TI1E OMAHA DAILY JJEE: SAT V It DAY, Al'HI L 27, li)OJ. 1 The Greatest Clothing Sale JflflSi Sellmtr the Stem- Selling the Stein- In the History of America. Bloch Clothing at 50c On the Dollar, ; " OCIai. r.Qf,wKV3 SYSTEM RtACHCS ALL IMPORTANT POI.'.TS IK I hiTED 1'ATS AND BRITISH AMcR.CA. AND via COMMERCIAL CABLES, TO ALL THc WOHLO. POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY H COMNCCTION WITH TELECRAW POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COM PAN Y. ThU (oinpniij lranmll and dellier mMsasrcs subject to the tcnm and conditions prints on tlm hack of this blank. WILLIAM M BAKER. V. P. & Cen'l Manager. JOHN 0. STEVENS, Sesretiry. ALBERT B. CHANDLER, President 1 ,71 USES SESI B. CHASDIE8, fumt.il. J0H1 W. MACUT. M.BEHT ttCH.iK';. GtQ. C. wD, T r h TELECR A 418P njePnvialTrfejrapU'CablerompanT tranmltanddellTerthN mmwyf subject to thclrrms and mndltietm nr'ntril on ttirnarfcof (m? uunt. 24 9p Receive rl nt MA IIT OFFICE. "fHCRC AMY REPLY SHOULD 03 IINr.1 59o CH .Z CM 37 Pc'd ChtcPfio, I1J April 15-01 Ur Swqneon Onro.Hayden Bros, Onahn Keb" Meet mo hero at ray. oxponeo tomorrow and I will cloeo remainder of epring stock 'ccneieting of about fiftaon hundred euits wondorfuliy chonp youTcon ndvortieo eolo ogonts Stoin-Bloch Co. Wiro oneror horo'coro Grand pacific1 'Ludwig Stoin NuMnta Slur Bf Rce'B B 6 Bx JC N 27 Collect jjatej Chlceno Ills 16 ' u 'WHin inr lint ihouio ot urn ToHayden Broa. I1 . Apl.lG.-Ol Oaaha Have bought ontlro rcmaindor of tha . Stcin-Blocb Co spring otock nt fifty coit e on the dollar v"com81 sting of about gvnteep-hunarcd: 1nonTs and youths "sXl 7. A". Arauaon 1,602 men's and youth's finest tailor made suits at 50c on the dollar ijf 0 't tailoring, fit and fabric, with the 40.00 and $50.00 ir.ade-to-measiiro kind. JSOTE The Stein-Bloch Co., Rochester, N. Y., has been in the tailoring business for over half a century. From Portland, Oregon to Portland, Me. they are known as the only makers of highest grade, hand made clothing. AT TI1K BEGINNING OF THE SEASON TO EV GAVE L'S THE EXCLUSIVE SALE of their clothing in this section and to introduce this line to the people of Omaha and vicinity, they decided to close out the remainder of this season's spring stock at a great sacrifice as above stated, enabling us to give the wearers of good clothing a chance to buy the .Stein-Bloch clothing the finest made, for a great deal less than the cheapest makes often advertised as bargains by other stores. THE STOKV OF THE PURCHASE OF THIS STOCK IS TOLD IN THE TE LEG I JAMS ABOVE. Our offer was ridiculously low. but was accepted and the goods are here marked at sensa tional prices. Every garment in this lot was made for this season's wear and has the STEIN BLOCH label on it. Look for it. It is your guarantee for distinctive style, durability and per manent perfect tit. These stouts perfect Come Saturday for the greatest genuine clothing bargains in your lives trZ2& t mestic worsteds, tweeds, cheviots, worsteds and unfinished worsteds, in best patterns; made up in the new military. :i and 4 button cutaway, sacks, swell English walking coat styles, padded broad shoulder new sacks, arsity sack style, double breasted sack styles in fact every desirable up-to-date stle Every suit is lined with tlie best 1.:0 finality Princess serge; every garment is silk sewed throughout; lininirs. buttons and trimmings match the fabrics in each suit, in color and harmonize in every way. Button holes and lapels are all hand made; buttons are sewed on by hand; hand-padded under collar; EVEBV Sl'IT MADE TO WETAIL. AND ABE BETA I LED IN OTHER CITIES AT 23.00 TO 40.00. The Stein-Bloch Co. and Hayden Bros have placed this big lot on sale at the ridiculously low prices named below as an advertisement for our great clothing department, and the future sales of Stein Bloch clothing that will result. Take your choice of the entire lot Saturday at $7.50, $10.00 - $15.00 suits come in all regular sizes from 32 to 44 breast measure, including slims an fit guaranteed your money back for the asking. Selling the Stein-Bloch Clothing at 50c on the dollar. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Stein-Bloch Clothing at 50c on the Dollar VMMTlOlfW At? TUT mem John Harlan, associate justice of he Preibjterian Comniittaemen Agree Report to General Aisemblj. on RECOMMENDS NO NEW CONFESSION Fmnr Onl I'rcpn rii I Ion of Hrlef (iiumnr) of Itcfiiriiifil Knlth Mnil HmI After llinl l'r-inrel for Armll) of 1!H-. PITTSBURG. Pa.. April 26. -Harmonious action was tnken by the committee on re Mslon of the ir-ed of the Presbyterian vhurrh ul ll neaslons today at the Monon KehaU hout-o anil a unanimous report fo; mu tated late la tho afternoon for submlsalan to the general assembly, which will meet at Philadelphia May IS. Kev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke of Princeton university, when handing the report to the Associated Press representative, said. "The artlon taken cannot be emphasized too strongly, for It will have to endure com ment and criticism in every Presbyterian noma and community in the United States. Ten nicmber3 signed It, and we are as sured that every one of the other four will attach their signature. It wai the full committee that met and not a subcommU tee. Prof. William U. Crabbe of Pit. burg -as prevented by lllnets from bclns present Former President Henjamln liar rison Is dead, and that leaves Kev. Dr. Samuel J. Nlccol of St. Louis and Ktdcrs HEART-SICK. There are a gTeat ciany people who lave heart sickness, who have no chronic derangement of the heart. When the stomach is diseased it may affect many other organs, and produce all the evidences of diseased heart, dis eased liver or kidneys, or disease in some otner organ. The inexperienced V ' the wrong disease, and hence the con stant statement of Dr. Tierce's corres pondents ; " Doc tors could not help me." Doctor Pierce'3 Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and or gans of digestion and nutrition. It Increases the as similative powers, and purifies and enriches the blood. When diseases of organs remote from the stomach are caused by the stomach, the cure of the stomach re sults in the cure of the other dis eases, in heart, lungs, liver, kid neys, etc. "Six year go my ttomichaod heart troubled me o much I had to do aoracthinr, a the doctor could not help me, write MM. S. A. Knapp, of San Joe. California, Dox jjj. "t wtnt to San Francitco and had treatment for catarrh of the stomach, and wai better for tome time, then it came back. I theu ued Dr, Pierce's Colden Medical Dicovery and rltaunt Pellet. Thetc medicine cured ray uomach. I do not have the pain and indige tion a I did. It it very hard for toe la tell you what I tuffered before I commenced taking scur valuable medicine I recommeud it to all the urTtrers whom I meet " To cure constfpatioa use Dr. Picrce'i PUaaant Pellets. iv Ited States sunrcmc court; John E. Par- 1 sons and Daniel n. Noycs of St. Paul to Ign. "Thl report was unanimously adopted. n It rt the exception of recommendation B. gainst which Itev. Dr. William MeWbbln nd Judge E. W. ('. Humphrey voted. " Tho report li a compromise to satisfy the two great classes of opinion among the presbyteries. A large number nlsh the re instatement of the creed and tho other wlsh a revision of the whole. The question of foreordlnatlon and predestination Is treated of In chapter 0 and the committee recommends that these subjects be amended by a committee to be appointed by the general asacmblr. The Iteport. The report Is as follows: "Your committee And on examination of the returns from the presbyteries the fol lowing facts: 'First That the returns Indicate that the church desires some change in Us credal statement. Second That the returns Indicate that no change Is desired which would In any way Impair the Integrity ot the system of doctrine contained In the confession ot faith. "Third These returns indicate that It is the mind of the church that the confession should be Interpreted throughout In har mony with tho teaching of scripture that God Is not willing that any one should perish, nor Is it the decree of God, but the wickedness of their own hearts which shuts some men out from the salvation freely and lovingly offered In Christ Jesus to all sinners. 