THE OMAHA DAILY 1$"EE: TH1 HSDAY, AP1HL 25. 1901. SPECIAL . NOTICES Idv erf Isemecta lor their colnmii illl f taken until IS in. tor the K-nliis r-itltlcin nml nnltl 'W p. m for tucimlna nud Sunday edition. Hates. 1 I-2e ii nrd (lrl Insertion. Ic a notil tlierenfter Nothing taken for le 111 n ii sr.r for Ihf first lner llim, 1lirr advertisement most tu rn n rnnirrnll r Ij . Advertisers, l re-netln ntun lirrrd rhre-L, run hnvf nnawer nd riresaod to n nntnliiTrfl Irftrr In rote if The lire, llimrri mi nddrraaed villi lie drill f ml d iirrirul ntlon of the cheek onlj. UTIATIOM WANTED. I SI'HON as bookkeeper evenings by ur.g tnasi, best rtiir-.h.-es. Ci 4. lie AM4 ' V, ANTED We have steady work for a few g ..j hustlers of good habit and appear C. F. Adams Co., 1GJ5 Howard SL B-772 BARBER trade taught thoroughly in short t .ut, catalogue and particulars free vcsum Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb U-TT3 W MED, rood mechanical dr-f terrain, m-rt tc exprieneed and capable. Apply. eHt .g age, experience and salary x MUfo Address o 1, lite. B &M ANTLD, men to learn barber trade. W e teah the work In two month, donate t ---Is, Include board and jiay Hi weekly when competent Also give opiorlunttj 'f Saturduy and Sunday while naming. Our special offer pood until May i Cull or write today. Moier Barber Col t gc, lUS Painam St.. Omaha. B-M03S a V ANTLD-nm clan bicycle, tire repair r:,jti. Nebraska Cycle Co., lath and liar I.-- II tl-2l VANTl.l'. by several flock owners, 16 shearers at once, at North riatte. . MeGranc A: seott. Reference, "Mtiury Com. Co.. South Omaha. B-M76 5C GOOD BOY. 13 yoars old, strong arid 1 uth. wants a home. Apply J 1" 1. uzby, 4W: N. 17th. B-MK71 W ANTED, flrst-clas carriage, 'winters, Hois-ltU Dodge. A. J. Simpson A- Son. ii um; a WANTED, cigar salesman to represent oue -f it;' largest tvi and Havana cigar lactones in the wert, to cover Iowa, Mls s. url, Kansas, Xehrufcka, Colorado, to caU on Jobbing trade, clvt relerenceK. O 4V, Bee oltlcc, Omaha. U-MtC 3 "WANTED, experienced sign wrltn, one a. UKcint'd to dry ood (.tore woik ire. ltrred Call at Huston Store, J. L.. Hran Otis A: Sons, iTojirielora. Ii Si" WANTED, a pood stereotyper In unlfin trbVe outnlde ol town AudreHt.. giving miarj'. relerfnces, ete., O Ui, cute li-t. U-.M1U0 2o "W ANTED, salecmen by manufacturers of food products; offer good opportunity , g ve luily your cxit-rlcuce. Dux s17, Chi cagci, 111 U Mvi: Sb "WANTED, u first-class painter, can get g.xid j .b by applying at once to t arl Jta ibt'k, liooptr, Neo B Ml! it)- IS ANTED, a good bread baker at Smith s bakery, ltc au- , Council Biufls. ja B MS " -:7 WAM'UU-ITMALU HELP, RELIABLE help, xmuglaa. Til, tr,i. Canadian office. 1; C 7, WANTED-iW) ulrla. Vi Dodgt. Tel. b7t. C 774 bALES LADIES and demonstrator: of abil ity fur j.erniiiDei.t aalaned jiohiuuna. Tnyrold-Lymph Co., &ia-:-4 Bee Buliuuig, omaha: w-u-t. Burr Block, LJncom. C-V.4 A17 DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly; sya - m received hlgheM uwam at r-an, ltfov. yvii-Doweil Drehaniaklng school, ivn S. lit Jj li., luouib liuruach blk. C-MU4 W ANTED, ladles to jearn halrdrthslng. i.iumtarlng or laclal musauge. We. the work in two montht., preftnt tools ana puy U weekly when competent. Uijoumut, granted, t niaicue oi purticuiara tree. lUc-ltr (.ullege. iCZl Farnam street. C-.MM1 s: W NTED. lady Turkish bath operator. Must 1ihc had good cxperiem-.. Apply roum ZM, Bet- bunding. C iJ WANTED A good second girl, Mh and Ptne Sts., oast of Browned hall, Mrs Marth. c SM-:4 W ANTED, a -housekeeper for a small fam li living on-a lajm, German preferred, ptnnantiit home tor right party. Afldress tiox. wl. West Side, Iowa C MtM GIRL for general housework. 1614 Yaus St. C-ssSI -II GOOD girl for general housework. IXUi So. J'Jth Ave. C stv !j WANTED, experienced waitresses In the west. Apply 71d south Ninth st. C MS. r7 G1PL for general housework; German pre j n-c'l HIS a. W'th uve, C Mdis :'o A. NTED G'.rl to go on house boat with man and wlte. Call Wi .. loth, room 4.'--;;' LADY, lo tru;l and collect In Nebraska i't i-ellnhle tlrm; satun. lll weekl ano it.i xpi-nses, una nterences aim sell Htidivssea envelope lor replj. Address vo, c. Dtarborn st . Chicago. C-.MMD o roa m:Tii(tt si:s. IF yo want your houses well rented place them with Btuuwa & Co. TO move nght. get Omaha Van Storage Co. oOlcc, lillh Farnam. ur tel. IS-ma , D-777 HOUSES for i-cnt in all parts or the city. Brtnnan-Love Co., 2u South 13ih street. D-77k HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paston Block. D-77K EEL HENRY" B. PAYNE, N. Y. LIFE. D-76D HuLSES etc, F. D. Wcad, 1S24 Douglas. D-.-l HOUSES and fluts. Rtngwult, Barker block. D-7K houses wanted. Wallace, Blown block. D-7SJ KOR RENT New 10-roora house, north t art water and pas, near motor and s.hook lUQUiie W. i. Kicrsttad. Room Ctty Han. rent, mouth. D-MIliS FOR RENT, residence, lOlt; Gcorgiu av . ccr Pacific; It) rooms, attic, busement. at lrom. modem and extra conveni. nces, lot GGxl4t), with trees. Inquire ai First National bank bldg. D M1M V NORTH 22d s .. ton-room modern house, hue location, key at 3ot .North 22U St. D !2H 10-ROOM detached house, all modern, new y 1 spered. 252) California. D-MC14 LlGHl-room modorn, 1S17 Capitol ave., f45, b-'C'om modern and barn, Ka Harney, no; tient rooms and bath, SMI Webster, J2U. c'theis. Rmgwall Bros.. Barker block D Miat; "LARGE 11-room residence on the North boulevard, will paint, jmper and make what improvements are uecsury Rent, t" i. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 10th and Douglas. D-MC75 FOR RENT. j:i SiH-ncei Si -it rooms, modern, house and Imni Ski io 2"J7 N 2t)tli S rooms, modoru house.... Jum 2' 10 N S7th .