i THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt HILHSDAV, APHTL 18, 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIX '.'H MHXTIOS. Davis sells drugs. Btoikcrt sells lace curtains. Uas tlxtures and globes at lllxby'i. Tlno-A 13 C beer, Ncurnayer's hotel. Wollman, scientific optician. 409 IJ'way. Pasturage. Judson, 920 Sixth avc. Tel. 318. I. N. Kllcltlngcr has gono to W'aukomta, O. T., on business. New fancy frames. C. 10. Alexander & Co., 333 llroadway. Mrs. M. )!nnd Is kept to her home at 100 Muff streot by Illness. Auguslu grovo No. 1 will meet tonight In Wooumiui of the World hall. W. 1 Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector, 101 b'outh Main street. '1'hone &. Oct your work dono nt the popular Hagle laundry, 721 llroadway. Thona 117, Correct nr.d exclusive btyles of elegant photos nt Bthmldt's, 531 llroadway. Morgan ft Klein, upnolstorlnB. furnlturo repairing mattress making. 122 Main st. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook and family have gono to Sac City, ln to mnko their homo. For halo, household furniture mid horse and buggy, cheap. Inquire 1J, A. Hamilton, Grand hotel. Harmony chapter No. 25. Order ot the Kostcrn Star, will meet this evening in .lasonlc hall. Would llko to buy a good, second-hand, doublo harnesi tnrdlutii weight. Urnud Union Tea Co., 103 llroadway. In tho absenco of Judgo Ayleswnrth In Lincoln, Neb., JiihiIco Ilryant presided nt police court yesterday morning. Thn ' death Is announced of Htophen I. Saunders, formerly (if this city, ut lllooin lleld, la., at the ago of M years. A want ad In Tho Hco will bring results. Tho same attention Riven to n want ad In Council Muffs as at the IXraha olllce. Henry A. Oleen and Kmma A. Maystrlek, both or Omaha, wero married In this illy yesterday afternoon by Justice Ilryant. Tho annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Kilts Untitling assoclittlon will be Monday evening; nt 7:30 In tho lodge room of tho new clubhouse. Tho members of tho Hcllglo of tho Jvttter Day Saints church will glvo a social tomor row evening nt tho homo of Miss Stella Harding', 418 Stutsman street. Judge Wheeler granted n divorce yester day to Mrs. Jtosa K. Kuhl from M. O. Kuhl on tho grounds of habitual drunkenness. The defendant did not put In un nppeur anco. 13. A. Wood, manager of circulation of tho Journal mid Times of Sioux City, was In this city yesterday nltendlng tho meeting of tho executlvo committee of tho low.i Stntc ltowlug association. Tho Southern Stock company, said to bo one of tho best reportolrn organizations traveling In this part of tho cojiilry, will open u weik'H engagement ut tho Dohnny theater next Sunday night. -iJ ? W,r!Bl!t' nKC(1. 85 y.pnrsi 1110,1 Tuesday night nt his homo, 172.1 Eighth uvenuo. His wife, son nnd daughter survive- him. Ho I!?1.1 '.vc'x!i fnljleiu of Council muffs nnd vicinity thlrty-lhreo years. The body will be taken to Olonwood today. Edwin I.el'evro of Lincoln. Neb., and Miss Mabel Jenkins of Omaha wuro married yes tcrdny afternoon In this city at tho Grand hotel by Justlco Ilryant. The brldo was accompanied by her mother. Mr. ami Mrs. Lel-cvro left after tho ceremony for lln- wl'" 'J.1' clnrgcd with the theft of two horses, the property or Wllllnm Gumm i nrralgnod l.efore Justice l"er"lVr jeVT' ?y morn HIT. Hn l,ln,l,.,l nn, . Preliminary hearing vm set "for May 1 "in the comity jail.'" ,3 " wns "'mftted to o Play Uurdiior will g'hls fa, o . lie' song, so familiar to every thJaar-goer. Di 00 """or, nn Insano patient nt Ht Hernnrd's hnsptal. made his escape while ?.l L?r cxorc 111 urouruls of tho In' stltiitloii yesterday morning, lie win l f1n?,t.'ir-'"J ,."or,M V Mcimorson-Ho"-J,uscsv 1,0 "as round in tho yard of il truck, farmer, whoro-lie. wra ' ?lT lLSn EJW. !fiS f-i'V? them o ,of the lVJusehoU. "" m mo wom'3 ( N. V. I'lumblDg Co.. leiepnnne 150. i Davis tells gaBs. " H I'll I Kxtntp Triiuafi-ra. . These traiiBfors wero filed yesterday In tho abstract, title and loan office ot J. V Squire, 101 Pearl street: I'?lkeyll!nK0 s','vlngs bank to David