THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, A PHIL 25, 1001. PPDtV nCILTATCC ADDTVP American troops. The officials aro not able l-jDiUl ULLLliillljJ AlVlvlllj to offer any definite theory in explanation of General Chaffee's action, On one hand It Is suggested that this particular gate may U.f af tli. T,.m Ht.nuU af K'vo access to tho place selected by Minis Mit at thi Trail bj EopmutatiTti f tcr nockhm aml Mr s lro for tho futurc lUtl HQ War Diptrtmint. American legation. Oa the other hand. It Is recalled that the American troops were the first to possess PRICES NOT A BARRIER opposition to the mails Adranctd Coit of Building Material Cutt No Figure. Assistant .Mturney i.irrnl orr Kh ConitrrM llns Already Settled thnt iliipstlon. WASHINGTON'. April 24. ItegnrdlnK a re port from Omaha that he had decided that a messenger company doing business In n GENERAL WOOD ALSO IN WASHINGTON themselves of this gate, and General Chafloo PROJECTED STRUCTURES GOING AHEAD number of tho larger cities and oflcrlng to ArrnnKi-ment Ilelnir Mnde to Present Culinnn to I'realilrnt .llcldiilcy j:xirot Rlrntlon Troubles nt Siuitlnnii. may feel it to bo his duty wncn no re llnqulshos his position, to turn It over to the Chinese. Its original possessors. No ono here l aware of any special title In this property possessed by the Germans. The fact that the matter has not yet been made tho subject of an official report In- iHnna tho nfllrlfll here to the hfllif th-it WASHINGTON", April 21. The committee i, can he adlusted directly In Tekln and 01 nvo. delegates or tno Cuban legislature, mnv not assume ser ous nronorllons consisting oi uomingo capote, retro w. Ilancourt, Itafael M. Kortuondo, Ulego Tamayo and l'edro Gonzales Llorentc.i who wcro sent to Washington to confer with the president regarding Cuban relations with this country, arrived hero this morn lng with an interpreter and representatives of tho Havana press. They wcro met at 'ho station by Assistant Secretary of State Hill. .sslstnnt Secretary of War Sanger, CaptJln ...... t I . . 1 . A.lnl,m nt ,1tP niciuciiHin "" , ,i.,,i it ii ..,.. a t United States army, detailed for that pur- " ...- .i ot,nt,,m. Tho "r' nonius nas oeen nppoimeu (. committee through an Interpreter, though ib most of them sneak Knallsh very well, .t was stated that arrangements for their visit According to lletnllers, Large Sales imil Hmnll l'rollts U the Motto anil Only the Jobber Has liaised l'rlces. carry first-class mall matter at about one half tho rate fixed by law cannot bo Inter fered with, Assistant Attorney Gencial Tyncr for tho I'oatofflco department said to day that no such opinion ever had been rendered by his ofllco and that It would be absurd. Congress, bo said, already had nMlln.t that ....natlnn. lie PilVn uurnlni. The steady advance In the wholesale therefore, that nnv comnanv that nttemnt price of lumber which started last January to perforra B,Cll n scrvco In violation of uas nau no oneci locawy on uuiiuing opera- lho Uw w,u b(J ,,ron)pty cat wlth lions, ior loe reuaun iuui iuihii uuaiuia have not made corresponding advances in Tho report referred to nbovo was pub- tho rotall price, being content to no a hcd on tho authority of Inspector D. J larger volume of business nt n decreased Sinclair, who claimed to have received profit. Manager Jewett of the Cady Lum- suci, instructions. Ho stnted that In his bcr company said: Instructions tho company would be liable "While tho wholesale price has advanced should It establish a route for tho rollcc considerably the retail price has remained tlon and delivery of letters slmllnr to thnt stationary for nearly two years. At pres- 0f the United Stntcs government, but un'.ll cnt there Is no prospect for any Increaso in BUcn . route was established tho opinion the retell price, for tho majority of us be- 0f tho attorney was to the cttect that no lleve thcro will bo a urcaK in tne prosecution would be attempted wholesale prices In a short time. it is oald thnt since tho practice of tho "Thn llimhnr mill nf thn pnllntrv wrrc nnmnnnu V. n ... r. .1 A,. I, 1.,... 1.. . ... . . ,. I . .. ...... v. ...v w ...... , .. . . w.ti .1 uiio ucvu lunuu t IIMO tiv nen .m (i i ii m ii ii i k. .... . h . , n-p.