Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Cures the Sick by
Mystic Power.
You Can Know His
Secret Free.
Marvelous New Treatment Which
Conquers All Diseases.
Yon Can he Cured at Home (iener
oils Oiler of Prof. Aellilii.
"I tiiMHlilff It :t crime to experiment with
thn lie.illh nf tile people, nays I'rot.
ThomiiH I-'. Ailkln, President oT the lnstl
tutu "f I'hyHlcluiiM null HurgooitH. "If I (11(1
lint Itiiow pnidtixely anil absolutely Unit
my new homo treatment will euro every
known disease, even when nil other moth
oil H of treatment fall, I woulil consider I
was cnntulttlng a crime to make such a
HtatemeiiL to the public. Nothing In mi
precious to a man us Ills health nothliiK w
linrrlhlo up an untimely grave. Little ills,
if not promptly rureil, oiten result In tili
Htluate ijiroulc diseases. I bellevo that my
new discovery, 'Vltnopathy, Is tho most
inaivelntiH treatment ever known, unit 1
liteml to glvo Its HecrctH to the world. 1 In
tend that every man, woman and child
k hit 1 1 know IIH teachings- 1 propose to tell
tho sick, absolutely free of charge, how
they may be restortod to perfect health. I
would rather be a benefactor to thn nick
man than to havo the wealth of Croesus."
Tho above are remarkable words, but
thosu who know Prof. Ailkln, and have
tried Ills treatment, can vouch for their
absolute truthful Menu.
"I was nearly dead with liver and kidney
trouble," writes I'rof. John Nelson, a
well-known geologist and mining engineer,
IIvIiik at Dayton, Tenn, "Tho doctors had
given me it t to die. You can Imagine what
a Htnto of mind 1 was In. I could not at
tend to business, and Hcgnu to think my
days wero numbered. 1 read of the won
derful c'lires I'rof. Ailkln had effected by
Id" ureal discovery, Vltaopathy, and no a
forlorn hope wrote to him Just tlm condi
tion I was In, mentally and physically. He
gave me a clear tllagnnslH of my case, nnd
didn't charge mo a cent for It. He pre
scribed a treatment, which I begun with
little or no faith, but 1 nm happy to state
that I am now completely cured and am a
llrm believer In Vltnopathy. Krotn my own
personal experlenco I believe I'rof. Adktn
can almost ralsn the doitil,"
Mrs. A. J. Selfrled, Stowo Creek, O.,
vrltc3 this grateful letter: "I was affected
with a severe case of eczema and nettle
rash, which spread over my whole, body.
The Itching and stinging at time win al
most unendurable, I wrote J'rof. Adktn,
and In four days after I began following
the free advlco ho gavo me. the Itching
began to subside and tho eruptions dried
up rapidly. In ten days I yas permanently
cured. 1 feel better now than I have for
the past ten years. Tho free advlco I'rof.
Ailkln gives Is a blessing to those who can
not afford to pay big doctors' bills."
I'rof. Adkln says: "I sympathize with
tho sick. I wnnt to mako every chronic in
valid well. I want to prove what my
trentment will do. I want every sick per
son In this country to wrlto tti mo person,
ally, roll tno the lending symptoms of
your dlseaso and I will at once mnko a
thorough diagnosis of your case and out
line i method of treatment which will posl
tlvely euro you. This will cost you abso
lately nothing. I will also send yoif a copy
of my new book on 'How to (Jet Well and
Jecp Well,' postage prepaid. You aro not
nut a single cent. Wrlto me In nonlldeuco
fully and freely about yourself." Address
TItOK TIIOS. V. AUICIN. Olllco 181 ,
Rochester, Now York.
The St. Louis Cannon Ball
Leaves Union Station dally 5:15 p, m.
Arrives In St. Louis 7.00 u. ru.
TheQuincy Express
Leave. Union Station dally at 7:00 a. m.
Trains leave dally for St. Louis, Kunsns
City, Qulncy and nil points East or South.
Tickets to all points in Europo via all
lines. Call at O. Sr Ct. L. city ofllco, 1415
Farnnm Street, I'axtou Hotel Illk., or wrlto
Harry E. Moores,
O. r. & T. A.. Omaha. Neb.
Without Clmnjo J
MXiMWlSj .Sentry of the ROCKY f
J5?V.NIA lSi f."'1., SIHRRA NEVADA by I
Daylight In both direction. I
For fun Information, reservations and Itlner- I
fry "Chicago to California" address City
Ticket Olllce, 1333 Famsm St., Omaha, 1
Nob. I
llll.ITV. KltflOHN ' 1'OI.TII.
If state Jl mulj Mm. Price 3 Or. u box, 8 boir
fr$l Money rninleUlfnot eitlslVtqry. Ily inatl
am rolpt of prlc.. Sample, free. Address
n. u UJ I nlth!d Yeara'Contlnuous Practice
Sold by Sherman St McConnell Drug C
fL W. Cor. lftU and Dodg Sta., Omaha.
