Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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fe&tric! Man Eu Eatta No Food Sine
Otod Friday.
Tnatra othlnu but Ilcntrlec M'nt:r
nail Announ'H III Inlrnllou of .
Lit Ink It tor the Full
Fu. ty '
imATKICi:. Neb., April 26. (Special.)
Henry i.'ordes of this city, begn a forty
day fast on Good Friday, and so far he lias
lot partaken of food of any kind, and
hao drunk carcely any water. Mr. Corded
U a member of the Methodist church, and
tells his friend', thai he has received a
message from (lod asking him to fast th
full forty da a. He h 3.1 years of age, and
nan born In Indiana, and It Is snld he lias
i brother now living nt Sycamore, lnd.
For some time prior to Good Friday he
hoarded at Kllerbeck fc Smith's rcstaur
int. on Court street, and la rooming there
now. The)- at .dunned, lest he should
1I on their hands. He lias failed pbylcaily
apldly during the lait week
Wh'n he began the fast on Good Friday
weighed K0 pounds. Today he Is some
A Great
) National
Left in a Worn-out and Exhausted Condition by the Grip, His Kidneys
Became Seriously Affected, But He Was Completely Cured by
That Wonderful Remedy. Warner's Safe Cure.
All Persona who are snffcring
in anyway, should go to-day
Free Samtle of Warner's Safe
-. r,A rxIVi,VlWSt,r.,JtV.
"J. ..v... 00 090 o 2V-, ,.,,j
To these KUcsslUt the correct or narMt correct number of
;t I'rlze A ;500.o0 Emcroo Flano valuu UOO.OO
2nd prlie 1 "Deusmore" Typewriter, value KXT.OO
Urd prize 1 lot la Council muffs, value 100.00
Ub prUe 1 Wbeeler & WlUon Sewing Machine, value.. 60.00
Mb prlie I Huslness College Scholarship, value 60.00
6th prlie 1 Tailor-made Suit, value 15.00
7th prize 1 Ladles' Tailor-made Suit, value ...s 40.00
$th prize 3 ladles' Custom-made Shirt Waista, value JIO.OO
Vth prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value 11.09
Total 11.500 and a Tic.
The Bee Publishing Co. , Ojiaha, Neb.
Answers"" Puzzle Department, The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
thirty pi-Juds lighter So far bii rnaMtr
has only been known to a few of his most
intimate friends, but the fact leaked out
this morning, and caused a great, deal of
comment. No medical aid has bn sum-moned.
Heavier lij- titer Three .Million IloU
lnr TliHti Krr llcfnrr In
LINCOLN', April 26 (Special Telegram )
Secretary Royse of tb State Banking
board has completed a comparison of all
reports of the conditio!, of state banks is
sued alnce the organiratloa of his depart
ment. The romparlion shows that the gen-'
era! deposits in 'he state banks on March
1, the date of the last statement, were
W.SlLMJ.Ti. greater than In any previous
year In the history of the department. In
lSe. when tfco high water mark was es
tablished, the deposits amounted to J:v This year the deposit amounted
:o 2S.10,a;2.01. (
Mick 111k (ftiiirilinii.
HASTINGS, Neb., April 2S.-(SpeclaU-Aruthur
Campbtll has llled suit In the Flrat
distrlrt court for Judgment of $7-19.05 from
John II. Campbell, who has been officiating
an his guardian for fourteen years. The
plaintiff Hllegcs that on or ttbout June 20,
l'&T. John n. Campbell was appointed guar
dlan of Arthur Campbell, a minor, a'ld
that the said John H Campari thereupon
Labor Leader Speaks.
CARROLL, former President ot the
Building: Trades Council. Is Well Again.
from after effects of the Grip, or
to the nearest druggist and get a
Cure sent on application. Aildre&s Sampie Department, Warner's Safe Cure Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
$1,500 IN PRIZES
Enclosed find $ ,
scription account.
Name ,
Street and No
Where paper Is delivered.
Postoftico State,
Where paper Is sent.
Are you taking Ths Bee Now?
