THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, HAY 1, 1001. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Ifirkiti an Exchange Rale Ball lfoit of tbe Day. WHEAT OPENS LOWER, BUT ADVANCES Corn Wrak. Snpnortrd Only tr Loral Hull Elemrnt tints Open Easy In Jtynipnthr with Corn Pro visions NeKleclr-il. CHICAGO, April OO.-Speculatlve markets on 'change Incllncil to dullness today. Wheat closed '.VtfMe to 'iftHc lower, corn c to Uo hgher, oats unchanged to Uv up and provisions without material chance The wheat market opened weak under de pressing cqIiIcr for both it pot and futures. Advices from thu continent were that a great deal of wheat bought within tho last few days was offered for resale. The hear situation was of brief duration, however. A decrease In the world's visible supply of .1,3'O.OOrt bushels anil the renew ul of a sharp cash demand caused a sharp advance; later heavy proflt-toklng caused a reaction, but the closo was easy. During the Inst halt hour the demand was largely from the short Interest, which hail been made ner vous by reports of My In Ohio and arrival of a moderate cash demand. Many bulls who had sold out on bear news reinstated som of their lines, July opened 4i74e lower at 72TiT72V4c, rail ed to .3V4e bihI laler reacted to 73',ic, rinsing easy at 73',c. May wheat opened Hit lower at 71V, sold off to 71H0 and rallied to ..-Ac, ..i,..i., ,.t.i.,. inw.-r. Seaboard c curaticcs In wheat and Hour were equal, to 332.W0 bushels, while primary receipts were lOi.OOO bushels. Local receipts wrro inn --: ; cars, none of contract grade! Minneapolis and Dulilth report 183 cars, against 191 last . if.c vrxxr uun. The world S VlH- Ihln suonly showed a decrease of 3,300,0j0 bushels. , , ... Com opened wean on goou wtum, '- at IS-Sc May opened (Uc pwer ai iinw 47"ic. rose to 48'tc and closed llrm nnd w higher at 4SUc I.ocnt receipts, -s- cars, ...... nt ,.ti..tit irrndn. The oats market opened easy on liberal receipts and good weather and In sympathy .m, r,, a f a ir. demand snranc up nnd this, together with sympathy with the later com strength, causco rentuun, were .-.00 cars; May sold between !4c and :r,Hc and closed ic higher at 2SHp; July sold between 2Ho and 2o-il!jai?ic and closed unchanged nt c. .. ..., i. urr iioolpftnl hut nomlnullv hteaiiy; July pork sold between $14.70 and in i: n.,,l ..inMoil ?Ur lower at $14. lu! July lard sold between $7.97H and $7.93 and closed unchanged at $7.07; July ribs sold between $7.DJ'iiW7.95 and $7.90 and closed unchanged at $7 9 14 The" leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.ropcn.l HlghTrixjwTl Close.l Sat'y. Jmpathy with' whea't?'The local bull clt- "vE Voi "JvYuS-Pcr bbl ,160 men was the sole support of the market, XbiJAaE-llollund seed per lb "He- with the. general I commission houses sell ng. f clia, sVift P " " ' July opened J(fi?;c lower at 4t 4le; TOMATOL.ti-1'iorlda, per 6-baskct orate der local buying the "V ,0,t4.' J3.25; .Mexicans, per tba,ket c?ate. $1.75. ' set ng with a narrow llucluatlon to 4 Hurt uNlONa-Ulno. per lb.. 4c: net- bbl I60 4IJ4C. A bull movement caused a ral y to UAULU..LoV1i,P5Cal ifornla per cFite; 11Wc nnd the close was llrm and 4c hlgncr HMira3.w. 71J(iTTi 72i 71i 72U 72V4M!i! 73 T2 73V4SU 4SVJ 47ttff; 48U 474 48U 26i; 264 an, 25WaCG 26',4 2574074 26 11 47& 14 52H 14 474 H CJ 14 70 14 65 14 65 Rfk". 8 07V4 R OS S 0b 7 115 7 97U 7 93 7 974 7 95 7 97(4 "95 7 95 S 20 8 20 8 20 8 20 7 7 95 7 90 7 92V4 7 87V4 7 9254 7 87',4 7 90 4S'i 4S4 434 2i?4 2G U 474 It 67'A 8 05 7 97J4 7 974 8 1714 1 o.'n 7 87', No. 2. f -ii xli nnnlntlons were nn follows: KLOUlt Market easy and In buyers' fa vor; winter patents. $3.80fl3.90; straights, i'-'Kitf.l.TO! elpnrs. S2.K0ft3.t0: snrlllR specials, J4.U0&4.10: patents, $3,455(3.75; straights, $3.00 ff3.20j bakers. $2.20tf'2.&u. WIIKAT-No. 3 spring, 79c; No. 2 red, 72U(ff74Hc. CORN No. 2, 4774c; No. 2 yellow, 474c OATS-No. 2. 27c; No. 2 white, 2SV4lff-84c; Kn, 3 white, 27iy".'S',4c. RYU No. S. 61c. IJARLKY Oood feeding, Dlijf55c; fair to chnlee malting. 5GfT5Sc. SUKDS-No. i Jinx, $1.40; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.10. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14.59 in 14.55. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.62407.75. Short ribs sides (loose), $8.03(8.25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $6.S7',4&7.12',4. Short clear sides (boxed). $S.37H8.60. WHIS1CY Basis of high wines. $1.27. BUGAR-Cut loaf, 6.14c: granulated, 6.57c; confectioners' A, 5.44c; oft A, 5.23c. Following are the receipts and shipments for today: Kecelpts. Shipments Klour, bbls, Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rve. bu 90,000 219,000 345,000 7.000 209.001) 185.000 337,000 1.000 Ilarlcy, bu. 30,000 9,000 On tho Produce exchange today tho but ter market was dull; creameries, 14S15V4e; dairies, 115 17c. uneesc, JM.'one. MOW YORK GEMKFIAL MARKET. Uuotallona nf the I)ny nn Various Commoitltle NEW YORK. Anrll 30. FLOUR Re celnts. 19.328 bbls.: exnorts. 6.634 bbls.: weak and lower at first, but closes better; winter iu tents, $3.u0i4.C); winter straights, $3,50fj ;i.k; winter extras, U.4.W-.HO: Minnesota pntents, $(.0(yij4.25; Minnesota bakers, $2.90 (Uu.Jo: winter low graaes, .-.jii.u. uyo !.3O!f2.40. Hour, firm: fair to good, $2.S54j3.20; choice to fancy. $3. 253. 45. CORriMEAIr-Firm; yellow western, 95c; city. 91c: Brandywlne. $2.45(ff0.65. RYE Klrm; No. 2 western, 61c. afloat; Biaic. ixwimic, c. 1. 1., jew xorK cariots. BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 46H48V4C c. I. f. New York; malting, 62?70c, c. I. f. Now York. BARLEY MALT Dull: western. fVrn2c. WHEAT Receipts, 6.650 bu.; exports, 96,. 169 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, ,S3c. f. o. b. nnoat; No. 2 red, SOTic. elevator: No. 1 northern. Duluth. Mc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 nara, uuiutn, wv,c. f. o. b. afloat. Options were weaK and lower most of the day, suf fering from bearish rabies, active Ifnnliln. Hon, mom foreign Helling and active short operations. Later the market rallied on covering prompted by less favorable crop news. Closed llrm at Wflic net decline; May, .OUipSOhc. closed at SOc; July. 78'ifr 79.VC. closed at 78T4c; September, 76 7-6 77iic, closed at 7714c. CORN Receipts, ft. 000 bu.; exports, 8,427 hii. Spot, firm; No. 2, 63c, clevntor nnd 63'c f. o. b. afloat. Tho option market nfter early weakness under cables, the drop In Wbent. small eleuruiiin nnrf HmhI.i,.!i.. rallied on covering nnd closed llrm at 'W V.?i."0tiafe,BlSLrs i,'i'5'' KMOTiSc. closed at 53c: 1 .?.'7,""'n"-, ciunrii m. ooiic: HeniemDer. n n.... ... ,n " " VTS Reccliitn. in 'ji hn iu.; exports. 40,676 ! No. 3. 31V4c;lNo. nu. opoi, easy; Nn. 2. 32c nr... ICiAlOn, .l.A ,.r,in iiciin, ..1.1 j-- .r;;i " HIDES Steady; tlnlveston 2ft in Ihr lRi4c; California. 21 to 25 ftg lsS'"Texns kvr iiki .wSLV.l..neml?ck B0'e. uei 42i4'cBht ,0 heaw"8ht?, J&c; acid) ?SPL'PN.M?!!fe.rtrt family. $9.w 21.00; packet. $10.0OW10.60; city H.Mli-fln. Cut meats, f led bellies, SViJllOHc: pickled ah Pickled hams, lixff n'4c. ijirrt " nams, iis.sow extra India siesqy; plclt- l-nrd, steady; west. rrn 1 steamed, $8.50; rellned, quiet; continent .;.65; South America. $9.3.1; compound 75' Pork, .steady: family. $t6.ftJr 6.60" 'Z,; c ears' $l&.avfi 15.50; mV tifeiJSicA. snort ttTALLOW-Strong; city, 4T4c; country, 6Jj) ' HUTTER-Steady; crnmery. 