Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method und beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
tsrnrp or Tigs, manufactured br the
C'ALiFOtiKiA Fin Srncp Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining t)ic liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known tole
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to thu
tast and acceptable to the system. It
Is the one perfect htrenplheninp laxo
ti"", clcatisinc the ytem effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and feverr
gently yet promptly and enabling one
a overcome habitual constipation per
manently. ItR perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, Jind its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are plcamint to the
taste, but the medicinal qualiticsof the
remedy are obtaued from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Cxuror.KiA Fio Stkup
Co. only In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations please
rcmemler the full namoof the Company
printed on the front of every package.
x.ocjeviLAx. nr nttw rone n t.
Forsale It nil D-ujxltts. Price Mc. per botlla
Men Suffering
from low nf nervous force often owe
their condition toyouthfu, lent, ranee
that fcarlut eticmvlr health.
It 1 the huxtne-n of s-ieuee to repair
lhednniBpecaui,eil by the thoughtless
practices of youth.
Nervous Ijebllltv never Rets well of
itnelf. Its virtlras drag througli a
miserable existence, weak, listless,
lltrrally feedtbehungryncrves. giving
them the precine iugredleut de
manded bv nature. This woudcrtul
remedy cured Nervous Ilcblllty slops
all drains, replaces wanted tifntiee,
send rich, warm life Mood tinging
through every part, making every or
can net and caunluc you to glow with
81 (TO per box: (i boxes (with guarnn
tee lo cure), I.'j.OO. Hook free.
1 or mlr tiv K;ihu & Co.. M Dillon
I'ullcr I'alr.t tc Drue t o. and Davis Drug
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor cml Manhood
Cum impoteucy. Night 'Eniif'fHoan. Loss of Meo
on, nil waiting auras-v i
allefluct.- of solf-abase orl (Cf
execs und ludlcercMon. JKf
A acn-o tonio sn pilL
.UHJV L, 14. 141... . iJiittt,' I
rthe ntnk clow to nrle
chec'.s unci restore' tli
.flr sf j (itah Ily .iu4.' boxes for'
S2.b0, with our bankable (ruurantoo to cure
or refund tho money puld, Sml far circular
nud try" of our buulit.bIo guuruutue b-ui.
Kenrifa Tablets E
Immediate Results
rositlvely gtif - ,,tiied c.
,.rn fnr Lns of Povor
Varieocul".. I'ndevel ped or rlirtu.lien Organc,
j'are-Hid. xjocomntor ttiinin "veTon' frostin
tlon, Hytti". 1'ith, mnuilr. 1'axul.vsiR nud tho
Iteeult" of r.inive i. e of Toburmi, Opium or
Liquor. By sanll In nliln pnci.ari.fiil.OO a
luii, O for tfri.OO with our 'onnki.ble (ruf
antoe bond to euro lii HQ cx.ya -jr reiund
mouey null. Addrfi
Clintons '"OO, EUc
Vor sale ly Vvunn Co., Etti and Dajfiac
BU, Oniuna. Hub.: Gnu. a. Uuvitt. Ccuuoli
Bluff t '.r,.i.
5N 0" BA0TY is jnv rnntrns
Umovrt Tan, P,niiirii
Frrckli'R, Moth I'mchd,
Jtaah and Ktln l
fJ'l rmr, ana eve.-y
uiia ueuer UQIlk -
'inn. It hu ton;
tho tel o' i,?
jrard. Mid li
harmlras tUHtb
It to br uri' 't
la propi-riy niadf
1 Accept no coumr-
irrlt of dlmllHr
ynamr. Dr. u. A
Huyrt paid te a la
dy f tli haut-toi.
lit rtatlcrntl:
A you ludlfd will use them. 1 recom
mend 'GOl'KAl'D'B CREAK' at the least
harmful of all the Skin preparations," Vo
tula bv nil DrurrlEtd und Fancy Goo!
Dealern in thb V H. nnd Europo.
I'lIHII. T, HOPKINS. l'ri'r.
V Grent JnrifB S' N
Can Buy
,t a meat market, or you
can hire other people to
think for you, or a nimble
fingered girl to write your
letters, but do you Know a
good dictionary is a great
help in writing or speak
ing correctly?
rrobtbly you h a decrepit
old dictionary la your oQce, It
Ii ro tttter3 and dirty that you
teldom Ude It. Throw u is tLa
xt baaUet and crt a
It 1 thr latest out and sckolar
verywhere pronounce It th
best Contatninr, orrr 800.000
ord and having; a corps of ZD
dltors, spedalUta and educatofl
mm, rostice nearly a toIUion
dollars before placed before the
public. It oucht to be a valuable
book. It Is a valuable book by
far tbe best dictionary betar
tfce EnclUh-epeaklnr pwpla.
Kin Tcej Badiluk of Omaha it & tbi Liit
J'tietnln IBtt f.nnrtrd Two irurn
Ako rixlnat Sntnrtre of Clrrka of
Illdtrlcl Cotirtd nnd rrohlblt
Inn Tkelr ArcriitluK Kee,
LINCOLN, April IT. (Special Ttlepram.)
