Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1901, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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Indication! Ptint to OlrMime Actiritj in
I'dtio CirclM.
terry Mi'Hnvrn Mtoin In Omiilin While
on lit U'nj- In Const l.ix'nl I'IkIH
lillmiTn Amilt Mnillli-OI-Niiii
.Mill mIIIi (Ircnl liitorrM.
Ilcnewcd activity all nlonrc the lino In
pugilistic circle!) has been apparent during
the Inst week or bo nnd It begins to look
row as though tho ban which was bo evi
dent n few wcckB ago Is to bo lifted roodit
than was at first expected. In New York
pugilism will probably bo tnbooed for sotno
tlmo to come. Bam Harris, manager of
Terry McOovern nnd one of tho shrewdest
fight promoters In tho country, gavo It as
his opinion whllo In the city laBt week that
It would bo two or three years before tho
lighting Rntno would bo resumed to any
noticeable extent In the Atlantic Bcnboard
metropolis. "Wo'll have (o elect a good
ninny moro demounts In Now York than wo
havn now," ho Bal.l, 'before fighting will bo
tolerated In tho metropolis,"
The gloom which pervnded light rlrcles
but a Hhort time ago Is being dissipated,
however, and hero and there can bo distin
guished a rift In the clouds which hung so
heavily over the sport about tho tlmo thnt
the chamnlonBbln mill between Jcffrlrs nnd
Iluhlln went by the bonrd because of fnlluro
m nml n nlacc where the event could bo
In Chicago It Is given out cold that fight
Ing Is to bo resumed within n very short
time. This nronitao was held out, It Is
Htalcd, by the suppottcrs of the niltnlnlstr.i
tlon beforo tho laBt city election and It Is
en Id that Mayor Harrison received many a
voto that would otherwise have boon cast
ngalnnt him becauso of tho understanding
that he would countenance prize fighting
during his term of ofllcc, If re-elected.
Mayor Harrison Is not opposed to lcgltlmnlo
nport. His opposition to the lighting game
nnd the opposition of the couucllmen who
worked for tho ordinance prohibiting fight
lng In Chicago had Its origin becauso of tl'i
fakery nnd Jobbery thnt wns nppnrcni in
eomo of tho mills pulled off phortly precon
Inir the scrowlni: down of tho clamps, If
tho snort tnkes on life ngaln It will prob
ably be under now direction. Tho men who
were connected with tho game beforo Its
death In Chicago will probably continue
to bo shrouded. Tho new promoter-general
Is likely to be Tom Hanton, formerly nres
ldent of Tattcrsalls Athletic club. Hanton
Is said to have come out of tho flascoes of
recent occurrence In Chicago with clean
hands and Is known ns n man who can bo
depended upon to tote fairly with the flght-
crH and tho public ns well.
celvlng. Ho doesn't In tho least measure K"n. lorn u iiourKc nas picKe.i mm up
. ti,n rAmmnn .,,.. i r niieiiiu. ' nml wl11 devote his energies toward in-
Thri i.i nothing rnnh nr uncouth about i troduclng the ' Kid" Into a
While there has been n dearth recently of
challenges nnd counter-challenges nmong
the top-notchers, tho clever lighters In mid
die. light nnd fenthcrwelght circles lire go
lng right nlong making matches und doing
somo lighting. Kven tho silence thnt 1ms
characterized the henvywclghts Is beginning
to bo broken. This Is not necessarily u sign
that fighting Is to bo resumed. It Is char
acterlHtjc of tho big pugs to do n deal more
talking than fighting. Down In Memphis
Louisville, In various cities of Connecticut
and Wisconsin, over In Toronto and nut In
Denver nnd 'Frisco tights hnvo been pulled
off without Intcrferenco and there seems no
probability of olllclal objection, so thnt
mntcbes nro being mndo for fheso cltto3
without fear of tholr falling through. I
tho gsmo Is started In Chicago again the
nltuntlon will be about as of yoro, with tho
excontlon that New York will bo out of
consideration, for the tlmo being, at least.
It Is a cortnlnty that this lull In puglllsttj
Bffnirrf will bring about one thing. There
will be In tho future greater enro exercised
by fighters and managers In tbclr proceed
ings. The high hand with which nil things
pertaining to the gnme was cnrrled on will
give place to a more conservative policy.
