Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Lccul Fttthirwtlght Uiitt God Batirinr
in Hit Lateit Iitt
lllnch Smith's Plucky .loorney of
Tirrntr Honniln rrltli Ole Olcson
Knllllcx lllm (n CiMinlilrrallnn
in n Toiiiiotchnr lontllllllr
Since Iho cracking good flRht he put up
last Tuesday night Hatch Smith's admirers
nraons Iho tocal votnrles of pugilism are
more than ever convinced that the clever
llttlo Omaha darkey has the stuff In him
that will bring him to the front In feather
weight rlrcIeR. These same admlrcra arc
n unit In expression of tho belief that
Smith's encounter with Olo Olcson was
marked by bucIi performance on his side
us to have warranted a draw decision.
Referee Kd Itothery undoubtedly based
his decision. In favor of Olcson on the Chi
cago man's superior rltiK generalship nnd
ring tactlcsi In general, llut when It catno
to standing up nnd handing out Jabs, pokes,
punches and tho other articles that a pugil
ist keeps In stock Smith was right there
with tho goods. He ended up tho fight In
uulto as good condition as his opponent
nnd In tho last round had the better of tho
argument, scoring a clean knockdown that
kcnt Olcson sprawling.
Tho go at South Omaha Tuesday night
was Smith's first nppcaranco before local
fight followers slnco ho mado his debut
last fall with Oscar Oardner and was de
feated. It was plainly apparent that h.
has" been putting In his time to good nd
vantago slnco then. Ho has become notice
ably proficient In many points of tho gamo
that como to n fighter through practice.
Many of tho awkward movements ho ex
ecuted nt first havo disappeared and ho
handled himself Tuesday night llko a pro
fessional. Smith continues to pay most of
his attention In his blocking and dcfcnslvo
work to his body. Speaking of this fact
tho other day tho llttlo darkey smiled
broadly and said that his head was too
hard to hurt. It Is true, nevertheless, that
Smith MibJcctB himself to a good deal of
nnnoyanco by not being ablo to protect
his head nnd face. In his fight with Olcson,
as In tho Gardner go, early In tho mill the
darkey's noso began to bleed from tho re
peated smashes that camo In contact with
1:1s proboscis. Tho flow of blood naturally
causes tho llttlo fighter annoyance. In tho
last six rounds of his fight Tuesday night
ho got his guard Into pretty good working
order and blocked most of tho left swings
that Olos'on directed at his Jaw. '
Whllo tho South Omaha fight wns not as
fast as some of tho spectators would havo
wished, It was an Interesting bout. It was
a seesaw from the start. No ono was will
ing to glvo odds In tho betting on either
lighter, becauso nftcr tho mill got well
Marled It looked as though tho men had
about an even chauco of scoring 'a knock
out. When such a termination might havo
been most reasonably expected along In
thi laBt rounds tho fighters slowed up
noticeably nnd tho last fivo or six rounds
wero hardly inoro than a good sparring
Tho (only fistic carnival of Importance
last week was pulled off at Apploton, "Wis.
Two mills wsro fought. The main bout was
between Kenny Yangcr of Chicago and
"Turkey Point" Smith, tho former Phila
delphia featherweight. Tho contest was
scheduled for eight rounds, hut It went
only half tho distance. Whllo It was In
progress It was fast and furious. Smith
clearly outpointed his opponent In the first
and second rounds, but In tho third tho
"Tipton Slashor'cut looso his J(crrlflc right
hud left swings" ,nnd put the .PbllaQclphlan
to tho bad. Toward tho end of tho round
the punishment began to tell on Smith
and tho gong saved him from defeat then
nnd there, ho having taken a count of six
when tho gong sounded. Smith camo up
In tho fourth groggy and was easily dis
posed of with ft wallop that) knocked him
out. Perry Quconan, who fought a draw
In Omaha with Young Peter Jackson dur
ing tho winter, nnd Martin Duffy of Chicago
fought twelve rounds and tho decision was
given Duffy. Tho Chicago man was tho
aggressor during tho cntlro fight and
clearly outpointed his adversary.
Considerable Interest Is manifested In
fighting circles In Terry McGovern's San
Francisco program. Ills first fight will ho
with Oscar Gardner. It Is a certainty that
tho Urooklyn Terror will havo a walkaway.
