Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Kile Art Laid Dowi to Goum tit Dec
tut of Architects.
strslrht R i:
G No. q ws
No other article used in
the domestic economy
of the household has
so many enthusiastic
friends among the house
keepers of America.
The great popularity and general use of the
Royal Baking Powder attest its superiority
The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"--containing
over 800 most practical and valuable
cooking receipts free to every patron.
Send postal card with your full address.
Pallu Prisoner Usabls to Give Information
About Gudshj Kidnaping.
Work ISIetru Vrnrn OfT TV an a
truer lij- MnkltiK OlllrluU ilrlletr
lie Wn .Mote Vnluntilc
In Oiiuilin.
County Attorney Shields returned last
night from Dallas, Tel., whero he went to
see H. C. Henderson, who succeeded In
making tbe officials of the southern town
believe he had something to do with tlic
Cudahy kidnaping. Mr. .Shield!) 1b con
vinced that Henderson knows as little about
the kldnnplng as he docs about the north ,
pole, j
Tho confession of Henderson, so says the
county uttorney was greatly exaggerated lu
the press dispatches. Tho story connecting
Henderson with tho kidnaping was started
by a wonts with whom he vn living at
tho time of his arrest. She told the Texas
officials that Henderson had boon with her
until a few weeks before the date of the
kidnaping, v. hoi he mysteriously disap
peared and stayed away. until utter the
Omaha crime had been committed. It was
this woroun's story that caused the sheriff
at Dallas to think that he might possibly
have big game In his cage. The report
was telegraphrd nil over the country that
n Cudahy kidnaping suspect by the nnraE
of Henderson was under arrost at Dallas.
In u few days Sheriff Johnson of Dallas
received a letter from a man In Memphis,
which strengthened his suspicion that Hen
derson had participated In the Cudahy kid
naping. Tbo Memphis mnn wrote thut he
had hired a man by the name of Henderson
answering the description of the man under
arrest ut Dallas to go to Omaha and work
for him In tearing down tho giant seesaw.
He had sent this Henderson to Omaha a
few weeks before the kldnuplng occurred
and had then lost all trace or him.
Then tha story went over the wires that
Sheriff Johnson had received additional evi
dence that his prisoner was a Cudahy kid
naper. Meanwhile Henderson languished
in the Dallas Jail and enjoyed the noto
riety be was getting throughout the coun
try. Tresently he was tried, convicted of
grand larceny and sentenced to thirteen
years In the Texas pcnltentlury.
ItrKliiM Sly Work.
With a thlrtecn-ycar sentence hanging
over his head Henderson began to show
more Interest In the Cudahy case and he
told the sheriff that he knew Pat Crowe,
and that Tat Crowe had nothing to do
with tbr kidnaping. When the sheriff
asked him how he knew that Crowe was
not in the kidnaping be slyly replied that
be could tell who turned the trick and
that be knew all about it. He added, sig
For Stomach and Liver
Ninety percent of tbe population of this
country suffer from stomach trouble and
75 per cent of the ninety suffer from Indi
gestion. If any one has that uncomforta
ble feeling In tbe stomach, a headache or
a feeling of repression, he should take Cas
carine, the gentle and pleasing laxative,
used In practice and recommended by thou
sands of people, If you cannot sleep at
night, if you are restless and have palpi
tation of tho heart, which usually leads one
to believe he has heart disease when in re
ality tt Is nothing more than accumulation
of gal in tbe stomach, you should take a
teaspoonful of Cascarine before retiring,
and after continuing for a week you will
find you are troubled no more and can
sleep well and sound.
It your tongue Is coated and you And a
bad taste In your mouth your stomach is
out of order and requires Cascarine to put
It In shape. You roust not eat too much
and you roust have your meals regular nnd
eat well-cooked food. There are many
remedies, digestive ferments, digestive tab
lets, mineral waters and thousands of other
so-called cures, but all have to be taken
constantly In order to do any good nnd af
ter using for a time become wortniers.