If not. when do you want it started?
gave a bond for J5P". enditloned upon tie
proper discbarge of his duties as guardUn
and for the payment to plaintiff cf money
that might coma into his hands while act
tng as guardian. The plaintiff further
says that April IS, I'M, a final accounting
was bad and It was found there was still
'$749.05 In the hands of the guardian which
belonged to plaintiff. As the money wis
not turned over on demand Campbell
brought suit for same.
Miuot nt III llrotlier-ln-l.niv ami
'1 lirentriiw to Tnkp 111 Ohii
I, Ifr.
AUBURN, Neb., April 2. (Special.)
Reuben Hrott, a oung man, Is In the
county jail to await the action of the dU
trlct court on a charge of shooting with
Intent to kill, He got a gun and called at
the home of his sister and asked for hir
husband, declaring that he was going to
kill htm and then take his own life. Later
he got sight of the brother-in-law and
1 fired, but missed him, and did not carry out
the balance? of the program.
Mrs. Ellen S. Judson desires to bear from
her son, Fred I. Judson, who left Fullerton,
Neb.. In August. 1SS9. His father, Hosea
F. Judson, died some months ago and Fred
Judson Is needed at Fullerton In order to
close up settlement of his father's estate
Kansas City and Galveston papers please
Chicago, Feb. 26, 1901.
Warner's Safe Cure Co.,
Rochester, New York.
Gentlemen: I feel that Warner's
Safe Cure certainly deserves a word
of praise from me, because I have
been benefited by it to an extent
unlooked for when I began using it.
The effects of the "Grip" left me in
a wornout and exhausted condition,
affecting my kidneys, but two bottles
of vour medicine made me feel so
much better that I decided to use the
third, which practically completed a
cure for me.
Ex-President National Building
Trades Council.
whose kidneys are diseased
bottle of Warner's Safe Cure,
dots The Ilea will gtvu the following prizes:
10th prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value 12.00
11th prize 1 Ton Coal, value 5.50
12tb prize 1 box "Kirk's" White Russian Soap, value.... 3.00
Uth prize ONE PIO, aluu J
14th prize 1 Sack Oslden Sbcaf Flour 1.25
15tb to 24tb 10 bottles Cramer's Kidney Cure, value.... 10.00
Jith to 35th 10 pair Orpheum Scats, value 10.00
36th to 50th 14 volumes recent Button, value 18.75
Also Art Ftctures and Hooks, valuo 510.73
Date received
Tiro I'M.
,to apply on my sub-
Dtdiion of Judp Sanborn im Rack Islaid
Bailrua Action.
In Alliance Striking Journc)
men I'lnnilicm Refuse to
LINCOLN. April 16. (Special.) The de
cision of Judge Sanborn of the federal court
In the Itock Island railroad case sustains
In every particular the position taken by
Attorney General Trout In the supreme
court. The state court held that a pre
liminary restraining order of the federal
court to restrain the attorney general from
collecting penalties from the railroad com
pany for violations of the maximum freight
rate law was "utterly and absolutely null"
for the reason that It was repugnant to the
eleventh amendment of the federal con
stitution. On that question Judge Sanborn
In his opinion holds that the enforcement
ot the rule, that the court which first takes
Jurisdiction must retain and exercise It
to the exclusion of all proceeding In other
courts until Its jurlsd.ctlon Is exhausted
by the final Judgment or decrees by its
effective execution, Is Indlspcnslble to re
tent unseemly conflicts between courts and
their officers and "confusion worse coun
founded." The hlMory of the case dates back to
ISM, nhen'the federat court Issued an order
restraining the Rock Island Railroad com
pany from reducing its rates to those pre
scribed In the maximum freight rate law
and prohibiting the attorney general and
other state officials from attempting to en
force the proWsions of the act. The in
junction was never vacated.
During his last term of office ex-Attorney
General Smyth Instituted proceedings
against alt of the principal railroads, ex
cepting the Burlington, to recover alto
gether over $1,000,000 In penalties. Some of
these cases were for violation of the maxi
mum freight rate law and others wero for
violation ot an order Usued by the State
Hoard of Transportation. The supreme
court of '.hi Hate subsequently declared
the law creating the Board ot Transporta
tion to be unconstitutional and all cases
brought for violation ot the board's order
were therefore dropped,
A few weeks ago the case against the
Rock Island was called for hearing before
the supreme court and the attorneys for
the defendant company appeared with tho
Injunction Issued by the federal court back
In 1S03. The supreme court then held that
the restraining order was null. It Is this
ruling that the federal court has overrulcl.
