Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone CO I,
We have pretty styles at
and up to 5.00.
Quite a good many new Dress Skirts came by express this
morning. Brilliantine is one of the fabrics which will be un
usually good for the coming season. Handsome new effects at
10.75 and 12.00.
Thompson, Beldem & Co.
Eial Metniag of Sjmtor Olark'i Short Lin
to California.
Montana Copper KIiik AKnlnwt All Ihr
Moneyi-il AntocriltH of -iltr Itnll
rimil World lllvul llmitc
Hot It I'niler Vn.
SALT LAKE C1TV, Utah, April 1C
United Stntcs Senator Clark, tho copper
UtiR of Montana, tins thrown down tlid
rmro of battle to K. II. Harrlman, John
ft. Hockcfcllcr, Ocoiro tlotild, J. Plcrpont
Morgan nnil nil tho other moneyed auto
crata of tho railroad world. Senator Clark
has declared Ills Intention to build a rail
road from Los AnKoIen to Salt Lnko City.
Ilo has $100,000,000 of his owu money with
which to build It, niul Is now laying ratio
from Los Angeles eastward. The Ilarrl
man syndicate has declared Hint Clark nnd
his railroad must ho mippresBed, und Is
bending every energy and resource at Its
command to that cod,
The first fildrmlMi In flits conflict between
the multimillionaires was fought out this
week on nn old abandoned railroad grado
stretching for forty miles across' tho Ne
vada desert. Tho grade cost $1,000,000 nnd
tho Harrlman people wcro tho victors In
tho preliminary contest for Its possession.
Bight months ago Senator Clark an
nounced lil purpose, to build this railroad
from l.os Anxobs across Nevada to Salt
Lake City. Up was' not .take, seriously by
rival lines. Ilo organized his company,
with a capital of $23,000,000, It. C. Kerens,
republican national committeeman for Mis
souri, and other eastern men went In with
him. Half a dozen Utah millionaires, In
cluding United States Senator Kcarns,
Joined the enterprise. The Los Angeles
Terminal company was bought, with ItH ex
tensive terminal franchises at' San Pedro
harbor, for $3,000,000. Then Clark com
menced grading and laying ties and rails.
About this time tho Harrlman crowd pur
chased the Southern 1'aulflc, which cannot
nfford to divide tho California traffic with
nny new road, anil set about to head off
this upstart Clark.
Oregon' Old Project.
Ten years ago tho Oregon Short Line,
now a Harrlman, extending southwest
from this city to tho Nevada line, built
furty miles of expensive grade beyond
Uvada, Its present terminus, Charles Kran
els Adams Intended to extend tho Short
Line to tho coiiHt. ThlH grade Includes sev
eral tunnels nnd cost $1,000,000. Then cumo
tho financial crash and tho receiverships,
and the project was abandoned. No rails
wcro laid ou the grade, which was sold to
Lincoln county, Nevada, for non-payment of
taxes. Senator Clark located his lino over
this old grade and secured n decision from
tho United StatcH hind otllco holding that
tho Short Lino had forfeited nil of its
rights. The Harrlman people ruchert ties
and rails and Japs to tho scone nnd com
menced laying track, announcing with n
flourish that they had decided to extend to
tho coast ot,onco over tho vory routo that
Senator Clark hail' located. Mr. Harrlman
Bald his company had built that grade nnd
proposed to use It. Tho Clark forces sent
a small gang of mpn down to love! up tho
grade, and tho Short Lino tracklayers
camo along after them with tho Harrlman
rails. After offering feeblo resistance tho
Clark forces wlihdrew and tho Short Line Is
still extending Its track. Senator Clark
Your Liver
WJll be roused to Its natural duties
and your biliousness, hcadacho and
constipation bo cured It you tako
Hood's Pills
Sold by all druggists. 26 cents.
Bring- this Coupon
and 25c
to the Map Department,
Bee Publishing Co., and
(at a
01? IOWA
SliS iiSxMU Inchca.
Has the 1900 census ot
every county and town In
tho state printed on the
margin and the entire
Correct to January 1st,
If sent by mall add
10c extra for postage
and tube. Address
May Dept. Omaha, Halt,
Bee, April 1, 1001.
Our New
Arrived yesterday. The styles and
materials are particularly pretty' tliis
season. Many stores think any kind
of workmanship will do for wrappers.
Not so with our garments. Before
they find a place in our store they tue
as carefully examined as though they
were silk skirts. This is the reason so
many ladies purchase their garments
1.00, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25
will go Into tho courts to settle the owner
ship of tho grade.
Tho Harrlman syndicate Is harassing
Senator Clark by every means at its com
mand. It proposes to change 200 miles on
tho mal:i lino of tho Oregon Short Line,
south of Salt Lake City, In order to occupy
tho route picked out by Clark, and will
selzo and occupy amountnln pass that Is
tho key to that routo.
When Clark projected his road ho ex
pected to uso tho Illo Orando Western at
Salt Luke City for nn eastern connection.
Then Could nnd Harrlman bought tho West
ern. Tho Uurllngton announced Its Inten
tion to build Into Salt Lake City to givo
Clark connection to tho easti Then Harrl
man nnd Jim Hill bought control of the
Uurllngton and stopped tho Salt Lake City
extension. Hut Clark gives It out that ho
will build to Salt Lake City, oven though
no road nt this end will take, a pound of his
Shortcut Cnllfnrnln I.lnr.
This Clark road wilt make the shortest
routo between southern California und Chi
cago, nnd will reduce tho dlstanco between
Salt Lako City and Los Angeles from 1,200
to S00 miles. It will develop great coal and
iron fields in southern Utah, but It Is not for
local traffic or southern California business
that, tho road is bolng built. Tho road is
btit rl 'part of the stupendous plans of Clark
and his associates. They own nil of tho
.terminal facilities at San Pedro harbor.