Cascarine Is superior to all others. It
stimulates tbe liver, removes from tbe stoxn-
neb all Impurities, and acts as a tonic on
tbe whole system.
Mothers should be careful not to use any
other laxative Tor tbo children. When you
ask for Cascarine at your druggists be
sore you get Cascarine (which comes In blue
nnd white wrappers) and not cheap tao
lets or pills. Insist on Cascarine and If
your druggist hasn't It ask him to get it for
jou of bis Jobber. JTlce to cents,
No other article of food
has received such em
phatic commendation
for purity and whole
someness from the most
eminent authorities.
nificantly, that he was in Omaha at the
time of the kidnaping. It was Henderson's
game to make the sheriff, who already had
a strong suspicion along that line, believe
that he really had one of the men for whom
h I.'.O.OOO reward had been offered. By
brightening the sheriff's dream of wealth
the prison r shrewdly saw a chance to get
away from the thirteen-) ear sentence he
bad received.
While Honderson frequently Intimated
that he participated in the kidnaping at
Omaha, he neer made anything like a I
binding confession. The hints that he
dropped occasionally, however, were suffi
cient to convince Sheriff Johnson that hie
prisoner was one of tbe kidnapers. The
county attorney at Dallas believed as tbe
sheriff did and they were both anxious to
get the Omaha authorities sufficiently In
terested In Henderson to cause his arrcbt
on the kldnaplnt charge. Henderson's law-
e.r fell in with tbe play and did all that
he could to strengthen the suspicions of
tho sheriff and the county attorney. Fi
nally he discovered a flaw In tbe Dallas
Indictment against Henderson and bis mo
tion for a new trial for his client was al
lowed. Then Henderson pleaded guilty and
was let down with a two-year sentence.
Henderson, by playing up the Cudahy
case and making the Dallas authorities
think they had a prisoner who was worth
thousands of dollars in Nebraska, had
worked Just eleven years off his Texas
penitentiary senteucc.
Wliut Mr. MileliU Sok.
"It was merely a case of working the
Dallas authorities," said County Attorney
Shields lust night, "and Henderson did it
to a finish. Sheriff Johnson and Mr. Hol
land, the county attorney, seemed to me
to be very bhrewd and clever gentlemen,
but they certainly allowed Henderson to
steer them along tho wrong track.
"The deposition secured from Henderson
for the defense In the Callahan case
amounts to nothing. Henderson answered
the first three questions, stating his namo,
the fact of his arrest at Dallas and his
Inability to be present at the Callahan
trial, and then he closed up like a clam.
He refused to answer another question. I
then submitted a number of questions to
him, but he refused to answer any of
"You may bay that Henderson will not
figure in tbe Callahan case and that bis
connection with tke Cudahy kidnaping is
ut an end. He never confessed to the kld
nuplng, as stated in the press dlBpatcheB,
but merely Intimated that be knew all
about tbe case and had figured In a It for
the purpose of getting away from nu
Texas sentence. Now that he has suc
ceeded in reducing that sentence from thir
teen to two years, I guess he will shut up."
Mr. Shields said that he was ready to
proceed with the trial of Callahan next
Tuesday, and as far as the state's side is
concerned there will be no further delay.
The decision of the United States su
preme court, rendered last Monday, is re
garded as n death blow to tbe divorco
Industry fostered by several states. The
business of securing divorces after a brief
residence in some state distant from the
murltal home of tbe husband and wife is
prouounced illegal and the decrees thus
obtained are declared invalid by the court.
In substance, tbe court held that In cases In
which the decree Is granted In stntcs where
the husband and wife have made tbelr legal
residence It Is valid In any prt of the
United States, but that in other cases in
which there is no legal residence in tbe
state In which the decree Is granted they
arc Invalid. Opinions were handed down b)
Justice Gray declaring Invalid the divorces
In tbe cases of Bell against Bell and Strell
worf against Strellworf.