-room housu. city wuter.. 15(H) 2 i Caldwell St 5-room house, city water 10 M 1C4 N. Sst St. S-room house, oily wter 7 0J I RENNAN'LOVE CO., Sun S, th Street. D .is S LN EQUALED central seven-room house; flve-rtiom Bat: four-roe-m flat; all mod ern Tirard. 2 N. 24th st. D-MS7t 2" FOR RENT', fc-rooro house. 711 S. llth t. I-MSV ;u- Hti' SI". wuh nine room, with all modern i.i.rovmM- ni'i leke. D-wm 5,- S J:'H'M m-'-'ern "ttug m SisTf -cl r If rth ho.1 Vln-'.r, ps 'if P-r, JIU'd Co, :l S HtU. DMS11 on iti.M-iKit m:s. i'.M.S ' R l'ni r t utni I --r'm". '".tV i:nm. liark. lii'e lawn and thkdr. S ' John v. KoiiuiNS. 3e tahnam pt. 1 1(111 HU.M-I'l HMMIUfi HOOM.S DEWEY 1-nMir.i.jti htitf-L Uth and rarnam. E-Ti 1 . THE THVnSTON. IWh and Jackson, steam E 7M NICE loams, llpht housekeeping, 1111 S. 11th. E 414. NEWLY turnUhei. lioutekeeplnp 11IC Joni E-404 Mir HorSEKEEriNG rooms. fi up. sj Pt. i Mary s E MM M' 1 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms Ifwl N lHh E-MXfC :t' I't It MM! lilt IKMIM A.U ItOAItl). VTOriA. 17a Davenport St. r-7t7 GLENCAlRN.tranSlents.U.3day. IfiOfou. , ritONT rooms, at" So. ttilh ttrcet r-C4S if The Mtrrtara, summer resort, X A: Dodge. 1--MC7 LAHGE front room, board SM Harney r-Msc-- A I'Oll Itll.M IM'LH.MMIED ROOMS. DESK room space, IT. per month, ground floor roim In Vhe Bee building. lacing Far nam street, no expense for light, heat or Jannor Renlcc li. C Ptttra Ac Co.. Rl Ii till Agent. Bee building J 416- MODERN unfurr.l-hed rooms. 2T Harney. O IW0 St' nut ltl:r.Ttltl: a.iu orricns. FOR RENT stote, In flrat-claaa location; rent reationabio. Apply R. C. Peter 6c Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 12K FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied b) The Bee at US rarnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee pjesk room. This will be rented very reasonably. If itiieickled apply at once to C C. Rose water, cecretary, room liJ, Bee building. l-SEl OFFICE In Commercial NATIONAL bank bldg. Apply room 17. 1 M613 :w FOR RENT Old established grocery and meat market stuud, corner Mb una Doage streets. A live man can make money here, lnqulie. on premises up Hairs., ot Thomas Barrowmun. I-MCfcl IS FOR RENT, desk room In private ofllce. stenographer and telephone, very choice; cheap, siu N. Y. Liie. 1 M7C1 r At; E.vrs wa.mi:u, WANTED Canvassing ngenta In evtety county to holltlt subscriptions tor THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE bTOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. Thlfc splenaid book contains 1.4J0 Imperial octavo pagct,, wO oblecl-teach-lng engravings, and Is the only book on live Uck ever published adapted to the every -day, pructlcul, mouy-suving use of ewy larmer and stock owner, steady employment with assured food Income. Agents in the country wltn horse ana buggy espuciall) desired. Canvassers mate eakliy w to iluu per month. Ad drets Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 4S7. WANTED, good rustlers experience not necessary, side line If prclerred. J. "is New York Lite J 6S1 "4 WANTED TO HE.XT. WANTED, by young lady, furnished room In good fumliy. with or without board, state terms. O U, Bee. X MP12 j sJoitAt;i:. PACIFIC Storage and Ware house Co., Hi:-UUJone-. general aiorage and forwarding. -7fl OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1SU- Fam. Tels. ISii-SCl. 72J 1011 ALE 1'U H.MTLItl:. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 'MM New & zdbund furniture bougut. soia, exenangea. o iVi HAM'BU TO 11 1 Y. WANTED, io second-hand ladles' wheels. Nebraska cyc-ie, l:lti and Hurney. N .u741 2S I'llH SALE MORsEm, EI1ICLES, E'lC LIGHT omnibus, good condition. H. Frost, carnage wks., una unu ..euvenworin. V W FoR SALE, top buggy, good condition; jour onei is n.y juicf. it u ii ngnt. o M. Hart. 3l)7 jcnts !t 1 MbifSl FOR &ALL, j-seateu lamil; ciirnaj-. son inuKe, tVli. lull l- arnum si. sinij.- 602 roK MLE llCELl.AEOl S. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry A: hog teiice. Wl Douglas. Q Itij SDH AND safe cheap. Derlght, HlC Furnum. y lin, SAFES, buy. t-ell, exe'ge. Schwurtx, 114 S. IS. g-n7 TIMOTHY hay of all kinds, feed ana coat, Monroe & Co. y 7to WIRE fence for iioultrj'. Belgian hare, nog Ueiu or lawn. ite huiks, Ai s. ibih su y Aluis jy( I oio.tinci BUILDING brick for Immediate de livery. W iinndi Bro.-amllb CO.. yarus u and HlckuO, Ual unu J-aKe. Jei. 42i. M rt.ll THE OMAHA MERCURY prints lawyers btiefs and legal blanks anu Ubes genera) joo work. W Mua Ms FOR SALE, stone. 14th and Castetlar Sts. Foundation and retaining walls, steel beams 24 and Jt leet ions 2 round cl umtis. teitpnone :, w 1 si FOR SALE, about f,l loads of good rich sou. at -Mill and Cumornla. Apply at creighion college. J antu 24 FOR SALE lb head fresh milch cows. Call attemooti. jesters Vara, 2jth ana Burt Sts. Q-wi-zt," -T- ii.tiu u A.vrs. MRS. FRITZ, medium, tli North JCtti. S 3JJ MME GYLMER. jialmitt. Granite blk., bet 1 artiatn A: name, oa noor. taae eieai.oj- S-b7b MADAME MERLE, trance medium and inuijivnaent slate writer, can be consuitea aahy on an matters ot importance, usiung ho uueHtious. she le-lis your nume una whui you wish to know about Price U una up. Hours, lit to s. Parlors, ill 17 caplioi ave No sign a silver horse oruj . l-roe test between iv and 11 a m. lor this aa Waik in Don t ring S Mwi 2i- ELEC I'tllt. 'I'll i;.T.H ENT . MABEL GRAY. a7fe N. 15th St. Flat E. T-11H A3J MISS MAE LESj-IE. CIS S. ICth, third floor. l AlKi-jiu:- CAMILLE DUVAL, t"l S. ICth. second floor T M2iii Mti ELITE parlors. C15 South ICth. econatloor. MME SMITH, baths. IIS N. 15. 