Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1901, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Silk Display of
Great Merit
'.M-ln. f-'onlarda 7Bc.
Dutln Fnnlnrda 8Bc and fl.OO.
Heat Foulard HBc and 91.00.
Satin Foulard, Cheney Bros.' new pattrn,
now colors; regular valuo 11.00 and $1.25.
I'rnii d'Cygne f l.OO.
And Loulsene $1.00. An unuiual bright
and handsome silk, now tones.
Urenndlue-f l.OO.
It-Inch pure Bilk Grenadine, a One va
riety of stylet, brocadei, stripes, etc.
Crepe de Chine l.OO.
Canton Crepe, $1.26. French Crepe,
$1.76. Meteor Crepe, $1.76. Lyons' 46
Inch Crepe, $3.50.
Wnah Taffeta l.OO.
And Peau Levant, $1.00. 24-lrkh, white,
cream, rorfe, robbln's egg, mlngonette, etc.
Illaok Taffeta.
Swiss Taffeta, 65. Warranted and puro
dye, SSc. 27-Inch, best Taffeta on the
market, at $1.00.
24-Inch pure dye French Taffeta, war
ranted. $1.25.
Illni'k Dress Silk".
Satin Duchcssc, 50c. 24-lnch Duchcsse,
$1.00. Penu d'Cygne, $1.00. Peau do Sole,
$1.00. Levantine, 21-lncb, $1.00.
Wh KnLnl-nrw rolnra.
40c now stripes and colors.
Waterproof Ilulintal-ftl.OO.
Splendid black, washablo silk, 24 Inches
wide. Also heavy quality at $1.50.
Now tints In greatest variety. I'anno
Velvet, the line Lyons quality.
Spring Fashions.
Only the hlghoHt standard aro carried In
our (llovo Dopurtment. Our Oloves .last
and nro properly fitted by skillful fitters.
"Trcfousse," "Itcynlor," "Pcrrln," and
"Monarch." '
We Hell n French Kid Glove at f l.OO.
All shades correct cut and style.
Dress Goods
Voile de Lalne. Voile Barege, Voile
Granite, Batiste, Tamlso Poplin, Albatross
60c, 75e, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Chovlots and Worsted Twill, 60. 63 and
64 Inches wide 76c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
.to $3.60.
Corner Famam and Fifteenth
GoTimor Diatrich Plant Rtltats of Omaha't
Fermtr Triararir.
Combination Schema Necessarr to
A old the Intricacies of the I.utt
All Mar He Done In Tvro
LINCOLN, April 13. (Special.) The ap
plication for a commutation of the sen
tences of Henry Bolln will recetvo the at
tention of Governor Dietrich after he re
turns from Montana. Attorney General
Prout has been Investigating tho law on
parolo and commutation of sentence nnd
today ho sent a written opinion on tho sub
Ject to tho governor's office. This opinion
was prepared In response to four ques
tions propounded by Governor Dietrich, all
relating to tho meaning of tho law and
upon which depends tho action that he wilt
tako. Until the governor returns the at
torney general's Interpretation will bo
withheld from tho public.
Although bo liaB made no public declara
tion In this regard. It Is known here that
Governor Dietrich hopes to find a way to
release tho Omaha former city treasurer.
He believes that Bolln has already paid hi
penalty for bis crime and that for the
benefit of his family he should bo given
freedom. At first It was supposed that
ho could bo released on parole, but an ex
amlnatlon of tho statutes showed clearly
that such a course could not bo pursued
because of a provision which says that no
prisoner shall be subject to parole until
after he has served the minimum time
provided by law for the crime for which
he was convicted. The most likely plan
will bo to commute tho third sentence of
ten years and then Immediately release tho
man on parole under the second sentence,
the one he Is now serving. Such a plan
however, Is surrounded by several legal
difficulties and the governor will make no
effort to carry It Into effect unless ho sees
his way clear to do so.
Notice of the application for tho com
mutation of nolln'a scntonces has been
ordered published Id an Omaha newspaper,
and If the opinion of tho attorney general
Is favorablo to tho proposed plan Bolln
"77" for Grip Is only one of the thirty
six varieties, aid li no better than Dr.
Humphreys' Specific
For Dyspepsia, Indigestion nnd Weak
For the Kidneys and Bladder,
Kor Women and Children,
For Malaria and Chills,
For Diarrhea and Dyeentery,
For Neuralgia und Headaches,
For nbeuroatlsm and Lumbago, and for
many other diseases. 25 cents, at all Drug
A pocket epitome of Domestlo Practice
mailed for the asklag. A postcard will do.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co.
Cor. William and John Sts., New York.
Dress Goods
Tailoring Cloths Costume and Venetian
Cloths. Cassock Cloth, $1.50. English
Diagonal, $2.25. Venetian Cloth, $2.00.
Doeskin, $3 00. Broadcloth, Jl.fO.
Poplin flno Imported variotleB $1.0p,
$1.26, $1.60, $2.00, $2.25.
Crepe Silk and Wool $1.60.
Barege silk and wool $3.60.
Hemstitched Darege $2.25.
Pattern Dross Lengths of Fluent
French Milk nml Wool Xuvelty Cloth.
