Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Mi.vjtt siu.vrio.N.
Davis ell drugs.
Btockcrt sells laco curtnlns.
Uas fixtures und globe ut BI.Tby'.
Vino A U C beer, Neumuyer's hotel,
Wollmun, BclenUfle optician, V u'wajr.
l'aaturmfe. Juilson. XX Sixth avu. Tol. 3IS.
Now fancy frumes. C. H. Alexander &
Co., KB lirontlwuy,
O. A !. anil family will Iciivo today for
a visit with rutiitlvt!M in ChlciiKO.
foloni-l J. A. OlmMc.ul and Major Hume
wlh Iiihi cct Company U Mny '
V. lf. OrHff, undertaker uml dlslnfector,
101 South Muln street, I'hono COfe.
Get your work done at the popular fc.aala
laundry, 721 IJroadwuy. Thona 157.
Correct und cxcIuhIvo styles of elegant
photos at HUimldts, Wt IJroadway.
Morgan & Klein, uiitiolaierltiK. lurnltura
..ruilrliiL' mntirpMH inuKinC. ii H Main si
I'nul Aylesworth Is netlim us city l'lf,l,0,r
In tin? iibsenco ot H. U. Wiiusworlh In Uill
lurnla. Tim Atlunliiii club will meet lumnrrow
uf turnout! with ,Mih. .Morris, lllo fourth
uvulllio. ,
for kale, household furniture and horse
mid bUKxy, cheap, lnuulru D. A. Hamilton,
Grand hotel.
C U. Hell, formerly an architect and
resident uf C'u.inell llluffs, now of llcluna,
aiont., Is In the city vlsltltiK friends.
A want ad In The lleo will brlhK results.
Tho samo attention Klveh to a want ad lu
Council Ulllfts as at tne Omaha olllce.
Tnkn home a brick of Vanilla warn, 25
cents, or Neapolitan, cents. Will keep
ono hour without Ice. A. Metzger A: Co,
There will bo a special meeting this yen
lnc of Kxcelslor Masonic lodge for work In
the third dPKree, to bu followed by a ban
quet. Tho city sower force Is cementliiK the
mnrm fowers on North first, North Second
und llryant streets, all of which have been
round to bu leaking and In need of repairs.
Mrs. .1. N. Onsiidy. sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
CiihikIv. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Hohrer anil
JIIms Carollno Hohrer will go to Sioux City
many to ittlend thu Whltc-Spauluiim won
ditig. I'ho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Hwiinson ot Honey Creek, died y.esterday
irom pnejinonla, aged ;l years. The funeral
will be at Pi o'clock this morning and burial
will be lu the Oram; a cemetery.
Put Kgan, committed by the Hoard of
Commissioners ror the Insane to Ht. Her
nard'H hospital, was taken back to Dallas
county jeslerday by Sheriff Waynes. Hgan'H
home Is lu Wuukee, Dallas county.
Tho regular meeting of Pottawattamie
trlbo No. SI, Imiiroveil Order of Hed Men,
will bo this evening In Marcus' hall. There
will be work In tho chief's ileftreu and
Q rent Senior Sagamoro Day of Des Moines
will bo present
William 1'rnbntlc, who disturbed tho
meeting of the Salvutlon Aimy Monday
night by Insisting that the bass drummer
go to a saloon and take a drink with him,
whs lined Ji and costs In police court yes
terday morning.
Tom Carter, urrcsted on misplclon of hav
I'fcC held up and robbed Jin, Alice Johnson
lust Saturday evening on Hroadway wad re
leased from the city Jail yesterday, the
pollco having tailed to secure any direct
evidence against him.
Mm, Klir.nlieth Jeffers, a pioneer resident
of Council llluffs, died yesterday morning at
her home, Hill North lilghth street, aged 7
years. Death was duo to the Infirmities of
old nge. She was the mother of six chil
dren, two of whom survive her, George H.
nnd Hoberta. The funeral will be this
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence.
The receliits In the general fund at tho
Christian Home last week vera J3S.VJO,
lining Jlftl.Pi) above tho estimated needs for
the current expenses of the week, tho bal
ance being placed to the credit of the eon-,
tlngent. In the manager's fund tho te
celpts were $1 1.75. being (9.75 above tho
needs fit tho week. The balance was
placed to the credit of the general fund.
Annie Anderson, the 15-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. 1. K. Anderson, died yes
terday morning at sin North Ninth sheet
from pneumonia. Miss Anderson was at
tending the lllnh school. The fiuinnil will
bn this afternoon from the residence of hr
I'lireius, near uiko Aianawa, at 1 o clock
and burial will bo In Kalrvlow cemetery.