In the Bell case th question of the va
lidity of a decree granted to the husband
In Pennsylvania was raised, nnd In the
Strellworf case the same question was
raised concerning a decree granted to tbo
husband in North Dakota.
In the Atberton case the husband ob
tained a decree of divorco In the state of
Kentucky, where tbey had resided ns huB
band and wife. The decree was rendered
after tbe wife had left the husband and
gone to tbe home of her parents in Clinton,
N. Y. In his opinion Justice Gray laid
stress upon the fact that Kentucky was
the place of the Athertons' marital resi
dence, and be also brought out tbe fact that
notice of the husband's petition for divorce
had bocn forwarded to New York nnd that
she bad made no response. Tbe Kentucky
court thereupon had granted the decree. Tbe
question Involved was, be said, whether the
decree was valid In New York, the question
having been raised by a counter proceeding
of the wife for divorce In New York. He
concluded that, owing to the fact of her
former residence In Kentucky and tbe fact
that due notice had been given her, Mrs.
Atberton was as much bound bJ'tb Ken
Avoid the imitation powders. They are sold
cheap because they are made from alum.
But alum is a poison dangerous to use is food.
Tcstznelcn Decisions Affecting Foreigners'
Conctstioni Hot Acceptable
Washington omclal Deny flint Action
Wnt Tnkrn lij- Agreement with
llrrnitiiT. Grrst llritaln
ami !iiilti.
TOUT THINIDAD, April 17. Germany,
the United States, Great Britain and Spain
have refused to accept the rulings of tbe
Venezuelan courts of claims Involving tbe
rights of foreigners.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Inquiry at the
State department brought forth a positive
denial of any Joint action on tbe part of
the United States. Great Britain. Germany
and Spain relative to the Venezuelan courts.
Borne time ago. In connection with the
asphalt troubles, tbe State department
found It necessary to Instruct Minister
Loomls to Inform the Venezuelan govern
ment, in the event that it forcibly dispos
sessed American companies from their con
cessions, the United States government
would reserve the right to Investigate the
legality of the procedure which brought
about tbe ejectment. There was no thought
of combining forces with other nations In
this matter However, It is regarded as
entirely within belief that some of tbo
powers named, finding themselves In an
attitude similar to the United States toward
the Venezuelan courts, have tnken dlplo
mutlc action in the same Hue as was laid
down for Mr, Loomls to follow. But of
this there Is no official confirmation.
(Imnbu Youni; Womnn la Appointed
MrnoicrHplirr to Jo dare
Dispatches from Lincoln last night an
nounced the appointment of Miss Tony Sadl-
lek of this city to the position of stenog
rapher to Judge Pound of tbe supreme court,
Miss Sadllek Is well known in Omaha,
where she has held several responsible po-
sotlons as an expert stenographer.
Is tbe food fuel that keeps the fire of health
uglow. It Is the strictly pure extract of
malt not "black beer." It Is prepared by
tho famous Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n,
which fact guarantees the purity, excellence
and merit claimed for it. Orders promptly
filled by Geo. Krug. mannger Anbeuser-
Busch branch, Omaha.
and Divorce
tucky decree as if she had been present in
the court when It was granted. Hence the
decision of the New York supreme court in
favor of the wife and against tbe validity
of the Kentucky decree was reversed.
In this connection it Is instructive,
though not edifying, to note tbe growth of
divorce in the United States. In 1S70, ac
cording to the Chicago Tribune. 34 per cent
of all marriages in the United States endod
In divorce courts. In 1861 the percentage
had risen to 4.6, In, ISM it was C.:, aud In
ll'OO It was E per cent, In other words, tbe
percentage of dlvorceB to marriages In this
country has more than doubled since 1S70.
