'1HJ2 OMAHA DAJLLA BhJL: A 1 L HUjk i . AfiiiL, . mui. 0 KocKol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well, If you ut frolcg to H9e eonething to help digest ronr food, U5e a preparation that will digest com pletely everything you chU A great many people take pepsin in Bocae torn, alter eating; but pepsin simply aids the digestion of eggfi, meats and other albuminous foods and doesn't help the digestion of fau and btarchy foods. We usually eat more than moat, cheese and eggs; in fact we hare to eat freely of grains, potatoes and other starchy foods if we supply the variety of nourishment necessary to maintain the Tarious tissues of the body. But these are the things most people who puffer from dyspepsia can't digest. And ao we would suggest that when you take anything to help digestion, take what will digest every kind of food. There is only one preparation known that does this, and that is Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. It contains all the dl gestants and completely digests what you eat. o other preparation does this. It can't help but do you good. preparai on.y by E C.DiWnr & Oo Chicago, Tii C bottie contains EH tin the aoc iltu DcWITT'S wtefc Bei SALVE certain cure for piles tad ilan distunes SOT UNTIL THE TWELFTH A- "I'-i'me rr-(. xxas presert I i work h' irio.es xxa grea' Shortlx sfter noon a onradt of about !oH , I eiirrlugs containl-ig oftt'-ials and t.laxers of . ' I both olutH" represent tlves of im trades I n . nt xr t i . u v , roamit act urine concern and spT- : LiLC naiU rlljl Mibj lcaicct te Dnut I Inc organltsittons passed through the nrtnet- i im BLrceiR. cnetiroa oj ihqhuohc hkw. route i"rerant jonnson of tle Ainenran i Imicue was treent and tm-erd the rM hl' upon the diamond Tbt Mrst AawrWn league came here made an excellent Im pression for the businesslike xvay In wbtrb It was coiitfucted. Not a motnettt lM and not a player questioned the d4rtoti of the umptn. Attendance, JMT1. Score: R.H E. Baltimore . t f J 0 ' t 4 -H II Button 0 () 6 J Ottn: ll Batteries- Baltimore. McGlunlty and j Robinson. Boston, Helium and Cnger. qi'AKURS 11KG1 WITH A LOML Capital Crexr 1'lnlOie I'M e to Our In KlrM (.nine Tlirrr. I'HILADELPHIA. Ajtrll !.-The Vuh; ington American league team tfefeatefl Pm.i. Ui.Klr c Athlft.r in Ibe OtKtllOP to pieces in the third and lout bis game i game of the season today Marring a hich j " 1 -a a. , null nllT I if 1 1 T Ht KinQ Lilt" WL'HLlltil r tAiniivn. a-w ... Chictp'i lit. LUCKLESS DAY FOR HUGHES AND NEWTON Ilotb Pitcher lteponlble for Thine that .Nrxer should Have Hap pened In Inausinriil (J a in - .core, to T. CHIC AC April If.. Cincinnati won the opening National league came here today in tbe twelfth ItirtrjK, Captain Corroran n;or.ti the winning run on hit third hit. tfc.rd atra! and tv.o putouta. Hupbct vent by r"l& 'our liases i.nd hclns hit for three UncloB, after bavins struck out the two first men up. Newton did nearly at badly in the ninth, when hl T'lldnen. an error and three hltE allowed the locals to tie the score- Crawford and Doian did great work in right, at did bo'.h catchers. At tendance S.200. Score; CINCINNATI. t CH1CAOO. IIJI.O.AX-I rfiWit cf . . o t t c cbiwf. ib 0 IHanxPl. K 0 llK.lar.. rf.. 1 elfxter. cf 1 ClKU'lf. It.. 1 1 I'f'hkBtJ 4 a : i Mariey. if 0 p( feipy Hi . C .'rwferd, rf J MartHiti rti . : lriri. I i 'rciran, m. 3 J itx, t ... . 0 No ton. p... 0 Total. It fx 1 Klltir. r. . . 1 ;Huch-. p. o V..U O.A.E 1 1 1 l toe ; : ( oil c : u i D ! t 0 0 1 Trtal t 3 1 rin-ir,nati . H ( 1 (0 M 1 61 J t I hicaco . ! Il 1 0 1' 11 11 III 00 07 Ltft on batirii: Chlcapo. I. Cincinnati. 