Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 9

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Davis Bells drugs.
Bee Ilic girl In robes of fire.
Htockort tells laco curtains.
Gas fixtures find globes at Ulxby's.
Film ABC beer, Noumnycr's hotel.
Wollmun. sclentino optician. 40U tl'way.
Pnsturnfje. Judson, 923 Sixth ave. Tel. 318.
Now fancy frames. C. li. Alexander &
Co., 323 Uroadway.
IJorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Urown of
JlnrrlMon street, u hod.
Sirs. C. J(. Orvls has returned from a visit
with relatives at Audubon, la.
W. F. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
101 South Main street, 'Phone G06.
Got your work dono at the popular Eaclo
laundry, TH Uroadway, 'Phono 157.
Correct und cxcluslvo styles of elegant
photos ut Schmidt's, 631 Uroadway.
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furniture
repairing, mattress making. va H. Main si.
For sale, ruhber-llred jilanobox buggy, In
good condition. Inquire Kevin's barn, Scott
For Mb), household furnlturn anil horso
nnd buggy, cheap. Inquire 1. A. Hamilton,
Urn lid hotel.
Mrs. It. K. .lames, 101 HroadWBy. Is homo
from a visit with relatives ut Urunlsvlllo
und Halt I.uko City, Utah.
A want ud In Tho ltee will bring results.
The same uttantlon given 13 a want ad In
Council U luffs as at the 0riha ofllce.
Mrs. A. II. Nmarlno, nged fiO yrnrs. died
lust evening lit her home, 121 Damon street.
Hint leaves Iter husband, flvo daughters and
four sons.
Charles Myers nnd Harry James, run
away boys from Marlon, la., were tHknn
homo lust evening by John James, lather
of tho James boy.
A marriage llrctiso wns Issued yesterday
to .Samuel A. Painter of (Kenwood, In., nged
ID, mid Nnllln McKcevon of Norfolk, Nib.,
nged 21, They were, married by Justice Fer
rler. Henry lleese, nged fS yrnrs, died yester
day morning nl his homo In Lewis town
ship. IIu rniulo his homo with his stepson,
Charles Peters. The funeral will be this
nflernoon at 2, and burial will bo In Fair
view cemetery.
Rev. M. i. Haney, rvnngcllst, will preach
In Iowa Holiness association hall, Main
'Htreet and First avenue, tonight nnd Hun
day afternoon und evening. An all-day
meeting will ho held Monday, with Haw
Mr. Iluncy In charge.
.toe Wagner, tho hoy from Pullman, 111.,
who matin an Involuntary trln In it freleht
ear to this city, was taken to South Onialin
last night by James Pague, u packing houso
employe, who formerly lived next door to
tho boy's parents In Chicago.
Forrest Jenkins, 8 years old, of fAI Stuts
man Hlrcet. ransacked tho houso during tho
ubsenro of tho other memberH of tho
family, securing S, and started east. Ho
was overhauled at Crescent City Inst even
ing ii ml brought home. Ho had spent only
Mrs. Anna Tlesclmfer, aged 51 yenrs, died
yesterday morning nt her homo, ulna miles
south of tho city. In .Mills county. Ilor
husband and live children survive her. The
funeral will bo Sunday morning at 10, from
tho family home, llurlal will be In tho
Hloomer cemetery.
The body of .Mrs. Mno Hadlow. who died
In Phoenix, Ariz., will arrive In this city
this morning. The funeral will be from
J.unkley's undertaking rooms, West Uroad
way. this afternoon ut 2, nnd burlnl will ho
In Walnut Hill cemetery, ltev. .T. W. Wil
son of tho Congregational church will con
duct tho services.
x.TJ10 im'I11",1!1 Stock company, supporting
Miss Kiln Wilson, will open n week's en
gagement at the Dohany theater tomorrow
night. It Is said to he one of tho best
repertoire organizations on tho rond. Tho
opening piece will bn "Doris," Knio Kllsler's
greatest success. Tho story Is full of In-
J'ii, vi!th ri I,rp,t' ronnuico running
through It. Tho company carries a car
load of scenery and electrical effects. Somo
excellent specialties will bo Introduced at
each performance.
N. V. Plumbing Co.. lerepnnne 280.
C. Lotigco. W. A. Maurer and C. VS.
Price, a coraralttco representing tho stock
holders of tho Commercial National bank
of this city, now being organized, aro pre
pared to rccelvo offers of n sultablo build
ing for banking purposes. Address C. E.
Trice, Grand hotel.
