Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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' I'urnhV t
Carney, p. ..
3 3 t 24 3 1
4 Q 6 1
4 0 3 1 0
f.vcnrr n WlmilnK
I, end.
Totals 37 11 27 3 4
Omaha Tem Hnmuhd bj tba Orswd of, &mpoA o j i o o o o
E"tMtri from the. Kerth. Earned rum: .Minneapolis 4. Two-base
n-i.itri irom ine ner;n. h(((, Atohfri oniKnitoii, Tannehll (2.
Three-hase hltn JJordon, Carney. 1 omc
run: Bflrln. Sacrifice hits: I-JL,,rr l,,elden'
OJE BAD INNING FOR YOUNG STEELE ; Jk,," y,"f aVruel' o'ut'i iir Steele' 2y
Carney. 9. Hit by pitched ball: Ily tarnev
3. Wild pitches; Steele, 1; C.irney, 5. 1'assed
IH. Perform.. In .be fir.. Knun.h , HhII: Mfl-nfl?l le" 1$
to Allnrr I no iiinr in I Cnnnell to Hrahear, Toman to Stewart to
Calhoun (2). Time; 2:w. Implrc: Keith.
srniMix win tiihki: stiiaioht.
Administer Another Defeat to Henver
I'revi Score 7 to 4.
DENVER. April 23.Colorndo Bprlns
won today's game from .he local team,
mnklriR three straight victories. There,
will be no more games until the opening
of the season, May 3. Score:
Colorado .Spring. . . I 0 3 1 4 0 0 2 7 13 '3
Denver 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-t 10 1
Ilatterles: Kostal nnd James HuUlvn;
Hwaln, tleam and Donohue, Umpire; I.ols.
American t.enuue of tlunUrr ( lt llrts
Its Inltlnl Victory from
Uoston, 8 to ".
PHILADELPHIA, April .-The Phila
delphia club of the American league today
won Its nrst victory of the seiidon, defeating
the Uoston club In an Interesting game.
The fielding of both tenms might have been
better, but most of the. error were madu
on dltllcult chance, Collins played In his
old-time form, and his une-hund running
catch of Hayrien's foul In the llfth Inning
ah the Holding feature of the game.
Philadelphia showed decided Improvement
In batting. Lajole leading with two triples
and two singles. Attendance, 3,341. Pcore:
Uoston I 2 0 1 0 4 0 1 0- 5 12 3
Philadelphia ,u ! 1 0 0 J ! 0 '-J13 I
Ilatterles; Boston, Cuppy and Crlger;
Philadelphia, liernhard and Powers.
Captain "Acq" Stewart and hit brave
band of warriors- mailt- a gallant but
futile struggle Monday afternoon. Shoulder
to shoulder they stood on tho llrlng lino and
attempted to scale tho fortifications behind
which tho Millers had sheltered themselvts
In the early stages of the engagement.
The heal of tho battle was too much
for Captain Stewart's first lieutenant, Al
gernon Steele, a volunteer from tho state
of Iowa. He sallied forth when the con
flict began and tho enemy did all sorts of
things to him. Id the middle of the en
counter rjenerat William Artaxerxes
Hourke, who witnessed the engagement
from 4. nearby vantage point, sent a
courier' to Captain Stewart with a docu
ment that boded no good for tho first lleli
tenani. As soon as the captain scanned Its
contents Steele was relieved from further
duty and Kdward Oordon, a Bturdy Nebraska-
boy, was sent to relieve him. Then
the tide of battle turned, but It was too
lath to chancn the Impending defeat Into
victory. Captain Stewart's: ttuuad was
saved, however, from an utter rout and
would, In all probability, havo carried tho
day If tho code under fthlch tho encounter
was conducted had permitted a short con
tinuance. In thw very first Inning tho visitors
amassed a collection ot Mx large. Juicy
tallies. At the end of the fourth this bunch
bad' been Increased to nine. Then flordou
was put In the bo and In the Ave succeed
ing innings hold thq MllerH down to three
scattered hits, none of which developed
Into runs.
Millers Start Vlolonsl)-.
