Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Fhillipi Paji Ouh for May Corn and Gti
Comr Market
Wheat Knhlblls Undertone of Consid
erable Strength Ont, Helped hy
Corn and 4lood tlemnnrt, Ilnlc
ftlrona Provisions Qnlrt.
CHICAGO, Moy l.-Today's session Iti Iho
pit was n strenuous one. Sharp advances
were scored for delivery tho present month,
while July options showed mo'dcrnte sym
pathetic strength. May corn and oats were
said to be cornered and showed nt the close
gains of lic and lo respectively. Mny
wheat rose 4o and July Wl'ic. July corn
cloned ttQWc and July oats ttftSio Jmproved.
Tho provisions market was from "V4c to 15c
Improved In prices.
The movement'of prlcis and tho character
or trade apparently confirmed the pre
viously existing belief that May corn had
been cornered. Gcotge II. 1'hllllps, who has
engineered tho 'deal, paid cash for ''O
bushels which were delivered to him on
May contracts, 1'rlces at tho opening
ranted from 43c to Wits and In a few
momenlH touched 4&c. Phillips bid actively
10 check the decline which nee-mod Im
minent. Scattered shorts, alarmed by this
and further worried by stronc cnbles,
sought to cover and bid the market up to
Wic, high price for this delivery of the lD
crop b) 11 o'clock. Tho bull leader srtld
moderately at this prlco and a sharp break
to 49c followed, hI though actual transac
tions were few. Tho remainder of the ses
sion May held steady a fraction over l?c
and closed Hie higher at 40V4e.
Tim May deal Is said by no means to
cover the most of the day's ilellvorlis,
which nearly wiped out the quantity In
store. It Is believed by many that tho
manipulation will be continued to control
corn prices up to and during July. The bull
party has been n heavy buyer of July op
tions and did much In advancing that de
livery today. In this connection It was
noted that No.. 2 corn for bona rblo ship
ment under guarantee of not beiiiR ten
dered again on speculative contracts was
purchasable at July prices In store and No.
11 corn at lJic under July prices In store
There appeared to be mi shipping '.lcmnnd
at these llgurcs, however, anil the cahoard
reported only 11 loads taken for foreign
shipments. Kstlmntcs on the line of long
com held by Phillips and his following
varied from 7,000,000 to 16.0W.OW bushels.
Whether them arc still short linos out Is a
profitless conjecture. So much depends on
this that those who know are naturally
silent about It. July corn sold between 4f
4iltHj and closed ,Ti,4e higher. Itjcelpts
were 238 cars, 5fi of contract grade.
An undertone of considerable iitrength
was observable In tho wheat mnrket, al
though the best prices were not held to tho
end of the session. The fact ihat only
1.000,000 or thereabouts were delivered on
May contracts out of O.ooO.OOO bushels In
store showed that somewhere was hold u
belief In tho Intrinsic value of this cereal.
Added to this consideration was ,i sharp
advance at Liverpool In face of tho decline
hero yesterday, light western receipt,
heavy clearances and the strength of the
eoarso grains. May was sold liberally by
longs, but their holdings went to strong
hands. The advances tempted realizing,
which accounted for the reactions. July
opened at T3Vfj73Ho to TStic, touched ".''',;c,
rallied to 74Mic and then declined to 'iV'tc,
closing higher at 73Ui873?ic. May
opened at 72i'3724c. sold between the lat
ter price at 73HflWc and closed 9i; higher
at 72'ic. Primary receipts were flVi.UiO
bushels, compared with 778,000 bushels for
two days last year. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported a total of 174 cars, against 235 last
week and 305 a year ago. Local receipts
wero 46 cars, 1 of contract grade. Kxport
ers reported only 6 loads taken, but sea
board clearances In wheat and flour were
equal to 607,000 bushels.
In oats, manipulation, or the fear of It,
was as potent as corn. Deliveries In May
contracts were fully 1,750,000 IiusIipIm out of
a total contract stock of 2,597,000 iushls,
nnd of the quantity delivered Phillips, who
has been an aggressive bull In tho market,
took l.tWO.000 bushels. The corn .tr-;ngth
nnd tho continued demand from elevator
Interests were additional factors. Ttade
was active throughout the day. May ooened
nt 26Ti27c and under the frightened bid
ding of shorts advanced to 28ic high prices
for the crop. Profit-taking caused a frac
tional reaction, hut the close was strong,
10. over yesterday nt 27?c. July rold be
tween 2(!c and 2fi',ic and closed V41Uo higher
nt 26t;c. ltecelpts were 166 cars.
Provisions wero quiet hut strong, In nyni
pnthy with tho corn strength and firmness
of cash market. Offerings were light nnd
local people hid tho market up. July pork
sold between $14,115 nnd $15.02i anil desert
35c higher at II.'), July lard between J7 S2',4
nnd $7.87Vj. closing 10c up at IWH, and July
libs between JR.0714 and IS.rclJ, with the
close too cloned nt S.0Gf8.07i4.
Kstlmated recolptH tomorrow: Wheat,
fii cars; corn, 250 enrs; oats, ISO cars; hogs,
30,000 head.
Tho leading future a ranged as follows:
Artlclcs.l Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y.
May July
May July
May July
72UWi 73Tsfi 72U 12V,
'WiHtt 74',s 73!s7."Ui,
ISi'(l43 60 48'- 40U
I5U ISJiflK 15 45' iV.
:6?tM27 2S 2r,T,2;T;.fl2
28 261? 20 '.Wfli
14 50 14 85 14 50 14 b5
14 70 15 02U 14 K3 15 10
8 02U 8 18 8 02VJ S 15
7 Mi 8 07H 7 il"'; 8 07'.-
7 15 S 07'a 7 V.Yi 8 05 '
8 20 8 30 S 20 S SO
7 90 8 (BU 7 87'4 M 02'4!
7 874 101 7 87V4 7 971
No. 2
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOl'Il Steady: winter patents, W.SOJf
3.90: fetraleht. J2.fiOW3.70: clears. S2.60ft.MO!
spring specials, H.6bfi4,10; patent?. J.l.l5?f
3.75: straights, $3.fiO1T3.20; bakers, $2 20ifl)2.50,
wiitiAi-no, u spring, uifijftc; io. 2 reel,
CORN No,- 2, 49c; .No. 2 yellow, 4U49lic.
OATH No. 2. 2SVic; No. 2 whlto, 29'ic; No.
3 white. 2ST4ft29',4c
RYIO-No. 2. Kl54c.
HARLEY Good fecd'n, 43c; fair to
choice malting, 51f(57c.
SEKUS-Nn. 1 flax. $1.70; No. 1 north w,jt.
ern. i.iw; prime iimoiny, ji.,o; clover, con
tract grade. 110.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl J.1I.S5Q'
14.W. Lard, per 100 lb.. Jl.!,!.). Short
ribs sides (loose). J-S.15fi8.40. Drv Hnlteri
shoulders (boxed), 6.87U7.1214. Short clear
WHIBICY-Uasls of high wines, li.n.
SUGAR-Cut loaf. 6.14c: granulated, 5.57c;
confectioners' A, 5.44c; of! A, 5.29c.
following are tho receipts and shipments
lor luuay;
Receipt". Shlnmnts
Flour, bills 47.000 41.000
'Wheut, bu 1)7,04.0 31',OK
Corn, bu 269.IM) 1S6.0.O
onts, bu 111,000 308.(nxi
Rye. bu l.'.O) 2,()
Ilnrjey bu , 23,m 11,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter mnrket was easy; creameries. HOlsVic;
dairies. I1W17C. Cheese, dull, Ulillc. Bggs,
wenk; fresh, uvic.
Qnotatton of (lie 07- mi Vnrloim
NEW YORK. May l.-KLOUR-Rccolnts,
21,413 bbls.; exports. 25,215 bbls.; fairly
teadv: winter nntents. J3.50fiT4.Oi)! winter
straights, J3.5CVifi.55; winter extras, t'iM'iP
2,sa; Aiinnesoiu pumncu, i.uou4.zo; .Minne
sota bakers. $2.90413.25: winter low grades,
$2.30f2.40. Rye flour, firm; fair to good,
$2.8Sfl3.20; choice tojancy, J3.25Qa.45.
CORNMKAL Firm; yellow western, 96c;
city, 95c; Urandywlno. $2.4502.55.
RYE Steady; No. 2 western. 61c, afloat;
state, 55C(IC6c, c. I. f., New York carlots.
HARLEY Quiet; feeding. 46U-I8HC, c. I. f.
New York; malting, 62Sv0c, c. I. f. New
HARLEY MTAIT Dull; western, 65072c.
WHEAT-Rocelpts, 13.300 bu.; exports,
36.226 bu.; spot steady; No. 2 red, 8314 f. o. b.
afloat and 6lo elevator; No. 1 northern,
Duluth. .vc f, o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Uu
liltlu 91'4c f. o. b. afloat. Options onened
llrm and went up on active covering, crop
iiiinxKo rumors irom longs ana not winus,
higher cables, big clearances, export ru
mors and outside buying. After midday a
reaction took place under long selling and
tho close was barely steady ut 'ViiVia net
advance; May, 8tH4t81Hc. closed at SOVjc;
June. 7Vift7?c, closed at 79V4o; July, 78;fl
.913-16C closed at 79Vic; September, 77UU'
ific. closed at 77V4o.