Tbe nuprotne court this afternoon nn
nouncrd tb appolntmrntB of tbt followlnt;
For Judge Arnrd MIbb Mary Kinsley. Lin
coln, to be Fucccedod July 1 by Mrs. Carrie
L. Wildon of riattsroouth.
For Judcc AIbrt Mary E. Ebeeban of
For JudRt. Day Belle M. Howell of Lin
coln. For Judpe Hastlnss Fred M. MUcnz of
For Judpe Klrkpatrick Milton Scbwlnd
of Lltieoln, now Hcnoprapber for JudRe
Holcomb, who will appoint Charles CJ. De
France of Lincoln a his pucccasor.
For Judco Oldham A. J. O'Malley of
Oreeley Center.
F'r Judpe FouDd Mldf Tony Sadtlek of
For Judpe Sodpwlck Mist Nettle Dortch
of Lincoln.
Btenoprapher for Judpe Duffle will be ap
pointed later.
It was announced that the call for the
next Kittttip will include ninety canna.
Opinio i In Prnnk I'nur,
The supreme court late thle afternoon
banded down an opinion ufll rail tip. Itn for
mer dec clon of ibe raae,n.' tbe Sta e apainBt
Albyn Frank This opinion upholds the
lan panned by the lepislattire of lh&ti. flxlnp
the snlarleH of clerks of tbe district court
j and prohibitive the clerks from appropriat
ing fens ns part of their rompensntlon.
The act was attarUed cn the pround that
I it was not regularly patted by the leple
I lature and that it was rpeclal ltplslation.
I The opinion which an written by Chief
JJtHtlre Norval, holdB that courts may tal.e
j Judicial notieo of the journals nf the leg
nBlature. und that as in this case no Irrep
ulnr'ty In hhown, tbe act therefore, Is valid.
The derision will have the effect of plac-
lnp all ofllceB of clerk of the district court
ou a salary basis, to be poverned by the
amount of fees received.
Sjillfiltiik of tlic Opinion.
The bj Halms of the opinion:
Courts will take Judlelul notice of lcpiRla
tlve enar-tmentB and reeordd kept bj tlie
two houecB of the. leplRlattire.
When legiHlatlve ate defortlve or
lncomiilete their silence will not, as npainrt
nil enrolled bill, be taken as eoncluslve evi
dence that the yens nod nays were not
taken and reeorded on the llnal paKsape of
he act
FxtrliiHlc evidence may not be received to
eontradh't the leplslutlve Journals, but urh
evidence l eompetent to tuipply mlBsltip
portions of the Journal), which liad become
detached throuph acrident or deHlpn.
Enrollment, authentication and approval
of an art of the leplelnture are prima facie
evidence of the repularity of Itp enactment.
Senslon laws of IRKI). chapter xxxl, amend
inp Compiled Statutes 1S97. chapter xxvlll,
flection :i, It pcrmatie to the nectlon
amended und ItB provisions are within its
A peneral Inw, tbouph affectlnp a einple
count. 1b not for that renson special lepls
latlon. The ht'prcme court handed down the fol
low inp oplnlonr .
Philadelphia Mortpupe nnd Trust com
pany uputiiHt Oyler. utllrnicd.
National Life Insurance company u pa Inst
Fltzpcrald. uftlnned.
MrPlivrnon apaltiBt Commercial National
back of Opden: atflrnied.
McCullouph apalnst Dove ; remittitur of
Sii!).S2 and Interest from date of entcrinp of
detrvti Ji( lower court to ln remitted by
Obirfcjlrter & Qo.l It done, tu Ve affirmed.
St ute ex rel Douplau county' orulnst
Frank, former opinion of revcrnul udhered
Smith upalnst Nenfeld; affirmed
Tecumreh National bank apalnst McGee;
Smith apaltiBt Neufeld; affirmed.
Clary npuinst State, affirmed. Sullivan, J.,
Orders on motions, April IT:
Vrlau apulnst Rube. tllemlsHed hs to
appellant. Herman Ituhc, appeal of Freilc
rt( !: Ituhe btrlcken
I'arker apnlridt Arabian Horse company,
motion to continue to September term sun
tained. motion for BUbstltutlon of F. C
Sheldon, trustee, in bankruptcy, in place of
I .irker. plalntlfr in orror, Bustulnod.
School Dlhtrlct Ifi of Holt county apalnst
llnriHon. advanced.
Council Ifluffs Savlnpa tianl: apalnst
Smith: motion to affirm denied
Orders on motions for refcearinp:
National Life insurance company apalnst
Itutler; rebeurlnp denied.
Carter apalnBi GibBon; rehearlnp denied.
Dryden upniiiKt Parotth; rehearing denied.