151fl9c: fac. iij. 1 Butic: imitation creamery, 13U 17tiO! fltntri (lufriv IRNKlln w 1 inil,.KKSKTUul'! '?w,r. colored, lOWc: fancy, large white, 10Vijl0J4c; fancy small colored. lH4c; fancy, small" whltV, iS?,SrWca.k: s,al," n"1' Pennsylvania. Va IS B'.hern' m-c'- eleru storage "lUfJ.PUfiJ :a",' regular nacke.l. 12VWM3c i . XL " Alive, steady; fow s. H4o: rhlrkens, per pair. .Wflsoc; turkeys, ksrjc teSb. slronB! t'-rheys,1 1154c; chickens: METAL nn, i mi .1,, .i... v.;...."rT;-"" "' v.1 . .. " V" iJiuioiis, quo lo a speculative deniand iirnmnini .. .,.n.. Hons of a bullish monthly statistical stHte- niriii. i no cloB nere was quiet nt $3J,6.W a. . copper in Londnn was n shade eaiilrr, spot closing nt 69 10s and futures t iw. v.iii,uui:it ufitiii) prevails lucail) -uvL5'C!'nr.1!' 31Vlo: tr- white u2Vtn3fUc. Options .lull nn.l 1 .... ' ImiVsSV!,. :,.sl",n'!1T. 77V40SOC. inS.I,n.rS-.8.,2"' mnion to choice, 1900 crop. I,lf20c: 1S99 crnn 11(TM. ni ...' .'1110 : t'nciuo const, vrii MLTALS rhere were no noteworthy fen. turps in the local market for metals today' I HsHtH .H? " ..f!10 onl ,hl"K changed ,n tno list and this was a symiintbeili' nit. S"f" Li. v'?w nnnnVsL' In London "iiriu iirires uovanceri 17 .Li for copper and prices were more or less nominal on the basis of $17 for Lake su perior und J16.KJ'4 for casting and electro lltlr Hl.elter ruled Mulct but about steady, closing at Jl.02'41il.0j. Domestic Iron mar kets wire without quotable change, though an easy undertone was apparent through the day. Glasgow warrants closed nt 61s 3d and Mlddlcsl.oro 13s 4'4d. Lead was un changed both Here ami aoroau, closing ai l.37'4 and 123s 9d, respectively. OMAHA WHOMISAI.K h.inKETS. Condition of Trade iintl lnont Ions of Mlitplc mill Fanny Produce. EGOS Receipts liberal: good stock, firm at IWMIc. LIVE I'OULTKV-Hens. 8Vtc! vounr and old roosters, jmiui turkeys, buSc; ducks and geese, 7fi7V4c. Ul'TTEU- Common to fair, llQllttc; choice, 12tfl3o; separator, 20c. FRESH OVSTERS-Flrst grade, solid packed, New York counts, per can, 3Sci ox- irn seiecis, j.c. FRESH FlSH-JJIack bass, 18c: white bass, luu; bluehsh, 11c; bullheads, Sc; blue tills. 7c. buffalos. Ge: cattish. 13c: cod. 9e: croppies, 10c; clscoes, 7c; halibut, 11c! her ring, 6u; haddock, 9u; muckerel, 16c; perch, 6c; pickerel, 3c; pike, 11c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; surullsh, Gc; smelts, sc; trout, loc; wliltetlsh, 12c. 1'iuisuMH i-lvc, per doz., $1. VEALS-Cholco, 910c. 11AV l'rlet's uuoti-d bv Omnhn Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, Jll.tfii No. 1 unland. Ill: medium. $10.50: coarse, lo Hyo straw, J5.&0. These prices aro lor hay ot good color and quality. De mand iair. no receipts. UATfe iNO. l white, 2c. CORN No. 3, 43c. DHAN-J15. VEGETABLES. SPINACH-l'er bu. box, 73c. Aai-AUAUus uunrurnia, per lb., loc. RHUHAHB-Callfornio, per lb., 6c. MiW ilr.ETH Per doz., 60c. NEW CAItltuTH Per doz., f, tfltW TUUNIPS-l'er doz., 71 SOc. fR CUCUMHERS-Hothollse. per doz.. $1.C0 .to, us lo slic. I'AHSSii'M-Per bu., 40c. 'i'UHNll'rf-Per bu. basket, 60c. ' UEKTS-Pe- bu., 40c. CAHROTS-Ptr bu., 40c. LlVl'TUCE Per bu., 35Q40c. RADISHES Per ooz.. itxnauc. PARSLEV-Per doz.. 35c. POTATOES Per bu.. 55f?60e: nnlorndn UKANS -Wax. per bu.. 13: strlnr. Der bu.. $4.W). kuu i'i.ant Per bu. box, S3. phppbkh Per bu. box, $2.25. l'KAti-l'er bu.. $3.60; per onc-thlr'd bu.. $1. u&uLjiix cauiornia. per buncn, 603.5c. 1--UUITS. 8TnAWHI3nIKS-Tcxas, per 24-qt. case, per UONKV Calltornla. pur '.'l-scction casn. $3.76. THUHUAIi FRUITS. OKA? TES California socdllngs. tl."'jsi 2,60! nu.cls, $2.76W3.25. IjlsMONb Calltornla, extra fancy, $3; Cliuiue, to. vi.uit, mi UANANAS Per bunch, acocrdlnj- to hlze, i'lUS-Callfornla, new cartons, 76c; layers, 63c Imported, ner lb.. 10Jil2c. uaim-i-ersian, in w-ib. boxes, Sairs, 6c pvv iv. , itiiuunmi, osc per ID. i-iiNr.ii-i-iiio i-er uoz j2.ajQ2.75. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 31-acctlon case, $3.75. uiutiii icr ddi.. h.w. ner nan doi.. NUTS English walnuts, ner lb.. 15c: 111- bcrts. per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lSft-Uc; raw peanuts, per lb., 5'tf-jV4c; roasted, 6V4 TVic: Krazlls, 13c; pecans, 1vua.c, cocoanuts, each, 4Vic HIDKS no. 1 green, &c; jno. z green, 4Hc; No. 1 salted, 6V4c; No. 2 salted, 6V4c; No. 1 veal calf. t to 12 lbs.. Sc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, Sfl 13c; sheep pelta, zyaioc; norso niucs, nt. I. mils Crnln nnil Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Anrll 30. WHEAT Strong: No. 2 red cash, clevntor, 74V4c; track, 74J( io'c: .May. ii'.kc: juiy. H'.ic: rso. nara 73c. uutt.N ttigner; ino. . casn, 4ic; tracK, 44V4c; May, 44Uc; July, 44c. oats Higher; xso. 2 ensn, zsftc; tracK, !9c; May, 28',3c; July, 2c; No. 2 white, 30c HYK Lower at mc. KLOl'K Quiet: patents. $3.60tf?.376: extra fancy and straight, $3.205f3.30;. clear. $2.S0 y.ou. SEEDS Timothy, quiet; average .receipts, .j.iiu; prime worm more. uuuNBiiiAi-steauy; $2.25. RRAN-Steady: sacked lots, east track. fl(K72c. HAY More doing: timothy. $10.2SM4.00: wiiihk v sicatiy; $i.2S. IRON COTTONTIES-Oulet nt $1. HAG01NG-6Mj7c. HUSH' TWINK-JC, PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; inhhln $15. ifi. Lard, market lower. $S. Dry salt meats, easy; boxed lots, extra shorts, fo.u,;2j tici iiu, clear sioes, oVa ltncntl. fllltnt! hnvntl Intn nvlru .Kn.i. $9.12V4; clear ribs. $9.23; clear sides, $9.37! .111. 1 i,.-i ..inn. urm m i.;-;i. Bpciicr, very quiet at $3.87H. i'uuii'tt wuiet; cuicKens, steady, 6Sc; turkeys, 6(f7c; geese, 35c; ducks, 7c. HUTTER Lower: creftmerv. ISiWIfto- u.iiry. tftifiosc. fcuus-rirni, u;c, rcpacKca and cases inciuopci. RECEIPTS Flour. 6.nft hhla when i" 000 bu.; corn. 106,000 bu.; oats, 40,000 bu. sniPMKNTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls.; wheut, -u,i.v uu, uuiii, -.u.uuu uu.i onis, Jt,UUO Uu. Liverpool Grill n and Provisions. LlVFRPOOIi. Anr SO WHKAT-annl firm: No. 2 red western winter, 6s; No. 1 northern spring, Hs l&d: No. 1 California, 6s 3d. Futures, quiet; May, 6s 9J4d; July, 6s 107; d. uuiiN spot, llrm: American mixed, now, -in im, lutin iinxetl, old, D'.fcd, r U- tures. steady; May nominal; July. 3s llftd; "7u PEAS Cnnadlun. steady, at r 7Urt FLOUR St. Louts fancy winter. Hull ss HOPS At London. Paolflo const. Rtpnrly at 4if4 15s. ' PKOVtHiONH-Becf easy; extra India mess, ois in. j-ora. sieaovt nrimn mrs. wcsicrn, iws mi. iMni, sicauy: American re. lined. Ill nails. 42a 9d: nrime western. In tierces, steady. 41s 9d. Racon. Pumherlnnil cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady, 46a 3d; short ribs, 16 rius, jo in .u ii nicmiy, ni 4IS Ba. t.Ollg clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., steady, nt 42s 3d. Loner clear mlilrllen hnw i; in 40 lbs., steady, at 40s 6d; short clear backs. . f . n, 11 . - ia. . . . ... . . id it. u tun., urni, ul ws; Clear Denies. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, at 43s 3d. Shoulders square, 11 to 13 lbs., atetdy, at 36s 6d. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., steady, at 46s. nu t t j'iu uuu; nnesi united states. SSs; good United States, 66s. CHEESE Dull; American finest white. Iia uu, kiuui iLiiu iiiiuat LTumreu, 14S bU. TALLOW Prime City, steady. 2.1m? Am. trallan in London, nulet. 26s M. iieceipis or wneai nuring the last three days, 156,000 centals, including 121,000 Amer ican. Receipts of Amerlcnn corn during tho last three days, 127,100 centals. t,'haniirs In Avnllnlilr Supplies, NEW YORK. April 30. Sneelol pahln nnd telegraphic communications to Bradstreet's show the following changes In nvallnblo Biippiies, as compareu with tho last ac count: Wheat United Stntes and Canada, east nf the Rockies, decreased 2.601.000 bn Afloat for and In Europe decreased 70b,OW bu. Total supply decreased 3.304,000 bu. Corn United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decereased 1,662,000 bu, Oats United States and Canada, east of tno uocKies, inrreaseq i.ui.imj bu. Among tno more important decreases re. ported are those of 500.000 bu. nt northwest. cm elevators, 329.000 bu. at Chicago private elevators. 260.000 bu. at Minneapolis nrlvate elevators, 106.000 bu. at Omaha and 60,000 bu. at Nasnviue. The leading Increases include those of 135.000 mi. at uieveinna and 30,000 bu. at Kingston. The combined stock of wheat nt Port' land, Ore., Tncoma nnd Seattle, Wash. Increased los.tiro bu. last week. Knnsns City tiraln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 30. WHEAT May, 6SVif!6Slic: July, b7,c; cash, No. 2 hard, 69144f7lc: no. a, i(jo;ic; no. . ren, mui.'c; No. 3. kvo'ioc. CORN May. 40;(fi40?sc: July. 410ll',4c; cash. No. 2, May. ttc: jno. 3. ti.ic. OATS No. 2 white, SOtjSOHc HAY'-Ch'olc'o tfmothy, $1.005311.50; choice nralrle. tin. RUTTER-Creamcry, 17Jj20c; dairy, fancy, l'?l triK Html ,tv frAsb Mlssnurt nml Ivnn sas stock. lliifilbVic, loss off, cases returned; new whltewnod cases Included. man. RECEIPTS-Whent, 770.400 bu.; corn, 7.200 ph.; 011 is, it,. 1 mi mi, SHIPMENTS Wheal, 44,500 bu.; corn, 21, ami uu.; oats, it.iM) du. Peuria Mnrkrt. PEORIA. April 30,-CORN-Easlcr. OATS KI rm; No. 2 white. 241ic. track. WHISKY On the basis nf li.M for tin. lulled goods. Evniiiirntrtl nml Dried Prnlts. NEW YORK. April 30,-EVAPORATED At'i'i.iJn .Maraei ruieii siow and without change In quotations. Receipts were light, but exporters have sufficient supplies, np- UllAPKS Alalagu, per Reg, il.6vnv.V0. APPL12S-Pcr bbl., 4.50; Washington, bu. box. 2: Uellflowcrs. $1.90. parently, hence the slow trade. State, common. 3ft Ic. nrime. tUWl'io. choice, ..ft 5c; fancy, &!i6'ic. California dried rnriTs-MirKot nominally unchanged. Prunes, 3'4t7c per lb., as to size nnd quality. Apricots, Royal, Mi2c; moot I'arK, sumi-ic I'cocncs, pceico, liflitiDci unpcclcd, 64510c. .MOV:.MU.TS IN STOCKS AMI IIO.MI.H. .Mnrkrt nollnspn All Itrpnrils Million Mhnrrs Mold In Klrst lliinr. NEW YORK. Anrll 30. The aggregate sales of all stocks today went ahead of yes terday's hitherto unprecedented total, rising to 3,21)2,100 shares. Last Wednesday's record sales of a single stock were C62.800 shares ror union pacific, compareu wun todays sales of 439,100 shares of United States Steel, The nggregate sales of both the common and prelerred stock of United States Steel amounted today to 64S.0W shares. Another record which was eclipsed today was that for a slnele hour s business. sales for the first hour nmountlng to over a million shares over the previous maxi mum of less than 100,000 shares. It Is usual that the larger portion of a day's business on the exchange Is done during the nrsi hour, but had tho activity of the market for the rest of the day continued In nor mal proportion to the llrst hour's business, the total for the day would have reached lirobablv J.OuO.Kio nh:irps. which would mean commissions to the stock exchange of the day's business of $1,000,0""). i ne great accumulations or wcann wnicn have come Into the hands of the American people for several years past, and which have lain In deposit banks waiting for op- portunlty for outlay, seemed to be pouring Into Wall street, attracted by tho sudden great fortunes which are being made from day to day In tho great price movements of different stocks. The large Inflow of money from the ntetior to New ork seems to be duo to this tendency and is keeping the money market easy In spite of the demand from other sources. There Is very little In the way of specific news accompanying the movement of prices. Tho announcement this morning of the absorption of the land Steamship company by J. P. Morgan had a tendency to give a renewed stimulus to the speculation, ns indicating the con tinued activity of the most Influential Indi vidual In the recent great movements to ward consolidation. The bcl ef In wholesa o consolidations of great railway systems, even at the enor mous expense Involved In the buying of control In tho open market, Is the potent racior in tne general speculation. rorincrn Paclllc wns under nrcssurc of nrolU-taklng nil day and Union Pacific and the grangers generally showed their Influence as tho day progressed. The Atchisons were the new strong feoture on talk of nn Increase In the dividend. An advance In Now York Central brought snecuiatlve attention back to the eastern railroads, but their gains did not noiu wen. i no united states bteel siocks were comnaratlvelv well maintained, ctos- Ing with net gains of 2U for tho common nnd 2 for the preferred at reactions of 1'4 nnd 1T4 resnectlvolv from the best nrlces. The heavy profit-taking nt the last made tne closing irregular. .unfitness wns not ns largo relatively in bonds and the price movement was Irreg ular. Total sales, par value, $0,245,000; united States new 4s advanced 14 per cent on the last call. The following are the closing Drlces on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison "U So, Pacific lW.iSo. Railway .... & Ohio. .104 I do pfd tOtt.Tex. & Pacific . Paclllc. ..10O T., St. I.. & W. .. 6CH .. S'-'i .. f '4 ,. 434 .. l?'i ..118'-4 .. 9i. dn nf 1 . . IlnKtmore do pfd., Canadian Canada So.. .1 do pfd 4fi; Uslon Pacific .. Ches. & Ohio. Chicago 4 Alton... 4V!il do pfd.. do pfd . 81i Wabash .... ,108 do pfd . 37U,-Whecl. & I.. .. :i .. 42 .. 1SH .. s;i .. 22H .. 4Ii .. ii'.i ..ICO ..194 C, II. (J.... Chi. Ind. tt L. 1:... ill) pfd 7H4 lo 2d pfd. Chi. & 13. III.. 13214 23 47U no Wis. Central . do pfd Chicago T. & TT. do pfd Chicago Q. W.. C. & N. W... no 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Adams V.x C, R. I. & P" K4?i C. C. C. t St. 1... 8fi Colorado So , ion , 5Mi , :o', ,1S0 .110 Amorlcan Ki... 1I0 Int pfiT. .... do 2d Pfd U. S. Ex IS Wells-Fargo Ex 147 Del. & Iludton. Amal. Copper .123U D., L. & W. Aincr. u. & r , , do pfd Llnceed Oil do pfd .. 2S'i .. .. 111 .. 3DH .. Ml, .. 9b?i ..i:sii .. 51j Denver & It. a. do pfd Erie . 41' do 1st P'1' ;i, 'Atner. S. & It... (i 1) :t prii ... E-9 I do nfd. ........ Ot. Nor. pfd..., ...IS'.)'; Amer. Tobucco ... 65V4 Anac. Mln. Co ... 75Vi llrooklyn It. T, Hocking Valley do pfd.... Illinois Central ...141 IColo. Pucl : Iron.. 103 Iowa Central .. ... 3l!6,Con. Oas 27 do pfd . 6? Con. Tobacco 4i'i Lake Krle & W.. . 