Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1901, Page 12, Image 13

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IVhrco Wiimcii Mnkrc ChnrKca of
Criirltj nnd Non-Support
.kiiImkI lltifttiiinils.
Three women petitioned the- district court
yesterday for divorce, and each charged her
husband with cxtremo cruelty and non
support. Ilutdali Wullacc, who married
Gcorgo W. Wallace In Newton, N'. H.. In
1S78, says she has hern compelled to sup
port herself nnd her daughter, who Is 21
years of ago, ten years. Katie Hull says
uho married Arthur Hull at South Omaha
In July, 1SJD, and that ho took on an un
pleasant hahlt of beating her soon after
I ho marriage. Hulday Stlnard, whoso hus
band, I'rank Stlnard, Is broad baker at tho
J'axton hotel, wants a divorce becauso sho
has been cruelly treated and neglected.
To develop nrms, neck nnd bust, try mas
iBgo trcntmont at tho Ilathcry, Ilec building.
Expert operators, for ladles only.
flriiilliiK t'niilriii'tor.
Scaled bids will bo received at tho oftlco
of tho V It. llcnnctt Ihilldlng Co., 15th
nnd f'apltol Ave., up to Monday noon, April
22d, for excavating lots one, two nnd cast
two-thirds of lot three, block one forty-six,
city of Omaha.
When wo Rttack prices It's no sham bat
tic. Hoyden Ilros,, with an nd on page 7.
Hair dressing and manlcuro parlors In
connection with tho Dathery, for ladles
only. Kecond Door Ilco building.
IJrdrv TiM-mlny
In April tho Union Pacific will sell tickets
at tho following greatly reduced rates:
I'rom Omaha to San Francisco, Los
Angeles nnd San Diego 25.00
Ogden, Salt Lake, Unite, Helena 23.00
Portland, Spokane, Tncoma, Seattle.... 25.00
New city ticket olllce, 1321 Farnam St.
Tol. 316, Union Station, 10th nnd Mnrcy,
Tel. 629.
If you'll read our nd on pago 7 you'll sco
that our prices plainly show most emphatic
reductions. Haydcn Ilros.
Finest Turkish bath parlors In tho west
at tho Ilathcry, 220-22 J llco building. For
ladles only.
Stonccyphcr prints anything. Tel. 1310.
UnilW-Kdward 12., of Omaha. April 19, at
CoIcbrooK, N, II., or Heart tusensc.
interment nt umeorooK, it.
Talk is Cheap
But It takes quality to make n good
preparation for chapped hands and face.
Wo claim our Egyptian Lotus Cream Is a
better preparation than others you pay 35c
nnd 40c for. Wo sell ours for 10c.
I'eruna C3e
Nowbro's lleiplvldo Too
Cramer's Kidney Cura 72a
Wine of Card nl 75c
Cutlcurn Soap 2uc
Hood s Baraipariua. Too
liu-Can Hair Tonic 75c
Htunrt's Catarrh Tablets 40c
Flnkhnm's Compound C9c
B. S. 8 70c
l'alne's Celery Compound 75c
1 dozen 2-grnln Qulnlno Capsules 7c
1 dozen 3-graln Qulnlno Capsules 10c
1 dozen u-graln yulmno Capsules 15c
Hosteller1 Hitters 75c
I'lerco's Prescription 75c
Miles' Ncrvlno 75c
CPU1CCCD cur pricf.
. W. Cor. lUtb and Chicago.
In our nd on pago 7 you'll And prices to
convince you that economy directs you ncre.
' Hayden Bros.
I Tho Hathery, reopened under new man
agement; massage and electric baths, 220-
224 Deo building. Ladles only.
Seeds that grow come from tho Nebraska
Seed company, 1513-15 Howard St.
Stonccyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St.
Sells Sorosis Shoes.
Standard of the World
It Is tho new sho6 for women In welts
and turns patent leather or kid nnd all
tho now shapes.
Sorosis Shoes nro the best fitting lino of
ladles' shoes made.
Thoso who lmvo worn them know It.
tinrnutu f.itfll,' Khnna urn nil 33.50.
This atnro Is modern nnd uu-to-date.
The Host lloom Is visited dally by many
ladles, whether Immcdlato purchasers of
Sorosis or not. Tho maid shines your
shoes free.