Two of thi Thr8 Fxhibitfoni with State
University Am Cilled Off.
I'mhlliltliiiiUfK and ItimrUcltrs Will
i:hllilt Their Skill In Oninlin 11 ml
Urn Moines ttilw Week tlnsslp
of Interest tn Local l-'nnn.
There hasn't been n great denl doing In
local base ball circles the Inst week. Papa
Itourkc kept his family In the seclusion of
tho Vinton strict reservation all day .Mon
day und Tuesday, making nil of them do
penauco by means of hard work for the
drubbing administered by tho Originals lust
Sunday. Early Wednesday morning the
whole crowd wnt transported down to Lin
coln and three days were spent In tho clas
sic atmosphere of the university city. A
series of three games was scheduled with
tho university team, hut only one was
piuyed. Tho Omahns won that easily. Thurs
day and Friday rain mado It lmposslblo lor
the team to piny.
Htlnkcy nines' aggregation of aqua pur.i
nd orates came over from Dcs Moines yes
terday and tho Prohibitionists will cross
V;iti with the Itourkc family this nftcrnoou
nnd tomorrow. Tuesday morning "Pnpn"
1)111 leaves for Ues Moines, accompanied by
his galaxy of artists, and the denizens of
the Iowa capital will be shown the rudiments
of hint? hall as practiced by n bang-up team
such as has been collected tinder tho Omaha
banner this year. Friday nnd Saturday the
Hmirkcltcs will return homo and rest up
preparatory for next Sunday's frny, when
tho professionals will undcrtnkc to put It
all over the Originals.
There has been no disposition on tho
part of locals fans to criticise tho Omaha
team because uf the defeat It suffered last
Sunday at the hands of tho Original.-!.
President Hourko said It wns the first time
In his base ball experlenco that 11 pro
fessional team under his direction had been
vanquished In tho nnto-scnHon exhibition
games by an amateur organization. It was
tho happening, according to tho president,
of the unexpected. And yet this much
must he taken Into consideration. In the
Orlglnnls tho Omaha team met as strong
an aggregation ns nine-tenths of the pro
fessional teams nro at this senson of the
yenr. Omaha enthusiasts who nro famllUr
with tho situation appreciate that tho
Originals aro made up of a lot of cracMug
good ball players, many of whom could
easily make good 011 a professional team.
In Sunday's game Captain Drndford's men
played excellent ball. Their lidding was
well nigh perfect, their stick work right tip
to tho limit and their team work excel
lent. Young O'Kccfo presided behind the
wludpad with the case and artistic ability
of a veteran. Harry Welch nnd Joo Scully
pitched an article of ball that would win
In any professional organization. LaKon
talno covered tho Initial plato In a superb
manner, and Eddlo Lawlcr fielded his posi
tion at third In perfect stylo. Every man
In tho outllcld played great ball.
It was certainly no disgrace for the
Omahns to bltu the .dust of defeat at the
hands of tho Originals. There will bo
many a gamo played In the Western league
when the season Is on that will not begin
to compare, with that game on tho Vinton
street diamond last Sunday.
Captain "Aco" Stewart has bad the team
In hand for a week now. Ho has been able
to form a pretty good Idea of tho capabili
ties of his men. "Dad weather had handi
capped us In our preliminary work," said
tho captain, "hut wo are making good
progress, and when tho raco begins I feel
sure that tho Omaha team will stand ready
to deliver the goods. We havo a good gang
nnd If things break even for us we will bo
In tho running at all stages. I don't be
lieve In clnltnlng championships. This
practice doesn't get you anything. I will
say, however, that the Omaha team Is a
cracking good organization and will start
tho season with as good a cbanco as any of
landing on top.
'Thoro Is not a weak spot In the team.
Our catchers arc good enough for any club.
Mobile Lauzon Is Improving right along and
promises to make one of tho best catchers
In tho league. Ho Is always at work during
11 gamo, and so far I don't recall a dump
play that he has been guilty of. Our pitch
ers class with tho best In the league. In
fact, I think wo have an all-star pitching
aggregation. Tho Infield Is strong In every
particular and tho outfield Is n peach. Just
wait until tho senson gets fairly started
nnd sen how Bill Rold, Tom Letcher and
nobby Carter fatten up their batting aver
ages nt tho oxpenso of opposing pitchers.
Each ono of those boys Is an artist In his
line good In tho Meld and away above par
at tho bat.