Connectl.-ut Trust and Safe Deposit com
panj iipalnst Fletcher; rebearinp denied
HayeB apatnst Orient Insurance company,
rehearing denied.
Downtnc ngainU Iewls; motion to modify
decree ox'erruled.
Gannon apalnst Plielnn; rehrarlnp on mix
tion to dismiss denied.
Sbi'tiley upalnst Dixon county; rehearing
iyuicl; apalnst State; rehenrlnp denied,
tritiicd nnd Snlnnttted.
The following cafes were argued and sub
mitted; Ohadron Loan and Building ansociatiou
against O'Lliin; appeal. Dawes,
Ames against I'arrott; error from Doup
lax. National AVall Paper company against
Columbia National bank; appeal from Lan
caster. Smith ngainst Ostrr, hi peal from Douglas,
uakes against Gillllan, appeal from Lan
cuhter. Martin ngainst Atibott; appeal from Lan
cahter Hellevue Improvement company against
Kay'r; appeal from Sarpy.
Chicago, IJurllnpton Qulncy rtailroud
company agulnst Hlglry; error from Otoe..
Chapman apalnst Snyder; error from
Lundpren agaiiist Krrkow; error from
nice against McCague; .appeal from
Keene Five Cent Savings bank againrt
Jolitifon. atipea1 from I'lielps.
Dohldt apninrt Decker; appeal from Cum
Inc. Startzer against Clark, error from Sarpy.
King ugaliiKt Wilson; error from Douglas.
Clurk against Falkers; error from Jef
ferson Schratidt agalnBt Young; error from
Puetiherry iipalnst Abliott; appeal from
Hobrer against Adair, error from HulTalo.
Altmun. Miller & Co. agaluat Mollne M &
S company: error from Dawson.
Dav against Miller, error from Harlan
Smith ngalmt White; error from Douglas.
I National batik nf Oilmen nr-nlnnt
Touzalln Impruvement comjiany; apiKnl
from Gage.
Norfolk Beet Sugar company against
Iterger . error from Madison.
M.tddlHon Rpalnsi Smith; appeal from
Hotfmaii against Nelson: error from
Ihislj apaliiKt State; error from Dundy.
In re alker. habeas eorpuB.
'iilmiltlf il on lirlef.
These wore submitted on briefs
Walters ngalnrt Wiley . error from Pierce.
Qulnby agulnst Ayers. error from Daw
son Stone ugalust Omaha Fire Insurance
company . appeal from Douglas,
TK orncai i$ Trgmg
Ciiflilbearing is a perfectly natural func
tion, bat it is robbed of its terrors where
the virtue of "Mothmim Friend"
is Known. This unique liniment,
externally, relaxes all the muscles,
Tie orfti is Easg
WILL BOLT, of LrtU, lo-i. wrltr. "MntWi Pnil1
humwTtd myotic oUUmmpt.wlifchmtkts It oormunmow).
Mc'nrmi'k II M enmpar apalns' Mrc
Mollcr error from MBdlsi .
Si bool lilstrict 34 of I'uster county against
Stairs appeal from 'usler.
l"nlt"d States National bank ncaltisf
Hansen . appeal from I'holps
Boll acainst Omaha Savlnps bank, error
from PoiipIhs
Larpe A- Amsden company acalnst Nott;
trrnr from Holt
Fahey ngalnst State bank of O'Neill;
error from Holt
Horhach against Troup: error from Dntip
hit, Post against Smith: appeal from Pouclas.
Ilnbertson against Hamilton, error from
Perry aratnst Baker; Bppeal from Greely.
Iteynolds against l'hllllpf, error from
Newts jn apalnst Walker; error from
Modem Woodmen npainrt Lan; error
from Lancaster
Holt against State, error from Boyd.
State ex rel Butler County AcTlrulturs.1
soelnty ncalntt Coucal; error from Butler.
The following cases, regularly railed for
hearing, were affirmed because of failure
of parties to file briefs.
Mutual Building and Loan association
against Fllllon; appeal from Lincoln.
Bulldlnc and Loan asnclatlon of Dakota
acalnst Will, appeal from Lancaster.
Ilegnler-Schoup Crockery company
against MeEwon- error from Buffalo
fnlted States. National bank of Holdrege
apalnst Wamner. appeal from Phelps.
Orlst against Adams, appeal from Doug-
Chicago. Burlington & Qulnry Railroad
company against School District 1K1 of Box
Butte count) , appeal from Box Butte.
Sarpy county against Hauschlld; error
from Sarpy
Trompen against Parklngton; appeal from
Iancastf r.
I'alrtiankR. Mors" A- Co. against Sand
wich Enterprle company, error from Red
Walsh against Klas. appeal from Thayer.
Slate against Kneophoff; error from Ante
lope. The following rases were dismissed on
motion of plaintiff In error or appellant
First National bank of Blue Hill apalnst
Doxle. appeal from Nuckolls
Peterson against Wolsey, appeal from
State ex rel Clarl: A- L Insurance com
pany against Owen; error from Chase.