2d floor. Room . T-b7 2f VERA DE1.MOI1K. 1616 Howard. 2d n H I. , T-Sr.13-.Mr3 PEIISO.NAU DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns fc supernuous hslr removed by electricity. U- 1- Frvnier block. U-SJ2 nrtlVATE home before and durlnz confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget. reao Burden e. RUPTURE lured, no knlle, no naln. no'SM"!-: Investment. Jl .(. wi'l net handsome danger send for circulars. Empire Rup orclUs ani require no attention refer, turt Cure, H N. Y Life Building, -Omaha. ( enee and proof furnished, Address ti j? V-'JS me office, Y'-MHl 25 ll:lto i rHKNCH accordion pleatlnc. Ivory rlra tiutton. mail orders Omaha Pleatinc Co., . wlK-leKomt h.tne tr.i to health, rational, atroect. 34s Dee Uidc ECZEMA Ct'RE Owlnt to the number ct inquiries which are being conttntly le cen from those ettilclea with i-cnja rt Eardlng the salve which cured W. A. fa' ton wt hHVe decided to carry' a smah fupply of this salve on hand. ii. J. Scan-1 cell, a Ware blok, Omaha U 705 AT ' M. GOLDMAN & CO Only perfect ac- co deon nleatlnc tilact In the west. Mall . . , ... r. .v . .1 ... l. i crocrs aoiicuea sjne w ( A IK)X of ne.No.Mar Towder 1 not a luxury when It affords you a curt and secuies the comfort and happiness of your i roommate ""'"UI""iu ""' u M- ELTI'LIES for ail machines; machines 'or rent. White Sewing Machine. lCW Dougla. TeL "34 U vjk . IT TOf know a widow of a soldier of the rftfllion whose husband never entered a Iffi ac res of mnd. have her write to C. H. Oii'ur. if N. X. Lift L'-MS , PniVATE hospital for ladles belore and Lirinir ronflnenn-nt; babies Adonted. Grant St U Sl7 ' IFHb. M second-hand ladles 7. Nebraska Cycle, ltth and llarny ... . . . , . m. WANTED, church soprano. C. 11. Shawt Shtely Bid V-F10 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlt. Tel ia. lx-ave order with Hend-rson, the florist. IMC rarnam V-MSM .10 VST think of It! Electric light gallery, r enameled rtamp photos In four posi tions and a photo stick pin for 2.c R. C, Crclghton blk., lfth and DoucIrs. Open b o i We make pictures at night v-zn Mic JIO.NEV TO LOA.V It I1A 1j ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western leva larrnt at u per cent, borrow e:s can -ay 11' m or any multiple, uny interest date, no delay Brennan-Lo e Co., 'JW S. 15th St.. Omaha. Neb. W SU M02-.EY to loan on Improved Omaha real Brentian-Lot e Co., aov -south ISth. W-ali WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George Company, lbJl Farnam street. W-kU FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-tl? tUtu and upward to loan on Improted city jirojierty and farms. W Parnam Smith tc Co.. l-C'u Farnam. W MS ell' Parnam St , Bee Bldg. W 1:4 JONEY to loan at 4W and f.u per cent. on 1 Omaha property. W'. B. 4U1 S. I5lti. tit. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. :U:4 Douglas. w-a.i FIVE and D4 tier cent city and farm Joans. Garvl- Bros., iat t arnam ft. W tdi PRIVATE money. Sherwood, SZ7 N. Y. L. W Kl'ti CASH on hand. G. E. Turkington, etc Bee. uin 4H AND f4i per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, tnrtl .auonai oihk cuuaing. jei. ih-.. W-JC1 MOMn 'IU LOA.N CHATTELS. LET US TALK MONEY LOANED SAEAKHID PEOPLE MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. MONEY LOANED ON PIANOS. MONEY LiOANED ON HORSES. Or an other personal property, at cheaper late ana oeiirr iiuat man ever. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. We give you options on loans that no other nrm can afford to give. You always set me full amount, iou pay us pact in small weekly or monthly payments. No expense r charges taken out of loan. You choose your own time for payments, any time from one month to one year. Each pajmcnt returns jirlncipal una in terest. Everything remains in your pos session. All business strictly counaenoa". Private Interviewing room. AMERICAN LOAN compant. Room 312 Brown l.lotk Room uz. E. E, Cor. 10th and Douglas streets. Entrance on 10th street. X-MEJ WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It Is c-sy. to advertise lowest lutes, aa others oo. but we ieei positive that If you will make comparisons you will be con vinced vnat ou can do better with u than elsewhtre. We loan on furniture, pianos, Uve stock, etc. or we will make you u ' SALARY LOAN without lndorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing lor making the loan and you receive tho ful' amount in cash. You may pay It back In one moi th or uk six months or more in which to repay it, and jou need not pa lor It one day longer than yoj ketii it. Our terms are the easiest, our business It confidential una our mono is irj 10 piease. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. lit Boarc of i'rade Bldg, Tel. L-j9i (Established lo;. 3jt. So. ICth SL SALARY LOANS. WE LOAN Hi TO I1W To ANYONE HOLD. 1NG A GOOD POSITION. WHY BOR BOW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST BATES IN TOWN. AND WITHOUT PUBLICITY'? RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor. Paxton Block. Room 3K. X-MW2 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc . without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In princl t al cities. Tolman, 4lt Bonrd ol Trade building. X-827 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, etc. yulcl service and low-eat tales guaranteed. J. . TAYEOE, C tto floo. ) i-uxtou tllock. northeast corner lttn Hnu rruam. entrance on lillh St. X-S26 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent -.blucn with lesponslble concern upon their name-s without security, eay uayrotnts. Tuitnan. 