"Every man in the team Is showing tho
right spirit. They are all ambitious and
enthusiastic, and that goes a long ways In
making a team successful. There Is not
tho least friction. Everything Is moving
along harmoniously and satisfactorily, and
I antlctpnto that this condition will con
ttntto throughout tho season. Nothing so
handicaps a hard working plnycr as tho
knowledge that somo man 011 the team
doesn't enro a rap how tho gamo goes. It la
out of tho question for a man to deliberately
throw off, but occasionally one or two men
arc guilty of playing listless ball, and that
throws a damper on the whole team. There
won't bo anything of this kind on tho Omaha
team this year,"
'Dusty" Coons put In his appearanco
Frldny night. "Dusty" has been hibernating
at his homo in Indiana since tho season
closed last year. Ho was with tho Omaha
team toward tho end of tho senson, but
wnsn't In very good health. Despite that
disadvantage he pitched great hall and was
a general favorite. Coons Is In fino shape
now. He Is as hnrd ns nails and reported
In excellent condition.
President Hourko made n hurried visit to
Chicago last Tuesday. Tho object of his
visit was to Bccuro tho services of Dick
Huckley, tho famous catcher, who was with
Comlskoy's White Stockings last year.
Nothing definite has ns yet been nrrnnged,
but it is pretty safe to antlclpato that
Uuckloy will wear nu Omaha uniform this
season, When tho American season closed
Inst- year Dick concluded to retire and
weut Into business In Chicago, Tho old
fever has coma over him, however, and he
Is anxious to don the garb of1 a ball player
again, Tho only thing thnt Interfered
with the closing of a deal with Duckley
was his wlfn's objections, In csbo Mrs.
nuckley can. bo won over "Dick" wlll'un
doubtedly bo with tho Omaha team. "Tho
ouly spot where our team Is the least bit
weak," said President Rourke, "Is In tho
catcher's position. Lauzon and Olado aro
both good, but the latter will play his first
season of profession ball this year and
I don't want to work him too hard. Lauzon
is good anywhero you put him nnd I can
uso him us 1111 emergency man when tieces
Bary, In caso I havo another good' cntcher.
I hellcvo I-wlll get nuckley. If not hint, It
will be somo other cracking good man."
Two of last year's Omaha players put In
nn nppearnnce with Des Moines yesterday.
They were Jack Ilebsamen and Mattlc Me
Vlcker. "Reb" holds down the Initial bag
and Mattle devotes bin attention to grab
bing fly (alls that float out In tbe mlddlo
Held. Doth are considered by ManagT
Hlnes as good as nny men on his team.
Itlp Egnn, who played with Omaha n part
of last senson, gives promise of making
good for a position on St, Louis' pitching
staff this year. The Sporting News says
"Illp Egan Is practicing with tho Pcrfcctos
and If ho rounds to nil right he will break
Into the Nntlonnl league, where he should
havo been for two or three years, Ho Is n
pitcher of natural ability and has good baie
ball sense. Ho suffered from rheumatism
last season nnd made a bad showing In the
Western league. His health Is all right
now, but he Is for from condition. It's up
to him whether ho goes back to the minors
for the rest of his professional life, nnd he
seems to realize It, for ho expresses n de
termination to get In shape to do himself
Amntctir base ball will occupy an Impor
tant plnco In the outdoor sports of Otnnha
this summer. The Orlglnnls will keep their
organization Intact throughout tho entire
season and tcums will bo organized by the
Young Men's Christian association, the
Omaha Amateur Athletic nssoclntlon and
nil of the packing houses will probably havo
representatives oti the diamond, The Job
bers' league has already been organized and
tennis representing scvcrul of the wholesale
houses of the city will contest for honors
during the summer months. When tho
big wholesale nnd Jobbing houses begin to
closo nt 1 o'clock Saturday afternoons the
base hall players will havo ample opportu
hlty for practice and league contests and the
great national game will ho allvo all sum
mer. Thero will bo no lack of amusement
In this direction. When tho professional
team Is not In tho city It Is n certainty
that every Saturday and Sundny afternoon
will furnish some cracking good amateur
exhibition, nnd tho base lull enthusiast will
ho In his glory from now until the time
when tho chill of autumnal winds bring
with It tho transformation of tho base ball
diamond Into n foot ball gridiron.
There Is little doubt but that Buck Keith,
pntron saint of baso ball In this city for
so long that tho memory of man runneth
not back to tho time when- ho first noted
as sponsor for tho sport In Omaha, will
ofllclato as an umplro In tho Western
League this senson. The colonel did not
docldo that ho wanted such a position until
after President Hlckey had nppolntcd tho
official staff, hut Muck has been appointed
on the extra list and thero Is every reason
to believe that ho will be on the regular
staff beforo tho season Is far advanced.
Cnlonel Keith will mako a successful um
pire. Ho showed his familiarity with tho new
rules In the capable umpiring ho did In tho
opening games with tho Originals n week
ago. Asldo from this ho possesses nil of
tho qualifications that go to mako up n suc
cessful umpire. Ho Is firm and decisive
nnd there will be no hesitation on his part
In applying tho rules nt nil times. Hero's
to Colonel Duckorlno Keith, cx-prcsldent of
tho Omaha Daso Hall club and official um.
plro of tho Western League.
Unusual Uhrnn I'lny.
