10 THE OMAHA DAILY 1JEE: WEDNESDAY, APRITj 17, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL T.'hut firuks on Realizing and OIimi On Fourth Lower. CORN SHOWS CONSIDERABLE STRENGTH JI11IIUI1 WratheV Hint Heavy lliiylnR by Ciimmlsnliui Houses MUnrt On Ik Mnrket-I'rolilon dulct nml V.nny, CHICAGO, April lC.-Thc " "J II advanced today. btH, wheat rkc on realizing nnd closed Uo lowy ho " mid corn held, cloning o lilHlicr f r tho former and Uo Improved for the latter. Provisions cloned easy. 1M12',40 lr. Djrlng tho llrst two hours the v. heat market looked Strong. The. weather r, win tallied a seasonable perfection n rc- olpts worn liberal nt soring wheat pointy, bin, on tho other hand, there was a col lection ot coiiHldcrallotiH more potent, at least early, when tho market advanced y.c. Liverpool showed appreciation of tno nu; vancc hero yeHlcrday and with lhl mind opening l)ld were from Uc to Uc m piovcd for May. which changed hand!; from 70V to lie. Dears hazarded small lots and forced tho market to Djti a row minutes later. Tho strength of the coarser grains tnado Itself felt nt this Juncture, however, and tho hears ceased their ruiera lions and covered later, ns added Incen tives for so doing were felt. Among these bullish Items was a report from Oklahoma that the crop of that territory had been damaged 25 pur cent by lly. liberal seaboard clearances, a heavy visible decrease and a prediction of lrost for Kansas. May ral lied nnd advanred slowly to .Ufco during tho forenoon. On the bulge, however, It developed thai, tho market was far from strong. It hail been bought to a standstill nnd when longs attempted to seeuro prollts the prleo dropped sharply to 7OVr70Vo. The closn a moment later lound May Uo under it'Hterday at oW. Importers reported 42 loads taken. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour were e(iial to OOO.Ono bushels, whllo primary receipts were atx.noo, com pared with .111.000 a year ago. Local re ceipts were 131 cars, none of contract gintle. Minneapolis and Diiliilh reported cars, against 171 last week and 271 the corresponding day of 19no. Ilradstrcot's visible statement showed n decrease of .l.in.miO bushels. Moderate activity and a considerable de giee of strength characterized tho corn market. The weather, which was so bear ish In wheat, was tho contrary from the corn traders' standpoint, an It hlucks tho movement, which Is very small anyway, and makes the ground unfavorable for the seed. The opening was about unchanged, although at that tlmn tho bull leader hold liberal quantities of both July and May, the former being at i4; discount. I In bought later nnd tho crowd followed him. Tlio advance tempted out some long stuff, but prices were llrm. May sold between 4;r4C and Uin nnd closed 4o higher nt 4l'ic. KccclptH wcro 161 cars, 43 of contract grade. Oats were active and strong. The wenther was a bullish factor, while buying by big houses against heavy cash sales was espe cially stimulating. Dull leaders also gave the market support and shorts in conw il.ience climbed Into the band wagon. May sold between 25'ie and Siftu and closed ;o higher nt 2fiii,i. having reacted from the ton from tho prollt Hiking. Receipts wcro 2U cars. Provisions were quiet nnd ensler, In fluenced by Increasing hog receipts nnd lower prices Tor them, .lulv pork sold bo wcen JIUi'sH 14.40 and $11.25. and closed loo l'o,w,f.r "t $14.30; May lard between V.W m ?S.ICV4. closing 12'je. down at tKiWMiXM, and .May ribs between $7.97'b and $7.924. with tlio close 2nc depressed at $7.92'4. I'.stlmnted receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 43 cars; corn, 1(0 cars; oats, 110 cars: hogs, r2. (ml head. ' Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles.! Open.l High. Low77 CloseTTYeJy! Wheat May July Corn April May July Oats Alnv July Pnrk Jlay July Lnrd May July Sept. Rlhs Mny July Sept. WSu'X 7IU70Vo'i 70U 701: 1W! 71' Wtfi-Y, 70Mr 70Ti-871 4.'P 4:1 1 WtfiH 4ll2 4.Ti 4IU 4S?I 2515 :5U r.vi 5i i 14 ir. 14 22Ji 14 10 14 1214 14 27U li .10 14 40 14 23 II 30 It W 8 17i S 20 8 12'i K 13 8 2"W X075 sin 8ie( sir! 3 15 S ttiii 8 7!i 8 02);, 02is s 12& IE !? lh ? SgJ 7 921i 7 53 7 87i 7 8714 H 00 No. 2. ;?' 'l'lotntlons weio ns follows: I LOUR Steady: winter pa tents. S3.S5ihM 95 straights, $3.2093.70; clears $2.6W,3 0 ; spr ng Ki'ano. : pa,cnts' W-ww-w: MrS; rpfl , 7'iljfeN0' 3 S"'",T csW07O4c; No. 2 -,T. "VtHNn! .- 2i-7e; No. 2 white, hl1t III K No. 2. Klc. HAULKV-Clood feeding, 40c: fnlr to choice malting. Miotic. ' ,nlr 10 hUKDH-No. I i,,x, $I.SS: No. 1 northweql. Uaet'aiirMl? Hm,hy' U7! I'HpVIHIONH-Mess pork, per bbl..Jlirw 4 14.15. Lard, per 100 lbs., is 23,8 30 tih or t r bs sides (loose), X. IS, 8.35. "firy s,,V,f(i shoulders (boxed). J7.12i4fj7.25. Short clear hides (boxed). JS..1714SS.50. L,uir WHlSKKY-UnslH of high wines, J1.23. for todayiB ar ,h rccol"ls nn,i "I'lpmcnts Flour, bbls ".e.M?0O ShlPm Wheat, tin Mm i'SS .Ssjy- ::::::::::k1:S!S hZ iim bu"::::::::::::;:::::::--33 nancy. i . . . a$$b g-ggg lnOn.,!!'I..0Uuc,, "xchanpo today the but Win ',SS,eILwf,.?,c,M,yi creameries, im WW YORK GKXKU.il, MAHKIiT. Uuotmion. of the liny on vrlo CowimndlllM. c 27.0,.: aetlyo nli higher: , winter patents a$i to.good. I3.wtf3.is; choice ta'ano' 'jiM win. i. MALT-Dull: western. C3f7.'c. seaoourit clearances 11 mi 1 11 inr. - it 1 break llnnlly 1 occurred ui uler i, hlarp liowever. nud ,he Xly liilv iV'..AJ' VthWiiOc, cosed nt 49ip. white. 3236c. Ontlon nr531.Ci . lracK choice. MBsgft?' 8hl,,,""B. WtfnHc; to a"roU7iU3liinW , choice. HID13S Klrmr Clnlveston "n ISJic: California. 21 to a jb?' m- -r.v2?.!'9- 21 to 30 ibs., mrnup. Ka Texi,B d"y. LKATHKH Bteady: hemlock snl. n. PnOVIHlONS-Heer. steady fninllv tin ffill.M)! mes. t9.nivflnt" VriU"11!.?'? 12.00; packet'. J10.0fel0.i0 cl y extra IndK me.ss, Il4.oowis.oo. cut mei il'iinni ; piJ " 1 i'Si le.8 S"5yi0.60: plekle.l houl(!?rV.P7.M ..50; pickled hams. J9.76ff 10.23. UM easv- wcetfrn steamed, JS.65; rellned. steady; con: otl' America. J9.30; compound iii !.' ri.'.t .-.-u 11, io.wojb.!y. ti??lXWKoli"! c,,'y country, HnTTi:n-Hccclnts. 4,600 pkgs.: steady; .'."V.-S."' y' 'W'c: factory. llil3Ke. ( 1113KBK Hecelpts, 4.fo pkgs.; steady; -"1.1V .nWA. "4p; rancy, large, l,,p,, ffl,c! (?ncy. small, colored, 12H 13ie. fnncy, small, white. HVfii-c. KQas-Rpcrlpt. 24.500 pkRs.; tirm; west- ertl. rirlllnl lunlm IKTIil'... ... 1 . 1r,"V " j.iiii;4V. oiiMit.t: wtm 1'OULTnY-Allve, Arm; chickens, 9c; tur keys, 9o. Pressed, dull; turkys, lOglOHci chickens, a!4trioc; capons, lS-rflic. MUTALd The downward course of lend In London was unabated today, prices hav ing further declined .Is I'd to 12 2s Mi touching the lowest figures In yenrs. The principal calico attributed to the weakness is the heavy shipments from this country! New York alone shipped 4,200 tons abroad since the llrst of April. Lend In local cir cles, however, remains Inactive and un changed at Jl.37',4. There was n sympa thetic rise of nbout 15 points on bid figures for tin today, as prices took nnothcr move upward In london. Trading, nevertheless, was very slow and our market closed llrm, but (iilet, nt J20.00ft20.&0. At London the close win llrm nt AI117 2s 6d on spot nnd 114 5s for futures. Although a steady un dertone was prevalent In copper, prices were morn or less nominal, owing to the nbsence of business, with the closing basis nt J17 for lako Superior lind J16.