I lev. J . AVllson," pastor of the Klr3t
Congregational church, will conduct the
pi i vices.
Mrs. Mary I.yneh. living on Sixth avenim
nnd Twenty-second street, was before Judgo
Ayltsworth in police court yesterday morn
ing on a charge of disturbing thu peace,
preferred by Mrs. Kcrguson. n neighbor.
Only part of tho evldenco was heard i.nd
the case continued until today. Several of
the reslilentM testllled that the defendant
w?ia ,',r,,,,5hlnB,fI,'m't 1,1 ,ln neighbor
hood while Mrs. Ferguson stated that Mrs.
at her W VCr Ulu R!in,en lence
N. V. Plumbing Co.. tuiupaone 550.
nubber stamps at DeLong's. 307 U'way.
To Stop llrlvliitr Over .Siilcivnlka,
Oeorgo V. Turner, who was arrested Mon
day for driving across a sidewalk In the
western part of tho city, was fined 13 and
costs In pollco court yesterday morning by
Judge Aylesworth. The costs amounted to
J5.I0. Tho pollco say they aro determined
to stop as far as posslblo the practice of
driving over tho sidewalks and they will
bo backed by Judge Aylesworth.
Tho henrlng of tho three omployes ot tho
motor company, chnrged with a similar
onense, will be Saturday morning In pollco
Buy your trees, shrubs nnd roses ot
Mcncra.. 62J East Broadway, Council Bluffe.
Telephones, office, 404; residence, 4465.
Hen! ICxtntr Trnimf r m.
Those transfers wero filed yesterday In
tho abstract, title nnd loun offlco of J. W.
Squlro, 101 Pearl street:
J,,,1J,',':",!1 "nrsloy nnd husband to
U llllnm Artnl, lots 1U und 20, block 9.
fierce s suiittiv, w. u $
John II, Martin nnd wife to Henry A.
Smith, lot 1. block 4. .Martin's ro-subl
dlv of blocks 1 and 4, lu Macedonia.
fcxchitnge Stnto bank. Walnut, lu to
C. A. HosHinnn, nwVi 28-76-38. q, c. d.
J. II. Henry and wife to Nlcolaus
Petersen. neU 29-77-38, w. d. .........
n. i,.
Total four transfers
$ 2.741
Mnrrlnuc Mcrnnen.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
tho following:
Name and Residence. co
.' Jtfi,u,.nL' 'ilParalso, Neb ,5s
Mary F. Smith, Valparaiso, Nb...... 59
George D Oreve, Avocn. In '"3s
Bertha Wolff. Pottawattnmlo county . "i
James Myers, Neoln, la
Sarah K. Allen, Neolu, la Ts
t'jv- !'."anv inha Z'.:.' A
i.aura . Crocker. Council UlufrH......."".;sJ
Wo bring gladness to
tho heurts of all who buy
their Bttoes at our store,
Look for (lie llenr.
Negotiated In Rastern Nebraska
ana towa. Jimci n. jr.,
Uti Main at., council uiuiu.
Funeral Director
Fartly Dti to the Ntceitlty for Providing
Fria Textbooki.
Addition to .econd Avenue lliilldliiK
IIHi llnont the Assessment
Tenchem Km ml Snim n
l.nnt Venr.
The tax levy for the coming year for
school purposes recommended by the tlnanco
committee and adopted nt the meeting of
the Hoard of Kducatlon last night, will be
consldtrably larger than last year.
This will be due to the necessity for pro
viding free textbooks, the equipment for
the new high school and the addition to
the Becond avenue school building. The
levy for tho teachers' fund will be the same
ns last year $65,000.
In the contingent fund 140.000 will have
to be levied. This amount Is made up of
threo Items J22.000 is tho same amount
as levied last year and Is used to pay the
expenses of Janitors, coal and other sup
plies, $9,000 must ho levied to provide for
tho free textbooks, which were voted by
the people ut the last election and J'J.000
will have to be provided for the equipment
and furnishing of the new high school build
ing. for tho school house fund $16,200 will
havo to bn levied. Of this $6,000 Is to pro
vide for tho addition to the Second aveuuo
school building and $10,200 for Interest on
The committee on supplies was Instructed
to ascertain what number of desks und
other equipment would he needed for the
new high school. Tho question of renovat
ing the furniture in tiso In the old high
school was discussed, but no decision was
arrived at pending the report of tho com
mittee on supplies as to the cost of pro
viding new furnlturo for tho building.
