Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Sole Agents for
"Queen Quality" $3.00
Shoes for Women.
Sole Agents for
Rogers, Peet & Co.'s
Fine Clothing.
mmtmmmm mm swmmmt
$14SS .0-
Ladies' Capes
98C f"r '!l,llCH' s'lk Ciipe worth
l OC Ir Indies' Hllk Cnpea
TI.VO worth $3.ii"J.
1 Oft tor Indira' Silk and Cloth
qr.VCJ c'apes worth
Tapestry Squares
l'yom W. t .1. Sloan wu bought 1,000 Tapestry
KqtiarvH, 'Si Indies siitmro ,ln all .'fades of upholstery
falirlcs, Sill; llroKiitollps, Slllc Tapestry, Wool Tapestry,
Silk Velours, Sill; IMusli, etc.
Worth Up to $25.00 Yard
.Suitable lor chair seats, cushions, pillows, etc. In
all the most handsome, richest fabrics Inmgluublu wo
will sell them Saturday at
10c, 15c, 25c, 50c Each
25c Ribbon at 71c Yd
One bin lot of strictly all silk Kancy Wbbons, all
now spring Itlhbons, but wc bought them terribly
cheap, and wo arc able to offer one bis
counter' of these line millions that sell P
regularly at -T.c yard, for
Fierce Oonfligrationi Eweep Northward Over
Cherry County EanchoJ.
llctnlt" MonH'r Our Huneli I.iibcb
HiiIIiIIiihn in"! Only Hnrly Until
v Cnii Mini Other WcHther
lliirt'iiu In Hopeful.
VAI.KNTINB. Neb., April 20. (Special
Telcgrum.) Word received from tho south
western part of this (Cherry) county, U
to tho effect that dluastrouo pralrlo fires
arc raguig there, that tho buildings of wo
cult In raiich have been entirely wiped out,
and that other nro threatened. De
tails arc very meager, and it la Impossible
to learu tho name of tho ranch which has
nurtured tho loss of Its buildings, which Is
Hbout Hlxty mllea from here. Tho report
sayn that the Urea started about 4 o'clock
'Thursday afternoon, nnd at 10 o'clock lau
night were still raging. They are travil
;lng. rapidly northward under three separate
beads, four mllea apart.
A high wind from the south Is prevail
ing nt tho present urltlng, and this, In con
nection with tho fact that tho pralrlo gratis
heavy ami dry throughout tho southfrn
par.ts of tho county, make n gloomy out
loonk for ranchmen. It Is understood that
'farmers and cattlemen have turned out In
largo numbers In tho threatened sections
in ml urn engaged In back-flring, but iIk
scopo of the llres la so great that humun
agencies can avail little. A good, drench
ing rain Is tho only hopo of tho ranchmm
whose property Ilea In tho path of the con
flagration. Tho wenther bureau reports
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
St PacSlmll Wrapper Btlow.
Twy smmll and as oaay
to taVe aa a afar.
silk lined tailor-made suits
A Stirring Sale of Sample Suits The unspring like spring has been very
unfavorable to trade. The commercial world litis suffered considerably, especially tho manufacturer. Hut Its your
gain. cre it not lor such circumstances wc could not oner you these suits for :c.
than 130.00, as It Is you can buy them for nboul half, ns we did. Thee suits nro nio t
ly Hllk lined, some have silk drop skirts, now etnns, boleros mid blouses, embodying
every Into Innovation, nil exclusive Ideas. Made of tho choicest materials, In blnclis,
browns, castors, navies, grays, etc. your cholco of entire lot at
7P for Women's Suits,
on iiuiiL ii,-iw-naiu nijivo iiiviuuiuK many isampio garments mnuc
of flno Imported fabrics, In tho lntcat shades. All splendid Btylcs, da-
eldcdly modish garments nn Immense
QQ for $10 Eton Suits
made with now glrdlo
belt, L'Alglon collar, new
splko pondauto, tnado of novelty
ganltc cheviots swell tailored,
In royal color and black, an exceptional
Special, Something New
We hint received ii new line of mohair and brilliant inc ihiv
in suits and skirts for summer
to see them.