Sorosis Shoe Store
lixi'ltinUn I.mtlfN', .Minim' mill
ClillilriMi'M Slmi'H.
203 South 15th Strcot.
Send to tis for Spring Catalogue.
forced Out HAYDEN
We wish we could
S bring to your ears
of Business
Wo havo decided to abandon our country
agencies, tho object being to ccntrnllzo our
business nt tho innlu store. Sovcn largo
stocks havo been, shipped to tho city nnd wo
aro compelled cither to rent nddltlonal
spaco or sacrifice n largo portion of our
Plnno stock. Wo prefer tno latter rc
Perfect High Grade Pianos at
Prices that Lose Sight of Cost
i:imny l!irlnM. IS.
Ilimeivooil llirllit, $I)ft,
l.'itlilnrt nrnuil Upright. 15iC
MiiiioKiuiy UpriKiit, uw.
Kntioy Onk UpriKiit. f tr.U.
I'cnrl Wnliiut UirlKli, 1T8 anil up.
Square, rinnin, fin, filS, fHO anil up.
Schmoller & Mueller,
1:113 Fnrnuin. Tel. 1M25.
Paint for Iron or nny other JIliTAL
work Khould bo illfferimt. rrom mo paint
used for wood. Hherwln-Wllllums Co. multa
this kind. It Is rullod "Roof nnd Hrldgc"
l'alnt. It ADIIICHHS to nny kind of metal
I -..rnu i. iinrmillumL i rn toi-t 1(111 . Sold In
i,i niul "l-gulUm cans, 6-gullon tin buckets
and W-giillon barrels.
No matter WHAT you want to PAINT
i nKiinnrl A n TTMn In
but wv lmvo S.-W. Co. paint In i-P'nt pots
nnd lingo ImrrolH nnd cans, for every pur
poso from pnlntliiK a baby carriage, bicycle
or mru chko iii
mono iroiu m- mi ckiuiui,
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go,
Corner 16th nnd Dodge.
tho words of prnlso given our Cloak Depart mcnt by somo of tho most competent nnd
cconomlral buyers of Omaha. Wo havo Inb ored hard this season to make this depart
ment what It Is. It Is stocked with a rnro choice lot of suits nt rcasonablo prices.
Suits, Skirts, Wnlsts nnd JnckctB at prices that savo you fully 40 per cent when
compared to thoic of other stores. You muy ask WHY wo enn do theso things. Sim
ply for tho reason that wo have buyers In tho market nt an times rcauy to nuy any
quantity, no matter how largo If tho price Is low cnoilgn. w o pay spot cnan, wo uu
business on nn economical basis nnd wo do n tremendous business. That is why wo
can savo you 10 per cent on tho prices of tho smaller stores In Omaha.
Specials for Saturday
Wo defy any houso In tho cl ly or this western country to
compcto with them.
If you buy a garment hero nnd seo nnythlng nt your
neighbor's or nnywhero else for tho snmo money, bring ours
back and get your cash.
Women's Suits, excellent quality homespun, slik lined Jacket
mado In tho blouse,' eton nnd bolero stylcH, reveres, coller,
cuffs and skirt trimmed with stitched ff"
bands of taffeta a suit mado to sell for 1 M . 1
I2.G0, for w w
100 Suits, somo silk lined throughout, nN"V CC
tho newest styles, In all wool chcvlotB nnd 111 II II
Venetians, worth J20.00, for
175 Suits a late1 purchase for spot cash qj fC
early in tho season cost $23.00 to $30.00 1 ij.t'Il 1
now nt Haydcns' they are
Just Received By Express,
500 Skirts
Tho nsBortmont Is excellent and tho prices nro low. A Bpot
cash transaction by our eastern buycr.r0 lino sample skirts
somo silk lined, elaborately trimmed garments mado to
soil for $15.00 and $18.00 lino imported
cloths for each
Women's Silk Skirts, made of excellent quality taffeta $1.08
Women's Rainy Day Skirts, made of excellent quality cloth, sovcral rows of
stitching, all sizes, worth $3.00, for $1.98
Women s Sergo Skirts, trimmed with stitched bands of taffeta, percallno. lined,
and velvet bound, worth $5.00, for $2.98
, 90c
The $2.50 Hatter.