(Inrdner Is a fighting machine, pure and
slmplo, but ho has been leading a pretty
strenuous llfo of lato and will hardly bo
in tho raco wlthi Burh a clover and skillful
manipulator of tho mitts as Is McGovcrn. '
Decnuso of tho general opinion that tho
Gardner mntch will bo "easy money" for
tho featherweight champion Intorcst cen
ters In tho probability of hla taking on
Prank Kruo before ho leaves tho Puclllc
coast, "Tho only reason why Terry should
bo expected to meet Krno again," says
Malarhy Hogan In speaking of such a
match, "is that tho Duffalo man mado
an exceedingly low weight for tho battle
In New York last summer and It Is still
nn open question whothor Terry can defeat
him at tho legitimate lightweight limit.
Most people think Erno Is. no match for
McGovcrn nt any weight, but, disregarding
his tight with Gans, which was nn fight
nt nil, McGovcrn has never mot n top
notcher In tho lightweight division nt 133
"In such n fight Terry would have to glvo
away weight, but peoplo now expect thnt
concession on his part. They want to seo
him tho lightweight champion, and believe
ho Is capablo ot holding that title. Ho
foro ho claims It, howovor, ho must whip
BE f
OurVsouum Organ Dsvalopsr should boused
by orary man. It cure whero everything elra
falls uud hopa ii dead. It restores sms.ll, weak
firgaui, lout power, falling manhood, lirnins,
errors of youth; etc. Stricture and Varicocele
iwrmnnmiUy ennui in 1 to 4 weeks.
No Drug to ruin the stomach. No Electric
Belts toldikter and burn. Our Vacuum De
veloper is a local treatment applied directly to
the .weak aitd .diMitdored parts. It wives
strength nnd development uherevor applied,
Old men with Inst or fulling mnubood, or the
younir and middle sited who are reaping the re
sult of youthful errors, excess or over work are
quickly restonlod to health und strength.
Our marvelous qpnlluuce lias Astonished the
entire world, .Hundreds of leading physicians
in tho United Status are now recommending our
nppllanculn tho severest cases where every other
.nowii device has failed.
You will see and feel Its benefit from the first
day for it Is applied directly nt the seat of the
disorder. It mules uodlffurence how serero tho
3rno and McFaddcn. Whether he will ac
:ept tbq matches which will be offered him
.11 Han Francisco is a question."
Tom Otlourkc bag failed thus far Id
landing his newly acquired protege, "Kid"
McCoy, Insldo the ropes. All ot the
matches which ho has proposed havo fallen
through becauso of a lack of Interest on
tho part of the fighters whom O'Rourke has
sought to do business with. Tom Sharkey
has firmly declined to meet McCoy again,
asserting that ho has nlrcndy beaten him
and that there would bo no credit to htm
in again turning tho trick. It begins to
look as though McCoy s a dead ono pugllls
tlcally. Thcro have been no developments In the
proposed light between Jeffries and Huh
lln for tho heavyweight championship'.
Tho rub comes In finding a place where
tho contest will bo permitted. With Now
York barred to the fighters and Chicago
cut out of the list thcro seems to be no
plnco whero tho big mill can bo held even
though tho articles of agreement havo been
drawn up and accepted by the big pugs.
Thcro Is llttlo likelihood of a meeting be
tween tho big fellows In the very near
This section of the pneumatic belt has
so far received a very meagre measure of
weather fashioned for biking purposes. A
few days only ot balmy sunshlno sand
wiched In between thick layers ot snow
and rnln, which have buttered tho country
roads to tho wagon hubs. tTho few chunks
of riding weather brought out a fair sprink
ling ot wheelers, Umbering up for tho sea
son. Others haunt tho repair shops with
their lco carts or gazo longingly on new
mounts that sorely tempt tho purse. But
theso signs ot blcyclo spring do not war
rant a prediction as to how tho season will
pan out. That It will avcrago with recent
years Is fairly well sottled by tho activity
of tbn blcyclo shops.
Macaulay has said that the only cure for
tho evils ot newly-acquired liberty Is more
liberty, and tho prescription for cyclists
who acqulro stiffness after their first rides
of the spring Is similar more riding. v Tho
muscles that havo been resting all winter
nro not pliant enough for tho cxerclso at
first and it lamos them, but they will got
pliant and the lameness wllVnot bo felt it
they get a continuation of tho exercise,
taken Judiciously. Many riders get dis
gusted after going out for their first ride
ot the spring and find themselves stiffened
up with "Charley horso" the next day. In
tho first place, It Is probable they overdid
It for tho Initial trip, aa many do when
taking the first sea bath ot the season.
Itcttor than all tho liniments that can be
used Is a short rldo on tho day following.
