Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Etny of Ifoflem Onset m4 Orett Dariir;,
' . . b I
Time 01 Wil I
5lpt Loir Lrtte rt Miirj of nnd
Hi) n or Lu Senium IlniL tit
Itlrd tnloliloanipb; uf n
(irrnt Mullen t.
When Grover Cleveland gave George Her
too the post of tonne! general at Athens
the country pot u good consul and the cen
rul pat u 11 rid rat literary Inspiration
flowering in many posmt, and romances.
Lntrst and rontt delightful of these trail -lngs
In tht! garden of modern Oreocu. bj
Mr. Horlon. i the spirited imvel. "Like
Another Helen " Thr story open on thr
Geck ox & little vessel hrurtug urn and
provision from Athens, to the Cretan li. !
surgenu. during the recent outbreak in
Crrte. Pntiscngcrs on the voH art Lieu- I
tenant Llndbnhm of the Ewoflifoh cavulrj
and John Ourtlt. of New Vftrk, a Harvard ,
graduate, mat by lit lather to circle thr ,
plobr and drawn by bla ttyrapathlea to vi.
tLe-ntene ot tbr fiphunp In Crete. Of bow
they find a weloome in a Cretan villupe:
how tbey hoiji the Cretans oj pose tholr
Turklab mnnterE when a captain of the
latter' fori en demand the daughter of 'he
village prltut lor bin hurem iib the price of
rparlng the villnce. how ranayota. the
heroine, Ik captured, bow both UudbBlim
and Curt la fall in love with her all this in
tbr tbtrnd of the pretty und rfloctlvc love
tbenio that animates the utory. Tou may
never have Been Crete but such grace doe
Air. Hortou display In tolling this atorv tlmt '
you tenure at once that the jwople of tbls'l nating from the press at thr preheat time,
beol: are drawn true to life. Whether one An eastern publishing boimii recently called
reads the book for ,ttB poetic deticrlptlona, ' attention to tbt lurge numicr of Bureess
its thrilling narrative or Its unique love- I f ul imoks written during the Inst two year
utory. tbu Interest will prove n1l-ubsrb4rtg,
lucrci'.s'ng as the utory Bdvancsa.
Iiowen-Mcrrill Co.. Indianapolis.
"Martin Drool:1 the third of Hurpar i.
Bros.' "One-u-Mouth American Novel,"
pousrsses a real claim to public apprecia
tion and spcuks well for tbe Amorlcun nov
elist's capacity. It is in no wise a problem
novel, it is tersely told nnd its utory If
lived, acted, not related. The unfolding
of u soul und the development of a groat
purpose ure the strong features of the book.
Air. Morgan Bute, the author, is a native
of Albr.ny, and It may be th&t one need not
go far outside the family to find the origi
nal of his principal character. His father
was one of the orgnnlsers of the Troy con
ference of the Methodist episcopal church.
Mr. Hates, like "the author 'Of "Ebcn Hol
den," Is a newspaper man. past the SO
murk, und comes into the field of noveltats
with the udvantacr of experience a u wrltor
for the press and the stage. Hv. resides
In Traverse City. Mich., and has hold sev
eral editorial positions in Chicago and the
west. He la now at work on n story of
modern life. His wife, Clara Doty Bate,
who died In J8HS, was known as a writer
for children and also of verse. Harpur &
Bros., New Tr.rk. Price. $1.50.
Tbe Ees Err I'ubl.sblnp rompanr has pub
lished in book form "The Love Letters of a
Liar," by Mrs. William Allen. They were
first printed In the Smart Set last Boptem
hur, and owing to their charming style und
fascinating "humanneae" at onco nttructed
much attention. The social prominence of
Mr Allen In New Tork und in the south,
and the charre vehemently denied by the
author thnt they were letters written to
ber by one of her admirers, have made them
a subject of conversnUton In fnshlonuble
rawing rooms
xwlng rootns JThe Lme Letters of a l -j Lailc.E,acJ.'JVWch contained, jcml
subject 6Tf conversation Jn iuslITonSble bce ot lrKafc;rbUl tVew "Uttle
epistles irom a Mr Lawrence Goddord to a
young woman whose front name is Mndge,
but whose last name is discreetly withheld,
the names of hero und heroine, of course,
being fictitious, like thu correspondence.
It must lie said that the letters are
models of amatory style, abounding in poet
ical phrase and noble sentiment, and glow
ing with an ardor that would convert the
Arctic teglons Into the tropics In short
order if turned loose in the chilly regions
sacred to the Eskimo und the polar bear.
The Ess Ess Publishing company, New
Tork. Price f0 cents.
