo nlal working gloves und mltteuH; new and a winner; write, stating territory. II. L. Chlsholm, Hi Exchange St., Uuffalo'. N. Y. U-M 112 I WA.XTKI FKS1AL13 IIEI.P. ItELIAULE holp. Douglas. Tel. 834. Canadian olllce. , 1R23 C-771 WAKTED-200 girls. 1S21 Dodge. Tel. (C6. C-771 DltESSMAKINO taught thoroughly; tys tem received highest awaid at parts, moo. McDowell Dressmaking School, 203 3, 15th ti., rooms sio-tiiti ivaruacn oik. C-Mllt WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator, .Must havo hud good exponents. Apply room 220, Uto building'. WANTED. ladles to learn. . h.'UrdrossIng manicuring, mussaga or .cniropodyr onlv tworwelts ,moro' ofront-rpt'clal 'ftltSttibT Kcliolarnhlp" ,iind..U;c2s; ' ninny poBltlonj waiting gradu.itug; dlnlomaa awardoO; special rato of board If desired; free ca'.a- Kifun maiico. wuu louay, aioier ciii.vko, C- WANTED. housekeeper "in small family no washing. Address P 10, 15eo. C 271 COMPETENT nurse girl wanted. 2211 Lan don Court. C 302 1 WANTED, second girl t once. Apply to .miur .'1UIZ, iu, o.a no, .Ulll N. C-M405 3 CONTENTS of B-room house, folding bed, sowing machine, oookcusc, Axnunsier riiKN, sieei ruiiKe, gasoiiiic siovv, eie., 11., Address P &l, Dee. O 433 2 WANTED, girl for general housework. 1S0S Wehsier street. (131 HOOD girl; Dodge. must furnish references. 2i'.0 C 43 2 FIIIST-CLA.SS experienced sorter;. no otber need apply. Nonpareil Laundry, lTOfiand 171K Vinton si. C-M4R1 good, cook, lu family of 3, Mfs. Andrew Iloscwatc'r, 41N n. ;hui St. C-M419 4 OIUL for general housework. California st. Apply 2778 W .Ml 17 r l'OH HK.T IIOIJS15S. IF you want your houses well rented plac tnem wiui uciiuwn ac -. uuo TO move right, get' Omaha Van 8toraso Cov otllce, uu i-urnani, or ici. ism-ki. HOUSES for vont tn all rlurts of tho city lirennan-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street. D-778 HOUSES, atoros. llomls, Paxton block. D-77 BEE 11ENIIY n. TAYNE, 601 N. Y, LIFE, D-7S0 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Doughis, 1 B1 HOUSES and flats. Itlugwalt, Darker block u is: HOUSES wanted. Wallacti, Urown block, D-7S3 Foil iiK.Ni, retiiicncc. hx,b ueorcla av. cor. -Puclilc; 10 rooms, attic, basement, east front, modern and extra convent. enccs; lot tHxUu. with tree. Inquire 314 First national uuok mag. u AI133 SCS NOHTH 22d S ten-room modern houae ttno location; uy i m isortn 22d St. D 133 10-KOOM detached hoitse. all modern, newly UVnOE J2-room residence on tho North boulevard, will paint, paper and mnko wnai improvcnieuis uru necessary. Jlent OMAHA LOAN AND TIIUST CO.. 16th and Douglas. D-M675 FOU RENT, strictly modern Hat, Davulg blinding, opposite city nan. 7-room house, 2131 Emmet, J15, s-room modern house, .Mason St., near parK, nice lawn ana snuue, jj. JOHN W. UOUUINS. U02 FAUNAM ST, D-M01S XO-UOOM brick, modern. 2001 Capitol avc. D-M939 ! FOU KENT. 6-room modern flat, S3'J N. 24th st $15.00 "room house, city water. 2ui0 N. 27th st 15.00 8-room modem house, 2027 N. 20th st.... 20.00 (room modern house. 1916 llurdette st. 15,00 7-room houne, city water, I50J S. 28th st 15.00 309 'South 13th St. D-9S0 3 1903 S. 17TII . ST., seven-room house, city water In kitchen: .will paper and paint to sun goon iciiani; mucsr (rum bo, umunn car; rent, J15. Omaha lxian-tt Trust ('o. FOU .KENT, new brick dwelling, strictly uiouei'ii, corner .sui aim I'oppieion avc nue, u. u 7 CHAsT K .WILLIAMSON. 1203 FanianT . , D-M295, FOR RENT, tine laree residence." It V0M1Y ' 131 Bo. 25th St. Apply to 11; J,' Wlnilsf J 151S Dodgo Bt ' D-MjStV FOUR rooms, modern, IU,00. ,9&S N. ar 81. Di-M4 ,M-' ROOM modern house. 1417 Ylntdn. Ir D-iQl 6' quite Mil. SIXOOM housoT 2304 Grace st D-MiOO 3' ion rent-hoi si:s 1433 8. lfiTlf ST. rear, 3-room hnute, city water Insfdc. George & Co, D Mils 3 6-ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished, HO H. 30th t. D-MI19 3 FOR RENT, nice 5-room cottage near car line, furniture for sale, J115. Address I 21, Dee. D-IJ.S ! FOR IlKNT, modern furnished house for summet months, R. 55.' Dee bldg. D-M 155 S OU RENT, ll-room modorn house near i High school. The O. F. Davis Co., MS Pee I bldg. D-M151 S 3552 FARNAM, 6 rooms, modern 1. Stringer D-M152 3' 6.JI Taxlon hlk. OU RENT, modern up-to-date Hat of 7 rooms. Ilrst floor. Call at No. 1 Norman- die, corner Park live, und Pacific sts. D .MIjO 'Oil lti:.Vr-l'l It.M.MHEl) ItOO.MM, DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. li 755 THE TUUU3TON. 13th and Jackson: steam ti lit NICE toorns. light housukcentug. 1112 S. 11th. E 414. NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. 11 Jones H-4h1 -M- HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ia up. 2623 St. E-MS63 M22 Mary b. FURNISHED rooms for man and wife, rent taken lu board. 319 N. 17th St. 1 yio URN1SHED rooms, modern. 1722 Dodge St. E M273 .Ml- TWO furnished rooms. 1115 I'urk avenue. E-300 1 Li:OANT furnished front room. Ouh, bath, telephone. 2129 Farnam. 3d floor, west. Phono 1.2199. E-M3S9 5 'OI'U furnished rooms, housekeeping, bath nnd gas, on S. U. line, i&jj iitn ROOMS. 1900 Capitol avc. . K--M40S 5 WO rooms, 2022 Caldwell st., furnished or unfurnished, light housekeeping, all mod ern: comfortable, home and low rent for eldorly lady;, references required. I I It.MSIIEU IttMI.MS AND UO.VIll), UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-787 GLENCAIHN, transients.!,::; day. 1609 Doug ' i Tlio Mtrrlam, dummcr resort, 25 & Dodjc. FrM6,79 MAY 1ST. ono largo front room with deep closets, mm nicuvu, wiin noarii; reasons- I, In r.itu tn tfn tlT rt "1ft. Ut F-91S2 NICELY furnished rooms. H13 Ueorgri av. F M.'ol LARGE' front room; llrst-clusa board. 