CORN-Recelpt. 21,000 bu.; exports. 227,
5j7 bu.; spot firm; No. 2. 64c elevator nnd
63T4c f. o, b. afloat. Option market wns
strong and active at the opening on a big
demand from May shorts, sympathy with
iVT w?!,,,nra clearances; closed firm;
Mfiy, Mi,iae, closed at 53ic; July. 604
dod a" wfc September, 49Vi4ic,
OAT8-Recelpt.s. 164.600 bu.; exports. 22.612
bu.: spot firmer: No. 2. 32Uc: No. 3. 32c: No
2 white, JJHc! Ne. 3 white, sio; track, mixed
western, 32fri3Uc: track, white. 32H37c.
iiuis-Qulet; state, common to choice,
1900 crop. 1'fJCOc; IStO rrop, HSflSc: old olds,
2flo: Pncinc eiiast. 1X1 cron. lMilOc: 1899
cron. HfilSc, old olds, 2Sf(.
mur-H steady; uaivesion, to -j ioc,
18'ic; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19ci Texas
dry, 21 to an nm., ngl4U.c. . ,
liKATIIKIl ijuiet; ncmincK sole, nucnos
Avres, light to heavyweights, 2lt2ac; add,
p'totHslONH-Hecf, steady: family. 9.W
21.00; p.icket, UOMyiOM: city extra India
mess, Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies, S'viio'.ic: picKieu snoumers, ,tc;
pickled hams. liflu4c. Lard, firm; west
ern Htenmcd, ..55ff8.(y); refined, llrm; conti
nent, W.75; South America, 19.35: compound,
J6.75. Pork, firm: family, $li.0unl6.o0; short
clears, J15.W115.M; mess, J15.00QlC.0i).
TA LLOW l'Mrm ; city, ITic; country, 6f(
H1CI3 Quiet: domestic, fair lo cxtri. STili
6'ic; Japan, 44iai!(iC.
iiL'TTKiJt ltecelpts, 1,613 pkgs.; firm;
creamery, loffigvie! factory, llfrjl3Vic.
CI I HKSK Receipts, 1,347 pkgs,; weak;
fancy, large, colored, 10Hc; fancy, large,
white, lOUfflflHc; small, fancy, colored,
ll'ic: fanry, small, white, It'ic.
Kaas ltecelpts, 18,220 pkgs.; steady;
western, regular packed, 12!4'(13c; storage
western, l.lUQItc; southern. 11HI2C
POtrt.TJlYAllvp. ilrmlv! fnwln. llWct
chickens, toi pair, 60WS0o; turkeys, save;
dressed, low; turkeys, 1114c; chickens,
!4f? 1014c.
Min'ALS The local market for tin scored
a further advance today, chiefly due to a
laca 01 sellers ana in sympainy wmi me
firmness nhrnnfl. where nrlees were ngaln
higher, closing at 118 for spot and JC114 10a
rnr lutures. Arter a slow trauo tno iocai
market fltinllv rlrtKml Mlinf1v In tone nt
J25.75fi26.15. The stock of tin posted today
shown the Amerlrnn visible mipply to be
8,332 tons, thy largest on record, and for
tne nrsi time in tne History 01 tne iraoo
American supply was 630 tons over the
Kngllsh visible supply. Copper In London
was a shade easier under liquidation nnd
closed easy nt K 8s 9d for spot and C9
18s 9d for futures, Tho local sltuntton re
mains dull but stendv at nominally un
changed prices, Kxports of copper for the
mouth of April amounted to 1,929 tons, In
dicating the smallest monthly shipments
since tne yenr 1892. The total for four
months to date Is 28,9s, tons, or 28,167 tons
more than the shipments for the same
period a year ago. Notwithstanding the
small shipments from here, the Ruropean
visible supply for two weeks shows an In
crease In spot stocks of 900 tons, which
iroves tno reports or a Heavy decrease in
uronean sutmlv. Lend was dull nnd un
changed here and n decline of Is 3d was
noted in London. Spelter was a flhailo
easier, closing nt 14.00(04.05 here, While In
London prices were as last nuoted. Foun
dry Irons were Inactive and nominally easy
at old prices. Glasgow warrants closed at
51s oil and Mlddlesborougli ut 45s U4d.
OMAHA vnoi.i;sAi,rc .markets.
Cunilltloii f Trail nnd 4inntntlon
iif Stnple nml I'miey Produce.
EGGS Receipts liberal: good stock, llrm
at lotillc.
LIVK POULTRY-tlcns. Siic; young nnd
old roosters, 'mjlu; turkeys, li'uSc; ducks and
geese, 7!ii7l4e.
HL'TTEIi- Common to fair, lUflliic;
choice. 12ii13c: separator, 20c. .
f jtiaii riBii uiacK uass, isc; wnite
bass, luc, bluellsh, He; bullheads, Sc; blue
lilts, 7u. buffalus, 6c; cattish, 12c; cod, 9c;
croppies, 10c; clscocs, 7c; halibut, 11c: her
ring, Oc; haddock, 9c; mackerel, ISc; perch,
6c; pickerel, 9c; pike. He; red snapper, 10c;
salmon. 11c, sunlllsh, 5c; smelts, tc; trout,
luc; whltctish, 12u.
riubUAa-Live, per doz., $1.
V'EALS-Cholce, 9310S
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dculers' association: Cholen unhinci.
Jll.U); No. 1 upland, $11; medium, $10.50;
coarse, lo Ryo straw, J5.5y. Thcbo prices
uiu tor hay o: good color and quality. De
mand fair. Nu receipts.
u,via-no, ; unite, ac.
CORN No. 3, 43c.
Sl'INACH-Per bu. box, 75c.
AapAltAGUh Cailtornia, per lb 15c
UUUUAHH-Cullfornla, per lb 5c.
iN-ciw WfJUTb Per doz.. oOc.
NEW CARROTS Per doz., 60c.
NEW TURNIPS Per doz,. 75c.
CUCUMUERS Hothouse, tier dnr... 11 filT,
1.7a, as to size.
PAHSNU'd-Per bu., 40c.
TLHtiMPS Per bu. basket, 50c
UElVl'S 1'u" bu '4Cc.
LAltitoTS l'tr bu., 40o.
LETlUCE Per bu., 35Q40c.
UAUlailtiS-Per uoz., -.ViiSOc.
PAKSLE1 Per doz., 35c.
POTATOES Per bs., 65atc; Colorado.
SOC'tlJl.OO. '
ej.-U POTATOES Early Ohios, 65QtWc:
Red River Volley, 90c.
a WELT 1'uiAluiis-Per bbl., $1.50.
CAHUAGE Holland seed, per lb., 2lc:
new Caiiturniu, 2',sc.
TOMATOES i''iorida, per G-buskct crate,
J3.2S; Mexicans, pur 4-baskct crate! $1.76.
o,oo utiio. per lu., 4c: per bbl., 1.50.
CAULIKLOWEK-Calltornla, per crate.
KhANS -Wux, per bu $5; string, per hu
klio PLANT-I'cr bu. box, J3.
PEPPERS-Per bu. box. J2.25.
P-AS-Pur bu.. $3.iX); per one-third bu., $1.
CELERY California, per bunch, 503,'6c.
STRAWUERRIES-Texus, per 21-qt. case,
$5.w; LouiHlanit, 24-qt. cases, J2.2oCfl2.6o.
UnAl-cb .umugu, per Keg, Ji.ooim.uu.
APPLES Pur oui 1.0O; ushtngton, per
bu. box. 2; Hclllluwers, $1.90.
tlONE Culiturniu, per 24-sectlon case.
ORANGES California seedlings, $2.23Q
2.5u; navels, J..,Ju3.2b. v
LEMON bcaluornla, extra funcy. $3:
HAN AN AS Per bunch, acocrdlng to Mze,
51. iatl 2.25.
l.'lUS California, new cartons, 75c; layers.
05c imported, per Ib 104tfl2c.
DATES Persian, In 6u-lb. boxes, Salrs. oc
uur lb.; Halloween. o'Ac per lb.
PIN'EAPPLES-I'er duz., J2.25fc2.75.
HONEY Calitornlu, per 34-sectlon case,
ClUER-Per bbl.. $1.50; per half bbl., $2.75.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil
berts, per lb., Uc; almonds, per lb., UyJoo;
raw peanuts, per lb., Sijoftc; roasted, tf&jji
;,c; IJrazlU, lie j pecans, lv,, tocoanuis,
euch, 4,4C
HIDES No. 1 green. 614c; No. 2 green.
4Vio; No. 1 salted, 6',4c; No. 2 salted, 6V4c;
fso. 1 veal calf, b to 12 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides. 8ifl3c; sheep
pells, 2o,oc; horse hloes. Jl,5oiU2.2i.