44D Board Trade Bldg. X-tc; MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security . easj pHs ments. Toiman.Hu Hoard ot 'i raue blag X-KTi MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norses. cow, tie C F. tteeu, a a. 13. X-3D MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry. Dull Green, ii. b. Barker blk X H26 SHORT time loans. Barkei blk. Joe Pleasants, 61 X-127 MONEY to loan. I. Zlegler, 4 US Vare Block. X CC1 11LS1.NESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, bakery and confectionary, dolig good business, in small Nebraska town, good location; good reason lor sell. Irig. Aoaress o 42, Bee. Y MiI M20 NEW Snow -Church Co. Is a combination of allot neve aud banks the v. ond over for the collection ol debts and settlement of estates. 41-405 N. Y. Lllc Y-M716 25 OTHER Interests compels me to dispose of my grocery business, good location, might consider house and lot. Address O 4!i. Bee- Y Mst!5 25 FOR SALE Book, stationery and music store In town ot ld.inu. J-lne locutin. good huslneis only one small competitor Stock clean and new, about K'.t'w. ituatton lor se'llng. retiring frum business 1-ast e-ars casn sales, fl2,i"i". pronts, 3.4li5.47. Piatt s Book store, urana tsiana, .eo i -K53-2I A BARGAIN, small stock groceries, doing cash business, desirable locution, living remm In rear, barn on lot, revenue from laundry packages pays ieul. J. 11. John, son, N. Y Lite, Y-MSffi 25 WANTED, man with capital of to take controlling Interest and manugeiutmi ol manutactunng business, excellent op portunity tor right party. Adores O a, flee V MMS7 3" - i FOR RENT, planing mill and machinery In good oondltton. Address O M. Ilee office Y-Ml.sC V." nut i:ciiAMsn. ;I. HANI' m t, s v.hwlf for ladle h ,f , omahtt iMede Cn iwh an Chicacti rt i FOR lZX'.'HANGE housr. rlcht room Mth. ci. lot xlo" feet, barn fine nhade ttes. nkt lawn- fine locution Hi north part cit . clc-e home or spl-ndlfi rtntHi jirx.tert cm-umbere-d 'cr U Vn, at fi jt --nt. equity W.& wl'i 'xr-hanpc nult for farm land or vacant lot, o roii sai.i; itKAt, i:m ur. .HAItGAlNS IN HoMEB-WALLACE i"fc .r . ijrain . rem?. r' tXA-t-r . full lot. : blockr. from car. very r-heati (an sell adjacent lots If delre. nSJrJA li'l"?ftvXmThx'i. wt ,, k.rted. rents Jl This place rali fi-'"- , , , . JV-'-.Earper place than abtne. same nclgb- ! U-Hotne on ;f,th. near ft '"J1 "-.. ( I ,2'A Spalding St. house: rental IK. Sl.o ST3C Ijnimorr, tr., : lats iIl.Wki-N lMh, .3xHy; rent $1HS. Enap. Cf-I-r, modern, Burt SL. renta U4S. I BarpMln. .... :.rmiL-fr . modern, specials jwM, near ' High schor.1 t..0'-So loth. vx14(l I cottages, rent lti. Icr'-New modern. 7-r cottage near High sr-hool will rent for VtJ. oornooa K.W Good Walnut Hill residence H." Modern 5-r. house. S. 53d, fine hot water plant a nice home. H-WKEast front on X3C, near Pari. S-r. modern GEORGE G, WALLA'-E, 111 BROWN RLK RE-! FOR SALE on monthly payment, i-room modern house on N. l'4th St car line: ! also vacant lots, which will be Improved , ......... . . . . .1 . . , .. ..a a .1.m ' 1U1 I'UlbilBI-CJ Oil I11UUI I .11 .uvtl, UUn Mutual Loan and Building Association. G. M. Natttngtr, n-cictary. Bee Bldg. RE-M711 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, close to good -car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard .V Son. 3C-j.-lO Brown Block. RE-S3C KOVNTZE PLACE" 1COFNTZE PUVt'E" The only residence property on the North SltU. WHY? P.E-CAVSE evry M If a BARGAIN. BE'"At'EE there are no saloon, shanties or other undesirable proiierrler In this addition. BECAUSE of the beautiful In the addition Itself. J-INE HOMES and STREETS ana well lying lots. BECAUSE of Good Schools. Churches, etc. BECAUSE of the good quality of the peo ple already living there and others that are now purchasing. LAST but not the LEAST consider tion BECAl'SE of the remarUabie CHEAPNESS of the property we are now tittering. BE QUICK and make your selection he fore the SUMMER IS PAST and the HARVEST IS ENDED Lots on Blnney street with paving taxes all paid In full can be purchased any where from ;! to JUST THINK OF IT' And on Wirt street with oW iiavlng taxes paid and THREE Installments on the NEW paid to date, for from 7T.'i to H.fcw. CAN'T BE BEAT. On SPENCER STREET, waving taxes PAID IN FULL, from M0 to fl.lM. IT'S GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME. We are selling on Lothrop street from JTuO to TINE :-FOOT LOTS On EMMET, beautiful for sit nation, from J7U0 to n,4W. HIGH AND DRY". And on PINKNEY. fronting the PARK, from SfiOO to $1.0. THIS PRICE CAN NOT BE BEAT IN THE CITY. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, SOLE AG'TS. MAIN FLOCR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. RE MP20 27 C. T. HARRISON. PIS N. y.'LIFE. 5oxl2fl, llworth. near 56th. So front; H1 a front foot. . SO or 50 feet on 23th avc, near Dodge; pavement pd. ; J50 a foot. and Cap. Ave., ,7-room new house, all modern, hardwood, JS.SuO. 60-ft. cast front, near St. Mary's Av . Choice place lor home -or flat, H.250. MxloO, east front, paved St., N. of Woolwsrth. JLOD. WixlSS, east front, near Curtl Turner Park, pavement I'd.. J2,0jO. West front on Curtis Turner Park. E front on 30th St.. for nil, n.SOO I have option on corner of 20th and Farnam till May-1. Want oJTer. I4'i Cap Ave., neat cottage, rents 2u per month, all clear. ILi'lO. IMxls: ft. on corner, not far from Hum-corn Park. $530. One of the best lotf near the New Boulevard. So. of the park, i00. C. F. HARRISON. P15 N. Y. LIFE. SPECIAL 12-R. HOUSE. A.TiK ME RE-S.1? 