Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1901, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Agent Johnson' terra expires tomorrow, (( rl( .rolu fr Auditorium nml
, I iU BViUO ilia uuluumi
Nw JnT Road Conwues Enough t rr discontinuance of the
Tut Threattccd Strike.
Telenriiilier mid Trnlu HnmU Uc
IThr Only Trotnluc liiereimetl
ln- Wlirn They I'roiluce
I'rcmf of I n fair Si-nle.
Pledging ths Condition,
but ho will probably be given until May 1
to settle his account. Opposition to tno t.jii. . iv..J
agency 13 expected vivuoiifwvn join nuiti iu awimu
by the department omclals. Senator onmbio
and Representative llurke will no doubt
oppose It, and they -ire understood to have
a candtdato who desires the place.
.nrtlmcM I'nutnl ClinnKc.
Itural free delivery service- will bo es
tablished May 15 In Iowa as follows:
Atallssa, Muscatine county; route covers
an area of forty-eight squaro miles, con
taining n population of 000; E. 11. Turkle
appointed carrier.
Tipton, Cedar county; routo covers an
area of 11C squaro mllc3. containing a popu
lation of 1,932; S. C. Haker, C. K. Plerco
and Oliver Mllford appointed carriers.
Tho postofllcc at Rochester will bo sup
plied by rurul carriers.
M. W. Jones was appointed postmaster
at Warren, Converse county, Wyo.
Mall contracts awarded: From Mitchell
to Goshen, S. I)., to Elijah Spangler of
r(K I'rotlt for Auditorium nnil
llniiilMiiue 1'rlxrn Are Aunnlcri
After Wnrnt liner.
At 11 o'clock last night the Auditorium
exposition passed Into history and landed
nn tho rlctit lln nf the tedeer. I.nst nlcht'a
COMMISSION NOW GOES TO WASHINGTON receipts must have passed the $1,500 mark,
so that the exposition Itself will como out
Father of Fred Alexander Aiki Arrest of
Lawreice Citizens.
probably $2,000 ahead, exclusive of any
sum that may be received from the sale of
thu exhibits during tho coming two weeks.
The attendance for tho night was 1,800.
The Trocadero orchestra volunteered ex
cellent music and probably tho best vaudo-
vllle specialty yet put In the theatorlum
wa3 Introduced when Master Robert
NEW YOllK, April 13. It was announced
by officials of tho Central railroad of New
Jersey this evening that tho company had
como to nn agreement with Its engineers
nnd llremcn. Tho conference which brought
nbotil this result was held between rep-
tcsentntlvcs of tho employes of tho road
nml flenernl Sunerintcndent O. L. Hansen
and Division Superintendent Wentz.
The wages of the engineers and firemen M,tc,ieU; from i.lorce to Ut.nDeU s. rj,, t0
were increased, uui ino ich.-Bii S. A. Lovelace of London, Ky.
train bauds Hid not inrc so wen. -. Tll Ilostomco nt Uryan, Sweetwater
former wero told that tney win do county, Wyo., will be discontinued and
nu liberally as their feiiow-worner . . ma, Ront tQ arcen n,vcr
employ of other railroads ami i w j Volkincr of Ilurllngton, C. II. Uurew
train Hands arc to liavo auoincr Co...l....i.o .f (jr,nncI1 an(, wu ou,n of ,jr(len
with tho omclals. drove, la., wero appointed railway mall
Alter mo conicrcnco iiiihuuj .j...-, .-i- cierks.
rescntntlve of tho firemen in jersey v.u,
announced that there would bo no strike
on tho New Jersey Central road. Ho said
that had been definitely decided upon. Tho
company had mado concessions to the men
and hud granted to tho engineers nnd fire
men tho lOO-mlles-a-dny limit which they
.inmnmixii. Mr. Shea Hnld that the de
mands of tho tolegrnphcra had been Tho federal grand Jury brought In a true to settlo definitely tho question of tho re- romo of It camo too late. There was a
dropped for tho present. Tho telegraphers bill yesterday against Ernest J. Woltcr of latlons between tho United States and Cuba, great deal of talk, hut the committee
I,, rnntlnim to work nt the Bamu rato Schuvler. chamlng hltn with using tho malls but will report back to the convention. finally decided It all satisfactorily. When
ns beforo until they could bring evidence to defraud. tho voto was counted It was found that
to ronvlnco tho company that they were Wolter Is the Schuyler morchnnt who Is AUSTRIA-HUNGARY IS SEVENTH Mlss Variun 113,1 received 17.002 votes to
not paid as much as tlio tuicgrapucrs on sain to tiavo sent mreatcning letters to
Federal fir anil Jury Milken Heport,
ItrtitrnltiK Several Iti-illetmeutn.
Will Xot He Authorised to Settle Ques
tion of Itplnllonnhlli Ucnnltely,
but Will Seenre President's
Kxplnnnt Inn.
