THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THt'HSDAY, APRIL. 18, 1901. CONFER PALLIUM ON REAM Priioti and Prints of the Catholic Church Witnus Otrtmonj, PRESENTS A BRILLIANT Burue 1'ar .More IiiiimikIiik Tlinn the One When II In .iii'ccnaiir Wit tin mtoil Cnrillnnl lilliliou I'erforms Ccreuion. dinal. to Our ArchblshoDS anI Bishops, and to All Our Honored attests." Arcnmsuup Kliler. Cincinnati. "The Church In tho (Ireat Northwest," by lilshop OGorman, Stoux Falls. S. I). nt. Hcv. Thomas J. Cotiaty, having ucen culled to Washington, did not respond to tho toast. "Success to tho Cntnolio uni vcrsltv of America, the uiorious crown ci SPET.TACLL Our Catholic Educational System." Instead remarks on the subject were roaue uy uis tlnRUlshcd churchmen present Irrlnnil on C.'ntliulli'ltiiii The ureal feature of the day was the Installation address by Archbishop Ireland He rczarded the Installation as one of the most Important events In the Catholic i,iili In repent vears. Arehblshon Kenno DtUUQUK, la., April 17. In the presence reprc.cnlmc tho forward movement In tho of princes and high priests of his church cmircn, Archbishop Ireland's subject waa and before an audlenco that occupied every T,g church In America Its Yesterday loot or spacu in St. Ilaphaors cathedral and an(1 lti Tomorrow." He said overflowed Into the surrounding streets, Threc-auu.teM nf a century, n half ccn- ArnM.Uhnn Inhn I Ifnnn.. u i. Irwlnv III. Illirv mil, Illltl-Ctl t llOlIc tirelltdlcc Wild lldtll- win, ih nniiim ih in.inin nt th J !"ant In tin. land. Our nun-Cuthollc fel- , , - - .... .n i low-cmieiiR were not 10 oe matm-u, mey hlgh position hu occupies In the Homau hn,i I10t known Catholics ns Catholics lire, rnthniir. v,,ir,.t. nnil they treated them according to what ' I ., ... . 1 . , . . . .1 ... T I . . . ....... I V Tho sceno wns ouo of great brilliancy and . rplcn of iii.fppiintf n,i unlmon ti the ceremonies characteristic ut that m passed away. In America CnlhollcH ttilendor and magnificence for which the and non-Uiitliollcs ill Her from one "iioiner Catholic church Is noted. While the ah- Am-rini.TihP Ve.nMt 011V ai o ln"r eence or .Mgr. Martlnelll was tnarxeu, u un- anu accord to one anotner tneir civil -oim trort.,,1 f ., r,,ui,r nt thn tocini ireeuom. nil wonting- "wi-hut in LEMARS BANK CLOSES DOORS . !"e!dBilI24uwndVng"e XT" Vica President Ward Lm,tm Wife and Babj ' and Departi. ' weul r-n. Jull , i VhV. areas n Paco and harmony for the greater scene, which was far beyond that occasion . ..... v ,... . COuiitrv. of October 2', 1SH3, when Mgr. Satolll, now The problem tinfore the church of Arnrr- a member of the sacred congregation, lea was whether tho Catholic religion . merauer oi ine sacrcu cuuhrrsuijuu, prosper In nil atmosphere of nuso- Home, conferred tho pallium upon tho lalo llltp freedom, without nld or prop from Archbishop Hennessey In this same cathe- state organization, or even from compact tlral. Cardinal Olbbons was hero today, as J-'!I "V j!""0!',1.1' VvJIkmI?" f..m, ..... .. he was tlic'n: archbishops nnd bishops from trtnf. 'nml ho whs democracy Itself lit Its nil narlM nt th.i Unite.! KIntrn wcr here reliitlnn with religion. And here Is the again, and the number of priests present sJiV,,V,hn',.ck.fttnnrki0 irn? ' 0D other three banks In the was fully double that on thp other occa-l..,,, attacks uu democracy. It would have city. been must convenient tor reaci.