(i-M4 for casting nnd electrolytic. In' London nn advance of 10s was noted, mnklng spot 70 17s 6d and futures 71 10s. Hpelter ruled unlet and nbout steady nt 3.!fj.1.93. Domestic Iron markets were without Im portant new features, but continue steady at unchanged prices. Ulasgow warrants closed on the basis of CIs 3d nnd Middle borough at 43s 3d. OMAHA WllOLCSAI,B MAHKKT9. Condition of Trade and ((notation nn Ntnple nnd Fnncy I'rodnee. EQCIK Hecelots liberal; good stock, lirm atll'4tfl2c. LIVH I'OtjLTUY-Hrns, 8c; young and old roosters, 03 7c: turkeys, 6tfsc; ducks and geese, J4t7V4c. U AM K Mallard ducks, per doz., J2.73Q3.0O: teal, Jl.2oQl.D0; mixed, J1.231.00. UUTTEH-fJommon to fair, I2fil3c: choice. 11315c; separator, 2.'c. KKEfSH 0STU11S-First gtiii. solid packed, Now York counts, cor can, SSc; ex tra eclects. 32c: standards. 25c: medium. 200. Uecond grade, slack lilted. New York counts, per can, uvr; cxim sciccis, ;w; sianuurus, 20c: bulk standards, per gal., J1.23. I'ntCSH FISH Black tmss. I8c: white bass, 10c; blucllsh, 11c; bullheads, 8c; blue tills. 7c: buffulos. Cc: cattish. IL'c: rod. K." cropplc. Sc; clscocs, 7e; halibut, 11c; herring, 4c, haddock, 9c; maeisre!. Ua: perch, 3u; iihiriiui, oi vine, sc, .ca ur.apper, juc; salmon, lie: sunllsh. 6c: smelts, to; trout. 9c; whltctlsh, 8c. i-iuisu.NH Live, per aoz., jl. VUALB-Cholcc, 910c. HAY I'riccs utiotcd by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Chnlon iminnri. Jlo; No. 1 upland, J'J.50; medium, J9; coarse. JS.00. Ityo struw. J3.50. Thcso iirlcca aru for hay ot good color nnd quality. Demand lair. Itecelpts, 5 cars. OATH NO. 2 WllltC, 2SC COItN-No. 3. 42c. I)ltAN-;i5. VE(JI2TAHLK9. SPINACH-l'or bu. box. 75c. ASI'AHACJUS-Callfornla. Der lb.. 1. llHUlJAIUJ-Ciilirornla, per lb., 8c. NIOW Hi:i:TH-Icr doz.. 50c NEW CAItllOTS-Per doz., 50c. NKW TUHNira l'er do?!.. Mr. CUCUMBKK8 Hothouse, per doz., Sl.L'j't 1.75, as to slzs. l'AH8NII'b-rcr bu.. 40c. TUUNIPa-Pcr bu. basket, 60c HliUTH-I'cr bu., 40c. CAHHOTS-Pcr l)U., 40c. LHTTUCK-l'cr bu., 3540c HADISHliy-1'cr doz.. 2030c. I'AHdl.BY l'er doz.. 33c. POTATOliS-l'or bu 43Q65c; Colorado. SUED POTATOKS-Karlv Ohio tAsttn. lied Hlver Valley, 90o; Triumph, J1.10. SW13UT POTATOKS-Per bb!.. J1.50. CAUBAGU Holland need, per lb., 2c: rew California. SHc. ' r j vy4 iui um. u'uitoKci craie. 13.50; Mexicans, per 4-baskct crate, XL mnzoo 2r(f.i0c. CAUI-H'LOWKK-CQllfornla, per crato. J2.W0.1.00. BUANS Wax, per bu., J3: string, nor hu.. JI.W. l.uu I'lutn 1 l'er du. oox, jj. PHPPHHH-Per hu. box, J2.26. STHA W HUltlllES Florida, ner ot.. 40c: Texas, 23y30c; Louisiana, 24-qt. cases. J3.25. QHAi'KS Malaga, per keg. J7.5O39.90. APPLES Per bhl.. JI.23: Wnshlm-inn bu. box. $1.75; Hollflowers. J1.90. HONlii (,'aiuornia. per 2.scctlon case. lHDES-No. 1 green. CV4o; No. 2 green. 4',4c; No. 1 salted, 6H0: No. .1 salted, 64c! iMU. 1 t-ui .uii, o iu i iua., oci 10. 2 Veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8itl3c; shocD pelts, 234f75c: horse hides, J1.50S2.25. TKOIUCJAL. FnUlTS. OUANOES California seedlings, J2.00 .25; Hovels, $:I 75&3.0O. LEMONS Call tornla. extra fancv. utsxi 3.E.U; choice, 3 " BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. J1.76(U2.2i. FlUS-Callfornla. new cortons. 7Ea! invnm C3c; Imported, per lb.. 1012c. ' DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Sairs, go per id.; iinnuweun. ac per id. HONEY California, per 34-sectlon case. J3.7D. uiutiii for i)ui.. H.bu; per nair bbl.. 12.75. KIITS TCnllAh wnlnntK. n.r lh u... fil berts, per lb.. 13n; almonds, pr lb., lSoc; raw peatiutt., per lb., 53Hc; roasted, C'AQ 1Vc. Brazils. 13c: pecuns. Iuiil2c: coconnutn each, 4V4c St. I.oiiIh Oral 11 nnd I'rnvlaloim, ST. LOUIS. April 16. WIII5AT Woak: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 69V4o; track, TM& 74c: May. 70V4c: July. C8fi68Wc: No. 2 hnnl. 71ffi72!4i. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 43'ic; track. IS'.iffi-IT.tc; May, 42TSc; July, 42Hc. OATS Higher: No. 2 cash. 27c: trnek. 97ii fc:Hc, May, 2G?4c; July, 25c: No. 2 white. 2SV4c. HYE-Dnll nt B4c. FLOUR-Dllll: Patents. J3.45lS3.60: extra fancy and straight. J3.05ff3.25: clear. J2.70tfi) 2.90. SEEDS Timothy, steady; avernce re. rclpts, J3.2504.OO; prlmo worth more. Flax, t'OBNMKAI-Steady. at J2.20. I! HAN Quiet: sacked, cast track, 71c. HAY Steady: timothy. Jll.0Mri3.DO: nrnl- rle. JS.rj0fi 10.30. hfiiiuiv.oi...i.. . n IRON COTTONTIES-J1. BAOGING-CV,ft7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. l'llOVlSIONS-Pork, steady. lobblnc J15.75. Lard, fiulet nt $8.15. Dry salt meats, dull; boxed lots, extra shorts, JS.37V4: clear ribs, J8.50; clear sides, J8.62W. tiacou, nun ooxen 101s, extra snorts, J9.1214: clear ribs. J9.23: clear sides, J9.37V4. METALS Lend, steady nt J4.2214. Sneltor. Btronger at J3.80 bid. ruuiiur-Hteaay; cntcKcns, 7V45jbc; tur keys, BffSc; ducks, 9c; geese, 5c. BUTTEH Lower: creamery. 16(H21Ucr dairy, 14Q17c. EUGS Steady; repacked and cases In cluded. 1214c ItECEIPTS-Flour, 6.000 bbls.: wheat, 12,01V) bu.: corn, 34.000 bu.; oats, 28,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 11,000 bbls.: wheat, 35,000 bu.; corn, 23,O00 bu.; oats, 4,000 bu. Liverpool firnln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Anrll If. WIIEATRnnl dull; No. 1 California. 6s lid; No. 2 rod western winter. 0.1 luvsa; ISO. 1 nortnern spring. 6s Ud. Futures nuiet! Mnv. K nuri. July. 5s 914d. uuu-spot tirm; American mixed, pew, 4h 10d; American mixed, old, 4s 2d, Fu tures quiet; May. 4s 14d; July, 3s lllid; September, ,1s HUd. 1'EAS Canadian, quiet. 6s 6)id. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, steady, 8s 3d. ' HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady. 4ff4 15s. PROVISIONS-Beef, easy; extra India rr.ess, Cls3d. Pork, steady: prime mess western, 63s 3d. Lard, American rellned, In palls, steady, 43s 6d; prime western, In tierces, quiet, 42s 9d. Bncon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady, 47s 3d; short ribs, 16 to 2t lbs., firm, 4ls Od; long clear middles light, 2S to 3 lbs., firm, 41s 9d; long clenr middles, heavy, 33 to 40 lbs., strong, 42s 3d short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., 40s: clear bullies, 14 to 16 lbs., dull, 46s 91. Ham", short cut. II to 16 lbs., dull, 44s 9d. Shoul ders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., llrm, 36 3d, BUTTER Finest United States, dull, 90s; good United States, quiet, 67s 6d. CHEESE American tlnest white, dull, 4Ss; American llncst colored, quiet, 47s 6d. TALLOW Prlmo city, steady, 25s; Aus trnllan In London, quiet, 2Cs 6d. Receipts of wheat during tho last three days, 276,000 centals, including 261,000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during tho last three days, 198,400 centals. Knn ins City ftrnln nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY, April 16. AVI I EAT May, i-5!2u: July, 65c; cash. No. 2 hard. 69c; No. 3, CSc: No. 2 red, 7172c; No. 3. 66S6Sc. CORN-May. 4114c; July. 41?ic; cash, No. 2 mixed, 1214c: No. 2 white, 43c; No. 3, 4214c. OATS-No. 3 white, 3014c RYE-No, 1. 6Hi52c. 1,.A.Y"-n,t'0 'imothy. J10.50Q11.00; choice prairie, t9.00fi9.50. BUTTEH-Crcamery. 