10 THE OMAHA DAITT BEE: TUESDAY, Al'TtTT-i 10, 1001. LAIiR-BACON CO.'S STOCK Second Dij of till foiling f tbt ETamtilU, Ind., Diprtmnt lUre. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA U'he Selllnu of Thin I'lnc Slock linn (.'rented Unanunl liiter-M Tlic Com bination of Fine lnnllt- mid l.otv l'rlcn 1'rovliiR IrrUlfttnlilr. Tho selling yesterday was phenomenal. The crowds showed their appreciation ot thu great bargains ottered. Today's salu will have udded Intercut, with new lots ot goods not previously displayed, Uon't miss this great money saving opportunity. RinUONS FHOM LAIIK-BACON CO. Lahr-liacon Co. sold only the hest known brands, Including "J. C," "Fair & .Square," etc. Noto tho way wo will sell all theso line silk ribbons, plain and fancy. U-H.'b 25c fancy silk ribbons, 614c yd. L.-B.'s 10c and 16c ribbons, 5c. L.-U.'s 60c rlbljons, all colors, 15c yd. LAllll-BACON CO.'S DRESS cioods. I'lald dress good, part wool, worth 15c yd., on salo In banenicnt, per yd,, 2c. All wool dress goods, handsome mixtures, checks utid stripes, worth 29c, at 12Hc yd. Handsomo brllllantlucs, pray, drab ntid black, also silk and wool novelties, black and colored henrlcttas, etc., &0o and 75o rabrlcs, at 25c yd. 45-Inch poplins In a beautiful assortment of mixtures, highest grado plcrolas, crc pons, henrlcttas and caBbmercs, worth up to 91.25 yd., at 49c and C3c yd. LAHU-BACON CO.'S SILKS. All of L.-B. Co.'s wide china silks, foul ard silks, taffetas and brocaded silks, worth up to 76c yd., at 25c yd. Highest cost foulard silks, this season's styles, 27-Inch taffeta, novelty taffeta, bro cadod silks and satin duchesso, $1.00 and $1.60 grado, at 49c yd. High class novelty silks, dresden and Persian patterns, 30-Inch wash silks, satin duchessc, crcrao do chene, twilled satin foulards, etc., $1.50 and $1.75 quality, at 69c yd. LAHR-BACON'S UNDKRWEAR. Ladles' whlto llslo thread vests, high and low necks, 25c values, 10c. Ladles' silk mercerized vests, lace and ribbon trimmed, all colors, 35c values, 16c. Indies' summer undorvests, all sizes and styles, 20c values, for 6c. L-D CO.'S MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Ladles' 11 no muslin umbrella drawers, 16c. Ladles' cambric and muslin corset covers, 7 He Ladles' tlno corset covers, laco and cm broldory trimmed, 15c. L-D CO.'S 15c HOSIERY, 6c PR. Ladles', misses' and chlldron's fast black hose, fiDo and heavy rlbbod, all sizes, 15o values, 5c pair. L-R CO.'S $1.25 COR8ETS, 39c. Ladles' corsets, Including Loomers, R & G and II & S, all summer styles, worth $1.25, go at 39c. L-Il CO.'S LACE AND EMDROIDERY. Ou salo at H and H their price. Torchon and valcncleunes laco Insertion in narrow edgings, good quality, 10c values, at Uic and 3c yd. French and linen torchon laco and In sertion, Normandy valcnclenncs and not top oriental, worth up to 25c, go at 5c and lOo yd. Fine embroidery and Insertion, medium widths, fine quality, fast edges, 25c quality, at 5c yd. Finest embroideries and Insertion, swIss, nainsook and cambric, exquisite patterns, worth up to 50c, go at 10c and 15c yd. Medium and narrow wldthB of embroidery and Insertion, worth up to 15c, go at lHc 1. L-R's HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladles' all linen hemstitched handker chiefs .with hand embroidered floral do signs, worth 19c, go nt 64e Lahr-Bacon's misses' and children's fancy colored bordered school handkerchiefs, lc. BARGAINS IN THE HASEMENT. Lahr-Bacon's cntlro stock ot bleached muslin and cambric, worth up to 12Hc, go at 6c yd. 714c prints on salo nt 214c. yd. Lahr-Racon'a 25c ginghams, 6o yd. Lahr-Bacon's 25c white goods, 6c yd. Lahr-Bacon's 40c India linens, 10c yd. All Lahr-Bacon table oil cloth at 614c yd. All Lahr-Bacon's flno mercerized satoon, 3'4c yd. Lahr-Bacon's sllkollno, 5c yd. Lahr-Bacon's fancy plaid dress goods, lOo