St. I.imiIh (irnlii nnd I'rnvlnlnn
x.8T' I'OUIS. May l.-WHEAT-Hlgher:
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 74V-e: track. 75
75'jc; May. 74H074'(4c; July, ri5i71i4c; No.
HVH .lli flr nl
KLOUR-Dull: patents, J3.00ft3.75; extra
f"jni-'y and strttlglit. $3.2ia3.30; clesr, $2.80
a K B D S T I mp t h nominal; average re
celpts. $2.765iJ.oO.; prime worth more
CORNM EAL btcady ; $2.25.
.jlJItAN Steady; sacked lots, east track,
rlol'nrnTH.W11'' 8tCad'' Pral
WHISK Y Steady : $1.28.
PROVISlpNS-Pork, firm; Jobbing. '5.75
Uird, market higher, at isTtO. Dry salt
l'Jliaw s,tron-:r: """ed lots, extri shorts
$S.37V4; cleur ribs, js.60; clear side". J8 0' 4
$9 I"?"-' B,lrn,SiT,i lW l?,B- etr short's.
Vt? i er.rll,K.' 'J--' -"'ear sides, J9.3714
XAaf' Stea'1y' 8P
POULTRY-Chlckens, 7it74c; turkeys 7f
I5i6p. y: crcnmcr'. "Kc; dairy,
I'lPnTiWi0' Kpack?d,Sml. rnHrs Included.
n.Jl11.'115" 1 "-Flour, 7.f00 bb s.; wheat. "6 -IX
bu. corn. ti9.000 bu.; oats 2' 000 !
811 1 IPM ENTS-Klour. "9.000 bblsT wheat
25,000 bu.; corn, 71.000 bu.; oats, 24.0UO bii. '
OATS-No. 2 white, 30c.
RYE No. 2. 6214c.
'VV"?,!!?'!"10'" "l-fOfflLSOS choice
prulrle. Jlo.WVJHO.fiO.
IIUTTER-Creamery, 17c; dairy, fancy,
EGaS-Stendy; fresh Missouri nnd Kan
sas stock, lOo doz., loss off, cases returned:
new white ood cases included, W.c more.
RECEII'TS-Wheat, 80.000 bu.; c'orn, 02,400
bu.: oats. 24,000 bu,
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 33,600 bu.; com. 3--800
bu.; onts, 6,400 bu. '
Liverpool Grulii nml Proilalun.
Arm: No. 2 red western winter, iU; No. 1
northern spring, t!l!id; No. 1 California,
6s 2d. Kuturci,, steady; July, 6sHHd; Sep-
IjVIIII'c;i t lU
CORN-Spot. steadv
American mixed,
new and old. 4s 5d." Kuttircs. quiet: May.
nominal: July. 4s d: Kentemlwr. i.!
Following are the stocks of wheat and
corn In store and on quays (ralliohd and
canal depots not Included): Wheat. 2.334,
0V0 centals; corn. 263,000 centals.
PEAS Canadian, steady, ut 5s 7'id
KLOtllt-St. Louis fancy winter, dull, is.
HOPS At London, Pacific coast, steady,
at 44 15s.
PROVISIONS-Heef easy; extra India
mossrfils 3d. Pork, steady; prime mess,
wpstern, 63s 3d, Iird, steady; American re
fined, In palls, 42s Ud; prime westrn, In
J5c.iiM!?,,cr!, No- ,:!,cnsh' 4Hc; track,
45c; May. 4tu, July, 44c
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 29Uc; track.
wh'iso' -9!4c: July' :8!o: No-2
Knnsna City Grain nnd I'm vlnlnna
(ii'sc: cash, No. 2 hard, 70!47U4c No 1
WllpOc: No. 2 red. 71V5c; No. 3, 69370' 3'
CORN Ma' flitc; July. 41ic; 'casi. No. 2
mUcd, 41h4H:c; No. 2 white, 42ic; No. 3,
tierces, steady, 41s M. Bacon, Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady, 46s 6d; short ribs. 16
ribs, 16 to 26 lbs., steady, at 41s 6d. Long
clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., steady,
nt 42s 3d, Long clear middles, heavy. 35 to,
40 lbs., steady, at 40s 6dj short clear backs.
16 to 20 lbs., llrm, at 40s: clear bellies, 11
to 16 lbs., steady, at 45s 6d. Shoulders,
square, 11 to 13 lbs., stctdy, at 36s ml. Hams,
short cut. II to 16 lbs., steady, at 46s.
ni'TTER-Dull; tlnest United States, iia;
good I'nltrd States, C6s.
CHEESE Dull; American finest white,
47s fid; American finest colored, 46s 6d.
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 25s; Aus
trallan In London, quiet, 26s Cd.
I.Werpool Provision Supply,
LIVERPOOL. May 1. Following are the
stocks of brendstuffs and provisions: Pro
visions In Liverpool, Hour, sacks;
wheat, 1,602,000 centals; corn, 297.000 cen
tols; bacon, 16.S00 centals; butter, 1.600
cwts,: cheese, 46,700 boxes; lard, prime
western, 2,800 tierces; other kinds, 1,020
Penrln Mnrlcrt,
PEORIA, III., May l.-CORN-Hlghcr; No.
3, 43ic
OATS-IIIgher; No. 2 white, 29'ic track.
WHISKY-On the basis of $1.25 for Mu
lshed goods.
.ifiisatlonnl Rise In liilon Pnelne Is
Chief IV I'll re of the lilt).
NEW YORK, Moy l.-Unlon Pacific
again furnished the sensation of the stock
market today nnd the movement of that
stock and stocks co-related with It In thu
peculation dominated the market prac
tically ull day. The stock showed a good
gain at the opening, and was firmly main
tained all through tho period of sharp re
action when .the enormous profit-taking
hnd borne down prices after the opening.
This reaction had become very general
when Union Pacific began to ndviince by
quick stildcs, unit on such a succession of
buying orders as was a surprise In even
the. current mnrket. Tho advance was
Pretty steady by fractions up to about 123,
but from that point the advance becama
wild. Jumping a point between salca some
times and lulling back as abruptly, but
without any reaction In the character of
the buying till the price touched 129. From
that period the market made feverish
fluctuations to 123 and then vibrated
wildly, as though the traders were at
tempting to Hnd a level representing some
undisclosed offer for tho stock.
The violent relapse In I'nlon Pacific
camo about the same time 113 the an
nouncement of the dividend action on
Atchison. As thero liave been very
demonstrative claims that this seml-nn-nual
dividend would bo 2 per cent, instead
of 114 per cent, there wero disappointed
traders who sold the stock freely on the
announcement, causing n relapse of 3
points. The market looked at this time
as though it would lose all the advantage
derived from' the smirt In I'nlon Paclllc
nnd a lnrge part of the recoveries which
hnd reached from 1 to 3 points from the
early low level were lost again. The
general movement of prices wiih so er
ratic us to throw the speculation Into con
fusion, so that operators refrained from
taking action, leading to practically the
first period of anything approaching dull
ness for the week. In the course of tho
afternoon, however, I'nlon Paeltlc renewed
1(3 advance In n much more orderly and
well sustained manner than In the morn
ing, nnd very notable buying of Northern
Pacific supplemented this movement. The
grcnt speculative movement thereupon re.
sumed full swing, participants showing un
diminished Industry In seeking out new
points of strength nnd bringing nbnut a
general resumption of strength. Union
Pacific's late advance carried It up to 130,
an extreme rise of 3 points, and New York
Central touched I69U, a gain of 5',i. North
west gained 6U on the day.
These advances were apparently sympa
thetic and gave color to the supposition
that the Vanderbllts had secured control
of Union Pacific. This supposition was
commonly accepted this morning, but the
violent movements in Union Pacific gave
rise to surmise of a renewed contest for
the control of the property. The reap
pearance of uncertainty among Insiders ns
to where the actjal control lies, but that a
bold contest In tho open market for the
control has been going on Is now an ac
cepted fact, and, following upon the ac
complishment of the Rurllngtnn deal, it
mnkes the speculative public quite ready
to Jump at any suggestion of a consolida
tion of whatever magnitude.
Tho conditions precipitated by tho Hur
llngton deul. especially when followed by
the Union Pacific operation, give a very
logical basis for the supposition that rival
railroad systems aro In n measure In nu
unprotetced position unless they follow
with similar consolidations. The" Penn
sylvania dividend was also a disappoint
ment to tho more ebullient class of specu
lators, ns they had predicted with great
conlldeiicc that It would be supplemented
by-nn extra dividend, but the cfTeot on the
stock was1 very tdight, ns It came after tho
market had fairly turned upward again.
Tho additional engagements of $1,250,000 In
gold for tomorrow's French steamer came
as 11 surprise and tho earlier announce
ment was a large factor in the chilling In
fluences on the opening stock market, fol
lowing as It did yesterday afternoon's ad
vance to 6 per cent In the call money rate.
The' rate ran up to 6 per cent again today
under tho demand from belated borrowers,
but tho speculative contingent wero not
disturbed. Tho disbursements of govern
ment Interests and of corporation enrnlngs
Incident to the first of tho month aro
looked to to keep the present needs of the
money market supplied.
