THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, ATHIL 13. 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advert Urmenta for these colaatiis will lie Uhrn nnlll 12 m. for tha VTcnlna edition and nnlll N:30 p. m. for morning and Bandar edition. , Kntea, 1 1-Sn a troril flrat Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing taken far leaa than IXf.c for tlie Ural Inaer- t!on. Theae adverlUeaaenta aaaat h ria rounrcniircifi Advrrtlaera, by reqacatlaaj a aered check, can bate imnrri ad- alreaaed to a anatbered letter In car f The Ree. Aaawera ao addressed rrlll he dellrerad prcacatatloa mt ihm SITIATIO.NS WA.VriiD. WANTKD. Job tf) travel lis salesman. Would consider advertising nml clrculHr distribution for reliable llrm: Itrat refer ences. ' .in men Kllmit, HhfrlMiiit, wyo, A-MG13 It' W'ASTKU-MAI.r. HUM. WANTED Wo have steady work for n few eond hustlers of L'ooil biiblt n ml n linear- anco. C. I'. AcJaniB Co., 1605 Howard BU. 1 1 ' li A III (Kit trado tuuglit thoroughly In short uino; cutaioguo anu particulars iru. Western Barbers' Institute, Oinuh:ij u. MEN to use Wltch-Hazol Shaving Crcatn msicuu oi soup 2je; at uu urugKii. 11337 Al'J WANTUD-Salesman and collector. Apply I'efore 9 iu m. Tho Singer Mfg. Co.. 1514 Douglas. U 41a A2J WANTKb. iileHiniin lo sell well tslnb- llshcd brand California brandy uu sldo j lino. ' Itoference reuulrcd. Address Hox I'M, Council HluffH, lu, HIM ltf WANTED, lo employ u miignetlo healer, lady or geutleimm; references reciulted; good salary to right party. Address llox ,ti!l,rl..f KJ..I. II Mim 11 WANTKD, thoroughly rellablu man to work In freight oitlco In" the; must bo gooci sienogrnpner. typewriter ami toie graph operator) salary ?7D.; Address N 38, I J ,II5'I ll WANTRD-nookkeeper 'Avlth at least two years experience; stuto ugu and salary ut;Biit:i. ,n iu, xjcc. Li U- ij WANTKD, a young man with oxpcrlenco as stock clerk In gent's furnbdiltm goods uijlJiiruiiciii anu ono in uy goous uepari inent. Also young inun. about IB or IS .t:ain in hko hs biock cictk in milliners iioparinient. J. L. Ilrandcls fi Sons, no, ton Store. ., It MI09 13 WANTUD, u young man'who Is thbroughly exiiei lenced In lieeirltiir ilimble entrv roin- merclnl books; must hnvo Al references; atnto.e.xporienco una salary expected, .vu. drcBH N 44, Uee. H-MI95 14' KXI'KItlKNCKD, cnrrlngn trimmer. Drum- monu Currlago Co., 1st li und Harney. U-503 IS ISXI'KlllKNCIiD salesmen lo represent inunufurturet In Inwtt und Nebraska, Iwirge salary to right party. .1 712, N. Y. Lire. H-Mr.2(. 11 ' 1 i 1 1 1 . ... WANTKD. traveling representative, for Nebrusku tnunaglng Held men to Increaso present force. J7M) yearly" to. start nnd nil iixiiejises; good opnulug. Address Depurt incnt Manager, 303 Ciixton Block, Chicago, ji .MS2I ia WAN'l'l'.D. mailt upright character. to manage business of, old established house; salary ?m per wpck and nxpenseH, payanii; eacu weoK uirrei, irtjtn iiouuciuuriers, x- penso inqney ' iidvauceu; )osiiioi perma nent: reference. Htundurd House, 324 ( ax- um jniumng, wnicagu. ii jira n" KNKItaKT'lC salesman for Nebraska, to carry lino of highest grado , lubricants, paints, et. An. ixoeptloially good open ing fgr- a hustler: write for Information nnd terms. Tropicnl Oil C,o.- CItwoland, unio. it M52D 14" WANTKD, man to travel; reasonable salary itnu expenses; territory Nebraska; collecting and- distributing; references; send self-addressed envelono for .iiiirtlc- ulars,. Jtoad. ManitBcr, 202 -Pontine bldg.( L Ulyfl B't' i II .M02S 13' WaN.TJCD. At nc.vii,gond-gulvaiUjiMil-lrui-worlwr-lOlobc Cornice Works, Fremont, ,; noo. W MS37 Jft ' 1 ; I". ANTKD, traveling salosmau to- the wnolesaln und, retull trade only; salary aim expeiutes. jne Naiioniil. uOj Cnxjon Hulldlllg,.ChlcuR. H-MS21 14' WANTKD. a salesman calling on eniinlrv trado to sell our fall llnu of dry goods specialties on commission. A good side lino, vonress i- ranic u. 1.11 I. anno ,t Co., i-iuiaucjpiiiu, I'u, ji fliwt WANTKD, specialty salesman, as a side. unc, ior, a jam selling uriicie. Huns on sight'; liberal terms; samples furnished free. and can , bo curried in vest pocket. H-M318 15' WANTKD,- men to loam barlfcr trade. Special offer of scholarship, board and tools until July lo; two mouths completes; buiy season now: big wages imld cradu. ntes. Httvo nluccs for 2i) ut iiuffalo lCx- position. Call or wrltu toduy. Moler Bar- bor College. 1623 I amum 31. B-M317 IS AVANTBU FKMAI.K HKI.f. WANTISD-200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-774 GIUL for'fencral housework; small family. fierce. l. M7 13 SALESLADIES arid demonstrators of abil ity for uermalient salaried positions Thyrotd-Lymnh Co., 500-2-4 Beo Building;, uuiiim; -u-d uurr uiock. Lincoln. C-724 DRKSSMAICINO taught thoroughly; sya teni received highest award ut Paris. 1900. McDowell Dressmaking' School, 2C9 S. 15th at., rooms tun-ai ivuruacn oik. ' ' , , C-M1U WANTKD A 'good cook. Mri4. T-, J. Rogers, 1120 Tark uve. ' C-415. WANTKD, girl for general housework; jlinil A.,,,ij, iva -1, .uui, uu 1IUWI. , . 'rC-l6t WANTED, to emnloVu mncnetln bealnr. lady or gentleninn: references required; good salary to right party.' Address Box i' uiierton, ieu. tj .M476 is WANTKD, first-class hairdresser nnd mani cure. Jtoom am nee oiug. c .M.I70 13 GIRL for general housework, 1514 Yutca st., (Sherman . ave. car llhe). c 491-11' WANTKD. an experienced and fullv com. petcnt lady bookkeeper to tuko charge of u art. 01 oouoio entry commercial books; vi reicrrncrs required; salary, iu per mouth; position permanent. Address N 43, Bee. C-5I49I II' WANTKD, a good cook. 1016 Georgia ave. uj U-&06 II WANTED, four salesladies; chance promo tion. iuu v.uv to u;ov, us i-axton bUlg. C-M532 15' WANTKD. ladles to learn h.ilrdresslng, manicuring, inciai massage or cmropmiy. .mi oxi-t'iiiuinii oner uiiiii .May j, uur graduatea' nnnularltv Increanes lh .1.- maud for help: positions guurnnteeil; $10 to io weeaiy; tiipiomas granted; new method. Illustrated catalogue mailed free. Moicr college. 