-onary ine- orlsts to be nine to say to 1 amours tn! world ovoi "Your church ennnut thrlvo In a democracy. In the full freedom which Special Agent Thomas M. Thornton, vrho has been appointed temporary receUcr. Tho following Is a statement of the tra dition of tho bank as shown by Its swotn report to the comptroller of the currency under date of February 15, 1001: Capital 1 stock, $100,000, surplus' and undivided SAYS SPECULATION HAS RUINED HIM profits, iJ,y,o, circulation, jk.oooj due to . j banks and bankers, JW9; deposits, 9106,177; " borrowed money. IJ0.421; total liabilities, lli.nU .nl.l to lit- HriMllr !" ! mI. I j26i,836i total resources, 9267,836. Llnlilllth") to lleiiiMlliiri. Amiiiiiit- ivK 'one ..d G0D0LA HELD FOR MURDER Tm cut c Th.Hisnnil. Coroner' Jury Drrlnres yhontlnii of , . . Wllllntn Lnn.ler nan I n- I.KMAHS, la., April 17. (Special Tele- ,,iookert. gram.) The doors of tho Lemars National i bank were closed thU morning, pending Loijls Godola, slayer of William I.auder. examination by tho comptroller of the cur- Tnis 8 the substance of the verdict rcu rency. T. t Ward, the vice president, has (lered by ,ne coroncr's Jury yesterday, left with $30,000, leaving the affairs of the 8Uacr wai anot by Louis Oodola at Joseph bank heavily Involved. He left a note for j Qe0.s Bnloon( 6i2 South Thirteenth street, l- Koob, tht cashier, saying he was going. ,n8t Thursday nUht and died the following God knows where" and that the board of 6Vcn,s ul st jpph's hospital as a result liuuu iuiucu uiltl. una "tin nuwn,. & WOULC1 ior years inai aru luauigeu in soccuiuiiuu on the board of trade. Ho leaves a wife and a week-old son. Liabilities to de positors amount to $125,000. The bank was reorganized in ISill with 1100,000 paid up capita I. All the directors exrept l' Koob, the cashier, arc absent from the city. C. C. Murl.agan, the president, Is In Scotland, A number of minor depositors will suffer. The failure did not cause excitement, as tho af fairs of the bauk wero known to many to be in poor shape, and no run wns occa sion. The attendance of laymen from abroad was very large, and but few states In the union were unrepresented. It was a remarkable tribute to Archb shop Koane. democracy insures. Thank God to such , , , theorists, both America und the Catholic IiiimokIiik I'riipfn.liin. church and American deinocrnuy have The ceremonies opened nt 10 o'clock with given rnuuesi disappointment a procession of clergy and attendants, lu which tho cardlnnl, archbishops, bishops and priests took part, clad In full vestments of their rank. I'asslng from the archlcplscopal residence, the procession entered the cathedral and moved up the main alslo to the altar. Within the sanctuary Cardinal Gibbons as cended the throne on the left, which had been yielded to him by Archbishop Kenue, No I, in for the ( riimlilrr. In mv earnest desire that the Catholic church In America lu all thnt (Sod Intends It to be. all that Its opportunities nronel It to be, may tu allowed to say to t'ntho llcs of America: He you, lu the truest and best meaning of the word, Americans loving America, loving its institutionf, n" voted to Its interests, ch.irv In blamlnc it ardent In defending it. There Is among some of us. t am not afraid to say. n dl position to criticise at every moment, to rrlotcc In crltlclslnu:. to cxacccrnte faults. tlin lnttar rwrnnvlnt' a Irmnnrnrv thrnnn nn 1 to minimize virtues, to iille ill) grievance. !, rl.. uhlrh h hurt .-reeled for himself. " grumble ncrpotuully. Such n disposition -n . -- - ------- , . is unpatriotic una iioos most scrioui nnrm About these two principals wero Arch- t0 .no cthollo faith In the eves of Intelll- ti1ahnt Itnnn 3t t.nnU Kntrpr. Mllwnii I i?ent nnil rui'iiext AmprlcntiM. l!t It (lis- Itee Plrlnr ninelnnntl' Ireland St. Paul. "I'l'eur iui guuu. i.ei us w jusi in aiiici ivii kcc. f.iuer, uincinnati, 'rciunu, -si. i jui, nnil knf)W nn), procInlm lh.u mnv.,Pri., u nnd In their company were Illshops Spnld- tlilncs duly considered. Is the church freer lng and his coadjutor, u iieuiy, reona, in.; man