Keep It up as regularly as possible, and
thero will bo no stiffness unless cold Is
A long-headed dealer In New York has
Instituted a system of getting trade that
results In profit to himself and pleasure
to cyclists. Almost every rider knows
through personal experlenco the proncness
to procrastination thero Is In getting the
wheel overhauled nnd put In shape (or
spring riding. Every flno day tho yearning
rider will say to himself: "I must take my
wheel and havo It fixed up so I can get out
on tho road." Yet ho will go on putting It
oft week nfter week,, losing many oppor
tunities for health Improvement and high
enjoyment, Tho wily dealer who appreciated
this human weakness conceived the Idea
that It tho riders wero negligent ho would
not be, and If they would not como, to him
thnt ho would go to them. So ho sent out
a lot ot return postal cards, stating that
ho would send for wheels that needed clean
ing and repairing, and quoting his prices
for different kinds of work. The lazy and
negligent then bad only to fill In his or her
address on the return postal and mall It,
nnd they could continue In their usual rout
lno until tho wheel was returned ready for
business, with tho charges according to
schedule, Tho dealer has been praised tor
bis cnterprlso by many customers, who say
that thoy began riding weeks before thoy
ordinarily would had It not been tor his
making It easy for them. The moral for
dealers In all parts of the country Is a plain
It will bo definitely decided thll week
whothor tho American Bicycle company will
put rnclng teams In the field. A fow ot the
rldors havo accepted tho offers, but tho
majority of the pedalers are holding out
with a view to receiving higher bids. There
lias been a great deal ot curiosity In regard
to tho number ot riders wanted by the
makers, but thcro really seems to bo no
limit, provided the riders step forward
and accept terms. The amount ottered
whllo not as large as was formerly ro
colvcd by racing men, Is clear profit as
compared to last season, when all tho men
woro given no aislstanco at all. It Is
difficult nt present to learn tho vlows of tho
riders, but within a Bhort time they will
bo found at tho vnrlous racing quarters,
whero they may talk things over.
Arrangements have been mado for a
grand swecpstako and world's champion
ship blcyclo race between Hnrry Elkos and
Jimmy Mlcbacl In a scries of flvo races for
$250 cntrnnco money, open to all comers,
winner to take( purse. Tho first race,
twimty-tlvo miles, comes qff nt Ambrose
park, Brooklyn, May 30; tho other four
rucos will bo at distances from fifteen to
twcnty-flvo mites. McEachcrn has bedn
especially asked to come In. Tho stakes
nro to bo deposltod In tho hands of A. G.
Batcheldcr of tho National Cyclo associa
tion beforo May 15. Elkcs says he Is In
prlmo condition for such n race, but tho
Throw Away Your Medicine Our
Vacuum Organ
1 Developer
will. nnaTORB you
7 C AHA I M 1 1 C C not one failure
case or bow long standing, it Is as sure to yield
nT.'"V'l'l0, ,?,,,"1llf. tho fertiliser of thelm
?' ii?i.Vur '"""""'t't forces tho blood
!cahliPa J1'0"' ' needed, civing
parts? dovelopmcut to weak nnd iffcleL
Tim Vacuum Organ Developer was first In.
flw 1cJSl '" tbe, ""' armies of Kuropc a
i?w, f '"Why the French specialist. Do
t L,,r f.?.,ieit Lcoul Appliance Co. to secure
r miflniS .c?"f ro1 " ",l8 " ' Western
coai rv t's rU.i''!VC0. " !"' uctlon into this
PniS a.s'SSa
thousands pronounced incurable by
a, se5G r,tewurtrcr
IJ7 Thorpo-Block, ladlwA AUdlgnV
The old countries, Kngland, France, Ger
many and tho rest, have kept up with tho
advance of the times In tho matter of good
roads building, and In some cases notably
Franco have even taken tho lead In the
movement. In this country It Is perhaps
well for American citizens to take Into con
sideration tho fact that tho United States
is much larger than any foreign nation,
no regards extent of territory. England Is
very small In comparison. Franco Is not
large. Germany has limits which are easily
reached. Austria, Spain and Italy nrc not
large, whllo Ilussla Is n state which, whllo
It has many outlying provinces which
nbound In wilderness, Is Itself so fnr as St.
Petersburg and Its Immediate environments
nro concerned easily within the pale of
good roads.
