THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: AVEpy ESDAY, A PHIL 21, 1901. SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND MEN (Eigulr Armr to Bo Increased to and ... V NUMBER FOR PHILIPPINES NOT DECIDED Urlnlnnlly Cniicrtiplfilfil Xiimlirr i( '' UflliMtrn Will lit; Ai"ilntil Hoot mill Mllra to Work Out Ot'irr ItctiilU. -VASllIN0T0tf, April 23.-U has been determined to Incrcatc the array to up proximately "(5,000 men, and to lcavo It at that ' uurubor unless tho conditions In the J'ltUlpplntM thoutd make more troops nctcBfary. The proildent nml Secretary Hoot reached thin" conclusion today and I ho details will ho worked out by the secretary and Ocn q-sl Miles. The number of officers np polnUd will be ns urlKlnally contemplated Jlio artillery corps will bo Increased to Its full strength of 18,000 men. Some tlmo ago ll was announced that tho companies of cavalry would contain Blxty-flvo Instead Of clgthy enlisted men, and It Is expected tho Infantry companies also will bij re duccd to bring tbu total to tho figure agreed Upon. It has not yet been determined what proportion of tho troops shall be stationed In the Philippines, although It Is known that -a InrKo force will bo needed there for some time. MORMON MISSIONARIES SAIL Twrht -I'.lKlit from t'tnli Leave Una Ion for l'oat In the (Mil World. IIOSTON, April 2.1. The Mormon church mllltaut Is represented In Boston today by twenty-eight missionaries bound for Europe. They will tako ship tomorrow on the New liiRland, for Liverpool, where Instructions are watting for them, and whence tbey will scatter to their posts of duty. Some will stay In Kngland, somo will go to Scandl navla, but by far tho greater part of them will bo stuttoned In Oormany. Most of tho party tamo from Salt Luke City yesterday, In clmrgo of Kldcr Koscoc 12. drover, but seven cumo on the cloy beforo and l!x today. Theso last six, all young men, are from Logan, Park City and othur smaller towns In Utah. I South Omaha News. ! Although considerable tlmo was con sumed bV tllQ cltV fnllli'rs In nil niHnurnrwl session held last night there was little uoiug nnu wnat was done did not benefit tho taxpayers enough to pay for tho cost oi mu iiguis. TlierO WaH ll flllllv l-nnil linilun nr. nn count of tho report circulated that a couole of councllmcn would bo nppolnted, but the uciituocic stui continues and thcro is no telling when it will bo broken. Tho thrr.o principal candidates. Cllfinn Vn Mead, Wero present when tho council was called to order, but thoy soon disappeared. .Clifton and Yansant requested tho mayor to refrain from appointing them and the members of tho -council announced that thoy wouiii not confirm Mead, so tho mayor had nothing to do but state that no appoint ments would bo made until tho council agreed unou tho two mnilldntn.. Later on In tho session It looked as If ngntning might striko and n recess of fifteen mImitnM nr mnrn waa (n1rnn nu.,H slbly for the purposo of dovislng ways and iuj.iiii8.ui supporting ine city until tno noxt levy is nvnllablc, but In reality to lobby for councHmanic. appointees. As thcro was no agreement entered into during tbo re cess un adjournment was taken until next Monduy night. Mayor Kelly is rather inclined to get a llttlo stubborn now and ho may not make the appointments when the council de sires. Whtlo thcru Is considerable business to bo transacted and a full council Is lc sired, tho mayor holds that ho can manage to get nlong with four representatives for tho tlmo being. Prior to tho calling to order of tho coun cil tho plan framed up was to have tho mayor uppolnt Clifton. Ho was to o turned down. Then Vansant was to run I ho gauntlet. If ho won, all well and good, but If ho lost, Mead, who wlir have to move it ho gots tho Job, was to bo named. Clifton and Vausant .have both had terms in thn council and aomu people say that they have hud their share, while ns for Mead, he la being boosted by tho corporation interests, and this fact alono is apparently against Whatever you drink- out side let your home beer be Schlitz. That is pure beer. No bacilli in it nothing to make you bilious. Beer is a saccharine pro duct, and the germs multiply rapidly in it. The slightest taint of impurity quickly ruins its healthfulness. We go to the utmost ex tremes to prevent that. Cleanliness is a science where Schlitz beer is brewed. We even cool the beer in plate glass rooms in nothing but filtered air. Then we filter the beer. Then we sterilize every bottle., And Schlitz beer is aged. The beer that makes you bilious is green beer. When you order a beer without the harm. Get a pure beer get an old bcer-r-get Schlitz. Call for the Brewery Bottling. 'I'honePlS.Schlili. 