THE OMAIIA DAILY UEE: -WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1901. 12 OWNERSHIP OF BURLINGTON Geniml Mantpr 0. W. Holdrg Talki of Impsnding Ohaagtt. MANAGEMENT WILL REMAIN THE SAME DJrcrlor of the Mnnit Arc IJinccteil (u Tnkc Sonic Definite Action nt n Mrnllntr " Held In Huston. 0. V. lloldrege, general manager of tho Hurlliigtou & Missouri Itlvcr railroad, lias returned from Chicago, wbcro ho was called Friday for consultation on railroad mat Urw, ono of which was tho relation between tho present owners of tho Uurllngton and tho Hill-Morgan syndicate which has been urgollntlng for tho purchaso of tho Hur llngton. "I know nothing of this beyond what has been In thu papers," B.ild Mr. Hoi ill i go in reply ro questions, "but I undor Hand tho directors aro to havo a meeting in lioMon this week, probably Thursday, nt which tlmo tho matter of the transfer of tho ownership will bo talked over. If that deal goc3 through, thero will bo no chnngc In tho management of tho road, as I understand the situation. Thero may bo somo chango in tho board of directors, but tho executlvo and operating departments of tho road will remain tho ratno and tho bus Inofs will bo conducted Just as It has been, fo far as tho public Is concerned. Will Operato liiili'icndciitl'. "Tho Uurllngton wilt remain on Inde pendent road, will retain Its own Identity and will putsuo tho samo policy. No chango In any of tho olllclals Is anticipated, though tho new Interests will probably havo representation on tho board of directors. "It Is my understanding that tho proposi tion from tho Illll-Morgan syndlcato Is for the exchango of stock for now 3'j per cont bonds, but I do not know at what llgurc tho stock Is to bo exchanged. "IZ. II. Ilarrlman, as I understand tho deal, tins nothing to do with it, but tbo proposition comes from other interests. "Tho recall of tho surveyors from Wy oming is of no slgniilcance, for their work is nboilt completed there. Two parties havo been called In nud a third Is remain ing behind to complnto tho lines which havo been run from Ouurnsoy to Bait I.ako and Ugdcn. Wo havo not abandoned that work nor has the decision been reached that tho extension will bo made. No word hns cumo from tho lilghor authorities con cerning this nnd tho proposed deal has nothing to do with tho recall of tho sur veyors. "I don't know what Mr. Hill would think of building that extension should ho sccuro tho control of tho Uurllngton, though I cannot see how it will inteifero with any of his or other Uurllngton lines." Mr. Hoidrego spent tho greater part of lsst week in tho west, going first to Dead wood and then to Denver. Ilu arrived home Friday evening and tool; tho next train tor Chicago. Ho spent a fow hours In this city Sunday, returning to Chicago In tho even ing. It was common talk among the rail road men that tho movements of tho gen eral manager slgnlflcd Importunt business on baud. In his talk ho admitted that lie bad soma conference on tho subject of the transfer of tho control of tho road while in Chicago, ami said that this was tho out line of tho situation according to his best understanding. Another Olllrlnl Tnlkn. Another ofllclal who Is In close touch with tho management of tho Burlington pointed out that tho consummation of this deal for tho transfer of tho control of tho Burlington to the Hill-Morgan syndlcato will have llttlo effect lornlly. "You will nnd." said this ofllclal. "that tho deal Is practically completed now. It was when J. J. Hill left Now York for tho west labt week. All that remains now is tho arrangement of tho details of tho trans for and tho ofllclal sanction on tho part of tho Uurllngton. "Hut you will see no difference In tho real operation of tho Uurllngton. Tho samo olllclals will contlnuo to direct Its affairs. Locally thero will he nothing to show that any chango has occurred, for Mr. Hoidrego will remain general manager, and tho samo corps of olllcers under hint will carry on tho business of tho I). & M. along