Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells druR.
Htockcrt sella laco curtains.
Oas fixtures and globe at Blxby's.
Flno A 11 G beer, Ncumayer's hotel.
Wollmun, scientific optician. 409 U'way.
PaaturaKC Judson, 059 Hlxth ave. Tel. S.
Alwuy unit to seo union card uf the clerk
before purchasing.
New fancy frame. C. K. Alexander U
Co., '3 Uroadway.
W. V. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
101 South Main strost. 'l'hone WC.
Get your work dono at the popular Kagle
laundry, "21 Uroadway. 'I'hono 157.
Correct and exclusive sty Its of elegant
photos ut Bchmldt's, 631 Uroadway.
Morgan &. Klein, upnolsterlni?. furniture
repairing, mattress making. 122 ri. Main si.
For hale, household furniture and horse
nnd hUKgy, cheap. Inquire V. A. Hamilton,
Mr ml hotel.
For cnle, high-grade surrey nnd single
liamers for same, almost new. Inquire 713
Houth Hcventh street.
A want ad In The Hco will bring results,
Tito sumo attention Riven to a want ad In
Council Bluff uh at the Umuhu olllce.
Mm. Sophia Mcncray, formerly u resi
dent of this city, died ut Bprlngvllle, Utah.
Hunduy, of a paralytic stroke. 8 he had
lived In Utuh twelve years.
Mrs. K. )l, W'lnuim of Lansing, Ml.:h.,
kmihI truasjrer of the Order or the Kast
em Htur, Is the guest or Council IlluffH
Iricmls on her way home from California.
n. J. O'lfanlon of Mllwniikcc, general
nrii!ilzcr of the American Humane hshuuU
titlim, Is In the rlty for the purpose of
organizing u local brunch of tha association.
Tlie ruse against Mrs. Annie Kaveney,
rhnrgcil with carrying concealed weapons,
wus continued In pollen court yesterday to
next Saturday nnd she wus released on
K. HtliiiHon has returnril from. Moll
tuna, where he has been enguged on sur
veying work for the llurllngtoii road. He
uxpecu to spend the summer hero with hU
Rev. J. W. Wilson, pastor of the Congrc
Katlonal church, went to Harlan yester
day to intend the meeting of the Council
liluffs association of the Congregational
C. J. Graham. Indicted by the grand Jury
on charge preferred by his wife, furnished
a bond in the sum of VM yesterday, with
I'hitrlfH It. Hannan, president of tha First
NhiIoihiI bank, nn miroty. '
The cukii against Fred Julil. the liryant
street liveryman, charged with uHSnultlng
il. l Hlevlck; wuh dismUsud In Jtlallcu
Urywit's court yesterday on payment of
the costs by the dofcnduiit.
Judgo Oreen will commence the April
term of district court today nt Avoca. In
tho absence of County Attorney Klllpack,
who Is attending court nt Itgan, Assistant
County Attorney, Kimball will present the
case to tho grand Jury.
Colonel K. It. Kondu has been appointed
assistant superintendent of the national
cemetery nt Ix-itvenwnrth, Kan. He ex
pects to begin his duties there about May
1, but hlH fumlly will remain here until
Justice Kerrler oltlciated yesterday morn
ing at a double wedding, the contracting
purlieu being 11. I,. K'oser of Allen, Neb.,
nnd Kdlth (Illicit or Omaha, and J. H.
Koser and Julia White, both of Omaha,
The grooms nru brothers.
The Iowa Holiness association's mission
will he removed this week from the hall
on Upiwr Uroadway to the building at
Main street and Mrst uveiinc. Tho asso
ciation has secured tho entire building and
will open a library and reading rooms.
N. V. Plumbing Co., teiepnnne 250.
Davis tells paint.
Miners uf Mercy 80011 to lleitlii Work
on 9.10,000 II hi I ill uK.
Among the real estato transfers recorded1
yesterday woro five deeds conveying prop
erty to the Sisters of Mercy In charge of
St. Ilcrnard's hospital, the consideration
aggregating 74,199.90.' The property Con
veyed completes tho purchase of the
ground required by tho filstors of Mercy
for tho site of their proposed additional
hospital at Frank and Harmony streets',
The new building is to cost $50,000 and
work will begin as soon as the plans are
prepared by tho architects.
'fun lllf ill liiHiuie Anylmii.