710 South Dili St., Omaha. m Try u onae of Sclillts Ucer, Tel, U1B. f , him, Judging from the comments made ' certain scctlomi of the city. It looks no as If tho mayor would havo to select nomf dark horso from tho Sixth ward If ho hopes to secure a confirmation this summer. Another "crazy horse" ordlnauco was In troduced by August Miller. It Is as bad, f not worse, than the dog and fowl-chasing ordinance mentioned a few days ago. Now Miller wants tho Western Long Distance Telephone company to bo given a franchise for a period of twenty-flve years, and tho some, with emoluments on the side. Th charter provides that no franchise can hi granted for a period of more than ten years, and not then providing there Is a protest. In tho event that five persons protest the proposition must go to a vote of the people. As submitted the was clearly Illegal, and at the suggestion of the mayor It was referred to the city attorney and the Judiciary committee, with tho expectation that it will bo placed in proper form some of theso days. Tho question of the 170,000 funding bond Isstio came up by a resolution offerod by Martin, who wanted the contract supposed to exist between the city of South Omaha and Charles It. Hannan of Council Uluffs annulled and tho bond Issue offered for sale elsewhere. Hannan, It will be remembered bid a premium of $2,400 for tho bonds last October and up to the present time has de clined to accept them, asserting that his attorneys did not like the looks of the sc curltles. Still bo has refused to let go of his contract and the reason Is evident If reports from the east are to be considered as reliable. From advertisements Inserted In bond brokers' papers it Beems that Han nan has been offering the bonds for salo at a largely increased premium and haB kept tbo city waiting in uopos that ho might dispose of the securities before really ac cepting them from tho city. Mayor Kelly felt Inclined to give Mr. Hannan a little moro tlmo and so Martin withdrew his resolution with the under standing that Hannan must either accept tho bonds at tbo premium offered or dec drop out of tho race. Expenses In the street department must be curtailed and Mayor Kelly advised that tho entire street forco bo laid oft for a time on account of the lack of money, un dcr the existing system councllmcn arc un dcr a surety bond and thoy will havo to bo enreful regarding the expenditure or the public money, hence the necessity of n word of caution from the mayor. No more stroot improvements will be mado until thero is money on hand to pay for the same. It was expected that the saloon occupa tlen tax ordinance would como up and bo repealed, but no mention was made ot It and tho mayor announced that he would not sign any liquor licenses unless the regular tax of $1,000 and tho occupation tax of $200 was paid. There Is still tlmo for this ordinance to bo repealed before licenses become due on May 1. Arrangements will be made shortly for the equipping of the Are hall in Brown's Pork. The bond ot Tax Commissioner Fitzgerald was accepted. It is in the sum of $10,000 and Is given by a surety company. Unless a special meeting Is called the council will not meet again until next Monday night. No Appreciable Ilrcreaae. Even with the increase In the regular liquor license from $500 to $1,000 there is no appreciable decrease in tho number of applications. Last year ninety-one licenses were granted and this year so far nearly ninety applications have been made. A total of eighty-six applications were on file at The Bee office yesterday, with three tele phone applications, to he considered when tho proper' filings were made. With $90,000 In the school district treas ury tha Board of Education will be on easy street and will doubtless be enabled to reduce the coming levy to as appreciable extent. Should the city officials Insist upon the collection of the usual $200 occupation tax the city treasury will be benefited to the extent of $18,000 and It can be said without fear of contradiction that tho city needs the money. Just what the council wilt do about re pealing the occupation tax ordinance can not bo predicted, but It Is presumed that on account of the high license this year the tax will cither be repealed entirely or cut In two. Liquor dealers are opposed to paying $1,000 for a license and then being forced to give up $200 additional to the city. When the license was $500 for the school district and $200 for the city bo complaint was made, but to insist upon a $1,200 li cense is going to push the browers pretty hard and It is understood that efforts will be made to induce the council to repeal tho existing ordinance at once. Troaanrer Itcfnaea Mernic Money. City Treasurer Koutsky has been ten dered money for payment ot liquor licenses, but he has refused to accept tho same on account of the fact that the license year does not expire until May 1. Another point In question is the occupation tax. In case the treasurer accepted money for a license be would be compelled to demand $1,200 and this he does not desire to do on ac count of the probability ef tho council re pealing the occupation tax ordinance. Along towards the end of the month dealera In liquors will be called upon to come forward with a big roll of bills and settle with the school district and possibly the city. CapltalUta Dream. A pipe story Is going the rounds about the probability of another electric lighting company being started here In order to off set the alleged exorbitant charges of the company now holding tbo franchise la thts city. The scheme Is considered to be purely imaginary ny those who claim to be In a position to know what is going on. While there Is no doubt but that the lighting com pany doing business here charges the full limit that the law allows there Is no open- ag ror a rrancnlso until the existing street lighting contract expires, which will be three years hence. Home from Mexico. Charles L. Mullan has returned from old Mexico, where he spent several years as uperiutenuent of the mechanical depart ment of a large mining concern. Mr. Mul lan Is here for a few weeks' vacation ami aia last evealng that he was glad to aet back to hU old home. He has many friends here who will welcome hlra. According to Mr. Mullan Amerlc an cnnU tal is being largely Invested In Mexico and tno country is really being built un br money from this country. Manic City Goaalp. Mnmarct Mnllnv. n latr nf tv.iia t...i P. J. King, died Monday night at Shallcr, A daughter linn Iipah hnrti n r . Mrs. David Qlbbons. Twentv-nlaiith n' v stroetb. " " " The Knworth T.rniniA win i,ni.i n i,i..