H. Wortninn. lot 5, block s. l-Vir.. mount I'lace luld.. w. d.....T .... il coo ?nTl,a,'-mm., ,0 Vr!1. l-rson. lot Vnn- Y ..""niN'uilil., s. w. d 100 iim.l l. .K- K- Harken undlvjs of part of ot IS In orlelnnl Plat (.f Council llluffs, w d.. ... l 00 Mary A. Allen, guardian to i ii ' Harken. same, g. d 700 Th,lnv",,."n r- Everest and iTl llnoy, referees, to IOdword W. add ktrefl0d fc,ock i i, K1t'r',t' executor, lot is, block 4. IJnylhH 1st add., w. ,' ... i roo wuCl,n i00",1',1 V I'"nard voret't. '14 lot 12. block 31 Hayllss .t I'almer'o ndd., w. d.. ... ma A'''". Doersi-her to Mzzlo. wil'lVa'm EiaA'Vn jars. v.ir " ei. u I" " . . . .2: ,'.1"ck 3-"". JI,eni,,;l''KnVdian'Vo'j.'iL"c um lv6.15 of lot 2, block 5 1 ami of ot 5, block 9, In M nie,, g. 'd"" -60 J'n ', 1 Stuhr 'and wife to Ann 0 SffiKft !.'.l.?.?..r...,:?.k. ltW Twelvo transfers, total ."jsCsTl Tht London Tot Hand Turned SHOE Havo you Been It In our show window? Kor the price you cannot dupll onto this shoo anywhere. They aro neat, mado In the latest styles nnd will wear to perfect satisfac tion In fact, we guaran tee satisfaction with any shoo bought at our Htoro, from tho lowest to tho .highest price. SARGENT'S Look for the Hear. QOHANY THEATER Friday, April 19 Itetum Engagement Lincoln J. Car ter's Superb Sccnlo Production, "THE ELEVENTH HOUR" Carefully chosen east. Including the Kweet singer KAIU. G.VItDNUH. Trices: 23c, 33c, 60c, 75c, FARM LOANS Necotlated tn Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Jamen N. Caaadv. Jr., Uti Main St., Council Bluffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W, C. Estepl IS l'ttAllt. ttrilBliT. l'kun or. ALL PLEAS ARE NOT GUILTY Tboio Indictid Icilit oa HaTin; Oaiea Heard cu Merits. CRIMINAL DOCKET COMES UP MONDAY Ilo nil of ICnrl C'nrlsoii, t'lmrKeil with llni-Klnrj. Korfi ltei! Iij- Ills rnll. ore to Appenr (Mliem Take Time to 1'lenil. Judgu Whcelor, after conferring wtlh County Attorney Klllpack, decided yestor day to lake up the criminal docket Monday, and made au assignment of the cases to be tried. Dcfcndanta Indicted by tho recant grund Jury were arraigned and all entered pleas of not guilty or took time to plead. Those who entered pleas of not guilty wero: Henry ami I.cwls Smith, colored lads, charged with stealing a watch from llohltt bon's Jewelry store; Clarcnco Hpurlock, t'lmrgrd with stealing a set of harness from tho barn of William Klrljy In Keg Creek township: Charles Carter, who said his right namo was Thomas Carter, charged with breaking Into David Ilradlcy & Co.'s allien and stealing a (inutility ot stamps; John Al Htroiu, charged with stealing h set of har ness from Mlnnlck's livery barn: 1'nt Mc laughlin, charged with assault with Intent to do great bodily harm; Frank Walking ton, saloon keeper, charged with maintain ing a nuisance; Leah Krascr, charged with keeping a disorderly house; Thomas I'olnts and S. Kief, Jr., charged with gambling. Thcso took tho statutory tlmo to plead: George Cooper and Alfred Hloomberg, charged with violating the mulct law In Cut Off ; James Hubcrg aud 1'etcr Kasmussan, owners of tho Manhattan saloon, charged with maintaining :i nuisance; Ed Anderson, charged with keeping n gambling establish ment over tho Manhattan saloon; J. N. Cas ndy, Jr., charged with embezzlement. At torneys wero assigned to those defendants unablo tn pay for legal services. Karl Carlson, charged with burglary, failed to appear when his case was called and his bond was ordered forfeited. Crlmliinl unit I.iivr Cnsrs. This assignment of criminal and law cases was mado by Judge Wheeler: Monday, April 22 Stnte ngalnst Henry Smith; State against Louis Smith: Stato ugalust C, Spurlock; State against Tom Tuesday. Anrll 23 In ro W. 11. Drlscoll estate: Stato against J. Noonon. Wednesday, April 24 W. C Durkes, treas urer, ugalnst Cuius Thompson and others; William Klrby ngalnst Henry Kuslng; Stnto against John Alstrom; Stnto against Leah 1'rnscr. Thursday, April 2. State against O. Cooper; Stato against A. Ulomberg; Stato against Kiank Walklngtou. Friday, April 2ft-Stuto