A southern legislator, In ndvocatlng the
passage of a bill favoring cyclists, delivered
himself of tho following Interesting pas
sago: "If tho history of tho ood the
blcyclo has done should bo written In Its
fullest form, with nil tho details of each
Individual recited as they nro In law books,
It would till more volumes thnti nro found In
n law library. It has cured tens ot thou
sands and helped hundreds ot thousands of
others of a variety of ailments that range
over nearly the entire list known to medical
practice. It has coaxed tho sedentary Into
the open as nothing clso could. It has
taken tho narrow-minded abroad and
taught them to lovo nature. It has been a
modo of froo transit from tho tenements
to tho woodland for those who wero Ig
norant of pastoral loveliness. It has edu
cated tho farmer nnd the statesman up to
the -economy of good roads , nnd resulted In
the Improvement of thousands of miles of
highways. It has taken our boys from tho
saloons and our girls from tho gossip circle.
It has given them Joy nnd healthful cser
clso nnd Improved their pcrccptlvcs In a
way that will result In a healthier and
nobler posterity."
AV111 Visit Washington nnd with Sen
ator Millard Will Cnll on
United States Senator Charles H. Die
trich spent a fow hours In tho city Fri
day on bis way to Washington, whero with
Senator J. H. Millard ho has an engagement
to meet President McKInlcy next Tuesday
with reference to tho appointments that are
awaiting their action.
"I can say nothing concerning my plans,"
said tho senator, "except that I am hurry
ing on to Washington to keep my appoint
ment with Senator Millard to meet the
president. Concerning action we shall take
at that time I cam mako no statement now.
I expect to spend whatever time my now
position requires In Washington, but havo
no Idea now of making that city my resi
dence beyond the tlmo required for my
"I Just returned from my trip through
tho Big Horn basin and find that country
Is filling up rapidly and developing at a
good rate. Tho conditions there are all ot
the best and everything appears' to bo pros
pering. "There are many reports from the west
about the damage to the cattle by the re
cent storms, and I heard some who told ot
great losses, but from sill I could learn I
don't believe the loss will be moro than S
per cent,"
Sale of Tickets for the Elks' Annual
Shovr la Moving Along;
The tale ot seats for the Elks' annual
minstrels at Boyd's theater Monday and
Tuesday nights has been unprecedented.
Friday morning when tho scats went on
sale Treasurer Johnnie Scott looked out
over a lino of man and boys which wound
Itself around the lobby of tho theater and
extended out Into tho street. Tho attend
ance at both performances will probably bo
a record breaker.
The finishing touches on tho show are now
being completed and tho last rehearsal was
held last night. An excellent program has
been prepared. It opens with a mlnstrol
first-part and closes with a comic-opera
burlesque which Is guaranteed to drive all
care away. An olio ot pleasing specialties
will come In between. Durfpg the Inter
mission mo nrst sale or tho auditorium
bricks will be held and thcro promises to
be lively bidding for some ot tho numbers.
Bmll Brandela Successfully Undernoes
Operation for Appendicitis
In Nevr York.
Emll Brandols was operated tinnn in Now
York Thursday afternoon fnr nnnonrflMti.
At noon Friday his father, J. L. Rrandols,
received a telegram from Arthur Brandela,
who accompanied his brother to Now York,
stating that tho operation was successfully
performed and that tho patient had passed
a comfortable night.
Thrco weeks nco Mr. Brandols was firat
stricken with uppendlcltls. Temporary ro
ller was afforded, but a consultation with
prominent Omaha nhvslclans lirnunhi tim
suggestion that ho should bo operated upon
In order to avoid a repetition of tho trouble.
Last Saturday Km 11 nnd Art hup nrnnrinln
loft for Now York. Arriving there, an emi
nent specialist was consulted. Ho found
thnt Mr. Brandcls was in cnlendid condition
for an immediate operation and it was ner-
formcd Thursday.
Clcnrlngr House Itcpnrt Shows In
crrnsn Over Correspoiidlnir
l'erlnd I.nst Yi-nr.
The bank clearings of tho last week show
a fair percentage of Increase over tho sumo
period of last year. Monday nnd Tuesday
started tho week with over Sl!25,000 de
crease, which was mado up by n gratifying
Increase for tho remaining days, giving an
average dally Increnso of almost $100,000.
Iho folowlng tnblo shows tho hank clear
ings for tho last week and the correspond
ing week last year:
1801. l!)O0. Increase.
1 1,0(W,1S.1 1 1,210,038 172.785
1.002.901 1,055,2!KI S2,SS3
i,in7,i: f7i.C2:i las.sio
l.r.S.8Sl 871.173 2IW0S
l,0C2,:i2:i fM.07S 209,21.1
1.071.902 KW.S73 143,0;9
Wednesday ,
Thursday ...
$0,494,392 15,925,171 1 500,118
Wrather .l-'orccnst Olllrliil fllrcs
License for (lie Wcurliiif of
HprliiK llnls.