-nt. All of them ir. nt t th.. h.mln,... .mi I. n, Contracts for supplies for the Des Moines I nrn nirii wih nnlrra nml snmn uru Klxl.iu,n. nnihin i,.,t f.iinitl to the president would be mado through public building for the next fiscal year have months behind. Tho advance In prices, I tcred Into previous to the time the matter FOR REGULAR ARMY (Continued from First 1'age.) a contract for carrying tho mall from Gllead to Williamson, la. K. S. Thompson has been appointed poit- GREAT DEMAND FOR BRICKS Auditorium Badgt Meats with General later All Oter Town. BUSINESS MEN ARE WIDE AWAKE Mtrnilr I'roml of Purchasers fur Nil in -brrs Willi !tieclnl SlKtilflennor, Ulillr Tlu-rr I llrmlj Male for An' Old .Number. slon examining surgeon at pen' Rock the War department. been awarded as follows: V. 11. Martin, Uriiove, was made In many cases to reduce was brought to tho attention of tho post- General Wood, governor of Cuba, also sr- coal; Wise Ice, Coal and Ileal hstate com- tho demand, but It has not had this effect, office authorities. rived this riiornlng, with his family, and pany. Ice; t H. Kurtz, miscellaneous. took apartments at tho Richmond. Later Additional rural free delivery service will he had a conference at tho War depart- be established at Wapello, Louisa county, mont with Assistant Secretary Sanger. He la., June 1. Tho area to be covered Is sttit his secretary to call on the Cuban seventy-eight square miles, containing a ami orders are still going Into tho mills for goods which cannot be supplied. t'ondlf limit Are Natlnfni-tnry. "Locally the best conditions prevail. i'i:nmi(is vmi wiwikiix vkthiia. War Hnrvlvnra Hcitipnihprrd ly the llrnnral (iiiverniiirnt. delegation to ascertain their desires for th., population of 1.515. M. V. Hlcklln. 0. C. from lho record of our business at tins AhHLNOl ON. April 2.-(Speelnl.)-The day In order that he might be able to ct Kallenbcrger and J. A. Tocr were np- time I am led to believe that tho retail lum- following western pensions have been as their escort, cither to the White Hoise pointed carriers. ,cr buelneas of Omaha will exceed tho bus- granted: or the Wa.r department. Gcncrnl Wood has no direct Information will Mupplled by rural carriers and the from General Whiteside regarding tho re- olllccs at Hard and Newport will be (lis ported Uoublcs at Santiago, but before he continued lert UtlWi lie nau been auviscn iiy uintuu Senator Clnrk'n Hrthnok. WhltcSldo that party Btrite wa3 maKi-jg The postoffleea at Cairo and Toolsbora '"eB? of "?r "K , 25 ,Pc.r L'cnl' ,;rnl15 tho Increase In the wholesalo trade will ax- reed that rate. Last year the bulk of ih-s Issue of Anrll 0 Nebraska: Orliclmil Arthur H. Powers ttokeby, $ti. Incrense Henry Hose. Oiiiulm $10; Joseph It. Cobbey (speelnl April 11), building In this territory was In tho largo H.Htrlrei $72. War with Spain, Widow h, cities and much of It was delayed by Htc, Hehsuc Kinma M. Sims (mother), . .M.- , n.i.1.. .1 ., Ullllll II. il.. " lOCKO'llB. !' " tnw.i: )rlcliinlllnirL...r Vlxbnrv llmlfnr.l Thn Sn It l.nkn X. Aimnl,. tiln ii.ii. . ki. i .1 i.i. -.l iu.. . ' "f"" 'I ""'"" iinm trnnhln In that mun clDal ty. nnd that . " ... o-- -j unit: ui hu iiuiiuiu 111 nm i,. Kcstunition iinu miip iicmentiii i.pvi a. .iinrrfr. mlJl t im sntlelnatcd during tin, P1"001 "f Senator W. A. Clark received a 8maller towns aro beginning to build In n Crenger. Hurllugton, $lu. IlPiiewal-Hol.ert spVl n s el en t Ions 'in oUUSlon"1"? & Vw Jud ! Tn TTiX " " WTX Island. After that, however. It Is expecttd "011,o,t,h r,K' 1 of ,n y K ber ,lealrrs- maha Jobbers sell heavily In Allp,1( Nrih Hucniirlstn. $17. (leorge W. ',. ', Jannniiiifv of tho Island will 1,1,8 Vnndeventcr, assistant attorney gen- northern Kansas and Missouri and the In- Knapp. Muscatine. $J2. War With Spnln. ,,l ,ranqll"1Uy f th ,Bland ' oral for the Interior department. He- crease In building In that territory Is keep- Original-lohn A. Ogdon. Ilunoh. . War The Te rates remained at their hotel nt.y In Utah and California Senator ,K pnCe with tho building In Nebraska and WoXyX" " m.i nnV. mnrnimr Onltn a number of Clark s compnny filed right-of-way maps In Iowa. The comparative business Is really North Dnkutu: OrlKlnai-IletiJamlii A. mJinl ii ilmilne Assistant Secre- 11,0 Kcncral ,nnd offlcc for seventy-live miles better and tho combined trade with Omaha 1'agelH. ilottlneati. $S; Oilman C. Mudgett, S" .1 r he State titLSd of Its proposed line extending from Uvalde, will break some previous good records. 0&,J C Altnnt Srrrrtarv Sanger for the War Nn" t0 Clover Valley Junction and from Kansas Is an erratic state. It Is one of tho Denver. $; John t McDowall. Colorado Assisiani necrcuiry ui h .. Clover Valley Junction to IMoche, forty best iu the union nnd when It Is good It Is Springs, $ri; Joseph P. Ktotter, Denver, Vi. miles of dlstanco being upon the right of better than any and when It Is bad It s way originally secured by the Oregon worse than any. This year It Is good nail I SUDBOROUGH LOSES CASE Annh mnmhtit nf the ilelecatlon 1 " " " ' " ' I ll'U ' nrlv nnllV unnll rml l. Ihn llfunnn I . I I . . rrkl. It In nrtml unit I I U,, I., .rinrln nf Mr TnmnVO. I ' .r'""'W nvvu.v.i ttj i.. "if,uu . Huiav limit will. 1 1110 JUH ll m . w 'hen Inquiry as made ' short Unc HDd recently transferred to Is hiilMln. and repairing. This onn of tl.e delegates, as to uio iimu.. w. v,i i. nn,i- ..n- ii... . ; lo: ., .u. ..... i .i ... i. ..,. r. I U,ot thn ilnlniratlnn fell "' ' "i"" , Mm lijr icuui nil iin.