'Fourth These returns indicate that a plurality of the presbyteries desired that changes should be made by some new state ment of present doctrines. Itenulona Kvlilentl' Uralrril. Fifth The returns also Indicate a de sire on the part of many presbyteries for some revision of the present confession, especially in chapter 111. chapter x. section 3 chapter xvl, section 7; chapter xxil, sec tion 3. chapter xxv, section 6, with addi tional statement concerning tho love ot God for all men, missions and the Holy Spirit. (A) In view- of these facts we recom mend that a committee, as provided by the form of government, chapter xxlll, section 3, he appointed by this assembly. "(II) We recommend that this commit tee be Instructed to prepare a brief sum mary of the reformed faith, bearing the same relation to the confesMon which tho shorter catechism bears to the larger catechism and formed on the general model of the consensus creed prepared for the assembly of ISO:, or the 'articles of faith" of the Presbyterian church of Ens land, both of which documents are ap pended to the committee's report and sub mitted to the assembly, to be referred 10 the committee that may be appotted. This summary Is not to be a substitute for the confession and Is not to affect xh: terms of subscription, but 'to vindicate and clear the doctrines of the church from all false aspersions and misconceptions.' to give a better understanding of what Is most surely believed among us, and Is In no sense to Impair, but rather to manifest and maintain the Integrity of the reformel faith. "(C) We further recommend that thW committee be Instructed to prepare amend ments of chapter III, chapter x, section 3 and chapter xvl, section 7; chapter xxil section 3. and chaDter xxv. section 6. of our confesiiou ot faith, either by modlfW tlon of the text or by declaratory state meat, so as more clearly to express the mind of the church, with additional state ments concerning the love of God for .11 men, missions and the Holy Spirit, It beng jnderstocd tha the revision special In no way Impairs the Integrity of the system of doctrines se' forth in our confession and taught ,n the holy srrtp'ures nut Dh' of (.on- Hnrn to l'nclile Const I'olntx. Tuesday, April 3. Ogden. Salt Lake J23.V) Dutte. Helena 2.100 San Francisco. Los Angeles 25.00 Portland. Seattle 25.C0 Spokane, Tacoma I5W Call at Rock Island city ticket olIkv. 1323 Farnam street. Fashions for the Season Hint. ! Mnrr l.nmti. HIOUT I'D ill ri'l) l VP r j- I o far as 'o :av they were satisfied While ANMlLK ALL ILdAiIJ AjIV is believed bv the tolled States offtVUls I ho were prcscn' at the conference today I tha' everything that posaibly could be ex- Unitid States Officials Think Ground Hs Bsei Goni Oxer Thorougblr. EXPECT GOOD EFFECT ON CONVENTION iiellcte that Knlr I nler In inline lln llecn Itencheil mid Hint l)flenli-n Will ToUi- lloim ro ii cluili r ltriiorl. WASHINGTON. April 26. There was an other conference of the Cuban delegates and the United States officials at the War department this afternoon, lasting more than three hours. At this sitting only tne political relations of the United States were discussed, but there was alio much time devoted to the ecojomtc questions, such as the possibility of a reduction of the tariff on sugar and general reciprocity arrange ments between this country and the Island. Tomorrow the Cubans will be again escorted to the White House and will say goodbye to the president. There wtll be no further conference with secretary itoot until Monday. This was determined upon by the delegation after