ngalnst J. Iluborg nnd 1'eter Kasmusscn; Stato 'ngalnst 13d ward Anderson. Saturday. April 27 Stato against Tom Points nnd S. Illcf, Jr.; State tignlnst I'nt McLaughlin. Monday, April 23 George Chase and Others against City of Council muffs: M. Stalzman against George W. Whltebook. Tuesday, April 30 H. Alnsworth against Omaha & Council muffs Hallway and Bridge Company. Wcdnesduy, May 1 Brown & Herman ngulnst Max Mohn; W. W. Cole against Omaha & Cqiincll muffs and Suburb tn Hallway Company; IL 1 Tlnley, adminis trator, against Omuha & Council muffs Itallwav nnd Hrlilcn (,'nmminv. Thursday, May 2 W. C. Hendrlcka against George N. Ferguson; K. W. Urlm- iuv agaiusi. i. i. wieKliam. Friday; May 3-The T. O. Northwall Com pany agulnst McKesson nnd Itlnker; Leo Wolfson against Allen Uros. Co. Saturday, May 4 Henry Ilranz ngalnst Omaha & Council Hluffs Hallway and llridgo Company; Hrnden ngalnst Haas; HI ley Hros. ngalnst M. C. Chrlstenson. .Monday. Muy fi 13. D. Summltt against lTnltrd Stntes Life Insuranco Company (special); G. H. Scott against D. S. Frank: Thomas Martin against V. F. linker, 13. K. .dnms ngalnst II. Goldstein and Others. Tuesday, .May 7 Joseph Scott against Isaac llallard and Others; J. A. Lott against Chicago & Northwestern Hallway Com pany; John A. Murphy against E. A. Muel ler and Others. Wednesday, May 8-W. S. Heaton ngalnst L. H. Sheato & Co. nnd Others; N'els Jacob sen ngnliist Union Pacific llallroad Com pany; Ldwurd Dealy ngalnst Daniel Car J j !Urorw i' rc,ulorrt & iInrtln t.'0- against Tliursduy," May 9 C. I. Rafter against Fred Winter; C? I. Hafter against Henry Anders; C. I. Hafter against Alary Hlbler; C. 1. Hafter iigalnst U. Wilson; C. I. Hafter against Jake Kuskle. " Friday, .May 10-C. G. Saunders ngalnst Omaha & Council Hluffs Hallway and HathB Coml,u,ly: Hl J- Hath ealnst Harry Saturday, Muy 11-Councll Hluffs Savl'igs Hank against N. W. Williams; William Hurrhus ngalnst Illinois Central nil road .m"iu,.y: ,J10h" mn against 8. Mud sen; John German against Viohn Llnder ot Huy your trees, shrubs and roses ot Menera,, 62J East Broadway, Council D'.uffi. Telephones, offlce. 404; residence. 445. Rubber stamps at DuLong's. 307 B'way. Grorery Concern lncorporutr. Articles of Incorporation of tba Gronc weg & Schoentgen company wero filed yos tcrday. for tho purposo of continuing tho wholesale grocery business of Gronewog & Schoentgen of this city. Tho original port ners.i William aronoweg and John Schoent gen will retain a controlling Interest, but H. II. Nlcholls, who has been with tho ilrm for twenty years, and Herman Orone weg and others will take stock In tho In corporated company, tho capital stock, of which Is placed at I200.000, "divided Into 20,000 sharos of $10 each. The wholesale grocery firm of Gronoweg & Schoentgen has been In business In Council Bluffs since 1877. InteniU to Content Smnlluox Illlla. Tho Honrd of Supervisors reconvened In adjourned session yesterday afternoon to dlsposo of tho largo grist of smallpox bills, Heyond looking over and discussing a num ber of them no action was taken. County A Woman in the Case, whether she be tho donor or thn re cipient of a watch bought ut Leffert's. Ij suru to bo "A Contented Woman.'1 ton probably know that each watch wo sell carries with It our guarantee -written If you llke-ns to raso nnd works. So wo Invite your Inspection and selection in full contldencn of suit ing you to the proverbial "T."' Herman M. Leffert Optlolnn, Jpivrlrr nml Rnitrnver, 2:i llroiiUwar. Council niu(Ta. Auditor lnnes has tabulated the bills nnd they amount to $9,699.80, being nearly M, 000 more than at first estimated. The auditor was Instructed to nsccrtaln as to tho Incumbrances on tho real property of persons treated for 3iuallpox, whoso names will bo furnished him later by tho board. This Is taken to Indlcato that tho board Intends It posslblo to compel somo of the persons who wero treated at tho county's expenso to pay tho bills Incurred In their behalf. The board will meet again today. KtiKliiccr Whri'lrr Will llpcovcr. Knglncer James