Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Over 1500 Prizes for the Nearest Correct Guesses
SPECIAL XOTICi: TO OCT-OF-TOWS SL'HSCIIIHKIIJ-Anr of tlir contestnr.t who nlili can (nrn In itucei
on "The Dots" to the local agent In tlirlr own Innn, all of wtiom have been nnlhorUrd and Instructed to mark
the time on th conpnn that the KOCH I received b" them thua giving nil "ontcMants the same ndrnntnge na
to time aa thoae living in Omaha.
Every subscriber, new or old, will be entitled
to one guess on the number of dots with every
fifteen cents paid on his subscription account.
You cac guess a many time as you wish. The more guesses you turn tn
the better your chance of winning. The subscription price of the Dally and Sun
day Dee is ISc a week by carrier, or $2.00 for three months by nail,
All payments and guesses must be made direct to The Bee office, personally
or by mall, UNLESS you are taking The Bee from an authorized agent. In which
case you will pay the agent and he will tend your guess and remittance to us
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The more guesses you turn in, the
better your chance of winning.
' 5 V W VeVl 5 J W i .- :
To those guessing the correct or nearest cor
rect number of dots The Bee will give the follow
ing prizes:
Jet prize A 500.00 Emersou Piano value 1500.00
i!nd prize 1 "Densniore" Typewriter, value flOO.OO
3rd prize 1 lot in Council Bluffs, value 100.00
4th prize 1 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, value 00.00
5th prize 1 Business College Scholarship, value 00.00
fth prize 1 Tailor-made Suit, value 45.00
7th Prize 1 Ladies' Tailor-made Suit, value 40.00
Sth prize 3 ladies' Custom-made Shirt Waists, value 10.00
9th prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value .12.00
10th prize 1 Standard Dictionary, value ... 12.00
11th prize 1 Ton Coal, value 5.50
12th prize 1 box "Kirk's" White Russian Soap, value. . .3.00
13th prize ONE PIG, value ?
14th prize 1 Sack Golden 'Sheaf Flour 1.00
15th to 24th 10 bottles Cramer's Kidney Cure, value 10.00
25th to 35th 10 pair Orpheum Seats, value ...10.00
3Gth to 50th 14 volumes recent fiction, value 18.75
Also Art Pictures and Books,' value ..;.-.f 510.75
Total $1,500 and a Pig.
$1,500 in Prizes First Prize a $500.00 Piano
We Guarantee
That Everyone
Guessing the
Correct Number
Will Get a Prize.
Try Your Skill at Counting
There is no trick about the puzzle.
It is absolutely a matter of skill and ingenuity
To Contestants No one connected with The Bee
directly or indirectly will be allowed to enter thie contest.
This Contest Closes at 5 p. m.
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Btubben IneuTjent Geierel at Lut Forced
to Ooniider Surrender, '
Are In Hunger and No Longer Able (o
No Easily Klntte American
Town at Mnrlralcs Al
ready Taken.
MANILA, April 16. Tbo chief of staff
of the Insurgent gonoral Mascardo, has nur
rendered at tho town of Marlvalos, la
Hainan province, Luzon. He said that Mas
cardo's band of followers, now greatly
diminished, ore In a bad way. It Is Im
possible for them to elude tho Americans;
they are unablo to obtain food and want
to surrender. It Is expected that General
Mascardo himself will surrender shortly.
It Is Intimated tha an official announce
ment regarding tho disposition of Agulnaldo
will soon bo made.
States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., upon conviction of fraud tn connec
tion with harbor Improvements, etc., at
Savannah, Ga.
Mr. Richards says that the Investigations
of tho government reveal the loss of an
aggregate of J2.163.159, through Carter's
operations, of which ho (Carter) received
one-third with traveling expenses added. In
view of these facts, Mr. Richards asks: "Is
it any wonder that Carter wants to get out
on ball? Is It any wonder that he desires
to be put In a position where he can per
sonally handle the sinews of war, which ho
obtained by fraud from tho government that
educated him and gave him bis standlug
and reputation? What ball could the court
fix that would bo sufficient in his case, If
ho has Bent his securities out of tho coun
try and mado up his mind that tho best
thing ho could do would bo to follow them?"
Receives Bich Legaoy for Haying Bared
Womai from Drowning.
