I THE OMAITA DAILY HEE: TltTJKSPAV, APRIL 18, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Drop lltnatitn Hemiini Unchanged and Qiain Uirktt Bales Study. WHEAT TRADERS ANXIOUS ABOUT WEATHER Corn AdtnnrrA Slightly, hut Itcnrf on rriint-TnUInu Mnr Hc StroliR I'ork. In NrnlePtcl nml Unlet. CIUCAOO. April 17. -The crop Uiino" he ng praciicnny unumtngcu "'.""","",., Et rii ed steady today. May closing s ' Sio higher. May corn unchanged at I Ma ''"" ii.'iinu inu Irrrirllllir. .,t.... firinrti innir rvi'n uu wiu weather limp and their pars P u,''"" of tho operations of tho Hessian ly. A" to climatic conditions tlipro seemed to Hp Ittlo change, nlthougli tho report from time to i mo Mmwl to imllpnto otherwise. Heforo trading begnii It wan claimed nl ""J frost predicted for Kunsas hud ."tlcnrp during the. night, nml this, comb 11. tho fart that receipts worn light und cable nl least no easier than could bo accounted for by tht! course of Hip market on this nldo yesterday, somewhat alarmed " tnd tho May option having opened Vic higher at 7oic and touching 0u almost at tho name Instant, milled tt' Wtf ,urJ"K llrst hour. Tho frosts, which hail been so much dreaded, , however, wero carce mentioned In telegrums from Kansas nml while tho weather wns iinsruHonublj cold in tho, spring wheat Htutes, It wan thought wheat wos not sufllclently advanced to bo ilamnged. Liberal primary receipts and mod erate seaboard clearanceH wpro aim) against tho advnncc;, and in conKenuenco May later eased olT to 70Hc on moderate selling. Ke lrtH of domagcK Inflicted by 1IphbI.hi lly liavlnu nipldly Increased the strength of tho market nml shorts becoming alarmed hid May iiharply tip to 7ttifj .!- Scalpers took proIltH on tho bulge, but tho cIoho was moany, amy lc over yunu-i.ui .... Hcuboard clearances In wheat and Hour were ctiuol to 3l3,ooo bUHliels. whllo primary receipts wero IS1.0O0 bushels, compared with siw.ouo bushels lust year. Minneapolis and Duliith reported 103 cars, against lio Inst week nml 1H7 a year ago. Local receipts were 40 ears, 1 of contract grade. Corn was firmly held, but no attempt was mnilo to push prices unduly upward, although thorn was opportunity In tho Mnnllness of receipts nnd unseasonable flca lnrt demand. I'rlees did advunco fraction ully during tho early part of tho session, but reacted later on prollt-tnklng by sculp ers, Muy sold between llio nnd ll'.lo and closed unchanged at W'tc. Changing to Jtilv was done at a discount of Vic- curly end at c later. Hecclpts wero 13'J cars, 40 of contract grade. Mnv oats opened strong under tho stlinu Inn of a gooil ensh demand and liberal ex port acceptances over night. Shippers bought liberally early and whllo they did not maintain their starting pace prices were well sustained. Considerable chang ing, with May at Me premium over July, was noticeable, Hecelpls wern 125 cars. 'May sold between 2540 nnd KViftSSHu and closed Jc higher at 2uHc. In tho provisions pit pork was neglcetoJ nnd the rest of tho list unlet. The market opened easier on liberal hog receipts and In sympathy with lower prices at tho stock lords, but held steady on a moderate cash demand. The rango wa narrow, July pork closed 2V4o higher at tll.32Vjc, July lard I'Mtf"! lower at S, and July ribs 2'(fcc down at $7.W. .estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 3.1 cars; com, 1W cars; oats, 150 cars; hogs, 27.0OJ hend. Tho lending futures ranged as follows: eral firmness. Tin In local circles ros about 25 points In sympathy with the nd vonce tor that mctnl In Ixindon, said to bo tho result of American speculative dealings, despite the fact that the statistical outlook remains bearish. The close hero was tinner at fZ(i.2Sl'J.7u, whllo at Uindott closing prices were 117 12s dl on spot nnd 116 In for t.itures. A fair business was done In both markets. Copper in London declined 15s and experienced u weak undertone, with spot closing at Tu3s9d and futures () 16s. Here the market was more or less nominal at unchanged prices. Exchanges of copper are extremely small, amounting for thn llr.it hair of April to only 2,6w tons, against 12,475 tons tor April a year ago, 'jhls ten tun was attrluutpil to Kuropenn de mand, In which consumption has lalleu off materially. A little steadier fueling pre vailed In spelter, owing to u light local In ipilry, ami prices nt the close were 2Vi poinm higher than yesterday, with tho lono linn. A rise of is M abroad to 1H 16s helped tho steadiness. Lend remains Inac tive ami unchanged nt H-JTiM- Domestic iron markets mien tiule.t, but about steady at unchanged prices. OMAHA WllOr:SAlU MARKETS. On track: No. 1 hard, 74He: No. 1 northern, 73,ic; No. 2 northern, fiflWic l.'l.nitn Plrm! Orl ttntotlts. M.S:.fi3.tJ ! second patents, t3.65W3.75; tlrst clears, 2.93 3.rt; second clears, $2.mvH3.10. JUIAIN in PUIK, J12.WTUZ.W. Toledo lirnlii nml Seed. TOLKDO. O.. Anrll 17. WHEAT Active: firm: cash, 73'.ie: May, 73!lci July. 734C CORN Dull, strong: cash. 4lsic: May, 43p; July, (4P. OATH-ouiet. nrm: cnsii, 2iiic: May, so'tc; July, 26Hr. HYK-BC. CLOVi:nsp:KD-Cush. prime. JS.so: uc- tober, jr.. 15. I'eorln Inrkel. 1'KOIUA. 111.. Anrll 17.-COttN-Illglv-'ri No. 2, 44c. OATS inactive: No. 2 txhlte. 2"c. iracK. WHIHKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. mivi:mi:m'.s i. .stocks ami imimix. Articles. Opcn.l High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Mny July Corn April May July Oats May J uly Pork Muy July Ijird May July Sept. Itlbs .May July Sept. 70i; 71 70"i 70; 70T4U71 7H4 70?; 71?7 43 mwi ; 4i'; 441; SJli 25U 25(5 ,2511, 14 10 14 20 14 10 14 20 14 25 14 35 II 25 14 32 S 10 8 10 S 07Va 8 07U 8 10 S 021 8 00 8 00 7 93 8 00 7 95 7 97& R 20 R 22M R 15 R 15 7 90 7 95 7 90 7 90 7 8214 7 874 7 82 7 83 43; 4 Hi 43 &liM 1 12Vi 11 30 R 15 S 05 8 02'i 7 87 Coiidlllon of Trade and Quotation! on Stiiiilp nnd I'nner Produce. i:aaS-Hecelot3 liberal: good stock, firm at HJ4ifl2c. LlVK POULTRY llpns, 8c: young and old roosters, 3a 7c: turkeys, 6'tfsc; ducks and geese, i'u'iMc. OAMK-Multdrd ducks, per doz., 12.753.00: teal, fl.251.50; mixed, $1.25(1.50. lHJTTKU Common to lair, 12Q13c; choice, Hyloo; separator, 2i'c. KHK3I1 OYSTUHS-Flrst erads. solid packed, Now York counts, por can, 38c; ex tra eeleuts, 32c, ctandards, 2oc; medium, 0c. tiecunu grade, slack tilled, New York counts, per can, 3uc; extra selects, 2Gc: standards, 20c: bulk standards, per gal., 11.25. FHIC9II l'1811-Ulack bass, 10c: white buss, 10c; bluellsh, lie; bullheads, 8c: bluo tills, 7c; bufTalos, 6c; catfish, 12c; cod, 80; cropple. 8c; cUco'jh, 7c: halibut, 11c; herring, 4c; haddock, 9c, maei'srcl. 15c; perch, 3o; Pickerel, tc; plltc, ic, red unapper, 10c; salmon, lie; sunllsh, 6c; smelts, be; trout, 9c; whllellsh, 8c. PiaiiONS Live, per doz., L VICALS-Cholce, 9iU10c. HAY Prices quotud by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, Jll.u); No. 1 upland, J10.60; medium, 110.00; coarse, 19.50. llyo straw, 13.50. These prices aro for hay of good color nnd Quality, De mand rair. Receipts, 8 cars, OATH No. 2 white, 28c. CORN No. 3. 