THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, APRIL LM, nn1. NEBRASKA NATIONAL GUARD loiter EhoT70 Heorjanfzjd Tint Etronger Than Btnior Stcocd. IRRIGATION INVOLVED IN A LAWSUIT CfaiTfortt Coiiiiuiii) Must Tap Wliltt: HI or Atinve Vo'rt Holiln son Mill OiTiinn Clnlm Ivxulurlre Hlghts. LINCOLN', April 13. (Special. ) A roster of the Nebraska National guard, Issued to il uy by Adjutant General Klllan, cotitalns llio Interesting Information that In nggrc pato strength the reorganised Kirs', regi ment outrank the beulor Second. Tbo difference Is utnall amounting to Just an even half dozen men but U Is neverthe less large enough to entitle the battle starred regiment to n place a little ahead of Iho older organization. Ths Second rcgl nitnt has n totnl membership of 603, while thut ot the K;rst Is fill. Tho troop of cav alry numbers forty-four men and ths bat ley Hfty-two, making a total mllltla sticngth of 1,314 men. The roster also shows the relative rank of all the oinceis of tho guard. IJrlgadlcr General Harry Is tho tlrst man on tho list and Adjutant Ooncral Klllan, who also holds Ihn tltlo of brigadier general, l second. Tho order of sonority of the other oniccrs la ns follows: ColoncU llayward, Archer. Lieutenant Colonel Tracy, the lieutenant lolonclcy of tho I'lrst reiimcnt bc.aj vacant. Majors McUouucll, Strclght, Moore, Vlikors. Itlchaidi, Ulffen. ('aptalntf-Murdock:, llodglns, McCarthy, fJcrcckc, Wiley, llartlgan, Oraii, Jennings, I'hclps, Cegncr, Andrews, Hull, Ma:k, Lycn, Stockham, Dennett, Talbot, McOlnlto, (linn, Stoner, Avcy, Ilolrhaw, Ilannc3, Ilockm bergcr, Paul, Augustus. Ilromwcll, SI ino'Jynes, Tulbol, Trcfz, Qucln, (lascolgno. I'lrst Lieutenants McKlnnoy, Murdock, Osborne, Jensen, Clapp, Hcndy, Harncs, Itnlllns, Stroud, Roddy, 1'rlcc, Davis. Orlmm, Peck, Henderson, I'cnrod, SCelglcr, Kennedy, Hlngrr. SalaK, Schultz, Kmtry, I'benowctb, Wllliclmscn, Worthcn, Patch, Leach, MrLaughlln, (Jarlow, Fcttcrmnn. Second Lieutenants Jones, Yoder, Purvis, Dotcu, Wllhelmy, Ashton, Dech, Ludgren, Llnstrom, Linton, I'llger, Holmes, Sabln, Stlrea, Cross, Ludwlg. Harris, Iledncr, Phillips, llcnncdy, Krnoyer, Crowo, Barber, Cllncburg, Tllzcy, West, Ilnnnle. Law of Itliinrlnti II 1 14 ! t x. The Crawford company litigation from Dawej county, Involving tho law of riparian rights, Is again beforo (he supremo court on a motion for a rehearing. Two decisions adverse, to tho Crawford company have been g!vcn by tho court, but, In polite, yet vigor ous language, a third hearing is naked for nnd In support of tho motion a lengthy brief hns been filed. Aside from tho legal points Involved In tho case tho attorneya for tho Crawford company contend thut tho decision of tho court. If allowed to stand, will seriously Injure Irrigation In terests In NnbraBkn. Tho case Is being fought for tho Craw ford company by Judge Hamer of Kearney. In beginning his. brief ho thanks tho court for tho courtesies shown and for tho con siderate attention It has given his many efforts, nnd continues: "Wo do not know how to mako a state ment of this kind without making It In plain and direct language, and at tho samo tlmo wo dcslro to say that ve have n'o in tention to put anything offensively. It Is so very hard to put In writing a criticism without exciting antagonism. Judges may bo quite as sensitive as' lawyers nnd their fowcr to express resentment Is much In creased, by reason of their authority to tmbody the'tr' ttftaripr66alon'rnlthe,lr judg ments. No ono can afford to quarrel with this court, and least of all do wo deslro to do so, but we desire to express a most emphatic disapproval of the opinions of ho chief Justice. Wo think that they vtolato every principle of equity Jurisdiction and tint they are wholly without precedent and most disastrous and far-reaching In their effects." Tho brief nsserts that tho only adequate Kourcp of water supply for tho citizens of Crawford Ib tho White river, and that water must be taken from this river above Tori Robinson to avoid contamination of tho scwago from tho fort. Tho only sourco of water supply for tho fort Is the Whlto river and a cannl to It has been completed In accordance with n license Issued by tho cecrctary of war. On tho bank of tho river, below the fort and bolow tho city of Craw ford, two mills were constructed and wero the property of Leroy Hall and Mr. Seoley, defendants In the coiirt where the caso was first tried. The mill ownors claim that they were entitled to the exclusive uso of tho water flowing In the river. Other persons put In similar clnlms nnd for tho purposo of having the matter adjudicated and quieting Its title to tho uso of tho water began legal proceedings In the district court of Dawes county. SInco