Wheeler, who was In jured In tho wreck on tho Illinois Central Tuesday night at Woodbine, will recover from tho effects of his Injuries. His con dition yesterday was much Improved, al though he was still suffering from nervous, tiess aud the bruises on his head. Dr. T. B. Laccy, the attending phslclan, said ho expected no serious results, as Wheeler was much Improved yesterday. Grtn IIIk lltoek of .Minion StorU. The effects of Gilbert J. Moffet, Insur auco swindler, which wero attached by Mrs. Kclley to securo a board bill, wero sold by public auction yesterday after noon at Broadway nnd Fourth street by Constable Albcrtl of Juitico Bryant's court. The sale attracted a largo crowd and real ized l."0. Colorado mining stock of tho fnco value of $20,000 was knocked down to Mrs. Moffet for 2u cents. Mnrrlnitc Llrensru. Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to thn following: Name nnd Hesldence. Age. Kdwin lyoFevro, Lincoln, Neb 33 Mabel Jenkins, Omaha 21 Henry A. Olsen, Omaha 22 Kmma A. Maystrlck, Omaha 21 It. C. Williams, Council Hluffs 21 Lottie 13. Baldwin, Council Bluffs 19 Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, C41 Broad'y, Davis tells paint. FUEL FOR KEOKUK BUILDING I'lielc Snin 'n t rid-tM for Conl OpiTnto flonm of II Im Imui I'riipert j . to WASHINGTON, April 17. (Special Tclo gram ) Tho contract for fuel for tho Keo kuk (la.) public building for tho next fiscal year has been awarded to tho Mississippi Coal company. These postmasters havo betn nppolnted: Iowa Hanley, Madison county, V. M. James. South Dakota Strandberg, Grant county, Alex Dahlberg. Tho First National bank of Oclwcln, la., has been authorized to begin business with $00,000 capital. David B. Clifford, James R. Jewell, Hoy A. Carncglo and Arthur A. McLcod havo been appointed tubstltute clerks in tho Cedar Huplds (la.) postofllce. C. W. Swaiuon has been nppolutcd Janitor ot tho Keokuk (la.) postotllce. I'K.NSIONS I'Oll WI3STI3lt VKTI3IIAS. War Survivor Itrturnilirrrtl liy the (ii'tirrnl Government, WASHINGTON, April 17. (Special.) Tho following western pensions havo btcn granted: Issue of April 2, 1901: Nebraska: Addltlonat-Rufus L. Jack son. Beatrice, $10. Hestorntlnn nnd Supple mental Samuel Wolf, Davenport, $10. Original Widows. Ktc. Murguretha Rent ing, Grand Island. $S; minor of Emberson T. Harris, Omuha. $10; Florence Craig (spe. cial accrued April 4), Beatrice, $S. Iowa: Original Benjamin O. Katherton, Battlecreek, $6; Emmor' Kingsbury, Cedar Fulls, $0. Henewnl John M. Haywood, Wlntcrset, $0. Original Widows, F.tc Minof of John Hujc (special act April 4). Belle, $12: Anna Fish (speclnl'accrued April 41. ShollHburg, $. South Dakota: War with Spain, Original -Fred Tobln, Mitchell. $fi. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS llellclency In 1Iok Contlnum, lint Mummer la Kp'i'teil to Mnko I'll Kniiler NliortiiKi', CINCINNATI, April 17. (Special Tele gram.) The Vrlco Current says: Western packing houses report 410,000 hogs tho last week, compared with 330,000 the preceding week and 420,000 last year. From March 1 the total Is 2,C45,00U head, against 2,730,000 n year ago. Tho probable summer supply of hog will be about tho saroo as last year. The latter part ot the season is likely to make up any earlier deficiency. Prominent places compare as follows: 1901. 1900. Chicago 725.0W) S35.000 Kunsus City 385.0U) lioS.lM) OMAHA 215,000 270,000 St. Louis 215,000 215,000 Ht Josopl 183,000 197.000 Indianapolis 1C8.000 102,000 Milwaukee 71,000 77,000 Cincinnati 63,000 75,000 Ottumwa 42,000 fig.uoo Cedar Hapids 4 1, Out) M,ijn) Bloux City SO.000 95,000 St. Haul C3.000 iS,U0O Indigestion Is the direct cause of dlscnso that kills thousands ot persons annually. Stop tho trouble nt the start with a little Prickly Ash Bitters; It strengthens the stomach and oUIb digestion. FAIR AN0 WARMER THURSDAY cbrnakn, Ions, Kiwinum nnd (he Un kotna to Fore Alike In Atmna 1 liberie (.'oiiilllloitft. WASHINGTON, April 17. Forecast: For Nebraska, North Dakota, South Da kota and Kansas Fair nnd warmer Thurs day; Friday fair; variable winds. For Iowa Fair Thursday; warmer In northwestern portion; Friday fair and warmer; fresh northerly winds. For Missouri Fair Thurhday; warmer tn western portion; Friday fair and warmor; fresh northerly winds. For Wyoming Fair Thursday; warmer In eastern portion; Friday fair; westerly winds. I.nenI Heciiril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, April 17.