Although tho Ohio-Nebraska Interstate
match did not begin until tho latter part
of December last, yet Dr. Van Nuys nnd
Mr. DoFranec, nt bonrd No. 1G, have com
pleted their game. The play being some
what unusual, score Is appended.
Score of first game completed in Ohio
Nebraska correspondence mntch. White,
O. Q. DeFrnnce, Lincoln, Neb., ngnlnst
Black, Dr. F. D. Vnn Nuys, Tlflln, O.:
1- P-K . 1-P-K 4.
2- Kt-IC II 3. Z-Kt-Q U 3.
3- P-Q 4. 3-P x P.
4- H-Q D 4.
This is the real Scotch gambit; tho usual
play hero Is Kt x P, giving the Scotch
opening, or gnme, nnd thought to bo
stronger thnn tho text.
4- 4-n-B 4.
5- 0-0. 5 P-Q 3.
Black, by playing Kt-B 3 here, may
transpose Into Max Iango's attack.
t-P-Q Kt 4.
This leads Into vnrlntlon of the Evans
gambit. Stelnltz recommends taking both
pawns, as In tho text,
ft- fi-n x Kt v.
7 P-B 3. 71' x I',
Bringing nbout In n few moves n posi
tion similar to tho "compromised defenso"
In tho Evans.
8 Q-Kt 3. S-Q-B 3.
9 I1-1C Kt 5. O-Q-Kt 3.
10P." It 3. 10 B-U 4.
11-P-K 5.
Kt x Q B P seems better.
11 11-P-B 7.
12 Kt-B 3. 12 H x Kt.
13 Q x B. 13 K KMC 2.
It V X P. 14 P x P,
15-Q U-K. 15-P-H 3.
lfi-B-B 4. 10-Kt-K 4.
17-B x Kt. 17 B P X B.
lS-B-Kt 5 ch. 1S-K-Q.
lit-Kt X P. 10-P X Kt.
Seeing his chance of drawing, Black ac
cepts the gambit.
20 H-g, ch. 20-P x (Q).
21 11 x Q. ch. 21-Kt-Q 4.
If IJ In, R x B, ch, K-K: Q x P
with a strong attack.
22 It x Kt. ch. 22 TI-TC 2 and draws.
If. 23-Q-B 7. ch. K-B 3; 24-Q x K P eh,
K-B 2; 25 Q-B 7 ch. K-B 3, draws by keep
ing on the twn squares K B 2 nnd 3. If
26-B-Q I! ch, B in; 27-U x B ch, K x B;
21 B-B 4 ch, etc., nfter a long tight wins
tho Black Q, leaving White with Q vs.
two rooks, unable to nvold loss of the gnme.
wnue, tneretore, torces a draw uy repe
tition of checks.
Scores nt AVhial.
Tho following scores were made at tho
regular meeting of tho Omaha Whist club
wednesuuy night:
Meikle nnd Brown 1SS 7
Alice and A. W. Scrlbncr ISf,
Garner and Coc 1st
Burness nnd Comstock 1.1
Itogers and G. O. Bcrlbner 173
Burrell nnd Humney 215
Cnhn and McDowell 212
Salmon nnd Ilockrcllow -'10
Shlnlev and Crummer 205
Jordan nnd Rlnchart 202
plus, minus.
- fr-vG t
Four of tho members of the defunct
Omaha Cyclo Dealers' Track association
mot last Tuesday night nnd formed a new
organization, to be known ns the Midway
Cyclo Track company, with T. E, Michel,
president; Louis Fleschcr, treasurer; Ed T.
Hoyden, secretary; H. E. Frederlckson,
manager. The company was Incorporated
for $1,000, with n paid up capital stock of
J800. and nrtlcleb of Incorporation duly filed,
Tho now company will begin active work
at once and repairs will bo made on tho
track Immediately.
Tho management Is considering tho prop
osition made by Jack Prince laBt summer
nnd It Is not nltogother unlikely that tho
track will bo raised to 47 degrees at tho
cuds, Instead of 45, ns It now stands. The
opening meet will bo held on either Mny 12
or 10, with subsequent meets every other
Sunday, and the probabilities are that night
events will bo put on during 'the monthH of
July and August. A big road race Will
bo worked tip by the now association, to
tako placo on Decoration day, May 30, over
the same course as that taken by tho
participants In last year's road race, held
under the auspices of tho Young Men's
Christian association Blair to Omaha, a
dlstnuco of thirty miles. Negotiations are
already afoot to bring Jack Prlnco and his
bunch of eastern cracks hero during the
season, nnd If the plans formulated by the
new company aro consummated somo good
sport may be looked forward to.