HAVANA. Anrll 13. At tho opening of
today's secret session of the constitutional iiuchtel and llttlo Miss Cocll Thompson,
convention Senor Nunez asked that the con- champion cakcwalkcrs, performed tho cake-
vcntlon cither reject or accept tho riatt walk to such eminent satisfaction that they
amendment, as tho resolution adopted yes- Wero repeatedly recalled,
tcrday Mas not a formal declaration and The first voting contest closed was that
was misleading. for tho most popular young woman stenog-
The conservatives considered that the raphcr, the prize being a J 100 typewriter,
resolution practically rejected tho amend- Tho race had been between Miss Pay I'ar-
ment, while tho radicals and tho radical dun of tho McCord & Ilrady company and
press maintained that It did not, and Senor MIbs Marian llelchardt. Tho latter Is a
Nunez therefore asked thnt a yea and nay daughter of tho leader of the band at Port
voto be taken. This was opposed by (he Crook. She Is now In the cast, but her
radicals, who have always avoided taking friends, chiefly among the Elks, have been
n decided stand. keeping hor name well tu the front, so
Tho conservatives wero pleased at tho that sho' alternated with Miss I'ardun In
point and as a split was threat- leading tho list. Last night both wore
ened nmong the radicals a compromise was represented by numerous friends with
offered nnd agreed to, by tho terms of plenty of money nnd the voting was fast
which a resolution was adopted that the and furious. It had been announced that
convention should not express itself either tho polls would closo at a specified hour,
for or against the amendment and that a Friends of both awaited tho final moment
commission be sent to Washington to reach to get lu their final effective work, with
the best possible agreement with the prcsl- tho result that Just as the final moment
dent. arrived there was a shower of (20 bills,
This commission will not bo authorized and a dispute arose over tho claim that
Twelve Have Alrenilj- lleeu llinmliietl
and Twenty More Are Held
Course of .Murder Crentes
It used to bo considered that only urinary
nnd bladder troubles wero to bo traced to tho
kidneys, but now uioduru scletiLO proves that
nearly all diseases have their beginning In tho
disorder of these most Important organs.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., April 13. Alfred
Alexander, father of Fred Alexander, tho
negro who was burned at the stake for the
alleged assault and murder of Miss Carrlo
Forbes and for the assault on Miss Hoth,
has filed Information with tho county at
torney against a number of those pnrtlcl-
paiiug iu xno ouruiiiK m - Ti, kl.lnnv fllmr nml nnrlfv M... M...i .,.
,an(. fn. Itinl. ncoa, ,ir.nn thn phurffn nf I . 4 1 ..
.m.o o I is their work.
muracr. Thi.ri.fnrn t,i.i,,. .. ..
Uefore Issuing tho warrants tho county " 7V " .. , . T .T.,V.r.
. . ...... . . , I " " .MU IIIIUL-IDIIHIU UU" l II It f IV
auorney ueciuen to examine wiuieaeB uiiuc. ..,.. . , . . -,. . ,,. ,.,
the law passed by tho last stato legislature. ori.ntl .,,, , ,, , .,..
Ten or twclvo witnesses have been exam- If vo nt ,,, .... ..'.'.. . .
ined Twenty more witnesses are to bo tho Mw d,BCOVor ; kllmrr'a arnp
examined beforo tho county attorney dc ltoot( bcenU30 n Mon '
cldes whether ho will Issue the warrants. thcv wl h, ,. , ...
Ilnll, o. n.t Aln.ntl.lir . . -"" ""-. ...fc.w.a in IIVUIWI.
" "VM ".. ,u,,n- - i i irinl will pnnl'liinn n.n
p.flldn In i I ii Vi i ti n t.i ii a nf thn U'ltnnHSnfl I
other roads. This they had bo far been Senator Thomas Kearns of Utah demand
unable to do. Tho demands of the train- Ing $.',000 and stating that his family would
men, It was further stated, would nlso ro- suffer Injuries If tho request was not corn-
main In abeynnco for three months. At thu plied with
end of that tlmo tho question of their Frank Delbrldgo was Indicted for having
13,105 for Miss Itetchaidt. The total re-
K. n....tnl..n. A......r.lliiir o Censnn ceipis lor mo mnciime ran up 10 jyi.ia,
Taken l.ast Uereinlier, l'lacen
It After (iernmny.