McLean against McCormlck; appeal from
Dodge ngalnrt Wood F.lver bank; error
from Hall. .
Averill apalnst Colony, appeal from Cloy.
Glllett apalnst Mohs: appeal from Buffalo.
In the following cases conditional orders
of dismissal heretofore entered were made
Philadelphia Mortpape and Trust Com
pany agulnst A" Schmlti, appeal from
Douglas Hleh ugalnst Code Head Estate
company; error from Douglas. Hooker
ucalnst Presldf-nt and Directors Insurance
Companj of North America, error from
Lancaster. Van Etten against Test; error
from Douglas.
Slleellanenn Order.
MlBcellaneous orders were made as follows-
Sehrant against Toung; error from Sheri
dan, leave to plaintiff to tile briefs in-
Smith against White; error from Doug
las; leave to amend petition in error ra
stanter . .,
Nebrasku National Bank against Hallo
well, appeal rrom Buffalo, stipulation to
set cose for hearing at second sitting
In May allowed; suggestion of diminution
1'rlou against Ftuhe, appeal from Doug
las; submitted on motion for absolute order
of dlsmlhsal.
Herpolsheimer against runk. error from
LuncaKtcr; leave to plaintiff to file briefs
instant er
Lincoln Cnlverslty against Polk; error
from Lancaster, leave to plaintiffs to file
briefs tnstanter
Bush ngalnst Tecumsch National Dank,
error from Johnson; leave to plaintiff to file
additional transcript.
Simons ugalnst State Bank; error from
FuinuH. suggestion of diminution, and
diminution allowed.
Hansen against School District IC of Holt
County; appeal from Holt, submitted on
motion to udvanee.
West against Dyer; appeal from Lancas
ter; conditional order for ii'st bond and
briefs by March 25,
l'ottnrd ugalnst Plckard: appeal from
Douglas; BUggestlon of assignment of Inter
est of appellee and motion for substitution
of Owen McCaffcry. oaslgnee, received and
Council Bluffs Savings Bank against
Smith, appeal from Madison, submitted on
motion to nitlrm.
Fitzgerald agulnst Union Savings Bank,
two cuses: error from Doudas: thlrtv dovs
.nisi order on plaintiff for brlefa.
iion against mute, error rrom uoya,
leave to plaintiff to amend petition In error.
National Aid Association against Brach
ter: error from Clay, hearing on motion to
quash bill of exceptions continued to May
City of Omaha against Bowman, error
from Douplus; udvanced.
I'arker ugalnut Arabian Horse Company,
error from Gage, submitted on motion to
continue until September term und on mo
tion suggesting that plaintiff Parker is In
bankruptcy proceedings and requesting that
F. B. Sheldon, trustee, be r.ubstltuted.
Duy agaltiBt Miller, error from Harlan;
leave to plaintiff to attach additional cer
tltlcate ot clerk of district court to the
Goldstein ngalnrt Krug Brewing Com
pany; error from Lancaster; leave to plain
tiff to tile additional transcript lnstanter.
Cook against Vaughn, error from Har
lan; continued to June 4.
Cool: against Vaughn (No. HSS0; leave to
defendant to file briefs In twentv davs.
Jeremiah D Likens against State; error
from Bock, sentence suspended and ball
fixed at ?a0.
State ex- rel Ellti A. Bench agninst Fields;
from Antelope, leave to docket cause in
supreme court und nltermitive writ al
lowed. KeHlgnatlon of John S. Klrkpatrick as a
member to examine applicants for ndmls
sion to the bar accepted.
Hon. Fr-d Shepphard of Lincoln and Hon.
J. Macnmber ol Omuiia appointed to fill
vacancies on the commission for the x
amlnatlon of applicants for ndmlsslon to
!,,'V.,l'ot,?al""J l!'rh d'uth ot Hon. win
field s. Stniwii of Omaha, late chairman of
puch commission, und bj the reHlcnatlon
of the Hon. John K, Klrkpatrick, late secre-
ricbt on I.irriidr ciocMlnn.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., April IT. (Special.)
The outgoing council Tuesday night can
vassed the vote and found it as returned
by the election board, and at the first meet
ing In May the control of municipal affairs
will pass into tho hands of the license
people. The retiring board, which Is tem
perance, sought to prevent the establish
ment of Baloous here by repealing the
license ordinance, working on tbe theory
that the new board cannot react because
the council (vlll be evenly divided and the
mayor, while a license advocate, has no
vote cn the passage of an ordinance.
i:iect Tnlilr Ilorli Trnrhrr.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. April 17. (Special.)
At the meeting of tbe school board last
night these teachers were re-elected: Prof
L. W. Wlmbcrley, principal; Miss Lola
Standlcy, second grammrr; Miss Minnie
Boogii, first grammer: Miss Elsie Fisher,
second primary. Miss Katie Moore, first
primary. The election of assistant princi
pal and assistant primary teacher was left
open for a future meeting.