The proclamation of the police authori
ties of Omaha outlawing the scorcher Is
sutllciently emphatic to bo heard by the hot
boys. It comes" none too toon, for the wind
splitters are multiplying rapidly with tho
advancing season, Tho most conspicuous
of the close-In speedways at tbe present
tlmo Is South Sixteenth street, from Vinton
to Howard streets, and n policeman on thnt
beat can observe any fine day hursts of
speed that will curl the batr. The fact that
1 made up my mind, soon nftcr graduat
ing from college, that no one man was great
enough to master the entire Held of medi
cine and surgery, .Many physicians have
tried to do this, but they have met with
results tisuallv disappointing to themselves
nnd often disastrous to their patients. For
this reason 1 determined early in my pro
fessional career to confine my practice
strictly to 11 single line of disease, and to
originating and perfecting cures for them.
I therefore treat only what I nm absolutely
certain that I can positively cure to stay
DEBILITY and all rellex complica
tions and associate diseases and weMiknosscH
of men. To these maladies alone many of
the best years of my life have been earn
estly devoted nnel on them all my faculties
are concent rated Our consultation and
operating rooms are thoroughly equipped
with every sclentlllc apparatus, Instrument
and dev'ce essential to the most modem
methods of practice, and our references,
both, professional and llnanclal, 111 e among
the best citizens of this vlclnty, whn have
been cured by tis und mado happy. I want
every mulcted man to freely and fully In
vestigate our treatment Each e'ae In
treated separately, sclentlllcally, clnsely
watching It and carefully following Its
symptoms with remedies varied through
every stage. The diseases that constitute
tny specialty are more fully commented nn
below und lire well worthy the careful peru
sal of all In need of medical attention,
Whatever may be the cause of varicocele,
Its Injurious effect Is well known. It do
presses the mind, weakens the body, racks
the nervous system anil ultlmatelv leads to
11 complete loss of sexual power. If you t
aro a victim or this dire disease come to
our Allien and let me explain to you mv pro- '
cess of treating It, You will then not won
der why I have positively cured hundreds
nf cases of vatlcocelo during the pant 1
twelve months. Itnder mv treatment the
patient improves from the very beginning.
All pain Instantly ceases. Soreness and
swelling (illicitly subside. The pools of stag
nant blood lire forced from the dilated
veins, which rapidly assume their normal
size, strength and soundness. All Indica
tions of disease and weakness vanish com
pletely and in their stead come tho pride,
the power and tho pleasure- of perfect
health and restored manhood.
It matters not how long you have suf-1
fered from stricture, nor how many dlf-1
ferent doctors have disappointed you,
1308 Farnam Street, Between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets. Omaha, Neb.
REFERENCE: Best Banks and Leading Business Men in this City.
CONSULTATION in person or by letter FREE. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to I p. m.
tho proclamation was provoked by tho
swiftness of messenger boys disposes of tho
charge of slowness laid against tho pace
makers, and makes stnlo nnd untrue the
Jibes of countless pnrngraphers. Tho truth
t a t Vt . n m no Dfinr'nYinpa 1 11 (tin fimnfi itn I
rival messenger boys. Thelr's Is tho pneo
that kills.
Illcyclo rooters In New York stato nre
fighting to extend to steamboats and ferry
boats the bicycle baggage law which now
applies to railroads. The League of Amer
ican Wheelmen has worked for It for two
sessions past and failed In each Instance.
Last week tho committee In charge of the
bill asked to bo discharged from further
consideration of tho measure, but the re
quest was rejected. As the commltteo Is
opposed to tho bill It seems to be shelved
for this session. At tho present tlmo tho
man with n blcyclo Is obliged to pay 40
cents to check bis wheel on n Hudson river
steamboat nnd, moreover, ho Is obliged to
tako tho wheel down Into tho freight hold
himself, Tho opposition of tho steamboat
companies to tho passage of tho bill Is said
to bo that they do not wish-to bo made
liable for damago done to wheels, having
no proper placo to storo them.
Ono of tho divisions nf tho League of
American Wheelmen has demanded that
Its Indebtedness to the national treasury be
canceled. President Earlo has replied by
stating that all divisions will havo to pay
their debts whether to tho national treasury
or to outsiders nnd under no circumstances
will they be canceled, except by payment.
At nrosent thn blcvclo factories through
out tho country aro doing an enormous
business. Unusually largo demauds aro
anticipated this season and more bicycles'
will lm nut nn thn market than over be
fore New establishments Interested either
In tho manufacture or In the salo of bi
cycles aro springing up dally, nnd from
present Indications the trade will bo im
mense. Former Champion Eddlo Bald, whoso re
tirement and farewell appearances have
hceomo as recurrent as those of an opera
singer, Is out again with tho announce
ment that ho will return this year to tho
racing game nnd will at onco Join tho col
ony of riders that Includes Elites, Michael,
Wnlthour nnd other cracks In training nt
Jacksonville. Dnld mado the same state
ment last season and went down to Louis
ville to get In condition. Hut tho horses
were running down thoro at tho tlmo and
Bald cashed In somo big hots. This had n
tendency to chango bis mind In regard to
working tho pedals and ho gnvo up train
ing. Ho then followed tho runners with
disastrous results, as ho did tho year be
foro, when he went to England with Tod
Sloan and dropped a big "wad." Bald Is
now convinced that there Is more moaoy In
tho cyclo racing game and he intends to
i;et a good shnro nf It this season.