The first Inning for the locals was a de
elded contrast to tho act which tho Millers
had put up Just preceding. Toman. Carter
and Stewart went out In one, two, three
order and tho funny part of It was that
each man fanned. It looked then as though
the Millers were going to "wallop the life
out of the Kourkcltes and the people In
tho grandstand looked down In nmazemgnt
upon Carney, the good-natured pitcher, who
has been touted as one of the stars ot the
leaguo this season.
But tbe wallop didn't materialize. The
Millers won the victory, but -It was by tbe
attenuated margin of ono score und they
had to fight llko Trojuns to encompass tbe
defeat of tho Itourko family. After tbe
first Inning Captain Stewart's men settled
dowil und played great ball. Steele's pitch
ing wasti't anything to brag about, but after
Gordon went In In tho first Inning a bang
up exhibition ot twentieth century ball
playing was given by your Uncle Bill's
In the fifth Oordon made his first appear
ance at the plate. Ho soaked one of Car-
noy's benders for a beautiful triple one of
the prettiest hits seen on the home grounds
this season. A brace of errors by Brasbear
nnd Wadsworth made tho initial bag safe
for Toman and Carter. A couplo ot balks
by Carney, and the play of retiring the next
three men, permitted the two midgets to
' score, ns had Oordon before them.
In the sixth fllade was presented a free
ride to Drat, after there were two outs,
tin advanced on a wild pitch and scored
fit iJcr'iciSJoiaan.?ettiwt bo
7 yorm""scond base. fbat made the score 9
to 8. Then the fans settled down and patted
themselves on tho back and sympathized
with the enthusiasts who weren't there, tor
they thought that tho balance of the game
would bo redhot. And It was. j
Win it up Warn a Fierce One.
Gordon's fine pitching and the superb
fielding of tbe locals prevented tbe Millers
from scoring, and the same performance on
the part of Carney and his associates kept
tho Rourkeltes from scoring, so you can
easily Judge what kind ot a finish it was.
The Inst ot tho ninth was u thrilling finale.
Carter started off with an out at first via
Carney, and Stewart missed thrco wide
onos. Letcher was hit by n pitched ball
and went to first, and Calhoun followed him
on an error of Brashear. Then it was up to
General Itourko to do something. There
were two men on bases and two nuts. In
the natural course ot things Billlam iteld
would have been tbe next man at the bat,
"but Billlam hasn't got his hitting habits
on yet, so Mobile I.auznn was sent In to
bat for him. It was a crucial moment for
Mobile nud (be southerner lost out. He
lunged at the first ball that came sailing
over 'the plate and missed It. The next ho
fouled oft and the third Umpire Keith called
h strlkr. That ended It, and the victory
went to the visitors.
In nine games played so far during tbe
ante-league season with professional clubs,
this wls tho second the Omahas have lost
Thai's not sucb a bad record. This after
noon, which will be ladles' day, will be tbe
' last garao the Omahas will play In town
until May 17, when the regular season
opens here. Score:
One of Ten Thousand at Senson'x
Onenlnic In Washington.
WASHINGTON, April 29.-Undor the most
auspicious conditions the American league
opened the base bull season In this city
today, with Washington tilt ted aaalnst Hal-
tlmore. A clear, azure sky and balmy at-
mospnere, ingeuier wun mc recent suc
cesses of Washington nt Philadelphia,
brought lO.Ou) persons tn witness the in
itial game. Among the spectators were
Admiral Dewey and other prominent people,
Washington easily outplayed the visitors.
McQInnlty was hit frenuontly. while the
feature of the game was Oirrick pitching
mr wii- iiuinu lenra, no sirucK out seven
men. Score,
ft. ILK!
Washington .. .0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 '-5 a 4
Baltimore looooioo 02 5 3
Batteries: Washington. Carrlck nnd
iiamc, nammore, Aicuinnuy nnd Itobln
Cleveland Wlua Initial tinmr from
Vlaltoras frAm M 1 1 v a .. 1,
CLKVHI.AND. April Amcrlcun
!inilln lAklnn tt'nd ?.mAA,l 1 . .. . .. i .
most favorable circumstances. The weather
was Ideal, being clear and cool, tho attend
nnco large, fully 8,(00 persons being present.
-ii.iiuniuBiii n nn aiiunn, Cleve
land won the games by making three runs
.11 i i cifeuiii iniiiiiK, score:
Cleveland .... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 't'n'S
Milwaukee ...01 1 1 00000-383
Batteries: Cleveland. Hoffer nnd Yeager:
Milwaukee, Hawley and Leahy.