25! llurnoy. '.F-M390 2 !J8l l'OH ni:.T UM'tllMSIIEI) ROOMS. DESIv room space, j!i per month, ground lluor rotm In The Uuei building, .facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor nervlco. It. i'etera '& Co., Rental Agetli; Ue building. 416. !2 NO. ISTH'ST., threo .rooms for houso keeping, lnodern, In' prlv'utb, family; ref erences required ' O 199 1' THREE unfurn'lshcd rooin on parhlr floor also inrnisncd ones tor nouseKeeping. 2W1 Dodge st.' ' U-Mlo6; THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, for light nouseKeeping. 2211 uougias U-M 153 l KOIl ItEN'l STOIltS A.NU OFFICES. OH RENT store, In llrBt-clasa location; rent reasonable. Apply R." C. Vetera & Co.,'groUH'l tloor, lltti Uldg. 1266 OR 'RENT, the butldlne formerly occu pled by Tho Ute ut 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The lieo press room. This will bo. rented very reasonably. If Interested apply ut oucu to C. -. Rose- water, bccretary. room 100, lieu building; 1 xui SEVERAL light, well loeated ofllccs, 810.00 lino iu'.wj; tiieso win not siuy vacant long. It. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents, Hee Hulldlng-, Omaha. 1-MI29 3 AUENTS WANTED, AGENTS wuntcd to sell our liuw apple, the iusiesi selling vuriuiy over ottered to tho public; wiltu fui tuli particulars ut once. Address Western Nursurl' Co., Lawrence, Ivan., Dept. O J-M931 7 WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit sUDscriptlons for THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, 500 object-touching engravings, und Is tho only book on live stock over published adapted to tlm every-duy, practical, money-saving use of uviry tanner and stock owner, steady employment with assured good Income. Agents lu the country with horsu und buggy especially desired. Canvassers make, easily JbO to Huo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, live Uulldlng, Omuha. J 487. WANTI ID TO HUNT. .-J. WANTED, room and board In private fam ily 11 y Kcniicmiui una small culm; ruler onces exchanged. Address P II, ileo of lice. K M39J 2 FOR RENT. 933 N.lth st ,... iifi.m l,3oti N. 21th st , :,225 fuming st , ,.. if,. mi 917 S. 13th st 1.1. hi 1,419 .liieKson st ,: 10, u - iJur;..NAfs-i.uvE co., :i09 a. uth St. ' i J M459 N SIORAUE. PACIFIC Storago und Waro houso Co., 312- .uttjuovu, ueuuiui aturugu. unu (urwaruing, j -. . 791 OiX. Van Stor. Co., IJH15 Varn. . Tols. 1559-S1 - f iw WAJ('IIC1 T,U IUY, WANTED, to buy out par'tlda ritimhijr a luigu luiiiiDiieu uiucn uruut, ip, pinanu; must bu good locution. Addretiu Flox 475, Lincoln, Net). , N MW9 2 WANTED, it good', Kentle, -sln'glo buggy jiorsu, vau aiier j ji, 111. at .Di.- . nun uvo. . N 43S l FOR 3,U,l,-l'l.u.uTLItU, CHICAGO FUHN1TU11E CO., 1410 Dodge. let. 2V20. rew a: 2uuaua turnituro Dougnt, sold, exchanged. U 793 l'OH SALE, tho furniture and goodwill of a lo-ioom mouern notiii: snir'r.uiit natron uji; elegant opportunity 1'0'r tho tight tn,' y owner win 'take yut In uooU teal I'stuto tl Nell Heal S&tatu AgtMnsy, bouth Omaha. u iltH t FOR SALE HOUSES', VEHICLES, ETC. LIGHT omnibus, good condition. H. .Frost, tuiiiugu was., 11111 miu- i.ea venwurni. . - l-79l FOU SALE, top buggy, good condition; your ouei is my price, t: it is right, , U, M. Hurt, 1307 Jones st. P-.M8b FOU SALE, 2. touted family carrlua son make, Lij. 15H Farnam st. Stinp, -602 I'Uii a.i.i-, cneiip, surrey, with cunony lop, lubber tties; uibo phaeton, rubbor tlrvs. bqth In good condition. Inquire Put vjuruuiu, luiueu biuuies, 1' JUl 1 FOR SALE, brown inaro, 7 years old, broke single "on uuuuiu, 101 .ujusier si,, i.oun ell Uluffs. 1' .MiOl j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry & hos icnce. ni uum;ius. w a 2DHAND sale cheap. Dcrlght, 1U9 FariUra? I ' Q-796T SAFES, buy, tell, extj'se. Scliwart 1H S. 13. YUCl2.fcifc.toriouUi'y. Belgian hart, hbi;' 1000,000 UUILDING brick for Imme'dlate'ile'. FOR BALK, stone. Ittli and' Castellar"sts'. Foundation 1 und returning ' walla, rstoel beams 24 und lt feet long, 2 round rol umns. Telephone 2132. rt-Mi9 5 FOIt At,i:-IISt EI,l..F.OI'.. THE OMAHA MERCl'UY prints lawyers briefs and legal blanks and docs general ob work, Q ilia M3 TIMOTHY hay of all kinds. Monroe & Co. feed ana cot. q?93 FOU SALE, a good 15 gas rango for JS. Call before Sat., 6I So. 26th ave. g.M412 5 1,W1.000 UHIC'K for sale. John P. Weaver. 0 Pcnrl Street, Council Hluffs. 0-MI213 . . A THOROFOIIIIUED Jersey cow for sale, Forrest Smith Co.. 20 Main Street, t.'ounell liiurfs. I own. Q M 12,1 .1 CLAIItVOVAXTS. MRS. E. C. HENRY, Splrltunl Medium. can be consulted uauy on an nnairs 01 lire. No matter what your trouble may bo sho readily locates the dlfllculty nnd removes the cause; she reunites separated couples, develops mediums, teaches palmistry reo to thoso who develop, Of Ice 1707 Cass utr.ect. S-299 3 M1U?, FRITZ, medium. S19 North 16th. s-soo MME. OYLMER, palmist, 315 So. 15th st. SlS ELECT It I C THKATJI E.NT. MISS MAE LESLIE, 613 S. 16th, third floor. T M147-MZ CAMILLE DUVAL. 619 S. 18th. cennd floor. T-M333 M6 ELITE parlors, 615 South 16th. second floor. 1 .MS VERA DELMORE, 161J Howard. 2d ft. R. 1. T 903 M23 MME. SMITH, hatha. Room 7. 118 N. 15th. 2d floor. T-tna 6 PERSONAL, DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Frenzer block. U MS PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurgnt, 2620 llurdette. U SOJ VI A VI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 318 lice Uldg. u m JUST think of Itl Electrlo light gallery. 