24 KOUNTZE PLACE KOUNTZE TLACE! Property In this addition already beginning to move, WHY"? BECAUSE every lot Is a BARGAIN. SEE HERE. Lots on Blnney street, with paving taxes all paid 12 :j11, can be iurchased anywhere from ;!"K) to Tl.SisJ. JUST THINK OF IT. And on Wirt street, with old paving taxes paid and THREE installments on Ihe NEA' paid to date, foi lrom J-750 to n.fOo. CAN T BE BEAT. On SPENCER St.. paving tuxes PAID IN FULL, from Ki'O to H.150. IT'S GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME. c ure selling on LAHTROP St.. from f75!) to JifA FINE 50-FOOT LOTS. On EMMET, beautiful for -situation, lrom f70U to il,4'K). HIGH AND DRY. And on Plnkney. fronting the PARK, from IG.K' to 11.2511. THESE PRICES CANNOT HE BEAT IN THE CITY. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Mum Floor N. Y. Lllc Bldg. ilE SOI 21 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 0U1..V. Y. LIFE. RE-K2 RANCH AND FARM lands for -ale by the Union Pacihc rtu.iroaa company, a. A McAilaster, latiu commisMunvr, union 1-aClllC tltudyriers. Omaha, Nub. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, lcacx- also Are Insurance. Menus paxton Bl ICE td BEAUT1FI L NEW MODERN HOMES ON CUMING. BETWEEN C2D A: XD STS. ONLY" THREE LEFT. Complete In every paitlcular and ready for Immediate occu pancy. These houses ate well bulll- rlumblng. buth furnishing, gas and elec tric light fixtures of the vtry best. The entile lots arc bcuutlfully soded and everything to the QUEEN'S TASTE. Prices. 33,250 lo lf.,500 We also have a most excellent house of C rooms-NEW on 2Gtb Ave. Just south of the 'Winona ;" all completed, with all special taxes paid In full. Price, 2.GjO. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY Main Foot New Y'ork Life Building. RE S5 24 CHAS. C WILLIAMSON". 121C Farnam St- RE-C5 FOR SALE, a bargain; house of five looms lot Slant, tv. o blocks from vv altiut 11 cir line. IWnj.on Ue.i 1L Pltchtitt, 3 Woodmen cf the Wond Bldg. RE-fcl ) IN AN Ll.E'J NT IK'Ml. On th si ,iut .o'th of rarnam 1NE ol THE riNKST awelimps m th un ' beautiful looms. belde hallwa'S iaunorj. egeiaotr room. t in nouse Is flnlrhed downstairs In quartrr-sawe oak and htrd pine upstair. at the walls dellcbtfulb forted It has a found lion that wmiH do er-llt t a bulldins TWirtI lrr. U h-t-.nlai.ui I sheeted. impct-Hi. et. .. making it vurm in winte- ana coo. In summer u located In one of the most fahloiii.ble , ne4chlrh(-ls In the city The lot is I TOR of city, also acre tirote,rty and farm lands. The O. 1. Davis Company. Room xee uuiiuiii- GOOD 1NVESTM KNTS WALLACE H.liifk-i't with two houies. rent. XI mi. T4!.7fiL-s. V- Oor. r4th and Davenprt. one of th best lots for flat-' In town, rents now fo: Win Will divide. fi0Thr-e rood building lots on pved street and car. special laxe liald. 1 worth 1'iiir. (H'-h i f.wi-i- .wvli;, inree coiihccs, . as near j-'iii;'t rnt. iwt. km 1'i-t. 14tli St . one block from Audi- tortum rite, a great snap: will t'-ll Mm hov you inn make a bulldlnc pa v i per cent on this cround : .iv I or fiR left In same loealltj JI.JiiO N. lMh. r.fjir Charles, rental. )'.''.' GEORGE G WALLACE 1RCWN HLOt'K. RK-:4- CHOICE mu front lot. vlW leet. on 7fth St., m-m I'm main t . aphalt paved strc't. sewer nml water to lot line Price ll.CT-O, for a f w da.-- onl A barcaiti GARVIN BROS. 1C1S FARNAM ST. RE-Mil r 1 WANT to close out this week my 150 acres n I.. el bottom land, with house 1 and a.res under cuit'vatlon. all tillable. : miles north of Blair, at lid per acrt. i it nou win withdraw it and farm it myself. See my agent. Strlngir. CS4 Pax Icii block. RE Ms7v MEDICAL. LADIES. 1 rinsitlvelv ruaranlee Golden l int i. i: hi: ii ii ir.. KxlSS. The owner Is anxious to sell and ;j end Wwster street. N.w York Cltj . ,"u,ri, ViST" J.1."' V V u.KT . L'. .5..1 iii..TiA -..f.i i im.i.a Su t" April "SB. rnelusive. lot dispatch pr s. has inttr-cte- to take 4.'. ON 'I 'chlcaS ill ol the K'V" f Chin .registered mall P.EA---OXAH.LE TERM- ?.mu.?? of ublst Sift U S "l nlr-cld "vl Vam-miver"!. 1.1-AiSU.XAHLL Tl.lL. cemmtseal of JJPMn hUalls fn Australia lexeopt V est AustraMa. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. SOLE AG T. tf-.f ."'.UU- a tblddTrs, .7 phjjh 1. 'il. Tk MAIN PLOOR NEW YORK LH'E BLDG vned t J K present J, e", "'S Kdt ?.V,T; Fn jST here3 titX & j iiartineni resenes me nam to m. M.rll ', and ji lo Mar "4 RE-MM .. Jhc point of -"Mvi-ry i and .. ) Uii) nd . 'WA ,".r.;, "".'S ri: i all ulfl ci any part vl anj mo. . a v-.. v...t. i-.- aiia. SAL15-Mos end leu In all bar i ' 'ONUS. -Jotumisaioncr. inrvim - - - j,r Senl, never falling female regulator, will I ------- -- relieve most obstinate cases of delayed , W ANTED for I S. armv . libit. bodied tin penods in five hours, sent secure from 'married imn. Intwecn kfi of a anJ IS.-, cbservatlon, tLUL Di. Annie Fowler, 2741 citiren of the Unlte-i StHto. o: good Olive st. St- Loult, Mo. MS A3c .character and temperate habits, who ran VIRTUAMA cures Impotenc-. resulting lrom inalscrelK'tis or ueuiiny. gives vi- lalltv. vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations ol youth, health fitting lor success, happiness In business; protes- slonal ic; al. married life, tt, or S tor la. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt or price The Kidd Drjg Co.. Elgin, 111, Amtt'can office, retail, wholesale, Myers- Dilijn orug Co., omana, .m. a. union, j South omana, Davis Drug Co.. Council I Blur." l ull line rubbci good. H-P,1;2 Tl-iCfn? I'lMs are the best, safe, reliable; take no othet . send 4c stamp for paitlcalars, Be llet for Ladles'' in letter by return mall k- Your druggist Chichestc' CheSicai hMadelbhla. Pa. Chtmital ' .. . h.laaeiphia. 