THE OMAHA DAILY 1IEE: SATURDAY, A PHIL 27, 1001. i 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for Oirxr columns rrlll lie taken imlll t'J tit. for thr rvrnlnc edition ami until S ill) p. in. (or morning nmt Sunilnr edition. Ilalra, I l-2o n mini 11 r n I Insertion, 1c m iTonl (licn-nfler. Xntlilnt; tnki-tt for le (Iihii -.".c! ftir tlir flrvt linrr. (I'm. These nil )Tf laniH'lit must Ik; rnn coimrenti vcl.T. Advertiser, by reinrtliiH: n nnio. tiered chrcl., t'nii Imir nnsvrera ml rirrssrtl lo m iiiinilicrril teller In rnrc of Tlir lire. Aiianer no ndrt iPRnril will tip delivered on presentation of the cheek only. situations wanted. POSITION ns bookkeeper evenings by young man; best references, o 45. Heo. a on - MARHLE and Granite, general workman ot lour yenrs experience wants situation wltb ref iiormlble firm. Address Frank lowls, Wayne, Neb, A-92S 20 POHITION wanted by man thirty; can give reference and bond; good ediieatlon. llilx MM. Plattsmouth, Neb. A M97S 27 WANTED MAl.t: I1RU-. XV A NTEDWo have steady work for a few good hustlers ui goon haulls ami uppt.-r- nee. C. F. Adams Co., li5 Howard fit. B-772 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In snort time; Gutuloguo and particulars free. Western liarbers' Institute, Umuha. Neb, B-773 WANTED, good merliarilciil draftsmnn; must he experienced and capable. Apply, stating hk, experience and salary u. peeled. Address O 13, Ilea II 5W WANTED, a good bread baker nt Smith's baker, lluJ Mb, Council HluITs, In. 1I-M922 r, WANTED, man 'or this section by old house, solid llniiutinl stundlhg; i cash paid fnr two wtvk' trial; permanent If successful. Mnnn?er, Ml 'Sixton llldg.. Chicago, II M9.V 2.' WANTKD. men to loam barber trade; only two weeks more of our special offer f Miiolarshtp; board md ivils; eight weeks completes. J 1 2 weekly pi. , graduates, write for particulars today. Mnler Bnrb-r College, 102:1 Furnum st. B MH3S 2 U ANTED, man to travel, advertise and eolleet; moderate salary und nil expenses to start; advancement; must be fust worthy; addressed envelope for paiMe.i lars. r. (illlls, St) Dearborn st.. riil'-ruo. II-M959 '7' WANTED, an exncrlenocd dry snort sales. man, should be a window trimmer; state alary and aye. Boston Store, Fremont, Nob. B-M070 WANTED, harness makers and saddlers. nlo machine operators; good workmen will llntl steady employment at good wages; no illcrlmluatlon made tietween non-union nnd union men, as the under signed propoe to keep open shops. Apply to any of the undersigned, THE GEORGE LAW HUNCH CO. .IOHN CI.ARK . SON. nnK V.Man i,i:atiii;k co. V. II. M'MONIKS & CO. TIIK P. .1. r HON IN CO. fOU.INH, PltHSToN, WILSON CO. JOHN P. SHAKKKV CO. I)-M97r, 13 WANTED, two good cornice makers, good wages, steady employment. Indoor work. Address llox 21G, Des Moines, In. U-MD72 23 PAPKIt lIAN(!i:n.S wanted In Pueblo. Colo.; wages, 3 for eight hours; sternly work, Address C. O. Peterson. Pueblo, Colo, H-M9US 23 IM5H80NS everywhere who can write meri torious sketches, articles or stories; good pay. Literary Bureau, 303 Cnxtou build ing. Chicago. 1I-MM7 2S "WAK'TIID, by a reliable convuiny mnnugr lor branch olllce; must bac 1M) or iZ) casn; permanent liosltlo'i; 'tLilgbt salnrv. ddress O 59, I lee. ll-M'IV! 2S SAI.K.SMHN WAM'MII. WANTKD, one husllltig snlesman; must have rond experience; give lines bundled; references ; permanent poslttlon and llrt. elnss commissions. Columbia Jewelrv Co , lowtt City, la. -M97I w Avn:i-i'i:.nAi.i: 1 1 k l p. BKUABbK bcln. C'onadlan otllce. 1522 TXtuglas. Tel. SSI. C 77S WANTKD-200 Elrls. 1&2I Dodge. Tel. s70. C-771 HALKSLADIKS nnd demonstrators of nbll Itv for permuncnt .salnrled positions. Thvrold-I.vmph Co., liW-2-l Bee Uulldlns. Umaha: &t-f-6 Iiurr Illock, I.tncnlu. -C-7et-A27 DHKSSMAICINQ taught rhbroughly ; sys mi received highest award at Paris, lmm. McDowell DresHtnaklug School. 2u9 S. 13th t., rooms G15-616 Kurbach blk. C-M1H WANTKD. lady Turkish bath operator. aiusi uavn nan goon expenentv. Apjilj room .zo, iieo uuuuing. WANTKD. experlencetl waitresses In the west. Apply 715 South Ninth st. C-.MS13 27 WANTKD-G'rl to go on houso boat with mull and wife. Call 302 N. 18th, room 4, C-902-27 . . -t WANTKD, an experienced nurse to take entire charge of n child S mouths old; best of references required. Applv nt once to Mrs. Luther Koutitzzc, 423 South 39th St. C-927 1 OIHL for general housework, nt once. ZVO California. C-M937 28 WANTKD, good' cook; rferauces reoulrod, Mrs. W. M. Hurgcss, 122 N. 22d st. C-M935 29 GOOD girl for general housework In family of four; references required. Inquire Mrs. J. S. Foote, 182.1 Farnam st. C M9ii 2S WANTKD, Indies to lenm hnlnlresslng, manicuring, mnssago or chiropody; only two weeks more of our special offer of scholarship and tec Is; many positions wnlllng grndirits; dlnlomns nw.irdjd; special rate of board If desired: free cata logue mailed, Cnll today, Moler Cnl!e., 1623 Farnntn st. C-MS37 2 GOOD girl for genernl honsnwork, Mm. H. W Ilreeklnrtdge. 1310 8, 30lh ave. C.-.MO.) 29 WANTED, girl or mlddle-ngod woman for Arlington, Neb,; no objection to child. Apply 2011 N. 19th. C MOW 2S- lir.l.l' WANTED. PLHhO.N with knowledge of bookkeeping nnd typewriting for life Insurance olhce; Rhc experience. Address O 82, llee M Ml '(,' von itic.vr inn .si IF you want your houses well rented place thorn with Uenuwu & Co, D776 TO move rluht. get Omaha Vnn Storage Co. utile, ISlUr Farnam, or tel. 155D-S.C3. D-777 HOUSES for vent in nil parts of tho city. Brcnimn-l.ovo Co., 320 Suuth 13th street. D-778 HOUSES, stores. Bomls. Paxton Hlock. D-773 BEE HENRY H. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE, D-7b-J HOUSES, etc V. D. Wend, 1324 Douglas D-7S1 HOUSES nnd flats. Wngwalt, Uarkcr block. D-7S2 HOUSES wanted, Wallace, Urown blocltl D-7W FOR ni.NT New 10-room house, north part city, wutcr and gas, near motor imd school. Innulro W I. Klorstead. Room .IV twill, tt inoniii. p-JUSl FOR RENT, residence. 