I'nlon I.nlirl llefenteil.
The question of adopting tho resolution
of the Typographical union, calling for
the use ot the union label on all printed
supplies and textbooks used by the school
district, was brought up and discussed nt
length, but was flnully laid over, as the di
rectors decided they required further light
on the legal aspect of the question. Chair
man Macrae of tho committee on textbooks
and printing, to which had been referred
tho resolution, reported that be hail secured
this opinion from Attorney Hons, the sec
retary and legal adviser of the board:
It has almost uniformly been held that
such restrictions and contracts made In
pursuanc.! thereof are In violation of com
mon rights, tending to create a monopoly
against public policy, and void. Tho most
of the cases arise where there Is nil ex
pressed statutory provision requiring county
or city boards to let contractu to the low
est responsible bidder. In the case of school
directors In Iowa thero Is an express re
quirement that In tho matter of textbooks
tho contract shall be awarded to the low
est responsible bidder. Thero are no ex
press statutory provisions as to purchasing
oiner sunn les. out scnool uireetnrH nr in
duty bound to faithfully dlschargo the i te"B lDe UPr OI curing mo to
duties of their office, nnd not the least rf cation of the see for Council llluffs in tho
...... . i ,.,v,i .mi, nui iiir iruai ri
these duties Is that they be economical nnd
careful In tho expenditure of the peoplo's
money, it is a common fact that where
such resolutions have been ndoplcd the
municipalities have been unable to secure
iiieir priming ai rrusonniiie prices. Fur
ther comment Is linnet'ensury, but for the
reasons stated! think thn nrfnntinn nt v,
resolution would bo unlawful.
Tyiiowrnnlcnl Proteht.
T. n. Drake, district organizer of the
International Typographical union, and
Harry Wcstcott, representing tho local
union, addressed tho board on behalf of
tho adoption of the resolution. Organizer
Drake stated that tho adoption of the reso
lution meant moro to the union thnn ap
peared upon tho surface. Tho union, he
explained, wau after the school book trust
and he had every reason to believe that
If the board adopted tho resolution it
would mean that the trust would soon come
to time. Westcott explained that the typo
graphical union was not a trust and that
the union label was simply a trademark.
Acting on the suggestion of tho board's
architects it was decided to adopt the
plans for the addition to the Second avenue
school, which provides for two wings nt
the southeast and the southwest corners
of the rear of the building. Tho architects
wero Instructed to proceed with the per
fecting ot the plans.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Head, C41 Broad'y,
Davis sells paint.
Kvnn Krulej- nml John luley Continue
Arlifhuorly Witrfnrr.
The line fence between the homes of
Evan Fegley and John Isloy in tho north
west part of the city, which has proven
such n bono of contention as to bring both
parties a number of times Into court n
various charges, first preferred by ono and
then by tho other, was to the fore again
At the meeting of the city council Mon
day night Fegley presented a petition nsk-
tng that the municipal authorities order
lsley to remove his house and fences, nl
leglng that 'he latter was occupying a por
lion or tne public thoroughfare. Feclov
ana isiey live neighbors on Twenty-ninth
street, between Avenues I and J. It 's 11
part of the city whero houses are few and
far between and whero the streets are not
vciy clearly defined, tho residents of that
particular locality not having been over-
careful In establishing their fences.
Some of the aldermen had Investigated
the complaint that lsley was occupying .ho
public thoroughtaro and on looking the
ground over decided that It Isloy was an
So said a man whose eyes were ex
amined und found defective, when wo
advised him to lay aside his cheap
store glasses nnd let us tit him with
proper ones.
Months later, nfter trying many po
called opticians, he came to us with
the remark: "Guess I'll tako those
glasses now."
A re-exnmtnutlon showed vision In
ono eye entirely gone, all through neg
lect., and no glass will ever restore It.
"Tuklng chances" with your eyes Is
downright recklessness.
We correct all optical defects, takn
no chances with your eyes, nor allow
you to.
Herman M. Leffert
' (irnduate Optician,
'-ail Ilrondrrn)'. Cnniii-ll Bluffs,
usurper of the public domain Kcgley was
Ihe same, and on their recommendation ihn
lattcr's petition to the council was re
jected. This did not suit l'eglcy and It Is alleged
that during tho dark hours of Monday
night ho quietly but effectively remoml
Isley's fence. Tho latter lout no time lu
tiling a complaint against Koglcy with tho
county attorney, but tho latter declined to
ftitortaln any more, us the squabbles be
tween the two men has already cost I ho
county a considerable sum lu Juatlco court
costs. Tho county attorney recommended
to lsley that ho take a whirl at thu 'n
Junction process, as provided by the stat
utes, and bring proceedings In the district
court, which would once au.l ever determine
his right to maintain tho fenca objected
to so strenuously by his neighbor, lslty
left tho county attorney's office. Baying lu
would sco what his lawyer had to rccom.
mend in tho matter.
llayllN .lurilnn In Vlrthn of Knll Into
Hot Witter.