- ! . .. V.. r..n .rin.. to Pnter nnon n w,th wh,ch thc Unlon Pac,flc Proposes to braska also and lumber Is going Into these .. , . . u...i... ..n ih.v shut out Clark's road. Tho hearing today states at a rapid rate." was a special one by thc Interior depart- dlscusslon of their business before they had called on tho secretary of war. Ar rangemsntB havo been made at tho War do nartmcnl by which tho secretary will re- ' i ... .1 it inmnrmw ...u y "To the 'ho approval of the maps In question morning, ana prooan.y escori coul(, be based. The Clark Int ercsts were White Hons., about that time. represented by C. 0. Whlttemore of Salt Wood VIMts r Hrpartmrnt. Lahc Ctr nn,i E, u jtny 0f Washington. General Wood reached tho War department Tho Union Pacific was represented by Gen- dRe MhIuiiihIi limlniftx Jury l'lnd for llrfnidniit In IIIk llllltlHKC Mult. to ment to receive testimony and hear argu- IIMnPRHR Aflll ATPi ARF HOSTS ments upon which Instructions to the com- UNUtKlaK AUUA I td HOC nUOlO mlssloncr of tho general land office relative lllir nanqnrt to riradnatlnnr Clnsn of Oiuahn Medli-al ColIrKe on Ke of t.'oiiiiiirnoeinenl. Thc undergraduates of Omaha Medical nhortly after 9 o'clock and after n brief craI solicitor Kelly of Omaha. Judge Cor- c,olU'Ke w,erc ho,st at n nu.uet s'ven lu questlon ,n talk 'with Adjutant General Corbln, was nlshi vlco president of tho Oregon Short I' raem,b"s 'jf '?e, Krl,untlnf ns!L. defendant c Thomas K. Sudborough's suit against tho Pacific! Kxpress company to recover $30,000 damages for having been arrested and prosecuted on a charge of embezzlement has failed In the district court, Judgo Sla baugh having Instructed tho Jury to return a verdict for tho defendant Tho court ruled that the only material the case was whether or not the company and Its officers had ncUd In good faith In presenting tho case against Sudborough to tbo county attorney, upon whoso advice thc arrest was made and 'ho procedure was undertaken. It was held that thcro was nothing In the evidence nt the ncrlod of five years. By the. lnorm'' J- r- B? trial of tho damage suit to show an absence mlral Ilradford, chief of tha bureau of unon pacific It was contended that the l',0"""' 3' nl N"80?' A' ' , , ,,.s,"' of good faith on tho part of tho company or equipment, of the Navy department. Tho lat- transfer of tho right of way to tho Utah. " ""l" , . V i, U offlcers, nnd hence theru was no question ter's prcsenco was dcslrecl, as tno location oi Nova,ia & California and the construction " 1 '..,. i. I " to submit to the Jury. coaling stations In Cuba (a to be made upon nertaln nortlons of It of arado and track " " " .''---. his recommendation. The secretary's door ,crv t0 keep aIlvo ttle rlsht 0f way. Covers were laid for 12.. on hanusome fJfJ0LN CREAMERY IS ONE v.rh cioseu 10 nu rnncrn. it ' Tnls view was HUHtainea dv iiic assisiant r - , . i ..... r . i unuremi it'll n a tiiimrxitt c nmnpurfl Rtirr stand thai General woou cnierea ai ouco attorney general, who Held that as the " ; ' ",';. " Topekn Plant In thr Othir l'arlr In into a tnorougu exposition oi me conipii- Utah. Nevada &. California company, sue- J ,oV ivm. Pronr tl r. Consolidation ArrnnKi'd. Tho first day of the auditorium brick campaign opened yesterday with bright prospects. The entire auditorium commit tee Is devoting Itself to selling bricks nnd Is meeting with universal co-operation. Cards bearing thc legend: "You will have to wear an auditorium brick It you want to do business with us," havo been signed by practically all of tho merchants of tho city. Thcso will bo placed In thc offices of tho buyers for the several houses and representatives of other houses will be Impressed with the resolution of the Omaha merchants. Cards containing bricks havo been placed on sale ail over town and for the next thirty days the sale of bricks will be pushed by tho committee to the ex clusion of alt other auditorium work. Itreoril-llrenkltiK Snle, Yesterday morning one member nf the committee sold $180 worth of bricks at $1 each. At ono placo on Sixteenth three of tho committee entered to sell bricks and were given an Informal reception by tho proprietor, who served Ico cream and soda to refresh them. Tho room of tho company at tho Com mercial club presents tho nppcarancc of business. There Is a constant stream of persons railing for special numbers and to supply tho demand