13c. URAN-jU. VEGETABLES. SPINACH-Per bu. box. 76c. ASPARAGUS-Callfornlo. Dor lb.. 15a RHUHARU-Callfornia, per lb 80. N10W UELTS-l'cr doz.. 60c. NEW CARROTS Pur doz., 60c. NEW TURNIPS-Por doz., 60c. CUCUMHERS Hothouso, por doz., $1.25f 1.75, as to size. PARSNlPa-Per bu.. 40c. TURNIPS-Per bu. basket, 6O0 . . UliliTH I'er uu., ivc. CARROTS-Pcr bu., 40c. LETT UCE 1'er bu., 33310o. RADISHES Per doz., 2030e. PARSLEY Per doz., 33c. I'OTATOES-Per bu 40to55c; ibC. SEED POTATOE8 Early Ohlos. 55S60c; Red River Valley. 90c; Triumph. $1.10. BWKisr ivi'.viuiss-rer uo:., ii.so. CAUUAGE Holland seed, per lb., 2c; new California, ZMc. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baskot crate, 13.50; Mexicans, por 4-baskct crato, 12. ONIONS-Ohlo, per bu $1.7602.00; Kala mazoo 2.Vf30c. CAULIFLOWER-Callfornla, per crate, 12.&W.W. BEANS Wax, per bu., $3; string, per bu., $1.60. EGG PLANT Per bu. box, IS. PEPPERS Per bu. box. $2.25. STRAW HURRIES Florida, oer qt.. 40c: Texas. 25fi30c; Louisiana, 24-qt. cases, $3.00. QRAPJsa Aiaiaa, per Keg, ti.wav.w. APPLES Por bbl., $4.25; Washington, hu. box. $1.75: Hellftowers. $1.90. HONEY California, per 24-sectlon cse, $3.75. HIDES No. 1 grocn. CV4c; No. 2 green, ..... 1 1 1 Cl Kin 9 mIAavI r w . No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. ?c: No. 3 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Go: dry hides, 8313c; sheep pelts, 2oWbc; norsa nines, i.ou..io. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings, $2.00 IlaVOlri, J.0IU-J.w. ' f Colorado, par HloeU Mnrkrt SIhmvs .rrvnii Mmlr IleHteen Loiikn nml ."horis. NEW YORK. Anrll 17.-Thc lay's market Unn rvrniBlvnlv Irrncrlldir. flllllWlntl tile (IP- cldedly nervous state of mind which spec ulators have come to be In who are long or Bto,ck, its well ns the watehfll mood for weak points to develop of those who aro short. Thn battle between thn two ele ments waged all day with varying success nnd tho market closed with tho issue ap parently undecided, ultlmugii 11 review 01 the net changes for tho dny will show that the bears had tho best of the contest tak ing the dav through. The bulls contested the onslaught of their opponents with vlgjr andi determination nnd had fnlily secured the, upper hnnd of them after the opening Urle aga'nst tho market. Even after tho la-H d p In prices, wnieii carried iiotn- ... . u i ,.r t. ,1.... !. l.i.liu IIU1II. Iir III!' ii.nrni ji .j.,, lilt- i.iiiif. vero still In full array, vigorously sunpurt Ing prices here and there, and boldly maninulatlng advances In 11 number of stocks. Tht only point of positive strength In the llsl was In the Southwestern rail road division. An effort was made to re vive speculative excitement by bringing up the rumoni of a Southwestern merger. Dur ing tne period or tno nrst retreat of the bents the movement In this department piovtd un effective leadership, led by Kan sas Texas preferred. mw 1 rrg centra 1 nnd some or tho other trunk lines also showed signs of strength and Sugnr, People's G-is and the, Bmoltlng stockb made effectUc auxiliaries In '.ho demonstration by the bulls. Very little was leu, nowevcr., or me, advances arter the llnal reaction, but Ihe A trillions wnrn moved vigorously upward, tho common ris ing m over last, night, on the llnal efforts of the bulls to turn tho market. Prices tallied whllo tho room shnrlM wi.ro unpin. ered, but went off again on renewed sell ing, maKiug me closing unsettled and Ir resu nr. with somn HtunkM nt tlin 1iiwi.. . There wns a disposition to take speculative cm reguraiess or news ucvelopuieiits. It was rspeclnlly mnulfest In the stocks which had been Influenced most by the liurllngton deal rumors and In Amalga mated Copper. Thrro wiib almost 11 com plete recovery from these onenlnir Iohk.-m. apparently on the supposition that tho liur llngton directors after their meeting would announce tho completion of the deal. Their lauure 10 no so was the principal clement In tho sharp break. The bull leaders aro manifestly perplexed over what Is to lake tho placo ot tho liurllngton ileal as an ef Icctlvo influence In fomenting speculation whrr. tho matter Is finally disposed of. loday's developments did not seem to cause doubt, of tho practical consummation of the plan, nnd In fnct heavy profll-tnklng war to be looked for nvpn liml thn mniinp been announced. u is too much to say that the liurllngton cplcodn has. lost Its influence to attract nreeitiaiive buying so long ns official nn iiouniement of tho matter Is withheld, glv Inu room ror rumors and surmise over tho plan Urn threatened strike of Iron nnd steel workers was 11 continued Influence tnwnn. depression nnd United States Steel stocks wero heavy nil day, ruling a frnc- 11011 unuer yesterday throughout. Tho )enther bureau's weekly crop report show ing retarded developments by reason of 11 . u'er may nave nan some Influence, mo inuvemcni 01 mo market was principally duo to technical causes. The more favorable monev eomininno ... Ignored. Tho gain by tho banks from tho 5j?riLfII-i?u.,?;' wnl(in 'wf "Toady reached $1,000,000 this week, and tho arrested out- ui i-uwi 10 me inicrior, give nrottv No. 2. tlMsh ouotntlons were as follows: KLOUR-Stendy; winter patonts,$.1.R5a.l.95; Ntralghtit, $3.2003.70: clears. $2.C0fr3.40; spring specials, $1.10; patents, $3.5og3.80; bakers, $2.20fi2.50. WHEAT-No. 3 spring. C8V4Q69Wc; No. 2 led. 70Hft73c. CORN-No. 2, 44c: No. 2 yellow. 44c. OATS No. 2. 2754c: No. 2 white, 29HO' M',3U, .1 Willie, fc'll'.J4C. RYE No. 2. 63a BARLEY Good feeding, 4Cc; fair to cholco maltlnc. 61S?CGc. SEEDS No. .1 flax, $1.00; No. Laorthwost ern, $1.(M; primo timothy, $3.70rciover. con tract grado. $11. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, por bbl., $14.SCKf 14.25. Irfird, per 100 lbs., $8.17.20. Short ribs sides (loose), $.s.05TiS.23. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $0.8737.12tt. Short clear sides (boxed), $S.30(U'8.33. WHISKY-nosIs of high wlnos. $1.27. SPOAR-Cut loaf, 6.14c: granulated, 5.57c: confectioners' A, 6.41c; oft A, 5.29c. Following are tho. receipts and shipments iur luuuy. A nr. 't 5.'irMH' rr'nllfornlB. extra, fanrv. rrsnin good assurance of a favornhl,'. imnif t 3.50; choice. $3. SLVn.S?turiIn Th0 Burling exchange UAKAISAO 1'er ouncn, uceorains 10 1I, , '"un oun, iiuiwimsiauaing $1.75412.26. hihE611?,?'.1. 8Ul'P'y f loanable funds, so 1UO uauiornia, nciv currons, isc; layarB. xr""' Vf vuiiy eerininiy jvm wix-ii, 1 no rango or prices during tho day was extremely wide, leaching from 2 to 4 points In nearly all of ui'i iiivoi. uilU DIUVKHi in.) ionci market continued nctlve, but nit- irn inuvemenc was irregular. Total ,nr.a uo-, ;306.O0O United States iisiuiuu. ucciinea . nml iTiiit..i last call? coul,on. H per cent on tho bo; cocoanu... ..Ic".! StuSSi?' pr,c" on Flour, bbls AVheat. bu Corn, bu ., Oats, bu Rye. bu Rarlcy, bu... Receipts. Shipments C3.000 35,1)00 230,(101) R5.000 100.000 71,000 202.000 327,000 5,000 6.000 22,000 4,000 On the Produce exchange today the but R.-.n; lmDorted. nor lb.. 10012c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, So ncr lb.; liauownen. dc per id. v MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 34-sectton case, $3.73. CIDER Per bbl.. $4.60: per half bbl.. $2.75. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c: fll- . . Il I',... almnnflfl nA IK IfiiNtOAA raw peanuts, per lb., 55Via; roasted, 6ViW TVic urazus, uc; pecans, ivwi each, 4ftc. St. I.ouIn (irnln nnd ProTlNlons, ST. LOUIS. Anrll 17.-WHEAT-Hlghsr: .0. 2 red. c-ish. elevator. 70c: track. 74c: May, 70?4c; July, tSSTtc; No. 2 hard, 7P,4'8 72c. CORN Higher: No. 2, cash, 44c; track, 44o; Muy, 43(ic: JUiy, 4ic. OATS Higher: No. 2. cash, 27Wc: track. 28df28Vic: May, 2CT4027c; July, 25Hc; No. 2 White. 30c. RYE Firm. 64Uc. FLOUR Dull; patents. $3.453.60; extra fancy and straight, $3.05(33.25; clear, $2.70 2.90. SEEDS Timothy, steady: average re ceipts, $3.2304.00; prime worth more. Flax, $1.52. CORNMEAL Steady, nt $2.20. RR AN Unsettled; sacked, east track, 70c. HAY Steady ; tlmotny, $9.00313.16; prai rie. $6.Wifll.0O. WHISKY Steady. $1.27. IRON COTTONTIE8-$l. RAGGlNO-6Wt7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady, Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, lower, at $8.0714. Dry salt meats, dull; boxed lots, extra shorts, $8.3715; clear ribs, $s.w, clear sides, is.ws. Macon, nun ooxeii 1013, cxiru siiorin, bnlnticcs. 12.372.239' nnnltxl exchange. 14.85U N'cw York exchange, am premliini. ST. LOUIS. April 17.-Clesrlngs. $7,313,413; balances, 14CH.621; money, 51(7 per cent; New York exrhnngp, 25c discount bid, 10c dis count asked. CINCINNATI, April 17.-Clearlngs. $3,014.. S.V); inriney. 3".tifi6 per cent! New ork ex change, par. NEW S'ORK, April 17.-Clcnrlngs, $131, 011.IM; bntanccs, $9,301,973, PHILADELPHIA, April 17.-Clcnrlng9, $27,251, 173; balances, $2,W9,r60. Xpt VirU .Money MnrUrl. NEW YORK. Anrll 17.--MONEY On call. Ilrm at 4flf. per cent: last loan nt 4 per cent, ruling rnte; prime mercantile paper, 3w 114 per ceui. , . rfTt.Mll.IVl! l.vrll a vnt:.-Rtpndv. with uctilnl business In bankers' bills nt $I.Si'4j for demand and nt $4.S4i for sixty days: posted rates. $.85H and $I.S3i commercial bills, $4.Slfi4.SiA, ai l, Kit l ertlfleutes. nominally hi o-., bar, nONc: Me.xlenli dollars. 48c, IIONDS- Onvernnif nt, weak; stale, Inac tive, railroad, Irregular. The closing prices un bonds toaay are is follows: V fl, ref. 2s, r do eoupon ... do 3s, IfR,... do cnutxin ... ilu new 4i, tt ilu coupon ... do uM 4, reg do roiion .,. do 5, rpR .... do coupon ,,, u, of c. 2 Atrh. K'n. U.. do nill. 4s.... Canada Ho. !s. dies. & O, 4is. do OS C ...1M,N. Y. Central ls..l07i ...MHS N. J. C. gen. t lli ...110 No Pacific 3s KM ...lll'i do 4 1"'U ...m'i S Y, O Ht 1. 4S.107 ...13ii(i Norfolk & W. e. 4,I01 ...tl 'Ore. in'uV. Is 109 ...ll3Vj do 4s Wt ...1I0' OrfRon H. U C....129 ...Ullj Mo eonsol 6t 1H ...12('i lleftdltlg gen. 4s.... fi ...103 Hlo (I. W. Is 101H ... Ht 1. i m c 5. .ins ...10SU Ht 1. & H V g. f..UI!4 ...10'5i, HI. l'AUl consols... ltW'4 ..l'.l'.'Ht. P., C. & P. IS.1HH W. con. 7S.U2U' Mo f.s K11. I'aci 10 s. Ho. Hallway 8s. H. H. At T. (is,. rtu H. F, Ur.li. 5s.l2t Clilcigo Tcr. 4s H4 I'olormlo Ho. 4s.... S1K L). & It. O. 4s tom Tex. & Pacific Krle general 4s.,,,. t$M do 2s V. V. ft I), P. ls,.10PiiPnlon l'nclflo Oen. Ulectrlo 6s... tvsu.Waliasli Is loiva Central is.. .11" "Jo 120V tf.i 11T! &9 IS..UB14 " 4s. ..HUH 120 110 I.. & N. unl. I.,..MI!, ft Shore 4s 1U M K. & T. 2s MU Wis. Central 1 WH do 4s,,, ,. 0f-!4, va. Centuries .... 'JJ'.i Bid. lloHlnn Stock tluotntlonN. ROSTON. Anrll 17.-Cnll loans. 3i74 per cent; time loans, 3J4SH4 per cent. Ofllclul tiosing: A.. T. it H. P.... do nfii Aracr. Hiigur do pM Hmton & Albany, lloston Ulevntnl llostnn & Mnlne. C, II. J. , Dominion Coal . do pf.l Fltchlnirg pM..., Gen. I'lectrlc ... Kd, Klec. Ill Mexican Central. N. K. 1. & 0.... Old Colony Old Dominion ... Rubber 1'nlon Paolflc ... t'nlnn Uind Wet ICnd , 6CUVestlnBh. Elec. , 98 Atchison 4s. ..H9!i ..135 ..23 ..m ..l:U .. ;i ..113U ..17 ..224 ..240 .. 2t'l .. 104 ..210 ... 30 ,.. 21 .. 94H .. 4 rs N.'IJ. O. & C. Adventure Ulna:. Mining Co., Amnl. Copper ... Atlantic , H.iston Mont., Unite At lloston . Calumet & Ilecla, Ontennlnl lTnnklln Humboldt Osceola Parrot Uulncy , Hanln le copper, Tamarack Utah Mining .... Winona Wolverines C4',4 10114 mi; .. JGH .. VM . .124Vi .. 34 ..4 ..113 ..SM .. 3t',4 .. H 87 .. ..1S1 .. 9i ..344 ... 30 .. 4',4 .. 63'i Ex-dlvldend. London Stock tuotnlon. LONDON, April 17. 4 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money. . .93 S-10 do 1st pfdi. do account O.'.T-IS Atchison G1?i Canadian Pac 0"'4 St. Paul loiH Illinois rentral ,...m',i IHilsvlll 107 t'nlon l'ac. pfd S"U N. Y. Erie . Central i;.4i 41U Pennsylvania ... Ftenllng No. raclflo pfd. (irand Trunk ... Anaconda Hand Mines .... U. a. Steel do pfd . 73i . W',4 .100 ,. 11 ,. 41T4 ,. S64 ter market waa weak; creameries, 15fi0c; $9.12.: clear ribs, $0.25; clear sides. $9.37V4. dairies. llf18c. Cheese, nulet, DHfllUc MlfPALS-Lead, steady. $4.22&. Spelter, Kggs, llrm; fresh, 12c, quiet. $3.80. xew your ;i:.i:hai, market. llnolnlnns of the liny on Vnrlous Cuininndlllps. NEW YORK. Anrll 17 vr.nnnTle. celntH, 11.4S4 bbls.: exports, 6.015 bbls; firm and In good demand from Jobbers; winter patents, $3.6Ojf4.O0; winter straights, $3.40W ft.Bo; Minnesota patents, $3.9)'n4.25; winter extras. $2.43frj2.S0; Minnesota bakers, $2.905f 3.30; winter low grades, $2.20fi2.35. Ryo flour, steady; fair to good, $2.b0ij'3.15; cholco to fancy, $3.25fJ4.15. CORNMEAL Firm: yellow western, 92c: cJty. 9lc: lirnndywlnc, $2.I5W'.60. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, flOc, nflont. 11 A RLE Y Quiet: feeding, lGfiCSV-e, e. I. f. PARLEY MALT Dull; western, 6572c. WHEAT Receipts, 111,150 bu.; exports, 100,0(6 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2 red, 79'ic, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 red, '6c, elevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, MMc, afloat. Options Hvio nun mi nay, except ror a miu-uny reaction under relllng by longs. The stlinu latlng lnlliiences wero cold weather In winter wheat states, a strong St. Ixnils market, fair seaboard clearances, local cov ering and another good export trade. Tho close was llrm at -SWjO net advance. May, 'i'ii1l77!li1c, closed at 77V4c: July. 76t4i76'4c. closed at 7tS!c; September, 75Mf7c. closed nt 16c. CORN-Recelpts, 22,000 bu.; exports. 77.S75 bu.: salrs, SS.Ouo bu. futures nnd 120,000 bu. spot, hpot market firm, at 60-Hc, f. o. b.. alloat. Option market was active ami stronger early In tho day on covering Impelled by higher cables, wet weather and export demand, but dually yielded to real Izlng and closed easy ot unchanged prices. April closed at SO'.ic; May. 5f.fi60'iP. closed nl Wo; July, 6fli4c: July. 49fi49!-e. closed at 49o; September, 4SV. closed at tsifcc. OATS Receipts, 193,600 bu.: No. 2. .Wic: No. 3, 30Up; No. 2 while, :!2!in33e; No. 3 white. 32o: track mlxeil nwivrn rmw.HA POULTRY Firm: chickens, 8c: turkeys, iBii8u: ducks, 9c; geese, 3ijj6c. HUTTER Steady; creamery, 1621c; dairy, himic, Atchleon do nfd llaltlmore & Ohio. Canadian Pac Canada So Chen. & Ohio Ch caKO a. W.... C. 11. & Q 1K3, Clil. Ind. & L 37 do pfd 714 Chicago & K. Ill, ..115 C. &. N. W 203V4 C, H. I. & P 1&1V C. C. U. & St. I... si Colorado So 12 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del, & Hudson.. Del. L. & W Denver & It. O. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd , Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .., Rocking Valley . Illinois Central , Iowa Central .. do pfd Lake Erie & W do pfd Lake Shore L. & N Manhattan I..... Met. St. lly Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. L... do pfd. nr.v, 11'ii'iiu. i inn........ EGGS Steady. 12-Ve. repacked and cases Mo. Paclflo ... inciuiieii. RECElPTS-FIour. 7,000 bbls.: wheat. 17.000 iiu.: corn. 23.1x10 bu.: oats. 19.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 11,000 bbls.: wheat, 42,000 bu.; corn, si.wo bu.; oais, ju.uoo du. , 47?i . 22'i .159 . 43 . 93,4 . 3J . 70 iso',4 . 1SV4 .13', . St 6t, . IH .123 .230 .101 Ml .171 . 24W 8414 till .101 Mobile & Ohio S3 hi,, K. & T 2i?i an pra cr.i N. J. Central ...,1'rA N. Y. Central IfdVi 67 J ,io pfd ft Js Wheel. & U E... 2?4 lo 2d pfd 9Ha Wis. Central C?4Tldrd Avenue ... II. A O. pfd 'i a National Tube a do nfd Adams Kx American Ex U. S. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex.. Amer. Cot. Oil.. do pfd Amer. Malting ., do iiffd Amer. S. & n... do pfd Amer. Spirits "do nfd a Amer. S. Hoop. a no pm a Amer. S. & W... 4"! n do nfd noi a Amer. Tin Plato. 76 .. 35!; .. 1S4 .. 34'.; .. to? ..123 .. 90 ... ten ..lis ,..163 ..197 ,.. 9C4 ,..140 .. 2 ... ,.. SH ,.. 23 ,.. 65 ... 7'.; ... 2(4 ... 17 ... 46(4 95 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beth Beef Eton nd Gowt Bold at BUad to ItroBgiT Pricoi. HOG MARKET WEAK TO FIVE CENTS LOWER Hhprit nml I.nmbs Ilronsht About Stendy Prices Todny un Compnrcd rllh Yestrrdny, or Ten CcntN Luncr Than Last Week, SOUTH OMAHA. April 17. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclrtl Monday. umciai juosuny .. Official Wednesday Three davs this week. .10.910 Same days Inst week.... S.04J hamo week before,..,... K,iM same three weeks ao.. s.ti.".! tsame tour vteks ago.... W.rwO ame nays last year tt.mil Averaga price paid for nogs tor tne pasi several days with comparisons: :o,t5 22,33.1 13' lo.iU 20,721 22,W0 20,218 2i,ru 1S,34S UllD 24,lo7 11.3U I 1901. 1900. 13.1SM.1S97.1S96.189G. March 25. Marcn 2t. March 27. March 23. March 29. March 3d. March 31. April 1... April 2... April 3... April April April April April April April April April Aurll Anrll April April April 4 6... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 6 7C I 6 81 I 4 SO 6 80V. s 91 6 6 05 1 3 0tf 0 softi 0 ju 6 o 121 6 101 6 97t! D W 5 99-S D oM 6 W) 5 09, 0 15 6 lth 0 dui 6 27 6 01?4 b :C,4l 6 33 6 6 3!tl b 1)1 's a 3U i till a 11 6 M 6 33 I 5 48 6 01? 5 931 6 46; 6 921 6 65 3 61 3 C0 3 tiO 3 li3 3 b'Ji 3 6I m 3 C5 3 fill 3 63 3 62 3 64 J 60 3 6S 3 63 J 61 3 67 3 72 3 72 3 671 3 u I 3 67 3 65 3 6.' 3 62 3 91 3 tw 3 U2 3 671 73 3 79 3 79 3 72 3 71 3 761 3 71 3 67 3 70 3 61 3 93 3 91 3 S3 3 M 3 6 4 71 3 btil 3 il 3 92 3 91 3 66 3 W 3 64 3 64 3 65 3 52 3 90 3 fc6l 3 67 3 Ml .1 69 1 3 Mil 3 611 4 8 3 65 3 62 4 t S 901 3 661 4 77 I 3 671 4 72 3 97 4 78 3 97 3 501 4 76 3 no a vj 4 83 74 4 1 4 80 4 it 3 10 4 84 4 t2 4 7( 4 02 4 si 3 67 3 U 3 3S 3 V 3 01 3 29 3 33 4 75 4 78 4 74 13 Indicates Sunday. The offlrlnl number of enrs of stock brought In today by each road was: Catt e. Hogs. Sheep. 11 r s. C. M. St St. P. Ry... 1 1 1 t). St. 1. HV 2 .. .. Missouri Paclllc Ry... 10 2 Union Pacific system. 11 a C. At N. W. Ry 2 1 F.. E. .Si M. V. . R.. 22 20 S. C. & P. Ry 2 C, St. P.. M. & 0 30 6 H. it M. HI Iv. l t 10 C, R. & Q. Ry 1 K. l. . t til. J C, R. I. At P., cast... 3 3 C, R. I. At P.. west... 2 Illinois Central 2 Gil 16 Totals 130 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn Buyer purcnasing m "'" her ot head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Hie. Option market wns (inlet but fairly ,!AIiS teady all day. May, vV4' HAY-Firm; shipping. 9I(,c; good to !fs:-n.l Jll.lvr-. .U0,'i3t,.",,l! state, common to choice, 1900 crop, lUiWe: 1S99, IHilSc: old olds, 2i6o: Puclllo coast. 1900 crop, 16fl9c; li99. Iljl5c; old olds. ittSo. HIDES llrm; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs., ISiie; CaUfnrnltt. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texus dry, 21 to' 30 lbs., 14Ji I4ic 1 E ATI I E R S teady: lieniloek sole. Rue neldJfei4Hc. 1,cavi'wf,B,lt8' PROVISIONS-Ileef. llrm: family, JIO.W 12.00: packet. ;J10.00W0.60; city, extra India ,nir,?MiTB wi,. i,., mess, $14.00t?16.00. Cut meats, firm: pickled , "J'1" J.Pat' 1,llno bu,i c bellies. S.76ti 10.60; pickled shoulders.' J?.25ff- blL'1S?,n,l?vVj,Tq vvi, 0--on k . 7.60: pWkled hams. 9.754f 10.25. Iir. . dull; ro8.1! ,,ats i ?S bu ' ! l.lvoriionl Ornln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL April 17,-WHEAT-Spnt dull; No. 2 red western winter, 6s lovid; No. 1 northern spring. 69 '.4(1: No. 1 Cali fornia, tis ld. Futures steady; May, 6s nnd: July. 6s mid. CORN Spot llrm: American mixed, new, 4s Id: American mixed, old. 4s 2d. Futures. quiet; May, is Id; July, 3s HHd; September, 3s ip.jti. PEAS Canadian, nulet. 5s (Hid. FIOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady, 8s 3d.. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady, 4fli4 153. PROVISIONS-Recf, easy; extra India iress, iiisau. l'oru, Bieany: prims mess western, C3s 3d. Lard, American refined, In palls, quiet, 43s 3d; prime western, In tierces, unlet, 42s 9d. Racon, Cumberland cut, 24 to M lbs., nulet, 45s 9d; short ribs, 16 to "4 lbs., firm. 44s 6d: long clear middies. light. 28 to 34 lbs., firm. 41s 9d; long clear middles, heavy. 35 to 10 lbs., strong, 42s 3d; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., 39s 9d: clenr bellies. 14 to Pi lbs., dull. 44s 3d. Hams, short cut, 11 to 16 lbs., dull, 41s Oil. Shoul ders. Hiiuaie. 11 to 13 lbs., llrm. 36s 3d. HUTTER Finest United States, dull, 90s; good United Slates, quiet, B7s lid. CHEESE American llnest white, dull, 4Ss; American uiiesi coiureu, nuici, us bo, TALLOW Prime city, steady, 25s; Aus tralian In London, quim. .03 t,u. Kmiikiik City (irnln nnd Provision, KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 17. 'WHEAT July. ciftHc: casn, imo. z nuru, No. 3. CSc: No. 2 rod, 71H372c: No, 3. tKti 70c. CORN Mav. 4Hi4lt4c: July. 41UiMlKo cosh. No, 2 mixed. 42c; No. 2 white, 43 43Vio: No. 3. 42hll429iC. OATS-No. 2 white. 30c. RYE No. 2. Mifir.2.. HAY-Cholco timothy, I10.50ffll.00; choice nrnlrln. JftuViiOSO Hl'TTER - Creamery, 16019Hc; dalr)', fancy. 12rt lf.c. EGOS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, Uu per dor., loss off, cases re- lumen; new wnuewoou cases inciudea, w-c corn, 20,000 corn, 20, N. Norfolk & W. do pfd No. Paclflo ,, do pfd Ontario & W, Ore. Hy. & do pfd Pennsylvania Heading ,,, do lBt prd do 2d Pfd nio o, w do pfd Ht. U & B. V do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd St. Is. Houttiw do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. A Omaha.., Ho. Pneino bo. Railway , do pfd Texas & Pacific, Union I'acino do pfd Wabash 6-:u .10214 . 01 14 , 3H. . 42 . 71 .luS',4 73',t . 62!i . '9 .100 . 4.(?i . K'.i . 67; . 37T4 , C,it .154 .191 .140 . 4,'',4 . ton . 4; . 