THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AP1UL 30, 1901. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Whut Breaks on Eeil.zinj Movimtnt nd Olotci Somiwhat Lower. JULY CORN STRUCK BY BEARISH CONDITIONS Oat- ActHr nnd IM11.1 trllli licmllnK In HiilnK-rr.nll'ii Hull niirt V.nny " llrnvy lliiK Mecclit. CIUC'AOO. April a.-r.cnllzliiK movonipm caused ii severe break In wlicut today nn May closed I IMiHM lower. July corn j w- ac ilown, .May unchntiKcd. f1l,.!,', i, ', . lAM.r fititi nrov slons unchanged to iw impressed. V.'r.ri. "statistics were bullish: w .jnt aders were mure Impressed by l,yonoi were otTcreo, h ay nt me "i"'"!'',? ni t f.t i. .v:if,-i.i. lililior lit iJ'iflfIC, 'Jill fJlfli i bu'ylnK oruers cutctl for the offer- Ings car y. out tlic market smiweo i -InR power. I his demand soon died out ami lonKs, discounted further by ho f ill of rnln fii ('nllfornl.i, the lack of uxinirt In tiulry, the llbemllty of receipts and the fuel that biiK reports failed to show u y snrem! of tho pest continued to Ibiuldnte the remiiltider of the session. Mtiy was Kriifllially forced off to 7:'sC and the c ose Vvas weak, l-vm'sc lower at iZWl iJHc. Thorn were tm Important rallies on the way flown. Tho visible supply decreased l.lM.nou bushels, World's shipments were T.TJI.WiO bushels, while the quantity of wheat und lloir on ocean pansaxe showed advices of a.awt.rtio bushels, l'rlmary receipts were hXiMD bushels, conipareil with SRirfiO bush els last year. Keaboard clearances In wheat und Hour were equal to W.wft bushels. Re ceipts were 775 cars, one of contract Rr.tde, Minneapolis and Ouluth reported 182 enrs, rkiiIiisi .T2 last week and Bot a year bko. Mav corn was saved from the weakness which atrectcd July by tho neglect with which tho trreat majority of traders treated May. and by support from Phillips when the market needed It. July was hit by tho Hinall slump, by freer country offcrlnc. by liberal receipts and a vast Improvement In tho weather, which Is now rcKitrdcd ns highly favorable for Rcrmluatlou. The volume of trade was rather small. July sold between l5?fi45Uc ami closed !!ic down at 45ic. May ranged between li'tTM'io and closed iirichanBeil at IStte. Receipts were V'J curt, nlnu of contract itrade. Oats were active nnd despite, a moderate recession seemed firm at the bottom. Kle vator people still led the buying, hedging gainst cash sales, while the cash Inquiry remained In Its previous satisfactory con dition. Additional reports of late seeding also contributed to the support ot tho market. The wheat weakness, however, was too pronounced to bo Ignored nnd after a brnvn resistance the oats market eased off. May sold between IT-fcliZBHc nnd closed ','& lower at 2Vi:. July ratiRetl between MHTlMTtc and closeil IJc down at ICe Receipts worn 278 cars. Provisions were dull and tho tone easier because of heavy Iiob recelptH and a heavy slump In hog prices, but prices suffered but little, as thcro was scarcely any selling pressure. Thai rango was narrow. July 'iiork closed imclianged at Jll.fiJ'4: Julv lanl .',5'fllOo ilown at 7.9;4, and July ribs iUfioc depressed at J7.97V4. Receipts tomorrow: Wheat, loo cars; head' C!,rS' mtS' 375 cars; h"BS' 21 ,m Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open.l High. how, Close. S:ify. Wheat May July Corn April May July Oats .May July Pork May July Lard May July Sept. nibs May July Sept. No, 73i'57l 71 12i "2',4. li'MK 7U75 75 73',4 73'yu's 74'iH's 4S4 47i Vy,m 4SJ4 47a; 4Sl 48J tt'.MlW 4nfj 45'.4 loii 4-ITi iWil4 & 26 2ljii 14 4214 II TO 14421.4 '14 47U 14 BO It 57Hi 14 70 14 67!i 14 671 14 67'4 S 10 S 10 8 03 8 03 8 IS S 00 8 GO 7 97'4 7 !i74 8 0715 7 97!J 8 00 7 97(4 7 974 8 05 8 174 8 20 R 171.4 8 17H S Ki 7 90 7 92V4 7 00 7 92H 7 97i. 7 90 7 W 7 K!4 7 b7Vt 7 92'i Cash quotations wcro as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, J3.R0W S90; straights, J2.6OW3.70; clears, J2.60'fi3.4o; spring specials, 54.0054.10; patents, 3. 1503.75; tralchts. I3.005i3.20: bakers, vs.mvh Rn WHEAT No. 3 spring, 7U473fic; No. 2 COHN-No'. 2, 4Se: No. 2 ycllow...4Sc. OAT8-N0. 2. 2Gtj27Uc; No. 2 white, 2S4c; No. 3 white. 27c. RVB-No. 2. 61 ',50. I1ARLKY Good feetllng, BigSoo; fair to cliolet! malting, CUf 58c. SUKDS-No. I flax. J1.G4; No. 1 northwest, ern, J1.H4: prime timothy, $3.90; clover, con tract grade. 110.05'ff 10.25. PROVISIONS-Mts.f pork, per bbl., J14.50 (9H.B5. Iard, per 100 lbs., JSJ2!4. Short rins sines iioosej, Vf.oows.-ja. ury salted shoulders (boxed),Jfi.S7',4(ii.7.12'. Short clear WlUSICY-nasIs of high wines. 11.27. SUCJAR-Cut loaf. fi.Kc; graniilatcd. B.B7c; confectioners' A, 5.44c; off A, 6.29c. Following aro the receipts anil shipments Kecelpt", m.ooii 78,000 165,000 3I7.000 S.IHIO 1R.0W ..ul i.OOO 1'lour, hbls AVhent, bii Corn, bu outs, bu Rye. bu Hurley, tin Ontn, bu....'. On the rroducc exchange today the but. ter market was dull: creameries. lltilllU.e dairies, llf;17c. Cheese, 9V4QUc. Eggs, wcnK, ai j;c. m:v roiiK ;i:.K.itAi, .mahkht Shipment" 15.000 247.C00 27 1.0 0 123,V) 23,000 S.0IK1 1.255.000 Vnrlons infitnllfn nf the Day on Com niiflltlm, NKW YORK. Anrll 29. KI.01'n-Re eclpts. 31.634 bbls,: exports. 10.291 bbls .: easy mid lower with wheat; winter patonts, 13.63 Sit. 00: winter straights. S3.60(3.65: Minne sota patents, J4.(X34.40; winter extras. J2.4S Si2.S3; Minnesota bakers, $2.90Q3.25; winter low grades, $2.30412.45. Rye flour, llrm: fair to good, $2.8553.20; choice to fancy, $3.55 (13.45. COnNMKAI Quiet; yellow western, 33o; City, X'c: Urandywliie, $2.45(J2.50. RVH Klrm; No. 2 western. 61c, afloat; state. Bo'dBfic, e. I, f., New York earlots. ltARLi:Y-8tcady; feetllng,4i!fl4!Hc, c. I. f.; lit. 1 1 Kill,, iwy ivl, 1, 1., nun linn. HARI.KY MALT Bull; western, 6VH72C WIIEAT-Rrcelpts. 3JI.203 bu.; exports. P7.K69 bu. Snot, easy: No. 2 red. R3Ue. f. o. 1)., afloat; No. 2 red. WHc clevntor; No. 1 normcrn, uuiuin. tiiC, 1, o. p., nuont No. 1 hard, Huluth, 911,0. f, o. b afloat Options turneil weak today and deellnei under disappointing Kngllsh cables, genera unloading, foreign selling, small exnnrt trade and fine domestic crop news. In face nr nuiiisu wecKiy siaiiniics. l losctl weilK IfllUc net lower. May closed at NMje July. 78 IB-lfiffSO 3-Ific. closcfl at 79c; Sep tember. 7f''i1i78Uc. closed nt 77lte. CORN Receipts. 