Thero will bo less fakery nnd Jobbery and
fewer hfppodromrH. Tho situation will tic
mand the nbollHhment of all shady transac j
tlons. Managers will league together In ,
their efforts to stamp out anything of tho
ort, for tho first renppenranco of trickery
will bo the signal for another attack on the
Terry' McOovern, champion bantam and
featherweight pugilist of the world, was tho
feature In locnl sporting circles last week.
Ho stopped ort in Omaha between trains
while enrouto from his homo nl Ilrooklyn
to Snn Francisco. Sam Harris, his manager,
Danny Dougherty, his sparring partner, and
Joo Humphreys, official announcer of sev
eral eastern athletic clubs, accompanied
It wns McGovern's first visit to Omaha.
Kvcryono who saw him for tho first tlmo
WRB surprised. Ho looked more like n col-
lego student than a famous pugilist. Terry
Is a wco bit of a fellow. Ho weighs but 121
pounds and Is only a trlflo over llvo fcot in
height, HIb appenranco Is certainly decep
tive, for one would hardly consider that he
had tho power In his right arm of adminis
tering a solar plexus or a short-arm Jab
which would put the ordinary Individual to
Bloep for good.
Not only In appearance Is McOovern de-
There Is nothing rough or uncouth about
him. He Is mild-mannered and bears him
self, In converse nnd otherwise, like n per
fect gcntlomnn. You wouldn't think, to
look nt him, that he could stand up In ft
ring and punch his adversary so hard nnd
so often that few hardened pugilists are
hankering for a dose of his medicine. i
Hut the surprise wag not altogether one
sided. McOovern was unite ns surprised
nt Omaha ns Omnha wns surprised at him.
'I didn't expect to nnd such a city 09 this
nway out here," ho raid. "hick in ursox-
lyn, where I was anchored until a couple of
years ago, we thought that Omaha was
protty nearly off tho map. Instead, I find
that It in thoroughly up to date and the
hospitality of tho ptoplo hero Is certainly
fine, I never enjoyed n visit so much In
my life ns I have tho few hours hero.
Talk about southern ho3pltnllty, I think the
west has It beat all around.
"I am going to meet Gardner In San
Francisco April 30. That's where ho made
his first fight, Is It?" ho Bald, with ap
parent Interest, when one of his enter
tainers pointed out the window of the Mil
lard hotel to a building across Douglas
street, where tho "Omaha Kid" flrr.t showed
possession of fighting blood. "Well, he
has been a game fighter. Ho gave me a
protty stiff nrgumcnt over In Now York n
year ago. I think I can whip him nil
right, but I don't nn.iclpate a walk-nwuy,
by any means. Ilcforc I leave 'Frisco I
expect to light Frank Krno ngaln. I am
about forced to get Into the ranks of tho
lightweights In onlsr to get anybody 10
fight me, nnd I want to begin at the top.
When I fought Hrno before, tho articles
called for his weight to be 128 pounds at
the ringside. That was probably n lighter
weight than he could make without affect
ing his fighting skill. I nm willing to
conccdo him n few pounds for our next
meeting nnd I have no doubt but that It
will be arranged. Returning from 'Frisco,
I will stop off In Omaha ngaln and It will
glv me mu h plcnsuro to give an oxhlbltUn
"I havo been nsked tlmo and again," said
Sammy HnrrU, Mcflovcrn's manager, "why
I don't match Terry against this fellow or
that, Invariably men who naturally have tho
ndvnntago of him In. weight nnd experience.
Mentioning theso points the reply comes,
'Why. Terry Is Invincible. He 1b a lighting
machine. No ono who Is nnywhero near his
weight or size stands any show with him,
oven let them bo lightweights.' I nm willing
to concede most of this, but I tell you prize
lighting Is n risky venture. Terry might
get Into tho ring with the veriest 'dub' and
get walloped. Tho man who gets In tho
wallop on the Jaw or tho solar plexus of his
opponent Is tho man who Is going to win
tho fight. When I admit that tncro is a
possibility for a novlco to beat a man llko
McOovern, It Is easy to understand what 1
think of professional fighters. I don't caro
who the fighters are, if they are anywhere
near on nn cnuallty In skill, ring gcncrnl
Bhln and experience, when they enter the
ring It Is n toss-up with mo who tho winner
will bo. Of course, form counts a good
deal, but I tell you thero Is olways that
chalico wallop to take Into consideration
"When tho Joftrlcs-Ruhlln fight was on I
laid a wnser of 2'A to 1, taking tho Bhort
end, on Iluhlln. I believed that Jeffries
would win, but I don't think any such odds
as theso urc Justifiable lu pugilism. If I
havo tho money I'll take tho short end
when such odds nro offered every time."