Uayliss Jordan, young boii of Jordan M.
Oursler. freight iigcnt for tho Onion Pa
cine railroad in this city, died early yester
day morning at tho family home, H09 Fourth
street, from the effects of hums received
Monday nftcrnoon by falling Into a boiler
of scalding water.
The llttlo fellow, who lacked three months
of being 5 years old, was In tho habit of
running to tho door to meet his father
when tho latter returned from his w6rk In
the evening. Monday evening Mr. Oursler
returned somewhat earlier than usual and
his little son ran as usual to greet him us
he came up the sidowalk. It was house
cleaning day and a boiler of scalding water
for scrubbing the floors stood on tho floor
of tho kitchen. The boy In his haste to
open the door stumbled nnd fell backward
Into the boiler. Ho was quickly picked
out, his clothing removed and remedies ap
plied. Tho child madn little outcry and did
not appear to bo suffering very much. He
was put to bed nnd soon sank Into what
seemed a peaceful sleep. His parents did
not realize the serious extent or character
of his burns until several hours after, when
a physician wns hurriedly called, but too
late, its the child was dead.
Llttlo Hayllss was a particularly brlRht
nnd winsome lad and his parents have tho
sympathy of tho entire community In thulr
Tho funeral, which will be private, will
be this afternoon nt C o'clock from the
family resldcnre. The services, attended
only by relatives and lmmedlute friends of
tho family, will bo conducted by Ilev. V.
S. Barnes of the First Presbyterian church.
Hurlnl will be In Fnlrview cemetery.
(lunrtcrl)' MertliiK of Council DInffn
Twcnty-fivo priests were present yester
day at tho quarterly meeting of the Coun
cil Uluffs deanery, hold yesterday at tho
parochial residence of Itev. Father Patrick
Smyth of St. Francis Xavier'a church.
These counties comprlso the deanery and
were represented: Harrison, Shelby, Au
dubon. Pottawattamie, Cass, Mills, Mont
gomery, Adsms. Union, Fremont, Page,
Taylor, Ringgold.
The gathering was waited upon by tho
special city council committee, consisting
of Aldermen Hoyer, Clark and McDonald,
accompanied by several prominent Catholic
j ... .
event of the establishment of another dio
cese laid before it. Tho priests present
expressed themselves as much pleased with
the Interest shown by the citizens in the
matter and that they would llko to seo the
blshop'a resldenco located lnCouncll Bluffs
f another dloceso wns created. They were.
however, opposed to the division of the
diocese and the creation ot another see.
In addition to the question of tho loca
tion of the proposed see, matters of Inter
est to the church In the district comprising
the denncry wero discussed. Most of the
attending priests left for their homes last
Clinrle II. Stive 11 llrliiKi I'rnreedliiK
A Kn I nut Wlfe'n I'ltreiitn.
Charlc3 H. Stlvcn began habeas corpus
proceedings in the district court yesterday
to secure possession of his 4-year-old son.
i,naries 1;. btlvenB, who, ha allegeii. Is be
ing wrongfully nnd forcibly dotalncd by the
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kdmond La
tham, 2604 Avenue C.
In his petition the father of tho boy
states that last September his wife, a
aaugnter or Mr. nnd Mrs. Latham, do-
serted him and the boy and took up her
reBldouco in Des Moines, whero a llttlo over
a month ngo sho secured n divorce In the
Polk county district court, and a few days
later married a man named Hook, with
whom she Is living. On tho 9th of this
month Stlvcn secured a decree from the
Folk county district court giving him the
care and custody of the boy. Tho child
had been placed In the care of Its grand
parents by thu mother nnd thoy refused
to surrender him when called upon to do
so by tho father.
Judgo Wheeler had tho child brought
Into court, but by agreement of tho father
permitted the lad to remain in the care of
tho grandparents until the habeas corpus
case should bo determined, tho hearing on
which has been set for Saturday afternoon.
Davis sells tlana.
Sam (illllx. Ilnrlier, In Killed (or lllu
.Motor Cnr Helllm-reiicr.
Sam aillls, a barber, who had Imbibed
too freely Monday night, becamo abusive
on a Council Bluffs-Omaha motor car and
was ordered off by Conductor Wood.