9.00Q bu.; exports, 33,610 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, 62HC, elevator, and 62Se. f. o. b,, allont. Option market was nomewhat weaker, with wheat, under beir lnh cables and more favorable weather news; closed wnaK at 'c decline. May fi2ii(f!62Ue. closed at 52Wc: Julv. BfliifiROSie closed at 50'e; September, WYitOKe, closed nt 49'ic. OATS Receipts, 193,300 bu.; export, 62,063 hit. Spot, tlrnij No. 2, 32c; No. 3, 31'ie; No. 2 white 334o; No. 3 while, 32'ic: track western, .mjoe; iracic wntie, aijioijc, notions quipt ami easy wiin corn, HAY-Qlllct: shlnnlnit. 77UfiSOo. .MOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 190o crop. 17U20c; 1W9 ortip. llil6o: old olds 2ftt!ci Pacltlc coast, iim crop, 16S19c; lb99 HIDKS-Steady: Oalveston. 20 to 23 Ihs. J8tc: California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to so l's..'l4ffimc. LHAT1 11C R Steady; hemlock sole, Ruenos Ayres. iigui 10 neavywetgnts, 2ra25c; nctd :3l424'r;C. ifROVISlONS-Reof. steady; family, $11.0 'a 12.00; mess,; beef hums, ilD.rVlt 21.00: TMCkHt. $l0.00fl'10.5(l! rttv .vfpn In. II mess, $14.iWilG.0o. Cut meats," steady: pick n il iiuilirn, o-in IUV.V.-, IMCHiril RllOlllOerS, ,.C Pickled hams, 105ilOUc. Lard, easy; west cm Mcumeios.t!ii!s.&o: rellncd, easy; con tlnent,' M.70: South America. $9.35: com pound, M.15. 1'ork. dull; family, $16.00R' snoniniiiirs. ia,iiria.mi; mess, J15.0Onl6no. TAtLOW-Steudy; city, 4T,c; country. 5tf V' - 4 RiqK-QUItilotucstlc. fair to extrs, nTiC lU'JCTKR-Rfcclptn. 7,310 i.kgs.; steady crtamery. lBUVlOc; factory. l4ijt3i,c. cirKKSB - lecolptK. 2.0 pkgs.; quiet "VIVA iarg ei'inrefi, juiruc; fancy largo wiiuji lUillio; rancy Hinall colored. U1j ,.r. ihiivj Bllllll, iviuit:, 1 ls If 1 1 if. KOasRecolptB, 16.674 pkgs.; dull and lower; western, regular packed. ISMUUHr; storage western, 13?,14c; southern, ll'W lliL'LTRY Alive, llrmer; fowls, 11Wi chickens, nor nalr. MVhm... mri,,.vC kufm' "rn,er: turkeys, HVio; chickens MKTAL8 I'lulrr free onerlni ..n.i lack of Kiwculntlve interest tho lx)iidon tin market broke sharply on spot nnd futures, the former declining lfts, while the latter sciireii h net lofs 01 J.1 is tm, ciOHipg weak on the basis of 117 and 113 10s, repec. lively. The local market continues uteiwiv iwl variations 'Jn mice were conspicuous by th'Ir'Hbt-enc-e;, although h weuk under tone wus current In sympathy with the erllne abroad The close was dull nt $23.50 ffS23.73 for spot Domestic Iron markets illed slow but nomlnall) steady at tin lumped nrlces. IMb Iron warrants. $3.5" lo.&o. northern foundry, $15.25','M6.60; south ern foundry, JH.ooffli.fiO; sott southern, $13.00'! 15.50, Olasgow warrants closed at 61s 3d and Mhldlesboroughs at 15s Gd. Lead emalns dull and nominally uncnangca 111 JI..17I5. A llrmer reeling prevailed In snolter anil bid nrlces were ndvanced 2 points on light local demand, with the close llrmer at $l.02'4'i'f 1.03. Cofrpcr In the local market was lifeless and without linnge, hut exniimted a stentiy unuermnc 1 117 for Ijiko Sutierior and $I6.62!4 fcr cast- Ing and electrolytic. London prices were inrbangcil at M) lis 3d ior spot nnd o Is 3il for futures. omaiia wiioi,i;s.i,n iAUKL;T3, onilKlon nf Trnile nnd luotnt Ions nf Minnie nnd I'niirv Prniluep. KUfJH Receipts llberul; good stock, llrm I llfrL'c. LIVE 1'OUI.TRY-tlens. 8Uc: valine and old roosters, yule; turKuys, bttsc; ducKs And Hi'vsu, it7V6c. iiunisn-uomraoii to lair, nyiiiic; holcv, l:yl3o; bepurator, 20c. t KKSU UVH'l lilts Klrst grade, so ld pucKeti, Now XorK counts, per tun, USc; ox iru selects, 32c. l'RKSll FXSII-IJlack bass, ISc; whlto Ijiirf.i, iia;, biuetish, 11c; bullheads, sc; bum tills, 7c, bufTalos, 6c; cattish, 12c; cod, 9c; croppies, 10c; clscoes, 7c; halibut, 11c; her ring. 6c: haddock. Hu. mackerel. 15c: Derch. 6c, pIcKcrcl, 9c; pike, 11c; red snapper, luc; saimou, 11c, Muniimii, uu; ainuns, ec; iruui, luc, wnltuhsh, l.'c. 1'iuiiijisa Live, per uoz., i. 'L.l,-Cholcc, 9310c. llAV-.l'rlcos uuotud by Omaha Wholesale Hay Uviilcrb iissoclutlon: Choice upland, $li.uo; No. 1 upland, $11; medium, $lu.6o; coarse, lo Ryu straw, Jo.&u. These prices aiu ior nay oi goou coior unu quuiuy, uo inunil fair. Receipts, 2 cars. uats iNo. i wnue, sac. CUlllN i0. J, uc. liltAN $10. VKGUTAHLE8. SPlNACll-l'er bu. box, 75c. ASl'AHAOUS-Cunffjrnia, per lb., 15c RiiuiJAHU -aiiiornia, per id., ic. isiiW Ui.tffe 1'cr doz.. 60c. NLW CAKliuTs 1'ur uoz., oOc. NLv' '1 LltNll'b l'cr uoz., 76c. CUCUMUWUS ilothousc, pur doz., $1.:5 u, as to size. lAiirfiNli'& 1'cr bu., 40c. ruit.Nii'a i'cr nu. oasact, sue. UKliTts fu" bu.. 40c. CiVitiiOTS I'cr ou,, 40c. IjUttucis i'cr uu., 3uy40c. llAUl&ULS 1'cr uoz., iwijjoc. l'AitSuWl I'er duz., 35c. rui'ATOKS l'cr bu.. 63ffl6iJc: Colorado. 83c. bUKl) I'OTATOliS-Karly Ohios, oSa-ivc; Red inver Vauey, 90c; Triumph, $1.10. HH BUT I'UIATUISS i'cr bUI $1.60. CAliUAQK liulluna aved. per lb.. 2!ic: new Calltorula, avto. lOMAiuiis-1- luriuii, per u-duskci craio, $J.25; Mexicans, per 4-basket crate, $1.75. uiMuiNS umo. ier in., 4c; per odi., $i.&o. CAUUIFLOW lili Calltornla. tier crate. $2.oOiJ.0O. liLANS -Wax, per bu., $5; string, per bu., $l.oo. liuu riMfii'.-i'cr uu, uox, $3. rKi'i'jsKS rcr du. box, $2.25. l'KAS-l'cr bu., $3.W; per ono-thlrd bu., Jl. CUL12RY California, per bunch, 50i'$c. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per ot.. 40c: Texas, 2530c; Louisiana, 21-qt. cases, $2.50. UltAl'KS-.Maiuga, per kcb, $7,1109.00. At'l'l.Ha- 1'er but.. 4.30: Washington. Der bu. box, $2; iiullttowers, $1.90. HUNux uuiiiornia, per .i-scciion case. $3.76. ntiANOES California seedlings. $2.23 60; navels, $2.76Hi3.25. LKMONtj wauiornia, extra rancy, hi, choice, $2.75. UANANAS l'cr bunch, acocrding to blze, $1.75'o-'.2o. FlOS California, now cartons. 7oc: layers. C3o' Imported, per lb., 10ftl2c. D'ATKS 1'erslan, In 60-ib. boxes, Salrs, 6c ncr lb.; llutiowucn, bftc per 10. I'lNEAl'l'LES-Pcr doz.. $2.25Q2.75. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 3l-sectlon case, ' 75 ClbER-l'er bbl., $4.50; per halt bbl., $2.75. Mii'i'tiKtiirllKh walnuts, tier lb.. 15c: 111- bcrts, per lb., 13c; nlmonds, per lb., 18y.oo; aw peanuis, per iu., u(uu7u, , uuaicu, vj2v Ue: llruzlls, 13c; pecans, licm-u; cocoanuts, cath.Ac- . 11IUKH wo. 1 green, oci u. - nuji'i 4V.c: No. 1 salted, 6&c: No. 2 salted, 6V4c: ,1 1 Knir k in 13 ltw.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, Sfil3c; sheep pelts, 25H75c; horse hides, $1.502.25. Nt. I. mils CSrnln anil Provisions. ht l.ottlS. Anrll 29. WHEAT Closed ower: track. 754t75"c; May, 73ic; No.