requires tho presence of three salesmen. At thc meeting of the Shrlncrs last night It was proposed that every member of tho order going to Knnsas City to attend the meeting of thc Imperial council In June wear an auditorium brick, and it Is believed that tho plan will meet with success, as It will "show" thc Mlssourians that Omaha Is alive to Its possibilities. ACTIVITY IN CHURCH WORK shown Into,-Secretary Hoot's omce. wncro une, and A. A. Hochllng of Washington. ""'V ' "- "' . V. in. conference respecting Cuban affairs was It waB contended by the Clark represen- year a class is composed of S. O. Allen. It. ( lie.1.1. Senator Piatt of Connecticut, chair- tntlve3 thnt tno Oregon Short Lino Inter- A- 11odRe'..A' "' hmL'"' ' ' l' "V man of the committee charged with tho cat ln tho rlKnt r way ha( ,apscii because mons' T- M ,al,,mo,re' C' T' ?, ,, t. care of Cuban affairs, was present, as also o tho falluro of that company to utilize "crron, II. . Hall. h. H. Hall. u. A. tia- were Assistant Sccrctnry Sanger and Ail- th- same for a noted uiiimn situation, ue was pcnciuiy CCSsor of tho Oregon Short Line, has taken ,Ht Informed as to tne desires of the visiting tho work of building In a manner Indl- com0 Seniors. J. D. Rold; Graduates, commission nnd apprised Secretary Root of catlng that tho railroad will be completed. P,,lst1a,n1(, Present, Dr. W O. "ridges, l no UNC -ConsoIldatLm the nature of their errand. anA u9 n0 forfeiture of right of way has r,rtnc,tlllonc " a.F'tlt!'cn' ' "Ju Zt of twe . o Mho largo c?eam"er'y Santa In he It is gathered that, next to the aubjeets at any tImo boen Judlc,y declared, the "n,CraiiUal ?r" n V1 ? C. vc t v n , Wy Z S of coaling stations nnd the right of the r,Kht f WBy has not lapsed, and the com- 'The Omaha Medical College s Future ' 9W ? ' ,at am T T r h.!', United States to Intervene In Cuba In tho nl?S8loncr of ,ho general land office Is It- J. A. K- Jonas; "College Spirit." A B. 'ks. t . l a ttrao n and L. J. Hurnhnn Interests of peace and order, thc Cubans rC(.t0(1 to reject tho maps filed for forty Merkel; "Looking Rackward." R. A. Haw- " " wontinenia I Oreamery company of attach most importance to tho subject of Xs 0f the right of way between Uvalde Ihorno; "Tho General Practitioner." Dr. W. lopcK-. Kan ma, o appl lea on for he L L7.? Cover Valley. -Z.mttn. .... bo held ,t company of L. 'denM! Ill Hl'curo it rciuiaaiuu ui iuu uuuni amiw ' I - - . duty on Cuban sugar. It la suggested that If this cannot bo Mono at once, then the duty may bo removed gradually, reducing n peroentago each year until the sugar Is duty free. The president cannot grant this request.' as It Involves a changa ln the 'tarlff'iaws, and therefore application must bo had to congress. This may tako the MEN FOR ARMY LIEUTENANTS 30 p. m. today, In Boyd's theater. All ta! Appolntren Have Seen Service In the Volunteers or In the HeKulars. tiitAVK or iii.ack num. tho local company said no action would be taken until a meeting of the directors had been held. The Lincoln plant has tho repu tation of having tho InrgeHt butter making OMAHA. Anrll 21. To tho Editor of Tho establishment In tho world nnd controls ISO Ree: In tho Anrll 23 Issue of Tho Ren Is skimming stations in tho state. Tho Con- an necount of the eravo of Black Bird and tlnental company controls nearly 200, WASHINGTON, April 24. The secretary ts location, taken from tho Nebraska City mainly In Kansas. iunn nf rfirnnt tnlnt lnHxlnHnn hv thn twn of War today mado public the names of conservative which varies widely from houses, or It can be accompllnhed by the the 688 men sclectod for first and second the story with which I am familiar. If "", "la " wlt '"is. negotiation of a reciprocity treaty. Tho lieutenants In tho regular army under tho the reader will refer to Catlln's "North W(, Vortv,.tly a7aJvh..i. lie Hinrt.-d Cubans, it Is believed, prefer the latter array reorganization bill. All of these men American Indians" he will find that Mr lo ,,. ,.i,r,.' ii.Pilelde. form, bavo seen service in tho volunteers or ln Georgo Catlln visited the "Shlennes" in Frederick Manuel, Maryland block Butte Tobacco, too, Is another subject which tbe regulars. They have been ordered for 1832. Ho speaks of them as living went Monti bought a bottle of Newbro's Herpl- the secretary of war will bo obliged to examination and will bo appointed. The 0f tho Sioux Indians, between tbe Rocky cl(lo Apr 1899i an(, begun to ug0 u qt discuss with the commissioners, and on that number following tho state shows tho al- mountains nnd tho Black Hills. Starting cntro baldueHs. i twonty dayB, he says, point ho wanted advice. The Cubans are ,u'""cui l'tu "l10. uown mo Aiisaouri riwi num mu ll0 lla(1 nalr uM over ni8 hcadi an(1 on Ju,y n.irnmrlv .Unlrnin. nf supurlnr rnn.lrtnr. Arkansas. 