the litigation begin Sceley has removed his mill from tho bank of the river and Is no longer a party in the STOMACHS THAT WON'T WORK. That Retain the Food and Refuse to I)licat It, Make the Head Heavy unci tha Serves Weak, Need Stuart's Dyspepsia Tahleta. Thore Is a cure for dyspepsia. Sufferers who have tried noxious nostrums will prob ably be skeptical but skepticism vanishes when Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are tried. Whether the trouble Is dyspepsia ot long standing, or merely a simple case ot Indl cemlon, relief Is prompt and pronounced The less tbo troublo tbo fewer tablets need bo taken. Heaviness after eating, sour stomach, as Indicated by belching, fatigue with slight exertion, or with no exertion at all, dls turbed sleep, nervousness, constipation, de pression, "blues," these things can com monly be set down 8 symptoms ot dyspep sla. And dyspepsia Is merely Indigestion in an aggravated form. By promoting perfect digestion, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets produces strong nerves, restful, refreshing sleep, pure blood and good sound healthy flesh. They make the skin clear, the eyes bright, the mind cheer ful. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a tnedt- clue and moro than a medicine. They dl gest tho food and make it easy ot assimila tion, and they relievo the inflamed, diseased condition ot the membraneous linings and tho glands of tho stomach nnd bowels, Thoy help tho digestive organs over the hard places, and put them luto healthy, active condition. They effect ft quick and permanent cure. You don't have to con tinue taking them forever, still it Is well to havo a box handy and tako one at tho first return of tho trouble. Perfectly well people are mado sick jy eating too much, or unwholesome food, but not If they take a tablet after eating. Treat mcnt with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets does not necessitate dlotlug or nuy chango of Habits. They digest the propor food and act upon tho other kind In such a way as to make It pass oft quickly and harmlessly You may eat and drink what you like, when you like, and as much as you like If you take a tablet afterwards. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by all drugguts at w cents tar full size package Send to F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. for little book ou stomach diseases, malted ires suit The motion wilt be submitted to 'be court on briefs, without oral argument. Ulrai.'tl MlmrliiKC "f Account. Attorney General Prout will go to Piatt? county tomorrow to assist the county at torney in the prosecution of a case ngaluit Former Treasurer Lynch for an alleged shortage In accounts. Chancellor Andrews of the University of Nebraska returned thl3 morning from Chi cago, where he addressed the Chicago Alumni club. Fifty graduatea of tbo Ne braska Institution were present. Chan cellor Andrews responded to the toast, "Tho University." Tho owners of tho ground used last year for tho state fair this afternoon submitted a sealed offer of their property to tbo State Uoard of Public Lands and Ilulldlngs. Prior to the nctlon of the leglslnturo -ip-proprlatlng J33.000 for a permanent state fair slto the owners of this land were will ing to sell to anyone for about 50 per cent nf their original Investment, but they have since ugrccd that In thp face of tho llbar nllty of the legislature their prlco was .il togther too small. Land Corumlsaloaor Follmcr refused to say what was nsk'd for the property, but It Is generally under stood that the price will not be far from 130,000. Auditor Weston today admitted tho Citi zens' Flro Insurance company of St. Louis to tho Nebraska field. To .In 1 1 for Free l.nncli. OSCUOLA. Nob., April 13, (Special.) Wllllum nnd Isaac Leo and Leonard Harrow were brought beforo Judge Hall of the county court here yestciday afternoon, charged with pttltlarccny. The boys were out Sunday evening nt Stromaburg and got Into tho more of Albert P.. Hedbloom and helped themsclcs to something goqd to cat. They pleud guilty to the chaige and tho Judge sentenced them to five days in tho county Jail on bread and water, and gave them tome iidvicc. They are 12, 10 and 14 years old. respectively, Arlmr l)ny nt Tnhlc ItocW. TA11LK ItOCK, Neb., April 23. (Special.) -Tho public schools hero observed Arbor day liy exercises and practical lessons la tree planting. Tho school work was con tinued In tho forenoon, but In the. nftcrnoon tho teachers and pupils, under the mm agemcnt of Principal L. W. Wlmbeclcy. made It a public holiday. Tho special pro gram furnished by the state superintend! nt Is commanded by tho teacher!, as It Is cal culated to arouse tho children to tho Im portuned