Bananas 10 cents per dozen. Dartcl &
Miller. Telephone 359.
Davis sells paint.
Dance tonight nt Hughes hall.
Rubber statops nt DoLong's. 307 B'way.
Henl Untnte Trnnnfrrs.
These transfers wero filed yesterday In tho
bstract, tltio nnd 3oan office of J. w. Squlro,
101 Pearl street:
Carl II, a. Vogoler to Ilosena Bar
bara ogeler, lot 8, block 15, Mill
mid, w. d j 60o
m,"i C, Hodson. ,lml husbuncl to
Sarah I. Heardsley, wH vi lot :i.
Auditor h Btibdlv, und part hU ne'i
JS-iS-H. w. d ' ' i Ann
I-riink J. I'loghoft and wlfo to "fin
aVr:,llM ,oMaco- .
r. town or Macedonia, w. d...'... "... X6
J'AM'nClmn'1n1Kmn'i,'lnilnlstrntor. t.i
adms". d.C ."B:.."W 8oU nn!i 3'li--
Charles C. I'ierrVitdmVtd'Va'torl'to Wli 4"
ndmsT, UIU"v!fc 8Vi U 9-75-42,
IJ,pr" J "'' Marks and ' wl'f e ' t o Na sh ii'ii 3,010
iui18i S')"."'"" n,,,mlt 60 'l In Hay-
llss Ac Palmor's add, w. d 1 Kn
Lrnstus a. Honson to same lou'ir.
and a), block D. Benson ' 2d adi,
' 800
Total nine transfers ivFim
'Comminution nn.i
An old phyBlclan, retired from practice
had placed In his hands by an East India
missionary tho formula of a simply vegcta
bio remedy for tho speedy and permanent
euro of consumption, bronchitis, catarrh
asthma and nil throat nnd lung affections;'
nlio a positive nnd radical euro for ner
vous debility and all nervous complaints
laying tested Its wonderful curative powers
n thousands of cases, and desiring to re
llovo human suffering. I will send free of
chnrgo to all who wish It. this recipe, in
Gorman, trench or English, with full dlrcc
tlons for preparing and UBlng. Sent by
nuill. by addressing, with stamp, naming
Thi London Too
Hand Turned
llavo you scph it In our
show window? For tha
prlco you cannot dupli
cate, this shoo anywhere.
They nro neat, mado in
the latest styles and will
wear to perfect satlsfac
tlon In fact, wo guaran
tee satisfaction with any
shoe, bought at our store,
from tho lowest to tho
highest price.
Look for (he near.
MAlatAft In ..w t
aim! iowa. Jamet N. Casady, Jr.,
m Main at. Council Bluflft,
, Funeral Director
(SuccMsor to W, C, Eitep)
S PIMltL. BTKBKT. 'i'koa 07,
Haidiomt New Oltibhonit Dtdiuttd in
Oauncll Bluffi.
Member of (lie Order Ontlier from
Mnny Plnces to Join (he Festivities,
snil lluuilrril of Women
Inspect (lie lltillillitK. 1
Council Bluffs lodge No. G31, Hcncvolent
and Protected Order of Elks, opened and
dedicated Its new clubhouse yesterday In
the presence of a largo gathering of the
antlcrcd herd from all parts of western
Iowa nnd eastern Nebraska. Stores were
gaily decorated with the colors of tho order,
purplo and white. Hundreds of men woro
badges surmounted with a button having
on Its faro a picture of tho handsomo club
house, indicating membership In tho order.
Crowds poured to and from tho depots with
bands of imislc. All Indicated that Council
Uluffs was In tho hands of tho Elks.
Tho first contingents of visiting Elks
began to arrive on tho morning trains and
by noon tho rotunda of tho Grand hotel was
thronged. Every train during tho after
noon brought In its delegations and nt I
o'clock the Elks, several hundred strong,
paraded from the depots on Main street up
Main street, around Baylies park to the
Grand hotel, headed by Klpllngcr's mil
itary bond of Omaha.
The clubhouse, gay In Its floral decora
tions nnd bright with Its electric lights,
was thrown open to tho members of the
order nt 7 o'clock, but it was not until 8
o'clock that tho dedication exercises wero
held. In tho absmcc of Grnnd Exalted Iluler
Jeromo II. Klshcr, who wns prevented by
his wife's Illness from being present, tho
dedication was performed according to tho
ritual of tho order by Fred C. Robinson of
Dubuquo, district deputy for Iowa. Follow
ing the dedication ceremonies proper were
a number of addresses.