An nmatcur racing crack of New York
met with nu experience recently that places
matches In tho samo category with tacks
and glass as articles dangerous to pneu
matic tires, though u law against throning
matches In tho street Is hardly to bo
deemed necessary. This amateur, whllo In
n raco on an armory floor, punctured hi
tiro without knowing It, yet won tho hent.
When ho discovered that his tiro was flat
ho Investigated nnd fouad n burnt parlor
match clinging to tho tire. Then ho remem
bered havtpg heard It snap ns ho ran over
It. Tho (lames of tho match had softened
tho rubber enough to permit of the entranco
of tho charred wood, though It took prob
ably many revolutions of tho wheel to com
pleto tho damage.
Charles M. Murphy of mllo-a-mlnute
fame Is riding racos on n home trainer
with Tom Butler, tho League oi American
Wheelmen champion of 1S99, at a vaudo
vlllo theater. Tho Interest shown In seeing
theso two men perforin Is remarkable, On
Wednesday night Murphy, who, by tho way,
Is using the samo wheel on which ho mado
his daring rldo behind n train, Invited a
party of his frlendB to occupy a box. Tho
rnco was for three miles and Murphy won
It by u few yards In 3:.r.a. "Not so bad for
an old man after eighteen years nf racing,"
Murphy remarked after thn show. They
tifce 104 gears, yet their legs fly so fast
that they look almost Ilka n broad blur, lu
six races Murphy has won four times,
President Earle's Idea of raising money
for tho Lcaguo of Amcrlcun Wheelmen by
selling llfo memberships nt $10 apiece In
r.ot being favorably received In the eatt.
In Philadelphia there Is much grumbling
nbout this latest move on tho part of Mr.
Earle, while In Ciotham tho New York stnto
division board pf officers took a decided
tand by adopting tbe following rcaolu-
I do not treat all discuses, hut cure nil I trout I treat inuit cnly. atv.l
cure tlicin to stay ctircel.
Our treatment will cure you Just as cer
tainly ns you come to our olllce for treat- 1
ment. I will not do It by dilating or cut
ting. My tieatiueiit Is new, entirely origi
nal with me and perfectly pnlnlc". . oni. '
pletely dissolves the Stricture anil prrmu- '
nenlly removes every obstruction front the
urinary passage. It stops every unnatural
discharge, allays all Inllanimat on. reduces
tbe immtiilc lflnnd when enliiri'efl. clcminc
nun ueais ine maimer mm Kiiiucys wiu-u
irriiaieu mm congeieii, invigoraies 111c
sexual organs mm icsiores ueiiiiu mm
Kounilcss to every part of the body nlTecteil
by the ilNcaso.
Nervo-Sexual Debility
Men, many or you are now reaping the
result or your former fully. Your tnnn
hood Is falling and will soon be tost un
less you do something for yourself. There
Is no tlmo to lose. Inipotency, like all
sexual diseases, Is never on the standstill,
With It you can make no compromise.
tlon: "Resolved, Thnt tho hoard of offi
cers of tho Now York stato division,
Lenguo of American Wheelmen, totally dis
approves of the proposed llfo membership
plan nnd considers that constitutional re
quirements hnvo not been fulfilled." Ex
Presldcnt Conwny W. Sams says that tho
Maryland division will send In fifty ap
plications for llfo membership within the
next thirty days. Applications for this
class nro coming In from every section
of the country, forty being sent In within
two duys nftcr tho application blanks wero
out, nnd tho funds so derived will give n
new Impetus to tho work of tho league In
behalf of the good roads movement. Tho
feo for this class Is $10 and the members
of It aro entitled to nil privileges for life.
wiims op ko.mi; ii:oii,k.
Tho following plaintive nolo wns picked
up In the street nt Clnrksvlllc, Intl.: "Dear
May Tho reason 1 didn't laff when you
laffed nt mo yesterday In tho postofllco was
becauso I havo n bllo on my face nnd knnt
laff, If I laff It will bust, but I lovo you old
sweet thing, bile or no bile, laff or no laff,
you know that. p. s. Burn this up."
Tho following letter, written by n woman
In Kansas, has been received by tho Phil
adelphia police department: "Chief Police,
will you see tho woman whoso name Is In
tho Inclosed advertisement, 1 will settle
with her for $300. Sho has a mcdlclno
which hIio says will Removo hair from the
face. 1 sent her one dollar nnd got a bottle
of tho medicine. I had somo fuz on my fuce.
I used ,thu medicine nnd It burnt my fnco
and now I havo got a heavy board the doc
tor say i will have whiskers now all my llfo.