There were nerlods of strength today
among tho coalors. especially the Read
ings, railroads In the southern region, the
Wabash and Mexican Central, Haltlmore
& Ohio, Illinois' Central, Western Union,
United States Leather, Glucose, Peupln's
Gas, Hocking Valley. International Power,
General Electric and a number of minor
stocks, but nono of these movements was
explained by anything elso than the gen
eral speculative conlldence. Tho day's
business, though falling 500,000 shares below
yesterday's level, was still of abnormal
proportions. The United States Steel
stocks, though continuing very active,
moved very narrowly except for the dip
after the opening.
The large business in bonds today woe
largely accounted for by the oxtraordlnnly
dealings and price fluctuations in Union
Pacific convertible 4a, In sympathy with
the steel stock. Otherwise the market was
moderately nctlve and strong. Totnl sales,
par value, $11,995,000. United States 3s de
clined Va Per cent on tho last call.
The following are' the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
74 .Wheel. & I,. E..
lut'i! rlo 2d pfd
109', Wis. Central ....
M I do pfd
SST4 Cld. Ter. & Tr...
7tS',ii do pfd
ilo pfd
Haltlmore tc Ohio..,
da pfd
ftmndlan Paclllc...,
. 35i
. ::v
. 48
Unpad a 80
unei. & umo ,
c. n. &, q
Ctd. In.l. & L
do )fd
Chlt-Hto & 1". III..,,
C. & N. W
c, n. 1. A-p ,
c. c. ;. A St. L..,
Colorado fio ,
do 1ft pfd
da 2d pfd
Ont. & Huilion
Del. L. & W
Denver Ai It. O....,
do pfd ,
da 1st pfd ,
do 2d pfd ,
at. Nor. pfd
Hocking Vulley .A,
do pfd
Illinois Central ..
lawn Centlal
like Krle & W....
do pfd...,
L. & X
Manhattan L
Met. HI. Ity
Mexican Ccnlrul .
Minn. & HI, L
Mo. Paclllc
M.. IC. & T
da pfd
N. J, Central
N, Y. Central
Norfolk A W
do pfd.....
No. Pacific
da pfd
Ontario A W
do lit pfd..
do M pfd
St. L & 8. 1'
do 1st pfd ,
do M pfd
St. U Kotllliw
do pfd
Kt. Paul
do pfd
fin. Pacific
So. Railway
do pfd
Texas Pacific ,.
Union Pacific
do pfd
do pfd
4S Chicago & Alton..
. 4SH
. MK
. :0i
. u
. l2Ti
. IMi
. 3"!i
wV do pfd
S!',i Chicago O. W
7t) do 1st pfd
132 I do Id pfd
S15',4 MeUcnn National.
163 Toledo Ht. I.. & W
8.'.'4 do pfd
1 V. O. C. & St. I...
. 68
Adams l.'v
26 lAmerlcnn Ex
179,4 'll. S. Ex
'..U'jWells.ParKO Ex..
47'4 Amal. Copper ....
MH Amer. Cur & I'...
. S7!4
. 2.1!,
4:'il do pfd
Amcr, Linseed Oil
do nfd ,
. 39
. 61
. 974
. M','j
. M
. 10
. 21
. 73
191V, Amer. S. & It...,
do pfd
iMl Amer. Tobacco ..
117 'Anne, Mln. Co.....
SI Ilrooldyu n. T....
60 Colo. Knel & Iron
l!l Con, Tobacco
ll'i'il do pfd
IM't (len. Electric ....
173 (lluoose Suitar ...
.Inter. Paper
SC. do nfd
lOSHllclede Oas
3:i National tllncult...
l!i Nntlonal Lead ....
lM'i National Salt
163 I do pfd
54 "i Xo. American .....
va , t .. 1 .1 .. . . .
. M',
. 10
. HU
. 41
. 78
. 87i
o. il-Ml (IIU UlUBl .....
US Paclllc Mall
lOl'.j People's Oa
. 4o'i
sr't'l'ressed s. Car....
,157lt Mo pfd
4i Pullman P. Car..
, 79 ISusnr
, 4e;
. f6
5S Ttnn. Coal A I.
Union Hit, & P.,
. 134
do nfd
. 19
. 1S4
. 7SW
. 21 it
U. H. leather ...
da pfd,
U. S. llubbtr ....
do pfd
U. B. Steel
do pfd
Western Union ..
Conoldated Gas,
Hocking Coal ....
Inter. Power .....
. 14
. Mil
57 V,
, ST',4
, 4S
. 98',
. IS
. 84
9 ItenublK- Sll ...
Vli do pfd
. 7P.5
linuk ClrnrhiKO.
OMAHA. May 1. Hank rlenrlnc- Inilnv.
$1,141,158; corresponding day last yeor, $1,-; increase. )i,sio.
ST. LOUIS, May l.-Clcarlngs, $7.77:.771;
balances. $1,141.1:6: money. 55i 6 ner cent:
New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par
NKW YORK. May l.-Clearlngs, $4S9,77S..
ICS balances, $1S,21:,S61.
II08TON. May l.-Clearlngs, $34,242,006:
balances, $3.'j56,42.
PHILADELPHIA. May l.-Clearlngs. $20,
963.J70; balances. $2,Stt,I64.
CHICAGO, May l.-Clearlngs, $27,633,271;
balances, $2,3.'!7,4K9; posted exchange, II.mU
44.89; New York exchange, par.
CINCINNATI. May l.-Cesrlns. $3.(37..
of: New York exchange, Be premium!
money. 3HG per cent.
HALTIMOltn, Mny l.-Clearlngs, $4,270,
91; balances, 7H,59j.
Xmv York .Money MnrUeil.
NKW YOltK, .May l.-MONHY-On call,
firm at aUfif! tier rent: last loan. A tier
cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; prime mercan
tile paper, per ceni
KTHHLINU P.x-rilAN'nH Steadier, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $l.&3
tor aemnnn nnd at $4.V3i or sixty dayn;
posted rates. 14.s5K.4M.S4 and $1.59: commer
cial bills. JI.M'if I.M'4.
SILVKIi Certificates, 60c: bar, 59Uci
.Mexican dollars, iSUc.
HONUS-Governmenl, weak; stale, Inac
tive : railroad, strong.
The closing pi Ices 011 bonds toda arc as
U. S. ref. 2s, reg..
. '
N. J. C. gen. 5s..,
.Vo. Pacific 3s....,
I do 4s
N V. C At Ht L Is.
N. & W. c. 4
Ore. N'sv, Is
do 4s
O. 3. L
. 7311
. 94
. 91! j
. 93!,
. 67
no coupon ......
do 3s, reg
do coupon
do new 4s, reg..
do coupon
do old 4s, reg,,,
do coupon
do It, leg.,,,,,,.
do eonsol It
Heading gen. 4s...
r.lo a. W. Is
St L A I M e. 3s.,
do coupon ,
u, or c. 3 60s
Alcli. gen. 4s
do adj. 4s
Ht L & S P g. 6s.,
St. Paul consols..,
St P, C A P 1
do 5s
So. Pacific 4s
So. Hallway ts,.,,,
3. 11. & T, 6s...
Tex. & Paclllc If.,
do 2
Union Pacific 4s...
U'nlunli is ,
Canada 80. in
dies. & O. 44s...
do I
C. & N. W. c. 7s
. 9U
. MH
. 87.
do 9. K. deb. Ss.
Chicago Tcr. 4s....
Colorado So, 4s,,.,
L). & It. O, 4s
Erie gcnernl 4.,,,
K. W. & U. C. IS,,
Hen. Electrla is...
I An 2s
la. Centrnl Is.,..
I, & N. unl. Is...,
. tl'.i
. 99
West Shore 4s....,
Wis. Central 4s...,
Va. Centuries .,
Wabash deb
M K. & T. I
do 4
N, Y, Central Is...
Kx-lnterest. Offered.
lloatim Miock Qiintatlnns.
HOSTON, .May l.-Call loans, 3i,t04 per
cent; time loans, iQ4!4 per cent. Otllclal
, T. & S. P
do pfd
Amer. Sugar
do pfd.....
Amer. Telephone.,
, J.,?, Westing. Electric
.103 N. i:. (J. A. C. 5s,
.115 Adenture
.122 llliig, Mln. Co
,176 Amal. Copper ....
,:C2',i Atlantic
.177 Hoilon, & Mont...
,198 lluttc & Doston .
.I94f, Calumet & llecla.
, fi Centennial
,111 franklin
.117 lllumboldt
,230 Osceola
,'.'10 Parrot
. C4
.. 6S4
,. K!
.. 2!!,
. 334
,. 2174
,. 1!
. 25
. M
,. 53
,. 8
,. 3314
. 4!4
.. SI
Ilokton A Alb'y....
lloston Elevated ..
Iloston & Mc
C, 11. & (J
Dominion Coal ....
do pfil
1'ltcllbiirg pfd
Uon. Electric
Ed. Hlto III
Mexican Central...
N. E. G. i C
, 2Hi gulncy
Paula Fe Copper.