It Is likely that all cases brought by tLc
former attorney general for violation of tlio
maximum freight rate law will have to be
dropped, unless, of course, the Injunction
Is vacated by the federal court. The opin
ion nt Judge Sanborn touches this point
and It Is the belief of attorneys who have
read It that to vacate the injunction tho
federal court would have to reverse Its
own decision. If these cases arc dropped
all ot the penalty litigation 'against the
railroads. Instituted by the popocratlc at
torney general at a time when the fusion
party of Nebraska was sadly In need ot
campaign capital, will have been swept
from the calendar.
As to tho ruling of the state supreme
court on tho question of Jurisdiction, JtKge
Sanborn says:
Cniir lllilr All Dlarimiainn.
"The opinion In Smylh against Ames con
cludes all discussion ot this question. We
are all bound to abide by that decision, be
cause It is the supreme. !i,'.v of tho land.
That caso presented the pamc unconstitu
tional law, the same pleadings, the same
issues of tact and the Identical question
of law upon the determination of which
this suit hinges. The supreme court of be
United States there decided that this court
bad Jurisdiction to issue, and that It right
fully Issued Its writ against the attorney
general of the state of Nebraska, enjoin
ing blm from bringing and from aiding
In bringing any suits or proceedings to
enforce the provisions of the maximum
freight rate law of Nebraska. In view ot
this conclusive adjudication ot the very
question here tn issue it would be an Idle
task to distinguish or review other cassi
wherein other questions, such as the power
of a court of equity to enjoin criminal pro
ceedings', were Involved, as In Fritz agalmt
.McGee. 173 U. S., 516. 531, and HarkradT
against Wadlcy. 172 V. S-, 14S. 169, 170, and
we refrain from their consideration or dis
cussion. It Is enough that the highest
court In the land, the court by whose de
cisions courts, counsel and citizens alike
are bound to abide, has authoritatively dj-
termlned the very Issue Involved In this
case, and here wc must leave It.
Injunction Milt In Force.
"This suit, then, was commenced In 1S03;
this court at that time obtained Jurisdic
tion ot the subject matter of this litiga
tion, of tho issue whether or not this iav
of Nebraska was constitutional and en
forceable and of the parties to this suit,
the lallway company and those who were
then acting as officers of the state. It
rightfully enjoined the company from re
ducing Its rates to those prescribed by the
law, and It lawfully prohibited the attorney
general ot the state, and Its other officers,
from enforcing Its provisions. That In
junction has never been vacated or modified
and It still remains In force. Vulcanite
Company against Folsom, 3 Fed., 509. The
defendant, Frank N. Frout, Is prosecutlig
actions commenced In 1900. six years after
this suit was begun, to recover of the de
fendant railway company penalties to the
amount of J450.000, because It obeyed he
Injunction of this court and failed to re
duce Its charges to those specified by 'he
unconstitutional law.
"In other words, the effect of these latar
actions Is to toll off to another court 'ho
question which has long heen and still Is
properly In litigation here to severely pun
ish one of the parties to this suit for t'.s
obedience to an Injunction lawfully Issued
upon a prayer of the complainants in this
court and to forestall and nullify any de
cision and decree of this court regarding
issues of which It first lawfully took Juris
diction. lmuroirlet- l Mnlfrl.