-Otllcial record of tem perature and precipitation romparrt with the corresponding day of the last thrst years; 1901. 1900. 1599. 1S9J. Maximum temperature.... 17 M 70 72 Minimum temperature.... 30 44 53 50 Mean temperature 3S 50 IU Id l'reclpltntlou 01 .28 .00 .20 Record of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha tor this day and slnco 'lurch 1, 1901: Normnl temperature 55 Deficiency for tho day 17 Total excess since March 1 if) Normal precipitation 11 inch Dellclency for tho day ID Inch Total since March 1 2.93 Inches Dellclency slnco March 1....... It Inch Dellclency for cor. period, 1900 19 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 5899, .. 2.31 Inclv.'H Reports from Stntlnua at 7 I'. M. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. Omnhtt. clear North Platte, clear Chpvenne. clear ... Salt Lake City, clca Jlapld City, clear Huron, clear Wllllston, pnrtly clo Chicago, cloudy ., st, Louis, ruining Ht, Paul, cloudy ., Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, cleur Helena, cleur Havre, elrar Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, cloudy r .., Jdy I H i ?! s 2. i c "3 -I... r : : ' a t 3 . I 40 47' .01 4fi 4'i 00 M 42 .00 5G 5.S ,00 44 41 00 as 42 to rw 31 ,r) 3s 6 T 3S 48 30 32 38 ,C0 40 44 tf 4'i 48 ,n) 5T, 58 (J 52 611 .00 3S 38 .Ik) 56 72 .02 T Tracw of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Jocal ForoctJt OfflcUL State Committta Dioidei in FkTor of Cedar Rapklt. SEVENTEENTH OF AUGUST IS THE DATE Contrneln ( lie Let for (front Weatem i:tennloii Work nn Army Pout Is Slow-AmiH ersnry Comnieneo nirnt of Xormnl .Soliuol, DI33 MOINES, April 17. (Special.) Tho republican stato commlttco met this after noon In accordance with the call of Chair man Weaver and located tho next repub lican stato convention nt Cedar Hapids. Thero had been a lively fight on between lies Moines and Cedar Hapids, or rather be tween tho factions In tho party nnd their respeotlvo candidates for olllce. Inasmuch as Des Molneo Is tho homo ot Cummins and Foster, two of tho candidates for governor, nnd ot Bishop, ono of the candidates for Judgo of the supreme court, nearly all tho other candidates wero found to favor Cedar Hapids, which has no candldnto for statu olllce. When tho tlmo enmc for n reckon ing on tho standing of the members of the commlttco It was found that Committeeman Leach ot tho Des Molnos district was for Dcs Moines, and also Scott of the Eleventh, Bruco of tbo Ninth and Phillips of tho Sec ond. All tho others were opposed to bring ing tho convention to Dcs Moines. It had been expected by tho Dcs Molnus pcoplo that Spcnco of the Eighth district would be for this city nnd nlso Drug of the Tenth district, but Spcnco this morning an nounced ho would bo for Cedar Rapids nnd that settled tho fate ot Dcs Molncs. It was understood that Herrlott, candldnto for governor from tho Ninth district, was favorable to Dcs Molnca and Judgo Townor ot tho Eighth district was not hostile. Tho representatives of the two cities prcsentod tn tho commlttco tho claim ot both cities. Tho last two conventions held In Cedar Hapids havo been tho cause of much complaining on account of lack ot facilities, but an auditorium has been built nnd It Is claimed tho convention enn now bo cared for much bettor than ever before. Tho vote on locating tho republican con vention at Cedar Hapids was 7 to 4. Tho date will bo August 7. Following nrc tho temporary officers selected: Chairman, James C. Davis, Keokuk; secretory. A. M. McColl, Woodward; assistant secretary, W. A. Follett, Atlantic; reading clerk, S. C. Piatt, Iowa Falls; assistant reading clerk, E. R. HutchlnB, Des Moines; sergeant-nt-nrms, J. C. Webster, Cresco; doorkeeper, John