Tbe total number of divorces In tbe United
States for a given year was 13, 427. During
the same year 50,111 divorces were granted
in all the world outside of tbe United
States, There was an excess of 3,361 di
vorces in this country as compared with
tbe remainder of tbe world. Of foreign
countries the smallest number of divorces
in tbe given year was In Canada, where only
twelve were granted. Next to the United
States the largest number was tn France,
with C245 In the year. Germany was a
cIobc second with only 100 less,
Trom a religious standpoint there are
about 7S divorces to every 100,000 Catholics,
while divorces for the same total among
Protestants are 283.
More than 40 per cent of all divorces
granted in the United States is on the
ground of desertion, and divorces are five
times as frequent in the city as in the coun
try districts.
Common law marriages, heretofore con
sidered valid by tbe courts of New York
state, will, after January 1, 1902, cease to
be legal or proper In that state. Tbe law
recently passed by the legislature provides
that no common law marriage contracted in
the state on or after that date shall be
valid unless entered Into through a written
contract of marriage signed by both
Coat or Untitling I'nf ornlshed to Tie
Our Itnnilrrd and Tnmtj.l'hf
Thousand Competition Limited
to Three Cities.
The Auditorium committee last night
adopted final plans for the contest of arch
itects to be held to secure plans for the
construction of the Auditorium.
Chairman Wright from the committee re
ported the rules to govern, which are sub
stantially as follows:
The si:e of the arena Is to be 75x173 feet
and the seating capacity to accommodate
7,000 to 8,000 persons. A hall to accom
modate tbe Knights of Ak-3ar-Ben to be
fc0xl30 feet, part of the ceiling to be twenty
feet high and a ball for lectures to seat
about 1,000 persons Is also to be provided
tor. The total cost of the building, Includ
ing steam beating, plumbing and electric
wiring, is to be J125.000. It being estimated
that additional fixtures and seats will bring
the final cost to pOO.OOO. The remunera
tion of the successful architect Is to be
3 per cent of the cost of the construction,
rrlrr (or I'lnns.
To the three persons presenting the best
plans, but not securing the coatracl, will
be awarded prizes In tbe sum of II. 009.
divided ns follows: First. IfiOO; second.
1300; third, $100. Tbe board reserves the
right to use any suggestions made by any
of the architects winning prises without
additional remuneration, but nil plans are
to be the property of the architects pre
paring them. The architects are to have
free rein In arranging the rooms and the
details of the building.
The plans arc to be Judged by sn archi
tect to be selected by tbe building and
grounds committee and that committee is
to have a voice In the awarding of prizes.
All plans must be anonymous, and the name
of tbe consulting architect is to remain
secret until shortly before tbe plans are
These rules are not exactly as tbe archi
tects would have tbcm, but are believed
to be a fair compromise of the opinions of
the committee and the architects. The
elimination from the remuneration of any
stock In the Auditorium company is con
sidered a step In the right direction by the
architects who have seen the new rules.
Only architects of Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs will be eligible to the
contest and today copies of tbe rules will
be forwarded to ever) architect In the three
Auditorium Uriel: at Klka' Deueflt,
Auditorium bricks are to occupy a promi
nent place in the annual benefit of the
Elks Monday and Tuesday evenings. At a
conference laBt night between the enter
talnment committee of the Elks and a
special committee of 'the Auditorium com
pany the latter was given permission to
occupy the stage thirty minutes between
acts at the entertainment. In this time
special numbeis of tbe bricks will be put
up for auction to tbe highest bidder and
it is expected some of tbem will bring high
Monday night wltl be the formal opening
of tbe sale of bricks and In honor of tbe
occasion the endmen of tbe Elks' benefit
are practicing upon some new Jokes, quips
and puns of which the auditorium brick will
form tbe subject.
Good for Rheumatism.
Last tall I was taks with a very severe
attack of muscular rheumatism which
caused me great pain and annoyance. After
try'ng several prescriptions and rheumatic
cures, I decided to use Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I had seen advertised in the
South Jerseyman. After two applications
of this Remedy I was much better, and af
ter using one bottle, was completely cured.