10 Twi-bupe lilts. Bwklcy, Irwin, liolan. Thr-e-ba!e htf Crawford Stolpn lianep: ' 'rawlt.rd. Veltz, Coriroriui (2i, Mct"ormlrk, IKut.c Double play Crawford to Irwlit Stmik out. By Huchf. 4. by Menef. r. ty Newton f. Dase on ballK: OK Huphes. i, (iff Newton, r.. off Mnefee, t Wild tutfh: Mentlee Hit with ball. Dnyle .Ml. I. V I i. imt IIOSTO Kmrllc. A Sk'IN OF BEAITY IS A JOY FOREVER kR.T. FELIX GOL RAID'S ORIEMAL CREiM, OR MAGICAL UEAUTIF1ER. Krmovr Tun, I'lmplM. rrrck.l-. Moth I'tchf y-v JUnh ana FKtn if d6B drltr- mri :t aai too4 ILe trt tit f,t. j-furm, n4 ti to harmlvrt tatt It to b ur 't ! prctjurlr maa. VAocfpt no eountnr. Welt of ilmllnr nam, vt u. a. Sarr n.ia to a Ik fly of the haul-ton Ol natlentli "Aa you ladic will uae them, I rocom menl "GOtTRAUD'S CHCAM aa tbt least harmful of oil the EUln preparatlona." Kor vale by Lil DmrKlnta and Fancy Gooda DeaJera In the U 8. and Kurope. FCRD. T I!OI'KIA(. Proji'r. C7 Great Jnnea St.. JC. T. THE BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS Run via the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE wi.ns i nncoitois way. IttTlOtlt, 3t) Ijnc. r lnr. 51) ... C'rollut, rf... narr) If ... Klttrldpe. c. rittttiFtr, p. TotaUi .... a- 0 1 1 I 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 i: t l b t 1 8 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 Leave Omaha la Scenic Utah Shrouch Colorado and VEUNEM S. FRIDAY5 AND i ATUKDAV5. For Iniormatlnn and "Tourlrt Dlctlonatr" addre City Ticket Office, 1313 Faraatn St. Omaha, Neb. Ileatu the (InnUer by Our Point, liot ltlmnt Mrotii-ular l'ln;k, niU.ADEl.PHIA. April Si. In a come devoid of Intel estlnK leuturea Hotton de leatMl 'he Phlludelnbla National league team today. 4 to S. Both pltehera were el fee 1 1 vi AUrndance. 778. Score. BOSTON. 1 l'lIILAUELrHlA. It.lLO.A.n.1 II.U.O.A..E. Ham ton, rf.l I) 0 ti ThnmsK. cf 1 0 ! M Trnnej. It . 1 114 t) Slatle. It... 11 1 M I' I :i'tianty, lb f. 0 nick, rf 1 1 : Mrr'land. c 1 OVolVton. SbO 0 0 Iiolkn, ?b . . 0 1 O'Croas I 0 Donobue. n.. 0 -Uouclam . . 0 4frU4 I Tvtalr ... 1 I r IS 3 'Batted for Donohue In the ninth. Boi-ton 0 1 OOSOOli 0 4 I'hlladelphla 1 0 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0-3 Stolen Tcnney (I), long. Crollu, Barry 2i Double plays. Cron to Iiolw to Dcithanty. Donohue to Crosn to D-le-harty Klrpt bnse on ballf Demont. Klt- , treflct, Kiocie. Kllck (St, McFarland, Crj. ry pilsner: j rnm-j oiruvK out ixinp, L. 1 we Crtia, Plttlncer. Delehanty nn3 Thcimna "Wild plttb. Donolue. Time: 1 ,45. Vrnplre O'Day SEW UM'CIIIKACU roit XEW voiik. Win from Itrooklyn I'lrmt InauRnritl (nine1 in Mi Tara. NEW YORK, April K. Nearly 10,000 per Hfms Raw the opening of the bae ball traton here this afternoon. New York won from Brooklyn by timely battlnc In the neventh ltinlnc. The victory wa the first tioarod by the home team In an opening came in Btx years. Aiatinewkon pticnea splen didly. He hud plenty of rpeed and curves, with control of both. Attendance, 9,800. Score -. NEW YOIiK. 1 EltOOKLVN. K.ll.O.A.2. U.H.O.AK. tt.i.t-v t-ninft m&dr ih- eroutjd rather ft Ten thousand fit e bundrnd entburtastle I fpectatort wltneshed the came. The ArM ball u'u thrown from the pavilion tt t m- 1 plre Haskell by Max or AHhbrldpe. The xlsltors Msjeo a much better pa me , thuti ti WirniK both in the field and at the bat. Had Trailer been better supported the result mlclit have leen different Car rlrk pitched u- fine came and xvrs well cup ported, the only error bflnr a wild throw by Clark An Incident of the came wan the expulsion of Everltt of " ashlrictoti by t'mplre Haskell Kxerltt was called out on strikes In the third innlnc and objected to the decision He was Immediately or dered to his seat and not permitted tfi pl apaln Prcxlous t'i the came the specta tors we-e entertaltud by a hand concert Manx- of the loral plsxers recelx-ed floral tributes from their friends and the ap pearance of Lave Cross at the bat elicited rounds of applaun. Score: n H 1" WaMiincton .00010111 0-J J 1 Philadelphia .00 0 00010 r-a . Batteries. Washinpton. carrier, ana Clark. I'hlladelphla. Traser and Powers. 