1623 Farnam St. C-M510 IS' WANTED, competent girl nt good wages. rs aoutn Usui st. t .m.j15 15 RELIABLE help. Douglas. Tel. fiM. Canadian ofllce. 1522 C-775 FOIl HUNT IIOHSKS. 1 "then? wNU'n'a'waT oZ WB" ""D-llr TO movo rlRht. get Omaha Vnn Storage 1.0, unicc, iJiirj uuriium, or tel. ijy-MM. D-777 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Brcunan-I.ove Co., 320 South 13th street. D-77S HOUSES, stores. B'emls, Puxton Block. - D 779 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. y. 1,1 FB. D-780 HOUSES, etc. F. D. "Wcad, 1524. pouglns. . u (si HOUSES and flaltV lUllgwalt, Barker block. HOUSES "wantetl, Wallace, Brown block. ' U 7S3 S.ROO' modem hbuse, small barn. 3221 HirniT ill. $40: J-MOlTl tirlftk na"l.'2!2i) Burt, 130; others. Illngwalt Bros., Barker bin. u M193 FOIl IIUvT-HOLSI'.S. S-ROOM modern flat; well located; largo rooms. Kcnnaru & Hon, 310 Brown IjIock. j D-781 FOR HUNT New 10-room house north part my, nuivr aim gas, near motor una school. Inquire XV. I. Klrrstend, Iloom 3(0, City Hull; rent. $23 month. U-M1S3 TKN-ROOM residence, with large grounds, mwii nnu sunno trees; suuuuie tor ha.m TAHIUM ur MEDICAL INSTITUTE; will iiinKii uitcrniiuus una icnsa to ursi-ciass tenant. OMAHA LOAN AND Till n T (JO,, 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D-M731 FOR HUNT, tesldencc, 10M Georgia nv cor. I'uciuc; iuuiii'i an it, uuscmrni, cant front, modern and extra conveni ence; lot 66x11'). with trees. Inquire an ir irst National umi mug. u .M133 30S NORTH 22d S'., ten-room modem house, llnu locailon; key at Sol North EM Ht. U-I3D FOIt RENT. 9-room modern ,li.tnri,A.i house, lawn, Mimic trees, J35. Innuliu 231S Cupltol live. Tel. 6i3. D-M211 NINE-ROOM modern Hat. 2.r, Douglas. $27.50. o-n-soAv FIVE-ROOM flat. 16U Leavenworth street. I) 126-12 DESIRABLE dwelling of 7 rooms, bath. itirnucu. gas, not water, laundry, coal and gr.s ranges; largo lawn; located In jvnunize i-iuce on paved sirlot, near car llni': If preferred will Iene house fur bished. For particulars see tu at once. OAItVlN BROS., 1613 FA II NAM ST. . D-M4S3 tl Ft) II HUNT, 3221 Iliirnrr, S rooms, modem, aui muu nurn, J'.o isuri. v rooms, morleru, J30; others, Klngwalt Uros., Har hcr Illk. P-M4I7 VNKQUAt.l.KU 7-room house; t-room flat. TUIird, 221 N. 2IIII. L)-.M50i) FOtl HLVNT-l'LltMSIli:i) 1KIOMS, DHWKV Uuropean hotel, I3th and Karnam. Oi iSo. TI1K TIIUHSTON, lGth and Jackson; steam ii ise NICK rooms, light housekeeping. 11 12 8. 11th. Is 414 xYfWLV furnished, housekeeping. 1K6 Jones li 464 Mt UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-7S7 nt.HNCAHlN'.trnnslentH.Il.lS dav. lfion Don F-7SS I. Altai: front room. 803 So. 23th Ave. F-7M TUB IIOSE3. 2020 Harney. Hates reasonable, I- aisfs avi- OSK large room, ono smaller room; excel lent board; prices reasonable. XU7 h. sun st. F-M53:! 15 KOIl IlKVf STOHKS AMI OFFIOUS. FOIt ItKNT. two-storv brick building. 24x bu tect; lino store, grounu noor; living rooms above; llrst-class butlness place for live man. From May l uppiy to p. u. urnyton, ueneva, Neb. i nivo iw FOIt HUNT store, In first-class location; rent reasonable. Appiy u. w. l'ciers as Co., around Iloor, Uee Uldg. 1266 DKSIC room snoce. S3 i)cr month, ground nijor room in i no itee uuikiiuk. iuciuk Farnam street: no expense for light, heat or janitor service. , it. C. rotors i uo. iirntai Agcni, ueo uuiltung. jia. FOIt HKNT tho building formerly occu pied uy Tno nee at 816 Furnam tt. it naa four stories and u basement which was formerlV iifcod us The Ree nresH room. This' will be rented very reasonably. If interested appiy at onco to u. u. nose- water, secretary, room iuu, uee uuuuing, 1 .Ul OFFK,'K In Commercial NATIONAL bank mug. Apj,ny room a. i la 1'ACTO'IIHS Ft! It ItFAT. FACTORY, luundry or grocery building, corner, uamel u- i'altcrton. lva i- arnuni y .. M311 A16 AtiKT WANTISD. AG K NTS make JO dally Belling the cheapest anu mosi perieci water niter ever in vented; retails ul; big prollt; ex clusive territory, aenecu i'liter jo., sen ecu, Mo. J-M4H3 A21 'HI-: WHO' knows und knows not that ho knows. Is nsleen. Wako him. "Hut ho who knows ami knows that ho knows. Is ii wlso man. Follow him." Then know me. Jnuulry costs you noth Ing. Will nav you S2j to S3U weekly. Tin dignity, bounty and high chaructcr of tlin work is FIRST lu thu WORLD. Successful book ugenti: wanted, 'Teachers, High school una college gruuuaies win navo pruiereu c, loci; iiox umaiia, noo. j mdi-a.'j WANTKD, agents, special and local agents to represent tno strongest anu ono ot tnu oldest Hull Insuruuco companies In tho state. Booms 303-201, .Mcuuguc uuiiuing, Omuha, Neb. .I-SIS33 13' AG12NTS-Ladles nnd gentlemen. I have tho v,llf,nHt urtlclo to explain, the euslest to iiauuie and easiest to sen, ana tua uesi nliin to sell on. out. Call afternoons und evenings at Karbach Hotel, J. K. Purin- ton. J 4Bi-iz WANTKD Canvassing ngents- In every county 10 solicit subscriptions ror this TWENTIETH CKNTl'RY FARMKR nnd tbo NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLKTK STOCK DOC TOR. ThN splendid book contains 1,400 Impcrlul octavo pages, MO object-teaching engravings, and Is the only book on live, stock over published adupted to the cveri'-dny, practical, money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Stendy employment witn assurcu goou income. Agents In the country with horse uud buggy especially desired. Cunvussers muko easily $6i to $im) per mouth. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo Building, Omaha. J-4S7. PORTRAIT ageutH everywhere quit "crayons." Try wnsnable enamellnes; no glass; don't rub; cheap. Fumlly Portrait Co,. Chicago. J Moll 13' AQKNTS wanted everywhere. You can carry our urtlolo right In your pocket, sell for cash ut four houses out of every live and Indies will thank you for calling. You may think this sounds a little too good, but wc furnish sworn statements showing Just what agents are doing. In vestigate this. SUTALIVK BROS., KEO KUK, IOWA. J-M520 11' WANTED, men with rig to advertise and lutroniice .Monarcn rnuiiry .Mixture. Straight salary $15 weekly and expenses. Address, with Btamp, Monarch Mfg. Co,, Box SSI, Springlleld, 111. J-M522 It' NORTH STAR OH, CO., 227 Montgomery St., san .Francisco, uai., desires to cor. respond with agents, Tho biggest and best pitying proposition In the United Stutes. J-.M530 16 WANTED TO 1IISXT. WANTKD, two nicely furnished rooms and noard for wire and datignter 111 private family; husband homo Saturday night; wining to pay ior tno rigui Kind ot uu commodatlons. Address N 46, Bee. K-510 12 WANTED, to rent an S-room, modern house, detached, rent not to exceed $30: wanting instance, 311 ueo. Tel. usi. K-M533 B' STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Waro house Co.. 912- sin jouca, liuuviui aturugu unu lorwardlng, -791 0M' Van S,0r' C" l5"W I"ar"- WA.NTKIl TO lit Y. WANTKD, a good sccond-hund horse-roller at once, Appiy J. n. ttcynoius, I'tirnain. IS .Mlit W WANTKD to buy, a good pluno. Address r oi, uee, ri-jti 11 FOIl SALE FU 11 . ITL'ItE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge, Tel. New '.'utHind rurnituro nought sola, fxciiuiigeu, , O 7'Jj FOR SAI.E-IIOHSES, VEHICLES, ETC. THOSE who have buggies, wucans. eta repulreil at Frosts, never kick, 14th und Lcuvcuworiu. 4' 794, FOR SALK. a sound bay horse, inquire 2152 St. Mary's ave. P-MI54 14' FOR SAI.K MIICKl.l,A.M-:Ot'9. SAWDUST-Cheapest posts, poultry & hog fence. Svl Douglas. Q-793 2D11AND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Fnrnnm. SAFES, buy, fell, exegc. Schwartz, 114 8. 13. Q-7!)7 TIMOTHY hay of nil kind', feed ami coal. .Monroe is uo. W-73'4 WIIIK fenco for poultry, Ilelglnn hare, hog Held or lawn. Wlru Works, 617 S. 16th St. W-.M61S jy7 A GOOD guarnntced bicycle with Morgan & Yvrigni tires ior .v. umaua uicycie Co. Q-M3I7 ar.Kn nweet tintutocs. earliest Yellow .ler. my, pur uui. .uuices ineo w iiuams, uenson, ncu. w mv.9 13" W1RK fenco for poultry, Helglan hare, hog field or lawn, wire worxs, uu h. letli st. W-.M87S jy? HARItKD l'lynioulh Rock eggs for sale, COo setting. U27 N. 23d. Q-M3S2 13 FOR SAI.K cheap, or exchange, ladles' bicycle in goou repair. Address N 37, nee, Q-16'5 13' FOR SALIC, fresh 3-vear-nld fnmllv enw. jersej- unn iioisicin, a. r;. i.or. istn nnn Manucrson sis. Q 16.1 12' FRKSII milch cow for sale. 31ID California. U-MI73 13' lllOIIclnKs tailoring nt reduced prices; big sine m spring ami summer suitings und trouserings 111 Weinberg s. 312 So. si. Q-,rK)7 12' l.W.MO HlTILDINO brick for Immediate de livery, witiineii uros. -Smith Co.. yards .--'d mid Hickory, 31st and Lake. Tel. 42S. W 501 Jill CL.AIIIVOVAXTS. MRS. FUITZ, medium. SID North 16th. MM!-:. OYLMKn, Omaha's favorite PALM- 1ST. removed 11 I from 1005 Dodgo st. to tho MONKY loaned salaried people holding per HLOCK on 13th, between tnancnt posltlcn with responsible concern liiiArsnri itiAJUiv on Kitn. nein-een Farnum nnd Harney sts., 3d floor; tuko elevator. a J1I26 'UNO, clairvoyant und healer. 1915 Farnam. a im is 13 1. K C'l'll I C Tit K ATM B.T. MABEL QUAY, 3I7J4 N. 13th St. Flat K. T 113 AW MISS MAK LKSLIK, 619 S. 16th, third floor. T M147-.M2' CAM ILLK DUVAL. 619 S. 16th, second door. Taiaaj M6 KLITK parlors, 613 South 16th, second floor. 1 MKJ .MS MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, massage, magnetic, electric treatment. 302 N, ltfth, room 1. i mi an- MMK. SMITH, baths, floor, left; room 2. 1403 Jackson, top X loi lo' VKRA DHLMORK, massage, bath. 1015 Howard, room 1, 2d lloor. t M430 Ifi' I'KHMO.NAL,. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity, it. 12, Frtmzcr block. U S02 PRIVATK home beforo nnd during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Uurdette. U Sot FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1321 DouglllB. U-S0I A BOX of Re-No-Mny Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a euro nnd secures tho comfort and happiness of your roommate. U M212 SUPPLIES for all innchlnes; machines for rent. Whltu Sewing Machine, 1620 Douglas. Tel. 2334. U-SUu M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect lic-co-deon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. Suito 200, Douglas Block. U--S06 WK ItKNT sewing machines at 73c per week. Wo repair and sell parts for ull makes of muchlnes. Nobrnsku Cycle Co., Corner 13th 'and Harney! Telephone 1663. U-M409A21 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger send for circulars. Kmplro Rup ture Cure. 832 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-S09 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational. wnoiesomo noma treatment, ais ucu uiug. U MS PRIVATE hnsnltul for lailics beforo and during confinement; babies "adopted. 2306 Grant St. U-SQ7 FOR MEN Shaving Cream. Better than any soup; 2-3c. All druggists. W-J!6-A1 KC.KMA CURK-Owlng to tho number of Inquiries which are being constantly ic celved from those nflllctcd with eczema re sranllnir the salvo wbleb cured W. A. Pnx- ton wo have decided to curry u small supply of this Milve on hund. li. J. Scan- nell, 509 Waro, block, Omaha. U 703 A26 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Middlcmlst. Tel. 123S. Leave order With Henderson. tho llorlst, 1519 Farnam. u atto7 16' SECOND-HAND SEWING MACHINES. Never such nrlces for such cnods offered neiore, nnu ir liny time witnin one year you want to buy a new machine we will take the old one back nt exactly what It cost you'. The following is a partial list of what we oner: Former Sat'y & irire. .Mouiiay. Blnger Domestic $ 5,011 r!5 10.00 10.00 15.00 30.00 23. Oil ?' . 3.00 Household , White Singer, good as now..., Singer 7. &0 - l-'-oo JrH hi'r Whce er & Wilson 23.00 Three modern, drop. head machines, slightly used, at one-naif regular price Wo rent machines at 75 cents per week or 2 per moniu, Tncsc are modern, up-to-date machines, with complete uttuch monts. We sell needlos nnd pnrts for und repair overy sewing macuine mauuiactureii, N KlinASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Telephone 1663. Comer 13th and Harney is Oil 1. WANTED, homo for an old lady In private family; must nnve best or cure nnd at tention anu tree irom noise nt cnutiren, Address N 45, Bee. U M53l 14' MOXF.V TO l.O.W IUJA1. ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa tarms ut 5 per cent; borrowers can nay $100 or any multiple: any Interest date: no delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 S. I3tii at., Omaha, Neb. w-3 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urcnnan-L.ovo uo., aoutn lutn. v sio WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. ueorge a: company, iwi raium street. v si 1 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. v w $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city projicrty nnd farms. W Farnam Smith & stuiin W-813 Co., 1320 Farnum. WANTED Clt nnd farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 j? nrnum at , ueo wiug. w en MONEY to loan at nnd Ui per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle, 101 S. 15th. V IVi PRIVATK money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglus. w sis FIVE and 5, per cent city and farm loans. Gurviii uros., luij rurnam at. v u PRIVATK money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. W-i !0 FIVK nnd 5Vj per cent loons. W. II. Thomua, 1'irtii National jjuuk uuiiuiug. xei. mis. W-Sf-'t CASH on hand, G, K. Turklngtou. 603 Bee. w auai MONEY TO I.OAN-CHATTliLS. SALARY LOAN'S. WE I.OAN $10 TO $100 TO ANYONE HOLD- INU A UUUU I'UBri'IUN. WHY BOR ROW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST Il.Vi l-.B IN. TUWfi, anu WITHOUT j'l 1 1 1 .- RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Paxton Block, Room S03. X-.M502 MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 8, Burker blk a ? MO.VBV TO LOA CIIATTI-M.S. tUT US TALK "MONEY" TO YOU. JUONEY LOANKU HALA III r.U PEOPLE. MONKY l.OANUD ON FURNITURK, J1U.NKV I.UA.NI.U U.N I'iANOS. MONEY LOANKD ON HOIISKH. Or any other personal property, at cheaper taies Hmi ucucr inniin inun over. IF YOU NKKD MONUY SKK US. We glvo you options on loans that no other llrm can anoru 10 give, lou always get tho full amount. You pay us back In small weekly or monthly payments. No expenso tr charges taken out of louii. You chooso your own time for payments, any time from one month to one year. Kach p.ivmcnt returns principal and In terest. Kverj thing remains lu your pos session. All business strictly contljentlul. Private Interviewing room. AMKIHCAN LOAN COMPANY, Room 312 Hrown Hlock Room 212. S. K. Cor. 16th and Doilglus strcoti. Kntruncc on 16th Street. X-M113 WHKN YOU NKKD MONK"sK13 US?" It Is to Hdvcrtlse lowest rules, as otherH do, but we reel positive that If you will make comparisons you will bo con vinced you can do better with us than elsewhere. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc., ur wo will make you a SALARY LOAN without Indorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing tor making tho loan and you rccclvo the full amount In cash. Y"ou may pay It back In ono inoi-Ui or take six months or more In which to repay It. nnd you need not pay for It 0110 day longer than you keep it. Our terina arc tho easiest, our business Is confidential nnd our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTdAOK LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trado Hldg. Tel. 2293. (KstabllBhcd 1S02). 306 So. 16th St. X-S23. LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURK, iivu hiuuk, ivuu-n niii"" anu lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOK, 6X1 (top llooi) I'uxton Ulock, northeast corner 16th uul Farnum; entrance on 16th St. X-S26 UpUII lliu-ll linilll-o nuiliMii rtvui uy ; CUHV payments. Tolman, 410 Uourd Trado Bide. X-827 MONKY loaned on piano, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc, u. i , iiecu, 313 a. 13. X-S3) SHORT tlmo loans. Joe Pleasants. 51 X-127 Barker bik. MONKY to loan. I. Zleglcr, 409 Waro Hlock. X-S31 iu:si,m:ss, 8TKAM dyo nnd cleaning shop In city of 10,00 or ll.OOt) Inhabitants for sale for Sinn; a good chance fot a dyer who understands his business: only snop in tno city. Ad dress, L 43, Hoc Y M153 FOR SALK, lunch room, Ico cream parlor, cigars, fruit und groceries; good location; $330 cash. Address llox 612, Norfolk, Neb, .M47S 13' SUBURBAN drug store; best roMdenoe part of city; no competition; unusual oppor tunity for druggist with limited means; lino Ire cream and soda business; 1300 will muKe tnc ueui, Address in 11, uee. Y M ID? 13' BKST retail hardware furniture and imple ment siock III NCbrusKU ior sine. Address N 45, earn Bee. Y M526 19' TO PHYSICIANS-A competent, registered pnysicinn, witn some means nnd good rer erenccs, can purehnso it hnlf Interest In a clean, well established und paying spe cialty business In Omaha, on liberal terms, as two are required to do the work successfully. Preference -will be given to nlivslcinns who can read, write. speak and translate German, This Is u rare opportunity. Address N 47, Bee. X-M331 II' FOR SALK, cigar store ami news stand; nest iccntion in city; cneup ior casn it sold at once. Heasnu for selling, sick- ness. Address N w. Bee. Y M312 13 FOIl KXCHA.r.K. TO EXCHANGK. good suburban Chicago property located on isid and Lnnmls sts. iKnglewood), consisting of 2-story frnmo flat, 2 baths, strictly modem, price $3,500, mort. $SfK), C per cent, for stock of drugs or Improved eastern Nebraska land, or rooming house In Omaha; will assume a reasonable Incumbrance or pay cash dif ference. H. O. CuKsuwuy, M. D., Box 32, Now Sharon, Ia. J-MH6 11' FOIl SAIiK-ltlMI, USTATI0. WANT offer on lino lot and seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kcnuurd & Son, 309-10 Brown Block. RE 836 SKK HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. HE 832 FOR SALK-Houscs nnd lots In all parts 01 city; nmo Hero property nnu lurin lunds. The O. F. Davis Company, Room 652 Beo Bulldlns. RE-137- CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. KIS-Hi FOR SALK on monthly payments, S-room modern hotiso on N, 21th St. car lino: nlso vacant lots, which will bo .Improved for puichuscr on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan und Building Association. G. M. Nattlnger. secretary. Bee Bldg. RE-M7H HOUSKS, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire iiiBuruucc. uemis, raxton ijik. im eai RANCH AND FARM lands for snlu by tho union I'uciiii Railroad company, u. A, McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Paclilo Headquarters, Omuha, Nob. 11E-S33 Vl ACIXS3 Relvldero add., just off 3Dth st '??r.l" 'a Iorl- - Bjroil It. Hustings, 212 So. 14th St. RE-M420 5.ROOM cottage and lot. 2 blocks from ?.nh 11,16 u"d 1 block from Dodge st. !rt0' owncr rnunt loavo city; $600.00 cash. " "jriun itceu wo., .u ao. 11111 st. RE-M421 FOR SALE, cattle ranch on C. & S. II. R. w iiiuea irom uhcyenne, wyo. Auuress D. M. Arnold, Islay, Wyo. RB-M183 13' THIlMl.' nniTai.'a l.