They propose to securo large government
appropriations td Improvo this harbor. Their
directorate Includes two United Status sena
tors, one Mormon apostle, one member ot
the republican national committee and
r Perry S. Heath. They expect to land the
appropriations. Then a line of steamships
will bo established between San Pedro
and tho Orient, nnd It Is to handle tho ex
panding Orlcntnl trade that this road Is
being built. It will require two years' for
Its building. Ily that time a start will be
mado on tho steamship line.
Clark Is building cast from Los Angeles.
Harrlman Is building westward from Salt
Lnko City. Iloth roads ore going over prac
tically tho same route. Some people pre
dict that by the tlmo they meet tho com-munlty-of-lntori'st
wizard will havo consoli
dated Clark anu como Into control of both
roads. Hut Senator Clark Is a bom fighter,
nnd It would bo .characteristic of the man
to spend $23,000,000 rather than yield to a
rival. In tho menntlmo Salt Lake City
realty Is ballooning.
riiMruu-r Ascent Only.
INDIANAPOLIS, April 16. J. W. Daly,
formerly general passenger agent of tho
Jacksonville & St. LouIb railway and brother
of C. V. Daly, gbnerar passenger ngent of
the Lake Erie &. Western railroad, has boon
appointed southern passenger agent of tho
Lnko Shoro & Michigan Southern railway,
with headquarters at Cincinnati, effective
April 15. '
Tinnii' ftoi'N In Mining.
Dl'M'TIJ. April 10.-Char!fls A. -Townc.
tho populist nominee .for view president last
year, In president' of ii company Just formed
hero to work whnt Is said 'to bo a vast
deposit of corundum, nn nbrnslvo mineral
similar to emery.
Two democratic friends of Mr. Townc,
14. 12. nnd T. 11. Lewis, discovered tho de
posits, consisting- of two hills practically
all composed of corundum, on tho north
shore of Lako Superior about twenty miles
from here. They made the populist leader
president of tho company, Which Is stocked
for $1,000,001). It is tho Intontlon to estab
lish a plant In Duluth.
Suck for llnttlcnhln'a Hllvr-r.
CHICAGO, April 10. A replevin suit to re
cover tho solid silver sorvlco of the battle-
wiip uiinois nas neon commenced m tho
circuit court by the Towlo Manufacturing
company. The corporation claims that the
silver service Is a part of Its goods and
chattels and that they wero taken pouses
rlon of by tho ilcfcmlnntM .Anrll k Tim
service Is now In the custody of tho North.
ern i rum company lor saro Keeping. The
defendants io tho suit urn wniln... n.m
Nixon, llurloWN. HlBKlnbOtnani. Chnrles l,.
iliiieiniiHon una mo rvonriern Trust Com
pany bank. Tho property Is valued at
Another Tlirentened Abdnotlnn.
LOCIANSPORT. IiuL. Anrll 1. fin q,,,in
Henry Wiley, a prominent business man.
received a letter ordcrlna him to leavo
In a basket In a secluded spot at the
niir grounds, wir uoiiucuon or Ills H-yenr-old
son being threatened If he should fall
to do so, Mr Wiley reported thu matter to
tho police, who surrounded tho fair ground
when Mr. Wiley deposited a dummy
money package at the placo designated.
The would-bo abductors failed to put In an
nppenraneo, presumably having been In
formed of the ruse.-
There Will Be Less Sleeplessness
When Omaha People Learn This.
Can't rest at night with, a bad back.
A lame, a weak or 'an aching one.
Doan's Kidney Pills nro for bad back.
They euro every form of kidney Ills,
From common backncho to diabetes.
They nro endorsed by Omaha people.
Mr. Win. Cooper of 018 South 17th 8t em
ployed at tho Waterloo creamery says: "I
was taken with a Bcvero caso of tho rrin
and It left mo with a lame and aching
duck, .vspeciany Dad mornings when I
could scarcely drag myself about, and It
was a hard task to get dressed. My work
requires mo to stand in wet places at times
and this had a tendency to make my back
worse. Seolng's Kidney Pills ndvor
tlsod I procured them nt Kuhn & Coa drug
store. They completely cured mo and did
It quickly."
For salo by all dealers. Price 20 cento.
roster-.Miiwirn co nuffalo. N. v., solo
agents'for tho United States.
Iteniemuor the name Doan's and take
no other.
IfcKceipori Plant Idle Fxcpt in riniihi'nj
sad Hammtr thopa.
1'uU on nn Extrn Force of Police,
TIiuiikIi Sltuntlon Hum lleen
Peaceful KiiuukIi l'l to '
Til Ik Time.
PITTSJUUItO, Pa April 16( Tho close of
tho second day of tho strike nt tho W.
Dowces-Wood plant of the Amcrlcnn Sheet
Steel company .at McKeesport shows a con
dition of affairs that fqrebodes a stubboin
fight, Involving the possibly shutdown of
every union plant In tho country controlled
by tha company.
Tho fight Is being mado by tho Amal
gamated workcrn fpr .tho, recognition of
unionism nnd President Shaffer's announce
ment that all of tho company's mlllmen
would be called out niny, receive nauctlon
At the meeting of the. advisory board to
morrow. Secretary Jurrett, In charge of the labor
bureau of tho company, will be present ut
this meeting to present tho company's aide
of tho matter nnd uso every eudcavor to
avert n general strlk'c. If tho statement
credited to the company that the McKees
port plant wilt be closed indefinitely rather
than recognUo the union Is adhered to
President Shaffer's attitude will demand
that the entire strength of the Amalga
mated association bo pitted against the
sheet compauy as a whole.