Clerk Heed of the district court received
word yesterday from Superintendent Max
Wltto of tho Stale Asylum for tho
Insane at Clarlnda of tho death at the
Institution of William K. I'lper nnd John
Hamilton, two patients sent from this
county. Piper died April 3. Ho was com
mitted in February, 1899. Hamilton died
April 7. He was sent to Clnilnda from tho
eastern part of the county by tho commis
slonera at Avoca.
Hubbcr stamps at's, 307 B'ray.
Grovel roofing, a. 11. Head, 641 Broad'y.
Ileal Kalnle KxclmiiKex.
Thise truns'urs wero filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J, V.
Squlro, 101 Pearl Btrcet:
William G. ltoss and wlfo to Sisters of
erH ,r Council muffs, part lots 3.
".. '""l I?, original plat of Councl
13 luffs, l j 700
r'm,Un'i9.imd,10' or'Klnal plat of
Council muffs, d ; 1500
. m.C' oIonlr.ll,ld w,f2 10 B"me ""di
vided M nt part of lots a and 10,
r.,"r'j,nuJ, J1'?,1 ,of Council muffs, w .1.. 444
divided 2-9 of part lots 9 and 10,
1 unv?1?!11 flW ot ,(f0"')dl "luffs, w. d 444
Uicy M. Fair, widow, et a to same,
undivided D-9 of iiort of Iota nnd 10
"rlKlil,Plt of Council muffs, w d. 1,111
Hobert Hlcakey and wife to Alec n 1
ton, lots is nnd 19, block S5, Ferry
add. w il &s
Christian Anderson et til. w 37 5-1"
f.lSJ otJ0 1 ot Hl,b of lot lM- original
piai, w a,., ,,,,,, , , 2 R00
Total, seven transfer ,$v5t
Mnrrlaifn Licenses.'
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
(he following!
. Name and Hesldente.
Mini uuiett, omaim t
Julia 'White, Omaha Lj
tharlea O. Murphy, Atnswnrth. Neb
Margaret V. Kfbler, Htockharn. Neb::::" 4
liSVV ' P'r0"-, Council muffs a
Mabel m. Smith. Council liluffs....::::.:: n
Will buy tho best pair
of shoos mndo for that
money at our store. Of
courso wo have higher
priced goods, but In these
shoes you can dopomi
upon getting an especial
bargain. , They nra well
made, stylish, or good
milrrlnl nntl will u..,.i n
long time. See thu dif
ferent styles In our show
Look fur the Hear,
NegotUtsd In Kuttern Nebraska
ana iawa. jams n, uaiauy, jr..
IU Main St., Council liluffs,
Funoral Director
(Successor to Y. C. Estp)
I'Uilll, aTHICKT. 'I'taona .Dr.
City Council Arrange! for Cnly the Con
tract of Last Year.
ttctdemcii t of Three Tliuusmid Dol
lars for Salt of Anna MlkesrH's
II n aim nil Will lata llnltsoit
Gets Flft- Dollars,
The city council lust night postponed ac
tion for another week ou tho resolution
providing for the paving of u number of
streets, but decided thut work should be
gin at ouco on some of those streets for
which contracts were Jet last yeur. Con
tractor Wlckham was instructed on motion
of Alderman Hrown to begin the puvlug
of Sixth and Seventh avenuos between
Main and Sixth streets and on Park avenuo
between Droadway and High school avenuo
on or before Monday. It was also decided
that the cement filler should be used 011
these thoroughfares.
Contractor Wlckham said ho was ready
to go to work and suggest! d that he be
given permission to begin tho paving on
Fourth street, illuff street and Willow
avenue. Alderman Huber objected, m ho Is
anxious that Upper Hroudway be paved as
soon as possible, and It was decided to defer
selecting any further streetB until the work
was well advanced on those ordered.
Action ou the i:ew paving resolution was
postponed, owing to the plans and specifi
cations being rcferrid back to the city
engineer for correction.
The ordlnunce providing for tha curbing
of certain streets as published was passed.
Sftlli'il for 'I'hrcf 'riioiiNiinil.
On the recommendation t tho Judiciary
committee tho city solicitor was Instructed
to accept Judgment against the city In the
sum of 13,000 In full settlement uf tho two
suits brought by tho husband of Mrs. Anna
Mlkesell, who died from Injuries alleged
to have been received by a fall caused by
a defective sidewalk at Stutsman street
and Uroadway. Mlkesell sued for J37.000
and the cases are now pending in the dis
trict court.