-nu tn-.n With a fow repairs will rent for $30 a .1 ' roo'ns each; built s years ngo; ;!"'', ,Ha HlmP fr some ono, Tho Byron Recd Co., 212 So. nib st. RE-MI 13 Wo nro GOING to SELL two CHOICE HOMES. 3316 Dodgo und 1314 So. '31st. IiOlh ;irr nhnlon unl mmlnrn SI. TUEai, OO THROUGH THEM AND ol'.h I'o, r 1) ' B'1,0,C f o., solo agents, 310 N. Y. Life, Phono 829. RK 460 12 SIX BEAUTIFUL NKW HOUSES. RARK OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCHASER For the next few days. Thcso houses havo JUst been cpmpletcd und contain PORCELAIN BATH TUBS marble wnshstauds, cemented ccllurs, up furnaces, gas ami ELEGANT lighting llxtures. The prices Inlcutlo per tnancnt wulks, also sodding of the yurds, etc. These properties nro located on paved btrccts, with nil city Improvements per manent; each Is convenient to car line, schools, churches and biulnese. Terms will bo inado reasonable. Wo i!ll GLADLY SHOW you these prop erties any time. PURUHASKRS cap have Immediate possession. Prices (3,230 to $4,000. NOW 18 YOUR TIME. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor Now York Life Hltfcf. RK-M4SQ 13 VERY good hit, 50x125, not far out: north; ciuso to -uu st, car; win man uv casn und $100 1 yeur. Stringer, 634 Paxton blk, KE-M4S3 14 FOR SALE, bargains In South Omuha; a few cholco lots ut U und 2sth sts. will be sold eheup, Call and seo George W. Mns. son, 712 N. 24th St., South Omuha, RIS-M409 2I FOR SALE-A big bargaliiTor cush." A beautiful home; 11 7-room cottage; lot fi3x 160; Hue locution; cull or address J, A. 8 2322 No. 21st. RK-4kS-17 FOR SALK, corner lot 33d and Cuming sts., in Ttci ironi, nullum uouse, o ixiuuis cacil side; cheap at $2,500. Benawa & Co. RE-C03 It nut nam:-hi:ai.'ATi:. Tt'KKY'S CORNKH. Here you have some good arant lfith fctrcel business property nt tlie rlsht )irlce ClieaK-r than nn thing vaennt north of the viaduct and south of Howard st. 1'2 feet west frontage, running from Leaven worlh street north to the alley, sur rounded by substantial brick blocks nnd the mnt public corner on the street; ut the Junction of tho South Omaha nlid cross-town car lines. We offer this entire tract to one purchaser for an Investment or for Improvement, or we will subdivide to suit purchasers. A. P. TUKKY, BOARD OF TRADK. RF.-30S 13 Itt-CVCI.MS. SKCOND-HAND bicycles nt 'j price; must have tho room for new ones; good wheels for 3 and up; It will pay you to Invest now, wheels sold on payments. Louis Flcscher. 1622 Cupltol a v. -MIS1 M HIIICAl.. LAD1KS, I positively guarantee Ooldrn Seal, never falling female regulator, will relieve most obstlnulo cases of delayed periods In live hours; sent securo from observation. $1.00. Dr. Annia Fowler. 2741 Olive St.. St. Louis, Mo. -91$ A30' DR. LK DUK'S French Femnlo Regulator, posltlvoly warranted to relieve the- most stubborn cases of monthly stoppages. Ir regularities, obstructions and suppres sions brought on from whatever abnormal or pathological cause: $2 a package, or .. for $3; sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price, Tho Kldd Drug Co., Klgln, ill. American ofllcc. retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug nC. Omaha; M, A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. iioirniAM am) rvi'i;witi ii.vt; A. C. VAN SANT'S school 717 N. Y. Life. -512 BOYLKS' Coliege. court reporter principal. lice llldg. 813 NKB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -S4I ORKOO Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug S l.i I'AWMIHOKKItJi. KAGLK Loon Olllcc. reliable, accommodat ing; nit business conlldcntlal. 1301 Douglas. CAItl'K.M'HItS AMI .IOIUli:ilS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lako Sts. 370 ACCOItlMO.N I'l.F.ATIMJ. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. K. Cor. 17th nnd l'ltrnam. S33 TICKET llllOKKIt, CUT rate tickets everywhere, bin, 1303 Farnam. Tel. "St. II, Phil--S37 FOIl HUNT FACTORIES. FACTORY" laundry or grocery building, corner. David C. Patterson, 123 Farnam. M-311 Aid I'ATHXTS. PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues & Co.. Beo Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Advlco free. 15i Jul5 I.ALMIIIV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1730 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. SIS STA.MMKIlIXt; AX1J fiTUTTUUIMi. CUBED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramgo Bldg, S4J OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld K. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. SIO M. K. DONOHUK. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., 001 Paxton Blk. Tel, 1307. Ml IIYfilEMC II ATMS. FOR ladles only, hygienic batfis. with mns sago and electric treatment, ruder direc tion ot Mrs. T. Schomuier, grnduate mas seuse, formerly of "The Bnthery." ltd Douglas st. Tel. 2133. Open ovenlngs by engagement. M501 Mil LOST. LOST, bunch of keys on N street. S'outh omaiia; under pieasn return or notify ing- werson uros., i--xcnangc nuiiuing, soiiin Omaha. Lost W9 13 Mil, IIS FOIl SALE. CALODIUM and tube rn?c bulbs, 40c nnd 200 per uoz. i:'is i toward si. M-133 M9 IIOII.EIt .MAKF.IIS. OMAIIA Boiler Works, steam bollers.tnnks, iacKS, etc. ici. um. j.'tn it izani sis. 4S9. I'llMTfllF, IIEl'AIIII.Xti. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. SjO WALL PAPER. 3c a roll and up; painting, paper bunging, decorating. Kelsey, 117 a. 17th. Tel. IOCS, 01 IMtKSSMAIUXU. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 20th St 700-A20' EXPERT AOCOII.Vi'A.VI'. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day or oven tug, It. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Ruthbiiu S32 tl'IIOLSTEIII.ML GLOBE COUCH CO., 1319 Leav'th. Tel. 2.",29, .M710 CO V IIIl.NM I : .NT .MIT 11; 1: . PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Deparlmeiil ot tho Interior. Olllco of liullan Affairs, Washington, 1). C, March' 7. I&01. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposal for bluukcts, woolen und cotton goods, clothing, etc.," us 1'iu case may be, and directed to the Pnniinlssloner ot Indian Affairs. Nos. 77 and 79 Woosler street. New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock 11, m, of Tuesday, May 7. 1901, for furnishing for tho Indian service uianaem, wuuiun uuu couou goous clothing, notions, nuts unu caps, uius mus i, inn, ix out on government bluukH. Hchcd ules giving all necessary Information for bidders will bo furnished on application to tho Indian uiuce, wusniiigion, u. e-., nos, 77 and t.i Wooster street. Now York City Mr. 1111s llnAnrd street. Omaha. Neb.: N'o 235' Johnson street, Chicago, III., or the Commissary or suusisionce. u. h. a., at. Louis. Mo. Bids will bo opened ut tho hour and day ubovo siuiru uuu uiuucih uro in ,.ii,1 in In, ni-cKent ut tho oopnlllL-. Tim ile purtinent reserves tho rlglil to delermlun the point of delivery und to reject uny und ull bids or uny part 01 uny tmi, w. 4 JONES, Commissioner. AprS-to-Mayl Pi-nnnsulM for construction of water svstcm Depnrtmerit of the Interior. Olllco or Indian Affnlrs. Washington, D. C, Apdl 1. 1901. Sealed piopnsals. endni'Bcu I'roposal for Vitter Hysiem, lauaioii, anu uuurrsscn to tho Commissioner or liullan Affairs Washington. i. u.. win nn received nt win rifflco. until 2 o'clock P, m of Anrll SO. 1901 tor furnishing and delivering tho necessury materials und lubor required In the con struction um" completion of a water system nt the Yankton Boarding School. Yankton Agency. South Dnkotu, In strict uccorduncn with plans, specllicatlous and Instructions to bidders, which may bo examined at this oltlce, tho V. 8. Indian Warehouses, No, 233 Johnson st,. Chicago, 111., and No, 1211S Howard st,, Omaha, Nob.; tho otllces of Tho Beo of omana, nou.; journal 01 aiotix city rnwu. and Gazette of Ynnktan. S. D.. am nt Yankton Agency. For any additional in formation u iitil V to this olllco or John W Harding, I'. S. Indian Agent, Grcciiwoodj ft, IJ, W. At JOIICS, V.UUIIUIHSIUUCI', A:,I:,, ,l5t WANTED for U. . nrmy, able-bodied un married men, between uges of 21 and 35 citizens of the United Stairs, ot gooi character and temperate habits, who can speak, rend nnd wrlM English. Recruits specially desired for service In Philippines. For Information apply to Recruiting Oi. ccr, Cor- 16th and Dodge Bts., Omului, Ncj, Sluggish Bind tlo1T8Ure4aaiafc f aMraJI umviMandfftl?, artAkii4 aW mlM and body, cftld, cjarnf (hat ftad ina paiMies ara ture aic na oi aaer tifln. If not taken in faaaa.JRott will follow, that ittrd fwflh; cohiet frarn lUSfllh blood, Duffy's Purt Matt WMtkty Tha World's OaaUat Madlelna will car 7. A ttaapoontul thraa ttmci a! day ia Mil a fiM 01 watei will aafca you dtront and tmtthr. It urtcUi th blood, itrentthaa tht clr cttUtlbn aflllonNup lh whole jtlm. ullff iV',3rWy!K it ! uwsa5j ! Mia (rriMil M MMltn,. feklt i(nt ttr to i,rft th, wilwi p I Wtyc MA lX W JtllH K V ca., naelitatar.a.T. nam nvvnaaataWUIliSnMAaiir TImi iiiMTifciatoaiaj mtiuv 1 rise asies coaaicrtoawrm al AlON TNI MIITN aAVANA. MATANZAS. CAIDBIUS. SA0UA. CAI- BAOK, IfUIVifAi, OlfcAlA, Ul lAKACdA. tU atltr nrta. lttntsrW STEAUSMIP J.INEJ7 WlUtaattV. jtw YorK city. RATMOND A WHITCOMB. B Uhton Squafa, Naw York, For Tickets, Stateroom Reasrvatlan and Qoaaral information of the MO BILK ERVICK. apply to Tick at Aa-cnt Moblla tc Ohio R. R. and South arn Ry. twJiM'll.'ll.l.lll.'IJ Record Voyage 6 Da. 7 Haun. 22 Minuter BOSTON lo LIVERPOOL tia QUEENSTOWN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom, Mar 8 New Enqland. " ' 11,600 " Apr 24 P0RTLA.N0 to LIVERPOOL la QUEENSTOWN Vancouver. ..Apr 13 ' Oominlon Apr 27 Cambroman. , . May 4 Vancouver . . . May 18 For fnrtber Informitloo, iddrtm Caiapany's Olllcti. M Dtirtwra St.. Cblcto. lilt. I'OSTOFI'TCE MITICE. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested. ns chances occur ut unv time.) Foreign malls for the week ending April l.wi, win closo (riiu.Mi'TLY in all cases) t the General 1'ostoltlco as tollows: 1'All CKI.S' POST MAILS clcso ono hour earlier ban closing time shown below. Parcels Post mulls tor Germany closo at 5 p. m. on April 10, per s, s. Aug, Victoria, via Ham burg. "I'd April K', per s. s. l'rcioria, via liumuurg. Regular und Kuntilcmcntnt-v malls close nt Foreign Brunch hnlf hour Inter tliuti closing timu snown uuiow Ti-iiiis-Alliiiille Mulls. SATURDAY At S u. m. for ITALY, ner s s. Hohenzollcrn, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Hohcnzollcru"); at S:3o a. m. (supplemclitury pi u. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Servlu, via Queens town: r-t 11 n. m. for DENMARK direct per s. s. Islund (mull must bo directed per h. s. island"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer taiccs I'riutcd .Matter. Commercial I'aners and Samples for Germany only. The same ciuss ot man matter for oilier parts oi i-.urope win not im sent by tills snip un less specially directed by her. After tho closing of the aupplcmcntury i THns-Aiiuntic muiis namcu anove nuui tlonul st'pplementury mulls lire opened on tho piers of tho American. English, French nnd German steamers and remain onen until within Ten .Minutes ot tho hour of sailing ut ateamcr. Mulls for South null C'ciili-nl Aini-rle.i West Indies. Etc. SATURDAY At 3 a. m. for NEWFOUND- IiAM) illrect. per s. s, Silvia: ul .' a. m for PORTO RICO, tier h. h. Ponce, via Sun Juau; ut 3. a. in. isupplementury 9:30 'a.Mn.y 'for "VENEZUELA und CURACAO, lier s. h. .Murucuiuo tman ior aaviinuia and Curthugeilit must bo directed "per s.. s. .Maracaiuo ';; at 11:30 a. in. (supple mentary iu a. in.j ior at. viauert, BARBADOS and DE.MERARA. tier s. s Glltra; at 10 u. m. for CUBA, per b. s, Morro Custlc, via Havana, at 10 a. 111, (suiiplcmentury lo:30 n. m.) tor FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVA N1LLA. CARTHAGHNA and GREY TOWN, pel s. s. Allcghnuy (mull for Uosta ltica must bo directed "per s. s, Alleghany"); at 12:3D p. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY nnd PAR AOUAY', per s. s. Harmouldes: at 12:30 n, m. (supplementary 1 p, m.) for TURKS ISLAND und DOMINICAN REPUBLIC per s s. New lork; ut "II p. in. fo NASSAU, per steamer from .Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and tliciico by steamer, closo at this olllco dally at 6:2 p. m. connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday ami Saturday. Malls for Mlqiielon, bv rail to iioston, aim inciico ny steamer, close ut tills olllco daily ut 6:30 n. in. .Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., und thencu by steamer, closo ut this olllco dally, except Monday, at "6 a. 111. (the connecting closes tire on Sunday, Wednes day and P'rldayi Mulla fur Cuba, by rail lo .Miami, Pin., and iiicnco by steamer, closo ut this ofllcc every Monday and Friday at "11 p, m. Malls lor Mexico City, ovcrlund, unless specially addressed for dispatch by stcumer, closo at this olllco dally ut 1:30 p. m. mid 11 p. in. Mulls lor Costa Bleu, Belize, Puerto Cortex nnd Gualcmulu, by rail to Nuw Orleans, uud thuncc by steamer, close ut this olllcu dully ut "1:30 p. in. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortoz and Guatemala und Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closed at 0 p. m. provi ous Uuy. Triiiia-I'iiflllo .Mulls. Malls for China und Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero aauy at 6:30 p. m. up to April 9, Inclusive, tor .dispatch per s. s. l;m press of Japan (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Tahiti uud Marquesas Islands, via Him l-rnncisco, eioso nero dally ut 6130 p. 111. ui lo April 10, 'Inclusive, for dispatch m-r s. s. Australia. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pine isianns. via aau v rnncisco, close hero dully at 0:30 p. in. up to April 12, In clusive, for dlsnatcli per h. h. China. . Malls lor Australia (exeunt West Australia, which is lorwuidod via liurupe), Now Zea land, FIJI, Samoa uud Hawaii, via Sun Francisco, closo hero dally ut 6:3a p. in. after March "31 and up to April 13, In clusive, or on arrival of s. h, Cunipunlu, duo at New Yolk April 13, for dispatch per ti. s, Ventura. '.Malls for China, Japan und Philippine isiuiius; via Tiicoma, cioso nero daily at G.So p. in. up to April 18. Inclusive, for dlsnatcli per s. s. Duko of File. Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China uud Philip pine islands, via Man Kraricisco, closo hero dally at r-:3u p, in. up tu April "20, In clusive, for dlsnatcli ner s. s. Doric. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo hero dully nt u:so p. m. up to April "23 for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Mulls for China, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via Seattle, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m, up to April "23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Tosa Marti deglstercd mall must bo directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goea via Europe, und' New Zealand, which trues via San Francisco), und Fill islands, via Vancouver, close hciu dally nt 6:30 p, 111. after April "13 and up to April "27, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s, Aoruiigl (supplementary malls, via Seattle closo at .3U p. m. April ".). Tianspaclllc malls 1110 forwarded to port of sailing dully and the tu'hedillo of closing Is urruiiged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes ut 6 p, 111. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllcc, New York. N. Y April 5, 19)1 MRS. KESSLER LAID TO REST In Compliance vvltli Her .Viitc-.Morleni RcqucHl, I'lineriil Ix I'l l wile. Tho remains of Mis. Mary Sargent Kens- ler, who died at Kenosha, Wis,, were brought to Omaha and placed In a vault at Prospect Hill cemetery Wednesday. Mrs. Kcsslcr liver In Omuliu fourtuen years and was tho wife of Julius Kcsslrr of 1012 South Twenty-ninth street. Sho was born 11111I reared at Hock Island, III. Two children Edmund J, and Cella Rose mourn her death. At tho llinu of .Mrs, Kessler's death her sister, Miss Cclla Snrgunt of Kvanston 111., was with her. At Mrs, Kessler's xo quest her funeral was private und only 1 few relative and personal friends attended tbu buiiai. AMON. MORMON RICHELIEU Din Pmifnll; t Early Hour, Apptnntiy Withint & Itngfle. CHANGE FOR WORSE WITHOUT WARNING Body of Famous Mormon la Taken to Sun anil Will lie Sent lo Sail l.nUr C( for lltirlnl. MONTEREY, Cnl., April KV-aeorge Q. Cnnnon is dead. The cad tame early this morning. The patient breathed his last without a struggle. He slept considerably yrstcn'.iy and the foro part ot last night. A bulletin was Issued about midnight, stat ing that ho rested easy. The change (or thu worst canio apparently without fore warning. Tho body was shipped to San Francisco this inornlug, to bo embalmed ami reshlpped to Salt Iiko City, where tho interment wilt take place. Deceased was about 75 years of age. George Quaylo Cannon, "the Mormon Rlchrllcti," ranks next after Joseph Smith and Urlghnm Young among tbo men fa mous as the builders of tho Mormon church. 