"The Impropriety, the Inadmissibility ot
such a procetdlng in the light ot the funda
mental rules ot our Judicial systems, to.
which we have now adverted, Is so mani
fest that we have no doubt that the learned
attorney general, when bla attention Is
once directed to them, will at once perceive
the propriety and necessity of suspending
all action in other courts involving the un
constitutionality of this law and the right
and duty of thH railway company to reduce
Its charges to those there prescribed, until
this court, which first acquired Jurisdiction
of the Issues and the parties, has finally
determined the questions presented.
r'The court of appeals has frequently re
quired tbe federal courts ot this circuit to
stay their bands and to hold their suits
lu abeyance until the final determination
by the state courts ot issues ot which those
courts first acquired Jurisdiction. Gates
against Buckeye, 53 Fed. 961. Zimmerman
against Sorelle, &0 Fed. 417, 419. I.' the
state courts had first taken Jurisdiction of
tbe Issues Involved In this suit we should
have gladly followed the foregoing de
cisions, but tbe rule applies whero the fed
eral court first takes Jurisdiction as well
as where Jurisdiction Is first acquired by
the state court
Kufnrrrnirnl l liillirnaalilr,
"The enforcement, ot tbU rule, that tb
court which first takes Jurisdiction must
retain and exercise It to the exclusion of
all proceedings In other courts until Its
Jurisdiction Is exhausted by the final Judg
ment or decree and by Its effective execu
tion, Is Indispensable to prevent unseemly
conflicts between courts and their officers
and 'contusion worse confounded,' The
maintenance ot this rule requires that the
defendant, Frank N. Frout, acting as at
torney general of the state of Nebraska,
shall not bring or prosecute In any other
court any actions or proceedings Involving
the constitutionality of the maximum
freight rate law of Nebraska and the rights
and duties of this railroad company there
under to reduce Its rates to those there
prescribed until the final determination ot
this-suit, and that the Jurisdiction and
power of this court to determine those Is
sues, to render and enforce Its decrees In
this case shall be left unlimited and un
vexed by any such proceedings.
"The supreme court decided In Smyth
against Ames that this court rightfully Is
sued Its Injunction to this effect against
the then attorney general ot the state of
Nebraska upon the came facts which the
supplemental t'll alleges and the demurrer
admits condition the rights and remedies
ot the parties to this suit.
"There is no escape from the conclusion
that tbe complainants are entitled to the
same relief against tne present attorney
general of this state. He has no higher
right or better authority to proceed against
this railway company, subsequent to a de
cision of the supreme court that the law
under which he Is acting Is unconstitu
tional, than his predecessor had to proceed
under It before that decision. New Orleans
against Citizens' Bank, 167 V. S. 388, 389,"
Ileclalou Mlnborntrly Dlnnccted.
Attorney General Prout argued along the
same line before the supreme court a few
weeks ago and tbe federal court sustains
him. Whtn tbe case was argued at Omaha
before Judge Sanborn the attorney general
presented the decision and opinion of Jus
tice Sullivan of the Nebraska supreme
court, together with all the authorities
therein cited, tn resistance ot tbe applica
tion ot tho railroad company for an Injunc
tion against him. Tbe decision was elabo
rately dissected and held not to state tho
law by Judge Sanborn.
.rhrnnkn Stock Gronrra.
Members of the Nebraska Stock Growers'
association will meet In Alliance on May
13 for a two days' annual session. Besides
the usual number ot lectures and papers
on stock raising subjects, the program ar
ranged by the officers ot the assoclatto
contains several new features, among them
a ball and reception to be given by tbe clt
lzcns of Alliance to the visiting stockmen
and their families. Prof. Burnett of the
department ot animal husbandry of the
University ot Nebraska will lecture on
"Beef Cattle" and Prof. Peters of the
United States experiment station will speak
on the "Advancement Made In Combating
Contagious Diseases." Regent E. Von For
rell and Mr. 11. F. Mcintosh of Omaha arc
also named In the program for addresses.
Profs. Peters and Burnett will speak at .the
opera house In the evening on the "DIs
eases ot Cattle" and will Illustrate their
remarks with stercoptlcon. Reports ot oftl
ccrs will be received tbe second day ot the
session. Election ot officers will close the
formal part of the meeting.
Auditor Weston will soon Issue warrants
to members of the First regiment who paid
their own transportation to Nebraska.
About 200 of the volunteers returned home
before the regiment and all of them paid
for their transportation from San Fran
cisco to the point ot muster in this state.
According to the provisions ot the bill
passed by the legislature each man will be
allowed S37.50.
Mrikern ltrfnor tn Coninromlnc.