AB. B. H. O. A. 13.
Toman, ui r 1 1 0' 7 0
Carter, If S 1 o o 0 0
Stewart. 2b .1 0 0 .1 S 2
ltchcr. rf (... 3 2 2 0 0 0
Calhoun, lb 3 1 0 17 ft 0
neld. cf.... 3 (i 0 o 0 1
McAlldrcws. 3b,.,..,.. 3 10 2 3 0
Ulade. c 2 1 0 4V 1 n
Steele, p 1 0 0 0 3 0
Oordon, p I 110 2 0
Lauzon Oooooo
. Totals 23 S 21 3
'McConnell out, hit by batted ball.
VBatted for. Held lu ninth.
AB. It. H. O. A. K.
McCreedle, rf I 1 o 0 0 0
Congalton, ct i,,.. 4 I .1 I ft (I
Hrashear. ss 4 2 2 3 ( 2
Uelden, If 4 11)00
Tannehlll, 3ti .v.,. 5 l 2 l 0
Kcrcuson, lb 5 1 0 s 0 0
Detroit Americans Win from Chl-
cairna on I.ntter'a Uround.
f'liffvinn a.ii n.i.i. i . -
in . ".rj.i,"".r -,V "J;""
... .I.- B.A.ii, muni luinoico noimes
grounder, giving the batter his base. This
5 VAV . J v runs ny union
... uiu'-ihiu, "iiiwu rtuicii mi oi ine via
Itors runs. Attendance. 2,600. Score:
Chicasco looooooi o VoE:
Tlt l-rt. t A t ft i A A A A r, .
vi.wi nil-Mi uvvvvjlu U ii 1
BatterlfH! Chicago, Patterson anU Sulll
van; Detroit. Owens nnd Buelow,
American hvmgne StnndluK
it r Ll
nniiuiliiuii . a i
- J
Cleveland ...
... 1
... o
... o
fort Crook Team Victorious.
One of the most Interesting games of
oau wnicn nas Deen played on the Fort
grounds for some time was nlaved Sun.
day afternoon between the Fort Crook team
una mo umaues or umana. Aitnnueh vrv
disagreeable weather, both teams put up a
tine game. It was a pitcher's buttle all
through, Bublltz receiving fine support. The
main feature of the game was the pitching
of uublltz for the fort team and that of
jerc or me uniques, Dotn being In nne
trim. The'r work In tho box was Indeed a
treat to all who were present. Several
members of the Unique Pleasure club nnd
their sweethearts were present. From the
time the Uniques cntorcd the fort grounds
nnu uniu iney leri iney enjoyed tnemselves
Immensely tnd too much praise cannot be
given io ine ion team, ns iney cud nil
in ireir power lor me enjoyment and In
terest of the Uniques. Score:
Fort Crook 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
L'nlqiKs 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1
Batteries: Bublltz and Kemery, Neft and
ncnry. nase nus: i-ori urooK, 1; uniques
i. airucK oiu; ny uuoniz, a; icrr,
.IrnnlnRS to Join Philadelphia.
CLKVELAND. Anrll 2 Prpslilonf nan
Johnson of the American league telcgrapncj
r-resiueni iMiioyin or ine Cleveland eiub to.
dav ns follows: "I bavp clnspri with llm-h
Jennings to Join the Philadelphia American
league team after June 1. UN contract with
Cornell prevents his reporting to Mack be
fore that time. He is with us heart and
Nationals Win Thtir Titit Game, at Hems
from ths Cincinnati?.
U linn In the Fifth nnd the Other
Three In the !Of enth Tnnimy
llnsihes lletn I'unndcil
J 0
CH1CAOO, April 2D. The local Nationals
won their first game at home by bunching
tli:ht of tbclr nine bits off McFadden In two
Innings, with the help of four bases on
balls and an error. Ths visitors batted
Hughes freely, but he kept the hits well
scattered, except In the last two Innings.
Attendance, 700, Score:
lt.ll.O II 11 n A F.