Women's Ilrocado Skirts, worth $2.00, for
Just Received by Express an Excellent Lot ot
Ladies' Silk Waists
Lot 1 On Bill? Saturday nt, each $1.95
Lot 2 Waists that aro worth $6.00 for $3.90
200 moro of thoso famous now Imported Wool Wnlsts (to bo had only at Hay
dens') known as tho "Haydcn" Waist, on salo at $2.95
1 tablo of ladles' Jackets, In ctons, boxes nnd boleros, worth $10, for $4.93
LADIES' ETON JACKETS nt $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 nnd $8.00
Children's Jackots (200 of them) for $1.9S
50 dozen ladles' Wrappers, worth $1.50, for 95c
200 dozen ladles' lllack Mercerized Underskirts, 15 Inch flounce, n skirt made to
sell for $2.60 Haydens prlco only $1.00
1113 ID llAVUKNH' (illHAT Mil. I. IM.It V SAI.K ON I'AGIJ 7.
He's It on
$2.50 HATS
No More. No Less.
107 So. 16th,
How Do These Prices Suit
Low Price Buyers.
25o Cutlcura Spap
35c Castorla
25c Carter's Liver Pills
$1.00 Pcruna
i ,n uninn'n Cuierv Compound.......
$1.00 Pinkbcm's Compound '. 70o
Thnt Yollow Soap" 10c
Kuroka Head Curo (tho very best).... 60o
Jl.00 Plorco's Prescription 75o
T... Hniul's PUla 20c
11.75 S. 6. S $1.25 Malted Milk 40c Kiv Cream Halm Oo
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion 75c
25c Gnrftold Tea 20o
11.00 Llsterlno, genuine 65o
2Sc Llsterlno, gi.nulno 20o
?Rn Tinii'A Catarrh Curo 60c
r. Knndon Catarrh Jolly 20o
We can tell you what men of fash
ion will wear this spring and sum
mer. Ask us.
Compare a
Stein-Block Wholesale
Tailored Suit
Fuller Drug and Paint Go,
Open all night.
14th and Douglas St.
Set of Teeth $5
Gold Filling $1.50 up
Exracting 25c
IflVll The demand of this age Is
MM W tor artistic, scientific,
m W modern dentistry. Superior
methods and skilled workmen enable
us to offer It at reasonable prices,
I Mr I Omental parlors
1517 Douglas St.
With one of any other make that costs the same. You can see
the difference instantly a Stein-lilock is "Do real ting," as Ohinv
my Fadden would say. In other words IT IS JUST KIQ nT.
While the other suits just miss tho point and looks ready
made, it noes not take a philosopher to choose the right make.
Each Stein-Block wholesale tailored garment looks ns though it
was made for the individual wearing it. Look for the Stein
Block, Hntchett-Carhart and Hart-Schaffner & Marx men's rea
dy-tailored spring suits, and you will have the right thing,
Suits for 7.50, $10, 12.50, fir,, $1S, ?1!0 and 22.50.
Our ?3.75. $5.00 nnd G.75 men's suits we show a beautiful
range of over 50 distinctive styles of bright nobby absolutely all
wool cassimere and cheviots. These suits are cut and tailored
to the very newest ideas. We want you to see these garments,
You will be surprised .that we offer so great a value for the money
Young men's suits, ages 1.1 to 10, choice novelty tweeds, wor
Bteds and cheviots, in khaki and olive stripes and plaids and su
perb qualities, in plain and striped, smooth and soft spun serges,
black thibets and clay dlngonals, suits worth $8.50 to $20.00, on
salo for 5.00, ?G,50, $7.50 and $10.00.
as successful retailers of read-to-wear clothing is probably due in a measure to the friendly support of Omniums and friends
throughout the west.. We say friendly support, come to think of it "friendly support", didn't have any thing to do with it.
Omahnns are noted for their ability to be shrewd especially in their personal purchases. This peculiar ability is what has
given us the extensive purchasing powers we now possess. Why shouldn't these advantages benefit you?
We think they should and so do the people, and here's where that peculiar personal ability that gels much for little comes
in again. Some of the best dressed men and women in Omaha have discovered this fact and come to this store for their
clothing. Can we expect you?