good paying
pugilistic set again. The effort may be
too much for even O'ltourke nnd he Is re
gards as one of the smoothest managers In
the business. It Is generally conceded,
however, that ho has tackled n hard propo
sition. McCoy Is not only In disrepute
with the better element of sportsmen be
cause of the numerous charges of crooked
ness brought against him, and In Bcveral
cases substantiated, but as well for tho
reason that bo has ever been over-rated.
Jack Hurke, who gave a clever exhibition
of boxing with his sparring patner, Will
MclOvoy, at the Trocadero theater last
week, sized McCoy up In this way tho oth?r
night: "What do I think of McCoy? Well.
I don't think much, let mo tell you. In
tho Unit placo I believe he has been guilty
of moro crooked transactions In pugilism
than any other fighter. I don't think he
ever was much of a fighter. He Is clever
and n pretty worker, but he aspired too
high. He never was entitled to n placo
with tho top-notchers in heavyweight cir
cles. In my opinion McCoy Is a dead one,
and If Tom O'Hourko enn Inject life Into
his pugilistic corpse ho will certainly per
form a miracle."
Tho signing of new articles between
Jeffries and Iluhlln has stirred up talk of
the relative chances of theso two big pugs
In a meeting together. Thorn Is no doubt
ing their cnrncBtncs3 In seeking n fight.
Jeffries Is willing to tako on Iluhlln In or
der to exercise his power ns n box-ofOco
mngnet, or, lu other words, becauso ho
needs tho money, Iluhlln In anxious to meet
tho heavy weight champion; willing to
tnko a licking If necessary In order to havo
tho chance of winning tho honors which
Jeff" now carries about with him. There
Is llttlo likelihood, however, of an early
fight between these two, California and
Connecticut offer tho only points where the
fight can tnko ploco and thero Is no cer
tainty that tho big pugs would be per
mitted to mix even there. With tho en
gagements that Jeffries and Iluhlln already
have they will be kept busy until tho mid
dle of the summer nnd that season of
tho yenr would hardly bo selected as tho
tlmo of holding n big fight out In California,
Consequently, if "Jeff" nnd Ous como to
gether It Is unlikely that It will be beforo
next fall.
Fights scheduled for tho near future In
which thero la moro than n passing Interest
nro Tommy Itynn and Jack Hoot nt Louis
ville, April 29, nnd Tom Sharkey and Fred
Ilusscll at Denver.
l.oral devotees of tho fighting game arc
much Interested In the mill which will tnko
place nt Blum's hall, South Omaha, Tucs
day night, .between Ilalch Smith of Omaha
and OI'o Oleson of Chicago, two feather
weights about us clover as nny who over
got' together In these parts. Tho light will
be under tho au-.plccs of tho Trl-Clty Ath
letic club, an organization composed largely
of South Omaha sportlug men.
Llttlo need bo said about Hatch Smith
Omaha followers of flstlnnla nro pretty
familiar with his career, which, though
short, 1ms been signally successful. It will
bo remembered that he put up a bang-up
fight with Oscar Gardner over lu Washing
ton hall last winter and later fought Gard
ncr to a draw out at Tlldcn, Neb, Jimmy
llardell, tho old-tlmo referee who witnessed
both flghtfl, said ho never saw a fighter
show such Improvement ns Smith did from
0110 Gardner fight to tho other. The little
dnrkey tins been training diligently nnd Is
in fine fettle for his battle.
Oleson Is rated ono of the best feather
welghtu In Chicago. Ho fought Osca
Gardner In that city October 13 last and
wns given tho decision nt the end of the
six rounds scheduled, lie whipped Jack
McClelland of I'ittsburg. His last fight
wns with this samo McClelland nnd tho
I'lttiburg man turned the tables on him
whipping him In sixteen rounds up a
Toronto ten days ago. Olo's long suit Is
said to be a clover defense and a stock
Bhort right-hand upper cuts that worries
tho best of them. If Smith Bucceedn In
winning this light It will be a great feather
In his cap.