Tho status of tho strike tonight is that
only two department!) of tho mill nro In
operation, tho steel mill or finishing de
partment and tho hammer shop. The knob
ling department was working today, but
Its workmen to tho number of 125 Joined
tho strikers,
Tho mayor of McKeesport has tnken the
precaution to havo tho mill nnd town po
liced with a large extra force, but up to
the present not the slightest disturbance
has taken place. Tha company apparently
has no Intention of trying to fill tho
strikers' places nnd tho men seem content
to allow their leaders to manage their
campaign and nro not going near company
May Occupy Another IJny or the lllplcy
Trial mIHi Itelmttnl
FltANKFORT, Ky April 1C When court
convened today It was thought probablo
that the evidence In tho Itlpley enso might
bo concluded Into this afternoon. Tho ovl
denco on behalf of tho defendant, regard
ing a conversation with tho former assistant
fcccretnry of state, J. n. Matthews, Indicates
that tho prosecution has some important
rebuttal testimony and may tako all of.
tomorrow to get to tho argument.
The linn of Interrogation pursued by the
prosecution as to the conversation with
Matthews Indicates that tho latter Is nearly
ns important a witness against niplcy ac
ex-Oovernor Bradley and .Judge Yost wore.
The defendant, In response to questions,
told of his movements- after the arrival of
his company hero the morning of January
31. Ills company wuh stationed near tho
executive mansion and penltonttary and
had nothing to do with preventing the meet
ing ot tho legislature. The prosecution
asked If ho had not, In April last year,
admitted In substance o Jr Tt. Mathews
who was Caleb Powers' assistant secretary
of state, that he could clear Powers, but
that It was not then the proper time, and
ho was going to New York and later pos
sibly to California.
An objection by tho defense was overruled
and the witness said he was not positive as
to his hnvlng said this to Mathews, but
if ho did ho had in mind tho things that he
had heard Implicating Henry Youtsey. The
witness admitted ho had asked Mathews to
go away with him and suggested that their
wives go to his homo In Henry county. Tho
cross-examination was completed at 11:30
and redirect examination developed nothing
new in tho defendant's testimony.
Hnydcu Smith and Hunter Moody contra
dicted tho testimony of Witnesses Ferguson
nnd Crawford, who tostlfled that while husk
ing corn for Itlpley In Junuury, 1000, tho
latter emphatically deuounccd Ooebcl. Smith
and Moody .testified that tho corn was
husked in September, iloss McOinnis also
testified that tho work was done in Sep
tember and that ho and Itlpley had dis
cussed the proposition of going to Central
America Just prior to Itipiey'a anest last
James Bradley, a member of Itlplcy's com
pany, testified that tho military company
had boon tnlkcd of for a year or so. The
company was engaged In its first drill
when word camo that (ioobel had beeu
killed and calling out tho troops.
"Can you toll us," said Attorney Wil
liams of tho prosecution, "why It was so
much easier for you all to get this com
pany organized on tho evening of tho as
sassination of Governor Goebel than it
had beeu In the two or three years preced
ing It?"
"I cannot," responded tho witness, who
was allowed to stand asldo.
Several other members of the Itlpley
company wero examined, but, tholr testi
mony roiateu principally to tho orgnnlza-
tlon of the company and was unimportant.
To I'revcnt I'lieiinioiiia null ttrlp
Laxative Uromo-Qulnlno removes '.be causa,
Prince nmlcoii.)iichean llelenn.
BRUSSELS, April 16. Tho Petit Bleu says
that PrJnco Louis Napoleon has married
tho Grand Duchess Helena, daughter of the
Russian Grand Duko yiadlmir.
Louis Napoleon was born July 10, ISfil.
Ilo is the second son of tho lato Prince
Jcromo Napoleon and tho younger brother
of Prlnco Victor. Helena, tho youngest
child of tho. Russian Grand Duko Vladimir,
was born January 0, 1882.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April 1C (Spe
clal,) Herman Baumann nnd Miss Eliza
beth Nnylln wero married at tho Catholic
church at 8 o'clock last night. They left
on thu night train for Dcadwood and Hot
Springs, S. D for a wedding trip. The
groom Is a pharmacist of tho firm of Bau
mann & Baumann, twin brothers.
KANSAS CITY, April 16. James R. Bon
nctt, Jr., who has been prominent In Min
nesota politics twenty years, nnd Miss
Rosalie Flournoy, daughter of Mrs. John
T. Flournoy, were married hero today.
Among those present wero ex-Scnator
Charles Towno and wlfo of Minnesota.
Several Flriim nt Bristol.
BRISTOL, Tenn,, April 16. Damago ag
gregating $90,000 was caused hero tonight
by fire, which originated In the Plko block,
spread to tho Burs'on block and destroyed
some smaller offlcu buildings. Tho Fowlor
Drug company, King Bros,, shoo dealers,
and Pllo Bros., general merchants, wero
tho principal II rum burned out.
Nt. .IiiKcplt Dry Gondii .Slook.
JOPLIN, Mo., April 16. Flro tonight did
$50,000 damage to tho dry goods stock of
George U. Ttmplo at Sixth uad Main stieeti.
Tho loss Is covered by Insurance. Tho
building, owned by S. C. Henderson, was not
Ilev. JiikIIii Fulton.
SOMEUVILLE, Mass.. April 16.-Rw.
Justin D, Fullci?, D. D., a Baptist clergy
man, nnd formerly pastor of Trcmont
temple, dlod at his home today of paralysis.
From tho dignity Of a brilliant preacher
nnd revivalist ho gained notoriety during
recent years by his crusado against tho
Roman Catholic church. Ho wrote tho
book "Why Priests Should Wed."
KitimnN City Miialelmi.
KANSAS P1HV Anrll 11! Pnnnl U'ln.
ceuz von Hola Mnclellnskl, onco a well
Known musician, died today at tho German
hospital of paralysis. He was a Polish no
bleman who camo to Kansas City ten years
ago. He had a lino musical education In
OlileM Went Point tirniliinte.
NEW YORK. Anrll 16. Motor .losenli
Smith Brier, the oldest graduate of WcM
Point, died today In this city, aged 03. Ho
wns bom nt Georgetown, I), C, September
21, 1S08, and was graduated at West Point
with distinction In 1829, ono of his class
mates being Genoral Robert E. Lee.
.cliruUu City Trnlneil ,urse.
NEBRASKA CITY, April 16. (Special.)