17920c; dairy, fancy, 13(fl 15c. EGGS-Stcady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 11c, loss off, cases returned; new whltewood ciues included. Uc more. RKCEIPTS-Whcat, 19,200 W; corn, 4,00) bu.: oats, ln.iurt bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 24,800 bu.; corn. 36.WX) bu.; oats, 5,000 bu. Cbnnges In Avnllnhlr Nupplles. NEW YORK. April 16.-Spcclal cable nud telegruphlc nm...nni. t0 Bradstreet'j show tho following chunges In available supplies, as i-omparcd with the last ac count: WHEAT -United States nnd Canada, east of tho Rockies, decreased 3.912.000 bu.; afloat for und In Europe Increased 800,000 bu.: total supply, decreased 2,112,000 bu. CORN-Unlted Stnte and Canada, enst of the Rockies, decreased 1,143.000 bu. .OA.T8Tr,n,tfd Htn'P!' nnd Canada, cast of the Rockies. Increased 34.000 bu. Among the Important decreuses not otherwise reported Is a falling oft of SOOJW) bu. at northwestern interior elevalors, 12.'. W hu. nt Interior Manitoba storage points, 200,000 bu. nt .Minneapolis private elevalors, 17o.(J bu, nt Omaha. 74.000 bl. nt East St. Louis, 56.0H0 bu. nt Portland, Me., and ,V).'. bu. nt Nashville. Gains nre few, llio In crease of llo.om bu. nt Jollct nnd fis.nno bu, nt lnnlpeg being the most Importn-tt. Pacific stocks decreased 211.1AJ bu. last week. Mlnnpnpnlls (Irnln Mnrkct. MINNEAPOLIS. April 16. WHEAT Cash, 72o; May, 70'4c; July. 72f?72Hc. On track: No. 1 hard, 74c; No. 1 northern, 72c: No. 2 northern. 6269?4C FLOUR Firm: llrst patents, J3.S5fi3.93; second patents, J3.635i3.75: first clears, $2.95fi 3.0a! second clears, J2.VGfi2.10. BRAN In bulk, J12.0WJ12.B0. I'enrln MnrUi't. PEORIA, April 16.-CORN-Flrm; No. 2. 43!4c OATS-Firm; No. 2 while, 2714c, billed through , WHjgKY-On the basis of JI.27 for lln Ishcd goods. MIlM-ntikrp Urnln MtirUet, , MILWAUKEE. April 16.-WHEAT-.Mar-ket steady: No. 1 northern, 73li74c; No. 2 northern, 715f72c. RYE-Steady: No. 1, file. BARLEY-Dull; No. 2, B7y;sc, sample, 4"fJ o5c. MOVKMILNTS IV STOCKS AM) IIOMIS. Mncotilntlnii Itelnlns Aliinitlniil Yliiil ll. lull .Murtti'l Is IViitIIi, NEW YORK, April Ifl.-Tlio stock innrket gave evidence todny Hint tho speculation still rctnlns 1111 nbundant vitality, but nevertheless tho tone was exceedingly feverish nnd at times very nervous, An nvi.niii,,. nnn MIH.-II (luring tut! niorii- Ing to sec the speciilntlve wisdom of le.ul. v.o .1, ...i. iiiiMiii, .if r'uiirtlllllf' It lot fll low- grude Industrial stocks for high-grade rail roads as leaders of the market. The violent relapses from yesterday's manipulated ad vances In some of these stocks caused enn Mderablti disorder In the innrket during the early trading. The decided weakness of the t nlted States Steel stock on account of the reported threat of the president of ... ....... ht,,il,.ii, ur..'.iH'iiitiuii to preeipiuiie a. strike had an un.scttllng effect all through mi! unman nil list. II IVt.U ...l.'A.I . I.. ... .. ... ... . . i""""-" oiivu iimiui iiini tun in dustrial stocks arc Inllueneed bv such a variety of causes and conditions that It Is hopeless to Induce tiny uniform movement In all of them. A number of the high-priced Industrials continued to show strength, The dcnllngs hi the latter stock wcro on an m,nni.ite. ...... l ...... . I. i r.ti,u iinii tin- priee movement violent and erratic. After tho opening . . ,.i.i.-n tin? i kv unit It point below last night, loiter iu th dnv, nfter the publication of the proposition for , l,"'M 1,1 "una noftinu a lit i ,,, ;v . '"'"n""'!. ' sines: was run up ', lr"n, Hie lowest to 12?;. Tho Inst price '-'.. ii.-i Kiiiu 01 oiny rno gen eral umrkot proved ralher IndHTerent to tho movement of the specialties and there was ji gcneriil declining tendency. Rock Island especially falling 34 under Inst night nnd a largo number of prominent railroad ........... , ... . iMmii. nn tiu revival of rumors that tho Burlington plan or .iiiiK.-i n.Miin eerininiy no publlslied tomorrow-, that stock. Northern Paclllc and Inn Kr rn I ..w.n ... ..u. H.. ....... . .. ... .... ....... ... ..,,,,.- iaii ii.ii iiiiiiirii.v nunyiiiu nguln and there was a sympathetic recovery Tho Kansas & Texas slocks were another center of strength. In this movement Biirllnglon touched 195. a recovery from Inn li.iviif .if TiL ...... x ... . i.i . .... ...... v , Mini ,ui uirin raeuic, selling ex-dividend of I per cent, ruse bv violent advances to lor.ij, nn extreme ml yunco or 714. Tho ICrle stocks rose Trimi 2 to 3 points. Tho prices or nil of these stocks except Erlo second preferred made new high records today. Notwithstanding the sympathetic recoveries In the general market. It will be seen that, tho dayV t changes ureas a rule or Inslgnlllcaiit di mensions. The gnlns by the banks from tho sub-treasury, owing to the blKh level or pension payments and tlio buying " .......... .... n 1.-..HV ut tup ircusury, nfTord unquestioned roller to tho money Tr!"'.,-1, 1 ,rlMC '". Chicago exchange to ii ,i 1 . V reneeiH inn llirniug point ii.. . ... ' . niguiucant Ilici in the days money situation was the quick .,, mi-rnng exenango market to tlio easier money market conditions here. frlvlnir rrrm.iwlu ,i. ...... ' ... 0 n. "i.....n ...1 ;m- i iiiijcutllie llllll liny Increase In the available supply or fund In ... "in k;i to i.oiuinn lor tno pur poses or the coming Issue or consols, t Is : , ." iiiniM tiiui tins gnvern ment loan, which Is estimated at J2iVi.O0O.ij0O, ..-. iiiiiiiuiuni, is in excess or any loan many rencu inucmiiity to Ger. The Iindon money market is nt present iv.tiOMli' ,.,ca.vl ' '"''ebted to tho Bank or Lngiand, but tho amount of French nml Amerlriin ..nnltnl . i...... ... , - ..y .ui.-vni. in l.ouuuil Lii!?it.. V"llrec('tll!nted volume. Londoirs ", ,111 iiireiRii exennnges s thus easily explicable. Tho constant growth Of din trrirln hnlminn Iti. 11... 1 . V of thlH country'H capUiil rcnotirrcH for In- vnat n.,itit II.. t I. I.. ... . .. . I.. 1 .1 . V ""VIOUH llllll 1110 pine- Ji , .V10 Investment Is purely u tiucstlon Of. rninilun n nrnul r-ntKi mi..: a! .. H linnnctnl nporatloiiH In iirorenn In Now ...... ib,.,i, inin;i toony in tno cleurliig houso exchanges, which reached nn nstoundlng nggregato or J415,2I1,223, com pared w'lth the previous record dally clear. U,B ' N37.852.9SO on ono day of last week. OnerAllnna In .inr,,...tin,. ;i,i. ain... Si. 1" .r .in uiu unitcii States Steel h nuances aro supposed to nc- wi.,iv ,11. iiii-eu iifiuitn, Tho bond market became Irregular to day, nn rnnll?lmr l u,,,.i,,.i.. Total sales, par value. J3,2uo,fliw, United ,.-.,,ii.,.iiH a inuiiiu-u .j, nnu new is advanced V4 per cent on tho hiht call. lh following ore the clojjn prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd , Baltimore & O.. Can. Pacific . ... Can. Southorn ., Ches. & Ohio...., Chicago O. W..., C B. & Q Chicago I. & L.. do pfd , Chicago & E. I., Chicago & N. W. C, It. 1. & !...., C. C. C. & St. L Colo. Southern . do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson.. Del. L. & W Den. & R. G do pfd.,,......, Erlo .! , do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .. Hocking Valley,, Illinois Central., Iowa Central ... do pfd L. E. & W do rtfd Lako Shore .... Louis, & Nash. Manhattan L .. Met. St. Rv.... Mex. Central Minn. & St. L... do pfd Mo. Pacific , Mobile & Ohio. M., K, & T do prd , N. J. Central... N. Y. Central... Nor. & West...., do pfd , No. Paclllc do pfd , Ontario ,fe W... O. R. & N do pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio O. WV, do pfd , St. L. & 8. F.... tlo 1st pfd do 2d pfd , St. L. S. W do nfd St. Paul do pfd. St. Paul & O... So, Pacific 80. Railway ... do prd Tex. & Pacific, Union Pacific ., 1? Pfd wubash , l5i: , iliVj 92 1 9414 , ri5 . 