Chaiilnln Wnlk tin Chnrlty.
To Grand Exalted Iluler Fisher had been
assigned the address on "Charity," but In
his absenro Kov. George Edward Walk,
rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church and
chaplain of tho Council Bluffs lodge, spoko
on this theme, saying:
Charity Is one of tho sweetest words In
the lnngunge. Thcro Is n melody In It that
Is calculated to touch all hearts. As tho
great poet hns said of Mercy, so of Charity,
"It Is twice blessed." It is an attrlbuto of
the Great Exulted Ruler of us all. It has
no kinship with Bcltlshness, which Is for-"
cigr, to ilio genius und spirit or our order
and may never hero llnd an abiding placo
so long us wo bo truo men and loyal to our
Ideals. Helllshness Is probably tho meanest
nnd most disgusting passion thnt robs llfo
of Its beauty. There Is something In tho
atmosphere of a selfish person that Is cold
and rcpollant as the winds which sweep
o'er Arctic plains. Tho selfish heart is u
desert In which nothing that Is good can
live. In which nothing thnt Is beautiful cun
grow. It Is mi arid waste, destitute of
every feature that can attract or charm a
flower that emits no fragrance.
Thero Is no likeness, no kinship between
selfishness nnd anything that has como
from the hand of our Great Exalted Ruler.
tSod'H sun shines for us all. His birds sing
for nil. His flowers bloom for all. Every
where llfo und beauty, spring up ut our feet
and nature furnishes nn endless succession
of sweet surprises to tho man who has
learned to read her pages. And then, ton,
my brothers, thero is no economy In sel
fishness. Tho richest Uvea aro thoso thnt
have been most lavish In blessings to
others. It Is moro blessed to glvo than re
ceive. What monument liko tho brave, honest,
unselllsh deeds of kindness for others, plied
ono upon another with tho Muster's ap
proval stumped upon them? What monu-
m,'ni '1. a ,eur or BlKn ot genuine sor
row? Tho obelisk Btnnds In Now York on
alien shores and stares down from tho
heroic deeds of tho mighty past. It is old,
but who does It commemorato? Tho heroic
deeds of great men may bo engraved upon
tablets of brass und carved upon sculptured
marb e, but tho brass will tarnish and tho
marblo will crumble! Let the memory ot
tho unBelllsh deeds nnd sucrllices of an un
solllsh life linger behind us and then wo
will bo ablo to say In perfect truth ero
wo lenvo these mortal snores,
"Cnrvo not n line, raise not a stone.
But leave mo ulono with my glory."
J. II. Niilllvnu on Justice.
To J. B. Sullivan, exalted ruler of the
Creston lodge, was assigned tho address on
"Justice." He Bald:
Tim Iowa Elk is of noble heritage. His
family has not fed upon that which pol
lutes and destroys. Tho green ncrcs have
over been tho resting placo of him
!,0? flJce,"MS ?f foot Is but equaled
rith.SJ.uM.,C0 hhj heart. This great
J1 ,coJi n"i " nere ,od"' ""J unites with Its
loca brethren In commemorating this fenst
of plenty nnd prosperity.
kiM,L.Hro.lh,-T Council Bluffs, your
v , T, 'nro,uBhoilt tho stnto congratulate
on upon tho noble work hero accom
plished. Wo have watched your progress
nnd growth and have wondered at your
.c"?' Tho unanimity of fmrposo nnd
good feeling found nmong you Is Indeed
&atCh '.? ,i,hVU0 ,E,k- ? "day be
i11.0 ,H.ntu, f your hospltablo home.
rT.?SinCm,?.tfe 'PtW ' i'l upon the
f H""?0"111,1 principles of humanity.
iTfnfou,nda.Uo.n, ul'on which tho Henevo
cnt and Protectlvo On or of Elks Is based
Is tho noblest Imaginable. One of Uh Gr
illes and almost tho brightest In Its gnlaxy
of stars Is justlco, Justice to nil mank iirf
Tho human heart Is ever open "7, Ita ill vino
"7- Tonight tho purest thought In tho
!!r.nl0.f;;e,ry Klk,18 I."0 hnPPH ess he may
bring to others. Justlco shall ever remain
SH..,no.'if .,ho,Forncrs,0"03 of tlmt n?gan"
zutlon that believes In the nobility of man"
HlKher I'urpnura of Klkilom.
Charles H. PIckott. past exalted ruler of
tho Waterloo (la.) lodge, who is a prom
inent candldato for grand exalted ruler of
tho order, spoko along tho lines of the
higher purposes and mission of Elkdom.