91', . Mi . 24 ado pfd.. Amer. Tobacco .,, do. pfd Anac. Mln. Co Hrooklvn It. T..., Colo. Kucl & I,,., Con. Tobacco do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfd Oen. Electric .... Qlucose Sugar ... 00 pm , Inter. Paper do pfd Laclede Gun , National Illscult., do pfd National Load ... do pfd a National Steel., a do pfd N. Y. A!? Drake. No. Aw-rcan ,., PaclIK' Coast .... do 1st nfd do 2,1 pfd aelflo Mull People's Uas Pressed S. Car... do pfd Pullman I H. It. & T Sugar do nfd Tenn. Coal & U, S. leather do pfd U. S. Uubbcr , do nfd Western Union A in.il. Copper Republic, 1. & do pfd U. S, Steel do p'd P. C. C. & Ht. I.. .117 .i2J'4 .143 . e:n . M', . S7!4 . 47'4 .103 . 62',i ,.102 "Iva . 97 . 2:.i ,. 78 . 85 ,. .'9 . Si ,. l'J',4 ,. St .. 67 ,.161 .. M .. 33 ,. 90 ,. 63 .. 26'i ..113H .. 47 81', RAR SILVER-Stcndy, nt 27 3-16(1 per ounce. MONEY-2V4iT3 per cent. The rate of discount In tho onen market for short bills Is 3V4 per cent: for three months' bill?, 3,6 per cent. Condition nf the Treasury. WASHINGTON, April 17. Today's state ment of tho treasury balanceB In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $152,217,289; gold, $98,133,107. Wool Mnrkrt. BOSTON, April 17. The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will say of the wool trnrlo tomorrow! 1 ThPro hns been a fnlr. steady trndo since our Inst review. Tho largest consumers have done very little and few sules of any magnitude nre reported. Tho aggregate 06 the taking of the smaller purchasers foots up a. fair sized total, ex ceeding 4.000,000. pounds. There Is, if any thing, a little more of a disposition to buy than wns noted a week ago, but It Is a between scasonB .period with tho mills, inltlnl orders for henvvwelchls belntr nrac- tlcally completed and ft being too early for tho duplicate orders to set In, Finer wools nre relatively stronger thnn medium and low wools ana mo inquiry seems 10 no running more to tho liner sorts than form erly, 'ino lono or tno maraci is quuo firm, although It Is ns yet Impossible to secure better prices for wools. There have been some Nevada wools purchased for eastern nccount. Tho sales ror the weeK In lloston amounted to 3,483,000 pounds domestic and 025,000 pounds foreign, mak ing a totnl of 4,10.8,000 against a total or 432,oou for tno corresponuing wceg iasi year. Tho sales since January 1 amount to 72.812,900 pounds, against 49,859,900 for tho corresponding tlmo last year. AXE? ALL THEIR CARS Tennessee LcKlslnlure Imposes Ad Vn- lorcm Duty on Vnrlous Coinpniile' Leaned llnllliiK Stock. NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 17. The leg islature todny passed the following bills: Ceding a strip of territory twenty miles long along tho North Carolina lino, except ing mineral Innds, to the United States government, aB part of an Apalnchian for est reserve, Imposing an ad valorem tax on nil cars owned by corporations other than railroads, affecting the Pullman, Standard Oil, Fruit Dispatch, Refrigerator and all corporations owning or leasing their cars, nfllctlng a penalty of 25 per cent on all Insuranco companies that fall to promptly pay losses within sixty days nftcr thoy oc cur, provided tho assured is forced to liti gate his claim and is allowed to substan tiate It In tho courts. 253 1,319 206 626 1.0SI 675 1,227 250 674 661 .375 416 93 v 10 I 28 8 87 63 41 20 4 2SS uar... .sun 4'i 119?. ..122 .. 6G; .. 13? .. 1 1 '4 ,, IA I .. 91' ..121' .. 20 60 western steamed. $.65: refined, steadv: eon. ttnvnt. $s.S0; South America. $s.9): com pound. $ii.62ifi.75. I'ork. easy; family, JlS.0Ofi6.M: short clear, $15.60 16.00; family. $16.(vfi 16.60. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 2!4 (Bf.Vlc: Japan. 4J4lflTic. tallow weak; city, Biisuu; country pftfiVip. RUTTER-Roeelpls. 4,567 pkgs.; firm; creamory. fresh, lti'oilo: factory, HU9fl3t4c. CHEESE Receipts, 3.167 pkgH.; steady; fancy, lurga. colored, HHIUic; fancy, large, white, lOailo; fancy, small, colored, 12ty ltMc: fancy, small, white, HiU12c. EOfiS Receipts, 17.569 pkgs.; steady; western, regular packing, InflPic: storage western, Hv.e; southern, at mark, 13ljl3o. POl'LTRY-Allve, tlrm; chickens, 9c: tur keys, 9o. Dressed, dull: turkeys, lOfllOlso; chickens, 9j4il0o: capons, 13fjl5c, METAUS The metal market on the whole wns somewhat butter today. Advanced ipiotatloru were reported for tin nnd spel Asr, with bsws from ubroad Indicating Philadelphia Putter and Kicks, PHILADELPHIA. April 17. BUTTER Halt cent lower; fancy western creamery, 21'ie: fancy western prints, 22c; fancy nearby. 23c. ECillB Firm: good demand; fresh nearby. western ana souinwesiern, 11c; iresn soutn cm. 13c. CHEESE-Oulct; New York full creams, fancy small, 12ll4c: Now York full creams, ittir iu ciiuict', 4iftfir?4i;. Trust reeelnts. Ex.dli Vnmlnnl a Trust receipts nnd nominal. 1110 commercial Advert ter's London financial cablecrnin snvs: HiiHlnoHa nn tho biock excuauge continued today to bo on a restricted scale, thoiich tho tone was nrm. 111 tno American department trad Ing began heavily, with many signs of nervousness. The bulgo In Erlo and North, ern Pacific had excited some anxiety and bdsluet-B remained dull until In tho after noon. Indeed, nlmnst nothing was done until tho opening In New York and then 1110 irauinc ueeamn wi 11 v prrntle Nnrlli, ern Pacifies and Erles went down, rallied uii'in-u iiKuui uiui recovered. 1110 mniKoi Deems 10 lack ncrvp. but Er es. Rent lues and Southern railways nre eonlldentlv iii'ih.-u iur u iiriuer rise, tne Hemlines lie tnuso iney nnvo not nartlclnateil nrnnoi'. '""""" in ui" Hiivanco or tno oilier 00,11 ers. Tho rontlnont imiii'ht fiuur.,,rt cltlc. Kansos Pacific nnd Mexican National, Tho bank has bought 45,000 gold In bars, ine government is disburs ing free v lo cover the, market for 11 war loan. It is Improbable, that the lmnit mix u-in i.n r,.. diicccl tomorrow, but It may bo fixed at 3V4 Avi,. vA.iS'.. i xenaugo on fans, U.1I, i-lClflll, mV.4.74. Xew York Mlnlnit- Stocks. NEW YORK. Anrll 17. Thn rniinwtiur iuv,niiutia uit 1, (,,,,, if, BlUCllS, Mllvnukre 4 irnln Market, MILWAUKEE. April IT. WHBAT-Mar- ket lower; No. 1 northern, 73074c; No, 2 norniern. iitiuc. RYE Firm: No. 1. 51c. RARLE Y Dull; No. 2, 674368c; sample, 400 DOC. Adams Con 20 1 Alice 33 llreece ISO llrunsnlck Con 2') Oomitock Tunnel,.. 6'.4 Con. t'sl. & Va....2SO Peadwood Terra ... 