Incident Dntea Mnny Yeiirn Mack, but
tintteful Mm. Fairfax De
cline tn ForKct Ilia
Will Soon Lay Matter of Future Rela
tionship lleforc I're.ldent
HAVANA, April 15. The commission ap
pointed by the Cuban constitutional con
vention to go to Washington and lay before
President McKinley tho desires of tho con
vention regarding the future relations be
tween Cuba and the United States will leave
hero Saturday. General Wood will present
tho commission to tho president. He wilt
leave here Friday and go to Washington by
way Df Tampa, Fla,
The commission consists of Senors Diego,
Tamayo, Capote, Borrlcl, rortuondo and
Solicitor Uenernl Richards State
Why He Should .Not He Re
leased on Hall.
WASHINGTON, April 16. Solicitor Gen
oral Klchards today tiled with tho United
States supreme court a brief In opposition
to the application for boll filed about ten
days ago in behalf of former Captain Obcr
lln M. Carter, now confined in tho United
, The
will please you.
UIpoltlnii Shovru to Cut Down
Variolic Imlemiiltlc Demanded
of China.
WASHINGTON, April 16. Notwithstand
ing tho reports from Pokln of the slow-
progress of the negotiations there on tho
subject of Indemnity tho officials hero are
not without hopo that a way may be found
out of the.prescnt Complications.
Lator figures aro coming In respecting the
Indemnity claims which slightly modify
these claims, as reported from other
sources. For Instance, tho French claim Is
now given as 156,000,000, Instead of $65,000,
000. Tho Ilusslan claim Is about $87,000,000
nnd that of Great Britain about $27,000,000.
The Japancso claim also has-been cut down
to less than $20,000,000. Germany's claim
Is elastic, ranging from $60,000,000 to $70,
000,000. Tho little powers, those that lur
nishpd no troops at all, or nn Insignificant
number, loom up with big bills. Ilelglum
wants $6,000,000 and similar claims aro pre
ferred by Holland and Spain.
rostraualer (icnerul Smith Formally
Sanction I'lnn to Make Life
Kuftlcr for Carrier,.
WASHINGTON, April 16. The following
order, drafted by Superintendent Mnchen of
tho freo delivery service, with a view to
relieving letter carriers throughout tho
country of wearing tho heavy uniform coats
and vests during the summer was signed
today by Postmaster General Smith:
"Ordered, that section 631, of tho amended
postal laws and regulations In relation to
the freo delivery service, be and tho sarao
hereby Is amended by adding tho following:
"Shrltwalsta During the heated term
postmasters may permit letter carriers to
wear a neat shirtwaist or looso fitting
blouse, Instead of coat 'and vest, the same
to be mado of light gray chambray glngbam,
light gray cheviot or other light gray wash
able material; to bo worn with turndown
collar, dark tie and n neat belt, all to
bo uniform at each office.
President I'atton Start on Ills Trip
West to Vlalt Denver
PUINCETON, N. J., April 16. President
Francis L. Patton left Princeton today on
a ten days' trip to the west to visit tho
alumni of Denver, Colo. No officer of the
university has ever mado a trio as far west
, as this In the interest of the university,
i On Friday he will visit the University of
Colorado and that evening will be the guest
or tho Caudle. Light club, of Denver. He
will be entertained by tbo Princeton club
of Colorado.
DAYTON, O., April 16. Henry H. Haw
thorn, ono in tho invalid soldiers in tho
Soldiers' homo here, has just received no
tice that he has been mado beneficiary to
the amount of from $200,000 to $500,000 by
a woman out of gratitudo for having saved
her llfo many years ago. The woman is
Mrs. Josephine Fairfax, who recently died
In tho south of France.
Hawthorn was born in England and came
to tbo United States when a boy. Later
ho went to England on u visit. While ut
Kent bathing in tho sea ho saw a woman
and her son in a boat, which capsized.
Hawthorn being nn expert Hwlmmer, suc
ceeded in rescuing the woman, but tho son
was drowned. Ho returned to tho United
States and served In tho army during the
civil war. A few years ago ho met Mrs.
Fairfax In England and refused a reward
which sho urged him to take. Ho heard
nothing more from her until he was In
formed of tho bequest left to hlra.
National Auooiation Eegini the Fint of Ita
Practical Demonstration!.