of forest urbor culture. liiNprclliiu Mnll Hoiitro. TAF1LK HOCK. Nob., April 23. (Special.) Captain H. A. Clark, lato nt Top'ckn. Kan., but whoso headquarters will be In Omaha, for a tlmo special ugent for tho rural free. delivery, nrrlved In town last night and this forenoon. In company with J. H. Tal bot, candidate for mall carrier on tho south route, drove over nnd Inspected that route. This ufternoon ho went out on the north ern route with Mr. H. L. Wilcox, the pro poned carrier. Ilcorrnnc In Onto Aorentse. FKKMONT, Neb., April 23. (Special,) Farmers arc busy seeding oats, which .iro two weeks lato and as a consequence thero will be a decrense In Its acreage anil a probable Increased acreage of corn. Winter wheal Is genernlly reported In good con dition. At Lcavltt a i.'.g force of mm anil boys nro getting tho ground In shape for sugar beeta. The ground is mellow and In good shnpo for planting. Fnrmrr Injured ly Stalk Cutter. HBATR1CB, Neb., April 23. (Special Telegram.) W. D. McWhorter. whlla cut,- ting stalks on tho Wagner farm, near the feeble-minded institute yesterday, found his team unmanageable and ho was thrown ahead of tho revolving stalk cutter. His ileht arm and leg were badly cut and tho attending physician Is afraid blood poison ing wltl sot. In.. Thnimmul Tree at Hastings. HASTINGS, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Arbor day was observed In Hastings. The mayor, city councllmen nnd city officers devoted time to planting trees In tho city park. Over F00 trees wero set out In Heart well park and BOO moro nro to bo planted thero tomorrow, ns ex-Governor Furnas has mado tho city a present of 500 fine trees. Woniiin Has Wrist Fractured. HUMBOLDT. Neb., April 23. (Special.) Mrs. O. A. McKlnncy, wife of a farmer nf this section, was thrown from a roadcart when utnrttng to town and sustalnod a fracture of tho wrlBt. Fourth of July Celrhrntlnn. MADISON, Neb., April 23. (Special.) The Mndlson flro department Is arranging for n Fourth of July celebration. .chrnka nnd IVcliriisknns. Thn town of Pender recently set out 700 young trees in tnat city. A farm of 474 acres, sltuntcd near Au burn, recently sold for $21,787. H. C. Pershlnc has nssumed edit or nil charge of the Hmnlng Courier. William Wumslcy. who Uvea near Lyons dug out und enptured eight wolf pupa one any recently. The village of Wakefield contemplates the erection of nn auditorium with n seating capacity or i.uiw. rialnvlew dcodIo are illscusslntr a nrono stllon mado to them to, establish a mill In thnt pinco ror a bonus or J 1, 0011. A thief broke into the Hooper nutter and Ecc comDany a warehouse recently, but only secured si.w ror nis trouble. Hurt county hns mado nn appropriation to clean out and enlnrse tho ditches which drain much low but valuable farm land In thut county. Tcroy Morshon of tho Wilcox Herald hns decided that It Ih not kooiI for man tn b,. alone, und. acting on the 'decision, has mar ried .miss tierinu iiunr ot wncox. Tho pcoplo of Friend complain of poor train facilities. They say that It is Im posslblo to get to any point east of there, transact ousincss unu return too same any. Tho votern of Wlsncr npproved the tssu unco of bonds for tho purpose of extend lug tho water works system. Only seven teen votes were cast ngalnst the proposi tion. W. C. Elder has Just completed his thlr. teenth year ub clerk of the district court for Lincoln county. He wns first unnolnted to nil a vacancy ana nas neon regu arly oiectea over biiicc. Competent men who havo Investigated report that tho prospect for fruit was never better at this neasou of the year, Ono authority bays that 95 per cent or the duus on iruit trees nro uuvo unci neaitny, C. A. Itelmprs, who woa recently sent to the Bloux Falls prison for his connection with thn failure of tho First National hank of Ncllgh, Is now employed ns a gnrdcher in 1110 institution, iiim sou is wltkiiis in 1110 KltCIlCIl. Tho lilth nrlce of linv' temnted many furmers und ranchmen in-tho western part ui tno state to sen ore most ot ineir nay, thinking tho winter was over. This nc- countH for most of tho loss ot live stock 111 me recent storms. Wuyno expects that this will bo an ex cellent year for building operations. In niiuitiun to many pnvuln enterprises a new .ueinoiiisi ciiurcli costing $10,000 will bo urcuivu unu uie city win construct a new unu uirser reservoir tor me water works. A Kearney mnn received a considerable sum of money ono day recently. As It was alter Damting unurs no was fearful nbout keeping so larso nn amount around the house nnd decided to burv It fnr thn ir-i,t He procured 11 tin can In which to deposit tho money and cnrcfully covered the can with n foot or uurealn county soli. Ho slept peacefully that night, but when ho went out inn next morning to dig up his treasure each Individual hnlr stood on end. He had curefully burled the can, hut left the money lying on tho ground In plain sight, but fortunately 110 ono had discov er tai . Itosa Fallot, a comely country girl, who formerly lived near Uattlu Creek, left the family abodo about two yeurs ago and cauiu to Omaha. A slNrt tlmo ago she re turned to her former home for a visit and .1 voting man of tho neighborhood fell vio. lently In lovo with her. At his solicitation tno, coupio went to I'icreo and wero mar rled. 