Saturday Skirt Specials
$1.98 for Crepon Skirts worth $3.50.
$1.98 for Golf Skirts worth $4.00.
$3.98 for Taffeta Skirts worth $6.00.
$4.98 for Noveltv Cheviot Skirts worth $7.50.
$6.98 for Tucked Taffeta Skirts worth $12.00 $,,98 'r"'
r tt'ioiM, worth JJ.&o.
Lot 1 Includes ladies',
children's and men's fast
black, tan and fancy hosiery, In plain,
flno Range, drop stitch, fancy ribbed,
some wttn
soIcb worth
up to
SOc a pair
Bo at
that a rain la due within the next twenty-
four hours.
HYAN.N'IS, Neb., April 26. Many of tho
ablebodlod men havo left town to fight n
dcvnatlng pralrlo fire, which Is sweeping
In this direction from MePhorson county,
driven by n high bouHi wind. This town
Is protected, but It Is fenred that aniall
ranctunun will suffer from loss of hay and
posblbly homes.
Tt-Hvlirm ,fiublt nt Sidney unit
Jlrnr of Den Moltirx Sour (impex.
SIDNEY, Neb., April 26. (Special Tele
gram.) The Nebraska Educational asso
ciation Is In session nt Sidney, with ovor
200 teachers and 400 patrons In attendance,
lion. J. L. Mcintosh delivered the address
of welcome. It was rosponded to by County
Superintendent Troisier of Ogallala.
Prof. Clummons of Kroinont, T. L. Jones
of Wallace, K. McLconon of Sidney ami
Ilcv. Mr. Bcccher of North Platto de
livered addresses, Prof. Ed Amherst Ott
of Des Moines delivered his lecture, "Sour
drapes," to a crowded houso tonight. The
High school pupils of Sidney, nsslstcd by
local talent, ha to added choruaos, songs
and Instrumental music. A mule quartet
from Kimball has assisted In the entertain
ment. Sldnoy women gave the visiting
teachers nud tho public a social last night
at the opera house. It Is the largest gath
ering of the kind, ever In western Ne
braska. Kiimlly 111 from lint I'olmon.
WYMOUE, Neb,, April 26. (Special.)
Mr. nud Mrs. Ocorgo lllcka nnd four chil
dren, hnd a narrow cscapn from death, by
poisoning yesterday. Wednesday one of
tho small children Sound a package of rat
poison and 1' is presumed spilled somo of
It Into the Hour barrel. .Later In the day
bread was baked and nt breakfast yesterday
morning, the family wero taken violently
111. A physician was summoned and all arc
now thought to bo out of danger.
A. O. I'. . lllHtltlltt-N I.OtlKC
TEKAMAII, Neb.. April 26. (Special. )
A lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United
Workmen was Instituted hero last night
by Grnud Deputy MaBtcr Workmen MllUr
and Vntidyke. The charter members num
bered seventy. Tho Herman degree team
was present and exemplified tho work.
Largo delegations were present from Lyons.
Crnlg nnd Uonnnn. It was ono of tho
largest chartor member lodges organized in
tho state.
THcplKHK- to llrtutj- ImIiiiiiI,
HUADY ISLAND, Neb.. April 26. (Spe
clal Telegram,) Tho Maxwell & llrady
Island Telephone, compauy was organized
here today. WMllam Plummor Is president,
Ed Murphy treasurer and fi. S. Swnncutt
secrotary. Tho now company will build n
telephone lino from llrady Island to North
Platto and has begun work.
St'l'Ollll ItfKllllVIlt llllllll t'OIMMTt.
I1KATIUCE. Neb., April 26.-(Speclal.)-Tho
Second regiment band, Nebraska Na
tional Guard, will give a promenade con
cert at the auditorium Tuesday night. A
large mimbor of invitations havo been Is
sued, .lull Couldn't llnve Moml It
If ho'd had Itching piles. They're terribly
annoying, but uucklen's Arnica Salvo will
euro the worst cbbo of plies on earth. It
has cured thousands, l'nr Injuries, pains
of bodily eruptions It's tho best salvo In
the world. Prlco, 25c a box. Curo guaran
teed, Sold by Kuhn Co.