Sallle Harris. Salem, N. J.
Samuel I'lckard and Tiieda roller Sat
prlsr Their Parents and
Friends Pleasantly.
A young couple appeared at the county
Judge's office late Saturday afternoon and
applied for a marriage license nothing
unusual. They gave their names as Samuel
Pickard and Tbeda A. Fuller of Havelock
and furnished all tbe other information
required by the license clerk nothing un
usual. They asked Judge Vlnsonhaler to
perform tha ceremony nothing unusual.
The judge compiled nothing unusual.
Now It appears that Miss Fuller and Mr,
Pickard came to Omaha and were married
without the knowledge or consent of their
parents something unusual. Tbey re
turned after the ceremony, surprised their
families and tbelr friends and were for
given and congratulated by evcrybody
nothlng unusual. Mr. Pickard is a ma
chlnlst at the Burlington shops and tbe
bride 1b tho 19-year-old daughter of Fred
C. Fuller.
Purifv the lilood and nut the evstem
nrilfr fnr mimmer work br usinr at Vi I
time a short course of Prickly Ash Blttere
it is the greatest blood purifier on earth.
Court Decisions and
New Laws.
parties and at least two witnesses
who shall subscribe to tbe same
stating tbe place of residence of
each of the parties and witnesses and th
place and date of marriage. The contract
must be acknowledged by the parties and
witnesses In tbe some manner as a convey
ance of real estate, to enable It to be re
corded, and within six months after Us
execution it must be filed In the office of
the clerk, of the town or city in which the
marriage occurs. Such contract or a copy
thereof, certified by the officer with whom
it is filed. Is declared to be presumptive
evidence of tbe marriage. It is provided
further that no marriage claimed to huv
been contracted on or after January 1, In
the state of New York, otherwise than a
above, shall be valid for any purpose what
ever. This general rule Is qualified, how
ever, by a provision that no such mar
rlage shall be deemed or Judged to be In
valid, nor shall tbe validity of It be In any
way affected on account of any want of
authority In any person solemnizing tbe
same, if consummated with a full belief on
tbe part of persons so married, or either
of them, that tbey were lawfully Joined In
marriage; or on account of any mistake I
tbe date or place of marriage, or In tbe
residence of either of tbe parties, in case
of a marriage solemnized under tbe com
mon law marriage rule.
A law passed by tbe Minnesota legls
lature proposes an interesting sociological
experiment. It prohibits tbe marriage to
woman under 45 years of age of any man
of any age, who may be afflicted with epl
lepsy, feeble-mlndedness, Imbecility or In
sanity. But applicants need not bring
physician's certificate In order to receive
license. The responsibility of enforcing tb
act Is laid upon officers issuing tbe licenses
and to Issue a permit to such persons Is
made a misdemeanor.
Hawaii's Liquor Dispenstrj Kot Etiily
Dispottd Of.
Corrnptitin Charcr Plentiful null
I'arty I.lur All IlroUrti Jup
Arc I.rnvlnn Trrnnurer
ltrportk Dellelrue).
HONOLULU. April f (Via San Francisco,
April 17). The territorial legislature Is
now In tbe midst of a hard fight over the
proposed liquor dispensary law. Tbe btll
has been before tbe senate in various
stages for several days, and committee
reports for and against It have been made.
Tbe campaign has developed Into a very
bitter one, and there are many charges of
a corruption fund circulated by the liquor
Interests. It will be some days before a
final vote Is reached In tho senate nnd
then the fight will reach the lower house.
Party lines have completely broken on the
The bouse has killed a bill to make the
old flag of the Hawaiian nation the ter
ritorial emblem, on tbe ground that It Is
not the rule for territories of the United
States to have flags of their own.