while two $20 bills that bad been paid In,
ono for each of the women named, wero
returned, because they bad been voted after
WASHINOTON, April 13. The present M1'0 ""J" announced for closing,
vauru mluht ncaln bo considered by the In his possession nnd passinK counterfeit nnmilatlon of thn Austro-Huncarlan mon- Tll vo'g 011 'no most popular policeman
.n i ..m.ui. tnonov. Sovernl miinthn nirn n innn unlrt I .nhv i Di.r.u-n h ihn tinnmhnr rnniin m was next closed and resulted in Officer
- to be I)e br ( eo mado somo nurchases from hn nhnut Jfi.ft'.n nnn. nr Bllchtlv creator ninimig mo nne nwerpcnaum pipe,
I lupni U MAhl'U APPfllNTMFrJ T nn lnami frlllt vendor and gavo a counter- than that of Japan. With reference to " received a total of 7,800 votes to 3.315
LINUULN ITlnN O ArrUIW I ffltn I . d ,. ..clia.. Thn limn ha(1 . .,,. Aiitrin.iiunnrv Is the HBventh 'or Olllcor Welscnbcrg and 1.355 for Officer
woman's, hat under hla rnnt. nnlhrlilirn I m .,t.i ihn.. h.ii i Osbum. When tlmo was called $30 that
KvldriiLM: of Administration' Inlent WH, arrest0(1 ft BUort Urae afterwar,i with number of Inhabitants being Chlnn, the was Just nl)0l,t casl 1,lto the hopper for
to Continue Direction of Cuban the Jl0t jn hIs posseflston and Identified by Hrltlsh empire, the Husslan empire, the Welscnbcrg was shut out. Tho total ro-
tho frultscllei us tho man who had ut- United States, Franco and tho C-erman cm- ccPts for thc P'P wcro $132.10,
WASHINOTON, April 13. (Special Tclo
cram.) Tho appointment of Charles E. Ma
goon of Lincoln to be law ofllccr of the In- discharged. Nineteen of the Indictments a more rapid growth than it has expert
nular division of tno war ueparuncui, now wero announced and the other seventeen enced In previous decades
tinder tho direction oi iieuicnuni ouiuudi wero suppressed because tho persons whom
Clarcnco Edwards of tho army, which was they concern aro not In custody. Seventeen
mado today by tho president, whllo not In 0f tho truo bills were Indictments for sell
tho nnturo of n promotion from his present ing liquor to Indians.
position, Is regarded hero as Indicating a The grand Jury has been In session since
desire, on tho part of tho War department April 1. Tho mombers wero paid $2 a day
officials to take caro of thoso who came Into and the entire cost of tho session to tho
tho department during ox-Asslstnnt Secro- government waB $'J29.10,
tarv Melklelohn's term of office. Magoon
1ms izlvcn excellent satisfaction to his stl
nerlors and Is regarded as an exceptional
law clerk, who has had to deal during his
government service with mnny trying and
complex problems. This appointment Is also
regarded as outlining tho policy of the gov
ernment toward Cuba, and It Is clenrly tho
purposo of tho administration to contlnuo
tho direction of affairs in tno isiana, es
peelally looking to tho collection of cus- at tho Methodist church Thursday night
toms, for some tlmo to come.
To Trap Yellowstone l'oacliem
Secretary Hitchcock today approved tho
contract mado with B. F. Stahlo of Chey
onne. Wyo.. for a survey during the com
ing senson of sixty miles of northern and
western boundary of tho l cllowstono' isa
tlonal park; At tho last" session of con
gross $3,000 was appropriated for this sur
vey, which Is desired for tho express pur
poso of definitely marking the boundary havo been quito ill, havo recovered and Mr.
linos of tho park so that poaencra upon f ox is able to fill his place as principal,
largo game cannot take advantago of tho Communion services will bo conducted at
present uncertainties of tho location and (no Methodist church this morning at 11
thus socuro oxemptlon from punishment 0-ciock 1)y tne p,lstor, Itev. Mr. Marklcy.
under tho United States laws. ,.,,,. Alr1 ., ,, ...
Kelly Thursday afternoon. It will meet nt
Tho Interior department has dismissed tho homo of Mrs. Hoffman In two weeks.