50 Horn Silver 110 Iron Silver CO Iadvllle Con 5 Lltllo Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoil , Savag ., Sierra Nevada Small Hopea Htandard ,. II ,.9"0 ,. SO 10 ..... :s c 100 MlnneniiolU (Irnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 17. WHEAT - cash, i:hc; May, iV7tUv;; July, iSftc Hank ClearlnifN, OMAHA. Anrll 17. Rank elenrlnirs Indnv ii,nr.in; corresponamg day last year, $971,623! increase, $195,516, ROSTON. April 17,-Clearlngs, $31,735,415 UttilincrB, 9 l,p.K,nvi. CHICAQO, April 17,-Clcarlnss, $C3,523,0; Oinana Packing Co 200 39o 244 G, II. Hammond Co Swift und Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country Armour, from Kiui. City. R. Rocker Ac Degan Vansant Ac Co Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Livingstone At Schaller..., Hamilton & Rothschild..., L. F. Husz II. F. Hobblck Other buyers... Totnls 2.973 4.6S9 3,581 CATTLE Thcro was another liberal run ot cattle hero today, but apparently no more than packers wanted. The market opened up early and the bulk of the or ...rl.tiru t,..ir anlrl 111 irnnd flfnuntl. Tho big end of the receipts were again rnmnnson of beef steers of very fair qual ity. The demand on tho part of packers was active and steady to strong. Sellers found little dllllculty in disposing of any thing at nil desirable at very satisfactory prices. On the Inst end of the market buyers did not seem to be quite as anxious for supplies, but still the market as a wholo was In very good shape and the prices paid compared favorably with those 01 yesieriicty. , As has been the coso of late the propor tloi, or cow stuff was small and tho da. immd .nn thn nart of the nuckers liberal There was not much change noticeable' In the prlces.,paid, but still the market could cnfniv lie (i 110 ted active and steady to strong. The light supply soon brought tho marktjt to a close. The better grades were of course In greuter demand, but even the less deslrablo kinds sold without much trouble. Pulls met wnn rcaay saie lonay at ruuy leady prices and no particular change took placo In the market on calves and stags- . ..... .. . There were oniy a iew reeuers onereu today and tho better weather created a little better demand for them. Anything at all good sold early at strong prices, and the commoner grades easily brought leudy prices, iiepreseniativo saics: Xo. Av. pr, No, 1 .10 J -'j 1.. bl 1 1 1.,, i 4 1 1 II 1 1 s. 1 1 1 3. 1 . no .1110 . 70 . 7M . MS . 741 .3V) . dS9 . 930 . 740 . !' . 839 . 303 . 90 . 20 , 3'0 . 241 . 210 1 . 1 1724 3!3 1 K0 3 fv 1 m HEIFERS. i 76 i 3 40 3 59 3 :s 3 9rt 4 00 4 W 4 19 9,,., 1..., 1.... 3.... 19..., 12..., P..., 1.... 3 73 6 ) S PO t M :s 6 ;j CALVES. 1 I. 1 3 1 I. 1160 .ti M4 llfO 900 Ml 79 inv. 1033 1170 . 170 . 130 . 140 . 156 . PO . 200 4 13 4 23 5 30 4 IS 4 13 4 23 4 M 4 30 4 4) 4 43 4 IS 4 43 G 73 6 01 00 "3 6 M 7 00 1..., 1 41 .., I7M STOCK 23 .. 779 .. t-W ..loir. .. 930 ,. 910 .. S9M .. 910 .. m .. if) .. 3M .. 480 ..1134 720 STAGS 10 cows 2 10 2 SO 2 M J M 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 75 3 ili) 3 03 3 10 3 20 3 35 3 ?; AND 1 1 25 9 1 16 1 1 1 1 14 10.. HEIFERS. i 3 pM) H 795 7M 6K6 64-) (10 910 , f , 600 9 II 10S0 3 23 3 23 3 25 3 4) 3 W) 3 .".0 3 ro 3 CO 3 60 3 (V) 3 fO 3 S3 STEERS AND STAGS. ...1252 4 JO COWS AND HEIFERS, 1 7s-) 2 75 S 776 3 40 STOCK 1 270 2 1'. 63 314 2 70 STOCKERS lino 2 M WO 3 00 , 6.0 3 X1 4M 3 33 6S 3 15 703 3 .'fl 23 834 3 tS 1 1020 3 73 740 .1 75 470 3 76 760 3 JO 486 4 M 4J2 4 00 730 4 00 7M 4 i)0 S40 4 20 22 904 6 1170 CALVES. 9 375 1 TV) 4 10 4 33 Four .No Urolith This Nrnsnn, GUERNSEY, Wyn April 17. (Special.) Ranchmen from tho western part of Ne braska report that the Scott Muff country has received a thorough soaking during tlib last two weeks, and thcro is now no fear of n shor.ngo of water for Irrigation, Here tofore hcadgatCB have been opened und Irri gation begun April 20, but thiB year there Is so much inolsturo in tno ground that irrigation wtll not ho necessary for scve.-al WOCkB. THE It KILTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wcdnes nay, April 17: Wnrrniity Deed. W. (1 Wliltimirn el III tO Erie PelCr- B011. ni4 sw'J 19.lfi.in .........$ 3,600 Julia Gates and husband In , . Raker, ot 4. block 1. Ciarcniion ana. 400 Knto Stuht nnd husband to Joseph Sei mover, r.. ot 4. piock w, uen- K1111 200 Fniuilo Riibenstcln and husband to M. .1. 1'lnUr.rlim m Will n -Z I CO I 101 I,. block . Koiintzc tth add 1,000 C. H. l'rederlck and wim 10 u. n. H.irbank. lot 11, block I. Denises ndd William Finldlnir nnd wife to Peter iverson, lot K, block 222. i lorence.... XX W. II. Ferguson and wife to Jtobert Major, lot 4. block B. Hoggs At H.'s add 1 H. M. and S. li. Christie et nl to Hnii I,. I 1! vim kc lot 6. block 336. South Omaha 450 Ryron Reed company to n, .1. l.ooKn- hllimh. o 21 fnpt nf s to fCOt lilt 7. block 3, Shlnn's add .:;; 1.100 Omaha Healty company in 4 a. Ilenmel. nit lot 19. block 2. Arm strong's in add 1,100 c. 1 j. wrlebs and iiusuauii 10 uosa Hlrsehberir. 11U lot 9. block 16. E. V. Smith's add 1,900 James lireenwooil 111111 who in j. i. Green. 11 33 feet of M lot 1, block 23, Omaha 1 Nicholas Krlebs nnd wife to J. A. Mnttlee. niirt lots 9 and 10. block 17. E, V. Smith's add (rcllle) 1,100 v, 11. vansant nnu wne m j. ri. Lush. i-M lols 1 and 2. and part lot 3, block 35, South Omaha 1 M. F. Pre nnd hiiNhnnd to J. T. Dona- hoe, nM lot 9, Elizabeth Placo 1,350 dull rinlin lleeds. A. O. Nichols et al to 8. R. Nichols nt nl r, n- rn nf w 70 feet lots 1 and 2. block 6. Hnnscom Place....... B.005 l. R. Mapes und wife to L. I), treet, lot 2. block 9, West End ndd 1 Heed. !...,!,. I nnllar In II. (7. Wheeilcn. '.Ot V hlnek 196. Omaha 760 Total amount of transfers 113,051 4... 1 1 4 7 2 1 5 2 41 1 1 10 1 1 1 19 8 , 24 33 1 7 , 43 , 20 61 4 1 1 8 14 8 2 12 21 19...I. 6 43 99 S 16...,,. 22 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 X.'.'.'.'.. 1 1... 1... 6... 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 2 2 1 1 1 1 n .'.'... l i i l.... 3 1 1 1 1 1 1.,.. 1 1 1.... 1...., 1...., 6,,.. 3.... I.... 1...,, 1.... 1.... Av. "10 1330 812 920 753 MO 1150 725 , 931 1155 1020 1040 1003 1135 1220 1330 1052 1020 1000 1260 1135 957 954 1073 870 1421 1044 1139 10 ) 912 1020 1080 9C0 icoo ..... 970 1000 097 1053 , 1114 ! 1033 1020 IT. 3 25 3 75 3 90 4 i.) 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 20 4 23 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 45 4 CO 4 50 4 50 4 ;,3 4 53 4 53 4 C5 4 55 4 55 4 tj 4 63 4 CO 4 60 4 (0 4 10 4 M 4 F3 4 65 4 -5 4 fi 4 61 4 05 4 63 4 65 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 64 29 17 6 3 3 17 5 21 1 6 20 64.. Av. 1750 1156 1180 1134 1129 1055 1036 1023 1130 1208 1088 1160 1183 1174 ..1169 60 12C6 1. 33 18 , 21 , IS , 11 , 5 , ii'.'.'.'.'.'., "I','.'.'.'.'.', u 19 18 14 53 , 39.. ..117u 1518 1208 1170 1226 1178 1196 1160 1211 1250 1327 1293 1378 1266 1396 1314 1156 20 1259 23 52...... 20 10 20 1 17 ...1268 ....1253 ....1367 ....1127 ....1231 ....1320 ...11SI STEERS TEXAS. ....1030 4 CO STEERS AND HEIFERS. IT. 4 "0 4 70 4 70 4 -0 4 70 4 70 4 73 4 7i 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 '5 4 K 4 SO 4 80 4 (0 4 10 4 80 4 80 4 JO 4 80 4 85 4 M 4 . 4 90 4 M 4 95 4 95 6 5 M 5 10 5 10 5 11 6 10 6 10 5 '0 5 15 6 20 6 25 C 20 4 70 64! . 732 .1043 810 1100 1140 980 880 863 101') 930 8S0 960 890 inso 12"il 1139 1160 960 1010 112fl ........ .1030 !K0 ffV, '. 1110 1020 M0 750 IPO 1050 975 1030 1060 1031 W 955 1270 112) 1070 1000 885 , 10?) 1190 1070 950 1550 1166 1260 1390 160i) 1270 , 1510 1370 1130 1120 1560 1090 1610 1181 1490 1400 1340 1370 1140 UM 4 ) 4 50 4 70 20. 18., ...1013 1076 1 W 2 50 2 50 2 63 2 75 2 75 2 W 3 00 3 HO 3 00 3 0i) 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 '.0 3 10 3 10 3 13 3 13 3 15 3 P5 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 IVt 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 0 3 M 3 50 3 50 3 fO 3 60 ! .vl 3 M 3 50 3 :o 3 M 3 60 3 3 C3 COWS. 13.. .1073 1025 912 1120 1020 ...1130 ... 