M. Heed, Cedar Hapids. Will lie ii 111k Convention. Tho convention Is suro to bo one of tho largest over held In tho state. The Inter est In cnndldnclos wns never greater, nnd besides tho Increasing republican voto In tho state hat gieatly Increased tho number ot delegates. On the samo basis us last year tho number of delegates will bo 1.G47, as against 1,301 last yenr. A convention of nearly 1,700 delegates, In which prac tically every county will bo represented In full and many counties will havo alternates as well, Is a hard convention to house and to manage. Every county In tho stato will have a greater number of delegates than last year except -Muscatine, which showed a falling off In the republican vote. Polk county will have the lr.rgest number of del egates, ralslug'frooi thirty-seven last year tp sixty-four thjnjycar. Woodbury county will havo thlr'ty-sU, against twcnty-flvo last year. Pottawattamie Is raised from twenty-seven to .thirty-four. Tho Increase on tho old ratio by congressional districts follows; District. 1900. 1901. First 91 113 Second lCNi 127 7'hlrd H7 159 Fourth IM 152 Fifth US 143 Sixth ldfi 145 Seventh 100 150 tythth i-, 147 lnlh 121 H7 Tenth 159 IS3 Eleventh 137 179 Tho convention will nominate a candi date for governor, lieutenant governor, Judgo of the supremo court, ruilroad com missioner and superintendent of publ!o in struction, Tho democratic commlttco will meet this latter part of the month and ilx tlmo ond place tor the democratic convention. It is almost certain to bo In Dcs Molncs. (rent Western Extension, It Is learned here that contracts are to bo lot this week for tho construction of tho Great Western extension from Hampton westward to Clarion. This will give tho Groat Western direct connection with Its nowly purchnscd Mason City fc Fort Dcdgo line. It has heretofore been using tho tracks ot tho Iowa Central, but It will now extend not only to Clarion, but on west ward to Sioux City. Army l'ost I'lnna Slow, Tho expectation of the local comml.teo In charge of the ormy post work at Dcs Moines has been disappointed at tho slow ness with which work U being begun. It was expected by tho commlttco that Inas much as thero Is at the disposal ot the War department n largo sum available for Immediate uso the work on the sito of the urmy poBt would be begun this month, but thoro aro no Indications of any move In that direction, and as far as can be learned hero nothing is being done. The title to tho property passed to the United Slatts some timo ago and tho papers were declared to be regular. But verbal promises wero mado on behalf ot Des Moines with respect to the extension of water mains to tho elto for tho army pest, four miles south, and these promises have not been fulfilled. In fact, the committee Is inclined to not extend tho water mains but to compel the government to turnlsh tho water supply at tho pest. This Is sup posed to bo ona reason for the delay In beginning work. Stnte Normal School, Tho twonty-flftli annual commencement of tho Iowa Stato Normal school will occur Juno 9 to 12, and In view cf tho anniversary It will bo something more than usual and a good program lifts been arranged. At the last meeting of tho board of trustees the following new fa-ulty monitors were add d Mrs.' Bertha L. MetjIi, Fairfield, la., now a student In the University of Chicago, io Le assistant In geography; Miss Ida M. Hes senbccl: of Ho?k Hapids, la., and Ml s Ethel M. Waller ot Charles City, now a student In the unlyerslty at Iowa City, were elected assistants In tho training school de partment. Mies Elizabeth Hughes nnd Miss Poarl Plerco were granted a year's leave of iTbeTOlLET, IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT aW RELIEVES CHAFING, ITCHING OR IRRI. TATI0N, COOLS, COMFORTS AND HEALS THE SKIN, AFTER SHAVING. Avoid dangerous, Irritating Witch Haiti preparations rejretentel to be "thacamtat'' Pond's Extract, ahich easily toura end otton i contain "wood alcohol," a dtadly polion. CAUTION There to nothing "Just ai good " as