tho protests ngalnst tho withdrawn! from "Sunlight, or tho Diamond King," was
public entry of twenty-four townships of KVen by tho Benson IJramatlc club at the
land In tho Salt Creek oil district, Wyo- town ha, Friday and Saturday nlKhts. A
tcrcd tho false money. nire Employes and friends or Gottlieb Storz,
Thlrty-slx truo bills in all were broucht tmrlmr thn l.nat ten vrnn thn nnmilatlon Prosiucni una proprietor oi mo btorz urew
In by tho federal crand lurv before It was nf An.irin ninm hnn innrnnnnii n a nor rent. '"8 company, attested their appreciation
uuu kuuuwiii luwuru mm u) uuouuiig mm
abovo all rivals In tho race for the hand
some spider phaeton put as tho prize In the
voting contest to detcrraino who Is tho most
popular man In Omaha. Up to last night
tho name of Mr. Storz had not been men
tloncd and the contest lay between J. Frank
Carpenter nnd II. J. Penfold, with the odds
largely In favor of tho latter. When the
name of Storz was Inserted In tho list
friends of Mr. Tenfold realized that they
were "up against it," for the votes came
In showers for tho brewer. Penfold's back
ers mado a gallant fight, which cost them
an oven $150, but tho Storz forces were not
thcro to count tho cost and when tho an
nouncemcnt was made that he wns the win
ncr It had cost his adherents the handsome
sum of $503. Tho total receipts from the
vehlclo wero $1,015.20,
The custom-made suit of clothing put up
for the most popular mall carrier went to
C. n. Newton with little opposition and
I. W. Minor captured the Elk emblematic
pin In an easy race. Tho Kemlngton type
writer went to C. 13. Wilson of tho E. K
Druco company. 'One of the two expensive
jardinieres went to a man named Buffler,
connected with tho Vienna hotel, and tho
other to H. F. Field of the Carpenter Paper
company. Chrlssy Callahan won the pal
of Belgian hares for having sold the most
exposition tickets during the week. The
committee voted a flno gold buffalo ring to
CrtlPPLE CREEK, Colo., April 13. An John Hochstrasscr ns tho most nonular
electric car on tho high line or tne cripple uunaio in umana, much to his surprise.
Creek District railway Jumped the track
Vr Nnrvlvorn Ilemeraltered by the
tieiierat Ooverunient.
WASHINGTON, April 13. (Special.)
Pensions havo been granted as follows:
Issue nf March 29:
Nebraska: Original (Special April 1),
Jumes M. Oiinunlll, Stockvllle, 5G: James II.
Stewart, Omaha, JS. Increase Sherman 1.
Lester. Beatrice, $10.
Iowa: Additional John D. Arnold, Cum-
Ilenaan. 1.1. Itonr'a. Ciirnill. t15. Innrnnan Ilonrv
Miss Flora McDowell Is visiting In Ben- Walston. Algonu. $10; William Burger,
son, her school In Ponca being closed. Luton. $8: Chnrles II. Selllck. Dows. Ml):
A real estate ofllco and building of James ton, $2t. Original widows, etc. (Special
accrued, April l), l tattle is. Turner, ubku-
loosa. w.
A. Howard. Ib being built on Maync street.
Tho quarterly conferenco meeting was
Miss Lottlo and Bella Smith of Platts-
mouth spent a few days visiting friends In
Tho spring opening of Krug's park took
place last Sunday and largo crowds from
Omaha were present.
A free exhibition of trained, dog's was
given In front of tho postofflco by a troupo
from Omaha Tuesday night.
Prof. Gcorgo Kox and son. Harry, who
South Dakota: Restoration nnd ad
ditional Bernard Breldenbach (dend). Hills
view. $10. Original widows, etc. Edlgna
Breldenbach, Ilillsview, $S.
North Dakota: Original John Hender
son, Winchester, $S; Morris Dumas, St.
John, $6: James A. Corothcrs, Velva, $6.
Colorado: Original widows, etc. (Spe
cial accrued, April 1), Margaret A. Fields,
Colorado Springs. $12.
Kleclrlc Car lumpa Track and Top
plea Over, KesullInK In Many
and completely turned over at the terminal
station, corner of Second and Myers
avenues, today, Injuring tho motorman and
ton of the twenty passengers.
Tho most seriously Injured are:
Ends Life In the River.
John Bllek, a Bohemian tailor, who has
resided at 1918 South Eighteenth street
committed sulcldo yesterday morning by
Jumping headlong Into the Missouri river
T T Hf1.., i.rlnil. onnnn aol nn "UUH ' ' l O rillge,
of "seine, also' lnternallj Injured: will Despondency because of advancing; years
The Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
I'o Prove what thin Wonderful Xcw
Discovery, S A.HIMtOOT, will do
lor YOU )2very Keiulor oi The Hoe
limy have a s.uupie bottle seat ab
solutely free by mall.
or tho naturo of the testimony or indicate
the result of the Investigation, which Is
to bo continued Monday.
Tho news of Investigation and tho pros
pective Issuing of warrants Is causing
great excitement In tho city, especially
among thoso who were clamorous for tho
punishment of Alexander.
Atexander will ask for warrants for ono
of the city officials and a policeman, who,
he charges, assisted In piling tho fuel
around tho stake nnd aiding In tho burning.
Clancv Delivers
Document to Senator
Senator J. II. Millard's commission wns
delivered to him yesterday by It. J. Clancy,
Allinni. tlm mntii rn.tmii. .it... u. .........
. . " .......J ......V.Ud .Mil-.-. .H ....1(111.