in Aineriru; unit nnwnere, ns in KIs. Marnuctte. Mich.: Messmer. Orcen Hay, Wis.; Trobee, St. Cloud, Minn.: O'Oorrann, Sioux Tails, S. D.: Tlerney, Hartford, Conn.; Cotter, Winona, Minn.; Hcnucssy, Wichita, Kan.; Toloy, Dotrolt; America. Is It nlloweit to live In uhtram meled freedom and to nrosncr ns Its forces and the zeal of Its sons permit. f rom yoniier pnuium lias eomo my in spiration. In wonts tlint burn with the deepest feeling and most earnest action, the nnlllum thnt touches the shoulders of John .Maes, lovingiou, ny.; ssnwooacn, i.;iuru:su, josopn Kenno speiiKs to me, as. it noes in Wis.; alennon, Kansas City; nurko. St. Joseph, Mo.; Scanuell, Omnha; nurke, Al bany, N. V.: Cosgrove, Davenport, la.; Llnehan. Cheyenne, Wyo.; Ilonacum, Lin coln, Neb.; ., 'Icsltcy, Louisville, Ky.. Harklns. rrovtdincc. It. L: Jenssen. llclle- vllle. 111.; Chatard, Indianapolis, Ind.. and day speak In the name of the church and . .1 t ....... I II, .1111.-1 ILU. tlilU r.1 I'AVVIUI Mil .111 .111.. I a. rtisu, .i(ir. nyuu, ,, ,u- r.,i,,i ,,. ,.nn nro s.nt,l In mv hearers, of church and of country, or sacred life for (me and the otlu-r. of Intelli gent devotion to the weal of one nnd of the other. Friend of my nriestly and episcopal years. my fellow soldier and my leader in all causes mat wo ueueveu to imj servicenme to the church and to country, I will tins Hobart, Scrnnton. 310CX CITY, In., April 17. The Lomari National bank at Lemurs, la., did not open this morning. Thomas F. Ward, vlco pres ident and mauagcr of the Institution, Is a belf-coufesscd embezzler to nn amount of from S2S.00O to J 30,000. He has also ab sconded. Ward departed Monday night and yester day Cashier Krank Koob received a letter front Ward, begging: AnUk to lie uvftl from Indictment. "Drnr Frank; I leavo tonight for Ood Almighty knows where. This board of trade business tins ruined me. Save me from Indictment If you can. I will pay bark every cent I cun." Then the writer explained the funds from which he had been stealing to cover his losses. The olllcers of the bank arc: l'rcsldeut, V. C. !'. MarLagnn, who Is In Scotland; vice president, T. F. Ward, absconded; cashier, Frank Koob, the only officer In town; directors, J. J. Tlerney nnd John Linden, both in Hot Springs, Ark. Cashier Koob, in the absence of advice, closed the doors, posting a notice that au examiner would be placed In charge. Other Lemnrs banks the First National, German-American and German State learning last night that the Lemars Na tlonal would not open today, sent to Sioux City for currency to withstand the ruu today. Th-1 Sioux, City clearing houso re sponded promp'ly, offering ample assistance. The defunct bank was organized a number of years ago by William H. Dent, who .Vicar sencrat of tha diocese of Dubmiuc, th(. full panoply of nrchleplscopal dignity 1 represented Plymouth county In the state and nearly 400 priests. Tho sccr.3 was beautiful. The high altar, alraoH hidden by palms, ferns and flowcrn, was ilnzzlln with electric lights while tho cardlncl's red robe, the arch' bishops' purple, the bishops' purple and white, and the priests' block and white and the Intertwining Papal-American col- ors. with which tbe auditorium was drancd. mado nn almost perfect color scheme. Kmir Crlelirnti'.i Mna. Archbishop Kano of St. Louis, In full jjjfiponlcals, ascended the altar at 10:30 and commenced the celebration of pontifical high mass.' His assistant priest was Very Itov. Ounn, Cedar itapida; iicacon, very am', nuthorltj uiio.i Dubuque's cathedral chair. Tho church of America nnd America are suro thm from Dubuque will go for- ward in sweetness unu power a mignty in fluence for good In uld of religion and patriotism. NEW RAILROAD ASSOCIATION llurlliiKtoi. nnd .Snntn !' Ueclnre Their I lulciifiulenee of Other Mum. Tho roads v,-est of the MUsouri river, which were represented at the, meeting of representatives of the auditing departments held in the city last month, nre now con slderlug the advisability of Independently .Hcv. McLaughlin, Clinton; subdeacoc. Very establishing the script mileage books, In ac Ilev. O'Connor, Carroll, nnd some thirty coruance wun tue piauB outuneu uy tne othors. Revs. Toomey, Donlon. Harry, patsongcr omcials some time ago. .Fltznatrlck and Carey were masters of An appeal to the Western Passenger as ' 1 . ,. - . . , , ceremonies. I suuiauuu iu nine iuu prupuaeu urguuizuuou The music was Oounod's "Messo Solera- under Its wing has been denied nnd It nellc," sung by a choir of sixty persons. At now remains for tho roads lo start alone in tbe closo of tho mass Cardinal Gibbons, I lire, ine banta re and the nuriington 'with Imposing ceremony, conferred tho ralllum upon Archbishop Kcane. Tho :cardlnal'a assistants were: Kt. Ilev. Mgr. Ilyan, V. 0 Dubuque, and Itov. Clement Johannes, Dubuque. Following tho Investiture, Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul delivered tho sermon of the day. A congratulatory address from legislature In ISM. He left the state after disposing of the Institution, Ward coming from I'rltnglmr, la., to be manager. Tho nstltutlon was capitalized for $100,000 and at the date of the last statement, February 5, showed $108,000 deposit. Ward was a member of the democratic! state central committee from the Eleventh congressional district. Thu sad feature of tbts case is that Mrs. V anl Is dangerously sick nt her home, having given birth to r. child but a week ago. News of her hus band's disgrace is kept from her. Ilnnli Knniliicr Tiikcn Charge, WASHINGTON, April 17. The comptrol ler of tho currency has received word that the Lemars National bank of Lemars, la., closed Its doors this morning. National have announced their Intention of going It Independently, and the question is under consideration by the other roads. It is believed that most of the lines in the west ern territory will soon be in a new associa tion, the script book being the bond of union. As described at the time of tho meeting the clergy of tho diocese was made by Rev. here, the plan Is to issue Jointly by as many Dr. Carroll, president of St. Joseph's col- roads na are In the arrangement, a book lege, Dubuque, und Archbishop Keane's which will contain script to the value of reply closed the ceremonies nt tho church. $60. A traveler purchases one of these At 2 o'clock this afternoon the visiting books and tears out the script to pay for clergymen were banqueted at the Hotel tickets. When tho book Is used up, a re Jullcn, where covers wero laid for 400.. fund Is made to tho owner, so that hla Archbishop Keane was toastmaster. Cardl- traveling Is reduced to 2 cents on roads nal Olbbons' responded to the toast, "All In this section of the country and 3 and Hall to tho Great Leo XIII, Pastor of the t on western roads. In tho original plan Universal Church." Tho other toasts wer9: fourteen roads were lucludcd, but only "God niess Our Country, the Home of two have declared their Intention. It Is Civil and Religious Freedom." by Bishop expected that most of tho others" will fol- Spaldlng ot Peoria; "Welcome to Our Car- low, and that the association will eventually be organized. I'HESmE.NT llfUT'S 'HUP VKT, !! PrMctlrr WVnrlnic Cunvii I,pb Kin for HI MouiitulneerlitK, Although knowledge of the intention of DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. The Ncit Tllscovery for Cfrrh Secnm tu Poaaean lleuiurknlilr .Merit. ' ' A new catarrh cure has recently appeared an overland trip on tho part of President which