A. petition for an electric light at the
corner of Harrison and Harmony streets
was referred to the committee on Are and
Tho city clerk was Instructed to readver
tlse for bids for tho city scavenging.
Tho appointment of Charles I). Plattner
as extra patrolman was approved.
City Solicitor Wadsworth was given leave
of absence for thirty days, during which
he will take a trip to the Pacific coast,
William Tucss was granted a license to
conduct n saloon at 606 West Uroadway
and William Haskins ono at 160S West
Tho Postal Telegraph company's bond In
the sum of 11,000, as required by the new
orldnanco governing electrical construction
was filed and approved.
On tho recommendation ot the Judiciary
committee the council decided to settle tho
claim of William Dobson for 50. Dobson
was Injured by striking his face against
a projecting scantling, nailed to a tele'
graph pola during the repairs.. of the Ileno
building, and tho construction of the Wlck
ham building. The city solicitor was In
structed to collect tho amount from the
person responsible for the placing of the
scantling on the pole. E. A. Wlckham was
present nnd denied responsibility, contend
ing that the scantling was nailed on the
Dcno side of tho pole.
The annual reports of tho city treasurer,
city auditor and city physician were presented.
John fir rm 11 11 ttt-rva'a Notice Upon (lie
John German, who recently brought two
$5,000 damngo suits against Uroadway sa
loon keepers, alleging thoy had sold Huulr
to his two minor daughters nnd thereby
caused their loss of reputation, served no
tice on Mayor Jennings and Chief of Pollco
Albro yesterday nftcrnoon that saloons wero
being conducted In tho city in violation of
the law and requesting them to enforce tho
law as provided by tho statute of Iowa.
Copies of the notice, not sworn to, wero
served on tho mayor nnd chief of pollco, by
Conatablo Albert! of Justlco Bryant's court.
Tho notice reads:
To tho Honorable Victor Jennings, Mayor
of Council Uluffs, nnd 8. I. Albro, Chief
of Pollco of Council Uluffs Gentlemen;
You are horeby nntlllcd by tho under
signed citizens of I'ottuwattnmle county,
that there are saloons being conducted in
tho city of Council Uluffs in Ilngrant vio
lation of tho laws of the state of Iowa,
by tho following named persons nnd at
tho following named places In said city,
, C, J. Dobbins, B52 West Uroadway; S. J.
H. Hoyeson, 1C00 South Sixth streot; C.
Gelso & Son. 1020 West Broadwuy; Ilunsen
ft Nelson, 318 West Hroadwoy; 8. Madson,
326 West nroadwiiy! M. Klldore, 30 West
nroadway: C, Ilbold. 712 West (roadway ;
Under & Filter, 1001 West Uroadway; 8. D.
May. 310 West Uroadway; John Mergen, D3.1
South Main street; M. O. O'Conner. 92J
South Main street; Charles Poore, 603 West
nroadway; U Hosonfeid & Co., 164 West
Broadway; G. K. Smith, Grand hotol; II.
Goodrich, Tremont house, West Droadway;
Hoist & Bpotmnn, Kiel hotel; William
Hodgers, COG West nroadway; John Under,
15 South Main street, and many other
persons iind plucca not mentioned In thU
And you are hereby requested to enforce
tho law In suld city uh provided In soctlon
6 of the statutes of Iowa and under tho
authority provided in chupter 242S of tho
samo section.
Dated nt Council muffs. In., thin 16th
day of April, 1901. JOHN GKIIMAN.
It Is understood German Is not alono
In this ntw reform movement against tho
A Woman in the Case,
whether she bo iho donor or tho re
cipient of u watch bought nt Leltert'p.
I? miro to bo A Contonled Woman."
oi probably know that each watch
wo sell eurries with It our guarantee
written If you Uko-ns to 0110 and
works, o wo Invito your Inspection
iind selection In full confidence of suit
ing you tu the proverbial "T "
Herman M. Leffert
nutii-lnii, .Under ami l.'iiuruvi'i ,
IHIil llrnailnray. CoiuieU nff.
salooni. James U, Fulton, a well known
character In Council Dluffs and this section
of the county, Is reported' to be the prime
mover In this agitation and uno:hcr crusade
after the lines of the one instituted by J,
J. Shea for several years against the sa
loon men Is said to be threatened.