the same lines as heretofore. "Tho Banio will bo truo of the officials of tho Chicago, Uurllngton & Quincy, tho backbono of tho Burlington system. Thero may bo somo changes, some consolidations of tho olllclals in tho cast, and possibly somo others may bo dispensed with, but the transfer of tho control will havo no effect locally. llnrrlmnti In Not the Head. "This deal Is being worked along different lines than that of tho purchaso of Southern Pacltlo stock for tho Union Pacific. B. II. Hnrriman wtm at tho head of that move ment, while It la understood ho has not tho control In this transaction. The Burling ton ha3 been assigned to Hill and Morgan in tho 'sphere of innuonco' division of the country. They will direct tho financial af fairs of the Uurllngton under the new ar rangement In harmony with tho affairs of tho tlroat Northern. The result will be a saving of iutorest and a financial gain for tho stockholders of tho Chicago, Uurllngton & Quincy. That stock paid C per cent last year, vuillo it Is. said that tho B. i M. paid but C. Tho proposition of Hill la to guarantee- a rovenuo of nioro than 7 per cent, in fact nearly 8 per cont, and It Is be lioved that tho deal will go through." Cood for Itheniuntlani. Last fall I was takn with a very seveni attack of muscular rheumatism which cuusccl mo great pain and annoyance. After trying several prescriptions and rheumatia euros, 1 decided to uso Cbamborlaln's Pain Halm, which I had seen advertised In the South Jcraeymau. After two applications of tills Itcmedy I was much hotter, and af ter using ono bottle, was completely cured Salllo Harris, Salem, N. J. Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska Bcod company, 1D13-15 Howard St. Mrs. Another large installment of the prettiest Muslin Underwear made, has jnst come in. Remember we make a specialty of low prices on these goods. See our south show window. HEARNE UNABLE TO APPEAR "San Ilnrlior' Will lie li-eented Here Without the Aid of It Author, When Tho Ucc announced on Sunday that James A. Henrno was coming to tho Uoyd this week In his own beautiful play of "Sag Harbor" it was on tho assurance of tho rep resentative of Mr. Hcnrno's manager that ho would surely bo with tho company here. When tho report from Chicago thnt Mr. llearno had broken down was mentioned, tho agent said it was only temporary. Stuart Iiobson, who was in Omaha Saturday night, said ho had spoken to Mr, llearno in Chi cago Just beforo the author-actor started for tho east. Mr. Itobson said Mr. Hcnrno's volco had given out and that he would not bo able to appear again for weeks. A tele gram received by Tho lleo from tho dra matic editor of ono of tho Chicago papers confirms tho story that Mr. Hcarne has left tho "Sag Harbor" company. When Manager Uurgcss of the Uoyd was spoken to on tho subject ho said: "I re gret very much that Mr. Hearno has been ndvcrtleed as with tho company. I do not wish to ho n party to any deception of tho public nnd do not want pcoplo to buy tickets expecting that they nro going to seo Mr. Hcarne. Tho agent of thu managers under whoso direction "Sag Harbor" Is being pre sented Insisted on making tho announce ment, which I havo slnco found Is not war runted by tho facts. Mr. Woodward sends mo word from Kansas City, where tho com pany is playing this week, that tho piece Is beautifully put on nnd is running very smoothly. Still, I want people to know that Mr. Hcarne is not In tho east, so they wilt not bo disappointed on coining to tho theater." LOOKS FOR ABUNDANT CROPS UothenhiirK Former Hayn Condition of (irounri In Fnvornhle for Iteeord Ilrenklim. W. D. Giffcn of Gothenburg was in tho city Tuesdny nnd tells of excellent pros pects for tho crops. "Conditions havo not been better In twelvo years," he said. Tho ground has not been so soaked slnco 1S91 and It appears ns though nothing enn keep back tho largest crops we havo had slnco that year. Tho farmers want to get In their crops, which tho continua tion of tho rain nnd snow is preventing. They