Chllils. 2b... 3 t 2 1 Ullobbs, cf 1 1 J i 0
imrii-ii, ii.. a j 3 ,j a Hsrl)', f...l S 1 1 0
Dolan, rf.... 1 0 1 0 0 nkl.v. lh. 1 I It il A
Oreen, cf .2140 1 Craw ford, rf 1 1000
1"1I. Hi. .00100 MniMn. ?h.. 1 J I
Chsnc, II. . 0 1 i ) 0 Irwin, 3h....0 1 3
rwi,.M.. 4U A . .A A.. . .
M'C'm'k, Ss. 0 0 14 1 IMMz. e 1 1 I 11
Kline, c .... 1 1 5 i 0 MeK'dd.n, n 0 0 1 4 0
Hush's, p... 1 1 1) .1 O'McllrMe ...0 100
nsj'rn.r. ih. 0 0 1 1 I
- 1 Totsls 11 14 II 1
Tntslf. ... J anil 3
Batted for McFadden In ninth.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 'S
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 3 36
lA'lt Oil hasps: CMrnirn f'lnrlmuil! V
Two-has,, hits: Chllds, Hughes, Crawford,
oiuien imHcs. urcen, cnance (3). Double
Plays; ilagoon to Corcoran to Beckley;
Dobbs to Irwin to Magonn; McFadden to
Beckley Htruck-out: By Hughes, 7. Bases
on balls; Off Hughes, 2j off McFadden. 8.
Wild idtche; McFadden. Time: 1:33. Urn
plre: Emslle.
rillsbiirK Tenm Wins In Fierce Hat-
Una Content, I I In lii.
piTTHItttlid Anrll 1 Tiin knm. V,t.
tlonnl team turned the tables on 8t. Louis
todtlV and won In n llrn-fi lmtlliu mntMt.
The visitors made n grand rally In the last
inning arm nearly succeeded in overcoming
the big Wart of the Blttsburgs. Attendance,
I.Ouo. Hcorc:
lUTTSHl'IKJ. , ST. 15V1S.
It.HO.A.l:1 llll.Ci A. K.
Clarke. If..,: I i 0 n liurkntt. If.. 2 3 1 ft 0
i m'ni, cr 4 3 1 0 1 iM.irlck, cf. 0 1 1 v 0
Wagner, rf.. 3 2 2 0 0 Donovan, rf. ! 3 1 0 1
HransfM, lb 1 1 14 0 1 McOnnn, lb. 1 111 10
Illtehy, 2b. 1 2 0 3 2 Wallace, .. 2 3 I S 0
Iach, 3b... 1 2 0 I 0 1'aildrn, 2b.. 0 1111
I".lV. 1 1 0 1 2 fhllM. 2b... 1 2 12 0
O'Connor, c. 0 1 7 1 1 Krurr. 3b. 1 1 0 3 1
Leever, p.... 3 10 7 OSchrlver, C..0 0 J 3 0
.. . 'Nichols .... 1 0 0 0 0
Totalf II 14 2.' 15 7 fla't'nsfn. p 1 1 1 2 0
udhorr, p... 1 0 0 V 0
Total 12 1 i! 17 3
Ban fot Schrlver in ninth.
Pittsburg 3 0 2 0 8 0 1 0 -14
St. Louis 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 S 12
Hurned runs: Pittsburg, 4: St. I.OUK 6.
Two-base hits: Wagner, Ultchey 12), Leach,
i-aoaen, ivrueger. rnree-uase nits: llrnns
Held, ltlirkett. Hflilrlrh SurrMop
ClnrkC, Wugner. leever, Schrlver. Stolen
bases: Clarke, Beaumont, Leever, Nichols.
Double play: BreltciiHteln to Pudden. First
base on balls: Off Leever, 1; off Brelten
stein, 5. Htnick out: By l.eever, fi: by
Htlclhoff, 2. Passed balls: O'Connor, Schrle.
ver. Innings pitched; UrcltenHteln, 5; Hud
hoff, 3 Hits: Off Breltensteln. 10; off
Sudhuff, 4. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Iiwyer.
Ilunkcrn Make Fourteen flnn nnd Ret
the Glory.
PHILADKLPHIA. Anrll 29.-Tli Phlla-
delphla National league team defentcd New
orK today oy tnc score or 11 to 13 In a
gamo mnrked by heavy hitting on both
sides and erratic lleldlng on the part of
the local players. Captain Davis of the
visitors put the ball over the right field
fence fpr a home run. Attendance, 1,390.