Miss Florence Millar died nt tho homo of
her parents In this city this morning of
Brlght's disease. MIes Millar was a trained
nurse. She had lived here nearly all her
Cticle nf Dr. (nimnnliiM.
MOltNTT nfl.t,-Ati rt it
C.unsaulus, 0110 of tho oldest residents of
hub inncc, uroppen dean on tnc street nere.
Ho was undo of Rev. Frank Gunsaulus of
Hlxtecn Jnck CniiKht nnil Twenty
Four I)ok In All-Auc
MANICATO, Kan., April 16. There was
much enthusiasm- ut the Central coursing
meet hero today. Tho weuther was cool
and fair and there were about BOO persons
In Attendance. There wero sixteen Jacks
caught by tho twonty-four dogs In tho all
ium run n,,,l tun .....)... 1
"n... ,,,,,, jiiuiis ni:iu 111 uirir iiem,
Tho winners' runs und tho puppy stake
iiiiin nn, UL. tomorrow.
Tho races resulted: Hummer won 'from
Corhett, Slc Merrlles beat Husk Beryl.
.nnmnvnt ,,, Ar..i xf. ...i.. w..i..
-- ..(item ..itiiiiu, illinium .until
beat Henshl. Lord York beat Flecta. Tho
iuru oeai uupper, Jleira Baby bent Charl'e
Lomolnn. draco Gre.enwood beat Turquoise,
Lady Gilmore heat Miss Russell, Recklesn
hlte Prince, Lady Kmmu beat No Chow,
.....u, in, in Linn ucui iiigiuanii iOii, iowii
Boy beat l awny, Inry Gay beat Ncaret.
Iowa .Maid beat Court Beauty. Imported
KlVnilMPIt limit -Afiwrntliin 1..I.. rtll..
Sioux, Kid McCoy beat Fannie Orell. Astal
Alt, l.l lin.. At 1(7... . . - . .
V . ! .. "."-""i"u. i-iiy .aic neat .Mnnunio,
I' rlendly Tip boat Larklim, Free Lady beat
Kansas Lily,
Ten 111 ProinUc to Pnrtlelpnte In firent
icraey Mhnot.
r,KEXV YORK,. April 16,-Thn National
TclllA Auunn til n. I ... I , , ,
.-v..iw, ui tfiiuciiuM. nun ruceiveu
assurance of tho presenco of at least three
rlilp teams, representing Ulster (Ireland),
........,111, 1,111, ..uniiuii, ni me interna-
tlnn.f I H I In u inn, nff- li.iir n . .A 1. I.. .1.1
......... ...,u..,,i, luitlllllllivill ll, im lll'lll
nt Hen tt'irl V f ,.nw. l, . 1 u 1
today Secretary Jones received a lei tor fr in
.i, Kin tine ui'iuiune. 111 wnicn Alvnro
Carcares. president, writes that tho rlllo
association of Argentina will endeavor to
send a team tu participate In the tourna
ment. Ilo explains, however, that owing
to tho great dlAtance nnd tho dlfllcillty of
direct communication t M Impossible to
promise definitely that an Argentine team
11 JMlt llVII'Ult',
SIXTY-MIX Hjumss ix OXR "ll.V Y.
Trey .111. ken Up .t Tlmr In Mntoli
ni oiumiiiiK.
.CO,f,UMnVH.' Anr" 16--ln t"" six-dnv
walking match tho scoro at U p. m, wns:
ii . , ,, "i"1" iupm; j'tiiiik
.'-M9 mlla 3 la'm! Ollbert Barnes. liXl
miles . laps; George Tracy. .101 miles 6 laps;
?w.rsSi St?,kCH' V" mllr8 '"fa: Sammy
V' 3 m es i ln,s: Oforgo V. Richard
i?,1?' f2mtlcs 1 '"Pa: James Graham. S3
miles 12 laps; K. C. McClelland. f3 miles;
Stephen Porter, miles 1 lap: Norman
Taylor. S2 miles I lap; William Sachs 8
,.i.,i-.T ., miiK, limy liesieltl, , miles !t
laps; Kansas City Kid, M mile, 3 laps.
Tho featuro of tho day was Tracy's work
He was not In good condition yesterday.
"-i"ii"i ihi'i iiililll! iiim won-
i t- 1Quro, ot Klxt'-,ilK miles, putting Iiim
Xntlounl AsHoeliitlou Give Chlcnuo
" .III ne 'Jt-'M.
XE1V Vm?K- Anrll n 'm...
Vrvn.,.l,,i?.n1.1,).?.on,.t,!u" Br.0.,,n,lN "f Conn-
to 11 luun.iiiiv, .11 u M,,, oepieniber 2
Tlll Iflllriinmnnlu nrrn.i...... 1 . ... .
- ...,,,,i i tiimi'ii iiiciiitie: L IU-
1 to5 0 ' S9, ",ul ,t- Ij"ul' October
I'lir.iusT inxox i;.ni:ii ahhksi.
He anil 11 U Spnrrluu Pnrtner C'nn't Do
HiiKliiesH In JIUKNiieliUHeltH.
LAWRENCE, Mass., April HS.-Gcorco
state officers this afternoon at a local
theater, charged with promoting a boxing
TTn'"-.,?'hfi,ilo.r0 Klowe"' 'ul William
iiiA.ii iui iiiaiuiKurH, Wert! illxo
IirroMtPfl. fhr. rr.rwT with !-,." .,IHy
lug cxhlbUIon. ""K a "0X-
Tamo Sport nt l.nkenlile,
CITICAfin A.irll IfiThn . .
side today was rather tame. bwyerWart
'"K.JvaK not as good as usual. He invo
South Klkhorn tho llrst nice. Three favor"
"n.. ...Fl,, ub iiricnit'ii Avero enira
Boomerack nnd ladybird. u0 .Ma'lgo l i
tho fourth race, nturnhleil and almost fed
Acnthcr clear, track fust, '
lutlluna ClerKymnii Klllril.