Old Colony
Old Dominion
, 21
Utah Mining
Union Paclllc
Union Land
. 3!4
Xew York Mlnltiir Slocks.
N1JW YORK. May l.-Tho following are
quotations on mining stocks:
Adams Con ,
. 29 Utile Chief .
. 4) Ontario ,
.'.03 Ophlr
. 20 Phoenix
. 5 Potosl
.... 12
.... 93
.... 5
.... i
.... 21
.... 53
llrunsnlck Con .,
Comstock Tun ..,
Con. Cal. & Va..
Deudnood Teira
Horn Silver
iron SlUer ,
Leadvlllt Con....
.. 30
.. (0
.. t
Slcrrn Nevada
Small Hopes ,
Cotton Market,
NKW YORK. May l.-COTTON-Cotton
wns contracted today. Prices were gov
erned more by orders received than by the
customnry Influences, and operations by
the pit clement were In the nature of
evening up old commitments. The in
fluences at work at the opening were
emphatically bearish, but the market re
fused to fully respond, ns July nnd August
buying orders appeared from strong
houses and led to n scare of tho shorts.
Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. SS-lOc;
middling gulf. S9-16c; sales. 33.500 bales.
Futures closed dull but steady. Mny, i.9,c:
June. 7.95c: July, 7.94c: August, 7.64c: Sep
tcmbcr. 7.32u; October. 7.23c; November,
7.16c: December. 7.15c; January. 7.1lc.
quiet; prices 1-lfid lower: American mid
dling fair. 5 1-32.1: good middling, 3-32d;
middling. 4 17-32d: low middling, Ml-32d;
good ordinary. 4 3-32d; ordinary. 3 27-32d.
The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of
which 500 were for speculation nnd export
nnd included 6.700 American. Receipts, 11,
000 bales, no American.
steady; sales, 1,030 bales; ordlnnry,
5 11-16c; good ordinary. 6?c: low middling,
7 3-lGc; middling, fic: good middling. S7-I6c:
middling fair, 8 ll.-16c; receipts, 2,308 bales;
stocks, 223,710 bales'.' , ..
ST. LOUIS, May l.-COTTON-Qulet;,
middling. 8 ll-16c; sales, 150 bales: receipts,
344 bales: shipments. 1.19S bales; stock, ,0,-
Wool Jlnrket,
HOSTON, May 1. Tho American Wool
and Cotton Reporter will say of tho wool
trade tomorrow: The tone of the market
has continued quiet, but generally steady.
The demand, such as It has been, has ex
tended to about everything, ulthptigh the
or.11 i,n, i.nn ehleilv for wools which grade
fine or those which grado quarter-blood or
below. Hlllt-Uioou unois nave neon biu
and drnggy.. The sales for tho week In
Hoston amounted to 3.100,000 pounds domes
tic and 417,000 pounds foreign, making a to
tal of 3,557,000 pounds, against a total of
3.2S1.OO0 pounds for the previous week nnd
.. nt 1 R71 nnn nntinds for tho corre
sponding week last year. The sales since
January 1 amount 10 i-j.iuu.wh
against 63,CS0,00 pounds for the correspond-
''WTl'ToUIS.May l.-WOOL-A shade
lower; middle grades, IKSli'jc; heavy line,
iflle; light line. lKHHHc; tub wnshed, L&
i;onr Mnrket.
Rlo, easier; No. 7, Invoice, 6',Jc Mild, dull;
Cordova, 8i5?12',4c. There was no specula
tive stir In the future murkct today. ' he
market was steady at-the opening, with 5
points lower, In sympathy with weakness
nbrond. All foreign speculative markots
reported lower prices. Moreover, receipts
In the crop country were heavy, spoLdo
mnnri was slurelsh and mibllc support wns
totnlly lacking. Thero was no further
change of Importance in prices during the
rest of the session. The market closed
steady, with prices net unchanged to 5
points lower. Totnl saies were lz.isw nags,
Including May at 5.25c; June. 5.35o; July,
6.45c; August, 5.50c: September, 5.55fta.(i0c;
October. S.ffic; November, 5.05c; December,
5,S0c; March, 6c.
Oil ami Itnsiii.
NKW YORK, May I.-OILH-Cottonseed.
easy; prime crude 32c; yellow. 33ti;3V4c.
Petrolejm, weak. Rosin, dull. Turpentln.
dull. 35IW351AC.
OIL CITY. Mnt l.-Credlt balances, $1.15;
certificates, no bid; shipments, 190,393 bbls,;
average. 92,181 bbls.; runs, 147,701 bbls.; av
erage. 87,955 bbls,
LONDON, May I.-OILS-Llnseed. 28s fid.
Petroleum. American refined, 6'd. Tur
pentine cplrlts, 27h.
SAVANNAH. May l.-OILS-Splrlta of
turpentine, firm; 3lic. Rosin, firm nnd un
changed. LIVERPOOL, .May l.-OIL Linseed, 29s
SiiKnr Mnrket.
, NKW YORK. May l.-SCOAR-Raw. mar
ket strong;, fair refining, 3ic; centrifugal,
test, 4Uc; molasses sugar, 3Hc; refined,
,N,,?X,9.IlhKAN8' ?.-SUGAR-q.Het.
at 3iJ(3 II-I60; open kettle, centrifugal. 3Ti
Vii&V ci;,iHlfUKnl ye""'. I'iHlc: seconds.
2Hic. Molasses, strong; centrifugal, 8j
Xr,v York Live Mloiik Mnrket.
NKW YORK, May l.-REKVKS-Re-celpts.
2.612 hend; demand fair; prices
steady to k rhaile lower: steers, $4.75Til.R5:
f"t oxen, $1 85; bulls, $3.Wt,3.45; cows, $2.15
ftiJ.91); choice to extra cows. $4.0ofi4,40.
Cables, steady; exports. 4M head cattle
and 6,832 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 0,247 head; market
moderately active, hut 25fM0e lower; veals.
$IOOfl5.50; choice veals, 5.624fc5.75; extra
Ili 1 1t t In on Itum
SHEEP AND ' LAMRS Rerelpts. 7.2M
..t-.n., iiiiuuci generally rieauy; nanny
lambs, firm: unshorn sheep, $3.75J5.'X);
clipped sheep, $3WWfl.50; unshorn Ismhn,
$o.uf(a.8,i4; clipped limbs. $).C2Uy5.3);
houthern spring lambs, 3.75fl5.C0.
HOGS Receipts, l,6:il head; market
fractionally firm at $6.oo'J6.15; few choice,
0. o.
St. Joseph Live Mock Mnrket.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, May l.-(8pcclal.)
The Journal quotes as follows:
CATTLE Receipts, 1,200 head: market
active and steady to strong; natives, $),23ift
5.30; Texans and westerns. $3.753.20; cows
and heifers, $2.356.10; bulls und stags. $2.30
W4.75; yearlings und calves, $3.75f5.0O;
Blockers und feeders, $3.50ijl,80; vciiIb, $1,501'
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head: market easy
to 2Vjo lower: all grades, $3.60,5(5.80: bulk of
sales. $5.62!4f5.72V4: pigs. 510c lower,
SHEEP AND LAMHB-ltecelpts. 2,300
head; market slow but steady: lambs. $4,80
4.05; yearlings. $4.25a4.50; wethers, $4.0CKgi
4.45; eweB, $3.75if-4.00.
Million In iold fur France,
NEW YORK, May l.-Lazard Kreeres will
nhln ll.OOll.OOO ornlil nn thfl French alpntn.
sailing tomorrow. ,
Ottttt Xtceipts Libtral and Betf 8teen told
a Littl Lowtr.
Sheep Mny lie (luotetl n Utinrter l.oncr
'I'll 11 1, nt the Close at I, list Week
and Common l.nmhsj Fifteen
lu 11 Huurtrr Lotrer.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oiiicihi .ttouuay ,ol ti.oiv
OlliC'I.U 1 tU'euuy o..'J 1-,'J1- 1,WJ
Oiuclai v eutiesaay a.o.'a li.o-'i .li3
Three ilnys this week.10,47 if, 2(5 ll.tW
Saiuu uuys lust week s.sit ii,Ul 11,691
an me eK uclore ltVJiti 2u,twii iv.uil
oame ttireu weeks ago... S,uJ 'ii.oM -l,i-3
oaine louf wteas ago.... ,ui 13,Atti lu,.,l
aaiue nays lust ycai :.',.'J 9,l
Avirau price paid tor lioks at South
Omaha the past several daa Kith com
pansuiisi 1901. lllMI.llU'J.UM,U9i.lil9l.IlH.
April 2...
April a... 1
April 4...1
April 0...
April u. ,
April l...
April s...i
April ...
April 10.. 1
April 11.. 1
April 14.. 1
April la.,
April 16,. I
April L.,
3 64
3 5
.1 ii
3 ojj
3 Vi
3 Cl
3 M
3 6S
J tq
3 UJ
3 j!