27 enameled stump photos In four posi tions nnd .1 photo stick pin tor 25c. R. b', Crelghton blk 15th and Douglas. Open 9 to 9. Wo make pictures at night. U-390 MtO RUPTURE cored; no knife, no pain, no danger send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-S0J M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac co dcon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. SJlto 209. Douglas Uiock. U'-si A llOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a euro and secures tho comfort und happiness of your roommate. U M212 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Douglas. Tel. 2331. U-SOi PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. 1306 Grant St. U-S97 WANTED, church soprano. "Shcely Hid. C. H. Shaw, U-840 "WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst. Tel, 12SS, Hi st of city references. Leave order ut 1519 Farnam. t; MI16 7 .MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iova farms at per cent; borrowers can ny S100 or uny multiple; uny luterest date; no delay. Urennun-Lovo Co., 309 S. 13th St., Omdha, Neb. W S12 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. llrcnnun-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th. W-410 WANTED Ctty loans, bonds and warrants. Gcorgo & Company, 16ul Farnam street. W-4IU 81,006 and upward to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W Farnam Smith 6c wo., 1320 Farnam. W-SU FIVE per cent, money. Uemls, Paxton block. v nj WANTED Cltj and farm loans; also bondi ana warrants. 11. u. i-eicra i co,, 1,02 Farnam St , Uee Uldg. W-814 IONEY to loan at iV3 and Eib per cent on Omaha propc:ty, W. U. Melkle, 401 S. 15th. W-816 PHIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. w sis FIVE and &V4 per cent city and farm loans. uarvi.. uros., iuia farnam bt. w 819 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-S20 CASH on hand. G E. Turklngton, 605 Use, W-M591 4',4 AND 5',i per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, 1'irsi rtuiiunui X3un uuuuing. lei, ima. V-821 SIONEV To i,u.i-CllATTULS. MONEY. $10-Your credit Ih good with us. Quick 815 J20- loans on household guilds, iiluuos. tie, without removnl irom your resi dence. Easy payments. They are tho 82o 30 835 lowest. li LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or Indorser, puya lite in easy weekly or monthly In 54& JS0 855 6iJ J65 stallments. Our suite of private Inter viewing ioomH bus a different on trunce and exit and wo can guarantee what all people of pridu and rellne mont desire absolute privacy and 70 875- .euuiioouiiai ireaimeiii. 885-AMERICAN l.OAN CO., Room 31 iw- 4'iown niocK, s. li. cor. luth und iuv xuuHUia nutuip, I'lllIUUCO OU Itjlll st WHEN YOU NEED MONEY hkm itq It Is to advertise lowest rules, as others do, but wu levl positive thut If you will make comparisons you will be con vinced that jou can do bettur with us than elsewhere. o loan 011 furniture. pianos, live siock, uic, or wo will muk you u SALARY LOAN without indorsor or mortgage. We Charge notning lor making the loon uuu you rcceivu tho full umount lu cash. iuu may pay It back In one nioi th or iuki six months or moro in which to repay It, and you need not pay lor It ono Hav longer than you keep it. our terms ure the easiest, our business Is conhdentiul unu uur iiiuiiu is 11 y lu incuse. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Uoaru of i'rudu Uldj. Tel. 2293. (Established lbii). 3uo So. 16th St. S23. SALARY LOANS. WE LOAN 810 TO 8100 To ANYONE ttni.n l.NU A ouuu 1'uai nu.i, why HOH noW ON PERSONAL PHOPI.'Iitv WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST RATES IN TOWN, AND WITHOUT l'UUIIIV-11 1. 1 HF.Ll.UlLi: CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Puxton Ulock, Room 303. X-M502 LAROKriT in LOANS TO bAUVUii.u i-cui-Kc, inercuunis, team sters. boarding houses, etc.. without u. curlty; easiest terms; 40 oirices in prlncl iul cities. Tolmun, 410 Uourd of Trade UUIIUIOB. .V S27 SALARY luaish upon piuin notes. No mortgage, no Indorse!, no publicity; I0cr lUVf, iiiuv,,, cunivi I'UIOUUtS, Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Block. X-929 11AKS ON SALARIES. FURNlTtnti' live stock, etc. quick serylco and lowest rates guaranteed. J. TAYLoE, 6jj itou tloo.) Puxton lllock, northeast corner 16tn nnu raiiiuiii, iuoiiiv mm 01. X 826 vmvi.'V lnnned salaried people holdlm- nr manent position with lesponsluiu concurn upon their names without security; easy payments. Toiman, 440 Uoard Trado Uldg. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- nianeui posuiuu mj ir v,,i,u,c tuocern upon their names wiuiuui nuturiiy; easy payments., luuuuo.iw pui m onun uiug A. 82J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew dry, horoes, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 a. 13. v 007 SHOUT IUrket time blk. loans. Joo Pleasants, 54 x 127 MONEY to loan. 1. Zlegler, 409 Ware Ulock. X 431 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Qreen, H, 8, Barker blk IILSI.MlnS fllAMF.S, FOR SALE, bakery and confectionery, doing good business, In small Nebraska town; good locution; good reason lor soil ing. Address U 42, Ileo. Y-M797 M20 FOR SALE Drug store doing first class business, proprietor leaves on account of 111 health. Address llox F, lice 'illlce, South Omaha, Y 992 i' A NEWSPAPER and plant f or s.iuTut a barauln. Call or address, M. P. Trotter, Uuthrlc, u. T. Y-M127 2 I OH SALE, complete steam brick plant on H. & M. track, cheap If sold soon. F. R. Woollcy, Seward. Neb. Y-M1S7 M4 HALF Interest, money maker. JI.Wo, In op eration In Omaha. Address P is, flee. Y-39-, ! first-class family hotel fnr rent fur. nisneu ; dress I nlshed; sixty rooms; full of guests. Ail- .0, lice. Y MUS 7' Ft'RMTl'RE. stoves and carpet store for sale 011 nceomt of sickness, good loca tion; stock IS.C.O. Address P 22, Hoe. y-iu FOR SALE, the Oabornc Houic, Atimworth, Neb,; hotel has been rctlttisl and Im proved; has all the commercial trade and Is doing a good business. Write to A. E. Howe. Alnsworth, Nob. Y MHS Jcl FOU HXL'IIAMiE. 