Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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TJavIs fells ilruRS.
Btoikert sells laco curtains.
Una fixture and globes at Ulxby's.
l'lno ABC beer, Ncumaycr's hotel.
Wollman. scientific optician, 400 U'wny.
l'arslurnBO. Judson, SCO Sixth uvo. Tel. 318.
New fancy frames. C. 12. Alexander Ac
Co., 333 Uroadwuy.
Horn, to Mr. ami .Mrc. J. It. Trtco ot
Myimler street, a daughter.
W. F. OrnfT. undcrtukiT and dlslntcctor,
101 South Main street. 'I'hone COO.
Oct your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 Broadway. 'Phono 157.
Correct and exclusive styles of elegant
photos nt Schmidt's, 531 Broadway.
Morgan & Klein, tipnolstcrlng. furniture
repairing, mattress making. 122 S. Main st.
Mis Kmniu Itlnk of Avenue K I li'itne.
from a two months' visit with Chicago
Miss Hthyl Thomim Is home from Glen
wood to spend u week's vacation ylth her
I'ottiiWiittntnlo tribe, Improved Order of
Hfii Min, will inoct this evening In Mar
cus' hall.
I.ars Jensen, .Illation of tho pence, lop
lloonur township, left lust evening for
Mr, iind Mrs. W. A. Southard of Illuff
utrcet are home from a visit with friends
in Chicago.
Tor Mile, household furniture and horso
nnd buggy, cheap. Inqulro I). A. lluinllton,
Oram) hotel.
There will be ri special meeting this even
ing of KxccMnr Musonlc lodge lor work In
Urn second degree
For sale, high-grade surrey ami slngjo
harness for same, almost new. It.Ulru 713
South Seventh street.
A want ad In The Bee will bring results.
Tho sumo Attention given to a want ud In
Council Bluffs, as at the Omoha olllce.
Bishop Morrison will conduct conllrma
tlon services Sunday morning In St. Paul s
church and In tho evening In Oraeo church.
Mrs. J 1', IMvIm has been elected '.'iider
and Miss i'lln secretary of the art depart
ment of the. Council BIuITh Woman s club.
The Century elub of the l'lrst Christ Inn
church will meet tomorrow evening at tho
homo of Mrs. I'red Wesner on third
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John'H
Kngllsh Lutheran church will meet tomor
row afternoon at thu homo of Mrs. M. r.
Schmidt, n:o 1'ark avenue.
l.lly camp No. I. Itoyal Neighbors ot
America, has secured Hughes' hall to meet
tnl evening. Tho regular meeting nlgh'.s
will bo the llrst and third Wednesdays.
Sam King, charged with horso stealing,
was brought from Shenandoah yesterday
by Deputy Sheriff Canning, lie will have
his preliminary hearing before Justice Ter
rier this morning.
'1 ho ciihc against James Peterson, Main
street snloou keeper, charged with beullng
his wife, was dlsmlfsed In police court yes
terday morning, tho complaining witness
declining to prosecute.
Clerk Heed of tho district court and
Sheriff Cousins left yesterday to attend the
opening of district court In Avoen. County
Attorney Klllpack. who returned from
I.ogan, lit., yesterday, wltl go there this
Henry A. Dickson and Miss Mabel M.
Smith were married Monday evening at tho
homo of the bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
I.. Smith, 4M) South Ulghtccnth street, by
Bev. H. W. Krlckson of the Fifth Avenue
Methodist church.
Mrs. I.iivlnlii Hodman, aged 80 years, died
yrslerday morning ut her homo at Ascot.
Her husband and live children survive her.
Tho funeral will bo this afternoon at 3,
fiom the residence, and burial will be In
Honey Creek cemetery.
Tho funeral of Charles H. G. Vogclcr will
bo this afternoon at 4, from tho fnmlly
residence. 33!) Avenue F. Bev. W. S.
Barnes, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, will' conduct tho services. Burial
will bo in Fnlrvlew cemetery.
Tax Ferret Cunningham tiled with County
Treasurer Annl yesterday notice that he
had discovered that .Timothy nnd Hose
Kenney of this city owned personal prop
erly to tho amount of JS.Xli), which hud
been omitted from assessment.
The marriage of Miss Mamlo A. Fields
of this city and John M. Patton ot Kansas
City will bo solemnized tomorrow evening
at the homo of tho bride's brother In
Omaha. Hew Culfco of the Broadway
Methodist church will olllclate.
Itrv. G. W. Snyder and daughter. Miss
Sylvia, will leave Monday for Washington.
'!. '9 attend tho nnnuul meeting of
tho Missionary society of tho Kngllsh
I.ulheran church. They will visit friends
In Philadelphia before returning home.
The llro department was called about 5
o clock ycslerday morning to tho dwelling
of hdward Sherlock. H!i Ninth avenue,
where a blnzo had started In tho barn. Tim
roof was destroyed, the damage being cov
ered by Insurance. The origin of tho llro
Is unknown.
Tho Uidlcs' Aid society of St. Paul's
Kl',5('-,y)"1 ch'irch will meet this afternoon
"t ,-':30 ut tho homo of Mrs. J. T. Tldd,
lllow avenue and Klghtli street. The
Romans auxiliary will meet tomorrow
afternoon at tho homo ot Mrs. I. M. Trey
nor. First avenue.