Ho said tho Elks wero In sympathy with
tho forces and tho Influences nt work for
tho uplifting of mankind and wero. In tnrt
a. potent factor In this work. Tho order of
Elks, he asserted, was purely an American
A Woman in the Case.
Yn..uIS.?-b.e A Contented Woman.'1
u.P.iobably k"?w "h" e"ch watch
HwrmLca.r''"8 w'.'.h 11 our Buuranteo
w.rJtc" you like-as to case and
unJ..f w!' ',n 10 your Inspection
Fne nCMHin ,un ,ollUetco of Blllt-
ing ou to the proverbial "T."
Herman M. Leffert
Optician, Jtifreler anal Kniiraver,
sal Rroadnar. Conacll HluRa.
organization and one that was rapidly
growing. Ho complimented tJio Council
Bluffs lodge on Its beautiful home and
spoko of the purpose for which It should
be used,
Other addresses were mado by Judge
Ilartlett of Omaha, Lieutenant Governor
Mllllman of Logan nnd William Jennings
District Deputy Robinson was assisted In
tho dedication by F, S. Emerson of .oux
Kails, district deputy for South Dakota;
Colonel R. J, Woods of Sioux Falls, Mosc3
O'Brien, Gcorgo B. Cronk, Judge Lyslc Ab
bott of Omaha nnd Dr. T. B. Laccy, past ex
alted ruler of the local lodge.
During the evening punch was served In
tho billiard room and at the closo of the
exercises luncheon was served In tho Royal
Arcanum halt In the Bcuo-Shugart block
closo by.
These comprised the reception committee:
Dr. T. B. Laccy, M. r. Rohrer, L. C.
uunn, it. nnnnnn. n. nans, u. a.
Oulnn, D. A. Hamilton. Victor E. Hcmlcr.
son. P. a Aylesworth. I red Emnkle, Oeorgj
Ocrner. . L Baughn. M. L. Lvans, p. L.
Hclnshclmcr, J. C. Mllllman and F. A.
Women lnnpeet the House,
During tho afternoon the clubhouse was
thrown open to tho wives of tho members.
a reception being held from 2 to C o'clock,
at which several hundred women availed
themselves of the opportunity of Inspect'
Inn 111 nhlli.nnma T l I . i . . . . ...hh 1.,
" "'"'" i and had thrown tho greasy stuff Into a
Orr, . A. Mnurer, I- red Senrlc. . K box Rnu u03cJ t Sl)onta,,e0us combns
Sapp, Robert Peregoy, . L. Douglass, h. tlou folowcU nn(1 , box wn8 burned. The
H. Mcrrlum, Tom I arnsworth. T. N. Peter- room wns ,, ,, ,hn ,,rn hn.i mn,in
clock nuu motto of the order, nmdo of vlo
ni.t ...U 1 1 At . i ji i
, , . . ... . , . luuiiiuui uuiiuiuh at lowu I'll), 10 uu luur
?f t m. firn. f . ? . n VT' 8t0rIcs hlh' b'"" " "'""o and fireproof, to
wh o tulips, ferns and palms. In the lodge lnce luo ouo brucd ,fl8t Tho
1 n.n, n t X rUlr 8 ,8,1U?" VSnft,tnto architect has been Instructed to pre
magnificent Bctplcce, presented by J. F.I , , .... ,
L , f i " yr j
1' im "80n whl 0 la 1 lM"
frcshments wero served during tho after-',.
noon In tho billiard room. These formed
tho women's reception committee: Mrs.
John N. Baldwin, Mrs. W. J. Davenport,
Mrs. Lucius Wells, Mrs. Emmet Tlnlcy,
Mrs. William Arnd, Mrs. F. A. Buckman,
Mrs. victor E. Bender, Mrs. George K,
smith, Mrs. T. N. Peterson, Mrs. A. T. tho faco of tho fact that the oil which
Elwcll, Miss Carrie Schoentgcn, Mrs. J. B. j has been found thero Is pronounced by cx
Atklns, Miss Ellen Aylesworth, Mrs. H. H. perts from the oil regions to be genuine
Van Brunt, Miss Jesslo Farnsworth, Mrs
H. A. Scnrle, Miss Nolllo Ilaworth, Mrs.
W. A. Maurer, Miss Cella Mulquccn, Mrs.
E. A. Troutman, Miss Nolllo Moore, Mrs.
L. Zurmuoblen, Jr., nnd Miss May Crniic.
These formed tho committee In charge of
the arrangements: II. II. Van Brunt, chair
man: E. A. Troutman, secretary; E. E.