Etamlno, Pompadour, Uroche $15.00,
$18.00, $20.00.
Dress Goods
60c Albatross, Vollo d'Lalnc, Batiste,
Foule Walstlng all tho latest tints.
75c and 85c Voile d'Lalne, Batiste, Vollo
For Tnllor Work or Drraay linvtns
In high shades Venetians, Broadcloths and
Doeskins -$1.60, $1.75, $3,00, $1.00, $4.60
champagne, roso d'chlnc, mlngonette, ab
flnthc, faun, perle, Orleans and all dark
Clio Inla.
Golfing red and street wearing colors
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.60.
Golfing Clotlm.
Now styles, gorgeous reverse facings
Oxford, navy, brown, gray $1.75, $2,23 and
$3.00. Also Scotch lamb's Wool,
New Challlcs liavo been udded to, our
large line 35c and 60c.
Taffeta Silk Skirts
Are a very pronounced fashion.
Wo have tho correct modes In splendid
variety. $10.00, $15.00, $19.00, $20.00, $25.00,
$28.60, $30.00 to $45.00.
For $20.00 A wide graduated tucked,
flounced, elegant Skirt, of best quality taf
feta, and many other equal bargains.
Silk Eton Jackets
Silk 15 to ii
Wo aro starting the week with a
splendid bargain. $15.00 Jackets, of
tucked all over, silk lined, well made,
for $10.00.
Varloty of charming creations, In an
cases only tho best materials havo been
employed. Moderate prices, $15.00, $18.00,
$21.00, $25.00 and $30.00.
We announce tho arrival of now
may be released aftor two wocks from
today, that being the time required for tho
publication of such a notice.
I,ut lii the Cnne.
The section of tho statuto upon which
the case is hanging Is as follows:
Tho governor shall havo power In tho
case of any prisoner who Is now or may
hereafter bo Imprisoned In tho state peni
tentiary under a scntenco other than mur
der In tho ilrst or second degree, who may
have served the minimum term provided by
law ror tne crirnu tor which lie was con
victed, nnd who has not been pruvlously
convicted of felony und served a term In
any penal institution witnin me uniicu
States of America, nnd In tho caso of any
prisoner who Is now or hereafter may lo
imprisoned under a sentence for murder in
the llrst or second degree, and who lias now
or hereafter shall havo nerved twenty-live
full years, to allow any such prisoner to go
upon parolo outside of the enclosure of the
penitentiary, to remain whllo on parolo
wlthlntho state, under tint custody and
control of tho governor, and subject at nny
iimo to no niKcn DacKWiinin inu enclosure or
said institution, and full power to retake
and relmprlson any convict so upon parolo
is nereoy conrerrecl upon mo governor,
whoso written order Bhall bo a sulllelent
wurrant for all otllcers named therein: to
authorize such otllcers to return to actual
custody any conditionally released or
narnleil nriHimcr: ana it is herein mado tho
duty of all ollicers to execute, said order the
sumo ns ordinary criminal process.
JMrtrlcn'a Houku Hide.
Governor Dietrich's Montana trip Includes
a 150-mile stage rldo through tho roughest
section of the Big Horn mountains. Ho ex
pects to return to Lincoln nbout April 20
After a day hero Governor Dietrich will Join
Senator Millard at Omaha and both will
go Immediately to the national capltol. Ac
cording to present arrangements, Governor
Dietrich will havo only a fow days to serve
In his executive capacity In this city. Ho
will roturn from Washington in the latter
part of the month, probably to remain until
rellevod by Lieutenant Governor Savage,
Plumbers Out of Work.
The master plumbers of this city have
takon n stubborn stand ngalnst tho de
mauds of the union and ns a result twenty-
flvo Journeymen plumbers nre still out of
work. Their places nro being gradually
filled by non-union men, Imported from out
of town, and bo far very llttlo trouble has
been experienced by tho master plumbers
In attending to all orders. Tho Journeymen
are demanding an Increaso of approximately
50 cents n day In wages and a reduction of
tho woruing dny from nlno to eight hours,
They insist furthermore that tho masters
sign o contract embodying their demands
as follows;
That wages shall be SI iter dnv.
Klght hours shall constitute u day's work
That MONO but union men xhall hn nm.
1 hat jobuers nnd hnlnnr ho nlmlUhnrl
TllUt 110 tntirnnvmilll fnrtllnli trnnnnrtn.
imii ui nny Kinu anu uiui uouru and travel
nig expenses ue paid on all out-of-town
work. Blnglo time for all nlcbt or dnv
That lllft hours of lnhnr ulinll hi. trim.
a. m. to li in., and 1 p. m. to 5 p. in. All
ujeriHiiu iu hp cnargeii ns double time
also Sundays und all legal holidays. Holi
tlavs to Include Indenomlnncu .lov. 'i-l,
giving nay, -viirisimns day, Labor day and
Now Year's day.
Thut car faro be nald on nil
distance Is eight blocks or over.
T int wages Do nuld at tho end (Sntiminv
of oach week.