kind, 2o yd. ROSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Solo agents for Rogor, I'cot & Co.'s fine clothing. Tho linens from tho Lahr-Bacon stock will go on sal Wednesday. INVITES KRUGER TO OMAHA Local Boer IleHef Society Expects Transvaal rresldrnt to Visit ThU City. The leaders In the Boer Relief socloty aro making preparations to entertain Presi dent Krugcr ot tho Transvaal in Omaha on his visit to America, which it Is understood will take place this summer. John Rush, president of tho socloty, said that tho nftlcors wcro in correspondence with tho friends of Mr. Kruger In Now York, and that Omaha's Invltutlon would be presented to him as soon as tho dato ot hl3 departuro for America Is fixed. He thought there would bo no difficulty in se curing n visit from tho self-exiled president and premised that the aged burgher would recolve a royal wclcomo when he arrives. TO KIM, TUB DAMHIUIW (JUIIM ! the Only Possible- Way ot Having n I'rrmunrnt Cure. If you seo a woman or n man with lux uriant, glossy hair, you may be sure ncltbor has dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every caso where women nnd men have thin, brittle hair, they awe It to dand ruff. There are hundreds of preparations that "claim" to euro dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Horplcldo tells you that dand ruff Is the result of n germ burrowing into the scalp, and that permanent euro ot dand ruff and Its consequent falling and bald nets can only be had by killing tho germ, and there is no other preparation that will destroy that germ but Nowbro's Herptcldo. "Destroy tho cause, you remove the effoct." Announcement of the Theaters. Otis Skinner, tho clover young romantic actor, whoso popularity In Omaha Is pro nounced, supported by a company number ing Miss Maud Durbln, George Nash, Frank Sylvester, Eugene Eberlo, Alfrod Ed wards and some twenty-flvo others, will present at Boyd's Thursday night u dram atization of Robort Louis Stevenson's popular story, "Prlnco Otto." it is a charming lovo story, the admirable fea tures of which are faithfully retained in the dramatization and the Interpretation given it by Mr. Skluncr. Anxious tn Kxtrnd Fire, PITTSBURG, April 15. Tho Window glass manufacturers aro arranging n, meeting for next Wednesday to consider the extension of the lire which It has been announced will end May 11 according to tho understanding between tho manufacturers and the Na tional Jobbers' association. Many of tho inuepenueni concerns nro anxious to Keep tho factories open until June 15 and the general belief Is that this will bo done, us many requests have come In recently for the extension, and tho feeling of tho work men Is general that tho tire should not bo suspenuea uniu n niontn laier, Stooecypner prints anything-. Tel. 1310, VETO FOR BILLBOARD LAW .Mnor AniioiiMCM'n III Intention l)nr Imk Coiiforeiiec with Womnn'n Club llPiirrscntntlvrs. Mrs. George Tllden, president of tho Omaha Woman's club, and Mrs. C. W. Damon, of the commlttco named by tho club to securo tho pussugo ot an ordinance to free billboards from objectionable posters and printed matter, called upon Mayor Moorcs yesterday morning and discussed with him tho billboard ordinance recently passed by tho council. "Tho mayor told us that he expects to veto tho ordinance because ho believes that tho tax it Imposes on billboards Is cxeos uhc. Ho assured us that tho movement to free tho billboards from objcctlonablo posters ins his sanction and that ho will support mi ordinance slmllnr to tho one now before him, providing tho tux on the boards Is lowered," said Mis. Tllden, after tho confercuco with tho mayor. "Another or dinance will probably bo drawn at oncu and submitted to tho council. "Wo also discussed tho means of deter mining what bills oro unlit for display In public. Tbcro Is no provision in