According to observations taken at tho
weather bureau, Omaha will enjoy clear
weather today,
"It la fair west of us." said Ohsorvnr
Welsh, "ahd tho Indications aro that our
present fair weather will continue for at
least twenty-four hours. It was warmer
this morning In the south and west and
e,llghtly warmer In the central portions. Tho
forecast Is for stationary temperature."
"Mick to II."
Ocorge Ii. Heard of High Tower, Ga.,
writes: "Eczema broke out on my haby.
covering his entire body, Under treatmont
ot our family pbyilctaan he got worse, as
he could not sleep for the burning and Itch
ing. Wo used a box ot 'Banner Salve' on
him and by the tlmo It was gone ho was
well. The doctor soelng It wbb curing him
said, 'Stick to It, for It Is doing him more
good than anything I have done for him.' "
wily llttlo Welshman only smiles
naked about his chances.
Have Been Wrecked on the
Rock of Sexual Vice.
Thousands Have Been Rescued by
The State Elecro-Medical Institute.
Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both
Medicine and Electricity in Our Electro
Medical Treatment
b b B ' Master Specialist.
QtlOPlQliotO Yfir RioOOODO llf Mot. do not treat all diseases, but cure all I treat. 1
OpCuldllulU I Ul UluCuuCu Ul III CI I treat men only and cure them to stay cured.
I make no extravneaat aaaertlan nkta I say that ntlllona of saan hare baea Tvrok on the rook mt aexaal Tloe. The traafcle la saaca
that ther net dlaeaae, but rather that ther allow it to ajrniT worse throaaih meajteot or Isaprepes- trcatnseat . Thta fact im responsible la aaaar eaaea
for nine-tenths of the suffering;.
Yon should remember that aexaal diseases are nerer at a standstill. Neither eaa yea snake any ooaaprosniae with theaa. Either yoa naaat
eeatrol them or they will oontrol yoa and render yon otterlr nnflt for the ordinary dalles and pleasures of life.
flpeclltrs anil free iimr !, Trlnl Trrntmrnls and the like don't enre complaints of this kind, as any one who has tried them knews.
any nxMiiclnle OlNensc or nenkncMN, yuu one It to ynnrsclf to fully nnd freely Investlicnte my trenlmunt. 31 y mnntory ul tlimc ninlnillrn Is eottinlrte.
I ticKnn 11 nncclnl attiily of them soon nftrr RrniliintliiK from college, now nearly a qnnrtrr nf a crntnry nga, anil ilnrlnn nil of (lie years since then
they lintc hern my Mnily nml iicrxlNtnnt prnctlcc. I Irent iioIIiIiik else.
Dues It not occur to yon, then, thnt 1 nm lieller urennrcil to combat nnd coituncr ill a rime anil wenkneas peculiar to men thnn the iictiernl prac
titioner, Mho, Instead of conceiitrntlnw bin fncultlcH on a hIiiuIp clnnn of dlaenaea, scatters them over the entire Held of medicine and nuritcryt
system and ultimata
a complete loss of aexual power,
.amc,lln 5fit.hls Ulro ?l?P!sn
leads to
If you are
e-uniu m my omco ana lei me exnmin to
ii? nJX,prc?!!f of t,T"l,n'; U- will
"".'l?" hy 1 hav. ..PO'ltlvoly
cured mpro thnn COO crmes of Varlcoce o
during tho naat 12 months. TTml-r mv
treatment the Datlent Imnrovea from ihi
RSnflnSL'!f- All pain Instantly c-a-cs.
Boreness. and swelling .quickly subside,
from pth Slin. i(i2 .f.r"d
sums their normal bIka. Mtr.nirfh an
soundness. All Indications of dlseane and
nw?..P? f n.PfPif0??..!. p2wSr ST.. thS
manhood veTtect "eh reatored
. . . . ' -T--
On acount of Ita
frightful htdeousnesa
Contagious Blood Poi
son Is commonly called
me King or venei
diseases. It may be either hereditary
vuiiuuvieu. imco me nyaiem
wlth It, the disease may manifest Itself
in the form of Scrofula. Eczema, Rheuma-
tlo pains, Btlff or swollen JolntB, eruptions
mm mmmm mmmmmwmmmm
l.rlv -iinlr tho .i ..,., r V. .. 1-. V " ..t -.v. u, uinrusti, lecilV lira UlHll COnillUon. If H la IVm.
r..., V . vt, ". 11 aiopa every unnatural aiscnnrge,
little ulcers In tho mouth or on the allays all Inflammation, reducea the pros
tongue, sore throat, awollen tonsils, fall- tate gland when enlarged, cleanses and
1308 Fartiam Street. Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha. Neb.
Iprtid DiiraptiM of WMttm iMtolttion
Okqim SarpriM.