Thnt but one member of the firm handle
That no laborer or non-member of thi
lisannln t Imi li. iillniv..,! 111 ,1n nhimliln
steam or gas tlttlug In or outsldo of any
bulldlnir or residence.
Members must follow calling under which
they enter association. Plumbers will not
be allowed to do strum or gas titling. Gas
imers m.iy do steam titling nnd steam Ut
ters may do ens llttlng. but they uro not ul
lowed to do plumbing. Hulling to bo done
uy sit-ani or gas niiers.
lhat It Is not binding on the maste
Plumber to keen emnloved a man who I
not working for his Interest and In that tho
master (.hall b the Judge.
That no Journeyman be altbwed tu work
by tho hour for any muster plumber. Ho
shall rccelvo half a day or nothing.
That no member roport to the shop before
O M. 111.
That In the future ull lolntn ho wined
That after April 1 wo the use o
the long S trans, 'combination lemi hnnH
with ferrules, lead ferrules and all manu
Raglans, Jackets
and Coats
We havo received some splendid values lu
Raglans at $18.00 and $20.00. The finer
coats, at $25.00 and $30.00, are equally at
tractive offers.
Jackets and Coats, with the latest tailor
ing, covert, Venetian and costume cloth,
close-fitting Eton and half-fitted box, new
shades, $7.60, $9.00 and $12,50.
fur Mliaes nml Children ftH.SO.
Tho most desirable, pretty modes of the
day bright shadings, In elegant Venetian
and broadcloth, excellent tailoring and In
every respect superior, at $3.60, $5.50, $7.60,
$10.50, $15.00.
Tho best tho market Hffords In flna all
wool albatross, In high art colorings.
Silk Waists of black habutal, unique
styles, I'cnu de sole, pcau d'eygne, Loulscno
taffeta and crepo d'ehene new tones, now
The predomination of the best again this
season, as always, arc to be found In our
Milt mill Cnut l)ciurtiiieiita.
ftl.-i.OO-CollnrleN. Kton Htilt-lH..00.
Suit of first quality Homespun Cheviot,
brown or gray mixture, romaluc silk lined
Jacket, white broadcloth faced, round neck,
full flared flvc-gorcd skirt.
f IS. (XI-I'nney Kton Suits 920.0(1.
Two styles Venetian or Cheviot, navy,
gray or black taffeta lined Jacket, stitched
silk facings round neck and forming
waistcoat trimmed with miniature silk but
tons, or military braid; full flared five
gored skirts.
tjtUri.OO Double llrcnstcd Clone Fitting
Suit ?u.-,.oo.
Taffeta silk lined throughout: brown or
black cheviot, silk rovcrcd Jacket, skirt now
flare, plain, well tailored.
Strictly Tailored .Suits of the lllgheat
Venetian and Costumo Cloth navy and
black. Most artistic soutacho arrangement
In garniture, pcau do sole, collar, rovers,
vest, skirt new cut, Ideal f
modeling, soutacho braided .Jjm(JJ
Princess Skirt, with Bolero Jacket of
finest brown Venetian cloth, drop skirt of
silk taffeta, matching perfectly tho grace
ful I'rtncesH Skirt, with graduated flounce;
Bolero has stitched scolloped designs of
taffeta silk and A Cf f
collar 4t7aVFU
facturcd lend goods with bends under four
Inches. And that all tanks to bo lined or re-
llned be do no by plumbers.
A modified form of this contract was sub
mitted this afternoon, but It also was re-
ectcd by tho masters, who assert that
they will sign no agreement whatever for
tho ensuing yctr.
Tho Journeymen now propose to stand
firm upon their last demand and have or
ganized a co-opcrattvo association, the
bject of which is to furnish employment to
members of tho local union.
Kite for Fair tiro und a.
For several days tho State Board of
'ubllc Lands and Buildings has been con-
Iderlng various offers of sites for the state
fair grounds. Several weeks ago It seemed
curtain that the old grounds would bo pur
chased, Tho members of tho board aro
dissatisfied with tho grounds nnd are
averso to paying much for tho buildings
nlrcady erected, Tho Burlington beach
property Is favorably meutloned and many
persons urge tho board to purchase a slto
near Lincoln park. It was announced at
tho state houso today that tho board would
decide botween the various offers after It
purchases tho farm land for tbo Beatrice
Gymnnnliini nnd Workshops Fitted
for Use of .Military Academy
KEARNEY, Neb., April 13. (Special.)
Tho gymnasium and workshops which havo
been under construction at tho Kearney
Military academy for two months will be
finished In a few days. The gymnasium
Is constructed from a portion of the north
dormitory. This building Is long, two
stortos high and built of wood, and the
gymnasium is secured by taking out the
second floor for sixty feet, which gives a
twenty-foot colling and a room 33x60 feet.
The outfit has nearly nil been put In place
and the cadets havo been practicing for
a week.
In addition to the gymnasium a black
smith and a carpenter shop have been added,
which will bo tho begluutng of n perfect
manual training system. Tbo blacksmith
shop contains four forges and anvils, u
lathe, nnd other tools, and 1b 13x22 feet.