4R,i! , 23','t! ,19I!UI , 37 do pfd W. & L. E iff nf.l Wis. Central Third Avenue .. H. & O. pfd Nat. Tube .... ,!. ,.r,i Adams Express, ' ........... l,Al 1 11. Am. Kvnpituu 117 IU. 8. Exnre'ss'.'' 20514 Wells-Fnrgo Ex 87 Am. Cot. Oil. do pfd ... . 179V4 45 UU Am. MiiliVnn (!1 ,lr ..f.l " 22?4 Amer. S. & R nn iir.i Am Snlrllu ill". .lf.1 ,( 11 .liner, . II, 11 72 1SI 1U .VI HO',; . Bi , 61 .123 .2.10 .IPIVi .127 .1731.', . Hi W.i .11 15514 1B01, 5214 Mill ,10.15, m. 3 Hi , 42 76 i 1571; . 3lfI , 7611 100 41 a do nfil Amer. S. & W. ado prd A. Tin Plate... 11 iln nfil 'Am. Tobacco ... tlo prd Ana. Mln lV Brk. Rnp. fri.i; I Villi P. A I Con. Tobacco ... do prd Federal Steel . do pfd (!cn. Electric ... aiucoso Sugar . no pin Int'n'l Paper ... no pro Lanleilp TIhh Nat. Biscuit .... do prd National Lead . Hn nfrl . 'National Steel". --on nfil N. Y. A. Brake. No, Amerlcnn . I'acino Coast ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Pacific Mall Peonln's tlitv Pressed S. C...Y. do pfd Plll'mim ! l Stiiml It X. f'" 82uisiignr IMSU An 11 f.l . .1014 Tenn. C. ,. 61 U. S. Leather... 154"i do pftl .IMlVi U. S. Rubber.... .110 do pfd . 45; Western Union.. ,. 2K',4 Amal. Copper ... ,. SI Republic I. & S. ,. 4214 do pfd .. 93, U. S. Steel .. KS'i do pfd , . 20 P. C. C. & St, L ."914 . 19 . :hh . 204 .12.1 . 9014 .11s .165 .107 . Mis .149 . 26 . M . 20 . tCiVf, . 9'jH . i ' . 17 " . -IHV4 . 9. ) . w . 71! .117 . 2J14 .116 . r2 . S3 . -!i'4 .105 . t:i .102 .227 . 214 . WIS . 26 . -9',& . S3 . Si'li . 96 . Iii . 57 .116 .161 6'3 . f.l . 90 . t.1 . ::;; .1117, . 47 . Nil, .21214 .1191 .123 . s?4 . hi . MIS .1211, s'.'.'i . 764 . 461, . tl& . 01 n rii?"lv' .'Trust receipts. Nominal, n Ti-ust receipts und nominal. The Commercial Advertiser's London .financial cablegram says: Trading on the Stock exchange today was narrow and tho tono was weakening under the shadow of tho Impending budget. American shnrcs w;ere stagnant, drngglng down to the very closo of tho day, which was featureless. There was somo talk of active money In New rjrk and of tho threatened steel strike. Tho shares of the United States Steel corporation relapsed 2 points to 47 on the fear of trouble. New York bought copper shares by cable. This was beforn tho New )ork opening and Wall street representatives were paying freely for calls on Anaconda, , for tho end of May and T, for tho entl of June, but this stock ro apscd later with th rest of tho American list, nnd with tlntoa, which went off on London selling. Tho fortnightly stntlstles In coppej show a decrease of 629 tons in stock nnd 954 tons In supplies, it is ru mored that tho Amalgamated company Is absorbing Avlno. There is significant buy. Ing In Mlddlesboro. town and lands and Kentucky shares, which aro supposed to be connected with the United States Steel cor poration, tho Inference being that tho Watts works arc lo bo used. .Mexican rails were pursuing the enino upward rourso that thoy took yesterday. The bunk lias bought 71,000 ofrold In bars and 50O.(X) were shipped from Calcutta todny. The coal loan rate was- 2!4ft3H; time rate, a4; bills. .19-10. Exchange on Pnrls was 2.'..17',i; Berlin, 20.43. Paris discount was 2 1Mb; Berlin, 3V Vnrk Mnnry MnrUrt. NEW YORK, April 16.-MONEYOn call, itit. per cent; last loan at i ruling rale. bV4 per cent. SiERLlNO EXCI I A NO E Firm, with nctual business In bankers' bills nt JI.SS for demnnd nnd J4.SIH'(l l.f'i for ""'xty days. Posted rates, JI.S0I4 and JI.&9. Commercial bills. JI.MW4.MH, SILVER-Certincatos, 00c; bar, 5S'i,c: Mpxleiui dollars, ISc. , . BONDS-State, steady; government, ir regular; railroad, Irregular. Iho closing prices un buud todty r, followu: U. S. ref. 2s, rcg. do coupon do as, reg do coupon ,,,, do new Is, reg.. do coupon do old Is, reg.. du coupon do 6s, reg ,. tlo coupon D. or C. 3, 65s.... Atch, gen. 4s do ndj, Is Can. So. 2s C. Ac O. I"s do 5s C. fc N. W. c. 7s do S. 1 d. 3s.. Chicago Ter. Is , Colo. So. Is D. Ac R. U. 4s.... Erie gen. Is F. W. D. C. is, Clou. Electric Os. la, Central Is... L. & N. linl. 4s... M K. Jt T. 2s!.!! tlo 4s N. Y. C. Is ,inH N. J. C. g. 5s looS No. Paclllc 3s 11l'4 tlo 4s 1114 "N Y C & S L Is ,13s4 N. & W. c. 4s... , 139i Ore. Nov. Is m do Is 113, O. S. L. 6s lloli do c. 5s lltli Reading gen. 4s., ICO',4 R. O. W. Is., 112 ISt L & I M c. us. W'ilKt 1. ti S V K. S wiyi St. Paul cons lOlifjISt P. U P IS. 12114 do 5s 112 So. Pacific Is..., 124 So. Railway 6s... .'i H. H. & T lis.,., M Tex. & P. Is 102 do 2S VI Union Pacific 4s. 10P4 Wabash Js , iM jl "do 2s , 117 West Shore 4s..., 10214' Wis. Central Is., 1 1V11. Centuries .... 9vli,WnbiiBli dc.b 1U7'1, 132', 109 103 12S 116 Pc'f. inl.l. UjVs .131 V, . 120'd 9J'k 11614 , Ml M914 10) 105-i 120 110i 114, 95 CI14 Bid. Ollercd. ,ev Turk MIiiIiik Mock. NEW YORK, April I6.-TI10 following are quotations 011 mining stocks: Adams Con 2.1 Alice ;-. Breccc I a Brunswick Con... 20 Comstuck Tun... 6 Con. Cal. i Vu .2 W Dcatlwood Ter..,. Horn Silver 110 Iron Silver 00 Lcudvlllo Con.,., u Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr ruoeiiix Potosl Snvago , Slerm Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard .. II ,.S75 .. VI .. s .. ; .. 10 .. :w .. U." ,.VJ) Itnnk Clearing,. OMAHA, April 16. Hank clearings today, $1,002.91)1; corresponding day last year, $1,055.29:): decrease. $52,3S3. C1I1CACIO, April 16.-Clearlngs, $25,296,521; balances. $.',152,1X15: posted exchange, $I.S514 ill. SR14! New York exchange, 20o premium, ST. LOUIS, April 16.-Clearlngs, J7.SI6.3IS; balances, $s57,9oo; money, 4i per cent; New York exchange, 25c discount bid, 10c dis count asked. PHILADELPHIA, April 16.-Clcarlngs, $23,105,19.1: balances, $2,913,118. BOSTON. April 16.-Clcarlngs, J3I.S03.00S; balances, $2,463,318. NEW YORK, April 16.-Clcarlngs, $115, 211,22:1; balauccH, $19,531,215. Condition or Hip Trpnsnry, WASHINOTON. April 16. Today's stnte nient or the treasury balances In the geii erul fund, exclusive of tho $15O,000.oon gold reserve Iu the division or redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $153,121,715; gold, $9S,199,SI7. Toledo lirnln nnd Meed. TOLEDO. O.. April 16.-WHEAT-Actlvc. lower: cash, 73',ic: May, 7314c; July. 73?c (rORN-Cash, 4114c: May and July, 4IUc OATS-Cash. 27c; May, 26ic; July. 261ic R Y K Kip. CLO VERSE ED Quiet; cash and 1S9D prime, $6.5o; October, $5.10. .civ York Live Mock Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. April 16. BEEVES Re ceipts, 16 head; 110 trndo in live cattle; nominally steady: cables unchanged: ship ments, KM cattle, 1.7S6 sheep nnd 4,860 quar ters of beer. CALVES-Rccelpts, 21 head; trade limited nnd prices weak; good veals. $5.255.50; wholo range quoted at $3.50(fjo.75; little calves and culls, $3. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts, 1,180 head; sheep ipilct but steady; lambs very tlull and weak: sheep, $l.0nf(5.20; clipped sheep, $:i.roii i.W); gooil to prlmo unshorn Iambs, $5.6.Vn5.75; prime clipped lambs, $5; clipped culls, $1. I IOOS Receipts, SS2 head; market firm, at'$6.20tj6.15. Nt. .losi'iili Mvr Stock Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, April 16. (Special.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 2,600 head; market active, steady to weak: natives, $l.20ij5.40; Texas and westerns. $3.63i5.23; cows nnd heifers, J2.25fil.93; bulls and stags, $2.23C() 4.83; yearlings and calves, $.1.65ff-l.70: atock ers and feeders, $3,405(4.50; veals, $4.256.50. HOGS Receipts, 8,300 head: market big. lOo lower: all grades. $5.85fMU25S; bulk of sales, $5.95fi6.02!s: pigs, steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts. .1,000 head; market nctlve, steady to strong; lambs, jl.&tyS.lO; yearlings. JI.73ti5.Oi); wethers, $1,404(1.75; ewes, $XS534.50. Slunx City Live Stuck Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. April 16.-(Spccfal Tele-gratn.)-CATTLE-Recelpts, 1,100; market steady; beeves. $I.O07f4.!0; cows nnd bulls, mixed, $2.&O5H00; Btockers nnd feeders, J3.23 StA.'M; cnlvcH anil yearlings, J3.001.50. HOOS Receipts, 4,600; market 6il0c lower, sellltig at J5.iO&'5.95; bulk, JS.iS 5.8714. WEATHER CROP BULLETIN AVclnes, rtetnriU I'nrm Work, hut Winter (rnlim Start Well anil Cniilinne Knlr. United States Department of Agriculture, Nebraska Section, Cllmato and Crop Scrv Ivo of tho Weather Bureau, for the Week Ending April 16: The last week has been cohl and wet. with less than the normal amount of sunshine. The dally mean tem perature for the week has averaged 2 de gress below tho normal. The range of temperature has been small, tho minimum temperatures generally being above freez ing and the maximum between 50 und 60 degrees. Cloudy wenther, with Bhowcrs, hns pre vailed during tho week, nnd the rainfall has been above normal Iu nearly all parts or the slute. In tho northeastern counties along tho Missouri r(ver tho rainfall was but llttlo morn than 11 quarter of un Inch, or about hair the normal amount. In most or the central and western counties the rainfall exceeded nn Inch, nnd In the south central part of tho state It ranged from two to three inches. Tho wet weather has retarded farm work In nil except tho extreme northeastern counties, whore fnlr progress has been made and considerable wheat sown. In other counties somo wheat and oats wern sown tho llrst of the week and somo seed remained uncovered during the rains of tho last half of the week. A Very llttlo plowing for corn has been done. Tho work Is about ten days behind normal advance ment on April 15. Winter wheat nnd rye have grown well nnd continue In line con dition. Grass Is stnrting slowly. G. A. LOVELAND. Section Director, Lincoln. THE IIK.tl.TV MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tucs day, April 16: Wnrrnnty Deeds, uiiiuiiii iteaiiy ruiui'.ij w fiiiut: Grnnt. lot 5, Strlcklnnd'H subdlv $ J. C. Wharton nnd wife to M. D. Mnl cheln. s',S lot IS. Clarke's add F. Petersen nml husband to Walter Petersen, lot 1, block S, Shlnn's 2d add A. L. Fitch to Elizabeth Harding, lot 17. block 3. Potter & C.'s 2d mid C. F. Haxthausen to Gus and Mnry Olsen, wis lot 20, Kensington add.... Amanda Mark to J- C. Fry, lot 3, block 4. William Hagedorn's add,... Asa Phllpott nnd wife to H. G. Alex ander, lot 20, block B, Saunders & H.'s add , Winona Savings bank to A. M. Niel sen, lot 12. Luke & T.'s ndd South Omaha .Land company to 11. a. McMillan, s 45 feet lot 5, block 90, South Omnha Samo to fi. C. Shrlglcy. 11 15 feet lot 5, block 96, same S. ('. Shrigloy and wife to H. A. Me Mlllan. s 5 feet of 11 lo feet lot 6, block 95, rnnin New Hampshire Savings bank to M, E. Chapman, lots 7 and 8. block 99, Djltdee Atlantic Realty association to A. L. Blckncll, elS lot 4, block 10, Bcmls park Iliilt Clnlin Deeds. W. A. Metcnlf to V. F. Brainan, lot 5. block 9, Ambler Place Home Investment company to L. v. Mlekel. lot 3. block 9, subdlv of J. I. Rcdlck's ndd Deeds. Sheriff tn O. E. Merrill. 8 20 feet lot 6, block 73, South Omaha 275 Shcrirr to Martha Robertson, s 40 feet or e 83 feel lot 2. block I. Shlnn's 2d udd 1,800 SherllT to J. L. Browne, lot 10, block 17. Bedford Place IBS Sheriff to same, lot 3, Arlington add,. 270 Total amount of trunsfcra... J10.2M 1.100 4,900 1 1,050 350 400 2.000 375 400 3,000 175 40 100 OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Big Bun of CattU and Bcof Btiirs Wirt Wtk to Tin Cunti Lowtr. HOGS SOLD SEVEN AND A HALF LOWER I'nlrly Mlicrnl Mnpply of Sheep, lint Druinnd Wan .Sufficient tn Take What Wan Offereil nt .Inst Alinnt Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, April 16. Receipts were: Cnttlc. Hogs. Sheep, nniei.ii Mmi.im. . u r. nn 1! :.; Official Tuesday V.2AS lv',918 Two days this week 7.741 16.036 Same day last week 5,140 1.1,311 Samo week beloro 6.612 8,565 Snmo three weeks ngo... 5,101 9,510 Same Tour weeks ago... 7.3.13 11,198 Same days last year 6.231 11,777 Average price paid Tor hogs for the pasl several dtys with comparisons: I J90L- 19OO.lisD9,lS93.lii9;T1808.;lS35. March March 26. March 27. March 28. March 29. March 3. March 31. April 1... April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April 3. , 4... 5... 6. , 7... 8.., 9.., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 5 76 3 57 3 67 3 93 3 59 4 71 5 SI 4 89 3 65 3 91 3 66 4 Hi 6 S5i 4 97 2 60 3 86 3 11 4 74 5 90f, C 05 3 66 3 57 3 70 4 M 6 85V4 5 16 3 60 3 65 3 83 4 1) 5 891, 5 12 3 6.1 3 6! 3 87 3 66 4 78 5 10 3 69 3 13 3 91 3 60 6 OV.i 3 64 3 05 3 92 3 54 3 Si 6 00 6 08 3 7 3 92 3 64 4 84 b 91.4 5 15 3 65 3 61 3 65 4 82 5 59H 5 25 .1 66 3 73 3 62 4 76 5 954 5 30 3 65 3 79 3 90 4 82 6 i)6H 5 30 3 62 3 7!) 3 i-5 3 57 4 81 5 27 3 64 3 72 3 S3 3 59 6 01H 3 66 3 71 3 SO 3 61 4 S9 fi 92',4 B 33 3 75 3 S5 3 62 4 81 5 87, 5 38 3 61 3 90 3 66 4 77 5 91k 6 36 3 67 3 71 3 57 4 73 5 9S; 5 33 3 63 3 71 3 97 4 76 6 01 Ik 5 40 3 61 3 67 3 97 3 50 4 0 4S 3 67 3 70 3 85 3 49 6 0lJ 3 72 .1 67 3 80 3 SS 4 75 5 934 5 to 3 61. 3 87 3 29 I 78 Indicates Sunday. The i rtlclul number or enrs of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle, llocs. Sheen. H'r's, i'., M. & St. p. ity.... :i Missouri Pnclllc 5 Union Pacini! system 26 l fi N. W 3 F E. H M. V M S. C. & P. By 2 C, St. P.. M. O.... 30 B. & M. It. R. R It ('., B. & Q 5 K. C. ft St. J C, R. I. & P., east.... 4 (.'.. R. I. & P., west.. 4 Illinois Central .1 5 t 21 4 43 1 8 .11 12 1 157 11 4 Total receipt 188 Tlio disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omaiin Packing Co... G. II. Hammond Co. Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Swift, from country... R. Becker A- Dcgati... Vn ilea ill & Co Lobman fc Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Htintztngcr Huston & Co I.. F. Husz B. F. Hobblck Other buyers 62 35.1 641 966 971 3t 4 137 I .187 1,7.14 l.ir.7 2,392 2,1.19 3,011 223 263 261 2.034 2.271 1,697 1,192 Totals 4,149 11.073 7,841 CATTLE Thero was nnothcr heavy run of cattlo hero today, making tho supply for tho two days so tar this week considerably nlieud of Inst week or of tho corresponding week or last year, as tho tablo of receipts at tho head ot the column will show. The great bulk of the receipts today was composed of beef steers and tho quality averagctl up In good shape. The liberal supply, of course, gave buyers a chance to discriminate against tho common stud and sellers who hail the less desirable grudes found them hurt! to dispose of and wcro quoting tho market 6010c lower. The choice cattle, however weru 111 good demand and did not sell so much lower. The kinds that were good enough to bring from $4.90 up were only 11 trlllu lower than yesterday and tho yards were soon cleared of that kind. Tho supply of cows today was very light in proportion to the total lecclpts and buy ers were out early looking tor supplies. For that reason the market was active and stronger und tho offerings changed hands as rapidly as they were yarded. The light supply did not allow buyers to be too par ticular about quality, so that all kinds met with ready sale nt good strong prices. ' Bulls wcru also In good demand this morning and prices were stronger, particu larly on tho better grudes. Stngs sold about steady and calves ulso brought about yes terday's, prices. There wcro very fow feeders offered today und no one seemed to bo anxious for them. Tho bad weather has again shut off tho demand from the country, so that specu lators arc cautious about getting many cat- 'tie on hand. Anything choice would prob ably have sold aoout steady today, but tho less dcslrnblu kintis were Blow sale una weak. Itepresentatlve sales: ; 990 1 750 It 579 J . 3 52b 4 ,,, 503 1 56) 4 1056 7 t!W 3. 780 2 680 17 625 3 75 3 .15 3 S3 3 W I 00 4 00 4 ro 4 W 4 10 I 10 I 15 1 ro 2.... 3.,,. I.... 23.,.. 20.. 1 910 1 1240 1 810 1 1320 1.1 WTO 1 ...1700 1 ...1810 1 1190 2... 1645 1 1190 2 1615 1 1310 1 1240 1 1610 1 1500 1 1820 1710 2 75 2 9i 3 W .1 15 3 15 3 .1 5'J 3 tO 3 fO 3 ro 3 SS .1 1 .1 65 3 75 BULLS. ... 980 ... 846 1100 858 727 '.150 "50 1100 650 12V.I 868 M'9 1. 1 I .17. 6 4 17 11 36 ;i5 13 19 29 4 i:w 16)3 1. BULLS AND 1..., ).... CALVES, I (X) 1..., II") 1..., 425 1.... 6 00 I..., 1 10 so 3 SO 4 (5 I 20 ItSrt 1 1519 1 1300 1 1370 1 1900 ...l2U ...1690 ...I950 ...1990 ...1740 ...1770 ...1750 ...1700 ... 900 ... 720 ...1390 ...1120 STAGS. .1470 260 lw) TJ0 110 .,13'U .. 240 .. 120 .. 210 .. 800 19.i t ro 1 ti 4 35 4 .15 t 40 4 10 I 40 4 10 4 50 4 10 I 50 4 tt .1 fO .1 80 3 80 .1 80 .1 85 ;i a no .1 no 3 w 3 x 4 IW 4 00 4 vo I 00 4 ro 4 05 I 25 I .'5 4 M) 6 "0 6 CO 6 l) 11 : li STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. .1. .;. s. ... 890 ... 710 ..;iooo ... 980 2 50 2 A3 3 3 ID 3 10 3 : 1.... 5.... 12.... I.... 8i0 , 610 i: 590 , 6N0 . 470 il 30 3 3.1 3 10 3 10 3 53 3 61) TI1-t. PAI.VKS ... 300 8 50 2 330 I SO ...1614 3 80 . STEERS-TEXAS. ...117S I UI STEERS AND HEIFERS. 81 1 , 892 760 1 938 935 IM4 I 25 4 25 I 40 4 50 4 53' 4 ft) ID.... 17 11, 6 15 .1112 1176 , I116I ,'.....1191 ,utu 19 1135 AND STAGS. I r.1 4 10 I 80 I :i5 4 8) I 80 STEERS 1270 I 70 COWS AND HBlFKnS. 811 U") 12 jj 4 ' 998 I 10 13 UM 1 -'J MIS I 1ft STOCKERS AND KBKDKRS. 5... 5... 15.... Ka J . j KU'I3(25' 146 3 50 . 14 472 680 360 450 KM 920 . 100 3 70 J 80 3 V. I () I 10 4 'V. 1 15 1 23 9. 56 6'.'.'..'. II 3 1 U.'.'.'.. 21 i'4 631 7.10 , 630 , 74S 806 790 690 9S3 911 I 2.i 4 .15 1 4 to 4 40 4 45 I Ml 4 50 I 60 1 65 HOGS Them wa l)i heaviest run Of hogs here today that has arrived In tome time, und ns Chicago reported a drop in values amounting to from 6c to loo, this market opened about on that basis. The bulk of the hogs sold nt $5.9."4 and $5.95. and tho better grades of heavy hogs soul from that up to $6.w, so thnt the market wns generally 7c lower. Packers took hold hi fairly good shape at those prices, nnd It was not long before the bulk ot the hogs had changed hands. At one time tho market became n little firmer and more nctlve, but along toward the last end the feeling was not as good and the. closo wns cnslly 714W10c lower than yesterday's gen eral market. Packers wanted to buy the last hogs nt $5.90 und $5.92',4, but as Is generally the case, It was mostly the lighter hogs that were left until the Inst end. The bulk of ull tho hogs todny sold at $5.9214 and $5.li5, with a range, from $5.90 to t.ou. ah win uo seen irom 1110 tiiun: of average prices the market Is now at tho lowctt point renched since Thursday of lust week. Representative sales: $3.7514.53; ennners. $2.1033.15; hulls, $3.50iJ! 4.70: PHlvr. 8A.UKil6.50. HOGS-Recelpts, 20.(X) head: market fH' joe lower, top. J6.I214! hulk ol sslcs, ,$5AMi) 6.1! heavy, $6.0oa.l2' , mixed packets, $j.!vf6.03; light. $S.4!H.u", pigs, $5.101J5..V). SHEEP AND LAM IIS Receipts, 7.800 head; market, strong; western lambs, 4.95 (if.i.10: western wethers, $l.5Ki(l.9ii. western yearlings, $l.tV15.nu: ewes, $l.nin.50; cullo, $,i.00ijj3.t5; spring lambs, $5.50fl7.i'. 41. I.nul Live Mnek Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. April 16. CATTLE -Uecelpts, 3,500 head, Including l,li head Texans; market, steady; natlvo shipping and ex port steers, $(.6.Vu.).S'i: dressed beef and bj tchcr steers, $l.2.V!i1.5oj steers under l,0oo lbs., $3.5Offl,60: stockers und feeders, $J.0Oft 4. ft); cows and heifers, $2.0Mt 1.80; un liners, Il.2jff2.80; bulls. $2.5(7.f I.W; Texas nnd In dian steers, $.t.S0ii6.(Xi! cows and heifers, $2.l(ifl4.W). HOflS-RecelpIs, 11.500 head: market loo lower; pIrs nnd lights. $3,851)3,03; packers, $5.Mfv.9714: butchers, $ii.oi6.l5. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts, l.iK) head: market 10c lower, unlive muttons. $!.2iVri6.00; lambs, UOKK..30; spring lambs, $4.5lH-S.OO: culls ami bucks, UWWt.OO. Slllfk In Mlulil, Following are the receipts at the four principal markets for April 16: Cattle. Hngs. Sliep. South Omaha I,2is 10,918 10,1SI Chicago ,1,000 20,iii 7,0i Kansas City . 1, 9.7nn 20,i ?,mo St. Louis 3.600 ll.Ru) i,;og Totals ...20.138 62,118 26,.iSI No. L... 1.... I !!!!! 1.... 1.... 7... 16... 5.'.'.' I.'.'.' 46... 9... 3... V.'.'. 12... 6... 3... 7... 12... 8.. 18.. 4.. 27.. 6.. 18.. 19.., 9.. 3.. 5... 21... 17... 15... 17... 36... 19... 15... 48... 9... 21... bl... 20... 13... 7... 16... '' . . IV... 5... 1.... 1. .. 1..,. 1..,. 1.... 1.... j.... 4.... b.'.'.'. ,' V.'.'.'. 11.... V.'.'.'. 1.... L... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 13.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1... 1... V.'.. 4... 1... Av. I'r. 1180 $3 1)0 1116 3 83 770 3 85 ,30 1 i) 760 1 IM 1110 $4 00 1023 4 00 896 657 8o9 800 996 935 1200 943 905 913 895 900 1000 905 1123 1017 1079 1062 1141 702 1010 9i0 1116 808 9j0 030 1071 923 11 UO 107S IHnl 1161 959 1012 lutio 1097 715 , 989 1099 , 1067 , 1017 , 1016 1024 1072 1106 104S , 1095 1076 1037 1079 1102 1196 1023 mo 4 uo 4 15 4 20 4 25 I 25 4 25 4 23 4 30 4 ID 4 20 4 30 4 35 1 10 I 15 4 45 I 45 I 45 4 43 1 50 4 60 1 50 4 5u 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 i -O 4 60 4 55 4 65 4 Uo I 70 I 70 4 Co 4 6) 4 60 I 60 4 i 1 60 4 63 4 65 4 65 1 70 I 70 No. 4.. 3. 25., 31.. l! 21.. 8.. 21.. II. 16. 20. 37. 45. 17.... 8 19 67 19 3 20 21 IS 21 1 18.... 20.... 19.... 12.... 14.... 20,... 19.... 63.... 19... . 15.... 1.... 6.... 21.... 17.... 32.... 3.,., 16.... 46.... 3' Av. 1155 1143 888 1111 1330 1020 1171 , 1212 1183 1072 1385 1240 1141 110,1 1210 Uo7 ..1158 .. 940 ..1320 ..1213 ..1224 ..1196 ,.1268 ,.1266 ,.1195 ,.1169 1222 1236 1070 1144 12)1 4 4 I 4 4 4 I 75 I 75 4 75 4 73 4 7i 70 70 70 iq 75 75 16... 16... 3... 26... 20... 16... 20... 25... 43... 21... 5... 18... 