tho ordi nance for censors. Mayor Moorca ex pressed .i desire to have this matter left to tho discretion of tho chief ot police." a wo.Mi:iiri;i, i.vi:.vnox. It ImoHi'il I he i:MMiillttirc of n For tiini Koriootli, Tho Impression that hits gono abroad throughout our country that ouo of tha greatest industries of tho pant decadu was on the decline- is a mistaken one. During tho exceedingly dull tiling from 1832 to 1896 thcra was no Industry that gave em ployment to such an army of flrnt-claH mechanics nnd tool makers as did the bicyclo business. It possibly reached Its zenith In 1S95, at which tlmo tho prlceR for hlgh-griulo bicycles began to decline very rapidly, until now Instead of $150 being tho prlco of n hlgh grado bicyclo, ono-thlnl of that buys the beat thero is on tho market, and one-half of the latter amount buys a mount that tho majority of cyclists nro using. The manufacturer!) of bicycles went through a long slcgo of experimental work, tho moat costly of any industry in tho history of our country, and by constant and untiring efforts brought the bicyclo to Its present high stnndurd nt a medium cost. It Is safe to say that had It not been for pneu matic tires the bicyclo would never havu como Into general use. This was the one Invention that mado it popular almost from tho start. About four years ago nnother Invention wiie brought out that has proven tho second greatest Invention ever udded to this populnr device. It was not llko tho pneumatic tires, however, in one respect, in that tho trade wanted It nt sight, but It required months and years ot patient, persistent work to convlnco tho public that it was what tho manufacturers and inventors claimed for it. Tho device Is known now as tho Morrow Coaster ond Brako. It was put on tho market by the Ec!lp3a Bicyclo company, a concern that for ten years had mado tho bicyclo carry ing ito namo and which hnd been sold ex tensively nil over tho world. Last year tho company had to spend n small fortuno for machinery and tools with which to muko this device, but manufactured tho largo number of 135,000 of tho brakes, which wcro sold In nearly all parts ot tho world. At present the factory (a very largo ono) is being operated day and night, and has been for tho past year. It has now a capacity ot moro than ono thousand brakes per day, which aro going to cyclists In all parts of tho civilized world. Tho advantage of thiB woll known dcvlco Is that a cyclist always has his or her mount under control, and when going down a slight Incline or hill tho feet can rest perfectly still on tho pedals', and In caso the speed Is too much accelerated, u slight backward pressure of cither pedal will set tho brako automatically. The well known Morrow Coastor Brnko ot the Eclipse Manufacturing company is a de vice which It is predicted by manufacturers will soon bo on every bicyclo In tho known world. ' fUO TO SAN FltA.t'CISCO A XI) IlETUItN Via the IlurlliiKton Iliintr. For tho launching of tho battleship Ohio at San Francisco, May 18, the Burlington will sell round trip tickets from Omaha for G0. Tickets on salo May 7 and 8. Good returning for thirty days. Stopovers permitted on tho return trip within tho return limit. Through standard sleeping cars dally. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. Kndoraed liy Moay. To tho Mayer Company: I have sold your foot powder In my bootblack parlors; also huvo used It, with good results. I bcllovo it tho best thing on the market. I remain, yours truly, MOQY. Wanted, ladles to sell certain number of tickets for concert by tho eminent pianist, Mr. Joseph Gnhm, In exchange of froo scholarship of piano lessons. Particulars at 511 Shccly block, from 4 to G o'clock p. m. dally. This Warm Weathar Will Bring tha Bugs Out And when they muko their appearance they bit. Don't tako chances on their biting you. Get a bottle of our 8URK DEATH costa but 20c for pint bottle unci it kills the bugs on sight. l'crunu coo Nowbro'H Horplcldo 730 Cramer's Kidney Cure 750 Wlno of Cnnlul 7j0 Cutlcuru Soup 2nc Hood's Sarsaparilla 750 Hu-Cun Hair Tonlo 750 Stuart's Catarrh Tablets 40c Plnkham'B Compound cja 8. 