- meeting tonight to elect delegates to tho stnto convention, " nr)inv.'!.t,!,eJ..Cinr,i0f plpe .for tne PM company Umon.cUlcridV;o"t"d Wa" UnU,eU al the It looks now ii If h ninety saloonR In South Omaha In spite of the increase In the license fee. With over elzhtv llrnmr ll,-,,... only one remonstrance has been filed so ' ... m-coiiBiuureu a matter of ....l'. iuiivc, Kay W. Hunt. nn nf Pnlnnal r Hf ti...i has returned frnm Pninmrin ii. V, v.i J been superintending operations In tbo Hunt mtni nnn ln V ....... v. - William Henry Loechner. son of John lenry Loechnor. mnmhnr nt II. Tlnc.l Education, will graduate from the Omaha Medical collcgo on Thursday of this week. uusmess men, generally are Invited to at tend the mt'ptlne at dm i.'vohnr.,.,. i,i. afternoon and assist lu the promotion of ...u ii.,iuauu mr nun roan iron, uniiiim to Emporia. Theodore Vols, the, well-known tailor, Is laid up with n sprained ankle. Mr. Vols slipped on the nuvemcnt ns ho utennort ., a in";001 wciar Bm, rcolved Injuries which win iBj nun uy iui u.crai aaya. ROURKES WIN THE SECOND Unhtnitj Playtri Unablt to Do Aiy Em incsa in Omaha. WORK OF LEAGUE PITCHERS IS GOOD Urnlinm and Coons tlolh In I'lnc I'orni and Hold the Cotlpftr Ama Icnra Iloirn to Tito Mtlle lilts. Prof. Townsend's class In base ball demonstrated Tuesday afternoon that It hai hardly passed beyend the elementary stiges. fitted against the professional aggregation which Manager Itourko has gathered from near and far tho 'varsity men found them selves unable to make the necessary credits and lost their second game to Omaha by a score of 15 to 1 Tho defeat ot tho cotUgo boys was wit nessed by a fair week-day crowd, The first ladles' day of the season brought out sprinxnng of the sex. This furnished nn Incentive for tho Omahas to play their best and resulted In a game that was almost er rorlcss on the part of Captain Stewart's braves the only mlscuc being made by un lucKy iwcAncircws, who fumbled a hot grass-cutter In the last Inning. The way the youths who are expected to land Omaha at tho head of the Western league percentage cotumn this season con neciea wun tno onerings which young Mr. Bender floated over was quite a be wildering exhibition especially for the university lads. So bewildered wero tbey at times that tho leather flew back and forth over tho field while the visitors vainly attempted to check tho flight of tho op ponents. Thcro wero times when tho whole varsity infield went entirely to plccen while tho uninitiated In the grandstand who wero attempting to keen a score of the game, gave up the task In despair During one of theso madly exciting periods when none of the Lincoln lads seemed to know whero the ball should be delivered McAndrows distinguished himself by steal lng home. One by one tho Omahas filed up to the plate and swatted the ball at will. They piled up scores until they were completely worn out. Every man was represented In the column ot runs except Letcher and Coons. Townsend was responsible for the single tally which tho visitors1 secured. It camo In the fourth Inning. Townsend was given a pass to first and was sent clear around tho bags on a soaking two bagger which Bender rapped out. This hit of Bender's was the only one tho col leglans took from Graham. Bender also singled In the ninth Inning, chalking up the Iono hit that was mado off "Dusty" Coons' delivery. Score: OMAHA. AH. R, H. 1 1 1 0 3 1 O 1 3 1 A. 1 0 1 0 0 0 E. Toman, ss Carter, If 3 3 5 4 Stewart, zo Letcher, rf Calhoun, lb 6 3 3 & Held, cf McAndrews, 3b. Lauxon. c Graham, p 3 uoons, p z Totals 3tl 15 12 27 UNIVEHSITY. An. n. h. o. A. 0 0 1 1 I 4 0 1 E. Dcputron. cf 10 0 0 Reeder, If 4 0 0 3 Unt.Mnrt.l Ik . I , ... iiuiiiuiiui au. ......... . t U U Im Townsend, 2b 2 1 0 2 Rhodes, ss 4 0 0 1 uenuer, p 4 0 2 1 Bell, rf 4 0 0 1 Hood. 3b 1 n n 1 Maloney, c 3 0 0 3 Totals 27 1 2 21 11 8 Omaha, 1 3 .1 S 0 0 0 3 University 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Earned runs:. Omaha. 4. Twn.bnan hit. Stewart, Calhoun, Graham (2), Bonder, eacrince nils: carter (2), Letcher. Bases on balls: Oft Ornhnm. ft! ntr Tinn.inr Struck out: By Graham. 9: by Coons. 6: bv Bender, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Gra ham, 1; by Bender, 3. Wild pitches: Ben- V. V. .v '""eB: warier fjj, ualhoun, Reld (3). McAndrews (3). r.nuxnn. Time of game: 1:40. Umpire: Buck Keith! DON'T DO MUCH TO DENVER Colorado Sprlnga Iteitlatera Fourteen Tallica (o CnpHal Town'a Three In Klajht Inning. COLORADO SPRINGS. Cnlo Anrli n tv... v, .. v. 1 1 , : . 