? r April i8, 1001. Lowermost State of the Australian Federation (CHODAut Tai;nmn.n'rMn,!t nfrT'Ti IIOUAHT, rasmanla, March 28. (Special Correspondence of Tho Uee.)-I write this In the lowermost city of tho lowermost stato of tho now Australian federation and In ono of the lowermost towns of tho globe. Ilobart Is 2,500 miles south of tho eauntor. ,. . .i r. .i .. . on tho edge of the Southern ocean, that Dt;" uuiweeii uio l-aciuc and tho Antarctic. It Is now lato In tho fall, but the grass Is as green as old Ire- land In Juno. nnd. ntlliniinh Mmint Wnlllni.. ton, back of the city, has a coating of snow, tho sheep are everywhere feeding outdoors and the sun Is as warm ns Ohio In May. As I look about me 1 cannot realize that thls Is Tasmania, the country I studied nbout years ago ns Van Dleman's Land, I know It was nn Island Iloatlng about somewhere between tho south pole nnd Australia. 1 bad nn Iden that it was bleak, bare nnd inhospitable and supposed It nbout tho Jumping oft place of creation. I had rend of Its criminals sent out from Eng- lnnd who were about as cruelly treated as nro those of China today and It hardly scorned that the trip here would be worth the tlmo nnd expense I havo changed my opinion. Tasmania is tho Switzerland of the southern Pacific nnd It Is rcnlly one of the most healthful and beautiful hinds of the globe. It Is n henrt-shaped Island, wllh Its top toward Austrnlln nnd Its tall toward tho polo. It Is all mountnins, valleys and glens, cover- ing nn area three times as great as Massa- chusotts, nlmcsl as great as Ireland nnd about tho size of West Virginia. It Is populated by 200.000 English-speaking pco- , pie nnd tho tourist agencies lmve turned It Into n great health resort. The whole country Is spotted with boarding houses nnd hotels nnd from December until May, which aro tho summer months hero, It Is swarming with tourists. You can go almost anywhere by coach, horseback or on rail, and thero Is lots of good company. There nro waterfalls nnd lakes, forests of fern trees, brooks noted for fishing, hunting parks and everything thnt tho sportsman desires. There nro guido books, following which you can go on foot over tho coun- try, and, Indeed, the lnnd Is a little Norway or Switzerland nwny down hero below tho eauntor. TIM' 'I'll Mill II II I II II Cllllllll HoDart is tlio Tnsmnninn capital, me coiony sun nns a governor, nunougn u nas already elected its members of tho federal Pnrllnment nnd from now on will belong to tho great colonial emplro of Australia. It will, howover, mnlntnln Its state govern- . . . , " i ... ment, much ns our states do theirs, and Its Parliament will continue to meet In the government house here. Hohnrt Is the Inreest cltv on tho lslnnd It contains nbout 40,000 people nnd it Is as nlco a town of thnt size as you will I! nil anywhere. It lies on a fine harbor In a nest of hills on the banks of the river Dcr- THIClIt vent, backed by n mountain, tho rocks of vhlch look like tho pipes of nn organ. Tho own Is Inld out as a square and Its wldo nllior nt rlirht nnclCS. but It runs up hill nnd down nnd tnkes n urap horo and there out Into tho country. I went from one end of the capital to the ither one dny on tho Btreot car line. This s run by electricity and tho peoplo prldo hemsolvcs on having established tho first dectrlc railroad system In tholr lntltude. 1 vlsh I could show you tho cars. There ib lothlng like them In tho United States. They wero made In England nnd they ook ns though they had been pounded out by a crossroads blacksmith. They re qnn.mnlia A nil hi n.il flnlt tTft . their SldOS nlftS- B I Jill 'I'll m. M ' 1 SI - - ' - tCrcd Wllh Advertisements. 1 rode or rnnf rich ,i. ,.., . on the Drcaani, nnnlnat n, in,..in .v. vhlch, tho place of our trolley. Tho elcctrl'cnl inn- chine Is under the bed of the car In n ,. .n.t - .i... . ....... . , i . ... .... ...... mui wiu vuiy Bijceu wo inane wis golllB down ,,, Thc moUon wn8 n RUe. ccg9on o ,crha ng though tho electricity wnB onit.in.