111, personality and his career were both unique and interesting. Born ot poor par ents on the Islo of Man, ho roto to ha tho dominant power In the Mormon church, a member of congress, a millionaire and a mining and railroad magnate. At his death he was first counselor ot the Mormon church and next lu lino for tho presidency, which ho practically held through his In fluence over tho Incumbents during all thu Interim between the death ot llrlRham Young and tho accession ot Lorenzo Snow, tho present Incumbent, who took the reins away from him. At tho tlmo of his death he was u director iu the Union Pacific rail road, Mr. Cannon was one ot the most conspicu ous of polygamlsts, having served n term In the penitentiary for this offense, llu was ruptured after being long In hiding, escaped by leaping from tho train when It was going at full speed, but was afterward recaptured. Four wives and a score of children and grandchildren survlvo It 1 111. The bent knowu of his children Is ex-Senator Frank J. Cannon. George Q. Cannon was born January 11, 1S27. When hu was 12 years old his parents. wero converted to tho Mormon faith nnd they enmu to tho United States, tho mother dying during tho voyage. When they reached Nuuvoo, 111., tho boy (icorgo bee nine a "printer's devil" in tho olllco of thu Nauvoo Neighbor and thu Times nnd Seasons, there learning the printing trade. In 1SI7 he crossed the plains with tho other Moininnn and tool: up his abode lu Salt Lake City. There ho did day labor and worked at build ing houses or tho tasks about a farm until 1S49, when ho went to California. After a year of work In the gold mines he was scut on n mission to the Sandwich islands and with live others landed thero December 12, 1S50, nnd established a Mor mon mission there. His last tilp ot any consequence prior to his removal to Cali fornia during his final Illness was a Journey lo Honolulu to he present at the celebration held there on tho anniversary of tho found ing ot the mission. One ot his tasks In 1S51 was tho translation of the book ot Mormon Into tho Hnwallun language. After that Mr. Cannon ran a paper In Callforulna, and In I860 wna given charge of the European mission. Ha organized this with such success that In four years he had shipped 13,000 converts from Liver pool bound for tho United States. He re turned to become private secretary to Brlg bain Young, a position ho hold until the death ot the. great Mormon leader. He was also editor ot the church organ, thu DcRorot News, As a delegate to congress during the '70s, George Q. Cannon, with consummate skill, staved oft anti-polygamy legislation for years by keeping the supporters of string ent null-polygamy laws ilghtlug among themselves as to tho best method for stamping out the practice. Ho was then a flagrant polygamlst. Finally the Edmunds law was p.iFscd and ho wus barred from holding ofllce. With tho death of Biigham Y'oung. Can non's stnr rose. Ho wus made ono of the executors of tho Brlgbam Y'oung estate und promptly became wealthy. Tho presi dents of tho church who succcedrd Drlgham Y'oung did not have the masterful person ality nt the mnn who led the Mormons from Illinois to Utah, and George Q, Cannon, who had become a counselor In the church, began to wield the power. He was a mas ter ot tact and of craft, and tho presidents looked to him for guidance in managing tho business ami politics of tho church. Cannon prospered. In 1880 Cannon been 1110 deeply entangled in tho meshes of the law. Prosecutions (or polygamy wore belug carried on with vigor und tho principal church leaders were In hiding. Cannon was then second In au thority in tho Mormon church, nnd his ur- rest was desired as un object lesion. A ruwnrd of 500 was offered for his capture. Ho was caught February 13, 1888, at Win- nemucca, Nov, Tho pcoplo ot Utah became greatly ex cited. Feeling was high beforo that time between Mormons and Gentiles, and this irrcsl brought tho feeling to a climax. The Mormons planned to rescue their lender when ho camo Into Ogdcn or Salt Lako City, and tho Ccntllct prepared to resist this attempt. Meanwhllo tbo Cen tral pauino train bearing United States Marshal Ireland and his prisoner was speeding toward Ogdcn, Near Promontory station, whllo tho train was going at full speed, Cannon watched his opportunity and leaped from the train. An cngtno and two cars carried tho marshal back with hit deputies. Cunnon was found and recap tured. Tho injuries received Irom the fall had been so great that the fugitive could not get away, A detachment ot soldiers from Fort Douglas guarded tho train boar- Ing tho prisoner Into Salt Lako City. All except ofllccrs ot tho law and soldiers wera barred from tho truin, although a coupto of newspaper men finally managed to re main aboard, Tbo blinds of tho car wero drawn and preparations tnado to resist at tuck. When tho train reached Salt Lake City soldiers with fixed bayonets kept back tho surging throngs. Tho elderly prisoner, surrounded by his armed guard, was convoyed to tbo mar shal's olllcc, having failed to bribe or fores his way to freedom. He was released on $25,000 bull. One ot his attorneys waa Senator J. L, Hnwllns, a non-Mormon. Cannon jumped his ball. Two years later ho surrendered, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a line of $250 and to spend 100 days In tho penitentiary. The sciitcnco was carried out. "President" Cannon U supposed to ba largely icsponslblo for tho Hiirreodcr of tho Mormon church on the. polygamy ques tion. At any rale, it was ho who lint lend tho manifesto In tho tabcrnaclo for bidding tho further praotlce of polygamy. When tho Union Pacific road was reorgan ized Gcorgo Q. Cannon was elected a di rector, a position hu held until his death. Mr. Camion's surviving wives are: Clara V., tho favorite; Martha T., Sarah Jane J. and Kllza L. Thoy all luivn homes la the pretty vllluge of Cannonvllle, a suburb ot Snlt Lako City, populated entirely by (ieorgu Q, Catinon'H family, The place has a waterworks systom of Its own, a meet ing house and 11 public dining hall, where all tho members gather at tho family meals, Tho Cannon fortune a variously esti mated at (rnm $1,000,000 to $1,500,000, In vested in real estate, railroad and mining stocky nud other securities.