1 . ' nu uuau utiii ncunuu u ujitfncu nerc touay with a game between Denver nnri nninr..,i Springs, which was called nt tho end of the eighth Inning because of ruin. Score: , R.H.E. Colorado Springs. 0 2 2 0 1 5 4 014 12 6 Denver 0 1002000 3 i; B Batteries: Colorado Snrlnors. Swain. Ream, Donahue and Arthur; Denver, Eyier, .ui'i t'liiiii uiiii omiivun. Ilelolt, 4t Illinois, 1. CHAMPAIGN. III.. Aurll 23.-nelult. 4III11U1S, J. UlTOW. LAWYERS ARK WINNERS. Defeat Their' Downtown Brethren In Mnepln Match. Thu nut own luwvera rlpfonlnl Dm ilnu'n town lawyers at ninepins on Clark's alleys iui mum. ocure; UPTOWN. 1st. 3 7 5 7 2d. 3d. Tot. 0 5 13 4 6 III 4 5 14 5 5 17 3 4 14 3 15 21 30 i) 2d. 3d. Tot. 3 b 12 6 B Id 2 1 4 5 2 0 5 3 15 3 4 It 23 21 70 Mahoncy Sheean . Day Winter Brown 7 wngnt C Total l.35 DOWNTOWN. it Whlttaker ' . 4 Shrader 6 Sayre l Huthroth 2 Davison 7 Chatelaln 7 Totuts ;a At match nlnsnlns thn fnt Ifiwlnf- annr.ia lqf. ",i 3d. Tot. Little 6 6 Berger 3 7 6 17 7 17 Totals 9 13 12 34 -U. 3d. Tot French 5 Hunter 5 ft ,4 14 8 6 13 Totals ,....10 13 10 33 . w. inches luiwled Hva Mmiwi.ti.,. games of tenpins, making 1,119 plnM, un average of 223 4-5. His previous record waa 1,089 pins In live gnmes, with nn averngu of 17 4-0. CHAMPIONSHIP IS YET UNDECIDED. Tie for First Place In Tuesday Msht'it Haaltet Hall (In ntr a. The fifth and Inut rminit nt th Ynimir Men's Christian association basket bull tournament waa played last night nnd at tracted a lurge crowd of spectators. Tho games were somewhat one-slilcd, but never theless Interesting. The leaders won nut as expected, leaving the championship un settled, with two tenma tier! fnr ilpi ,,.. and two teams tied for second place. These lie Kuniea win ue piaycu stiiurauy. The first irumn wita hatwAwn th cluss and the night class and the victory was easy for tho night class, tho f.core being 35 to 15. Captain Bernstein has hud almost a new team each night. Hu Is the SPn'LS"?.? i? ,the 5 "'dock team that has played In all the games. His team put up u plucky light against heavy odns. ' the second camp una hniuiunn n... ....... suited In a victory for the noon class by a score of lb to 11. Tho High school boys played the noon class to a standstill and on form should have won out. but u couplo of lucky goals by Ryan and Sunderland In tho last moments of play turned thr mi, 2 gainst them. a mcKeu tcum took tho ptuco of the orklnc bovs. whn .v,:i..i . ... !"" tho regnlars, but fa ed to show up utP "hi fWwuuTr-: ' ,h 8amonwus,,forfelod Hale of Creaceua' Colt. TOLEDO. O.. Anrli ;n.-r.rr 11 Ketcham has sold the fi fresceus Direct, aire Cresceus, dum Miss Woollver. a half-ulster of frem-ono t H. Plant of Mucon, Gu., for IS.ono, Hilly Smith ltecoverlnir. LONDON. Anrli "3 The nnrtltl,,,, f Hlllv" Smith, the American tmslltai. ,vli waa knocked out In tha eighth round of u contest nt tho National Sporting club last night with 'Jack'' Roberts for the 126 pound championship of England, nnd who wns removed unconscious to n hospital, wu slightly improved nt 11 o'clock this morning. Rt.V Tll,, DA It If AT .VASIIVII.I.i:. Crowd' Patience Tried !' Mniiy lle Iiijm nt Poil. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. April 23.-Tlir.-e favorites nnd 11 well-bucked second choice wero among the winners today over 11 track that was slow, but not bud. Delays tit the post tried the crowd's patience, nnd wli-n the last ruto wus started It was almost too dark to distinguish tho Jockeys' colors. Echodale, in the first race, threw his rider, May, nnd run uwuy two miles. Ho had vnnueli lrt to win from Jltn Clark afterward, but It wns a close call. Jordan wus the fnvorlte for the Wllllnm Oernt stake urn! won us ho pleased after making all the running. Weber, who rode Chopin In the fifth nice, claimed ho wns fouled by I'cllx Hard, but the Judge could not see It. Heather cloudy and truck slow. Hum mailcs: First nice, thrce-unrtcrH of ti mile, 3-yeur-uld iniildciis. Eohodalo won, Jim Clark second, Tlmo: I:18',4. Second nice, unc-hnlf mile, 2-yenr-old III lies: Iltibv IllYiiti wnn. Alnrlnrv l.nm- nn. ond. Time: 0:31. Third nice, nno rrille. sctllni:: riuo .tihn. sou won, A Winner second. Time: lMS'i. ourth rneo. nine-sixteenths of u mile, the IIIIum Gorst Rtnki: .Ionian won. In,. water kcchikI. Tim,,; ntMK,. Fifth race, seven-eighths of a mile, sell .! 1,0llx ,,lird won, Chopin second. Time: 1 itAJ. SlXtll nirp. (,n mil., f. alvlrt.ti.llt n1l inK! Znnonu won, Liiureutu second. Time: REIFK WI.VH METIttlPOI,ITA. STAKES FIiiInIic I'lrat with KIiiu'n Colt EttiIt nt Eiinoni llnci'ii, LONDON". Anrli 5.1 An nrrnllnnt nild stimmcrilloi wenther nttrnplprt crowds to the Epsom spring meeting today. , in iAiiHTituii wns oniy piuyeti onee in tho three first ovunts, with Richard Croker's hCOtChmilll II. l,v I.. llnltT lhtr.1 l tlic Nork Park plute. L. W. Humby's Roynl winning, i nis cicnreu tno wuy to wiu mem .Mcitopoiiinn stiiKes, with wil Until C. Whltmtv'u ltlllmv II lit., untn ,.,r lean representative among tho seventeen runner. Th., r,,r. i... ,, i King's bay colt, Ev'nslt, with Johnnie Relit in my iiiuuin, i,ortl Penrliyn's bay horse, King s Messenger, wns second nnd Sir E, Vincent n buy horse, Stoccndo, ran third. 1 ho crpnl H i rmv lit, tt.iffi.i ,f -.r., clgns, tor 3-yeur-olds nnd upward, was won u j. oit'oiiii m im l.linc. .