If sho will glvo you $500 I will tnko It and
say nothln ngnlnst tho woman."
Tho telephone wns put to a novel use In
Paris Inst week. Mme. Janvier's baby had
a violent fit of coughing In tho night. It
scorned like croup to her nnd sho promptly
railed up tin family doctor on tho tele
phone and told her fears.
It was a cold, bitterly cold night nnd th
doctor had his doubts about tho need for
hasto, but Mme. Janvier was n valuable
client whom he had no wish to offend. In
his dilemma tho physician had n lirllllant
"Lift tho baby to the telephone, tnndamc,
nnd let him cough," ho called,
It was done. Tho baby coughed Into tho
telephone nnd tho doctor listened Intently
to tho sound. Then ho Bald"
"Don't worry, mndamo; tho baby hasn't
Our Vacuum Organ Oovoloper cures where
(iorything ebo fails nnd hopn lidciul. Itro
Mores small, weak organ", lost power, fnlllnit
manhood, drains, orrora of youth, etc. Strlo
turo and Varlcocnlo iormancntly curod lu 1 to
4 weeks.
Ho Drugs to ruin thn otomnrh. No Eleetrlo
Delta to blister and hum. Our Vacuum Do
volopcr li a local treatment nppllod directly to
tliB weak and disordered imrtB. It rives
strength mid Jovolopmout wliorover nppllod.
Old men with lnst or falling mnnhood, or tho
young nnd iniddlo aged who nro reaping the ri
Hilts of youthful error.', bxcchs or over work arn
quickly rcitorwl to health, and ijtreugth. Our
marvoloii" npplinnro lm astonished tho entire
world. HmdreiU of lending pliytlriana In tho
Unltod St'atos nro now lecommondliigniir apnll.
anco hi tlm poveron rasos whore overy othor
known dovlce hns fnllrd.
You will pco and feel Its lx?noflt from the first
dny for I'M nppllod directly at thn pent of tho
disorder. It makes nodifferuueo how eorere tho
Get Ready, More Dots,
Monday morning, Apr. 15
Hither you must master it or It will master
you and till ynur whole future with misery
ami Indescribable woe. 1 have treated
so many eases of this kind that
I nm as familiar with them as you
ate with the very daylight. Onoo cured by
us. you will never again be bothered with
emissions, drains, prcmntureiirss, small or
wink ntgaus, nervousness, falling memory,
loss of ambition or other symptoms which
rob you of your mauhooil und absolutely
unlit you for study, bushier, pleasure or
marriage. Our treatment for weak men
will correct nil these evils nnd restore you
to what nature Intruded a hale, hearty,
happy lumi, with physical, mental and sex
ual power complete.
Contagious Blood Poison
On nccnunt of Its frightful hldeousncss
I contagious blood poison Is commonly called
tno King 01 venereal diseases. It may no
I either hereditary or contracted. Once thn
system Is tainted with It. thn disease may
manifest Itself in the form of scrofula,
to furnish you with tho newest things In Furnishing Goods for men. We nro
excltislvo agents In Omaha for I). H. II. Flcxtblo Instep Hosiery a now pair for
every ono that falls to give satisfaction, 25c blues, reds, blacks or tans.
101,1 ccS,c,,8 KELLEY & HEYDEN
tho slightest trace of croup. Olvo him a
llttlo soothing syrup nnd go back to bed."
Ho reflected gratefully as ho returned to
his own slumbers on how much science has
dono for man.
A whlto figure which darted from West
Forty-first street into Eighth avenue and
passed Pnllcemnn Trojan of tho West
Thlrty-Bovonth Street Pollco Station, llko
a vision, threw that ordinarily matter of
fact policeman Into n stnto of excitement
nt 1:30 o'clock this morning, reports tho
Now York Sun. Trojan was on his post at
Forty-third street and Eighth nvenue. In
the hazy light of the breaking day tho vision
appeared to the policeman llko a spook.
Up Fifth nvciiuo dnrted tho spook, with tho
policeman lu pursuit.
Finally, seeing that ho wns being dis
tanced, Trojnn Jumped In a passing nuto
mobllo. Electricity was too much for tho
fugitive, and ho was nabbed at Fifty-sev
enth street. Ho wasn't a spook, however, '
Just an ordinary man wearlng-whtto un-
dcrclothcs and white half hose. I
Trojan lucked his ghostly prisoner up In
tho station house. Tho man gavo his name
as Hugh Onllogher, 25 years old, of
Southlngton, Conn. Magistrate Meado
fined hi m $.1 for being Intoxicated. Ho
could give no reason for Ills strango action.
As the prisoner had no clothes, ho had
no pockets, and consequently no money, so
ho could not pay his fine.
British I'ortlf ylnii Jnmalen.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, April 13. Tho
British War office lias decided to strengthea
tbo fortifications of Jamaica. Quick-firing
guns of tbe latest patterns aro being sent
nut, In addition to tbo heavy guns recently
placed In tbo forts about Port Royal.