Its return 'rem the War department this evening. No state ment, official or otherwise, could bs ob tained from the delegation as to the nroeres. that was made during the con ference today, nor would the delegates go at plained by this government had been gone Into, yet it the Cubans deitre to make further Inquiries they ill be given the opportunity It is believed by the United States officials that a very fair understand ing has teen reached and that the complete report of the Interviews with the secretary which the delegation will take back to th (.cnvenMnn will have a satisfactory effect upon the numbers of that body. DELEGATE CANNOT PROPOSE laillnu ( n tm us llioi- Anlhorltj- Onl to I'.iclinnni- VIcim nml lie port ill Home WASHINGTON, April 26. General Pedro E. Betancouit. one of the most Influential members of the Cuban delegation. wa3 seen by an .associated Press reporter today and In reponse to Inquiries, made some inter esting general statements as to the pur poses of the visit and the Imprejjions which the delegates have obtained. "It should be understood," said General Detancourt. "that we are here for the purpose of studying the entire question of the relations between the United States and Cuba, more particularly as ,irejen.d by the Piatt amendment. Hut It is a ills take to think that we have presjmed rr.y proposition or that there is anything thus far beyond an effort to learn the views entertained by the authorities here cn the main points Involved l nd tho same time to convey to them the views held by the convention, which we are here to represent We are not clothed with any plenipotentiary powers and cannot present plans which occur to us For that reason It Is a mh take to think that In the discussions vhlih have occurred there Is anything like: 'You give us this, and we will give you that.' There Is absolutely nothing of that kind." DEMOCRATS' OPENING RALLY .Mn Merlin at Untsmai I to In done Piatt Amendment and (invernur Wood. HAVANA, April 26. The democrats will hold a mass meeting In Matanias next Sunday, the event being the opening rally of the campaign. The platform to be sub mitted for adoption will favor the accept ance ot (ho I'latt amendment and will endorse the course of Governor General Wood. Gustav Dock has filed a complaint with the military government against lawless characters in the tobacco section of the province of Plnar del Wo. He rays that last Sunday night the Flnca Industra, be longing to his company, was attacked by a gang of men, who attempted to murder the keeper, the grounds of the attack being that tho company had refused to lend tr.ore money to small tobacco cultivators. He as- acta thil I ha iKaV u-'la m ft H a vs. I Y t'lofi I DVI Id t ( I u v u t kuv, n no a-uu sa - " ini I to compelling a foreign concern to make ruinous loans by terrorizing the employes j and he asks protection for life and property in accoruunce v.iia me guarame.'i eoitu- llshed by the treaty of Paris In th" lnler est ot foreigners In Cuba. Maior Scott his ordered Cantaln Slocum to make an Investigation of the matter. lln II lilts Arkansu. T.ITTI.I-: ROCK. Anrll Iii. A snorial (rim r. .11 ..n 'l . tn-.IKIn ,-t , . nml ar-IlK")"" .. .,,,. ...... ...... luillMorm visited north Arkansas last night St LojIh & North Arkansas railroad are nut Wire and rail connection with KureKa Springs Hnd potn's east arc severed. Or -at destruction Is reported. Don't Fool With Your Eyes 3809 Tucked Shirt Waist, 32 to 40 In. butt. Woman's Tucked Shirtwaist. No. 3S09, to Be Made with or Without the Fitted Lin Ing. The tucked shirtwaist has an ex tended vogue and Is a well-deserved favorltt tor all the thinner washable materials us well as fer albitross, wool crepe, slmlUr wool fabrics and soft, simple silks. The model shown Is exceptionally becoming and eminently smart. The original Is made of white linen lawn and Is unllned, but all cotton nnd linen watsting materials are appropriate made In a similar