To Mnnnfnrtiirr iHiirhlnrry.
LINCOLN. April IT (Special.) The
i lay tenter Manufacturing company filed
articles of Incorporation with the Becretarv
of state today. It is capitalized for JSO.OOO
and incorporated by M. M. Johnson and
twenty-nine others. The company Is to
mouuiariure press drills and farm machin
ery. I.leut rnnnt (internor to Spenk.
BEATRICE, Nch.. April IT (Special
Telepram.)--L'ctitenant GDvernor Eavags
has been secund by the Grand Army of
the Republic as their principal speaker Me
morial day.
so that ."i;
"It r fHjt!M.M
Sold hr 11 l-it Drurrua. tat by prepaid or receipt U price,
l.(M) per battle.
Motnertioad. e tj
end rwlt, Bulled free.
Thj Fetr th Ixtrtdlt'wn Aiinit Lin Ku
Tine M7 Kot Ed3
.Mllltar; In I'nrsnlipT Him Will lie
Tmipted to Mere Minn M' Inp
Itnl rhlneee Oeneml Mny
Kill n lie Uot-ft.
rEKT.V. April IT The minister of tbe
foreign powers view with alarm the ex
pedition against General Liu Kan Tire,
as tbey think he will retreat, probably
laying waste the villages he traTcracs and
killing native Christlacs, and that surh
actions will be used as an excuse by the
military for further aggresBlon. which
would probably be the taking of Ijtl Yuan
Fu, the capital of Shan Fl province Cap
tain Reeves, attached to the American le
gation here, accompanied the expedition to
observe happenings on behalf of tbe United
At today's meeting of the foreign min
isters the question of indemnities was dis
cussed. Jt is now ertixated that 0,000,090
will cover all claims.
a? LI M as Tricky
A missionary named Klllie (Rev. Mr.
Kelly, Presbyterian missionary) has re
turned from San Ho, where Christians were
burned to death In December
Mr. Klllie reports to General Chaffee
that some time ago several of his converts
were killed. He had the putlty parties tried
in the Chinese courts, where they were
convicted and sentenced to death, subject
to LI Hung Chang's signature. Mr. Klllie
came to Pektn and saw Li Hung Chang, who
said tbe men should be executed Immedi
ately. Upon going to San Ho three weeks
later tbe missionary found the men alive.
He spoke to a Judge of the ChlDcse court
on the matter, who thereupon showed him
a letter from LI Hung Chatig giving ex
plicit Instructions that the men must not
bo executed, as they hod only been con
vlcted ou the testimony of Christiana, con
sequently the evidence was untrustworthy.
Mr. Klllie has a ropy of this letter.
In the meantime the French had proved
the same men guilty of Incendiarism and
other outrages and demanded their execu
tion, whereupon the Judge again showed hit,
orders from LI Hung Chang. The French
authorities replied that if the men were not
executed within eight days they would take
the law into their own hands and punish tbe
Chinese officials likewise.
LONDON, April 1R. The, Standard pub
lishes the following dispatch from Tien
"The report is confirmed that the Chi
nese have destroyed a portion of the rail
way beyond Fao Ting Fu.
"The Chinese assert that General Ma has
resolved to commerce hostilities under tbe
impression that the allied commanders arc
preparing to send an expedition against
Elan Fu from the aouth,"
The coming reorganization of the Board
of Education Is one of the topics of con
versation on the streets these days. With
tbe meeting of the bourd -to be held on
May 6 the recently elected members will
be sworn Jn and the board will be re
organlred. As constituted politically tbe
board le composed of clx democrats and
three republicans, but this Is no Indication
that the democrats will have things all
their own way. It is rumored that Kuhat,
one of the. recently ciloclad members, it us
much of a" ns a democrat, al
though he was a candidate on the demo
cratic ticket. Murphy, another democrat
elected, will. It Is asserted, go with Kubat.
und if It is deemed advisable these two, by
Joining haDda with the republicans, can
control the board and perfect an organiza
tion. Colonel A. L. Lott, one of tbe hold
over republican membert.. Is Wing talked of
for president in case the combination now
put up goes throuph. In this event either
John Henry Loechuer or Kubat will be
elected secretary.
Fearing a combination of this kind the
democratic members are making all (.oris
of promises to members ns to positions on
committees In an attempt to matntaln a
strict party line formation.
The three republican members are Lott,
Miller and Schroeder. all holdovers, and It
Is hardly expected that cither the presi
dency or the secretaryship will be given
to tbe cew members, as it has been the cus
tom to recognize the holdover members in
such cases, There promises to be a lively
flpbt on when the time comes.
Ininoandinc Ordlnnnrra.
An ordinance was read for the first time
at tbe last council meeting which Is liable
lo cause the city fathers a whole lot of
prlrf if It Is cer pcBsed. This is tbe or
dinance creating the office of poutidmastcr,
defining his duties, providing for the taking
and impounding of dogs, other animals,
chickens and other fowls, and regulating
the harboring of dogs and other animals.