6SH do pfd lot's .124 den. Electric 227", i .lOOV-i Ulucose Sugar i'J't .IWi Hocking Coal 19 .l"3',i,. National Ills.'utt ... C9',5 ,. 25 National Icad ..... ll'.i . 11 National Salt II ,. S1H do pfd 77 i.lOSTsNo. American S7 ,. 3:3; raclllc Coast fAi do ptd I, & N Manhattan ... Met. St. Ity... Mex. Central Mex. National Minn. &. St. I Mo. raidflc M K. & T do pfd P-i Pacific Mall N. J. Central . ...158 People's Oas ., ...117?; ... 43 ... iV.l N. Y. Central . Norfolk & W.. ...102 ... ... M ...113 ...101V4 ... 3714 ...157V1 ... 42Vi ... 7?H ...Mt ... 4!U 1'iosfCil s. Car. do pfd do ptd Pullman P. Republic 1. do pfd.... Sugar Car M:i & S.... 2l'i No. Pacific .... do pfd 7J'i Ontario & W... .14 Pennsylvania . Heading iTcnn. Coal & I.. & P.. .. CO ,. 13 . M . 1414 union Hag do 1st prd do 2if pfd do prd U. S. Leather do pfd , U. S, Rubber . do pfd U. S. Steel ... do pfd Western Union P. C. C. & St. St. L. & 8. P.. . 7SH do Int pfd do 2d pfd ... S.Vi :i . 62V4 . S'T. .101 .' 9.ii ,. 67 ... 73 ... 3fH ... C'i ...172 ...132 St. I.. Southw. do pfd St. Paul do pfd nid. Xew Ynrk Moner Mnrkrt. NEW VORIC. Anrll 30. MONEY On rnll. firm, nt 3!i?6 per cent; last loan, 4; ruling rate. 4; prime mercantile paper, 4til'4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Easv. with no- tual business In bankers' bills at $I.S7'(,'(il 4.88 for demand nnd nt S4.87V for slxiv days; posted rate, $4.R5V4iS4.t6 and tt.kO; com- mercmi duim, SILVER Certificates. 60c: bar. R9Wc: Mexican dollars, 48'c. BONDS Government, Firmer; stnte, In active; railroad, Irregular. rny closing pnecs 011 ponds ioia.i arc as follows: U. 8. ref. 2s reg,..106'i' iOWJi 110'.? N. J. C. sen. 3b. ..133 .. 73H ..105'i do coupon do 3. rtg do coupon do new 4, rec do coupon .... do old 4s, rtg., do coupon .... do Is, rrg iln coupon .... No. Pacific 3s... , do 4s., .lll'.i .138H 1W its?! N V, C & St L 4s. .'.Oii'i .101", .I'll .104 .12 .116 . 9? '4 .10.11,1 HS'.i .133 .133 .118(4 .120 . ft .11G . ti'l .H0',i . 93 .103T4 .120'i .'.10 .K4i . !'.; . 9STi . C3i N. & W. c. 4 pre. Nav. Is dn 4s , .lU'A O. S. U s..; .110 do consol r.s ItfiidlnB Ken. 4s.. Rio O. W. la , .St L & I M i rm. .111'. D. of C. 3 65 125Vi Atch. gm. 4s 102', do adj. 4a .. ST, Ht L V F B. 6s., ..HS'.i St. Paul consols.. Canada So. 2s., Ches. & O. 4H I0t.l St. 1'., C. & l Is do 61 ! 00 3S C. &. N. W. c. 7s.. .142 So. Paclfla 4s do S. F. deu. ss..i:i so. Ha nay f.s.... Chlcaxo Ter. 4s K'4 'S. It. &. T. 6a... Colo. So, 4s MH Tex. ,t raclflc Is. D. A R. CI. 4 icil do 2s Erie en. 4s ST'i Union Pacific 4s... F. W. & D. ls..i09'iiAVabash l Gen, Electric 5s....i5V4 do 2b Iowa Central 1 1";4 West Shore 4s.... i . m. u it, K. & nl. is ii'd .wis. Central 4s... T. Is 8!i v. i.'enturles ... do 4s Wabash deb N. Y. Central ls....W7Ji Offered. nnatnn Stock (tnntntlnn. BOSTON. April 30.-Cnll loans, 3',4HH per cent; tlmo loans, iWi per cent. Official tlojlng. A., T. & H. r .. 75 Wis. Central ..102ViAtchlson 4s ..117 IN. H, O. & C, Ca. ..1221jlAdvenlure ..174 llllnir. Mill. Co . 23 .K'2',1 . C . K do pro Amer. Sugar dn pfd Amer. Telephone, lioston & Alb'y... .,262', Amal. Copper 123V; ..ITS Atlantic 24 ..133 Huston & Mont Hi ..198 llultfi & lloton,..,lH!i ., 37 ICalumet & Ilecla...840 Tloslon Klevated Boston & Me C, It. & Q Dominion coal ... do pM ..Ilii Centennial ..210 I franklin .. 2:'lluinbolilt ., lllb Osceola ,.:it ll'arrot .. SJH'Qulney .. 20'i Sanla 1 Copper ..US'ilTamaracU .. SVill'tuh Mlnlns .... .. OSlWInona . 4 (Wolverines , lid. Rlec 111 Mex. Central .... N. U. a. & C Old Colony Old Dominion ... .. is 23 .. 8i' .. Mtt ..177 ...,8'i .. 33 .. 4W Rubber Union Pacini ... Union lnd West End , Westlni;. Klectrlc New York Mlnlnu SlocUa, NEW YORK. Anrll 30. The follnwlnir ore quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice llreeci .. 20 .. 41 ..'.05 .. 20 .. : ,..s .. to ..110 Little ndef Ontario Onhlr , Phoenix rotnel Svajce Sierra Nevada Small Hopes , Standard , .. U ..830 .. 50 5 .. 3 .'.' i" ..370 Hrunswlck con . Conlstiick Tun .. Con. Cal. & Va,, neadwoo't Terra Horn Sliver Iron Sliver eo Leadvllle Con t llnnU 4:irnrlim. OMAHA. April SO. Rank clearings today. Sl.047,591; corresponding dny last year, $903,. l.o: increase. 1111,1:1. CINCINNATI. April 30.-Clearlng. J2.S70. 300; money, 3I6 per cent; New York ex chance. 15c premium and inir. BOSTON, Anrll 30.-ClenrlnfiB, ,31,519,632; balances, $2,506,850. CHICAUO, April soClearings, 121,212,690; balances, $2,252,215; posted exchange, $I.Sj'.3 t4.)s New York exchange, 10c premium. ST. LOUIS. April 30. Clearings, $0.911. tl2; balances, $l,19S,24o; moilev, In good demand nt 6'd per cent; New York exchange, 10c premium bid; 23c asked. NEW YORK, April sn.-Clearlngs. $397, 432,691; bnlances. $12,08,S69. PHILADELPHIA, April SO.-Clenrlngs, $19,501,972; balances, $2,2jl,626. , HALTIMOUE, April 30.-Clcarlngs, $I,'SS, 922; balnnces, $706,146. I.timlnii StocU (luntntlotis. LONDON, April 30. I p. m.-Closlng: ConwlJ. money do account .. Atchison CanaJIsl. l'nc. St. Paul Illinois Central U A. X .... 9IH Erie ..M7-MI do 1st pfd. ... "i'.i Pennsylvania .... .. 103?, Heading ....Ut I No. Pacific pfd.. ....llTU'tlraml Trunk .... ....lim'Anuconda . 41 . W .10.14 . It'v . lfi ,. 42'. Union 1'ac. pfd. N. Y Central ,. .. 90 lltand Mines ..160 BAR SILVER Flat, at 27 3-16l per ounce. MONEY 31i3Vs per tent. The rnte ot discount In the open mnrket for short bills Is 3',5 per cent; for three months' bids, 3!iti3 9-l6 per cent. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Com pany against Oylcr ct al. Appeal trim Uincasier. Afllrmed. Opinion by llolconib, J. Filed April 17. 1901. 1. In nn notion to foreclose n real estnte mortgage, a defendant who Is liable for 11 deficiency Judgment lins such a beneficial Interest In tho result of the suit that he may, If proper grounds exist therofor, apply for and obtain Jho appointment of u receiver for the purpoie of preserving tho property and the Income therefrom for the satisfaction of tho debts which' aro a licit thereon. 2. Where mortgaged premises are prjb ably insufficient to sntlsfy the mortgage debt, and the property Is allowed to de teriorate and taxes to accumulate, thesu aro grounds sulllclent to Justify tho ap pointment of 11 receiver to take charge of the mortgaged premises, collect the rents nnd apply them In such manner as to pre serve tlio property for the satisfaction of the debt for which It Is pledged. 3. Evidence exnmtned nnd held sulllclent to support the order mnde for the appoint ment of a receiver, and the application of tho Income of the property In his hnnds for tho payment of tho delinquent taxes as sessed against the same. No. 9,437. National Life Insurance Com pany against Fitzgerald. Appeal from Lan caster. Afllrmed. Opinion by Sullivan, J. Filed April 1, 1901. 1. An nctlon to foreclose a mortgage Is not a suit to recover money only and con sequently Is not within tho prohibition of section 227, chapter xxlll, Compiled Statutes of 1S99. 2. A mortgagee may, after the death of the mortgagor, Institute a suit to forecloso his mortgage nnd the more filing "Tit tho county court of tho mortgage debt ns a claim against the decedent's estate while tho foreclosure suit Is pending will not operute as a release or discharge of the mortgage. 