manner. while wool and silk are eminently satisfac tory ocr the fitted lining. As Illustrated the waist is worn with a collar ot lie tnaaterlal, stock tie and belt of liberty satin. The fronts are laid In narrow tucks from the center box plait to the arms'-eyes the first three being continued to the waist line, while the remainder are left free at pointed yoke depth to form soft folds be low. The sleeves are In bishop style tucked from the shoulders to within a few Inches of the wrist, where they are left free to form becoming puffs. The wrists are finished with straight pointed cuffs that lap over at the seam. At the neck Is a deep, straight collar finished with turnover. or protection portions. To cut this waist tor a woman ot meai'i.n slie, ( yards of material 21 Inches wide, 3; yards 27 Inches wide. 3i yards 32 Inches wide, or 2V yards U Inches wide will be required. The pattern 3J03 Is cut In slies for a 32, 31, 36, 3S and 10-Inch bust measure. Take Home a Roll There Is nothing so effectlvo In com batting a heated term as our frozen dain ties Their cooling effect Is only one of their good qualities; lusclousnesa and creamy richness characterize all of Bal duff's frozen desserts When you buy Ice cream from us you get Ice cream made with all cream, and nothing but cream Pure Ice cream cannot be sold as cheap as half cream and half milk-People never fall to see the difference between milk and sweet cream, but they are often fooled in Ice cream We pot up our Ice cream la lit. tie barrels three fine flavors enough for eight people, for 10c pints, 20c. W. 9. Balduff. 1520 Farnesi St. For the accommodation ot The Bee's readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 50 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get any pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of pattern wanted and bust measure. Al low about ten day from date of your letter before beginning to iook ior ine paueru. , omb" :fV.lern DeparlffiCOt' 0Babl D"' I Music and Art. 1513-1515 Saturday's Special Bargains .V Few Snnps-Do you want one of these? If jou do. act quick: I Emer son upright piano, slightly used, only $115: 1 upright walnut ease, full sIzp, up-to-date style, nearly new, only ?HS; 1 mahogany case upright, just ns good as uew, has been rented a short time, fully guaranteed, ou Saturday, only 510S; 1 braud uew sample piano, full size, duet iuu!o rack, roll fall board, three pedals, regular price, $300; this Is a beauty and will be fold on Saturday for only ?172; S5 monthly payments ac cepted on any of these bargains. We tune plnuos. 'Phono 1SS. A. HOSPE, Hradnrhe Canard by Ere Strata Many persons whose heads are constantly aching have no Idea what relief scleitlfis- slly fitted glasses will give them. i THE H. J. PENFOLD GO, j i.iiAnixr. scmsTiPic opticiaxb. I140S PARXAJI ST. Opn. Pnatnn Dotal. Saturday Boys Shoe Day We Just want to remind you of our boys' 81. .V) shoes a shoe that Is made for general wear school and play- Good, honest leather tippers with holld soles that will stand many a hara knock We guarantee this shoe to have more value for $1.30 thau nny other shoe at the same price ever offered For years we've sold these shoes and for years they have given satisfaction to our customers Your money back If you want it Is our way of doing business. Drexel Shoe Co., Catalugue Sent Free (or the AaUlnu. Omalia'a Lp-lu-dnte Shoe llouaa 1I1M KAHMAM STIIKCT. YVALKINO fcASY r-1 j maoeI The Best For Tha Money Refrigerator buyers who have done the most looking around pronounce our Leonard Cleanable Refrigerators the best for the money as a result of their com parison, .Mcybe you can save time by see ing them first We know they are the best and after you've examined them you'll say so, too We sell tho best lawn hose at Sc, lOo and 12c Every foot Is guaranteed and when It comes to lawn mowers we're strictly In It the ball-bearing kind, from 3.7S up Better talk with us. A. C. Raymer 1514 Fartiam St.