Il.H.O.A.K. H.H.O.A.E
Thomas, cf.. 3 2 10 0
Slaclf, If.... 2 1 3 0 U
De'habty, lb'l 2 0- 1
Flick, rf 4 3 3 0 0
Jacklltz.- C... 3 3 4 1
Wolv'tcn, 3b 0 4 1 0 3
Dolan, 2b. .. 0 0 I 2 1
Cross, as.... 0 0 4 " 1
Dunn, p 1 1 0 1 0
Dugglby. p. 0 1 0 3 1
.14 17
13 i
V'Halt'n, cfj 2 1 0 0
Wbach, r-lf3 J 1 ,1 0
tlaVli-.'.;. 3 2 3 4 0
Illck'nrf-lf 2'3 1 0 1
Mtranr. 3b. ..0 2 2 10
Oaniel. lb...O 3 7 10
Murphy, 2b. 0 0 2 0 0
Cowman, c. 2 1 7 2 0
Kliher." p.... 0 0 0 0 0
Dolimy. p... 0 1 0 0 0
Bernard .. 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 13 IS 24 9 1
Batted for Fisher In the fifth.
Philadelphia 2 0 2 3 0 3 0 2 14
New York 3 2 0 2 1110 013
Karned runs: Philadelphia, 8: New York,
2. Two-base hits: Dulehunty, Flick, Jack
lltz. Wolverton. Three-base htts: Slagle,
Jacklltz. Home run: Davis. Stolen bases:
Thomas, Wolverton. Double plays: Dolan
to Cross to Delehanty; Duggloby tn Cross
to Delehanty. First base 011 balls: Off
Fisner, s; orr uoneny. 2; orr Dunn, 7. Hit
by pitched ball: By Dunn, 2. Passed ball;
Jacklltz, Wild Ditches: Doheny. 2: Dunn. 1.
Struck out: By Dunn, 1; by Duggleby, 1;
ny risner. 1: ny uoneny. 1. Time: 1:43,
umpire: O'Duy.
Special MrellnK at Nrnpurl lllapoa
of St. Louis Perplexity.
t:i.M.'i.N.vA ri, April 23. There wns a spe
ciai meeting or ine Tiirr congress nt Nw.
Sort today. Those present were: Walter
. Palmer, representative of Highland
Park: Captain Tilles of St. Louis and Little
Bock. J. W. Busswurm of Nashvllln nnd
Frank Fowler of Newport. Kule No. 204
was amended so that the St. Louis Fair
Grounds association can distribute Its
purses as It may see nt, but the total
amount of the four purses each day must
not bo under $2,400.
The Queen City Jockey club was given
the privilege of distributing 11,500 each
day for nurses In amounts to silt the con
dltlon of the races, ltule No. sot regulars
the purses according to the population of
tho cities wherein tracks .ire located. The
question of re-establishing- the foreign
books was not acted upon.
Buy It and try It If you want a delicious
wlno with a beautiful boquet Cook's Im
perial Extra Dry Champagne.
Nerves that Die
For lack of nourishment arr just as dead as though they were
severed with a knife. In eithtr case the base of supplies has
heeri interfered with. Nctves that need nourishing make their
wr nts known through headache, backache, loss of appetite, indi
gesHon, fluttering ot the heart, irritability, sleeplessness, and gen
eral weakness. Feed the hungry nerves, build them up and
make fhrm strong and vigorous, full of vim, vitality and power,
wi;h '.An great nerv fcod ud tonic,'Dr. Mi'es' Nervine.
Vo rpnii; years ths troubled with iiervous dys
psi "TCueKsat a t'jno 1 tave itiiiered bo nvich that I
"uld ,-, letalnfood I "11. This attacks brought on
nennu pr stratlon ana t, it no re. t day or night. I
tried nu y physicians t.nd ui ertlted remedies, but never
found -i;f until Dr. Miles' Nerv'ne wm recommonded. I
the fourr I ouK 'est tveh nnd retain food and was soon
restored." -8. K. rrf?camsR, Jefferson, Wis.
D Mile Nervine
' k qnhtc tho uorvoils Irritation, sttmuUtes tho digestion
pt.1 Alls tho blo d with lust the nourishment needed for
t ac i ruti-down conditions. Give It a trial.
Dm. Mimcs Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
I.osr name lo Uoston After It Wn
Safelr Won.