Survivor of lliivnnn Dlnter to lie
Incited to Attend the
PHILADELPHIA. April 16. It has prac
tically been decided by the Cramps Ship
building company to launch tho United
States battleship Maine on Memorial day.
Survivors of tbo original Mulno nnd widows
of sailors killed In Havana harbor will
probably be Invited to attend tho launching.
I Thirty Mile Smith of CIiIcmko nnd
Will He Completed by Siitur
ln New Orlenim .Next
CHICAGO, April 16. Tho National Good
Ttoads' association commenced today its
first practical demonstration of road con
struction on Its southern trip nt the town
of Flossmoor, thirty miles south of Chi
cago on tho Illinois Central.
Ground has been broken for tho building
of a quarter of a mile of stono road, under
tbo supervision of Charles T. Harrison,
Big Realty Deals
Further Details of the Building
Up of South Sixteenth Street.
road expert of the Agricultural department,
und six teams working slnco morning havo
nearly completed tho grade. Tho road will
bo completed by Saturday of this week,
when tho "Good Iloada' Special," consist
ing of seven flat cars, bearing scrapcM,
sprinklers, rock crusher nnd rollers, und
a commissary and officers' car, will start
for New Orleans, whero tho next demon
stration will bo mudc.
Senator Martin Dodge, director of public
road inquiries, United States Department
of Agriculture, and It. W. Richardson, sec
retary of tho Notional Good Itoads' asso
ciation, were on tho ground today Inspecting
tho work, accompanied by Mr. W. T. lieatty,
representing tho road machinery manufac
turers, and Prof. W. It. Hong of the en
gineering department of tho University of
Minnesota, all of whom will accompany tho
train on its trip south.
I'renlilent Appoint AVIIIInin 31. Jen
kins to Succeed l'resent In
cumbent tinmen.
Transfers of nearly a dozen lots, Involving
half that number of separate transactions,
on or adjoining Sixteenth street and be
tween Farnara and Leavenworth, announced
during last week, have created n great stir
In Omaha real estate circles. Although many
of the agents had known In a general way
that "something was going on" for a week
or more before, tho sales were mado public,
there were few who were not a bit startled
by tho announcements mado In Tho Beo
Saturday evening.
Five or six weeks of hard work had been
put Into the threo connected deals before
nny part of any ono of them could bo safely
mado public without Injuring tho success of
tho others. As a matter of fact ono of tha
deeds wus only signed about three hours be
fore tho evening papers gavo the details of
tho several transactions. This deed cov
ered the transfer of tho two lots on tho
northeast corner of Sixteenth and Howard.
Tho comment nmong real estate men Is
the expression of the one sentiment that the
building of threo largo business blockf
nmong the largest mercantile blocks In tho
city will bo the leading event of tlje year
in relation to realty. It Is pointed out that
for a year or two past tbo big transactions
have been tbo buying of sites and the erec
tion of up-to-date structures for leading
jobbing and wholesale Interests, whllo this
year attention has been directed to retail
business. The conversion of that portion of
Sixteenth street which has up to quite re
cently contained tho homes of four of
Omaha's oldest citizens Into tho renter of
what Is generally thought will bo n leading
retail district Is looked upon as a land
mark In tho growth of the city. For some
years past tho conviction has been grow
ing that tho tendency of the business sec
tion was to branch out In this direction, the
rapid growth of South Omaha being a factor
which helped forward this result. Real es
tate men now say that tho need of larger
and better quarters by leading business
houses of Omaha was tho main- factor that
led to the succebsful accomplishment of
what has recently been negotiated by Georgo
& Co. and the Wyman-Shrlver company.
For the Department Store.
Up to the present tho 'deeds have only
been recorded in tho sale of two lots, amoug
all thoto referred to above. Ono of these
is tho northeast corner of Seventeenth and
Howard, conveyed by the Northwesters
Mutual Llfo Insuronco company to Samuel
Reynolds, mnnager of tho W. R. Bennett
company. Tho consideration for this was
$10,000, with a mortgage given back for $7,
r.00. This Is tho lot on which It Is Intended
to erect tho stablo which Is to house the
delivery wagons by night and the customers'
teams by day. Tho Harney street lots on
which the Bennett store building Is to stand
are at the opposite corner of this block
and will bo scoarated by twenty-two feet
along tho nlley. In order that connection
may bo had between tho stnblo nnd the
storo a portion of tho east wall of tho Boyd
theater building will bo cut away.