1 DUTKOIT IMI'JlOVB. LAT CHAMX. Win from .MiliTBoUer After Oamr W Appnrentl rinlbrd. DETROIT, April "JG-Wlth two men or bascs and two out In the ninth Innlnc today Elberfeld drove the ball to tbe club house., wmnlnc the second came of the sea son of tbe loeal American leecue learn Garx-ln "kept the nits well scattered exc ;): in the elchth Innlnc. whon two slticles ano a oouble. aided by Gilbert s error, cnx-c Ic trolt two runs. Attendance, 4,r0. Seort . R.H V. Detroit 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 r :-r. 1: s Milwaukee ... 0 r 0 r 0 B 1 0 t' R . 4 Batteries: Oxren, Pctiver ana iueicw Garx'ln and Leahy. American Lenitne tniidlnu. Detroit Chlcaco Baltimore . . Washlncton Boston . . Philudelphltt t'ltveland ... Milwaukee .. Won. Lost. P C. .r 0 1 w . . .1 (I 1 OOil 1 (' i.w . . 1 0 1 ono .'. ... 0 1 .m .... 1 .wo . ...0 1 lK . . . .0 : .hip dx tress and Maid unite ll M iSf m Raiding GOLD DUST Bm iXKSr Washing Powder as their I QUjIW 1 best help in house work, I VsJ j f GOLD OUST CnCW YOU don't usa l 1 uVj I Jffifl I are FaS aE TCU M vm c've '""ork for -work's VvH ail'' ' 6 UEtJ wlietijer a pfrvant, be cnpMe. as GOLD DUST, I ' RvB S JKJmiii'l "which will tnke half the work from your shoulders, to its I I llVVfl B mlffim I own. 'anc Trou ''nJ hou pej wouldn't be a great I W B WmM'l THE K. K. FAfRBANK COMPANY, V fflVJ 1 BccXor., Phllmdolphla, Chlcapo, Kcw York, Montreal, Ct. Lovl. 1 jH THE DEMON OP DISEASE. Is a rcbuttter of xtak a swLer of purr blood Electricity, properly art nS Utatlered Nervoui. t; an! aoutiS muacle a t' storrr of ptrtea vlcor ar vitality. TtiertarenotalluTir If the ricM current It apj II ed. 1 worked the lieat tiart of to v lile to (itrtect my Dec trie Belt ana know It will curt every form of w EAK sxsi In men ana vopm rukt them Stronc ana Vig orous, as Natut Intended they stiouli be. You take no chance. If my Belt talis to cure you .1 will rcfuni every cent you pay for It. DR. BENNETTS ELECTRIC BELT Has saved many a Week person It will not tall In your case. My Btlt Is en tirely diflerem from other belts and must not be mm. pared with them. It lias sort, tllken chamois covered snonct electrodes which cannot burn and Mistrr as dn the bare rnetol electnides used on all other makes of Itlts, My Electric Uelt can te renewed wlien burred out for only 1 jc when ethers bum out they are worth less. I guarantee y Belt to cure all Weaknesses In either sex. Varicocele: rrstorr Nerve Vitality and Vigor cure Rheumatism In ry form, Kldnej, llxcr ana Bladder Troubles. Constipation, Stomach Dis orders, General Ierjllty, all Ferrule Complaint, etc. Write to-day tor my book, "The Finding of thy Fountain nf Eternal Youth." Sent free, postpaid fur the asking. Hookwllltell you all about It. Sold only be DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co. Roans IS to Z1 Dnnglai Block. DaMLicr and lfltn Mrert. Omaha. Heb. Always Opea, 1 a VHaltn. cfl 1 SWtii-h, If.. 1 0 3 Davis, a... 0 1 0 Hickman, rf 0 1 1 ramr. 3b.. 0. 0 4 Gansei, lb ..ODD Murphy. 2b. 0 1 1 How'rman, c i C 8 Mat wsou. p 1 1 0 0 0 Pa via. If.... 1 0 I' Keler. rf 0 1 C.Khrckard, Sb 0 II UKcllcx. Jb.. 0 1 1 McCreery. cf V 0 p'DalJ. :b 0 1 D IikhH-n. ks. . 