April M, 1001. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. Big New Lightship For Hatteras Shoals Sailors say that there are two grave yards In the Atlnutlc, one off Sablo Island and tin- other at Capo Hnttcrns. The wricks that strew tin sea bottom around the little pleco of land between tho (Jrntid Hanks and tho mainland aro mostly caused by tho dense fogs that prevail most of the year, misleading tklppers westward and oastwurd bound, until too lato thoy find of work, tho treacherous inilcksnuds have engulfed tho most solid foundations and sometimes n single night of storm has de molished the structure. Floating buoys of various kinds have been tried, but these have olso been quickly washed away After careful consideration, the L'nlted Statoj Lighthouse Hoard decided to have a light ship constructed, which would be strong JBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBI - sssssssssssH -r 5 iYsHHIIIIIIIIIIm - CiA .,iTS ... . ... . . -JL. - -A. .v hull nd machinery and to tako tlmo enough to drive every bolt and every rivet homo. She Is 112 feet In length and qtllto Bhnllow, being about twenty feet In depth. Tho bull, made of the best steel, Is divided Into Iho water tight compartments by bulkheads of the same material, so that If tho wator should till three of these, tho other two would keep her ollrot. Partly to strengthen her hull, she Is provided with three decks built nlntost ns strongly ns those of n war ship. In order to resist the tremendous strain when rocking In the waves, The quarters for the captain, olllrers and crow nre on the main deck, while tho coal bunkers and other supplies nre below As the oftlcers and men must remain some times for five or six weeks without seeing nnyone or being relieved, the government has tried to make their surroundings as homelike as possible. Steam luat and electric lights nre pro vided In rnch enhln and the furniture, rnr- pets and fittings would be a credit to n mansion. The ship Is equipped with re frigerating npparntim nnd has also a plant for distilling water so that an ample sup ply of lee can be maintained In the summer months as well ns an abundance of puro water. To hold the lightship on her stntlon pow erful apparatus was provided, She hns what Is known ns n harbor anchor, weigh ing 2.000 pounds, large enough for nn or dinary liner. This Is connected by a chnln whose links nre one nnd one-eighth Inches thick, calculated to stand n strain of 70, 000 pounds. Besides the hnrbor nnehor there Is what Is known as n kedge nnehor, weighing 3.10 pounds, which works ns a sort of steering gear to keep the vessel head on to tho waves In n heavy storm. In order to give her plenty of room to ride tho wavrs 720 feet of nnehor chnln Is provided. Tho nnchors nro raised and lowered en tirely by steam, the ship bolne equipped with speclnl engines. Electricity fur nishes the Illumination for the lnnterns, which nro nrranged upon two steel mnsts nt a height of fifty feet nbove water line. Kneh mast contains n cluster of six nro lnmps enrh of 100 volts. On n clear night their rays can bo seen a dlstnnee of twenty miles, while In stormy weather It Is rnl- eulated that tho captain of n ship ten miles distant can see them through his field glasses, ns they have nn nttochment which produces n vivid flash every half minute. Tho electric current Is generated by n set of powerful dynamos opernted by steam en gines. Number 72 Is provided with steam ns n motive power, In ense she should break loose from her moorings. Her engines nro ns large as those In an ocean tug of tho first clnss nnd, It Is believed, will enable her to battle successfully with tho nvcr ngo northenster. She Is nlso equipped with a mnlnsnll, foresail nnd .lib, principally to stonily her In n gale of wind. There Is no danger of her being tnlstnken for nny other craft. The letters on her side nro nbout ten feet In height nnd on n elenr dny enn be seen nt n dlstnnee of severnl miles In themselves. Cats, lite. "Why," nsked