Tho carpenter shop is tho samo slzo and
Is supplied with flvo complete sets of car
penter tools, with benches, two lathes und
other tools. There has been ndded u
shower bath, connected with the city water
These are the additions and Improve
ments promised by Bishop Graves when ho
took personal charge at the beginning of
tho year.
Clinrirea Attnlimt Yniinir Man.
TECUMSIVH. Nob., April 13. (Spoi.lal.)
Frank Wlgglnton, a young man pt Sterling,
is wanted by tho officers. Mrs. John Walms
loy of Sterling, In Justice Livingston's
court, asserts that one evening recently
when she was nt home ulono with her little
daughter, Wlgglnton knocked nt her door
and demanded admission. Upon being re
fused he threatened her and said he would
knock down tbo door. The woman was
frightened and, taking her daughter, she
left the house by a back door and ran to
a neighbor's, Seeing her lleclng, Wlggln
ton, It Is charged, pursued her until the
neighbor, Enos Nlsfiley, attracted by the
womon's screams, to the rescue.
Sheriff Strong cannot find Wlgglnton.
tirnuf Two DUoroea.
WEST POINT, Neb.. April 13. (Special.)
District court adjourned last night to
May 13. Divorces wero granted to Anna
Serb from Joseph Serb and to Frances Hall
from Wilson O. Hall. Elizabeth Schwinck
of Wlsner was denied a dlvorco from her
husband, Ernost. Tho caso of Eckmann
against Turner, Involving the ownership of
a valuable farm near Bancroft, was taken
under advisement. Judge Graves has re
turned to bis boniu at Pender.
Pedestrian Skirts
Four leaders for the approaching April
A SZg Black Golf Cheviot, 12 rows
stitching worth $7.50,
Brown, gray or navy golf
cheviot, new flare, excel-
lent tailoring.
Oxford Oolf Cloth, purple
reverse side, flare flounce,
many rows stitching.
Q4 sy ff Homespun Cheviot Ox
kJ l dHJJ ford, brown and navy
mixtures, very superior, $15.00 value.
Latest Novelties
in Laces
The most completo assortment of fash
lonablo Laces In the city. Prices always
tho lowest.'f Collnra, Kolcroa and llnlern
In Arabian, Point Vcnlse, Cluny, etc.,
from $1.60, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00, $4.00 up to
$10.00 each.
I'nlnt Arnliy Point Venlae nml I'olnt
I.errle All-Over I. nee.
Elegant designs, In white crcmc, butter, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 up to $8.50 a
Point Araby, Point Vcnlso and Point
Oauzc, Insertions, Bands and Galoons, In
whtto, crcme, ecru and butter, 25c, SSc, 50c,
75c, $1.00 up to $2.00 a yard.
Point Venlse, Narrow Insertions and Ga
loons, at 10c, 12',Jc, 15c and 20c a yard.
Itlch Kmbroldered Taffeta All-Over.
Cut-out effects, etc., In black, crcme, black
and gold, whtto and gold, Persian effects,
etc., at $4,00, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and
$12.00 a yard.
Ill no It Silk Chnntllly and (in I pure
I. nor finlnoim.
Elegant effects, extra values, at 30c, 35c,
60c, 76c and $1.00 a yard.
I'olnt de I'll rid I.ncea.
New designs, extra values, at 7c, Sc, 10c,
12',4c, 15c and 20o yard.
Machine Torchon mtd Cluity Lace, and
Perfect copies of the hand-mado goods,
at 8c, 10c, 12V4c, 15c, 20 and 25c a yard.
Fine French Viilenelciinea I.ncea.
Now assortment Just opened, at 3c, 4c,
5c, Cc, 8c, 10c, 12V4C, 15c and 20o a yard.
Fine Nnlnaook nnd Cnmbrto Knitirol
derlen nnd Inaertlons.
Neat designs; qualities that will wear, at
8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25o a yard.
Juat Arrived
New Coraet Cover Embroideries.
Something new practical demonstration
at counter special values at 60c, 65c, 75c,
S5c and $1.00 a yard.
Beatrica "Woman Aiki Iidemnity Ut Loism
ii Cuba.
Sugar Plantation Destroyed, Mie
Assesses Her Damages at Over
Two Hundred Thousand
BEATRICE, Neb.. April 13. (Special Tel
egram.) The following dispatch from
Washington Is of interest to citizens hero,
as tho claimant Is a resident of this city:
WASHINGTON. Anrll ll.-Tho first clnlm
presented to tho Spanish war clalmB com
mission wns nieu today, i no claimant is
Maria Soler E. Martinez and the amount
SJltf.GGfi. Tho stated valuo of personal and
other property connected with a sugar
plantation in Cuba, which was destroyed
during tho late Insurrection In the Island.
Mrs. Martinez makes tho claim by virtue
of the naturalization of her husband us
u citizen of tho United States.
Mrs. Martinez was born In this city,
being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Miller. She has been employed as stenog
rapher for a number of years In the law
office of General L. W. Colby of this city
and accompanied General Colby on his cam
paign during the Spanish-American war.
It was during this time that she met Scnor
Tomasso Martinez and they wero - marrlod
In 1898. At the closo of the war Mrs. Mar
tlnez returned to this city, where she has
slnco remained. At present her husband
Is In South America.