so far as tested has been remarkably uu" naB Dccn omciauy denied it was cvl ...rressful m curing all forms of catarrh. uCnt t0 tnoso who have happened to catch ,vhntw in th head, throat, bronchial glimpses of him during tbo last few days tubes or in atomach and liver. lhat ho was preparing for something of tho Thn remedy is In tablet form, pleasant sort nrt rnnvpnlent to take and no sncclal se- Somo of the employes saw him walking to crccy is maintained as to what It contains, the office tho other morning with the lower the tablet being a scleutlnc combination or ' ' vbs eaniuuy wruppcu in now Gualscol. Kucalvntol. Sangulnarla. Hydras- canvas legglns. Others saw tho saddlo tin on.l Himllar valuable and harmless which was on tho train Wednesday morn antl-sontlcs 'nR- bllt which wns hastily removed Just bo Th safe and effeellvo catarrh cure may ore the train left for the west. It was re- h found at any druc store under name of ported eeml-oftlclally a short time before Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. Whether tho catarrh Is located In tho thut Mr. Hurt was to go west with General Manager Dickinson and Superintendent Hig nose, throat, bronchial tubes or Btomach, K'"3- hut by the time tho party arrived at the tablets seem to act with equal success, mo UCI'- ln ru nal1 cc cnangcu. removing tho stuffy feeling tu head and Tho paraphernalia which had been nose, clearing tho mucous mcmbrano of brought to tho depot was not sent west on tt,rnt nd trachea from catarrh secretions, that train and Mr. Hurt made his nrrnngc- whlch causo tho tickling, coughing, hawk- ments to go to Chicago In the evening, This Inc and gagging so annoying to every ca- a"l tho news that President Hays of tho tarrh sufferer. Southern l'aclfle was coming west, explained Nasal catarrh goncrally leads to ulcera- why Mr. Ilutt did not go west, and tho tlon. In somo cases to such nu extent un 'her occurrences wero In support of the To destroy tho nose entirely, nnd In many rumor that President Burt had planned In old cases of catarrh tho bones of tho head make " personal Inspection ot tho route for , . .... Vi r nrAnnii CV.t I becomti diseased. Nasal catarrn granuaiiy wuc. extends to the throat and bronchial tube ,ro and very often to tne stomacn. causing tnai very obstinate trouble, catarrh of tne stom ach. Catarrh is a systemic poison, inncreni ivriioinci: nit, llir.GI.NS Cnlnn Pneltlc OttlelnN Mnkr n Tour of tli Sttm, General Managor B. Dickinson nnd Ku- In the blood, and local washes, douches, perlntcndcnt of Motive Power Samuel HIc salves, Inhalers and sprajs can have no ef- gins left yesterday morning on a trip over feet on tho real causa ot tho disease. An Internal remedy which acts upon the blood Is thn only rational treatment, and Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Is the safest of nil internal remedies, as well as tho most convenient and satisfactory from a medicinal stand- 'point. Dr. Eaton recently stated that be had suc cessfully used Stuart's Catarrh Tablets In olil, chronic cases, even where ulceration had extended bo far as to destroy tbe sep- turn of the nose. He says, "I am pleas antly surprised almost every day by thi excellent results from Stuart's Catarrh Tab- lets. It 1 remarkable how effectually they .remove tho excessive secretion and bring bout a healthy condition of the mucous membranes ot tbe noje, throat and stom ach." .All drugglata sell rompleto treatment of tbe tablets at CO cents, and a little book giving the symptoms and causes ot the va rious forms ot catarrh will be mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshal, Mich, ... the company's lines, when Mr. Dickinson will lntroduco Mr. Hlgglns to the western omcials of tho Union Paclne. It Is stated