The bill to allow the cx-queen JH.OOO
a year be a pension has two substitutes,
one proposing to give her I-jO.OOO in a
lump sum and tbe other to make at this
time an appropriation of $12,000 for her
for the next two years. Most of the inde
pendents are understood to favor giving tbe
The bouse has finally passed a bill to
provide for use of tbe Hawaiian, as well
as the English language tn the circuit
court of tbe territory. Since annexation
only English has been allowed in courts of
Invoice prices for sugar bags are to be
disregarded hereafter by the customs de
partment in assessing duty. Appraise
ments will be made at what is believed to
be tbe market value and duty will be
levied accordingly. Hawaii uses about
000,000 bags a year, mostly imported from
India, and a very slight Increase In duty
will be an Important matter.
Tbe Japanese Immigration companies,
which brought loads of Japanese contract
laborers here during recent years are clos
ing up their business In the Islands, ns
no more assisted Immigration is allowed.
Tbe companies still hold tbe deposits of
3,000 or 4,000 Japanese who paid to them
JI.50 per month out of their earnings that
was specified in all the contracts. The
money is to be paid back in a lump sum
to each immigrant at tbe expiration of his
contract or when be wants to return home,
which tbe Japanese are now doing at the
rate of 00 a month.
Treasurer Lansing has Just made a re
port to Governor Dole, which indicates
that tbe territory is running short of
funds and will soon be without cash tor
current expenses. The cash balance Is
now down to 160,000, and running expenses
are about 1100,000 n month. There will
be no Income until tbe legislature provides
some, and today it was found necessary to
suspend some road work.
"I have been thinking of writing to
tou for some time," write Mrs. W. D,
feenson, of Mazton, Robeson Co., X. C,
"to let you know what a wonderful thing
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
did for my little boy. lie was taken
with indigestion when he was a year
and a half old, and he was under the
doctor's treatment for five long years.
We spent all we made for doctor's bills,
and it did no good. He could not eat
anything only a little milk and cracker,
and sometimes even this would make
him sick, and be got very weak ; could
not sit up all day, nnd I gave up all hope
of his ever getting any better. Looking
over one of your books I noticed Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery rec
ommended for indigestion. We lought
some and gave to our boy. Two liotUes
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery cured him. He is well as can be.
and can eat anything that he wants and
it does not hurt him. He has not leen
sick a day since, and it has been three
years since he took your medicine. I
pray that God will always bless you and
your medicine."
willing to rcscrt to any makeshift to meet the conditions. A' p-crr.,1
however, comiderable addition to our factory facilities enab'.f w t keep
the trade supplied with resl straight-front corsets at retail p-ices trim
fl.oo to $2. SO, and also our 39-, 19-, Empire end other par
numbers. There are over seventy stvles and sires of R k G C orsets
c corset to fit every figure. R & G Corsets are the corsets that do not
stretch. Every hairbreadth of stretch is taken out of the good-; bv means
of steam-heated iron forms. This gives 1 permanency to the right shape
and form that will stay in it until the kit dsv you wear it. Fvexy R
& G Corset is sold with the understanding that it must give satisfaction
. . .. .1 J 1 ...:il 1.. . . nf rrnt. If
to tne wearer, or tnc umici " uY'; "t" ., , gs
........ A.,n V.t't i. rnr? m hit name and we will fee that .
UU UkliU4 -
you are supplied with what you want.
! Fashions for the Season
Hints iy Jlnrj Lnmli.
979S Fmy Shirt Wait,
32 t 40 In. bus.
Woman's fancy shirt waist or blouse.
No. 3795. To be made with or without the
fitted lining. Taney waists of all sorts are
much 1n demand both as parts, as an entire
costume and odd bodices. The latter make
the only really satisfactory garments for
wear with tailored suits, and can be made
of innumerable materials. The chic model
shown Is suited to visiting and theater
wear, and various occasions of tbe sort, and
Is called a sbirtwalst only because It ex
tends below tbe dresB skirt, and, worn with
a belt, can be easily adjusted. The original
Is of satin sulUn In pastel blue, with trim
ming of Cluny lace overlaid by narrow-
black velvet ribbon, but crepe de chine,
Loulslne silk, taffeta, and tbe reason's cllks,
as well as light-colored albatross, wool
crepe and the like are suited to tbe design.