1038 Georgia av. cor. Pacific; to rooms, attic, basement east front, modern and extrn convent ences; lot Gtxl40. with trees, Inquire 314 First national uanK uiug. D-MI33 I3S NORTH 22d S... ten-room modern bouse. Him loi.ittnn! kev nt SOI Nnnli -i.t u D-433 10-ROOM detached house, all modern, newly papcrrtl. watitui ma. u MQH EIGHT-room modern. 1S17 Cnpltol nve.. $15 6-ioom modern nnd barn, 3221 Hnruey. iw eight rooms nnd bath, SMI Welwter. 2o, Others. Rlniswalt Liros., UaHter block. D-M634 ron revi-hoise. LAnOL 12-room residence on the North boulevard, will paint, paper nnd mnko ri')"xi l'm,rovon1entl, nro necessary. Kent, OMAHA LOAN AND TUt'ST CO.. 16th and Douglas. D-.M73 VOtl ItKNT. 2118 Spencer St. 10 rooms, modern, house nnd barn $. to 2027 N. 20th x rooms, modern house.... 2)00 2010 N. 27th 7.rootn house, city water.. 15 oo 2112 Caldwell St S-room house, city water 10 00 1821 N. 21st St.-3-room house, city . water 7 05 UHHNNAN-LOVE CO.. 209 S. 13th Street. D-iSS-25 CNEQt'ALHD central revon-room house; live-room Hal: four-room flat; nil mod ern. Tlznrd, 221 N. 21th st. D-MS72 29 SIX-ROOM moilern cottnges In Stanford Circle. 13th nnd Vinton, t The llvron Reed Co.. 212 S. llth. D-MP17 1 IlAltN. 7C6 S. 19lh St. D-M91I 27 KOIt HUNT, strictly modern flat, Davldgc building, opporlte city hal!. 7-room l.oue, il3l Kmmet. $13. 8-rnom modern house, wA Mason st , near park, nice lawn and shsile. tX. JOHN W. HOIIUINS, 1502 l'AHNAM ST. D-M9IS KOIl HUNT, 2523 California. 10 roTimsrmocI. em, excellent repair, newly papered, mnn tels nnd grates In parlor and hall, large closets, attic, large yard. Will lease to responsible party; 42S N. list St, S rooms, modem, built two years ngo, a closet In each bedroom, hard wood llnlsh, screens nnd shades for nil windows, nice hall, $20. H. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Knrnnm St. U-923 27 10-HOOM brick, modern. 11 Capitol nve. D-.M9.I9 Toil H1INT. new 10-room. strictly modern cottage, Dodge nnd 29th ave ; gns and electric lighting, mantel, sanitary und nlckle plumbing, concrete cellar Hour, I p-to-ilate furnace, largo lawn find trees, or namental wire fenee; only to be seen to be uiipreelated. Call or see Mora'vl. Crelghton hall. D M;tVl 2S I'on iin.N i-i'i it.i.Miii;ii uoosis. DKW13V liuropcan hotel. 13th nnd Fnrnam. 7s3 TIIK THUHSTON. 15th and Jackson; steam K-7SS NICK rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 S. llth. K til. NKH'LV furnished, housekeeping IKS Jones E 181 M9 IIOfSKKKKPING rooms. 8 up.2823 S Mnry's. U jiwi m:; THHKK furnished housekeeping rooms. 1531 N. Ifitb. K-MS97 IS LAItfSH front room for two gentlemen; gns, bath nnd telephone. 2129 Fnrnam st,. ?A floor west. K M9.'", 2S 3 Kl'HNISIIKD rooms for mnn and wife. rent ingcu in boant. 319 N. 17th St K-916 IU It.MMIIlIt II OCI.IS AM) IIUAItl). UTOPIA. 1721 Dnvcnport St. F-7S7 GLKNCAUtN.translcnts,$1.25day. 1COT Doug F-7SS FHONT rooms. 310 So. 26th street. F-013 28 The Mirrlam, summer resort, 23 & Dodge. F-M17J9 LAHCK front room; llrst-clnss board. 2JM Harney. K-M932 27 FIHST-CLASS boar.l anil room; 1102 S. I'Jd, 2 blocks from llanscom park. I'so of 'phone. bain. F MOM SO MAY 1ST. one large front room with deep closets nnd alcove, with board; reasona ble rates to two. 207 So. 21th St. F 9IS 2 NM'KLY furnished rooms. 113 Oenrgft jv. I K-.Ml'ol HANDSO.MK front room, with bonrd19M Capitol ave. F M070 1.' l'OH HK.NT ti.M'l HMSIIKI) HOO.MS. DKSlv room space, $5 per month, ground lloor rutin In The Heo building, facing Farniim street; no expense for light, best or Janitor service. It. C. Peters & Co., Uental Agent. Heo building. J 416. Til HICK unfurnished rooms, modern. 2211 Douglas st. C.-M9I3 2S P'Oll HUVl.-VIOHK AM) OI'KICICS. FOIl ItKNT stoic, In llrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply It. C Peters & Co. ground lloor. Ueo llldg. I 26$ FOH HE NT tho building formerly occu pied by Tho lite at 91C Fnrnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly us Thu Heo press room. This will bo rented very icasonnbly. If Interested apply at oncu to C. O. Hose water, sccretury, room 100, Ueo building. 1-261 OFFICE In Commercial NATIONAL bank bldg. Applv room 17. 1-MC13 30 FOH HKNT Old established grocery and meat market stand, corner 2Sth and Dodgn streets. A live man can mnko money here. Inquire on premises up stairs, of Thomas Uarrowman. 1-M0S1 2!l FOR RENT, desk room In private olllco, siunogrnpuer nun teicpnouc; very cnoico; cheap. 310 N. Y. Life. 1-M7U1 27 ACiK.NTS WA'M'Kl), WANTED Canvassing agents In every cciuuiy iu suiicu suuscripiions lor' THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nlul tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octuvo pages, S00 object-teaching engravings, and is the only book on llvo block ever published adapted to the every-day, practical, money-saving use of cvry farmer and stock owner, steady employment with assured good Income. Agents In the coun'.ry with horse and buggy especlall;' desired. Canvassers make easily J60 to Jloo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Ecu liulldlng, Omaha. J IS7. AGENTS wanted to sell our new npple, tho insiesi soiling variety ever oneren to uio public; wrltu for full particulars at once. Address Western Nursery Co,, Lawrence, Kan.. Dept. G. J -M931 7 MAN OR WOMAN wanted to employ and superinienu agents; jih per weeK salary anil expenses; permanent position. Zlegler Co., 52o ilouon bldg., Chicago, III. J-M377 25 WANTED, men with rig to advertise and introiiuce .Munareu poultry mixture; straight salary. $15 weekly nnd expenses. Address, with stamp. Monnrch Mtg, Co.. box 854. Sprlnglleld, III. J-M9(5l S3 WANTED TO IIHVr. OKNTLKMAN who Is u grmlunte of one .bf the lemllng conservatories In thn east nnu wno tins uiso in-.ignt mere ror several years will give lessons In plnno nnd theory In exchange fur room 1 and noaru. j tu. lice. K-M002 23 STOKAUU. PACIFIC Storago and Ware house Co., 912- " junto. Kenurui siurugo ana lornnramg. -7CI OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511U Farn. Tels. 1559-863. 792 WANTED TO HU V. WANTED. 