also that one ' the purposes of the trip, on tho part of V Hlgglns, is to select a man for tne positiou mado vacant by tho resignation of J. II. Manning, master mechanic at Cheyenne. DUcUcstng this matter this morning, Mr. Hlgglns said that it is not nis intention to wring new- men here to take the placese of men who have been doing tho work, nor will he Introduce new methods, whero tho old aro giving good satisfaction. Tho two officers went west In car No, 100, usually used by President Burt. It was generally rumored that Mr. Hurt and Chief Unglneer Ilerry. would also leavo for the west and make tho trip over the pro posed route for the Oregon 5hort.'ttle,n in um iiui ku. A pure article of champagne Is a healthy beverage. Get Cook's Imperial Extra Dry to years record. The Jury coasUtcd of George Helmrod, foreman; Edwin Davis, Edward Uogue, S. V. Petersen, D. D. Hoxle, W. W. Eastman. After a careful Inquiry Into the affair the verdict returned was In substance ns follows: Wo And Hint William Lauder came to his death from a pistol shot tired without provocation by Louis Godota at Joteph (U-c's saloon, In the city of Omaha, on the evening of April 11, nnd we further recom. mend that Oodola. bu held without bull to the district court. CHANGING IILL BOARD LAW Clt" Attorney Connrll Una n Xew Or dinance Indrr Inimlil erntlon. City Attorney W. J. Connell Is preparing another billboard ordinance which Mayor Moores desires to have the council pass to take the place ot the ordinance which he approved conditionally. Mayor Moores at tached bis signature to the original ordl nanco on condition that the license fee to hn rhnrirpd hlllhoarda shall he rpilured. 7 "The new ordinance will be exactly like tho old one with the exception ot the size ot the fees to be charged," said Mr. Con- tie 1 1. "The clause prohibiting tbo posting of objectionable pictures anrt, advertising will be Included In tho uew measure. UonrJs which ur3 located a distance from the street line equal to their height will not be taxed and tho license fees will prob ably be reduced from $100, $50 and $25 to $50, $25 and $10 respectively." Why Don't You Eat? In this busy world one has no time to experiment, nor can they wait for weeks or months for the effect of a medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin gives immediate proof of its effectiveness in stomach trouble Then too, it is a perfect laxative at 50c. or $1.00 a Bottle SOLO IV All Druggists, Wholesale and Retail. M A IIUAAfl nE,CalaBElr"CUPiDENr I VI r mm Tu P J U W. KhVV J IT Km U Tjjh gmttVeffta. Swallowed Ilia I'nlse Teeth. A man recently swallowed his false teeth and it drove him mad. Stomachs will stand a great deal, but not everything. It yours Is weak try Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. It cures Indigestion, constipation, kidney nnd liver troubles, as well as malaria and fever and ague. It Is particularly effective In all nervous affections, and Is strongly recom mended at this season ot the year when the system Is run down and most susceptible to dlseasu. All druggists keep It. Annnnnrenirnt of the Theaters. Tonight at Boyd's theater the prime Omaha favorite, Otis Skinner, will present for the first time here his successful dra matic adaptation of Stevenson's romance, "Prince Otto," with a strong supporting company. On Friday and Saturday James A. Heme's "Sag Harbor," a graphic pic ture ot New England life, will be given at Boyd's. Mr. Heme does not appear in this production, but the part he designed for himself is borne by Mr. George Woodford. Mr. Heme's two 'daughters are In the cast. The sale of seats and the exchange of tickets for the ElkV benefit entertainment, to be given at Bull's next Monday and Tuesday evenings, will begin