THE ILLUSTRATED BKE. Women's Clubs in Western Iowa Awake April 14, 1001. Recently thu woman's club movement In western I own has taken on u new life, and the Interest was shown In a meeting at Carroll lately, when nioro than 100 'women, representing clubs in thu Tenth congressional district, gathered, In the body wcro somo of the brightest women In tho state. Twenty-ono clubs were repre sented, tho delegates coming from lloonc, Coon Haplds, Uenlson, Gllddcn, Grand Junction, Enimettsburg, Jetterson, Odcbolt, Scranton and other towns In the district. Mrs. W. L. Culbertsou of Carroll pre sided over thu convention, which was held ut thu Presbyterian church. Mrs, W. R. Leo of Coon Uaplds was secretary. Tho principal business of tho session was an interchange of Ideas on club work and the progress of tho movement In the district represented. Reports were mndu from a dozen or more of tho lending clubs on thu .Vork being accomplished and tho methods pursued, and tho discussions brought out wero of especial Interest to the club women. Ono of the papurs which attracted espe cial attention was on "Vlllago Improve' meut," read by Mrs. M. C. Hlbbs of lloonc. Sho bus mado a careful study of tho subject, and her paper was full of timely and perti nent suggestions. Her listeners wero much cdlflcd by her arguments and conclusions. "Tho Club as a Developing Agency," by Mrs. Mabol V. Dlxon-Hutchlnson of Ot tumwa, who Is widely known In Iowa club Mrs. Mlnulo Fuller, by Mrs. W. L. Cutbort- 6011. Emnicttsburg Friday club, Mrs. Powers by Mrs. F. M. Powers. Lake City Monday club, Mrs. Strong, by Mrs. F. M. Powers. Jefferson--Friday club, Mrs. Foy, Mrs, Carter, by Mrs. M. 11. Mltichcu. Culture club, Mrs. Church, by Mrs, Moeomber; Mrs, Parrot, by Mrs. Lee. Suroais club, Mrs, S, C. Culbertsou, by Mrs. Lee. Odebolt Woman's Literary club, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs. liny, by Mrs. Whltnoy. Scrnnton Hay View club, Mrs. Lewis, by Mrs. Chubbuck. Delegates from tho Cnrroll clubs wore also present, tho Musical Hour, tho Ccclllan club and tho Clio club, Anecdotes of Evarts Many anecdotes of tho quaint but dry humor of tho Into William M. Evarts aro being related. Among tho guests at a dinner to Daniel Webster In New York, says tho Saturday Evening Post, was Dr. Hen Jamln Rrnudrcth, thu Inventor of u cele brated pill known by his name. Mr. Hvurts united these two great men In a volunteer toast to "Daniel Webster nud lleujamln Drundrcth, tho pillars of tho constitution!" President Hayes was a total ubstaluor at home. Scoffers said ho only drank tho "O. P. brands." His statu dinners, othor- OUOUP OF IOWA WOMEN IN ATTKNDA NCU AT CAHIIOLL. la., CONVENTION Photo by Ilostwlck. to alludo to this saving station!" course as "tho life- wines that gave different ones, li I in trouble as tho In- To a lady who expressed surprise that ono tho chairman called for tho ntlldnvltH. Thu clerk produced u number ft out thu llles, Consulting his dockul, Mr. Edmunds thought Objection had been Died with tho Judiciary Uieio were more, and othuiH weru found. A search disclosed another batch that had jEpjsiv iw: jlr . -. Jut tf-t:VAVAVAVAH MPS. LEE OF COON RAPIDS. MRS. GAItST work, was read by Mrs. Foy of Jefferson. Mrs. Hutchinson was unable to bo present. This paper called out considerable discus sion and somo very amusing experiences wero related. Mrs. Clara Clark Garst of Coon Haplds lead a carefully prepared paper on "Manual Training lr. tho Public Schools." Mrs, Garst writes and roads well. Tho nblo maimer In which sho dls cussod tho subject offered now stimulant to father, mother and teacher In pointing out tho right direction In tho training and managing of young Amorlca, The object of tho meeting was to stimu late tho Interest In club work and eventu ally bring