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels, Omaha Dlcyclu Co., 16th und Chicago sts. Z-4M7 FOR S.VI,I HEAL ESTATE. RANCH AND FARM lauds for sale by tho Union Pucltlc Ru'.lroad company. II. A. McAllaster, land cotumlsMonor, Union Puclllu Headquarters, Omaha, Nob. UE-833 FOR SALE Houses and lots In all parti of city; also aero property and faim lands. Tho O. F. Davis Company, Room 152 ileo Building. RE-137- FOR SALE on monthly payments, 8-ruom modern house on N. 24th St. car line: also vacant lots, which will be Improved for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Uulldlng Association. U. M. Nattlnger, secretary, liee Uldg. RE-M711 SEE HENRY 11. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. RE-833 3,500 HUYS 3 0-room cottages, 2419-21-Zi ltluuey, excellent condition, 13 pur cent gross revenue on Investment; iv snap. J. II. Johnson, 611 N. Y. Life. RE-.M297 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard & Son, 399-10 Urown lllock. UE-S36 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also tiro Insurance. Hcmls. Paxton 13 In. RE 831 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Furuani St. RE -835 FOR SALE, a bargain; house of flvo room, lot 50x118, two blocks from Wnlnut Hill car line, 600.00. Geo. J I Fltchctt, 309 Woodmou of tho World Uldg. RE-C51 CHEAP LOTS Large, desirably located lots that nro sure to increase In vnlue from the sturt; motor line will soon be extended to them and aro not fnr from present lines. Only 875, to 8150 each and only J3 down and only J3 per month, Ucorgu P. Uemls, Paxtott block. a RE-M9I2 FOU SALE. 2'houses hf South Omaha, :cn- traliy located; can up Dnugm at a nar guln. Address C. C. Pollard, Fremont, Neb. HE-M96J 10 12-HOOM modern house, lot 62x132! tnuit bo sold In a few days, nave also several other city and faim properties for sale or trade. Chris. Uoycr, 2123 Cuming st. Phono 2019. ' RE-14J 1 HKST liARGALV IN OMAHA, NEW MODERN DWELLING OF SIX ROOMS WITH CORNER LOT. PAVING TAX ALL PAID. AT 3917. LEAVENWORTH ST. TRICE, 82.400: ONLY 8500 CASH. GARVIN 1JROS., 1613 FAUNAM ST. ' , RE M413 2 'IVE acres, Just west'; of city, right on macadamized street, tat 875". Hicks, 325 Uoard Trade bldg: ' HE-MI62 2' FOR SALE, good corner" llit', about I blocks from the court house, iounen ltiims. 87&o. F. M. Haker, 107 Deurb6ni St., Chicago. j. HE-Mlll 1 WHY IS "IT That MORE HOUSES were UUILT last your and MORE are NOW IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION IN HEM1S PARK than IN ANY OTHER PORTION OF OMAHA? Ride or Walk through the Park, TALK WITH THE PEOPLE and FIND OUT WHAT THEY GOT FOR THEIR MONEY, and YOU will HAVE tho ANSWER. Four lots sold recently; only a few left, but they are tho cholceHt lu the Addition. DO NOT DELAY HID ING too long OU YOU will MISS a good OPPOHTUNITY. PAYNE-KNOX CO., Main Floor N. Y. LI to Uldg. RE-MH8 4 MEDICAL. LADIES, 8500 reward for a case ot suppres sion oiu i-ir. jucksoii h .uoniiuy Jicguiaior falls to 'clleve In 21 hours; positively guaranteed; no ergot or pills, many saved trom suicide; ideal .afc home treatment. Mall 83 to Dr. Jackson, R. C, 814, 167 Dear born St., Chicago, 111. 230 11' DR. LE DUE'S French Fcmalo Regulator. positively warrumcu to. relieve the most stubborn cases of monthly stoppages. Ir regularities, obstructions and suppres sions brought 011 trom whatever nbuurmal or pathological cause; 82 a package, or 3 for 85; sent anywhere prepaid on receipt ot price. Tho Kidd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American otllce, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug oC, Omuha; M. A. Dillon, Bouth Omuha; Davis Drug Co,, Council Uluffs. Full line of rubber goods. LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden Hoai, never tuning lomaio regulator, will relievo most obstinate .cases of delayed periods In live, hours; sent securu from ob servHVon, 81, Dr. Anilty Fovlor,.27ll olive fd., St. Louis, Mo. , m itrj .M3l LADIES! Chichester's English Punnyroyal Pills are. the best; safe, reliable: take r.o other, send 4c stump lor particulars; "Re lief for Ladies" In letter oy return mall; ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. i'hlladclphia. Pa. SHORTHAND AND T I I. WIUTl.Mi. A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Lit -812 UOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Uee Uldg. 43 NEB. Business Si Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. sit GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col.. 16 & Doug -15 LOST LOST. Masonic ring. Uewurd for1 return to Lo8t M-392 1110 Hartley streut. LOST, garnet brooch. Hctum to Lon Gib. son, 28th nnd G'sts., So. Omaha. Reward. Lol-M407 2" LOST, a large pearl pin between- 2Sth and Harney, rftolllce und ,10th of 11th, on Williams. Finder plcuBe return to Dr. II. P. Jensen, 28ot Harney street und receive reward, Lost 437 2 HYGIENIC BATHS. FOR ladles only, hyglenlo baths, with ma, sage and electric treatment. Under direc tion of Mrs. T. Schomnier. graduate mas seuse, tortnerly of "Tho Uathery." 