1 I 1 McGulre, c. 1 S 0 Ionox-en. p. 0 1 1 n 0 0 0 1 1: 1 t 00: lit 1 s 1 0 0 1 Totalf . t I IT S Totals .... 3 4 Zi 'Z I New York 0 0 5 0 0 0 ; 0 I Brooklyn 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 03 Earned runs. Brooklyn, 1. First base on errors. New York, ; Brooklyn, 2. Left on bases: New York, 5; Brooklyn, 5. First hase on balls: Off Mattlu'xvstin. I, off Donovan a. Struck out- By Matthew-son, i. by Donox-an, b. Two-base hits. Van Haltren, Dahlen. Sacrifice hit: Kelley. Stolen bases- Van Haltren, G. Dax'ls, L. Dax-ls. Double play Bowcrman to Gansel. j'assefi bails Bowerman, 1, McGulre, 1 Time IX Game I'oatponeil, April iC. rittsburc-St. Umpire. Colcan .National PITTSBl'RC. Louis National leacue came postponed nn account 01 wet crounaa. rittabnra- Season Open Satnrdar riTTSBVRG. April 2C-The Fittaburc hase ball season will open tomorrow This decision was reached by the officials of the Flttsburc club late today the condition of Exposition park hax-lnc lmprovrd to such an extent that It was deemed advisable to abandon the orlclnal plan of deferring the open:nc pume until Monday fittMrnt--: toid St. Louis will be the oppoMnc teams. Aatlonnl Leasjue Maiidlnsr. Won. Lost. Pittsburjr ... Boston . .. . C'lnrlnnatl .. St Louis ..... Brooklyn New York ., Philadelphia Chlcaco ...IS r.c. .ro .Ofifi .000 .1.00 .400 OPENS WELL AT BALTIMORE Araerlenn Lratrne Inaasnral Resnlt In Pretty Victory for Oriole -Score, IO to 41. BALTIMORE. Aoril K Baltimore. e feated Boston this afternoon In the openlnf f,unie wie Aruerican jeuue seaaon in The Chicago Record ri-' dl of tbee Typt . ..en in deity etc YOST It you -want a typewriter, why not com first where you can set EVERT GOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER la Its best foraT TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all xsachlnea. TYPEWRITERS RENTED, TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century Tbe fine! tttalofue eicr Uiued it jourt (or the atkinf. Wrhe"orcll. United Typewriter and Supply Co,, G14 rarntu fit- OibiO,iu aW MONEY: Refunded., We ruar- anteeDr KaT'tHencx-ator patlon. llTer and Vianers. Beat tonic, laxative, blood purifier known for Ul chronic, dtsraKes; renovates and lnviporates tbe whole system and ''."IV, ' erf W0ILr''e'- Get trial Ik.x at once. 1! not satistled with it notify us, we will refund fi'UL?! fj1 Write your sytantonis for Free Medical Adriee sin.' pie and proof S.S& fte at drucrlats, IJr U. 3 Kay.btrato-a, S. soars. V cccca lulllt 6srsalM4i Ml s UMlm I rr"u (iHtaflu, tVUtCEl'tilC0 .5lClknn,( CURL YOURSELF IW Hit U fur unnatural 1 dnctjkr;r,tsrisniBistUin, I Irr.utiuas ot ulrerbtloai of nucoua tn, aibrs-nr. I'siDleu. and not ariB real ur roiauuous. aWIl by Dracxtala, nr aeut la llu wrarpw. br uprns, y rlC for 1 or 5 iKitucs, iatv rrui&r aeni co TlL.aW An Excellent Combination, The pleasant method aod beneficial effocts of the well known remedy, Brnur or Figs, manufactured bv the Caufouxia Tiq Syrvp Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be modiclnally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tastei and acceptable to the svetem. It Is the one perfect fitrenrthertinR- laxa ti , cleansinp the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and f ever? gently yet promptly and enabling one to overoome habitual constipation per manently, lis perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidney, lirer and bowels, without xveakenfnp or irritating them, make St tbe ideal laxative In tha process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method knoxvn