50 second-hand ladles' wheels. Auumohu i;iu, idiii uiui jiarncy N-M7I1 29 WANTED, to buy out pnrtlcs running it urge inruisiieii oiock or mil in timnlin; must be good location, Address Rox 175, Lincoln, Neb, N M663 2 RESIDENCE lot for cash; corner pre ferred; must bo low priced nnd well lo cated; iincwer must state size, juice nnd exact location, Address O 52, Ree. N-M983 2S WANTED, it horse-power water motor; statu price nnd make. Address t Heo ottlco. Council Rluffs. N MINI 2S HYtilU.MC IIATIIS. FOR ladles only, hygienic baths, with mas sago nnd electric treatment. Under dlrec tlon of Mrs. T Schommer, graduate mss. seuse. formerly of "The Rathery." KS3 Douglas st. Tel. 2155. Open evenings by engagement. Ji50l Mil FOR SALIC FLHMTLHK. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. S020. New ft zdhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged, O 79J FOH SALE. In a few days, entire fur nishings of a S-room cottage, goods con sist of bedroom suits, parlor and dining room furniture, stoves, crockery and kitchen wnrc; GO days lime to responsible party. For further particulars address 0 61, Pee. . 0-313 2S I-OR KALE, the furniture nnd goodwill of n 'M-room modern hotel; p'frild patron at.; elegant opportunity for the l?hl 1 n v owner will take nrt n good real i state t) Nell's Real '5r,Ulc Agen-'y. South Omaha. O-MMl 3 FOR SALE-HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC, LIGHT omnibus, good condition. H. Frost, carriage wks., 14th and Leavenworth. P-794 FOR SALE, top buggy, good condition; vour offci l mv price. If it Is right. O, M. Hart, 1207 Jones st. P-MSS3 FOR SALE. 2-seated fnmlly cnrrlng'. Simp, son make, $125. 1EH Farnam st. 802 FOH SALE, bay pnetng mare, good driver, weight 1,100 lbs.; Indj can handle. Also surrey nnd harness, all In good condition, Addrcis J i, A. C, Ree olllce, South Omaha. P-M936 2S FOK SALE M ISC El. I.A.N EObS. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry & I103 fence. 901 Douglas. Q 703 JDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1113 Farnnni. SAFES, buy, tell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S- 13 Q-737 TIMOTHY liny of all kinds, feed ami coal. Monroe & Co. Q-TSI WIRE fence for poultry, Uolglan bare, hog Held or lawn. Wtru Works, 817 S. 16th st. Q-M67S Jy7 1.000,0 RUILDING brick for Immediate de. livery. Wlthncll Hros. -Smith Co.. yards 22d and Hickory, 31st and Lake. Tel. 45. Q-304 Mil TinT OMAHA MERCt'RY prints lawyers' briefs und legal blanks and docs general Job work. Q-MC33 M3 FOH SALIC, stone, llth nnd Cnstellar Sts. Foundation nnd retaining walls, steel beams 21 and 16 feet long, 2 round col umns. Telephone 2132. Q-0IS 2s FOR SALIC-15 bend fresh milch cows. Cnll afternoon. Jester's Yard, 25th and Hurt sis. Q-pob-se MISCELLANEOUS SALE, 50O worth Hclglnn Hares and hutches nt one-third vuluc. Imported nnd pedigreed stock. Owner leaving city. Address O 63. Ree. Q-924 27 ci.wiivovA.vrs. MRS. FRITZ, medium. &19 North lfith. S-iW MME. GYLMICH. palmist. Granlto blk., bet Fnrnam & Harney, 2d lloor. take elevator S-S7S MADAME MERLE, franco medium nnd independent slnto writer, can be consulted dHlly on all matters of importance, asking no questions. She tells your name nnd what you wish to know about. Price U nnd up. Hours, 10 to S, Parlors, (D 1722 t'apitol nve. No sign a silver horse only. Free test between lo and 11 u. m. for this ml. Wnlk in. Don't ring. S-M92I S7 ic 1. ect itic Tin; .vr.11 en t. MAUEL GRAY, 317',4 N. 13th St. Flat E. T-119 A30 MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 16th. third floor. T M147-M2 CAMILLE DUVAL. 019 S. 16th. second floor. T-M395 M6 ELITE parlors, CIS South 16th, second floor. T-MI23 M8 MME. SMITH, baths. IIS N. 15. 2d floor; Room 7. T-S79 2S VERA DELMORE. 1013 Howard. 2d ft. R. 1. T-003 M23 PEHSONAI. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns A superfluous hair removed by electricity. 11. 12. Frcnzer block. U-S03 PRIVATE homo beforo and during confine ment; names auopica. airs, uurgei, Uurdctte. U m nUPTURK cured; no knife, no pain, no danger scnu lor circulars, empire nup turu Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Building, Omaha. U-809 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 uougias. u sin VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment, iits ueo mug. U-S0S M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect uc co deon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. Suite. 20O, Douglas Illock. JUST think of HI Electrlo light gallery. 2 ennmeicu stamp pnoios 111 rour posi tions und .1 photo stick pin for 25c. H. 6. Crelghton blk,, 15th nnd Douglas. Open 9 to 9. Wo make pictures at night. U-59J M16 ECZEMA CURE Owing to tho number of Inquiries which nro being constantly re ceived from those utlllcted with eczema re garding tho salvo which cured W. A. Pax. ton we bavd decided lo curry a small supply ot this i-ulve on hand. li. J. Scan neil, 600 Ware block, Omaha. U 703 A2 A DON of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a euro und sccuics tho comfort and happiness of your roommate. U-M212 SUPPLIES for ail machines; machines for rent. Whlto Sowing Machine. 1620 Douglas. Tel. 2334. U- IF YOU know a widow of n soldier of tho rebellion whose husband never entered n 160 ncres of land, have her write to C. R. Glover, 40'. N. Y. Life. U-SI9 2S PRIVATE hospital for ladles beforo and during contlnement; babies adopted. :m Grant St. U-S07 WANTED, 50 second-hand ladles' wheels. Nebraska Cycle, 15th and Harney. U-M741 23 WANTED. 'church soprano. C. R. Shnw, Shcely Rid. U-S40 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst, Tel. I25S. Leavo order with Henderson, the florist, 1513 Farnam. U-MS3I 30 FOR adoption, at Child Saving institute. 