KOCJt IllVeMtlL'llteil llV THn II..., (tin mm
wo iiubllsdi this week for thu benefit of our
renders speaks In the highest terms of tho
nuiiui'iiui curauvo properties or tills great
remedy. Mr. Hubert Horner, II West 117th 9t .
row iork Cltv. w rites: "t l.-i.l lu...r. unrr.,ri.,-
severely irom kidney trouble. All symptoms
wcro on mind: my former strength nnd power
mul loft me; I could hardly drag myself along
liven my mental capacity was giving out. and
i wlseil to die. It wns then 1 saw mi
iuieiuemeiu or yours In a New York paper,
i . uiivu I'iiiu any iiueninn in u
nnd It not promised a sworn gtmrunteo with
every bottlo of your medicine, asserting that
Jour Swamp-Hoot Is purely vegetable, and
does not contain iinv iwmnrul iimim. r m..
seventy yeam uml four months old. and with a
f, cuuiMsiuiico i en ii recommend Hvnnnp
ltoot to all sufferers from kidney troubles.
Ijour members of mv family havo been using
Hwamp-ltoot for rour different kidney dis
eases, with tho samo good results,"
'Prut fiiu
Weak and unhealthy kidneys nro resnonslblo
chief clerk In tho executive department nt for many kinds of diseases and If permitted to
Lincoln, inc unto or the commission was continue much suffering, with fatal results nro
made April 9, though tho election occurred suro to follow. Kidney troublo Irritates tho
March 28. It bears tho signature of Gov- nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleepless and
crnor Dietrich. Tho commission for Sena- Irritable. Makes you pass water often during
tor Dicmcn win not no issued until gov- tno day and obliges you to get up mnny times Swamp-Hoot Is pleasant to take.
emur d.iyKb is iusiumvu iu unite, n mr. , ur ,lc thn n Willi. tin lea tbv kidney nun n vrnvnl entnrrli nf thn lilnd-
Dletrlch, as governor, cannot sign his own ,lcl.( ,)aln or duI, ncll0 , tnu haci JolnU a nJ nlUgcU,8( lnnkc8 your hra(1 ncho and
COfflllllfiSlOO I hlirtr nntin rntianu IniltaHtin at rutin nit nn .1 llunn i.n..l,tn tt n ..nllnu' vnllnmr
comiiloxlon, makes you feel as though yo u had heart trouble: you may havo plenty
of ambition, but no strength; got weak and wnsto away.
In taking Swnmp-Koot you nfiord untur al help to naturo, for Swnmp-ltoot la the
most perfect hoalcr and gentle aid to tho k tdncys that Is known to medical science.
Many women suffer untold misery becau so tho nature of their dlseaso Is not cor
rectly understood: In most cases they ar o led to bcllovo thut womb troublo or
Tho last number of tho Omaha teuchers' fn main unnknrn nf anmn nnrf In rnatuinql Itln tnr tlmlt mnn Itlu whon In tnrt. Hl-
lecture course will bo In Uoyd's theater .,,.,, i,,,i , ,,, ,,.. , i, ,.,,.,., ,.,.i.i
Thursday night, April 23. Hecnuso or 111- - " nuuu.vo.
health Hamilton W. Miible, who had been It thcro Is nuy doubt In your mind n s to your condltlou, tako from your urlno
secured ns the final uttructlon, was com- on rising nbout four ounces: plnco It In n glass or bottlo nnd let It stnnd twenty-
pelled to. cancel Ills engagement. The fmlr ilollrH. if nn pvnmlnntlnn It In mil b nr If tln.rn In n hrlpk.dtist set-
teacners nave oeen rortunato in getting in ",, , ,: -- - -i - -- - - - -
his stead an attraction of great merit In 'nK or It small particles float nbout In It, your kidneys aro in need of lmmcdlato at-
Illatchford Kavanugh and "Honey's Hoys' " tentlon.
SeKknowrWeek rJrnmmen.Vnlin Jn dis" " 'ou nro a,r;tlur convinced that Swatn p-Itoot Is what you need, you can purchaso
cernlng lovers of music. Kspeclal Interest tnc regular fifty-cent nnd ono dollar slio bo ttlo at drug stores everywhere.
mi. Kiii in Mi's
Kidney, Liver and Bladder
tfa tlka fine two or UTM
ttunoonruri l. f hn or ftr mtlM
4Dd at bcdUinf .
Children Irmswonlloit to .
Mar cornmrac. lth wiall doM
and lnerr aae to full Jew or ainrr,
a the cao would t cm to reqatt.
Tbll prat rrmrdr curra all
aWlMj. Ufr. bladdfr and Urlo
Acid troublrn and dlwrdrm dua
to wf.k klilntya. tuck aa catarrh
of tha tiladdrr, fra.rl, rhmma
Unm, lumtiaco and Pri(ht't Ikv
nw, which U tka wortt form ot
kldnf dLvaM.
It U plrarant to talia,
Hold by all DruccUts.
New Meslco'a Heeretnry.
