THE OMAHA DAILY BIOJC: WED.NJiHDAV, AIM? 1L 21, 1901. 1 I SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these column tIII lie Inlten until lii tit. for t lt etenlnjj edition mill until ttsllll p. in. for mnrnlntr nml Miinitn)' edition. Hates, 1 1-Uo u ttnrd first Insertion, li; n vinril thereafter, Nothing tnkrn for ten tliHii UBq for lire lllil Inner, lion. The up ntlt ertlncnic nt in tint be run cmmeoutlvcla-, Al rrllieri, hy rriiurxllnu n nnm ISeretl rlircL, rnn hmr mmwrm nil HrfMPd tu m mmihered letter In i-nre of The lire. AitNiii'ra mo nrl'd i'sed trill hr delivered on nrrsciitiillon of the check mil). situations waxtho. I'OSITION ns bookkeeper evening hy young mnrii best ruferentns, o 4S, Bee. . A ill .TO WA.M'ttB-MAI.U HELP, WANTED Wo huvc steady work for n fow kuou uusiicrs or goou iianun unu iippcm anec. C, F. Adams Co., l3 Howard St. U-772 HARDER tradu taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue und particulars tree. Western Hutbers' institute, omuha, itu. B-77J WANTED, good mechanical draftsman; iut bq experienced und capable Apply. stating age, experience ntlil salur ox icctod. Address O 13, Uee, D-5S'J WANTED, 3 salesmen, tllorc who have been In coinnwrclul lines preferred; no nap, bit. n reinuhorutlvu business to thorn who mio wi ling to apply them selves anil arc cnpublrf of presenting u high-class pinposltibii to thu host pcioido. Address-u 20, Bee. U-60I"2J WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Vo tchrh the. work In two months, donntij tools, Include board and pay $12 Weekly when competent. Also give opportunity of Saturday und Sunday wugos whllo learning, our special offer good until May 15. Call or wrlto today, .Motor Harbor Cuf-. lego, 103 Farnum St., Omaha., .. ' ' U-MOIS W WANTKl J Flist class blojole tiro repair innn. Nebraska Cyolo Co., 15th and liar: ney, B--S51-2I WANTED-Drlig dork it t once. Chits. II. Sehaofer, 16th una Chicago Sts. . H Wit ! WANTED, by siivcrnl ' flock owners. 15 sheep HhonroM nl once, it t North Platte. Wyntt, MoUr.tno & Mcott. Reference, Mallory Com. Co., youth Umaha. " B-MK73W GOOIJ UOY, 1.1 healthy, wimiIh llur-by, .;ii2 N. years old, strong und a home. Apply j. l-'. 17th. li-.MSl 2j ANTM1), flmi-i'lfiHitS carrttiKO palntor, IIWII1 IJoiIkc. A. .ISimpson & Hon. v ' 11- M(,G7 25 WANTMU, clsnr salexniiilt to reprerctit niie ot tint tarHrst ne:d ilhtl Iluvtlna clWtr factortt-H In thu west, to roor lt(wa, jjN ourl, KatiKitK, NebraiiKa, Coloradd, to call on JobbliiK tmtlu: Klvo ictnretifeH. O lleo o III co, Umalin.' H-Albftl 25 WANTUI), cxporlenced slf?n writer, one accustomed to ilry kooM t.trtro 'wdrk pc fcrrtd Call at Itohtoil Htorc, J. I.. UWtli dels & Sonn, 1'ropltctoiB, 1J !;- 25 VANTK1). everywht limit If I'm to tack nlgnst, illuttibuto circular, Mtmplrs no oanvaftidiiu: miixl unv. Htm .Mlt'crtln. ItiK lllircau, Ch Ion ku. IMJhUl'lM' WA.NTDll-FU.MAI.K 1 1 1 ; 1. 1', help.. 3 Kjuglas., Tel. 6si. t.'unadlun otllce, C- 111-. WANTKD-20J Blrl. 1521 Doduc. Tel. !70. C 771 bAl,ESI,AIJIKj and dumoustrators of abil ity for permanent xUluried poHlliuud. Thyrold-lyuiidi Cu.,, iw-2-1 Ueo Uuliuiiitf, uiimha: w-i-u JJurr block, Lincoln. C-721-A27 UHUSSMAIClNq tuUKlit. thoroughly; bj rm rucetveu hlglluhi iiwatu at I'ails, Jaw. ittcIJiiwcll DruHHinuklng Hclioul, 210 a. lstli .1., luuma il-llti KurljUOIi blk. , CrAltl4 W'ANTJSO, Indlca to'' icurn halrdresslni;, mtiuluurlnx or tacthl tnaHSiiuo. Vi n..i, ii the work 111 twl) inonthx. lirc.-ilinl tiuiU iiint pay 112 weekly when 'ebmpete'ilt; 'Uipujimta ranted. Cataloijuo or purtl'uUl'arn lico.J ioiur .oiiegu, ma x ar.iani..Hireet ,, ' ' ";C-.MalL4i njnxvtu, may ruridxn natn opcrulur, JIUHt havo had nood experiunCo. Apply loom 2:o, Deo billlUlilK. " C Uj2 WANTUD, a competent Klrl 7ri ii' Hntiiil l(Vlvut6 family. Apply, IJ23 Uodgu nt, C-.MJil WANTKU A Rood st roiid lrl, 8th Trid I'lno titB., cast of lirowncil Itnli, ilia. -Marsh. c WJ-SI WANTHli, a hotiM'koi'per for a Hmall fam ily llvliiK on a tarui; (Jennan prererred; pormauunt homo for right puny, Andreaa llux 2H5, Vat Hldo, loWii, C JLsrtl 2ij OIHLfor general housework. 1511 Vatrs Ht. C-Si3 Jl GOOD girl for general housework. 1310 So. 30th Ave. . C-V0 WANTED, exiierlent'od wnltrosseH In thu West, Apply 714 houlh Ninth st , . C-MS 5 27 GIHL for general housework; German pre terred. 1113 B. soth avft, U .tSS 20 FOH IllC.Vr iltllSEb. ... ' I ' I -, , , IF you want your houses well rented place them with lienawu & Co. ' D',ii TO move riuht, get Ouialui -Van Storage Co. olllcv, IjIHj Furnum, or tel. 155'J-6u3. D-777 HOUSEB for vent In all parts of thu City. llrenuan-Luvb Co., 2.0 Buutli 13lh street. ' ' Dr-nH' HOUSES, stort'3. Uumls. 'i'axton Uloek. . , . t 77a BEE HENHY H, PAYNE, 001 .N. Y. LIFE, D-Jw HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-iSi HOUSES and Hats., Ulhgwuli, llflrkcr b'lock. D 7W Wullaco; Drown block. ,. D-7SJ HOUSES wanted. FOIt KENT New 10-rpom Ijolise, north part city, wuter ahd gas,' near motor and school. ,liiiuiie W, .L-rKterstl-ud, Huoni 3u5. City Hair, rent, $25 mouth. D-AUS FOH HUNT, residence, 1056 Georgia av cor. Paclltc; 10 rooms, attic,' basunieut, vast frojit, modern ami uxtru conyenl mces; lot UbxllO," with trees, lniiulre 314 First National bank bldg, D .M13J Kft NOHTH 22d S... ten-room modern house, flno location; key at 3ol North 22d Bt. D-130 10-HOOM detitchcd house, nil modern newly papered. 2525 California. D MiU4. KltJilT-room modern, U17 Capitol ove., 8-rtjom modern and barn, a.'ii llurnoy, io I'lght rooms nhd, bath, 2SU Webstor, i.'u Others, Hlugwalt Hr'os., Darker block. D-M6J6 LAHGE 12-rootn. rcslderico on tho North boulevard, will paint, paper and mako what Improvement are necessary. Hent, $I0.'. OMAHA LOAN AND THl'ST CO., 16th and Douglas. . ' ' D-M673 FOH HENT. I11S Spenrcr St. 10 rooms, modern, house anil bam $39 CO M27 N. 20th S rooms, modern house.,.. 2i 00 MI0 N. 27th--7-ruom houbo, city Water.. J5 no 1112 Caldwell St 5-rooni hoiibe, oily water , 10 00 1621 N. 2lst St.