3 6l
3 i2
3 b8
3 71
3 75
3 77
3 67l
.1 6o
3 63
3 6,1
3 09
3 Ml 3
3 I 3 Vi
I 3 1
i !i I
3 ,9 3 90,
il iJ i JO I
3 i 3 M
A ll i AU
3 7l 3 60
I 3 9v
3 71 I
J 71 3 97
i , 3 sq
3 ,U 3 til
3 kf 3 6J
3 611 3 til
I 3 911
3 60 I
3 bll 3 91
3 M 3 .
3 b4 4 M
3 t3, 4 U
3 oil 4
1 413
3 57 t (1
J 6
3 kl 4 St
3 til 4 1
J 0 4 77
J Oil 4 ,3
j I 4 71
3 6u 4 h
i 4
3 38 4 75
3 1'J, 4 il
3 3i 4 74
3 13, 4 63
I 4 bl
3 35 I 69
3 30
3 30 3 70
3 ll 4 61
3 3b 4
3 31 4 bl
I 4 63
3 26 4 bj
3 2bi
3 :i 4 bO
3 1j 4 o
3 12 4 46
w 1
0 jJ4l
0 jMfH
6 0in!
b 9ZV
fa 8Itl
b Vth
6 01?il
6 0S
a lt
b .11
5 J0
B Ml
5 33
9 M
U Mi
b 3J
a 401
6 4S
5 45
b t
5 49
5 4ti
6 45
5 42
5 36
5 32
u Ml
5 64!, 1
5 K9;,
b 85
5 W,
u tu 1
5 76 I
0 ' ? 1
5 77UI
0 i2t
563 I
6 Gl'il
5 6!U
April lj,,
April 19.,
April l.'u..
April 21..
Aptll i2..
April -JJ..1
3 Ull 3 Mi
3 73
3 84
3 3J
3 84
3 &-'
3 74
April 21.. 1
rfpill L'C.I
April 26.. (
April 28. .
3 71)
b 391
3 84 3 81
o 3I
3 ,9,
j 11
o Ji
3 77
3 '.9
3 75
3 b'J
3 61
3 il
April jo.. 1
5 32
3 Ml 3 80,
& 26
6 iV
'Indicates Sunday.
T'l. ..m.ll v. r r mtcnt
brought In today by euch road was:
W -.. 1 1 1 Qh,,.tl ll'r'H.
C, M. & St. P. ity.... k i
...J. .... ..
Missouri Paclllc Ry.. 5
U. P. system 22
C. .t N. W. Ry 2
1'., K. & M. V. R. It.. SS
r A'. I III- I
C, St. P.. M. At O.... 15
11. iV 11. It. 11 30
c, 11. oc g. ity 11
K. C. ti Si. J. Ry 2
f I) I A', li ., , 1 D , 1
C, R. 1. A: P.',' west!!! 2
Illinois central ity... i
Total receipts ....144 162
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tne num.
bcr 01 head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheen.
uiimna i-acKing co zbs
G. 11. Hammond Co....
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
It. Decker & Degnn
Vansant St Co
l.uuniun &. Co
Hill & Huntzlngcr
Livingstone & eichallcr.
A. S. Mawhlnney
Hamilton & It
L. F. Husz
Wolf & M
Other buyers
..3,201 11,569 3,788
CATTLE Thero was another good run of
vi..i. utiv luuiij uiiu as pacsers nave oeen
liberal buyert, lor some time past thoy were
not OH hnxInilH fnr innhlUa .. -
have been. 'Hie started In to pound the
ti-i il V L . t n 111.. n .1 I . . .
iiuinct. iv (.nnr uiiu as seiiers were noming
for h toady prices trade wuh rather draguy.
ltpmtlntU lllitlllilnrl n K,ml Al ...... T. ?. m
iviikii.u www u 1. w LUIS Ul UCCl
steers. Huyera started out and bid all the
will' lr m n'.t.. 1 ... .. I . ,
uiuic lunvi iji vAireme
case3. Sellers were asking steady prices
u. .....k 1 tftouu ii whs ruiner laie De-
fore many cuttlo had changed hands. Some
of the more desirable gmues sold at what
looked to be Just about steady prices with
yesterday, but as a rule commission men
had to sell out 11 shade lower than they did
yesterday. The commoner kinds wero of
courno iicgiecica unu mey leu tno decline
th mml nf all
T V, .1 it-am ...ill. ntn.. 0,1
on sale and packers took hold lu good shape
(.tiv. i,i nnm a uuereii early in
tho morning. Good stufT in particular was
in uctlvo demand and sold fully as well as
it did yesterday, but eveji the less desirable
llrt.ln n.i.,. nn, tnw .... ... 1 . .
Hulls ulso sold without difficulty at yes
,ctuuj a iuuinuui,n nilu 1IU ClllingO WaS
noticeable In vcul calves, though stags were
If n .,, t.1 ., ,. I, II1a
i. uttj, ..ill,,, (tmu VUQ1V1. were not very many stnekers and
feeders offered today and buyers seemed to
want the bettor grades as much as ever.
There were several bunches of choice stuff
on bale that brought fancy prices. As high
nu 17 1ft jL'nH n:i!l tnr n litmnl, Ar ut,....
Angus cattle, it did not take buyers long
iw uicni uiu ?.uun aim even uie conimonci
kinds sold without trouble, at steady prices
Representative sales:
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av I'r.
1 620 3 10 21 10P1 i M
1 6 3 50 1 HM t jo
i mo $3 :o :: icw t to
l mo inn : i3W t so
1 740 4 00 13 1173 4 ?0
n38 4 :s 10 io3 4 ro
1 t'o 4 25 1 10W 4 so
10 707 4 13 CI not 4 )
J) ! 4 0 41 1170 4 M)
1 W 4 :5 1J MJ 4 ,j
4 D35 4 11 U4 4
4 80 4 ?J 7 101,4 4 li
6 SCO 4 '0 IS 1033 4 fi
10 717 4 40 42 1130 4 S5
1 U00 4 40 CO ISM 1 M
1 1200 4 10 3 l:s 4 !0
9 91 4 40 7 12M 4 fo
5 730 4 40 7 1297 4 0
19 1183 4 45 5 i:2S 4 )
IS K 4 45 lt mi 4 M
5 10-J8 4 f0 3 U93 4 M
: 9o 4 50) : 1340 4 po
3 1073 4 .',0 10 1153 4 ;j
10 973 4 50 19 1273 4 !0
1 800 4 W 1 1I7Q 4 oo
38 777 4 iO 21 1201 4 94
13 1074 4 50 3S mo 4 90
20 1V98 4 55 19..., 1223 4 05
4 ...1015 4 CO 9 1213 4 35
44 870 4 0 It 1110 4 33
2 875 4 V 49 1374 5 0)
3 990 4 AO 40 1389 I no
17 933 4 00 19 1341 5 (0
1 1000 4 65 21 133$ 5 OS
22 1036 4 y 31 1313 5 10
2 1057 I li 33 1304 5 10
24 825 4 OS 35 1444 5 10
25 882 4 Co 30 1435 10
41 915 4 t.i 13 5 10
13 986 4 63 16 1301 3 10
II 1130 4 70 10 1110 5 10
19 973 4 70 8 1250 S 10
36 1056 4 70 22 1355 5 15
15 ...1156 4 70 68.,., 634 5 15
1 880 4 75 IS 1284 5 15
9 1036 4 75 40 1350 5 IS
2 10W 4 '5 19 1316 S ?0
23 Wl 4 45 19 1016 1 7J
11 1033 4 50 19 11Z-J 4 (5
20 1013 4 55 36 1151 .1 uo
31 842 4 70 10 1372 3 10
1 1160 1 00 2 1043 3 75
1 SfO ' 1 50 1 1030 3 "5
1 W 2 10 6 10o03 75
1 ... 680 2 75 2 ms 3 30
1 1000 2 1 0 1 mo 3 (.0
1 HO ! fO 7 1123 3 w
1 860 2 f5 8 10S7 3 55
4 827 2 75 2 1140 S H
1 IOC) 2 75 2 1070 3 90
3 t'Ji 3 00 1 930 3 60'
1 !i 3 "0 2 H'jO 3 90
4 1010 3 CO 1 1780 3 W
1 900 3 v) 2 1300 3 90
1 1130 3 "0 1 uoo 4 00
1 970 3 10 2 920 4 00
1 1010 3 15 3 1110 4 00
2 1005 S '.5 3 1210 4 (0
3 1020 3 25 1 1180 I (0
1 1180 3 25 2 493 I (4
1, 1070 3 25 6 1016 4 CO
1 1200 3 25 1 1270 4 iM
3 1015 :i 25 2 1205 4 (0
1 1030 3 n 4 1102 4 (0
1 93') .1 25 1 1250 4 10
1 970 3 40 1 980 4 10
1 1090 3 40 32 819 4 10
1 800 3 40 10 1165 4 10
1 1310 3 40 1 1020 4 10
1 6H0 3 10 1 1150 4 10
3 950 3 tO 9 1113 4 13
1 960 3 W 4 1370 4 15
1. llu) 3 70 6 923 4 13
1 130) 3 ro 1; 1047 4 :o
1 76o 3 f 0 1 1320 I ro
1 11W 3 65 15 1033 4 a
C 1016 3 15 13 10 4 25
13 m 3 1.3 23 1141 4 25
1 1060 3 70 2 1443 4 10
1 980 3 73 3 883 4 35
1 1000 3 75 2 1340 4 28
1 1020 3 73 3 1250 4 40
1' 960 3 7J
1 210 3 ro 1., 1100 4 ro
2 330 3 5 1. 6M 4 u
1. , 400 3 25 7 912 4 20
1 7 3 10 1... 140 4 74
3 75
1 7S
2 73
3 14
3 H)
4 19
4 (0
4 irt
I (
. 4fc)
. 890
. 733
, 977
. 756
. 78U
. 750
4 23
4 25
4 35
4 33
4 43
4 Cd
4 ')
4 0
4 t)
4 ro
1 590
1 760
4... 622
4 ro
4)lllvlV I t'l iU 1.4 tolWA
4AIA Ik. 4 AAA
..1150 4 ,5
, 931 3 50 8.