- ,. it- f i ,ii n... Tll0 fnro ,B 6 ct.nts n trl ""'""'''' X-- mi.ihm-. Tasmania has Its dally newspapers. There nro several published In Ilobart and nlso In I.nunceston, tho chief town on tho north sldo of tho Island. Oullctlna with tho head- Hues of tho news nre put out dally In front of tho ofllcea nnd tho reporters como around nnd Interview you much ns they do In America. There nre good book stores, n fair number of business buildings nnd n lot of govern- mcnt ofllccs. Indeed, all theso southern cities lun to government offices, spending great deal on such structures. At Hobait they nro of a line yellow sandstone nnd are fnirly well built. Tho most of tho rosl dences arc of brick and stone, with gardens about them, nnd the stores are not unlike thoso of a town of the same size In tho United States. The names on the stors nre queer ones, I nm told that ninny of them have been adopted within the last few generations and that thc nnmes of the oldest Inhabltnn's have been changed from those under whleh the founders of the fnmlly were sent out is penal convicts. U was right nrnr hero that tlio chief penal colony was. Its name was Tort Arthur nnd you enn reach It by n short boat ride down the river. Some of tho buildings In which the convicts were confined nre still standing, nnd one can get a guide there who will describe tho tcrilblo tortures they underwent. They were so punished thnt '" committed suicide. They were Hogged, tortured with dripping wntcr nnd lorded with heavy chains. They wero kept In dark cellars, were used to pull tho ears the convict railway and wero subject to nil sorts of Inhuman treatment. Today hero are many good families In Tasmania who nro tho descendants of these convicts, Pome of them will acknowledge It, but If you ask them the crime for which th"lr nncostors wero transported they will inva- rn))1. ropiy tnnt lt wns stealing n lonf of brend. Indeed, It would tnko a good-sized bakehouse running steadily to supply tho many lonve whIch nro snid ,0 llave bron stoi0ll by these early Tnsmanlnns. Ilnllu-r a I'lotiN Country. Tho Tasmania of today Is rather pious 'Imn otherwise. Tho great majority of the people nro cither honest Immigrants or the descendants of such Immigrants from Knglnud, I rein id and Scotland or Ails- tralla. Transportation censed In 18!3, nnd since then the bulk of the people have com STHKRT CAHS AUK LM.MHNSK AI'TAIHS, of their own nccord. There are today an many churches In Tasmania to tho popu lation ns In any English colony, and tho proportion of crlmo Is no greater than In any othor. Tho total number of prisoners before tho criminal courts In 1898 was Just about 1,000, tho most of whom woro ar rested for fraud. Tho public order is as good hero as In New Zcnland, and that Is snying that It Is exccllont. I referred to tho orderly condi tion of Ilobart when in conversation with n parson who was passing through horo tho other day. Ho was an Englishman off for a tour, and ho evidently had n poor opinion of tho Tnsmnnlans. for he said; "Theso peoplo nro not so good os thoy TIIE ILLUSTRATED BEE. Boom. They aro lax In their enforcement of th Ins an I a crime that woul 1 Imprison can bo had almost us quickly Here aR at nunk n man In England la often winked at here. home. The postal service, both foreign nnd The general banking h st tn Ih di ne by If you think they are nngels you had best local, Is excellent. Hooks are sent from four Institutions, the bends of which are leave yt ur money nt home." England to Tasmania nt the rate of two In Ilobart and Uniucoston, with bran he 1 would say that this parson Is a dys- ounces for a cent. Thero aro malls about covering the whole country. Tlio banks are peptic, that my money Is still safe and once n week, several of tho largest steam- fairly good. They pay Interest upon do that I do not believe hlni. ship lines calling nt Ilobart. Nowspapcts pcslts at the rate of !',(. per cent for six Since then I have made Inquiries and lenm that Tasmania has Episcopalian. Ho- man Catholic, Methodist. Presbyterian, In- dependent and Haptlst churches. Nearly nil m,, .,i., tn nimmi. mui Mm nro r. .nnn a...,,i.. M,i..a i.. ,,nn .imimninnttmi uu. ...... .......... ... ........ ...... niono. TUo Komnn catholics havo 4,000 boys nnd girls In their Sunday schools, the LOADINO Presbyterians nbout 2,000 and tho Moth- odlats C.000. It Is discreditable hero not to K0 10 cuurch or Sunday school, and the avorngo worklngmnn has his own pew. SoIiooIn, i.ihrnrli-N ami .IIhhc-uiiih. The TaFiunnlnns nro not backward In educational niatters. 