866 ... 840 ...1180 ...1100 ...1041 ...830 ...1172 ...1120 ...1032 ...1130 ...1190 ...1300 ...10M) ...lino ...1350 ... 957 ...1041 ... 806 ...1010 ...1150 ...1110 ...1110 ,...1050 ...101)8 ...1320 ,...1920 ...1175 1 1030 1 1170 11 1143 1086 1140 H)90 1270 mo , 1360 , 950 ...1400 2 2 4 13 1 4 15 31 2 2 1 1 1 I"": is!'.'.'.'. 3 4 .'.'".' 9 1 6 9 1 3 1.. 4 2.'. 1.., 1.. 1.. 3 no 3 nil 3 00 3 CO J 15 3 75 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 S3 3 rs 3 35 3 (0 3 M 3 60 3 50 3 60 I (4 HULLS. 1.. ..1400 ..1320 ..1500 .. 870 ..1230 ,,1380 1520 I5IM 1 1200 1 13 1 1730 1 1340 1 1010 1 1610 1 1119 1 1501) !... (10 4 70 4 ?0 3 71 3 76 3 75 3 JS 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 S3 3 83 3 0 3 M 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 95 4 00 4 90 4 00 4 00 4 ro 4 ro 4 nj 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 05 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 20 4 it 4 29 4 20 4 26 4 25 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 35 4 35 4 n 4 50 3 83 3 75 3 73 3 73 3 73 3 75 3 73 3 0 3 80 .1300 3 33 1848 3 f5 4 40 4 CO 4 no 4 nn 4 t 4 ' 4 15 1... 3... 3... 6... 4... 2.. 1 1 1 2 10 I 1 ,ND FEEDERS. I 2..... I.".'... 6 73 37 1 1 23 1 7.....I 21 6 26. .4... 24.1... 14.. 4 00 4 00 .. 60 .. ess .. U) .. 773 .. 858 .. 6(3 .. 780 ,. SM .. 651 . 710 .1070 . 930 .1174 ,. 938 . 635 477 4 20 4 ?.S 4 33 I 10 4 23 4 33 4 35 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 SU 4 60 4 1.0 heifers, $2.0ofl4.95; ranners. JI.255T2.55; bull", J1.OOM4.40: Texnns nnd Indian steers, $3.T0if 6.10! cows and heifers, $2.l,W4.), HOUn HPCCipiM. I'.wu neaii: mnrtsei i.i lower: pigs and lights. $5.75715. Vi; packers, $5.TBfl6.Po; butchers, $5.90ffK.124. HlHSHP Aid) IjA.mhb -iiercipis, i.wv head: market 10c lower, native muttons. $l.60Wf.2S: lambs, Including springs, $5.lW m; onus nnu ihickh, m.i"u,i.i. WESTERN CLOTHIERS TO JOIN .N'ntlonnl Assiiclntlon (Iris Chlonmt Wlinlrsnlr's Promise nnd IJ liocls Mill IMher HpithIIs. CHICAGO. April 17, Representatives ot tho National Association of Clothiers, who have been In tho clly for tho Inst thrro days, left for tho rust today with tho as surance that tho Chicago market would Join the organisation. Tho announcement Is of the greatest In terest to the trade throughout tho coun try nml Is said to mean tho athllntlon of tho western and eastern wholcnalcrs and manu facturers. It Is tho ftrst time tho natlun.il organization has been nhlo to gain a foot hold In tho west nnd Cincinnati, St. Louis, Milwaukee. Cleveland and Potrolt clothiers are expected to follow tho lead of tho Chicago men, ranking tho association otio of the largest and strongest In tlio country. Hitherto It hns heeti confined to the markets of New York, Ruffnlo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utlca and Philadelphia, representing nn an nual business of morn than $100,000,000. Interchange of crcdltB and general Im provements of trndo and methods of busi ness aro tho principal objects. of tho as sociation. Otherwise It does not seek to affect the market. HOGS The market nt this point opened about steady on tho best heavyweights and others weak to 2tyo lowtr. The llrst poles wern mnxflv nt l !i?u nml 15.95. nnd from that up to J6.02H. tho top being 23c higher than yesterday's best price. Packers, how ever, were noi anxious lor me nogs in ui prlees, ns other markets were quoted about a nickel lower. Ry this time half tho hogs had changed hands tho market weakened and bids weru mostly at $5.90 and $5.92V4. Sellers found It almost Impossible to dis pose of the light common stuff, as nono of the packers seemed to want It, Tho last end of the market was very slow and weak, and It was late beforo a clear ance wns made. Chicago came 10c lower on tho close, nnd as a result packers were only offering $5.S5 nnd $5.!i7H for whnt was left, until tne iasi, so mat tne close nero nickel lower, jiepro- could bo quoted scntative snies: No. 93... 73... 84... 86... 92... 1... AV. Sh. .196 193 ....193 ....181 ....180 ....J31 ....199 ....203 ....218 ....203 ....200 ....208 ....223 ....213 ....224 ....239 ....270 ....297 ....317 ....250 ,....220 ....233 ....213 ....170 ....230 67 201 87 195 63 243 63 238 ..215 ..283 ..207 ..235 ...227 74.., 71... 64.. 87.. 62.., 67.. S6.. 75.. 63.. 10,. 16.. 26.. 11.. 56.. 68.. 82.. 13.. 14. 12 64 12 CS. 80 240 160 SO 120 40 so 50 SO 90 120 Pr. 5 5 5 S3 3 K3 6 83 5 S7',4 6 S71, 6 t7', 3 90 3 90 5 90 6 90 5 9) 6 90 5 90 3 90 5 90 5 ro 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 3 fO 5 90 3 9.".j 5 32i 6 92 ',4 6 924 3 924 6 92', j 6 924 3 924 5 924 No. 31 76 CS 66 66 62 70.... 76..., 71..., 79.... 76.... 72.... 70..., SO.... 52..., 69..., 66..., 107.., 66..., 64..., (6... 62... 34..., 63..., 64..., 3..., 65..., 64... 12... 65.... 72... 66... 31... 61. AV. .262 .239 .212 .226 ....212 ....228 ....239 ....237 ...'.211 ....221 ....214 ....2C6 ....235 ....230 .,..302 ....233 ....266 ....261 ....243 ....269 ....263 ....282 ....241 ....233 ....231 ....251 ....245 ....299 ....263 ....270 ....269 ....30C ....278 .306 Sh. 8') SO 60 40 80 'si 49 SO 80 80 40 40 "to 61 SO 80 120 SO so 160 Pr. 5 924 6 924 5 924 6 924 6 'i2'j 6 924 6 924 3 t'24 5 '.'34 5 924 5 924 6 924 6 934 6 93 6 93 6 33 5 93 6 93 3 95 6 f5 6 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 6 95 6 !5 5 95 6 93 6 93 6 974 5 974 6 00 6 00 6 02 4 SHEEP Thcro was not a very heavy run of sheep here today and the market held Just ariout steady all around. Tne bulk of tne offerings were mado up of Colorado lambs and they sold right around $5.00 and ns high as $5.02Vi was paid. Sheep were In good demand and chanced hands at Just about steady prices with yesterday, or a dime lower than the close of last week. Tho market an a whole, on both sheen nnd lambs, can bo best described by calling It a dime lower than last week. There wero nractlcallv no feeders offered today, but they can safely be quoted steady. uuotations' ur.oico weiners, si.a.u fnlr to irood wethers. $4.604.70: clipped wethers. 34.60ff-l.75: choice lightweight year lings, $4.65(4.66; fair to good yearlings, $4.50 S4.66; cupped yearlings, j4.ooai.Bu; cuoice lightweight ewes, $4,254(4.40; fair to good cweB, $3.76jpU0; clipped ewes, $3.9001.25: lair to goon cuppca ewes, w.ounaa.w; cnoico l.,ml. fiftr.n 10" fait- tn irrtrirt linnht fi lUIIIUDl M.VW4JU.W, .. - ' r. " " " T 5.00; clipped lambs. $4.fl06.00; spring Iambs, $U.OU57.mj; ieeaer womers, w.iim-j.w; ieeucr ambs, l4.2:(U4.va. jicpreseniaiive saies: No. 459 clipped western wethers.. 246 Colorudo lambs 296 Colorado-Mexican lambs.. 241 Colorado-Mexican lambs.. 