SANTA KB, N. M., Aptll 13. George II
Wallace, secretary of tho territory, died
this morning of heart failure.
Omaha Hoy In the Company.
mlug, until It can bo determined whether Iuli n0UB0 wnH prcscllt 00tn nights. The Lrobahlv die nnd 'nflrra'"cs that mado It impossible for
the land la moro vaiuatiio as agricultural proceeds will bo given to the church for thc e W McKee motorman- left wrist U"CK t0 hola a Permanent position at hi!
than as oil lands. Tho withdrawal of these improvements. An orchestra from Omaha wrenched nnd badly bruised nbout the face trad8 18 asancd as tho causo of the deed
lands was ordered several months ago upon playcd between acts. and head
tho request of owners or on cinuns. a
rh rtrp'ubUCfttryrCrr9ol Sen?, ?arcrSayThmeSs:rt;eaLrn,y Connolly, serious Injuries about the TilB MOSt COIliplBte-
restitution to public entry, wero recently ' . . . hpnlrrn r
centers In thc ovent, for the reason that
Master Harry uocKrell. nn umana boy, is
one of tho soprano singers with tho com
pany. Master uochtcii is son or u. m.
Cockrell ot this city.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Satur
day, April is:
Warranty Heeds.
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
company to Samuel Reynolds, lot
5, block ItC, Omaha 110.000
liuooipn jeppier nnn wire to u. A.
nnd Maud Sargent. 49xl07Vi feet In
nw se 10-15-13 1,100
J. l'ctorson nnn wiro to t'oief
Peterson, sH sw 1-16-9 .1,000
Amelia jiurrougns anu nusuanu to ai.
C. leuthstrom. lots 1 nnd 2. block
8, Omnhii View 1
II. B. I'uyne and wife to S. H. Hene-
diet, lot 9. block 5, Daker Place.... 1
South Omaha l.und company to A.
1. Bercoulst. lot 7. block 73. South
Omaha 3,500
I. It. Andrews und wire to Anna Wil
son, lot 6, block 9.1, Omahu 2,100
u. it. I'nyne, trustee, 10 Amy it.
Jaynes, east HO feet lot 12, block IS,
Orchard Hill 1
Sheriff to Elizabeth Panez. lots 4
to 6. block 102. South Omaha 1,210
Hnenrr to m. li. Train et ni. lot 10.
block 3, Comer add 400
Total amount' of transfers $21,312
EDITORIAL NOTICE Swamp-Hoot, tho great Kidney, Llvor and niaddor
remedy, Is so remarkably successful that a special arrangement has been mado by which
all readers ot Tho Deo who havo not nlrendy tried It muy havo n sample bottlo sont
absolutely frco by mull. Also a book telling all about kidney nnd bladder troubles
and containing many ot tho thousands upon thousands ot testimonial letters received.
from men and women cured by Swnmp-Ho ot. In writing be suro and mention read
ing this generous offer In Thc Omaha Sunday Dec when sending your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.
. . . 1 , ... Inn i ...... u u i niiu .1. VJIU1KU 11 1 1 C LI LI. 1 M I III 11 1 U I ' ' " n - - - n - -
l.-in" :ir::"v"L rendered by tho choir. Tho church Tom McCan. right leg and back badly
iy age-mo ui i.uC wmvmv -Inlfnrn. tt-n A .1 .. 1.1. t...- Inliired
but by reason of tho deep snows nnu Dau " -i " "i;;
",h., ,m r,aVninailon has not been ar(' P'a'- At the closo of the program a Tho car was running twenty miles an
weather, this oxamlnatton naB not cen i t. u .truck tho curve, which Is
Thn department Ih determined lot "nn ui nusniunn. inzro . . -- . . . ...
i wciu kivcu lu liid niiniiR nnv nir inn mrpoar i
withhold tho lands from general entry wero s'ven to the pupils having tho largest
..-111 r. f,,ll nvnmln.tlnn nllull niltahllsh tOUCCHOBS.
II II 1 I I M .HI" ' " " "
their character. Tho examination will be
mado as soon ns tho weather conditions
12nd of Indian Agrncy.
An order has been approved at the
Interior department discontinuing the Sis
soton (S. D.) Indian ngency and placing its
nffnlrs In charge of a bouded superintend
ent. Agent Johnson will bo advised, tho
agency having been abolished and his sorv
Ices being no longer required, to adjust his
nffulrs so as to turn them over to the new
.superintendent of schools, who Is expected day,
Plnuo stock In this west can be found
at our salesroom It comprises ail tho
leaders nnd numerous others Knabo
very sharp at that point where tho wreck pianos, Kimball pianos, Kranlch & Bach
pianos, Hallet & Davis pianos, Need-
P. N. Petersen of Ponca is visiting his
Mrs. Wiley King was taken to an Omaha
hospital Monday.