Mayor Jennings, when Been after the no
tice had been served upon hlra said: "The
notice w as not sworn to, and I see nothing
In it to call for any action on my part. I
do not know who are ths parties back of
It, although It has been Intimated that the
movement against the saloons Is not In
good faith. As far as 1 am concerned I
shall take no notice of It "
Xatltr of limn mid eilinv of e
hrnakn'a I.nlr Governor Alvln ,
.Saunders. 1
Smith Saunders, real estate dealer,
dropped dead yesterday ufternoon about 2
o'clock while waiting for a car at Uroadway
and Sixth street. The cause of his sudden
death was attributed to u stroko of apo
plexy. Mr, Saunders hud Just cashed 11 check In
the grocery store at the northwest comer
of Droadway and Sixth street, where he
stated his Intention of going to Omaha. As
he stepped from the store he staggered and
fell forward on his face. Charles McCoy,
a nephew of Saunders, was standing cn
the opposite corner. He saw him fall, ran
to his assistance and with aid of bystanders
carried Mr. Saunders Into Sellers' drug
store. Mr. Saunders was breathing heavily
and a few minutes after being taken to the
drug Btoro was dead. The body was re
moved to his residence, 803 Eighth avenue,
nnd Coroner Treynor was notified. He de
cided un Inquest wus unnecessary.
Mr. Saunders wus 69 years old and leaves
u wife aud two tons, Hcnry nnd Walter,
who are students at the Wisconsin Stale
university. He was born In Mount Pleas
ant, la,, und was a nephew of tho late Gov
ernor Alvln Saunders of Nebraska. He bad
been a resident of Council Dluffs for about
twenty yeurs, having come here during the
rear estate boom Ho owned considerable
real estate, among his holdings being the
Saunders' block on West Droadway near
Klghth .street.
Tbo body will be taken to Mount Plcasaut.
Judue Wheeler I'liul .o Itensmt for
Judge Wheeler handed down his decision
In the district court yesterday morning In
tho case of tho State of Iowa and Potta
wattamie county against David Johnson,
Involving tho right of the defendant to
maintain a dam near Heel's in Pigeon
Creek. Suit was brought to enjoin John
son frum maintaining the dam, It being
claimed that it caused the water to over
flow and damage the public highway, and
that owing to tbo absence of a flshwuy It
pt9vented fish from making their way
above the creek.
Judge Wheeler's decision was in favor
of Johnson and tho Injunction asked tor
was denied. The court held that tho evi
dence showed that the dam had been In
existence ever since 1850 and that therefore
the owner had a prescriptive right to
maintain It. As to the flshway the court
held that the evidence did not show that
one would be any benefit to the people
living above tho dam, as the stream was
not large enough, or that any edible fish
Inhabited It.
Mrs. Kdlth D. Whlttaker was granted a
dlvorco from Squlro II. Whlttaker on the
grounds of' desertion nnd whs awarded the
custody of their two minor children.
A divorce was granted to Mrs. Mary M.
Smith from C. W. Smith on the grounds
of cruel and Inhuman treatment.
Judgo Wheeler did not complete making
the law assignment, but will do so this
morning. A partial re-asslgiimcnt of the
equity docket will he made nt the same
Buy your trees, shrubs and roses of
Mencra, 62i East Droadway, Council Dluffs.
Telephones, ofllce, 404; residence, 4463.
Kiprea Companies IleRln Their Ho
moviil from Joint Ofllee.
In accordance with tho notlco served by
It on the other companies about two
weeks ago the American Express company
yesterday pulled out of tho Joint office at
the Union Pacific Transfer depot and be
gan tho transferring of Its business to
other lines at tho dopot In Omaha.
Routo Agents II. F. Estes of the Pacific
Express company and W. S. Johnson of
the American Express company wero nt
tho transfer yesterday checking out the
American nnd closing the books up to
date. Iloute Agents C. E. Taylor of the
United Slates Express company and II. M.
Heath of tho Wells-Fargo Express company
will bo hero today for the samo purpose.
It Is understood Uiat for tho present nt
least the office nt the transfer will be
maintained, although the removal of the
American will probohly result In the re
duction of the present force by one or two
Davis sells gliss.
iii:atii of caul 11. u. vogk.i.kii.
l'lonrer Saltier' of" I'ottairattamlr,
Agril Movent) -KIHht.