1 cull ewo 6 ewes , 17 cull lambs 4 cull lambs 232 western lambs 73!) Colorado Iambs 266 Colorado lambs 635 Colorado lambs AV. 92 85 SO St SO 103 77 63 69 S'2 SO 84 Pr. $1 GO 5 00 6 024 5 02V4 J IK) 4 00 I 60 4 60 4 85 5 CO 5 W 5 05 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle anil Hors Firm to Slovr Sheep ana i.ninns wen. ninninn a. ...II 1? en-TI I' TM,Alnfa V-(&1V.4W, , , I ' I II 1 I , VV , I . . , , I.LLL,,, 17,000 head, including 200 Texnns; good to cholco stcors firm, others steady to slow: butcher stock Btrong: Tcxans llrm; good IU III IIIIU Dil CI a, a.v'.f VJ. w , VIU( IU lli.u,i,,,, 1 it. A .lnnlr.ru oii.l fn..,lnra tlWNKi . n . i v ti ,,,,u it.,,. y " .. , ,A. 1. . I . rt I -r . .... CUWH, lOUf .uv, iii-iiuin, tw.oviti.iu, Uit.lllt-. $2.0fyif2.70; bulls, $2.80l,40; calves, $4.0005.00; Texas fed steers, $1.25J6.35: Texas grass steers, $3.50(84.00: Texas bulls, $2.75a3.7o. HOGS Receipts, 27,000 head; estimated tomorrow, zj.wjj; leu over, o.inw: siow; ioij, $6,124; mixed butchers, $5.80416.07: good to $5.755.S5: light, $3.70&6.12j: bulk of sales, SHEEP AND LAMUH-HeceipiS, 1&.0KJ wethers, $4.63i4.!i0; fair to choice mixed, $4,40(B4.65; western Bhcep, $1.604.90; year- ', 4l.ujju llnira 1 1 KMi F. ( : Imllvn western lambs, $l.9Otfj5.S0 lambs 30; .New York I.lvr Stock Market. NEW YORK. Anrll 17. CATTLE Re celpts, 2,184 heod; steers nnd good bulls steady: medium and good fat cows 10c blcher: steers. $4.604f-5.60: cho co fat oxen $5.10: bulls, $3.00(4.65; cows, $1.80i83.93; extra fat cows, $3.25(4.4'). t-aives iiuoieu uvo rat tle lower nt lmfiTOiu per lb.; shipments 2.600 nuiirters of beef. CALVES KeceiptB, 4,iirj nean; mnrKei steady to 25c lower: veals, JJ.00Hi5.i5; fow InTiH nt 5r. HIIEKP AND I, AM HM llPceipis, . n,t.A I rn , i, nnuhnrn Hlippn. ,ll-f,ll, till,,.- (,.,.,., ....... , ............ ... .. 81 v!l nn. (on- nvlr.i wpthers. 35.50: cl pped sheep, j;i.MW(4.ro; cuus, .i.ikb.i.du; uiinniii !.,!, u 9S(i,K tvi! mm ,!irk. IB: cupped lambs,' $1,351(5.10! few at $5.I2Hl cllnped culls, $3.50: spring lambs, $3.0pfn"i.25 per head, IIOQri liecfipis, o,-o iieiiu; i".':11! . $6.20(fft'i.45; few fancy slate bogs at jd.wijo.ui, KiiniM CI4 I.lvr 54loek MnrUcl. KANSAS CITY. April 17. -CATTLE-Re-i tnn ,.r..i,..,a una Tmhiw and M calves: native and Texas beef steers steady to lOo higher; cows and heifers stockers and feeders strong nnd nctlve; native beef OLD GRADE TO BE IRONED Son l.lnr urejors nt Work Upon llondlii-il llrlvrrrit Aberdeen ii nil lllsnmrck. AHERDEEN. S. 1).. April 17. (Special.) Tho report Is fully confirmed that tho Soo lino surveyors nre at work leveling up (ho old grade between this city and Illsniarck. Members of tho party hnvo openly stated thnt they were of the opinion the ro.id would bo ironed this season. If this Is done a distinct lino will bo opened up Into tho cnallleldn of North Dakota nnd chrap fuel placed nt tho doors of the people ot this fccctlon. I'rcnnrliiK for G. A. II. Knciinipiiient. SIOUX FALLS, S. I).. April 17. (Special Telogram.) Philip Lawrence,, assistant sec retary ot state, commander of the South Dakota Grand Army of the Republic, con ferred with citizens hero today and as a result tho wheels have been bet In motion for the proper entertainment of tho dele gates to tho annual encampment of tho South Dakota Grand Army of tho Republic, Lake Madison Veterans' association, Sons of Veterans and Spnnlshh War Veterans at Sioux Falls In June. One-Third Vote nt .Mitchell. MITCHELL. S. D.. April l'i. (Special Tolegram.) At the city election n oiia-lhlrd voto was enst. Thcro wam no contest In any of tho wards except one. L. A. Stout, Josoph Koch. D. H. Miller and J, It. SV.rl ven were elected aldermen. Tho main fea ture of tho election, voting to erect a city hall, carried hy two-thirds majority. Tho total veto was 317 as against 850 last fall. You or; Declines to Accept. SIOUX FALLS. S. 1).. April 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) S. E. Young, ox-spcaker of tho lower bouse ot the stale legislature, who was Inst night said to bo Hinted for tho position of superintendent of the State Reform school nt Plnnklnton, today sold ho had been offered the position, hut had declined It and would not accept it under any circumstances. Itllrsnril In Mlxniirl. JOPLIN, Mo April 17. A gonuliio bliz zard has been raging hero all day and prac tically all outside business has been sus pended. Snow und Bleet havo fallen alter nately and la being driven by n strong wind. ONE MINUTE Cough Cure Cures Quickly lb has long been a liousolioltl favorlto for CoukIis, Colds, Hronehltls, Pneu monia, Asthma, WlinonlnK Cough and all other Throat and Luiir Troubles It Is prescribed as a spec! tic for Grlppa Mothers 'endorse- It ns an infallible remedy for Croup. Children lileo It. f ropared hv E. Q. OoWItt & Co., Chloaao. FIRST CLASS PULLMAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY BETWEEN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without ClioniCf GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ..All the btrt Scenery of the ROCKY MOUNTAINS and SIEKRA NEVADA by Daylight In both direction. DININO CAR SERVICB THROUOH. ) BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. Por fall Information, reservations and I finer . ary "Chicago to California" addreit City Ticket Office, ijij Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. I BtPers, J4.KVflu.iiu; moraem inn "".. fifirci: western fed oteerx, $4.tW5.'Jn; Texns and Indians. ll.4STiG.on; cows. $.1.25f 4.(15; .iff,ru .iKif74.M: canners. 12.5051 3. 15: bulln. 3.!iBf(4.50! rnlvcH, J4.C5fr,.SO. HOGS Itpcelpts, iR.fioo head; market steady to wc lower; lop, n.iu; nuiK in salea,' t5.8STifi.0fi; heavy. tf.fWifi.lO; mixed tiackers. J5.S56.00; light, Jj.D6T(5.62H; plgH, tl.!5ifiB.&0. HHKKP AND LAMHH-Itccelpta. n.000 head; market steady; western Iambi. J1.95 ij5.1o; western wethers, Sl.tVWi.fiA; western yearlings, J4.K5T?f..OO; nwe?, J4.25Ji4.50; culla, J2.75Tj4.O0; spring lambs, $i.MfJ7.00. Mnek In Hlglit. Following nre tho principal markets for rccelptH r April 17: rattle, I 1.8(0 ,,..17,0C) .... 5,100 .... 21 at tho four fogs. Sheep. I.fio!) 3.4 IS 27,Kl 15,000 lo.WO fi.OCO i),500 l.fiCO 28,202 M.159 20.O4S South Omaha ., Chicago Kansas City .. fit. loulH Totals Mlonx Vtty ' HlocU MnrUet. SIOl'X CITY. April 17, (Special Tele-Rram.l-CATTLK-Heeelpls, BOO; market steady; beevts. Il.00f5.lo; oowh and bullH, mixed. $2.00f(i3.75: stockers and feeders, 3.25 54.45: calves and yearllngN t3.00TM.t0. HOQ8 Receipts, 1,500; market steady, Ht. Lonls I.lvr sloe It Market, HT. LOUlH. April 17, CATTLH Rerelpt, 2.CO0 head. Including 700 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 4.7W(5.M; dressed beef and butcher steers, ti RfOTB.55! steers under l.OfO lbs.. tl.OOfl5.2G: ttockeri and feeders, t3.0Og4 65; cows and 41 Ml LP.S JiHOIITHST TO ST. LOUIS. TheSt. Louis Cannon Ball Leaves Union Etatlon dolly 6:15 p. m. Arrives In St. Louis 7.00 o. m. 1H MILKS SIIOIITr.S'l MJIOV. TO TheQuincy Express Leaves Union Station dally at 7:00 a. m. Trains loavo dally for at, Louis, Kansas City, Qulncy and all points Mast or South. Tickets to oil poInU In Huropo via all lines. Call at O, Sr Ct. L. city ofneo, 1415 Farnam Street. Poxton Hotel 111k., or writs Harry h. Moores, C V. tt T. A.. Omaha, Neb. Teti1inn itiat), Boyd Commission Co. Successors to James I!. I3oyd & Co., OMAHA, NEB, COMMISSION CHAIN, PIIOVIHIO.NH AMI KTIHJKS. Hoard of Trade llulldliiu. Direct wires to Chicago and New York, Correspondence, John A. Warren U Co. 1 t