To SIku for llnrnry I'm ciufiit.
The public llbrnry bourd held Its regular
meeting last night, all members being pre,
cut except Judg Ivcm. Only routine l)iil
nrss whb trnnorled. Monthly reports wero
received from th llbrnrlan and bills nudlteil
to the umount of tl.vj;, a reBolutiou was
ailopted iiuthorlzinc the president to sign
the petition for paving Harney street.
worth up to $17.50
assortment worth up to J1L00, (or
55 for $20 Eton Jackets
again on these Jackets
alt tho finest silk lined dons
Ir that samplo lot will bo sold
$9 05. nio positively worth up
wear in colors and black,
i It color, worth (t.Jn. 1
fit fcr tilldV Ilrofor. box
tfJI.OU ba.UH. with large, braid
ed i-olhirs. worth f- M.
He Needed the Money
That's why a prominent Philadelphia Hosiery manufacturer sold us his stock at 40c ott the dollar. This stock
with the Hosiery from Lahr-Bncon Co. will be placed on sale Saturday. In this lot you will tind every kind,
stylo and size m Men's, Women's and Children's Fine Hosiery. Tho exceedingly low prices we quote will
make this the greatest hosiery sale we over held.
rpllccd liools, doublo
Lot 2 Includes ladies' men's, boys' and girl's hosiery in
fast black, made of fine Egyptian cotton in a great variety
ul Dtyicu oumu witu uuuuie Knees
and soles, and high spliced heels
some silk finished worth up to 25c
pair, go at
Odd Fellowj Obssrve Eighty-Second Ann!
rersary of tke Order.
I'll rntli- H one f U. Mom I ii i po r t ii ii I
I'ciiturm of the Kvt-iit l'ulilii:
-VleetliiK lit ('rulKlitou
Hull ToulKlit.
Tho celebration of tho eighty-second an
nlversaiy of tho foundation of tho Inde
pendent Order of Odd Follows was cele
brated In Omaha yesterdny afternoon, .and
Inst night at Crelghton hall the cUebrat.o.i
was closed with a public mooting at which
tho grand muster of tho state, Mayor
Moores nnd other digultmlus delivered ad
dresses. Early morning trains brought members
of tho order from Fremont, licalrlee,
Tecumseh, Tekamnh, Illalr and othei' tuwiu
In Nebraska, from Kud Oak. Council
Muffs and other Iowa towns, making a
grand total of approximately 1,200 pci-ions
who are taking part In tho festivities.
Tho parade, which was a principal
feature of tho day, formed at the corner
of Fourteenth uud Dodge streets nt 2
o'clock. Tho llrst division consisted of thu
Patriarchs Militant, under the leadership
of Canton Ezra Millard, followed by Can
ton Gustnvus Adolphus, both of Omaha,
Canton Fremont of Fremont, Deatrlcu .of
llcatrlce, Pottawattamie of Council Muffs,
and Hesperian encampment of Omaha. Tho
second division wns composed of tho
subordinate lodges of Omaha, South Omaha,
Council Muffs nud those. In tho towns Im
mediately adjoining, Tho third division
consisted of subordinate lodges from moro
dUtant parts of thu stato and tho rear was
given over to tho members of the Hobekah
degree in carriages.
From tno polut of formation tho para le
moved west on Dodgu to Fifteenth street,
south on Flfteonth to Douglas street, east
on Douglas to Eleventh street, south en
Eleventh to Farnnm street, west on Fnrntn
to Sixteenth street, north on Sixteenth u
Cass street, countermarching on SUtcen'h
to Douglas street, east on Douglas to Fif
teenth streot, south on Fifteenth to Hnr
ney street, where the paradu disbanded
nnd tho members went to Crelghton hall,
whero tho nftornoon program was carried
IJvi'ii'nur Si-nmIoii.