BROOKLYN, April 29,-After having the
Kume wen in iiHuu luuay, ine tirooKiyn rva
tlonal league team threw It awuv bv in.c
glng Melding. Davis let In the tlelng runs
In the ninth by two successive muffs, while
a fumble by Kelly, two errors by Sheck-
ard. Tcnney's triple, and Demont's double
rumen lour more ror uoston In tho tenth.
The visitors also made n number of errors.
but nincen's effectiveness nt critical points
helped them. McCrecry's work In center
ance, 3,100. Score:
n.ii.o.A.E. n.ii.o.A i:
Ilam'ton, cf 1 1 2 0 lnvls, If.... 1 0 10 2
Tenner, lb,. 2 2 0 0 Keeler. rf...O 3 n o i
Dement, lb,: 1 1 : 2 Hheckard. 3b 0 l 0 .1 ;
Long, 0 1 2 4 2 Keller, lb... 2 2 IS 1 1
Aiccreery, cf 0 9 0 V
unity, zxj,,.. 1 0 1 2 0
Dahlrn, is... 1 2 2 7 0
McOulie, c. 0 2 4 J 1
McCann, p.. 0 0 0 1 e
Kitten, p 0 0 0 0 u
I.ow. !l 0 0 5 4 0
Codllus, rf.. 1 0 3 0 1
Rtrry, If.... 1 0 3 1 1
KlttridKe, c. 3 1 2 0
Dlneen. p.... 2 10 11
.12 8 30 17 S
Totali S 10 30 17 7
0 0 2 2 1 0 00 3 4-12
1 22030000 0-S
Karned runs: nostnn. 1; Brooklyn. .
Thrcn-baso hits: Hamilton, Tenney. Two
base hits: Klttrldge, Demont. Kellov (2).
First bnse on errors; Boston, 6: Brooklyn,
n. nu u.ibib. jtuaiuii, i; urooKiyn, o,
Hacrlflcf! hit: Dahlen. Stolen hases: Tpiiii.v
Demont (2), Davis, Dahlen. Bases on ball's
By McCatui, 3; by Kltson, 2; by Dlneen, 3.
ijouiiio pmy; imiib in iw ro icnney. wild
Biiciirs: wiiiren. i. nu oy pitcned ball;
y McCann, 2. Time; 2:26. Umpire: Colgan.
,ntlonal Leaitae Htniidlne.
Won, Lost. P.C.
... 4 :
...3 2
... 3 2
... 4 3
... 4 3
... 3 3
... 1 3
Cincinnati ,.
Pittsburg ...
Ht. Inuls ...
Brooklyn ...
New York ..
slon. nnd could no doubt have taken off a
fraction from the record of 2:",. made
by Lieutenant Ulbson over the course last
j"rom . o ciocK mis anernoon umn
Derbv winner was known Hie. stand, lmd-
dock and betting ring were nlmost one
mass of Immovable humanity Derby day
means that the society of Kentucky will be
Itttlngly represented and there was not
town in tho state mat did not semi some
fair iinf in mid bennlv to Ihr occasion
There werp Innumerable box tiiirlies and
every available tallylio ami carriage, horse
and horseless, waa pressed Into service
Hail thp weather bren m.nle to order for
tho no' Joeke club It could not have been
more propitious The track was lightning
fast, Not less than 23.0a) persons ciw
His Kmlnence win the class Ir event, for
everv olace of vantage around the grand
stand to which humanity could cling was
utilized. In the betting ring there was a
Jostling, surging crowd and the eighteen
books did a rushing business, not only on
ine uerny, nut on an otners.
Alnrd Scheck. by reason of bis work-out
on Friday morning, was. a nrlme favorite
and when the odds of 7 to 10 were tlrst
rhulked up money came In at such a lively
rate that th books could not handle It.
but lifter each had gotten his share the
odds were cut to 3 to 5 and the colts went
to the post. But It Is doubtful if nil the
books null winner on the rnee. for loads
of money went In on Ills Eminence at
24 to l nnd wnen some more venturesome
bookmaker chnlked up three ngnlust the
colt money came In so lively that It was
impossitiip in imnuic it. i nc contingent
from the lllue (Imps section of the state
came down prepared to hack Sannar.nro
nnu iney pin ineir money on mm III goooiv
quantities. Drlscoll and Amur were not al
together without friend, because of the
blcr Inducement In the matter of odds,
It was nearly u n clock wlipn the buele
sounded for the Derby and neonle scram
bled for a place from which they might see
tne event decided, ins Eminence, wun
Wlnlleld In the saddle, emerged from the
paddock, followed by finnnaznro. Drlscoll.