-3-ioum houte, city water , 7 00 U HEN NAN-LOVE CO., 3CJ S, 13th Street, , D-i5S-2 LNEQl'ALED central teven-room houtei live-room Hat. tmir-roum tint ; all moil crn, TUltrd, 221 N."Jtlh st, D-MS72 r.r' rOH HENT, 8-room house. 713 H. Ifltli st. H- Ms:w 26 I'till 11 U.Vl'-l ' I It M M 1 1: 1) It DO M h. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Fnrnam. E 73 THE THUHSTON, 15th und Jackson: steam E-756 . NICE rooms, ntii. light housekecpliiK, 1112 S. 15 IH. NEWLY turnlshed, hounekeeplng. lirg Jones E-4CI MO HOI'SEKEEPING Clary's. rooiiti V tip. 2o2l Bt. , E-MSC9 m:: voit nuxT Finxtsiinirituasir. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. ISM X 16th. E-MM7 SS l It MSIIHIt ROOMS AMI HOARD. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-7SI GLENCAmN.tmnslents,$1.25day. 1(03 Doug F-71S l-'HONT rooms. 316 So. 2th af;ll445 The Mtrrjam, summer rcdorti .25 & IJodce, r MBi'J LAKQI'2 front room; board, 251 Harney. VMStK 25 KOIl Uli.NT-b.M'tUMSHEU ItOU.MS. UK8K room Hpitcc, U per month, stound Moor roc in In The Hoc building, facing Karnum Htreel, no uxpetHo lor llBht, hem or janitor t;rvict, 11. C, l'cteru & Co,, Ketiiul AKetit, lieu, bulldtna.y ' J 416. 3 OH 4 unfurnished room, with water and bath, JW per month, 2t2'j Scwltfd M. KOll ItKNT-'STIIKKf, AMI Ui-'KICli!). t-'OH HUNT more, In llrpt-clanfl location: rent reasonable. Apply it, .' I'etvm & Co., uiouu'f Hour, lieu lililg. 1266 FOH HUNT tho bulldln formerly occu Pled by Tho Uee at U1U Karnum Bt. It hai four Htorlcu and u basemuiit which wai formerly ufced us The lice prosu room TIiIh will be rcutwd vcty icuionubly. If Interested, apply at oncu to C. C Host water, acCicmry, room lw. Uua building. 1-201 Ol'KICK Tit Commercial NATIONAL bank bldij. Applv loom 17. I M61U W KOH HliNT-Uld eatubllHhed mrocery ulid meUt mirk't atulid, cornor . und DoiiKo Htrect. A live man ran tuitku ntouoy hero. Intuitu on promlKCH up rnn Irs, ol 'IhoinuH Uuuuwmau'. l-MUfl 2t VOU UK N'T, desk room In private olllce, atmtojriipJier and telephouuj very, cholcui cheap.' M N. Y. I.lto. 1-.MlUI 27 WANT13JJ Canvassing ugenu In every county td bollt'll auuscrtiitlouu for T1IK TWUNTilOTU CUNTUHV f'AiK.MliH and thu NEW CYCLOI'UUIA Ul' LIVU STUCK AND CO.Ml'LLTK BTOCIC UOC 'i'uit. Thin splendid book cumalim lmptrlul octayu puges, 4W ubject-teuclt-lug engravings, unu Is tho otuy book on live fctook ever published adapted to the every-tlay, practical, moncy-auving uao of uvry fariiitr and stock owner, steady employment with Hbsutcd good liicoutu. Agents In thu country nltn liuiio and buggy uspecntll) desired. "Cui'.vussutrf mitKu caslij uo to luu per , muiith. Ad-dit-hs Ceiltury ' Farmer Solicitors' Hureau, lice Uulidlng. Omaha. ' t Jitf! WANTKO, good ruHtloiM t'6(Tliuoa not uecocHitry, mIiIo Unu 11 prct'criQU,1 .,' 712 New York W to. ' 'J"-SS1 31" MoitAtii:. PAC1FIC Btorasu and Ware houic Co 015- vli juucu, buiiuiiii sturauu unu lonvuiuing. OM. Van Stdri Co.,'l6n'ii,Fdtn'. Tela. 15iU-k6i . r ' " , , ' . 7!2. l'uit SAi.iJ t'l, it.M riiitc; C1UCAOO FUHN1TUHE CO., 141U' Dodge. Tel. 2u2u. New i 2uhana turnituru'bougiit, sold, cxehailged. Ui'JJ W A. VI Kll TU IIUY-. WANTED, Co aecoud-hand tudlos' thcols. Nebtasitu cycle, 16th anU Hiiflioy'. N-MTll 2U I' Olt h.Vl.i: llOlt.HS, V ElllCLlli, ETC. LlOiiT omnibus, good condition. 11. Frojti cartiugu wk., Ian unu Leavenworth. FOH SALE, top buggy", good condition; your, otit t i my pt.ici , it it is right. O. M. 1 l.irt, j 0.iu ai.- PMSSii i'uu,l;-.iickli,A.eui;. BAWDUST Cheapest posts, 'poultry.!& hog. fence. U01 Duuglus. ' lj iaj . 2'DHANl) ante clieap. . Dorfght, lilU Fj 11111m. BAFEB. buy, cell, exe'ge. Bchwartz, 1H B. 13. .W-71-J TIMOTHY' hay of ull kinds, feed ana coal', .Monroe & 1.0. ' ' VI TJi W1HE tencu for poultry, -Uclglun hdie, hog held 01 luwu. v'liu' W'urKs, 617 3. 16th St. , . ' gr--W!fi!. Jyf WlHli tcuce lor poultry. Uulglan hare, nog tielU or luwil. Wltu urks, 017 b. IU1I1 st. j g-.Vi jyi ' lOtO.COO HUILDING brick lor Iminedl'utu de llvut'y. ithncli uroH.-Bjulth co,', yurus ..u and Hickory, Jut und. Luku. Tel. l.'j. g-5ol AIll FOH SALE, 2-tteuted family c;airluie; Blnip, bun muko, 12j. 1511 Faruatn st. Q-002 THE OMAHA Mi:i:CL'U prlnth luwyers briefs and lagul blanks and dues general Juti .work,' U, MtfJ3 M3 FOH .SALE, stone, Fotmd.ttlou ilnd benms i unit 16 uultis. t'cicphone llth and Castellar Sts. retulnlng. wnlW, steel feet long, 2 round col 2Ij2. g-iil'j 2V FOH BALE, aboltt 50 loads of good rich mui, at 2.1th' and Culllorula. Apply a t C rt'ighton college. . . g Mwi'4 24- Cll Vlll VO VA.VTS. MHS. FH1T., medium. ii North 16th. ;s-ow MME. GYLMEH, palmist. Qranljo blk., bet. I'ltriuttit'OC iiaru?-, oti uuui, cuku ctevator - ..8878 lil.ECTtllC TIIU,VfIU.Vr, MADEL GHAY. 317J, N. 13t'h St.. Ulat E. . ,T-UUA30 M1SB MAE LES.LIE, 19 S. ioth, third floor. - ' ,r-MHJi.M3 CAMILLE DUVAL, 610 B, lBth, nucoiitL iiobr. ' T-I39VM0 ' ELITE parlors. 615 South 10th. sccon'd' floor. v 'f-M435 M8 MISS WILLIAMS of -Bt. Lodls;' massnge1, miignetlc, electric treatment.. "302N. ltn, ..7 1 . . ' vrMii Vll MMeTIiMITI'l blitliH. ltSN.'U, '2d 2d nmir; -879 29 Hoom . 1 I'lvllSO.VAl.. nn: TiOY..chiror.odlsti corns & superlluou.i hulr removud by electricity. H. 12. Frenzer block. U-S02 PH1VATE homo before and during conflna mt'tit; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget, 220 uurttetie. - w FHENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders, OiuahaiPleutlnB cp. 1521 Douglus.- t " U-804 TtUPTUHE cored: no knife, no pain, no nutii!cr ni.nii tnr ptrculars. EmDlre HUD tqru Cure, 3. N. Y. Llfo Uilluing, Gniaha. VIAVI-Woinun's wuy to health; rational, whulusomo homo treatment. 3 Uee Uldg. U 40S p- ECZRMA CUHE Owing to the number of Inquiries which are being constantly re ceived from thosu allllcted with eczema re. aurtllni: thu mlvu which cured W. A. I'ax ton we havo decided to carry u small . tuvplyof thlv salve on hand. li. J. Scan nell. WO Ware block, Omaha. U 705 Xii M. GOLDMAN & CO. Only nerfeel ac to'deon pieutlns plunt In the west, Mull orders solicited, sjuo .vj, uougius tiiucg a MOK of Ilo.No-May Powder li not luvnrv wli.Mi it iiff.irdh vot'i 11 cure' and cccurtiti .tliv comfor.t and hup)luc 1 of your roommate. ' ' , 'U M21. SUPPLIES for ail machines; machines for rent. While Sewing .Machine, 16:6 Douglas, tel. .jav , tjzZ-L IF YOU know u widow of it Muldlcr dMha rebellion whose husband never entereti h IflO acres of land, have her wrlto to C, H Glover, 401 N, Y. Lite. U-M9 SS -PHlVATE "ifosfilttii1 for Indies before und during confinement; babies adopted. 