The direct fruit lino to Bristol Is now
In full swing and the fruit Is finding ready
Balo everywhere in England,
Without Drugs or Electricity by Our
Vacuum Organ
No Cure
c.isn or how long ht.mding, It Is as sure to yield
to our trciitiniiiit us tho tun is to rUn.
The blood Is tlm llfo, tho fortllWcr of the hu
man body. Our Instrument forces tlio blood
Into circulation whero most needed, giving
strength and development to weak mill hfclos
nnrtn. Tlm Vai tuim Organ DoveloKr was first
introduced In tlio standing urnilos of Jluropnn
few years ago by tho French specialist, Do
lioii8(.!t, nnd its remarkabla sucrebs In thero
countries led thn Local Appllnneo I 'o, to secure
tlm exclusive control of it mile on tlm extern
Continent! and slnco Its Introduction into this
country its reninrknhlo cures bnvo nutounded
thsentlrn modlrnl profession. It litis restored
thousands cf cases ponoimred inrurnnlo by
pliyelrians. It euros ijufckly, harmlessly, and
without dotontlon from business.
Remember thoro Is no exposure, tin C.O.D. or
nnv other sehomu In our dealing with tho .public.
Wrlto for freo particulars vonlsnnled In plain
137 Thorps Block, Indianapolis, Indiana.
eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swolhn
Joints, eruptions or copper-colored spots on
the face or body, little ulcers lit the mouth
or on the tongue, sore throat, nwollon ton
sils, tailing out or tho hair or
eyebrows and dually n leprous-Ilka
dee-ay of the flesh and bone. If you
have any of these or similar symptoms you
are cordially Invited to consult us Immedi
ately, H 1 find your fears are unfounded
1 will quickly unbtitdcti your mind, But If
nur constitution Is lurected with syphilitic
virus I will tell you so frankly and show
ymi how to gel rid of It. our special treat
ment for contagious blood poison Is pratlc
nlly the result of our life work and Is en
dorsed bv the best physicians of America
mid Europe, It contains no Injurious drugs
or dangerous medicines of tiny kind. It
goes to the very bottom of the disease nnd
forces out every partlelo of Impurity. Soon
every sign and symptom of blood poison
disappears completely mid forever Tim
blood, tho tissue the flesh, tho bones and
the whole system are cleansed, purlllcd ami
restored to perfect health nnd the patient
prepared for the duties and pleasures of
Associate Diseases
In curing nn ailment of nny kind we never
fall to remove all rellex complications or
associate diseases, If the case Is varicocele,
tho weakness caused by It disappears. If It
Is striettirn and lias developed Into proi
tatlc. bladder or kidney affections, the In
jured organs nro all restored to a perfectly
healthful condition. If It Is coutagloiH
blood poison, any and all skin, blood and
bone diseases arising from tho taint are en
tirely and permanently eliminated from the
ostein. If It Is Itnpotency, the many ills-
nun lamenting 11 preniaiute decline 01 pays
leal, mental nnd scuul power are totally
removed and rapidly replaced by the youth,
fill energy of robust manhood, lleneo all
result Imp lllu nii.i .aIIav iMiiiH,.!i t(mtt.
which mn be properly termed assoclato
diseases, ntnl which, In fact, are often mnro
serlniis than the original ailment that glvo
1 rise to them all, we say, disappear com
pletely nnd forever with the cure of tho
1 main malady.
i Corresponcence
Most cases can be treated successfully at
home. Ono personal visit Is preferred, but
If It Is Impossible or Inconvenient for nti
to call nt our olllce, wilto us a full and un
reserved history or your case, plainly stat
ing your symptoms. We make no chargo
for private counsel and give to each patient
11 LEGAL CONTRACT to hold for our
promises. If you cannot call today, write.
Tho three combined mako a per
fect up-to-duto bicycle. Como In
and wo will show thorn to you and
let you ride one. Wo aro solo
agents for thn
Tlio threo lending high" grade
wheels prices $33, $40, $43 and $50
Chalnlcss, $50. $00 nnd $75.
2nd hand wheels $5, $S and $10.
Omaha Bicycle Co., I
Cor. 16th und Chicago Streets.
Drop in and See
Our Motor Cycle
1HIIES AKI) iiicvci.ns.
The Best Selection of
Bicycles in the City
Crescent Tribune
Rugby Atidrae
Prices, from $20 to $50
Louis fleschcr,
1622 Capitol Ave.
Latest Makes
of Cameras
Doforo buying a Camera see tho 1001
models I'REMOS, l'OCAS, KORO
TURES. Wo carry them all.
Trices on Promos greatly reduced.
Wo are solo dealers In Photo Sup
plies and can show you tho greatcit
assortment In tho west.
1215 Furniun Street.
Names of prize winners In namo
competition will bo published In Tho
lleo next Bumlay.