1 have not written of the schools of New Zealand, but I would say that there and in Tasmania you enn have nbout ns good tuition as In the United States. In both countries educa tion Is compulsory. Hero the man who does not tend his children to school can be lined $10 per child, and ho will bo fined again and ngnin until ho does send them, The schools nro supported by the state. The chief seeretnry Is tho minister for education, and ho has u corps of ollicers under him. The system of Instruction M non-soctnrlaii. Thero Is a university in Hnlmrt, and thero are also three riIioo'h culled "rugged schools," supported b pri vnto subscriptions and government uld Hohnrt has a well equipped iiiukiiiiii and scientific Institutions. There an public llbiarles in many of the Tnsmnninn towns. Tho Inrgest Is thnt of tho Lauueeston Institute, which has 20,000 volumes, nnd tho next Is tho Ilobart library, which has 18,000. Another ovldcnco of tho Intelligence of the peoplo Is seen In tho excellent book stores which you find In tho larger towns. The prices aro qulto oa low as In England laiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBBiBHflflliBHi BBHiBiBHlBiBiBH or tho I'nltod States, anil the best of book printed In Tasmania enn be sent to any . .1... 1 ............ .....I nnrt of tho Island free of postage, and you enn send them to nny pnrt of Australia or New Zenlnnd nt tho rate of ten ounces for n cent I do not know of nny government which gives such advantages to Its news- papers. connected with tlio l'osiomco department APPLES VOW ENOLAND AT IIOIIAUT, TASMANIA iiro postal savings banks, whleh pay :i por ?el points from Tasmania an in bow tu cont interest or. nil denciHliH nn to J7.-,0. work tho Kuropenn markets. This la more wherever you fliul n money order olllco you llnd ono of theso banks, nnd lt Is remark- nblo what an Influence they hnve on the thrift nf tlin nnnnli A 1nrin urnnnrtlnn it tll0 inbabltants aro depositors, almost $.100,- non being nnnunlly received In this way at Hohnrt alone. There uio now 20,000 on v- K8 ccounts In the two towns of Hohnrt ,, Lnunceaton, nnd this In addition to a Photographic Art Studies These are the works of tho Tonneson Sisters of Chicago, nnd thero I proh.tbly o more cnpable photographic artists In the world than these enthuslnstlc young women There nre twelve subjects from which to choose, of which wo reprod.ica tight. Theso pictures nro handsome enough for anyone's drawing room and may b usei effectively unfrnmed, or will look splendidly wltb a stniplo dark frnmo. How to Get Them These pictures are mounted on handsome black raw silk stock mounts, 12x10 Inches tho photogrnphs aro 7x9 Inches. Thoso havo never been sold at tho nrt stores for less than ono dullnr. Dy securing nn Immense quantity of them wo are able to offer them With a Coupon for 10 Cents. When ordering state the name of the subject, and If they aro to be mailed enclose tour cents additional for postage and packing. AIIT DKI'AIITMIONT. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th and Farnaiti Sts. siaiaiBiB'StaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaH OHANDMA'S TEA. CUT OUT Present at llee Office or mall this coupon with 10c and got your choice, of Photo- graphic Art Studies, In private savings months, or 3 per cent for twelve months. 'Pit I,. I.. ..I. Hi. . The money Is in pounds, sh.lllngs and pence and all accounts nre kepi tu tho English way, Some notes nre Issued, but ih.ro Is considerable gold and silver In clrcula- I Inn. ItltlftlliK .iil'N lor llimliiml, I should think our fruit farmers in glr tlln" n month by i-ea from London, but nhlp ,(m"H nppies nro sent tboro every year Toy are packed up In boxes and put In cold storage on the great steamers, not to tnl('" ""1 ""y reneh London. The steamers aio especially fitted up for the purpose nnd It has been found I hat they can successfully carry tho apphs this dls- (Continued on ICIgl.tl. Pane.) REFLECTION, THIS COUPON huge sum deposited When ordering by mail add 4c for pnstnge 4HT DKI' AHTMIfiNT, IIKB PI'III.IHH IJV CO., OMAHA,