Carl H. O. Vogeler, agod 78 years, died
yesterday morning at his residence, 329
Avenue F of a complication of dropsy and
bronchitis. His wife, four daughters nud
one son survive him. Tho children are
Otto Vogeler ot this city, Mrs. Pauline
Beck of Washington, D. 0., Mrs. James O.
Dradloy, Mrs. Elmer Fisher nnd Hilda
Vogeler, all of this city.
Tho deccasod was ono of tbo pioneer set
tlers of this county. He was born In Mln
den, West Prussia, January 6, 1823, and
eamo to this country from Germany In
1848. Ho settled In St. Louis, whero ho en
gaged In tho dry goods business until 1830,
when be camo to Iowa and settled on a
farm In Keg Creek township, In this county.
Later ho moved Into this city and started
In tho wholcsalo and retail harness and
laddlery business In partnership with his
son, the firm name being Vogeler & Son.
for llorae.
After evading tho authorities a year and
u half, Sam King, wanted In this city on
u charge or horso stealing, was arrested
yesterday n Shenandoah. Deputy Sheriff
Canning left n8t evening to bring him
Eighteen months ugo King wanted to
buy a team of horses, the property of
Will Gtimra, a stepson of Mrs. Jennie Wil
liams of this city. Oumm declined to sell,
but later loaned tho animals to King, who
failed to return them. Gumm raced King to
Pacific Junction, whero ho learned tho
horses had been sold. The constable at
Paclflo Junction refused to urrost King
without n warrant, nnd whllo Gumm was
soeurlnn ono King escaped.
li Tlionsanil Inlirrltanrr Tu,
Judgo Wheeler yesterday Hxcd the
amount of collaterul Inheritance lax to bo
paid In'tho stato by tho estuto.of the late
Stephen Caldwell of Avoca at 15,618.2V
Camwull loft an estate valued at about
JU3.0CO. His bclrs llvo lu Massachusetts
nnd Now York.
New Chapel nt rYt nport Horn Eoon to B
Din I1U011 lliinkrufitcy Cnse Itt't crned
Snuilliiii. U Checked MeKlnley
to Mjieiik at Daeniorl .No
ItrKHtta fur Des .Moines.
1)E8 MOINES, April 15. (Special.) The
State Board of Control lias received notifi
cation that the new chapel uf the home for
orphans of soldiers at Davenport is com
pleted, and the board has set April 26 as
the day for the opening and dedication. The
new chapel is a fine building, capable or
leatlng 1,000 persons, and ' the basement
ball to bo used for drill purposes will hold
COO. The pipe organ, whleli Is the gift of
ex-Governor Larrabec, Is now nearly com
pleted. Tho orphans' home Is one of the
finest Institutions under the control of the
board. It b first organized lu 1S63 and
after consolidation of some other societies
was made a state institution In 1866. There
are eighteen well-equipped cottages, each
one capable of accommodating from twenty
five to thIrty-Ove children, a school bouse
with a seating capacity of 000, a two-story
hospital, a laundry nnd engine room,
manual training buildings and barns. Theio
are about 100 children cared for at the
home now, of which about S00 are children
cf soldiers.
MtrlUe I. nil Tmi Honrs.
The machinists on the Great Western
railroad went out on strike this morning and
came back two hours later with tho case
won. They had made n deniund for an In
crease in wages from 2714 ccntB an hour to
2t cents, with pay and u half for overtlm
and holidays. The largest number of ma
chinist in the employment of the Great
Western Is at Oelweln, where there nro 150.
The number Is smaller here, but the demand
was made liy the machinists over the entire
system. Thoy got no satisfaction and
notified the company thut unless they re
ceived u reply by toduy they would strike.
They did so this morning, nnd two hourJ
later u tolegram came telling them to go
back to work, as the company had granted
tbelr demands. Local officials of tho com
pany say the demands of tho machinists
wero proper and they ought to have been
granted the advance without a strike,
linlue Mfl'liersiin la fit-versed.
Tho circuit court of appeals of the Unltc.l
States has reversed the decision of Judge
Mcl'herson of the southern district of Iowa,
In the bankruptcy cose of Mlnta A. David
son, from Decatur county. There was an
Importunt question about the priority of
Hen of u mortgage on the property of thi
bankrupt, the mortgage being held by a
bank at TIHln, O. The referee In bank
ruptcy decided that tho mortgages gave no
priority, but that the bank would have to
tako Its chunccs on getting back tho 45,000
along with other creditors. JuOge Mc
pherson took tho same view, but today the
clerk of the courts received from the np-
pciiatc court at St, Louis n decision revers
ing the Judgment of the district court.