Amur anil Alnrd Scheck. In the order
named They were soon at the three-
quarter pole", from wlilrh th slnrt wns j
mime, ami ii moment later mere was a
break, the rubber strip Hew across the
track and ii yell of "They're off'" broke
th6 almost breathless stillness. But they
were lint It was an uneven stnrl and
Starter Brown had culled them back. There
was a second attempt and the little red
flag went down nnd the twenty-seventh
uenuieKy uerny was on.
They got away on comparatively even
terms, with Ills Klnlnencn and Drlscoll
having perhaps a neck's advantage over the
otner tnree. uown me stretch they came
toward the giandstand nnd a length did
not separate the live colts, with His Immi
nence In front. Drlscoll second. Alard
Hcheck third, BanmizHro and Amur Inst
Past the stand and around the lower turn
they went, with Ills Eminence still setting
the pace. When they straightened out on
tho backstretch WlnktleJd, on Ills Immi
nence, wns hugging the rail, st a emit i
In the lend. Alnrd Scheck bad moved tin to
second place and wns a half-length In front
of Amur, who was about the same dis
tance from Bannazaro, and Drlscoll. who
were moving down the backstretch on
even terms, They passed the half In this
position nnd as they reached the three-
quarters preparatory to making the final
run oown me stietcn jncKey woods loos,
ened his reign nnd called on the Schorr
entry lo overtake His Imminence, but the
Memphis horse was not equal to It, for
shortly he fell back and ns they entered
the stretch Sannnziirn had moved up Into
second place, followed by Drlscoll, nnd
Aiaru acnecK. tne lavorite. was left to
fight It out with Amur.
"His Kmlnence wins" was the lovous
shout that went up from the thousands
when the Falsetto colt reached tho seven-
eighths pole running with long, even strides
nnu wiuueid silling in the saddle guiding
him to victory. Snnuaznro made one final
effort, but It wns of no nvnll. for His Kml.
nence was under the wire, a winner by a
run icngwi ot iiuyiignt, wun annnzarn
half a length In front of Drlscoll, Amur
fourth, and a length awny. with Alard
Scheck, the favorite, last by three lengths.
There was cneering sucn as nas seldom
been heard nt Churchhlll down before, mid
as the good son bf Falsetto was ridden
into mo circle a namisome manKet or car
nations and smllax was thrown over the
victor and tho 23,000 people applauded bis
great victory.
The correct number of "THE DOTS" and
list of prlzo winners will bo published In
The Sunday Bee, May 5.
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Dr. Greene's Nervura
Probably no woman in our country it
better known than Mrs. Lease, whose ring,
ing words have sounded from the lecture
platform for a generation. Her voice has
always been earnest' in the cause of richt.
There are thousands who have listened to
her eloquence, and will realize that positive
certainty only prompts her statements.
Kead what she says about Dr. Greene's
"The of Dr. Greene's Ner.
vura blood and nerve remedy haa
been e. mrUter of public discus,
ion, and its uae in many families
has been noted in (his IocaJity.
The accounts of benefit from many
distinguished Icdlea Bind gentle
men, who are well known to me,
leave no room for doubt of Its
great efficacy in the lines in which
it is recommended. I htk-ve no
hesitancy in approving" the use oi
Dr. Greene's Nervuro blood and
nerve remedy."
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lease, 710
Union Ave., New York, N. Y.
It is now that men and women want to
know how to get relief from spring weariness
and exhaustion.
It is now that the nervous system is weak
nd unstrung and all the old troubles
most active. It is not only relief, it is ab
solute cure that promptly follows the use oi
Dr. Greene's Nervura. Nearly every jssue
of this paper prints strong endorsements ol
this great medicine from people It has
cured. Test its powers yourself.
Dr. Greene's counsel Is given tree to all
who etvll or writs. His address Is 33
West I4th St.. New York City. ,
.Nunpfirelln Win Trtu tinmen.