'Iho next day Hosn started for Omaha to get her belongings, but on nr riving thero wrote back that ahe guessed sho would stay, as country life nnd no chanrjs for her nnd that she married the young man "Just for fun." Tho young man haii nut been able up to date to see where the (un comes In, CHIEF OF POLICE A SUICIDE Harrj Rics of North Platte Found Dud in Ctraetiij. TAKES POISON NEAR WIFE'S GRAVE Tell FrlciiiU He I Tiled of Life, l.cittes III Will ttltli One of The m, Srrlis .Solitude nnd Tnkci Poison. NOHTH PLATTE, Neb., April 23. (Spe clal Telegram.) Harry Hlce, chief of police, was found dead at tho cemetery today. As ho did not come down town ns usual today, his friends were uneasy and ns the hours patsed and he did not put In an ap pearance, this uneasiness gave way to alarm. Search was Instituted for him, sev eral parties hunting In every direction, but without avail. Finally tho sheriff wns notified ota his disappearance and ho wns asked to make a acarch. Pcoplo were found who had talked with Rice early In tho morning nnd they reported that he had told them ho did not want to live any longer, and even showed them what Is now mipposed to have been a package ot poison, which ho said would do the business. He also handed to ono of them a document, which purported to be his will nnd asked him to tako charge of It till needed. Acting on this information, the sheriff with other partl23 instituted a thorough search, with the rehiilt that he was found In the ceme tery, a short distance from his wife's grave, between 12 and 1 o'clock, The supposition is that some tlmo dur ing the forenoon he wandered out to the cemetery, sat down near his wife's last resting place, and took tho poison, with which ho had provided himself. Wlu 11 found he was lying on his back, his vest partly unbuttoned, his lips and cai-3 being considerably discolored. He had evidently mado an attempt to reach the pump to get a drink of water, for ho had dragged himself about sixty feet in that direction. About 12 o'clock Enoch Cummlngs and a man named Johnson, were passing through the cemetery, saw him sitting on his wife's gravo nnd conversed with him. They ob served ilmt something was wrong, spoke to mm about It nnd asked him If ho wanted water. He replied that ho felt aa though ho was partly paralyzed and might uced little water later. Tho probability Is that when seen by these men ha had al ready taken the poison, nnd that tho twitch ing of tho muscles, which they observed wns caused by tbo poison already acting on the system. Hlco wa3 both marshal and nresldent of tho rioard of Education. Ho was an old tlmo railroad man, 60 years old, and had held positions of responsibility with the union Pacific company. He had been drink ing hard recently. GATHERING OF THE RED MEN Klotiv Wnrrlorn nnd Chiefs Assemble nt Ittishvlllc to Leave for HtifTnlo. IIUSHVILLE, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Itiishvlllc has been given over to the red men tho last thrco days, tho popula. lion neing increased by 1,000 with repre srntatlvcs of tho Sioux tribe, who nro s. sembllng hero prior to the departure of lbJ, in ehargo of Gains of tho Indian Con grcss a ml Village company, to the Buffalo exposition. Tho prairies north of town are literally dotted with tepees and tents. lesterday afternoon tho Indians organ lzed a parade and 300 of them marched down Main street, In -war paint, feathers and fantastic costumes. One-third of them wero on horseback and they marched In platoons, with squaws afoot, singing their wolrd songs. After tho cavalcade returned to tho center of Main street they formed a hollow square, when Mr. Gains and J T. Asay, the local agent, Inspected them and commended their appearance. Among tho most prominent to go, with this contingent nro: Jack Hed Cloud, Little Wounds, American Horse, Short Hull, .ir., Short Eyes, Spotted Crow, Little Chief, Spotted Eagle, Chief Eagle, Spotted Elk and No Water, all chiefs and men of dls tlnctton among the Sioux trlbo. They camo hero at 5 p. m. today on a train. Indlniis li Itoute to Iluffnlo. BLAIR, Nob., April 23. (Special Tele gram.) A party of twenty-one Sioux