There will be under tho ordinance an
aunual tax of SI tor male dogs and 2 foi
female dope and this tax must be paid Into
Ihe city treasury brfore May 3 of each
In compliance with tbe ordinary provi
sions City Clerk Shrlgley has ordered doe
tags, which will arrive here within a few
days, and the poundmaster. If tbe ordinance
Is passed, will commence work bright and
early on the morning of May 1
Councilman do funny things at times,
but tbe most amusing action taken In a
long time was the permitting of tbe follow
ing section to be inculcated into tbe or
dinance "That it shall be and is hereby
made the duty of all owners and harborerH
of dogs In this city to lint, on or before
May 1 of each year, w-ith the city clerk, by
giving name and description thereof and
designating place and location, by number
If possible, where the Bame are kept and
harbored and to tak from the city clerk
a receipt for Burl' llBting. which roealpt
shall be In description and substance the
same ns the list lnp."
If this section goes through everyone
who owns a bow-wow miiHt appear before
the city clerk and tell the name, color, de
scription, etc., of the canine In his pon
sesslon. whether he pun-hases a tag or not.
A penalty of 10 le provided for failure to
properly list dogs.
Another section of the ordinance which
Is causing considerable laughter Is the sec
tion regarding the Impounding of fowih
If a rhlrken happens to fly over a fen:s
or wander across a lot boundary line the
poundmaster 1b empowered to run the fowl
down, even If he has to ride a racihore
to do a When the hen or rooster, bb the
rase may be, is captured it must be taken
to the pound and the owner, under ordinary
rlrrumstanres, will be compelled to mort
pape his house and lot In order to redeem
the fowl
For the disposal of every flop Impounded
and not culled for the poundmaster will bo
entitled to $1, the same to be. paid out of
the special dop tax fund.
Vicious dops. whether tapped or un
tagged, will not be permitted to run at
large, unless muzzled. Tbe mayor at any
I time, by proclamation, may require all dogs
vo ne muzzled tor surh period of time as he
may deem lest
Police officers will be required to report
all untapped dogs to the poundmaster. after
first finding out the name.' registered nuni-
j ber pedigree and name of owner of tbe
I animal, in cute the animal untacccil bet
South Omaha News. I
no registered number or pedigree the same
must be noted pn blanks provided for the
Councllmar Dvorak is reputed to be tbe
author of this ordinance, a his name Is
signed to It
Clerk Shrlgley yesterday pave orders for
a larpe amount of printed slips, upon which
the dogs owned and being harbored will be
listed. Provision is also being made to
list fowls tbe same us dop
Llcinnr I, teener Appllrnt lone.
Up to the present time slxtj-five ap
plications for license to sell liquor have
been published by Tbe Bee. and It Is ex
pected that the total number of applica
tions will amount to not less than seventy-five.
It Is possible thst tbe total may
reach eight before the end of the pres
ent month. All llreuset expire on May 1
of each year. This jcar. owing to the re
port of the census bureau, the license will
be $1,000, and this will tend to some ex
tent to cut down tbe number of saloons
Last year, with ninety-one saloons, the
Board of Education received 4S.r,00 from
this source, but this year there is Jfir.'0:
assured at the present time. AVlth JTfi.OOO
or possibly 1R0.000 to be derived by the
school district from license applications
the board will be placed In good shape
financially and rati po ahead with the erec
tion of a portion at least of tho proposed
High school building.
This license money will be turned over
to the school district as fast as licenses
are granted by tho council. This year all
druggists must secure permits and adver
tise the same ns liquor dealers. The cost
of a city license to druggists is J10.
Millet- ln retlicntee Vlndnetft.
Councilman Miller Investigated the con
dition of tho two viaductB yesterday and
reported finding a good-Bized hole in the
L street bridpe, which the street commis
sioner was requested to repair at once.
The planking on thlB bridge needs repair
ing, from one end to the other. Now that
the new charter is In fores the city Is not
required to repair any of the approaches to
this viaduct, as the agreement with the
railroads, made it Lincoln, was that the
entire Btructure would be kept In repair
from this time on. This will relieve the
city of considerable expense. All the offi
cials have to do now is to notify the rail
roads to make repairs, and It the same
are not made within a specified time the
bridge can be closed to traffic until prop
erly repaired. There Is considerable room
for improvement In the flooring of the Q
street viaduct also and the attention of the
council will be called to this matter very
Minnie (Hirer Ce.
On the oecond trial of Ihe Minnie Oliver
damage case Judgment was rendered ugalnst
the city In tbe cum of i:,43G. The first
trial was held a few weeks ago and tbe
Jury decided that j:,250 was about the
right Bum to pay the woman. City At
torney Lambert moved for a new trial,
which was pranted, with the result men
tioned. In the Interval between tbe first
and fcecond trials the city changed at
torneys, the city attorney not being al
lowed to participate, as he had filed the
original suit.