At tho meeting nt Crelghton hall at 8
o'clock Colonel John W. Nichols, head of
tho Patriarchs Militant of the stato, pre
sided. On tho platform wero seated Mayor
Moorca, Colonel Louis Helmrod, Chevaliers
John II. Cooper nnd F. Ii. Ilryunt, Linn
tenant George L. Edwards, Past Grand
Masters John Evans and Chnrlrs A. Pat
terson, Grand Master Porter A'. Johnson
of Holmcsvlllo, Neb.; Mrs. C. Talbot of
South Omaha, president of the Itubckah
assembly of tho state; Ed P. Smith and
Colonel Nichols opened tho meeting by
introducing Mayor Moores, who bado the
visiting Odd Follows wclcomo to Omaha,
Tho ninyor congratulated the membership
on thn success of the order since Its 'u
stltutlon and predicted a glowing future
for It.
Tho principal Hpeaker of the evening was
Ed P. Smith. Mr. Smith said he had pre
pared h paper to bo delivered on tho occa
sion, but after Us preparation had rft
tended services at a church, where the
preacher had denounced secret societies of
all sorts and that ho had then resolved
to alter tho character of his address. !
aid In part
"In the eighty-two years of the existence
u price almost
productions of
recognized as the
lot, values up to
These hats
Largo foliage
light find shaded,
49c at
for child's Heefcn", with
litt'CO imtdlniieil rnllnrH.
Ladies' hats,
somely trimmed
notual J.VOn and
MOO values,
with spliced heels, fancy plaids, striped,
polka dots, plain and fancy ribbed
French lisle, worth regular up to 75c
all go at, pair
of Oddfcllowshlp In America tho mode
of life of the people of the world has undtr
Eono a revolution. Thu map of the woId
has been changed. Countries which wcr.'
strong havo passed from existence and
countries which wero weak and struggling
for existence havo become powerful, be
cause they were founded upon a correct
principle In this timo Oddfcllowshlp has
proved its light to existence by Its growth
and tho progress It has made In all ma
terial development. The 1,000,000 of mem
bers in this country, tho 10.000 In the state
lot Nebraska nnd tho 1,200 In Douglts
county proclaim that Oddfellowshlp hns
i kept paco with the advance of tho human
race. Oddfellowshlp does not enter tho
political field In any partisan sense, Jt
realizes that no country nnd no city Is bet
ter than tho level of tho morals of Its
citizens and attempts to elevate the coun
, try by mining the stundard of manhood.
jOddfelluwshlp Is not a religion. It bars
mi tri'tu ur ruiigiuuij practice, WIIIIO II
trachea a reverence for tho Creator, it
strives to uphold tho churches of cvory
denomination, recognizing the fact that it
the Catholic churches wero destroyed tii
police forco would havo to bo doubled unl
thai If tho Protestant churches were wiped
out of existence the crlmlnnl court roouu
would have to tin Increased. The ehurchw
do a good nnd necessary work, but I vnn
turu to nay that since tho sermon on th
Tin- "(.'orri-t'-.NfM-r-llili-t-Mtt" People.
Somo famous hrnln workers havo mndo a
wclcomo discovery nlong tho lino of ic
covery of health by tho proper selection of
food. Several were of tho "Coffeo-nover-hurt-mo"
kind, but, as an experiment, 1 1 loci
leaving It ofT for ten dnyH, and the use of
Postum Cereal Food Coffee in its plnce. A
dcllnlto nnd decided Improvement In health
Is practical)" certain to attend such n
Look carefuly Into tho state of health of
tho Individual who knows thnt "col'feo
don't hurt me," und you aru almost suro to
Hnd Rome form of physical nil or functional
disturbance perhaps muddy complexion, or
weak eyew, Incipient heart failure, kldnoy
trouble, liver or bowel disorders, or ..omo
form of weakness that shows plainly
enough by the cry for rcllijf set up from
somo organ of the body.