3. whether, under section S4S of tho Code of Civil Procedure n mortgagee Is entitled to have his debt against the general cstnfo of a deceased mortgager allowed in the county court whllo his foreclosure nctlon Is pending, quaere. 4. A Judgment fixing the personal liability of defendants In a foreclosure suit can only be reviewed nfter ti deficiency Judgment has been rendered. No. 9,441. McPherson against Commercial, VnlUmit T I r. , 1 1 . I.'..-.,.. .... ." . 1 -j ' iillliuuni AJlllll. I.IIUI 1IUI11 WUlKilir. .'1- firmed. Opinion by Sullivan, J. Filed April 17. 1901. 1. All undertaking for costs, meellnir nil tho reoulrements of the ntntute nmlrr Which It Was clven. Is valid nnd enfnrrlhlr. ulthnugh no obligee Is nnmed therein. .'. -mere is no substantial difference be tween "a bond for costs' nnd nn under taking for costs." Each expression Is the recognized equivalent of the other. 3. Where the clerk of thn stntn rnnrf for n certain county has possesion of the rcc- orus oi tno territorial court ror tne same county It will be presumed, hoth courts being of the same description, that his pos session Is rightful. 4. A Party cannot lustlv eomnlnln nf nn adverse ruling upon an objection to the In troduction of evidence which Is so In definite ns to bo unintelligible. No. 10.343. McCulloch against Dovev. Ap peal from Cass. Afllrmed. Remittitur. Opinion by Norvnl, C. J. Filed April 17, 1901. 1. Where both parties In their pleadings allege a given fact proof of tho averment Is unnecessary. 2. A finding of fact based on conflicting evidence will not bo molested on review. 3. Where plnlntlff after suit commenced transfers his Interest In the subject of liti gation to a third party the action mav be continued in tho;, hnme of the original plaintiff or the coUrt may allow tho trans feree to be substituted fpr him. State against Frank. Error from Doug Ins. Former Judgment of reversal adhered to. Oplolon by Norvnl, C. J. Filed April li. 1901. 1. Courts will take judicial notice of legls Iatlvo enactments mid of the. records kept by tho two houses of the legislature. Where legislative Journals nro defective or Incomplete their sllcnco will not, ns against nn enrolled bill, bo taken ns con clusive evidence that hc yens nnd nays wero not tukon and recorded on tho final passaue of a bill. 3. Extrinsic evidence may not be received to contradict tho legislative Journals, but such evidence Is competent to supply miss Ins portions of the Journals, which hnd become detached through accident or de sign. 4. Enrollment, authentication and ap proval of nn net of the legislature are prima fucle evidence of the regularity of Its ennct mcnt. 5. Session laws, 1M)9, chapter xxxl, amend ing Complied Statutes, 1897. chapter xxvlll. section 3, Is germane to the section amended and Its provisions nro within Its title. 6. A general law, though affecting n single ciiuiuy, is not lor mat reason special legis lation. 7. Former opinion, S3 N. W. Rep,, 71, adhered to, .mi. ii.i.'i. rimiin ngainst Noureld. Appal from Hamilton. Afllrmed. Opinion by Sul- iivun. .i. r iru April 17, looi. i. i no iiiTismn oi questions presented to thin (ot'it !n reviewing tho proceedings of tho dl3l'ct court becomes tho Inw of tho c.-iie und fop the purposes of the litlg'itlon settles conclusively the nnlnta nHtinll, n,..1 , uecision or mis court noidlrg Hint a petition state n cause of action Is an ni judication timt the fncts pleaded w'll. If iinmlttjo or proved, entitle the plalnt'f: to .lit; luuci UVIIlitlllUMl, 3. In an nctlon by tie vendee of exemot property to quiet his title ns against Judg ment creditors of the vendor fraud Is an Immaterial Issue, No. 11.840 Clary against State. Error irtini rMeiminn. vltlrtnr(l. llninlnti liv val, C. J. Filed April 17. 1911. 1. The credibility of wIImpsq lu t,. no jury ami the interest of any wltnes" In proper iij no considered in wclghlnK h y irrililiuil-, 2. Instructions must bo mnilriuiH . gethcr. .;. it is not error to tell Mm Jury In ,i proserution ror nssault with Int.'iit to wuiiiiii i in iney nave unining to tlo with in" Muesiiim oi punishment. i. i nc intent with which n net is douu Is infernhlo from thn net ltunir n.wi iu- mim nun circu msiiinccG surrounding it Tup of Until IIIimvii OIT. ST. JOSEPH. Anrll 30.-fiuy RnolHnn w off the lop of Charles Mopp'ln's head with ii Biiuiiiuu in iriuoui . mis county, tm nv. j no t)oys wero both 13 years old and cousins, hnelsnn claims ho did not know inn gun was loaned CLIMATE AND CROP REPORT .More limn "Normal A in mini of Sun- nhliir, Fnvnrnlilr for Ailvnnpp iiirnt nr I'nriiis, United States Department of Agriculture, m-DrasKa section, Ollmato and Crop Sor vlco of tho Weather Bureau. Weekly Crop iiuiietin. university of Nebraska, Llncolu, April 30. C.encral Siimmaiy; The past weok has been warm and dry, with more man tho normal amount of sunBhlnn. Tho dally mean leinperaturn bas averaged degrees nbovo tho normal. The iniixl mum temperature nn Iho 26th was bo tween SO degiees nnd 90 degrees nnd nt i few places exceeded 90 degrees, The rainfnll of the week amounted only to light sprinkles, except In tho central and southwestern counties, where It ranged from n quarter to slightly more than half an inch. The pnst week hfts been very favorable for the advancement of fnrm work and for tho growth of vegetation, Oat seeding Is practically completed. Spring wheat and oats tiro coming up, and the stand Is good. v. inter wheat linn grown well, (irnss Is generally backward for Iho season, but has grown el during Iho pnst week. Ilnpld progrrss lias been made In the prrpnrntlnn of ground for corn planting, and Komo little mm has been planted, I'luin, prnrh, ami vhcrry trees nro In bloom. tl, A, LOVKLANI), Section iMreciur, Lincoln, Neb, Tho roriect number ot "THE DOTS" and list of prim winners will bo published In Tho Sunday Her, May 6, OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARIET Libral Eecelpti of 0ttlt, bat Trtdi Actiri nnd Fnllj Steady. Rnl.d HOGS OPENED WEAK, BUT CLOSED STRONG Siiiil iif Mlici-p Wit Mot Liirno, but Market Wns Mlnvi nml Weuk to n Dime l.oMcr, While fmiiilm Held About tenrf. SOUTH OMAHA. April 30. rA Mr wcre! Cattle. oniclnl Monday 2.913 Official Tuesday 31977 Two days this week.... G.&X) hamo days last week.... 5,917 Same wick before 7,744 Same three weeks ago... 6.H0 Same four weeks ago.... 6,612 Sain i! days lust year 6.N2" Hogs. Sheep. 3..U? 6.520 12,912 l.0"3 t6.19 J.V.'il 10.027 13.311 8.5S5 13,370 183,912 IKU11I 166.551 1 17.C9! 108.NSO 53,651 87,061 142.1-37 10.523 S,7iM 10,7( 13,921 H,Wi3 4,761 112.516 91,356 100.179 135.6.S GV39 20,111 27.107 15,005 "in pril. 1 hii st.ats Total Total Total Total Tofnl Total Total llniO 59,927 tM 50.332 1VJS M,mn 1W 51.S11 l.PO 33,825 1S95 33,169 1891 69,173 April, Apr I, Aprll April, prii, April, Averngo price paid tor hogs ut South Omaha th u past several duys with com- parisons: I 1901. l00.IO9.lt98.18K.18!i.,U95. April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April 1... ? 4... 6... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10.. U.. Vt., 13.., 14.. 13.. 