The fight Is atttraetlng a great deal of
Interest nnd the attendance promises to be
record-breaking in size. Smith's resldenc
in Omnha, his rapidly developing nklll nn
tho cleverness of his opponent nro a trl
of magnets strong enough to attract nny
one who has the least bit of sporting blood
In his veins.
wan won by V. F. Clnrkson and King tien
miin In the r contest Thursday night with
Charles Zarp and Fred Flanagan. The
championship was decided In two confes s
of three games fach. In the first series
Clnrkson and Dentuan won by 10S poin's,
and repeated the performance In tho ssi
ond series with slxty-nlno pins to the good
Clarkson tnado the star score of the entire
scrlcg In the first game Thursday night,
chalking tip 256. W. C. IJriinke nnd John
Head were prepared to challenge the win
ners of this match to n series of games.
but their plans havo been frustrated by the
announcement that Mr, Denmiin Is to leave
tho city nt once. He will take his depar
ture next Friday for the Dlack Hills, where
he will go on a cattle ranch In which he
has nn Interest. Tho Clarkson team will
logo a valuable member and the game of
bowling nn enthusiastic devotee when Mr,
Donmnn leaves the city.
Following nre tho high scores at Clark's
alleys In the prize contests for tho pnst
week: Tenpins, It. A. Kolls, 2d; cocked
hat, C. Conrad, 70; ninepins, Charles Win-
tor, 10; four back, C. It. Mullln, 82. Amons
the women contestants Mrs. Fred Krug Is
high nt tenpins with n scoro of 181, hav
ing beaten Miss Caroline I.ecaors score
of 1G7. Mrs. Krug Is also high for tho
prize nt four back with a score of C3.
One of the most enjoyable bowling par
ties of the week was given at Hoyden's on
Thursdny evening. The small ball games
were the most popular. Mrs. Horton and
Mrs. Arter and Messrs. Spencer and Arter
made tho high ncoren at four back, while
Messrs. Arter and llaumnn nndMrs, Jones
and Mrs. Spencer were the successful nes
at tenpins.
Twelvo members of tho Hon Ton Card
club formed n merry party of bowlers nt
Hcyden's alleys on Monday evening. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ingram made tho highest score at
tenpins, whllo Mrs. Urauart and Mrs. llobcr-
son were tho fortunate ones In soven-up.
Messts Scnnncl, Fyfe, Clapp, Tabcr, Heck-
ard, Hussle, Ladoceln und Drown, with tholr
ladles, were tho participants In a bowling
party at Hcyden's Wednesday evening.
Messrs, llruncr nnd Lndoccln secured tho
high scoro for tho men nnd Misses McGulro
nnd Bamford played exceptionally well,
scoring 11D nt tenpins.
liirlr Suc(!ei)N hi Ten 11 1 11 Mnti'li Willi
(lie ClnrkNOiiN Hiitlth' Tlirm to the
Slntr C'liniiiplniinlilii.
One of tho most exciting bowling contests
of tho year rnme to n closo Tuesday night
when tho scries of nlno games between tho
Clnrkson and Omaha teams wns finished.
The contest wns for n purso of $150 nnd tho
state championship nnd tho Omabas won
out. Tho members of tho victorious team
wcro Flanngan, Ilond, Smcad, Furay nnd
Zarp. Their victory was not a scratch one
It came nB a reward for clever, skillful
bowling and wns tho moro appreciated be
cause, tho Clarksons havo long been tho
recognized champions of tho city.
A mouth ngo it was generally deemed In
howling circles quite presumptuous on tho
part of tho Omahaa to even consider tnck
ling tho Clarksons. Tho two teams had
boon measured during tho progress of tho
winter tournament by reason of gamc3
plnycd together and tho Clarksons bad tho
better of the argument. Tho two teams
ended up the season with the Clarksons
first and tho Omahas second. Then came
the arrangements for the championship
Tho first three games were played two
weeks ago and tho Omabas made a great
showing. They defeated tho Clarksons by
174 pins. In tho subsequent contests tho
Clarksons won tho second by 4 pins and
tho third by C4 plus. Tho total number of
pins, however, waB ngrced upon as tho
method of deciding the championship and
tho big lend tho Omahas secured In the first
series landed the prlzo for them.