"I guess thero nln't anyono big enough
on this cnr to put mo off," yelled Qlllls as
he drow from his pockot n big razor and
made n slash nt tho conductor, who ducked
lu time to savo his nnatomy bolng enrved
Passengers enmo to the conductor's assist
mice nnd Qlllls was soon overpowered and
the razor taken from him. When tho car
reached the motor barn Qlllls succeeded In
Jumping off nnd making his escape He
was captured about 4 o'clock yesterday
morning by tho police and Judgo Ayles
worth fined htm $10 and costs.
Crlnilnnl Cimea.
The trial of Clarence Spurlock, the young
man charged with tho theft of a set of
harness, tho property of George S. Davis
from tho barn of William Klrby In Keg
Crook township, was not completed when
court adjourned last evening. The defense
In its cross-examlnatiou of the wlUessei
for the state attempted to bring out testl
mony relative to tho domestic relations o
William Klrby and his wife, whose divorce
suit Is now pending, but w'as prevented by
the court. Evldenco for tho defenso will be
Introduced this morning,
Thomas Carter, Indicted on the charg
of breaking Into the office of David Brad
Icy & Co. and stealing a quantity of revenue
stamps and some minor articles, entered a
Plea of guilty und Judge Wheeler deferre
passing sentence until Friday.
The case against Mrs. Leah Frascr,
charged with maintaining a disorderly
house, was continued until next terra.
Two Cnrm of Knmllnom.
Two moro cases of smallpox were ro
ported to the Board of Health yesterday,
The afflicted persons are Bridget and Mlko
O'Lckrv, living at 1111 Avenue O,
Writing Paper
A 1-
Sale on
Ladles' Cambric Wrapper, neatly trim-
mud with yoke effect, full
width skirt, at
$1.00 Ladles' Wrappsrs In blacks, greys, nnd blues,
neatly trimmed with finishing bruld, with lapel
on shoulder and wide flounce at
bottom of skirt, on
sale nt
At $1.U Ladles' light Cambric Wrapper with wtdo
flounce, also dark colored Percnlo
handsomely made nnd trimmed
on sale for
only ,
Full linn of Lawn nnd Percale Wrap
pers In new and elegant stylco
at $1.50 nnd '
Capes and Jackets
Ladles' and Mlssca' Cloth Capes In tan, blue,
brown and green, trimmed with
braid nnd fancy ruffles,
on sale nt
Hlnck Figured Silk Capes, trim
med In lace and ribbon
on sale ut
Men's Colored Shirts
$1.00 Colored Shirts, laundered fronts
full lino of sizes, on
sale ut
Kid Glove
Sale Today
March Taxw and InhiriUnoa Tax Art Fill-
isg Up thi Tnuury.
Xrw Iltilinque-Toledo ItnllroacI Hnuie
uf Kx-Srorctry of Mtnte Ilurned
Marc Loiik Telephone Linen
' to Br nullt.
DES MOINES, April 23. (Special.) The
condition ot the stato treasury of Iowa Is
such as to invite extravagance in appro
priations and expenditures. At tho present
time, according to tho latest balances, there
Is In tho treasury to tho credit of the gen
eral revenues,' $1,061, 498.75; In tho special
university tund; $17,051.62: In tho special
agricultural college fund, $18,360.86; In 'he
agricultural collego endowment fund, $15,
815.89; In the swamp land Indemnity fund,
$150.40, and in the permanent school fund.
$63.34. The lncrcaso in the balances has
been remarkable the last tow weeks, re
turns being received from tho March col
lections of taxes, which aro by far the
argest of the year.
While the collections reported have far
exceeded the amounts collected at this
tlmo of the year before, there aro fifteen
of tho larger counties of tho state yet to
report, and these sums will swell the total
in the state treasury to an unprecedented
figure One of the heavy sources of revenue
nt tho present time Is from the collateral
Inheritance tax, Imposing a tax of 5 per
rent on estates which do not descend to
direct heirs. Today tho treasury received
$5,645.25 from the estate of Stephen Cald
well, who died in 1'ottawattamie coun.y
over a year ngo, being the proceeds of the
collateral Inheritance tax. This la the
largest single sum ever received under this
Ioitr firo'rm In Convention.
The Retail Grocers' association of Iowa
Is In annual convention at Waterloo. The
president is Eugene Buttles of Durlington.
