Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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War Dtpartmont Prsparct to BeceWa Fire
Cuban Isterrogkton.
nnvu v.vnnr.vav anno inc. uiawuaiun
I'niicr Crltlclfiri III Action In He
iliirstlnic Hint American Troops
llcplncp Nntlvo Poller nt
ItFKlxtrntloii' Point.
were an Interference with Interstate com
merce, ami unjustified by tho facta.
The court (unstained this regulation, but
the slate court of nppcals reversed the de
cision, holding In favor of the railroad com
pany. Today's opinion afurnied tho latter
decision on the ground that the stato had
a right tipdcr Ita police power to protect
Itself against Infections disease, even though
commerce may be Incidentally Interfered
with by tho regulations for such protec
tion. Justices Harlan nnd Whlto united In
a dissenting opinion and Justice Drown de
livered n dissenting opinion of hla own.
Mrmorlnl Tree Planted In Grounds
of llriiortmrnt of Agriculture.
WASHINGTON', April 22. Arbor day was
jclebratcu here today by the planting of
two memorial trees In the Department .f
Agriculture grounds. The trees arc- to com
memorate the work of tho late Secretary
of Agriculture J. A. Husk nnd the late As
sistant Secretary K. M. Wlllets. Secretary
Wilson, Prof. Oalloway, director of .hu
bureau of plant Industry, nnd Mr. Sudworth,
WAHWINOTM, April 22. A cabligrnm
was rectlycd at tho War department today
from Havana, saying that the Cuban com
mission, -now on. Its way here, consists of five
delegates andronp Interpreter. The delega
tion is I'xp'octcd'to reach Washington to
morrow morning. Tho War department Is
making arrangements to caro for the dele
gation. JIAVANA, April '22 Tho Dltcusslon,
commenting on n telegram from Urnvo
Corrcoso to tho Cuba'h secretary of- ntutc,
Senor Tnnmyo, asking tho American troops ono of the treo experts of the department,
in replace tnc native ponce ni tuo csinii- mnao addresses,
Ilshcd points of registration In Santiago Secretary Wilson said! "It Ih our nrlvl-
provlncc, says that Corrcoso has poied as We and our duty to take steos for the
one of the most radical delegates to the reforesting of our country. Educators
Cuban constitutional convention, Insisting throughout the centuries havo paid no
that Cubn be given absolute Independence:, attention to this subject. Only within the
wits request for Amcricun troops is a I Inst few years have any of our educational
weapon that tuc rncmien ot innepcnuencj institutions established schools for Instruc
win uso to good udvnntune, lor it is noth- (0n along those lines. It Is our Intention
Irjg li!ss than a public declaration from n to propagato every line treo In America
loading radical that tho Cubans are In- and furnish them, through congressional
capable of complying with tho lawH of the distribution nnd otherwise, to the localities
country, IncHpablo of proper government whern ihi nro most at home! and it u
ahd cannot malntalu order without the also our Intention to bring seeds and plants
presence of American soldiers." 0f valuable trces.frora foreign countries and
Tho Discussion deplores tho utterance of introduce them into aultablo localities In
Honor Corrcoso at this moment when the our own."
commuslon Is striving to obtain nn un-
United Mtntea Supreme Court Upholds
the Ktntc'n tlnnritnt Ine Htntute
HmlrnlnliiK Importation.
tlon in (ho heat of political paction.
Although the constitutional convention
lias not declared a recess, practically no
business will bo transacted during the ab-
senco of tho commission In Washington.
Many of tho delegates have already returned
to their homes.
Supreme, Court llolil Stale Mny Pro
tect Itself from liiiportntlon of
Infectious Diseases.
WASIllNOTON, April 22. In tho United
States supremo court today Chief Justlco
Fuller announced tho final adjournment for
tho term' on April 27. The call of tho docket
will bo suspended next Friday and tho court
will taku n recess Monday until July 13
No Intimation has been given by tho court
as to when the decision of tho Insular cases
may bo. expected or whether they will bo
decided; at all befora final adjournment
An opinion was handed down today In tho
caso of H, L. Hcdford against tho Eastern
Ilulldlng nnd Loan association of Syracuse,
N. V., TJils caso grew out of the Bale of Idaho was affirmed.
stock lu tlio building association , to Iiedford
and tho making of a loan to htm in 1S91,
he being a resident of Tennessee. Iiedford
mado default la the payment of his noto
and plcnded tho violation ot a law of Ten
nessee requiring tho deposit of funds by
building associations doing business In the
state. Tho dourf held,' however, that tho
loan was n contract which the act of tho
stato legislature could not Impair.