Friday morn lng at 9 o'clock. Hundreds of tickets have been sold and there will be a rush for choice seats. A Sample Letter. CADE, Texas, Oct. 20, 1300. WAHNEIVS SAFE CUBE CO., ItOCHESTEH. N. Y. GENTLEMEN. You 'haven't asked me for a testimonial statement; but I desire to tell and thank you for what your medicine did for us. Two years ago my wife took Diabetes. I consulted our physician and ho treated her two or three months without any relief whatever then wo tried Publio Watering Places with no good result. Finally our druggist (W. T. Grogan) by a great deal of persuasion got us to try ono bottle ot WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE, when to my ustonlshment It relieved my wife. She has used eight bottles and I think is cured. I consider it tho best medicine made." Yours truly, E. J. HOOD. Send your name and address to Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y., for Free Sample ot Warner's Safe Cure. WimVjnWWB lhW I vnhWTlil. nn-t Vrrrt. CU Vllallxer. therrrvrlpilon of a fiimotn French phjrslrlsn, will qnlckir cure you uf all nrrvuuior dlvMr.uf the renrraUv orRsna, such as luit Manhood, latuuinla, alu In tUr Baek, fteaalnal Kmlulini. Krri Ueklllly. Plntalea llnHlara tu Mitrry, Kxnaaillaa; Uraln. Tarlrorele and C'oaatlpniloa. 1 1 Hops all Iiimcii by dy or nlfbl. Vrrenti qulcknrn vt dischnrir". widen II not checkeo lti to pneruislorrtitrit and nil lh horrors of initmtenry. 't!PIUK5f Kclaan-esttt llvr. Iha Lt.ln.r. mm! thn tirlnarv nrrtm nt ktl lmt,tlrltl fllf nt: W K fttratirth.U nd rMtorts small wfic orcirn. Thsrfawin tulftrjrs are not cured by Doctors liheeswsMrer rent aro trouble d with I'roatatltta, CUPIDEXK the only knonn remedy to curs without nn operation. fiOno tratlmoiiliils. A. wrltirn Euaranteeclren amlmnnrr returned If s boxes does not effect a ptrnuuicnt cur lLWlxi,t for lioo, mail. Send for riicn circular smUMtlnjoulr.:. AOdrew DAVOI. MKIIILI.NK ,'. 1. O. lloz 3078. (fen Fracdsco. Cat. wrou saab a tiYEn-riLi.o) crtno oo- irrn and rAKNAM. i CURE YOURSELF t Vto lllf 1 for unnatural dlicbarjfi.lnn.niinatloni. Irritation, or ulceration, of niucnut membrana. l'.lnlt.i. and not a.'rla- llHlEY-lCHtMitll0o. or poLo'iou.- Mold br Drurilili, 'or lent In plain wrartwr, l.jr rtprMi. rr-l'r. tit ti.ii, or 4 iHiiiirt, f.TJ. Ircular aent oo rfioail. ItlPAN'S TAUULER Is an effectlv" eur for ihf HU which orlclnale In n bad atom ach. 10 for be. At all drucr.Uta. AVPfF ouinw4 V. .f art l iitlrt.f.. w'm Pr. ... u C.1A1.. VsasaAf.lslA'lllf If1 ft sHHsal COI'YltlOHTHI), FHUHl'ARY 11, ISHin. $1,500 in Prizes for the Nearest Correct Guesses, First Prize a $500.00 Piano. TRY YOUR SKILL AT COUNTING. limit: Anu thu dots. DOCTOR Searles & Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men. VARICOCELE Are you afflicted with Varicocele or its results Nervous Debility and Lost Man hood? Are you nervous, Irritable and despondent! Do you lack your old-time energy and ambition? Are you suffering from vital weakness, etc.? There la a derangement of the sensitive organs of your Pelvic System, and even though It gives you no trouble at present, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous system, unfit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured be fore It Is too late? WE CAN CUIIB YOU TO STAY CURED UNDER WRITTEN GUAR ANTEE. We have yet to see the case ot Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, el.c trie belts, etc., will never cure. You need expert treatment. W treat thousands of laees whero the ordinary physician treats one. Method new, icvtr falls, without cut ling, pain or Ices of time. Dn. A. D. SF.AIILE9. STRICTURE n" Treatment. No anrt rl T new and Infallible ana GLEET Radically cured with a Instruments, no pain, no detention