3 children from ono fnmlly; girl, S years, and her 2 brothers, ages 6 and 3 years, It is desired to find home for at least 2 of them In same family and a home for tho othpr nenrhy. Rabies nnd other older children are also on hand for adoption. SCO 8. ISth st. u JI9U 2V SECOND-HAND SEWING MACHINES, Nover such prices for such goods offered before, and If nny time within ono year von want to buy n new machine, wo will take the old one back at exactly what It cost you. The following Is a partial list of what we oner tor fiaiuruay una aiomiay; Former Price. Sat. & Mon Singer $ 5.00 $ 2.00 Domestic 10. 00 3. ft) Household 10.00 6.00 White 14.(0 7.00 Singer, good as new :i0.() 15.00 Singer 24.00 12.00 Wheeler & Wilson...... 28.00 13.00 Singer, high arm 10. 00 fi.oo Domestic 14.00 7.00 White, tailoring 40.00 SO.ft) Singer, shoemaker 50.00 23.00 Three modern, drop-head sewing machines, dllizhtlv used, at one-half recular nrlce. We rent sewing machines at 75 cents per week or $2.(m tier month. These are mod ern, up-to-dute machines, with complete attachments. Wo sell needles nnd parts for and repair every sewing maenme manumciureu. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO,, Phone 1C0J. Cor. 15th und Harney Sts Geo, K, Mlckel. Mgr. U-919 2 MO.MCV TO I.OA.N REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iova farms u; a per cent; borrowers can -iy $lou or uny multiple; any Interest date: no delay, lirentmn-Lovo Co., 309 o. uin ai,, umana, w flj MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co,, 309 South 13th. W-19 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrant. Gtrorsu & Company, lUJl Furnam street. 11, ait $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property und farms. W Farnam Smith L wo., iu-u I'uriiBin, w Sli MOMCV TO l,OA IlKAI. K STATU. FIVE per cent money. Ucmls, I'axton block. W-S17 W ATi:n-nti nnd farm loans; nlsn ImnrU nd warrants. R. C. Peters Si Co., 170i , Farnan t , uee mug. w 10NEY to loan at 4U and KU per cent on Omaha prope-ty. W. R. Mclkle. 401 S. lMh. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. W-418 FIVE anil 5'.j oer cent city and farm loans. Oarvl.. Uros,, 1613 tarnnrn St. W Sl I'RIVATE money. Sherwood, 037 N. Y. L. W-420 CASH on hand. O. E. Turklngton. 605 Uce. W-M39I 4i,i AND 54 per cent loans. W. II. Thomn. First National Rank building. Tel. IMS. W-S21 JIOAF.Y TO LOAA-CIIATIKLS. LET US TALK "MONEY TO YOU. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. MONEY LOANED ON PIANOS. MONEY LOANED ON HORSES. Or any other personal property, at cheaper rates and better pluus than evr. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. We give you options on loans that no other firm can afford lo give. You always get tho full umount. You pay us bacK In small weekly or monthly payments. No expense or chaises taken out of loan. You choose your own time for payments, any time from one month to one year. Each pavmcnt returns principal nnd In terest. Everything remains In your pos. session. All business strictly confidential. Prlvnte Interviewing room. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY, Room 312 Rrown Illonk-Room 312. B. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas streets. Entranco on 10th Strrrt, X-M1I3 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It Is o advertise lowest' rates, ns others do. but we feel positive that If you will make comparisons you will be con vbiced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. V e loan 011 furniture, pianos, llvo stock, otc.( or we will make you a SALARY LOAN without Indorsor or mortgage. Wo charge nothing tor making the loan and you rccclvo the ful1 umount In cash. You mny pay It back In 0110 mot lh or ink' six months or more In which to repay It, nnd you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep tt. Our terms are the easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto Is "trv to please." OMAHA MORTGAGIi LOAN CO.. 119 Uoitni of Trndo Hldg. Tel. S235. (Established 1S32). 206 So. 16th St. X-823. SALARY LOANS. WE LOAN $10 TO $100 TO ANYONE HOLD. 1NO A GOOD POSITION. WHY ROR HOW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST HATES IN TOWN, AND WITHOUT FUHLIC1TY? RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, I'axton Rlock, Room 303. X-MS03 LAH(.rKST" RUSINESS IN LOANS " TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without sc. nnul.1 tcrmS! 40 nfflpoa ll ..rl.w.l. . i lilou Tolmnn. 410 Hn.iril nt liulldlng. X-S27 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, llvo stock, etc. Quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 623 Hon floo.) I'axton Rlock. northeast corner 16th nnd Farnam: ontranco, on 10th St . X-S2S MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern unon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 440 Uoard Trado llldg, X S27 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per. mnnctit position with responsible concern unon their names without security; easy naymcnts. Tolninn.liO Board of Trnde b(g, 1 X-527 monky loaned on pianos, furnlturo. lew clrv. horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. VS1.1 MONEY loaned on plnno, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff. Croon. R. 8, Barker blk SHORT time loans.. Joo Pleasants. 54 X-127 uaiKcr uus. MONEY to loan. I. Zlcglcr, 409 Ware Rlock. X S31 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgage, no Indorser, no publicity; lower rntos. much easier imymcnts. RICH A RLE CREDIT CO.. Third- Floor. Room 303, Ruxtoii Block. X-923 III SIMCSS CIIA.M ICS. FOR RlJNT, planing mill and machinery, in i?ooil condition. Address O 36. Heo otllce. Y MSS0 00' FIRST-CLASS opportunity for man with u little money, piucic nnu nniiuy to immune manufacturing business; tho best patents nnd highest prospects. Address O tl, Rcc. Y M91S 28 FOH SALIC. line uptown restaurant, central location, iuw linn, yiK.l. tiAi..,-. Denver alwaya good In summer; see this and make offer; owner going nwiiy ami business must be F.old. Address Rox IS2, ucnvci, .tuv. ... FOH SALE, bakery nnd confectionary. .......I hnaiMrna In an.ttll Tv'nl.n a.-n town; good location; 'good reason for soil ing. Addrcsi O 12. Rec. Y-M797 M20 NEW Snow-Church Co. Is n comblnatlbn of attorneys aim nanus ins worm over ior tho collection of debts nnd settlement of estates. 