1 a. , -- . u(i: Co, OST EOPATH . JOHNSON Institute E1L N Y L Bide TL 16&4- Alice- Johnson D O lKdie?E'de!T- OMd'E Johnson IC U. Johnson, osteopathic. Mgr. -i'l M. E. DONOHUE, D. O.. cf Still school. iLir'.fcviiie, mo., we -axion mu. itl. ut.. -Ml IIYG1E.MC HATH. Pfin ikiiipi nniv hvrli-nif hi,iht F?JL a.J!V.-?. uoii of MrL T Sch sCu"eormer ijounias i rl. l:.-.. unen -veriinrt in- engagement. M&ai Mil PAIKIVETHY FLOORS. rRANK SEVICK makes a specialty of all -cuius liaruwooa iioorjng ana parquetry. My pru-es arc right- HU Oak Et. -C30 Mill TAlLOHDn, 25 PER CENT saved, high-class tailoring. latest designs stepnen j uroderlck. 17 Farnam st MbsD m23 AC'CORDIO.N li.ii.UIVI.. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, be ., quick est. -Mrs. a- l. AiarK, s. .. cor. litn ana 2- arnam. b.,3 CARPENTERS A.V1) JOHBERS. ALL kinds cf carjenttr work and repairing prompto attenaed to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2otn and Lake StE. C70 STAMMEHIG AM) STUTTER 1 AG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 43V Ramge Bldg. M WALL PAPER. It a roll and up, painting, paper hanging, (Jecoi-ullng. IwJse. 117 S. 17th. Tel. 1C'K IiIm I'lllMTlllI JIKPUHlMi. TEL. ISO. M. a Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. S'M SHORTHAND AMI TI PIIWKITIM.. A. C VAN SANT'6 school. 717 N. Y. Lite. ! ' rjoY'LE;"' College, court reporter principal. Bit Bldg. -US NEB. Business A; Shorthand College. Boyd's GREGG Shorthand. Om. C, Col.. 16 Bi Doug M5 PATENT'S. PATENT S. no lee unless succssf uL Euts A- "Cf Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Advice, free. ' 15S Jul5 nRESSMAKI.NU. IN I'AMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 21J S. 2Clh St, 7o0 ASti" E.VPEin Aiw. LESSONS In bookkoeirtng, etc.. day or even. Inc. R. la. Com. Nut lv.nk. G. R. Rathbun. S52 Ticket iihokek. CUT rate tickets everywhere, P. bin, 1505 Farnam. Tel, 7b4- H. Phil. -7 UOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollerE.tanks. stacks, etc. TtU ISaS. 12th & Izard sts. 11 .jO cles. SECOND-HAND bicycles at j prtre; mutt have the room for new ones, good wheels for 3 ind up. It will puy you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments, l.ouik Fletcher. 1C22 Capitol av M4S1 ELOCUTION. iro Dodge St ELLA DAY. -ST7 M22 UPHOLSTEIU.NG. ,OLODE COUCH CO.. 1UD Iav'th. Tel. 2521. M71U LA I NDlt . OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, tc; cutts. -it 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. PAWN II IIOK Ells. : . ,, , , . . 0 EAGLE Lean Offlre. reliable ac'ommodat. i inc ah business confidentia- 1.01 Dougim. -M TINt. W XNTED. to -".ic - -r or ill'" al lowet M iric it) Jatoe t.owrntnc Kurol'ean htn )"-t. and Howsrd t mtiii;-. r,r.ln,, at ihf, im-rior. utile" of Inomt, Aftalrs, UaHilncton. D. C. March .. 11 Scaled proposalK tndLrsed "I'rvpusalt for Manktts. wooien and iclten cood, etc., as the case may bt. and nlrrtleu tu lh, PiinifTiMLli,lii.f- r.t in.n.t. .VfTl?-K .ia 7. wd u NW VurK clli vlU be received until 1 clorlf t : iiitn). ,Ve SVVtoii c j - . WtXaz u)M ctrfn,; all bt-vsar. lntot-matton tot' bidden - w 111 be furnished oh applictM.r i to i proposal for constrm Hon of wnter sst"tn lii.iMtn.i,i nl tin Interior, ofhee of ltrttlati AAalrs. Washington. I. C, April 1. Uwi ; sw-alnri tui.tMinaU indorsed l-roi 1 lor. Water -i-tem, Ysnktoti,' and addresst-O Tiaii-P(ic-iri malls are forwarded lo pott to the commlss lonet of Indian Attalrs, ,,r smiing dallv und the schedule of elot W ahliigton, D. C, will I"- !r.-.li4 at Hit riiir is arranged on the presumption of of!K t" t!i ; u fiwK p. ni of April 15' 1. I nnlnteirupted overland transit, tor lumlshifg and delivering the necesswij !;, cl'tortKl mali closes at C p m. pre- materia u and lai i. lenu'red In the con itriM fi..t, m r.. f.ftiiit.liu.ti ot a watci t-sstem the Vanuton HMiitulng sciioci. l aiiKion lAgetire. S-uth LMKuta, m strict B'-i'tirdam-e i witn picns. aixctacMtivtis una lustt-uctMins j tg l.iUd r. whtch in be exumincU at this oj'lct, tht U. S. Iiitllan arc houei. No SH Johnson St.. Chicago. 111., and No. liStt Howard st . Omaha. Neb., the ofllces of Tin Ilee of (.imha. Neb.. Journal ol Sioux City. Iowa, urd Gasette of YankVon. fc. L.. aud nt Vankton Acini v I'oi any adrtttioiiul In- formation aiiWv to t his otlk or John . I liaraing. l.. s. Jliaian Aguni. irri.iM"n, ; b. U. v - Jones, vummissiuiii i Apr.C m PROl-OHALS 1XR SUBSISTENCE STORES Oftke Purchasing Cummlssar or Sutlient-e Omaha. Neb . April 2S. !.ll. Sealed ptop"lf. rube-t to the usual cotidltnmr will be received at this oSltH until It) o clock a. m May a. JWJ1. at which time and plan they w'!l be pub II' ly opened (or Ijrnlshlng sibststenee noroi as lollows. I'ork .sugar, canned good, tie 1'telenttcL will be given to articles of domestli production. Blank proposals and spe. itteutions can be ob tained -t thi ortlce l. B W llson. Pur ..hasing Commlssaiv A 28 I. .-j:.-2C-M 1-2 M (peak, rend ana write jgngnsn. necrun: sjicclal desired for service In Philippines .Far Infc rmation apply to Recruiting oili' 1 ....... j 1.I.I.AL Adlltl.. i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS S'-aled bids will be received b the l.t,oril ICimt-H of Sr-tiOfll rillitrirl N'n 1 if Albion, Boone county, Nebraska, until May , 15 l!'l five do o dork i in, for the erec- i Hon and completion 'except heating) of a i at Albion. Neb., according to plans ana "peclhcatlon prepared by A. II. Iijr, a'chltec-t Fremont. Neb Plans may b" Bt "lllc' of Mr A- w- --aa f-ealdcnt Board oJ i;ducaton. Albion, Neb., and at i , architect. No bids will be , . i , . , , I received and considered unleis the same is accompanied by a certified check, made payable to tlie order ot trie treasurer oi Srhool District No. j. Albion, Bonne county. Neb. for the sum or .io. the same lo be ab a Buaiantee that the suc- et-sHul bidder win enter into a contract ....A n ... .V... fl.V,- and give a bond, or bonds, for the faith ful K-rfnrmance of the work, within ten days after the acceptance of said bids, otherwise the said check will be declare-d forfeited and the mouej retutne-d as a part . ot nquiaaiea damages ana not uy way of ietialty. the School Board reserving Ihe right to reject any and all bids offered. t-ejiaraie mas win ne rcceivea tor trie iientln,: of the julldlng. and under the conditions as mentioned above, the wilfted cheek to accompany . d - - W. 1DD. President. IC E. BAY, Secre-tary Dated, Albion. Neb.. April 22. IWH. A-23d (it posTorricu mittcTH (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as ehanges may occur at any timet. Foreign mails for the week ending April 27. 