6 97t 3 61 3 65 3 92 3 oil 3 13 6 OS 3 67 3 92 3 64 4 M 5 15 3 65 3 91 3 65 4 83 6 25 3 66 3 73 3 53 4 7 6 30 3 65 3 79 3 90 4 82 5 30 3 62 3 79 3 S5 3 57 4 81 6 27 3 64 3 72 3 83 3 69 3 66 3 71 3 V) 3 61 4 M 5 S3 3 75 3 85 3 62 4 81 5 38 3 68 3 90 3 66 4 77 6 36 3 67 3 71 3 57 4 3 5 33 3 63 3 71 3 97 4 71 6 4U 3 61 3 67 3 97 3 60 4 V C 48 3 67 3 70 3 85 3 49 3 72 3 67 3 80 3 3S 4 75 3 45 3 61 3 87 3 29 4 71 6 65 3 72 3 91 3 35 4 74 6 49 3 68 3 60 343463 5 46 3 71 3 61 3 91 4 61 5 45 3 75 3 63 3 84 3 35 4 69 6 42 3 77 3 73 3 83 3 30 3 72 3 84 3 84 3 30 3 70 5 36 3 74 3 82 3 28 4 67 6 32 3 67 3 83 3 36 4 56 5 3ti 3 65 3 71 3 31 4 61 5 29 3 65 3 84 3 81 4 65 5 24 3 67 3 79 3 77 3 26 4 113 5 37 3 69 3 77 3 75 3 26 3 69 i VJ 3 71 3 12 4 60 5 32 3 S3 3 SO 3 15 4 54 6 UU t 9M4 5 r.ix. 5 .1514 0 stit 6 01K! b 92V1I ? 87-HI a l'.i 5 98ft! 6 014 16.. April 17.. April 18.. a y.'i, 5 S4T. 6 891!, 6 E5U April April April April April April April April April April April April 19. 20. 21.. 23.'! 21.. 25.. 26.'.' 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 6 S0J 0 &u 6 76 6 7a 6 77U 5 72?, 0 65 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. IJ.. M. & St. P. Ry.... 4 11 u. it at. L. Ity n Missouri Pacific 5 I'nlon Pacific System 26 C. & N. W. Ry 3 F K. & M, V. R. R.. 56 S. C. P. Ry I '., St. P.. M. & O.... 21 R. & M. R. R. R 31 C. R. & Q. Ity , C, R. 1. & P., oast.. .1 C R. I. & P., west.. 2 Illinois Central l 4 3 28 E5 2 15 34 11 If 2 1 Total receipts 162 1S3 15 The disposition of the day's receipts was as loiiuw-s, eacn iniycr purchnslng the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 511 1,931 291 ii. liiimmond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour Packing Co R. Rcckcr X- Degan Vnnsant & Co 1S9 566 7(S 711 90 51 SO 56 '! 91 o 33 11 115 4S5 2,959 3.067 4.915 l.ns "I 972 Mihman & Co Hill & Illltitzlneer Livingstone & Schaller... ucntus ti. Co A. S. Mawhlnncy I F. Husz Wolf & M Hamilton & Rothschild.. Other buyers 31 Totals S.77I 12.KTS ,379 CATTLE Thero wn.i n llhorm cattle on salo this morning, but the packers Deemed to want them, nml tli, in,. Hint i-iitud uctlyo and fully steady with yosturday. Tn0 iiuumy oi inu caitio a a wnoio wns very good, and particularly was that true of the ucci sicers. Tho big end of tho rcctdnt war sit-aln madu up of beef steers, and the demand being 111 good sbane. thu nrinm nald rnm- pared very favorably with yesterday. There wns some wcuKness noticenuio yesterday, but that wns not the case today, and tho market could be quoted Just about steady with last Friday. The better grades in par ticular were ready sellers, but practically uvvryinuiK was out ot first Hands ut a ivasunubiy cany hour. The supply oi cow stuff was not lienvy and buyers took hold with a llttlu more Ufa than they have for the last few days. They utiugiii up wniu was oucrea at tuny steauy prices, aim in sumo cases tno inurKei looked a little stronger than yesterday, or not much different lrom the close of last week. Bulls also changed hands at good, steady prices, and the same could bo said of veal calves and stags. mere wero iune a tew stockers and feeders on sale this morning, but prices on good stuff wero ns high as ever. A bunch of Herefords sold at 5.20, but they wero of good quality. Anything at all de slrablo sold at not far from steady prices, though some of the commoner grades wcru perhaps a little slow. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 M2 4 00 7 1204 4 fO 1 itl'J 4 ll 23 936 4 80 1 1000 4 1)0 11 1022 4 M 3 626 4 Ci b 1052 4 53 3 K09 4 10 19 110S 4 S3 7 10W 4 15 6 1141 4 K 2 770 4 :0 1 U0 4 (3 3 900 4 20 14 1027 4 83 I 720 4 25 6 1166 4 f3 21 9W 4 05 4 1012 4 3 10 32 4 V) 41 1131 4 95 8 26 4 35 4 1235 4 JO 2 1075 4 10 44 1259 4 lu 22 921 4 10 38 126) 4 M 3 S1I 4 40 9 2ul 4 90 6 r28 4 10 17 11W 4 90 31 1041 4 43 21 1176 4 90 A 972 4 '3 12 109 4 90 1 300 4 34 20 1238 4 10 1 1'60 4 t0 4 1263 4 90 23 918 4 30 7 1290 4 95 1 900 4 30 23 1131 4 9J 2 930 4 50 42 1142 4 95 3 1273 4 50 20 1195 4 93 5 t96 I ?3 3S U6S 4 95 7 1000 4 35 31 1330 3 (0 1 960 4 33 3S 11SS 5 00 i 980 4 IM 20 1232 I 00 6 945 4 frt 19 1182 5 M II 1071 I 00 20 1167 3 CO 3 966 4 61 1 1330 5 00 14 937 4 CO 20 1221 5 00 5 !M 4 U 18 1203 5 00 15 972 4 63 U 1315 Q 03 13 971 4 0.3 19 1062 3 03 23 1014 4 rs j n:o 5 w,-, 8 (OS 4 C3 18 1197 5 03 2ii 11C8 4 20 40 1.129 S 10 12 1001 4 70 17 1237 5 10 11 10SO 4 70 21 1131 3 10 20 9S3 4 "5 44 1632 6 15 13 1047 4 73 41 1163 5 13 13 10SS 4 75 13 1263 5 13 10 1011 4 75 41 1373 3 15 40 1035 4 75 1 1400 5 13 20 1163 4 75 6 131 5 13 2 1073 1 T5 4 1337 5 15 23 1058 4 SO 1 1340 5 13 9 1111 4 10 II 1390 5 13 S 1016 4 So 32 1461 3 20 1 1200 4 &0 40..., 1130 3 20 3 1040 I K0 43 .' 1296 5 23 22 1137 1 '0 21 1117 3 30 C8 1121 4 1-0 1 1310 5 40 20 1 13t 4 SO COWS. 2 735 2 VQ 1 1030 3 "5 2 793 2 25 1 913 3 79 1 660 2 30 1 1130 3 "3 2 1. 935 2 59 3 1106 3 Q 1 9K0 2 5o 9 736 3 fc'i 1 1070 3 50 1 1000 3 C 1 810 2 3.1 9 1133 3 85 1 10 2 3) 9 918 3 !5 1 930 2 30 4 1032 3 S3 2 1030 2 C5 t UIO 3 M 2 1003 2 (.3 7 962 IN 2 90 2 75 7 1111 3 9) 1 M0 2 73 g 903 3 90 2 1KW 2 0) 4 1102 3 93 J 620 2 10 2 1000 4 00 1 HO 3 00 2 1030 4 "0 1 1130 3 W 1 1260 4 1 1 90o 3 00 c 1203 4 00 1 UN 3 0J 1 920 I 00 1 WO) IN 1 1IK0 4 00 1 1040 3 00 24 1101 4 03 1 1030 2 10 1 1093 4 03 1 1130 3 10 1 VM 4 05 1 930 3 10 2 1133 4 10 1 1120 3 10 1 IKO 4 10 S. i)73 3 10 1 1080 4 10 2 Iis3 3 15 23 9S2 4 10 4 1070 3 13 6 lOSii 4 1.1 1 1030 3 25 1 1210 4 13 1 1010 3 23 II 971 I IS 1 UIO 3 23 11 320 I 13 : Pili 3 a 10 1212 4 13 ) 930 3 25 9 1091 4 15 1 1210 2 73 12 1180 4 20 1 pitiO t 25 3 1001 I 20 1 ISI 3 40 1 1211 4 20 1. 1030 3 30 1 1190 I 25 1020 3 V 1 1110 4 25 1 S!0 3 3o II 1036 4 25 1 930 3 ,V) 11 Il'io 4 25 j j;o 3 lu 3 m 4 23 UCO 3 (0 5 1130 4 20 1 UI0 5 h t 1110 4 r.o 4 1"S5 3 JO 2 K5 4 11 i xr.t i U It 11M 4 40 2 1CM 3 bO I. im 4 M 1 n:) 3 65 1 1410 1 ro 1 m 3 75 7 1105 I ti COWS AND HEIFERS. 4 ....1162 4 05 1 67S 4 15 HEIFERS. 1.,. 530 3 10 3 ;: 4 IS I ;o : i'j 1 4 o 3., (26 3 9U 4 f.? 4 DO 6 CS 3 JJ 10 $19 4 31 1 WW I "0 2 M 4 M 1 MO t 00 1 M 4 40 2 5.V I OI 1 1350 4 4) 1...., t.M 4 10 37, C4 4 li 2 Pfin 1 -.o STEERS AND HEIFERS. uu 4 . H)j 4 ;s 23 "41 4 10 U 11)1 S 15 II 1110 4 CI 19 1331 5 20 ( 0.Vi I 75 STEERS AND STAGS. 1 132 1 ii 15 1200 4 ft) STEERS TEXAS. 04 1CM 4 li BULLS. 1 1210 2 Si 1 1610 A 33 1 Iieo 3 (0 1 Ml) 3 Si 1 1330 3 10 I llVi 3 H 1 1331 3 :S 1 16 3 !i 1 101) 3 40 1 17(0 2 13 1 IBM 3 fO 1 PiC6 3 W 6 1JC0 3 TO 1 KM 3 f"i 2 ton 3 31 J HO t 0) 1 !?' t '! 1 1130 4 W 1 1021 3 li 1 ;w 4 M t 1132 ' f- 1 1430 4 W 2J 15W 1 1010 4 10 I IM :i '5 1 14b0 4 21 I H3l 3 i& 1 1U0 4 i'l 1 1130 3 i.'i 1 1100 4 M STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 t30 2 til 1 no 3 (0 1 1030 2 FO 1 IM 3 0 1 900 2 S3 1 iic 2 W 2 102i) '.' i 1 1010 4 10 4... 815 3 23 2 ?73 4 li 1 410 3 .V) 1 1:01) 4 23 8 Ui 3 M 1 91'J 4 23 1 SCO i 30 5 1210 4 n 23 30 3 ti CALVES. 5 17 i n) 1 120 6 50 1 130 6 iO STOCK. CALVES 1 41U 3 J 71 321 4 O 1 220 .1 50 2 200 4 73 1 210 4 00 1 30 4 25 139 308 4 40 1 120 6 li MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. No. Av. Pr. Ij cows and calves 561 3 S cows and cnlves 622 3 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1... .1010 2 00 1 &S0 4 io ,., f00 3 2 633 4 !0 ... 292 3 1 5 16 513 I 50 ...1030 3 23 2(1. 517 4 50 ,.. 