401.405 N. Y. Life. Y M71S 2S FOR SALE, drug store, doing good busi ness, in growing town; cncuji ii uinrii niSince. Address P, S, Hendcrllte. Council, Idaho. . Y-M373 SS FOIl EXCHAXC.E. 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Omaha Rlcyule Co.. ibiii anil unicngo sis, .. Z-607 FOIl SALE HEAL ICSTATK. WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room . . , , I r n 11, .a l,-lta.Aln owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard fit Bon, 309-10 Brown Block. .UE-836 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 801 N. Y. LIFE. RE 832 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale bv tho union j'ocinc xa.iroan company, u. a, McAllaster. land commissioner. Union 1'aclric Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. RK 823 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also tire insurance. Bomls. j'axion mu. kis-hi CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fflrnnm St. nil. sj J rnrt kai.f.. n hnrcnln: house of'ftve rooms, lot 50x14s. two blocks from Walnut Hill car Itnc, $fl00.00. Geo, H. Fltchott, 309 Woodmen of tho woria mus. RE-CS1 CHOICE east front lot, 60x136 feet, on 33th St., near Farnnm St.; asphalt paved street, sower nnd water to lot line; price, $1,050, for a few dnys only, a nargnin. GARVIN BROS., 1813 FARNAM ST. RE-M9 27 ITS YOURS. $1,500; R-HOOM HOUSE. LARGE RARN. 2 FULL EAST FRONT LOTS. TOMORRW ONLY. LYMAN WATERMAN, 609 HE IS JJUJtI)l.NCJ. ' RE-SII 26 R. C. PETERS & CO., 1T02 l'nrnam Street. Wo have TWO RIG SNAPS which MUST bo sold. One we shall offer nt PUBLIC AUCTION on WEDNESDAY, MAY 1. ut the Real Kstnto exchange nt 1:20 o'clock' p, m. 6 room house at 4113 Izard street, porcelain ennmel bathtub, wnshstnnd, closet, open plumbing, hot nnd cold water, gas nnd llxti'rcs. brick nnd cemented cellar. lot SOx 150. nicely sodded, 4-foot terrace. BUILT ONE YEAR AGO, newly papered through out; win rent ror i per niontn, which navs 7 ner cent cross on $3.?60. The nron. erty will be sold to tho highest bidder without reserve. We should be pleased to snow me noose ni nuv time. No. 823-PRICE REDUCED to $350 and holds good until May I, i!u. This nron erty Is a 5-room house, l',a blocks from Ames nvenuu car line, 50-ioot lot, south front, slchtlv location nnd a nod neltrh. borhood; EXCELLENT RENTAL PROP ERTY and If desired for a home THIS IS VOl'H OPPORTUNITY to get n RAH GAIN. For further Information call upon or ad- ureis R. C. PETERS Se CO.. Bee Hldg. Telephone m. RE-950 28 Kon sali;-hi;ai, estate. KOLNTZE PLACE!! KOUNTZE PLACE!! The only residence property on the North Side. why: BECAUSE every lot Is n RARGA1N. BECAUSE there nro no saloons, shanties or other undesirable properties In this addition. BECAUSE of tho beautiful In the addition Itself. FINE HOMES and STREETS nnd well lying lots. BECAUSE of Good Schools, Churches, etc. BECAUSE of the good quality of the peo ple already living there and others that arc now purchasing. And LAST but not the LEAST consider.!-tlon- HECAUSE of the remarkable CHEAPNESS of tho property wo nre now offering, RE QUICK nnd make your selection be foro tho SUMMER IS PAST and the HARVEST IS ENDED. Lots on Blnney street with paving taxes nil paid In full can be purchased any whero from $9u0 to $1.S00. JUST THINK OF IT I And on Wirt street with old paving taxes paid nnd THREE Installments on tho NEW paid lo date, for from $730 to $1,800. CAN'T RE RKAT. On SPENCER STREET, paving taxes PAID IN TELL, from $900 lo $1,150. IT'S GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME. We nro soiling on Lolhrop street from $750 to $3(0.' FlNE 50-FOOT LOTS, On KM MKT, beautiful for situation, from $700 to M.'OO. HIGH AND DRY. And on PINK NICY, fronting the PARK, from $frt) to $1,350. THESE PRICKS CAN NOT HE BEAT IN THE CITY. PAYNE KNOX COMPANY, SOLE AG'TS, MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG, A RKAL SNAP! IN AN ELEGANT HOME. On 33th st Just .sorth of Fnrnam ONE OF THE FINEST dwellings In the city. 10 beautiful rooms, beside hallways. I.aundty, Vegetable room, etc. Tho house is flnlohed downstairs In quarter-sawed oak and hnrd plno upstairs, and the walls delightfully decorated. It has a fouudn. tlon Hint would do credit to a building TWICE ns large. Is also back-plnstcred, sheeted, papered, etc., making It warm In white" and cool In summer. It Is located In ono ot the most fashionable t.elghborhoods In tho city. The lot Is 67x155. The owner Is anxious to sell nr.d hns instruotec ns to tako $14,000. ON REAHONARLE TERMS. PAYNK-KNOX COMPANY, SOLE AG'TS, MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. RE-M9I9 29 41 FEET wcHt frontage, on 16th St.. north of Leavenworth ami corner of alloy, ror only W.W0. Will 'ell 22 feet If desired. Also ii few of those desirable lots ..till for sale In Bemls Park, from $20o to $300. on easy terms. A, P. Tukey. Board of Trade. RE-925 23 CHEAP LOTS-Iarge. desirably located irus Hint are suru to increase in vhiuo from tho stnrt; motor lino will soon be extended to them nnd aro not fnr from present lines. Only $75 to $150 each and only $5 down mm only $5 per month. George P. Remls, Paxton bloc. REM3I2 FOR SALE Houses and lots In all part of city; aiso aero property anu tarn lands. Tho O, F. Davis Company, Room 652 Ree Building. RE-U7- FOR SALE on monthly payments, 8-room moncrn nouse on sun nt. car line: also vacant lots, which will be Improved for put chaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Association. U. M. Nattlr.ger, secretary, Beo Bldg. RE-M7I1 I WANT offers on n live-room brick cot- tago at 1840 Nicholas st.; also a six-room frame cottage, barn, chicken nonce, etc., 4732 Seward st., south front, lots 60x150 feet to alley; will drlvo parties to see above nt any time; owners price, $1.0fi, but says must soil. George W. Holbrook, SO "Rrown blk. RE-M370 28 l'OH SALE. 2 houses In South Omaha, cen trally located; can no Dougiu at n bar gain. Address C. C. Pollard. Fremont, Neb. RE-M98') 10 THREE old buildings to be removed or torn down. i;hii anu unss. a. i niKey, Board ot Trade. RE-926 27 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Initltuto. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664; Alice jonnson, u, u., males' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathist, Mgr. -840 M. E. DONOIJUE. D. O.. of Still school. IvlrKsvuie, .mo., tin rnxion uut, rci. ymi. -841 STAMMERING AMI STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 21411 WALL PAPER. Sc a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kolsey, 117 S. 17th. Tel. lt. till! MEDICAL. LADIES. I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never tnlllng female regulator, will relievo most obstinate cases of delayed periods In live hours; sent secura from observation, 11.00. Dr. Annlo Fowltr. 2741 Ollvo St . St. Louis, Mo. 918 A30 DR. LE DUE'S French Female Regulator, positively warranted to relieve thn most stubborn cases of monthly stoppages. Ir regularities, obstructions nnif supprcs. slons brought on from whatever abnormal or pathological cause; 12 a package, or 3 for $3, sent nnywhero prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American olflco, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug oC, Omuhu; M. A- Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. SHORTHAND AND T PEWIHTING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Ufa. -842 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. SO NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. SH GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug 4115 I'AIUt'JUTIlY FLOORS. FRANK SEVICK makes a bpeclalty of all kinds hardwood flooring and parquetry. My prices aro rigm. iuii uai: at. -650 M19 LOST. LOST, pair of pearl and platinum opera glasses, 011 April 4, Royd's theater; In black cusc. marked "M, W." Reward If returned to siw iiarucy st. I.ost-M933 2V LOST, between the Cudnhy Packing Co.'s office, South Omuha. and 27th and Pop plcton ave.. u watch fob with English sovereign attached; tinder will be re warded for returning to Harry Huntnn, care euimii) 1 .iciwug 1-0,, nuutii uiuniiu or 2715 Poppleton ave. Lost M9S2 27 UiCYCLES. SECOND-HAND bicycles at ',4 price; must IlilYtl lliv I uu ill iu. new uiicn, uuuu Ttttwvtm for. $3 and up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. Louis V imiici, J- .all.ui MV, 1191 PATENTS. PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Suet k Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice tree, ui juis- TAILORIMt, I 23 PER CENT saved, high-class tailoring latest designs. Stephen J. Rroderlck. lti!7 Farnnm st. -MSS5 m23 ACCORDION Pl.F.A'l l(l. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick--it. Mrs. A. C. Mark. S. E. Cor. 17th and 1-arnam. jjj CAIll'EM Kits AM) .lOIIIIIHlS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake Sts. 370 KlIR.MTtltE UCl'.VIIIIXl. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. ai'j HltllSS.MAKI.MI. IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26th St. 700-A;".!' MXI'EIIT ACt ill .... LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. H. ID, Com. Nut. 1 vi nk. G. R. Rathbun. -s5.' TICKET CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, 1535 Farnam, Tel. 7M. 837 IIOILICIl MAKERS. OMAHA Roller Works, steam bolters, tanks, tacks, etc. Tel. 13S3. 12th & Izard sts. 49. KLOCl TIO.V ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodge St. -S77 M:2 U'HOLSTEHIM). GLOBE COUCH CO., lolll I.eav'th. Tel. 232$. -Milo LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, ile; cuff-), ic H&o Lcaveliwortn. Tel. 647. -AIS PAWNBROKER. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 12vl Douglas. M7 UXCAVATINti. WANTED, lo dig, your cellar or cistern, at lowest living price. James Lovcrnlng, European hotel, 10th and Howatd. -M907 27 POSTOFFICK NtlTICK. (Should he read DAILY by nil interested ns changes may occur t nny time). Foreign malls for lha week ending April 27, 19ul, will close (.PROMPTLY In all caces) nt the general postolllco ns loltows: l'AU cel3 POST MAILS closo one hour earlier than closing tllue shown below. P.iiccih post malls tor Germany close at b p. 111. April 23, per h. . Lahu. via Bremen, und April 21, per s. s. Barbarossa, ia Bremen. Regulnr nnd supplementary mails close I at foreign branch halt hour later than 1 closing time snowu uciow. 'rrnns-Atliinllit .MnlU. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per s. s. La Gascoguc, via lluvro (mall for oilier parts of Luropn must be directed "per h. s. La Gnscogno"), at 7:30 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per h. s. Stuntcndam (mail must bo directed 'per h. s. Htuntenuam ); at ::;'J a. in. (supplementary 10 u. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s, Umtirla, via Quecnstowu; at 9 11. in. tor ITALY, per s. s. Alter, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. s, Aller"), at 10 a, m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per n. s. Anchorla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Anchorla"); at 11 r.. m, for DENMARK direct, per s. s, Norgo (mall must bo directed "per s. s, Norgo"). PRINTED MATTER. F.TC This slea ner takes Printed .Mutter, uommoreiiu i'apors it-id Samples tor Germany only. Tho same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship inili-ns Htieclnllv directed bv her. After the closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atinnnc .nans nnmeu anove, ud dltlonnl supplcmmitiiry mulls arc opened on the piers of thu American, English, French and German steamers, una ic muln open' until within Ten Minutes of thu hour of sailing uf steamer. MnlU for S011II1 11 nil 'cut 111 1 Amcrlcii, West IiiiIIcm, l;l-. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. for GRENADA and TlltMiAiJ, per s. s. urcnadn: at 9 a. 111. fur PORTO RICO, per a. s. San Juan, via Sail Juan: at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Cnstle, via Havana; nt lo n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. 