1623 Douglas st. Tel. 2155. Open evenings by engagement. M501 Mil llkCYCLKS. SECOND-HAND bicycles at ',4 price; mint have tht room for new ones; good wheels for S3 and up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. Louis Fleseher, 1622 Capitol av. -M4S1 GAHUAGE HAULING. ANTIMONOPOL.Y GARBAGE CO., cleans cessucuit 'unu vuuiio. iciimvcv 'KuruniiR nnd deed unlmuls nt reduced' irl:es. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -5I2J4 M27 CUTLERY GIUNDlNC, MET7.EU & PLEIN. cutlery grinders; lawn mowers a specialty, Telephone 211. Lth and Douglas, -131 IP OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Institute. G15 N. Y. L. tlldg. Tel. 1601; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Uld E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr. -SI5 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O.. of Still school, Elrksvllle, Mo UOI Paxton Ulk. Tel, 1367. -811 VI A.M.MEItlX; AM) M t T t EUi.Nti. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge tlldg. Hi MKir, HEPAIIIOG, SOLES. i(k' i rubber heels and soles, 7Sc. Neb. Repair Co., 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulono, Prop. -110 M31 TAll.Oltl.Mi. 5 PER CENT saved: high-class tailoring, latest designs. Stephen J. Hroderlek, HU7 Furnatn st MSSS m23 ACCOIIIHON I I. 1, t I lIJ. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C. Murk, S. E. Cor. 17th and I'urnam. Si3 I'AIKl'JETIlY FI.OOHS. FRANK SEVICK makes a specialty of all kinds hurdwood lloorlug und parquetry. My prices uru right. 1914 Oak St. -630 M19 CARPENTERS AM) .MHlllEltS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly uttemicd to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th emd Luke Sts. 37J 1'UU.MTl 111. Ut., k.ttlMS. TEL. 1331, M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. EXPERT ACCOl NTl.T. LESSONS In bookkcoplng, etc., day or even ing, R. la, Com. Nat. ltank, G. R. Rathbun. -a52 TICKET nitOtvl'.H. CUT rate tickets everywhere, bin, 1595 Farnam. Tel. 781. H. Phil--537 IIOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Holler Works, steam bollcts, tanks, ktucks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th & Uurd sts. 489. PATENTS. PATENTS, no fco unless successful. Sues f Co., Ueu Uldg., Omaha, Neb. Advlca free. -15S Jul5 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. 848 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ull business conlldeutlul. 1301 Douglas. -817 WALL PAPER. 3c a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kcleey, 117 S. 17th. Tel. 1608. 66-1 IJPHOLSTEIll.N'U. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcav'th. Tel. 2529. -M710 ELOCUTION'. ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodge St. -877 m:: DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 31S S. 26th st. -2S0 M27 Gold Crowns $5-00 We do the highest grade of dental work at reasonable pri ces. Reliability of our dentistry unquestioned. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'niliin lllock. Pillules I'llllnit. E QMllL'll.l.lllHd Record Vagg i Pan. 7 Hours, 22 Minutes BOSTON to UVtKPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom. Maya New England, " " 11,600 " May 22 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Vancouver .May 18 I Dominion June t Cambroman May 4 ) Vancouver . . June 22 For farther laferautUt, adlrtu Canpaay'i OKIcti. t Utartwra St., Caltap, Ilia. POST4IFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur tit uny tlnoj. Foreign mulls for tho week cnulng April "7. 1901. will cldso (PROMPTLY in ull cases) at the general postolllco as follows: PAR eels POST MAILS closo ono hour earlier thnn closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo at 5 p. m. April 23, per s. s. Lahn, via Bremen, and Api'll 21, per s. s. TJnrburossa, via Urcmon. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing timo shown below. TruiiH-A t Iniitlo Mnlls. Til C US DA Y A t 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, tier h s. Columbia, via Plymouth, Shcr liourg and Hamburg (mull for France, Switzerland, Italy. Spain. Portugal, Tur key, Egypt, Greece, British India und Lorenzo Murnuez must bo directed "per s. s, Columbia"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORT UGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and I.OREN.O MAR Ql'EiS. per s. s. La Unitngne, via Havre imull for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. La Brctiigne"). SATl'RDAY At 5 a. m. for AZORES ISL ANDS, per ., h, Trojan Prince; nt 7 a. m. for ITALY, per . s, Wcrrn, via Naples (mall must bu directed "per s. b. Werra"); lit 7.30 u. in. for NETHELANDS direct, per s s. Potsdam (mall must be directed 'per s s. Potsdam"); at 12:30 p. m. (sup plementary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. b. Lucunla, via Queonstown. PRINTED MATTER, JSTC This stenmer tukes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers ivid Samples for Germany only, Tho S8U10 clash of mall matter for other parts of Europu will not bo sent hy this whip unless specially directed by her. After the closing of tho Supplementary Tiuns-Atluntlc Malls named above, ad ditional supplementary mulls aro opened on tho piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, anu ic maln open until within Ton Minutes of the hour of sailing of steumor. Mulls lor Sooth nnd Cent nil Aloerleu, West InillcH, Eto, THURSDAY-At S a, m. for BERMUDA, per s 8. Trinidad; at 6:30 p. m. for JA MAICA, per s. s, Admiral Schley, from Bokton. FRIDAY At 10 n. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Win HI (mall for Curacao, Vene zuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana mutt bo directed "per u. s. Prlns Wm. Ill")- ut 12 m. for MEXICO, per s, s. Niagara, via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Niagara"); nt It p. ni, far NEWFOUNDLAND, ner s. s Sar dinia, from Philadelphia (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Sardinia"). SATURDAY At 6 n. m. lor BRAZIL, per h. h. Biiffon (mall for Northern Brazil. Argentine Republic, Uruguay und -l'anir. guay must ne uircoieu - per s. s, tmnoir'i; nt 9 u. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND. lPr s. s. Silvia; at 9 a. m, (suppTcnierif ary u-"A a 111.) for PORTO .RICO (via .San Juan). VENEZUELA and CURACAO, ler s. s. Philadelphia (mail lor suvunuui unci Cnrthugeun, via Curacao, must bu .di rected "per Sv s. Philadelphia"); ut 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 11. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS una DEMUR POSTOFFICK NOTIril. ARA, per s. s. Mudlann; at 10 n tn I r Cl'HA, per s. s. Mexico, vu Havana nt 10 a. m. (supi)letnoutary 10.30 ,i ut.) f 'r FORTrNB ISLAND. JAM VK'A. SA VANILLA nnd CART1IAGENA, per s. s Athos (tu.tll for Costa Rica must be di rected "per s. s, Athos"l. at lo a tn. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA. Per . Adiron dack; at 12 m. for NORTHERN HHA'.IL, per b, . Gregory nt 12:30 p. m for MATAN'.AS. rAlKAUIBN, nL'EVITAS, OIHAHA and UAHACOA, per s. s. Curl tyba (ordinary mail only which must be directed "per s. s. Curltyba"), Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close ot this otllce dally tit 6.30 p. m., connecting close here every Monday, Wednesda.v and Saturday, Malls for Mliitlrlon, by full to Boston, and thence by steamer, close ot this olllce dally nt 6:30 li. in. Mulls 'or Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and thence oy steamer, close nt (his nttlce dally, osccpt Monday, at ti a m, (the connecting closes aro on Sunday, Wednes day nnd Friday) Malls tor Cubn. by -all to Miami, Vlu., nnd thenco by steamer close nt this olllco uxery Monday Mid Frlduy at "11 i. m. .Malls for Mexico City, overland, 1111108 specialty addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this of lice dally at 1:30 p. in. and 11 p. m, Malls for Costa Rico, Belize, Puerto Cortoz and Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleans, and thence by sterner, close at this olllco dally nt 1130 p. 111. (connecting closes hero Mondtis for Belize. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala und Tuesdujs for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes nt 6 p. in, previous day. Trnns-I'iielllo Mull. Malls for AJstralla (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally al i';;t t. m. after April 13 and up to April "i;;. Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Aorangl (supplementary mulls, via Sirnttle, close ut 6:30 p. in. April 2S. Mntli for Hawaii, China, Japan nnd Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in, up to April "-IS, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Nippon Maru. Mulls lor China and Japan, via Van couver, close hero dally ut tl;30 p. m. t p to April 3", Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h Empress of China (registered mall must bo dltcclod "via Vancouver"), Mulls for China, Japan und Philippine Islands, via Tacoma, close hcru dally ut 6:30 p, m. up to May !, Inclusive, for dispatch "per s. s. Queen Adelaide. Malls tpr Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded Uu Europe). New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close, here dally at 0;.'W p. m. aflo- April "2S und up to May !, inclusive, 01' on arrival o' s. Etrurla, dtiu ut Now York Muy "I, lor dispatch per s. s. Slerru. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally ut 11:30 p. in. up to .May 6th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. Peru. Mulls for fluwull, vlu San Francisco, close hero dully ut 6:30 p. in. up to Muy "13 lor dlsputeh ptrr m. s. .Muripusu. Mulls rui Tahiti und MuniucHus Islands, vlu san Francisco, close here dally nt 11.30 p. m. up to May "IS, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Mulls fot China, Japan und Phllippino Islands, via Scuttle, close hero dully ut 6:30 p . up to Muy "21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, ldzuml (rog,stcred mail must be directed via Scultloj. Trnns,-Paclnc malls arc forwarded to port of sailing dully und the schedule ot clos ing Is arranged on die presumption of their, uninterrupted ovcrlutid transit. ".Registered mall closes ut 6 p. m. pre vious tiny. ' CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllce, New York, N. Y., April 26, 1901. GOVERNMIENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPL1ES Depnrlment of tho Interior, Olllco of Indian Affairs, Washington, D, C, March 7, 1901. Seulcd proposals, endorsed "Proposals fur blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," us the case may bo, und directed to tho Commissioner ot Indian Affairs, Nos. T7 und 79 Wooster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock j. m. of Tuesday, May 7, 1901, for furnishing tor tho Indian service blunkets, woolen and cotton goods. clothing, notions, huts and caps. Hide, must be mime, out on government blanks, ached ulcs giving all necessary