510 3 CO 17 8M 4 35 ,.. 420 3 39 23 528 4 6i ,.. 830 3 30 2 880 4 f& ,.. 790 3 25 14 612 4 5 ... 502 3 73 3 7 U 4 TO ... 600 3 73 8 568 4 70 ...1000 3 7S 21 751 4 70 ... 61 3 13 9 671 4 73 ... 700 SO 4 502 4 75 ... 893 4 00 3. 446 4 80 ... 724 4 '.5 10 313 4 K5 ... 3S0 4 25 21 610 ( 00 ... 838 I 35 3 644 5 0) ... 646 4 40 23 484 3 10 ... 544 4 43 30 731 5 20 13'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. li)!""".'.' 9"!!."!!! 1 HlMIIIIII 17 , 1 12 3 (1 HOQS There was a liberal supply of hogs here today nnd although the demand on the Dart or the nnckcrs was In aood shape, they started out nnd tried to buy mem lower in view of the llhernl recelnts Their opening bids were weak to 2V4u lower man yesterday anu in some enses more, una ine nrsi sales were largely at Jo.oiv-j Before many hoes hud ohnnetd hnnds. however, tho market firmed un until it was just about steady with vesterdav. the bulk ui mo mixeu nogs selling at js.ujy and o."i anu ine Dcuer grades going nt es.oiVti and irom tnai up 10 11 was a tuir y uc live market and the bulk of the offerings were out of first hands in good teason. The market closed up In good shape and was fully as high as yesterday and every thing, including the late arrivals, was sold 111 gooa season. Representative sales: No. Av. ...110 ...Ihl ...ns ...19S ...190 ...200 ...216 ...200 ...193 ...233 ...2.H ...257 ...216 ...240 . . .220 ...227 ...2W ...241 ...218 ...203 ...211 ...179 Sh. Pr. No. Av .210 .229 Sh. Pr. 13... S3... 45... 65... 57... 15... 76... 78... 17... 61... 63. v 35... 46... 57... 71... 14... 62.., 75,., 50... 51... ... tt 00 120 5 52U ... 5 52(4 171... 71.... 73.... 75.... 66.... 17.... 55.... 65.... 56.... 69.... SO.... 56.... 69.... 64.... 32.... 240 SO SO SO SO & 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 0 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 5 65 5 6" 5 65 G 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 G G5 5 65 5 65 1 65 G 65 o 65 5 65 5 65 b 65 G 65 G 65 G In G 65 5 65 G 65 G 65 5 65 5 65 G 65 G 65 6 65 G 65 G 65 5 65 G 65 5 65 6 65 G 67V4 G 67(4 G 67 j G 67 G 67U G 67(5 5 67tt G 67Va 6 67',4 G 67V, G 67U 5 67U G 67(5 G 67. 6 671,4 G 67U 6 67(4 5 67',5 G C7U 6 70 6 70 G 70 5 70 6 70 5 70 ..21S 2 4 '.'.241 ..246 ..229 ..222 ..21S ..240 242 '.'.288 ..264 ..264 ..317 ..216 ..224 120 5 57 5 60 35 60 SO bO 5 60 5 60 5 622 S 62 'A 5 02U 0 62'J 5 62U 5 62'i 5 62', 4 5 62W 6 62li 5 62U, 5 62 . 5 62 5 02Vj SO 40 80 120 '4'0 40 120 160 160 120 40 120 40 160 HO 200 W 160 S2.. 10. SO 2S3 48. 13. 52. 62. 78. 74. 66. .26S ...25.1 !"263 o04 !!!245 ...239 ...221 30.. 120 80 SO SO '40 40 160 74 211 SO 5 62'A SO 217 66 278 76 212 77 242 52 203 67 222 67 236 SO 5 62W 2l0i 5 62 5 62V 5 62U 5 62W 6 62V? 5 621.4 5 62' 6 62t 5 62,j 5 62U 66.. .6. ....231 so 50 SO 160 'so SO 40 43 215 63 247 66 255 75 219 K. 230 71 234 5S 246 69 248 60 239 73 240 9.. .210 70... 52... 62... 66... 73... 37... 79... 74... 71... St... 78... 56... 62... S5... ..20S ..231 ..231 ..234 ..197 ..233 ..219 ..221 ..240 ..192 ..216 ..213 ..213 ..205 5 62U C 62Vi 6 62VS SO 160 160 40 io 120 SO 80 So 280 f. 62Vs 5 62( 69 198 51. 6S. ..207 ..210 ..214 ..-'23 ..243 ..243 ..249 ..22J ..267 ..234 ..251 ..255 ..251 ..230 228 !!i"s4 ..254 ..260 ..2S6 ..251 ..269 ..246 ..252 5 62's 5 62V 6 63 4 6 62(5 5 62H, 5 62(v o 62(J 5 62K 5 62U 5 62'.5 5 62VJ 5 621,4 5 62H 5 62V, 5 62 5 62',5 5 62V5 5 62V 5 62V5 5 62V 5 62i 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 r. 65 5 65 5 G5 5 65 5 65 5 65 4 65 5 tr D 65 5 fa 5 r.-, 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 G 65 5 65 5 65 B 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 6 65 67.... 79..., 84... 49... 71... 57... 60... 54... 74... 60..., 65..., 72... 74... S3..., 28..., 63... 60..., 26..., 16..., f4..., 130.., 39..., SO 60... 73 59 199 6S 222 80 120 "so so 65 219 40 12 29 "lS6 84.. 60.. 77.. 74.. 40 160 120 "v 'so ...243 ...202 ...231 ...232 ...197 ...226 ...198 ...193 ...207 ...233 so 26.... IS.,,. 25 6.S.... .216 .252 .251 160 120 SO 40 1611 SO SO 80 120 120 SO so 120 SO 120 40 SO SO 256 40.... 65 271 73 199 48 318 67 255 60 257 66 259 St.... 84.... ....218 ....245 ....256 ....217 ....236 ....219 62.. 63.. 84.. 76.. 64.. .255 160 91.. 79.. 57.. 60.. 63.. ..261 1.268 ..266 42 69 264 20 215 40 40 10 160 160 160 80 120 72 2IW 70 244 72 225 64 23S 41 2IS 65. .250 77 260 84 267 (6 244 56 230 65 267 6S 236 55 263 61 241 71 222 81 249 ... 5 63 70 245 ...249 ...239 ...202 ...237 SO 'so 52 239 40 5 65 61 240 75 202 SO 5 65 111 24a 69 237 SO 6 65 72 245 5 276 80 G 65 bl 229 ...276 62 24S ... 6 65 62 341 68 231 40 5 65 67 251 64 216 ... 6 65 64 347 6S 227 120 G 65 60 268 62 258 ... 6 65 86 252 SO 126 so 5 70 5 70 1 260 SO 5 65 61 2.V. 07 273 80 6 65 43 347 64 238 2V) 5 63 54 270 59 240 100 G Ki 38 312 72V4 72(5 6 ' 5 75 II "65 lflll K 65 43 347 5 65 6 77V4 Riur.Kr Tr,rfl watt nnL a very nmvy 11111 of sheep here today, but the tendency was In the direction of lower prices. Somp sales looked about stendy, but as a general thing the market was weak to 15c lower. Woolcd wethers sold as high as 1 1,5a, which was not fur from steady. The demand from packers was very limited and ns a re sult tho market was slow and d.raggy from start to finish. There were no choice mmos on sale, b'Jt wnai were mirnu rum about steady pr ces. The best bunches offered brought'M W and 14.75. but they were not good. The general opinion was that choice stuff would sell readily at yuout'lon"' Choice wtthf rs. I.264.C5; fair lo good wethers. H.ong4.25; clipped wethers. I4.oiviM.25; fair to good clipped wethers.' 13.754.00; choice lightweight year lings. U (W4.75; fair to good yearlings, $4.35 tl4 50; clipped yearlings. $4.254.CO; choice, llghtwelght ewes, $4.00i(f-4.15; fair to good ewes, w.wgi.uj; cuppeu ewes, .t..ow -!; choice lambs. $4.90ft6.i; fair to good lumbs, 4,6,Vi4,Vo; Clipped lamos, i.jjui.oo; spring lambs, I6.txw.00; feeder wethers. I3.75y4.25; feeder lamos, i-t.woi.iw. ivcprcacniaiive sales: No, 27 cull ewes 19 cull ewes 1 buck 1 buck 1 ewe 242 clipped wethers 493 clipped wethers A v. Pr. 96 S2 2a 85 2 Vf 3 60 3 50 160 100 150 90 9ii SI 102 102 79 101 74 I., 28 VI I 75 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 55 4 S3 I 05 4 75 4 SI 6 IO 4 25 5 00 C 25 7 clipped lambs .... 36 clipped wethers , 161 western wrthcrn Mo western lambs ... 16 native lambs ..... 223 Colorado lambs , 31 spring lambs I spring lamb 223 weMern wethers 1 lamb 13 spring lumbs 100 SO 71 Knnsns CHy Mve Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITV. April 30-CATTLE-Re-celpts, 9,500 natives, 200 Texans and 2Jl cnlvoH; market generally steady to 10c lower; choice beef steers, J5.15R5.50: common to good. J4.45fi5 10; Mockers and feeders, $4.0VEi5.10; western fed steers, $i.55'(iG 10: Texans and Indians. J4.1.V55.00; cows . $3. 15ft 4.50: heifers. J3.75fi3.tti; canners. $2.M'(3.10; bulls, $3.2Mi4.50: calves. $4.50fi6.25. HOaS"Recelpl, 17,500 head; market 5e lower; top. S.S0; bulk of sales. .lV.Its:!j heavy. j5.75ftS.SO; mixed packers, Jj.6ef(l3,io. light, 5.45sS.7li: pigs, J3.7fttl6.SO. SHEEP AND LAMItS-Recelpts, I..10 head; market steady to Gc lower; wcsleni lambs, JI.75J15.00; western wethers, $1,405 4.75; western yc.irllims. $I.5WI.S0; ewes, J3.MMi4.SO: culls, J2.75y3.7S; spring Inmbs, $6.OiVfl7.O0. CHICAUO LIVE TIH'Fc MARKET. C'nttlr llrncrnlly Mlrnil; Units 4irti lllahrr. Close Slow Jlhrcn wmk, PHirAflO. Anrll 30. f'ATTLE Receipt. 