'inty. Nebraska,
,.iH: H' .V?n!ll'f, the young man charged
i?ni,,iV.ln8l,ilnB H,uvprH' forgecT checks, Is still
ur'L 1).ur.s ul c'y Jail- "Is
........ . ,,,,,,,,, u,,,,, nl, i.ouis yeslcruay
'; ,t,,u;,J,l,ir.Ii"H0 i,f 2'rnlKlitonlng matters
up If possible. So far none of Jenkins'
ctlmn has filed any Information against
fMTritiMfcellf ln U. Kcnernl fund nt tho
c.nrlstlan Ilomn last week nmouiiteil m
U:.7j.30 being J3.370.a) above t e c. mat S
r,eilH.if.or .,n,0 cl,rrt,nt oxnenses of the week
and this balance was placed to the credit
V1f,t, ,0.,co'"'H"t fund! In the manager's
fund thp receipts were JH.'.TO, being 117 30
above the needs of tho week' and clear ln
" ' deficiency in this fund. The balance
eraf?und.S ,,amI C,'U,IU u " "
i!iI,i.,,V7 Jl,'m" nd Charles Myers, ll-yonr-'i
wh ' from their honiesi,,
r. Judge Aylcvor , ' thrt'ute um! to"
V.'I nf'J'Ti 'U)0. wfmi .school If th-i?
lotents.dld not take them home. ulr
them home.
N. V. numbing Co.. luiepnone 250.
I'avls eella glass.
Buy your trees, ahrubs and roses of
Menora.. 622 Kast Broadway, Council WufU.
Telephones, onice, m: residence. 4465.
Will buy tho best pair
of shoes mado for that
money nt our store, of
priced goods, but in these
nie,a Ju uepUUU
upon getting an especial
bargain. They aro well
t.iii.ln utt.ltah n9 .
material nnd will wear u
long time. 8eo tho d!f.
fercnt styles In our show
Look for (he Hear.
KcotlaUd In Eastern Nebraska
nnu low, janias n. ciho)', r
ire Muln St.. Council Bluffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Kstep)
Is) I'UAHL, HTRUUT. '1'hon 07,
t,hr r" ,9' Murphy of Alnsworth. Neb.,
and MIsm .Margaret V. Klbler of Stockham
.Neb,, were married Monday evening at the
home or Hey. D. C. Franklin. Wnshlngtoi
ne,;rue. by Hoy. A. A. Walbum of Coin
Mr. Murphy Is leputy treasurer of
Blown county. Nebraska.
!"" ., inn iieiaineti at tno eltv Inll
awaitj,)K. woru fro, their parents V -i h
??k'Sfnf.-,, 0l",C" U!lllTs " upper
SV ii tock car nnd went to Om hi
hen they got tired of seeing the slLhii
??r.H?J. I10 "V1-'"- they IllducoO Hi fisherman
Threi Appraiwi Apptinttd to lit a Sal
Decision for Mctnl (VI I Inn In nr
Aitdl.torltiiii I.rHiit Advice Wnntcil
nrnnrdlnK t iilon l.nbel on
Text Books.
At the regular meeting of tho Board of
Education lost night, S. 0. Underwood, II.
V. Binder and Chris Straub, were ap
pointed appraisers to place tho value upon
tho property of the school district, tho
sale of which was authorized by tho vote
of tho people at tho recent election. Some
of tho property has yet to be platted, but
an soon as this Is completed tho npprnlso
ment will bo made nnd steps taken to dis
pose of It.
Cox & Schocntgcn, the board's architects,
submitted plans for the four-room addi
tion to the Second nvcnuo school, but ac
tion was postponed on them until a spe
cial meeting to bo held for the purpose
Tuesday night.
It was definitely decided to place a metal
celling In the auditorium of tho new high
rchool building and tho contract was
awarded to fir a hi & Son on their bid of
275. There were thrco bids.
Chairman Macrae of tho committee on
text books nnd printing, reported that ho
desired legal advlco as to the right of tho
board to adopt tho union label resolution
submitted by the local Typographical union
and the coinmltteo was given further time.
The resignation ot D. W. Foster as Jani
tor at tho Madison avenue school was ac
cepted and Captain D. B. Maltby appointed
to (111 tho vacancy.
Tho salary of Miss Mamlo Ott, a teacher
on tho substitute list, was placed at $20.
B. A. Wlckhatn asked that his bill of
$700 for grading tho Oakland avenue prop
erty, originally selected as tho slto for
the new high school bo referred to tho
finance committee. Tho grading was done
nbout two years ago, but tho board has
refused to pay tho bill heretofore.
Tho statistical report of Superintendent
Clifford for tho seventh mouth of school
closing April r, was us follows: Kntlro
enrollment Boys, 2,527: girls, 2.531; total,
5.0G1. Monthly enrollment Boys, 2,169;
girls, 2,195; total, 4,364. Averago dally at
tendance, 3,708.42; per cent of attendance
90.54; number cases of tardiness, 2G4; num
ber neither absent nor tardy, 1,236.
Hotly Tn Urn to Mount IMcnnant.
The remains of Smith Snundcrs, accom
panied by members of his family, wero
taken to his former homo In Mount Pleas
ant, la., last evening, where tho funcrnl
will be today.