Why does the dlsmlsal nf coffeo und tho
use of PoHtum bring help? Experiments
In artificial digestion show clearly to the
sclontlllo Investigator thnt coffeo arrests
digestion, and according to ono authority,
allows only (it per cent of tho food to bo di
gested. Thnt strikes nt the very keystone
of the nrch of health. Failure In inges
tion moans lack of good blood, and inure
forti a lack of food for tho uervo centers.
As tho nerves control the organs of thn
entire body, one ean readily understand
that u disorganized nervous systPin may
Fhow effect In any part of tho body. There
fore a removal of the causo will allow na
ture lo right herself. A powerful assist
ant to nature Is Postum Cereal Food Cof
fee, composed of the albumen, phosphates,
slutou, etc., fiom which nature build in
the delicate tlssjes of the nerves.
Postum aids ingestion without drugging
nnd furnishes a .iincentrated liquid food,
an well ns a inot delicious morning coffee.
If tho render has evo,r failed to mako
Pi stum satisfactorily. It will bo found that
to allow It to boll 13 minutes after boiling
conimencea will solve tho problem, a It
must bo so boiled to extract taste, tolor
nnd food value. It' Is tho only
Food Coffee with n pleasant coffee flavor,
Many Imitations of Po'tuni nre now upon
tho market. Tho only palatable ones thui
far tested prove to be mndo of a low grade
of coffte nnd somo other articles, notwith
standing tho loud claims that they ure
$6.98 for elegantly trimmed hats g
For Saturday's sale we have arranged to give you one of the greatest mil
linery bargains that has ever been offered to you, The character and
style of the millinery that wo will place on sale would readily command
uouuic tne sale price. .Many or me uais
recent Paris and New York creations, Models that arc
correct styles. In all there nro nbout COO
$12.00 all go at
at 85.00 combine style, elegance
and quality. The materials are
same ns nre used In $10 hats.
hats nre actually worth
$8 and $10 all go at
one price Saturday
Children's Hats made o
fancy braid, trimmed with bows
silk and fancy braid act- -f pm f
ual $3 valuta a spe- I
clal for Saturday nl .... "
Children's Leghorn Hats
worth 73c go on sale
Daisy and For-got'ine
not wreaths worth fiOc
go at ,
Attractive Millinery Bargains in the Basement Dept,
verv hand
Ladies' trimmed
elegant dcslgns-
and children's leghorn
med with chiffon and
lowers worth
2.25, at
Lot 3 Contains ladies',
men's and misses' hosiery,
Including opera length, drop stitch
llslo thread, silk mercerized embroid
ered, real raaco and
guaranteed stain
less, hundreds
of styles
all go at,
Lot 4 Includes ladies' and men's iinest imported hose,
all full regular made, in fancy boot patterns, plain black
mount was delivered no more valuable "id
dltlon has been mado to the moral team
ing of humanity than the charge of the
vice grand of nn Odd Fellows' lodgo in 'ho
Initiatory degree. Tho Odd Fellow takes
tho Good Samaritan as his exemplar, nnd
for 2,000 years the story of the Good Sa
maritan has led men on to deeds of ,n
novolence and charity. No Institution bet
ter teaches the fatherhood of Cod and cho
brotherhood of man than n lodgo of thu
Independent Order of Odd Fellows."
Mate Mmtor hpeiiUn.
Following the address of Mr. Smith ".'ie
vcnerablo P. C. Johnson, grand master of
the order of the state, delivered, an Im
promptu address, In which he, as a min
ister of tho gospel, defended the order
from attacks from the pulpit and referred to
the work of the order In the countries
wnere it has been established.
Tho address of tho grand master ended
tho program and tho floor was cleared for
tho ball which followed.
IIIrIi School t'niloU Clreum t cnt tic
Hoard of Ktlui-ntloii mill Allium!
Hop Im I'ojuyed.
The youthful spirits of the Omaha High
school cadets flowed on unchecked last
night In spite of tho solemn ban laid upon
them by a staid and unsympathetic Boa,-d
of Education. The board had decreed that
the annual hop of the officers must paas
forever from the nunals of the school ns a
thing tending to produce cliques nnd clans
nnd neglected copybooks. Tho young un
dergratuates were respectful nnd obedient
and accordingly helpless.