Aylesworth, E. II. Haworth and Edward
W. Hart.
Career of the l,oilg;e.
Council Bluffs lodgo No. C21, Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks, was organized
December 27, 1S99, with a membership of
215. The present membership Is over 601.
Tho officers nro: W. J. Davenport, exalted
ruler; Emmet Tlnlcy, lending knight; L.
Zurmuchlen, Jr., loyal knight; E. A. Trout
man, lecturing knight; Harry 55. Haas, sec
retary F. A. Buckman, treasurer; N. A.
Tyrrell, tylcr; E. H. Haworth, esquire;
George Edward Walk, chaplain; John T.
Mulquccn, Inner guard; F. H. Scarlc, or
ganist; trustees, H. H. Van Brunt, A. T.
Elwcll nnd T. N. Peterson; past exalted
rulers, John N. Baldwin and Dr. T. B.
Tho lodgo enters upon Its new clubhouse
without ono dollar of debt, tho last Bbaro
of Block having been sold yesterday. Tho
furntturo was mado especially for tho lodge
and wns paid for In cash as delivered. The
total cost of tho building and furnishings
reached 130,000. These formed tho building
committee: II. A. Senrlc, president; II, H.
Van Brunt, vlco president; D. A. Hamilton,
secretary; C. R. Hannan, treasurer.
Danco tonight at Hughes' hall.
Bananas 10 cents per dozen. Bartel
Miller, Telephone 339.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, 541 Droad'y.
Ilonril of MnpervlNom Finds Flnnnclnl
Problem n Sertoli One.
Tho Board of Supervisors put In all of
yesterday wrestling with tho smallpox
bills, and ubout decided which to pay and
which to reject, formal action being de
ferred until this morning, when tho wbolo
matter will bo embraced In a blanket reso
lution. Dr. V. L. Trcynor, whose claim In ac
cordance with his contract with tho Board
of Health of this city was cut down 1350,
held a conferenco with the members of
tho board Thursday night, at which they
agreed ho Bhould bo permitted to draw tho
money allowed him thoreon without waiv
ing his right to siio the county for tho
bnlanco. Tho board, however, after con
sulting with tho county attornoy, changed
Its mind when It convened yesterday morn
ing nnd went directly back on Its ngroe
ment, nnd refused to accept Dr. Treynor's
A resolution of thanks was presented to
City Trcaburer Truo, who acted as pur
chasing agent for tho Board of Health.
Buy your trecB, shrubs and roses of
Menera... 02J East Broadway, Council B'.ufft.
Telephones, office, 404; residence, 44tJ5.
Danco tonight at Hughes' hall.
Cll.Wtii: IX IJA'l'll OF I3.C.MIMIKXT.
IlrlKnile AVIII IMteli Tents Later In
AnKiixt 'I'lmn Kziieeteil,
Following tho ofllclal notification from Ad
jutant Gcnoral Bycrs received by Captain
Tlnlcy of Comoany L that tho brigade en
campment of the Fifty-first nnd Flfty-soc-ond
regiments, Iown National guard, would
be hold In Council Bluffs August 7 to 14 In
clusive canio a notlco yesterday that tho
dato had been changed.
Tho date as orlglunlly fixed conflicted
with tho dato sot for the republican state
convention at Cedar Rapids, August 7, and
tho adjutant general wrote Captain Tlnley
yesterday that tho encampment would bo
August 14 to 21 Inclusive Instead.
Bananas 10 conts per dozen. Bartel &
Miller. Telephone 359.
Danco tonight at Hughes' hull.
Prepare for lllennlnl,
Tho program for tho biennial meeting of
tho Iowa Federation of Woman's clubs In
this city. May 1 to 3 has been completed
by the local committee. Tho sessions will
be In tho Broadway Methodist church. Tho
evening ot May 1 a reception will bo given
tho visiting delegates at tho Orand hotel
after a trip to I.nko Manawn. Thursdny
ovenlng, May 2. Lorado Taft of Chicago
win lecture on "American Painters nnd
Sculptors." Friday evening r concert will ,
bo given for the visitors. This program .
arrangod by the local committee will not I
In any wuy intcrfcro with tho regular bus!- 1
noss program of the biennial. All mem
bers of tho women's clubs of this city ex
poctlng to cnterluln any of tho visiting dele- ,
gates will flud a list In the clubrooms In
tho Merrlam block. The committee In
charge is anxlouB that members should
designate before Monday next which dele
gates they wish to entertain.