- 2 hard, 74',45t75c . CORN-Lowcr; No. 2 cash. 44'4c; track, illiM3'ie; May. 44c; July. 43T4c UA lo airong; jo. - casti,, oc, iiiitn, ij(29,lc: 2SUc; July, 26',4c; No. 2 on tho belief that a prodigious short In terest una nccumuiatcn on tne rccciii protracted decline. Smaller recclits than ojtpcctcd and 1111 Increased demand for spot coffee helped lo strengthen tho local mar ket, when proilt-taklng set In and a sharp reaction followed. Tho market was finally easy nt prices net 1CII20 points higher. Total salee were 21,750 bags. Including May nt 5.33425. 45c; July, 5.60a5.65c: August, 6.70c; September, S.70ij5.80c; October, 5.7o'!i5.80o; November, 5.90c; December, 5.95S6c; March, 6.10-O6.2OC. .MOVU.MI1NTS IX STOCKS AM) noNDS. wlilln. 2!)Uffi'J9:e. . ..n'J livis-uigner ai 00c. 11 i Flll'K ua,i: .......its. J3.C0JJ3.75: extra fnncy and strulght. $3.2003.30; clear, $2.S0 ,00. SEEDS Timothy, nulct: average receipts. 2.. .3.50; prime worth more. CORNMEAIj Steady: $2.25. HHAN gutet; sucKeu, tracK, ii'ot-c. HAY Quiet: timothy, lower nt $10.50 13.25. WHISKY-Stendy; $1.28. IRON COTTONTIES-$l. ItAOOINO 6',h'(J7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork. steadv: lohblnir. $15.75. Lard lower. $8.O0J(S.63. Dry salt meats, quiet; boxed jots, extra shorts, $8.37.i; clear ribs. $8.50; clear sides, $8.62H. Hucon, quiet: boxed lots, extrn shorts, 10 1li rtm,f 1-Uia VI ".". nlnop dI.Iab 9n v?t .i r. ia i.a 1. e,iii, sieiifiy ni spei er, iiulet and elow ut $3.S7i4. 'POULTRY Steadv: chickens. Sn! lurkovi. u'Mi , iiui-ivn. u; Krrm', t(fOC. ni' rir.u unu; creamery, iaij20c; dairy, I'.GCiS Lower. 1111c. rpMllnllnrl nn.l nnoAa neluded. RECEIPTS-Flour, 13,000 bu.; wheat, 53,000 bu.; corn. U2.011O bu.: oats, 73,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 7.000. uu.: wheat. L.OOO bu.: com, 41,00ij bu.; oats. 11,000 bu. Liverpool (irnln anil I'mvlclons. I.lVHHPnni.. Anrll "t U'lll'irn o . ----- - - - ' . . 1 1 1 . j niiu 1 nrm! ' roil v.ulA,n n.l xt:. ,'iorthern spring. 6 4d; No. 1 California, 6s in iiuii .) os uu; Jtiiy, bs l'nilNSnnl llrm Amrl...,., ,l i ...... ...... ... iii.i.ct, quioi; ,(iay, nomi mil: July. 4s ";d; September. 4s Ud. 1 II . LI fl.i.i.t.ll.. .. . . 1 . . T. iwo waimuuiii, sieiiuy, at Bs Til. i.'i iim?u, 1 ..,,1.. .. "1..." ., ii.V.o J """(."'iiiwi unu, s .n9KsT.AU I-omlon, Pacific const, steady nt Iil'iiiM I5. ' PROVISIONS-Reef easy; extra India ",n sieuy; prime mess wnalnrii (Via 1.1 I ..r.l n L ... . ' . w.. iiufii, in imiis, ju; pnmo western. In ItorppH. Rtfl.ilv lu ll....n.. r.....!.f.... . cut, 26 to 30 lbs., hteady, 46s 3d; short ribs, 16 in.-, iu ii, .o um.. sienay, at 4is 6d. Long cl.c,jr mja'' ii' i -S to, 31 lbs., steady, at 42s 3d. Long clear middles, heavv. 35 to 4ft lbs., easy, at 40s 9d: short clear h.ieks. 16 to 20 lbs., llrm, nt 40s; clear bellies, 14 io ia iim., luiei, iii ids yu. suoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs., stetdy. at 3s fid. Hams' mini i i-m.ii iii iu iiih.. siroug, ni itis bo. THI'PTI.'rllMll. ,!.. Il.n.j VJ. v. '. ""I UllllVII OllllCS, IBS good l'nlted States, 66s. ("IIEESE-Dull; American finest white lis bu; .Miieric.iu nncst colored, 16s 6d. TALLOW Prlmo city, steady. 23s; Alls, trallan In London, quiet, 26s fid. linimm f'llv C,riiln nnl I r .... I i .... .KANSAS CITY. April 29.rWHEAT-Mu'y 2 red. 72Hc. IVMJV fi,v ll7i,.. Iiil.. i,'-. . 2 1V-L N,.1,1.- w.!',1,e' 'Uc; No. 3, 42c i,yio o. wuiii.', ouc, RYE No, 2. 62IU63C. HAY Choice tlmothv. lift- rl,nl. .i.i. $10 -.."...v. inniui; ill ITLR-Crcamery, I6HIS0; dairy, fane 1411 loo. EUOS-Stoady; fresh Mlbsourl and Ka nap niui.ii, iuc ouseii, loss oit cases turned: now whltewood cases Included, nKPKIIiTSt-U'limi iaiA 1. don . Vlv!..r"'' -"" oSll'I;VKNl1-'wJ',t'.:w'(iM n"-: corn, ,,w in,,, iiim, ,,mji mi, !rnln In Store mill Afloat. .ii'1,:'iiYiOUK' Anr" -'-Tlio statement nir limn puppiy in grain in store ; unniit no Kiitiir.l.n l..n : 'j; ...... . .iun ,ih rouipi f 11 v Produce exchange, Is VIIEAT-IS,33.000 bu.; decrease, 1,516, ?OSr,1.O,.-.;l;,'0?'') m'-: 'iforeaso, 2,033.000 A.T-87Jri mi: Ihorease. 1,153.000 UARLH 696,000 bu.; ilecrcuse, 22,000 bu 11 rp He nf nnd lied as ,000 bu. bu. sample, at llg Mllvfnnkpr (irnlii AlnrUet Mil 11VA V K K K. April 29.-WIIEAT- '"nl'4. "u"icrn, fiyitibc; No. 2 north RYE Higher; No. 1, 6lU4r."i4o. IIARLEY-Di.ll; No. 2,57fiSi;o; Eluln llutfpr liirlip, ,e!"?I,0,N,i .A'r". -l,TTER-8tnady. ISUf. W I I' I U lU.i l.alnn. lu, .. l.,.. ' V,r B :i r .T.! r ! " si., JKi 'A-" t,"lf8'' toti output CilTr lliipLfil. fllllpl fnrn.... Ctviitr.. .i. . T - ' ...... 'i, "h; i.-nv. i ne maraet tor futures opened steady at prices 20J723 points "" v" " "'" luiiiii minriH, an in nf tt!L-.ulmmit n...lA.u 1.....!.. -.. 1 ...J.' -.....,i .'I.,.-,,-, uiiuih lur nireiKii uc- count and scarcl'y of sellers. This sudden demand was created. by a sham rise In Luropean market, where It was said a well luiuwn American iiicuu clique was buying I'urlous Activity In L'nton I'nelflcs Is Alii Icralilc I entarr of .VlnrKrt. SKtV Vntlir. April lThn flrat IrnllBllC- lions demonstrated the leaillng position of mo L unco Htates steel stocKs, -union rw cllle nnd Northern Paclllu in the specula- tile sltiiHtlon unit llmi lp.irlf.rliln was un affected during the clay. Often during the day there were strips of several feet of ticker tape which reconled successive trans actions in one or tho other of these stock wiin not u single block or less man a thousand shares In the series and running p 10 s.uuo snares. The extremn miIviimpp In 1'nlon Pacific ex tended 12U In Hip In tor nriprnoon and 111 Northern Pacific to IO,, l'nlted States Steel Btocks did not show such wide fluctuations as is natural from tho much greater vol ume or mo company s toiai capiiuuiaiioii. Nevertheless tbe common stock nchleved an extreme advance of 3; and the preferred i -'' unci Held more nrmiy man inmost any iner siocks in tlie list, 'mere were somo cry strlklmr unlns iimnni: the grangers. 'aclllcs and trunk lines, bjt these seemed o be associated In the minds of the buyers with the movement In Union Pacific Rock island was at nun time 6 over Friday, St. Paul l-S. New York Central 5, Penn sylvania. 