Sheriff Mcncke ot Washington county was
a business visitor here Wednesday,
The Ladles guild met at the home ot
Mrs. O. J. Hunt Wednesday afternoon.
Latter Day Salnta Decide to Hold Con
ference In I own Town
April , 1002.
KANSAS CITY, April 13. The conference
of the reorganized Church of Latter Day
Saints, lu session at Independence, Mo., to
day selected Lamoni. In., ns tho nlace far
Mrs. Emma Hupp and Mrs. Lou Ilasmus- holdlnc tho next ceneral conference, which
Ben were business visitors In Omaha Tucs- will meet Anrll 6. 1902.
to reach Slssetou next week. Earl T. Mc- nharlp. nrown nf rwatnr v.h
.Arthur or uaago acnooi, uitmiiuiuu, u wltn relatives hero Tuesday and Wednea-
been appointed superinienuoui. oi acnuum tyt
. . I . a t. ...til t..HAni.,nn 1. m.n I
hi 0,CVU. , .m ,. Mr- c- J- rt"sen of Craig, Neb., was
chargo of tho. agency affairs. h f h
uu ..vwv Friday
ii!in h ran vnnrt linnti nnvlnil In (UsTlPUftn I '
with tho services of Agent Johnson and The son of Henry Petersen died Thursday,
congress wns nBkcd at tho last session to ycara- Bual was a' I,st Lawn
abolish tho agency. This was not done, miunt-ry.
but n provision was. Incorporated In the Mr. and Mrs. Weber, Jr., entertained a
Rich Cut Glass
Made by Hawks
Sold by Copley
ham pianos, McPhall pianos, Whitney
pianos, Schumann pianos We have
pianos on very easy monthly payments
from ?5.00 per month Fully warranted
for ten years Ask to see the wonderful
nnd only successful self-playing" piano
nttachment-APOLLO-Thono 188.
Music and Art. 1513-1515 Oouelas.
Indian bill giving tho secretary of Interior
number of their friends at their homo
Wednesday night.
Henry Anderson was a business visitor
The Hanan Shoe
Wo are the only exclusive selling
agents In Omaha of tho genuine Hanan
shoe which ate made up especially for
us to meet the demand of the Omahn
trade there aro no odds and ends In
our line for every shoe Is up-to-date In
style for either men's or women's wear
II j- Internal Hemedles
The only Biiro way to cure every form of
piles Is to uso
Pllo Cure which
parts affected
effects nro apparent from tho tlrst upplica
tlon because tho medicinal properties nro
Wo received yesterday our sprlnr; ship
ment of tho celebrated Hawks Cut Olass,
consisting of lco Tubs, Itose Bowls, Whisky
Jubr. Winn Decanters. Champagne, Wlno
In Dlalr Wednesday afternoon and returned ., n-Ki.w ni..... Vubom nheesn and
homo Wednesday night. roid Meat Plates. Ico Cream Trays, Water the Hanan shoo sets the style which
Tho family of D. L. Oarrlson, who have pitchers, Dowls and Hon Hon Dishes, Spoon nil other makers try to follow to own a
ery best nnd
rry complete
. r.mnv in.. ivr.mi. becn "pending tho winter at Hot Springs, an,i celery Trays, etc. You aro cordially Hanan shoe Is to own tho ve
s 3ed directly to The Ark" rcturncd homo Wednesday. mvlted to step In and Investigate. Five lat0Ht ro(1ctlon-vvo earrj
nnd its wonderful healing .Thf members of the Ladles' Aid Boclety minutes will do It. ,nof. ,u th() QQ an(, aoo
of tho l'resbytorlan church wero enter-
tntned at the homo of Mrs. D. K. Smith at
no, 00 ,u " 3511 Senrd street, Omaha, Thursday,
rapidly absorbed by tissues and sensitive ' ' '
mnmlirnnn. nf llm rectum, and tho euro Is Thcro wln snot b 'e"y t this pi
made speedily and almost before the pa
tlent Is aware of It every traco of piles
has left him
This Is ono of the reasons why tho Pyra
mid Pile Curo has been so uniformly sue
cvsaful. It la applied directly just where It
Is needed and where It will do the most
good. Not by tho roundabout way of the
stomach nor by tho harsh, barbarlous
methods ot various surgical operations and
to-called systems
Direct applications to the seat at dlseaso
is the only rational way, and this Is fully
accomplished by the Pyramid Pllo Cure.
ace, air. south iutii st., vaxton block.
crossing tho river near tho water works
pump house. Tho citizens In town and
people living adjacent to the proposed
ferry havo subscribed $250. L. N. Warlier
Is to operate tho ferry for flvo years, ac
cording to a contract.
finerlnl Watch Kxamlncr B. k M. Ity..
Chief Watch Inspector O. & 8. L. Hy., O.