7 Tllman Campbell, Solomon of tho Teton river, several days travel in U ho writes, and tn.lnv mv hlr l ..a ihiM, Hblo abatement In favor of tholr own to- I Jeffers, Robert W. Reynolds, J. M. Kelso, I a canoo brought them to tho grave of an,i luxuriant as any ono could wish. Now- bacco of the extremely high tariff Imposed Jr- J' u- ",n Jonn w- wara' aer Sergeant I-loyrt. a member oi i.ewis auu bro'B Herplcldo works on an old time prln by tho Dingley act upon all Imported to- Hudson. Clark's expedition, who had died In this Cpi0 aml wItn a now discovery destroy the baccos. Colorado, 2 Ben Lear. Jr., Kyto Rucker. lonely region In 1S06. Tho grave- was situ- causo n(1 yol, rcmoVo tho effect. Herpl- After a conference lasting for more thnn aiuornia, -ueorge liamwin. L.yie u. ntcd upon a most lovely anu imposing ci,i0 destroys tho germ that causes dan thren hours Seercfarv Hoot and flennr.l Pedlar. Rowland B. Ellis, Fraak T. bluff on the Missouri river, some twelve druff. falline hair, anil finally hn.lnKH. sn Wood left the War departmcht' together for Thornton. hundred miles above St. Louis. Continuing. tnnt wlt nthe caUH0 BOne tho cf(cct cannot lunch. It was..BtatC(I. that there was noth- "'inois, a iwcnaru . aumeriana, Mr. Catlln says mat ll was out a lew mucs remaln. Stops falling hair at onco and lng regarding tho conference that could be Charles Edwin Cook. Klrkwln, Taylor, frora Floyd's bluff to Black Bird's grave. 8tnrt8 tno now gr0wth ln a week, made public, nnd thnt the matters discussed Smith, Edward Y. Smith. Harrison S. Ker- Black Bird was a famous chief of 'ho covered many sublects in Cuha. nnt nlnnn tick, vv. u. appB, James a. uuggies, Omahaws, whose village was sorao sixty Mill I.... f..r nn..i.,i tho visit of tho Cuban delegation, but Vrnk B. Wood, Francis P. Machler, Wll- miles above tho spot where tho chief was L1TTLK ROCK, Ark., April 24,-Tho everything connected with tho government ,,am n- Courtney, D. E. Moreland. Albert burled. Ho had visited Washington, In senate today, by a vote of 21 to 7. passed tho of the government Gobort, Sebrlng C. McGIll, A. C Vorls. company with an Indian agent, and on .Is ZK$?ajlffiZ.iW Edwin Swift, J. S. McAadrew, Hugh B. return was stricken with smallpox and died. OFFICIALS ARE PII77I Cn KIrkwin, W. M. MclnUy, Mcl. HolRari, On hla deathbed he requested that he ho I VlibbiiV I P.anrffa P TmiP flpArcrn A. V- Triimhrt ki..lJ in ViA mnvtnAf tuhUrt woo nflDra'arrla .' - . t w . r,. ... - l UUI IL'U 11 HI" luauiiiii w "- i To Kxhlhlt nt St. l.ouU. SPRING FIRLD. III.. Anrll 24. Tim hn... i I KtlffAnn V.. Tlartnn. Andrew w. .larkman I ..t.l., ...rlwl Thn hnHv was nnrrlnrl 1 todav n.msn.l n l-tlll nnnrnnrfiilfni t-.n iwi v.. ii. . - 1 r"1"1' v. . "i ":::.t' l.",'.'.".'''" i Krank W. Barber. sixty miles down tho Missouri river to n .ir J' T ",, . ,u. i.omsinna inn iieitarninK rornianea cur u-on... w n m.i i n.ii. ir n.n ; u ........ t ... ,,i.i, ' u"-llarc l,uui3. Gate Ilimenlty. John M. Shook. Edaard A. Fry. Arthur B. I ihn rhlnf. His hpautlful whlto war horse I Srhnpffpr Dnnlnl F. C.rniv. Hharles W. Van Inn in Ihn Inn nf n rnmtnanrtlnf Muff. ammi.-m, 1VJI, April 21. Nothing ll Wnv. Arthur M. Fereusnn. Rurlon. J. Mil- fmm whlh nlnolr rtlrn Ihrnieht hl snlrlt Known hero officially of the reported Issue cbcll. vision would gaze over tho beautlfut coua- bptween General Chaffeo and Count von Missouri, 17-Georgo P. Whltsett, Clark try and watch the Frenchmen passing up .amersre as to tne possession of the gate m. Carr, Albert B. Sloan, Benjamin R. and down the river In their boats. In tho io uo 'roroiauen iiiy, law Held by the Wade, McKoo Richardson. William H. presence of tho whole nation, somo fur Cloton, Jr., Lewis w. Cass, Archie Miner, traders and tho Indian agent, T. Lanier Cravens, Theodore Schultz, Black Bird's body, clad In full Leonard H. Cook, Benjamin H. Kerfoot, chief's regalia to the beautiful headdress Jamen R. Purle, Kwlng E. Booth, James of war-eaglo's plumes, was placed astride J. Mayes, William M. True, Frederick C. I his horse. With bow In hand, with quiver Husman. and shield, his plpo and medicine bag, and Montana, 1 Ernest Van D. Murphy. flint and steel, he was fully equipped for Nevada, 1 F, W. Glgnoux. New Mexico, his Journey to the happy hunting grounds, I A. Mennet. North Carolina, 10; North His string of scalps was tied to his horse's I Dakota, 1 ; Ohio, 23. bridle. When the last funeral rites hod North Dakota. 1 W. H. Mnffatt. hen nnrrnrmed hv the medicine man each ,lf, you are not feeling Well; If your Oregon. 