1206 Grunt St. WANTED, 50 second-hand ladles' wheels, Nebraska Cycle,1 15th and Harney. U-M741 K9 WANTED, church Shcely Uld. soprano.'. '-C, Il.i Shaw, U-SIO I'KKSD.VAI,. .tUST thhik of It! Electric light gallery, 1 cnntnelcd utamp photoi In four posi tions and a photo stick pin for 25c, II. u, Crclghton blk., 15th nnd Douglas. Open a to a. we rmtkn tdcturcs at night. t Uiw M16 WAt.l PAI'EH cleaner" C. Mlddlcmlst. Tel. 125S. I.eavp ortler with llendcwon, the florist, 1510 Fartium. f-.MMI 20 m(i.m: 'in i.oA.N-iti;.u. ktati: LOANB on eastern Nebraska and westarn lot.u larms at a per cent; borrowers can ny lluu or any multiple; uny interest dale; no delay. lirennan-Lovu Co., sjj B. Uth St., Otnahu, Neb. W-flli MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. lirennan-Lovo Co., Jtit Bou ill 13th. V-6lU VANTKD City loans, bonds and warrant. Qeurga ii Company, Itfcil Farnamstfeol, FIVE por cent money. JJemls, I'axton block. W-417 It.Ofo and upwartl to loan un Improved city iiroperty and farms. tv r allium ainiiii ct W-S13 'Co., IS.v Furnam. WANTED Clt) and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. 11. C. I'eters ic Co., 17irJ Kdrmiii' Bt , Uee Uldg. W-H .loNEY to loan ut 4U and 5'i per cent on Otnaho propo'ty. W. J. A1CIKI 401 B. I6ltl. PH1VATE money. V. D. Wcad, 1524 W-41H FIVE aim 5lt tier cent city and farm loans. OarvJ.. Uros., 1613 1' arnam Bt. W-61K PUUtATE money. Shi-nvvod, 037 N. Y, U OaSH on hand.. U. E. Turklngton. 005 Uee. 4 '4 AND tS"3 per cent loans. W, .11. Thomas, First National Uank building. Tel. lm. W-S21 J10,M; IO i-k'A.-tUATllil,S. Ll:T US TALK "MONEY" TO YOU. MONEY I.OAM.W SAI.AKILD PEOPLE. MONEY LOANED ON FUHN1TUHE, MONEY LOANED ON PIANOS. MU.SKl' LUAiM'.D ON IIOHBES. Or any other persunul property, ut cheaper lutes und butler piuus thun.ever. IF YOU NEtJD MONEV BEE UB. We give jolt optluii 011 loans that no other llrm can unoru to gtvu. iou always get thu tun amount, iou pay us duck, in small weekly or monthly payments. No expunsu cr charges tukun out of loan, You choosu your own tlmu for puynients, uny 11 mo from one month to onu year, huch pavtnont return principal una In leicst. Evurything remains in our pus besslott. All business strictly Oouhdeuiial. Privuto Intervluwlng room. AMEHlCAN LOAN COMPANY, Hoom ai2 Hrown uiouK itoom at. ' B. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas streets. Entrance on lUth Btreut. X-M113 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE UB. It Is ci.fcy to advertise lowest rules, us others do, but wu leal positive, that If you will muko comparisons you will be con. ,vlnced that you 01th do better' with us man ciuviiic. iu.iu un xurniiute, plunos, llxo stock, etc.. or wu will make YOU U SALARY LOAN without indorsor or mortgugc. We charge nothing lor making the loan and yuu receive tho lul' amount In rush. You may pay It back In one inoi lli Or titki six months or moro In which to repuy It, nd you need not pay fur It one ilnv .longer than you keep it.Our terms uro IUU vuoitei. uwt uuauicoa IE UUIIIiaeilliai and our motto is "iry to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Hit DoartJ of Trade Uldg. Tel. 2293. Established 18)). 2iAi So. 16th BL X-823. SAIVHY LOANS. WE LOAN $10 TO $100 Tu ANYONE HOLD. 1NU A UUUU 1-UBlllUiN. WHY UOH HOW ON PEHSONAL I'HOPEHTY WHEN YOU CAN BEUUKE MONEY ON YOUP. I'LAIN NOTE AT LOWEBT KATES. IN TOWN, AND WITHOUT PUUL1CITY? UEUAULE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, I'axton Block. Itoom 303. X-M503 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stocK, etc. uuiuh . service ana lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 6JJ ttou Uooi) i'axton Ulock, northeust corner Ibln ai Fartiam: yntruncu on loth St. X-S26 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- muucui pusuiwu mm icBiJutiaiuiu concern upon tneir iminus wiuium Bccuruy; uasy puynients. Toimuu, 440 Uoard Trado Uldg. -v a t MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C, F. Reed, 319 B. 13. X-830 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, uuu ureeu, 11. s, uurKer oik SHORT time blk. loans. Joe Pleasants, 54 Darner X-127 MONEY to loan. I. Ztogler, 409 Ware Ulock. " X-S31 FOR SALE, bakery and confectionery, doing good business, in small xtubrnsKu town; good locution; goou reason tor sen Ing. Address O 42, Dee. Y-M797 M20 NEW .Snow-Church Co. Is a combination of attorneys unu duuks me worm over tor the collection of debts und settlement of estates. HPi-wa 11. 1. uit, Y-M71S 2S DUSINESS partner wanted In established merchant, tailoring; uesi locution in city O 29, Uee. Y 722 23 OTHER Interests compels me to dlsposo ot my grocery ousiness; goou location; might consider house und lot. Address O 49, Uee, Y M865 25' FOH SALE nook, stationery nnd music Htnrn 111 . tow n Of 1U.WO. 1' lite locuuon: hootl business. Only one small competitor. Stock clean and new; about $5,ooo. Reason for Helling, retiring from business. w year! cash sales, $12,000; prollts, $3,l95.4i I'lutfs Hook Store, Grand Island, Neb. Y-S53-2I A it AHn A IN. small stock itroccrles. doing CUSU ijusiuuss; itesiruuio lucuvioo, nviut, room In rear; burn on lot; revenue from laundry packages pays rent. J. H. John son, N. Y. Life. Y-ftUCU 2& WANTED, responsible wholesale llrm wants oiiicq manager at omuua; i,buu salary and largo percentage; 11,000 cash reiiireu, wen secureu. i-usiiiun jicr munent. Address Manufacturers, 1332 Cherry, Philadelphia, Pa. Y Mb'JZ 21 WANTED, man villi capital of $1,000 to uiKO eoutroiiing iniurcsi unit management. ot manufacturing business: excellent op portuuity for right party. Address 021 Uee. Y-MSS7 30 FOR RENT, planing mill nnd machinery In good condition. Address o M, uee ofllcu, Y-MSSH 20 fur i;xoha.