IC. C & is. Jiy. ana iv. v. k iiy.
00 grades In
nil tho sizes, widths and lasts tho now
spring styles nro here for your selecting.
Drexel Shoe Co.
Catalogue Seat Free (or the Aaklag.
Omaha's Up-to-date Shoe Hons.,
$1,000.00 - PRIZES.
What well-known philanthropist
Is here represented?
We intend to make The Paragon
Monthly the most popular magazine
in the world by one of the grandest
puzzle contests ever advertised. Can
you make out thc name of America's
Grandest Iron and Steel Manufac
turer, who has given away so many
millions of dollars to benefit man
kind? The full name of this generous
man can be made out in the puzzle
picture printed in this advertise
ment. If you can make it out, just
write it on a postal card and send
to us. Wc will give $1,000.00 In
Gold to thc fortunate ones in our
Just try hard to solve the puzzle
picture. The name of America's
well-known philanthropist can be
made out if you will give it some
time. The $1,000.00 In Gold will
positively be given to the winners.
Remember, we do not want one cent
of your money. There is only one
condition, which will take only a
little of vour time. We do not care
who gets tho money. Try and Win. No matter how far away you live you
have an equal chance in this new grand and liberal Gold Money Prize Contest
Try to bo smart and clever enough to make out the name of this great
millionaire philanthropist who has done so much in his grand free gifts
to cities and towns nil over thc country. If you can solve it let us hear from
you immediately on a postal card. As soon as we receive your answer we
will at once notifv yott. You don't often have a chance like this to enter
without cost a $1,000.00 In Gold Free Contest. Write at once to
THE PARAGON MONTHLY, 22 North William St., New York City.
Get Ready, More Dots,
Monday morning, Apr. 15
Simplex Steam Vapor Badllffs ,M nrflam
m . w a IVV ( .Hill
atid Toilet Lamp
Dr. and Mrs. II C. Van Olceon and Miss
Loulso Van Oleson aro at lint Spring?, Ark.
The next meeting ot tho Ouudee Woman's
club will to hold Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Selby.
A mualcalo. comprising Omaha and Dun-
tf tiie 'voluntary le.timnnv nf thnusandii 'leo talent, wns given I-riday evenln by A
who have1 tried this remedy Is worth any- ulu """nnio gocieiy ai uio uomu m r, g
longer dolnylng In giving It a fair trial, Mrs. S. H. Rush cntortalncd the Kound
knowing thai when you do so The Tyra- uozen boclnl club Wednesday. The guess
mid I'lle Curo will hove mado ono more Ing ot popular songs from cleverly executed
friend, tho best possible advertisement drawing was the feature of tho afternoon.
wo enn hve Tho chlet advantages ot the Mrs, rank Carmlchact won the prize, a
remfdv are: It cures without naln. the china plate.
cure Is lasting. It contains no poison, and The volunteer flro department was called si M'efri!..!2v.A"t5-m?' ?r?.up n Whc-op.g,
lastly It Is tho cheapest and quickest cure out twice Weduesday night, tho first time e iter and nerfumir. Priri T if m ..A r"S
yet found. Your druggist cau tell you what on a false alarm, created by a blazing brush . (?
It has done for otben. pile, and the second by a small fire at the a IHC H. J rtNrlll II CM. a
Testimonials of cures from all parts of the home of Ilev. Jenkins, caused by an over- s 140h ir-P- w.w it
4, For face sUamtns and fsce maassfe.-J) Srowlng dally.
S and when It comes from Balduff you
know It's good then it's put up lu ono
of thoso little barrels which keeps for
hours you can put It in your pocket
, a quart roll, enough for eight people,
t costs but 40c pint, 20c three- flavors
and It's tho most delicious Ico cream
made on your way home today tako a
roll with you we've sold thousands of
these llttlo barrels nnd tho demand Is
United States will bo sent on application to turned lamp. Tho bucket brigade estln-
the Pyramid Drug Co,, of Marshall, Mich. gulshed thc Humes. Damage, J50.
W. S. Balduff,
lBaO Fftrmcm St.
My One Thought-
In buying, my one aim In selling, In to find
your want and then meet It as no ono rlso
can meet It. I weigh every word thought
fully In tho scnlo of fnct. 1 mcusure care
fully every value I put boforo you. As a
result mlno Is a sincere store. Everybody
knows JUBt what to expect, nnd expect Just
what they find, tho very best at tho vury
lowest possible price, When wo toll you
tho Leonard Clanablo Iliifrlgcrutars nro (he
best made nnd tho prlco runs from 18.60
up wo know wo are telling tho truth
Then wo sell tho New Process Gasolene
Stoves at $2.75 up a good filter for tl.CO
W'o (ioII rnkes, hoes, lawn horo the good
kind at tbo very lowest price.
A. C. Raymer
1514 Farnam St.