from business. Cure guaranteed. URINARY Kidney and Bladder Troubles, wean Back Urinating. Urine Itlgh Colored, or with Urine, Frequency of milky sediment on standing; Oonorrhoea, uiw. NlDU I IC cured for life and the poison villi i w ine system. thorouehlv cleansed from flfinn ai'ftrl aim anrt ivmntom disappears completely and forever. No BREAKING OUT" of the disease on the tkln or face. Treatment contains no dan cerous drugs or Injurious medicines. WEAK MEN (VITALITY WBAK),mad so by too elnse application to business or study;, severe mental strain or grief; SEXUAL EX CESSES In middle life or from the effects of youthful folllet. , Weak men are victim to ner vou8 debility or exhaustion, WASTING WEAKNESS. INVOLUNTArV LOSSES, with EARLY DECAY In YOUNO and MIDDLE-AGED: lack of vim. vigor, and strength, with snual organs Impaired and weakened prematurely In approaching old age. All yield rapidly to our new treatment for lose of vital power. One personal vUlt Is preferred, but If you cannot call at my office, write us your symptoms fully. Our bom treatment la luccessful and strictly private. Our counsel Is free and sacredly confidential. Home Treatment luccessful and strictly private. Our cot CURES GUARANTEED. PIIADfSPSi I AW CalloraddreM lit St. 14th Street. VHAKUtiO L.V W Df( S(4fl. & SmJ(L Qbjhl m Comiltatltc Tree Treatment by Mai wmmmm&mmmmi THE PRIZES: To those guessing the correct or nearest correct number of 1st Prize A $300.00 Emerson Piano value 1500.00 2nd prize 1 "Densmore" Typewriter, valuo 100.00 3rd prize 1 lot In Council niufls, value 100.00 4th prlze 1 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, value.. C0.O0 Sth prize 1 Duslness Collego Scholarship, value 60.00 prize 1 Tailor-made Suit, value 45.00 prize 1 Ladles' Tallor-mado Suit, value 40.00 prize 3 ladles' Cuatom-mado Shirt Waists, value $10.00 9th prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value 12.00 Total $1,500 and a Pig. 6th 7th 8th dots Tho Bee will Klve the following prizes: 10th prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value 12.00 11th prize 1 Ton Coal, value S.S0 12th prize 1 box "Kirk's" White Russian Soap, value.... 3.UI) 13th prize ONE PICJ, value 7 14th prize 1 Sack Golden Sheat Flour 1.00 15th, tn 24th 10 bottles Cramer's Kidney Cure, value.... 10.UO 2iith to 33th 10 pair Orpheum Seats, value 10.00 36th to 60th 14 volumes recent fiction, valuo 18.75 Also Art Pictures and Books, value 510.75 We guarantee that everyone guessing the correct number will get a prize. CONDITIONS: Every subscriber, new or old, will be entitled to ono guess on the number ot dots with every fifteen cents paid on hit subscription account. You can guess ns many times as you wish. The moro guesses you turn In the better your rhance of winning. The sub scription price of tho Dally and Sunday Bee is ISo a week by carrier, or $2.00 for threo months by mall. All payments and guesses must be mado direct to Tho Bee ollleo, personally or by mall, UNLESS you are taking The Bee from an authorized agent, In which case you will pay the agent und he will seud your guess and remittance to us Immediately. No guess will be recorded unless accompanied by cash. NOTICE TO AGENTS: Remit full amount with all guesses and this amount will be placed to your credit and deducted from your regular monthly bill for papers. rj- n I neeua' nulmt'rllitlnii unit net A .'! mouth' xiiliai'rlpllon nnil net 13 A enr' tiliai-rlilltin mill urt AS 4 BUCKum. miee. Bn". t The mure kuokm'i. )iiii turn In, the lirtlr-r your ohiiiu'r of ttlnnlnir. USE THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. " Date received A.M. The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha, Neb. 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