With regard to the price of the Harney
street lots1, It is figured nt a little over
$1,136 per foot from tho Sixteenth street
trontage. Higher prices than this have
been paid for Omaha business corners, nnd
this reckoning, too, gives a great depth. Tho
total of $150,000, however, gives to John L.
Welsh of Philadelphia, who bought the
property from General Lowe a year or two
ago for $130,000, a satisfactory profit on his
investment. Mr. Welsh, It will be remem
bered, paid a lnrgo part of his purchase
price In East Omaha stock, over which
General Lowo subsequently brought suit.
It 1b expected that the building on thla
site will be one of the first to be started,
although as yet no plans have been pre
pared. Mr. Bennett on Monday night mot
with nearly twenty of the leading architects
of the city and several of them will submit
drafts of what they consider will suit bis
Tho articles of Incorporation of tho Ben
nett Building company wero filed yesterday
with the names of S. F. Bennett, W. R.
Bennett nnd F. W. Brown as Incorporators.
Tho capital stock authorized is $100,000.
Tho northeast corner of Sixteenth and
Howard, which was sold by Charles Tur
ner and wife to a syndicate for whom Frank
H. Gaines holds the title as tmstee, wcnC
for $75,000, which ns already pointed out, Is
just one hundred times the aim. tint paid
for tho ground In 1S53, when Mr. Turner
bought It for a home. It Is estimated that
H Mr. Turner had drawn 6 par rent In
terest all theso forty-two years and had
compounded the Interest, the $750 of his
original Investment would havo grown to
but Jj),500. Ono well known agent In speak
ing of this great Incrcano In vtlue asked.
"Is It not likely that the growth of Omaha
during the next forty yOars will bo equul
to that of tho last forty; nnd If that Is so,
Is not Charles Turner's cxamplo a good
one to follow? What he has upeat tn taxes
and other expenses has been offset by tho
use ho has made of the property, and ho
comes out with principal and interest mul
tiplied seven or eight times over."
Tho adjoining Balbach corner, which was
bought by E. M. Morsman nnd Guy Bar
ton last year, has now been transferred to
parties whoso names are kept a close se
cret. On this account some question has
been raised as to tho genuineness of tho
sale. It is positively known, however, that
n largo sum of money has been paid over
nnd that tho deed Is signed and held In
escrow poudlng the consummation of certain
negotiations. It is understood thnt it Is
out-of-town money that has bought this
site nnd will erect the building which Is
to stand upon It.
The syndicate which has bought tho Tur
ner corner, on tho other hand, consists, so
it Is believed, of n half-dozen young and
entorprlslng business men of Omaha, who
will be ablo to find the money for the build
Ing also. The deed for this corner also
is held In escrow for tho present.
About Other Itenl.
Tho twenty-two foot building for the
Rclchenberg-Smlth Jewelry company will
complete a series of new business blocks
extending from tho Boyd theater on tho
west to the Crelghton-Orpheum on tho cast
and hiding tbo two dead walls of the thea
ter buildings.
Tho two corners of Sixteenth and Leaven
worth, bought by A. P. Tukoy and F. J.
Fitzgerald, belonged to an English company,
which still owns $50,000 or $60,000 worth of
Omaha property, most of which Is In tho
form of cheap lots In tho south part of
the city. Tho company Is represented In
this country by W. E. Swentzel of Kansas
City, who holds tbo title to tbo various
properties as trustee.
John L. Wehxtcr to Talk.
At today's meeting of tho exchange tho
chief interest will center In John L. Web
ster'a address, President Green has re
ceived a telegram from Senator Millard re
gretting that his visit to Washington made
it Impossible for him to bo present with tho
oxchango today.
A few vacant lots will bo listed for auc
tion and an appralsment asked on a North
Sixteenth street business lot.
WASHINGTON, April 16. The president
has decided to appoint William M. Jenkins
to bo governor of Oklahoma territory to
succeed the present Governor Barnes, whoso
term will expire soon, Mr, Jenkins is the
present secretary, of tho territory.
Two John Laud In .lull.