aro in good humor nbout It, however, and hellcvo that it will clear up in time. First enmo tho heavy snows, which melted slowly, nnd tho moisture soaked Into tho earth. These wero followed by tho rains and tho ground is full of moisture. Tbo hot winds ennnot develop while tho ground Is In Its present wet condition and if wc havo n few good showers along in the summer tho crops will b tremendous." Mr. Oiffeu brought In nineteen applica tions for quarter sections of land In his part of Nebraska and was closing tho deals at tho Union Pacific land olllce. C. E. Wantland Is also in the city after an extended trip through Colorado and Wyoming nnd reports that conditions were never better. NASH SEES THE WORLD lleprcftr ntntlve of Omaha, Smelter Itc- turnN from a I.ouk To nr. F. A. Nash, Jr., has arrived homo from n trip around tho world nnd tells of a de lightful and profitable time. Ho has been gono nbout eight months and has visited tho principal countries. His object was partly pleasure, but more especially business con ncctcd with tho mining Interests of the smelter company. Going west from hero bo visited Hono lulu, tho Samoau Islands, New Zealand, Australia, India, Arabia, Egypt and then up through Europo along the regular tourists routes.. In Australia ho spent tbrco months examining tho mining prop ertles and allied Interests. Speaking of tho conditions there, Mr. Nash said that every thing Appeared to he prosperous and the properties wero paying well but tho coun try is comparatively new. "There Is only ono country for mo and that is tho United States. Nono of tho countries that I havo visited compares with ours and I am glad to get back home. My trip has been a do llghtful one. I havo enjoyed It and at tho same tlmo It has been a profitable one from a business standpoint." V. U. Conklln, Bowersvllle. O., sayi: "I received moro benefit from Foley's Kidney Curo than from months of treatment by physicians. BUILDINGS TO BE PERMANENT Uncle Snm Derides to Ilulld No More Temporary Military Strnetorca, nids will bo openod at tho headquarters of tho Department of tho Missouri April 30 for tho building of a brick hosnltal at Fort Robinson, Nob., and May 15 for the erection of two artillery stables nnd a hospital stablo at Fcrt Hlley. All of these struc tures will bo of brick. "Tho War department is not putting up any moro temporary buildings tbeso days,' said an officer in connection with tho quar tormastcr's department, "and a fort that receives nttcntlon from tho architect now may bn considered as permanently located.' B. Prcssoa, Prcssonvllle, Kan., writes "Nothing like Foley's Honoy and Tar" Is tho universal verdict of all who havo used It. Esneclallv hns this hnvn mm nf nminln accompanying la grippe. Not a slnglo bottle luucu lo givo rciici. Stonocypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. iH. DAIILRERa-HedwIg. ngod 14 years and is anyn, ruiem mummer or Mr. and Mrs, l'Teu uanioLTR, April n, iwi, at t:30 p. m lmieml RMi-vleeH Vp1nfHltll- n h..nnm. Aurll 17. nt 2 o'clock from fnmllv rinlilnion 2S35 Cass street. Interment ut Prospect 11111 UUIllCtci illt-liua IIIVIll-U. UA11RY Michael T.. aged 37 venrs. Funeral Thursday morning, April 18, at 8:30 a. m. from fnmlly residence, ilia Grace, to St. John's church. Interment St. Mary's cemotcry. J. Benson. muslin Underwear SALE OF LAHR-BACON LINENS 'he Grifcttat Epaolal Bait af Fini Liam that Omaha Eai Iter Kiawn. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA To (Jive Ilvcrjhodj- an Opportunltr to liny Home of These Fine Linens, None Will lie Sold llcfore O O'ClncU Thin MornlnR. Uo prepared to see the greatest bargains In linens over offered anywhere. L,anr Uncon Co.'s specialty, for which they were well known all over, was high class linens. Their department was unexcelled. Linens wero their stronghold. Wo bought nearly their entire stock, and offer today tho following exceptional values. All tho hemstitched nnd drawn work tray cloths, splashers and center pieces, made out of pure linen damask, go on salo at 25c each. They are 30 Indies square nnd l.ahr Uacon's price was up to 11.00. All of Lahr-Dacon Co.'s flno hand em broidered and drawn work hemstitched lunch cloths, pillow shams, etc., up to l',4 yds. square, go at 60c, their price up to 2.50. All Lahr-Uacon Co.'s flno quality tablo loths. Thcso aro hemstitched with fancy drawn work ccntero nnd up to 2V6 yds. long, t.ahr-Uacon's prlco up to $3.60, we offer them tomorrow nt 98c each. I.ahr-Uacou's 2& yd. damask pattern clotha, their prlco up to $3.00, wo offer them tomorrow nt $1.60 each. All I.ahr-Uacon's fine damask towels that they told for 23c, 35c and 60c, go today ut 16c cucii. Lnhr-Uacon's huck towels that they sold for 15c and 10c, go nt 10c each. Lnhr-Uacon's hemstitched huck towels, pure linen, go at 5c each. Lahr-Uacon's 25c largo fringed damask doylies, go at 6c each. Lahr-Dacpn's 5c doylies go at lc each. Lahr-Uacon's cotton crash toweling, 2c yi. Lnhr-Bacon's 7'.4c towollng at 3e yd. LAHK-UACON TAHLE DAMASK. All the 60-lnch .fast color turkey red tablo dnmawk go at ISc yd. All tho nil linen Gcrtnnn dico tablo dam ask, Lnhr-Uacon's 60c kind, go at 29c yd. All Lahr-Uacon's full bleached, satin, Irish demask, the 76c kind, go at 60c yd. All tho 72-lnch wldo extra heavy Gorman blenched tablo damask go at 69c yd. Ono lot of Lahr-Uacon's extra flno Irish full blenched satin damask, tho $1.00 kind, go at 6'Jc yd. Lahr-Uacon's napkins at 25c, 49c, 75c, 03c, $1.25 and $1.98, worth up to $3.50 dozen. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Urandcts & Sons, Proprietors. Agonts for Ilogers-Pcct & Co.'s fine cloth ing. PRINTING TRUST IS ALLEGED DolViHlniit lii Collection Salt Set Forth a Novel De fense. , It remains for a Jury in tho district court to decide whether or not there Is a print ing trust In Omaha. Tho Omaha Printing company is suing Miner & Farrlsh, pub Ushers of tho Orpheum program, for a balauco duo on account nnd tho defendants allege that they will not acknowledge tho debt for the reason that tbo printing com puny is a member of the printers' trust and thcreforo uu illegal concern. Superintendent Comstock of the printing company took the stand yesterday. He ad mlttcd In his testimony that tbcro was an understanding among the employing print ers of Omaha as to prices to be charged. A subpoena was Issued for William Mc- Bride, secretary of tho alleged printers' trust, and ho will bo required to bring tho books into court toy. fiCIKNCE HCOHBS AGAIN. A Preparation that Will DcBtrojr the Dandruff Germ Dlncovered. Finally tho scientific student has discov ered a certain remedy for dandruff. 'When it first becamo known that dandruff Is tho result of a germ or parasite that digs Into tho scalp and saps tho vitality of hair at tho root, causing falling hair and baldness, biologists set to work to discover somo preparation that will kill that germ. After n year's labor la ono laboratory the dandruff germ destroyer was discovered, and It is now embodied In Nowbro's Herplcldo, which besides curing baldness ami thinning hail, speedily nnd permanently eradicates dand ruff. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect," livery Tuesday in April the Union Pacific will sell tickets at tho following greatly reduced rates: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lnkc, Butte, Helena 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle... 25.00 Now city tlckot' offlco, 1324 Farnam St, Tel. 316. Union Station, 10th and Marcy, Tel. C29. Alcohol Prices. Best 93 per cent drain Alcohol, pint,... 40c Best 93 per cent Grain Alcohol, quart.. 73c Beat 93 per cent Grain Alcohol, gallon. .$3.00 "Columbian Spirit" Wood Alcohol, pint.. S0o "Columbian Snlrlt" 'nnl Almlml nt.. fifte. "Columbian Spirit" Wood Alcohol, gal.