Confiaciitea at Express Office Sixty
Five I'nckngm Consigned to
Troiimaeli Itealdenta.
TECUMSEH. Neb., April 13. (Spcclal.)-
For sovoral months distillers and wholesale
liquor men have been shipping whisky Into
the city by express. Parties who desire
liquor have been provided with bills of
lading and orders on tho express company
for tho packages. Inasmuch as the traffic
had received a negntlvo voto at recent
municipal elections, J. L. Phillips sworo
out complaints ngalnst flvo wholesale firms,
charging them with unlawfully having
liquor In their possession In tho city of
Tecumsch, Tho firms nro tho Midland Wlno
and Liquor company, tho Morgan Distillery
company and tho United States Supply com
pony of Kansas City, nnd the Los Angeles
wino and Liquor company nnd tho St,
Joseph Supply company. Tho complaints
wero entered In Justlco C. B. Woolsey's
court and tho Justlco Issued an order to
Sheriff Charles Strong commanding him to
toko the liquor found In Tecumseb nnd
hold It pending further action. The sheriff
served bis orders at thu express oftlco and
received sixty-five packages, which mado
a wagon load. A hearing has been set by
Justlco WooUey for April Is.
Five Mnrrliiices nt Weat I'olnt,
WEST POINT. Neb.. April 13. (Special.)
Last week there wero five marriages, as
Wednesday County Judge Krako married
Miss Mary Stelbor of Scrlbner and Henry
W. itlch.
Itev. William Marms, pastor of tho Ger
man Lutheran church In Ncllgh township
otnclatrd at tho marriage of Albert Wendt
and Mis Amelia I.entz. Tbo parties will
reside, on the farm of the groom.
Wednesday morning Father William Win
dolph married Joseph Meier and Miss Agnes
Kloke lu St. Mary's Catholic church In thl
Miss Bertha M. floelleko and John B
Moeller of this city were married at St.
New White Shirt
Waist Materials
43-ltich line French revere stripes, dots
and figures, havo tho effect of high grado
all-overs (U2 ynrds will make n waist)
cxtta values at 60c, 76c, 85c, $1.00, $1.50
and $2.00 a yard.
Autoinolille Taffeta Silk Tien.
Corded stock nnd tlo combined, all col
orsspecial, 50c each.
Itlch I'rliuoil Liberty Cnnxe nnd
Chinese t.'rrpe Scurf.
214 yards long by 22 Inches wide, rich
Chintz nnd Persian effects.
Hemstitched llnnd lltnhroldered
Sheer HclfnM l.liirn IlnndUerehlef.
Very pretty, new designs special, 23c
and 60c each.
Spring and Summer
Wash Fabrics
Spring In Here
and with It lias come it breezy stir nil
through our wash goods stock, livery
piece lias been selected with euro and ills
crimination, and we bcllevo them to be
the most stylish shown In Omaha.
zl YARD--Wo arc showing a bcautl-
I .C tu. Iitio of Laco Stl'lpeU l.uwiis
with foulard designs also the
host mukn of seersucker gingham, beauti
ful colorings nud Htrlctly fast colors 12140
VAI1D At thin nrleo there Is
IrtC nothing that will tako tho place
.if thn tin.. l,,...r .q,.,ilnli nlmlllpM
Hid Queen Batistes. For a cheap and yet
stylish dross, sen them 15c yard.
g YAltD-Crepo or Crinkled Lawns
S.A C ro something new In Omaha,
m v but very popular In the east.
They nro 23 and 25 Inches wide also Gren
adine Htrlpo Jaconet, very stylish designs
all at 20c yard.
YAM) At twenty-five cents we
havo a largo and varied assort
ment Incliiillnir I ho best and lat
est In Irish Dlmltlcs, Egyptian anil St.
(Ian! TIshups for shirt waists, Madras.
Egyptian Swiss and Colored Figured I'lquo
-L'Sc yard.
OET. YAItD In the price wo have
.iC placed on an extra lino quality
or Madras for Shirt Waists; also
Mercerized MoiiHclllne, with large Persian
figures, for Klmonas nnd Dresses, 35c yard.
a rm YAItD Kor all plain colors In
llC Mercerized Motuolllno Do Hole.
e r YAHD For nil colors In Moutscl
nllC Hno Do Solo with laco effect
stripes; also ull shades In 4S-tnch
Plain Sheer Wash Chiffon, Satin Striped
Crepe, Black and Colored Dotted Swisses
nnd widest width lu Shirtwaist Linens, 60c
Special line of Embroidered Ecru Dress
Patterns at $6.50 each.
White Goods
Have you ever tested our qualities nnd
prices In this lino. Others have and show
their appreciation of our meritorious
Mary's Catholic church In West Point. The
couplo departed for Iowa on a wedding trip
mmedlntely after tho corcmony.
Miss Darn C. Grosso and Eugene W.
Krnuse, eldest son of Vice President Krause
of the First National bank, wero married
at tbo Grace Lutheran church, with tho
doublo ring ceremony.