Men's Spring Clothing
Men's Suite U) a choice lino of stripes
pin checks plaids, etc. round cor
ner sack made in first-class style
such values are not picked up in every
clothing store our price SLC
for such a suit JL vJ
Men's Suits h a choice lino of wor
sted cheviots in oxford gray, fancy
patterns, stripes, checks, etc cut in the
latest style and perfectly tailored
our price for such a Q
suit O.UVy
Men's Suits h a choice lino of fanoy
worsteds, blue stripe flannels fancy
and milk stripes they are all wool
round corner sack cut in the very lat
est style and, with the very best of trim
mingssatin piped our
price for such a suit Z7 J v
Men's Suits in a choice line of all
wool, gray check, stripes and fancy pat
terns invisable stripes, etc. sergo
linings exactly the same trimming the merchant tailor uses
in his $25 suits tailoring just as good fit just as good
quality just as good but our price for such -j "
a suit is only IV.vv
Men' 8 Suits in a choico lino of patterns in half a dozen
different styles to choose from fancy coverts fancy wor
lds cassimeres cheviots, etc. They are just the suit for
the particular youug man who wants the best in quality and
best in style at a popular price our price lor
such a suit
Men's Suits in choice lino of suitings military shapes
perfectly-tailored you'll find trouble in matching such
suits for less than 15 or 20 dollars elsewhere - f AA
our 'price for such a suit X.JmmfmJJ
Men Spring Underwear
Whatever the needs this store is always handy, in the sense
of having everything in underwear just at the time you need it
Men's Underwem unbleached
balbrlBRan Shirts or Drnwcrs-Bood val
ues, each
b&5k Mni ThuJfivwfiiir line two tlireaa r S
WS'fo'vVt'KA imihriirnnii HiitrtM or Drawers In brown, .Tm 1 L j
l'"ln n, 1,',es, color, best sateen fnclnR- W W
SKtri Tvl" l'can uuuoiib, caun
W Men's UnderiocaruwQ quality y cn
Shirt, each
wm Men s Underwear extra nno
VWffiW quality. KRypunn coii"ii. "YTl""'l Mm 7 W
lone sllK cun nnu iiccn m -""u -
colors, each
Men's Underwem genuine sea
Island cotton and llslo thread-In fnm-y
solid colors, bluo salmon, drub nnd brown,
Men's Underwear fine quality " AA
French llslo thread nnd balbrlgKan In new, I III
neat, fast colors, all trimmed In silk nnd M. V-T "V-r
best pearl buttons, each .
Men's Underwear - good quality nooea 1
balbrlBRan. combination suits, worth J
J2.25. for
tM! ' r
The Ready-to- Wear Kind
Somehow it seems to pay to bo lib-eral-shnrlnB
with you ovcry advan
tngo we've, gained has led you to Riv
ing us a most satisfactory millinery
business. You appreciate our efforts
in trylnB to seo how lltlo a price wo
can mak on stylish, up-to-date mil
linery. We havo thrco prices for you
to tit'uro on:
2.45, 3.75
and 5.00
One-half and less than regular
millinery prices around town.
Thli tore nevfr
ills down when
one nooci Idea la
ct going, but
toon finds another
and thus It comes
much nearer to
lieetlne tho wants
of the vhonpinc
Our new department for
Ladies' Hosier-
Is tho latest addition to our rendy-to-weur
things for women-folks and
children. . , , -
Wo bcII hosiery with as small a
profit ns wo can and we know you
nppreclato It by tho success ot tho
department already.
I .Hpt't'lnlN for Von til Tent Vn H
I, nil !.' fiouil U'l'iHO' Seiml"
rotton hose, In black, 4
tnn and fancies 1 tj)w
Liiilii'M' Hrii I'lne lnnllt
black, tan or fancy, colored cotton
hose, or plain fancy tfp
stripes nnd luco effects aOL
I.iiiIIch' I'lne QiuilllJ 'I'wo
ii. maco cotton and llslo-thrcad.
split foot, solid blacks or fancy stripes
with laco effects,
I.iullfH' l-'l lie Qimllty liliifk
laco and Itlcliolieu-rlthed hose,
Brain dyo, bandsomo
patterns, for
Ladies' Spring Jackets
Tho tardiness of spring and the overproduction of certain manufacturers
make tho possibilities for obtaining rrmarkablo values nt unprcccdonlodly low
prices all tho more likely now you know this store know It to bo, truthful,
know that when wc say it, It's sol know that you aro nover disappointed when
you romo hero for nn advertised article. You want to buy as cheap us you
can nnd get tho best values for tho least money.