3. Ilnttlmore & Ohio 3. Illinois Central 314, St. Louis a. San Francisco second proterred .T! Htid a number of other ueiaicii siocks irom . io .1 points. Colorado Fuel rose 8 points and Amal gamated copper Hid. If these stocks nre set aiiart It will lie found ihnl Hie ilMillm?o elsewhere and the movement of prices otherwise were not sensational. The belief Is widespread In speculative circles that cxtenslvo readjustments In the relations of tho various granger and Pacific rni iron ii systems nre necessitated In com pen'mtlqn for tho Hurllngtnn deal. This ouiici KivpB i-ise io inmost infinitely varied rumors, almost nil nr wiili.h nr.. rAit..i with .i certain amount of credulity. Tho final volatile outburst In Union Pucltlc and Northern Pacific today seemed to arouso misgivings and there was free profit taking all thro.igh the rest of tho list, but this Is exactly the history of Inst week's similar movement In I'nlnn IViMil,. .-i,i.,i. caused widespread apprehension Test tho v.... ., imiioii ui nu. ooom nnii arrived nnd which was neverttipleR roiintv.i i... .... advance11 Ul f"" frC f "10 "l'ccllatlve hnmil,.,R1 ln. Vninn ''"c'llc Inconvertible bonds were In enormous volume nnd tho price shot up 6T4 points In response to S advance In the rnminn.. .inJii. n r'wJser.r? I'ricp changes Tr- Unlied 'S.V T, U2'W M fust'caul"'1 refundll,B SV "''I in tho ii.- m fol'"wlVff ore. the closing prices on ill rk Stock oxchatiBc: Atchison do pfd nnltlmorc &. Ohio. Canaillan Purine. Onntimlii Koutlieni. Chen. & Ohio C'hlcBBO Ot. W.,.. C II. i Q Chicago I. & I,... do pfd Cltlcngo & K. I... Chlcaito & N. W... C, R. I. & P C. C. C. & St. L. . Colo. Southern ... do 1st pfd io 2d tiM Del. & Hudson.... Del. I.. Sc V Den. & Hlo a.... , Krlo do l"t pfd Dt. Nor. pfd llocKing woai Hocking Valley ... Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd E. & W do nfd Iike Shore Louis. A Nash Manhattan I. Met. St. Ily Mexican Central . Minn, A St. L do pfil Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio... M K. & T do pro . J. Central N. V. Central Nor. & West do pfd'. No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & West... O. R. & N "Jn nfil lVnrmvlvnnla Rending do 1st pro do 2d nfd nto a. v do nfd St. L A: S. V do 1st pfil do 2d pfd St. L. S. W do nfd St. Paul do pfd St, Paul & O So. Pacific Ml 106!4 H . 74 , 7',i . ir.t ;2VJSo. Railway uo prj Texas & Pacific. . lUnion Pacific do pfd .Wabash io2l llO flM .Ml. v. & l.. n lln ?il nf.l . uyi wis. Central .13l',S,Thlrd Avenue .210 11. & o. pfd ilSJ Amnl. Copper . M'iAdnms Kxpreas ... IS'i'Amir, Kxprcss ... . WV4 U. S. Ilkprcs . V,iWells.Karo Kx... .liSiVAm. Cot. Oil .JtS I do pfd . 46U'Amer. Malting ... . do pfd . M'i'Amer. S. & n.. . CJ'il do pfd .H'V"Amr. Spirits ... . 19 Mo pfd . 52 Am. Tobacco .Itl'.il do pfd . 3114 Anaconda Mln. Co, . 1 llrk. Itnp. Tr . S Colo. K. & I .1J4 Con. Tobacco .230 do pfd .10&iGen. Hlcctrlo .lis'.-i Qlilcofp Sugar .... .m1,; do pfd . J2!i Infn'l Paper . H'jl do pfd .112 ll.iclmlc (in .KVVNatlonal Illscult .. . S2 do pfd . :: National Lend .... . K'K do nfd ..iS N. Y. Air Brake. ., .11S14 No. American . n I'uclllc Coast .. M'i, do 1st pfd .lU'i do 2d pfd .101?, l'uclflc Mall i. i l'conlc's Gas .. 4.' (Pressed .T. C i. T6 I do pfd i.tlHi I'ullmarh Pal. Car. .. 29T4 Sland. R. & T ,. 7M Sugar . .v,iji do Dtd Tenn. f.'. & 1 U. S. leather do pfd U. S. Rubber do nfd Western Union .... Republic I. & S... , do pfd.... U. S. Steel do pfd P. C. C. & St. L.. ,:co . 4S?i . il'.i .. 70'i . . 6G .173 .194'; ..135 ,. (6 . Kt'j . m tlS; . . : . 21 .124 . 02'; .133U .100 .193 . !X f"i . 27'i . 8S5i . & . mi . d; . 2!5 . 17 .113 . S2 . AW, . 4fii .101 .127 . MTi . PS',4 . 77 . 81 . 4) . . 17 . 82 .170 . s:w . 1 . J3 . 09 . 41) .117?. . ' . 87 .2i)S . 4!i .117 .120 . 6C.14 . 231i . 7T'.i . 20 . C2 . M . 5l!i . 77?i . tlVi . . 3 balances, 2.43S,2D1; posted exchange, JI.SS ijJt.KU! New York exchange, 10c discount. ST, LOUIS, April 29,-Clenrlngs, J7.47S.3P1; balances, Po2,33l. Money, 406 per cent. New York exchange, 10e premium bid, 23c pre mium Hsked. HOSTON, April 29.-Clcarlngs, I1S.S12, 185. balances, M.514.131. NKW YORK, April 2?.-Clearlngs, Jlll, fj07,47!: balances, JJ.212,110. PH1LADKLPHIA, April 29.-ClcarInss, $11,036,113; balances. Jl.911.862. HALTlKtORi:, April 23,-Clearlngs, J2, JS0.366; balances, $62,170. CINCINNATI, April 23.-Clearlng8. W, S. 0,200; New York exchange, 12&C. Huston Slack Cliintntlani. DOSTON. April 2a.-Call loans, 34i?H5 per cent: time loans, igi'fc per cent. Oillclal rloilng: A., T. & 8. F.. do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd ,, Am. Telephone ,, lloston & AI,.,,!, Ilostou Klevated lloston & Maine., C II.. & Q Dominion Coal ,,, do pfd,,,,. Fllclitmre pfd nen. Klectrlo ,,,, du pfd Kd. Klec III Mex. Central N. li. O. & C Old Colony Old Dominion .... Rubber I'nlnn Pacific .... Union 1-uid .117 .131 ,i;i : ''Hi .179 ,i?i . ! .114 .'.47 Ml) . mi .:n . 2i) ilHi . 3h West Knd Westing. Klectrlc Atchison 4s N. K. O. A C. 5s, Adventure Alloiiez Mln.' Co.., Amal, Copper Atlantic lloston tc Mont Cal. & Hecla Centennial Krnnklln Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qulncy Santa re Copper.. Tamarack I'tah Mining Winona Wolverines . 9SH . 4 .102 . K'J . 17 . 2j .123 . 31 .431 .S35 . 30 . IMi , 2j . 8H'j . W'i .t7 . &'j .337 . . 44 Kx-dlvldend. I.nndiin Mtnok (luotntlnns, LONDON, April 29.-I p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money ...,'IC.l jo 1st pfd..,,, do account ri',4 t'erinsylvsnla ... Atchison -3, Reading Canadian Paclfis ..103 ,No. raclDo pfd. St. Paul 1J7U Orand Trunk .. Illinois Central loiilsvllle C. P. pfd .V. Y. Central.. Krle ..14.'.l ..pv!k .. m ..116'4 .. 4.V Anaconda Rand Mines V. S. Steel., do pfd.... .. 724 .. 7iU .. 2 10: .. lb4 .. 1(' .. 454 .. b: 11AR SILVIJR-Qulet; 27',4o aiONEY-a per cent. Short bills, 3H 3 9-lb; three months' bills, ZHWa. Simnr Mnrket. NKW YORK. April 29.-SUQAn-Raw, llrm but iiulet; fair refining, 3 11-lSc; cen trifugal, .1(3 test, 4 3.l6timc; molasses sugar, 3 i-iriMHc: rellneil. steady. NKW ORLKANS. Anrll 29.-Sugar. olilet: open kettle, 3U(ii3 13-Km;; open kettle ecu- iruugal. 3lHf: cenlr fucal vel ow. lUM c: seconds. 2'igc. Molasses, strong; cntrlfugal, SfilJc, Wool Mnrket. RT. T.OITIQ .U,ll n ..tinAi .1.. -J , ; -v..,. ..jiiii fc,. 1 uuii-iaivii , rnedlum grntles. 12lSc: heavy line. 10ffl2c; light flue, 12?jl5c; tub-washed, 1703Tc. (.'nttnn Market. NKW YORK, April 2D.-COTTON Tho .rxet was dull today. Trading was small. ices wero worked slowly downward until midday a net loss of 7S points hud been ordeil. lho downward trend of the rket was unchecked until May touched nml Toll -wirt li..iii.ini.i , ., ,,.",;! 