the I'll "Is n woman dresfod tip Detroit Journal: conscious Imbecile, llko a cnt?" Tho Lay Figure courteously gao It up "Well, n cat gets mad If you rub her the wrong way" "And a woman dressed up"" !ntopoo.l tho Lny l'lguie, eagerly. "Well, n woman dtessid up Is offended it people don't rubi er Jusl abrut so'" As for tho Otbeis, they smoked violently but In silence. .1 A. Ken nn Tnlltr'ng Co ouiii' Ivo high 'class ladles' and gontloiien's Inl orlug. Ad vaiiced styles, clever Ideas, newest effects 121 South I.MIi iitrect Thonc SO... r runty aboiv A Short Story S. A. HREWSTER, EDITOR CRESTON ADVERTISER. themselves upon the rocks. Fog Is only enough to withstand tho heaviest seas ami a lesser porll of tho Hatteras weather, provide Illumination which could bo seen The capo Is known tho seven seas over as nt n long distance nn the stormiest night. Sun: "Tell mo a story, the worst of storm centers. Tho fury of its winds, tho sweep of Its terrlblo cross seas, nnd tho treachery of Its lurking shoals are n byword In tho mouth of every deep sea sailor. It Is hejp thnt tho gov IndlannpollH papn." "No; go to bed." "No, sir! Tell mo n story." "If I do will you go to bed?" "Yes." "Well, onco upon n tlmo I hero was a great big benr that caught a hunter In tho woods and btnrtod to hug him to death." "In what woods?" "Oh, I don't know some woods." "Did tho boar hug him to doath?" "No; just then two big tiger policemen nunc, along and run the boar In for violating Tho first ship tried wnsn't of sufficiently henvy caliber. The artillery of the seas wnB too much for her, nnd one night she wns torn from her moorings and landed high nnd dry on tho bench, the crew Just eminent has Just set tho now nnd power- escaping with their lives, Number 72 had fill lightship, No. 72, stnunchest of Its Just been finished nnd wns sent direct to kind, to warn ships from Iho Invisible Hnttcrns. She Is much Inrger than the perils of tho coast. other vessel nnd tho workmen In tho ynrds Tho dancers of Hiitterns nro cenornllv t Qtllncy, Mnss,, where she wns built, bad unseon. Even In flno weather the water orders to put tho best material Into the tho game laws, Now go to bed. s.t high tldo entirely conceals tho reefs of Jagged rock upon which many n ship hns beaten herself to pieces, nut flno weather Is rare thereabouts. Seldom does tho sun rlso clear upon tho low sand spit running far out Into the ocean. Every storm thnt reaches tho const seems to eck out Hat teratt for tho display of Its greatest violence. During n nor.hJnst or south enst gale Its rocky senwnrd stretching ledges turn tho ocean currents Into a vortex'- nnd then there Is no spot In the ocoans of tho world inoro to bo feared. Tremendous cross-sens rlso nnd sweop the wnters for many miles nut to sea, A real Hatteras storm often extends Its lnlluonce between 200 nnd 300 miles outwnrd, If tho roofs of Hnttcrns wcro situated nt n different point on tho const lino the enpo would not hnvo Its ovll reputation. Hut thoy llo In wnlt nt tho most ensterly point of tho South Atlantic const, nnd vessels bound to nnd fro between southern ports of such cities ns Now York nnd Phlla dolphin, as well as tho fleet of steamships which load nt (lulf cities for Europe nnd coal nt Norfolk nnd Newport News, must pass close by. Tho cape In also closo to tho direct routo between South Alnntlc ports nnd Orent Britain, nnd If a ship enp Inln loses his reckoning even by a fow miles, ho Is Ilnblo to como dangerously nenr It. Since the first American monitor wont to the bottom of tho sen off Cnpo Hntterna nui'dreds of rrnfts. from tho fishing sinncks to the liner, hnvo been Its victims, nnd thou fluids of lives hnvo been lost In Its stormy wnters. Realizing this cnnstnnt mennco to the navigator, the government hns spent millions of dollars trying to find something which will give suitable warning to ships, Time nnd ngnln lighthouses hnvo been plnnned, nnd the work gotten well under wny, but sooner or Inter, often