Sucoraafnl Tour of Inspection by En
gineer for Omaha and En
porla 1. 1 nc.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb.. April 13. (Spe
cial.) Charles S. Wheeler of Kansas City,
Mo., nccompanled by nn engineer, was
In Pawneo City Thursday on a tour of
inspecton relative to tho hulding of the
Omaha, Kansas Southern & Gulf railroad.
Tho Hue under immediate contemplation
will extend from Omaha to Emporia, Kan.,
by tho way of Weeping Water, Syracuse,
Cook, Tecumseh and Pawneo City, Neb.,
und Axtell, Vllct, Blaine, Westmoreland,
Wamego, Alma and Bethany, Kan.
Tho company Is Incorporated and
backed by largo capitalists in the east and
west. It has a line in operation between
Alma and Westmoreland, Kan. It 1b re
ported that Puwneo City will be made a
division point and that the company will
Install machine shops.
Singleton Brothers and Kvn Car-
mlcltael of l'avrnee City Ar
rnlgned In Court.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb., April 13. (Spe
cial.) Homer and Leonard Singleton and
Mies Eva Carmlchael of Lowlaton, this
county, were arrested yesterday and ar
raigned In county court on complaint of
Charles Spurr, postmaster at that place, on
tho chargo of aBsault and battery. Tho
assault was said to be committed at tho
vlllago depot whllo Spurr was engaged In
canceling stamps on letters mailed lit tho
train by the defendants. The Singletons
and Carmlchaels, Spurr claims, have for
eomo time been depositing tholr mall mat
ter on tho trains, thereby depriving tho
oftlco of considerable revenue, and reduc
ing the compensation of tho postmaster.
Spurr has twice before been assaulted, by
a brother of Miss Carmlchael, but re
frained from making complaint.
.HortKiigoM nt llentrlee.
BEATRICE. Neb., April 13. (Special.)
This month there has been filed with tho
register of deeds sixteen farm mortgages,
amounting to $31,550, and thirty-two re
leased mortgages, amounting to $47,170.
showing tho redemption of mortgages to bo
$15,320 In excess of those filed. During tho
same tlmo thoro wero sixteen city mort
gages filed, amounting to $9,150, and thir
teen redeemed, amounting to $10,803, mak
ing a net gain of $1,655.
llentrlee Clult Dlects Oflleera,
BEATRICE, Neb., April 13. (Special
Telegram,) The Beatrice club hold Its
annual election tonight and elected these
officers: President. R. S, Blbb; vice presi
dent, S. D. Killcn; secretary, E. G. Drake;
treasurer, W. H. Stryker; executive board,
D. W. Cook. It, R. Kyd. W. P. Norcross
nnd S, Rlnaker. This club was organized
fourteen years ago nnd has a membership
of eighty. In tho next Ihreo months It
will expend In tho neighborhood of $3,000
on Improvements,
Vntoa for School lliiiida,
TABLE ROCK. Neb., April 13, (Special.)
At tho school board election yesterday
to vote on tho proposition of bonding the
school district for the Issuanco of $11,600
bonds to build n now reboot house, It was
voted for overwhelmingly. Op the an
nouncement of tho result of the vote tho
school bells were rung and cntbuilaim prevailed.
White Goods
India Linen, line quality at 12V4C 15c. 2Cc,
23c, 50c, 33c nnd 40 u yard.
Persian Lawn, suitable for ladles' or
children's dresses, 23c, 3V. 35c. 40c, 45c, 50c
und 53c a yard.
Wash Chiffon and Opera Batiste. IS-ln,
wide, at 35c, 43c, 60c, 65c, 60c, 63c, 70c, 75o
and Mo n ynrd.
French Organdie, 70 Inches wide, at C3o.
75c. S3c und $1,00 a yard.
Strlpo and Check Nainsooks, 124c. 15c,
20c nnd 23c yard. Check mulls, 20c yard.
Stripe and Check Dlmltlcs, at 16c, 15c,
20c. 22c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 3Sc and 40c a yard.
White Pique at 20c, 25c, 33c nnd' 40c n yard.
Plquo Striped Lawns for Shirt Waists ut
30o a yard.
Dimity Striped Linen for Shirt Waists
at $30c .i yard.
Itemi.ants of tine Long Cloth, from 1 to
15 yards, worth 17c, at 12J4o ynrd.
Table Linen
The product of the best Irish
and Scotch looms are represent
ed here. Everything fresh and
new. Nolo (he low prices.
Dlco Homespun, half-blenched Table
Linen, 61 Inches wide nnd absolutely pure
Llncn, 4Sc yard.
Full Bleached Irish Llncn, heavy make
6(5 Inches wide, worth 70c; special prlco, 55c
Fine quality of Silver Bleached and worth
SOc, speclnl prlco t3u a yard.
Same quality as above In 72 Inches wide,
eight different pnttcrns, special price, 76c
Full Bleached Irish Linen, fine quality;
our regular $1.00 grade; special price SOc.
Extra heavy unbleached, 72 Inches wide,
recommended for good wear, at 90c and
$1.00 a yard.
Just received from lUehurdson Sons ft.
Owden of Belfast, Ireland, a shipment of
lino Irish Table Linens. Tho designs nro su
perb and tho finish unexcelled. All genulno
doilbln Damask, 2 yards wide, at $1.45, $1.75
and $2.00 a ynrd.