The -striking Journeymen plumbers of this
city ,met last night and refused to com
promise with the master plumbers. Tbcy
agreed to stand by their original demands.
Speeches were made by several of the lead
ers tn the strike and all advanced tbe opln
Ion that the masters would soon be com
pelled to nccede to their demands, as the
real heavy work of tho spring Is not yet
under way.
Then senior class of the University of Ne
braska was entertained at two receptions
tonight, one tendered by Chancellor and
Mrs. Andrews and the other by the Junior
The Lincoln Ice company has arranged to
Install an Ice manufacturing plant In this
city to compete with the P. H, Cooper
company. It Is said that prices will be
lowered by the new company to an extent
that will probably bring on an Ice war with
the competing concern.
Representative Marshall of Otoe county
u In the city taking treatment for rheu
matism, from A-blch he suffered greatly
during the last days of the legislature.
Sue I'nui Stockholder.
The Mergenthaler Linotype company han
brought suit for $3,000 against Henry F
Hockey, Milton Schwind, Frank D. Eagtr
and William F. Schwind, stockholders of tbe
Post Publishing company. Because of fail
ure to publish the obligations ot the cor
poratlon the Mergenthaler company Insists
that the stockholders are personally Uabln
for the debt.
The State Banking board today chartered
tho McLean State bank' ot McLean, X:b.
It Is capitalized for $10,000 and incorpor
ated by F. M. Hopkins, W. T. McConnell
Theodore Haeppner and Cliff A. Smith.
Auditor Weston today Issued state war
rants to the Cudahy Packing company ot
Omaha for $3,000 and W. J. Bryan for $1,200,
these amounts representing tbe amounts
contributed for the transportation of he
First regiment from San Francisco to Ne
Help lllnmrlf to Money from Ever).
Iiotl)', .Vt Kxt-rptlnK Hired
AUBURN. Neb., April 26. (Special.)
The home of Benjamin Thompson was en
tered last night by a sneak tblet through
tbe window. Money was taken from Mr
Thompson's trousers. Mrs. Thompson's
pocketbook, the hired girl's pocketbook and
the little boy's money bank. About $10 was
The home of County Judge Neul was also
entered and Mr. Neul's watch taken. Mrs,
Neul awoke and got sight of tbe thlet and
the description she gives leads to the, be
lief that ne will be arrested.
Snle of Thayrr Conntj- Land.
HEBRON. Neb., April 26. (Special.) At
referee's sale Tuesday a quarter section of
Thayer county land was sold for $6,000.
This Is a sample of the way land In this
community has been selling. More farms
have changed hands since tbe first ot the
year than ever known In the same period
ot time.
The prospects for winter wheat were
never better.
Adam Teacher Chiitru,
ADAMS. Neb.. April 26. (Special Tele
gram.) At a recent meeting of tbe Board
of Education these teachers were re
elected: Harry F. Hooper, principal, Mrs.
Hooper, grammar department, Miss Lillian
Bowles, primary. This leaves a vacancy
In the intermediate department, caused 'ir
tho resignation ot Miss Ada Shaw, who
bat accepted a similar position at Bralnard.
i;iU lilte Kllll lire I'nrO.
BEATRICE. Neb.. April 26. (Special )
The Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.
No. 619, of this city gave Its first full dress
party Thursday night In Its new h;tll on
Ella street. The hall was beautifully deco
rated witb roses and smllax Coffee, sand
wlcbes and olives and punch were served.
Some Remarkable
of the Stomach
Hon. E. A. Frost, manager of tho Wind-for-CllftoD
House, corner of Monroe street
and Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111., says In
a recent letter to the Peruna Medicine Co
of Columbus. O., tho following words In
praise of their catarrrh remedy, Peruna-
The I'eniiin .Medicine Company,
Columbus, O,;
Gentlemen ''Hcfore taking Peru
na I had suffered for twenty years
from malaria to the extent that I had
chronic neuralgia of the stomach.
and could not sit out in the niuht air
without suffering the next day. I
had tried many so-called remedies
hut with only partial and tempor
ary relief. It has been two years
since I used Peruna but I am satis
fied that my cure is complete and
permanent. Edwin A. Frost.
