s aGaaF All the l.mllPB Kf Gold Melil Chocolate Bon Bons By Bipmii I, 3. II nml ft pound hmn, Mle a ponnd W. S. Balduff, lolH-UO Knrnain Ml.. O in all a, rb. Thi Chicago Rioord nasal efthMt Type wrhcn la deMy YOST If you want typewriter, why Mt mdi flnt where you can Me BVBKY OOOD SORT OF TTPB WRITEH In Iti btt form? TYPHWKITHK BUPPLIM of all klndi for all maohlaaa. TTPIWK1TBRS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century Tha flaeit catalof ua ever luued It jrMft for tic ai klof . WrHe"orCall. Unltid Typewritir md Supply Go,, 1614 Farnaa at., Omaha. LIKE THE SUN'S BRIGHT RAYS- Eva nnVnKiaawaraKlHawa OlvltlK warmth and atrenKth- Hiller's Pure Rye Quicken the blood ami InvlKoraton the HyHtfin. A pure n n il wlioli'somi' whlnkey, It wt'll llt'HITVl'H till1 praise It has received from our Ithi )Ii)'hIcIiuin. I' ii I up In gallon Jiikh or in our tun quart bottles. I'HICU $3.20 1'ICIt (1AM.O.V CharKCH for ship mont nrenalil, Ail ilrcua all orders to HENRY KILLER D22 N. 16th St.. OMAHA, NHH. N. B. Orders from Hllltl-H Wt'Ht of Nil liruHku mum cub for 3 KUbollH ID )t prt'puia. THE ILLUSTHATED BEE. WILLIAM J KINLEY IN OMAHA I Editors Who Flourish April M, mot. The President Will Inolmle Omaha in Uia Itinerary and Spend a Day Hero. THE PREPARATIONS IN PROGRESS Indicate tli I'tiriiimc of Our Tropic to (J I vp Mini n (lennlne AV't ern Welcome When lie ComeN, Win. McKlnloy Is no stranger In Omaha. Ho ban partaken of Omaha hospitality on at leant three occasion. Perhaps his visit to tlio TrnninilBslsslppI Exposition wns the mont memorable visit of tho three. All our pcoplo will recall with pleasure that Krcat day nail Its Incidents, The l-rt-Nlilciit'N l'ln lloatnl over tho Omaha club and tho presi dential party occupied hamlsomo apart montH within Its walls. Ills stay when ho next visits this city cannot bo so prolonged and In many ways It will bo less notable, but An Omnlin Welcome to nny distinguished guest is uovor wanting In cordiality or taste, It therefore goes without saying that tho day fixed for tho visit will bo mado tho Important eplode of tho year's municipal history. When President McKlnley'n train arrives within tho city HmltH Tlic Siren Wlilxlle will notify all good citizens to preparo for tho reception of tho honored guest. While ho remains within tho realm of King Ak-Sar-Hon, he nnd those accompanying him will bit given to understand thnt Omaha for one day will forget her partisan politics nnd put nslde political predilections, unit ing as ono man to extend to tho chief ex ecutive of the United States tho hospitality becoming his station nnd duo from loynl Americans, rrcNlilcnt II. II. HoliU of tho Hankers Reserve Life Assoclntlun will decorate tho office of tho Bankers Re serve Life with nntlnnal colors. If tho president of tho United Stntes caros for the Information, ho will be able to loam Hint Nebraska's most vigorous nnd suc cessful llfo company Is bnvlng Its share of McKlnloy prosperity. Ho will learn nlso that this McKlnloy state stands by homo entei prise and thnt tho Hankers Reserve Mfe Association will double Its business In tho McKlnloy year of 1901, nnd that Its policies nro not excelled In tho world. Kvery loynl citizen Is Invited to cxnmlno Its policies nnd Investigate Its superior plans. DON'T BE SO THIN. FREE REMEDY. Many I ail lea and gentlemen who cannot complain of any kind of sickness are ab normally thin and cannot find any medico) treatment which will correct this condition, Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Fleab Builder Is not alone Intended for those who are sick, but also for those who appenr well and hearty, but cannot acquire tufflclent flesh to round out the form. In dyspepsia, Indites