(ii:. in. HAND men's wheel for ladles' wheels omuua uicycio co., itiin ana cuicngo sts, Zi U0( FOR EXCHANGE, house. elKht rooms bath, etc, lot, 60x150 feot; barn, lino shudo trees, nice lawn, line locution in north part city; nlco home or splendid rental nronertv: encumbered for $2,500. ut 6 per cent, equity $1,500; will exchange equity for farm land or vncant lots. O 50, Uee. . MKW 25' KUll SALE REAL ESTATE. FOH SALE on monthly payments, S-roum .nmiern liouso on N. 24th Bt. car line: ulso vacant lots, which will be Improved lor purcnuser on moueraie payment uowu. Mutual Loan and Uulidlng Association. G, M, NBtlinger, secretary, nee uiug. HE M71t CHAS, E. WILLIAMSON", 1203 Furnam St ut, sua FOH SALE, a bargain; house of live roomi lot r,iiYitL twn lilrw'kH from Walnut Hill car line. S6O0.0O. Geo. H. Fltchett. 3i9 Woodmun of the World Uldg. RE-C51 WANT offer on fine lot and neven-room houso, closu to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard & Bon, 309-10 urown Ulock. he-ws FOH SAI K. banralns In South Omaha: few choice lots at G nnd 2Sth sts. will b sold cheap. Call and see George- W, Mas son,-712 is 24th st., south Qmann. RE-M469 24 FOH SALE Houses and lots In all parts of city, also acre property and farm lands. The O. V, Davis .Company, Doom wi net tiuuaing. 1111-111- von s.u, us i'ATl KOL'NTiE I'l.ACKj KOUNTZE PLACE1 Property In this addition already beginning to move. WHY? HECAUSE every lot Ss a HAHQAIN. BEE HEHE. Lots on illnney street, wltli piling taxes all paid In lull, can be purchased anywhere from ito) to il.S-jQ. JUST T1HN1C OF IT. And on Wirt street, with old paving taxes paid and T11HEE Installments on the NEW paid to ditto, for from ?50 to $1,SW. CAN'T UE UEAT. On SPENCEH st., paving taxes PAID IN FULL, from $500 lo $1,150. IT'S GETTING UETTElt ALL THE TIME. Wo nrc selling on l.AIITHOP St.. from $750 to lIHO. FINE '50-FOOT LOTS. On EMMET, bcutitlful for situation, from $7fJ0 to $1,100. lllOlt AND DHY. And on Plnkncy, fronting the PAttIC, from $ to $1,.T.V. THESE PHICEB CANNOT IJE UEAT IN THE CITY. PAYNE-KNOX COMPAN Y, Mulit Floor N. Y. Llfo Hide. HE-SI11 21 SEE HEN11Y U. PAYNE, C01 N. y. LIFE. HE 82 HANCll AND FAHM lands for solo by tho Union Pacirlo Ha.lroad company, li. A. McAllastcr, land cumnilssioncr, Union Paclllu Hiadquartcrs, Omaha, Neb HOUSES, lots, farms, Inllds, loans; also llro Insurance. Ucmls, i'axton Uln, HE WI li E A U Tl FU LNE W MO D 1 3 H N HOMES ON CUMING, HETWEEN 32D ,t C3D STS. ONLY TUUEE LEFT. Comploto In every particular and ready for Immediate occu pancy. These houses aro well built plumbing, bath furnishing, gas and elec tric light fixtures ot the very best. Tito entire lots aro beautifully Hoded and everything to tho O.UEE.VB TASTE. Prices, $3,250 to $3,5X. Wo also havo tt most excellent houso of 6 rooms NEW on 26th Ave, Just south ot tho "Wlnonuj" all completed, with ull special tuxes paid In full. Price, $3,00. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Mnln Foot New York Llfo Uulldiug. HE-M0-2I WANT to closo out this week my 150 in its rich tnvfl bottom land, with house and 30 acres under cultivation, ull tillable, 3 miles north of Ulnlr, at f 10 por ucic. If not, will withdraw 11 ami nirm k myself. Bco my ugeut, Stringer, tUI I'ax ton block. RE-.MS70 HEAL ESTATE SALE. H. C. Peters & Co., Lo2 Fnrnam St., lleo building, olTer the roliowing de?crii)cii property, which will bo sold to tho high, est bidder for cash, without reserve, ut tho Omaha Heal Eatttto exchange, id lloor Hoard ot Trade building, 16th and Fnrnam streets, Wednesday, April 24, 1001, at 1:10 o'clock p. m.i Lot 20, block 1, orchard Hill addition, being a north rront on Charles St., 210 tcct east of 3$tli st. aTlso Lot 4, block S, Ktlby Place addition, being un east front on I3U uve., luo ft. south of Davenport st. Iloth lots to be free and clear of encum brances una taxes to date of sale. 'or further Information call upon or ttd drcsR, . li. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnitm St. Telephone S9S. Oninha. Neb. RE-MS03 21 INVESTMENTS. $1,300 for two houses near 20th und Pacific, lot 61x108; rental $)S0 per year. $1,510 for two cottages nonWlSth and Clark, lot 33x110; yearly rmtnli$19S. $3,200 for two houses on Cuming and 26th streets, yearly rental BW" $4,G00 foi double fritm6 'fmtn within flvo hlockb of nigh school grmintis; room tor two more; yearly rental $540.' 3,201) for two brick flats near 26th and St. Marv's nvo. : rental I6O0 yearly. $6,000 two-story brick store building, ground 25x132 reet; rental xoi yearly $11,000 for a row'of brick buildings, ground looxHi. rental i,3 )er year. UNIMPROVED AND IMPROVED. 1 to 15 acres of bottom land 4'.j miles north ot Omaha I', O., $6j.( per aero. acres North 21th street, this sldo ot .Miller nark, cheap nt $2,250, :60 acres 0 miles north of Omaha I. O.; price per acre. $2n.oo. Ilunscom Place, choice cast front lot, 50x150 feet. SNAP. I .WO. On 24th street, north of Cuming, 11x132 feet, double front. SNAP. l.7no. Leavenworth strrnt. near 28th, 22 or 41 feet front for 1750 or J1.4). S. W. corner 25th nnd Chicago, 132x66 feet, 3 houses, cheap nt jj.&oo. West Furnam street, houso und lot, 9 rooms, barn, corner lot. JOHN N. FHENZER, Opp, old P. O. RE-MSSI 21 MEDICAL. LADIES, . I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regulator, win relieve most obstinate cases of delayed periods In five hours; sent secure from observation. $1.00. Dr. Annie Fowler, 2741 Olive St.. St. Louis, Mo. 818 A30 GONOVA Is a French treatment for male ana female, for tho positive euro of uon orrhoea, Qlnt, Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, irritations und Ulccruiioun of the mucous mcmhxnncH. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; J:i tier n.icknun or two for 13. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Diug cu ciKiii. in. jvinericiiii uiiii-u, iviiin, wholesale. Dillon Druir Co.. Omaha: M. A. Dillon, South Omuha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino ot rubber H.CYCLlvS. SECOND-HAND bicycles at H price; must nave inc. room tor new ones; goou wuecis for $3 and up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol av. -M4S1 IF YOU wnnt one of tho highest grade, wen Known, new mui nusn joint bicycles made for only $11.75, and want It on free ten days' trial boforo puylng ana cent, eut this notlco mil and mall to Scars, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. III., for frco blcyclo cataloguo and full particulars. -M02 21 OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. loot, .11ce jonnson, u. u,, luaies ciept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr. S40 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Kirksville, Mo., CO I Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -811 1IYG1E.MC IIAT1IS. FOR Indies only, hyglcnlo baths, with mas sage and electric treatment. Under illreo- . tton ot Mrs. T. Schommer, graduate mas. seuse, funnel ly of "Tho Uathery." 1SI3 Douglus st. Tel. 2153. Open evenings by engagement. M501 Mil PA II t 'JET It V FLOORS. FRANK SEVICIC makes a specialty ot nil kinds hardwood flooring und parquutry. My prices am right. 1914 Ouk Bt. -650 M19 TAII.Olll.ML 3 PER CENT suvod, high-clas tnlloifnV latest designs, Stephen J- Broderlck, J617 Fnrnum st. M88A m23 ACCOIIDIO. I'l.l. l l.Vif. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mra. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. llth nnd r arnum. SJ3 OA HI ENTERS A.U .lOIIIIERN'. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 IHIESMMAKIXU. IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 318 S, Sth St. 704-AM' STA.M.MEItlMI AMI ST V i TEttlMi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Hamgtf Dldg. -849 WALL PAPER. 3c. n roll and up; pnlntlng, pnper hanging, decorating. Kolsey, 117 S. 17th. Tel. icos. (561 iTH.MTl lli: Hill i hum:, TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -850 SIIOUTHAMI AMI I I PKWIt ITIMI. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -SI2 UOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Uco Uldgj -S43 NED. Business & Shorthand College, Uoyd's Theater. -314 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col,, 16 & Doug -845 l'ATK.VTS. PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues & Co.. Uco Uldg.. Omuha, Nob. Advice free. 15s Julo lOM'HHT ACCUI I' i 1'. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even Ing, H. 13. Com. Nat. liink. G. R. Rathbiin. TICKET IIHOKF.Il. CUT ratrt tickets evorywhoro. bin, 1505 Farnam. Tel. "SI. V. II. Phil--837 IIUII.EH MAKERS, OMAHA Uoltcr Works, steam bollers.tanks, slacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th & Izard sts. 459. IM.OCUTIOX. ElTliA DAY. 1920 DodgO St. -877 .M22' IJPUOI.STEItl.Mi. GLOUE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcav'th. Tel. 2523. M710 I.AIiXnilY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, "c; collars, 2c; cuffs, ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. PAWMlltOKKHS. EAGLE Loan OdlCe, reliable, accommodat ing; ull business conlldcntlul. 13U1 Douglas. POSTOFFICI5 XOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur ut any time). Foreign malls for tho week ending April 27, 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY In nil cmv) at tho general posioincu ns tuuuwn; ' eels POST MAILS closo ono hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close nt 5 p. m. April 2.1, per s. s. i-iuui, vm iiiriiirii, .... ipril -1, PCI S. S. inuuuiunnu, i j..v. ....... Regular nnd supplementary malls close at lorclgn brunch halt nour taiur umu closing tunc shuwn below. 'Irani-Atlnntlo Mall. WEDNESDAY At 6 a. m. for IRELAND, per k. s. Oct utile, via tiueenstown (mall for other parts of Europe must bo di rected "per e. s. Oceanic ): at t:30 u. m. for GERMANY, per s. s. Lnhn, via South umpton und llretnen (mull for other purls of Europe must be directed "per s. . Lahn")! at :30 a. in. for EUROPE, per s, s. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall for Germany must bo directed ' per h s. St. Louis'); at 10 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Kensington (mull must be directed "per s. s. Kensington ); ut 10:30 a. in. for A.ORH ISLANDS, nor tt. s. Aichlmedo (mall for Italy must be di rected "per m. s. Archlmede"). ..,., THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE. DR1TISH INDIA und LOREN.ZO MAR QUE,, per s. s. L'Aqtiltnlne. via Havre (mall for other parts of Europo must bo directed "per s. s. L'AqultuInt;"). SATURDAY At 7 n. in. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALV. SPAIN, I'OH TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, HRIT1S1I INDIA and LORENZO MAR hiti.iv nor u a. f.ft finscoKne. via Havre 1t.i1.1t r,.i- ntliKi' imrtH of l'ittrono must bo dir,.i-ii.d "ner s. s. La Gascogne"), at 7:30 a. in. lor NETHERLANDS direct, por s. s. Stantcndani (mall must bo directed 'per s. s. binniennam 1; hi s:mi u. 111. (supplcmcntury 10 h. .in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Umbrla. via Queonslowii; at 9 it. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Alter, via Nnples (mall must bo directed "ner n. a. Ailer"); at 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND di rect, por s. s. Auchorlrt (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Anchorlu";; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. , Norgo (mall must bu directed 'pcr s. h. Norgu") PRINTED MATTEIL ETC. Tills steamer takes Printed Mutter. Commercial Papers and Samples lor Germany only. Tho samu class of moll matter for other parts ot Europe will not bo sent by this uhlp unless specially directed by her. After tho closing ot the Supp lementnry Truns-Atluiitic Malls nnmed nbovo, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on the piers ot tho American. English, French and German steamers, una 10 maln open until within Ten Minutes ot the hour of sailing of steumer. .11 11 1 U for hontli unit CVntrnl Amerleit, Went lutllcM, Etc. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 u. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Delvernon; nt 12 m. for CL'DA, YUCATAN, CAMPECHE. TA BASCO anil rUil.U'AS, per m s. Segu rnnca, via Hnvitnu and Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico must bo di rected "per s. s. Scguruncn"); ut 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. in.) for NASSAU, per s, s. Anttlla (mull must be directed "per s. s. Autlllu"). v THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. h. Pretorlu; at 10 a. m. for MACEO and SANTOS, per s. s. Rugtisa (mull for niiip imrts of Brazil must bo directed "per s, n. Hagusa"); ut 12 m. (supple mentary 12:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, OUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per b. s. oaratogo; at 6:30 p. in. for JAMAICA, per k. h. Admiral Sampson, from Boston. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, por s. b. Malunzas (mull must bo dlrocted "per t, h. Mutanzas"); ut 12:3i) 11. m. (supple meiitary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per e. s. CISf"k??. .. ,. m mn-MAnt anil TRINIDAD, per s. s, Grenada; lit n .. .1, for PORTO RICO, per B. s. San Jun'n. via Snu Junn; ut lo tt. 111, Mr iMtuA iif.i n. s. Morro Custle. via Iiuvuuu; nt 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a 111.) (Ul lOllTUiNK IHIiA.NIJ, JA MAICA. SA VANILLA, GARTH AGENA ., ruinvTiiWN. ner s. h. Aleno (mall tor Costa Rico must be directed "per s. s Alen."); at 1 p. m. for AROENTINE im.ipi'HI.Ic!. URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, ner s. s. Normnn I'rtnce; nt 3 n. m. (stinnlementary 3:30 p. m.) for 7'MrtAr'Af) and VENEZUELA, por ft. s lllldur (mall for Bavanllla and ('artlia Kono must bo directed 'tier s, s. Hlldiir'); at "11 P. ! NASSAU, per steamer from Mlumi, i'ia Malls for Nowfoundlnnd, by rail to 'North ui'i nnv nnn iiicucu iiv nictunui. ciunc 111 this olllco dally at 0:30 p. ni., connecting close heru every Monday, Wednesday nnd Suturduy. Malls for Mlquclon, by lull to u.ui.,m nnd thenro by steamer, nlosu ot this olllce dully at 6:30 n, in. Mulls for f,ii.n. hv rail to Port Tampn. Fla.. and thence by steamer, close at this olllce dnllv, except Monday, at it, m. (tho connecting closes aro on Sunduy, Wednes iinv nnd Friday), Malls tor Cuba, by -all to Miami, Kin., nnd thenco by uteainer rlosu nt this olllco every Monday nnd i.'riiinv nt !! n. in, Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed fur dispatch y steamer, closu at thlH of 11 uy pic-ennui, i;iunu uc I t 1:30 p, ni, nnd U p. m. fice tinny ni i. p. n. n p. ni. .units for Costa Hlca, Dollzo, Puerto Cortcz nnd Guntemula, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this olllco dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting demos liero Mondays tor Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemaln anil Tuesdays for Costa Rica), "Jtugisiereii man uiOBoa ill u p m. previous day. TriiiiN-l'aclllo .lnll. Mniiu r,i Hawaii. Janan. ('lilnii and Phil' Ipnliie Islunds, via San Frunclseo, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Anrll 20, Inclusive, lor dispatch per s. b. Doric. Mails for lla-vall, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p, in. un to April 22 Miv dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. MnIM foi f'lilnn, Japan nnd PlillllHiliie lslnnds. via Seattle, close liere dully at 6:3) p. m. up to April 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tosa Mum (registered mall must bo directed via Seattle), Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes vin Son Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. after April 13 and up to PUSTOFFIli: AtlTICE. April 27, Inclusive, for dispatch p r s s. Aorungl (supplemchtary malls, M.i Senttlc, oldio at 6. 3d p, m. April ?S, MnllH for Hawaii, China, Japnn and Phil ippine Islands, Ma San Francisco, chue hero dally nt 0:10 p. in. up to April iS, Inclusive, for lipati'h per s. s Nippon Moru. Malls fur China and Japan, via ait couvcr, close here dally at 0:30 p. nt tp to April 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Empress of China (registered mall . .must bu directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is' forwarded lit Europe), Now Zealand, Fiji, Samoa anil Hawaii, via Sun FranclKco, eIoo here dally at 6:30 p. in. after April "28 and up to .May "I, inclusive, or on arrival ol s. Etrtiriu, duo at New York May !, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra, .Malls foi Tahiti nnd Marquesas Itlands, via Snu Francisco, close hern dnllv at 6.30 p. ni. Up to May 13. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Trans-Pacific malls arc forwarded lo port of sailing dully and tho schidulc of clos ing Is arranged 011 thu presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes ot 6 p. m. pre vious day COHNELtfS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllcc, Now York, N. Y, April 19, 1901, MOV U It X mi: , T X UT1 V u. PROp6sal"s""fOR 1 NDIANS UPPLIE3 Denartmcnt of the Interior, Ofllce of Indian Affairs, Washington, D, C March 7, 1901. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.,' us thu chpu may bo, und directed to the Commissioner ot indln Affairs. Nos, 77 and 73 Wooster street. New York City, will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. ut Tuesday, May 1, 19ol, tor furnishing for tho Indian service blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps, Uids must be made out on government blanks. Belied ulea gt.inri all necooiiary Information fur bidders will bo furnished on application to the Indian Olllce, Washington, 1). C, Nos. 77 und 7'J Wooster street, New York City; No. 120S Howard street, Oinahtt. Neb.; No. 235 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., or tho Commlssury or Subsistence, U. S. A.. Bt. Louis, Mu. Ulds will bo opened nl thu hour and day ubuvu stutcd und bidders are In vited tu be present at the opening. Tho de partment reserves the right to detetmlno the point of dullvcry and to reject any nnd all bids or uny part of uny bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. Aprs-to-May4 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, April 20, l'jul. Sealed proposals, In tilpllcate, will bo received hero until 11 11. m., central time, May lo, 19ol, tor constructing additions to and alterations In three, Cavalry Hurrack Uulldlngs, Including plumbing and steam heating, at this post, Information fur nished 011 application hcio, or nl ulllco Do pot Quartermaster, Omaha. V. f). reserves right to accept or reject any or ull pro posals, or uny part thereof. Envelopes to bo cudorfcd, "Proposnls for additions and alterations to Public Uulldlngs," addressed D. E. McCarthy. Q. M. A20 E2:-23-24 M8-9M PROPOSALS FOR bUBSISTENOE .STOHKS-Olnec Purchasing Commissary of Subsistence, Ohinhu, Neb,, April 23, 1901. Seuled proposals, subject to tho usual conditions, will bo received ut this oIDcp until 10 o clock n. m. May 3. 