-leletc, owned by Y; Todd, cumo In second nnd II, J. ,1 1 l , i , meruiuu n, riuucn by I. Relff, mi i-lli;,l 111I1U. The nlate of !tirt nnvornl E-IIM lit nlv fnt. longs, wns won by Klllarue. Pntsy McDer rnoii lAinericun) liuvlng the mount. Mr. jiccreery s Kscurltil cume in second, with ...iiTy rln'lr'r ana Winnipeg Mulshed third. Ten horMivi Htnrt,.,! Johnny Relit came In for high praise for his successful piloting of Evusltt to vie !. iVriim.' 1 o'l"', ut.l.l, e."d wltl' nll,- I" u brilliant finish, the American Jockov's l1nt just winning by n neck" A betid . ..... dvl-uuu unu mini norses WIXXER OP THE CWARSIE STAKE Golden Coltutto Miikm the Stnr I'luy nt Auiifiliii't vnw vniltc. Anrli 23. Golden Cottage, with Plggott up nnd u slight fnvorlto over Tamnn inuwis in ine ouiiinn, nun n . nnrol,, ciiiVi.u nt Aiiiidhlrt toduv 111 0!su 4-0 fair time considering tho condition of the trunk, whlrll Wn HlOW. OOIH PllUl WUS n.iin.i nt t), i.imi minute nnd seven horses fnced the sturtcr, xney wore sent mi uu tho first break unu uom i-uiii jumncu una thn lend nnd set u merry puce into the btickHtretch and Into tho stretch, with Tnmuh Xuwln nnd uoldctt CottllCO Well UP, vvi,pn ntmlehtptiiMl out thu lntter took com mand nnd won, ridden out, by a length nnd n half. Oom Paul fought It out with Tumuli Nawls. the latter only getting tno piaco in the Inst jump by n neon, summaries: Urst race, live unu n nnir lunongs; lies per won, All uom neconu. Time: i:ro. Second race, five furlongs, selling: Car roll D won, Red Damsel second. Tlmo 1:04 3-6 Third rnce. live nnd n half furlongs, sell lng: Spry won, Wnllabout second. Tlmo i:in i-.i i'ourtli rnce. tho Cnnnrslo (dukes, four nnd n half furlongs: uoldcn cottngo won Tamuh Nuwls second. Time: 0:56 4-5. Fifth rnce. ono mllo and seventy vnrds, selling: Knight of tho Gurter won, Double uummy second, ximo: i:oj4-&. Hixin race, tivo and u nuir turiongs. sell lng: Ante Up won, Mound second. Time i:ii. UBT 13 VEX WITH 'THE TALEXT, Clnelnnntl llonUle Itecnpernte Ibclr llrocnt I.IIHNC. rtMriWA'l'r. n.. Anrli 23. Tho bookies mt ven with thn talent toduy for their hisses of yesterday. Pour out of six win ners were outsiders. Wea ...mlf ,v,l,Illl Thn feature of tho curd tomorrow will bo a match ruco between J. II. Sloan nnd !tnr,.lwr Tolmirco tit seven furlongs. Wlllla Beuuchanip, who wuh reinstated two days ago, will liuvo ino ninuiii on uiirm oltn.. l'nl,nirn. II. Wilson Will rllie J. II. Sloan. The first hurdle nice of tho meeting will also bo run. summaries! First rare, six furlongs, selling: Grandma II won. Miss lieu woou scconu. lime: i;.t. Second rnce, six ruriongs. selling: uan niro won. Blackford second. Time: l:20ii. Third nice, four anil a half furloiiKs: Rone of Red won, iuoniana nonccr seconti. nine: Fourth race, seven furlongs, selling: Ben Frost won. I'cter uuryeu Heconu. Time: l:33i. Fifth nice, one mile, selling: Zerlba won. Mvrlnn U second. Time; l:523i. Sixth nice, seven furlongs: liiHlirrectlou won, Sweet Dream second. Tlmo: 1:212-5 WIX.VIE O'CO.VXtm'S wixxixg day. Take Plve of the Six Rnce lie Ride nt ChlrnKo. CHICAGO. Anrli 23. .lockev Winnie O'Connor almost denied the board nt Lake side toduy. winning flvo nut or the six races on tho curd In which ho rode. He captured tha first event on Hoodwink and In tho second finished among the also runs. Ho then won the four remaining races, cilnliif victories wllh Brnw Lad. Leo Nell. Jim W and Chancery, three, of whom were luvorilcB. weuincr inir una imcK slow, Summurles: First race, flvo untl a hnlf ftirlnncs: llnod- wiiik won, wiss uannio hccoiiu. Time: 1:00 3-5. Second race, slv furlongs: Shutup won, Sunro second, Tlmo: 1:17. Third race, six furlongs: Brnw Lud won, Patroon second. Tlmo: 1:1ft 2-5. Fourth rneo, one mile: j.eo Nowell won, ord Lisa second. Tlmo: 1:47 4-5. Fifth nice, ono mile: Jim W won, Tllllo W second. Tlmo: 1:46 1- Blxth rnce, one mile, selling: Chancery won, Prcstur second. Time: 1:17. DAV'S KVEXTS AT TAXPORA.X. Domlnlck Cnrrle Off Honor hy It I il- Intr Three winner SAN FRANCISCO. Anrli 21. Favorite cored on three occasions ot Tnifnnm toduy and the oilier events went to well played horses. Domlnlck curried oft the nonors ny rlcllnir inreo winners, while Mensch nut two over. Montencle won Mm onenlmr event b a neck, while nnurwiinn neat I'lamero a nenu in hip rourth rnce The weather was lino nnd the track fast Sjmmarles: Flrst race, one mile. Belling: Montcuglo "u, riipi nuiii rL'Mui. iiiui;: i :i;i. Second race, half mile, purse: Ht. Philip plna won, Pnrlxado second. Time: 0:47':, intni rnce. six ruriongs, selling: Gusto won, Jingie Jingio Huciinii, l ime: 1:1(14, Fourth rnee. slv fitrlonira. snlll,,,. u..1..i lee won, Fluniero second, Tlmo: 1:143! i'Ulh rneo, one mile and nn eluhth. sell. nc: Scotch Pluld won. Gobi ri , Time: 1:64?!. -"...a. Sixth nice, six furlnncs. sellfiu.! trin,! not won, Good Hopo second, Time: I'll CLAY CEXTEII COUtSIXfj MEET. nt Chuiiee TiiKe AII-Aki StnUe Hud Huniiy .Medium Puppy Htukp CLAY CESTKI1. linn.. Anrli t a ii Xte"m.')-TKt:.rlr,y V2f.erpour"'niT mwi: ...i nun ,'iiijuui m il iuii in ii i nccount of ra n, took n nee n the nnrlf t,i..V. wenther- wus linn nnd them wns ii larlre crowd of people who hud como to town for tho courthouse exercises nnd who look nil. vantage of tho meet. Thu committee- hud Plenty of Jncks and tho sport wa- BOo, nnu i'ihiiicuii i-niiien leit In tlm nii- r . fl'in'" ..,. .