In dlauH und a dozen Indian children came In on tho train from the north tonight in charge of Judgo L. L. Sloan, United Stales commissioner at Pender, and Deputy United States Marshal James Allan of Omaha. They aro from the Omaha and Winnebago reservation and will go east tomorrow morning on a special train ot five coaches, loaded with Indians from tho west. Two carloads of ponies arc attached to the train and the entire party are enroute to .lie Buffalo exposition. Mlonx llelcRiitlnii n Vail One. IIUSHVILLE, Neb.. April 23. (Special Telegram.) This evening at 6 o'clock be tween 1C0 and 200 Indians, Including chiefs women and papooses, left for Buffalo on n Bpecial train, consisting ot five passenger coaches, one baggage car, one caboose atid threo cars ot horses. The usual lamenta Hons were manifest as the warriors and Indian women took leave of their friends. These wero without doubt tho best-dressed and finest representatives of the Sioux na tion that ever loft here. Their behavior In town was oxeinplary and little drinking was manifest. Both Mr. Gaines and J. r, Asay aro congratulated upon their succc.ts In getting together such a splendid rep resentation of tho famous Sioux nation tor tho exposition at Buffalo. Ilnnkcrs Klcct Officers. FREMONT. Neb.. April 23. (Special.) At the closing session of tho Bankers' ts- soclatlon yesterday nftcrnoon thesa officers were eletced: President, B. F. Folda Schuyler; vico president, A. Anderson, Co lumbus; treasurer, Thomas Wolf, David City; secretary, P. B. McKIUIp, Humphrsy; member of executive committee, T. E Stevens, Blair. Klectlou of llrnliinrd Touchers. BRAINARD, Neb., April 23. Special Telo gram.) Tho Board of Education last night elected these teachers: Principal, J, E Schutt, Davenport; second Intermediate Miss Ruth Bobbins, Bassett; first Inter mediate, Llda Alexander, Tamora; primary, Miss Ada M. Shaw, Adams. Victim of llottlc of Pop, HUMBOLDT, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Whllo Carl Mann wns attempting to open a bottle ot pop this morning It exploded blowing fragments of the glass Into his hand and arm. It is thought that nond ot the Injuries will be serious. Initio Creek lllucksiulth Shop. BATTLE CREEK. Neb., April 23. (Spe clal,) John Kavolok's blacksmith shop vas partially destroyed by flro last night ie tween 1 and 2 o'clock. Tho origin of the fire is unknown. Tho loss was covered by Insurance. Jurors ICwiinciI to Work, AUBURN, Neb., April 23. (Special.) District court convened Monday, but the Jurors who wero farmers wero so anxious on account of press of work they were excused until Juno 17. Ilo 'loll UiiK Htorr. HOOPER, Neb., April 23. (Special.) For the last year tbo Hooper Butter and Egg company Iuib been missing small sums of money from the drawer and laat Sun day three boys about IS years of age were detected entering tho place. They w-cte accused of the theft and acknowledged en tering the store at five different times. The. total amount taken was about J18. Thsy were reprimanded and given their liberty. BEATRICE CHIEF OF POLICE J. V. Ashenleltcr Is Continued and Council firnntK Clt'n Liquor I.lcrnne. HEATKICE. Neb., April 23. (Special Telegram.) At the regular meeting ot tho city council this evening, Mayor Norcross nominated J. W. Ashcnfcltcr for chief of pollcu and the council by a vote of seven to five confirmed the nomination, Council- men Scroggs, Hauser, North, Huthcrford and Fee voting no. Saloon licenses were granted to the Paddock Hotel company, E. Schembecl:, S. H. Dodge, A. Hcturncy, Uyron Uradt and Fred Cook. Druggist licenses wero granted to O. W. Hcckwlth, Walter Bros., M. E. Shultz, H. G. Day, Jones & Miller, Harper & Co., and C. A. Jackson & Co. The saloons will pay J 1,200 each per year and tho druggists $100. To Talk on Hired lrl. WACO, Neb,, April 23. (Special.) Tho following Is tho program of Waco Town- hip Farmers' Institute, which will be at Waco, Saturday, April 27: "Wheat Cul ture," William Prultt: "liaising and Feud ing Cattle," C. N. Heaver; "Tho llclatlon f nirds to Man," Evylln Gilbert; "Family Inanclcr," It. Inbody; "The Hired Girl," May Miller. Die from Amputation of Arm. BEATRICE, Neb., April 23. (Special Telegram.) Harry Ray, tho young Postal elcgraph lineman who had bis arm ampu tated two weeks ago, died last night. His body was shipped to Valparatto, Ind. WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Kllllnic Front In .Vebrnnkn, hut Vcmc- tiitlon Mo HncUnuril Little llnrm Is Done. United States Department of Agriculture, Nebraska section, climate and crop scrv Ico of tho Weather bureau, weekly crop bulletin for the week ending April 23: Tho last week has been cold, with about tho normal rainfall. Tho dally mean tcmperu turo