PERU, Ind., April 10. Rov. J. Olllvler.
pastor of the Kvangelleal church, need .n'
unmnrrled, was Instantly killed loday He
was returning from a visit, nnd ,, Wvo
tlmo Jumped from a Wabash" train at 11
crossing. A train on another track struck
him, cutting him In two. K sirucK
ConTee n Sure nnil Powerful llrulncr.
"Let your coltco slave bo denied his gro
at Its nnnoinled tlmo! Hen,lani, -i..
stomach fatlguo llko unto death, I knmv I
uu in myself, nna navo seen it In other
Strange that thinking, reasoning beings w
persist In Its use," says Chns. Worrall c
Topeka, Kansas,
Hn lava further Hint lin ,11,1 ..... ,
. -- w mil uegi
drinking coltco until after ho was twont
"in, unu inai siuwiy u uegan to polso
him, and affect his hearing through hi
nervous system.' He would quit eoffeo an
the conditions would slowly disappear, hu
"ono cold morning tho smell of my wf'
corteo was too much for mo and I took
cup. Soon I was drinking my regular ;
lowanee. ti.nrlnir ilnwn hrnln nnil n...-U..
- " ,f-ici
tho dully doso of tho nefarious concoction.
J.aier i round, my nreain coroing hard a
frequent Ills of nausea, nnd'ihen I w
taken down with bilious fever.
Common sense camo to mo and j quit
eoffeo nnd went back to Pos'tum. I at once
began to gain and have had no returns ot
my bilious symptoms, headache, dizziness,
or vertigo,
I now havo horilth, bright thoughts, nnd
added weight, whero before there was ti
valldlsm, tho blues, and a skeleton like
condition of tho body.
It would bo hard to tell how highly I
value Postum.
My Brothor, Prof, llarvoy Worrall, quit
eoffeo because of Its effect on his health
and uses Postum Food Coffee. He cot
not stand tho nervous strain while usi
conee, but keeps well on Postum.
MIsb Pnntz I know nersonallv hnu
Incapable of doing a day's work while she
was using coffee, Sho quit It and took up
Postum nnd Is now well and has perfectly
steady nerves,"
Befcrat Ed Bothtrj Airdi South Omaha
Bout on Polnti.
CI a I in Their Miiii Deserted the Penc
il t of it Ornvt At tciii'.iincc I Lit rue
mill the IIcmI of Order
PrcA nils.
Halch Smith of Omaha and Ulc Olcsou of
.Chicago fought twenty rounds in Blum's
hall, South Omaha, last night. Referee i:l
Rothery awarded tho decision to Olcson,
asserting that the Chicago featherweight
had won on points.
Tho mill was fast and Interesting. It
wns witnessed by a big crowd of Omaha
and South Omaha followers of flstlnna nnd
If there wero any who wcto dlnsatlslled
with the evening's entertainment they gave
no expression of their discontent. By some
tho referee's decision was questioned, many
of Smith's friends believing that tholr
favorite should havo ut least boon glvun
the henellt of n draw,
Tho order and decorum of tho big crowd
wns n matter of more than passing interest.
Throughout tho progress of the light there
was little comment from the spectators.
A blind man might have believed hlmsolf
In the mjdst of a plnochlo tournament, Tho
spectators wore asked at thu beginning to
keep as quiet as possible and tho nbsenco
of tho usual enthusiastic talk charac
terizing the ringside was not becnusa ut
a lack of Intel est.
SiiiIIIi'm Appearance Improved.
The light witnessed Smith's llrst appear
ance In the ring aluco tho plucky fight
hO made against Oscar Gardner In this
city a few months ago. Ho showed up in
much better form than on tho former oc
casion. The Smlth-Olesou fight was tho main
event of, tho evening. It followed n couplo
of minor preliminaries. At 10:55 tho two
men appeared In tho ring. Smith was re
splendent in a bathrobe of rainbow hues.
In his corner Buck Keith and young Ford
wore stationed, whUo Harry Gilmore, Jr.,
Billy Morgan and Danny Haley wero In tho
corner with tho Chicago man.
Tho fastest fighting camo lu tho early
rounds, Both men eino up to tho fifteenth
round with honors, about even. Oleson em
ployed a lefthand swing almost exclusively,
alternating It occasionally with a lefthand
feint and a punch with his right. Ho
landed ropcatedly on tho cblored boy's fncc.
A lefthand wallop la tho fourth inado
Smith's nose show red. Smith repaid his
antagonist in this round by administering
n couplo of left arm swings that landed
Bqunroly on Oleson's Jaws and sent him
to his corner a bit wobbly.
Sinn- After the fifteenth.
Until tho fifteenth there wns about an
even Interchange of blows. After that tho
men slowed up. Smith got his guard Into
hotter working order and countered many
of his opponent's loads for his head and
neck. It was a tossup when tjie twentieth
round ended which man would get the
decision or whothor It would bo declared
u draw. Referee Rothery oyldcntly based
his decision on Oleson's superior ring gen
eralship. Tho Chicago man wns an adopt
at ducking anil side-stepping and .avoided
many of Smith's lunges by a clover get
away. Miieh Scores n Iviioekilown.
Each of tho men scored a clean knock
down. In the. sixth .Smith pokedjils fight In,
Oleson's breast. "Oleson 'followed with V
lefthand ieixh and lan'iicd" a full a'rm right
awing on tho sldo of the colored boy'a
face. Smith went to tho floor and iook
tho count. Ilo camo up smiling. Just be
fore the gong sounded in the twentieth
Smith had his inning. Ho walloped Ole
son a terrific left arm swing on tho Jaw
and tho Swedo toppled over to tho lloor.
He was up almost Immediately, however,
nnd poked hs left Into Smith's fncc Just
as the gong sounded.
VoloilyovNkl, Hidden hy I, cuter It el IT,
C'oiiifN In Third.