Local Itallrond Men Say It Reports
from Chicago Are True, It Means
Some Lively Skirmishing;
for Ilaslness,
Chicago dispatches stating that the West
cm Freight association Is about to go to
pieces caused surprise among freight men
In this city.
It Is said that tho Northwestern, the Mil
waufeco and tho Chicago Great Western
have withdrawn from the association be
causo of rato cutting, and that tho dlssolu
tton ot tho association would be followed
by reorganization along the lines ot the
old pooling association.
Inquiries ot tho offices of tho Northwest
ern and tho Milwaukee- elicited tho roply
that no knowlcdgo Is had here of tho with
drawal of tho roads from tho association,
which la technically known as tho Western
Trunk Lino commlttco. J. O. Phlllppl, as
ulstant general freight and passenger agent'
for tho Missouri Pacific and chairman ot tho
local freight committee, had not been noti
fied ot tho withdrawal and was making nn
effort to gain sorao authentic news In tho
Mny Menu Dt'iunrnllzntlon. '
If tho report is truo it probably means a
demoralization of tho freight rates be
tween Omaha nnd Chicago. Tho old pooling
Hchemo, wbero every road was given tho
remuneration for what was considered Its
Just aim re ot tho business, regardless ot tho
road doing tho actual hauling, was knocked
out by the Interstate Commerco commis
sion. Tho roads cotiBeiuently hnndlo the
subject ot pooling very gingerly and ltls
doubted by railroad men hero If thoro
Is a movement on foot to reorganize such a
plan as that, though some new scheme may
havo been dovUcd by which to cvndo tho
lottor of tho law.
It Is said that thcro have been some
disturbing Influences In tho trunk line'
commltteo and recently a readjustment of
tho rates was made. If, as reported, tho
three roads have withdrawn, It means that
two of tho strong Chicago-Omaha lines, tho
Northwostern nnd tho Milwaukee, uro act
ing Independently In tho frolght business
nnd tho Burlington and the Hock Isliind
will bo compelled to meet them or lose busi
ness. Such a condition of affairs may bring
a reduction of tho rates obtaining between
Chicago and tho Missouri river. Freight
men say that such is not a healthy condi
tion and cannot work good In nny com
munity. The trunk lino commltteo controls the
business between Chicago and tho Mlssobrl
river, nearly all of tho roads operating In
that territory or handling traffic originat
ing In that territory being In tho associ
Illinois .Central Illvlslon Superln
tciidciit'n Oillce lo Leave
Council llliiffx.
"The division superintendent's office and
all that goes with It will bo moved from
Council Bluffs to Fort Dodge," said J. C.
Wolllng, vice president nt tho Illinois Cen
tral uillroad while discussing tho recent
order lengthening tho dlvUlon on tho Ccn
tral. "Yes, that means tho chief dispatcher
and all of thoso offices wbch aro usually
located with tho superintendent's office.
"A building will havo to be ronted In
Fort Dodgo to acconnnodato tho offices
which are to be moved there. The change
also comprehends the lengthening ot the
runa of the engine and train m.u, to that
quickly unburden your mind. Hut If your
constitution U Infected with syphilitic vt-
rl,s I "III tell you ho frankly, and show
;vou how tn a-ot r ,1 nf i Av.
treatment for Contaloua Blood tolson Is
prnctlcaliy tho result of my llfo work
nnd Is cnrtnrafrt hv thn hn nh,.,i.i.
nt AmH,i icrnn. i. '...i M. "
ImI.,; ,,. i, V u?V.'r.""
of any kind, "it goes to" tho very bottom
of the disease and forces out everv nar.
i'ci?..flmPuJ'Jtyr. 8.oon n.Ver' Bln and
"".' " "i""" P.Kna'"RPPf "com-
pletely nn
the flesh,
and forever. Tho blood, the tissue,
the flesh, tho bones and the whole ays-
... ...w V. ,... I'm iiii-u uiiu u niuirii in
"tS1 .he.nlth a? , he patient prepared
for the duties and pleasures of life.
STRIRTilHr 1 11 natters not how
nii pnai u ;2J?r ?avo ""rr"1
PAINI FSSI Y from Strict"' nor how
nprsnsfeht manv -l"rerer'tA doctors
CainifCri nave alsaimolntpd von.