Thero ore present 200 of the retail grocers
of tho state, and In addition to the con
vention there Is an exhibit of prepared
foods and groceries by manufacturers,
nearly 100 firms being represented In tho
exposition. Tho program Includes papers '.n
a great variety of subjects, and an address
by P. O. Hansen, president ot the National
Retail Grocers' asfoclatlon. One subject
which Is receiving much attention Is that
of tho catalogue houses and their methods
and the way thoy Interfere with tho busl
ness ot the local merchants. The conven
Hon will conclude Thursday.
Sella Intercut In Hotel.
Colonel C. F. McCarthy of Jefferson has
sold his half Interest In tho Iowa hotel,
one of the large hotels of Des Moines, to
his partner, Captain Albert Head, also ;f
Jefferson. The hotel Is one of tho older
hnusis of tho city, formerly known as the
Iowa Crop llullctln.
The following Is the Iowa crop bulletin
Issued today from the office ot the Iowa
weather and crop burenu:
Tho last week was unseasonably cold,
the mean temperature ranging from 5 to
S degrees below normal. Ice formed on
soveral mornings and at several stations
In the northern section minimum temper
aturca wero reported 10 to 12 degrees below
freezing. The rainstorm on tho 16th and
17th was quite general, and In some lo
calities sufficiently heavy to retard Hold
work two or three days.
But despite adverse conditions fair prog
roaa has been made in all districts. Spring
wheat seeding is completed and, except
In limited nreaB, whero the soil is vory wet
the work of sowing oats and barley Is
nearly finished. In somo localities eeedlng
has been done while the soil was too wet
for best results,
Tho cold weather has retarded germlnn
tlon of seed nnd growth of grass, but ao
material Injury Is reported. Fruit buds
are generally believed to be healthy and
(I ild Fellowx Wnnt Supreme LoiIkp.
A meeting of the committee of tho Iowa
grand lodge of Odd Fellows was held here
this morning to lay plans for securing the
next meeting of the supreme lodge for Des
Moines. The committee Is headed by J. S.
tlellnmy of Knoxvllle, who declares that
Des Moines will be able to land the u
preme lodge. If held here It will be about
a year from this time.
Dri Malnea Women' Pinna.
The Des Moines women who will go to tho
convention of Women's clubs nt Council
Bluffs In May have determined upon ask
ing two things, namely, that tho next U-
Boston Store, Council Bluffs, In.
Ready - to
ys, nnd blues,
, with lapel
Ladles' Black Dress Skirts, nuidu
of ilgurcd mohair, on
sale at
Ladles' $1.75 Black Dress Sklrts
011 sale at
per with wldo
Misses' Golf Skirts, In browns and
grays, on sale at $3.00
Ladles' tJolf Skirts, In blue, brown and gtoy. on
sale at
$5.75 and $7.50
Wall Paper
Our lino of Wallpaper Is tho largest nnd clenn
est In tho city, nnd ut tho lowest prices, ranging
lie, 3k:, 5c, 75c, 10c,
12ic 15c to 25c a roll
Sun Bonnets
Ladles' nnd Misses' Sunbonncls, lu good variety
of styles nnd colors, on snlo at
15c, 20c and 25c
Willi LLWV
Boston Store,
ennlal meeting shall bo In Des Mnlncs nnd
that a Des Moines woman bo made; presi
dent. Tho Des Molucs enndidnto for the
presidency Is Mrs. W. II. Hnlley, the newly
elected prcshlent of tho Des Moines
Woman's club. She has been recording
secretary of tho Stato federation nnd has
long been nctlvo In tho work of the cluba,
Can n it ii fur n Cr met cry.
Sam HIco post. Grand Army of the Re
public, ot Atlantic, hns been presented
with a cannon, which will ho placed on
tho Grand Army lot at tho city cemetery
Tho condemned wenpou selected by Gen
eral Iluftlngton, chief of ordnance, to he
sent to Atlantic, Is a thlrty-two-poundcr
now at Fort Illenvcnue, La., weighing 7.2UO
DiiIiikiup-ToIpiIo Line.
The nrtlclcs of Incorporation of the Chi
cago, Dubuque & Pacific Railroad company
wero filed with tho secretary of state to
day. Tho Incorporators are G. II. Strtibln.
JamcB C. Hayes, C. II. Meyer, E. W. Grif
fith, Henry Ketno, II. J. Stlgcr and John
Flynn. Tho capital Htock is $200,000. Tho
incorporators arc going about It quietly, ns
though they meant to build the road,
which Is projected from Dubuque to To
ledo, In Tnma county, to connect with tho
Chicago & Northwestern.
Mcl'nrlnuirn Hume lliirnn.