8AVAN1LLA, CARTHAGENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Aleno (mall tor Costa Rico must bo directed "per s. b Aleno' ); at 1 p. m. for ARGENTINE P.EPUHL1C, URUGUAY and PARA G L A Y", per s. s. Norman Prince; nt 3 p. m. (supplementary : p. m.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Hlldur (mall for Savoulllu and Cnrthn gena must bo directed "per s. a. Hlldur ); at "ll p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer lion Miami, Ha. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, anu inence uy sieumer, closo nt this otllce dally ut 0:30 p. m connecting closo hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Malls for Mlquclon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closo at this olllce dully at 6:30 p. ni. MhIIs i'or Cuba, by rail to I'ort Tampa, Fla., nnd t hence by Btcnmcr, close nt this olllce dally, except Mondny, nt ''ft n. m. (tho connecting closes am on Sunday, Wednes day nnd Friday). Malls for Cuba, bv -all to Miami, Fla., nnd thence by steamer closo at this ofllco every Monday nml Friday at "11 p. m. Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steumcr, closo at this of lice dally at 1M0 p. m. nnd 11 p. m. .Mails for Costa Ricn, Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala, by rail to New OrlemiH, and thenco by Hteumer, closo nt this olllco dally at I;30 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Rollze, Puerto Cortez and Guntemnla und Tuesdnys for Costa Hlen). Reglsteted mall closes ut ii p. m. previous day. Ti-uiiS'l'm-lilt! .MnlU. Mails for Hawaii, Jupan, China and Phil Ipplne Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 8:30 p, m, up to April "SO, Inclusive, ior dispatch per s. s. Doric. Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6;30 p, m. tin to April 23 for dispatch per s. s, Murlposn. Malls foi China, Japan and Phlllpplno Islands, vht Seattle, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m, up In April 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tostt Maru (registered mall must bo directed via Seattle), Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes vln Europe, nnd Now Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), und FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, closo hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. after April "13 and up to April "27, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl (supplementary malls, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. in. April K. Mnlls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via San Fruuclscn, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. in. up to April 28, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Nippon Maru, Malls for China and Japan, via Van couver, close here dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to April "30, incluslvo, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (oxcept West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via Sau Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6:30 n, m. after April 28 nnd up to May "l, Inclusive, or on arrival nt a. h. Etrurla, due at Now York May I, for dispatch per h. a, Slerru. Mails; for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up lo Muy 13, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s, Auttrullu, Trons-Paclfln malls aro forwarded lo port of Railing dally and tho schedule of clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, Registered mall closes at 6 p, m, pro vlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllce, Now York. N, Y April 19, 1901. (i O V E It X M IC N T X OTI V K WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men, between ages of 21 nnd 35: citizens of the United Stntei, of good character and tempernte habits, who can cpeak, read and write English. Recruits specially desired for service In Philippines, For Information apply lo Recruiting om- tltn Ell .N HUNT AOTU ES, PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN St PPLIES-Departin.-ni of the Interior. Olllce ot HiillHt A ft it Irs, Washington, 1. C., Mnrch 7, lj Sealed bionosals. endorsed "I'ioi,omiiI foi blankets, wooicu and cotton guods, clothing, etc , as the case may be, und directed te the Commissioner nt inuinii Affair. Nos. ; nnd i9 vtooiter street, New York City, wlb be received until l o clock p. in. ut Tuesday. May 7, r.Ml, Mr f,iiiuhli.g lor tho Indian service blankets, woolen und cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats mid caps. Rids nitlsl be maue out 011 govtiutnent blanks. Sched ules gl.'lu all invfiiry Infoi niatlon lot bidders will Ik fut nlsheo on itipllcntlon tc the Indian Olllce, Washington, 1), C, Nos, i7 anil 79 ouster street, Now York City, No. l'.VS Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; No. :'3o Johnson stl-'et, Chicago, 111,, or tlx Comnilsaty nt Subsistence, IT. S. A., St. Louis, Mo. Rids will be opened nt the hour and day above stated and bidders nro In vited to be present nt the opening. The de. p.trtmeiit tescrve.t the right to determine he point of delivery und to reject nny and nil olds 01 any part of uuy bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. Apr-toMay4 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha. Neb.. April 15, UMI Staled pro posals, in triplicate, subject to the usual condition, will be received nt thin ollico until s o'clock p. m., central time, April 30, 1901. for the construction of a bilck hos pital of 12 beds ut Fort Robinson, Neb,; uho for heating, plumbing nnd gns-plpitm nunc. Full Information furnished upon ap plication to this ulllco, or ti the Quarter master. Fort Roblniioii, Neb., where plan ijliil specltlcatioiis nuiy be seen. Proposals to no marxcd "Proposals ror llnpltnl ut Fort Hobluson, Neb,, ' and nihlrofseit to tho undersigned. F. II. HATHAWAY. ('. Q. M. A17-1S-27-29M LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will In- received by th Sibool Hoard or School District No. I. of Albion, llooiu- county, Nebrnska, until Mav 15. 