IILtnUTLU 1 will cure you lust as
?vn:ap;ai .n f tZl) y m you 50m.? ha,ns eny. happy man, with physical, symptoms. Wo make no rlmtKo for prl
rtor & Wti&fTSSSSk. M?"1t,rea?ltnedn0t """ ""Ual PWCr8 Com",el- TA lo 'hold "for""!,,,1?
eflnn ?Tfven" All lSnninTF In curlnjr an nl iromlVcs.
feotly pnlnlcss. It completely dissolves
tho Stricture and permanently removes
every obstruction from the urinary pas-
ltt Person Or by Letter
they will run from Waterloo to Council
Bluffs Instead of from Fort Dodge to Coun
cil Bluffs ob at present."
This order was Issued from tho head
quarters ot the road last Monday nnd which
goes Into effect May 1. Mr. Welling spent
yesterday forenoon In this city, his car
being taken to Councl Bluffs In tho after
noon, whero ho bad a conference with the
division officers, returning to Chicago In tho
Five Hundred Thousand Pounds of
STcectness to Oe Sent to Va
rious AKcnclea.
Superintendent Jordan or the Indian sup
ply depot la getting ready to ship the 600,000
pounds of sugar which Is to be received on
tho contract of C. II. Pickens. It will bo
about ten days before tho consignment ar
rives, but It has been already allotted to
the different agencies. It will be sent from
Omaha to New Mexico, Indian Territory,
Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Kansas,
Nebraska, South Dakota and Montnna.
No word has been received regarding the
letting ot contracts on tho goods bid for by
other Omaha parties, but tho superlntend
ont oxpects Information In a short time.
8 sa
Our stnro is full of them and wo want tho
room and your money. Special prices dur
ing tho cntlro month.
Stearns; Rambler.Colum
bio, Barnes. Wolf
American From $32.00 to $50.00
Reliance, $30.00
Tho best wheel In Omaha for tho raonoy,
with choice of equipment.
Superior. $20.00.
Regent- complete now'whepl $15
Your good Judgment will tell you to look
this stock over before you buy a wheel.
Wo havo ono of the best equipped Itcpalr
Shops In the city.
Second-Hand Bicycles at your own price.
(lit nr. VI'.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney.
IMioue 10U3.
rnL iSLTCi
Ik" no miinrS V i hoe Sn
mator It nr it .lii mi ,.p v
mnsier ii or ll will master you
can make
must mn
an4 ?. yollr whole futuro with
Willi tnl.npv
ana lnaescrioamo woe. I
1 ihn m
Jm nr Jilu
so many cases of this kind
as familiar with them as voii nrn wit
you wlfl never again bo bothered with
emissions, drains, prematurencsH, small
u n tri
memory, loss of ambition or other symp-
lo-m". which rob you of your manhood and
absolutely unfit you for study, buslneas,
pleniiuro or marriage. My treatment for
wrnk man will nnrmt nil ii..
restore vou to what imtupn iniin,i.rin.
ment of nny kind I
never ran to remove
nil reflex complica
tions or associate
diseases. If tho cnii
Is Varicocele, the
FREE. Office Hours, 8 to
"That Skeleton
is.ii ' U!S!li,i?n4" , ,,,our Potency and mnny distressing symptoms
nnd will nn ho in,. niSi1.00,'L',,i falllnK' following In Its train nnd mdlci ting a
?hlnfL"0v0n ,lf08ti"lc"0H jH.rm?: Premature decline of -physical, montrll and
d rT irunryJPimf NaT ' cluaranted to euro Varleocelo and all Weak
' Jt . aS"flRBS ' M nnuuite In
'ree, post paid, to anyone All communications nr consultations sacredly' conll
dentin!. No chargo for diagnosis or advice. Sold only by
Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co.,
Rooms 18 to 21 Dougla Block, Dodge & 16th Sis., Omaha, Neb. Always Open
Why the frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved Like Snow Be
neath the Sun IN PIPTEEN DAYS.
Why Weak Men are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment
Applied Locally and Directly to the Affected Parts.
We answer the ques
tion briefly. If you
cut an artery In your
arm you do not take
Internal medicine to
stop the flow of blood.
ilarly when the ure
thral ducts become
weakened nnd relaxed
It Is ridiculous to take
Int.rnu 1 lrnf,,mnt
K-hlch must puss throught the stomach and
lirlne before It reaches the seat of dim-use.
Ihe seminal dacts project Into the urethral
ratwl through the Prostate Oland, und are
luslly reached by LOCAL TKEATMBNT.