....1110 4 :s
3 1373
1 164
1 100
1 Ht
1 1200
1 ISrt)
1 !KX
1 1304
1 1170
J -o
2 ;j
2 M
3 :s
3 :s
3 ".j
J 54
1 ,.,.1330
1 7020
1 17(0
1 1510
1 2010
1 1010
1 7O40
3 5
3 fH)
3 M
3 ro
3 90
3 M
3 M
1 to
4 0
4 ro
4 13
4 23
3 4
3 23
1 1230
1.'4 1..
1 1820 3 CO 2
1 1340 IW 1
1. ICS0 3 50 1
1 934 3 55 1
1 1) 3 C3 1
1 1250 3 73
1 210 5 rj 1
2 204 5 :j 1
1 150 10 1
1 250 6 CO
1 824 3 !K) 3
5 1474 4 4.1 1
.. 450
.. 8T4
.. 710
, Iso
, HO
6 50
I 13
4 CO
ui 1 ro
1039 3 33
1 780
3 930
2 503
1 1184
1 1170
2 00
3 10
3 13
3 3
3 23
3 23
3 50
3 '.3
3 M
64) 3 23
3V1 J ! 19
353 5 CO
3 40
1 m
7 362
3 736 4 .'0
2!. 885 4 CO
1 864 I CO
41 791 4 r5
2 630 4 65
36 816 4 63
1 624 4 73
17 373 4 75
13 589 I 75
! 498 4 73
13 (62 4 80
It.,., 473 5 10
1 330 5 10
1 1000 K 15
13 503 5 15
48 881 5 r.
84 752 5 10
3 C3
3 li
3 23
3 50
3 50
3 50
3 CO
3 3
4 ro
4 04
4 14
4 fS
4 f3
4 30
4 JO
4 10
4 10
1 9)0
, 370
, 1123
3 616
.. 707
.. 773
.. 937
.. 916
.. Cll
HODS The heavy receipts of hogs con
tinued today, but packers wero all liberal
buyers und the mnrket did not show much
chuuge from yesterday. Packers started
out bidding weak lo 2ic lower thnn yestar
day nnd the iirst sales were inostlv nt
j.i2H and some at lo.t, but the market
soon firmed up and was Just about steady
with yesterday. The bulk or the hogs to
day sold at a.62'4 and 33.03, with the nett.-r
grades at and as high as 35.75 was
paid for prime heavyweights. It wns a
talrly active market at those prices, so
that the bulk of tho hogs was out of llrst
hands In good season,
The last end of the market did not show
much change, as good hogs sold readily at
J5 6j. With lie exception then of the open
ing it was about u steady market with yea
terdny. Representative salC3!
8h. pr. No. Av. Sh. l'r.
80 j 51!i 7a 214 itfo b rs
124 3 1,0 6 2J3 ... 3 65
W 3 1.0 77 213 SO 5 15
HO 5 IO 78 314 ltO 5 13
100 5 10 2M ... 5 fS
80 3 f") 77 213 50 I 63
80 3 60 65 244 80 5 CS
80 5 CO 6J........262 164 5 W
... 5 eo 64 246 84 5 45
124 5 CO 64 235 ... 5 fi
120 S flil. M 229 ... 5S
80 5 C2H 83 217 ... 5 C5
... 3 C2', 67 376 50 5 16
5I3V 59 341 ... 3C5
200 5 f2H 63 231 160 5 C3
... 5 ai 63 248 ... 5 C5
... 6 52Vi 7) 333 230 5 6S
124 5 K 33 311 ... 6 CS
160 5 f2H 72 234 ... 6 65
5 ni ti 241 ... 5 l'6
80 5 C2h 63 254 240 5 K
160 5 07H 1 92 204 130 3 CS
164 5 i,3H 72 23J ... 5 f5
300 5 ij 75 227 ... 5 CS
to 5 2.4 55 266 40 6 65
40 6 C2' C3 235 ICO 6 CS
80 5 uJO, t9 231 40 S H5
40 3 t3i 80 218 80 3 CS
... 6 r: 79 237 ... 5 65
... 5 6.-1 83 239 80 5 65
40 5 :Vi 71 213 (0 3 il
130 5 CJi (4 243 120 3 CX
40 5 6Ji 89 217 120 5 05
80 3 61, 31 282 40 3 D5
... 5iVi 50 222 80 ili
134 3 IJ'.i 84 243 240 3 to
... 5 64 270 240 5 65
... 5 434 74 238 80 5 I'S
... 5 t:ii 10 243 80 5 C5
80 5 V2 33 216 40 6 C3
40 5 C:j, 65 324 80 5 63
80 5 62t 66 242 ... 3 63
... 5 C2i 78 225 80 6 f5
240 5 CSV, 73 244 80 6 C3
84 5 W, 45 220 ... 5 CS
... 5 C2Vi 71 229 ... 5 T5
130 5 C2V4 87 197 44 3 6
80 5 W, 7 255 ... 6 (5
200 5 C2Vj 62 257 160 5 65
160 5 I'll 61 273 80 3 15
... 5 , 73 221 80 C 63
160 6 C2Vi 92 206 124 5 C5
204 5 !:'. 62 232 ) 5 M
... 5 63 254 80 5 a
330 5 (7!j 71 219 80 6 ib
... 5 62',, 68 220 40 5 65
... 5 C2h 70.. ......217 80 5 05
160 5 421 61 263 SO 5 65
80 5 fli SO 224 ... 3 66
40 1V, 74 228 120 5 CS
A t if 14 76 233 120 r. 65
SO 5 6J!j 78 216 ... 5 65
... r,t2'A 63 384 ... 5 C7Uj
... 5 Kb 73 275 ... 3 fli
4) 5 '.IV, 51 2S4 124 5 fTVi
214 6 63 51 293 84 3 17V
200 5 65 69 257 SO 6 C,i
... 5 65 (8 277 ... 5 57'.,
40 5 65 62 245 84 5 67 H
130 5 65 68 250 ... 5 67't
164 5 65 64 211 S4 5 1.7 '-i
244 5 65 69 264 ... 5 67t
40 5 5 55 214 ... 6 67
... 5 65 67 253 40 5 67 H
44 5 fS 70 251 ... 5 67'A
80 5 C5 77 349 ... 5 C7
20 5 a K 284 80 5 70
... 5 65 58 280 ... 5 70
... 5 65 (4 302 ... 6 70
... 6 03 43 363 ... 6 71
SO 6 1,5 62 283 80 5 ',0
160 5 65 14 330 80 5 16
... 5 C5 ,6 311 "80 5
58 23
65 266
0 210
59 2.'5
20. ...... 332
61 264
(7 291
47 279
77 230
SHEEP There was not a heavy run of
sheep here, but other markets were nil re
ported slow and lower and as a result
prices at this point took another drop.
Somo sales did not look so much lower to
day, but the market on sheep as a whole
can be quoted Just about a quarter lower
than at the close of last week. The trade
tod!' w.ib very slow and pnckersdld not
stem to care whether they got the stuff or
Choice Colorado Iambs havo not changed
much during tho week and would probably
sell right up to last week's prices, but the
commoner grades of lambs such ns have
been offered this week are slow and 13a3oc
I I U' a 4 IW n I u hi.I. w
Frjde,r?"ave 11,80 declined about as much
no 111c niiirrB,
Quotations: Choice wethers, tl.2ort.55:
fair to gooi' wethers, 3l.0ua4.25: clipped
wethers, I.U4M.25; fair to "goo.i dipped
we,her,".,.iMWS4'(?'.cnolce lightweight year
i'!' , ' !; 'sir to booJ yearlings. l.
44.40: clipped yearling, ll.15tfl.35; choice
lightweight ewes, I4.00W.15; fair to goad
ewes. J3.60gi.00; clipped ewen, 3.25(iiJ.75i
choice lambs. 4.90(H6.0o; fair to good lambs,
34.bit 4.W; clipped lambs,; spring
lambs, Jo.oOfa6.oO; feeder wethors, J3.tttfi4.0O:
feeder lamos, J4,Ooyi.40. Representative
N' Av. Pr.