8. S 76c Palne's Celery Compound 7Sr. 1 dozen 2-graln Quinine Capsules 7c l uozen u-grain uuinine capsules iou 1 dozen 5-gruln qulnlno Capsules 150 Hostctter's Hitters 75,. Plerco'H Prescription Too Miles' Nervlno tm cruicccn cur prick OUnHtrCIl druggist a. W. Car. lata and' Chloaao. 4Hrini unicigo decora WffjjR h"6l of thtie Type s l MB am bW YOST If you want a typewriter, why not esms first wksrs you can VERY GOOD SORT Or TYPE WRITER In its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIM of all kinds for all nachtass. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITER! REPAIRED. New Century The flitit catalogue ever limed U jourifortheafkJaf. WriteorC1l. United Typewriter ind Supply Co,, Ml FaraiuK 0JU ftmka. BIG BOOST FOR AUDITORIUM Herman Keuntze Donates a Valuable Heme aid Let. WILL BE SOLD TO INCREASE THE FUND Tmxm Are Fully I'nld nnd the Prop erly In 11 Clear Gift Proposed Cluinttr- In Utile Got em Iiik Architects. A houso nnd lot vnlucd nt JS.000, with a forced salo value of at least $3,000, Is tho latest nsoet of tho Omaha Auditorium com pany. At tho noou meeting yesterday It was announced that Herman Kountzo has do nated to tho company lot 3, block 20, Kountzo Place. Tho lot contains an eight room houso and is ono ot tho most desir able In tho addition. All taxes and assess ments nro paid and tho property Is abso lutely clear. Tho company will consider tho best plan ot converting tho asset into cash. Fred Paffonrath, from tho miscellaneous revenuo committee, reported that tho com mlttco bad completed preparations for tho disposal of nudltorlum bricks, and desired to Inaugurate tho salo with an auction at tho club rooms tomo tlmo this month. Tho mutter was deemed so Important that a special meeting was called for Wednesday at noon to consider It. CIiiiiikp ns to Architect. Tho building commlttco reported that It has becomo evident that n chango must be mado In tho rules governing tho proposed competition of architects, but that the changes could not bo reported at this meet ing. Tho matter was mado a special order to bo considered at the meeting to bo bold Wednesday night. Tho huperlntcndent of tho Industrial ex position reported that tho total expenses of tho enterprise to duto were S4.nsu.14, and tho receipts JS.4S5.18, leaving n not Income of $1,95S.1I. Thero remains a largo quan tity of goods on hand to bo sold. Several Jobbers indicated their willingness to pur chase nt regular rates alt goods on hand In their lines and tho matter was so ar ranged. Thoro Is quite an octlvo demand at tho exposition building on tho part of bar gain hunters for goods yet in stock, nnd stoves, Jawnmowers and similar articles are being sold at prlvato sale. It was decided to renew work on sub scriptions nnd twenty-two of tho mombors of the commlttco prcsont out of a total membership of twenty-flvo promised to raako n united effort upon tho residents of Omaha who huvo so fur resisted. Ki ry TllcRiliiy In April tho Union raclflc will soli tlckots at tho following greatly reduced rates: From Omaha to San Kranclsco, Los Angeles and Sun Dlceo 125 Oft Ogden, Salt Lake, Butto, Helena 23.00 l'ortianci, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle. 25.00 New city ticket offlco, 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316. Union Station, 10th and Marcy. Tel. 629. Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska Seed company, 1513-15 Howard St. Stonccypher, prlntor; 1201 Howard St. dikd. February 22 1S19. -'ana, i.' 1 1 1 . . . uiiciui inn resilience or jonn W. Fox, 1S17 North Eighteenth street, at 2 o clock p. m. Tuesduy, April 16. Friends DAIILBI3RG, Kdwlg. aged 14 years 12 days. , ' ... I0 ..".. turn iU-, I1 TCU DuhlberK, April 14, 1901. nt 4:30 p. tn. i-uM.iai nurvieca wcnnesiiny nfternoon, 2M.I Cuss Htrcct. Interment ut Prosnuct Jim ccmoicry. l-nonds Invited. Sorosis Shoes are Fashionable Shoes They must bo right, because ours Is tho only shoo storo in Omaha that Is entirely now. Kvcry pair fresh from tho factory within tho last sixty days. Then tho prlco, $3.50 It's a $5.00 stylo and quality for $3.50. It will do you good to visit this modern, up-to-date shoo storo, whether you need shoes or not. The store Is homelike. Sorosis Shoe Store, Kxcliislvely I.nillvM, Children's and Misses' Shoes. 203 So. 15th Street. FRANK WILCOX. MnnaRcr.' Stand the Test Lowo Bros, aro the pioneer makers of high standard Liquid Paints, having suc cessfully mado and sold tho "High Sluml ord" beforo other manufacturers would ad mit that it could bo dono. Lowo Bros. High Standard Liquid Paints aro better than others, becauso they contain both tho quantity and quality ot such matorlals us arc needed to muko them better. WKIOIl A OALLON, MKASUtlE A (JALI.ON, SPHKAD A OALLON, nnd then you can Judge somowbat of their vuluo; tlmo only run test tho wear, and upon that wo will stako our name, It tho paint Is properly applied upon a surfaco fit to hold It. Ask for color card and get our prices before you buy. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Harnam Sts. Set of Teeth $5 Gold Filling $1.50 up Exacting 25c Tho demand ot this ago Is for artistic. scientific. modern dentistry. Runerlnr methods and skilled workmen enable us to offor it at reasonable prices. I Mr I Odhntal parlors 1617 DouulnsSt. Elderberry Wine Th genuine kind-old und full of flnvor Just the thing for the Invalid nnd conval escent. Sold In 60c nnd Bo botlcH. IIUMHMIIKII WI3 AltH T1IH 1't'T IWUCU Dili (iOISTS. For cash you cun buy drugs nnd patent medicines nt prices named below: JUiO Wlno ot Cnrdul... R7c lit") Heplcldn (Newbro's) 75c l.l) Uurnlmni Heef, Iron nnd Wine.... 31c Full quart Welch drape Juice 320 11.00 Log Cabin Sarsapnrllla ftV 11.00 Klrk'H DnndrufT Cure 4e 11.00 Kilmer's Swump-Hoot O'.'c 7."o Coke's Dandruff Cure INj 50c bottlo Buy Hum 2,'ci 11.50 Vln Mm-innl 11.05 WHITE FOB CATALOGUE. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. OMAHA, NEB. FASTEST TRAINS SHORTEST LINE mwiwm m mil. : UNION WHtvW m for "Western Points. THE FOLLOWING NEEDS NO COMMENT Missouri River to SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND . . Missouri River to SALT LAKE CITY . SAN FRANCISCO . PORTLAND .... siTitns iKFosMATjosr poirrssTBD uroi Armainos to New City Ticket Offce 1324 Farnam. Telephone 316. HAYDEN S Another Exquisite Display of New Creations is Ready for Tomorrow. Eastor Is not the stopping point for Millinery exhibits at Hayden's. The sccno Is continually changing hero. Now jiroducllonb coming from our worltrooras each morning to ropiacovthosc shown on tho previous day. Thero aro stylish turbans with rolling brims becoming, charming effects: hats with sldo trimmings nnd many others; all showing that dulnty, artistic touch of our competent milliners that makes our trimmed hata ho stylish, popular nnd becom ing. Tho best of materials and un almost endless variety to chooso from. Dainty chiffon hats tho choicest. Tho offering tomorrow will bo especially In teresting as It includes somo very now orielnal ideus In keeping with tho advancing season. Special exhibit of misses nnd chlldrcn'3 hats ut 95c and up. Spqcial showing of an oluborato llnu of hats at $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 In black and colors. Sale of New Shoes Tuesday Tho greatest bargains in new spring tno newest, up-to-date snoes direct from Monday at less than wholesale prices. Special Shoes in Bargain Room Department Ladles' flno $2.50 and $3.00 vicl kid lace shoes, for Boys' flno satin calf $1.60 laco shoes, for Men's $2.50 calf lace shoes for 1.39 .98c .1,39 HAYDEN BROS PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sate by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail add 5 cents for postage. How Do These Prices Suit Lew Price Buyers. 