Tho attention of the court was given
WASHINGTON, April 22. In the United
States supremo court today Justlco Ilrewer
bonded down an opinion In .tho caso ot Has
mussen against the State of Nevada, In
which he affirmed the constitutionality of
that law ot the state of Idaho authorizing
a quarantine against sheep In outside
states supposed to be offected by nn In
fectious disease.
"Tho stutute," said Justice Drawer, "was
an act of the stato of Idaho contemplating
solely the protection of its own sheep
from the Introduction among them of nn
infectious disease, and providing for only
such restraint upon tho Introduction of
sheep from other states as In tho Judgment
of the stato was absolutely necessary to
prevent the spread ot disease. Tho act,
therefore, Is very different from the one
presented by railroad company against
Iltisen, nnd Is fairly to bo considered a
purely quarantine net."
The decision of the supreme court of
Destruction of Itallroml Property
nn Internal loiml
WASHINGTON, April 22. Secretary Hay
and Lord Puuncefote, the British ambassa
dor, today exchanged ratifications of the
treaty ratified by the senate last session,
louay largely to mo question or mo rmnt amending tho Drltish extradition treaty
ot ono atftto to quarantine against another, by the addition of three articles, the most
ino contention arose in connection with the important of which Is that deflnlag the de
struction ot railroad property as an extra'
dltablo crime. 1
caso ot V. P. Smith against tho St. Louis
& Western Hallway company.. Involving
qunrantlnp regulations ,a,gqlnst tho Impor
tation of cattld In 1897. The cattlo ship-
lueaUunonwhlch-thls caso turned .was male
by Smith over tho St. Louis road from
Plalndeallng, "La., to Port Worth, Tex., ths
oftlclals ot the road being unnwaro that a
qmirantlno had been established, as had been
done by the.,Tcxas ofllclals. When the ex
istence of this restriction became known
Applications for rr Issue nf Con
sul Coining In nt Haplil
Little Liver PUls.
Must r Signature mt
S Facialis Wras4r Batew.
Berlin Police H?e Intimation of Purpose oi
Romagnoli'i Visit.
Kaiser Asks to He Kept Informed of
All Developments, lint Order
that r. in pros Hears
Xothlnir of It.
MERLIN, April 22. With reference to
the statements cabled from tho United
States ot a plot said to have been concocted
against Emperor William nnd other Euro
pean rulers by anarchists In Argntlna and
New Jersey, extreme reticence Is observed
In official circles In Berlin.
After careful Investigation, however, a
representative of the Associated Press as
certained in a reliable quarter that the
Renin police president issued an orler
April 8 for the' arrest, whenever or where-
over cauRhti 0 ,h0 alleged anarchist Ito-
dolfo Romagnoll, alias Komallsso, alias
Langwlck Mueller. The order simultane
ously requested all Inland and foreign au
thorities to assist In apprehending Romag
noll. Photographs of the alleged anarchist.
with a minute description, were furnished
for Identification.
The Information received by 'tho Ilerlln
authorities was that Itamagnolt had been
formerly chosen by tho alleged nest of con
spirators In Patcrson, N. J., to murder Em
peror William. They wore Informed that
ho left Uucnos Ayres March 27, on board
tho North German Lloyd steamer Halle for
Ilromcn. Whether this lnfomatlon Is cor
rect they havo no means of knowing, but
since n portion of It came officially, thy
are Inclined to give It crcdeucc.
Emperor William has been advised ot
tho situation and" has Issued strict orders
to the president of the Derltn police, Baron
von Wlndhclm, to keep him Informed as to
all similar news, but that under no condi
tion is tho matter to bo brought to the
attention of the empress.
It Is a fact that tor some months 'he
Berlin police have kept a very close wa'.ch
upon known anarchists In tho city nnd an
unusually careful surveillance ot arrivals
known or suspected to bo ot anarchist affili
ations,. Antonio Porporello, who was here
until a few days ago, fled to Ucntholm,
where ho was arrested.