.Smallpox AlinlliiR.
Tho secretary of the Stato Doard of Health
reports that the smallpox epidemic In Iowa
Is showing signs of abatement. The warm
weather Is responsible for this, for while
smallpox- Is more-dangerous in hot wether
than In cold, yet ttjo opportunity for spread
ing tne disease ia lcss. The stato board re
gards the worst as past In Iowa.
.eT C'lirpornttiiim.
The Seymour Cbccso company of Wayne
county has been Incorporated, with a capi
tal stock of 2,000; president, W. H. Wil
son; secretary, II. A. Wagley.
The Llvcrmorc Drlck and Tllo company
of Humboldt county has been Incorporated
by C. Korslnnd and others, with $10,000
capital stock.
The Mulrony Manufacturing company of
Fort Dodgo has been Incorporated, with
$50,000 capital, by J. M. Mulrony and others.
Tho Kurtz Wagon company of Marshall
town has been Incorporated, with $12,000
capital, by Joseph nnd Frank Kurtz.
Killed hy Klcetrle Wire.
Guy Hitchcock, u Hock Island fireman,
was Instantly killed by touching un electric
light wtro lust night. He wont to Valley
Junction und met Mr. Myers, tho manager
of tho electric light plant. They walked
over to tbo electric house with a view
to sitting down and tnlking. When In tbo
houso Hitchcock stretched his arms up
ward and teuched bis hand agulnst an
overhead exposed wlro and was Instantly
killed. He was about 35 years old.
IlurKlara Gel In Tlielr Wok,
Burglars last night entered Livingston's
seed storo on Wulnut streot, Des Moines,
and secured $200 from the safe. They en
tered the back door, bored a hole In the
Iron safe und broke tha lock, then blew
open the Inner door with dynamite and
got the contents of the box. They took $200
cash und about $25 worth of drafts. The
drafts and papers were returned by mall
this morning, but there Is no clue to the
.MeKlnley In Iowa,
Tho plans of the presidential party for a
Journey In the west In June Include u stop
at but one place In Iowa and that at Dav
enport. Tho special train will go over the
Hock Island from Knnsus City nnd stop In
Davonport an hour nnd the provident will
pay nn official visit to tho arsenal on Rock
Island lu the Mississippi river. The Dav
enport pcoplo are preparing for a meeting
to bo addressed by Presldnnt MeKlnley.
I'rnteriial Insurance Troubles.
A largo number of Insurance men con
nected with tho fraternal orders which
bave headquarters lu Iowa aru urging upon
the Stato Jniiuranco dopartmont retaliation
against the Illinois companies because of
the fact thai tho Insuranco commissioner
of Illinois refuses to grant licenses to tho
Iowa fraternals on purely technical
crounds. Tho licenses for outsldo fra
ternals expired In Iowa on tho first of tho
month nnd luivo not yet beun passed on.
It Is expected that the Illinois companies
will havo 11 hnrd time getting Into Iowa
this yoar utiles! tho Illinois commissioner
changes his tactics, Tho fruternul soclettci
I'l Iowa aro becoming numerous and pow
erful nnd nro In a position to command re.
New Colli'Kr lltilldliiKs.
Tho next leglsloture Is to bo Hsked to
appropriate money for two college build
ings one to cost $100,000 at Iowa City to
Atold donperous, irrlUt
raprcienttc to lis "tha lima
si" I'omVa Edract, tthlch
eatHr tour anJ nanarally
contain ' wood alcohol," a
dtailf polton.
replace the burned medical building, and
the other at Ames, to cost $J00.OOO, to re
place the burned collegiate building. Plans
for time new buildings arc now being pre
pared and will be ready for Inspection be
fore the legislature Is elected. Inasmuch
as tbo state treasury is elt titled It Is be
lieved there will be little trouble In se
curing the appropriations for these build
ings, which are much needed.
IJuriB'l Wnnl the lleunttn.
Dei Molncs does not desire the regatta
of the Iowa State Amateur Howlng asso
ciation this year. An effort was made to
Interest persons here In the regatta, but
there was not sufficient Interest taken.