nfter months MffiftsKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsl KW-sKBKKKSwZmL'?9Pt VffiiaKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKl saMBMBMMMMV,'M?TlsaMY' "KSSEHai intM WIW ii II ft i .iMHHMMm m GENERAL LUIS E. TORRES, SENORA TORRES AND JOSE DE OLIVARES. PRIMO RYE 10 YKAHH Ul.tl. fT& The Gem of nye whiskics Kich in riator Distinct In Character - Id- U ill PS Kind ' . . . k UllidUJIUUllkW In To Introduce old whiskey send this we line will full timii'lN for $3-10 (.'barges prepaid This whiskey Is bottled ex pressly for my trade mill l sold direr! to tho consumer, thus saving nil retnll driller's profit. I gunr iintee It to lie 11 Hue, pure, old ryo whiskey, nged In wood ntul the ctiunl of nny whiskey sold for twice tho money. If not absolutely satisfactory, re turn to me nnd I will refund your money I give 11 line sou venir with every plnln boxes. Hofcrenoes: All bunks In Omuliii or miy expresf company. Orders from states west of Nebraska must call for 3 b'ullons to bo prepaid. Wrlto to MEYER KLEIN, na:t North Kith Hi., OMAHA. order. Shipped susptcon. ILER'S PURE MALT S3 WHISKEY To hnu'ii ctso in fht'ltuiMi Klilu'li.uinvMiKincvnillir imiiIi i(.vv;iiiwM:iM(iaini SolilkDriitfutTMitPcairj. 'Mitiuoieirw hill Above linn will do uxnotly ns ngreed Kil T DO M E I'mUEttWITH 11IWI.1D U1 . IfiiTtrUDlM'WAfERj mmmmmmW 17 .rriTufiif r,tiY SALESMEN and AGENTS WANTED PIQ WAOES-Our rtmou ntu In? fnilou ol flltrr. S1.IMHI uilil. DrintDd rnormou. Krcrybodj tuyt. (It.r (lie kllehci ilora II fur nlihea i.lfnir of tlltlllr1. 3 ttr,l itrlnklnc wtlff, pur, d. 4 llrtouiftQ.litr. Only method. la. Stomftoh, llowtl, Klloj, IlltJ.ler nd llrl TrouMMI nriTFtill rTtra fend ilolnrli. WrllrfurllooVlft. Nrw I'lun.Trrnife, ttc FHKK IDnrrlMin nfk. Co. , llatlfel 411 lllttltou llldf., niu,. Belgian Hares Itnseberry, Yukon, Sir Hlyles, llaiilmry, l''nslioda, etc., nil for snlo eheap, Also sev ernl prlzo-wlnncrs. fieni Trlnlilail score !i.V'i nt I mo. Hervlco $.". omaba llrmieb (leni Knbbltry, 1S0I Locust St., omnlm, Neb. Mm. Wliiwlov'n Noot liluu- 9)'rili hus been used for over FIFTY TEAI18 by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIts nilEN WIIILR TEETHINO. with PKn KECT BUCCK8H. IT SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS tho OUMB, ALLAYS all PAIN. CMIHES WIND COLIC and Is the belt rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by druggists In every pint of the world. Ha sure and nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup" mid tako no other kind. Twenty-ilva cents bottle. Read I he Illustrated Bee Photographic Art Studies Tbei are the works of the Tonneion Sisters of Chlcngo, and there Is probably no more capable photographic artlsta tn the world than these enthusiastic young wonun There are twelve subjects from which to choose, of which we reproduce eight. These pictures are handsome enough for anynnn's drawing room and may bs usti effectively unframed, or will look splendidly with simple dark frame. How to Get Them These pictures are mounted on handsome black raw silk stock mounts, 12x15 Inches the photographs aro 7x9 Inches, These lme never been sold at tho art stores for less than one dollar. By securing nn Immense (juiintlty of them we are able to offer them With a Coupon for 10 Cents. When ordering Btate the name of the subject slid ir they nre to he mailed enclose four cents additional for postage ami parking. AIIT DBPAKTMKNT, THE BKE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th and Fnrnani Sts. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbBz;. XkBTs IbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbHLsbbbuL'-r aRj'll sbbbbbbbbbbbbvTshGsbbbbs ii ISBBBBBBBBBBBBSW V mkBBBBBBBBBBl ISBSBBBBBBBBBBiW vol numiLus. OUR l'ET. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Bee Office or mall this coupon with 10c aud get your choice of Photo graphic Art itudUs. When ordering by mall add ir. for postage. ART DBPARTMKNT, IIBB PIJI1MI1IING CM., OMAHA.