Bananas 10 cents per dozen. Bartel &
Miller. Telephone 359.
Davis itlls (lass,
Gaini Little Hiadwaj and From Worth of
Pirtproof Building.
Ari'hlilsliiii Kenne Prohibits Liquor
Dcnlliiu by Catholics Dentil of
Plonerr Merclmnt Tux Fer
rets Mnke II I K Kind.
DES MOINES, April 19. (Special.) Tho
advantages of fireproof construction tor
public buildings was shown at tho Iowa
8tnto cnnlt0, lnU mornlng when, about 5
nvinnk. fin. wn. in thn dnon.
mcIll room of ,he bal,cmont floor, i
J(lIlUor llal, used Homo wa8to for clcan
ttlo Htart wllc, f d nnJ w
out u woul(, haV(J bocn
(he flro to havo t out of u
as easily put
mposslblo for
got out of tho room even
If It had not been discovered, This Is tho
third flro which has started In tho capltol
within a few months, none of them caus
ing any grcnt loos.
cir S(n(e Meillenl HnlldlnK.
Tho regents of tho State university have
determined upon the erection of a now
.l I t,ll . t rt, , , .
i,,..,,.,, vt ...i,.4rtW . .
. uu " f nmii-i IU till H')'IU1 iniivu ui
that amount. Tho plans for the now build
Ing at Ames to replace a burned bulldlni
,nr nn ,,, mn onn
call for nn expenditure of nearly $300,000.
Morthwcut lotrn (III.
Tho belief Is gaining that the oil find
In CIny county, near tho town of Green
ville, la genuine and that nil tho theories
of the geologists fall to tho ground In
petroleum nnd of a good quality,
.cvr Corporation..
Ex-Senator Gronowog of Council Bluffs
was In Dcs Moines today to complete the
legalizing of tho Groueweg &. Schoentgcn
company by filing tho articles with sccro
tnry of state. The capital stock Is $200,000.
Tho Waterloo Ico and Fuel company of
Waterloo has becomo Incorporated, with n
capital of $17,000, by L. D. Miller, II. B.
lloxlo nnd others.
Tho Jasper County Telephone company of
Newton was Incorporated, with $60,000 cap
ltal, by II. J. Blanchalne, I. S. Mahau und
Tho Mclroso nnd Charlton Tclcpbono
company of Russell, Lucas county, has
been Incorporated, with $2,000 capital
stock, by W. J. Marshall, C. R. Kirk and
Cntliollon nnd Mqanr Ileal I it k.
Archbishop Kcano of Dubuquo is creating
a stir In Catholic circles by his firm atti
tude In opposition to tho liquor traffic. Ho
has given an ultimatum to Catholics that
they must not bo keepers of saloons. At
tho great gathering In Dubuque, where he
was Invested with tho pallium, ho mado
several sarp attacks on, tho liquor traffic
and declared that ho would invoko all the
powors of the uburch to compel Catholics
to abandon tho liquor t raffle. "It Catholic
saloon keepers 'continue to disobey me,"
ho snld, "I shall be obliged to Instruct
my priests to refuse tho sacrament ot tho
church to them."
I)en(h ot Pioneer Merchant.
J. D. Secbcrgcr, tho head of the whole
Bale Iron nnd hardware houso of J. D.
Seobcrger & Co. of this city, died this
afternoon after a short Illness of pneu
monia. Ho had been In business In Dcs
Moines continuously nearly forty years, nnd
his houso was for many years practically
tho only largo, wholesalo houso of the city.
Ho was n hard-working man, although frail
ot build.
Ilaek from Honolulu.
Potentnto Evans of Za-Ga-ZIg templo of
this city and his wife and a number ot
tho other Shrlnors who went from Iowa
on tho pilgrimage to Honolulu, havo re
turned homo greatly pleased with the Jour
ncy. The enttro Hawaiian islands wero
traversed by tho Shrlners and a templo
was established In Honolulu with the name
"Aloha." Tho name means good or love
and was selected by the natives.
Tax Ferrets Mnke IHk Find.
Tho most remarkablo find of tax ferrets
In Iowa In tho matter of hidden property
subject to tnxatlon Is in Muscatluo county,
whero it Is reported that ono law firm has
been accused of holding property until the
unpaid taxes nmount to $77,000. The fer
rets havo found a largo amount of other
property subject to taxation.
Depot HrenkerH Arc Arrested.