Freiberr Helur vun Ostenburg is In prl-
vato consultation with King Jerome of
Westphalia, while his military friends are
discussing his affairs in the audience cham-
ber nt Cassell, when the story, "Love and
Honor." opens. From thoir conversation
we lrarn that be is n gallant lrusslnn
soldier, srlnu of a -proud German family.
that early in life be lost his betrothed aud
never since has eared deeply for a woman,
and that Juct ut this particular time be Is
conferring with Napoleon's tool regarding
entering the French service General
Duclos. a grizzled old Frenchman and tbe
chief Hpcnkur, tells of Ostenburg's reputu
tlon for unparalleled bravery. Meanwhile
Ostenburg bu entered nnd eontlnues tbe
eulogistic vein of the genural. but In the
luttnr's prulsc. In u most crltlcul fight
the general saved Osteuburg's life and
the latter therefore owes him u debt of
gratitude that cannot be repaid. Ostenburg
has been paying attention to n rrauleln
von Burby und Intends to ask her to marry
him. Thnt evening at the court ball h
doe to, at the sume time admitting that h e
first und greatest love was g ven to anotbe
Verocika rcscrvs ber answer unt 1 tbe rex
day, und tbcu refuses. t'pon ber refusal
the entire course of Us t.fe lurncd
Mason's Corner Folks.
"Ih Vllltge Gossips wondered who be was,
what he was, what be came for. end how
long he Intended to May."
A.!! Books Reviewed or Advertised
1308 Farnara Street.
bough br dlo sot at tbe time know It The
renlhg before vma being Introduced tc
Minn. Dorlois be discovered tbai she was
the tc whom be had been be-
b b' th 1",,ea I'"
th the re of her familr In the Terror
gbt- had eseapefl and gained sholter on J a
kind homo by marrying Duelo. who bad
I always hern a devoted husband tt her. The
Kr whirl) bad never died burn more
fiorcoly and at las: they break through all
bond sf honor, duty and gratitude.. Called
to aecotnpnnv .Napoleon an bis Russian
campaign, tbr genera' -.alirs tile wife -with
bttn. Durlnr tbr terrible return he finds
the lrtterr which Bbc and her lover, hett
teon exchanging. HI revenge is tcrrlhlo.
lu culmination , take place when Octcn
burg. thr proud turn In cowardly flight
and leaves tie troop leaderlcss. G. P. rut
nams Son. New Turk.
One of the features of the Sunday Non
parr it of Ooutiril Bluffs it tbr "Lay Ser
mons" written from week to week by tbr
editor. Howard W. Tllton. A number of
there sermons, or sketches, have been eol-
lected lnlo -a little volume of -1:7 -page
which Is to be found at the leadlnp book
store of this and other cities. A elmllar
volume was published last year and met
with a ery hearty reception In all paru
of the country, the book reviewer dcvotlnc
to it more than the usual attention In
every cane Hpeakinp of Jt InVhr hlgbcs'
terra. Like its predeocsor. the prcaent
volume If taken up with talks on old. fa
miliar ttubjoct treated in a most decidedly
original manner bearluc with them hnmel
trutbR und striking leniton Jt mlcht be
dchcribt-d Ub a double-purpoc bonk. It
may be utilized to while away rii'ottt advan
tageously und pleasantly an Idle half hour,
or It may be read with profit in a palnn
taklnp nnd studious manner. It is really
refreshing to pick up a little volume, so
fraught with the prrut truths of life, from
nmniir thr macs of trasbr volumes ema
by western authors, from which it may be
Inferred that the bustle nnd strenuous effor'
ff wentern life is productive of a certain
virility among western writers. Each new
name added to the long list of western
writers will be wolroiuod. especially to the
readers of this section of tbe country. "Lay
Sormons" Is Just the kind of book to pre
sent to a young man. or to nn old mun
with u young heart. The Nonpareil Co.,
Council Bluffs. Price, 10 cents.
People who beurd Ernest Selon-Thompson
lecture early In the winter. In Omaha.,
nnd were interested lu his stories aud
descriptions of wild unimal nnd birds,
will welcome n new volume from bis pen.
"Bird Portrnlts" is the title of the new
work. It enntulnb twenty full-page por
traits, 8x12 Inches, of the most attractive
bird of the northern states. A majority
of the birds shown are only summer resi
dents in thr northern state, some visit us
only ii. winter, a few spend the whole year
nnr the snmr spot. The birds which are
first described are those thnt nrc most
closely associated with the return of
Bprlng. then follow those whose gny colors
and glad songs give much of Us charm to
early summer; last come those that brave
the cold of winter. Each portrait is ac
companied by a description covering two
pages. The work is printed on nice paper,
in large type und the cover design is moBt
appropriate us well as artistic. It Is a
volume that will be proatly admired by
every lover of nature Glnn & Co.. Boston.