970 1000 S70 1010 940 1180 910 9U0 810 968 1O10 1105 .. ..1210 912 1105 920 1120 1050 1530 1140 86) .... 990 100 5 916 650 1046 1073 1060 1030 .... 8W 7oO ..... 95 ....1010 1010 1250 1015 1140 .... 977 1200 101 130 997 490 ..... 420 850 910 2 ii 2 25 2 25 2 Ui 2 50 2 75 2 75 3 I") :i it) 3 00 3 00 3 00 'a w 3 10 3 10 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 7i !! Vo 3 23 3 23 3 25 3 20 3 :'5 3 45 3 W 3 50 3 50 3 W 3 W 3 50 3 .V) 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 63 3 73 3 75 COWS. 1... 1.. 6.. 5.. 3.. 1.... 13.... 0.1 . . 6,... 1.... 6..., 4.... 11.... L... 1.... 1.... 1.... 5,... 6.... 1.... 19.... 5.,.. 1.... 1.... 1.... 3 1207 ...1218 ...1261 ...1195 ...1215 ...133.1 ...1272 ...1016 ...1290 ...1324 ...1243 ...1385 ...1191 ...1243 1290 12.85 1313 1363 1371 1133 1157 1406 1363 1262 1446 1402 1424 1226 1279 910 1150 720 1110 1110 1070 1025 1080 1211 1148 1000 911) 96'l 1120 13oO 975 1110 1350 977 1178 970 1280 1113 1)70 US') 1291 1.120 901 luOO 1012 1221 1160 1161 1166 1470 1500 14.10 863 I'r. 4 75 4 76 4 75 4 bO 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 SO 4 SO 4 85 4 83 4 ra 4 85 4 S3 4 85 4 90 1 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 I 90 4 9) I 95 4 95 4 65 4 95 4 95 4 93 I 95 4 93 4 95 4 93 5 00 II 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 05 5 05 5 C5 1018 1 1216 IL'1.1 lll.ll IjllH. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 510 5 15 5 20 5 20 5 "0 5 20 5 23 .1 75 2 75 3 75 3 SO 3 85 3 85 3 85 3 W 3 90 3 90 3 DO 3 95 4 00 4 ro 4 1 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 20 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 To 4 25 4 25 4 23 4 23 4 33 4 10 i 10 4 50 4 ,V) 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 2 iJ 3 10 3 .V) 3 73 3 73 3 73 000 2 740 1. loot 10 )P03 2 900 2 725 No. 10.. j... 76... 93... 36... 115.. 41... 61... 60... 93... t3... 69... Uki.. 74... 92... 70... 67... 80... 78... 76... 78... 81... 66... 78... 74... 68... 40... 77... 76... 69... 71... 62... 65... 82... 62... 73... tlo... 72... 83... 20... 81... 71... 79... 38.. 32.. 79., 83.. 63.. 66.. 80.. 26.. 61.. 63.. 66 225 70 230 71 214 81 213 67 233 74 217 Av. Sh. I'r. ...108 ,...lfO ...200 ...191 23j 191 212 ,...lt9 ,...lMi ...206 ...267 ,...2v9 ,...li8 ,...220 ,...200 ,...22S ....231 li'.liw ,...2118 ,...206 ,...236 ,...238 ...220 ...216 ,...223 ,...233 ,...231 ,...247 ,...240 ,...212 ,...245 ...245 ,...223 ...227 ...241 ,...277 ...232 ,...202 ,...253 ...207 ...210 ...216 ...288 ...220 ...216 ...210 v' "IkS ...219 ...246 ...211 .232 $1 75 120 5 80 80 120 w5 40 80 160 160 40 81) 121) 1W 40 80 'ii 80 300 200 120 4. 61.. 80.. 77.. 61. ..221 ..219 ..208 ..225 224 62 256 83, 68...., 79...., "3...., 87.... 87 66 71...., 70 71 75...., Ill .244 .204 .249 .216 ."12 !248 .233 .215 .216 .235 80 80 120 120 200 160 120 80 80 210 80 80 200 160 40 40 40 160 SO 5 M 6 90 6 90 b 00 6 M 6 90 5 9) b 90 3 I") 5 90 5 9i 5 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 90 5 90 5 90 6 9214 6 921- 5 9214 6 9213 6 9214 5 921, 5 9214 5 921i 5 9214 6 92 6 92, 5 92 14 5 9214 6 9214 6 92ii 6 9214 6 9214 5 9214 5 921-j. 6 92',t 6 9214 6 9214 5 9214 D .1214 6 92JS 5 12 2 6 921s 5 921s 5f2l3 5 9214 fi 92 ii 6 t'-'h o 9213 6 92',s 3 9214 5 921i 6 921v 5 9214 6 3214 5 921s 5 921s 5 9214 S 92U 5 9214 5 92U, 5 921s 5 U'ls D S2U, 5 921? u 9214 5 921 6 12", 0 92W 5 I.2U, No, 54.... 65.... 67.... 67.... 70.... 63.... 63.... 62.... 65.... 71.... 6).... 64.... 72.... 71 21.... 60.... 68.. Av. Sh. I'r. ,.210 ..236 ,.240 ,.252 ,.263 ,.261 ,.227 ,.204 ,.225 ,.249 ,.206 ,.267 ,.268 .242 .212 .287 ,.247 .270 69 259 53. 68. 74. 63. 65. 70. 51. 51., 69. 60. 69. 62. 65. 69. 67. 62, 80. 66., 63. 69... 238 ....256 ....234 ....293 ....251 ....233 ....279 ....280 ....249 ....25S ....281 ....288 ....238 ....228 ....22.8 ....252 ....227 ....324 ,24J 218 73 264 70 259 63 249 81 250 64 203 .16 212 63. 62.. 63.. 58.. 69.. 61.. 59.. 69.. 63.. 68. .237 ...253 ...246 ...263 ...211 ...254 ...271 ...250 ...231 ..239 68 254 67 272 69. 70.. 58.. 67.. 72.., 67.., 64.., 32.., 61.., 63.., 55.., .220 ...212 '..260 ... .(.i ...267 ...279 ...304 ...269 ...282 ...254 ...262 271 72 239 49 344 57 241 ,.239 ...118 ,.409 ,.318 80 120 'm 80 160 50 12i) 16-) 40 40 80 80 80 40 80 160 40 80 160 10 80 20 40 120 200 160 'io 'io & 921 6 921s 0 921s 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 6 95 5 55 5 93 C 95 o 9.) 6 95 5 95 6 95 5 95 S -)3 5 93 6 9 3 95 6 95 & 95 6 95 5 95 5 93 6 95 5 95 5 93 6 95 6 95 5 95 5 95 5 15 5 95 6 95 5 '13 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 9.) 5 95 5 93 C .li 5 95 5 95 5 93 5 95 6 95 & 95 5 95 fi .15 5 95 6 95 5 95 5 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 5 9714 5 &7!i 5 fc iva i .lit'. 6 9714 6 9714 5 971s 5 97i, 6 97(5 fi 37(5 6 00 II 00 6 Oil 6 CO 6 00 6 00 73. 4 1 RS 4TI9 f 5 92A 69 318 80 bllBBP-ThPre wns n rnlr rim nr uhnon 011 sale today, and the demnnd on tho part or packers wns In good shape. The mnrket was more nctlve thnn yesterday, but prices looked about steady all around. Colorado minus soio as nign as &.uo, put they were hardly as good as the 15. or, HiurY vn.irninv A string ot wooei Mexican wethers brought i.io. which looKeu annul steady. Clipped wethers sold nt $1.65, which was also about a steady price. Tho market was fairly nctlve nnd the' bulk of the offerings were uui ui iiiai nanus 111 gooo scuson. Quotations' Choice wethers, $l.70ffl4.80; fnlr to ccod wethers. Jl.r.riffi-l.Til' rlmn., wethers. Jl.rifn.75: eholre Ilchnvnlirlit r. lings, $4.651j4.8i; fair to good yearlings, $l.6o irji.w; cunpeti yearlings, l.lj4.i!0: choice lightweight ewes, $4.2aiS4.40; tulr to good ewes, $3.75&4.10; clipped ewes, $3.9004.25: talr to good clipped ewes, $3.60fy3.9ii: choice lambs. I5.00ftu.10: fair In rood lnmhs. ll.TSco 5.00; clipped lumbs. JI.COg5.00; spring luinbe. jo.umj i.w, iceaer wciners, j.ioh,iu; reeucr lambs, $4.25$ 1.75. Representative sales: No. 6 culls 3 culls 10 western wethers 443 clipped wcbtern wethers..,. 419 Mexican wethers 220 mixed 188 western weiners 101 clipped lambs 511 Colorado-Mexican lambH... 1 Coloraao-.Mexicau iiunu,,.. 12 culls 12 cull ewes I cults ,, , 28 western sheep , 287 western wethei-s 53S dinned western wethers 618 western wethers 261 western inmns ; Av. .8 76 10) lu3 100 76 116 71 79 6) 61 83 87 92 , 98 106 104 , 71 Pr. $3 ( 4 20 I 60 1 65 4 65 4 70 4 75 4 75 5 09 6 00 1 00 2 25 3 75 4 00 I 40 4 10 I 75 5 W CHICAfiO I.IVI3 STOCK .MARKET. Cuttle Generally Ntemli Rous Weuk Sheep anil l.amlis Nlmr. CHICAGO. Anrll IB . I'ATTLK lief clots. 3.000 head; generally stonily; good to prime steers. .i.vni.w poor to rnetuum, wiv ntui-nei a mm icrurrn, ..ii.'n i.u. ...nn, $2.76H.b0: heifers, $2,804(4.76; ennners. $2.10 .ia; nuns, li.tmti.w, rnives. . !,(...'; Texas. red ninr. S4.254i5.26: Texas urnss steers, $3,5054,00: Texas bulls, $2.7Jft.1.90. UUUS" Receipts, u,ow neuu; lomorrow, 23,000 hcudl estimated: left over. 3,000 head; weak: ton. $6.20: mixed and butchem. $5.854i' 6.1214: good to choice, heavy, $6.