Dr. Carter's "Qrun-Bulvent" soluble
Itougles will dissolve, digest and forever
Urethral Stricture
In 15 days without pain, Injury or Incon
ventnnce. The bourles are Inserted at
hlght nnd act whll you sleep. "Gran-Sol-t'ent"
removes every symptom of stricture,
leaving tho canal as healthy as when na
lure formed It. No HIU'VAL CUTTINO
Snace will not permit a comnleto ilcaerl
nent In urethral diseases. Hvery sufferer
and bemlnal Weakness, should write to
iiiaz.. Lrincinnan. unio. ror tneir wonder rut
IhowlnB the parts of the human system Involved In urethral
lllments. which they will semi securely wrapped in plain pack
lie, prepaid , (
o irl. tuts U1nH,l T1..I . s
L00' ..d. " ..?'-? "lalnif from
w w y yor
r,f robu,3t '"anhood. Hence, nil resulting
nml r?flox complications, which may
hn nrnnerlv trrmrA n.nrit.. .n.-..
.uVri,',V"V"-" """"-V?."'.
'",u nii;ii, in iiici, are ouen moro sen-
.u" V,nn. ,hn "r'K'ual aliment that gives
TBB. t"?'"-"". I "fV. disappear com-
!,. ... l"?")-nii. I say, disappear com-
One porsotml visit Is
preferred, but If It Is Im
possible or Inconvenient
for you to call nt our of
lloc, write a full nnd un
reserved history of your
case, plainly statliiK your
8; Sundays. 10 to 1.
in the Closet"
May ho driven out If you will properly
apply Electricity. Hope, that most
precious element, which hooiiih lost to
ko many thousands of young, mlddlo
nged und old inoii mid women, will
spring Kindly before you again If you
will apply tho right current of lCloc
trlclty In tho right manner,
In n guaranteed euro for every ailment
for which ho recommends it. If you uro
suffering from Ncrvo-IOxhnustloii, Gen
eral Debility. Dullness of Intellect, Mo
rose or Irrltnblo Temper, there Im a luck
of Klcctrlclty In your system, and you
Hliould supply It boforn your wholo con
Ktltutlon In undermined.
Weakness uf mankind cannot
exist when the proper current
of electricity is applleJ.
Ah a reward for my discovery tho
I'nlted Slates government lias given
rpi, i ".. ''" erciy mm permanent:
......v Vi niiminaipo rrom inn. ivitum. if ii i im.
to mo llin exclusive lice of my method
of applying Klcctrlclty to the human system.
My Hell Is unlike mid must not bo confounded
with other electric bolls. It lias soft, silken,
chamois-covered sponge electrodes, which do not
burn and blister oh do tho bare metiil electrodes
used on other belts, lias Interchangeable bat
tery cells and can hn renewed when burned out
for only 75c: others cannot bo renowed for nny
1'ay Unless Perfectly Cured, unv rtiatnfn I rtul I'lnnw n...l
Vitality, check Losses, euro ltheumatlsm In
every form. Kidney, I, Ivor and madder Trou
bles, Constipation, Stomach Disorders, l.nmo Hack,
ill Kemalo Complaints, etc.
Call or write today. Hvcry person, whether
Kick or well. Mhrnitfl ritntl tin tii'n Itnnlu un
STOMACH. The Ht. James treutmnnt Is
local, direct und positive. The Ht. Jumea
treatment Is prepared In the form of
crayons, very narrow, smooth, flexible and
wholly soluble, which are Inserted Into the
water pussago at night where they dis
solve and drposlt the medication In Its full
fttrcriKth upon the Prostate Oland, contract
Inz nnd strengthening the ducts and KOIt
BIONH, and curing while the patient sleep..
Varicocele Is un accumulation of slug-
Sin ti blood In the veins of the scrotum.
jo noluly to Imperfect circulation and
has Its origin In a diseased and torpid
ProsUto Gland. Operations In this disease
are only temporary, and no mechanical da
vice yet dlncovo'Al has cured a single
cane. arn-Ho!veiu heals thn Prostate and
restores healthy circulation. Varicocele
dlrapprars ttnd the HluKKlbh accumulation
Is replaced by pure, healthy, rod blood.
Thousands of men. strictured, weak,
wasting nnd despondent, were cured and
restored by thn St. J amen method last
year. A vast army of men In whom the
light of llfo has penetrated tho fearful
nightmare of stricture and seminal decay.
ntlon nf the (nenmr.nml.tA Ul lnmmm Tb.
from Stricture and Ita nffan'rinir. I'matntl.
tho Ht. James Association. 2 Ht Jnmes
nin.iin.i ....!.