Private services wero conducted yester
day nftcrnoon at tho family residence, by
Rev. W. S. Barnes,, pastor of the First Pres
byterian church.
Henry and Walter, sons of tho de
ceased, arrived yesterday morning from
tho State University of Wlsconnln.
American Humane Association Or
KanUen Local Branches.
R. J. O'Hanlon, general organizer of the
American Humane association, after con
ferring with Mayor Jennings and others,
yesterday decided to postpono forming a
local branch ot tbo society until next week.
He will leave this morning for Sioux City
nnd Mneon City, where ho expects to or
ganize branches of tho association, and will
roturn to Council Bluffs Tuesday. Wednes
day and Thursday of next week ho will visit
tho public schools and Thursday evening a
meeting will be held ln tho city hall for tho
purpose ot forming c local organization.
Mr. O'Hanlon has spent ten weeks In this
stato and has organized local branches ot
the association In sixteen cities. He does
not ask for any flnnnclal assistance, tho
organization of theso local branches being
part of tho educational movement inaugu
rated by the American Humane association
ln its crusade against Ignorance and cruelty.
Rubber stamps at DcLong's, 307 B'way.
Stranger Who Obtained Money on
Them In Nut Found.
Two checks passed by n stranger last
Saturday on I). W. Bushnell nnd 13. A.
Maurcr ere returned yesterday as being
forged. Tho matter Is now In the hands
ot the police, but they have ouly a slight
cluo to work on.
Each chpek was drawn on tho National
Bank ot Commerco of Omaha, and was for
$10. They were signed S. L. Mason, nnd
made payable to R. S. Sbawver. Across
one end of each of tho checks was what
purported to be the bank's certificate stamp
bearing the slgnaturo of A. J. Lannlng.
At both places tho stranger bought a
small article, securing' tho balance ot the
check In cish. Tho checks were deposited
ln n local bank and were returned from
Omnha yesterday with a statment that they
wero forgorles.
Gravel looting, a. II. Read, 541 Broad'y.
City Settle Two l.nwnnllii.
In pursuance of tho authority given City
Solicitor Wadsworth nt the meeting of the
city council Monday night tho two suits of
Asa B. Mlkesell against the city, In which
be asked for damages to the amount ot $37,
000 for tho death of his wlfo, Mrs. Anua
Mlkesell, were dismissed in tho district
court yesterday nnd Judgment eutercd
ngalnst tho city for $3,000, In one suit the
Judgment entered wns $2,800 und In the
other, $200.
Judge Aylesworth convened the April
term of tho superior court und mado a par
tial nesignmcnt of cases. Tho case of the
State of Iowa ex rel against W. E. Haver
stock. Involving tho treasurorshlp of the
school board, was assigned for tomorrow.
Minor cases that encumbered tho docket
without being brought to trial were stricken
from the docket,
Judge Wheeler beard tho motion for a
continuance In tho divorce suit of William
Klrby against Nellie Klrby nnd a motion
on bohalf of the plaintiff to reduce the tem
porary alimony from $IU to $20 a month. He
took both motions under advisement.
Defendants In criminal cases will be ar
raigned this morning.
Ileal Hatntc Transfer.
These transfers wero filed yesterday In the
abstract, title and loan office of J. W.SquIro,
101 Penrl street:
J,.w. Stlllwcll nnd wlfo to Anne
Clark, lot 6. block 13, Carson, w. d..$ 115
Leuo 1'etcrson nnd husband to M, M,
Larson, lot 17, block 2, Sunnysldo
add. w. d joo
hllsabeth M. Officer nnd Sarah E.
!!.s,,'y..,0.,.8iu,e . Savings bank ot
punc I Bluffs, lots 0. 7.. S und 10,
block, 16. Urlmes' add, n. c. d l
T l?,nias Smith to Felix Gllmore, s 1-3
lie!, nei; 32.77-44, w. d 200
Total four transfers $ wi
Card or Thanks.
Wo dc!re to'return our hlhccrn and heart
felt thanku to thoso who so kindly ami
nobly assisted us In the hour ot our end
bereavement by the loss of our dear be
loved husband, son nnd brother, nnd espe
cially to Mrs. Fred Wcslrlp and to tho em
ployes of tho Nebraska Telephone company
for their kind assistance and untiring de
votion. Mrs. Albert Vandcnburg. Mr. nnd
Mis, William Vandenburg, Mr. Frank K.
Vnndctiburg, Miss Nettle Vandenburg. '
.Mr. Evan Shown Healthy Slate of
Council llluffn Flnnners.
Tho annual report of City Auditor Evans,
which ho has Just completed, shows that
the municipality Is In nn cxcollcnt financial
condition, better than It has been for a
number of years. In a brief review of the
last fiscal year City Auditor Evans says:
Tho appropriation ordinance making al
lotments to the various departments for
the year's expenses anticipated receipts to
the general ami police funds of $67,VW. Tho
nctunl receipts were $315.52 more thnn an
ticipated, or $67,915.62. Thu warrants lsueil
against these funds amounted to $66,012.71,
which Is $1,57.26 less thtui the nmotint ap
propriated and $I,902.7S less than tho In
cohio. During the year $12.!iX 7 per cent nnd
$;i,ihv 6 per cent regular bonds have been
retired, the Intter amount not being due
until lPrt!. thus saving two and a hnlf years'
Interest on this amount. Of Intcr-scctlon
6 per cent bonds $!i,Ki0 have also been paid.