11,111-mivlllK t-UUHl'll fi reaction, but bull speculation was at no .. . -v ueiiuig movement was .1 " irtfiiiw "nu iuii interior mojement. line weather conditions over'tho cotton belt and better crop advices. Japan was said to bo buying India cotton becauso 11 1 IIU onon t- mi n rr i . 1 . . . Cotton spot closed quiet. l-16c lower. Mid- flltllir nnlnnita t MtJ, '..,;" ."it." S j" .1,. , ' "" ,i;. iiiiuuiiiiK KUII, ll-lbC. Sales, bio bu ilcs. Futures c oseil oulnt nml eauy April, 8.02c; May, 8.02c; June, 8c: 7.19c "ch-iuuci, 1. 11c; January, ma Prl by reco mn 80 Trust receipts. Nominal. Commercial Advertiser's London Ilnnn- pint enbleirrum: Tho stock market here was active and generally happy today. Tho new consols were bought freely. Tho Amer ican department was tne merriest, ot course. London enjoyed the start on the good bank statement and bought steadily until New York opened. The, first New 1 orK prices snoweu 11101 wan sircei was having a. bulge and London took it un. following tho lead. Northern Pacific, Union l'aclllc anil tno lteauings were csncclalty Htrong. The March statement of these roans sent mem Kiting, The lirlen and the Missouri Pacifies were lagging. The greatest nctlvlty was In the stcql stocks, of which 100,000 shares of common and 100,001) of the preferred wore dealt In on account of Loudon and the provinces, New York nnd tho continent. London and 1'aris tiro beginning to light shy of tlntos. Offers nt 2, of double notions for llin kih! of May could not be placed. Thlrty-nlno thousand pounds of gold Is coming In from Australia nnd JE5.O0O is going out to the continent. The monev market na nrm The call rate was 3'j per cent, the time rate a?s ann nisco.inis a'.i, 'me market has re tain inc oniiK nnout Jiiitoofwin lint iiiorn s very little exnectatlon of un pnrtv . dtictlon of the bank rate; this In view of ni' i-urin cxvihiiiro ann ine rear of divert ing gold coming from New York ami clse- w""e. iAcnange oi i'aris, 25.16; Rcrlln, ,rw York Money .llnrUrt. KEW vnnU" Anrll 00 irnvui. Rtpnrlv jit .Ifrfi npr ,.nti inut ln , . .. " mln. 1 rinio mercnnuio paper 4(Q4'. per cent. BTISHLING KXCHANOK-Uaslcr after 1 ui.B. Vicwi," ;Icil'-u iincH8 In bankers' 1 . ." i !,SilH ,for ''emand und at $t.S3 for ?l.i 1 uBicu run's, l..i',i.f(H.6U nnd $4.85: commtrc a ol Is, $1.8iJJ5 LSa. t,.v. .."'r-"."..""0' WM: ur silver, 59Jo: Mexican dollars. 48V4c rri... '..i uieguiar. in, uiusiii), juh.-i.-b uiu uonus toua nro as luiiuno. U, S. rcf. 2s, rcg... do coupon do 3s, res; do coupon do new 4s, ref..., do coupon do old 4s, ret do coupon , do 3s, t'g , do coupon D. of C. 3 63s , Atch, gen. 4s do adj. 4s Cunadu So, 2s C. & O. 41 ao t C. It N. W. c. 7s.. dO S. IV il.h H. Chicago Ter. 4.,.. i.oioratio Ho, 4s..., Den. & It, a, 4s,, Krle gen. 4s K. W. & D. C, Is. Hen. Klectrlc is... Iowa Central Is... L. & N. unl. 4s... M K. A T. 2s do 4s I"'s 1O6:, UO!, IK'i 138V, 139', 110i lll'.i 12SI, 1024 J'i ;os. m P.1H 142 ,124 , 55 , t9ii ,1(1 p.; , r.u ,lS',i ,ivs'i .1174 ,102; . s:v, . 9"4 N. Y. Central Is,., N. J. C. p. 6 No. Paclllo 3s do 4s N Y.f Sc S L 4s.. IN. & W. p. 4n . .Ore, Nav. Is do 4s O. S. U 6s do rnn. A. Rending sen. 4s,., Rio U. West. 1... St I. Jtr 1 M n St 1, & s V g.'ts,', hi. Paul eons,.i,., St. P. C. & P. Is. do us So. Pacific 4s , I So, Itullnay t , 11. Jfr T. . .. Tex. & Paclllu is do is 'l'nton Paclllo 4s.. .wabash la I do 2s ..,....,.. West Shore 4s..,. Wis. Central 4s... Va. Centuries .107V4 .132 . 7.1 .tod .107',4 .101?, .ioi',4 .','U' ii?s . I3J .mi .:isi; .120!, . 54 .11714 .120 . M .104 I204 .110 ,.'.:4, Offered. Srvr York Mluliiir Sto. ka. NKW YORK, April 20.-The following are iuuiui.i,iia w.. .itiitiiii, Diuvna, Adams Con Alice Rreece Dmnsnlck Con , Commode Tun . Con. Cal. & Va, Deadwoo.1 Terra Horn Sliver Iron Sllier ladvlll Con... ... 21 ... 41 ...103 ... 20 ... 5 ...213 .. to ...110 ... eo Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoil Savage Sierra Neiada Small Ropes , Standard .. 14 ..JOO ,.1-W .. ,. 6 .. I .. :i Bnnic Clearlnsja. OMAHA. Anrll !"1 -111 nb nl.irlnn. day. il.156.70b: corresponding day last y fl,lM.nv uiurvftps. 9..0l". i.iii.Mu: increase, :'i.5:n. CHICAOO, April .-Clearlngs, a,706,937: Knnsnn City Live Slock Mnrket. KANSAS Cm'. April 29. CATTLE R? Dints. 3 800 natives.' 1,600 Tcxans and 170 ilics. stockers and feeders steady, othcru rlioc lower; native beef steers, $1,6015.60: lar cA, 1 .'. ' l A,,"! " llliunns, n.w i-'iii--;i, i.wjfo.w. HOOS-Recclpts. 10,060 head; market Rift 10c 1 lower: top. $5.8.1; bulk ot 'sAlcs. $3.S5 feHKKP AND LAMRfl-Recelpts. flOO head; choice steady to Be higher, common grades Be lower; western lambs. $4.5OS5.10: west prr,.,w.p.,J,cr". J4.50SI.73: western vearllngs. ,':?' Bn,!,,, muttons. $4.00l,25; ewes cull!)' 2.7fi4.o6; spring lambs St. I.onlsj M';b, Slock Mnrket. 51' i1'01,11?- April A'-CATTLE-Rccclpts, 000 heilfl. Inpllldlntr 1 OfWl n..n. .L',...' lor nnttveif wnnb inv Ln-n.. m.. ... ..n.i.. , , v"", ."v, ,.Fv-. , xaiiiis l-an) ; native shipping nnd export steers, $1,851 "" "i--ei unu oiucncr steers. JI..T3 fo.Gj; steers under l.noo lbs.. tt.ios ,L?f'lLra..?-.f?nclen''i' cows nnd V rnW i o- . ,r" ' ""V":.',-JJ'0.uui null", $3.C0,i4.2j; Texas and Indian steers, $3.2i5 fi5.00; cows and heifers, $2.5OJT4.10. Houa-ltecelpti). 8.100 head; market 10W Inc lower: pigs and lights. $5.60li5.75; pack. !rs. $3.701f5.8O: butchers. $5.SOf,r,.05. ' R,M.M.M ,ivn r tra u-i bend: market Ntenrlvi nnik.n mn..,a VJ n t- -iiin 4IIKI UliCKP, $3.00ifi3.8:; stockers. $2.751J3.15: Texas sheen. $3.S514.35. SI. .loseph ( vp Stnek Mnrket. ST. .1D5.'PII 1n A.,rll oa c, ,-, v The Journal qUoiS,:' 1 1. i7. W' non(l: arket. ac- i,V, 1 " ""r; nuiivea, 4.aiiJ.25; hejfe."$ bulisan'd-agsM Crf,ni frTte ,X.r,?4.81: enl8- -35ii:7S. in.X-. 11 lv,w Ilcuu. mnraet, iwioc ?W-"L,;rnles' '.5'rV'?'5-8''': of sales '".'IWVv'5! r,lKf,i steady. ' ftlTT, 1.7t A.TP 1 ,A wnn . . . i,iiiic Xicccints. 7000 t4e?ffinrk' j.c'lvc' lower; lambs: $4.35i:75; ees:U&l.4r,,,SU: WC,he"' Stock In Sight. Fnllnti'lnt- nrA tu 1 . . .. ..." ni" ii--v.i;iiiib hi tne rour principal markets for April 29: Hniltn Oninlm o tit n .n -!.! Chicago Kansas city 5.400 10.000 m St. Louis 3.000 S loo 1 "mi Totals 37,313 tiuks suicirin with 6S.897 26 620 TOWKIi. MlniiPlinii Count)' Knrnirr In nil Trie . . i, iiaiiH inmiirii. SIOUX WALLS S 11 Anrll on ,c , 'ipi'i lapeciai Telegram.) George Wells, a farmer of this (Minnehaha) county, attempted to commit suicide In tho county Jail hero by hanging himself with n towel. He was discovered beforo he died. As the result of h!B at tempt he Is now a physical wreck. Wells nlOaded eillltv In Ihn ..IrrtllU nni,., r , -rf ... I.... ii.iHii vwnii isniur day to stealing n quantity of grain from n ntnhr.n. n .t , , . . . ....,r,ui, .unu mm 10 uiivo ocen sen- fnnn , .1 . . IlflOk AKPIlt ClinriTPfl Ultll Fllrtror.- SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Anrll 29fSneelal Tclcgrum.) As the result of a conference between Chief of Police Martin Scth I. Zcmer. Minneapolis publisher and a repre sentative of tho Minneapolis Times, It was decided that the chief should file a com plaint against W. V. Dunton, b book agent, who was arrested hero Friday for col lecting subscriptions from parties nt Spokane, Wash., and points In Montann In lho name of 'the Minneapolis paper, charg ing him with forgery In nttarhlng the namo of tho chief of police to an order for books, Dunton will be tried at a term of tho circuit court, which Is now in session here. OMAHA LIVE STOCI MAREET Ctttli Rtctipti Fairly Liberal and Fricei Held About Eteadj. ' HOGS SOLD FIVE TO TEN CENTI LOWER Supply ot Sheep nnd Lambs Wna Not Kxccsslve, but the xl'rlce l'nld Looked All the Weiy from Steady to Hltc Dime Lower, SOUTH OMAHA, April 21 Cuttle. Hogs, Shucp, Itccelpts today 2,uu J.rjl ti.uio one week uko a,Mt o.itu u.joi Two wceKS ago Jj.-au u.lis b.iiiu Thtcu weeas ago '.-,si muj four weeKs iittu '.,ilo lu.-ivi unu year ago -i.Jto 2,6ou Average price paid lur nogs at South OiiiHliu the past 4tivcrul days with com-purisuns; 1901. lV00.l899.18M.l8.Lim.ll. April 1... April 31... April ii... April 4... April b... April t... April 7... April 6... April .,. April io.. April u.. April U.. I Apru u.A April it,, I April li.. April 16.. April lc. April is.. April la.. April 2u.. April 21.. Apt II 22.. April 23.. April 21.. April 2c April 26.. I April 27.. April 25,. Aptll 21.. t 97i 6 00 I osiVil 6 W-sjl 0 Jo, 6 tfii,1 6 Oin! t W' 6 "l O HI i, b mjiji 0 Ws I 6 01H b -M M f Kt: B 80il o M I 6 76 I 6 "Hi I Hi 6 i2, 5 65 I 3 4 6 0S o 16 3 45 b 2ai il ei B 30 3 6o b i0 3 62 B 27 1 3 4 M l 6 33 o i 3 6S o 3oi 3 b B 33 3 3 o iuj 3 "51 i B 4S 3 611 3 72 5 41) B 66 3 72 5 49 3 b b 461 3 711 6 4& 3 7B b 421 3 771 . J 3 "I 5 36 6 32 3 67 1 o 3i 3 Boj 6 39 3 65 3 631 3 92 i 7 3 92 3 1 173 3 i 3 90 3 7aj 3 to 3 7.' 3 W 4 7l 3 0 3 Ibl 3 bJ, 3 SW 3 71 3 71 3 97 J 7 3 'Jl 3 7U 3 M 3 67 3 U 6 34 B 37 3 6i 3 6'J 3 69 3 61 3 60 3 61 3 Ul 3 2 3 i)4 3 74 3 71 3 S4 3 791 3 3 till VM 3 91 3 64( 3 B3 3 m 3 2 3 3 81 3 7? 3 75 3 64 3 li 3 b4 4 M 3 bi, 4 M 3 Ul 4 7 4I1 3 &7 4 II 3 cJ 3 tl 4 M 3 2 4 11 3 b 4 77 3 ail 4 iS 4 74$ 3 &0 4 ,j J 4SI 3 J 4 7S U 4 J8 4 74 4 63 4 01 4 63 3 70 3 'iU 3 71 3 Si 3 30 3 30 3 241 4 i 3 36 t otf 3 31 4 61 f 4 63 3 261 4 tw 3 26 3 22 4 60 Indicates Sunday. The ufllcinl number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. & St. P. Hy.. 13 3 Missouri I'nclllc Hy.. .. 1 Union l'aclllc System 11 7 17 1 C. & N. W. Hy 7 2 F., K. & M. V. It. It. 13 11 1 1 S. C. & P. Hv l C, St. P., M. O. Ity. 24 5 .. 1 It. cc .11. It. It, It 7 12 9 C. ii. & Q 1 fi O., H. 1. At P., east., a 2 C It. 1. &. P., west.. .. 1 Illinois Central is l ., ,. Total receipts OS Bl 27 3 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Uuyers C'iiMIp llncu Khpon. Omaim Packing Cp 96 243 O. II. Hammond Co.... 93 .... 236 Swift und Co Ml 1,101 696 Cudahy Packing Co 333 1,031 2,iS Armour & Co 347 627 1,971 It. Hccker & Dcgan.... 197 Vansant & Co Lobman & Co 15 Llvlngstono & Schallor-. 198 Dennis & Co gy A. S. Mnwhtnncy is Hamilton & K 17s L. V. Husz 36 Wolf & M 4 Other buyers 282 1 5 Total 2il20 JUS? M39 CATTLli There wus a very fair run ot cattlo hero today for a Monday, but pack ers being utl liberal buyers, tho market held Just about steady on anything at all desir able. Hccelpts included about W cars of beef steers and whllo tho market wns not par tlcularly active, it did not show much change from tho close of last week. Packers tried to buy their supplies a little lower and ln somo cases they may have succeeded but still the market was right around steady. The bulk ot the desirable cattle were out of tlrst hands In good season. Thcro were only about lo cars of cows and heifers on salo and the better grades sold Just ubout steady with the close of last week, but tho medium kinds were u shade lower. The quality of tho offerings today wila hardly up to last week's supply, which fact had u tendency tu make buyers u little bearish. Hulls were In fairly good demand today nt Just about last week's prices, and veal calves and stags ulso brought about steady prices. The good demand for stockers and feeders continued toduy and some fancy prices were puld. Stock calves sold as high as J5.23. There were not many stock i!attle on sale today, so that everything, Including the less dcslrablu bunches, met with ready sale ut very satisfactory prices. There were very few cuttle currted over from last week which made speculators nil good buyers. Hcprcscntatlvo sales: BEEF STEERS. Av. l'r. .o. . 650. $1 00 17 , 650 Ji to 33 . 650 3 f0 4 :0..k , No. 1 4 1 1 3 Site for Sioux Fnlls I.lbrnry. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., April 29.-(Speclal.) Tho city council has finally decided upon a site for tho pttbllo library to be creeled In this city, with tho $2.1,000 contributed by Andrew Carneglo for tho purpose. Sev eral sites havo been under consideration, euch having strong supporters. The site selected cost $1,500 and Is on tho corner of Tenth street nnd IJakota avenue, near the business and residence center of tho city. AiIiiiImsIoii to South llnkoln llnr. PIKRUE, S. U April 29. (Special Tele gram.) Tho supremo court today admitted Lincoln II, Woodworth of nrlstol on u certificate from tho circuit court, tho first admission under tho now, law, Lawrence county cases dismissed were; Howe Mining company against John .1. Murray; Sarah D. Case et al against John J. Murray, llimlnr Pnrt of Wisconsin Tnnn, HEftLIN, Wis., Arlril 29.-Tlio bust- nebs portion of Wautcnia, the county neat of Maushara county, twenty miles weht of here, was totally destroyed by tiro today. Loss, $100,000; Insurance, $50,000, Several persons are rendered homelcbs. 1.. 4.. 9" 13.. 1.. 11.. 1... 6... 67... 1... :6... 3D... 44... 36... 16... 26... 6 7 1 3 6 1 1 1 3 6 1 4 1 , 1 3 3 1 1 1 , 3 1 1 I V.. 1 1 1 1.. 1.. 1.. 4t0 1193 776 11S0' 810 960 1033 836 7S0 1164 843 60S 1050 MS 1034 1000 903 1034 1107 1265 10H) 891 ...10J7 3 e; 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 20 4 40 4 46 4 45 4 45 4 45 4 fO 4 ?0 4 50 4 60 4 W 4 fl 4 13 4 A3 4 IS 4 "0 4 70 4 70 4 70 1 16 , 48 1 , 4 4 , 20 , 1 31"!!!!! 