The Berlin authorities seem to know
nothing about' alleged plots against Em
peror Nicholas and King Victor Emmanuel.
eporta Shtnv Hint tncrrnncil Honrs
Tend to liaise .xinndnrd of
Reports received by Colonel Kimball, sur
geon general of the Department of the Mis
souri, show that the Increased number of
hours is bringing the work of tho hospital
corps In tho posts of the department up to I
high standard. Tbe medical officers of
tho pests havo entered Into tho work with
zest and are now drilling the soldiers flvo
hours a week, Instead of two hours as
formerly. In addition to tho ordinary corpi
work and first-aid to" the sick and wounded
tho department has added drills In the op-
ratlcn of a field hospital and lectures and
practice In the work of dietetics. Tho ob
ject of the lectuics Is to teach tho members
t the corps the proper method of prenarlne
food for tho sick and Injured, so that the
work of the medical officers may be rein
Delivery Opens Higher and la
Hid I'll by Frightened
NEW YORK, April 22. At tbe banking
house of Baring. Maeoun & Co.. one ot tho
the railroad company refused to deliver four concerns in this country authorized
the atock t,q tho consignee nnd rcshlppod to forward solicitations for allotments ot
them to Plalndeallng. There Smith refused the unnlaced li30.000.000 of the new Issue
to rceclvo them, na he also did the proceeds 0f 60,000,000 of British consols, It was
or tncir saic. hinun men Drougni buii tor stated today that applications woro coming
damages, contending that the regulations hn fttSt, Tho principal New York banking
houses, It was said, have applied for $1,'
000,000 or upwards. No premium Is in
volved In tho applications, as tho allot
ments are to bo made at the Issue price ot
!)! at tho discretion of the Bank of Eng
land. Baring, Magoun & Co. havo no means
ot knowlug what proportion ot the loan will
bo available for American allotment.
Of tho 30.000.000. or half ot the loan, in-
nounccd as having been already placed, It
was said that a part Is to American sub
scribers, the bankers authorized to receive
American subscriptions having themselves
received a large portion of this amount.
Tho Evening Post says: Fifty million
dollars ot Great Britain's new loan has
been placed in the United States. Tbe Na
tional City bank, J. P. Morgan & Co., Bar
ing, Magoun & Co., and the New York Life
Insurance company, comprise the syndi
cate that has taken the loan. American
subscriptions will probably aggregate much
In excess ot tbe 150,000,000 arranged for,
as the Interest yield tor the consols place
tho loan in tho front rank ot high class
It was announced this afternoon that
most ot tho loan bad been placed by the
Of.the amount subscribed the New York
Life Insuranco company has bought out
right $5,000,000 of tbe new bonds. Besides
tbls It put in a separato subscription today
for $5,000,000 more. It is understood that
besides the $50,000,000 contracted for syndi
cate members hay put In provisional bids
for several millions more. This was done
to provide for tbe overflow subscriptions
which were expected as soon as details ot
the loan wcro announced. Tho Mutual Lite
Insurance company was reported to have
subscribed for $5,000,000 ot the loan, but
tbls could not bo confirmed.
Tho British consols offered In this coun
try at 04',4 per cent, payable nt various
dates up to December 5 next, bear Interost
at tho rnto of 2 por cent per annum up
to April C, 1903, and afterwards at 2J6 por
cent per anuum.
Five Representative ot Absorbed
Smelting Concern Added In Amer
lean Company's Directorate.
CHICAGO. April 22. After a rest ot a
fortnight tho speculative corn situation,
believed to bo controlled by Georgo 11
Phillips, camo Into promlnenco again today,
Tho market for May was excitedly bullish
Corn for May delivery having opened He to
Mo higher, at Wj'tc to 44?sc, was bid up to
4054c by frightened shorts. Phillips was u
buyer on tho advance. Ho announced that
be would take over 3,000,000 bushels of corn
In storo here on delivery day, and the tact
that ho Is shipping corn east on a liberal
scale was at the bottom ot tbe advance
Bears have contracted to deliver to him a
line ot May corn estimated at between
5,000,000 and 7,000,000 bushels, but nt present.
tho corn Is not in sight. Whether shor'.s
will have to settle with him at his own
price for this purely speculative quantity,
or will bo able to deliver tbe actual goods
to him during May, Is a matter perplexing
traders. Receipts today were only eighty-
six cars, and of these but eight wcro ot a
quality which could be delivered on con
tracts. Offerings from country cribs were
said to bo practically nothing.
The market tor some time has been cling
Ing close to Ho and at times there have
been Indications that the bull leader will
bo exerting every effort to hold It down,
Too high a price, it was calculated, might
induco shippers to hold back corn already
loaded for shipment and deliver It to him.