Messrs. Krug, Ilesclln, A. Krug, II. lllx,
Krcbs, David nnd tbclr ladles had their
weekly party at Hoyden's Friday evening.
Tho playing of tho women was quite spirited
and resulted In n score of 110 for Mrs. Krug,
with Mrs. Ilesclln n closo second, with 145
to her credit. Messrs. Ilesclln nnd Itix
mndo tho highest scores for tho men.
C. Conrad holds the state championship
at five back and It Is not likely that his
placo will bo usurped very soon. In a
match contest Monday night ho chalked up
tho remarkable score of 107. Previous
to that tlmo tho high score nt
llvo back hnd been SS, made by Charles
French. Conrad and Knapp composo tho
team which Is battling against Ilesclln and
Emery for tho stato team championship nt
small ball games. Monday night was the
third meeting and ftvo back was the game
Conrad nnd Knapp won tho series by 4S
points, Conrad's splendid performance
came in tho third gamo of tho evening. He
bowled beautifully nud succeeded In chalk
ing up 107. Tho hlghost possible scoro Is
Tho contests between theso two teams
will rontlnuo until all of the small ball
games are exhausted and then the team
having won tho larger number will bo do
dared Btato champions. Seven up will bo
Tho high scores for tho women at Hcy
den's for tho week nre: Miss Lecder, 158;
Miss Ilamford, 119; Mrs. Krug, 110, nnd Mrs.
nesellu, 145.
H gh scores nt tenpins for the last week:
Gnto City nl.eys, Ed Hammond, 203, 206,
211; M. D. McDowell, 203, 201, 217; George
Lavldgo. 203; H. Schwartz, 207; C. S. Sea
man, 233, 222, 220, 232; Kit Carson, 204,
!2I, 221; John Kelley, 200; H. Lehman, 203;
M. C. Hoagland, 215; W. C. Nelson, 201;
U. 1j. Evans. 241; M. Sheldon, 203, 201, 231;
Hartley, 210, 201; E. M. Tracy. 217, 231;
C. It. Stuht, 200; John Yocum, 200. 201; JI.
E. Mahaffcy, 208; C. U. Uridcnbeckcr, 210;
O. C. Petersen, 211.
Clark's alleys: AI Krug, 223; Juan Diego,
!1; Peter Nlclson, 233, 213, 233; W. W
Wnttcrmnn, 201; F. Flanagan, 202, 221; Jack
Frcdcrlckson, 203; Sandy McDonald, 210;
W. F. Gllchrest, 217, 230; Grovcr Smith,
201, 210; Frank Conrad, 220, 203; Ed Doe,
210; Ed Hammond, 221; "Plumber" Head,
200, 212; Davison, 210; J. C. Kaufmann, 233,
213; C. F. Lovcll. 212, 215, 234, 233, 219, 20G,
, 210; W. U. Ilcnson, 222; Dave ltubln,
221, 200, 211, 200. 213, 200; Tom Reynolds,
206; It. W. Ayers, 200; C. E. Selleck, 201;
C. Wllles, 212. 203; H. C. Yost, 213; W. F.
Schneider, 217, 201, 233; diiy Furay, 1
111. 239; Henry liaden, 201; W. It. Hunting
ton, 203, 201, 210, 201; W. C. Drunke. 241.
!02, 223, 203, 242; A. Colo, 204, 214, 200, 201,
216, 235, 211, 202, 203. 221, 233, 211, 203, 203:
II. W. Lehmann, 202; W. F. Clnrkson. 203.
!03, 201, 231, 211. 206, 217, 227, 239, 230:
II. Uesolln, 212, 214, 210, 20S, 218; Fred
Krug. 213; Illlllo Wlgman. 209: King Den-
man, 206, 20iT, 207; O. E. Flanngan. 200; W
S. Sheldon, 206; Ernest Buffet, 221; H. A.
Mngney, 202; Joseph Gutmann, 207, 211.