to the CAurouxiA 110 Svbct Ca. only. In order to jret its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations please remember the fn'l name of tbe Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AJ rXAJfCIBOO. CJL1 liOtTiavrLix, xt, nr tosje, k t. For salt by all D'ucriau. -Price Krc per belli NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY WINS Wind Make "scry Hit n i.onss tine and Karh Mile Srorrs Hens llj. LINCOLN, April It 'Special Telccrarn 1 The University of Nebraska base mil team -clefcBieO tne t ntversny 01 jxa.xsBi team this afternoon. IT to 11. At the end of the third Innlnc the score was 11 to 1 In lax or of Nebraska, but the x-lsltors tool; a brace and In one Innlnc elcht of their men crotsed the home plate. Towmend of Ne brai ka distinguished himself In the box by strlklnc out eleven men. Gaines and I e pntron were the star outfielders. A te-rltic sou'.h pale Interfered seriously with the j laying. Score. Nebraska 0nO:iD f IT 34 7 Kansas . I U 1 3 f l l 0 114 15 13 Txxo-hase hits. Hall, Boll. Three-base hltF: Townsend. Hood. Hom- run- Me Cumpbell. Bases stolen: Trey. White. Curry. leputron. Gaines, Reeder. Flnlay Bi-ses on balls. Off Hall, t; off T-nstni, 1. Struck out. By Townsend, 11. by ilau, 4, Vtnplre: Waloney. I.NDIA! AMI rilllACllllUS CLASH. MromsliurK Minister Promise Arrest of Spectators at Sunday Oinjnr. OBCEOLA. Neb. Anrll IC (Pl.eclaD Guy Green s teum of bast ball Indians has advertlseo to hux-e u came of base ball on Shoemaker's Grounds at Ptromsburc Sun day. The preachers of that town have serx-ed notice on the manacer that ex-ery perpon polnc on the crounds to break the Sabbath will be arrested. Green sends no tice to the papers to keep up the adver tislnr, that Hit came will l played any. way, and It Is presumed that the sheriff and county attorney will have their hands full In maklnc arrests and prosecuting. Moines, !t Minneapolis 4. DCS MOINES. April HC Western leapje scort. R.H.E. Des Moines ...0 0 0 5 I 0 1 P E 11 I Minneapolis . .0 0 0 S (I 0 1 1 ( 4 I Batteries- Pollchow and Conwell. Tarvin and McConnell. THIRD CABLED CHESS MATCQ Anericis Oollegiitr Bttafl Excilltnt Ohmct to Wit It. BUND MxN IS AMONG THE PUYERS lr-ldeut HleUe? In Hospital. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. April if.. Thomas J. Hlckey, president of tbe Western leacue, xxas strlckeu yesterdaj with a serious Ill ness and was removed to a hospital, where an operation was performed upon him today. He will be confined at the hospital several days. Wralrrn Aasorlntlon Came. At Toledo rort Wayne, f.; Toledo. 4. At Louisville Indianapolis, 13, Louis ville. 0. At Grand Rapids Grand Rapids, i; Ma rlon, 4. At Dayton Dayton, IS; Columbus, 3. Missouri .onnnl. I'nli mil) , It, EMPORIA. Kan.. April 2C Missouri State Normal, IS. Missouri State university, a Illinois, st Mlnneota, O. CHAMPAIGN. 111.. April Jfi.-Base ball score: Illinois, t. Minnesota, 0 Cedar Knpids, 1 41 1 Knox College, 1. CEDAR RAPIDS, April SC. Cedar Rapids, 1C, Knox college, 1. Western Lntr Till One. The Omaha Beddlnc company's team de feated tbe Westerns on Clark's alleys last nlcht. Score- OMAHA BEDDING. 1st. "d. Huntlnctoti ...l 143 13C Plotts 143 IK Rubin ICS loS Benctle 11! US Yost IS 17; Totals 74!' 77C WESTERNS. 