LONDON, April li;.-Colonel II. McCnl
mont's bay colt, St, Macloti, by St. Simon
Mlmle, won tho forty-Second Nowmnrket
biennial stakes at tlio Newport Craven
meeting today. .Arthur James1. Magic Mir
ror was Hecond and William C. Whitney's
Volodyosvkl, ridden by Lester Relff. third.
Sown horses ran, Tho performance ot
Volodyovskl was a distinct disappoint
mciit and showed a need of preparation
should he meet tho expectation of those
who have held htm a favorite for tho
Derby. The biennial stakes Is of 20 sover
eign! each, with OW t-overelgns added for
3-year-oIdc oyer tm Rowley mile.
Tho betting was (i to 1 against Si. Ma
clou, 3 to 1 against Magla Mirror and .1 to 1
against Volodyovskl. After tho raco Volo
dyovskl receded In the Derby betting from
0 to 1 to 8 to 1.
Dan Mahcr had thu mount on MnCreary's
horse, TliomiiH. Cat. In I ho rare for the
Long Trlul plate and cume in second. Thin
race was won by Lincoln Mint, and South
Australian, ridden by Clem Jenkins, an
American, was third.
In tho race for tho Crawford slnkcs
handicap C. S. Newton's Lord,
Mahcr tip.-won; Captain Loder's Lutetla (J.
Relff) second, J, .Craig's Carlokemp third.
Ton horses started.
Ill" Filly. Lnily Schorr, .Milken Ciooil
nt M cm nil In,
MEMPHIS, Tonn.. April IG.-John F.
Schorr's bay lllly, Lady Schorr, bv Imp.
F.xher-Wnrmiiutlo. vVon th Tennesseo Onks
this HftcrmifMi, covering the inllo In 1:42-11
and beating T. I'. ILiyos" Uidy Strathmorc
half a length. MIsb Bennett, tlie only othur
Contender.- linlshed third six lengths nway.
Lady Schorr opened at 1 to 3 In the liliu.
llllt 11 ltntl 1.1. ll r.l'..,..t ,1... . ... n .
. .. ,"" w. " mill: in o io i,
at tlio close. .Miss llennott was second
iiiuuii in iun, wiiiio in'iuy wtratnmoro
was tho outsider. To a good start Lndv
Strathmoro Jumped to tho front and toil
Into tho stretch by two lengths, Hero
Woods moved up on the favorite and with
a llltlo urging I-aily Schorr won bv half
a length. .Miss Bennett did not seem to
llko either weight ur dlstanco and was out
run at the end,
Harry Pulllnrn, tho second choice, won
tho llrst race easily from Kdltli O, Tjie
second racu was won by Sam P. Cochran,
the favorite, w.lio beat Assessment u length.
Old Hutch was an odds-mi favorite, fur
tlio third raco and won easily from tho
unnnml r.linl,.. 1l.i.,nln 1 .... i-l... ...1... ......
.t.u..w ...v..-..., .!i .... i-tlllKt Willi HUM
been informing emitlHlenlly, won tho fifth
.linn uiiiiiuuAa, tin llllinitlt-r. lie H1XII1 CVCni
went to .aek Ford, Myra Morella was sec
onil and Clorlta, thq fuvoiite, linlshed in
tho ruck.
SuriirlNfM .Newport Tuleut hy Wliinliiu.
IIIh It nee.
CINCINNATI. April Itf.-Dutcli Comedian
surprised thu talent at Newport today by
winning I he fourth raco at vlx and a half
fiiilongs from Home of tho best horAes ut
the track. He wan io in 1 In ihe betting
and ran for tho llrst time In the colors of
Peto Fagln, who claimed him out of a Hell
ing race tho other day. Weather cloudy,
track heavy. Summary:
First rare, Jv and a half furlongs, sell
ing: Krema won, Brown Vail second.
Tlmo: 1:12.
Second race, five and a half furlongs,
Helling: Kva Wilson won, Kaster second.
Time: tilO'.i,
Third raco, four and h half furlongs:
ICIgiva won, Myrtle Dell second, Tlmo:
Fourth rare, six and a half furlnngn:
Dutch Comedian won, J, II, Sloan second
Fifth race, seven furlongs, soiling: Cos
tine wnif, Como Qulok second. Tlmo: 1:33
Sixth race, one mllo: I-uwtou won, Sara
gamp second. Time: 1:18.
ItldcM Three of the Wlnnem ut the
Vnrh" Truck.
NI3W YORK, April H.-Threo favorites,
two well played second choices and Sad
ducee. at 5 to 1, who could hardly be called
nn outsider, accounted for the six tares at
Aqueduct today Hulliniin rode three win
ners and carried off the Jockey honors.
It was again cold and showryy but a
crowd of eumo 3,w) persons wm on hand
C Try One Tonight )
El Merito
) 5 Cent Clear )
DiBtributots, Omuha. 1
( Havana J
Home J
to You
to enjoy the sport. Pndduccc, with Garrl
gun up. winy psfsed by for Snark In the
llrst race and his followers got tho good
price of live and six to ono against him.
He broke well and after Indulging Judge
Wardcll with tho lend for half a mile camo
away and won handily from Snark.
Bullmiiu secured his llrst victory on
Sadlo S.. In tho second nice. She won
nt the prohibitive price of S to 5 and only
won through a vigorous finish by a short
head from Spry Bultmnn's other mounts
were Shorehani and Jack DoMund, lu the
II ft It nnd sixth races. Both wero favorites
and won without much trouble. Red
Damsel won the third through getting much
the best of tho start, The fourth raco went
'to the second Choice, Althca.
Its Kxecutlve Committee Meetx Toilny
to Decide on Place for lleicnttii.
The executive committee of tho lowa
Stato Rowing association will meet lu
Council Bluffs this afternoon to select the
place for holding this yenr's regatta. There
Is no question but Council Bluffs will he
chosen and that tho regatta will be at Lako
Tho ollleers of the imsnclntlmi arc: Presl
iiim-, a., v.. Miiici. niuux iuy. cufiigu, uai
Stock. Ottutnwil. Tliev. with llm fnllnulin.
comprise' the cxeeiitlvo committee: J. H,
Rush, Waterloo: K. A. Blood, Sioux City;
R. A. Holding, Uurllngton.
Tho Council Bluffs Rowing association
will entertain the members of the. executive
committee with a smoker this ovenlng In
the leaguo rooms at tho Grand hotel, Coun
cil Bluffs.