tlon, all stomach troubles, debility and nervous dlteaaeo no remedy la so prompt nnd powerful. In order to demonstrate the wonderful merlta of Dr. Whitney' Nerve and Flesh Builder every person who will address the C O. Jonee Co., Blmlra, N. Y., will receive a large trial package In plain ealed wrapper absolutely free. For tale by Sherman A MeConnell Drug jo., umini, Jntion do Arnica, Savon Oenllfrlea D'Arulca. Arnica s.uiut tvue. Tbe Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for 30 yeart. I'renerTM uml wlilton" the twtli, etrenitOiima U10 Kimi-i'i'U'iiitn bruutti. JSC at All Druggists. C. lt.5TK0N(l &CO.,lript.,Chlcago,U.3.A. 1 CDCC by tftiirn mH, lull cImciipiiw rnLr. rimiiirtui ninuiivM im rovril 'I'M 11 or nr era 01 nml (in r me nt liulilna. nin TO Paik. Ihefouiidmor Hincipal nl cienlllic Rannrni cut inK are tauuht to clfurly end pro cUriy lliai iniy moy uieruiniry iiilrllikmce ran anly anil quick Iv Ir.irn id cut anil nuke any gar inrnt In any l)lf, loany incai uio lor l.iidlee, Children) Men mill Horn, Oarme nit murnnlml In III lirrftCtlV Mlth our tryliiic wi. A know bilge ol lh Mnnily Sitrin Uwnnh a fortune to any lady. Thoinandi l'l open dm.rruktre oe ihclr lurreM to tin Moody Syiitru. Aiicnu warned. MOODY & CO.. P.O. Ham aiOO.CIaelaaatl. O I A. I. root, Printer! I 414-416 South Twelfth Street I J Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. I (Continued from Fourth Pago,) weekly In thlB torrltory. O, K, Hull eon ducts tho Leon Reporter, democratic, and It Is In tin- samo clnss ns Its competitor. Mr. Hull Is n young man of high nbllltlcs and has mado his business a success from tho time ho took hold of It a few years ago. Tho Reporter Is a very old paper, founded In 18CI. Printer or Mormoiiilom. But It Is Joseph Smith tho Younger of Lamonl, Decatur county, who does tho big gest publishing business In southwest Iowa, Mr. Smith Is the head of a printing con corn big enough to hold nil tho other nows papor offices In tho Eighth congressional district. He Is something less thnn 100 years old, with n board like tho beard of Auron. For ho Is tho head of tho Mormon church of America. He Is the son of the original Joseph Smith, prophet and author of tho book of Mormon. Joseph Smith the Yotingor never saw Salt Lnke, but ho Is tho real hend of tho church of Lattor Day Saints. Tho supremo court of tho United Stntes has sold so. Decatur county Is pop ulated largely by Mormons. Thoy nro not polygnmlsts, but otherwise nccept sub stantially all that tho Utah Mormons do. Their prophet Is Joseph Smith, patriarch of Lamonl. They conduct a rcolly Immense printing house, ono of tho lnrgcst in Iowa, not even excepting tho cities. Thoy glvo tithes after tho manner of scrlpturo; tho product supports flrncelnnd college, n Mormon Institution, a splendid home for aged of tho faith, nnd tho big printing con cern, whose bibles, song books, Sundnv school lesson leaves nnd doens of other products nro sold all over the world. A. D. Egan Is now the proprietor of the Atlnntlo Telegraph, the paper founded by Lnfo Young. Mr. Egnn has continued to glvo tho people of Atlantic a good after noon dally. Onrdncr k Sons oonduct the Cnss County Democrat, weekly, nt Anita: Sherm Myern runs tho Tribune (republican). Mr. Myers has tnkon n prominent part In Ninth district politics and Is widely known throughout tho state. W. W. Wnlte con ducts tho democratic Hernld. J. M. Brlggs Is tho veteran of tho Anltn newnpaper men, running tho Republican. James M. flow's Greenfield Transcript was for years tho home organ of Congressman linger when he wns In congress. Tho Transcript nnd Democrat, by IS. J. Sldey, are both strong papers. W. H. MrCluro conducts one of the