2 Eueenn Paul Prnwne. Elmnrn orrlnr rtlnnnrt h nalm nnd flneers nf his -tomach bothers you. you can't sleep at 0. Worrick. rleht hand In vermilion and stamped their night nnd aro alwnyB out of sorts, call South Dakota, 2-Arthur E. Lunn, Harro mark upon the milk-white sides of tho in juui ui'iutcii umft mum imu ci 1 k, jiageman. ii,. canne-n jiever nui in uiscuses oi mis Washington, 2-John B. Heyburn. John When this was done sods were brought kind, Try It, n least; you will not resrot P. Hasson. ,, plnccd nbout the feet of the living and It. It Costs only BO cents. Think of re- At Large-A. McD. Brooks. Alexander H. unsuspecting horse. Gradually they were duclng your doctor bill to 50 cents per Davidson, Frank L. Graham, J. M, Petty, nlled to tho body and then over tho back uuniiii I William Itav Harrison. Jnhn 11 t.,ff . u .,niii th. in., in nnnnnr n . i . " .' " . i " ' - -ri """ l "I"" lJlillc, liicusuuv IO UCOrCO U. SnaW. UOnant Illlttr PV lm.. h...l nf Ihn nhlnf nrnwnnH tv' lh I. la . ... ..... .. ... , ... - ...... ..M .ii.. ncaii v ...v .....t . .. ... taae. wn not suck to in., teem, will not Longstreet, Joseph V. Kuznlk. Edward headdress of eagle's plumes, which was vripo and agrees with i the most delicate Davis. John F. McCarthy, Carl C. Jones. Loon burled henath the accumulating layers Hi-v. Snmner T. .tlitrllu llettirnit from Conference vrlth KvitUKe. IlKtS. Rev. Sumner T. Martin, pastor of tho First Christian church, returned yesterday from Fort Dodge, la., where ho had been ln consultation with Rev. Martin Smith of Chicago, tho evangelist, who will be gin a series of union gospel meetings ln Omaha Juno 1. Tho meetings will be held ln a large tent and will continue througl: the entire summer. Pevlous to the union evangelical meetings a revival will bo held at the First Chris tian church, beginning Sunday night, Rev Charles Reign Scovlllu, successful evangelist from Chicago, will bo In charge of the services. Rev. Scovlllo will not urrlvo until the middle of next week, but his delay will not postpone the opening of the meetings Prof. OeLoss Smith, tho singer, who is associated with Rev. Scovlllo, will have charge of the muscal part of thc services Purify tho blood and put tho system in order for summer work by using at this time a short courso of Prickly Ash Blttcro; It Is tbe greatest blood purifier on earth. IIIkIi Price fur the lliiiiil.uc. SALT LAKK CITY. April 2l.-Tho Hum bug nllvcr mlno at Tlntlc. I'tnli. wnu today cold by Jessn Knight of I'rovo for JO.COO casii, 'me iiurcimscrs nrc J. K. uudoih or Dubois, Idaho, and K. W. Gonter, n local capitalist. Don't fill your stomach with spirits which wreck it. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Cham pagno tones It up. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. F. N. Hull nf Lincoln Is tit tho Murray. William McHver of olumlmn, trawling auditor for tho Union Pacific, Is a guest of the Murray. J. L. McPheely of Mlnilen, I.. Hiirruin of Tulmiign and A. u. I'ivans or Lincoln icgis tcred Wednesday at tho Millard. John Larimer, who 'Is rounci'ted with the sales ileniirtincnt or ono of tliu Sunt Oniiiha DiickliiK houses. 1 ill H unno to Sioux Fulls, S. D., where lie will bo stationed tem porarily. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Olccnn of Wisnrr, C F. McUrew unci '. Ii. Hcott or Lincoln, ll M. Stockwell of Clearwater, George 11 Sueur of Norfolk and Dr. and .Mrs. 51c Muluui of Newman's Grovo aro state guests at the Her Uraud. Nehruskans nt the Merchants: O. H riark. P. Ilrlnxern. Snauldliig: Mr. am .Mm. M. V. Hllbv. Aianis: I). L. X.oot, Aurora; G. H. Davidson, Pliilnylnw; Alonzo llall.'y, liusnviiie: ,. n. ..Anderson, i.oomis (Tiarios Htroj.s. tiavin u. i-. i-ciiy Cnlumhus: Dr. H. neal. SnrliiKllelil Joseph Hull, Tokumiih; (5. F. Scovell IliirtliiKton. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Nebraska Helgliin Hare club will give a banquet at tne .Minimi notei May ;j. Mrs. J. W. Frady nf 1015 Paiillc street ro nnrted to the Dollre WeilncHilay that u thle imil entered her kitchen In the morning and stolen a purse containing i The Kami' old cause of n Inco curtain blowing over a ' gaslet caused u Urn which did - damage on mo mini nonr o a flat at 6U South Sixteenth street Wcdnes day ulgnt- T.'rank Tobln nnd Albert Alvev. nlla Hraneff. charged with stealing bran, worn nrrestcd wcuncsday evening ny .Martin Tlirhn and T. Gentleman. Union Pacific watchmen. It Is alleged the boys broke Into a car during the day and stole, two brass Journal boxes. Tho plunder was hid In a pile of wood nnd when the boys went for It In tho evening the watchmen were waiting for them. Tne urass wan recovered. EASILY OBTAINED At Any Drug Store, CASCARINE. ntomach. Everyone who liaa tried It Is loud In Its praise. Cascarlne cures sick headache, habitual