Tor several years punt Prof. Max Muller.
In the intervals of more important work,
vhb orcupled in Jotting down reminiscences
of his early life, which buvc now been pub-
llBbed under the title, "My Autobiography
jJn 1Bys.p he lBl)w3 tbc two volumes of
about his own life und uchlevrments. Prof.
Mullcr's son In tbe preface to .the "Auto
biography" stntes that even during the lust
two years of bis father's life his attention
was largely taken up with serious work, so
thnt It wus only during tbe few weeks Just
previous to bis death that he devoted much
attention to the Autobiography." As
might be expected from eo great a mind the
work is filled with matter of great interest
concerning his life aud work. From boy
hood up he was a student. Max Muller's
enrly school days were passed nt the fa
mous Nicolal Schulc at Loipslc. doing there
I very creditable work nnd winning many
I He also sanp frequently in choruseR.
Lelpslc being nt this time the musical
! renter of Ocrmany: Tollx McndolBsohn was
. there and tbe Gcwandhaus concerts very
line. "My chief enjoyment was certainly
mutlc. I hud plenty of it, perhaps too
' much, but I pity tbe man who has not
.known the charm of it" Prof.
Muller deBcrlbcr minutely the ndvun
tages and disadvantages of the German uni
versity system, bis different professors, the
student life, bis own uims and ambitions,
bis removal to Berlin, and finally his stay
In Purls from Murch. IMS. to June. IMC, u
period spent in studying Trench, collating
manuscripts in the great libraries and hav
ing his eyes opened to the fart that there
wns u vast wcrld outside Germany One
would like to touch upon young Mullcr'B
enrly trials, especially his queer experi
ences in Perls, hit firBt visit to England
to consult manuscripts In the library of the
East India company; his rescue by nnd
friendship with "Billy" Russell, thr great
war correspondent: his fortunate resolve to
rull upon the Prussian minister, Baron
Bunsen, 'hrough whose aid all .bis after
life was shaped. Baron Bunsen was Max
Muller s social sponsor in Euglund, end
The best New England Story
Ever Written, Is
-'i o bo' k etc-vliixiy tulk
.n; ubrut.
,,IJr.r,mn tU r BLENNEIt
J1ASFETT l. the sunn author
C, M. CLARE PUB. CO.. Boston. "
on this page, for sale by the
some of thr early aortal recollection! arc '
of muit intrrea- it i. well known to u j
how Baron Bunccn succeeded in paining the I
aid of tbe East India company for the I
translator of the Illg-Trda and thr storv
of bi early Hfc at Oxford and his many
friendship is equally charming The au
tobiography breaks off abruptly early in
Prof Mullcr's career, but wilt be found
full of interest throughout lar exceeding
In the latter quality the two volume of
"Old Lang Syne." while the last chapter
"A Confession." is too fine to spoil by ex
tracts. Of it. bit son says, it wltl go far
to explain the attitude Prof. Muller took
through life and bis Aloofness from aca
demir contention. Charles Scribner's Sons,
New Tork. Price, tl
rassell's National library ha been en
riched by the addition of Shakespcare'i
"Love's Labor Lost." which forms No.
31'T" of the aeries. Attention bar been fre
quently called to tbr excellence of tbe Na
tional library, which brings within reach of
the slenderest purse tbe ttcst classics of the
English language Cassell k Co , New
York Price 10 cents
The above books are for sale by thr
Megcath Stationery Co 130S Turnam St.
No Wa. Eddy against Klmmcrer et hi.
Appeal from Lnncaster ASlrmcd Opin
ion by Sullivan. J riled March 20. ISM.
1 Taxes upon land, whenever levied, take
precdenee of all other liens
" Within the meaning of the appraise
ment law the value of a Judgment debtor's
interest in iRtid about to be suld Is thf dif
ference b!tween the grois value and the
amount of all liens prior to the one for the
satlsfactluti of which thr sale is to lie made
2. On the hearing or objertic.tis to thr con
firmation of r Judicial sale tbe rmrt will
tint Inquire whether tbe person designated
in the decree to mnkr thr sale Is an acent
or uttorney of thr creditor, unless fraud or
misconduct in making the appraisement or
sale is alleged
. If r derree of foreclosure 1 by hs
terms to lie executed by a person disquali
fied by interest from making tbe sale -the
party complaining should umbhII the decree
directly und not by motion to vacate tie
No WW Vnlon State Bank against Hut
ton et al. Error from Clay Reversed.