Heavy profit-taking sales were made at the
top price, but the market reacted only to
16c. Phillips and his following supported
the market, checking the decline and caus
ing a reaction to IS He at tho close. This
market showed an advance since Saturday
of 2c. Tho closing price was lc to VAc
Higher than the previous high record.
.Tory aaudl aatst m aassr
IftUka aanfar.
nn iizzimiu.'
train 1 9vrr THitaiiyitfe WCTwC
The Chlcati Rsciri
h6l of time Tvoa
w .en In dally tin
It you want a typewriter, why not
coma first where you can sst
WRITER In Ita best form?
of all kinds for all machlats.
New Century
. The finest catalogue
' etr issued Is
yours for the askinf.
. Wrile7c7Cill.
United Typewriter and Supply Co.,
'014 Faraaat at.. Otuaha.
I SI .Illl .11 I I,
M Monthly BeiuUUr. Sifsand fciri, Ntr
' Falls. Druggitts or aj miii. riet, 12
w. w sind lor woman's stiigusrd lira i.
WILCOX MEOvCOi, 328 N. tfttH St.. PttlU., Pa.
Buld oy Sherman & McConnell Drue Co.
NEW YORK. April 22. The adjourned
meeting of tho directors of tho American
Smeltlug and Rednlng company was held
louay nnn mo nyiawg were amended to
permit of a representation In tha direc
torate of tho auggenhelm Interest, whoso
Plant was recently absorbed by the com
pany. Tho number ot directors waa in
creaieu irom sixteen to twenty-one, (he
now meniDers ueiug nve of the Guggenheim
urotnen. uaniei Guggenheim was elected
chairman of the board and. Simon Guggen-
neim secrotary.
Deliver Urantl Jury Gets After
Man vltb Maffiu Waves
to Sell.
DENVER, April 22. Thomas 8heIton.
editor of the Christian, a monthly nubllca-
nun oi mis city, was arrested today on an
imiiciraent returned by the federal grand
Jury,, which charges Mm with using tho
mans to defraud, Shelton professes to
cure all mental and physical Ills by send
ing vmraiions." lie came to Denver
I from Arkansas about two years ago.
I'll II li (in n ii, Who Was Subjected to
Drlleate Snritlcal Opera
tion, Dies,
ST. LOUIS, April 22. Philip Gunn, who
was stabbed in the heart Saturday night
and was made tbe subject ot an heroic
operation at the city hospital, where Dr.
II. L. Nltert, tho superlnteadent, sewed up
tbe wound in that organ, died today. Dr,
Nltert took three stitches in Gunn's heart.
Salt water replaced tho lost blood nnd heart
stimulants kept the roan alive until today
Twenty-Five Ilnnilreil Workers In
Ohio anil West Vlrslnln
Go Out.
COLUMBUS, O., April 22. Twenty-five
hundred mine workers of the lower part ot
tho sub-district ot Ohio and West Virginia
went out because ot a disagreement on tho
dead work scale.
Mrs, Km mil Knutson Is Thrown from
Wanon at Slxtrpiitli anil
I'nruiim Streets,
Mrs. Emma Knutson, an aged woman
who lives at Second street and Poppleton
avenue, was thrown from a wagon at Six
teeuth and Furnam yesterday morning an
was painfully, but not seriously Injured
Her horses took fright nnd ran. Mrs
Knutson lost her balance and fell from the
wagon. Sho was dragged several feet be
foro tho horses were stopped. Mrs. Knutson
was assisted Into n storo nnd Police Sur
gcon Ames was called to attend, her In
ClilcaKo Wnrehonsp,
CHICAGO, April 22.' Flro tonight in th
three-story brick building at 29$ Jackso
street did S120.000 damage. Tho principal
losers aro tno Chicago Scalo company
Drake Machinery company and tho Amerl
can Cut Glass company.
Won th J)nkotn Town Mport'liril,
MITCHELL, S. D April 22. (Special
Telegram.) One side of the business strce
burned at 6:30 yesterday, loss about $18,000
with about 17,000 Insuranco.