Seventy-Klve Participant Annniiilile
nt lieilvenwortli'N I'nrk.
LKAVKNWORTH, Kan., April Hi.-Tho
tenth annuul tournament of tho. Kansns
State Sportsmen's association was hold In
Kloctric park today, with scventy-flvc par
ticipants. Today's featuro was the team race, which
wif,.wJJn '" O'Hrlcn of Floronco and lllcks
of Stafford, the trophy being a silver coftoc
Final scores today are: "Tramp" Irwin,
19i: Snencer, :i3i Cox. IfX); Sexton. 191;
ArnoM. 210; Kd O'Brien. aos: B. Johnson
ISO; ,Frcy, i?Jl llerr, 2US; Pnrmelec, 210;
Koohlor. iia: Gottlieb, 20ii; Clnpp, io5; Cun
ningham, "jot; I.nnilerman. .15; Waildlng
ton, Ml; Rogers, lit!; Moore, all; Raines,
-W; Slmpklns, '.'; Norton, 131; Wright, 195.
I.lploii Sorry It In Altered, hut K&pertM
Sny It'n Fnmer.
(Copyright. 1901, hy Press Publishing Co.)
GLASGOW, April lC.-(Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Shamrock
1 left the Clyde In tow today for South
ampton. whero It will nwalt tho challenger.
Tho cutting down of tho Flfo boat Is un
derstood to be a great Improvement. Fife
nnd rlngo both say It Is ten minutes
fnsler. Llpton thinks tho alterations a pity,
but says It cannot bo helped now.
Will Ciil I for SiiliNcriiitlmiK In Olym
pian Hitmen I'urne.
CHICAGO, April 10. The committee, which
Is at work on behalf of the effort to have
the' Olympian games of JtKM held In Chicago
has decided to call for popular subscriptions
I his week. Tho list will bo open for rums
as low as cents and tho subscriptions will
ho Interchangeable' for tickets or stock.
Committees will bo appointed in all tho pub.
lie schools to provide n children's fund,
POOL a 1 1 A M I IO.VSIIII' "to v n X A si k n T.
ItcOro Wins In Klrat of Three MrIiI'
ll'ionivnTrtw . ii .n , .. . . , . .
'..i.iiiiiiuiuii, ,ui , i nice uiguis'
pool tournament for tho championship of
Inn u-nrlrl Wit u Imoun ti.-n a ,...11. i i. . '. ....
DcOru. tho ciibim, anl Krank hormun
fir AmArlr.ii T1!!.. nlm. I- rn.. nM i.i,.. ni
a nlglit. DoOro won In tonight's contest.
.......... w u iim iigiunHi im lor
Sherman. DeOro's best run was forty.
Ilaukern. Wenr Out ShlrtH.
The. Omaha National bank team defeated
tho Nebraska Shirt company tenni nt ten
plna Inst night lit tho Gate City alleys,
Nente iA n? im
Stllllt j.! J8! lfi2 HS- 199
MoDntvnll -i-.i ni i,:- jto
Tracy isu "in i;!T 47ii
Burgess 161 157 127 IIS
Totals 503 7K 73S 2.331
Davison 1i'l Ii7 Jir
Yost '...'. 174 150 K.7 t'J7
I, inline r 11? . ,n..
ilim-r, ,, ,, 1111 I.IO !'),
lllirgONH , , 13(1 m 1M til
Bengelo , H7 179 1M- (32
Totals'1'.,...., 7 7l "?3S 2.2SI
Anr Titlifornn Iteciiril,
SAN FRANCISCO, April 1ii.-Anothor
track record was lowered at Tanforan to
day. Crusifdos ran four furlongs In 0:I7U.
The Bnldwln colt wns at 7 to 1 and won
easily. ',
Favorites again fared badly, llornioso
was tho only llrst cholco to reach tho wiro
In front Tint .Murphy bid him up from
tm to K00, " Silm Illldroth retnlned him,
Mouiicc was In good form, riding thrco win
ners. 1, ,r , Hunt- Vlnln...
APPLMTON, Wis. April 16.-Bonnv
Yanger 'easily defeated "Turkey Point1'
jiiliy oiiiiu ii,ii; iiiuiKiii in win i our ( II
rm,,l ,.f ivlirif ivtin l,i li...... l.n....
..,1.1,.. ... V"",,"' ""' ".I'll Mil I'lglU-
round contest. In tho preliminaries Martin
Duffy of C.hlcago got tho decision over
Perry Quernun'of Mllwuukco In twlvo
( lueliiuntl 7 Duyfnn !!.
DAYTON, O., April K,.-Scnre;
Davlon 1 " n ft n n n n n :i x i
Cincinnati ....0 1 o 1 'J o 3 o 7 11 2
Batteries! Iluvlrln. I 'nicmn.ll. rinnlinin.
Smith nnd Cawiey, Cincinnati, Nnwton,
MeFadden and Bergen,
Jockey (,'IhmHoii Ik n't llylntt,
I'HOICNIX. Ariz.. Anrll Ifi.-Rlchnrd Claw-
son. W.. C. . Whitney's Jockey, who was re
ported' dying with consumption hero sev
eral weckH ago. Is recovering. Clawson Is
Planning to ride again ino latter part of
1110 present seneuu,
tiilcuiio 'Ynrslty, 7t MlrlilKuu, 1.
CHICAGO, April Itf.-Tho 1'iiivorsltv of
Chicago defeatid the ('Diversity of Michi
gan today on Marshall Hold, Tho scoro
was 7 to tf.
Too Wet for Omaha,
DHS MpINIJS, April JC.-rtSpeclal Tele
grum.)-'The Omaha Iihho brill team had HiIh
day off, rain preventing a ganic.