'rnnk CnloniHii Will Keek Wrest tile
Mlilillrireliilit C'limiiiliiiNklii
from "Fur 111 cr" Iliirnn,
Farmer" Burns of Chicago and Trot,
Frank Coleman, the well known local ath
lete, will battle for tho world's middleweight
wrestling championship next Satur
day night. Tho match will tnko placo
In the Trocadero theater. Announcement
of tho completion of arrangements for this
go has excited u great deal of Interest in
local sporting circles.
For tho last year, .during his resldenco
here, Coleman has defeated all comers with
tho game tomorrow night. Tho first series uch skillful enso that many of his frlonds
was nt ninepins and was won by Besclln ul" Qomo 10 B'lvo tuat ho is Invincible,
'Kid" McCoy has Jumped Into prominence
and Emery ny soven points. Then camo
four back and Knapp nnd Conrad wero the
victors. Up to this tlmo Knapp nnd Con
rad have won two of the thrco scries played.
Tho stato team championship at tenpins
The Moil ItrljNhlr Npeelnllnt In Ilia
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STRICTURE Cure! with a new Home
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The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is
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Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv
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Aro you suffering from Vital Weakneas, etc? There It a derangement of the sensi
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Varicocele wo cannot cure. Medicines, Klectrlo Helts, etc., will never cure. You
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treats one. Method new, without cutting, pain or loss of time.
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It is n known fact that a
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Nervous Debility and lollox,
Nervous Diseases aro caused
by Varicocele and its com
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through ignoranco of those
mi. Mctmiiw at At.iv, I..;. tacts, iilniiv do not even
know what a Varicocele or Hydrocele is. Why not investigate and inform jourself
upon a subject of so much importance. The information is yours if you
ask for it, or write for it.
DR. McGREW cures these diseases in less than ten days, without pain,
cutting or loss of time? His method of treatment is tho result ot twenty-six years of
unlimited experience.
Rl finil POISON in al1 stages and condition3 cured by a treatment which is
ULUUU I UIOUIl fur more satisfactory and successful than "Hot Springs''
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OVFD 90 000 f ASF havo beon curod o Loss ot' Vitality, Loss of Brain
UVLK LJ99W WtOLO Power, Nervous Debility, Poor Memory, Despon
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The Doctor's Quick Cures and Low Charges
are daily proving what a great good can be done for men at a nominal
expense. Treatment by mail.
Office hours 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, 8 a. 5 p. m. P. O. Box 766
Office Over 215 South 14th Street. Between Douglas and Far
n a in Streets, Omaha, Neb.
hecnusc I wouldn't caro to try to defend
that title."
Itiiplil 1'roKrcKM llelnnr MhiIc In the
Work mi Aiiiatrur Allili'tiu
Axorliitluii'n (ai-ciiiiiiln,
Tho prospects of tho Omaha Amateur
Athletic association contlnuo to brighten
every day. Grounds for baao hall and other
outdoor sports havo been graded and arc
now In tho gardener's hands to ho seeded.
Tho golfers nro delighted that tho club has
tmccccdcd In obtaining eighty acres which
will bo put In shapo for golf Immediately
and nn cighteen-holo course laid out, for
which n special commltteo of golfers will
bo appointed, Tho course Is a splendid one,
affording amplo scope for tho golf genius to
get In his good work.
Tho cricketers and baso bull men start to
practicing In nhout thrco wcel.-s. The for
mer will havo to hustle, too, to save tholr
necks in Chicago in July. Tho club mem
bership Is now very nenr 100 and Is Increas
ing at tho rnto of twenty n week. The
limit of !00 will very soon bo reached now.
This will ho it flnnl limit, ns tho majority
of tho members fnvor a small club,
Tho plans for tho club house aro now In
tho hands of tho nrchltcct and work will
begin ou tho houso ns soon us a contract
can bo made, so that by Juno 10 tho club
houso will bo up and tho Omnlm Amateur
Athletic association will hnvo landed fairly
on Its feet for a good start. A very protty
club house Is contemplated, large, ulry and
convenient. Tho bowlers will bo glad to
learn that room for two alleys has been
mndo In tho club house nnd theso will bo
put down Immediately tho club houpe Is up.
Tho club has Just hired a groundsman and
sot him to work on tho grounds.
Why the Frightful Tension of Stricture Is Dissolved Like Smw Be
neath the Sun-IN FIFTEEN DAYS.