The condition of the city's finances Is
excellent mid with the same enrcful man
agement In tho future that hns character
ized the Inst five or six years the debt of
the city will soon bo pnld. There Is cash
on hand to pay nil outstanding gancrul
fund warrants on presentation.
The report proper gives tho following
facts as to the city's finances;
The gron debt of tho city April 1, 1901,
was $215,5S0.9S. iih follows:
General fund wnrrnnts, not pre
sented $ 4,101 S3
Special fund warrants, not pre- i
sented $30 72
Lighting fund wnrrnnts, not pre
sented MS 73
Regular city bunds '. 239.500 00
The cash balances In tho several funds
(lenerul fund $ 5,407 87
Police fund 1,0.11 20
General sewer fund 4.03S 72
Bridgo fund 5,165 76
Bond fund SIS 55
Judgment fund 315 49
Lighting fund .1,614 IS
Water fund 915 15
Funded debt fund 1,677 07
Bond louli fund 6,913 21
Total $ 30,614 20
Making the net city debt April I, 1991,
The cash on hand wns:
In regular funds $ 30,614 20
In Improvement funds 17,756 89
In library fund 665
In park fund 153 30
Total cash held by city treas
urer April 1. 1901 $49,6SS94
Net debt April 1, 1900 $233,590 62
Warrants drawn during year 105.0S7 65
Interest paid during year 9,250 18
Totnl $Tt7,92S 45
Cash received by treasurer during
year ......................, 132 677 42
Old warrants cluirged'ort'accounts ""304 25
. Total $132.91 67
Net debt April 1 2H 9!6 78
The gross amount of Improvement bonds
outstanding Is $179,700 nnd Improvement
fund warrants outstanding nmountlng to
$32.92. ns follows:
Intersection paving bonds $10S,000 00
Intersection grading bonds 26,000 00
Intersection sewer bonds 34,500 00
Special assessment paving bonds.. 8,710 00
Special assessment grndlng bonds 2.S00OO
Improvement fund warrants, not
presented 32 92
Total $179,732 92
Intersection pnvlng nnd grading
'l""' . $ 1.537 41
Intersection sewer fund 8,597 20
Speclul assessment paving fund 917 91
Special assessment grading fund.. 810 78
Special assessment sewer fund 1,735 58
Curbing nnd sidewalk fund 90s 94
Improvement fund 3,199 07
Total $ 17.756 89
Tpt Improvement bonds outstand-
'"K 161.976 03
Net Improvement bonds out April
1. 1900..... $191.504 66
Wurrants drawn during year 4,004 12
Interest pnld during yenr 10,509 00
Special assessment certificates paid
for yeur 6,233 89
. Total $215,851 87
Less cash received by treasurer
during year 53.S75S4
Net Improvement bonds outstand
ing April 1 nB above 161,976 03
.nWtimr?0nit2TdrnwJ1,!,urlnK tno i'car "mount
to $109,691.77, us follows:
Oencrul fund S 66 0f tj
Lighting fund. ::::iwob
General sewer fund 1.S0I39
Bridgo fund 3 60S is
Judgment fund 305 bi)
Vjntcr fund 18 450 ft)
Road fund 3 49 59
Hpeclnl assessment pradlng fund.. 'll4 66
Improvement fund 4,459 4C
T'l ; $109,691 77
Above mentioned wnrrnnts were drnwn
ror the following accounts:
Salaries of officers and clerks $ 10,35000
Police and marshal's departments 15,297 51
Streets and alleys 10,42!) 59
l ire depurtmeut 15,999 Si
I' Ire nnd pollre ahirm system 1.2IS26
Lnglnecrlng depurtmeut 2,272 ns
Printing und supplies 1,40s 97
City pound. 493 3
Contingencies 2,239 80
Water rental 20,150 00
City lighting 10,478 03
Sewer maintenance i,M)4 39
City bridges 3,606 9S
Judgments and costs 3,305 co
Special assessment grading 114 66
Special Improvements 4.4S9 IG
Total as above $1(0,691 77
LEVY FOR 1900.
Valuation for 1900. with tax levy and pro
?!,xpocte""' valuation being placed at
General fund. 10 mills $ 32.99S 33
Lighting fund. 3 mills 9.WS89
Wuter fund, mills 16,193 16
Library fund, li mills 4,949 44
Park fund. 1 mill 3,299 63
Sewer fund, 1 mill 3,29913
Judgment fund, 14 mill 1,619 81
Improvement fund. 5 mills 16.49S 16
Bridgo fund, life mills 4.949 44
Intersection paving nnd grading
. fund. 5 mills 16,49816
Intersection sewer fund, 3 mills,. 9,89189
Bond loan fund, 3,& mills 11, MS ft)
Funded debt fund, 3 mills 9,893 89
Totnl, 43 mills $1I1,SS4 03
Davis sells paint.
Sit ThouaniMl Inheritance Tax.
Judge Wheeler yesterday fixed the
amount of collateral Inheritance tax to bo
pnld to the state by tho estate of the late
Stephen Culdwen of Avoca at $5,645.25.
Culdwell left an estate valued at about
$113,000. His heirs live ln Massachusetts
and New York.