Opinion by Holcomb. J riled March 20,
1 A mortgage of cbHttels. where tbe
property Is dcscrllied n "twenty-flvr cattle,
consisting of ten cows, seven steers utid
eight heifers The above dcscrllied chattels
ure now in my possession, belong to nr."
etc.. mid the parties mortgaging the same
had in tb"lr possecsion ut the times larger
number of thr sume kind and description,
nnd there I nn separation, designation or
means of Identification by wlilch those
mortgaged could lie distinguished from the
remainder of tbe bord. Is void for uncer
tainty 2. The description of property in a chattel
mortgage will, us a rule, lie held sufficient
where It will cnublc a third party, aided by
inquiries which the Instrument Itself sug
gests, to Identify the property Buck
nculnt-.t Davenport Savings Bunk. 29 Neb.,
2 Evidence examined and held to be In
sufficient to support the verdict of tbe .tury
No 11170 State against Chicago, Rock
Island i- Pacific P.uilroad Company. Orig
inal Motion for judgment denied Opin
ion by Sullivan. J riled Mnrcn so. 1901
1 An injunction Issued by the circuit
court of the Vnited States rajitiat lawfully
forbid the attorney general from suing for
penalties "lalmed by the state under sec
tion P of the maximum freight law. Chap
ter lxxll, article xil. Compiled Statutes for
2 It is a maxim of general Jurisprudence
that u party is not concluded by n Judg
ment or decrcr rendered In nn action to
which he ""-as not a party.
2. The Judicial power of the I'rilted States
doe not extend to uctlnnii brought by In
dividuals or corporations ugainst a state.
4. A party is not relensed from his obliga
tion to A because B hn by injunction or
otherwise prevented him from performing
that obligation.
No. 1112C. Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy
P.uilroad Company agulnst Richardson
County. Error from Rlchurdton, Af
firmed Opinion by Norvnl, C J Filed
March 20, 1WJ1.
1. A rullroud bridge across n navigable
river, owned, used and ojierated by u rail
road compnny as u part of it line of road.
Is ussessahle for taxation by thr State
Hoard of Eg.uuliziUion.und no( by the local
2. Cuss County ngulnst Chicago, Burling
ton i- Qulncy Rullroud Compuny., 21 Neb.,
MR. overruled.
No. moo. Chicago, Burlington A: Qulncy
Railroad Company against Yost Error
from Tork, Reversed. Opinion by Norvai,
C J. riled March 20. 1901.
1. It Is the duty of one who 1 about to
strp upon a railroad track to look in each
direction to nscertaln whether u train Is
coming, nnd If his failure so to do results
in his injury be cannot recover therefor
2. Questions decided on a former review
become the law of the case.
.". On reversing a cause it is within the
discretion of tbe appellate court to either
render such Judgment us should huve been
rendered by the lower court or to remand
the cause for a new trial, or with instruc
tions to enter Judgment without n second
No. H23S Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy
Railroad Company ngalnst Wolfs. Error
from Phelps Affirmed Opinion by Nor
vai. r 3. Filed March 20, IfOl.
1 At a special session of tbe legislature
no business can be transacted except such
ii is Included In the objects of legislation
stated in the proclamation of the executive
convening the law-muking body
2. Section 3. article i, chapter lxxil. Com
piled Stututes, wns passed ut u special ses
sion of the legislature held In IsfiT and is
within the scope of the third object desig
nated by the governor in his proclamation
convening the legislature
2. The etittro proclamation of the governor
convening the legislature in Fpeclal session
should be considered in determining
whether any given act ut such session is
germane to the objects stated in the cull of
the executive.
4. When one is Injured while u passenger
on u railroad truln tbe presumption is that
such injurs was cuused by the negligence of
tlie currier
t. A carrier is liable for damages result
ing from injuries sustumed by a passenger,
unless the latter was guilty of criminal
C. Section 2, article i, chapter lxxll, Com
piled Statutes, does not contravene tbe
fourteenth amendment to the constitution
of the United States
No. 11147 Gardner against Barker Appeal
from Blaine. Affirmed. Opinion by Nor
vai, C 3. Filed March 20, 1.W1
1 Where a plurality of legal votes is cast
for a person for u public office who is in
eligible thereto the election 1 void and the
one who receives the next highest number
of votes is not entitled to the ofllce or
emoluments thereof.
2. Thr agreement of electors set out in
the opinion did not render thoir votes
No. 11GU. rirst National Rank of Sutton
against Grosshans. Appeal from Clay. Af
llrmed. Opinion by Holcomb, J Filed
March 20, 1H01.
L Where on an uppeul in an action in
equity the decree rendered is reversed and
remanded for wunt of sufflnient evidence
to sustuln it. und on u second trial de novo
additional and material evidence is Intro
duced and an upiieul ugain takon the sec
ond appeal is to lie considrred on the reuord
then presented, uninfluenced by the prior
decision on thr question of the sufficiency
of the evidence.