Duffy's I'uro Malt Whiskey. A dealer who tnys so it thinking of his profits nothing more. Of course when n remedy h.n been before the publlo so long, has been recommended and prescribed by doctors, and carried the bless ings of health to so many thouand home! imitations nro bound to arise. They aro only ;J'.fr, however, to imitate the buttle nnrS .abels. No ono can Imitate the product. Tho process is known to manufacturers alone. Ask for the genuine, re f uso Injurious substi tutes. See that our seal over tho cork is un broken, ami that the bottlo has on it thn ?:overnmcnt medicine stamp, Wo linvn ouml cases whoro unrcllablo dealers havo refilled our bottle?, so we wish to caution our patrotuagnlt'.st accept ing somo cheap imita tion in our bottles. Tlook of Information Hint (ret. All driifjlili ami irroe'n. or dlrct. ft. 0.1 per bottlt. Seat tn plain taois. UulTl tlnllWIil.Wf lCo. lluvtiralnr, ., . absenco to ntteud the Chicago university. Tho threo now members of the faculty aro nil former graduates of tho Institution. C'nnitiiiiiiiler of the A, II. Georgo H. Meijgar, formerly custodian ot tho stato capltol and n leading poli tician of Scott county, has received assur ances that ho will bo elected department commander of tho Grund Army of tho Re public at the encampment at Duhuuuc In June, and will have no opposition. The general orders call for a meeting of tho council of administration nt Dubunue Juno 4 nnd tho first business session of tho en campment will bo tho next day. REFORM CRUSADE BEGINS Mlasiitirl Vnlley CIHr.i'iii Clime Siiloon.i mid Intend In Stop Sunilny tiiie Hull. MISSOURI VALL1CY, la., April 17. (Spo clal.) A reform criuudo has been Inau gurated here, starting with the cloning of all tho saloons. Now It Is proposed to stop Sunday amusement,! ot nil klmU. Last Sunday petitions wero circulated nt the churches to get signers, who ngrce to do nil In their power to prevent Sunday umuhcmeuts. Base ball is tho only ntnuto- mcnt hero on Sunday and Its patrons nra up In arms. SHOT WHILE CLEANING GUN tieortte Kuhler llnliN Mux.le of Win pun A ((ill un I 111m llrenst Wltll I'll till Itl'HIlltH. FORT DODGE, la., April 17. (Special Telegram.) George, the 11-year-old son of Dave Kuhler of this city, was Instantly killed tonight, by thu accidental discharge of n toy rlllo, which ho was cleaning. Thu boy had tho muzzle of tho rlllo ngalnst his chest, whun It was discharged and deatlt wna instantaneous. Tho weapon fired a BB bullet. If you want to know about n doctor, ask some of his patients. If yon want to know about nn office building, nsk its tenants. You will find the tenants of the Bee Building cnthusiustic in its praises, particularly if they formerly officed in other buildings. If you wish to inspect the few handsome offices which are vacant, call on us. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Affcnts, Ground Door Dee Bldg. uc3 namRnMn ('upturn! nt Slii'iinnilonli. SHENANDOAH, la., April 17. (Special.) Sam King, who Is wanted In Council Bluffs, on the charge of stealing n horse, waa captured by tho local authorities hero Monday. Ho and a boy wero camping n mile north of town and nftor communica tion with the sheriff at Council Bluffs, wero taken In custody. Deputy Sheriff Canning of Council Bluffs was here today after tho prisoner. . Clm roll for Onaivn. ONAWA. In.. Anrll 17. (Sncclnl.lTh Onnwa Congregatlonullsts havo decided to build a now $7,000 church on tho old site. The old church was built In 180!, but Is too small noxy. Work will begin at once. 