nil In tho state Into a federation. Following Is n list of tho delegates pres ent, tho clubs they represented and tho ladles who entertained them while In Cur roll: lloone City federation, Mrs, flibbs, Mrs, Sllfer, entertained by Mrs. Hungerfnrd; Shakespeare club, Mrs. llreiuniermnn, Miss Illbbs, by Mrs. Chnrles Guam; Lowell club, Mrs. Dyor, Mrs. Ilnrkloy, by Mrs. A. L Wright; Hnwthorno club, Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Illaek, by Mies Tolbott; Mrs. Groner, Mrs. Dennis, by Mn. Felgley; Gradtiu ion club, Mrs. McMahon. by Mrs. J. K. Grit nth; Ilypntln club, Mrs. Campbell, by Mrs Park. Cocn Itnp.dh Womnn's club. Mis. Gars", Mrs. Asher, by Mrs. Ilurke; Mrs. Shute, bj , Mrs, Humphrey; Utile Dulcl, Mrs. Dam ''rod, by Mrs. Pclsue. Denlsnn Friday club, Mrs. Doynton, bj Mrs. Purke; Mrs. Kcmmlng, Miss Dnllo, bj Mrs. J. L. Powers. Glldden Sorosls club, Mrs. S, T. Wnldron, Mrs. Scott, by Mrs. Watts. Phllomathonn club, Mrs. William Waldrnn, Mrs, Orchnrd, by Mrs, nrunor. Grnnd Junction Twentieth Century club, MPS. IIIUDS OF BOONE. OF COON RAPIDS. wise very olegnnt and costly, wore served without wines. Tho only concession to con viviality was tho Roman punch, flavored with Jamaica rum, Evnrts wns nccustomcd MPS. MRS, W. L CULUERTSON, CARROLL, President. W. R. LEE, COON RAPIDS, Secrotary. of such slender frnmo and fragile physique committee to tho continuation of a uoinlnu could endure, so many feasts, with tholr tlnn on account of the dissolute hnblts of varying viands and different wines, he re- tho appointee. plied that It wns not so much the different When tho case came up for eonslderat Ion hot n overlooked. 'Tho papers In this cusu," said Mr. KvurtH, "appear to bu nioro dissipated, If pohHlblc, (hull thu caudldatul" Itlslng to address Informally thu guests at a Thanksgiving dinner ho begun: "Vuu have been giving uur attention to u turkey slutted with sage. Vou uro now about to consider u sagu sluMect with turkuy." Ono day a young woman dressed lu thu height of fashion, and with u most self satlsllud air, called him out ut the senate fur an Interview In thu mtublu room. Shu explained her visit us duo to a desire to benelit his children. Mr. KvarlH was all ill tuutiou In an Instant. "1 should llko an engagement to instruct and entertain tho younger members or your family," she wont on. "My trUnds tell me that I am very clever, and 1 am accus tomed to recite for hours every day." "It may bu Mild to have beconii) chronic?" suggested Mr. KvurtH, Hyiupalhlcally. "1 Htipposo so," tho elocutionist uuHwered with enthusiasm. "Well," commented thu senator, dream ily, "It has always beun tho practice of our family to mix benevolence with our busi ness, whenever wo can, but we have to exercise somo discretion In doing this. We had a uuraemaid unco who became lame, and 11 coachman who was badly deformed by an accident. In both earns thu mlsroituuu occurred after tho parties hail entered our service, ho that wo fell bound, In Christian charity, to retain them for the rest of their days. Dili 1 should hardly feel Justilled In closing u contract wi'h u governesH whom I know, at tho tlmu of nicking thu engage ment, to bu lu an advanced Htage nf elocu tion, probably Incurable." A Bachelor's Reflections New York Press: Married men kiss from duty, married women kiss from habit. Wheiiuver you can got three ministers ogetlier, you can get a new funny story. The ancients probably Invented a prutty wife for tho devil so as tn explain why ho waH so wicked. A woman Is never worried by her big troubles near as much as she Is troubled by her llttlu worries. Pioliuhly lu heaven thu women will nil talk us nice to tho men us they do on earth to their husbands when I hoy have company. MEETING OF WOMAN'S CLUDS AT CAHIIOLL lu Flashlight by Staff Artist.