The regatta will therefore go to Council
Dluffs without a contest. Last year the
regatta drew over 5,000 strangers to Water
loo nnd was one of the most successful
meetings In the state.
e.ood for Hlieiimnt lani.
Last fall 1 was takn with a very severe
attack ot muscular rheumatism which
caused me great pain and annoyance. After
try'ng several prescriptions and rheumatic
cures, I decided to use Chamberlain's Pain
Dalm, which 1 had seen advertised In the
South Jerseyman. After two applications
of this Itemedy I was much better, and af
ter using one bottle, was completely cured.
Baltic Harris, Salem, N. J.
Eastern .ehrnkn Musi Walt I'nlll
Wednesday for Its et
WASHINGTON. April 15. Forecast:
Nebraska Rain Tuosday, colder in east
ern portion. Wednesday fair lu eastern.
probatly rain In western portion; variable
Iowa and Missouri Halu Tuesday, colder
In western portion. Wednesday fair In
western, rain and cooler In eastern por
tion; southerly winds.
South Dakota Italn Tuesday, probably
colder In eastern pcrtlon. Wednesday fair,
northerly winds.
I.d i' nl Heeord.
OMAHA, April 15. OfllclHl record or tem
perature and precipitation compart d with
the corresponding day of the last Hires
1901. 1500. 1(39. USS.
Maximum temperature... fil C2 60 fx
Minimum temperature. S7 17 45 15
Mean tiimperattire 4S 64 60 ic
Precipitation T .31 T ,W
ltccord uf temperature and reclpltatton
at Omaha fur this duy and since March 1,
Normal temperature 43
Deficiency fur the day 1
Total excess since Murch 1 2t
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Deficiency ror the day 11 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1 2. TO Inches
uenciency since March 1 4t inch
Dcilclency ror cor. period, I'ft) 1.01 Inch
Dellclency ror cor, period, I SOT 1.6S Inch
ftcitorts from sltr.tlona nl 7 I'. M.
"1 K
: 3
Omnlin. cloudy
North Platte, raining
Cheyenne, snowing ,
Salt Lake City, cloudy
Itupld City, cloudy
Huron, raining
Willlston, cloudy
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear ,
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, part cloudy
Kansas City, cloudy
Helena, cloudy,....,,..,
Havre, part cloudy
Dismarck, cloudy
Galveston, cloudy
62 65 T
ZS 1C .16
24 32
31 4C .02
35 42 .00
4C 5S .01
34 40 .00
42 50 .00
64 l .00
6!i CO .00
5$ 62 .10
CO 64 .00
30 36 .01
SS 42 .00
36 46 .00
66 70 .00
T Truco of precipitation.
L0c.1I Forecast Official.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Bynui- of Fiob, manufactured by the
Cali foi'.nia Via Syrup Co.. Illustrate
thovnlutiof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plnuts known to be
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them in the form most refrcshinirto the
tusta and acceptable to tho system. It
Is tho ono perfect Btrengtheninrf lnxt
ti", clcansincr tho system effcctunlly,
dispelling colas, headaches find feverr
gently yet promptly nnd enabling one
to overcome habitual coiiBtipntlou per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objcctionaule quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver und bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it 'tho ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
aro used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Sviidp
Co. only. In order to get iU beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full namcof theCompuny
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all D-ufglats. I'rlco&Oc. per bottla
Romovra Tan. PlmpUn,
Kratklea. Moth Patehaa,
lUiti and Skin dli.
aa, and avar;
bltmlth on baaulj
and danai dtc.
lion. It haa atonil
the Irat of Bli
Vfaia, and la an
iiarinlraa wa taatc
It to ba aura 't
la iiroptrly made.
Accept no counirr
it'lt or ilmtlAr
'name, Dr. I A
.4rV aald to a la.
liy at tha haul-ton
(a patient) I
them. I recom
ladles will
mend 'GOURAUD'S CIIEAM' as the least
harmful of all the tikln preparations." Ko
rain liv all Druerlats and Taney Goo, I.
Dealerx In the, u, 3. and Europe.
87 Great Jones St., N. Y.
Every Woman
la Ihtereite J and ahouM know
abuut tbo wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
iwhuhu nuctton, neai nai-
e u-jiom i;onTenlent.
Atk rear arusiltl tar II.
II he iMiinnt M'S
MAItt Kl.. ir.M.I ll
oilier, lull lend iinmn for 11.