2. An allegation in an answer "thrt If
anj; such det.d us described in plaintiff's
petition is in existence and executed by
ber as pruntor therein, or one of the
grantors, such execution wns obtained by
fraud, either by the plaintiff, the said M. L.
Luebbeu or wime pirsun in their Inter
est held, to be pleading u condition
only und that the fact relied on to con
stitute fraud, to lie available, must be sjie
eificully pleudod and nrovwn
3. A finding of fact by the trial court will
not on appeui be disturbed, unlevp unsup
ported by sufficient competent evidence
4 Evluenee examined and held to sup
port tbe llndlngs nid decree rendered by
( he trlui court
No 11SK. McCarthy ngalnst Hopkins.
Error from Pouglas. Affirmed. Opinion by
Sullivan. J Filed March 20 1S31
1 The regularity of the proceedings lend.
Ing up to the sentence in a crimlnul case
cannot be inquired into on an application
for a writ of habeus oorpus !f the court
hud Jurisdiction of tbe dafendunt und au
thority to try the uharge against him Its
action can be ussailed only in a direct pro
reedinc 2 A judge of the district court, sitting at
chambers within his Judicial district, may
uiin reajomible notice to the prosecuting
attorney, receive u plea of guilty from u
person charge with felony und puss
sentgiiee upon him.
X Such pleu may be received nnd sen
tence pronounced by such Judge at charo-
rir" lfv." "V""1' 'f the Judicial district
thuT waST.Utia.ed"" WW"h l"" r,r08eCU-
A. M'.r,"", hurged with arlme may by
a Judicial confession uf guilt, waive fit the
rights secured to him by oeUtln - ftrtlc
I. of the constitution
No. fun-Carmen against Harris jp
iieal I from Box Butte Reversed Opinion
b Holcomb J Filed April 1U 1WI
l A purchaser of real entute fur dclin-
The prune, from its origin to your table, has Nature's and man's best effort to make it what it
is the best food product in the world. It is grown in the world-famed fertile valleys of California.
The orchard in bloom is one of the beautiful sights of California. The tremendous bearing quality
of the trees is what makes the prune so wonderfully cheap. The soil and sun and rain of
California is what makes it 40 per cent sugar.
Members of the Cured Fruit Association grow over 80 per cent of the prunes grown (all the
best j ; gather the fruit with care; sort it with care; inspect it before admission into their packing
houses; then it is graded, cured, packed, and inspected again. The prune as it grows and the
hammer which marks its last inspection are shown above. The brand of the California Cured Fruit
Association is shown in the corner with the Inspector's mark made with the hammer, which means
that you have the only prune which is safe. Ask for it and take no other.
Try this recipe for Stuffed Prunes which won a
prize in California Prize Prune Cooking Contest
a few weeks sgo:
"Wnsh nnd trw thr prune. Tnkc a few l
tnonds und htckor; nuts., together with a fr riilslnn
und a little suit. Chop nnd put in the prunes. Then
sprlnklr with powdered suCur."
quent taxes cannot maintain r.n action nt
law for the recovery of audi taxes ugi.Jnst
the owner cr person in whose names the
property is ussessexl.
2. A jietltion in eijulty for thr foreclosure
of u Hen for taxes piild by the purch..-er
of real estate sold for delinquent taxes
and subsequent tuxes paid thereon, is not
so fatally defective ns to preclude u de
cree in plaintiff's favor being bused there
on, because it does not allege that there
have been no proceedings nt law had or
tiegun for the recovery of the amount lor
which a lien Is claimed, or any purt there
of, such iK-tltlon containing other proper
Z. If reul estate is liable for tuxes, and
there Is a legal tux clue and delinquent
against the land, and it is sold for delin
quent taxes, und tbe tax iurchuscr fulls
to acquire a good title to ihe reul estate
because of auy violation of the revenue
law, or the failure of public officers to com
ply with its provisions, .aho Jaw declares
that tbt -sale ahull nevertheless he effec
tive as un assignment of the .public" rights
and liens against the real estate to the
attempted tax -purchaser Jtherent. Grant
against Bartholomew, ul -N:l., Ca.
4. Where the assessments and levies or
taxes against real estate -are valid, the
purchuier. even ut u viUd-sale. is subro-r
rated to the rights of the fiubtlc. and nmy
enforce his Hen ngalnst the property on
-which th? tuxes are nnaesHod. Ariams
against Osgood, Neb., y M N. W. 2.".