Marrlnse License.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Afn,Vr. n.0,'"' i'nuncll Bluffu 26
Clnudlo Hamilton, Council Bluffs 20
IJ'Vwnrd Addis. Mlnden. la 23
Gernldlne Hownid. Savage. Neb 21
Mnrk Fquts, Loveland, lu 22
Myrtlo A .Morehouse. Lovelnnd, la iG
Principal Elected at Carroll.
SIBLEY. la.. April 16. (Special Tele
gram.) Prof. W. p. Johnson, principal of
tho Sibley public schools, after a three
years' term here, bag been chosen principal
of tho public schools of Carroll, la., at a
salary of $1,350. Tbero are forty appli
cants for tho prlnclpalshlp at Sibley, with
no choice as yot. The following teachers
have been chosen for the next school year;
Mrs. Beaumont, the Misses Kenny, McCol
!ura, Lancelot, Whitney, Wood, Deboos and
Bond. Tho Misses Allison, Brckley and
Schrelber retire.
Victim of Corn Salve.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. April 16 (Spe
cial.) Tho funeral of E. J. Conor, who died
of lockjaw, caused by tho use of a corn
salve was yctderday aftornoon. For a
long time ho was foreman of the Iowa Cen
tral machine shops and was a great favor
Ite among the laboring mcu ot tbo city.
Dei Mtinet Ohnrohii and Drakt UniTnitj
Ecom Sharp Oritioi.
lows' Oldest ntlir Ileail Father
Seeks IlauKhter'a Pardon Farmer
Drowned In Mud Depart
ment Store Consolidate.
DES MOINES, April 16. A quarrel be
tweou churches In Dcs Moines has devel
oped Into an attack by students of Drake
university on Rev. O. R. Scovlllo, an evan
gelist who has been working In the Chris
tian churches of Des Moines four months.
Scovlllo conducted revival meetings at tho
Central church, then went to the church
nt University place, and Is now at work
In East Dcs Moines. He has taken Into
tho churches during tho winter over 900
persons. At the Ministerial association
meeting this week ministers of other de
nominations demanded that the pastors of
tho churches where Scovlllc has been nt
work corao before the meeting and explain
conduct which thoy claimed wns unbrothcrly
to tho other clergymen. This was followed
by publication of a circular this morning.
In which Scovlllc and his meetings are se
verely attacked nnd the churches which
have employed him are denounced. It Is
In the form of nn extra edition of the
Drake university students' organ.
The nrtlclo declares that tho students
of tho university were forced to become
church members under pain of social ostra
cism; that thoso who wero not members
were hounded and followed and besought
In their homes, nnd that persons who be
longed to churches ot other denominations
were forced to go Into tho church where
Scovlllc was nt work. Inasmuch as the
article Is In lino with tho criticisms passed
upon the evangelist nnd his associates by
leading ministers of other denominations
nt the Ministerial association meeting, the
matter attracts great attention.
Fnrmlns; Operation Drgnn.
Tho weekly bulletin of tho Iowa weather
nnd crop bureau makes tho following sum
mary of crop conditions In Iowa for the
last wceli:
"Tho last week brought material Im
provement ln weather conditions, but In
tho larger part of the state tho averago
temperature was below normal, with nn
excess of cloudiness and light rainfall.
.Farming operations arc now well begun In
alt districts and considerable progress haa
been made in sowing small grain on well
drained lands. In somo counties In tho
western districts tho reports show that
spring wheat seeding Is nearly completed.
But several days of warm nnd drying
weather are needed to put tho soil gen
erally In Ot condition for tillage. In tho
northern section frost Is not all out of
the ground, and the surface Is drying
"Tho grasses are all ln excellent condi
tion, nnd pasturage Is likely to bo about
as early as usual. The wet spring has
been especially favorable for new meadows
and tall grain. All reports Indicate that
fruit trees and vines are healthy and the
fruit buds uninjured. This season will
afford many object lessons as to the value
of tile 'drainage."
Fair1 Date In Iowa.
The secretin of the State Agricultural
department has announced tho dates for
the county and district fairs in Iowa, and
this shows that the first week In Septem
ber Is the most popular week for the fairs.
They arc grouped by weeks as follows:
August Falra Alta. " Wlnlleld, Mount
Pleasant, Montlcello, Nevada, Harlan. Sac
City, Malcom, Shenandoah, Wilton Junc
tion, Knoxvllle, New Sharon. Fairfax.
September. First Week Wuukon. Man
son, Atlantic, Tipton. Nashuf., Strawberry
Point, Perry, West Union, Eldora, Hum
boldt. Marengo, Mnouoketa. Iowa City,
What Cheer, Central City. Malvern, Maple
ton, Wlnterset, Sutherland, Emmetsburar,
Grinned, Lemurs, Mount Ayr, Traer, Eldoti,
September, 8econd Week Greenfield,
Ogden, Mechnnlcsvllle. Marcus, Elkudar,
Clinton, Bloomtlcld, Cascade. Hamilton,
Grundy Center, Newton, Fairfield, West
Point, Marlon, Oskaloosa. Osage. Red Oak,
West Liberty, Avoca. Orange City, Clarion.
September, Third Week Vinton. Dewltt,
Arlington, Victor, Rhodes, Indlanoln.