Ilrooklyii. U HoclicMi-i', 1.
NKW YORK". April HI,-Brooklyn won to
day's game from Rochester bv a scoro of
'i to 1,
Cornell, fl Vlrululn,
Corncll, 9; University ot A'lrglnla, S.
dent, J. R. Lindsay, Dubuque; vice presi
dent, 10. S. Phelps, Burlington; secretary,
, II. MeCulloiigh, Cedar Rapids; comma-
.l.inn 1.- r. ,. . ( Ul.... rl. '. . , . .
Top Coats
$10.0G land $12.00
Are a necessity woicii cos
very little, about ten to twelve
dollars for the ' servicablc
If M iImi you Ull thtn-lf nt dtn't tll ut.
My DYSPEPSIA CURE positively
cures nil forms of Indigestion arstom
ach trouble. It rejuvenates worn-out
Btomachs. It builds up 6totnachn that
hv been weakened by powerfulcath
artlcs and old-fashioned nostrums.
Almiyan'a Uysaepiila 1uro rcrrtcH blcatlngol
the ttamach, pIpittion of the hert, ihortnrn ol
breath, and ill iflectloni cf the hrart ucd by in
tllftitlan, wind on the nbnuch, lxllhiujr wlnil 01
ourfsad,badutte, odemive breath, Ioo7appetitf,
(alntneu or weakneu of the ttomacli. Improper cir
culation, coated torque, heart-burn or wntcr-brish.
Hii Headache Cure ttopi headache in i rnimite.
Munyon'i Pile Ointment cures all form of pllr.
Mnnyoii'a Blood Cure correct all blood linpuritlej.
Munyon'i Liver Cure eorretts headache, billouv
oeij, jaundice, rorxtinatlon and all liter dieaes.
Munyon' lemale Remedies are a boon to women.
Munyon'tAtthma Cure and IIerh areituaranteedta
relieve ailhma In three mlnuteiand cureinflvedays.
Munyon'a Catarrh Reroediea neerfall.
MunyonV Viuliier tettorea lox ponert toneak
men. Price,, $1.
Munyon hatacureforevery dltrase. The (iuld
IO Health (free) tells of thein. Curea. mostly 'j$ r.ta.
Munvon, Sew York and Philadelphia.
Dr, Burkhart's Wonderful Offer
In tho abodes of l ho rich and the poor lr.
lliirKhart's Vegetable t'limpnuiid ch
tcenied as a iiositlve etlre for all Illnod,
Stomach and Skin DlneaHes, sick lleiidiadie,
ralpltatlini of tho Heart, Catarrh, lttrulens.
necK at Night, .Malaria, Night Sweiiix.
I'lmples on the P'are and l.adrlppc, lo
dayH' trial free. All druKKl.ttH,
Oil. W. S. Ill lllvll Alt 1. C'liieliiiinti, t).
Mr. iVinaloiT'a nantnltiK 'rnp.
lis ben used tor over K1FTY Vl'lAHS by
UltliN W111I.K TKIiTIUNO. with I'Klt
CUItUS WIND COLIC, and la the bet rem!
cdy lor UIAItltMOKA. Bold by Umuitiata tn
very port of the world. Ilo pure und ask
tor Mrs. H'lnaluw .S'jotliliiK Syrup;" una
inks no otner klnu. Tweiuy.)vi vnt a,
112 Kohlh "."th Aveniio,
omalm, Neb.
Omaha' I'miilly Tlienter. I'liime lr.Ilt
Week comnieiirliiK April IS KvenliiKH, H:S0;
.Mutlnce, niiiubiy, crln!duy anil
Hal unlay, ;'M.
tlel.NTYIti: A.M IIKA'lll,
AlltJIK'S TltAI.VIll
In I'liM mill Wiilterm,
'I'be IIiinIiiiin,
Mint, St. (iciirKc.
.IIiiiiiI Mclntyre,
'till' Kliiiiilriiiiic.
rrlces liv
Sunday, luo
Nerved, SOc.
Clilnir. 10c, i!3f, We, .M.ttlneCB,
nnd 'ioc.
if; Hattll'duv nml
l-'ow front rows re-
DnV r' O I Woodward & nnrxean,
D W I 1 O I UnnayerH. Tel, ijtiu.
TIII'IIMtAY Mt;ii'l' tt.M.Y April IX.
And Company, I'renentiiiK
Prlcru: 23o, Mo, 75e, Jl.on, 1.M, HrntH now
on Mtlo,
Friday and Kal.irdaj. .Ian. A. Ilcnie'a
beautiful play, KA(1 IIAitlJOlt. I'rlieH, Siv,
00o, 7f,c, fl, matliieo prloeu SSo, too, i.'h:.
Hcata now on nule.
Miaco's Trocadiro- Tc,J;i!ono
Kvory ovenlnu excepting .Saturday evonlnc.
Till', li.IV .l AMtl, IJH AIII.HS,"
Kvorythlnn new but tho title I'luniintlnB
two Hiiapjiy burlemiui.-M and Htar v.iudi vlllu
actM Divinely lot mud women Hpvclal Hcen
cry Matinee every nftcriiuon. Saturday
nvcnliiK "Kannur" Jluriih and I'lanlc Cole
man wrcHllliiK oontCHt, KvciiIiik iiriecu, lOo.
J0e, SOo. Hinuko If you like. Next wuek
Homi Hill UiikIIkIi Folly JIurlPHiiuura.
kinematoghaph" company
Will kIvo their tnturtalnmont
Under tho nuBplceH of members nf
Clnn Gordon, No. 03,
Only Mot.k 1'lctures in whlfh
t(i i:i:.v a icioiii
fintlierlnir nt tlie t Iiuin nt llrneniiir,
.tlnreli Tnut l fiiirilmi lllKlilnnilera,
AdmltHlon, !Cc; Itfucrtcd ScatB, 50c.
1? MldH
aM 4 A
a A. I mi