1W1. will close PROMPTLY" In all cases at the general postortiee as follows: PAR cels POST MAILS close one hour earlier than (losing time shown below Parcels post malls lor Germany close at 5 p. in April 23. per s. s. Luhn. via Bremen, and Apr.l 24, per s. s Barbarossa. viu Bremen. Regular and supplementary malls close st foreign branch hall hour lutei than closing time shown below. Trnns-At llint Ic .MmII. Till" RSDAY" At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR- CUEZ. per s s. LAqullatne, via Havre (mail tor other parts ol Europe must be ' directed "per s s. L Aqultulne"). I SATURDAY At 7 a :n. for FRANCE. I SW ITZERLANIi ITALY". SPAIN. POH. : TI GAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. CUEZ. per s s La Gnscogne. via Huvr (mall for other parts of Eurojie must In-dlre-cted 'per s. s. La Gascognc ). at 7.30 a. m. lor NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s Stautendam Imall must be directed per s s. Slaatendam" J; nt s:S0 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. ro.) for EUROPE, per f s Umbrla, via Queenbtown. at n n. m lor ITALY, per s. s Aller, via Naples (mail must be directed "per s. r Ailor 'i. at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s s. Anchorla (mall nust be director "pr s. k. Anchorla", at 11 a. tn lor DENMARK direct, per s. s. Norge (mall must be directed "per s s. ,-vorpe i 'PR1NTF.D MATTER, ETC -This steamer takes Printed Matter, Corrimerclal Pupers aid Samples for Germany only The same class of mall matter lor other parts of Europe will not be ent by this rhlp i mess pj'ei-iiin. unci iru oy jier Alter tin (losing ol the Supplemental , dU,1h supplrroentary mulls are opene.) Truns-Aiianuc Mans named above ad on the nlers ot the American. EnclUh French and German steamers, anu n muin oper until within Ten Minutes .i the hour ot sailing ot steamer. Malls for Sontli mill Ce-nlrnl VmeiicH, West Indie. Etc. THURSDAY -At 7 a. ro. for HERMIT V " per s. s. Pretoria; ut lo a. m for MA i-i and -SANTOS, per s. e. Rugusa tmsi' . other parts ot Uracil must be dlr led "per s s. Rugusa'); at 12 m csup ic- . tncntary 12:30 p. m.) for NASSA . I GUANT AN AMO and SANTIAGO pr s s. , saratogo, at C: p m. lor JAMAi' A per s AdmliHl Sampwin. from i: niji. i rR I DAY' At 12 m. fur M EX 1 C i ie. s s Muthtizas (mull must be dln-.uj ,..r s. s Matanzas , at 12::iv p in isipnie- mentary 1 p. m.i for TURKS 1SIAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per r s Cherokee SATURDAY At 1) . m let GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s s. Grenada: at Hum. lor PORTO RICO, per s San Juan, via Sun Jum.. at In a in. tor CUBA, per s. s Mono Castle, via Havana; ut 10 a m isupjrltime ntory 10:3u a. m i for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MA1CA. SAVAN1LLA. CARTIIAGENA and GREYToWN. per s s. Aleni (mull lor Costa Rico mutt be directed "per s. Alene' i, al 11' m. lor ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per . s. Norman Prince; at 3 p. rn. (supplementary Jt.3i p. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s s. Hlldur imutl lor riavanlHu and Cartha gena must be directed "per t. s. Hlldur i. at "ll ! m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fia I Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North svaney. nnu inence oy Dicumcr, cloe ut 1hls office dally at p. m., connecting ilosi here every Monday. Wednesdav and Saturday. Mulls for Mlque-lon, by rail to Boston, and tne-ncc by steamer, close nt this office, dally at fi :io ji. m. Mails 'or Cjba. by rail to Port Tampa. Fla . and thence by stenrnet, elose ut this office dully, except Monday at (, a. m (the connecting close", an on Suriduv. Wednes day and Frlda Malls for Cuba, hy -all to Miami, Fla . mid thence by steiamor close at this office every Monday i-nd Friday at "11 p. m Malls for Mexico city, overland, unless ;oclatly addrcsoed for dlstiat' h by steamer, close at this of. nee dally at 1 30 p. ro. and 11 p. ro. Mills lnr Costu Rio. Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail tc. New Orleans, and ,henee by steamer, (loaf at this it Hie dully at "1 30 p. in. ic nnecting (lose bete Mondays for Rellzt. Puerto Conez and Guatemala end Tuesdays lor 'Vista i Registered mall closes at t p ro previous day Trnws-Parlflo .MnlUc f T Huwal- Jap', ho, a n..u I .j j .e Isianus, ia Biu I t. l'0'l 111111 I" MflU II. b r i.i ' - i m up to Aiirll ".ti. i , l . oi 'ispat h " t s s l Jo no. I Mm. I I f !la -,i ia Pat Kmiiclw. clOM" I- it aM . t i 1" i tt i up to April "tii ,'! dsnanh i-t Marino-n.. Mill lot i.'hiis .!; and J'Htlpptft lslnnds. via S.itM i .ie bsre -ally at 4. :ei p m up jiri' -"SS iniluMve. for (Hrt(h pet Toan Mani (registered mail must he ilirci led la ;eattt). Malls for Ajstrwila 'except Wast At trail. wM'h Ees via Kuropr. and New VeHlnd whlih -w -t San Train lci. and lljl Islands vl Vnm-ou-rr m tm dally i t t.. f m r'M -rr1' a" tip ( Anrll "17. hch--ve. tor dltnatcb imr s. s Aorangl '.supprementHr) mails. Stll'. elm nt . p rr April "ft via "' -or,.1irH-,,?v.'r; iu Insivr. for dl1atrh lr s s Nlppf mini Mall- fri Tahiti and Marquesas IMaads. Ih Kan rranclnoo. i lme here dalh at f.J t m uo to Mar "11. Incluxlve. for dls- jwt-h p-r . s Australia. mu am CiiRNKI.U S VAN POTT. PoMmaster. P' smttlcc. New York jN Y.. April If, 111. RAILWAY GUIDE. WKiis fEH niiroi a w i:i:sti:ii. I'rciuiiiit. Elkhiit-n J. llunrl Vnlley, Leave. Arrive. Black Hill. Deadwood. Moi a ;:w pra a i.;ou j-ra i on. i at Casper A: Do.itlas d S;WJ pm 1:00 pro . n.iai; Hasunti- York. David Otj S ,'ertor. Geneva, Exti A: Seward .