Dinner Napkins to match above, $5.60 doz.
Good values In Napkins at k5c. $1.00, $1.25,
$1.60. $1.85, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00 and $4.60 dozen.
Hand embroidered round Doylies, 5x6
Inches, 18c; 7x7 Inches, 26c; 10x10 inches, 3Dc;
12x12 Inches, 40c each.
Hand embroidered Tray Cloths 18x27
Inches, 75c each.
Hand embroidered Bureau Scarfs at 90c,
$1.00, $1:25 and $1.40 each.
Bed Spreads, full slzo, at $1.16, $1.60, $1.65,
$2.00. $2.60, $3.00 each.
Fringed Spreads, extra good quality, $1.59
Fringed Spreads, cut to fit bed, at $2.00
and $3.60 each.
Barnsely Crash at 10c, 12V4c, ISo and 16ftc
Farnam and Fifteenth
Im Lincoln Pinitti'tiary It Waita Execu
tion for Murdir.
Snrcnatlo Agalnat Jury Trials Feela
the Halter Draw vrltb. Poor
Opinion of tho
FREMONT. Nob., April 13. (Special.)
William Rbea was taken to tbo peni
tentiary yesterday afternoon by Sheriff
Kreader. Ho seemed anxious to leave and
thanked Mrs. Kreader for her kindness to
him, telling her that she had done all for
him that she could. At tho depot ho talked
a fow minutes as qulotly nnd with as llt
tlo concern as though leaving on a short
visit. Ho spoke rather bitterly of Jerome,
who has been In town this week trying to
tnaku arrangements for bis parole. ,
"Ho got fen years," be said, "a man
who wasn't druuk and who deliberately
went and got a gun, followed hlu man up
stairs, shot htm five times In the back and
is now enjoying bis freedom. It seems
a little queer, don't It? This jury trial is
a funny business. It I had shot a man
five times In tho back I'd be out In
olghtecn months and working for the
Standard Cattle company for $1.25 a day.
Now I'm to get tho ropo, and I shot a man
bigger than I, and I was drunk, too, I
know ono thing, though; if I hadn't been
drunlc Herman Zahn would be alive today.
They said I kicked the body of the dying
man and said: 'I guess you ain't hurt
much.' I did It, If at all, through fear that
I killed him."
Referring to tho testimony as to his
being sober at the tlmo of tho shooting, ho
said: "Thny had me hanging round tho
saloons all tbo afternoon and only drinking
two glasses of beer. When I get down to
Lincoln I guess I'll start a Sunday school.
A man that will stay In a saloon all after
noon and only drink two glasses of beer
will make a good avangellst." He was
asked If Darrclt had anything to do with
tho shooting, nnd answered very positively,
"No, Blr and ho didn't hold tho team
neither." On Darrcll's trial there was evi
dence that a team drovo hastily from the
snloon Just as tho shooting begnn and that
as soon ns Darroll camo in Rhea raid:
"Put up your hands, 1 don't trust you."
ClrciiniHtnnooa I'olnt to Drowning,
WEST POINT. Nob., April 13. (Special.)
Honry Harstlck, Jr., a farmer living
southeast of tho city, went hunting and
(Idling on Wortman's lake, adjoining tho
Elkhorn river In tho south part of tho
county, Thursday afternoon. Upon his not
returning, his family became alarmed and
Instituted search. Tho boat was found but
tom-slde up on tho lake nnd his team tied
whero ho had left It, hut Harstlck was miss
Ing. Parties, headed by Sheriff Gallagher,
aro dragging the bottom of the lake, but
without result.
Weal I'olnt Council Orgnnlsra.
WEST POINT, Neb.. April 13. (Special.)
Tho new city rouncll of West Point hHS
organized, with Joseph Jermau, mayor. Mr.
Jerman, being mayor, a vacancy has been
created for a councilman In the First ward,
which was filled by thu unanimous election
of Anton A. l.anger, editor of thn West
Point Republican, to the position, Mr.
Langer was born In West Point,
lliilnrge York INiatomre,
YORK, Neb., April 13. (Special. )-Owlng
to the Increased business of the York post
office the postal officials at Washington
have advertised for bids for larger room.
As toon at to York poitofflco bai room
Ladies and Chil
dren's Spring and
Summer Hosiery
We havo an attractive lino of tho new
fancy Hose.
15c Wo are making n special offer for
Monday In Indies' fast black Cotton Hose
seamless double heel nnd too regular 23o
quality our prlco only 15c palr.-
25c Ladles' black Cotton Hose-maco solo
extra line gauge 35c value for Monday
only 25c pair. .
26c-Ladles' faM black Laco Llslo Hose
double sole, heel nnd toe very pretty pat
terns-while they Inst, 23c pair.