23c Cullcura Soap ;qc 35c Cnstorla , , n-c 26o Carter's Liver Pills i5C 11.00 l'crunu 65c 11.00 I'alne's Celery Compouud ;oc 11.00 Plnkhnm's Compouud 70u "That Yellow Soap" 10c Eureka Head Curo (tho very best).... 50c' 11.00 Plerco'H Prescription 7,c 25c Hood's Pills 20c 11.75 S. S. S 11.25 f.Oc Malted Milk 40c 50 Ely Cream Balm lOo 11.00 Scott's Emulsion 75c 25c (larlleld Tta 20c 11.00 I, Interim-, gcnulno 65c 25c Llstcrlno, gmulno 20u 75c Hall's Catarrh Cure 60c 25c Kondon Catarrh Jelly 20c Fuller Drug and Paint Co., Open all night. 14th nnd Douglas Eta. THE PACIFIC . 10 ) nouns , QUIOKF.H . . XtS THAW AWT . or It BR . 14 ; tarn 286 ) MILKS n ( SHORTER lllO r TITAN AST Plahnrafp Millinery Showing shoc3 over offered. Thousands of pairs of tho largcat and best manufacturers, on salo 100 Styles Ladies' Shoes THU BROOKS BROS, flno Rochester,mado viui kid $4.00 quality shoes, Q flfl for ladles on salo at OiUU Tho famous ULTRA shoes for ladies in nil tho new $5.00 styles nnd Q CO qualities for OiUU Tho NAYL.OR $3.00 Rochester patent leather and kid ladles' shoes QD on salo In all sizes for liuU 80 Styles of Misses' and Children's Shoes Tho MERRIAM misses' flno kid $2.00 shoes, In laco and button, all Cfl sizes, for Ii JU Tho PENNANT school shoe3 for misses regular $1.75 quality QC for It Z0 Children's flno $1.15 kid, turn solo, spring heel shoes sizes 5 to 8 for 85C Misses' $1.60 kid laco shoes, sizes 12 to 2, for Children's $1.00 kid button shoes for 98c 59c I9C Infanta' 35c soft solo shoes for I RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayer Company, 316 Bee Bldg. rQHsV m fluV wKwwb vlaaaaW fc ViaV 5sP v' ' W$ m The Strength Men's Suits for Five All wool choviots Seventy -five round corner sack a neat and woll con- Btructcd suit you'll bo npt to pay S dollars If you go olsowhoro nnd get no better suit in stylo, fit or construc tion. Men's Suits Made of for Six all wool Seventy-five choviots pin stripes, plaids and mixtures round corner sack, nicely mado and up-to-dato in every particular, nnd cxtru good suit for every-day business wear. Men's Suits for All Seven Dollars wool cassi- mere, made for Tho Ne braska und guaranteed by Tho Ne braska to bo tho best Seven-dollar suit In America for tho monoy your money back If you don't think bo after you got It homo and get tho opinion of your neighbors. Men's Suits for Your Seven Fifty choice of stripes, pin checks, or plaids round cornered sack, full rolnforcod mado in first-class merchant tailor style. Other suits at $9.50, $10.00, $11.00 $17.50, $18.00, $19.00, $19.50 and $21.50. The very finest ready-to-wear clothing can be found here, and our guarantee goes with every suit. HAYDENs Cut Price Linen Sale. 300 dozen Linen Napkins $2, worth $3.25. 75 doz. Linen Napkins $1.00, worth $1.75. 125 doz. Linen Napkins $2.60, worth $3.75. S-4 Linen Clothb $1.00, worth $1.75. 10-4 Linen Cloths $1.25, worth $2.00. Check Nainsook nt 7',&c, at 10c, nt 12!Sc valuo 16c up to 25c yard. Dimity Stripes at 15c, worth 25c. India Llnon3 15c and 12c, worth 25c and 30c. Bedspreads. Extra large, $1.00, worth $1.50. Marseilles patterns, worth $2,50, at $1.50. Spreads at 65c, 75c and 85c, worth $1.25 up to $2.75. Dress Goods (iouiln nt Irs tlinn Jolt prlnn. It r ml $1.25 Oolf Suiting $1.25 VenetlatiH $1.25 Whip Cords J2.DO Hulling, M Inches, extra heavy. all colors $1.25 Vlgiirnuix S2.W tiolf floth li.ns CrrpoiiM All Wool ClialllK Kl'k Strlpo UlmlllH $1.00 Btrlctly nil wool Venetians Jl.fiO Park SiiIiIiikh $1.00 5)-lneli All Wool Suiting, all now spring Hlmilt'H Joo ChevlutH In blue and black Ko Mo 1.60 75o 51,23 ysu c ISte too 7cc 10c Groceries, Groceries onSale. 