E. The failure of the county treusurer to
carry forward on ttie tux' records delin
quent taxes lor- prior years will not in
validate the sle of real u&iuto lor taxes
assessed for subsequent years.
fi. The failure of the county treasurer to
advertise for public sale real estute upon
which there are delinquent taxes due. cs
provided by law. while it would invalidate
the sale of such real estute for taxes. It
would not affect the purchaser's Hen on
the property, who could enforce the Hon
to tbe same extent that the county could,
were it not for the payment of taxes mude
by him
7 The giving of the notice required by
section 123, article 1, chupter 77, Renaral
revenue lavs, before u tnx deed can issue,
is not essuntial where the tax purchasur
proceeds in equity to foreclose his tnx
lirn. as provided by statute. The failure
to give such notice could tlo no more than
affect the question ot costs in cuse the
owner came in and offered to redeem.
k. Where a right or way for u railroad
company bus been acquired over land nolo
for delinquent taxes, in proceedings to
foreclose the tax Ilea where nuch Tight of
way is excepted in the petition In lore
closure, the railroad company Is jiot a
necessary party, nnd bus no lnvertst in tbe
si'o.ieei matter oi me action.
5. The assessment of real estate in the
uumr of th rightful owner Is not abso
lutely essential to tbe validity of the tax
nssessed against such real estute and the
Hen acquired thereon by the purchaser of
such property at the tax sale..
It). Evidence examined, and hold thnt the
Judgment is not supported by the evidence,
Is contrary thereto and to the law ap
plicable to the case
No 9,234 "U'estervelt against Hagge. Ap-
Seai irom Hulk Affirmed. Opinion by
loleomb. J Filed April 10, lain.
1, Where an attachment is levied on teal
estate fraudulently alienated by the at
tachment debtor and grantor, for the pur
pose of hindering, delaying and dofruudlng
creditors, even though the legal title of
record Is in another, the attachment cred
itor acquires thereby a lien upon the In
terest of the debtor In the land attached,
which he may enforce by uppmprlute pro
ceedings after recovery -of Judgment.
2. Where, after attachment proceedings
on land fraudulently alienated, the leal
estate is reronveyed and restored to the
fraudlent grnntor. the lle.rt of the attuuh
ment becomes thereby effective and on
forcible., the same as though the convey
ance in the first instance had not been
2. Held, under the facts as disclosed by
the record, attachment creditor not guilty
of laches in enforcing the lien acquired by
virtue of ills attachment
4. Where jiendlng lltlgallon, ul'tur the
levy of nn attachment on real estate, a
lien hns been acquired by another on the
same propertv the jiersnn In whose favor
the Men Is created Is charged with Jiotlcc
and takes subject to the rights of the
plalt-tlff In the action wherelt the JUnch
ment wns levied and final Judgment ren
dered l. Where n ropy of nn -order of attach
ment Is left with ttie actual occupant of
lands attached having possesBioi of the
premises, nnd apparent authority over and
oontrol of the same, the act will be a -compliance
with the provisions of the statute,
requiring that "where the property at
tucbed Is real, the officer shall lepve with
the occupant thereof, or .if thre hi no ic
oupant, in a conspicuous place thereon, a
copy of the order " although such occu
pant lie not the owner or lessee of nueh
6. Where real estate is attached bv a
credlvor of a fraudulent grantee, to whom
the legal title has been vouveved in fraud
nt the rights of thr creditors of the frauiu
lent grantor, nnd who has no actual Inter
est therein, und who restores and return
veys the roal estate to the fraudulent
grantor who voluntarily encumbers the
same lor the benefit of his creditors, siit-h
attaclimeut creditor thereby uequlres no
valid lien on the property as -against such
ereattors of the grantor under their bens
thus acquired.
7 An attachment lien on land tbe pa!
title 'r which is In the attachment
debtor, Is subject to every equity whluh
exists ugalnst the debtor ot the time of
the levy of the attachment, and ?ourts
if equity will limit thr Hen lo the urt.iu'
interest of the attachment debtor in fjcti
reuJ estate
t nteliitiir for ai AiinrrhWl.
NEW TORK. April K.-A dispatch to
tlie Journal and Advertiser from Berlin
says Thr entire body of Germun po'iee i
4-sperlalU thoMe stationed at seaport town" I
und the Berlin political police, is eager!'
watching for an uuutchlsi named Romag-
It has transpired that Jloroagnoli whr
recently lived In South AmoricH U now on
hi way to Germany intrusted I"- th
Buenos Ayres Anarchist rtub with the iuk
of assassins tine the katsrr. Ilnmagnn! ha
so far evaded the poller It is oujoci.ired
that he left the chip ut tome li.iermcUiute
erBf odtlCt and
1 PractlctltuDPcstlons About Food and th
Preparations of It.