1901, at which tlmo and pluco they will bo pub licly opened for furnishing subsistence stores ns follows; Pork .sugitr, can nod goods, etc. Preference will bo given to articles of domestic production. Blank proposuls and spcclllontlons can bo ob tained nt tills olllce. D. B. Wilson, Pur chasing Commlssury. A 23 E 21-23-20-M 1-2 M LEGAL Mi l ICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bid will be received by the School Board of School District No, 1, ot Albion, Doonc county, Nebraska, until May 15, 1901. live (5) o'clock p, m., for tho erec tion nnd completion (except heating) of a four-room brick school building, to bo built ut Albion, Neb., uceordlng to plans and specifications prcpnred by A. 11. Dyer, architect, Fremont, Neb. Plans mav bo seen nt olllce of Mr. A. W. Ladd. president Board of Education, Albion. Neb., nnd at tho olllco of the architect. No bids will be received nnd considered unless tho samo Is accompanied by n certified check, made payable to the order of the treasurer of School District No. 1, Albion, Boono county, Neb., for tho sum of $200, tho sumo to bu considered ns 11 guarantee that tho suc cessful bidder will enter Into n contract and give a bond, or bonds, for the faith ful performance of tho work, within ten dnys utter tho acceptance of said bids, otherwlso tho said check will be declared forfeited and. the money ratnlncd un a part of liquidated damages nnd not by wuy of penalty, tho School Board reserving tho right to reject any und ull bids offered. Hcparuto bids -will be received for tho heating of tho building, and tinder tho same conditions as mentioned above; the amount of certified check to accompany heating bid is $100. a. tv. i,aujj. president. K. E. BAY, Secretary. Dated, Albion, Neb,, April 22, 1901. A-23d 6t RAILWAY TIMU TAUI.ES. FREMONT, ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Lino" General Offices, United Stutes National Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Far. nam Sts, Ticket Office. 1101 Farnam Bt. Telephone, 561. Denot. 15th and Wnhsror bib. Toiepnone, J45S. r.en vp- Arrlvo Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm vomlnir. Castirr nnd a 5:00 pm o 0:00 pm Douglas 1 3:00 pm Hustings, York, David cjity, superior, uenovn, Exeter und Sewnrd li 3:011 nm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7-"A nm 1)10:25 am Lincoln, Wnhoo & Fre mont b 7:30 nm Fremont Locnl c 7:30 nm bl0:25 am A Dally, b Dally excent Sunditv. o Sim oay onty. u uauy except Suturduy. 0 uttiiy except juonouy. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rullwuy "Tho isortnwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Fnrnam St. Telephono, 561, Depot, Tenth nnd Muroy Streets. Tele phone, 629. ' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nll:a0 nm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:10 nm Lastern Express, Des Moines, Murshulltown, Cedar Rapids and Chicago n 10:55 am u 4:05 pm Enstern Special, Chi cago and East ...a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fust Mull, Chicago to Oinnlm 11 2:45 pm Omuha-Chlcugo L't'd...u 7:45 pm n 8:o0 urn Fust Mull h 8:20 nm Cedar rapids Passenger. a 5:30 pm n Dally. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis ,fc Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" General Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Ofllco, 1401 Fnrnam HI Telephone, 661. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone, 11m. , ieave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.,. ,n 0:00 um n 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger..,. .. " ull:l0 nm Bloux City & North eust Nebraska. ... ..a 3:15 pin n Dolly. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Hnllrcuul "The North western Lino" General Offices, United Stutes National Bunk Building, S, W. Corner Twelfth nnd Furnam Hts. Ticket Office, liol Fnrnnm St. Telephone 561. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telophone, 629. i.euve. Arrivo, Twin City Express Twin City Limited Sioux city Local, a Dally. . a C;5. am . a 7:53 ptn .u 8:00 am al0;25 pm u 8:15 um a 3:50 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllroail-Clty Ticket Of fice. 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Lenve. Arrive. Chicago Exnress tn:oo am nll:25 pin Chlcngo Limited.. Minneapolis & St. Express Minneapolis & St. u i,ij pm Paul b 7:00 nm Paul u 8:05 um b 9:10 pm a 8:05 am u S;15 um Limited Fort Dodet Local from n ,;)jpni Council Dltifts Mffl pm i-ori uottgo i.ocai irom Council Hluifs a 6:00 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket oiiice. 1115 Farnam Htreot. Telephone. 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Bis. Telephone, 62V. AT At V RAILWAY TIME I' Alt II. BURLINGTON Mis souri River Railroad -' Tho Burlington Route'' -General OtMces, North wtst Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Otllec. 1502 Fnrnam Street Telephone 250 Burlington Station, Tenth and .Miuon Streets. Telephone 12$. Icnvc. Arrlte. Lincoln, Hastings und McCook itSMOnm n 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo- ratio, l.'tnh, Californla.a 4:25 pm a .1;li Pm Lincoln - Black Hills.. a 9:on pm 11 6:15 am Montana, Pugei Sound. .11 :t) pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3iC0 ptn n 9:17 ttni Wymote, Beatrice and Lincoln ....1. n $;40 nut bl 1:53 am Denver, Colorado, Utah Hitd California , a 6:13 am Fort Crook, So, Bend, Louisville. Plattsm'th.b 3:20 pm bll',03 am Bellovue, Plnltsinoutli Puclllc Junction tt 7:10 pm 11 S:20 nm Bellevue, Plnttsmouth A; Pnclllc Junction nl2:10 nm 11 Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph .t; Council Bluffs Hnllrond -"Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce, 1503 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phono 128. j. cave, Arrive. Kansas City Dny Ex..,.n OsS) nm a 6:25 pm Kansas Cltv Night Ex..ul0:30 pm n 6:15 am St Flyer, for lit. Jcepli mid St. Ixiula.a 5:10 pm nll;b am u Dally. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Qtilnry Hnllroatl-"Tho Burlington llouto" Ticket Olllco. 1803 Farnam Street. Tclopiiono 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Lenve. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc- a 7:00 nm al0:20 Pm oi.ti Chicago Vestlbuletl Ux.u l:0t) pm a 7:15 nm Chicago luteal Exprcss.n 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm n 7:45 nm Fast Mall a 2:15 pm a Dully. CHICAGO. ROCK 18L uud .t Parltlu Railroad "Thu Great Rock Island Route" city Ticket Omcc. 1323 Far liani Street. Telephone, 12. Depot, Tenth nml Marcy Streets. Tele phone. B2SI. i.eave. EA&T. Dcm Molnos und Davcn-. port Local 0. 7:23 am Chicago Express bllilS am Dos Moines L00111 1 4:20 pm Chlcngo Fast Kxpros4..n 5:00 pm Arrive. blB.n am a S :1ft am a 4:45 pm n 1:25 pm Dos .Moines, dock isl and nnd Chicago a 7:40 pm n 9:35 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver, memo mill West n 1:50 pm 1 4:15 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & Ti'yhh I'lvcr a 0 20 nm n 9:50 urn u Dully, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVEIl luntl Route" General Oftlces, N. E. Cor. Ninth und Furnnni Streets. City Ticket Office, 1324 Fnrnatn Street. Telcnhone, 316. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts, Toiepiiono, ts-'j. 1 .ea Vf. Arrive, n 7:30 pm 11 7:30 pm 11 .1:25 pm n 4 :25 pm a 6:50 nm Tho Overland Limited. .11 8:20 am The Chlciigo-I'orllaiul Snecliil a 8:20 am Tho Fust Mall a 8:50 am Tho Mull nnd Express, .all :35 pm Tho Colorado Special. . .all:33 pm Lincoln, iieairico unu Slromsbtirg Express. . 11 4:o. pm 012:30 pm Tho Pnclllc Express. .. .a t:;j pm Tho Atluntio iwpress... Grnnil Islund Locnl b 5:30 pm n 6:50 am b 3:35 am a Dully, b Duuy except ountiay MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephono, 101. Depot, union minion. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Express 11 10:00 nm a 6:23 pin K. c, m. 1 Express.. a 10:50 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 15th Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. and Via Weeping Water....,...!) 4:10 pm al0:45 am n Daily, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. I,OUIS RA1L road Omuha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of llce. 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot. Tenth und Mnrcy Sts. Telephone, 629. Lcnvp. Arrive St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:15 pm n 8:20 am Kansas City und Qulncy Ixienl u 7:00 nm a 9:00 pm a Dully. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & Bt. Paul Hallway-City Ticket Olllco, 1504 Fnrnam Street. Telephone, 2SI. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone, 629 Lca'C. Arrive. Chlcngo Limited Ex.. .,11 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chlcngo ii. Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am l) 3:40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Strtet, Broadway and 5th Ave, New York adway and 5th A w European Plan Absolutely Fireproof la the ctntri of tbe hoplnc sad tbtatr dUtrttt A Medtm FlnKlilt 11041. Cmplt In kll 111 ipjotnt incntl. FurfiliMngitiKlSKoratlonl nrwthrouirhout. Accwrt. mojttout (or 500 cutmt no t'jlut with birtit. Hot tno C&U water ami telrphont In tvety room. Culala unttctuM, QEORQR W. SWEENEY, Prop. FREE nnEOIOALADVIOK. Wrltoua rllafciii all your symptoms. Henovatlng the BVKicm Is thn only sufo and Ruro mothod of cur ing all Chronlo Disease b. Dr. Kay's Renovator Is the only perfect syntem renovator. Free sam ples and book. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N, Y. MORE ABOUT EMPORIA LINE Knnnn Railroad Proposition (he Sub ject of Dlncuamlori nt Commercial Club Mcctlnir. At tho meeting of tho executlvo commutes of tho Commorclal club C. S. Wheeler of tho proposed Omaha, Kansas & Southern railroad presented a further statement of tho proposition. Ha told of the meeting held prior to the mass meeting and said the persons at first Interviewed seemed fully satisfied with tho propositions which were mado nt that tlmo. The speaker then told of tho negotiations between the committee and tho promoters, saying that at one ot tho mootlngs tho compan proposed to build to tho south lino ot tho city, pro vided citizens would iiccuro It terminal fa culties free of cost, tbe matter finally de veloping In the shapo presented at tho last meeting $250,000 to bo paid by tho city or county after all safeguards had been placed around tho funds. M. V. Kclley called tho attention of tho club to tho Incandescent gas mantles now being mado In Omaha. The manager of the works Is a man who Rcrvci) his tlmo In tint Welsbach factory at Uuda-Pcsth. Tho sccrotnry brought up tbe matter of an excursion of Omaha Jobbers Into th South Pluttu country, to go to Superior, thenco lo HnnttngK, returning hy tho way of Fremont, tho trip to occupy two days, Tho ditto set was May 8 and 9, but a change may ho inatlo later. II. S. Weller, W. S. Wright and I). I), Fuller wero nppotnted as n committee to push tho excursion. Application:) for membership were ra eolved from W. 1). Banckor, II. C. Cheney, and John L, McCague, who wert elected under suspension ot tho rules. Tho entertainment commttteo's report recommended that tho proposed banquet to the two Nebraska senators bo postponed, which recommendation wan concurred In. Running sores, ulcers, bolls, pimples, etc., quickly cured by nanncr Halve, I ho raot healing salve, In tbe world, A sure cure tor piles. BJ.lilllU MllWAOKBl