1st. 3d. Avers la tnfi Kaufmann 1ST 1&T Gaussen 11 147 Reynolds IN! Kfi Selleck 1S4 1SS .Id. Total. IX 414 4KD 4ST lhf, IK Id lie, M2 3d. 143 163 IM 141 147 3,307 Total. ii :w7 4M n Lane of Oxford Hn to Hnxe peclHll? Const meted Hoard nnri t'mi tlnlj Tell the lleec lij I'rrl Inc Them. NEW YORK. Aprf! 3C Wltb a score of I to 0 to their credit and xkltb three camrs in pood and safe positions, tbe American representatives have xrellent excuse to hope for victory In the third International cbeas match by cable betxxeen Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Prlnreton, on out side, and the combined British universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and also to recover the challenpe trophy donated by Prof. Isaac L. Ricr. It may also confidently bt ex pressed that the virtbrv will be by a pood margin. Inasmuch as only ono pamr, that on board No. 1 hou"fa te lost. The Amer ican end of the confer t was xvaped in the theater of the Kniclraoqkrr Athletic club. At 10:30 o'clock tiia trst prrettngs were exchanped between the American team and thrlr Enpllsh xlvalt, in tbe British Cbets club. Whitehall court, London. Tbe latter appointed the xteJl known expert. J. Hel pern, be umpire, while tbe Americans had secured the serx-lres of L. HrCer. In like caparity. The list of players In the order ol tbetr estimated strength was then ex changed, leodlng to the following pairing: Amerien-Enstlnntl Openliic. AmericiL England. 1. Terry iHarx-ardi against Coleman (Cam bridge 1. Ruy Loper 2. Fall: "Columbia, npnlnst AVIlcs (Cam- bridce). PetrofTs defence 3. Bewail (Columbia against Lane (Ox ford 1, Petroff s defence 4. Rice Harx-ardi .against Grundy (Oxfordl, Vienna. Ti. Hunt (Princeton! against Dax-ldson (Ox ford 1. Petroff s -defence. 6 H. A. Keller (Columbia) against Wright t atnbridge). Ruy Lopez. Lane of Oxford Is totally blind and he must ply over a specially constructed board and can only tell tbe pieces by feel ing them. The opening play was favorable to tbe bone tram. On board 4 "Rice of Hartford had raptured a piece on his thlrteen'.h move. Mhlcb Grundy of Oxford could not retake under penalty of losing his queon Tbe position beraxsc weaker after a more movrs, Rice winning a seconfl piece,, which virtually decided the game. Shortly before adjournment Sexxell of Columbia, by a xxcll-coneclved sacrifice of o rook against a knlyht, completely dlsorganlred Lane's position. Sexxell xvon with the nineteenth move. Vpon resumption of play after cess for dinner Grunfly of Oxford resigned his game to Rice Coleman of Cambrlflge adopted Plllsbury's famous variation ind Perry of Harx-ard was caught unprepared. The Englishman had the better of the game through the play and Perry vainly tried to equalize his position. London Ha 1'rar. LONDON. April 3d There- was small attendance at the British Chess club here this evening at the qpenlnc of the chess oable match, but the attendance this even ing was larger The four games still In progress are suftVaently even to Inspire a hope that the British chances are not en tirely lost. , , , . . President Wright of Cambridge said to' a representative of tbe Associated Press "The American team Is undoubtedly stronger and 1 fejir xxe are somewhat weaker than was the case last year.'' BEmtomjftKBBIg he Plat jot f?ie ypoon Jot the Califo rnia e I I Cv -. . .- am Frnoel When inTopmed of the advertising contracted for by the Cali fornia Cured Fruit Association, a prominent iobber of the City of CMcn&n psRerted that if the Dubhc learned from General advertic ing of the real value of the California Prune as substantial diet, dessert, or confection, the consumption of prunes would be in creased several hundred per cent. He gave the following receipt for cooking prunes, which he stated he always used in his own house. To prepare them properly for the palate, firtt give them a warm batti, then cox'cr with cold water and let them stand for twelx'e riourt.: add a little sliced lemon and a stick