CRESTON, la., April 19. (Special.) Tho
two men who broke Into the Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy depot at Kent Tuesday
night wero nrrcsted Wednesday afternoon
One Week, Commencing Sunday, April 21.
The Southern Stock Company
Supporting Mies Ella Wilson. Opening Play
,A carload of scenery and electrical effects. Ladles free Monday night.
Mozelle In her special Electrical Flro Dance.
seven miles northwest of tcnox by a Taylor
county deputy shorlff. They wero brought
to Creston by Sheriff Miller. Both pleaded
guilty when nrrnlgned before Justice Max
well and were bound over to the grand Jury,
They could not glvo bonds and were sent to
the county Jail. Tho robbers glvo their
names as John Smith and George King.
They nre about 19 years old nnd nro
strangers here.
Diiliiiiine Firm (letn Contract from
Mououicnliela Company for
Its Construction.
DUBUQUE, In.. April 19. Tho Iowa Iron
company was today awarded tho contract to
build the largest towboat In the world for
tho Monougahola Coal company of Pittsburg,
Tho craft will havo power to tow fifty steel
barges and will cost $250,000.
Unstern XclirnnUn Get I'ticoiirnKlnK
Promise from ForecnntliiK
llnrenu nt WiinIiIiik ton.
WASHINGTON, April 19. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska and Kansns Fair Satur
day, with warmer In extreme eastern por
tions; Sunday increasing cloudiness; south
erly winds.
For Iown, Missouri nnd Illinois Fair and
warmer Saturday nnd Sunday; fresh north
erly, shifting to southeasterly winds.
For North nnd South Dakota Fair nnd
warmer Saturday; Sunday cloudy aud
cooler; southerly winds.
Lorn I Ileroril,
OMAHA, April 19. Otllclal record or tem
perature and precipitation coinparrd with
the corresponding day ot tho Inst three
1901. 1900. 1659. Hit.
Maximum temperature... K 72 70 o
Minimum temperature.... n." 15 41 37
Mean temperature 45 M M IS
Precipitation nil ,ii ,is ,hi
Record of temperature nnd rrectpltatton
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 02
Deficiency for the day 7
Total deficiency hIiico Murrh 1 is
Normal precipitation 11 inch
Deficiency for tho day fts inch
Total slnco March 1 2.W Inchon
Deficiency slnco March 1 r;l inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900 3S Inch
Deficiency for cor, period, 1899.... 2.45 Inches
Report from Stations at 7 V. .M.
.pud r
: 5 . ,. ?
r if a
: 3 :
no r,i .00
r.2 r.i .no
70 72 ,co
i w: ,co
f.c m .on
K no .(
:ti .in)
u 51 .00
4fi 4S .no
4s 62 .no
M 62 .00
t!2 Gl .(11
IW 06 .00
5i SS .00
06 as .01)
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, clear
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
WHllston, clear
Chicago, qlear
St. Iouls, clear
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, partly cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Havre, rlear
Bismarck, clear ,
Galveston, clear
T Tracu of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
An Excellent Combination,
Tho pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnur of Piob, manufactured by tho
California Fio Sritui Co., Illustrate
tho value of obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to tho
taste and acpeptablo to tho system. It
is the ono perfect strengthening laxa-ti-,
cleansing tho system effectually,
disponing colds, headaches and fevere
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
aro used, as they nre pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtaiued from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, plenso
remember tho full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Vtoritlo by all D'ugglsts. Prlco 60c. per bottla
The "Comstock Process
Is the most successful method for reducing and relieving
pain In all kinds of dental operations that has yot been
presented to the public. It has been used by leading don.
tlsts of the east for nearly two years, and has been pro
nounced by them to be entirely satisfactory. Our patlontj
are delighted with the results It produces. If you arc
nervous and your teeth are sensitive we will bo pleased to
explain It to you.
. ..Telephone 148
H. I. Wtidbury, D. D. $., Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hots)
indicates purity and perfection in brew
ing. It has been used on more bottles
than any other label in the world. It is
found only on the famous bottling of
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Brewers of the original Rtidwelser, Faust, Michelob, Anheuscr-Standard,
Pale-Lager, Export Pals, Black & Tan, Exquisite and Malt-Nutrinc.
Oritur promptly lllleil by
m w w vm vm m
it winy
Missouri River to
portland . . .
Missouri River to
New City Ticket Offce-1324 Farnam.
Telephone 316.