(104(6.20; rough, neavy. j.xo.aj; ngni, .8jo.; bulk or sales. $5.93ftfi.lO. KIIKKP AND LAMRS Iteeelntii 1 wi head; lambs, slow; shorn lambs, up to $5.13: good to choice wethers, $l.76jfi.0O; fnlr to choice mixed, $I.IKMM.75: western sheep, $4.75 (Zjo.00: yearlings, $4.i6S5.0O; nntlva lambs. $4.76fi6.23; weiteni lambs, $5.00i31.35. m,"us' Kama Clt- Live fltopk Market. KANSAS CITY. Anrll 16 P Atr-rr l- r,. celpts, 9,100 head nut Ives, 600 head Texnns 90 head calves; beef steers and Texiins Mrong; stockers and feeders, slmde higher1 native beef steers, $4.70ft5.60 stockers nn.i reeders. $3.8O1J4.0: western-fed steers jim 4I5.20; Texan, and Indians. ll.fA&?MBcHs2 'exans, 13.&V&-4.00; cows, 3,24y4.V; ntUVr" LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION Inipnrtnnl Hulne In ( nine llrdire Hie nlliinl'a .Next Antinnl Con veiilloii. DENVER, April 16.-Aceordlng In the no tion or tho fourth aiiiiual convention of the National Live Stock iihsochitlnn In Halt Lake City, the next annual meeting Is to be In Chicago the llrst part of December As the International Live Stock exposition Is to be In Chicago at the same time an im usially Inrgo gathering of stockmen fr 1111 nil sections of th country Is assured, The business to come before the next convention will be of unusual Importance I he llvo stock men nud others Interested will be compelled to cnnlliiiic their light on the Grout bill, as the dairy trust linn de clared Its Intention to reintroduce the bill In congress. In addition to this the. as sociation Is Interested hi securing fuleril Inspection for all Interstate shipments of live stork in place or repeated stale In spections; tho Inspection or nil woolen nr alleged woulen goods and their proper classification before placed on the market, an nnntial classified census of live slock, w ith prompt publication of the figures, the.' extct linn of the time In what Is known ns tli" twenty-elght-hoiir law: n second 11s nlMant secretary of agriculture. whoo duties shall be tn represent the live st nek Industry nr the nation: an amendment to the Interstate commerce net. giving tlm commission Judiciary power; a thorough nr.d rimpeleiu Investigation of the forest rercrvo dispute by tho proper department; ftdenil action upon the destruction or prtdHtory animals; protection or our for eign markets; nn Investigation by the Agri cultural department of rnngo poisonous '.'rJSuiH' iw,1.icl1 '.,ro. caurilnic an ulnrmlng In crease In the denth of stock, etc. Hills nr reports en these subjects will be drawn at pnee. The first day of the convention will be devoted solely to legislative matters when these bills will be discussed, amended nn 1 ndi.'pted. so they niny bo presented to congress early In tho session.' Should any Moil-man have suggestions tn m.ik" nr iiL" t.!i7fr.pr lh,p "TCtary of the iissocln once Pleased to receive them at Ulllllks In II lit IIKttoil niil..A.L.il iv s nekmon ,. .1 u', V. ? '.'. V""" .' V o ward def ra y , expenses of , l7Tr" : - " i-t-ittf n liu nut i in .t!mi '!SVrfll"l...'m,l:.:..f Ahe p"rpos or 1.1- i , i .-i;-nii ut me memners or tils fi snn.Mri I ln. 1. ..,.. . t. . l . forts or t he Nil 1 1 n mi i i n..i ,. . ii .. ..VIS..": mM"n'"y ''KHIinate and iionnrnbln manner, thai tho senate nr the United Mates was Induced tn set aside the Grout ,.in'n?S. "A1,100 M10 rR"lutlon of this nsso " lllorr. ,m? ,MH'n l"r' loss pfim n ni dr.l'Tni'Ti fnCt lllflt ,l,n lonslltutl m rWr, ! .WW. " N'otwiuTslanlllX v ' wny nnnweii oniv an ciiual representation, these two hranclies of Im great Industry have thus fur labnred tn-f-M,Z !! ! :Pi?rr(?,.c"' ''niiony. giving ami cr ,.o d.ss.,h!r,lfi;ioVil lzWti ago"niVeting i c ;Vl,e, ik, imendmcnt w be nrn.,o..,i i.V, .i, '"Y:I"5 men: ' """p nMrr,1.'.nL"r"cIe .h'i """'i 1 of the constl ''Sc' . frr" ": range association or cattlo and orses or I'm !!!', ,,rr"e!'s "cliitlon slial bo en titled to ono dclogato ror each 5,000 head of s ock represented by such i.wniz, Ion snb'ri c,,,.,,r,r',?r''!.f-p''m "f gato ror each 10,000 head of stock renrel sonted by ..eh association.'' K rt"r lvp, Krn.,te, "c LM'V'?.' 'Lp Na'lo.n'il JiriJ7il'l!Cl1 f very year by Individuals de siring to connect themselves with tho or ganization. Tho original constitution matm tip prov ston for Individual membership but hn,f0iil'.",il rol,v',nMmi' 1,1 Klllt Jke City. conHtUuiloi"B "m(,m,,n,,,lt wn" ","1 " ho i A,rl. i:r';Xny ,,,lnn".M(ln Nlnckman who n ivnK,L,Li!L1)..t:ed.',"K' .,!n!li,l!,,R..or. ,rallnR : ... ,,iutvii niates may Vh- l.l,,.n m:ml,,e,lf thlH organization npoh tho payment of $10 and an annual duo of $10. such member to be known ns an asso- ....... imni in inn national Llvo Stock association, to bo entitled to a seat In all cnnvnnllnna tn . -,,v :; " v., .u iiiiiin nn nrnno. slllons which may come before such cou- iiiirniiiiiiH niiecting im eniisllliitliMi mi.l l.t.i,..., ne tlon. In all cnuntlcM where there is no regular live stock organization the County cnmmlNulmiffru i.t u,,v. ....... ....... i, .""in) niny, upon application, appoint to any convention of this association ono delegate. Such dele gato shall be required to pay an annual Under llila nrm.lalr,,. ,. i . .. , . V .'"...".. .. iiiiiiM.-r in promi nent stockmen hnvn already applied for membership, und It Is expected that by tho time the next convention Is held the auxil iary membership roll will cnntiiln the. mimeti S! .,n" lcn""K Mocknien of the United States, As tho work of tho association has grown Jo Hiich enormous proportions during tha lust tlirno years, necessitating frequent con sultations of tho ofllcers and board or con trol. II wnu H....l,1n.l in ....... . . ... . .. ...... u, ... .,,,-ii nliil lirHU- tiuartcrs In a morn central location, Here tofore the gencrnl ofllceii of Iho ussoclnllon havo been mriliitalned In the Kxchanen building .it tho Union stock yards, but In Mnrrh n suite of nfflces In the Quluey Itiilt.tlnw trr..a nr Cn,,.i..,.il ....... ............. . ri, i.i-ii.ii nun uurtii streets, lii the business center or the city, were engaged, anil will heiearter hu nerll. Pled by the president and secretary In con- j..... ...... ,. i,i un, v.niornuo Slate Cattle and Horse Oruwers' assocln- iiun. iiilkii iiucrn nuvn oeen substantial y (lttei up and will bo the hcodgunrters ror Inn ImliiHtri In ll.la nn. , , w " "uiiiijr, viHitinir storvimen In Denver nrn Invited to call, and as the olllces nre conveniently located It Is expected that this Invitation will be gen erally lirrnn nrl communications should be nddrc o 211 Oil ncv hiilMIn,. r,.,,,...,. -...i.. nn ni M,;"!i .;:2, n.Mvi.ivn i', .ii.iii rijv, necroiary cssed Buy FRVER HILL OF LKADVILLB at 6c a share; Company controls 17 claims la tho heart of the District; proporty being operated wltb a it cam hoist; bas a record of production of $160,000.00. Buy PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCK at 20c a share; tbo company owns 45 claims and a largo mill; Is n steady snippet and employs 23 men; will undoubtedly pay jlv. dends this year. Wilte for Information concerning dl?l dend paying stock showing an Investment ot better than 3314 Pr cent, to Herbert S. Bhaw, offices 14 and 15, Drown Palace Ho. tel, Denver, Colorado. Approved stocks sold on Instalment plan. Direct prlvatt wire to all Colorado exchanges. Teteplinnc iOJIt), Boyd Commission Co. Successors to James E. tloyd t Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION rm.il.N. l'llOVISlOXS AND STOCKS, Hoard of Trade Hnlldluur. Direct wires tn Chlmpn mnA Maw v.i. Correspondence, John A. Warren ft Co.