3.50i) bead, Including .W Te.xnns; generally steauy; good 10 prime sicers. ji.'jmi .v; poor to medium, $3. 90474, 90; stockers und feeders, firm. $2.7Mf4.9i. cows. $ l.M); heifers. $2.704f4.75: runners, slow. $2.tli2.V: bulls, steady, $2.75df4.40; calves, strong. $4.40 Wi.wi Texas fed steers, steady, j4.005tn.1u; Texas grass steers. $3.50Cf5.0i; Texas lulls, $2.751it.s3. HOOS-Recelpts today. 10,000 head: to morrow, 2.I.IW. estimated;, left over. 2,iXK: market opened it shade hlsher mid closed slow; top, $5.W; mixed and packers, y,Wt S.SiVs! good lo choice heavy, $5.70U9ii; rougli heavy, $5.5.Vd5,iVi: light, S5.5o4iS.S2H: tiuiK or sales, J.i,T5'fi.i.S.i, , SHEEP AND LAMllS-Recclpts. ll.tiiO hend, slow; clipped weak: clipped lambs weak. woolcd stendy; Colorados, $.,5M; wethers, $4.25n.60: fair to clinlco choice mixed, Texns lambs, 4..wdi..'i; western sheep, Jl.DOSi 1. 10; sheep, ecii, yearlliiRs, Jl.lOjfl.iVi; native SOJtG.So; western lambs, Jl.OOjf.i.:: 1. II ,imv York I. It 1 Sliick Mnrkrt. NEW YORK'. Anrll .111 Itt.M.U'tfilttr.. celpts. 253 heml; no trailing, feeling stonily, tabes quote live cattle llrm at 1o((l2'io: yiiiHi'iill'ir urri IllglUT III .VitlWiC PCr 111. V.xports. .50 cnttlc and 3,100 cunirters of beef. CALVES-Recelpts, 319 heml: very little doing, reeling weak; most of the stock arrived lato and was held over: common l"t,V.n..'.V veins, jj.w5fo.75: extra. J6. SHEEP AND LA.MBS-Recelpts, I.3IS head; almost mi trade; sheep and lambs nominal; deck of southern spring lambs sold at $4 per head. ii.IOU8,".R,'ccln,s ',1S ''fad; no sales In live weight; nominal quotation, $5 90U6.15. fJ1, J,",Pli Mv Ntnek Mnrket. Th Ti,,,.T,iJ08,5,u- Ar!l .-(Special ) X.CUJ?l.l.r"Hl nuotes: vrvl3Ji :TU.?cel?l','J ,lSy, .c,i n'rkot very nctlvo and stendy: natives, J4.SOtSri.60: Texas and westerns, $.1.7611.-.. 30; cows nnd 6.75 feeders, J3.C0tfl.50; veals, $4;50ii) HOOS-Recelpts. S.ono bend: mnrket , W--TSV -6-r'Si5.S0; bulk of Q.iL-.V.M'Vv'Ai J'lt" sleady. ii iwii t- .niiu"i. i.wm.uii; yenning, 4.4a. wethers, JI,35jl.;o; ewes, J3.7ojj t. .. . s"ek In Nlulil. oi owing nre the receipts at the fmr principal markets for April 30: South rimal,0 1 ShMSIl. Chicago .: H'hol 12.912 1,00) 13,000 H.OOO 17.500 1,70i) 11.400 2,500 Totals . . . .2(1,577 60,812 22,003 RinJ'-v?' ,,,,e HU,cU Mnrkel. KramV-CU'Th- P'-HT'M Tele-5.-Jj..rVA 1 TLL Receipts, 2.700: mnrknt mfvdaV5wTlV.U,J',, ow5 nn.r.K tn?' -;oU(1.l: slockers nnd feetlers agbnun.k.cr6?;.,j Sc "'""ciiin. win . Wnnl Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. April SO.-WOOI-The mnrket res.;! ou,dJ:0l,fT:cm,ni!!r TerC tHo?i,t ,'he m,;!k " ver" favonib i territory wools cont nue to bend the list medium' and" ,,.,nr,CCS "bo,,.t h'tami.KInn medium and line scoured, stnnie In in Sai"" ZVlc- ltte thc, p 2 cans ror I3d-4.c. The market for flceco ff,fln"itlmlL', "u,et- nlthotigh some flue delaines have been tnken at 2S(029c for dlumL.01".0- 9"tlons: I'nwasl e.l mo. k J?V ctc--rhentucky nnd Indiana iiuarter blood onnlbln(? o-,c. ibree.quarter food. 22c; Missouri qunrtcrblood combing 2lc: !rh;";' Kl''l' hlood. 21c: brnld comblifg. 20c.' n crrltory. scoured has s Montana fine ind m'Hin24t, iL l?'1' w'P'nl"B I1aho tlno medium nnd fine, 12iil4c; scoured, iomic Snni"nVin4W5f- A"a". scoured basis fflffi. C?.' I,B' ""I'erllnc. nominal nt iT:r?S1' Mf'l average. 6ou3c. IXINDON. April 3.1,-WOOL-Tho third JfZ ,hc ,VCC,,', "'letlon sales opened today. A good representative assorting amounting to 12.074 bales wns offered. The demand was chiefly from the homo trade, but fairly good bidding by French bu 'era caused keen competition. Prices were gen orally firm nnd at times showed slight ad vances, some line merinos being 5 per cent nearer. Good Queensland wns active and In demand; lino crossbrcds were steady, hut common nnd coarse grades were G per cent ower; Cape of Good Hope and Natal wero In good request ot advanced prices. Fol low ng are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 210 bales; scoured. lOdifils :iVd greasy. 354f10d. Queensland, l.m bales: scoured. Si,4dtf Is Id; greasy. 6rSV4d. Vlc torln. l.oOO bales; scoured, 10UdfiiB 4d greasy. rWifflOd. West Australia. 500 bales f.Vi??'' 'd. .Tasmania. 13 bales; scoured 6V41WIS Id. New Zealand. 5,SV) bales' scoured. 6d1s 2; greasy. 3(i19Hd. Cape of .a?".',"0 nnd Nll,nl- 7W 1,ales: scoured, 10V4dls 5',d; greasy, 3'iQ6d. f'nffec Mnrkpl. m i,.n. v. -' . AnJ'" fOFFBB-Spot. Rio, dull; No. 7 Invoice. 6n-l6c; mild, quiet: Cordova. 8Vi!l2jc. There was not rnucti business on the coffee exchange today. To tal sales reached but 15,000 bags. The mar ket opened steady, with prices unchanged to 5 points lower nnd further cased off after the call some 5 points under light general selling, started by disappointing European market advices, henvler Rrazliran recelpta than expected, sluggish spot demand and total absence of speculative support. Tho market was finally barely steady at Mflfl points net lower. Sales Included: May. 5.25c; June, G.40c; July, G.50ffi.f.rc: August, 5.60c; September, 5.63c; November. 5.76fj 6,80c; December, 6.90c; March, 6.03g.l0c. New Ynrk Ilry Goods Mnrki-I. NEW YORK, April 30.-DRY GOODS Home demand for brown cotton allows some Improvement. Four-yard and lighter sheetings have sold fairly well In some quarters. Further moderate buslnofs In heavy goods for export. Prices are un changed. Print cloths Inactive at Fall River. Business outside of that market at low prices. No change in blenched or coarse, prices having remained quiet nnd unaltered Foreign markets firmer. The correct number of "THE D6TS" and list of prlzo winners will be published In The Sunday Ree, May G. Buy FRYER HILL OF LEADVILLE at 6c a share; Company controls 17 claims la tbe heart of tho District; property being operated with a stenra hoist; bas a record ot production of $160,000.00. Ruy PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCK at 20c a share; tbo company owns 45 claims and a large mill; In a steady Bhlppei arid employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay divi dends this year. Writ lor Information concerning divi dend paying stock showing an Investment of better than 33V4 per cent, to Herbert 0. Shaw, offices 1 and 16, Hrown Palace Ho tel, Denver, Colorado, Approved itocki told on Instalment plan. Direct prtvatn wlro to all Colorado exchanges. Tetepuonei 10.1, Boyd Commission Co Successors to Jamti 13. Boyd & Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Roara it Trnae Hnllnlng. Direct wires to Cblcsgo and New York. Correspondence, John A. Warren Co. BUY OIL STOCKS. Good things every Cay. Ii you want to Invest, end to mo and I will buy you any stock you want, If you don't know whut stock you want, leave It to me. Stocks liable to double any day. No commission charged. References: Mauuger Western Union Telegraph Co,, ngont Southern Pa clllc railway und ngent Kansas City South ern railway. Address, A, N. Warner, 295 Crockett street, Dadger'j Icwelcry Store, fluauinont, Texas. i