-.a ,i ill,. lff,l III, IF uolf.,U .t,l ulv i.. ... first nnd second In Iho imiipy -take w Otis Thompson of Cincinnati wus', and Frank Jackson of Enterprise WHt ". per, V WO t;i,(IVI0 CO.VI'HSTS AT f IS 1 1 IC(MI I . ellotr lie! Duffy Mnmier und Xiin- vie 1 1 rn v. OSIIKOSII. Wis.. Anrli 23. Otto Zellnff of Chicago wits given the derision In nn eight- round glove contest wun .Martin nurry In this city tonight. Duffy was knocked ilowd repeatedly in tho nurd round. Tho e ght-uiuml contest between .luko Maimer of Mllwuukuo und Yniinc N'nnilr, of Chicago was declared u draw, siiiKes, i.nst Chnnce, owned hv MverM ,,f Leoiinnlvllle, Knn.. wan first 'in tho nil aged dog stakes, Highland und Lndv fi more owned by Dudley Myers an 1 8 er. ling. Clny ( enter, being second and third Happy .Medium and Ashar Allen , owned bv Heed Hrou. of H,lu "0, DELEIIANTY'S TIMELY TRIPLE It Eavei Philadelphia from Threatoned Defeat bj Bolton, TWO FUMBLES ARE GAME'S ONLY ERRORS Hull Tentu'n Third llnacinnn Spoil Othi'rtt lac litifiini'iitn t Iti't'ord Scorn Stand n to !l St. Lotil Win Aunln, PHILADELPHIA. I'a., April 23.-Up to tho eighth Inning today's game between lloston and Philadelphia looked llko n vic tory for tho visitors, but a timely trlplo by Dclehanty, with three men on bases, brought In the winning run for the locals. Tho game was well-played by both club! and, but for two bad fumbles by Demon trevlllc, would have been perfect. Doth Orth nnd Willis were In good form, but thu eighth proved an unfortunsto Inning for tho latter. Threatening weather :6-' suited lu an attendance of but 1,024, Score: PHILADELPHIA. , IIOSTON. . H.H.O.A.U. IUI.O.A.K. Tiiomm, cr. l o 1 o o Hamilton, cf 0 o : 0 0 rMHgiF, ii... i v u UiTtnny, lb... I DelPh'ty, lb 1 1 10 0 0 Demont, 3b. 0 Flick, rf.... 1110 0 Umn, p 1 Douglass, c 0 3 .1 2 Ollviwe. 2h.... 1 8 1 0 3 : 3 2 1, 1 U 1 0 S 1 0 1 0 0 Wolv't'n. 2h 0 1 3 5 acrolius, rf.. 0 Dolsn, So... 0 0 2 4 Olljrrv. If.... 0 Cross, ss 1 2 1 6 O'Kitlrl.lKe, c 0 Orth, p 0 0 0 0, Willis, p.... 0 (Inmmong . 0 Totals .. 8 S S7 II 0 - I TntaM ,. 3 10 It 11 2 Ratted for Willis In ninth. Philadelphia 00010004 5 UoHtoil u 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-3 EurnoJ rum: lloston 2; Phlludclphln ,3. Two-buse hits, llurry, Douglass. Three base hit: Delehanty. Home run: Flick. Sacrifice hit, Willis. Stolen base: Cross, Double pluyt,: Tetiny to Long; Iong to Lowo to Tcnny. Icft on buses: Ronton, 7; Phlludclphln, 4. First base on bill: Off Willis, l; oft Orth, 2. Struck out: Hy Willis, ti; by Orth, 1. Wild pitch: Willi. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Colguti. ST. l.OMS miXCIIHS ITS HOXS. .MnKe .More In One IiiiiIiik Thnu Pitt linrg hi .Mm. HT. LOUIS. Mo April 23.-Rubc Wad dell allowed St. Units but three hits up to tho seventh, then went wrong ntid Dono van's men piled up live runs, assisted by the many errors of the visitors. Young Ilnrpur made a nlco start, holding thu Plttsburgs to seven hits. Attendance, 3, B00, Score: ST. LOUI3. , PlTTSIttJlta. U.ll.O.A.K.I H.H.O.A.2. tlurkott, If.. 2 1 1 0 0 Clarke, If... 1 0 10 0 HeUlrlck, cf 2 2 3 1 ljllf.tum't, cf 0 10 0 1 Donovan, rf 1 2 2 0 0 Wagner, rf. 0 1 3 0 0 Medium, lb 3 2 10 0 0 llrnus'ld, lb 0 0 0 I 1 Wallace, sa. 1 2 3 2 1 llllvhey, 2b. 1 4 3 3 1 Paddcn, 2ti.. 0 1 0 4 0 Lfnch, 3b... 2 110 1 Kruger. 31.. 1 0 2 2 0 V.y 0 12 3 0 Hhrlvcr, e... 0 0 0 1 0 Zlnimcr. c. 0 0 5 1 0 Harper, p... 0 0 0 3 O.Waddell, p.. 0 0 0 4 1 Ifliesburo, p 0 0 0 0 Totals ..10 10 27 12 i"smiin o o u u Totals Smith batted for Chcsboro, 4 & 21 12 St. Louis 200000C3 -IO Pittsburg 0 -' 1 0 0 1 0 0 0- Earned runs: St. Louis. C: Pittsburg, Two-base lilts: Rurkctt. Donovan. Three base hits: McCnnn, Ieacli, Ely. Hit by Pitcher: ny wanucii, i: by cnesuoro, i Double iilnv: . dimmer to Rrunslleld Zlmrnpr. Klrst bnae. on bulls: Off Wild dell, 5; off Hurpcr, 2. Pnsscd ball: Schrlvor, Struck' out: Hy Waddell, 4; by Chesboro, i: by Harper, 4. stolen Duses: uttrKeu Leach. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Dwyer. Aunln Too Wet for tinlne. CINCINNATI. April 23,-Clnclnnatl-Chl cngo game postponed on nccount ot wc croiimls. NEW YORK, April 23. New York-Rrook lyn gumo postponed on uccouni oi we grounds. Xnllonnl. I.enxue KtnndlnK. won. Lost. P.C, St. Louts .750 Brooklyn 2 Philadelphia 2 Roston , 1 Pittsburg 1 Chicago '.' '.. 1 Cincinnati 0 New York 0 .die .500 .500 .GfK) .000 .0U0 UltlTlHH TO UU ACCOMMODATED Ainrrlenn Clny lllrd Mhooler Will Re nrrimirc Dnte. CLEVELAND, April 23.