has averaged from 5 degrees to 8 do grces below tho normal. Kllllug frosts oc curred on the 17th and 18th, with tempera tures below 30 degrees. Vegetation Is ho backward, however, that no damago resulted from tho low temperature. Rain was general on the ICth or 10th. The amount exceeded one-half Inch at most places, and nt a few places exceeded an Inch. Although wet weather has retarded farm work In parts of tho state, generally, considerable progress has been made during the last week. Spring wheat seeding Is well advanced and somo spring wheat Is up coming evenly and nicely. Oat seeding has Ucen general tho last week and is nearly completed In southern counties. Early-sown oats arc coming up nicely. Present Indications are for a small acreago of oats, caused by tho lato spring and wot weather at seeding time. Very llttlo plowing has been done, but tho ground at tho end ot the week was In excellent condition for plowing and seed ing. Winter wheat, ryo and grass havo grown well, but somowbat slowly because ot the low temperature. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director, Llncols, Neb. HOTEL PARTNER ACQUITTED I'tisustalned Charge nf Converting Itevenue from the House to Ills Own Use. ATLANTIC. Ia.. Anrll 23. (Sncclal Tele gram.) Henry Ilurkhard1 ono of the own ers 01 tno mnusor note),, was nrrcstcu in Des Moines and brought back to Atlantic by Sheriff Hilt today, charged with lar ccny, preferred by his partner, Mr. Krat- zer. Mr. Burkhsrdl, who was the resident partner In the buslnebs, was charged with having used the firm's money for personal use, allowing tho bills to go unpaid until tbey reached $800, when Mr. Kratzcr brought affairs to a focus by causing his partner's arrest. Burkhardt was brought beforo a Justice today aad dismissed, as not sufficient evldcnco was found. Mr Kratzcr will continuo tbo management of the hotel alone. IOWA CAPITALIST DIES Artemus l.nmh nf Clinton Snecnmhs to Injuries Itecelved In ttnll rond Wreck. CLINTON. Ia.. April 23. (Special Tele gram.) Artemus Lamb, lumberman and capitalist ot this city, died at Coronado Beach, Cal., today, where he has been 111 for many weeks as a result of Injuries re eclved ! a wreck on tho Union Pacific near Rock Springs, Wyo., last winter. Tho wounds did not heal. Finally heart trouble set In, resulting in death. Lamb was at the head of the firm of C. Lamb & Sons, lum bermcn, also president of the Iowa Packing company and president of the People's Trust and Savings bank. Ho camo hero In 1856 and became a member of the firm of C. Lamb & Sons In 1S65. He was 61 years old. Women's Hoard of Missions. DAVENPORT, Ia., April 23. Delegates are assembling here tor the thirtieth an nual meeting ot the Women's Board of Mis slons for the Northwest, which Includes active supporters of the Presbyterian for clgn missionary work from Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wlscon sin, Michigan, Minnesota and Montana. Miss Carolina B. Sharp of Chicago led the open Ing devotional services this evening. Transfer of Unnk Interest. ALVORD, la.. April 23. (Spcclal.)- S. Bennett has sold his fourth Interest 1 tho Alvord bank to G. C. Manwnrlnc Rock Ranlds. who succeeds him as cashier. He coes to Slmix Cltv. May 1. to assumn tho duties ot assistant cashier ot the new People's Savings bank, which opens on that uate. Takes Cnrhollo Acid for Peppermint, CRESTON, la.. April 23. (Special.) Henry Bull took a spoonful of carbolic acid last night mistaking It for peppcrmont Tho error was discovered nnd a doctor called In time. CONTINUED FAIR WEATHER Korconst-MnU-er Promises Xo Chnnice In .ext Twenty-Four Hour. WASHINGTON, April 23. Forecast: For Nebraska Fair Wednesday: Thurs day cooler and partly cloudy; possibly showers in western portion; variable winds. For Iowa Fair Wednesday; warmer In eastern and central portions; Thursday fair, probably cooler in northern portion; east to south winds. ' For South Dakota Fair Wednesday; Thursday cooler, possibly showers; south to west winds. For North Dakota Fair Wednesday; cooler In northwest portion; Thursday cooler, possibly showers; south to west winds, For Kansas Fair Wednesday and Tburs day; probably cooler Thursday; south to west winds. For Colorado Partly cloudy Wednesday; Thursday fair; probably colder In eastern portion; variable winds. For Wyoming Partly cloudy Wednesday; cooler In western portion; Thursday fair; cooler in eastern portion; variable winds. BELIEVES IT WAS MURDER Ooronr'i Jury Fails to Find Suicido Indi- catitni tt York. A. G. UNSTROM'S PECULIAR DEATH Wound Could .Not llntc Horn 1 11 ft 1 ot oil h- It 111 In the Unmix of the Jinn Himself Cnsc of "Per son I nk mm 11." YORK, Neb., April 23. - (Special.) Tho community was