40 25 19 1 21....,., 62 16 31 3 17 3 Av. 1024 1005 1012 104S 11 1000 1018 1120 1000 962 813 1044 020 995 1101 116') 1180 1094 1320 1350 1284 1338 1416 1663 1413 .1656 STEERS AND HEIFERS. l'r. 4 -.0 4 73 4 75 4 75 4 73 4 76 4 73 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 fO 4 10 4 fO 4 (3 I S3 4 90 4 90 4 to 6 no 5 05 3 10 6 15 ? n 3 23 6 20 ..1072 ,. 800 .. 790 .. 8V) .. 890 .. 940 .. 840 .. 814 .. 874 .. 700 .. 870 .. 860 ..1000 ..1066 .. 920 .. 880 ..1070 .. 930 .. OfcO ..1310 .. 910 .. 950 .. 940 .. 820 ..1324 ., 950 ..1010 ..1065 ..1000 ..1410 ..1180 ..1008 .. 960 1116 920 1090 1070 1150 890 , 950 lOrO 840 12M (90 1105 1023 M0 IOO; 16.. 4. 3 8 1 4 1 , 6 18 , I 13 4 73 COWS 2 00 ... 2 23 2 25 2 23 2 40 2 '0 2 10 2 40 2 60 2 73 2 73 2 85 2 S3 2 90 2 90 Z 00 3 W 3 M 3 00 3 10 2 10 3 10 3 to 3 23 3 25 3 '.5 3 13 3 23 3 ,10 3 1.3 3 25 3 n 4 23 3 33 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 -K) 3 40 3 '0 3 :o 3 30 3 3D 3 0 3 :: 3 to 3 60 COWS AND 776 3 W HEIFERS. ..1101 4 80 1080 S50 1116 1020 1160 1130 1140 1090 932 860 1160 1097 1400 1330 1110 964 865 910 933 1000 963 1200 1190 1046 1270 930 1110 .......1360 9 1161 4 1132 1 874 11 1426 1.. 13.. 6., 1.. 1.. O 5!! 4.. 1.. 1... 1... 1... 1... 2... 1... 3... 1... I 1..'.' s!'.'. 1.., 1... 1... 1... 23., 12..., 1..., 7,,, 1..., 1... 3... ill! 1... It... 902 ....1233 ....1120 ,..,1151 ....1130 ....1340 ....1230 ....1171 .... 940 ....1250 ....1003' ....1123 ....1334 .... fc0 ....1290 HEIFERS. 1... 1.. 3 ro 3 60 3 60 3 03 3 CZ 3 U 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 83 3 v3 3 85 3 85 3 90 3 !0 3 90 3 '10 3 !0 3 90 3 90 3 10 4 CO 4 04 4 00 4 44 4 (4 4 (0 4 CO I M 4 00 4 05 M I 1'5 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 ro 4 20 4 ro 4 33 4 n 4 4', 4 64 464 647 824 962 814 461 3 60 3 tju 3 75 3 80 3 S3 4 03 4 04 t, 61 30...... 9'.'.'.','.'. 9 1... 1... 1... 1... L.'. S 1 '.'.'.'... 1 , 1 6 7m". ! 1.. ....1280 ....111) ....1210 .... 460 ....1023 ..,.1630 ....1025 ....1560 3 10 3 Si . 3 45 3 !0 3 V) 3 60 DULLS. 1.... 1. 14. 1. I. 1. 270 , 304 14) , 234 , 114 , 214 3 3, 4 4 ,0 3 ro 5 .4 5 5U STOCK 3S 4 10 3 54 3 34 3 94 CALVES, , 216 375 261 330 1. 1 3 1 , 1 CALVES 3 6 , 11 32 , , 666 , 86'i . 7S3 934 9i3 611 1534 lfl) 1574 HO 16S1 IS4 1630 1364 110 84 364 , 120 , 190 SI3 373 360 144 I '3 4 2J 4 50 4 ro 4 25 4 21 3 70 3 TO 3 70 3 75 3 M 4 "I 4 il3 4 25 6 l) 3 .'0 6 54 6 14 b 75 4 13 4 '3 4 V) 5 23 11 .... 620 2 7S .... 784 2 S3 930 3 40 .... 4M 3 0) .... 3 3 11 440 3 00 m 3 oi .... M0 3 10 .... 770 3 25 .... 91 3 30 .... 713 3 50 ' STAGS. .....tow) so STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ,,,,,, 65 622 ,, e?v IS 849 16 631 33 512 3 941 2..... 1033 S3 713 17 (01 3 73 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 SO 3 8.1 3 90 3 M 4 ii 4 35 1 1104 3 04 3 533 3 00 1 820 .1 23 2 540 3 34 s 630 '3 :o 6 607 3 33 1 420 3 50 4 614 3 75 1 240 3 75 1 960 3 90 1 654 4 (V) 239 4 40 6 839 4 iyi 1 640 1 10 2 724 4 20 ( 671 4 25 1 334 4 23 3 424 4 23 2 820 4 26 1 It.'.'.'.' o".'.'.'. 30 723 S3 1424 IVI 1472 664 59 233 462 644 278 712 330 344 507 450 640 159 4 24 4 10 4 10 4 44 4 15 4 45 4 64 I 34 4 5 4 74 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 ro 4 50 4 94 3 CO b 04 5 00 39.,.. 29.... 15..,. 44.... ..., 67..,. 16.,.. 2.... 70.... 1IOOS There was about an average Mon day's upply of hogs here today nnd under the Influence of unfavorable reports from other points the market hero oencd D(?10c lower than Saturday's general market. Tho bulk of tho mixed hogs sold nt $o.62!a and $3.63, with the better grades going mostly at $5.67',i and $3.70. with top hogs at $3.73. The light stuff sold from $o.62,i down. At those prices the market was fairly active and the more desirable stuff was all out of llrst hands In fairly good season. Today's decline carries the market to tho lowest point reached slnco the mlddlo of March. tteproscntauvo sates: ...220 ...229 ...209 ...249 .201 No. Av. 74 164 31, .514 24 ,..197 92 2M 71. ..1... .231 so 21: 79.., 74.. 70,. 89.. 84,. 71 244 73 212 .314 .235 ,263 .228 .213 71 231 68 231 63 237 76 326 134 241 63 244 IS 262 61 243 71 231 8k. Tr. 44 5 54 5 40 43.. 63.. 14.. 67.. 78.. 170 120 164 120 63 320 164 80 89 84 "m 163 'to 'io 43 'so 'so 124 80 6 60 6 40 6 C'i 6 fJh, C2V 6 43 H 6 121, 3 CUt 6 '.lit 6 4Ji 6 62 '.4 6 V 6 ',, 6 r,S',, 6 121, 5 6 C5 5 05 6 5 6 (3 5 C5 6 f-3 6 rs 6 (3 6 63 No. Av. 73 244 73 ill 67 244 23 U2 IS 240 65 244 42 332 71 230 68 242 64 244 77 ,221 113 344 , 77 241 64.. 66... 7... 73... 69... (S... 64... 64... 66... 60. 61. 60. L.243 ...243 ...244 ...273 ...264 ...283 ...334 ...262 ...287 ...36S ...376 ....304 ?k. 164 240 120 124 80 164 44 ,144 120 144 'io 144 120 164 8) 'so 60 66 301 r 6 15 6 63 6 65 6 63 & 3 6 ti i 63 S 43 S 63 S 63 3 43 5 63 6 65 6 f5 6 (3 6 S3 5 67i 6 f.7(i 3 67h 5 6H, 5 70 6 :o 6 74 6 74 6 73 6 76 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. J 534 2 04 6.,., 640 3 70 : 780 2 63 IS 137 i 70 1 750 2 li 32 4)2 3 70 SHEEP There was a nrcttv fair run of sheep and lambs here today and an Chicago was reported a dime lower, tho market at this point was also rather weak." Home of the early sales looked about steady, but the market as a whole could be tiuoted weak to a dime lower and In somo cases more than that. Colorado wooled lambs sold as high as $6.00, which looked Just about steady, and Mexican yearlings sold nt $4.60 and western wooled sheep sold at $1.55 and clipped sheen nt $4.40 and $4.26. It was not a very active market, but still the bulk of the offerings changed hands In fairly good season. Quotations: Choice wethers, $1,407(4.60; fair to good wethers, $4.25fr4.40; clipped wethers, $4.35?4.50; fair to good clipped wethers, $l.2S4.33; choice lightweight year lings, $1,6014.73; fair to good yearlings, $1.35 40; clipped yearlings, $4.25(4.60; choice lightweight ewes, $4 lo4.30; fuir to good ewes, $3.60(33.76; clipped ewes, $3.25&4.W; choice lambs, $4.9033.00; fair to good lambs, $4.63(54.90; dinned lambs, $4.33(34.65: spring lambs, J6.tXx37.oO; feeder wethers, $3,754(4.23; feeder lambs, $4.0034,60. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 cull ewe 64 $1 50 1 cull yearling 70 3 60 39 western ewes 110 4 00 442 dipped wethers 100 4 25 269 clipped wethers 100 4 25 473 clipped western wethers 106 4 40 340 western wethera 110 4 55 248 Mcxlcnn yearlings 81 4 60 623 Colorado-Mexican lambs 79 5 00 62 clipped ewes U5 3 30 S3 cull lambs 61 3 60 60 clipped Colorado so 3 05 520 clipped Iambi 68 4 05 401 clipped western wethers 116 4 25 141 cllnned Colorado lambs 72 4 46 750 western lambs and sheep 87 4 5 CHICAGO live: stock market. Cnttle Active .to Shade Lower Hons nnd Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, April 29.CATTLE-necelpts, 26,000 "head, Including 400 Tcxans; market active to shade lower; Tcxans steady; good to prlmo steers, $2.4506.93; poor to medium. $3.S54.90; stockers and feeders, steady, at $2.764.85: cows, I2.704i4.50: heifers, $2.76j 4.80; canners. steady to firm, at $2.105j2.i: bulls, $2.764.40: calves, steady, at $4.00tp 5.25; Texas fed steers, $4.2555.40; Texas grass steers, $2.5004.00; Texas bulls, $2.75'tf 3.85. iinns rtprrtnis 47000 hpnd! estimated to morrow. 29,000; left over. 6,000; market weak; top, 5.9o; mixea ana Duicners., good to choice hoovj', $3.75t?5.!K: rough heavy, $5.55(Ef3.65: light, $3.&58.S2tt ; bulk of sales. $5.27!.iU5.82i4. SHEEP AND LAMDS-Rccclpts, 18.000 head; sheep weak, yearlings about steady, lambs weak for clipped nnd steady to llrm for wonled: cood to choice wethers. $4.60j) 4.75; fair to choice mixed. $4.20B4.63; western sheep. $4.40514.76; yearlings, $4.50(34.90; na tive lambs, $4.&0(So30: western lambs, $4.0 (S5.30. New York Live Stock llnrkrt. NF5W YORK. Anrll 29.-BEEVES-Re- celpts, 4.84S head; demand fair; steers steauy, nuns sieauy. uows m in higher: steers, $1.4CMi5.73: cows and stags, $4.50Ji5.15; bulls. $3.50M4.60; cows, $2.2o(J1.00. Pvnm.ta nnnoi tomorrow. i50 cattle and 3,100 fiiiiirtcrs of beef. . .. CALVISH UCCCipis. ";". ' j.. osr. nrf. i.uiilu 4.150)1.00; tons. $6.25: little calves, $3.0tVff3.6p. bend; slow: wooled sheep. $4.0)'iis 00; clipped sheep. $3.75114.50: choice sheen, $4. ri; wooled 5.35; clipped culls. $4; spring lambs, $2.oOW eiiun, , , . , HOUS Receipts. 12,&u nena; rai" slower, at $6.0506.30. $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Distrders of Men 10 yeirs ln Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without cdttltiK, pidn or lost of time. CV DUII 1 4K cured for life anathapolson niuio thoroughly cleanied from the system. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and foreTer. No "I1HK AK1NO OUT" of th dUdase on th Skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerons drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims to Naiivous lir.niUTT or V.xn acstion, WASTINU WIAKNKAS With RAHLT I)SCAT In and Mitint.c Antn, lack ot Tim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. TRIOTUftE cured with a nsw Home Treatment. No pain, no detention from busi ness. Kidney and niaddr Troubles. , .. CHARGES LOW ., CMitttitlM frrt. Trtitmtat iy Mill. Call on on or address 110 So. 14th St. Dr. Staples A Starles, Omaha, Neb. 1V MEN NO CURE. NO PAY. If rou hut smsll. Mk orn. lost jiowr or wrskmlng drslns, our Vacuum Organ Pelopr lll restore rou without ilrnrs or clfctrldtri 74,fKH In usei not ons fstluroi not ona rstarnrdi no C o. r. f rami , writ for fraa particulars. sntsaldln plain fntrlor. 10CM. APllCt CO.. l$l Tiara Ilk., InJIinisalls, b e. FIRST CLASS PULLMAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY DBTWBBN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Chang GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ..','A!Lt.'!f,.bt .'5cntT of ht ROCKY KPV.NTA!N! V6.. S'ERRA NEVADA by Daylight la both direction. OININO CAR SERVICB THROUOH. ) BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. Forfait Information, reservations and Itinera ary "Chicago to California" address City Ticket Office. 1333 Parnaa St., Omaha, Neb. 41 MILL'S SHOHTKST TO ST. LOUIS. TheSt. Louis Cannon Ball Leaves Union Station dally G:15 p. in. Arrives ln St. Louis 7.00 a. in. SH MILKS SHOHTUST QUINCV. TO TheQuincy Express Leaves Union Station dully nt 7:00 n. m. Trains leavo dally for St. Louis, Kansas City, Qulncy and all points East or South. Tickets to al) points In Europe via all lines. Call at O. Ct. L. city offlco, 1415 Farnam Street, Paxton Hotel nik.. or write Harry E. Moores, O. P. at T, A., Omaha,, Neb. DR. KAf RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates the UTS tern; purines and enriches tbe blood; cirri tno worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver and kidneys. Zoo and $1 at druggists. Krce mivicc- Rumpic uuii iiuuk. 1 B Dr. 11. J. Kay, Saratoga, K.Y. mi Teieplaane lOMtt. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Boyd & Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN. PnoVlSIO.VS AM) STOCKS. Board ot Trade Build tnif. Direct wires to Chicago and Now Yori. Correspondence, John A. Warren i- Co. BUY OIL STOCKS. i ,i.i....u if .'mi u-imt In UUUU lllllll1 . jw. ....... - Invest, uend to mc and I will buy you iiny stock you wimt. If you don't know what stock you want, Icnvo It to inc. Stocks llahlo to double nny day. No commlPHlon chnrKcd. lteforcnces: MnniiRcr Western Union TelcBrnph Co., bbciU Hontliern l'a fiiln mllivnv and a cent Kansas City South ern rnllwny. Address, A. N. Warner. '.".J Crockett street. Cadger's joweiery atore, Beaumont, lexas. FORTUNE KNOCKS BUT ONCE THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT THAN THE STOCK OF BUFFALO OIL COMPANY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS. Owns in fee simple 2 acres of ground, ,1-4 acres of which are within 1032 feet of Higpin's Gusher, and 2137 feet of the Lucas Gusher. The rest of the oil land is as sure as any in the field, but the Buffalo Oil Company has been offered for the 34 acres, Jf 100,000 in spot cash. INCORPORATORS: J. I,. SMITH, Wholeanle flroeer, I'rralilenl. J.NII. T. MeKI.HOY, Wealthy Cait- ttlr Owner. Vlne-Prealdent. J. V, I'AUI.. nnnUer, Treaaorer. D. O. I.IVRI.V, firrrelarj-. J.NO. SOIIAIinAIIKn, Wealthy Cat- tie Owner. J. D. tnAWFOIlII, Merchant, Ask Texas Bankers About Them. Buffalo Oil Company is capitalized for tho small sum of $300,000 and stocks nre of the PAR VALUE OF 10 CENTS EACH. Only 150,000 worth of (he slock for sale at par. No loss than 100 Shares sold lo one person. J100,000 retained in treasury for ilcvelopinent purposes.. Contract made for well. .Machinery on ground. Stock will double in 30 days SUMS, and will likely sell 10 for 1. Right reserved to withdraw slock without uotico. NO stock jobbing or wildcattiiig. Send for sharees to D. O. Lively, Secretary, Reaumont, Texas.