10 lbs, (irulmm Flour 15o 10 Ids, Hyo Klour , I6u 10 lbs. Whlto or Vellow Comment loo r. IhH. Sui-'ii lOo , r, iiih Pearl Barley JHo 5 lbs. Hlcu lOo Three Mb cana California Pears for., vat: .1 bars Wool Snap 3 bars Tar Soup, worth 25e, for , HAYDEN BROS, It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR THE Is Now Being Made From Fine F. R. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADB The strength of this great clothing s lies in tho fact that wo soil every gar ment at tho lowest possible price at which wo can afford to soil it, and wo offer to tho economical good dressors of Omaha today, and every day, tho greatest inducements in clothing that has over boon offered by any houso in the west. Men's Suits All wool, mado for Five Dollaro of good quality cassimero or choviots; round corner sack, good quality lining; plaid or stripes, nicely made and up to dato in every respect. Men's Suits for Worst Eight Dollars ed chev iots, in oxford gray, fancy patterns, checks nnd striper.- they aro all wool they aro tho very latest stylo nnd oxact counterparts of high grade mer chant tailored sutto we'd llko to have you examine these suits, for informa tion it not for anything else. Men's Suits for In a Eight Fifty selec tion of diagonal bluo serge in cheviots, in cns.slmnres, In n chotco nno ot paiierna, run remrorced, satin piped, round corner sack suits. Tho very suit that tho particular man is looking for. Men's Suits for Eight Seventy-five Fancy worsteds," cork-screw worsteds, fancy cassimero In stripes, plaids, etc. Theso suits aro favoritos up to tho present, and nro mado up In tho latest Btylc, round cornered sack, and satin piped. Men's Suits for Fancy Nine Dollars worst eds, cork-screw worsteds, blue strlpo flannels, fancy stripes, slate, grays, checks, plaids, etc. all wool, round corner sack suits, cut in the very latest stylo and with best of trimmings, eutln piped, and wo nsk your Inspection beforo you make up your mind where to buy. $12.00, $12.50, $13.60, $15.60, $16.60, 117.00, SILKS. L. U. Brown & Sons' Kamous Black Dresa Silks, known over tho world and advertised In all tho magazines we are now selling for half prlco. Kino Wash Silk Cords and plain at only 25c. 1,000 yards 36-Inch wide Black Wash Silk, worth $1.00, for 6'Je. . 60 pieces Handsomo Foulard Dress Silk In tho sateen finish a short tlmo only on sale actually worth $1.00, for 43c. Big lot of Black Hemstitched Silks for wnlsta on salo regular $2.00 silks 76c. Black Taffeta bargains that cannot bn beat over COO bolts bought especially for this sale. Black Swiss Taffeta, 27 Inches, worth $1.50, on salo 88c. Black Krcnch Taffeta, 36 Inches, worth $2.50, on salo $1.50. Black Domestic Taffeta, 27 Inches, worth $1.00, on nnlo 63c. 100 pieces of flno Heavy Colored Taffota for lining of walsta big bargain all ahadci full 27 Inches wide at only 60c. (ill.WI) IlItlJNS ;MI)S SAI.I3 KOH TlinsDAV Fine tiprliiic Dress tlilx! (llitrnHln lloiiin.) Half Wool I'laldH, worth 25c yd Ra 1 1 ii I f I'liHlimt'ri'H ... , 6c Half Wool HiTges bi Silk and Wool Novelties JCo Silk mid Wool Novelties J5o $1.60 Novoltli-H an $1.60 Hnniesptinn 2oo $1.00 M.itlri Berber .TJo 76o Satin Berber :So 10,000 yorrta of remnants of Wool (loii.lx, 15( Kio , 6a 1,000 Uress 1'nttcriiH fisi? l.iioil Urensi PnttuniH $1.!4 10,000 atlicr bargains In Uress Goods too numerous to mention. Oregon Itliby I'runos, 1 71415 California Kvniorated Pear.1, lb 60 Kan Johii County Peaches Sio Fancy California Alden Peaches, lb..l2'Ao Crackers. Hoda or OyHter ('nickers 60 Mutter CraekiirN r,n loo OliiKer Snapn 60 I0a Urubuin or Oatmeal Crackers f4 Cuban Tobacco. Croo of I900.