of cinnamon to ameliorate the rich sweetness with the harshness of the former and the fragrance of the latter. Do not add sugar to Increase the sweetness. (Herein they are economical.) Then put them on to boil, but 6lox-lv. very slowly, and as they swell add a little more boiling vxatcr from time to time until done. Then eat for breakfast or any other meal, not by the tcaspoonful, but by the plateful, and they will invigorate your ncrx-ous system, and build up your muscles." The Association issues a book containing 100 receipts for pre paring prunes in every way, which were obtained by a prize con test participated in by the very best cooks and chefs in California. This book together with a "Prune Primer," which will delight the little Yolks, will be sent iree on request. Address CALIFORNIA CURED FRUIT ASSOCIATION San Jose, Cal. Donald s bnlllarv y had rlls, ; ;irared entlrt aftr he had x'n the r,t two h' les snJ he lierame verj u'.stf.idx- He utte-,x i failed to p'ax up 1. his reputation und I Travis won easily Ij f up ana 4 t.i plav Dourlas wii at easi mntih acalnst rvv Dax-is In the second riund by t up and I to Out of the Kentucky Urilij. I-Ot'lSVILLE. April 2i-The Courier Journal tomorrow xvlll say. Garry Her mann will not start In the Kentucky Derby to be run Monday lit Cburrhtll Downs and Alard Scheck. John . Schorr's Hind o Cherry Blossom colt, will be. favorite. The posltlx-e announcement that Garry rier- mann wuuia mil nan was maoe inn titcni by Bob Tucker, who trains the colt for Captain S S Brown. In a signed state ment Mr Tucker gax'e as his reasons tor not starting the son of imp. Esher-SUk Gown, that the weather at Churchill Downs i had been so bad that he was absululelx unable to get tbe hcrse In proper bhupe Hermann will be prepared for the American Derby, to be run at Chicago In June. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY! Men, women and children Mull'- Grape Tonic Tbe crushed fruit laxative The nexv xvonder for bnd health Drupcist., DO cent?. The Lightning Medicine Co.. Rock Island, Ilia. Mull's Lightning Pain Killer cures Chillblalns und Sore Teet S3t Totals 757 m 73G Lone Miot Defeat Crack. Head's Crack Shots xxerc defeated ly Emery's Long Shote on Clark's alleys last night Score: EMERY'S. 1st. W. r Townsend... 109 H. Townsend VM ' Lucas 1S3 Blake KG Emery i; Lovell Z2S Totals J7 READ'S 1st. Smead j Mack 1 rocr McDonald tVlgmon . Read Totals 1 irj 15 "kj Sd. M. Total. IK 1L7 m ItO 14 5!7S IM 117 ,M IM 14 ' 150 ICS Sii "sic ws zm 3d. 3d. Total. i-i as i-fc.1 14 121 41G lt Ififi 70 144 Ml 16C IK 404 IK Hb 4nG 91 M6 ;Ttio NEWPORT HAS TO GIVIi THEM IP. Track Mill So Uudly- flooded that Knee Are I'o.t poned. CINCINNATI. April tt-The track at Jxewport was so badly flooded today that the races were (Kistponed till Monday, when new entries will be taken. A season of sixty days will then begin, making seventy-seven days instead nf forty-five days as at first announced. international Meet In rn icirk. NEW YORK. April it-The announce ment was made tonight that arrangements haxe been made for the holding of the In ternational meet between Yale end Har vard and Oxford and Cambridge at Berke ley Oval In this city Parker Throw Iteake. RROCKTON Mas , April :6. Before the largest croxxd ever tn attendanr anon xxrtfcttlng matrh In this elty Harvey Park r i" roi-inn lonigni r.eieatea Koniev Reskes of Michigan ixi straifht falle In J4.J0 and CJM), respecUxtly, llonts nt oloruilo Club. DENVER, April 2C At tbe Colorado elub tonight "t-pider" Kelly tiul out Sara Ilolyn, colored. In three rounda Ulllv Stift und Jack Johnson, colored, of Texas, fought a