-Referrlng to tho cablegram rrom the uritisn clay Dim siiooi ers, suylug that tho Iondon mutch between tho American and English learns must be hold curly In July Instead of In August, Secretary Paul North of the American trnn HlinntliiK team suld today: "Unfor tunately wo have already arranged for two shootlnc tournaments In this country during July. However, wo will endeavor to have thu homo dates changed in order to bo In London at tho desired time, l am Inclined to think the mutter can be ar ranged satisfactorily. Mr. North cabled the nrltlsh team ns follows toduv: "Tryinir to cot earner date will advise by cable. Mr. North states that tho American team would probably shoot against teams In Glasgow and Dub lin, following tno lyoiuiou matcn. MIiom Enroncnu Crnek tho Wuy. NEW YORK. Aurll 23. According to prlvnto dispatch from Roubulx, France, "Riuior - unvior. tno .meneun snort i is tnncc cyclo chumplon, scored n signal victory over a dik field of Jvjronem cracks. In an International open kilometer rneu (nbout I.U93 yurds) be d lit Roubulx yesterday tho colored woni'.cr nnlshcd first There wero thirty comnetltors In tho event. Including UroKiiu. tho lielu an chum pinn, wno unisneu seconu. a riuer nnmeu Dnnclu was third. The slctiltlciuice at the victory lies in tho rnet that tlrognn bus twlco won tho Grand Prix of Ro.ibalx. In lh'jl) defeating Tomuselll, the ltullun ehlim- pion, tno last year Jucquoini, the ercnoli champion mid greatest of nil European riders. Woodnrd A Mhnnklln Hnlc. LEXINGTON. Kv.. Anrli 23. Woodnrd & ShniiKlln s annual comtilnutlon unlo opened nero louay. j nc louowing were among tno sines: Kentucky Relic, eh. in.. 4, by Red Eagle dum Idol, SI, 100, to Fox & Logan, Danville ivy. jane carter, u. in., s, by Highland Den- murK. num macK iieautv. to .1. tc. ice.i Cleveland. O . ). Chestnut Mliro. b. to W. A. MeGlbbon. New York, M)0. 1 Li . It tl O.OAlf 1. .. n , Scul, to Ell Kindlg. York. Pa., 1300. Team, Out of Sight anil World's Wondar, b. gs.. 5 und 6. to Tom Unss. Moxlrn. Slu! . - - ., Ilnll Pnrk Nllll luuiidnted. IMTTSI1URG. Anrli 23 Tho bull nm-lr u still under wiiter nnd President Dreyfus un'. iiuuntin luiuKui iimi no niiempi win bo miiilo to play tho opening game on the ni.iiyiiiin.-ii im-. v iusi)onement will bo lliuuu uillll iilllliuuy oi nexi weeK. Coipp Win Knot liner. PLAIN VIEW, Neb,, April 23.-f8peclnl Tfilegrnm.)-W. H. Coppln of Rancroft nnd F. J. Seabury of PJuliivlew ran a lm-ytird iuui ii.s Him aiiuiiiuiiu, wnicn i.oppiu won. limit to lie Aiii-tloned. SAN FRANCISCO. Anrli 23.Tli na,r.n bnrmie Otto Glldmelster hnu i,i., iiriiint-ii im u uuuairueiive toiui loss undar sold nt utictloti In this city 'next Monday. 'Plirt HltAtli a np. 1., .-..1...,. ,. me iiiuiiiiinu iiiws oi iipriiiiinv nni iii i... ,"' ... ii-iiinui iim-o ,viio ni.ieed their mpney on tho vessel will losu 1115.Xi0. Steiiiner I Ahore. PORTLAND. Ate.. Anrli H Tl, ti.. bUrg-AmerlCUll line alenmer -lr,,....,i.. l.nn.l fr, It.. ,,;.. -J":"" V.. : "i-icii UM,i,. ..w... ..iiiiinii, K iii j-oriiiuia with utii-iie nnri lilrlpn lu n.ltn.n i.n.i. :'.' r"--v.. i.nttuiu im lllllll r ii K. between ells and Ogunuult. .Me., seven ml es below Cnnu PornolKi, Vn ii.irii.t.ti.,.. iu vumc num ii.u niruuticu sieamer. tlrt-Koii Hunk t'lii, MALUM. Ore.. Anrli 23. The bunk nf mi hert Hros. here was closed tniluv on r,,.. count of litigation Instituted by the helis of William u(ir. .a iiciiicii on tno nank door Is to the effect Unit the closlnir Is deeme,! best In order to protect the depositors. Movement of Orrim V-el. Anrli ail. At New York Arr ved-Ku ser Willi ilm dor Grosso, from litemen; Seutlu, frpm lenou. etc. tiaiieu .musiidu, tor London: Tatirle. fur Liverpool. At Liverpool Arrived Roman and Van couver, from Portland. At G Mskow -Arrived Alonlev dcun. from lortland. At Glbrultar Arrived Ilohenzollern. from New York, for Naples und Genoa, At UoillOKIie Sailed Hutu via. from Hum. burg, for New York. At Tiicomu tinned Murgurct, for San' j' riineiseii. ,t Port Townsend Hulled James Drum. mond, from Chemuluus. for Freemiintle. At Nnnlett Arr veil Prlnzessln Victor u Lillz. from u RIhcIc Sea itjIhc. for lluint. burg, At uremvn Arrived Rhuln, from New lork. WHY SPANIARDS FAVOR IT CiiIiiiii Delemile Sn They I rue An neJUtlliil leciniap They Wnnt Proleetloii fur Priiperty. JACKSONVILLE, Flo., April 23, -Tho Cuban constitutional commission which nr- rlvcd here last night, left lodily for Wash ington. (lenernl Rafael Portuoundo, one of the commission, defined Cuba's position ns follows." "Ninety-nine per cent of tho Cuban peoplo ileslro absolute lndcpcuileuce. It Is thero wish tbdt military occupation by the United States come to nn end nt once "It tuny bo ald that a small clement of Spaniards from u purely commercial motive favor1 annexation, but tho wish for tndependonco Is felt by many Cubans and Sp.inlaiiU alike. The Spanlurds who favor annexation ure not Impelled by any love for the United states. They halo Ameri cans, but they seem to wish some sort of guaranty, as to their property and business Interests. Poneo with tho Americans with out the independence of Cuba is Impossible i mean moral pence. "I do not mean to sny that In the event Independence Is not granted, war or revo lution would follow, but theic would be no sympathy, no friendliness, between the peoples." . Aujrre on Hipper Hill. nlttt.Af.:i.lMHA Anrli "1 . ... tiie constltutlnnullty of the Pittsburg "Ripper" bill, recently pnsscd bv the legis lature, wus begun toduy In the s.mretnu court. I hu proceedings will lust days, as there are a number of lawyers to speak, nnd 'tt. decision Is not expected lor severm weens. There's So Much Ta!k Abowt EL MERITO Sc Cigar "I'll havo to try It." Ray thu smoker. Then ho finds It truo tlint j "It firings Havana Home tn You." E0LTZ, CLYMER 4 CO., Phltada. Ptrtgor Moor, Distributor. Oman. I The Best of Everything Chicago and East. St.Paul-Miimeapolis, Hot Spritigs-Deadwood. CITY OFF'CZS: 1401-1403 Fr.rnam Street. RHEUMATISM. NEW ORLEANS, April 10. 