It Is understood that a motion for a new
trial will be made, and in case this Is de
nied tbe Bult will be carried to the su
preme court of the city. Mrs. Oliver claims
lo have been Injured by falling on account
of a defective sidewalk.
liiapet-tnr Jones flair.
Sanitary Inspector Jones and his assist
ant, Stevens, were enpaged yesterday In
serving cleanlng-up notices to residents of
the Second ward. This work will continue
until tbe entire city has been covered. Ac
cording to the notices forty-eight hours are
given In which to comply with the notice.
In cases where the official notice is dis
regarded arrests will follow. Today the
Inspectors "will go over the ground covered
a couple of days ago for the purpose of bs
certalutng ir the requirements have been
complied with. It is the Intention of the
authorities to commence tbe spring house
cleaning early thlB year.
Cllfion for CnniM-llman.
The title in the councllmaulc affair seemed
to take a turn yesterday, and it vns ru
mored on tbe otrects during tbe afternoon
that C. C. Clifton would most likely lie
named next Monday night as one of the
members of the council to he appointed.
During the last year Clifton served out
Mayor Kelly's unexpired term, and it is
Btated that he made a very acceptable
councilman. It is understood that quite a
number of residents in the Sixth ward would
like to see Mr. Clifton appointed.
Mnielr City Goeli.
Joseph Cohn of Seattle, WnBh.. is here,
the guest of his b-other. Attorney Hurry L,
Real ehtate dealers expect a boom In
business here an soon a tbe weather clears
a little.
City Clerk Shrlgley Is preparing to start
a dog directory in compliance with ordi
nance No. 11KC.
Street Commissioner Clark le preparing
lo fluah tho paved streetB In the buslntHt,
part or tbe city
Superior lodge No. lie, Degree of Honor,
will give an entcrtulnment at AVorkmen
ball, Twenty-Blxth and N Btreets. on the
evening of April 25
Testerday was the day Bet for stopping
the killing of hops ut the Hammond plant
and the work ceased us per the Btatement
made by the management last Friday.
The "grading bee" at the Methodist
church came ofT on time esterday. A num
ber of the cotiprepatlon assisted the pastor
in leveling tbe grounds about the church
und parsonnge
The remains of Lon R. Plnnell wer? laid
at rest yeBterduy afternoon. Services were
held at the family residence at S o'clock,
a larpe number of friends utetidltig. The
flora! offerings were numerous and attested
In a measure th- esteem In which the de
ceased whs held by his friends and neigh
bors. He Kept III
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wire. Inflamatlon and blood poi
soning set In. For two years be suffered
intensely. Then the best doctors urged
amputation, "but," he writes, "I used one
bottle of Electric Bitters and eleven and a
half boxes of Bucklen'c Arnica Salve and
my leg was sound and well as evrr." For
eruptions, eczema, tetter. Halt rheum, sores
and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has
no rival on earth. Try them. Kubn & Co.
will guarantee satisfaction or refund
mouey. Only .10 cents.
Snernl Employ rr Tnlir the rinrca
of .Innrncj men IVlm Hair
There is no change In the condition ot
the machinists' strike. All of tbe shops
are open and in some of them emergency
work Is being done. Several of the pro
prletors have gone back to tbe bench and
are doing the work of the Journeymen who
are out.
The masters' association adjourned Tues
day evening aubjoct to the call of tbe pres
ident, but it is understood that there will
be no meeting until the ofllcers of tb
national masters' association have been
heard from and steps have been taken to
place the local organization In that society
Members of the union say there Is no
possibility of tbe master machinists oh
talntug enough eompetent men from the
rest to operate the shops, as In all of the
Industrial centers all machinists, union and
non-union, are employed at prices with
which they are satisfied,
At none of the shops has there been
any demonstration and it is belleted that
tbe present strike will be rarrled on with
out personal difficulties of any character,
ai tbe members of the union are doing all
they can to keep any dlaturblng element
out of their council.
Dyspepsia Curo
TThen the stomach falls, all other organs of tho body fall.
The heart prows weak, the kidneys become overburdened, tho
liver obstructed, and the blood imitoverlsbed Even consump
tion and cancer are results of Improper nourishment
The surest way lo keep the Ptomach In pood condition, is lo
nse a preparation that will dipest all classes of food and build
up the dlpestive orpans. Kodol DrfrErsiA Cuim is Just such a
preparation. It digests what you eat and allows you to cat
food enouph to nourish every tissue of the body.
It can't help but do you good
Prepared by E. 0. DeWltt & Ou., O til c ago. Tbe C bottle contain t H tlnic the 60c aim.
yrhen you suffer from biliousness or constipation. ue the famous little liver
pills known as DeWitt'a Little EARLY RISERS. They never gripe.
The State Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combines Ail of
the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and Electricity
in Our System of Electro-Medical Treatment.
Professional Excellence Cm Be Attained Only by thi
Doctor Who Concentrates All His Faculties
on a Single Class of Ills.