35c, 3 pair $1.00 Wo have no equal In this
price hoso for ladles fast blne.k Hants
l.lslc-fino ribbed top eottoti-nno black
cotton with maco soles-special weights for
spring wear In fancy hose embroidered
polka dot-strlpes-sllk cioks and drop
stitch llslo-selllng entire lino 3Sc-3 pair
Mc-Lndles" Drop Stitch and Laco Llsln
Fast Black Hose-silk llnlnli Intent novel
ties lu fancy hose exclusive patterns of
tho new red hosc-cmbroldered fancy
strlpcs-ncw blue, green, old rose, black
nnd white, gray, purple-all fast colors
only 50c pair.
Mothers will find It to their Interest to
mnko our store their headquarters for
children's School Hose.
15c-Chlldrcn's Fast Black Cotton Hose
doubln knee, heel and too all sizes. S to
OH. 15o pair.
Boys' and mlascs' School
quality fast black cotton-1-1 also 2-1
ribbed looks well, wears well-complcta
lino or sizes our prlre only 25o pair.
Misses' Fancy Hosn-new and dressv
fast black lace lisle, 25c pair. New red, In
stripes and dots, 50o pair.
Customers will find our stock of ladles'
and children's spring and summer under
wear complete, and, ns usual, prices low
est. 25c Ladles' Egyptian Cotton Vests high
neck long or short sleoves kneo pants to
match extra or medium slzo nicely fin
ished 25c each.
60c Ladles' Union Suits white or ecru
high neck long or short sleeves also low
neck (InlHhed seams 60c suit.
60c Ladles' Fancy Silk VesUs whits,
pink, blue, hello ono of our special bar
gainsonly 60c each.
Tho "Munslng" Union Suits for ladles
the only perfect-tlttlng suit made high
neck long or short sleeves nnklo or knee
length Halo thread or lino cotton half or
ull open front beautifully finished all
sizes $1.00 per suit.
Tho "Munslng" Union Suits for boys and
girls long or short sleeves low neck
sleovcless open or drop scat real com
forts for children all ages 50c suit.
sufficient York will have freo delivery.
There Is considerable competition among
owners of lots and capitalists, who wish to
build a brick building suitable for the post
office, und rent the same to tho government.
Among the bidders aro 11. C. Page, JoBeph
Boyer, Tim Sedgwick and W. P. Connor.
Knlghtn Elect Officer.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 13. (Special.)
Mount Herman commandery No. 7, Knights
Templar, elected these officers: W. W.
Johnson, E. C; B. A. Johnson, G.; E. S.
Stevens, C. G.; O. F. King, S. W.j Elwood
Blgler, J. W.; S. O. Smith, P.; O. P. LIs
ton, treasurer; L. S. Sage, recorder.
Loses Fifty Dollnr Illlla.
LYONS, Nob., April 13. (Spcclal.)-Rob-crt
Robertson, a well to do farmer near
town, lost "four $50 bills Thursday. Mr.
Robertson believes ho left theoo bills upon
tho counter at somo of tbo stores.
Aska for Divorce.
HASTINOS, Neb., April 13. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary A. Hogar haB filed suit for di
vorce from Henry O. Hogar on tho grounds
of non-support. The plaintiff asks for tho
custody of the children.
Not a 1'ateut Cure-all, nor a Modern
Miracle, but (limply a national Cure
lor Uyapepala.
In theoo days of humbuggery and decep
tion, the manufacturers of pateut medicines,
as a rule, seem to think tbelr medicines
will not sell unless they claim that It will
euro every dtseaso under tbo sun. And thoy
never tninK ot leaving out dyspepsia aud
stomach troubles. They arc sure to claim
that their nostrum is absolutely certain to
euro every dyspeptic and ho need look no
In tho face of theso absurd claims It la
refreshing to notu that the proprlotors of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets havo carefully
refrained from making any undue claims or
falao representations regarding tho merits
of this most excellent remedy for dyspepsia
and stomach troubles. They make but one
claim for It, and that Is, that for Indiges
tion and various stomach troubles Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets is a radical cure. Thoy
go no farther than this and any man or
woman suffering from Indigestion, cbronlo
or nervous dyspopslu, who will glvo tho
remedy a trial will find that nothing la
claimed for It, that the facta will not fully
It Is a modern discovery, composed ot
harmless vegetable Ingredients acueptablu
to tho weakest or moat delicate stomach.
Its great success In curing stomach trou
bles Is duo to tbo fact that the medical
properties aro such that It will digest
whatever wbolosomo food Is taken Into tho
stomach, no matter whothcr the stomach
Is In good working order or not. It rcata
the overworked organ and replenishes tho
body, tho blood, the nerves, creating a
healthy appetite, gives refreshing sleep and
tho blesulngs which always accompany a
good digestion and proper assimilation of
In using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets no
dieting Is required. Simply cut plenty ot
wholesome food and tuku these Tablets at
each meal, thus assisting and resting tha
stomach which rapidly regains 1 tu proper
dlgeatlvo power, when tho Tablets will bo
no longer required.
Nervous Dyspepsia is simply iv condition
In which somo portion ot portions of tho
nervous system aro not properly nourished.
Good dlgeBtlon invigorates tho nervous sys
tem und every organ In tho body,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by all
druggists at 50 cunts per package.
They nro manufactured by tho F. A. Stu
art Co., of Marshall, Mlrh.
Any druggist will tell you It give ual
venal vatUfactlon, .