Information for bidders will bu furnished on application to the Indian Otllce. Washington. D. C, Nos. 77 unu 79 Wooster street, Now York City; No. 120S Howard streut. Omaha, Neb.; No. 235 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., or the Commlssury of Subsistence, U. S. A., til. Louis, Mo. Bids will be opened at the hour nnd day. above stated nod btddctH ure In vlted to bo present at tho opening. The de partment reserves the right to determine .he pohtt of delivery und to reject any and all bids or any purt of uny bid. W, A. JONES, Commissioner. Aprs-to-Muy4 PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCI STORES Olllco Putchaslng Commlssury of Subsistence, Omuha, Nob., April 23, 1901. Sealed nronosuls. subject to tho usual conditions, will bo received nt this olllco until 10 o clock n. m. May 3, 1901, at wnicn iimo anu place, tncy win no puu Holy opened for furnishing subsistence stores lib lollows: Pork .sugar, canned goods, etc. reference will bo given to urtlclcs of domestic production. Blank proposals and speclllcatlonB can be ob talncd at this otllce. D. B, Wilson, Pur chasing Commissary, A 23 E 21-25-26-M 1-2 M WANTED for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men, between ages of 21 and 35: citizens of tho United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can tpeuk, read and write English, Recrmtn specially desired for service lu Philippines, For Infcrmntlon upply to Recruiting Offi cer, Cor. 16th nnd Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received nt the otllce of tho commissioner of public lands und buildings ut Lincoln, Neb., until 12 m. Muy 21, 19U1, for tho erection of the new fireproof building for the usylum for the chronic Insuno ut Hustings, Neb. Plans und speculations may be seen nt the ottlcn of tho commissioner of public lands and buildings, or at tho office of tho superin tendent ut. tho asylum at Hastings, Neb., und at the office of Messrs. Ucrllnghof & Grant, nrchltoets, Beatrice, Neb., ufter tho 6th day of Muy, 1901. Each proposal must bo accompanied by good und sufficient bond In tho cum of .uoo mndo payable to tho stutn of Ne brusku In cuse the bidder rccelvlm: the award shall fall to execute a contract und furnish the bond ns: required within ton days after tho receipt of notlco ot tho ac ceptance of Ida bid. proposals may by made for tho entire work under one general contract, or for uny one of tho branches of the work u classin-d lu tho schedule Tho Hoartl of public Lunds and Uulldlugs rescrvcH tlio right to reject uny und ull bills and waive defects. GEORGE D, FOLLMER, Commissioner of Public Lands und Build ings. Lincoln, Nob., April SO, 1901. CERTIFICATE OF PUHLICATION. Wtnto of Nebraska. Office of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, February 1, 1901. 11 is ncreuy roriiunu .unit mo I'hentx in surance company of Brooklyn, In the state of Now York, has complied with tho In surance law of. thlB statu, applicable to such companies, and Is, therefore, uuthor- izen to continue, tne ousiness of itre, light ning and tornado Insurance, !,i this stiito for the current your ending January 31, 19J2, Witness my hand und the seal of the au ditor of public accounts the day und year first above written. CHARLES WESTON, Auditor ot Public Accounts, By H. A. RAHCOt'K, Deputy. II. H. COHYELL, STATE AGENT, 321 SOUTH 15TH STREET, OMAHA, NEU, RAILWAY TIMI A III). CHICAGO, ROCK I8L and k. Pacific Railroad "Tho Great Rork Island Routo" City Ticket Office, 1323 Fur nam Street. Telephone. 428. Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 029, i.eave ,rrivc, EAST. Dos Matties nnd Daven port Local a 7:2a am bll:35 am Chicago Express bll:15 am a 8:10 am Dob Moines Local a 4:20 pm a 4:40 pm Chlcugo Fast Express. .11 lw pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rock Ii- and and Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:3o pm '.VEST. Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a S:20 pm a 9:50 am 11 Dully, b Dally except Sunday, OMAHA & ST, LOUIS RAIL, rond Omaha, Kansas City t. Eastern Rallroad-"The, .Qnlncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1115 Farnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Te,nlh und Murcy Sts. Telephone, 629, ' ucavo. Arrive. St. Ixiuls Cannon' , Express ...1 5tj.i pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy I,ocnl , a 7:0) am a 9;00 pm a Dully. I, WAV 'II.M1V TAIII.EH. FREMON T;, ELK HORN A: .Missouri Valley Hullrosd ilie Norlhvveetern (.Hie - General Otnees, Lulled Stalos National lunik HuIIiIIiik. S. W. corner Twelfth and Fat Ticket Olllii'. Hoi Farnam St, ,'U1. DeiHit. 15th and Webster nam Sts. TelepholiO, chw. 1 vit-pnuiie, 1 i,v Leave. Hiuck lll'.ls, Doudwood, Arrive not hpruigs a 3:oo run a 5:00 pin o juiniiiK, v Hsper anu Douglas d 3,o0 pm e 5:00 pm unsung, ion., ijiivhi City. Ptipeilor, Genowi, r.xotor and Sow.ird....b 3:t) pm .Norfolk, Verdlgtu and Fremont , b 7:30 utu b 5:00 pm blO;25 am bl0:35 utn i.incoiu, wunoo .v Fre mont b 7:3 am Fremont Local c 7:30 hiu .: L ally b Dally txcrpt Sunday, c Still duy oni d Daily except Saturday. Dully except Monday. CHICAGO NORTH western Hallway "The NorlhwcRtern Lino" cuy Ticket omotf. Hoi l'.iimim St. Telcphono, 161, Depot, Tenth utnl Matey Streets. Tele phone, t'.'J. L.eavc. Spc- a ":iii HIU Arrlc. Daylight olal Chicago rtlt:no pm a Situ am Chicago Passenger u I. U pm Laisletn Uxtirest,. DCS Moines, Miii'sbatitowti, Cedar Huplds und Chicago Ul0:55 Hill Eastern Special, Chi cago and East a 1:55 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omuliu a 4:0o pm a 1:03 pm a 2:15 pm n S;Ul am a S:SV am a 6:30 pm Oinah.i-Chlcago L't d...a 7:15 pm Fast .Mail Cedar rapids PaMcnger. 