September. Fourth Week Corning. La
porte, Manchester, Esthervllle, Guthrie Cen
ter. Pella. Toledo. Afton.
October Independence.
Xorlhwe4ern Iowa Banker.
Tho program has been received here for
the meeting of Group No. 2 of the Iowa
Bankers' association at Rock Rapids, April
27, the group comprising the bankers of the
northwestern part of the stato. The pro
gram Includes an address of welcome by
Mayor S. D. Rlnakor of Rock Rapids, re
sponse by E. D. Huxford ot Cherokee, and
tho following topics discussed: "The Bank
er's Relation to tho Public," Frank Y. Locks
of Sibley; "Auction Sales," F. A. McCor
nack of Sioux City; "Recollections of 1893,"
G. L. Tremaln of Humboldt; "Banknotes,"
P. W. Hall of Sheldon; "The World's View
ot the Banker," Louis Vogt ot Oeorgla.
!.oae by Fire and Tornado,
Tho secretary of the Stato Bonrd of Con
trol has compiled n stement showing tho
losses to tho state of Iowa on account ot
lire and tornadoeu at tbo eleven state Insti
tutions under tho care of the board, and
also at the educational Institutions. This
report shows that the entire estimated loss
to the stato In tho past sixty years was
about $623,775.49 from fire and $35,626.94
from tornadoes. A part of the time the
total amount of property subject to loss was
over $6,000,000. In a few cases the state was
Insured, but generally the state has not in
sured Its property.
An effort recently made to Induce Insur
ance companies to offer a blanket policy
covering all the stato buildings has been
unsuccessful, and the bonrd bus decided It
will not entci upon any policy of Insuring
tho publlu buildings, A largo number of the
state buildings are now fireproof and all the
new buildings arc so constructed; besides,
the board is 'arranging for flro protection at
all Institutions and will soon have the In
stitutions much better prepared to resist
lowa'a OldcNt Native Dead.
The death of Thomas S. Box at Mount
Pleasant Is announced. He had been known
for mauy years as tho oldest natlvo of lowa,
as he was born tn Baltimore township,
Henry county. December 13, 1835, His
father, a natlvo of South Carolina, settled
In Henry county In 1S34 and was the first
resldont of tho county. His mother was the
first white woman In that part of tho state
and lived In Henry county three months be
foro she saw any other of her sex. Mr.
Box had always lived near the place where
he was born, engaging In farming during
his entire life.
Seek Pardon for a Woman.
A long petition for the pardon of MU
Delilah FalU of Bremer county Is to bo
presented to Governor Shaw, Delilah Falls
Is a young woman convicted of murdering
Jerome Kern. She was very poor and when
quite young Kern, who was nn old man,
gained a great Influence over her. As she
Brew to womanhood she bad suitors, but
Kern succeeded ln breaking up all pos
sible matches for ber. Finally Kern's son
fell In love with Delilah and when the usual
opposition arose she confetsed to her young
lover. He bought a revolver, gav It to her
and she enticed the elder Kern to n lonely
plnco In the woods nnd there shot him down,
Sho and her lover tried to burn the body to
hide the crime, but were found out and con
fessed. Sho has been In the penitentiary
four years nnd her sentence Is for twenty.
Her fatbor secured an Immense petition for
pardon or pnrolo for the woman nnd Gov
ernor Shaw will be asked to pass upon it.
Drowned In the .Mud.
Fred J. Nlblo of Jackson township, Madi
son county, southwest of Des Moines, met
death in n peculiar manner lust night.
Ho nnd John Schoff were driving n four
horso team attached to a wagon loaded
with wire and fenceposts, when tho lead
team became unmanageable nnd pulled
tho load over the slight embankment of tho
road. The wagon was completely over
turned and Nlblo was lett beneath tho load.
Schoff ran for asslstanco In extricating
tho man, but when ho returned Nlblo was
dead. He had not been Injured by the
toad, but was forced Into tbo mud nnd
water and literally drowned.
Elevator Accident Fntal,
Roland Cole, an employe nt the Klrkwood
house, died this morning from Injuries re
ceived by falling Into an elevator shaft
from tho third floor. It wns thought at
first that his injuries wero not serious, but
this morning be died.
Follow lluhnud to the Grnc.
A peculiarly sad death was that ot Mrs.
G. W. Broskl of Valley Junction, who fol
lowed her husband to tho grave Just eight
days after his death. Ilor husbnud was the
oldest engineer on the Rock Island lu con
tinuous scrvlco nnd died after a short Ill
ness. She was growing feeble and the
shock sustained caused her death.
Department Store Connollilate.
Announcement was mado today that
Frankel Bros., whoso department store
burned In January, at cost of $200,000, hnvo
purchased control ot Hnrrls-Emory com
pany, their only rivals, and consolidation
Is effected. Tho Frankel store will not bo
Men Who Entered Georue Mnrtin'N
Home nt Clnrlndn Wnntcd
III Hoy.
CLARINDA, Ia April 16. Tho homo of
Georgo Mnrtln was broken Into last night.
Mr. Martin and family, except one son, are
spending tho winter at Wichita Falls., Tex.
The son, Noros, is a student at Tarklo col
lege, Missouri, and carao home Saturday on
bis way to Wichita Falls to Join his parents.