constipation, morning sickness, biliousness, Indigestion; Jaundice and the many disor ders of tho stomach, kidneys, liver nnd bowels. Cascarjno has no equal In tho treatment of nervous exhaustion, melancholia, atonic Oyspepalii? and In the various forms of heart disease, asthma, dizziness, sea-sickness, etc The tnsnuiactarers, ilea Hros. & Co., Minneapolis, Louisville and New York, will send to any one free of chargu a vuluable booklet jpn tho cause end cure of consti pation, Indigestion and tho many Ills de pendent ot) iv weak and Innotlvo digestive nystenf, nnd one week's treatment, for ten centa In tnmptf to cover postage. Frank W. Eckers, Fred W. Bugbeo, Charles rf mrf. Tho mound could bo seen for H. Morrow, Frederick G. Kellond, Kdward fifteen miles and formed a landmark for w. Terry, E, s, uroussard, Thomas W. the voyagers. urown, Joseph W. licour. Charles L. Lan- when Mr. Catlln visited tho grave he ham, James K. Abbott, Victor G. Lewis, found thnt a ernundhoe. or somo other nnl- Carl 1 1, Stone, A. B. Coke, Otto W. Rethorst. nial. had dug Into the mound and had eX. Augustus Danneratller, William S. Mapes, poted the head of the horse. A little M. H. Barry. Allea Lindsay Brlggs. Fred further digging revealed tho skull of. the K. Smith, William A. Austin, Georgo H. chief, which was taken nway and placed Wood. Herbert L. Evans. Earl W. Taylor, in Mr. Catlln's Indian collection. I under- Austin F. Prescott, John G. Livingston, stand this collection Is now tho properly Lven E. Young, Charles W. Wadsworth. A. of the Smiths nnlnn Tnntltnte. nnd. If (n. K. Uaskette, J. C. Patton, Frank Maloney. the skull of Black Dtrd now rests In that Aureu m, .nason, uonsuoio a. Seoane, Institution, rreurricK it nunimor. William L. Lubn. u Mr. Catlln's story be true one car. Oliver P. M. Haziard, Rustell T. Hazzard. I n rIIv fif thn fut 11 ft v nf Rdnrrhlnf within Brady O. Iluttencutter. Thomas Millar, the corporation of Omaha for tho hlstor'o Sherrard Colemsn, Thomas M. Kaox, Row. , pot on which reposes tho bones of Black ...mi o. rur, Aiueri million inomPiOU. Jr.. IH rn and hln hnmn Dropped Dead ! Heart Disease? No! Kidney Disease. nvery rtny people die uf no-rHllcil "llenrt nUcusr" or apoplexy, lint In reullty of on unNusieetei klilney illsuriler. Wliyf 11 nine pliyxIcluiiN either urc iKiiormit af ltH cxlsteiice, or uimvIIIIiik Io tell the truth. In the present iikc there In no more fntiil ninlaily thnn Ulilney illMeime. We do not even exoupt e'niiHiiiiiiitloii of the liinui. for ii Kidney iIInciini- uhlcli In iiIIimic.I In lieeonie fnlly ilevelopeil In cer tainly fOiiHiiiniilion of the Wldneyx. Kidney ilUenMe In oflen iiiiniih liecteil, iin the UlilneyN luive lint few nervt'H, nml it lien ilerniiueil tliey iliin't kIvo ii I a mi hy reiiNim of pain or illNtreNN. Any perNii ny liuve an ntlarU of ilyNpepHln nml attrlluite the illNiiriler to n lilt of iiiiiIIuchIciI beef or oilier HllKlit eaiiNe. An ne i'iinIiiiiiiI ilarlliiK pnln will lie experienced hoiiicm here. It ciiiiicn nml kocn often like a fliiNli. The victim may think there In NiiniethliiK iHiinii Tiilh the nlr, or thnt the weather Iiiin "lirokcii tN record." He Iiiin a heailacliet IiIn rent U ilUtiirheili he en mint keep iiuli-ti lie In tlilKety. If he In n hraln worker, he ln" It to close application At tlmcN hi" appetite In IonI, while nt others he cannot net iiikIi to int. He Iiiin what he ciiIIn calarrht he Iiiin NtraiiKe iiiIhkIvIiikni he U eiislly tnrtleil lie Iiiin nt tlmcN n raKlliK fever, n little iilcurUy anil eoiiKeNtioiii he wuLch In the iiIkIiI Ncarcely ahle to lirenthe, ureal ben. In of invent on li In hrow, IiIn hear! JiuiiiiIiik wllilly. What In the t rouble f An iiiiniinpc etc il kidney iIInciini-, the k. ney poUon corroilliiK IiIn entire NyNtem. How rim It h Ntoppeilf There In lint one Nnre treatment. Wnr ner'N Safe Cure aliNolmely, iirrmiinently nml radically cureN no mutter how Ioiik, how Nevere, or hot Kenerally fatal the ilUeiiNe It In ii Npcclllc, It Iiiin ii iiiarvc Ioiin power over the UlilnrvH. v' ehalleiiKe the viorlil to produce eiiiinl. 'Warner Safe Cure iiiiinI however he taken faithfully nnd iin directed, If no tnkrn. ie n III! Kuaraiitee It to produce the ileslreil reNiiltN. i - Send your name and address to Warner'b Safe Curu Co,, Rochester, N, Y. For Free Sample Warnor's Safo Cure. an mmm T PHYSICIAN CURED BY DR. GREENE'S NERVURA. l UH, W. D. TAN N Kit, CUKKD BY On. OltEENE'S NKKVUItA. 