handsomest llttlo pa pers, typographically. In the Fontnnollo Ob server. It Is ns Interesting and sprightly ns It Is handsome. Mr. McClurp believe the nppearaneo of n paper Is a largo part of Its nttroetitcness nnd ho never permits cnrclessness In this regard. J. C. W. MccIIiik of (lie AnnocIiMIiiii. Recently a meeting of tho .Southwestern Iowa Editorial association was hold at Crouton, nt which time tho photographs accompanying this article were taken. Tho following were In attendance: Walter S. Ileall, News, Ml. Ayr. I'. W. Ilanton. Enterprise, Cumberland. (1. A. Hill, Echo. Massenn. A. E. Chllils. Times, Ilrldgewnter. II. E. Perkins, (llobe, Kellorton. I). II. Scott. American, Orlswold. Henry Purvlance (low. Transcript, (Jiecn- neld. W. H. McClure, Observer, Fontnnclle. J. C. Harrows, loweglan, Centervllle. W. S. Johnson, Express, Harden Orovo. E. J. Sidney, Democrat, Greenfield. O. E. Hull, Reporter, Leon. W. I. Worttunn, Leader, Malvern. Nate Q. Miller, Independent, Essex. Edgnr Brawn, Record, Hastings. C. C. Shcaffer, Enterprise, Rnndolpli. 1. S. Junkln, Unlnu-Itepubllcnn, Corning. E. J. Harklow, Express, Hid Oak. W. C. Dcpow, Bureau, Wnlnut. W. O. Hodgson, Hawkoye, Ht Charles. 8. M. Orceno. Hernld, Clarlnda. E. 1). Hully and C. M. Kneetly, Graphic, Elliott. Walt C. McCllntock, Beacon, Tnbor. F. C. Clark. William Hall, Sun, Red Oak. J W. Wayne, Republican, Orlswold. A. R. names. Semi-Weekly Union, Albln. J. II. May, Review, Cincinnati. W II. Dweey, Democrat. Charlton. Ilernnrd Murphy, Eagle, Vinton. Lntnyetto Young, Capital, Des Moines, J. 0, McCormick, Current Press, College Springs, M. M. Illnton. Record, Melrose. J. M, Onss, News, Albla, O, C. McCormack, Republican, Albln. J L. I-ong, Union, Russell. W W. lllsby. Tribune, Afton. I' W. Sprnguu. Reporter. Orient. O, O, Hall, Journal, Conway. Howard Tiilford, Record, Mt. Ayr. V 1. Ouches, Sentinel, Osceola. W. P. Wormian, lender, Malvern R. W. Hruce, Herald, Charlton. II, L, Bishop, Journal, Lorlmor. John Sterling, Democrat, Corydoi E. H. Lowls, Patriot, Charlton. A. W. Maxwell, Lender, Seymour. John Adams, Press, Soymour. James Johnston, Call, Stanton, O. P. Shcaffer, Republican, Red Oak W. J. Clark, Tlmo-Tablo, Lonox. R. O. Wlseil, Free Press, Corning l, "anaj&H I nallX. Balam' '1 BBBBBab''j . "aBaBaHBaBnalBW We Are Climbing Up. The Twentieth Century Farmer is now publishing over 30 columns of advertising each week. We ask the advertiser for no contract and give no dis count no matter how long he runs or how large space he uses he can order his ad out at any time. It is plain then that unless it pays the advertiser, we can't hold his business. That we published this amount of advertising, week after week, on these terms, is sufficient evidence that our advertisers get ample results. Circulation, 27,000. Rate 10c Per Agate Line. IT PAYS TO BE IN The Twentieth Century Fairmer The Bee Publishing Co., Prop'rs, Omaha, Neb. A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. A Noted Divine Who Is f THE tfleNT 5H0C Co I Mm MAKER Nro WEARER I obapluln of a Wisconsin regiment, In speak- lug on tho question of abolishing the Army I Canteen, snyn: "Oood beer Is better than bad water." A quotation coming from mich n nourco suouiu uesorvo more tnnti u pawn- nil' liM thought. Omaha Brewing Assoeln- New Spring Styles of the fnmous REQENT SHOES are, as usual, the leaders In foot fashions for men Thoy come in nil the well known makes, Including tho new patent vlcl kid. enamel. Russia calf, kangaroo and nil colors of tans. Wo chnrge $2.no and $3. no others nsk $.1.00 and 16.00 for their equal. Regent Shoe Co. Writ' for Frre Cntii loum. " Bock Beer Days WE TEACH YOU FREE SB. to IIO. PER DAY. llbl , Hl.vrr. nickel noil MtUl lMtlnC. n u"tu 'r iravtuuf , uiidi oq MlllUl I'ruF. Uray Mm hlnc. ritiet Waicbf, Jtl7, (able war, RlfjrejM, mrUl food. NO K&fERlthlK. J pill. UUro ucthovll. Notoja. . n UW pia'tOf, nut uumii, All fComrtllf. kit tool. Iftlhtl. matarUta The Hot-ail. Dew lit r il Df rMaa. nulfe a mj. nrttetouaja raiuirjii, lamrira. t , ritr.r.. I. UHkX A CO., PUtUtt Work CINCINNATI, U IHaBanWr-r2 for work. Spring- is coming' wlii'ii I'voryoni' wants somutiiliiK tn liniilHli "thnt tired feulliiK" tlmt comus with It, nml tlii'io Is tiothliiK that will ilo It Uku our pure and wholesome bot tled beer. It Is the best and must pleas ln beverage that you can drink und will drive away the blues by addliiK to your vitality and making you feel as If life was worth living. Have you tried our famous Hock Beer now on draught? Hrewed and bottled lu Oinnha. Teleiilione lit). Metz Bros. Brewing Company, OMAHA. Hon wishes to Htatu that In the manufac ture of their beern they line nrte.slnn water unjl the best of Imps, thus forming a com bination of nil that Is tho best artesian water. Imported hops nnd "Hluo Itlbbou Bottled Beer." Hnvo n limited number of cases of our celebrated Bock Bottled Beer, so get your order In nt onco nnd be up to date. Omaha Brewing Association TELEPHONE 12C0. The Best is xmid enough for the American People. THAT MEANS GREEN RIVER THE WHISKEY WITHOUT A HEADACHE. t nil UrNt-eliiNN Iiiii-n nml lintel. WMII.V Til A HT, SIII'I'MKII IIV ciiiu.wio i.Mtuoii iiousr., Wi .Vorlh Kith Street. M. Wollstein & Co. nisTiiimiToits. rw-r,nt no. mill st. OM.All . o FREE LIFE SIZE DOLu "Baby's clothes will now fit Dollle." (llrlo can trtt thU U aiilirul I.lfi- Slti Doll itliMilutt-ly Knt fur w lllnr only ft. iir iNniiif tmr (iriat Cult! Hi ml. Ht lit Tttlilt'tM itt V cnit a Imix Wi He tOlll It htl WH Wilt Hll Hl1tlll'UtHl'7 lllilll M let mill, Will Hll M'llil 1H tll nmiH-v 1 8 1, (i nml m will m-ih) Mm (litri I .IIV Mt Dull ulikli I hit liltfll Hllil nil) wt'iil ulh V lutliCH. Do I. Iln hunm liult wtiiu lll'lc Htni,(lulil( it Mtilr. ItufV ('Iu'iLm, Itrmwi hit. Kit) Col.ur.l Il.nv. a Ooltl riniitl Ittnntv Tin, 1N-I htm kOiDliu k Wmt -,V will ptiuiii iilntu- Ihlrtilitll Unni'iuit If iHiKliniion of tin llni t-t IihihI imlntt'd Kkmh'Ii Dull, anil will Hvm inaililM'B nifinury luiitf aft r iliitdlmoil linjn hat imMMtHl, AiMn-iu. NATIONAL MEDICINt CO.. Ofll t 0011 New Haven, Conn FREE: n A WANT ONE OF THESE 1901 BICYCLES ah iionun awjToriiM'mcnu oaroaricrnunou 10 imrnuucu iug wonacrrui icura llcadarhA Tablet Into t'Ytry homo, and In ortler to do bo wo m! trood atrvnts and aru willing to aj in fin nantipuinciy luucunitt'i iwi jiutiei nifjcio, wun I Jin f ni. iH.'ii miu uLMwicr imtp nuaw-iitti, iur eviiiuof uur rvintuj. Wo liHvo 14 re nutation for hunot dt-jillrur. auul tu tirmti It. turv penonwho wlUJx boxen of leura Htadiu tioTtibUt at ui ct-ntii box will rciviro our (ri'nfrous otfer of thU uHotlate whtfl, also iAntcrn. ikuaud uraka. with naif n dozen doulle Dlatud TMBMona which ve frit u ntxtolutrly fn for wlllnir only aJx 41)11 v F ini niTiih uiurr iiminj. niitx u aciiii uin lauit'LH by mallrwheu told vend uitho il.&O and we (ruaranu If tou will comply with our otTer wo will wnd you wluithf Tt-a BHonf ,tho lAntinuthe lu ll, ami tho Hlryplo,any ilzo f rame,wtth aCatT trak(wiiltivirlrenatumluUly friUtmemhcr wo truarant w tho IHoti'Ih tu litf a IWU hhnIi'L runtalnliiir all of ttm IntMit Imnrnvn. menta, and that erery wheel la nttd with a Coanter Brake. Why y out money for a l.leyiTe, Ipjigj. DrUChV DO DImumIm whnoucantonofivThouaamUcanUiTtlfy thai wodoMwowiy. Wrltoat oncoaUdrue. lUUnK I) LULU I UU DICjCIS iafatav M X. h. l " II MWP II Dept .E 42 Haw Haven. Conn. 1