6 western clipped yearlings !2 Jl 00
5 clipped western yearlings 71 00
415 clipped wethers 97 410
20cllniicd feeder linios vi
540 weatern lambs w 4 In
2i) feeders m on
270 western clipped lambs 83 4 uo
209 western clipped lambs,,.., SU 4 uu
3S spring lamDs xt eon
20 cull ewes 76 a
30 cull ewes 4,9 2 M
20 clipped feeder lambs 57 3 no
1J? W 3 50
IS clipped ewes 111 :i 7
439 clipped wethers W 3 i
213 Mexican clipped Wethers i9 i 15
203 Mexicans, mixed m 4
1 spring lamps 62 6 00
Ilutrhrr Cattlit Slow lloira :,
Strml) Shrrn Wenk.
CHICAGO. Slav 1 inrri i. i.
H.0OO head. Including :( hVnli
steers, active, steady; butchem stock,
i iKiim. .rm; F.00'1 lo Prime Mens,
JI.95fi5.M; noor to medium. l,t.Uvw I 'v. m,ck.
"M, ftfli,j. flrm. ''"i fws. l2 6Mr
4.60; heifers. JI.TOSft.SO; c.wner. 2.noy2.i;;
bulls, about steady. J2..SV84.HO; calves,
weak, J4.O085.00; Texas-led Meers. 14.23
5,0; Texas grass steer, J.),r3Jj I.O0; Texas
bulls, J2.75Q3.h5.
HOriH Receipts, 30,000 head; tomorrow,
25,000 heal, estimated: left over, 3.0C4) head;
opened weak, closed atad : top, !5S',4:
mixed ii;d. butchers. K'Mijb.fX, good to
choice heavy, J5.e5W5.s7lv; rough heavy,
J5 601?5.V)- lipht, J5.60Jy5.7ffi; bulk of tales,
SHEEP AND liAMHS-Reci'lnts 17,fV)
head: sheep, weak; iambi, slow; i.olo.
rados mostly 15.25; clipped lambs, up to
J4.75; good to tholcf wethers. J4.15Q4.2f:
fair to "holee mixed, tt.PVii f.ti), nxstern
sheep. II. 15)5-4. 6S; Texas th6", yearlings,
I4.1M7"4.66: native lambs, Jt 3596.25; western
lambs, II 5fgf.25.
St. LoaU Live fttMk Market.
ST. I-OCIS. May l.-CATfLF. -Receipts,
2,400 head, Including 4 hcud Texans: mar
ket steady, closing enslsr; native ihlpplng
and export steers, Jt.X.SS; drttjed beef
n...i i...i..k 11 w;', at,tr under
l,r) lb?., .Mfl4.70; Mockers nnd feeders,
J2.M5iS.10, cows nnd heifers, J2.Win.00; cali
pers, DI.Sotf3.00, bulls, J3.tWi3.75; teds and
Indian steers, J3.50fl5.l6; cows and heifers,
ti -r.CTi in in
, , ( 1 , , , 1 .. . c ,. 1. .1 . ... .. -I, I alnu.
6c loner; jilss and lights. jS.rVrH6.C5i puck
ers, J5.K)ir,.7ii; Welters, J5.761i5.S5;
head: market steady; native mutton. J3.u
it.M: lambs, Jo; spring lambs, Jj.OOifS.Wi
culls nnd bucks. J3.tKif4.oo: stockcrs, JJ.
KnitsiiK fit) 1,1 r Muek .llnrlipl.
KANSAS CITY, May 1 - CATTLE -Receipts,
G.MH) head natives. MO) head Texann
nnd 100 head calves; light beef steers,
steady to UV higher, other cattle about
steady: choice beef steers. J3.wtir.25, t'oni
moil to good. JI.K01i5.24; stockers and feed
ers, 3l.tii5.-.i; wetern-ted stirrs, Jl.tVMt'
6.05; Texans and Indians. JI.O.Hf 4.Pi); cows,
J3.351I1.5: heifers. J.l.hSJf I.POi oanners. J2 10
f3.25; bulls. J.7.25U5.W; calves,
HOUS-Receipts. lU.UW lieau; ninrnei
opened weak, closed steady; toil, J.i Nl;
bulk of sales, D5.SOH5.S0; heavy, Jfi.Tcffu.M);
mixed packers, J5.GJlf5.7o. light, J3.3UJj5iO!
plg. J4.lSTin.Sl. ,
SHEEP AND LAMPS -ltecelpts, t1,i)0
head: market steady but slow; western
lambs, Jl.7oftfi.00i western wethers, Ji.l'ilf)
4.75: western yearlings, JI.Rojf I.M)j owe,
J3.70jf4.25: Te.MlH cllppeil sheep. J3.M'if4.50i
culls nnd ewes, J2.eOii3.fjO; sprltiB lambs,
Stock In NIkIiI.
Following are the receipts nt the four
prlnclpnl western markets for May 1:
Cattle. I logs. Sheep.
South Omaha 3,523 ll.iHrt 4.17.1
Chlcogo .....1S.KHI 30.mli) J7.pi u
ICiinsua CltJ fi.lW) lil.O'O ll.KK)
St. Louis 2 I'D 8,riW S II
Totals 30,52.. 6S,K
OffrrliiH" of HiiK liierenie nml
priiiieli ttir KlKiires of a
Vetir Ami.
ClNCI.N'NATI. O.. May l.-(Speclal Tele
grain.) The Price Current says; Offerings
of hogs have Increased. Total wetern pack
ing, 4.SO.0O0 head, compared with I3A.DO0 tho
preceding week (erroneously utated as 3lo,
(i) and 4io.(nm last year. Since March 1
the total Is S', against ;i,G13,ooo a year
ago. Prominent places compare as
Kansas City..
St. Louis
St, Joseph ....
Indianapolis .
Slonx City ...
M II wa uken ...
Cincinnati ....
Cedar Rapids
St. Paul
The correct number of "THE DOTS" and
list of prlr.e winners will bo published In
The Sunday Reo, May 5.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wcdnes.
day, Mny 1:
Wnrriuily nrcils.
C. .1. Camp and wife to A. M. Michael
lot II, block 1, Bedford Place J "SH
J. L. Harris and wife to Duncan
Qrny, lot 9, Park View WO
Uyron Recti company to. Delia Mc
Lean, lot 5, Dewey Place . too
M. E. Cox and husband to C. M. Cox,
n 50 feet lot 5, block 22, South Omaha 3,(J
Omaha Loan and Trust company to
J. P. Kelley, w 1-3 lot 6, block 123.
Omnha 1
Albertlna Svard and husband to Hello
Cunningham, lot 18, block 21, Wal
nut Hill I, i)
M. J. C. Ryan and husband to R.
Herbst. lot 14. block 8, Ixiqan Place 1.5C0
J. S. Falconer and wife lo A. J. Cole
son, lot 4, block 3. Mnrysvllle odd. .. 2,0 0
"Sheriff to Omaha Loan and Trust
company, w oitfcxyj leei lot .,
block 13, S. E. Rogers add
Sheriff to Hoard of Charities, exten
sion of United Presbyterian church,
lots 19 and 20, block 2, Collier Place
Total amount of transfers JIS.'-'.M
Cough cure
Cures Quickly
lb has long" been a linuscliohl favorlto
for Cotiirlis, Colds, Bronchitis, Pneu
monia, Asthma, Whooping CourIi and
all other Thnat and Lung Troubles
It Isprescrlben as aspeclllc for Orlppa
Mothers endorse it as no Infallible
remedy for Croup. Children llkoit.
Prepared by E. O. QeWItt A Co., Chicago,
Without Change
..All the beat Scenery of the ROCKY
Daylight !n both directions.
Per fall Information, reservations and ltlner
', ary "Chicago to Cdlfornlu" ddre City
, Ticket Office, 1333 Farnam St., Omaha,
" IMMT n'Mif T 1 1
TheSt. Louis Cannon Ball
Leaves Union Station dally CMS p. m.
Arrives In St. Louis 7.00 a. m.
US Dill, I
TheQuincy Express
Leaves Union Station dally at 7:00 a. in.
Trains leave dally far St. Louis, Kanias
City, Qulncy and nil points East or South.
Tickets to all points In Eurnpo via all
lines. Call at O. Ct. L. city office, 141J
Karnam Street, Paxton Hotel Illk., or write
Harry E.Moores,
C P. A T. A., Otcaba, Neb.
TPrOiQlie lOIlll,
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James E. Hojrd ft Co.,
Ruaril of Ti'uiIp IIuIIiIIiik,
Direct wires to Cblcago and Now York,
Correipcndence, John A. Warren & Co.
Good thlnus every day. 11 vnu -ani tn
Invest, send to me and I will buy you any
stock you want. If you don't know what
stock you want, leave It to me. Stocks
liable to double any day. No commission
chanied. Iteferencea: ManuKer Western
Union Telegraph Co., agent Houthern I'a
clflo railway ami 1 aKent Kunsas City Bouth
ern railway. Address, A. N. Warner '?&
Crockett street. Badt'erV Jewelery alole