I do not treat all but cure till
tuy cured.
in almost every vncutlon Fiiecltilty worK if.
noiuuiy true wnen me or cieuui ih involved Jt ir men mui me Kent treutment the
medical profeimion affords 1h tiousht after, and tula can come only from the true.
KjiecialiKt, whose deep knowledge, expert Hklll. vast experience and thorough bcI
enttflc equipments have given him complete mastery over the diseases that con
stitute his specialty.
Whutever may bo your ailment, pet help
ciui stuuy. ji your eyesiBiu is iuiiiiir go to a reliuuie optician or oculist ir your
hearing is defective consult a competent uurlst. If u bud tooth is distressing you
engage the skill of a dentist. Or if you are burning with fever or slinking with
chills, tell your troubles to u family physician. They can do more good than 1 can,
for I do not trcLt such complaints, nor pretend to cure them
But If you have ono of the serious diseases
IvIUiVLiY or L'llirsAm TllUUUUtiS, c"ur ,1 AUIUL ti liLUUU J'UIHOK, KliXfAl
DEBILITY or allied troubles, which is depleting jour vitality, or if your case has
been aggravated und made worse by the use of specific, free sumples, trial treat
ments or similar devices if this Is your unfortunate condition 1 want you to write
us or come 'to our offices, where you will be welcome to private counsel, a careful
personul examination and an honest nnd scientific opinion of your ense free of
These diseases and weaknesses of men, and they alone, arc my specialty. To them I
have earnestly and exclusively devoted many of the best yeurs of mv life, during
which time 1 have discovered and developed various forms of treatment which
make their cure an unqualified und absolute certainty Is it not worth your while
to investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitudes of men"
If IfeAPCI C TJnder our Electro-Medical treatment this insidious dlneose riirta!y
fAnluUwl.Lt. cllBfcppears. ruin ceaser almost Instantly The pools of Kta.cnt7it
blood are driven from the dilated veins wid aJI soreness and swelling quickly rubuldet
Even- indication of varloocele soon vanishes and In Its stead comes the pride the.
power and the pleasure of perfect beltb and rretorcd manhood. '
CTAIPTIIDC ur Electro-Medical treatment dissolves the stricture completely
O I lilU I line and removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allayi
all Inflammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduces the prostata eland
cleanse and heals the bladder and kidneys, invigorates the sexual organs and re
stores health and soundness to every jiart of ttir body (tlfertrit br the dleeur.
suit of our life work, and Is Indorsed by the best physicians In this and forelrn coun- 1
trien. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind, It roes to
the very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity Soon every
sign and symptom dlsamieare. completely and forever The blood, the tissue, the flesh
the bone, and the whole system it cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health
and the patient prepared anew for the do tire nnd pleasures of life.
CCVII tl ftFIII ITY Men' mVY, 01 ou ar' V reaping the result cf your
dCAUAL lIC VI LI I I former folly Your manhood Is falling and will soon be
lost unless you do something for yourself, There Is no time to lose. Impotencv like
all serual diseases. Is never on the standstill "With It you can make no compromise
Either ycru must master It or it will master you, and fill your whole future with
misery and Indescribable woe. tVe have treated so many cases of this kind that we I
are as familiar with them as you are with the very daylight. Once cured by us
you will never again be bothered by cmirslnnB, drains, prematurrmese. small or weak I
organs, nervousness, falling memory, lose of ambition or other symptoms which rob
you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study, business, pleasure or mar
rlare. Our treatment for weak men will correct all of these evils and restore you to
hat nature intended a hale, healthy, heppy man, with physical, rarntni and
sexual powrrs complete.
PHDTltKIE fured to stay cured by our ElMctro-Medlcal treutment without the .use
IMr I fiiai of the knife, and without detention from business
Ehl CV IIICCAnCC M"' ullments are reflex, originating from other dls
eirj;.A lllgt.ll eases. For Inst mice, sexuul weitknosH sometimes come
from Varicocele or Btncture: innumeranie Mood and bone diseases often result from
contagious blood taints in the system, or PhyBloeJ and mental decline freauentlr fol.
low Impotency.ln treating diseases of any kind we always remove the ortcin we, i
cure the cause. "
ftflRRFPAMDFNfiF0n'er',D"a, vlllt "-Iways preferred, but If you cannot
UUnnCarUnUCnUC call at our office, write us your symptoms fuIlrVOur
home treatment by correspondence is always ruccessful
Legal contract given to all patients to hold for our agreement. Do not hesitate
If you cannot call today, write and describe your trouble. Pucc-ssf ul treatment by mail
Reference Best Hunk nnd Lending Men In this Cltj.
Office Hour: From S A. M. to 6 I M. Sundavh, 10 A. M, to 1 P M
I30B Farnatn St., between 13th and 14th Sis., OMAHA, NEB,
Stood the test for fifty yean
for the Laundry.
what yea
I treat, 1 treat men onlv. nnd cure them to
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Entertaining To Most Women
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What To Eat,
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