Weatrrn Jllllers Must 1'ny
Ill'FFALO. Anrll 22.-A a result of th
recent. Investigation of the matter by tho
interstate Commerce comml'sloncrs nt
meetlnn here, after this western mllle
win nave to nay an additional 5 cents per
100 on Hour shipments to th Atlantic sen
uuniti ii nriu oyvr ill iius cny, nmi
nlso have to pay the storage' charges,
Tired of O-rrlr .Nation's llonil,
WICHITA, Kan.. Aprll.22.-W. n. Jones
ono of Mrs. Natlqn'a bondsmen, has taken
a cernncu copy or mo nana and none tt
Medicine Lodge with tho Inttmlion of bring
... ""vi iu o.Liitu kiiii mm
lie wishes to be released tram tho immi
and takes this course to brjrjy her before
Donglas Comity llnrliers Devise n
Plan for I.ckkciiIiik Tliclr
Douglas county barbers believe they hate
found n panacea for tils which threat' n
the craft by the purchase of n controlling
Interest In the American Barber colleso.
This action was decided upon nt a meeting
f the master nnd Journeymen barbers held
last night at the Labor temple. A com
mittee consisting of Louis V. Ouyc, James
Payne, Frank. Fltrslmmons and Ira Patchon
as appointed to draft new rules nnd regu
lations. An ndjourncd meeting will bo held
Monday night at the college.
Colonel Charles Keller.
FORT CROOK, Neb,, April 22. (Special.)
A telegram received here by Captain
nhn II. Shollenborgcr, quartermaster of
tho Tenth Infantry, from San Antonio, Tex.,
announces the denth ot his uncle, Colonel
Charles Keller of tho Twenty-third In
fantry, this morning.
Colonel Keller was stationed nt old Fort
Omaha from lSfitl until 1S9G. He was n nn-
tlvo of Pennsylvania, from which state he
was appointed cadet to tho military acad
emy at West Point In 1S61, from which bo
granduatod In lSGi and was commissioned
first and second lieutenant of the Sixteenth
Infantry. Iu lSCJ ho was transfcrcd to the
Second Infantry, being promoted to cap
tain In 1S73, and served with that regiment
until 1807, when ho was promoted to major
In command of a battalion In the Eigh
teenth, which went to tho Philippines In
1898, where he served until a few mouths
ago, when illness necessitated his return
to the United States. He was promoted ,to
lieutenant colonel In ISM and mado n col
onel n few weeks ago, but was not able to
Join his regiment. Ho leaves a wife nnd
sovcral children, who are supposed to have
been with him when ho died.
Two Doilae Conucy ItcNliIriits,
FREMONT, Neb., April 22. (Special.)
Mrs. Elizabeth Pollock, widow of Joseph
Pollock, died at her home In Elkhorn yes
terday, aged 73 years. Mrs. Pollock and
her husband were curly settlers of this
Daniel Ryan died nt tho home of his son-
in-law, Thomas Shcan, Saturday, of old
age, nged SG years. He was formerly a
resident of Fort Dodce and his Imdv
taken thoro for burla 1. Ills funeral wn
this afternoon from tho Catllollo church,
Father Judge conducting the service.
Leading Colored Minister.
CHICAGO, April 22. Rev. Dr. Richard B.
Baptlste, colored, pastor ot the Second
Baptist church at Elgin, III., and for mauy
years in chargo of tbe Ollvot Baptist
church, this city, died at his homo last
Ight from tho effects of pneumonia, aged
69 years. Ho was statistical secretary tor
the Colored Baptist Foreign Missionary so
lely and had done much work for the gov
ernment in taking tho census of colored
Wlfr of Northwestern Conductor.
PIERRE, S. D., April 22. (Special Tel
egram.) Mrs. Cooley, wife of a North
western conductor and sister of Deputy
Scbellenberger of the stato educational de
partment, died at her homo In this city
this afternoon from grip. Mr. Cooley was
coming in from the east on a special, but
reached here halt an hour after the death
of his wife.
Mrs. AllirlKlit of Dawson,
HUMBOLDT. Neb,, April 22. (Special.)
The local Odd Fellows lodge sent a large
delegation to Dawson this afternoon to it-
tend the functal ot Mrs. W. A. Albright,
who died Sunday morning of paralysis anl
old age. Her husband, died less than a yenr
ago, and they leave a large family of grown
Now 5
Straiton & Storm Co.
Ne.w York
Kansas city, mo.
Hii Application for Bail ii Denied bj
Euprema Court.
Sim ver-frVII.
HARVARD, Neb.. April 22. (Special. )-
I. N. Shaver of DallaB, Fa., enmo to Har
vard Friday, and yesterday whs married
to Miss Estolle Fell, at the homo ot her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Fell. Thu
brldo Is a graduate of the Harvard public
schdols, an expert accountant and stenog
rapher, having been dmployod for some
years at Trlnceton, N. J. nnd Dallas, I'a
The parties left at onco after the marrlago
ceremony to moke their homo at Dallas.
Ilesumc I'Htrlck Ilcnrlnn.
NEW YORK. Anrll 22. Tho consideration
of tho case of Alliort T. Patrick, accused of
the murder or William ftiursn nice, was re
sumed today by tho grand Jury.
Formur Army Ciiptnin, CoiivlutiMl ot
Sti'iillnu: from f.ovvriiment, I'nlls
In Attempt to Secure Liberty
While Appeal Is l'ciiillnu.
WASHINGTON, April 22. The United
States supremo court today denied the ap
plication of former Captain Obcrlln M. Car
ter to be admitted to bail.
The court contented itself with a bare
announcement made by tho chief justlco of
the result ot Its deliberations. No reasons
wcru psslgned nnd uo reference wns made
to Carter's motion to strike Solicitor Gen
eral Richards' brief from the flics ot :ho
Ilorlnlly Stiitlstlr.
Tbe following deaths and births wore re
ported to tho city health commissioner for
the forty-eight hours cndltiB nt noon Mon
day: ... .
uealns airs, liaronrn i-.nen mi
WrliHlet. need 71: Mrs. M. J. Fry. St.
Joseph's hospital, nged 33; Jnno M. Ward,
2S0S Ames Avenue, aged CO.
nirtlis Jolin Jolinson. uoiiriianu iji-nun,
girl: Charles K. lithrop. 1101 North Tweii
ty.Ilfth. girl; Soth A. Munsou, 3034 South
Klghtoonth, Elrli John O. Harnard, 1502
South Tenth, girl; Gustavo 11. Farmer.
.SBir. Oak, Rlrl: Alfred Fuwkncr. 2o55 North
Klghteenth. boy; Frunk A. Muthls. U.O
North Fortieth, Hrl.
J. M. nagan ot Hastings Is nt the Her
Adjutant Ocncial and Mrs. J. N. Klllnn
of Columbus were nt the Murray Monday.
C-oorgc L. IMutt nnd daughter nnd P. N.
From of Ilentrlcc, F. A. Ktlnntrlek nnd
daughter of Mndlson, 1 II. I'pdlke of Har
vard. U. C, llrockinan of Ilustlims, J. h.
Jenklim of Schuylor and A. U. Kvnns of
Lincoln ai slate guests nt tho Millard.
Ni'braskans at tho Merchants: AS. A.
Jones, J. H. James, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs,
F. M. Penney. Wood River; Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Irwin, Gordon; O. C. Tlcdford, O, L.
Hcdford. lice: .1. II. Hitch, Geneva; A.
Wood. ltiiRlivllle; A. Slgman. Hcrlhner; 11.
L. L. Jackson, Gothenburg; J. Ii. .Inhnenn,
North Hend: John Keith, Sutherland; D,
A. Moyer, Wnhoii; K. D. Clark, Avocn.
lAuuAAn nr-ei"sDErr"cupiDENr'
Vlln VVV lbO I wrBsarTiiU ert eoti
tie Vllsllitr, the prexcrlptlon of Unions French physician, will qnlckl y cure you of l
lirrvomor Ul04ti,t tbsterif ratlve nntmn, such los filnnnuod, Bvmnia
Ins la Ik nsrk, B)eaalns,l Kmlsstsms. Nrrvou lelllty, I'lmslM
UsUUmtliinsrrr, Kxtaaasltas; llrnlns. Varicocele nnd Colps,tlo.
1 1 ttups all Iomcs br Jy or nl(ht. t'rcventsqulcknp uf dlsclinriti., which It opt etieck ja
ft mltU mil IDS UOrrorn III IlltHnriii'jra ,-,r,n ntimuKa
llrnr. Din klilnxvantwl thnlirlnrv nnun ot all Imnurlllon. fJUl'lUKKUstreDCthtU
and restores smllwfic organs
Tbsrmooturrerori ar not cured by Doctors Is breams 80 por cent are troubled with Prostatitis,
COPID1SNK th only known tt mnly to cure without nn operation. SOOO tciUniniit.iln. A. wrlttpo
Cuarsnteef Irsn sud monrv retnritrd If a Wrsdnes cot effect a ixrnuuicnt curs. LOO boi.C for t&OO,
mull. Sand fflrrrtER circular snd tratlmonlftls.
Address OA voii MKDICINBI C p.o. Dox JOT. tUn Francisco. CL
- w
Tako u Httlo of Altill'a Grape Tunic TUo crushed fruit Inxutlvo.
Tho Now Wonder forbad health, action mlld,refrvHliini:,tnnItisr. Druffgtsts
50c. ' The Lightning Modlclno Co., Hock Island, Ills.
Mull's LlghtnliiB Pnln Killer cures Short Hrcftth, !5c.
Fritz Schiller, known its ,"Thc Count,"
who Is said to have annoyed residents of
tho Hanseom nark district the past week,
was arrested Monday cvenliiK by Detectives
Herlan and Johnson. It was said to bo
Bchlller's custom to call at a residence nnd
demand a "Kood, hot meal," threatening
dlro vengcnticu If It were not forthcoming
at once.
S. GoldherK, a Junk dealer at Twelfth end
ChlcHKo streets, had visions nf a nice taunt
ilmvn tho road tn wealth when Hill Carter
sold Mini three boiler worth ut leust J 150
for 51') Mommy nfternnon. i.arter. a col
ored man. had seen tho boilers In tho street
before, his hotiso for so loni; that ho camo
to bellovo they wcro his anil OnldberK took
Ills word for It. Carter was arrested by
KmerKuiicy Oilicer Haldwln.
"I cure stricture
without cutting or
dilating, thus
avoiding the hor
rors of surgery.' '
My original and strictly mod
ern treatment tor Stricture
cures tho disease without cut
ting or dilating, thus avoiding
the horrors of surgery. It Is
tho only treatment that should
ever be uied, and the only one
recommended by the legions of
men who have recently been
cured by It. It acts Immediately
and directly upon the Stricture,
dissolving it completely and
dislodging all diseased tissue,
whl:h comes away tn strips or
shred-like fibre, allaying all
Irritation and Inflammation and
leaving tho canal entirely free
from obstruction and In a
sound, healthy condition.
Brass and Iron
A Texas lawyer onco received a col
lection irom a Chlcugo lawytr iiKUlnst
u man who had ueuii dead somo time,
ho write, back:
" Is dead and Iu Hades, nnd as
Chlcaco Is nearer that lilnco than
Texas, you had butter brlns suit In
Wc aro much nearer tbo manufac
turer of Ilrass and Iron liedsteads
than any other furniture storo in this
city. You had better brliiK your order
to us, anci, wiiue Having a wiuer cnoieo
of patterns, you will also securo a
lower iirlee. Wo selt a dozen where
'other stores sell one. Wo handle them
'In enormous quantities, limy ore our
npe Kilty
Wo havo them with much or Httlo
briiMWork. to meet everv demand. You
can have the extension foot If you prefer, also tbo bowed foot, which Is very
Our prices, which aro the lowest In Omaha, ninuo from $1,73 upwards.
Tho hon Is tubular, with enameled Ivory lluHh. Tho brass Is extra heavily
plated nnd Incquercd, and will wear for muny years.
r-'"-'"-.- II SSS II
N. IK-Nlce Cane Seat Chnlr, Jl.W. Parlor Table, $1.35. Hlack Iron Ueds, $1.73.
ttar rf 1 1 fl JWu
Dl.IIII.ITY and nil reflex comnllentlnni nnd nssoclate dlsenies and weaknesses of
men. To theso maladies alone I have earnest'y devoted tho best years of my llfo
I make no charge for private counsel nnd give to each patient n LEOAL CONTRACT
to bold for our promises. Is It not worth your white to Investigate a cure that has
made lire unew to multitudes ot men?
If you cannot call at our omces, write your symptoms fully.
OMre Honrs From N A. . to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1UM.
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Ftrjam Straat. Rniunai nth anri llth Strpate Rmaha llah
If you want to know about
a doctor, ask some of his
If yon want to know abont
an office building, ask its
You will find the tenants
of the
Bee Building
enthusi istic in its praises,
particularly if they formerly
officed in other buildings.
If you wish to inspect the
few handsome offices which
are vacant, call on us.
R. C. Peters & Co,,
Rental Agents,
Ground Floor
Bee Bid.