'J Here is the strongesl possible tcstiinonial of cure, tho restoration lo health of a widely known nnd eminent physician, W. I). Tnnncr M.D., of 380 Idaho St., Denver, Colo., who jrr.iduatod in tho Allopathic School of Medicine in 1852 and practiced medicine for twenty-five years. He was sick and nothiuff helped him until he used Dr. Greene'. Nervura blood nnd nerve remedy. Now he is well and strong, hearty and vigorous, and he tells the world of his remarkable, cure by Dr. Greene's NVrvura in order that nil who arc sick, suffering, run down, or in nny way out of health may take this surest of all remedies to cure, and be promptly restored to health. i Dr. W. 1). banner says : - fl " When in the City of Mexico 1 was sun struck, which paralyzed my nervous .system nnd left me a wreck. Since that time all through life I have had to avoid all thc pursuits of life where one is liable to be overcome by hent. I have taken care of myself, and used remedies prescribed by doctors until old age and general debility came upon me. I then became constipated, had involun tary twitchiiiES of thcmuscles, palpitation of the heart, torpid liver, and indigestion, and could not sleep, and my appetite failed me. 'Under these, conditions I was seeking after a good cathartic, when a friend advised me to try a bottle of Dr. Greene's Laxura Cathartic Pills. I did so nnd the result was entirely satisfactory. I then procured a bottle of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and I have been using it ever since. Since that time I must confess' to all thc world that I enjoy better health now than I have for the past fifty years. My hearing, taste, and smell, and sight are good ; my appetite and digestion are all right; l sleep well, and I must say that these physical changes have taken place within me under the influence of Dr. Greene's medicines; hence, I can truthfully recommend Dr. Greene's medicines to all people who are afflicted with nervous diseases, and to all working people who are exposed to changes of heat and cold. "I was always predju diced against patent medicines, but must confess that since using Dr. Greene's remedies I feel as well as I did in my younger days." All who are nervous, weak, tired, exhausted in nerve power and physical strength ; who are sleepless, wake, tired and unrefreshed, without strength nnd energy for the day's work ; who havo poor blood, rheumatism, headache, backache, dyspepsia, indigestion, gas, bloating, faint feelings, lossof appetite, kidney or liver complaint will llnd great relief and permanent euro In Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. This great remedy of tho people is tho prescription of tho most successful physician in curing nervous and chronic diseases. Its discoverer, Dr. Greene, of 35 W. 14th St,, New York City, can be consulted free, personally or by letter. mm m MANHOOD RESTOREDtOTv hlo Vlnillzcr, tlio prrHcrlptlon of n f iimonn French physician, will qnlelrlr euro you of all iMTVuniiir illvui. mif thn c-nrrn(lvo nriraus. auch iu I. oat Mnnhuod. iBiuaala. I........ ... ..... ....... . . ' ..1. - I I M m a a a .,, -,. r.r... a ... -r i .. a.ww. ...... m . . mi w tlmllltf.HM I, . .llnrrv. El-nl.mikl Inu- llralm. TArlruff la anil ConNtlnnitoa. Itktunull l.iftsc-itiydnyoriilctit. lTcvvntsqulckncMOf dlaoharir". wlilch II notcheckea leA'la Io Hnori.tntnrrlifpii nn.1 nil tin. hnrrnra of Imnntpncr. ClIll'IIBKNKcleajiBMtlifl Hv.t. tho Lliliicvauud theuiinnrv urcaui of all lmnurUIci tL'Ul-mKNKltrCDClhaaa and restores etrml I weak organi The reai,ii siiUVrers arunut cured hy Doctors Ii because 00 per rent are troubled with Prostatitis, CUI'IIJUNH tlio (inly known ri mcil to cure without rn operation. ) K written ii n minninlflo clven nnd innticir rctnmr.l 1 by mall. Boml fur piik n rfrculnr nml teitlajnnlnls. li.ixeadiicsiioti efft-ct a. iicrmaneut cure. 11.00 a box,for i.M, llmnnlnU. AtlilrccsUAVOJ. mviliUJlNV, CO., l. o. Ilor 5078. Han Frnnchco. Cat. 1MB SAL13 UY MYKIl-I)II,t.O! CIUJO 00 1TD AND rAHNAM. "THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK." BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE SAPOLIO If yott want to know about a doctor, ask some of his patients. If yon want to know abont an office building, ask its tenants. You will find the tenants of the Building enthusiastic in its praises, particularly if they formerly officed in other buildings. If you wish to inspect the few handsome offices which are vacant, call on us. Ground Floor Bee bldr. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, f( '4D(5CD9GD3 f W m Ii -W" r "w er lfl M l l tSI I men; THIS WANT ADS VRODUCE KlvSU NERVE BEANS qulcklrcur S.nrv.iiuiiK.11 nil'ul.iita futl!)(1IlHU)U(i(l. aUlUt,,10Ml. hlurfU.rl main ur..l irt-n Inland In a f' to tfiiirry now l lukA k ixiii aiUinuriinK rriulta; - r 1 11 hi wrui. I'arm aim ivn twrr ri'siurcu ti.wst. ( I bin1 nil an & MU-fmut.'t end Kutin u i.o amguliti 'irs. . 1 Atif nnnio a. ., l0ueu aierrcu. i HORACE T. 0LMES. M. D. Avcnuoa