$2.00 NOTI2-"COLUMniAN SFiniT" Is tho equal of aruln Alcohol for every purpose except for Internal administration. IT IIA8 NO UNIT.KA9ANT ODOR. Common Wood Alcohol, pint 20c Common Wood Alcohol, quart 35c Common Wood Alcohol, gallon $1.00 uommon woou Alcohol," while being at rather unpleasant odor, is all right for burning. Abovo prices DO NOT INCLUDE bottle or jug. BRING YOUR BOTTLE Sherman & McGonnell Drue Go, Corner 16th and Dodge. Latest Makes of Cameras Before buying a Camera seo tho 1901 models PREMOS, POCAS, KORO NAS, BULLARDS, CYCLONES. CKN TURES. Wo carry them all. Prices on Prcmos greatly reduced. Wo are solo dealers in Photo Sup plies and can show you the greatest assortment in tho west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnam Street. Names of .prize winners In nm competition will bo published In Ths Bee next Sunday, nosTojt sToitn oxFnnn tik saih. 3,000 Fnlr Women' Nmt Hlnck and Tun and tuford Tien. ON SALE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AT $1.50 PAIR. ttirflPfl- inmn h.aIi. .nmA vftrv flno M Mfn V "uuiu nuiiDt cuiiiu in; rf sewed. Tbeso nre worth up to $2.60 a pair. Alt sizes nil (mm A In V.V.. from -Vi to S, on salo at $1.50 pair. femaii sizes ladles' shoes, worm up to $3.00 a pair, on salo in basement at 39c a pair. Storm rnhhni-a nnt ntntn ruhtiers on snle In basement, 25c pair. MOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors. Agents for Rogers. Poet & Co.'s flno cloth ing. HASMUSSEN RUNS AT LARGE Bartender Iteslsts ArrrM nnd In Clubbed Into Snbinlnxloii by Police. Tho alacrity with which John H. Rus sell, a policeman, clubbed Mlko Rnsmusscn into submission Monday night when the latter was resisting arrest probably saved him from being shot. Rnsniusscu is a bar tender In a lower Farnam street saloon. Monday night ho started out on a rampage after having consumed any quantity of red liquor. Hu was having things all his own way when Ofllccr Russell Interposed an ob- ectlon and placed him under arrest. Rasmussca was obdurate. He disputed tho officer's authority and reached for his coat pocket, when Russell swatted him over tho head with his club. At the station a search revealed tho fact that Rasmusscn had a big revolver, with every chamber loaded, In tho pocket of his coat and also a pair of brass knuckles. Ho was fined In pollco court yesterday for disorderly con duct- Caacnrlue at .'.11 DriiiruisH. vurvo uiiiuuouubh, cuusiiyuiiuu nuu UJB- pepila, or money refunded. Prico 60 cents. uodh explaining cause ana euro inuueu irj P.ea Bros, ft Co., Minneapolis. Minn. Announcement of the Theater. Boyd's theater offers a delectable succes sion of amusements for tho closing dnys of tbo week. Thursday night the young romantic actor, Otis Skinner, will appear in his dramatic adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's chnrmlng story, "Prince Otto," nnd Friday and Saturday a lino company, headed by Forrest Robinson, will present James A. Hcrno's newest and best piny, Sag Harbor," two of Mr. Heme slaughters assuming important roles. The Gay Masqueradcrs nt the Trocadero contlnuo tho entire week excepting Satur day evening. Tho entertainment offered is pleasing and diversified. The burlcsquci are bright, snappy nnd up to date, while the olio Is a mixture of comedy, acrobatic and musical turns. Next Saturday evening "Farmer" Burns and Frank Coleman will wrestle to dectdo tho lightweight championship of America. Commencing Sunday mntlnco tho Rose Hill English Folly company begins an en gagement. Mnnager Rosenthal advises his amateur friends to communlcato with htm again, as thero will bo "something doing" in that line In tho near future. Card nf Thank. Wo wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends In Omaha and tho manage ment of tho Ilor Grando hotel for the many courtesies and expressions of sympathy ex tended us on tho death of our beloved litis band and father, tbo lato John R. Mustek. ft." MRS. J. R. MUSICK, and daughters. Klrksvlliclo. Get Vour New Lid of Black the$2.50 Hatter Men's Furnishings A New and Complete Stock. BLACK. THE $2.50 HATTER, 107'S. 16th, Opp. Hayilcn's. HAYDENs FAILED The firm of II. Hi O'Neil, importers of lnces and embroideries. We secured the entire