Why Weak Men are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatmeit
Applied Locally and Directly to the Affected Parts.
Consaltatlon Krce, Treatment hy mall.
Call or ddrrii III) S, l-tlli St.
In "Farmer" Bums ho will meet ono of tho
stars of the profession, nud If ho should
defeat him Coleman will bo recognized as
one of tho greatest wrestlers of the coun
try. Tho professor Is confident that he
can turn tho trick nnd has any number of
admirers who aro willing to back their faith
In his nblllty to do so with plenty of tho
tong green.
Hums telegraphed from Chlcano on the
night of the Coleman-Sealls match in this
city, challenging the winner. Coloman ac
cepted tho challcngo on condition that Burns
would mako IBS pounds, tho middleweight
umn, at wnicn Coleman always lights.
Tho "farmer" refused to ncreo to that nro-
vlbion and It seemed that tho match was
off. Hually Coleman agreed to meet him
at catch-weights. Iu doing so ho gives
uurns consiuerablo ot an advantage, ho-
causo tho "farmer's" wrestllug weight Is
about 108 pounds, whllo Coleman Is twolvo
pounds under that.
Coloman Is working hard for tho match,
Ho is practicing diligently. All of his tlmo
that Is not occupied In giving Instruction In
wrestling at his athletic school Is put in
on tho mat with his wrestling partner,
Peter Loch. Coleman Is lu tlno shape, and
Is confident of success. "I bcllovo I can
win this match from Bums," ho said. "In-
deed, I am so confident that my own propo
sition for tho winner to tnko till of tho gate
receipts was agreed to by Burns. I know
something ubout Burns' style of wrestling.
November C, 1S99, I met Burns. Ho agreed
to 'throw mo uud my partner twice within
an hour s time. Ho undertook moro than
ho was ablo to accomplish. He got tho first
fall from mo In twelvo nnd ono-half min
utes. My partner, Jako Snyder of Dayton,
went down In six and one-quarter minutes,
Burns threw mo tho second time In thlrty-
ono minutes and fifty-two seconds, hut
Snyder stayed out the hour and wo won tho
money. I was a mero novlco then. Now
I consider myself u hundred per cent bet
ter ou tho mat and I don't bcllovo Burns
has Improved nt the samo ratio. If ho
hasn't I am as Hiiro as ot anything lu tho
world that I can win this match.
"Of courso, I reallzo that I am handi
capping myself by taking on such a clever
wrestler and giving him tho advautago of
tho weight. Ten pounds in favor of Burns
will mako a big dlfferenco, but even at that
I beliovo ho will llnd mo tho better man.
Burns Is middleweight and ICS-pound cham
pion of tho world. In caso I beat him Sat
urday night I will bo entitled to tho middle
weight championship. He will continue, to
be the coamplon la the 165-pound class,
Are You Deaf??
ftrenowd'lUBLK Dfonr o.w iDT.ntlnnionlr tho. horn
dMt.r8lno"Jble: HMD S019IS mfoWEBUTl:I.T.
Iloicriba jour ca.e. Elimination nd iwtIc. IrM,
Vou cau cur yourtelt at homa at a nominal coat.
Itosemont, Neb., Nov. 15, IRM. Sir: I can now solid you tho nleas-
nni nou-u if mv comiilcto cure. I havo Dur-
tiosoly waited ho long In order to fully con
i,inn.. that It Is not merely tumnor-
ury, tint purmanum. i uiiuubi uem,
i timiikx to vour excellent treatment I
wns curcil in u weens, n i run ix-uuin-mend
your remedies highly to suffering
i Kimll tnkn nlensura im recommend nir
you whenovor and wherever nn opportu
nity presents Itself, and remain thankfully
JOUrS. TJDAlYt.M tnanr..n
l)r-IH4W IlllOUiU,, liunii,,,,,,, tlL-U,
I.VIillt.NA'l'lOAAI. Al.UAl, ci.i.mi;,
ntl I. n Miillo Ave., Dept. tilt), Clili'tiuo.