Tbe fcundation Is a fitted lining that closes
at the center front. On It are arranged the
For the accommodation of Tbe Bee's
A jerffct Instrument, responsive ac
tion, clenr musical tone, beautiful case
Have you ever listened to the Kimball
piano If not, we want you to come In
and hear them Only by listening to
their peerless tone can you understand
the reverence the musical world hns for
the Kimball name Tbe Kimball Is not
an ordinary piano It is not lu the ordi
nal?' class, but In a class by ltHelf
Their merit nnd merit alone have pluced
these Instruments in the very front rank
Their musical qualities are beyond
criticism In short, the world produces
none better Sold only by
Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas,
We do artistic tanlus.
There are Pleasant
little surprises here and there, ell
through my stock surprises In prices, In
quality, In novelty. They say that goods In
this line were never so cheap as now. Tbey
are probably cheap in almost every store,
but when you see ours, you will agree that
we have reached tbe superlative degree in
bargain giving.
We sell a good, strong, serviceable rake
for 25o a good boe for 2c a good spade
for 83e spading forks 76c a good rubber
lawn hose, every foot guaranteed, at 8c to
ISo per foot lawn mowers trom 12.75 to
17,00 lawn sprinklers 2to Wo want you
to see our New Process gasoline stoves
best stoves on earth and tbe Leonard
clcanable refrigerators wo know wo can
please you.
A. C. Raymer
1514 Farnam St.
Seen Our East Window Yet?
Wo have filled It full of Drex U'tt
JB.50 special every style that we have
Is seen In the window the low cut the
high cut the pateut calf patent vlel
kid lor calf velour calf nnd Itusslu
wide extension medium or heavy soles
I'lck out the style you want from the
window, then come in and let us show
you how well we can fit you In them
The regular Drexel value, combined
with comfort and style-You get your
money back. If you want It.
Drexel Shoe Co,
Catalogue snt Free for the A.Utnc
Oaaaba'a tlp-t f-datr Sbnr House.
ind it the corset o!
comfort with the ft
tence of stvlc. It
straight enough t-r the
prevailing v r r c i r -
curved enough t c.Tvrm
to healthful anatomies! ' nc.
In looo we were unalx '3
fully meet the denund f
straight-front tooii and un
rcund yoke portions of lace, that on th
right front extending to the waist to give
the popular vest eflert. and under which
the closing Is made. The fronts and back
are tucked and Joined tn the yoke portions.
The sleeves are In bishop style, with h
fullness arrnnged tn tucks ut the wrirts,
which show ubove the pointed cuffs. At
the nock is a double coll nr. the front por
tion being made of draped lilnck panne satin
to mutch the bell.
To cut this waist for a woman of medium
size 3t yards of material U Inches wide,
3H yards 27 inches, or 2 yards 44 Inches
wldo will be required, with 1$, yards of
lace, one piece of velvet ribbon nnd yard
of bias panne satin for collar and belt as
Tbe pattern, ""('.V is cut In sizes for a 32,
34, SC, 3S and 40-lnch bust measure.
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from 25 to 0 tents, will be furnished
at a nominal prlre, 10 cents, which cot era
all expense. In order to get any pattern
enclose 10 cents, give number and nam
of pattern wanted nnd bust measure. Al
low aboUk ten days trom date of your letter
before beginning to look for tbo pattern.
Addrtss rattern Department. Omaha B,
Omaha. Neb.
Don't Fool
With Your Eyes
nrndarlir Cnnsed by r.r g train
Many persons whose beads ar constantly
aching have no Idea what relief scientific
ally fitted glasses will give them.
14S PARJVAM ST. Opp. fnxton Hotel.