11 Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis &. Omaha Hallway -"The North western Line" General unices, Nebrasku Divi sion, 15th and Webster Hts. Cltv Ticket Olttce. 1101 Furniitn St. Telephone. 561. Depot, loth and Webster Sts. Telephone, 1453. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .11 6.i) am a 9:10 pm Hiotix city Passenger. ..a 2:4j pm nllllo tun Emerson Local .b 5: 3 J pm b S!30 am a Dully. , SIOUX CITY .t PACIFIC Rullrond "Tho North western Line" General oillces. United States National Hank Uulldlng, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Furuani Sts. Ticket Office-, lull Farnnm St. Telephone. 561. De pol, Tenth und Marcy Sts. Telephone, twt. l.eavc. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:55 am al0:25 Pm Twin City I. untied 1 7:53 pm a S:15 am Sioux City Local a S:oo am u 3:50 pm a Lally. UUHL1NOTON & Mis souri Hlvcr Hallroad "The Burlington Uuute" General Ottlces. North west Corner Tenth ami Farnam Streets. TlcK'l Olllco, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 2jo. Hurllngton Stutlon. Tenth und .Mauon Sttcets. Telephone 12. . Ia'uvc. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings and McCook a SHO utu a 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo- . r.ido, t'tuh, California, a 4;23 pm n 3:1)0 pm Lincoln & Hluck Hills. .a fl;0o pin a,6:( nm Montana, Puget Sound. .a 9:IU pm a 6:15 am Lincoln Fust Mull.. .....ti 3:10 pm a :i:l? urn Wymore, Beatrice and L Lincoln a SHO am bll: am Denver. Colorado, Utah and California .....i... a 6:45 am Fort Crook, So. Ucud, , lAitilsvIlle, Pluttsm'th.b 3:2i) pm bll:o3 am Bollevttc, Plnttsmouth & Pacllio Junction a 7:40 pm u 8:20 am Bellevno, Pluttsinouth Ac Pacllio Junction ul2:10 11111 .1 Dnlly. b Dully except Sunduy. KAN8A8 CITY. ST. Jo seph & council uitirts Rallroud-"Tho Uurllngton Route" Ticket omce, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone; 250. Depot, Tenth, . and Musou, Streets. Tele phono 12S. i.eavc. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a B:25 pm Kansas City Nlcht Ex..alo:30 pm a 615 um St. Louis Flyer, for Sit. Joseph und SL Louis. a 5:10 pm all;15 am a paiiy. ; ; CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & cjuincy ifuurouu "inn Uurllngton Houto" Ticket Otllce, 1503 Pnrnum Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc- cial a 7:00 am alOsM pin Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex.u 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 urn n 4:oi pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:15 itm Fust Mall a 2:45 pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC It AIL. road General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, union miuiou. Leave. St. i.uuiri und Kansas City Express 11 10:00 am K. C, St. L. Express., a 10:50 pm Leave from 15th and Webster Streets: Arrive. a 6:2a 'pm a 6:15 nm Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water. li 4:10 pm al0;45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, ILLINOIS CENTRAL Hallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245... Depot, vdilRQiJf' Leave. Arrive Chicago Express u 7:00 am a alio pm Chicago Limited 11 nu mi .Minneapolis At St. Paul Express b 7:00 am H 8:05, uni b 9;J0 pm a 8;05 am Mlnnonnn ! & St. Puul Limited a 7:45pm I'ort i-Hiiipn i.ocai irom Council Uluffs II 1:50 pm a S:is am I'ort uooge i.ocai irom Council Hluffs a 6:00 am li Dally, b Dully except Sunduy. WABASH RA1IROAD Ticket Office, 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and. Marcy .Sts. Telcphono, (12?. ' Leave. ' Arrive. St.- Loul. "Cannon Ball" ExpreSH a 8:15 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE tie St. Paul Hallway-City Ticket Office. 1504 Furnam Street. Telephone. 24. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, Telephone, 629 Leave. Arrive. IMlLWAOh f'hlcniio Limited Ex. ...a 6:00 pm 11 8:05 am Chicago & 'o malm 'Bx..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pinX a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER lund Route" General Offices. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1321 Farnam Street. Telephone, 31. Depot. Tenth and Marcy St. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. b;20 am a 7:30, pm The Chicugo-foruano Hnec al a 8:20 nm a 7;30 pm Tho Fust Mall a 8:50 am a 3:2B pm The Mall nnd Bxpresa..ull:35 pm u 4:5 pm Tho Co'jrado Special. ,.all:35 pm a 6:60 am Llncc , Beatrice una Btromsburg t;piess..b 1:03 pm bl2:u0 pm The pacllio Express, ...a 4: pm Tho Atiamlu Express. . i m Qrand Island Local., b 6:30 pm b 9Ula am a Dally, b uauy oi.cpi ounu-. HEART TO HEART CONFERENCE Juntos WlUim of Adnlr Connly la IhV Firm lo Grrl Minister Conner. James Wilson of Adair county, who Js now In the office of the secretary of Ute o Iowa, was the first man to enter Minu ter CoDgcr's car when It arrived In Omaba this morning, and evidently bore a meaaaije of. considerable' political, glgnlflcance. It U said thut his was the llrKt heart to heart talk with Minister Copger. t f. ' Mr. Wilson aald when asked' concerning, Minister Conger's .plana toward the gov ernorship. "Ho Is 'a receptive cnoijldatc, I hud a long, talk with MlnUter Concert and many things were said which I am not at liberty to repeat, but this much can be laid lie It a receptive candidate." It M 1 : -55- laBBBfiSiBWi -Hi