irii-rouiju uiuH auc Alien oj nan rran- i clsco won from Younc Panf.i6v r,t Pnln-un ! Springs tn tbe second round Th referee stopfied the fight when Cassldx was s'ag genng around the ring after hax-.ng bet-n down twice from lernhx punishment cJIRT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY." BE WISE IN TIME AND USB SAPOLIO l-k i:voon :oi.r en n Toi nuv. Itlrhnrd PIsjj lff Tie and Goe Hack Into Seoniul Mstcen. NEW YORK, April 2k The second tlay of the Lakewood Gr'!f club's open futon ment was ushered In xx-Hh beauufu! weather The play today consisted of tbe first and second rounds at olghleen hrles' match plav between the forty-eight play rs xx no qualified x esieraay jor uir mree dniHlons of sixteen men each Manlce Carjenter. Suydaro and Richards, xxbo'led I Tor the last tr-ree places In the first , dtx'lslon x-esterda played off this morning xx-ltb the result thut RlchardE hao to go back Into the second dlx'islob 1 The feature of the play In the first rornd I was the mutcb betxxeen W J. Travis 'h metropolitan and national chumpior. atiJ A Sidney Carienter of Philadelphia. The lnt- I tur player put up an excellent game against I Trax-is Traxis seemed, v little stiff us com pared with his form of yesterday and at i one time the I'hilHdelphiun had the cham pion two down Trax'is was enual to the I oeeaairin hoxvexer ana won out by the narrou margin of 1 up Kindlaj S Douglas of Nassau and C M He ml) ton of Baltusrol were followed by a fair-sited gallery in their morning mutfh Tbe former amateur champion outplayed Hamilton and won by is up and S tr. play Another close match was between tv H Davis a local nlaxer. and C B, Cory of Boston, the Lakewood man winning by 1 up The surprise of the morning round was the defeat of C 1. Tappln of "West brook, xx ho is one of the oldest Amerl-an golfers around New York, by V D Fiock le. a young Lakexxood player, who Is a Pinccton freshman C B MiDonalv1 f Chicago, who xxon the amateur 'liamti,-i i rhlp if the I'nlted States In 1K4. plax-el xx-lth Jasir Lynch. 'ho lr Lakewood s best golfer MarDomild was on his game In h morning round and played rx-eTleti'ly xxhlle Lxneh was unable to win a bole frjro i him The lest tbe Lakewood golfer rould ' do was to halxr two of the eleven holes plaxed Mat Donald winning the matro by P up and to plax In tbe second ro.md of matr-r plav dri-ig the afternoon Ms Donald met Travis r it 1 xxha was regarded as a vny iiromis-rgl match proved u very one-sid- d gamt ila.. AVOID COLD OR CHILL which often leads to Tho Crip. When ca.ily or exhaEtH take a cup of warding. nt.rr.t.latlns beef, tea made from the weJ-kaown LlEBlG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. Savory and Sustaining. jlPxSTASYOURiDE bo Morrow Coaster Brake Ousrwitsw YOU Jittalutt Com. ,fnrf una Amiu", tm CyrUma ritt bj wlitwi Tour whni aX vara ULdr ooDtrrit Srurtr7 oa lulls A luiury us Ui You Rid it) Miles, but Pedal cnlr 3t Miltt. 1OS.M0 aaUafird ridan last nt hoio uj ail ryclc droitrs hoo lt frtr Ecllptt Wl(v. Cc , Eltnlra, N, Y. tm W ILCOX TANSY PILLS arantni nccuister ta't and Sure s,trt falls. Druggists or b) nr.cll, Price, 12 Senrttor Wiimans &att.ouft.fi lr WILCOX MED. CO.. Zi h, 1 Cth iU. Plla.. Pt. Sold by Sberaan L McCuaneu Dtus Co I f you want to know about a doctor, ask some of his patients. If yon want to know about an office building, ask its tenants, You will find the tenants of the Bee Building enthusiastic in its praises, particularly if they formerly officed in other buildings. If you wish to inspect the few handsome offices which are vacant, call on us. C Peters & Co., Rental Afents. Grtund Door bet Bldr.