TfOTHING In the world produces more
disastrous aenemla of tho nerve ccn
tcrs than neuralgia. Any one who has
ever had neuralgia will find himself con
stantly liable to nervous troubles. This Is
especially true If he has been subject to
taking much quinine.
I'rrillin Inr-rnnc .Nutrition.
Neuralgia Is always an expression of
nerve weakness. Some nerve center has
been deprived ot nutrition, and neuralgia
Is the signal of distress which this nervo
center Is able to make. Thus It Is that
neuralgia depends on a want ot nutrition
of the nerve centers.
Peruna lncreas:s the nutritive valuo of
the food and does It by correcting the
digestive organs. After the digestive or
gans have been onco put In good working
order by Peruna then the food Is able to
properly nourish the body.
This Is how It happens that Peruna
cures many cases of old neuralgia which
have resisted all other forms of treatment.
Peruna Is not a specific for neuralgia, but
It Is a specific for catarrhal affections of
tho digestive organs. There Is no remedy
In the world that Is so sure to put thp
digestive organs In good working order as
l'e r ii ii n Strike the Sonree.
All diseases. Including neuralgia, that
depend on a want of proper nutrition are
curable by a course of Peruna, Peruna
strikes at tho foundation ot all chronic
diseases by Increasing the nutritive
The Best of
Chicago and East.
Hot Springs-Deadwood.
I4OI-I403 Fa na m Street.
Nebraska City,
Kansas City
And All Points South.
Ticket Offices
5. C Corner lltli and UuubIo Street.
7 NW" EdwinA7?st-
Manager Windsor-Clifton Hou
S? NArv Chica.qo . 111?)
Cures of Catarrh
and Neuralgia.
functions of the digestive organs
The case ot neuralgia narrated by Hon.
E. A. Frost as above Is a splendid Illus
tration. llortor Snrrleil.
N. E. Bunker. Newman, Cal., writes!
"I was sick foi nine years with one o
the worst cases of catarrh of tbo stomach
possible. All that time I did not have a
natural taste In my mouth. Could not
cat, barely kept life In me by nibbling -could
eat nothing of any substance, only
soft foods, and little ot that. I got ,n
low as I0S pounds. The first cause, was
la grippe. By accident I used Perun.i.
began It last February. I have now
been well six or seven months entirely
well. Am heavier than for thirty years.
Doctors are surprised as are all my friends.
I have advertised Peruna extensively In
many parts of the state: personally, many
aro helped. I am very thankful." N. B.
"Xrier Kelt Heller."
Mrs. T. E. Freeh wri'ej from Excel!,
Tenn.. as follows:
"Having been afflicted with catarrh and
stomach troubles for seven yeata I tried
four different doctors. They only relieved
me for a little while. I gave up all hopo
of being cured, having been reduced to 130
pounds I wns so weak I could scarcely
get out ot tho room. I was induced to
try Peruna and to my great surprise I nm
now entirely well. My weight is now 1S8
pounds and I never felt better In my llfo.
I shall always praise Dr. Hartman and hl3
remedies." Mrs. T. Freeh.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. S. II. Hartman, Colum
bus, Ohio, giving a ful statement of your
case, and he will be pleased to give you
his valuable advice gratis.
Can Buy
at a meat market, or you
can hire other people to
think for you, or a nimble-
fingered girl to write your '
letters, nut do you Know a
good dictionary iB a great
help in writing or speak
ing correctly?
Probably you hart a decrepit
Id dictionary In your ofCc. It
Il so tatterd and dirty that you
Mldora us It. Throw It la th
vast baaktt aad it a
It Is tb latest out and scholars
rterywhere pronounc It tbe
bst. Containing over SG0.004
words and having a corps of 240
dltors, speelalis's and educated
men, costing nearly a million
dollars before placed betora the
public. It ought to be a valuable
book. It Is a valuable beok by
far th bast dictionary btfor
to Gncllrb-speaklng peopla,
W Vlf.'Tvvuidsor-Cliflon House 5
A. U . K I M ..
Hi f .'I. 't( Avenue,
Omaha, Ntb,