$20 to $35 ' w.-ur $1,000
m i:i,i:hii:.n(.k
opens thn 5,000,000 pores, causes profuso perspiration, expelling all Impurities from tho
blood and system. Cleanses, purines. Invigorates and tones up entire system, Inwardly
and outwardly. Proiliieen Clennllness. Ilenltli. SlreiiKlh, Yljtor, ii flenr
Skin anil it llrllllnnt Coiuplexloii. Makes your blood pure. You sleep sound.
You feci younger, like a now being. Prevents disease, IvnilorHrd liy tin at
eminent ili hIoIiiiin mill over UMern, Cured C'olila, LiiKrliie, It lieu.
miitlNiii, neuralgia, malaria, bronchltls.cczema. catarrh, plies, dropsy, lemaln Ills,
heudnche, and nil blood, xklii, nerve unci klili'.ey trouhle. A Hot .SprliiKn
trciitr.MMit ut liouie, rtedilees Obesity.
llesei liitlom Weight 10 lbs. Uest made. Kaslly carried, No assistant or oxperl.
rncu needed. Child can operate. Iadles oiilhilHliiHtlu. Slilppeil to nny uililresn on
receipt of if.". (to. Complete with Heater, formulas, directions; ulso Prof. Oerlng's
tf.tMl CJ Hide Hunk to Health nnd Ileauty Fit HI J, tiiinriiutceil to ln the norlc
mill bout. reiireMeiiteil or money rfdioiled. Order toiluy. Yf. .lit II ItlOSI'd.V
SIIILi:. Co pi til I lIM,0()().OI. 1,111'Ki'Nt iiiniiiif. of Until t'lililnelH In the world.
i:n.tiF, with us.
stating, ngo county wanted, etc. Pnmiililet, Testlinonliiln, ete.
He i'cconimct this Compnuy (is
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
CoiiHultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall
add 5 cents for poatage.
Pennyroyal pills
U IIUII i1 Cold u.t.iu, bo.
(r.iit kakxlltll.i,. mui ImlU.
ntmyt rr 1'arllfal.n. TmiIb..u .
4 uBIUrrLatTM.'' hliiw
iO nornt
1- X.1XB
Mr. Tassel nimlo $1500.00 llrst C month.
Jlr. JIuiicy, of Tcxiih, inadn $12.60 llrst 2
hours, over $:Hk).00 llrst month. Mrs. How
nrd, of Iown, Hold 21 llrst week. Mr. Smith,
of Colorado, mailn $2H.".oo llrst month. Mrx.
Hoard, of New York, J100.N). Mlns WIkkIiih,
of Inn., $200.00. MIhb Nestle, of Minn., $:0'.00.
A Indy In Pa. made $l2.fi0 In 12 days, IicsIiIcm
iittcudlnK to Irt household duties. Audits
all making money showing, taking orders,
selling, and appointing agents for our
famous Quaker Folding Hath C'ahlnet.
io o mill do llkctriNC, Over 300,000
sold in r.ioo.
WHITi: US AT 0.-SCI:. I.ihIIik mill
(JenlleiiiPii wurliliiK for tin ioMlrely
mnke If-." to .'1." mill exiieiiHc n weekly.
Now plan, fi hours u day. Iet us start you.
The Quaker Is tho greatest seller ami
money-maker for agents known. Ahso.
Into homo necessity. An nrtlrln of merit
which you c:in conselentlnusly recommend.
IJvery user sends from .1 to 10 customer
to you. Kuoruious demand year around In
every city, village or tho country. lCvery
body buys, business men, families, physl
elans, sloreg, etc. No moro bath tubs or
doctor bills.
.lust lliliik! You enjoy Turklnli, Sul
phur, Pfrfumoil, llol Air or Meillc u'teil
Ynpor lliillm nt home for :ie eue'li.
Far superior to water baths and bath (uhjt.
Yater baths cleausu the outer skin only.
Our method iniikeN the Mklu b rent lie,
AVorld ll'l'cln, Ciiieliinntl, O
thnroiithty reliable Editor.
Manufactured by
A, Mayer Company,
3(6 Bbo Bldg.
Uw DlgU for unnituril
Irritation or ulceration!
of iii ii cci u tnfmljrni.
ItVSCHtbiluCa. il or poliuooui.
LciHCiNlltTI.O.Hjl ol k7 Driuhli,
BvSTA SBtflk
jB-V in I u S 4t ji. 1
4rrV IjutriBUM V.
mM B u itrliitur.
or iiii in pitin .,,.
17 ejprt... rprM.
Chcular ttut en inwti,