Mr. Martin Is quite wealthy and as thu
housebreakers took no plunder. It Is be
lieved their Intention was to capture the
young roan and hold him for ransom. Ho
was sponding the night at a neighbor's and
escaped capture. Ho left this morning for
J. M. Penrnon of Iloone Put Bul
let In llend of .11 111 Mont
icomery. BOONE, Ia April 16. (Special Telegram.)
This afternoon J. M. Pearspu, a North
western fireman, met Jim Montgomery, a
brldgcman, walking with his wife. He drew
a revolver and shot Montgomery through
tho head, Inflicting a fatal wound The men
had had troublo before. Mr. Pearson hnd
previously applied for divorce nnd the cus
tody ot four little children. He gave him
self up and will bo held to await the re
sult of Montgomery's wound.
Mr. II. n. Tnnure of .Mason City, lu.
Kill Her llunhand
nnd Die.
MASON CITY. Ia April 16. At mid
night last night Mrs. II. B. Tunure shot
and killed ber husband and then shot her
self through the heart. It is thought she
was Insane.
ItellKlou Ilevlvnl nt Wlnteret.
WINTERSET, la., April 16. (Special.)
Two weeks ago Rev. G. L. Parker of New
Jeroey, by Invitation, came to this city, all
tbo churches uniting In the call. From the
start vast congregations havo assembled
to listen to him. Tho meetings have been
In the Methodist Episcopal church, the
largest In thn city. It Is one ot tho great
est revivals experienced ln Wlntersct.
Mnyor Bald Hotel,
HAMBURG, la.. April 16. (Special.)
R. CI Campbell, tho newly elected mayor,
with a tew deputies, raided tho Hotel
Julian Saturday night. A lot of gambling
devices wero captured and a number of
prominent citizens arrested.
Mnncntlne Lawyers Delinquent.
MUSCATINE, la., April 16. Tax ferrets
here have found sixty-two persons and firms
owing this city a total of $100,000 back
taxes. One law firm owes $77,000,
Enter the Snblne, to Hold the Static
for nt I.eiit Two Per
formance. WASHINGTON, April 16, Forecast:
For NebraBkn nnd KoiiBas Fair Wednes
day, Thursday fair; warmer; northerly
winds, becoming variable.
For Iowa Fair Wednesday, except rain
and decidedly colder in extremo eastern
portion. Thursday fair; warmer; northerly
For Missouri Rain and decidedly" colder
Wednesday in southern and eastern; fair In
northwest portion. Thursday fair; warmer;
winds becoming northwesterly.
For Colorado Fair; warmer Wednesday,
Thursday fair, with warmer In eastern por
tion; northerly winds, becoming variable.
For Wyoming Fair; warmer Wednesday
and Thursday; vurlable winds.
I.oenl Iteeord.
OMAHA, April 16. Official record or tom-
?rature and precipitation cainparfd with
he corresponding day ot the last thrc
1901. 19W. 99. 1S9J.
Maximum temperature... 50 63 70 83
Minimum temperature.... 33 52 37 67
Menu temperuturo 42 58 54 72
Preclpltutfon 40 .79 .00 .00
Record of temperature nnd nreclpltatton
at (Jniana ror tins uay una since luarcn 1,
Normnl temperuturo 51
Deficiency for tho day 9
Totnl exeess slneo March 1 17
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Excess for tho day 29 Inch
Total since March 1 2.92 Inehos
Deficiency slnco March 1 01 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 19ftj 26 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S90, .. .2.20 Inches
lleporta from Ntatlou at 7 P, M.
H 1
? 35 I
OF WEATHEB. i - 33
: 5 . - F
: 0 : u "
: t. ; 3 ;
J r- ; I .
Omnlut. cloudy
50 02
31 2 ,00
22 26 T
42 42 T
21 3t 00
40 41 W
30 31 .00
54 lf .02
6i 70 12
36 41 .40
56 60
52 66 T
41 II (-J
42 44 ,f
311 :S: 00
t,S 70 .IX)
1 mil 1. , I'ii.tu nuuuj
Cheyenne, partly cloudy ...
Salt Lake City, partly cloui
Huron, cloudy
WilltMlnn rlonr .
Chicago, raining
St. Louis, cloudy
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cioiuiy .,
Kansas City, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Havre, partly cloudy ....
Itlmn r.lf ,!,il,rl' .
Galveston, cloudy ,
T Trace of precipitation.
Local Fgre:ast Official.
Nc.t to purity, the yeast used in brcwiiiR is of the
utmost importance in beer. Perfect beer requires a
perfect yeast, and rarely does a brewer find it.
The Schlitz brewery introduced chemically pure
yeast in America. It has made Schlitz beer the most
printable, healthful beer that is brewed.
The original mothe cells form a priceless asset.
All the yeast used in Schlitz beer forever will be devel
oped from them. As a result Schlitz beer will never
mere 11 never
be a 11 o t h e r
beer like
Try a ense of Schlllz lleer,
If you want to know about
a doctor, ask some of his
If yon want to know abont
an office building, ask its
You will find the tenants
of the
Bee Building
enthusiastic in its praises,
particularly if they formerly
officed in other buildings.