1901, llvo 13) o'clock p, in,, for tho erec tion a ml completion (except beating) of a foiir-routn brick chool building, lo bo built nt Albion, Nib., according to plans mid spec! Ilea I Ions prepared by A. II, Dyer, a'chltecl, Fnmoi't. Neb. Plans tmty Im cn ut olllce of Mt. A. W. Liidd, president llouril of Education, Albion. Neb., und nt tlio ulllcc of thu architect. No bids will bo reci Ivcd und considered unless tho snm is accompanied by a eertltled check, matin payabli to the order of the treasurer of School District No, 1. Albion, Roono count). Neb., ful tho sum of $200, thn samo to bo considered as n guarantee that the sue cessiul bidder will enter Into a contract und give a bond, or bonds, for tho faith ful performunco of the work, within ten days after the acceptance of said bids, otherwise tho said check will be declared forfeited anil tho money retained as a part of liquidated ibimugcs nnd not by way of penally, tho School Hoard reserving Dm tight to reject any und all bids offered. Separate bids will be received for thu heating of the building, nnd under the same conditions ns mentioned above; the nmount of eertltled chetk to uccumpaiiy heating bid Is $100. A. W. LADD, President. K K. BAY. Secretary. Dated, Albion. Neb., April 22, 1901. A-23d fit RAILWAY GUIDE. UNION STATION KITH AND MlflCY. I 11 Ion Pit el tic. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a S:20 nm n 7:30 pm Fast Mall a S:50 Hin 11 3:25 pm Mall nud Express nll:33 pm 11 4:25 mn Colorado Special ntl::t. pm n 6:,".o am Llncnlu-Strotnsbcrg Ex.b 4:o5 pm bl2:3) pm Pacific A Atlantic Ex. .it 4:25 pm n 8:50 nm Grand Island Local.... b 5:30 pm b 9:33 nm liilenuo .V; Nurtliurstrrii, Chicago Spcclul a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:4U am I'.asteru i.xuichs aiu:aa nm a 4:uo pin Eastern Special a 4:65 pm a 4:03 pm Mull u2:45 pm Omaha-Clilcugo L't'd..,u 7:45 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Motix (it) A Pitclllc. Twin City Express a 6:53 am a!0:23 pm iwiu my i.imucu a V ..10 pm 11 s:ia am Sioux CH.- Locul u S;00 am u 3:50 pm hlcuuo, .lllltvnakcc & St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm u 8:05 am Chicago .v. Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:10 pm Illinois Ontrnl. Chicago Express a 7:00 am ull.".'5 pm Chiciigo Minneapolis & St. t'uul Limited n 7:45 pm a 8:03 am Minneapolis .V St. Paul Exprcsb a 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodgu Local, from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a S:15 nm Fort Dodgo Local, from Council Bluff u 6:00 am Mlhnnurl I'nclllc. St Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. i St. L. E.xprcss..alo:3o pm a t;13 am O11111I111 A St. I.oitlfi. St. Louis "Cnnnoi. Ball" a 5:15 pm a S:20 am Kau.sus City & wuiucy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm 1 IiIciiko- ltoc! Islmitl .t I'ucille. Dcs Moines & Daven port Locn a 7:23 nm bll:33 nm Cnlcugo l-ixpress bli:15 am a s:lu am Des .Nlolllef u 4:20 pm u 4:43 pm ChiciinO i,-.t Ei)rcss..a 6:eu pm u pm Di-s .Moines, Hock Island Ac Chicago a ,:40 pm a 9:33 pm Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo mm West u 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, und Texas Flyer u 3:20 pm a 9:Su am ' ubiixli. SI. Lout? "Cannon Ball" Exptcsb a 0:15 pm a S:SC nm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEIISTER DEPOT 1.1TII WKIIVl'EH. Fremont. ICILhurn & MUaonrl Vnllry. Leave. Arrive Black Hills. Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a&:Wjm Wyoming, Casper & Douglas d 3;00 pm c 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Uuncvu, Exeter A; Sewura n 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln fc Fre mont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 nm Chicago, M. l'nul, Minneapolis A 0 111 11 It a. Twin City Passenger... n 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger all:lo am Sioux City a 3:45 pm .NtUsotirl I'nclllc. Nebrnska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm aiO;45 am a Dully, b Dally excopt Sunday, c Sun. clay only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dully except Monday. IIURLINUTON STATION 10TII Ot MASON lltirllnvltin A SllsNiiurl Itlver. Leavo. Arrive. Nebraska & Colorado Express a 8:40 aro a 7:33 pm Wyinore. Beatrice & Lincoln a S:40 am LllrVj am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills ii Puget Sound, Denver Con nection a, 9:00 pm a 0:45 urn Lincoln Fast Mall u d;W pm 11 9:!7 um Fort Crook & Platts. mouth b 3:20 pm 1)11:03 am Bollovuo & Paclllo Jet. .11 7:40 pm u S:W am licllovuo ii Paclllc Jct..al2:10 am Citli'itun, llurllnuloii X lliilnuy, Chlcugo Siiccidl 11 7:00 um ul0:20 pin Chlcugo Vestlbuled EX..K 4:M pm u 7:45 nm Chicago Local.'. ,,.,.n 0:30 um a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited.,,. a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:45 pm K nil Nil x City, HI, Joseph A Coillioll III nil s. Kansas City Day Ex...n 9:20 arn a 0:25 pm Kansas City Night Ex. .al0;3u pin a 6:15 nm St, Louts F'lei 11 5:10 pm all:15 um a Dally. t Dally except Sunday, Hecofd Vnyage j Dgti, 7 Hsun. 72 Mlnulei nnftTOki.M lULUunn I .t- nttfvin .m.i.a Commonweillh. Iwln Scre, 12,000 Tom, MiyB Nsw Engisnd, 11, 600 " May 22 PORTLAND la LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Vancouver Mav ta I Dominion pr27 Cambroman. May 4 I Vancouver June 22 Tor firtbrlalniatlt,arcia Coaiiiiv'i Offices. 44 ucarfcsrs St., CHcar. Ilia. Idriillfy HcvoUcis In l'.aNtiiinn Case. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 26,-After thren dnys given up to what may bo called "oye-wltiiess" testimony In the case of Charles E Eastman, the Harvard in structor, who is churged with tho murder of Hlchurd Grognn, thn prosecution today directed attention to the revolvers which figured In the tragedy. Karl A. Lnndln, Jr., 1111 employe of the Clarke ins factory, who knew both Eustinmi und Grognn, was the tlrst witness todny Ho Identllled all thn re volvers which have been submitted In con. Ili'Ctlon with tho crifo ns those he had suen nud handled uu the Clarke estate