'Tin i:u iu Vcvl U 1111(1. Countless thousands have found a bless ing to tho body In Dr. King's Now Llfo rills, which positively euro constipation, sick headache, dizziness, Jaundice, malaria, fever and aguo and all liver and stomach troubles. Turely vegetable, never gripe or weaken. Only 23c at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Snntlienst Kiiiimiim Ntiiriu-Illtlen, GALENA, Kan.. April 17. Heavy snow, accompanied by a strong wind with occa sional rain, has fallen In tho southeastern corner of tht- stato slnco last night, tho most severe storm of tho season here, It Is feared that much damage to fruit will re sult, at- many varieties aro In bloom. In tho mining district the storm practically caused a suspension of all work, and It will result In a material reduction In this week's output of zinc and lead. Do You Wear The Gordon Hat ? FASTEST TRAINS SHORTEST LINE t THE V TTTVTTaTMVT A TrnrT for Western Points. THE FOLLOWING NEEDS NO COMMENT! man FrBJ' Missouri River to salt lake city . san francisco portland . . . Missouri River to 10 nouns QlUCICKIt TU1N A1CT OTHER SALT LAKE CITY . 238 1 hims SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND . . . . X U f THAW ANY OT1IBM 258 DSTAILED INFORMATION r L'H.VI R II r D UPOW ArPLIOATIOIT TO New City Ticket Offce 1324 Farnam, T., f 1. "1 1 xiflvV icicuiiuiie jio. I3t fSH tt 3t& Mb m m m m m m m m m The "Comstock Process'' Is the most successful method for reducing nnd rellovins pain In all kinds of dental operations that has yet been presented to tho public. It hns been used by leading den tists of tho east for nearly two yearn, and has heen nrn. J nounced by them to be entirely satisfactory. Our patlcnta H nro delighted with tho results It produces. If you ara CI nOrVOUS and VOIlr tnnMi nr., Bnnolllvn a ...111 ..i , explain It to you. . .. Telephone 145 F. A. Woodbury, D. D. $., Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl SI. Grand Hola SNot every one can be beautiful. Yet all c:m bu at leott attrac tive. Natural, healthy, clear skin, n brilliant complexion, nipan. whclpyfitno Benin run! lustrous hair run be prmlurcd at youriinme. Full Information with bonk mailed free. br.ftUATOLOQiST WOOHnURV, l6JStlteSl.,Chl'no 9fci MEN NO CURE, NO PAY. If im haio 1111(111. weak orvari. lot iMiMtr or wmkenlnff dralm. our Vacuum Owon paveloprr will rrtnre yon without drug! or eltftllrltv t ?R OOO I,, nui mil nm falluroi notonereturnuli no a. O. p. fraud write for frri nurtlrulort. irnt lril In pUlu rnvrloi. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. OS Thorp Blk,, Indianapolis. Ird. in Beauty is Health. Walnut Lake. Ark,, June 3, 1900. I thank you for tht benefit I received from your edvicr. and the Wine of Carilul I look. In my terrible condition my lilt wa no pltasure to me at all and I wai of no ute to anybody. Alter receiving your edvlce and medicine I commenced taklna it and betfan Immediately to improve. The palm left me and the meniei, which eame at the correct time, continued three days. I have gained strength and my weight has Increased. My husband says the medicine lias made me better looking than ever before. : Mrs. LIZZIE MANNELL Womanly health means bright eyes, rosy cheeks, clear complexion and elasticity of form. This is the youth unmeasured by years the beauty of per fect womanhood. Beautiful women arc happier and get more out of life than their sisters whose faces indicate suffering. Wine of Cardui made Mrs. Manncll better looking" and infinitely happier because it cured her of those terrible pains. But she is no exception. CARBUI is giving thousands of women health, beauty and freedom from the dragging pains which have made (hdr lives SO miterihlp. U'.m fame lirfrfrH vvc xnA mvi,I.J I IU- .....II. . t ...1, , ...... -- -, i-aa- - - niiniiii.u iuiiiu me me luuiu ui suiierina. What suffering can compare with the torture of irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea and falling of the womb 1 Btauty flies quickly before the ravages of such disease. The sharp pains of falling of the womb deepen the crow tracks in the face. Menstrual Irregularities rob the eye of its fire and the com plexlon of Its transparency. Leucorrhoea drains the body of its strength, but Wine of Cardui restore the natural beauty, brightens the eye, clears the complexion, rounds out the figure and brinfli back the vigor of health, fcvery druggist in this city handles $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. For adrlca and literature, addreti. jclvlng symptoms. "Tho I.adlet' Advliorr Department," The Chattanooga iTadlcina'company. Chattanoa. TeSn'