- .b 5:10 pm b 6:W pm Notlolk. Liticoln a: Fre- mont b 7:3P am blC:2S am Fremont Lov-al c 7:30 am 1 lilenco M. 1'nnl, Mlnueapnlla A OiiihIih. Twin tin Paaheticer...a C:oo am a P:10 pm Omaha P-ssenger all :1V am Sioux Clt a 5:4& pm MlKkotii 1 I'nclllc. Nebraska Ixical. Via Weeping '.vater b 4.10 pm alti;j am a Dallj . b Dally except Sunday, e Sun da only, d Lally except Saturday, r I Dally except Monday. ', IMII.V ST ATIO UlTH A.M M V11C V. 1 I nlon I'nrlnc. , Overland Limited. I Fast Mall Mall and Express.. Leave. Arrive, a fc:2u am a 7; pm .a f am a S:2 pm .all .X pm a 4:2s pm .all:aj nm a C:M am coioruuo special Llncoin-Stromsberg Ex.b i:vi pm bir:S9 pm Pacihc Ar Atlantic Ex.. a 4:21 pm a U:W) am Grand Island Local... b t. 30 pm b S:3j am Clilcnuii .V .Nortliw rutrrn. Chicago Special a 7:00 am all .JO pm Chicago Passenger a 4 Ij pm a t:4li am Eastern Exoress alu. am a 4:i"J pm i Mail u 2:4i pm Omaba-chltoBo Ltd.. .a T.. pm a :w am Fast .Man a 4,.3'j am Cedar Kapias Passenger sl .Jt, A Piiclllc. , " t,'f A 1 Ullux' T-, i . . -.-.... . . u r. m a i.ZZ pm Twin City Express a C.5 am nl0:25 pm Twin City limited a 7; pm u i:U am SIojx Cit. Local a s:im am a Siw pm c lilcniMi, illlauUi-e A. St. Paul. Chicago LlmlteC a C:00 pm a t-:05 tm Chicago A: omaha Ex..u ;la am b :to ptu ll.inoN Central. Chicago Express a 7:M am all:25 pm CnitUbO, iUiiiUeupulls A: St- Puul ..imiiuu a 7:45 pm a aiu Minneui'Oils st. i'-Ui repress a 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort ixiuge Eocal. lrom Council .uluttb b 4:30 pm a i:U Fort uouge, lrom council Bluits a Warn .nlKkouri 1'nctMe. St. Louts Express al0:00 am a C:25 pm l-i. C. A; at. .xpret-s..aiu:uu pm a f.u -lu cniiuliii A. t. l.oul. st- Louis "Cannot. iiall a 1.15 pm a h.Zt) am Kansas city A; cjuiucy loc-l a 7:00 am a l:00 pm Cliicaao, Roc- lalaud A. PmcIIIc. Des Moines A Daven port ioc4 a :2am bll:So am Cuicago x.xpless ulj.iii am a Mil) am Des -woinc ioo. - pm u t:w jnu Ct.icao rui .xuress..a u;m) pm a 1:2a pm Ufa xuoines, Hock island U ciin-tgo a ..10 pm a V.Si pm Lincoln, L-o.o. pllgs, ueiiVLf, i utrhiu unu West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 inu Colorado, and jexus Fijir a 5:20 pm a i;p0 am W lllilisll. Sl. Loui; "'Cannon Ball" Exptesb a 5:15 pm a E:2u nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ULilLUvCT OA STATION KIT II A MASON Iliirlliigton A Missouri Hlver. Leave. Arrive. NobriLska A; Colorado Express a k:40 am s inn Wyniof. Beatrice A. Lincoln a s;40 am DlkaJ urn Denver l-tmilod u lii pm u s:w pm Black lulls . Pugtt sound, Denver Con nection a f:00 pm a C:L an Lincoln Fast Mall u J:w irni u .:? am Fort Crook A: Plans- nioulh h 3:20 pm bll:tl5 am Bellevue A: Pacihc Jct..u 7wu pm a :.u am Bellevue A; Pacmc Jct..alr;lu -m ChU-aKo. Hurllniilou A (lulney. Chicago Special a 7:w am al:20 pm Chicago N esubulod Ex..a 4:im pm a 7:45 am Chlcugo Local a b :3o am a 4, '05 pm Chicago Llmnei u 7'aO pm a 7:45 uni Fast Mall " .- I'" Kim- -?. Si. Joseph A Council lllufla, Kansas Cltv Day Ex a H.20 am a C:25 inn Kt rzje C'?. N.St Lx ui" So pm a tl.15 i rn et Louis r yu u 5.n pm all. 11 am a Da1,, u Dal y except Sunday. Rftortl Voyicf i Dtt. 7Hcurs. it Minutes. BOSIOmo LIVtKHOOL m QUEENS TOWN Commonwealth, Tm &cre, 12.000 Tont Mai 8 Npw England, 11,600 " Mm 22 PORTLAND t LIVERPOOL via QUEEN5T0AN Vancouver Ma) IB Dominion ....Apr 27 Cimliroman. Mi) 4 Vancouver June 22 For Inrthcr IslornatlM. atdrati Coaiaiay'i, (lllkcu. t-V Iicirborn U.. Cblcats. Ills. OPPOSITION TO BOND ISSUE 1 o in initio- Mil Lei. Itrpmi f(er line lull Miuiuleil I.ocnl "-eiitllneli t em ((ucstlon. The. onmhE titizens" committee haa de elded thai this Is not au opportune Htue lo attempt to secure the Issue of bonds hy the county In aid of the iCanBat A-. Southern railroad, and the probability is that the matter will be Indefinitely post poned. at least alonF the lines of a bond issue A meeting of the committee at the Com. tnerrlnl dub rooms yesterday brouzht out Euclid Martin, Herman Kount7e F. I . Klrl.endall. K. R Bruce. W. 3 Mroateh and others. Mom tiers of this committee hove for several days canvassed tbr mutter ot a bond Issue and have taken care to secure the cxprtist-lnti of influential citizens on the subject. When they came to compare tbelr work they found that the sentiment was almost unanimous against a bond issue In aid of the road at this time. As soon as this condition was atinoinucu a resolution was udopted detlartnc that the committee believed It impossible te carry the hend proposition, and for that reason would cot iocjiicm the eouuty eommlaaiotiers to tub mil It to a vote of the people The tSeiepatlon Jrem Emporia arrived yes. trrday' mornlne and until about 11 oelork was at the Paxton hotel, where the visitors nn t several Omaha pe-etple who are Interested ti ihe propose 4 railroad At 11 lo'lorV. eher went Prvoh 'imsha whrrs i hr nr ' . ( - n.i. n i bet! ' in 'he aft ll'Lw.Il.