Tho Nonpareils defeated a picked nine on
the exposition grounds Sunday morning bv
the score of 14 to 12, nnd the Prospect Hill
Pleasure club In the afternoon by the score
of 12 to S.
neloll, III Mlniiesntn, S.
BICLOIT, Wis,. April 29,-The Heloit col
lege. II; University of Minnesota, S,
Ilia Kmlnence, li Falsetto, Runs I bp
LoiiIkiIIIc Mile nnd Qnnrlrr
In SlOT a-4.
LOU1SVILLK. Kj", April i-O.-Thn twenty,
seventh Kentucky Derby has passed Into
history, and not one of the K.Oot) persons
who saw It can say aught except that It
was a race from the drop of the flag; until
His Kmlnence. the good son of Falsetto,
passed under the wire a winner In the good
time of 2:07-?.
It Jias been said for weeks that without
tho Invincible flurry Hermann, the Derby
would be an open rare, and so It was, hut
hsd the recent acquisition of Captain 8am
Brown been among the colts that were sent
away It is doubtful If he would have added
to his laurels, for His Kmlnom-c was lit
today to battle against any colt in (he
west. He won and he deserved tn win, for
with long, even strides he negotiated tho
distance of a mile and a quarter like clock
work, and never once did Wlnkrtcld have
occasion to resort lo ellher whip. or spurs.
The track record was not broken, but It
Is safe lo say that had the shaving of the
record been necessary to have won the
twenty-seventh Kentucky Derby, His Kml
nence would havo been equal to the occa-
ce Morrow
Coaster Brake
OuaranlMH ro'i Abtolutt Com.
fart aud rifature tn Cyeltng
Till nj wbwl Tour nhrel al
"Tn nndtreontml. Security oo
bills A IUIU17 on the let cl,
You Rids 80 Miles, but
Pedal only 35 Miles.
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There Is no Such Cigar Value
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1(111 SAI.i: II V Al Vi:ilX-l)ll,l,0 1)111(3 CO., 1IITII AM) KAIt.VA.1I.
Every Woman
la Intercited and should know
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The,newtMlIS;rlar. Jujtc-
lion una ouerion. lien far-
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vv. . - I
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llkTtarar., V. MML
If he rsnnot uilr Ihs
MARl'KI.. aerentnn
other, hnt etid utatnn for 11.
Iuntiale.1 book bit a
full nerthnlara and illreetlnnii In.
vtlnahle In laitlea. SIAItVSil. en..
Room Tliaea (Ida.. ; em l'orh.
Contest Closes May I
List of prize winners will be-published
$1,500 IN PRIZES.
, ..! vt TZ Z vVvS'Xv, i! n i
? Si
To those guessing the correct or nearest correct numbor of
1st I'rlze A J500.00 Kmerson l'lano valuo $500.00
The Best of
Chicago and East.
Hot Springs-Dead wood,
1401-1403 Farnam Street.
2nd prlzo 1 "Densmore" Tnuwrltcr, valuo
3rd prize X lot lu Council Hluffa, value
tth prize 1 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machlno, value..
6th prlzo 1 Business College Scholarship, value
Ctb prize 1 Tailor-made Suit, value
7th prlzo 1 Ladles' Tnllor-mado Suit, value
Sth prlzo 3 ladles' Custom-mado Shirt Waists, value $10 00
fctb prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value 12.00
Total J1.600 and a TIr.
dots The Ilea will K Ivc the following prizes:
10th prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value ll.W
11th prlzo 1 Ton Coal, value j,5(
12th prize 1 box "Kirk's" Whlto Russian Soap, value.... 3.0C
13th prize ONE 110. valuo T
14th prize 1 Sack Ooldcn Sheaf Flour l.U
15th to 24th 10 bottles Cramer's Kidney Cure, value.... 10.01
26th to SCtb 10 pair Orpheum Seats, value lO.Ct
26th tn BOth 14 volarncs recent fiction, value 18.TI
Also Art Tlctures and nooks, value B10.7S
Date received
Time P.M.
TnE Bek PoBusniNo Co. , Omaha, Neb.
EndoBed' find'$.'. to apply on my sub
ecription account. 4'
Street and No
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Are you taking The Bee Now?
If not, when do ou want it started?
aS?" Puzzle Department, The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb