THE OMAHA DAILY MEE; TTJEAY, APRIL 23, 1C01. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.M'.'H MUNTIO.V. Davis sells drugs. Btockcrt sells laca curtains. Gas llxturcs and globes at iJlxby's. Kino A 11 C beer. Neumnyer's hotel. Wollman. Bclcntino optician, 405 ii'nay. l'aaturagc. Judson. 920 Sixth nvo. Tel. 3IS. New fancy frames. C. li. Alexander &t Co., 333 Uroudway. Horn, to Mr, nnd Mrs. 1'rcd Uclsler, t02 O rutin in avenue, twin sons. W. F. Orart, undertaker nnd dlslnfector. lOlftiouili Main street, 'l'hono 'Mx Uet your'work dono nt the popular Eagle laundry, TiiOJroadway. 'I'hone 157, . Correct nr.d exclusive styles of elegant photos ut tiUunldl's, 511 Uroudwuy. Morgan & Klein, upriolstcrlng, furniture lepalrlng. mattress makl.MC in rf. Main si. J. C Proctor Ik home from a six months', trip to Milan, Wash. In the lumber dis trict. The Jurors for tho April term of the Superior court lutvo been itytlltccl to appear April SO. Hmallpox (luurantlnc on the dwelling of l.ce llurcham at 2K Avenue U wuh mined yesterday, For- bale, household furniture nnd horsu nnd buggy, ciieap. Inquire ,1). A. Hamilton, Urand "fiotcl.i. . , ; t Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Doughtes left, yen terday for 8lou)c City to attend the White Hpauldlnfe' wedding. Tho' regular meeting of Coneorcllu lodge, Knights of J'ythlaH, will be this evening fill- .......I 11 fill! flllfll -ll.ll A want ad In Thu Beo will bring results, Tho samo attention given I'j u want ad In Council Bluffs as at tn Oculia olllce. Tako homo a hrlck of Vanilla cream, 1!3 ccntH, or Neapolitan, 35 cents. Will keep ono hour without Ice, A. Mclxgor & Co. Charles It. Hansen and Kloronco Helicon, both of Sioux Kails, H. V., were married In this city yesterday by Justice Ferrler. Abe Lincoln pout, Grand Army of the Republic, will have a apcc'lnl meeting to morrow night at tho olllce of Jhn..L.lndt. .ioltri ff. :'nfs.ho"p of the Memphis Route, with hefulqiinrterH t KnnsiiH City, whh visiting the local railroad olllces yesterday. A meeting of the Daughters of tho Amer ican Revolution will ho Thursday evening at the homo of Mrs. W. A. Maurer, Second avenue. The Hoard of lMiicnllon will meet In ad Journcd special session tonight to net on tho plans for the, addition to the Second avenue school. William I'robstle was arrested last night for disturbing the street meeting of the Salvation Army. Ho was under tho in llucncu of liquor. Tho Current Kvcnts' department of the Council llluffs Woman's club will meet this afternoon to completo the business for tho year unit-elect olllcers. The Unmd way 'Methodist chilreh will hnvo; u "family, meeting" Friday evening In eelebratloti of the ninth unnlversary of Ltho edlcatlou of the church edifice. Tom Carter, suspected of holding up and robbing Mrs. Alice Johnson on Uroadway Saturday evening, Is being held at tho po llen station, pending Investigation. Rev. K. D. Wilson, pastor of Mount 'Aon llaptlst church, living at 1101 Avenue V, complained to the police yesterday that soma unscrupulous Individual or Individuals had raided his henroost Sunday night nnd stolen a number of his fattest chickens. Ocnrgo W. Turner ran up against a city ordinance wnicn tno ponco are enueavnring to enforce and was arrested for driving across the sidewalk on Avenue IV between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, yes terday. Ho gave bond for' his uppcurnnco in -politic court "this morning'. " 1 111 tiff City "Typographical t.nlon will" make' a strong effort to secure the next annual meeting of the Iowa printing trades, which will be In Sioux City May 7. The State Federation of Labor will meet nt tho samo time nnd place and an effort will bo madi! to secure next year's meeting for Cojncll llluffs. Assistant City Knglneer .Tudson Is pre paring a plat of the grounds near Lake Mauawa on which the encampment of the Flfty-llrst and Klfty-scconil regiments, Iowa National gifard. Is to be held In .August. One plat Ju to be Adjutant General Dyers for approval and tho other 'will bu.furiiUUeil.the water. wurkw-mm puny. In order that the location or the pipes for the water service may be determined upon. l'rof,W. N-Cllrford, KiiixTlntrndMU of city schools, hns bought the W. 8. Cooper residence) on Fifth avenue. . Mr, Cooper has begun the erection of n resldonco on the next lot cast. F, C. litlgee has pur chased the residence of II. A. Colo on Oakland avenue. The latter will remove shortly with hlrf family to Chicago." Mr. and Sirs, ljnwrenco Hypes have leased the leslduncu of Colonel J. J. Steadman. oil Oakland avenue. The Southern Stock company will "! pear tonight ut the Dohany In ono of Its popular plays. Knelt evening since the beginning of Its engagement hero It has been greeted with crowded houses. Tho plays- produced by this company aro above tho average of repertoire organizations of Its kind. The scenic productions arc good and somo of the special features are most excellent, especially "Moselle," queen of the light dance. The electrical effects In this dance are as good, If not superior, to any ever seen on tho Oohnuy stage. The Lenuon Stock company, which has been secured by Manager Stevenson for it hummer engagement here. Is now playing nt Im Crosse. Wis. Tho Republican and Leader of that place, speaking of the at traction, says: "The' l.ennon company, which occupied tho boards at Lit Crosse theater, had tho proud distinction of ap pear ng before one of the largest and most fashionable audiences that ever listened to u popular-priced attraction. Kvqry seat was sold beforo tho curtain went up and beforo the overturn wus over nenr.y too people, were turned away, Taking It .nil hi all It was ono of tho brightest and cleanest performances that has been given here In a long time," N. Y. Plumbing Co.. ictepnnne 250. Rubber stamps at DoLong's, 307 B'way. - MarrtMKr l.lccnuf ." - Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday o tho following: Name and Residence. Age. Edward II. Kaslcr, Council llluffs 30 l'.nuna lloffmnn, Omaha ; 27 Tetcr C, Peterson, Weston. la 21 Margaret Olson, Weston, la i John Harrington, Huchnnan county , 2S Alary Mlnnchnn. Pottawattamie county., 25 Charles L. Hansen, Sioux Falls. S. D.... 3a Florence Ueiuun, Sioux Kails, S. D...... ju Sent, to Nt, llrriinril'a. Mrs. Sadie R. Miner, 1000 Third street, was committed to St. llernard's hospital yesterday-by tho commissioners of insanity On COninlSlllI llf hn Imchnn, I'., r. Mrs. Miner recently underwent a sovero ruiguaj operation, tuo shock of which is aid to hhvr affected her mind. J CIV 4 H Oitj Council Asks Eolxitor to Ftts Upon Tlnir Legality. ONE IS FOR CURB LINE CONNECTIONS Itcfiiilrrs Property Ovoicr" to Hnvo Work Done In AiMmtcr of Pnr liinnt' liiiiirovrmenti) Prohlltl tlon of HoukIi Lock Itrnkra, An ordinance requiring property owners to make.' connections from gns, water, sewer and other mains to the curb line of their lots before permanent improvements nro made on the streets, was. Introduced nt tho meeting of tho city council last night and after Ita second reading wns re ferred to tho city solicitor. Tho ordinance provides that In any case whero such connection Is not made beforo tho street' Is paved or otherwlso perma nently Improved, no permit shall be Issued for the imaklng of Tiuy connection within fifteen months after mich Improvement H complete! and accepted except upon pay ment of a fee bf $23, which fee shall bo .credited to the city Improvement fund. The ordinance further provides that when the city council orders nny street paved nnd tho city engineer shall deem it neces sary that tho connections from tho gn3, water, sewer and other mains bo made to tho curb line, the property owners shall be given notice by n resolution, published In a newspaper of general circulation; that at tho expiration of the time given In the resolution on failure of tho'property owners to mako tho required connections tho coun cil has the right to ndvertise for bids for putting In such connections nnd to assess the cost of tho work to the property aH a special tax In tho same manner provided fur assessing and collecting the cost of constructing sidewalks. An ordinance prohibiting rough lock brakes on wagons driven over paved streets and making it a misdemeanor to use tho same, with a penulty of $10 nnd costs, was In troduced and referred llkcwlso to the city attorney, t 'x Itriliiclnur Park Avenue. City fjnglnccr Ktnyro submitted an ordinance reducing the roadway on Park avenue, between Pomona strcot and tho en trance to Fnlrmount pirk. In order lo les sen the cost of the proposed paving, but action wua deferred at tho request of the Interested property owners on that thor oughfare', who desire tho grade lowered about ten feet at the entrance to tho park. The paving specifications were approved, but tho resolution calling for, the paving of n number of streets. Including this por tion of Park avenue, was laid over for an .ofior week. Jn tho meantime an effort will ba made to secure the consent of the park commissioners to the change In the grade as desired. The final curbing resolution was laid over for another week for the same reasons. The resolution providing for the grading of Sixteenth avenue was adopted and tho city clerk Instructed to advertise for bids. At tho suggestion of Alderman Uoyer a committee consisting of Aldermen nojqr, Mcponald andCInrVwaVrippolnred'by tho .mayor to confer with leading members of the Roman Catholic faith In this city with a view to securing their co-opeintlon in an effort to havo Council llluffs selected as the location for the proposed see, A com munication from General Test, chairman of the commercial committee, stated that tho location was still undecided. . 21, was tried before Judge Wheeler nnd n Jury In the district court yesterday and found guilty. Sentenced was deferred. A Jury was Impanelled In tho case of Clarence Spurlock, charged with Mealing n set of harness, tho property of George S. Davis of this city, from the barn of William Klrby, In Keg Creek township. Klrby Is suing his wife for divorce and Spurlock's defense will bo thnt he was authorized to tako the harness by Mrs. Klrby, who claimed It belonged to her. Interesting facts In connection with the domestic re lations of the Klrby family are looked for nt the trial. Tho taking of testimony will be begun this morning. WAIl ACiAI.ST MOTOR COM PAX V. Oivncr of Luke l.nnil Imlsts on Public At'i-n to Wilier Front. Colonel F. C. Reed, former owner of the resort at Lake Manawa, began suit In the district court yesterday, as guardian of his wife, Mrs. Theresa Reed, who li an in mate of the Insane asylum, to enjoin the motor company from driving piling In front of and erecting a platform walk on her property abutting tho lake. Mrs. Reed Is owner of block SI, Manawa park, abutting on the lake front, and tho petition allegeB thnt the motor company has entered upon this property nnd Is en gaged In driving piling In front of It and Is constructing n sidewalk on it In utter disregard of Mrs. Reed's ownership of tho land. Complaint Is also made that the tuo tor compnny by damming the lake has caused tho water to rise several feet nnd spread over the property of Mrs. Reed. It Is further nlleged that the motor company has fenced In the block belonging to Mrs. Reed, thus preventing access to It. Tho petition also sets forth thnt the motor company fenced off nnd otherwise obstructed the county road and other pub lic highways leading to this property and tho court Is asked to compel the com pany to remove these obstructions nnd open up theso thoroughfares so that the petitioner enn gnln access to her property. The court Is also asked to order all theso highways opened up to the public and the motor company to remove all .fences nnd buildings now obstructing them. In addition to the Injunction sought, Colonel Reed asks thnt he bo given Judg ment against tho motor company for dam ages In the sum of $1,000. Judgo Wheeler aBked for and wns given n copy of tho petition, which he said ho would examine before making any order fixing tho dato for a hearing on tho application for a tem porary restraining order. Tho roads asked to bo opened by Colonel Reed nro those which the board of county supervisors recently ordered vacated at the request of tho motor company, dcsplto the protests of Interested ownorB of property In nnd about Manawa park. F. C. Lougce, W. A. Maurer nnd C. E. Price, a commltteo representing tho stock holders of the Commercial National bank of this city, now being organized, arc pre pared to receive offers of a sultablo build Inc for banking purposes. Address C, E. Price, Grand hotel. ril.lOS 1'F.TITIOX IX BANKRUPTCY. SUNSHINE BRINGS : GLADNESS We bring gladness tri I ho hearts, of nil ww buy their shoes at mir (dure, beeniiMi wis (j i vk a , PKHFUCT FIT " FI'I.L VALl'l-i Kbit' VOI'R lONKV . A UI'ARANTKl-: WITH HVKRY PAIR OF SIIUKS. SARGENT'S Look fur the Hear, Mm. It. I-:. MantKompry. DnnRhtrr at firanvlllt. M. Dotliro. Mrs. R. E. Montgomery of this city, has led n voluntary nptltinn In hnnkrontr-v tn tho United States district court. Tho sched ule of her liabilities show that thev gate about $6,000, against which she lists assets amounting to 3200. Her assets as set fojth In her petition,, consist of per sonal wearing nmm'rel of the valuo of 1100 ttnd household furnlturo to tho same amount. Mrs. R. E. Montgomery Is a daughter of Gen eral Grcnvlllo M. Dodge, multo-mllltonalre and railroad director. (11 StiltN Art; Dlftitilfot'il A communication from" tho attorneys for F, C. Glass nnd J. J. Steadman stated that their clients had accepted the assessment of ?3.'0 on tho four lots on West Hroadway for tho paving and that the suits Instituted In the district court against tho city had been dismissed. The city clork was In structed to cancel the original certificates and issuo new ones to conform to the re duced assessment. Tho city nudltor wns also Instructed to draw a warrant In favor of Contractor Wlckham for tho excess cost of tho paving, amounting to 1191.60, -to bo paid by the city out of the Improvement fund. Alderman" Lougee protested against this settlement of the controversy nnd was supported by Alderman McDonald. The city clerk reported that he had re ceived but ono hid for the grading of Ave- nuo II nnd that at twenty-one cents a squnro yard. This being considered ex orbitant tho bid was rejected nnd tho clerk Instructed to advertise for tho third tme. Olscn and Mortcnson wero granted pcr- mltslon to conduct a saloon at 219 South Main street. John G. Woodward having granted tho use of tho overflow from his artesian well ltf"hTs factory on Rrondwny, business men of that vicinity petitioned the council to erect n drinking fountain at the corner of Glen avenue and Rrondwny nud lay the necessary piping, The city engineer wns Instructed to furnish an estimate of the cost. Tho council adjourned to meet Monday night. APPEALS ASSHHSM HXT CAN 13, Polk County Trcnmirrr AVnntN Hiillnit i rum iiikiiim- court. County Treasurer Arm! rerplvml wnr.i yesterday from County Treasurer McKay of Polk county tnat nn anneal wnuM h tnUnn at onco from tho decision of Judgo Wade oi tno J'oik county uutrict court. In which ho held that U county treasurer had no authority In law to assess personal prop- e.-iy tor taxation, ine case in question was brought by three persona who re sisted tho payment of back taxes elnlmoit by the tax ferret and county treasurer to tin .).. T-l. ' ..!..., l . ft intu, iuii i-unuB writ niiuimr to HOVCtai hore nnd wero tried beforo the county treasurer and were nppbaled to tho district COUrt bv thn rirnnnrtv nu'nprfl lnl,.r..Btnil Judge Wade's ruling Is of constderablo Interest In Council Ilurfs, as thore ore two eucb sults'now pending In tho district .nun. ln wnicn'juugu wheeler Is expected to hand down his ihrUInn nnv rt.nv In the appeals which wero taken from tho uiiunij- treasurer lo the district court by Mrs. Keeltnn and Aturust nmr. dlnn of J. II. Keolln,. uiicfii'u omitieu taxes .arc involved. In nam eases the right of the county trcas urcr to 'assess personal property Ib attacked. FARM LOANS KCltlfiti In ICnatorr. XTkA.t. nd Iowa. James N. Casady. Jr.. 12C Main St.. Council Bluffs. ' ' ' LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to V, C. ISstep) tr, PUAltL ttTltttUT. 'Plion 07. hctit to lunatic Aitylaiii, Jacob R. Enilnger. tho Insurance man. wli received notorloty some months ago tn connection with his reported purchase of a wca stoines insurnnce company, was com mltted to the stale asylum at Clarlnda yes' torday by the commissioners of Insanity He hns been In St. Rernard's hospital twt months. Mrs. and Miss Emlnger will to move tholr rcsldenco to Omaha. Davis sells paint. Caara In Ulatrlct Court. Lnuls Smith, tho negro tndlcted on the chargo stealing a gold watch from he Jewolry store of Robluson Dros., January Hex I ns Work on PotIiib. In accordance with tho Instructions of the city council. Issued last week, Con tractor E. A. Wlckham began work yestor day on tho paving of Seventh avenue, which will be laid with brick and tho cement filler. Fifty men were at work yesterday pcparlng tho street for tho lower course of homemade brick. In a day or so Contractor Wlckham will begin tho pnvlng of Sixth avenue. The streets next In order to bo paved are Tark avenue and Fourth street. Wlckham Bros., In connection with their paving contracts, started up their brick yards yesterday. They say thero Is a suf ficient supply of tho local product for the paving to be laid at present. With favorable weather Wl:kham expects to have thn pav ing of theso four named streets completed In about threo weeks. Drunk nud Xenr tn llrnth. Harry O'Donnell, a farmer, bad a narrow escape yestordoy morning nt tho Transfer depot from being ground to death under the wheels of the locomottvo of train No. on the Union Pacific. O'Donnell, who was intoxicated,, fell from tho platform to tho tracks Just as the train under a good head of steam was pulling Into tho depot. Tho engineer fortunately saw tho man fall from the platform and at once applied the air brakes. The brakes did their work and the trnlrl was brought to a stop with tho locomotive within a fow foot of whero O'Donnell lay on the rails unable to move. Davis sells glass. Xrrr Itowlnur Clutiunnaf . Work was begun yesterday on removing tho clubhouse of the Rowing association at Lake Manawa to the west lino of the property to make room for the proposed new house. Nearly all of the stock for the now building has been subscribed for and as soon as tho plans are finally ap proved work on the new structure will be begun and pushed as rnpldly as possible In order that It may bo completed nnd ready for occupancy In tlmo for tho regatta of the Stato Rowing association, July 16 and 17. DIvImIoii of tho Scr. Tho priests of tho Council llluffs deanery will assemble for conference today at the residence of Rev. Father Smyth of St. Francis Xavlcr's church. The conferenco will bo from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. nnd one of the principal matter to come up for discussion Is tho proposed division of the see. Alilfruirii Watch Klrnnen. At the close of tho city council meeting Inst night the flro department was calb.'d out to Main atreot nnd Uroadway for the edification of the. aldermen who wanted to Bee how quick the companies could turn out. Buy your trees, shrub and rosea of Menera., til East Broadway, Council llluffr Telephones, office, 04: residence t5. Gravel roofing a. 1I Tie&d. Ml Broad'y. GRADERS AT WORK IN IOWA Coutlnnnna Cnmp nt Workmru from Creaton tn Red Oak Out far limy Kenanu, "The line west from Creston is n con tinuous camp of graders," said a Burlington man who had Just come in from the east. "The people do not realize the extent of the work that Is to bo done between Cres ton and Red Oak this year, but It is the heaviest railroad work of the summer. The wet weather of the spring has greatly delayed tno opening of the work, but It Is now on In earnest and will be pushed," MAGIC ART DOUBLES MONEY But When Get Alt Victim1! PLANS FOR REPUBLICAN CONVENTION limn On I men I Mill Pan Into Control of Trust llrleuiitrn Invited tn Mln liiti Coimrcftn llecelvrr for .Millinery Couiptin). DES MOINES, April 22. (Special.) Adam Hockey, a' lithographer, was the victim of a clever swindle by one pretend ing to be a clairvoyant, nnd lost $472 by confiding too much In the powers of magic of tho stranger, Rockcy became acquainted with the pretended clalrvoynnl, who gave the name of C. M. Hates, and the latter ex plained how he was able to double the nmount of money In a wallet by making cerlnln mysterious pnescs nnd motions. Rockcy took kindly to the magic at onco. Ho made a trial' with a half dollar. Ths clairvoyant made thn necessary pacsei and then told his victim that he must not open the book until tho ne,t day. Direc tions were followed nnd the money was found to be doubled. The trick wns tiled with a $S bill and n $10 bill, nnd It worked. Then Rockey, who had saved up $475 with which to mako a start on buying a home, saw grei.t possibilities In the mys terious power of the clairvoyant nnd he took his entire savings to be doubled. Tho trick was dono on Sunday and the clair voyant gave instructions to his victim not to open the pocketbook until Wednesday. Last night Rockey became overanxious lo see his money and opened the wallet, only to find It empty. Ho complained lo the police toriny, but Rates cannot bo found and the $175 went with him. (inventor Slintv la Invited. Governor Shaw today received an Invi tation from the department commander of Nebraska to attend tlic twenty-fifth nnnual encampment of tho Grand Army of I ho Republic of Nebraska, nt l'lattsmouth, May S, and to deliver an addres.-t on that occasion. Tho governor wns not n soldier, but hns received many invitations to speak. Ho will be unable to nttend, as ho has another engagement for that date. The governor wcijt to Norfolk to apeak before tho Northeastern Nebraska bankers. Ho will go to Davenport the lntter part of tho week to attend the dedication of the new chapel of the Iowa Orphans' home. Leave Xo Will. Mrs. Marietta B. Scebcrgcr was this morning nppolnted by the court administra trix of the estate of her husband, the late John D. Scebcrgcr, nnd she took possession of his business under a bond for $100,000. It is supposed the estate Is worth $250,C00, but Mr. Seebcrger left no will. The heirs are bis widow, a brother living In Chi cago, and two nephews. It Is understood tho brother will organize a company to carry on tho business. The funeral of Mr. Seebergcr will take placo tomorrow, and at the same time wilt occur the funeral of Mrs, Seeberger's 'mother, who died at tho Seebcrger home one day after Mr. See berger's death. Pinna for8tatc Convention. It is learned that tba peoplo of Ceda. Rnplds are. planning tp build a large pa lllon In Fifth avenue; occupying an enll' block of ono street, for .thoiaccummodatl. of the crowds nL tho republican state con vention ia August. There are hotel ac commodations sufficient, In Cedar Rapids, but nono of the hotels have lobbies sufficiently largp to accommodato tho crowds of delegates and throngs of candi dates. To make up this deficiency It Is proposed to cover ono street and glvo It over to the convention. It Is adjacent to the four lending hotels nnd will go far toward making the republican convention a success. Xcw Corporation. The Flechncr-Cnrnnhan Co. of Eldorn has been Incorporated with $10,000 capital stock for tho purpose of carrying on a tax-ferret business. Tho Benson Coal company of Boone hns boon Incorporated with $15,000 capital stock. fio Into lite Trust. The oatmeal mills in Iowa today passed Into tho control of the Great Western Cer eal company, recently organized for the purpose of taking over the Independent oatmeal mills of. the west. Tho compnny has control of the largo cereal mills in Minneapolis nnd several fine mills In lown, The property of the various mills will bo inventoried and- the orgnnlratlon of tho company will "bo completed nt n meeting in Chicago soon. Invited o Semi lIHrKntr. Governor Shaw haB been Invited to np- point thirty delegates to the International Mining congress, which is to hold Its fourth annual session at Boise City, Idaho; July 23 and following dnys. Tho objects of the congress are thus stated In the call: To secure better recognition of tho mining Industry by the national govern ment; to bring about needed changes In tho federal mining laws; to cultivate ac quaintance, fraternal feeling nnd hearty co-operation among tho vnrlous mining, manufacturing, transportation, commercial and labor bodies represented; to exchange practical Ideas covering the various phases of the mining business; an Interest embrac ing every branch of tho mining Industry, and especially to tako under advisement the Importance oi tho creation by tho con gress of tho United States of n department to be known as the department of mlnea and mining. It Is not the object of this enngress to confine its consideration alone to that of mining for gold nnd silver and their by products, but that of Iron, coal, marble, stone, tho various flro clays, asphaltum and all kindred tntcrcst of the mineral and metallic classes. The call is signed by ex Governor' L. Bradford Prince, president of tho International Mining congress. Dele gates will bo selected In n short time. Receiver for .Millinery Coniunu-. Tho Relglemnu Millinery compnny was this evening placed In tho hands of a re ceiver on application of Henry Relglemnn, president of the' company, who owns a ma jority of tho stock, the remainder being held .by his father and mother. Ho places the liabilities at $90,000 and nssets at $137,000. Of tho debts $35,000 Is owed the lies Moines National bank nnd the re mainder mostly' In tho cast. Tho reason assigned for asking for a rccelvor is that there Is a disagreement among tho mana gers with relation to tho payment of cer tain debts such as to threaten tho safety of the company, TrunaiulaalNl)lil Telephone. Articles of Incorporation of the Trans rolssUslppI Telephone company, with of fices at Des Moines and a capital stock of $1 o,000, wero signed this afternoon, 4. W. Hill of Des Motpes is president. The ob ject of the company Is tn furnish lone- distance telephone trunk lines to connect tne 200 In Iowa. The first line will be con structed from Council Bluffs to Iowa City. Spenk at Floyd Iledlcntlon. SIOUX CITY, la., April 22. (Special Tel egrara.) John A. Kassbn of De Moines hns accepted an Invitation to deliver the address at the dedication ot the monument erected in this city (0 the memory of Ser geant Charles Floyd, a member of tne Lewis and Clark expedition, who died near here nnd was burled In Sioux City on t bluff overlooking (be Missouri river, Thu dedication will be May 30. Ontnlin nt Purr Food SIhmv. WATERLOO, Ia April 22. (Special Tel egram.) Tho Transmlssltslppt pure food show opened tonight. Exhibitors nrc pres ent from Chicago, Kansas City, Dps Molncj, Omaha, New York, Minneapolis, St, Paul and Niagara Falls. GIVES LIST OF WOUNDED (lenernt Mni'Artliur. nt Mimlltt. Cnlilea .Name of Injured Soldier In Philippine. WASHINGTON, April 22. OcncrnI Mite Arthur at Manila cables the following cas ualties: Wounded-Marcn It. t-a (lunn, Santnr. Battery F. Fourth artillery, Corporal Rob ert J. Mclaughlin, side, severe: March 1JJ. Mayna, Bohoi. Company O, Forty-fourth Infantry, Wllliard W. May, wounded In leg ubove knee, slightly; March 2.1.' Cnn delarla, Luzon, t'ompnny I, Twenty-first Infantry, John McQueen, nnkle, wounded In foot, slight; April II. Ilnrzagnray, Lu zon, Ilopltul corps, Henry V. Gnrlnnd, wounded tn chest. erlotily: March Ifi. Donsol. Luzon, Company A, Forty-seventh Infantry, Richardson Mason, wounded In thigh, cerlous; Antonio Lnpnrtn, elbow, sc. vere: Hiram Hllzznrd, wounded In thigh, slight; Company 1, Forty.scventh Infantry, Frank Rnmars, wounded In thigh, slight; March li. Penarand, Luzon, Troop A, Fourth eavnlry, Dwlght F. Liiwfuii, wounded In shoulder, slight; Troop O. Fourth fttvalry, Allan R. Ulnrkburn, wounded In leg above knee, serious; As sistant Surgeon V. S. Grant, Demon, heel, slight; February 25, Narvaciin, Luzon, Com pany O, Thirty-third Infantry, James F. Trendwuy. wounded In foot, moderate; March n, Tnllsay, Luzon, Troop C, Sixth cftvnlry, Ewlng Wright, linger, slight; James Creed, wounded In thigh, moderate. pi-:nio.ns for wi:sti:hx vi:ti;ua:s. Wnr Survivor Remembered by the (aeuerul (overuiueitt. WASHINGTON. April 22. (Special.) Pensions have been granted as follows: Issue of April S: lown: Original William II. Goodcnough, Gowrle. $10. Addltloiinl-Joiome H, Miller. Nora Springs. $S; Franklin W. Chexley. Centcrpolnt, $S; Ueorne W. Fleming, lown City, $8. Increnn' Henry Single, Bloom Held, $21: Benjamin W. Johnoon, Osage, $14, Reissue William II, Powell, Mmiltnn, $17. Orlglnnl Widows, etc. Mary E. Tay lor, Newton. $S. South Dakota: Rennwitl and Incrcitwo JumcK A. Purrlsh. Hrldgewntcr, $12. Colorado: Original Abram W. Cnddlng ton. Mnncof.. $. Increase Albert Johnson, Luke City, $S. Appointment liy the I'renldcut. WASHINGTON, April 22. The president today mado the following appointments: Interior Edward B. .Moore of Michigan, to be assistant commissioner of patents. Navy Charles O'Ncll. to be chief of tbo Bureau or Ordnance, with rnnk of rear ad miral; Luther S. Van Wcdckend, to be a surgeon, with tho rank of lieutenant. State John Barrett of Oregon, to bo a delegate on the part of tho United Slates to the international conferenco of Ameri can statca, to be held nt the City of Mexico. Council HliifT Rent HMnte. These transfers were filed yesterday the abstract, title and loan office of J. Squire, 101 Pearl street; John Peterson and wife to Daniel I.nfferty, part alley and avenue ad joining lots 2 nnd 20, Judson'a Grand View add.. Is'eoln, q. c. d $ Samo to same, part lots 1, 2. 3 nnd 20, Judson's Grand View ndd.. Neula. w. d 1 ueorge n. Ferguson to James Cnrse, owvi 3wj4 ou, ! nw4, w ..u acres, e',4 nwi and v,J w', 31-75-40 17 a. ii. uooiittic and wire to America Ruby, s',i lot 1, auditor's salo of out lot 2, Town of Carson, w. d South Branch Elevator company to John J. Gordon nnd C. II. Cooper, lot 22, block 5; Town of Hancock, w. r l. 1,.. :,. J. C. Duggnu to Joseph Mlchcner. 5 acres In no corner nwU nw'J, 31-77-43, q. e. d A. C. Ranck nnd wife to Flel.scber Bros., n 22 feot lot 7. auditor's sale, sw'4 ne'.i and part lot 2, auditor's sub. bpU naX 1K-75-43, w. d Mary K. Fuller to Henry D. Works, cA lot 13. block II. lot 15. block fin. and lot 10, block 33, Riddle's sub., w. d Henry D. WorkH and wife to E. F. iving, oft lot 13, DiocK II, Rlildlos sub., w. d Tllllo S. Frankenthal to same, lot 15, block 41. Riddle's add., w. d Nathan P. Dodge and wife to W. S. e-ooper, lots anu u, hlooK 4, Pros pect place, w. d :. Charles F, Olllecr and wife to same. lot 1, block 4. Prospect place, w. d.. Anna M. Cooper and husband to Wei. ley w, unnorci, lot 9, Auditor s sub. of w 4!0i feet of nutluts 2 nnd 3, Jnckson's add., w. d .1 Daniel Collins nnd wlfa tt 1. Tolatedt, 1111 11, diock it jncKson u auu, w, (I.. 1 ,200 ,280 00 Total, fourteen transfers, FAIR, WITH VARIABLE WINDS Thnt'a All the Wentlier Sinn ; of the Immediate ProNiect In Xchrnakn. WASHINGTON, April 22. Forecast: For Nebraska, Kansas and South Da kotaFair Tuesday nnd Wednesday; va riable winds. For Iowa Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; fresh north to east winds. Local Record. OMAHA. April 22. Official record ot tern. fcrature and precipitation roinpnrfd with he corresponding day of the last thrsv years: 1901. 1900. 1693. 1(9!. Maximum tcmpernturo ,. 71 71 GS f,n Minimum temperature ... 41 61 41 52 Mean temperature Hi 62 m J w Precipitation 00 T T .13 Record of temperature nnd rreclnltatlon l Omaha, fur this day and alnce March 1, lioi: Normal tcmpernturo , 51 Excess: for the day , 2 Total deficiency since March 1. 10O1.... 17 Normal precipitation 12 lnclr Deficiency tor tun nay 1 inch Total since Mnrch 1 2.00 Inches Deficiency slnco March r, 1!)01 G Inch Deficiency for cor. period, lli0. . , .73 Inch Deficiency foi cor. period, ISO!) 2.71 Inches Reporta from Mlnttooa in 7 P. .11. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. 33 3 3 2 f S3 33 a "3 Omaha, clear North Platto, clear Cheyeniip, part cloudy Salt Iake, cloudy Rapid City, cloudy Huron, clear Wllllston, clear Chicago, part cloudy .. St, Louis, raining St. Paul, clear ,,,, Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, clear Helena, clear Havre, elcur Bismarck, clear Galveston, clear IB I 71: 61 4S 112 i 50 I'll fill 721 .1 till .1 4l 5ti .(II C, .00 711 .00 Oil ,00 SOI ,0) T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forc.nst Oftlclul. .AFTER SHAVING :XTRACT C001S, COMFORTS AND HtAlS Hit, SKIN, EN. (BUNG THE MOST TEN. 0ER FACE TO EIIJOY A CLOSE SHAVE WITHOUT UNPLEASANT RESULTS, void dincBrout. irrllal Ilng Witch Motel preptrat'oni rprtntnl to be "the urn at" Pond's Extract, which Ititllr sour and generally contain "wood alcohol," deadly poison. 1 jsm FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS p Dam Smm Dtaoontfort mini Dmngmt mMMWf where" Mauler's Friend" is not I known or used. JTam Comfort mn Smfmty daOV; w j,cre t,c virtues of " Mother's , Friend " nrc known. 4 Ills the onenml only.llnlment In the wotld ttut by outward application tons chlldbltth ot Its tenors, livety woman should tell her friends ot II, whether needed now or not Mnthra Friend l "Y " lru?rlitt, r fin he wot ly ftprnt palrl nn fftfipt M ptltt. I .'no per lint t Ic. Hook nn " Mollif tho-l " nitlltd tne tn tny .1.lm, (outlining vluil)l lafoioulkiti nd volunuty itiiimonmii. i..sijr ....... ,(.. , runnel htar If." nia yiV):!!iJ.;',! ... s. i.ti:t. llr itu '.;?.. '&: laHMHHaaaflaaHlaaaaaal TO CHICAGO BY DAYLIGHT Our fastest nnd lincat Oiiinlia-Ciiinigo train is tho Daylight Chicago Special. II. leaves tho Hurliugton Station in this city at 7 a. in. arrives Chicago 8:30 p. m. samo tiny. In point of speed ami comfort, it. is equal to any of the ''Limited" trains be tween Chicago and the At lantic seaboard. TICKET OFFICE:. BURLINGTON STATION, 1502 Farnam SI. 10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Tclephenc 12!, v.-xlw.-'.'-: The fast trains of the Union Pacific reach San Francisco thirteen hours ahead of all com petitors. k, . . , All Competition Distanced The following need no comment: via THE UNION PACIFIC Omaha to Salt Lake City 10 hours quicker than any other line. Omaha to San Francisco 13 hours quicker thnn aty other line. Omaha to Portland 14 hours quicker than nny other line. Hi New City Ticket Office 132 Farnam Street. Tel. 316. Union Stution 10th and Marcy Streets. Tel. 029. The Best of Everything Chicago and East. St. Paul-Minneapolis. Hot Springs-Deadwood. CITY OFFICES: 1401-1403 Farnam Street. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER kR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. Itemovei Tun, I'lmplt' Ftcl(le, Moth Ptcho Ilaoh and Rkln dli- Ci and afl d'lK1- tion. It no. atoo'i tho teat of fi, yrnri, and la ci harmltai we toulo It to bp fur 'I la properly mmlr Accept no counter reit or mn'.M name. Dr. I.. A Anyx eald to lo lly of th litut-tun (a oatUnllt At you ladles will uno them, I recom tnenl 'aOURAI'D'S CHKA.M' an the leant harmful of all tho Skin preparations.- tp ul bv nil DrusKlBtn nnd Kanoy Qoo.U Deultrs In the U. S. ana Kurope. 1'UHD. T. IIOI'Ki..l, I'raii'r. 37 Great Jones St.. N. Y. Imperial Hair Regenerator la everywhere ref ogulied as tho STANDARD HAIR COI.ORINO for flrar or lllenrUrd Knlr. It appli cation la not aftrctocl lir liatha perrolta curlltiKil ati.olnltly Jiannle, aurt In valuable for Heard mid Slnat.irho. ONI. Al'fMCATION I.AblH .MO.VTIIH. Intperlnl Chcm. Mfc-Co.. 133 V C31 St., N V. aoiu liy all urugsluts mid luiiniremcro. QOHANY THEATERS One AVfi-U, Ciiiiiiin'iii-lnit AlM'll Till': SOl'TIlKRN 8TOCIC CO., Supportlnc Mls win Wllwon-Tonlght, "For One Nigh! Only' A carload of Hcencry nnd electrical of. feciH, i.ndlra free tonlRlit. Mozulle In her Klectrlcttl Klro Ounce, I'rlccs-Wc, we, 30c. You Can Buy Brains at a meat market, or you can hire other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you know a good dictionary is a great help in writing or speak ing correctly? Probably you hv decrepit old dictionary in your offle. It It to Uttered and dirty tkat you seldom un It Throw it la U wMto Uakat aad got Standard Dictionary It U tho latest out and tebolara everywhere pronounce it tao boat- Containing over 100,000 wordi and having a corps of M0 odltora, speclallets and educated men, costing nearly a million dollara beforo placed before tao public, It ought to bo a valoabla booh. It la a valuable book by far the beat dictionary beforo the Gngllab-apoaklng people. CALL ON OR WRITE! TUB MEOEATH STATIONERY C IK rAKNAM STRUT?, IN REOARD TO IT. Entertaining To Most Women Ib moro or less of an undertnklnK. It will nroutly IlKltten tlio uttumiitnt worry If you read "What lo lint" each month. "What To Bat" has made n featuro of novel ;in urtnlnmentfi and tho art of 'entertaining for do many yea'H that an endle fund or Ideas nnd Information on the subject haa hi-en accumulated. "What To hnt" Is ar tistic, clover, interesting nnd Invaluable to women who wish to keep posted on the very latent fads nnd fanclon as well as practical things. Our 25c Offor. For BSc we will sono you u, three months trial subscription to "What To list" and will mall to your address, postage prepaid, our lltt'.u book, "rilx Dinners," telllnp how to cook and hcrvo six dinners and lunch eons, nnd In addition will extend to you tho privileges of our Household Club, on nbllne you to enjoy the advantages of call ing Jpon our household department for uny Information you may desire upon subjects pertalnlnB to entertulnlng. What To Eat, H erald Building;, Chicago. MEN NO CURE, NO PAY. If you har. .mall, wtak organ,, loat power or weakening dralne. our Vacuum Orraa Da.aioper will rxatora you wltbout drag or elertrlcltri ?.K0 In uaei not on failure) lint one rcturnedi no O. (. II. fraud i writ for free particular, vent .ealeil tn plain enrel6pj. LOCil APPIUNCC CO., lit Thorp llk ladlaasaella, lad.