Dull?' Mentis.
Cereal Sugar und Cream.
Tomuto Omelet f'otatoes au Gratln.
Rice Muffins. Coffee.
Tomato Fritters. Cold Tongue.
Cottage Cheese. Fruit.
Cream of Corn Soup.
Chicken Roly Poly. Escalloped Tomntocs.
Mushed Potatoes. Spiced Beet Salad.
Apple rinating Island
Cream Toast. Stewed Pears. Cream.
Lyonnaise Eggs Hashed Potatoes.
ToHSt. Coffee.
Potato Salad. Sardine Sandwiches.
Potato Soup.
- Halibut Saute. Cucumber Sauce
Scalloped Onions. Baked Potatoe.
Tomato Mayonnaise.
Hamburg Croam.
Cereal. Sugar and Cream.
Hamburger Steaks. Escalloped FotutoCB.
Muffins. Coffee.
Barbecued Hum. Sliced TomatoeE.
Brown BreHd and Butter. Tea
Noodle Soup.
Chartreuse of Mutton. Stewed Carrots.
Escalloped Sweot Potatoes.
Corn Salud. Peach Tapioca.
Cereal. Sugar and Cream.
Spindled Sweetbreads.
Fricassee of Tomatoes.
Wafiles. Coffee.
Clear Soup.
Roast Loin of Mutton. Brown Gravy
Mashed I'otutoes Lima Beans.
Stewed Corn and Tomatoes.
Egg and Cross Salud.
Peach Snow. Coffee
Crab Sandwiches. Sliced Cucumbers.
Sliced Peaches Ice Cream Cake.
To Those Palmes SrrUInc inventions
to Deliclil tbe Tastr.
There are so many attractive aud de
licious dessert that can be made from
whipped cream, and these are far more
satisfactory more cuslly prepared und
cheaper tbun the Indigestible pie and
heavy hot puddings so muny indulge In
during hot weuther. Muny dD not use cream
in this way. as they consider it too expen
sive. But this is a mistake, as by the
process of whipping the bull: Is increased to
treble thr original quantity. Ten cents'
worth or good cream should be sufficient to
serve six persons.
Whipped cream ran lie used in many
ways and not alone for dossoru. It adds
delicary to the flavor and richness to many
broths and soups, and especially improves
tbe quality of clam broth. Coffee and enroa
are much finer served with the addition of
whipped cruum. Froien it makes a dainty
mousse and is often used as a substitute for
frosting for cakoB. In fact various ways of
using it will continually suggest them
solves to an lngonlous cook.
Cream In Wlilji.
Tbe cream must not be too thin or It will
not whip at all or become liquid after whip
ping. What is called double rrram by tb
confectioners Is the beat for most purposes,
although tbe best quality of cream ob
tained from a good dairy will answer It
should not be too fresh, at least thlrty-slx
Easy to Mahe Lasr to Digest and of Exquisite Flavc
Strengthenmr;, and most Economical in u
' '"") n.wi
Thr Association Issue a book containing 100 rrolpra
for preparing prunes In every way, which were ob
tained by a price contest participated In by the very
best cooks and chefs of California. This book together
with n " Prune Primer." which will delight the Ilttla
folks, will br nent free on request. Address
hours old but must be sweet. A very lm
j portant point 1 to have it perfectly cold
and all utensils used for whipping tlior
i ougbly chilled Whipped cream that is
served ns u garnish to any dish must be
stiff enough to keep its shape.
When cream Is too fresh or not very thick
and is difficult to whip udd to it und beat
with it the whites of eggs, or gelatine may
be used In proper proportion to quantity of.
soaked in cold water until soft, then din
solved In milk over hot water and added to
the cream when it is cold and whipped In.
How lu Wlilii Cream.
The old-fashioned syllabub churns ure
the most satisfactory. These arc cylinder
shape; made of tin, have perforations In
the bottom and sides and a perforated
dasher. This is worked up and down,
forcing the air from cylinder into tbe
cream, making it light and foamy. A dover
egg beater can be used for whipping cream,
but gives a very different consistency, not
so light and delicate as when tbe churn is
used. Tbe new and improved whip churn
docs the work very nicely and more neatly.
When ready to whip place the cold cream
lu a bowl, falling it not more than half full,
set the bowl in cracked lcc. Have churn
or lieatcr very cold, place it In the cream,
tilt it slightly, but bold firmly with one
hand, while with the other work the dasher
quickly up and down; up with a light, short
stroke und down with a decided push.