It was not beyond their power to sug
gest, however, and by their cunning to
circumvent the conservatism of thoso whose
youth was passed. Thus It was announced
that the ex-officers, "old grads" of several
years' standing, should stand sponsors tor
tho hop. Tho young officers forsworo .ill
responsibility, except In their Interest
guests, It was nn outsldo affair, with which
the board has no concern, and the following
wero In charge: Frank Hughes, '93; Otis
Alvlson, '09; Fred Sweeley, '99, nnd George
Waldcs, '00.
Metropolitan hall was profusely decorated
with purple and white, tho colors of tho
school nnd the battalion. The orchestra
was screened behind a mass of palms and
bright organdies and white duck uniforms
led gaiety to the scene. The danco pro
gram only paused at tho twenty-fifth num
ber, with as many encores In between.
Cliiilrniiiii Stnt'y of Hnllronil Com
mittee Will AddrrxH (in I liriliiu
of Coiuiiit-ritliil .Urn.
J. I). Stacy, chairman of tho national
railroad committee of tho American Travel
ers' association, will arrive In Omaha this
L forenoon aud will spenk at the annual
club rooms. This is an unlooked for event,
as It was expected that Mr. Stncy could
not bo present. A telegram-to It. F. Hodges
announces his approach.
Sclatlo Itliranuitlam Cured After Four
teen Yenra of Sunerlnir.
"I havo been afflicted with sciatic rheu
matism for fourteen years," says Josh Ed
gar of Gcrmantown, Cal. "I wns able to
bo around, but constantly suffered. I tried
everything 1 could bear of and at last was
told to try Chamberlain's Tain Dalm, which
I did, and was Immediately rollovcd and In
a bhort time cured, and I am happy to say it
has not tlnce returned." Why not ute this
liniment and get well; It Is for sale by
11 drugglits.
W 111 I1JU j I .&-
are exact re
bats In this
Ladies' and misses' hats
nil recent creations, handsomely trim
med with flowers, chiffon, follago,
etr. df eldcdly chic "V
hradwtar worth $5 a"V.
talo prlct, only v
Ladies' and Misses' Hats a
large assortment of shapes, Including
the short back sailor In A fv
black and colors rVJC
75c values for w
Ladies' Trimmed Sailor"
of Jumbo and split braids
silk handr, $1.25
quality for '
r0c quality
A lot of sample
of every description,
hats trim
for up to 75c n
LadlcV lino Klbbod
ribbon trimmed
many styles worth up
thlrty-flvc cents each
go at
mm r.Kjiuiuii tun"!,
Kgyptlan cotton,
colors handsomely
ingworth regular up
seventy-five cents
go at
Misses' children's
ribbed, India sauzu
all sites and all
stylcs-'go at
Inspeotion Needed of a Standard to Sitiify
World Markett.
Xclimaka llcnlrr. Hmvrvir, llenlre
Tliplr Ware to Muntpr In
All Markets, and Stepa Will
De Taken Accordlnitly.
Nebraska grain dealers recognize the need
of a more adequato inspection In Omahu in
order that an approval hero may bo en
dorood In the large markets of tho world.
Tho grain commlttco of the Hoard of Trado
prepared a recommendation ut Its meeting
Thursday night which will bo submitted to
the directors on May 13. One committee
man pointed out that there is no inspection
whatever in the state at present, l he law
creating a stato offlre for that purpose hav
ing btcn declared unconstitutional In Feb
ruary. "At the loft meeting of tho legislature,"
ho said, "c bill was Introduced to oitablisn
Inspection, but In thu closing hours It failed
of passage. Dealers do not tienerully la
ment the bill's fato, ns Illinois I. the onl'
stato of Importance where a slmtlur meas
ure Is in force and tho plan of giving the
lnspector'6 appointment to the governor Is
not approved In tho larger cities. In Mil
waukee, Philadelphia. Baltimore and other
points of export tho Inspection Is mado un
der superintendence of tho boards of Irnde.