Imitated book ' iitrta
full nartlrlllarland flllerllnni In.
ealuabla lo ladlei l All VrXI. CO.,
IVrom Tliuralldv.,.n Vurk.
A. W. K I, VMM. IV,
IIS Bnuth SSth Avenue-,
Umahu, Ncl.
There is no 25c. soap.
You may pay 10c. for the soap,1 and
15c. for the name on it. But you can
get nothing better than Jap Rose.
And it costs but a dime a cake.
Jap Rose
This is Kirk's ideal their utmost
t attainment, after 62 years.
The most costly soap possible.
Transparent perfumed made of
vegetable oil and glycerin.
Yet loc is the price of it.
The Literary Sensation o! the New Century.
It Is as Rl;li in Contributions as Any of Its IV-'Jc cessots.
JUl.IKV Goitliox (Mrs, Van llcrwsollnr Cru;or, contributes the leudlnc novel
ette. "TUB W.MJIJ Ol' CIIAHACTBIl," u brilliant study of social life In
New York anil Washington. No woman of the day Is writing' In a stronger
or more Intensely Interesting vein than this tulentcd leuder of New York
SIHS M. K. W. SIIKIIWOOII contributes "K.GI...H' IMtl.VCKI.Y KING,''
nn estimate cf Kdwnrd VII. from the American point of view.
HDGAIl HALT! S has a !clntlllutlnR o.miiy, "Till: II U KIT OK PAIIAUIMB."
HDGAIt I'AWCKTT is at his best in the story "llliHTOHH TO IIBIHTAGi;."
A k)lMi I'rlw Poem, "Til B DAXCIMi OK hLl.BIMA," by CLI.VroV &COI
LAUD, In u pleasing feature.
strong story of California lire.
There Is un abundance of other bright and entertaining stories. tocm
and witticisms. If you have not yet become familiar with TUB SMART V.T
buy the Jlay lumber today.
. All hook and newsdealers In America. Great Uritaln and Krnnce sell It
Price, an cents. Aniinitl uIkci-IiIii, taa.oo. Any newsdealer will for
ward your sjbscrlptlon, or It may bo sent direct to the publishers.
ESS E88 PUBLISHING COMPANY,-1135 Broadway, N. Y.
If you want to know about
a doctor, ask some of his
If yon want to know abont
an office building, ask its
You will find the tenants
of the
Bee Building
enthusiastic in its praises,
particularly if they former! y
officed in other buildings.
If you wish to inspect the
few handsome offices which
are vacant, call on us.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents,
Ground Floor
Bee Bldf.
The "Comstock Process''
Is tho most successful method for reducing and relieving
pain In all kinds or dental operations .that has yet been
presented to tho public. It has been used, by leading- den
tists of the east for nearly two years, and has .been pro
nounced by them to be entirely satisfactory. Our patients
nro delighted with the results It produces; Ir you arc
nrrvous and your trth are sensitive w will be pleased to
explain it to you.
..Telephone 15
V, L Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St, Grand Hqlal
Uin IHitl lor uunatural
Irrllatlitni or ulrrfctlnna
I la aitlAlur. at HlUCnUI HI. Ill lllll n.l. I
ikiii Ooiwj.a. I'alnlf... uni nut ai'rla- 1
(E-Chimi8hCo, Rtut or paliuavui.
oia ojr urantlsts,
ir .nt In plain wrirrxr,
r aipr.ia, rr-ilV ror
Mii. or 3 l-mlra, ijH
circular a.nt cu tiua.
Y? f A M'Q 1'A ItMr IJU I. .... ..-....- V
for tha IIU which orlKtnate In a bad stem
aeh. 10 tnr l,r. At nil ri.,ir.ut ,
la 1 1. Kill, w
WHJTE DOVE CURE never fall" todciiroy era
ik for ilniDK drink, Iho irprtlt
ilit aftrr uilnu inn rrmrdy. (
wllh ,,r wlltimil Irn.iBrli'rivM uf ftlll
hlitriniu & McDonnell ami Kutiu & Co.,
111... In IMllM
Monthly Ragulitsr. Safiand Sun. Naar
hint. Ufuoguti or ul Mill, fries, iz
Sand lor Woman's Saliauard (Irat).
WILCOX ME0.C0., 321 N, I Bit) Stafkllt., Pa,
Bold by Hhcrmun & itcCinuull Driw i
. ... - ...,. ,