On Saturday, April 20th, wo are going to
offer you choico of 75 Women's Spring Jackets
mado of the finest light weight kerseys mostly In light tans
few blues and browns a Btylls C-button Kton effect Jackot
uneu wiut a nno tnrretn mm jackets in
this lot worth from $8.75 to $10.00 our
Saturday prlco
i, lull titi'LL JUCKOl
50 Women's Spring Jackets made of fine
kerseys and coverts In light tan and castors all flyfront or
box-front effects handsomely tailored nnd stitched lined with
tho best fancy taffeta nllks nnd satins Tho prlco of theso
I jackets wcro from J1C.00 to 120.00 they will
bo sold on Saturday your
choico for
Women Silk Dress Skirts ,
I'robably no other stock of women's illk
dress skirts In this section, can rival our
present showing In beauty and varloty, our
iilm Is to demonstrato moro clearly to you
ovcry day that It Is by far tho best placo In
Omaha to purchaso your Bilk dress skirts
elegant creations which reflect every wor
thy fashion thought In silk dreBs skirts,
up-to-date. They nro mado of best quality
Taffeta Silks silk plait llounco now flar
ing effect richly trimmed with applique.
Silk niching and ribbons, bins tuoka
nround body of skirt plaited tnffota bands
nnd many other pretty oxcIubIvo designs
Skirts worth 110.00, $15.00 and $20.00
Among the Shoes
If you'ro a shoo expert you'll readily acknowl
edge that tho following list contains phenomenal
volucs but oven If you'ro not an oxpoct, onco
you seo tho shoes you'll bo strongly Impressed with
tbo vast dlffcrcnco tlicro Is between tho quality
and prlco.
Women' 8 Shoes all stylos and sizes
neat, solid, serviceable, good looking, good shoos
nover sold for less than $2.50 and $3,00 In most
bIioo stores our prlco with a guar -f AA
antee, only J.7vF
Women' 8 Patent Leather Shoes ex
cellent quality solid newest creation Cj
In shoes shoo store's prlco $3. GO prlco mtj3
Women's Vici Kid Shoes neat
styles with or without patent leather tips all styles of hcols dressy yot du
.r.ablp regular price nround town $.".C0 J CE
our prlco vf
Women's Oxfords new spring productions coin toe
turned solo with or without cloth tops full lino f m Cj
sires, for M.
Women8 Southern Button a pretty, neat, and .stylish
summer Bhoe turned soles M gg
all sizes l.yU
Women's Oxfords heavy soles patent calf tho very
shoo for street wear regular value f 2.G0
our price
Boys' Clothing
Not for many seasons havo there
been so many charming styles in the
garments designed for tho small boy,
as shown tbla spring. Whllo most
of us feci a disinclination to "roako
a man of him' any sooner than neces
sary, yet tho styles certainly show
thnt his clothing Is designed moro
nearly like his father's than ever be
fore. Boys' Knee Pants Suits
SI. 00, 81.25, 61.50, 1.75,
$2.00 and up.
Boys' Long IJant Suits
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00,
$5.50 and up.
Boys' Vestee Suits
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00 and up.
Boys' Russian Blouse
Suils-W.00, $3.50, $4.00,
$4. 50 and up.
This is surely a good place to se
lect your Hoys' Clothing.
Metis Spring Hats
Showing beyond a doubt
the largest and most com
plete line of Hats in Omaha
making you better prices
saving you more money.
In a full lino of colors 23 different
styles ot stiff hata for you to select
from. Wo mako a specialty of sell
ing tho best $1.50 hat In America for
tho money. Oomo In aa early Satur
day aa you can and wo can give you
moro and better attention than It
you comn lato when tho crowd Is so
largo and stock all mixed. This Is a
safe storo to buy your Spring Hats.
We sell Stetson Hats nmut
HAYDEN BROS. AnaMm fMnutam