At 2:30 o'clock this morning tho homo of
ex-Secretary of Stato William M. McFar
land. In the northern part of Des Moines,
was burned to tho ground with all Its con
tents. Tho home coat $10,000, exclusive
of furnishings. Mr. McKiirland, since his
retirement from statu otllce, has been en
gaged In the Insurance business nnd trav
eling most of tho time. Ho Is now sup
posed to bo In KansaH. None of tho fam
ily were at homo at the time. Tho insur
ance was $?,500 on house and contontB.
Sunn uf American Itcvnlntlon.
At a stato meeting of the Sous of the
American Revolution of Iowa, held in
Davenport, and a banquet to members of
the order, tbo following new members wero
admitted to membership: Dr. A. M. Bar
rett, Independence; Charles E. Baker,
Cedar Rapids; Oliver 1,. Hayward, Brook
lyn; Colonel William Hayward, Nebraska
City, Neb.; Louis E. Jones, Iowa 'Falls;
Rev, Frederick W. Keaton, Duhuquo;
George E. Maclean, Iowa City; Horace N.
Shaw, Mt. Pleasant.
l'liiirnimr ' CuiiiiiiInmIuii.
Tho fiscal year of tbo Iowa Pharmacy
commission ended today, and tomorrow tho
commission reorganizes for tho next year
N. T. Iloadrlx ot Columbus Junction, the
president, will succeed himself on the
board, but ns It has been the custom to
rotnte officers tho presidency this year will
go to Fletcher Howard of Sheldon.
'l'u Snvc SI o nil l.uUe.
Oeorgo A. Lincoln, the now tUh nnd gamo
commissioner, is preparing to have tho
Hues of Storm. Lako In Buena Vista county
marked by stono shafts, ao that tho lines
may be known to all, and then to nrrango
so that the dnm at the outlet shall be kept
In condition to have tbo water nt tho levol
set by tho government surveyors years ago.
Thero hns been much complaint that tho
water has been cither too high or too low
In tho lake and tho fishing hns been thus
ruined. Hereafter un effort Is to be made
to keep tho lnko at a uniform height and
tho fish will bo cared for in every way
.Mpillrnl CuIIckc tiriiiluntc.
Tho annual oxcrclses of graduation ot
tho class ot medical students of Dralto
Medical college were held this evening and,
fourteen wore given diplomas, Tho school
Is tho only medical school hero, thero being
schools at Iowa City, Keokuk and Sioux
I.niiH Telephone Line.
A company has been formed hero to build
three telephone lines ucross Iowa, or to
make connections -with nlreiidy existing
lines, to make soveral routes across tho
stato from cast to west. The company will
be called tho Transmlsslsslppl Telephone
and Telegraph company, with J. W. Hill
of Des Moines as president, and C. C. Decr
Ing of Boono secretary.
llmly In ' ii nil In llltcr,
The body of Henry Atncl of Minnesota
was found In the Des Moines river today.
lllu f,rlps and clothing wero found on tho
river bank last January, but no trace of
tho body until today. Ho was about 50
years old nnd Is supposed to havo come
from Chippewa county.
Killed Ity Itiiiiiimi) Hume,
A remarkable fatal accident happened to
11. year-old Myrtle Waus this evening. She
had gone to a pasture to get u horse and
bad untied tho halter and fastened tho rope
to herself, Somo dogs began lighting and
scared the horse so that It ran nway, As
he crossed the Rock Island tracks near
by; thu girl wbb thrown agatnut ti post and
injured ao that she died In about livo hours.
- Wear Garments
At 60c A new
Waists, full
on snlo ut
Council Bluffs
Of the Sun throws dirk shadow en
the ritlh. So it it with the human body disease shuts out the Jight of health
and happiness.
Is an antidote for all diseases which attack
the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach or Bowels.
It drives out constipated conditions, restore
functional activity and regularity,
Pure Blood,
Strong Nerve and)
Cood Digestion.
People who have used It say It It thelf
main reliance for keeping the body healthy.
Pile, 9 1.OO.
rami. NOTSiMair m mm nwi' imi 1
U a. ..... ii i ... fe. m.4 m . rtft. hum totolt.
ll. Ulklf r- I M IMM.
$5.00 A MONTH
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 year InOmahs
Method nsw. wltho-it
catting, pavlu or loes
ot time.
CVDLII I IC cureaforlireanatnspoisoB
31 n I LI O thoroughly cleansed from
the system. Soon every sign and symptom
disappears complotely and forever. No
"HKKAKINCJ OUT" o( the (llaeasa on the skin
or face Treatment contains bo dsugerons
drugs or injurious mealcln.