stock at less than one-third of the cost to manufacture. We will institute n series of Lace and Embroid ery Sales.. The first sale begins Wednesday. Noth ins Every piece of goods in this sale worth from 15c to 50c yard, all go at 5c per yard. 50c Laces only 5c per yard Wednesday we will hold the greatest Lace Sale every held in the country. Point de Paris Laces, worth 5c to ttOc, on sale at 5c. English Torchon Laces, worth 15c to 25c, on sale at 5c . This is a 5c Lace Sale The finest Mechlin Lnces, worth 10c to 18c, on snle nt 5c. Black Silk Gnloon Laces, worth 20c to 50c, on sale at 5c. The best quality Val Laces, worth l()c to ISc, on sale at 5c yd. Elegant Oriental Lnces, worth 15c to 25c, on sale at only 5c. The finest Chautilly Lnces, worth 20c to H5c yard, all on sale, only 5c. Tea and Coffee Good coffee, 3-lbs for 25c. Santos and Java blend, Wednesday, ISc. Fancy family Java and Mocha, 25c. Mc'ndcllng Java and Mocha, 35c, or 3. lbs. for 11.00. New reason Tea Sittings, only 20c. Our SOo Knglisb Ilrcakfast Tea, only 38c. Our 5Cc Sundrled Japan, only 38c. Our BOc Mogvne Qua Powder Tea, only 35c. HAYDEN BROS IIAVDK.N- nilOJ. SIIIIIT SAIiK. and fli.OO Jlcii'n MilrU nt !" and 7.1e. , An astonishing purchaso of 1,000 dozen men's finest French perealo and madras ' ctoth shirts, Including tho cntlro sample i line of tho (JrlfTln brand, tho best shirts j made, In stiff bosoms and negligee stylej, I with attached or detached collars and cuffs; jn great vallety of all tho now patterns, ; shirts that sell regularly at $1.60 nnd $2.00, i In this grent salo at only 49c and 75c. I Also big salo on boys' shirts and shirt waists at 29c. Mall orders filled. HAYDKN BROS. Read Haydens' astonishing sales this page. Iteeeptloii nt (lie llntliery. Tho ladles of Omnhn are Invited to attend tho opening of Tho Uathery In Its remod eled, redecorated and refurnished quarters, 20-221 Beo building, Wednesday, April 17, from 10 until G o'clock. Tho Bathery, in Its new quarters, presents a very artistic and attractive appearance. No expense had been spared in tho furnishings nnd fittings nnd patrons wilt find their every wish an ticipated. Export operators havo been so cured and n ladles' maid is in attendance. Tho mnnngenicnt is in thu hands of a lady of tact aud cxperlenco who will bo pleased to extend n cordial welcome to all visitors. For tho convenience of patrons hair dress ing nnd manicure parlors have been added and tho new Bathery will doubtless prove very popular with tho Indies of Omaha. Stonocypher, printer; 1201 Howard St. forced Out of Business Wo havo decided to nbandon our country agencies, tho object being to centralis our business nt tho malu store. Seven Inrgo stocks havo been shipped to tho city aud wo aro compelled cither to rent additional spaco or sacrifice u largo portion of our Piano stock. Wc prefer tho latter rc course. Perfect High Grade Pianos at Prices that Lose Sight of Cost Kliony UnrlKht, lj"n. HoHctvood DnrlKht, ft).!. Cabinet Krnnd UnrlKht, f 1-5, MuliOKiiny UprlKlit. flltH. Fnncy Onk UiirlKht, f 15(1. Pearl Wnlniit Urlulitx, f ITS and up, Square 1'lnnon, fin, ffIS, f' nnd up, TERMS, fS.OO 3IOSTII1.V PAYMENTS, Schmoller & Mueller, Tin; old itr.M.vm.i: piano hodsk 1313 Fnrnitm. Tel. 1025. They Are Biting Yesterday wo went out to Cut-Off lake to iisn tor cruppies. wero wo successful; well, I should Hinlle.' That reminds us, when tlsh blto then look out for bugs. And when tho bugs begin, get a bottle, of SUHH DUATII. It will kill 'em-and it costs but 2U cents ror u pint. I'cruna 63a rsewuro 8 iierpicmc 75a urnmer s iiiuncy uro toc Wlno of Cnrdut 75a Cutlcura Soap 2Uc Hood a Karsaparlllu 75a Hu-Ciin ilalr Tonic T5C Stuart s uuinrrn tuuicis 40c Plnkhum's Compound t'jc S. S. S 75c Palno's Celery Compound 75c 1 dozen 2-grnln Quinine Capsules 7c 1 dozen 3-grain qulnlno Capsules I0o 1 dozen 5-gruln gulnlno Capsules 5c liosiciier f jiuicrH 75a Plcrco's Prescription 73c' Miles' iservmo 750 SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST . W. Car. 10th ssd Chicago. Over 5c Grocery Specials 3 bars Wool Soap, 10c. 3-lb. can Sweet Potatoos, 10c. 10c packago Starch, 7VaC. 3-lb. can Applo Uuttcr, lOe. 3- lb. I'laku or Pearl Ilomany, 10c. 4- lb. Lima Deans, 25c. 3 cakes Sweet Chocolate, 10c. 3 packages ilurnbam's Custard, 10c. 25-lb sack White or Yellow Cornmeal, 25e. 10-lb.,Rye Graham, 10c. Day by day the world learns more We make specialty of selling women's good worthy Shoes at $1.90, $2.50 and $2.90 regardless of tho price you pay, tho guarantee goes with' Vvory pair. HAYDENs Acrrrr Our New York buyer alive to tho wants of tho Omaha trade, and watchful for bargains secured the cntlro stock of tho most famous wrapper factory that over existed In Now York City, known ns tho Henry Isaacs & Co. Wrapper Factory. This Immense purchnse Includes wrappers of all qualities nnd prices wrap pers finished mid halt finished and all the plcco goods. The sale on the Wrappers opens Wednesday morn ing and the prices are lower than you ever ex pected to buy wrappers. CO DOZEN' WHAPPEItS AT 2Go 'fSBBKo. 100 dozen women 'a wrappers, mado of genutno l-'rcnch per cale a quality that sells for 12c yard they A f nntnn In till ah,id 1 tn Jo nrl nt tlwi uuuvuiu ui uw u iili; ui CO dozen &ca lata ml percale wrappers, 15-Inch flounce, trim med with two rows of braid, ruffles over F7 f ..i 1. 1n . 4 r n . in iuu uii a lUKiiiui -fi.uu MiijJtr, iuj iu uu6i-ii luin't'in iiiuuu ii) iuu umuiiitiiLUii'in iu iui 1C. 00 ft dozen, in Imported percales a wrapper sold by us for 1.75; all, WfJ 32 to 46. Halo nrirn peoplo who will attend this wrapper sale, havo taken from from our regular stock, Dim ami ib mill uru wtirin uuu uumu tno price only - 100 silk waists thnt sold for $4.E0 on salo 90 100 suits! somo of them silk lined throughout; trimmed with stitched bands of tnffotn, In all tho now ff styles; made to sell for $15.00 In this salo V7I I for - Elaborate Millinery Showing Easter Is not the stopping point for Millinery exhibits at Ilaydcn's. Th scene is continually changing here. New production!, coming from our workrooms each morning to replace those shown on the previous day. Thero nro stylish turbans with rolling brims becoming, chnrmlng effects; hati with sldo trimmings nnd many others; all showing that dainty, nrtlstlc touch of our competent milliners that makes our trimmed hnta so stylish, popular and becom ing. Tho best of mnterials nnd an almost endless variety to chooso from. Dainty chiffon hats tho choicest. The offering tomorrow will bo especially In. torostlng as It Includes somo very now origlnnl tdens In keeping with tho advancing season. . ' Special exhibit of misses and children's hats nt 05c nnd up. Hpcclal showing of nn elaborate line of hats at $1.08, $2,98 and $3.93 in black and colors. HAYDEN BROS. f2&)4$ jjFwivty cures ooro! and e9lty PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail add 5 cents for postage. ! REMEMBER 1 Ours is tho placo you get New Shirts to order, at Omaha prices. lo fit, fo: $1.50, $:'.25 or $3.00. lfltli and Chicago Streets. Howell's Anti-Kawf Grows bettor and brighter to live in, btcauso of constant effort of man to improve on tho work of yes terday, and we, striving to our ut most to bettor our yesterday's offer ings give you to-day in our popular shoo department tho best products of the best makers in thy world, at figures that must and shall eel ipso competition, buying largely, wo buy cheaply, henco you havo our wonderful high qualities at prices surprisingly low. M T WHTTTl J E. S WfvHHW ., Ky HB W1. wt 50 a f 7 i h RE-NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A, Mayer Company, 316 Bob Btdg. York or Chicago (It and finish on your An all colored, well mado Shirt, guaranteed am KELLEY 8r HEYDEN You Can't Stop This awful weather, but you can stop that troubleHoino cough, flel a bottlo of Antl Kawf from tho drug stnru; take It accord Ing to directions, nnd t ho rough will dls appear. No matter what clso falls, Autl Kawf cures. J f i i f