Every Woman
la intr rei!u and tlioiiM know
nhout tie wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Sproy
TlienewVil.lHjrl.. JnJrc
lien t,i .iijcMoM. Mr.
en- 3IU1L i:ftnvininf.
pr, IMIr.BX. Ixl.atl;,
v mm i
ilk jQnr dmf rlt for It,
If lie rnnnnt i:illy Ih4
MAIIW.M.. n.r 1t no
otti.r. Iiut tpml atnmn fnrlt
luitratM h.K)V-'l.J.U irirra
mil turtti'iiljt. fiml ilh.rtfoh In.
I'tuhlatolnillK !f tllVfcl, CO.,
Wa answer the ques
tion briefly. If you
cut an artery In your
arm you do not take
Internal medtolne to
top the flow of blood.
ilarly whan the ure
thral ducts become
weakened nnd rolaxed
It Is ridiculous to take
'Interna 1 tr.ntm.nt
tvhlch must pans through! the stomach and
liiine before It reaches tho scat of dlceuae.
tho seminal ducta project Into the urethral
tanal through the Woatate Gland, and are
ruelly reached by TREATMENT.
, Dr. Cartera "(Iran-Solvent" soluble
Bougies will dissolve, dlgeat and forever
Urethral Stricture
In IS daya without pain, Injury or Incon
venience. The bouffles nro Inserted nt
htght and act While you sleep. "Uran-Hol-
!'ont" removes very ayiiiptom of stricture,
ivlng the canal as henlttiy na when nu
Uro formed It. No URIITAI. OtlTTIKfl
STOMACH. The St. James treatment la
local, direct and positive. The St. Jatnea
treutment Is prepared In the form of
crayons, very narrow, smooth, flexible and
wholly soluble, which ure Inserted Into the
water pasnagn at night where thoy dis
solve nnd douoslt the medication In Ita full
strength upon the rreitute Gland, contract
ing anu sirenginening (lie aucis una i'ju
SIONS, and curing while tte patient sleeps.
Varicocele Is an accumulation of slug
gish blood In the veins of tliu scrotum,
iljo Holely to imperfect circulation and
has Its origin In a dlseasad and torpid
Prostate Gland, Operations In thla dlsc&ae
aro only temporary, and no mechanical de
vice yut dlncovu:Ai has cured a single
cajie. Grnn-SolveiTl heitls tliw Prostate nnd
restores healthy circulation. Varicocele
dlsappeuru and the alugglfth oooumulatlun
In replaced by pure, healthy, red blood.
Thousand of men, strtuttired, wouk,
waiting and despondent, went mired and
restored by the at. James mathod last
year. A vaat army of men In wl.jtn the
light of life has penetrated tho fearful
nightmare of stricture and seminal decay.
Snace will not tvrmlt a rnmnlete descrlntlon of thn Incnmtiaralila lit. .limn Trnt,
meni in uremrai aineanes. .trvery surrerer from Stricture aim He
lls una nominal weakness, snouia write to the St. James Awe
knowing the parts of the human system Involved In urethral
kllments, which they will tend securely wrapped In plain pack
lie, prepuld
offsnrlnc. Prostatl-
Association. AS St. James
Superior to Aplol, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Steel.
Sure Relief of Pain and Irregular!
ilos Peculiar to tho Sex.
Aplollno Capsules for three months cost 1,
Drasslat or P. O. Hot SO? I, Now York.
1 1. - W ...... II u.A.l, ,,-,.1..
It jv r viiibii, reaa uiaiie,
lent powtr or wfttVftilntf drain,
tnir YfuHium Oivan peTelojM-r will
rentm-M vnil without rimon nn
pUi'tl Mtv IS nnO In nti nnl miA
failur not on rf turned no C O. P. (ratnl writ fur
tr partinilfir tnt tli) In rUIn envelop.
LOCAL APPUANCt CO,, 1)1 Tbtrp li ludlioipglli, lod.
If you want to know about
a doctor, ask some of his
If yon want to know abont
an office building, ask its
You will find the tenants
of the
Bee Building
enthusiastic in its praises,
particularly if they formerly
officed in other buildings.
If you wish to inspect the
few handsome offices which
are vacant, call on us.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents,
Ground Floor
Bee Bid;,
Sales Grounds 21st aiitl I'
In grout variety and of host quality at our enlot
grounds, 21st und Farnum Htrooti. Como und pick
out what you want. Ornamental Trues, I'arklnjr
Trees, Shrubs and Plants of all kinds. Layout and
irosi hiock in. ino city, .stock pruarantood.