WEAK MEN from Kicesse or Victims
Youwi and Miuit.K Atimi, Ucu of vim. vigor
and strength, with organs impaired and wlc.
STRICTURE cured with a new Horns
Tr"ut"eut. Nopalu, no dutentlon from bust
nets. Kidney and IlUdiier Trouhlet.
Consultation I ree. Treatment by Mill.
Call on on or address 119 8o. 14th 8t.
Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb.
uxNvrxcrvjmD by
$1.50 ladles' Walking Hats- m g-
on sal ut mC
only UVL
$1.9S Lndlea' Walking Hnts
In assorted colors JLJ
on sale at
Misses' nnd Children's Moxlcan Hats, assorted
colors, ut
50c, 75c and $1
Ladles' trimmed lints, In good assortment of
colors and etylcs, at
$1, $1.50 and $2
Ladles' new Spring Hutu, In a groat variety of
shapes nnd colors nt
$3, $3.50, $4.50, $5
$7.50 to $10 each
Shirt Waists
and complete lino of ladles' Shtrt
line of sires and Inrgo
of colors
Some now creations In ladles' Shirt Wnlsts, In
lawns, ginghams and percales, all mado In tho
newest styles, at
69c, 75c, $1, $1.25,
$1.50 and $1.75
$1.00 Silk Foulards
on Sale Today at
The "Comstock Process''
is the most successful method for reducing and relieving
pain in all kinds of dental operations that has yet been
presented to tho public. It hns been used by lending den
tists of tho east for nearly two years, and has been pro
nounced by them to bo entirely satisfactory, Our patient
are delighted with tho results It produces. If you ar
nervous and your teeth are sensitive we will bo pleased ta
explain it to you.
..Telephone 145.
H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
I It stands aone, 1
The Quality of
is unconditionally
superior to the
foreign arrxfe Yon
sj .e the import dut
. Si tc .!(... .. k.n
you buy it Purity Mm
Can be given In Ulas.i of Wiinr, Tre or
Cofleo Without I'atlent'a ilnowli'Clii.
White million lluinedy will curu or dt
troy tho dlseam-d upputlto for ulcoh-Jlli
Umulunts, whstlier tho p.itlcnt 1h u con.
flrmea tuolirlutu, "a tippler," botlul driiiiioi
oi drunkard
Impokdlblo for any ono to have nn tip.
net He for alcoholic liquor: utter .lullif
Whtta Hlbhon Ileincdy lly mail 11. Trla
package free by writliiK Mrn. T. C. Ataoui
rrco't W. C. T. U. Ventura, California
Sold tn Umalm, Nob., by i;hus. 11. Hchuufur
ICth and Chtcnso utreuts.
nciuuucu, i
i Knur
nntce l)r.ICay' licnovumi
to euro dvhnrtislu. coti'U.
patlon, liver and kldnevs. Ilest tonic, laxativn,
blood purifier Unonn for nil chronlo dkousi's
renovates and Invlcorn tcs tliowIinliiHjfctcm und
cures very vomtrasei.. trial box nt unci.
If nntnatlallvd with It notify us, ire uili refund
moni'y by return mall. WrItoyoiirr.yinptnnii
for Frf o Medical Advlrr, kumpln nnd proof t!5 A
60o at drui'Clsta. Ut. U. J. Kay, .Sarutoa, .S'.Y,
Pennyroyal pills
jt- rrtlI and Oat? Ocaalar.
ItlryflBVilB UKI "4 UoltJ intuitu boiM .aal1
ui div nni. i aike mrr. nrui
llftsTcra HnUtilittoti mm 4 lml(
Umrnt 01 af jar Intuit it, r 4e, it
lara Mali. K.I4tr
til Dmtll.l..
baW kli ,, Ualaa Saaarc
iliiR.ll.rl 'b.aulfal t'o.,
1-liiUA., a'.;
It you huva iintll, wk nrcni,
i,rr hi wfal:i'nlnu drain.,
nur Viuuuiii (Wn IieC!lor will
if .tors you Million! amy or
ilrrtitfltv. 75.000 III null mitmm
failure i notonereturni-iti noC O. U. frauti wrlla for
r.4lf.,i1.rk. .,.,,1.,1 In ulaln elivelnn.
lOCit APPLIANCE CO.. U6 Thorp BU., Irilentpc.ils,lnd.
RIPAN'8 TA HULKS In an tfteotive. eu
I (or the IIU which ortxlunto In u bad atom
fcch, 19 for be. At all druta-lita.
. A I
V'TWt atUlM at" fW