John McCormlck. sr.. nnd his son Joint
left their homo on the bottom!) Tuesday
evening und cumo up town to boo the night,
Arter lomiinK up witn Dad whisky tnt-y
inudo a rough houso In n. North Sixteenth
street saloon and broke a largo plate glnss
window, 'me pair iiiho inauo an unmicccsM
ful attempt to whip Patrolman Ryan and
Detectives Heelnn nnd Johnson, who nr
rested them. Tho McCormlcks will Htand
trlnl on a charge of helng drunk and dis
turbing the peace liy fighting, for malicious
flcHtructlon of property and resisting officers,
Liu laif Ting, Baoaloitraat Okinua
Gmeral, Daolinn to Yield.
Extends Cordial Invitation to Com
Out and Attack Ills Force Has
Ten Thousand Men With
LONDON, April 16. A dispatch to the)
Reutcr Telegram company from Pcklm,
dated April 16, says that General von Gylo,
In command of 5,000 German and 3,000
French troops, Is heading an expedition to
attack Liu (Liu Kang Ting) at Hul Lu,
twclvo miles from Pao Ting Fu.
Liu's position is inBldo tho territory do
fined by Field Marshal von Walderseo aa
tho sphere of operations for tho allies.
Liu has 10,000 men and has refused to re
tire, saying that If tbo allies wished him
to rctiro they had better come out and
compel him to do so,
Ilattleshln Shout Dp Well.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 16,-Tho new
battleship Wisconsin has returned from Its
maiden cmlse. It went to Mugdalena bay
for tat get practice. Captain Reltcr, lta
commander, speaks highly of tho vessol's)
sengolng qualities mid of tha good markn
manshlp with tho big guns displayed by tha
Sis Hundred Men Aboard.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 16.-Tho trans
port Ohio sailed today for Manila via
Honolulu with ii battalion of the Thirtieth
Infantry, numbering 600 men, nnd eighty
cusualH nnd recruits, nineteen Rtgnal corps
men und a detachment of tho hospital
Scrofula is nn uuwclcome legacy, but one which
the children of blood jxisoncd parentage must
accept, with all its humiliating consequences. It is
an inheritance that makes one poorer; that brings
wretchedness nnd disease instead of health nnd
riches, for the child whose ancestral blood is tainted
with Scrofula or the loathsome vims of Contagious
Blood Poison is unfitted for the arduous duties of
life so long as any of the transmitted noison remains
in its veins. Scrofula manifests itself in various forms; swollen glands abort tfce
neck arid throat, catarrh of the head, weak eyes, hip boae disease, white swdlbr
and offensive sores and abscesses are familiar symptoms, attended uaaaUy wttE
loss of strength, poor digestion and pale or bloodless cofflplexion. The akin is
sometimes most dreadfully affected, eruptions breaking out on all parts of the body.
Scrofula destroys bone, tissue and flesh ; no part of the human system escape Ha
Whan nineteen voars old. and ah
after the birth of my first ohild, the elands on
tho left aldo of my neck beg-an to swell. Four of
the places were lanced and became opon running;
sorest rislncs came under my left arm, and tha
dlschargo was simply awful. The dootora aald I
had tha worst case of Scrofula thoy had ever
seen. I took iodide of potassium, but thla nor
the other druga irlven for thla disease brought
relief. When the phystolnna adrlsed ma to hava
the trlanda romovod, I doclded to try 8, B. S. A
few bottles cured ma completely; no aUrns of
the terrible disease are left.
Golden Corners, Ohio.
withering, benumbing tottch.
i-arenis wno&e Dtooa te pois
oned by their own misdeeds,
or who themselves may be
suffering for the sins of some
remote ancestor, must re
store their own blood to ita
normal purity and strength,
or they cannot expect
healthy, robust children.
S. S. S. cures Scrofula, like
other diseases of a deep.
rcaicu, constitutional cfearao
purity to the profoundly poisoned blood, and the rich, strong blood that is carried
to the swollen and diseated glands absorbs and deatrova the tuberculous depoeits.
and the painfnl, disfiguring sores and other evidences of Scrofula dkappear
vj. v). v-. duuiuu iic wcgmi immediately upon the nppearance of the first symp.
J, or where there is a known predisposition to Scrofula. Our medical depart-
mcnt wiii oe lounii oi gTeai neip to Uiose who are struggling with this waatinr
disease of heredity or nny other blood trouble, and we invite you to write us
Should you or any member of vour family need advice nor ni,.,io0 in t. '
fully give the information you desire, for which we make ao charge. Book i
e14la WkaU vovnt o 1 1 cc,