If you wish to inspect the
few handsome offices which
are vacant, call on us.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents,
Run via tb
Leave Omaha
via Scenic Route through Colorado and
For Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
addresi Cltv Ticket Office, 1333 Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
"Wortn Its Weight In Gold."
DR. RADWAT A CO., New York-Qn.
tlemen: 1 send incloaed M. O., for which
you will pleaaa end me one doten ltaJ
way a Ready Relief and one doien Rad
wuy's Pllla. Tour Ready Relief Ih conuld
erad hereabout to ba worth lti weight In
frold. Thl la why I am induced to handle
t. I have handled Oil for ome time.
but I oonilder the R. R. R. far superior to
this, aa It aives beter satisfaction.
Radway's Ready Relief cures Headachr,
Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lum
bago, pains and' weakness In the back,
spine or kidneys, pains around the liver
pleurisy, swelling; of the Joints and pain
of all kinds. The application of Radway's
Ready Relief will attord Immediate tur
and Its continued use for a few days ef
fects a permanent cure. Sold by druggists
$500 REWARD!
Wo will pay tho above reward for any f se of
Liver Complaint, Dynpepslr, Sick lleadiiche,
Indigestion, Constipation or Ooatlveness wo
rsimot euro' with I.lverlta, the Lp-To-Dato
Little Liver 1111. when the directions are strict
ly compiled with. They are purely VcRelible,
nun liuvri mil III H,w ni.o.i ...... ,
contain 100 Fills, lOo boxei contHln 40 Fills, 6q
boxes contain 15 Fills, llewaioof eulis'.ltutlona
and Imitations. (Sent by wall, slainps taken,
.,1,111,1,11. ,i,r.T ill lr ft(nlnii tttiri
Jackson his., Chhago, III. Sold jv
Por sale by Kuuu Ot Co., litlx and DuugiM
tit., Omaha. Nob.; Ueo. a. Davis, Council
liluffs. Iowa.
I'ri' I liu'iiriMirnlt'it Into tin1 -llilllor
Illeliui'iU Retire from
.Veivniuiiier Work.
INMA.VAFOLIS, April 16. The Indian
npolts I'ioss will uiako IIh hint iippeurnnco
today. With tomorrow It will he merKl
Into the Indianapolis News. Tho Frees was
first nuhllahed December 3, 1890. Major W.
J. HIchards had sold his minority Interest
In tho Indianapolis Newn to tho present
owner, Lielavuii Smith and Chnrles It.
Williams, und iissoclatliiK with liliu John
II. Holllday, lormer proprietor of tho News,
had attempted to establish u rival paper.
Tbo euture has beon observed with , Inter
est by the newspaper fraternity. Mr. Holll
day liecmneB 11 member of tho News co
partnership and Major HIchards retires by
preferenro from tho newspaper field, to
devote his attention to his private HffiilrH.
Corlilii liulnur lo l'lillliilur.
NEW YOKK. April 10.-A spielul to the
Tlmen from WiisiiliiBtun days; Adjuliint
fnentl Corhlii Iihh definitely imlde up his
inlml tn tulic u trip to tho Philippines this
'Phono 01S, Schlitz
719 South (III) St.
Telephouo tllS.
Ground Floor
Bee Bldff.
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
Method new, without
cuttlug. pain or loss
01 lime.
CVDUI I iccnredforllreanathepolnoa
Ol r niLO thoroughly cleansed from
the B7Rtt-m. Soon every Msu and symptom
disappear completely and forever. No
"UUlJ AKWCJ OUT" ot the disease on the skin
or face. Treatment contains no dangsrona
drugs or injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Kxcrsies or Victim!
to Nmivous DtiiiLiTT or Exhaustion,
Wastino VVakhehs with Eakly Dscat In and Mipiii.k Aar.u, lack of vim, vigor
and Htrauctli with organs Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Horn
Treatment. No pain, no detention from busi
ness. Kidney and IllRdder Troubles.
Coasuttitlon Frre. Iff attntM ty Mill.
Call on on or address Q 80. 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Searlos, Omaha, Neb.
ir you hnvn .mail, weak orsaoi.
lot itirr or weakening drain.,
our vacuum Orvan Developer will
rotorn you witnoui drugs or
elect rlrltyi 75.0HU In u.rt notonn
failure 1 not one returneili 1111C. O. P. fraiuli write fur
frei particular. K-nt Hculeil In plnlll enveloM.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO., 130 Thorp Blk Indiinipolli, Ind.
Can Buy
at a moat market, or you
can hire other people to
think for you, or a nimble
fingered girl to write your
letters, but do you know a
good dictionary is a great
help in writing or Bpeak
ing correctly?
Probably you hare decrepit
old dictionary In your tfllce. It
la so tatterod and dirty that you
seldom use It Throw It la Um
waste basket ud get a
It Is tho latest out and leholara
very where pronounce It the
best Containing over 190,000
words and having a corps of M0
dltors, specialists and educated
men, costing nearly a million
dollars before placed before the
public, It ought to be a valuable
book. It Is a valuable bosk by
far the bast dictionary beter.
tn English-speaking peoyls,
,T ," SBBSTM fc'tlcontaliiKrsoi!
T,".!,' J'tniirniysl, not h.ImcIi: lllurci IniiKeil.moti
ul'itluati) curt relieved in tew dni UO 11
tUtmut 4 aCCcuncli tad Hubs A ut infill