As the froth appears on top stir it down
once or twice If the bubbles are very coarse
and large. As tbr foam arises and presents
a dry, firm appearance, sMm It off and
pluco on a fine wire r.leve. Tlace Bleve on
a pie tin and stand on cracked ice. It the
whipped creum is allowed to stand In a
warm place It will soften or liquify again.
If the cream is not used for the purpose of
garnishing it need not be drained, but for
any purpose it should be Btlff enough when
whipped to allow a teaspoon to stand
i solidly upright In it without other support.
Do not attempt to whip too great a quan
tity at a time, but enough must be put in
the how to cover tbe boles of tbe churn
or the dasher part of tbe dover beater.
After the cream Is whipped properly It will
keep fpr several duyB in a cold, dry place.
When Ciclutlut- i Added.
The cream being very light will not mix
readi'y with more liquid materials, and yet
the ble.ndlug must be perfect. When adding
gelatine to whipped cream It must be per
fectly cold after it ir dissolved and before
It Is poured Into the cream. If warm it re
duces the cream to a liquid and dcBtroya
Its ligbtncBE, and If hot will curdle the
cream. As soon us tbe gelatine or thinner
materials are cold pour them in gradually
and fold the mass over und over until It is
perfectly smooth, The gelatine must not
br allowed to thicken before adding or the
dessert will be lumpy.
When adding fruit to whipped cream des
serts the fruit must he cut Into very smull
pieces and tbe Jelly quite stiff before tbe
fruit is stirred in or its weight will curry
it to the bottom of the mold aud al) be on
top wbeu mold .Is turned out.
-iirtli Dakota Women Pay a Cburrb
Drbt li- tnel Mr-uns,
At Denton, N. D.. the women belonging
to the Methodist Episcopal church have be
come disgusted with the failure of thoir
husbands, fathers and brothers to maintain
the minis'ratlons of the gospel, and have
taken upon their own shoulders the IbmIc
so long nui;lect(d, the raising of funds to
paj off a mortgarc which has long incum
bered the property, and their orlglrnl
methods are meeting with success not hoped
lor by the most sanguine
The woman who ban so fur collected tbe
most money for the mortgage fund opened
a bs'-bcr shop In her home-. She had prac
ticed so frequently on her husband's beard
that i. tic is an expert muuipulatcr of a
razor and hoi fame us a barber has gone
forth so that young men drive to Denton
from surrounding vll'cges in order to In
Kbaved by ber Another woman, noted lor
her culinary ability spends the mornings
baking taury pits und and in after-
.w wmci II l Utile.
I I cUIFORirii
noons and evenings goes around the village
selling her wareB nt u price that though
pronounced as high us the steeple nt the
church. Is declared not a whit too high.
Half a dozen of the womtu. whose par
ticular tud Is athletics, go to their nclghboti
and ask employment n choppers of kin
dling wood. Tbey handle the ux with a
vigor that makes the splinters fly and tbe
ilnanclal result is satisfactory. Othei
women make candy und sell It. Still otbert
' skillful with the needle have hired out at
I dressmakers at double the usual price. The
, result is that money Is pouring in at a rati
which promises to settle the mortgage
within a very short time, Meuntlmc th,
men of the congregation arc going around
wjtn sheepish lores.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
ThiB question arises in the family
very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling; ! no
liakinpt add boiling- water and set to
cool. Flavors Lemon, Oranpe, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a pactant
t 3'fnr crocers to-dny. io cts.
If You Purchase
of the Boston Fish Murket, you will thet
be sure to have the best the market af
C G. Fisher Prop
GAME In Heasou,
Telephone 3 0S1I. lia o. Jtltb it,
Imirotors Nailed.
TJiebuttle Cnrch Sanitanumfbai
to. struck tlie null on tlie tirodand
tnuf ir squurclf home then the.
public M-mr informed thut creiy
package ofgenuine
Itears n picture of he Battle
Creek Sanitarium. Granola
is tltr celehmtfd strttnth
S&irtGjor'dige.sted 'and 'tttrSlznl
twin lur strong anaweaji people.
It is frrrd an
Encompass Vuur Health with
Wesson SS?
CooKlns Oil
A Delicate Frjinj Fat
Carries w.lh it nojKitiibility uf dueuir
ui do uuimal fnU.
It it sujKirior to choice molted; butter
uud lard, lmcaute It U riclinr, more dicrtti
blr. goo f urthiir aud com bins. Sold by all
Crocum. Snud 4 rents fur new cook book,
Wetson Protess Company,
120 Snutb Third Street. Philadelphia.
yMjBWwthe Battle 1
Jw wfrQ'!' Sap'itarium wliene
f & MJd '," a b feJO woultf pay
I M(K. t'e forfeit wore ordinary
I erenl foods
i I I . JrAjTKKivn
I tsll