surprised to learn the ver dict of the coroner's Jury as to the cause of the death of A. G. Llnstrom, which wns generally supposed to bo suicide. The Jury was composed of Intelligent farmers and neighbors of Llnstrom. The more the Jurors Investigated the less. they thought the de ceased committed suicide. Tho statement mado that the deceased look a rlllc luto bed, pulled the quilt over him nnd In this position shot himself, was regarded as an Impossibility, as tho bullet went down ward Ir.bteail of upward, and the Jury be lieved bo could not havo shot himself In tho position In bed in which ho was found, No powder marks were found In his flesh, us would have been tho caso If ho had shot himself In bed underneath tho covers. There was considerable doubt In the minds of the JuroiR and they brought In the fol lowing verdict: "That A. G. Llnstrom came to his death from the shot from a thirty-two caliber rlflo fired by a party unknown to this Jury." Dr. Mooro was culled to attend the caso and tays bo found tho deceased In bed and was Informed that he was In tho same posi tion ns when ho shot hlnibelf, except that the rlflo had been removed and placed under the bid. A. G. l.ltnirom was popular. generous and kind. Tho body was laid to rest today, and a largo number of friends attended the obsequies. Tbo community Is considerably agitated and wonders who committed tho deed. CAPITALIST HANGS HIMSELF lohn McCnrthy of II 11 n 11 r Dndu Ills l.lfc In Ills Wood shed. BOONE, In., April L'3. (Spcclal.)-John McCarthy, a capitalist of thin city, aged 0 years, committed suicido this ufternoon by nanglng himself In a woodshed at his homo In tho Klfth warn. Worry over In vestments Is supposed to bo tho cause. Ho has not been actively engaged in burl nesB for Borne years, but Iiiih loaned money to farmers and others. He leaves n family. HYMENEAL. Itockcfrllrr-Mtlllinnn. NEW YORK. April 23. Isabel Goodrich Stlllman, daughter of James Stlllman, and Percy A. Rockefeller, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rockefeller, wero married at St. Bartholomew's church today. Tho wedding was followed by a reception at the Stlllman home. Tho church was handsomely dec orated with flowers and ferns. The trldo was given nwoy by her father and attended nt tho altnr by Miss Ethel O. Rockefeller, as maid of honor, and Miss Edith Gray, Miss Ethel Whitney, Miss Alice Strong and Miss Daisy Greer, as brides maids. William O. Rockefeller attended his brother as best man. Rev. Dr. David H. Greer, rector of tho church, performed the marriage ceremony. The newly wedded couple will probably mako a short Ameri can tour and later go abroad. CIiIchro tilrl nnd Enirllshmnn. LONDON, April 23. Malcomb Moncrclffo. brother of Sir Robert Moncrclffo and of the duchess ot Athol nnd tho countess of Dud ley, and Miss Amy Moorehead. Walker of Chicago, daughter of tho lato S. J. Walker of Frankfort, Ky., wero married at St. Paul's church, Knlghtsbrldge, today. A reception wns afterward held at Carter's hotel in Albemarlo street. Both functions wore largely attended. Knnirnth-Mnnrcr. MADISON, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Miss Caroiino Maurer and Herman Knin rath wero married at the German Lutheran church today at 10 o'clock by Rev. Den- Dinger. Immsdiate and Lasting run WORLD FAMOUS MARIANI TONIC Its good effects nro Immediate and lasting. It Is also very palatable, agree able to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. Doctors' Opinions : "Aids digestion and assimilation, re mores fatigue and Improves the oppo tlte." "Sustains life for a long period and nourishes without any other food or drink." Ail Druggists. Refuse Substitutes. FIRST CLASS PULLHAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY BBTWUEN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Clia.-tz GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE ..All the best Scenery of the ROCKY MOUNTAIN and SIRI&A NEVADA by "ft" win uirciuuns I DINING CAR SERVICE THROUOH. I ) BUFFET LIBRARY CAR5. For fall Information, reservations and Itlner ry "Chicago to California" address City , Ticket Office, 1333 Farnain St., Omaha. Neb. ' MUNYON'S RHEUMATISM CURE When Prof. Munyen uyt till RbeurastUai Cure will cure rbeunuilim there lin't any gun, work about it there Un't any falie ttatement about it. It cure without leaving any 111 effecta. lilts plendid iiomach and nerve tonic, at well ai a poll live cure for rheumalltm. All the Munyon remediet are jutt at reliable, jc. vial. The Guide 10 Health It free, Munyon, New York and Philadelphia. atl'.WO.VS IMULEU tUULS CATABUH, d BISHOP HANDY SAYS I Cheerfully Recommend Peruna to All Who Want a Good Tonic and a Sale Cure For Catarrh," Prominent members of the clergy