Theso inspections are recognized Inter
nationally ns standard. What wo want 1$
an Omaha Inrpcctlon upon which grain may
be sold without question In Liverpool or
any other market. Tho ofllco of Inspector
would bo better served, wo bclluve, If it Is
separated Troni politics."
In accordance with this view tho uim
mltteo will recommend that the directors
appoint both an Inspector and weigher.
Cimciirliie ut All DriiKKlrtf..
Cures bllllou'jress, conitlpatlon and dys
pepsia or money refunded. fiOc. Sample
and book on diet and curo sent froo for lOo
to pay postage. Ilea Ilros. & Co., Minne
apolis, Minn
The Great Food Drink,
make it invaluable to nursing mothers,
feeble children, the aged, infirm and con
valescent. It strengthens and produces
flesh. Sold by druggists. Prepared by
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Brewers of the Original Budwelser, Fiust, Mlchelob, Anheuser-SUndtril.
Pale-Lager, Export Pale, Black k Tan and Exquisite.
silk and velvet
roses, rubber stem
flowers Children's sehool hats,
that sold In about 25 different styles includ
ing the popular Me.x- gj
lean hats, 7Cc values JP
sale prlco
Und'wear Sale
Big bargains in Summer Underwear
from tho Lahr-liacon Co. 's stock.
Untlervosts-crochoi laco and
-all si?;es"(io at
ladles' fine bleached nnd fancy colored Summer Undcrvests,
In plain and fancy, silk ribbon trimmed, silk cro
cheted necks and armholc3, In flno cotton and llslo thread,
10c and 15c
Ladles' finest summer Undcrvests plain nnd fancy laco
llsles extra fine cotton, silk mcreerlrcd, plain and fancy
trimmed with laco and crochet edg
25c and 35c
and boys' Summer Underwear, In Swiss
uud balbrlggan ,
10c, 15c, 19c
Tin-)- Will Conduct n Mrrle of Ite
vlvnl Mn-tltiKN In Klrsl Chrin
Hun Cliurcli.
The revival meetings to begin In the
First Christian church Sunday are attra 't
Ing considerable attention from the mem
bers nnd n large attendance Is expect:d.
Hev. Mr. Scovlllo of Chicago, who will con
duct them, besides being an ardent ovanijo
list and an able orator, has a strong, thor
oughly Chrlstlan-IIke personality that In
sures large audiences and many conversions
wherever he goes.
Another feature of the revival will be a
service of song, conducted by Prof. DeLom
Smith, a person of undisputed ability In
conducting evangelistic singing. Altogethr
the conditions for a great religious awaken
ing are regarded as more favorable, thin
they havo been for years and It Is expected
Immeasurable good to the church will -o-Milt
from the mcutlngs.
A ItuKiuu. Ilonrli.K I'looil
Washed down a telegraph line which
Charles C. Ellis of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Stnudlng waist deep In Icy water,"
ho writes, "gave mo a terrible cold una
cough. It grew worse dally. Finally tho
best doctors In Oakland. Neb., Sioux City
and Omaha said 1 hnd consumption and
could not live. Then ' began using Dr.
King's Now Discovery nnd was wholly
cured by six bottles." Positively guaran
teed for coughs, colds and nil throat nnd
lung troubles. Fore sale by Kuhn & Co.
Price, 60c and !
Coroner Kwnnaoii Will Look Into llio
Klertrooiitlon Caae Mon
iln'. An Inquest In the case of Owon II. Little,
who was killed by an electric wire at
Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets early Fri
day morning while assisting In moving
building, will be conducted by Cnrmor
SwiJuscn Monday. A report In circulation
during the day that his employer. II. W.
Darnum. the housemovcr, had been ar
rested, proved unfounded. No action nas
been taken In tho matter and none will be
unl II tho finding of tho coroner's Jury Is
made, Employes of the electric light com
pany replaced tho wire which caused tho
killing with a new wlro Frldny afternoon.
The wonderful tonic properties of