1897. DR. RADWAY & CO. I have ben a sufferer from Rheumntlim for-mor than sir months. I cnuld not rals l my' hand to my head or put my hands bo- ninn me. or even ibkc on: my own snin. Bofore I had finished threc-fourthn of a bottle of Itadwny's Ready Relief I could uiie my arms niC well as ever. You can ei why I havo such itrent faith In your Relief. voura .truly, w. uaki-.k, Knr;lneer at A. Montelone'a Boot and Shoo Fnctory,' 530 Julia Street. Kadvav'i Readv Relief l( u sure cure foi every Pnln, Sprains. Bruises, Pains In th Back, Chest and Limbs, Taken Inwardly there Is not a remeclla.1 anent In the world that will cure Fever nnd Ait Ue and all other malarious, bilious and other fovors, aided by RADWAY'S PILLS, so. quickly as RADVAY'S READY RE- ii nil' . som ny orugGlsts. RADWAY & CO.. Si Kim SL. Now York. $500 REGARD i Wa trill nav the nbnvn reward for nn v prva nf Llrer Complaint, Ujmpcpslc, Sick llcadnche. Indigestion, Conntlpntion or Coatlvenohs we cannot cure with Llverltn, tho Up-To-Date Llttlo Liver rill, when Ilia directions are strict ly rouinlled, with. They arc nurely Vendible. am) nevnr full to i;lvo tnlUfantlot:, bixes contain 100 Pills, 1(M boxes contain 40 Pills, 6o boxes contain IS Pills. Ilewnruof substitutions and Imitations. Sent by mull. Mumps taken. NKUVITA JU'.ni'JAL CO., cor. Clinton and jRCkooii iits., ChKaeo, 111. Sold by For sale by Kuun ft Co., 1SU -od uuuaia pi., umanu. muu., ueu, a. uuvm, lounui iiiutjs. luwt, Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer 1 30 Days' Treatment (EBETABIE All can he rcjlcved of tho burden of dls- easu by tuKlpir l)r HurKhart's veBetnme Compound, It positively cures Kidney, Stomach find Liver Diseases. Itheumatlsm. Coiisllputloii, Catarrh, Lutlrlppe, fllalurlu, SleupIesHties, Dizziness, ItuxtlutsiioH.ilcud cue anil I'liiiiuiiiiou in inn iieuri, ju uyH' treatment free. All ilniKKlsts, lilt. Ui H. Ill Itlvll Alt I, I'iiioimiiill, I), Mr. VinloW ootiilnc Syrnp, tint been ued lur over FIITV VKAHS h MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHINO. with PER. KCT HOCUKStt. JT HUOTHI58 the CHILD. SOFTENS the TjUUH. ALLAYS nil PAINT CURES WIND COLIC, nnd IS the best rem. ay lor njAiuitiuA. Moid hy DruuiilsU in vry nurt of the world, Uu sure und ask or "Airs, winsiuw h suotli nir Svriiii ,.n,i laki no otner Llnu. 'i wmi v.ik- . m. . (MtU LAW BOOKS . . ICIHIA., 112 South 25th Avenue. Omahu, Neb. I ! "Decidedly the best' Is Itternlly tho peo. iUp'b vcnllct. Has thnt ' honest flavor Of mult nnri hnhu that appeals to lovers of the bevrruxe Proper components; modern facilities, skill, thoroiiBh aKlnc of every brew, nnd all bucked by the U'atz original mill celebrated methodH, many years ago. brought about LIKE It PERFECTION. BLiTZllLT-VIVINE (Non-Intoxlcunt) SPRING TONIC. DrugRlsts or Direct. VAL BLAT2 BREWING CO , MILWAUKEE OMAHA nitACH, 1412 Dnufctna . Tel. 1081. WM p k FEMALE HI ANS MTM m M ('tiriinulnKiirut, Tunty, rtntixniysli nut n tingle fmiurei lunurM.moit oliiilnnto rui'i irllrrcil In a fetr iltrti I .'in it Slicmun McConnelt 11111 K11I111 A. Co, nruggliti Jobbers & manufacturers OF OMAHA AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., OtrialiM, Neb. Mnniifaciurora of Tents and Canvas Goods. Hctul for Catalogue Number 33 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Johnson-McLean Co Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Stair Work, Builders' Supplies. , Trlctilmiir Oil". lth nnd .Ioiipn Streets, Omnlia, Neb, DRY GOODS. E. Smith 1 Go. Importers wt Jokkaraof Dry Goods, Furnishing Qooii AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go, HOWARD STIIEET, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestern Electrical vy Company Electrical Supplies. kilsetrlc Wiring Bells tad Ota Llgfctlma Q. V. JOHNSTON. Mur. 1510 How.rd SL SAFE AND IR0N WORKS. Ilall'H Safes, Cnsli Rcglntera, Typewriters Hall Safe and Look Company, 1110 Farnnm Sf. Davis & Gowgill iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBBIUI OK MACHINURT. QSNBRAL RKPAIRINO A PDC1AJLT IRON AND URAS3 FOUNDERS, inoi. IHOS mi'l iriOB JsoIims ttr Omaha, Xeb. Tal. StlB. B. Zmbrlskla. Asent. J. B. Cawctlt, ELEYAT0R SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy RUIbj Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATOH OATIS. Send for catalogue. KIMBALI, BROS.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, B vm tn UMtet. viiapognc ua. H. Davis & Son Aa-eata for the ltlckMaj Eafety fintea au Fire Hoars. Elsrator Hrdraullo and Hand BisTfttof EleTator ropalrlng a speelaltr. LMMt V1ti Cups for BUvaUra, Englasa W rrlntln Prstssea. ANE GO. Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 anal 1010 UOIIGLAI 9 ENVELOPES. Buy from the Manufacturers. Burkley Envelope Co., Maker and I'rniersof j s ENVELOPES j a All Kinds anil ."lies. 120 North Fifteenth Strut PAINTS AND OILS. National Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporated,) MAWrFACTimEHS A.HI1 JOBHEHH. Paints for all Purpot it, Varnishes, stc. 1015 and 1017 Jones St., Tel. 1721, Omaha, WALL PAPER. Yetter Wall paper Oo., JOHHHRS WALL, PAPER. Iiree, well selectod stock, nrlcoa umi u oastcin houses latest novelties. Dsalara lend for 'Wl sample line and tsrms. i.iioum unrsri It.. II H a k a. 1 1