are giving Peruna their unqualified endorse ment. Thtse men find Peruna especially adapted to prescrvo them from catarrh ot tho vocal organs which has always been the bano of public speakers, und general catarrhal debility Incident to tho sedentary llfo of tho clergyman. Among tho recent utterances of noted clergymen on tho curative virtues of Peruna la tho following ono from Bishop James A. Handy, D. D of Baltimore: "I take Ktviit pleasure in acknowledging the curative ofTocts of l'ertina. At the solicitation of a friend 1 used your remedy nnd cheer fullv recommend your l'eruna to nil who want a kooJ tonic aud it safe cure for catarrh." James A. Hand'. OTHER NOTABLE CURES, A Husband Escaped ths Pangs of Catarrh of the Lungs. Most Cases of Incipient Consump tion are Catarrh. Edwnrd Stevens. Mrs. Edward Stoven3 of Carthage, N. Y., writes as follows: 'I now tako plcasuro In notifying you that my husband has entirely recovered from catarrh. Ho Is a well man today, thanks to you and Peruna. Ho took six bottles of your medlclno as directed, nnd it proved to bo Just the thliiR for him. Ills appctlto Is good and every thing ho cats seems to agree with him. His cough has left him and he is gaining In llcah, and seems to bo well every way. I hope others will try your medlclno and receive tho bene fits that wo have." Mrs. Edward Stevens. When the catarrh reaches tho throat It Is called tonsllltls, or laryngitis. Catarrh of the bronchial tubes is culled bronchitis; catarrh of the lungs, consumption. Any in Mormon PlShOPaV Pllla l"' 1 ln ule 50 yett by the let.lrt of the Mnrmoa Church ana uwir ionwt. rotltitciy cure the wmt cum In old and youiur arltlnt from citett of Mlf-abute, dtitlpaUon, eacntet, or clguette-tmollnj. Cures Lost Manhood; lm BWtttnav. Last snwar. Nlarht In : MZil baalrak. aYlmlnal Emissions. bllltv. Hendachs.Unfltnasa nr udnatliistmn. attins VOUa TwItOhlnK Of tWellda. iiirr function. lMnr et dAnon&rt. errant, sumuitttt ttie brain tno nerve cemert. vk a aTO lAU MX MYEIIaWOIIXOB It Z SPOKEN Or SO HlunuY.; 5c CIGAR. John G. Woodward & Co., Distrlbutors.Councit Bluffs. Moritz Meyer Cigar Co., Distributors, Omatia r For Instance Yon may know something of the "grip" may hare felt all its miseries, experienced the weakness and had a mouth full of bad taBte, yet you know nothing of the history of the disease. Now The Standard Dictionary gives some interesting facts concerning the grip and it's about the only book that does. r there are mighty few things that have escnped tho editors of that work. If interested, call and see a copy. Take one home for $7.00. Megeath Stationery Co. 1308 Famatt. Street. ternal remedy that will cure catarrh In one location will cure It In any other location, This Is why Peruna has become so Justly famous In tho cure ot catarrhal diseases. It cures catarrh wherever located. Us cures remain. Peruna docs not palliate; It cures. Mrs. Frederick Williams, President of tho South Side Ladles' Aid Society of Chi- enso, 111., writes the following words of prnlso for Pcrunn from 073 Cuyler avenue, Chicago, 111.: "My home Is never without Pc runa, for I hac found during the past six years thnt there Is no remedy that will at once alleviate Buffering and actually cure, Mrs. Fred Williams. as Pcrunn docs. Four bottles completely cured mo of caturrh of the head of several years' Htundlng, and If my husbands feelB badly, or either of us catch cold, wo nt once tako Porunn, and In n day or two It haH thrown thn sIckncMi out of tho system." Mrs. Frederick Wil liams. Mrs. W. A. Allison, of 7rf Shellicld ave nue, Chicago, ill., Is the Assistant Matron of the People's 1 Hospital. Sho hns tho following to Bay about Peruna "I havo had fre quent opportuni ties to nbscrvo the wonderful curative effecta of Peruna especially on per sons suffering with n conjested condl-, Hon of tho head, Mra. W. A. Allison. lungs, and stomach, generally called cnturrh, It alleviates pain nnd Horcness, lucrcaseu the nppctlto und bo tones up tho entire nystcm that the patient quickly reguius strength and health." Mrs. W. A. Allison. If you do not derive prompt and Hatls factory results from tho iwo of Peruna, write ot onco to Dr. Hartmnn, giving u full Btntement nf your ciisn and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable tulvicu gratis. Address Dr. Hnrtniau, PrcMldcnt of Tin Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. - Lossaa. So ormtKorrnoes) insomnia) rnins uams Macs, nervous ur a aiaok. Nervous Do m aameni Varicocele! to Marry. Lou of OuleknaaaV of Dls uiiarapi diu)ji ncr- s-luipimiKiir tnu ivuncr ui a cure 11 at hnil. FmTTTs Rtttoret im-Ut. un1velipei ret. turiijonr nun a imm rui'initr, m DIIOO CO lflTU AND VABNAM. 1 . mmmrn mm m. 1S y.t " i