THE OMAHA DAILY' JJE.K: "WKDX'K.SD AT, A PHIL 10, 15)01. 1 1 f SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for tliene cnlimm he taken until 1U m. for tfaa vealns edition and until 8:rt0 p. n. for morning and flundar edition. Hatei, 1 l-3o a word flnt lnertlon( lo a word thereafter. Natulan tnken for lesa than 2(ta for the Aral liner tfon. These idTtrllKMcnU most b rva cnnerntlrelr Attrertlaera, br requesting a Bant feered check, eaa have answers ad resaed to a numbered letter In ear f The Her. Answers ae addreased will be delivered on preacatatlea at tate akeek mmly. W A !V TK I) I T t A T I O . I . WANTED I'o.hUIoii by experienced House keeper In hotel or prlvoln home, f'nn give trood references. Address, N 33. Bee. A IK IV wanted .11 a i.i: ii niii-. WANTED-Wo hnvn stendv work for ti faW (rood hustlers of good habits and appear ancc. c i . A (I a mil co iwj nowarn m. B-772 WANTED, wt have steady work for u few Rood hustlcm of Rood hublts nnd appear snce. C K. Adams Co.. 10u5 Howard St. 1121 DARKER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars rric. Western JJarbcrs' Institute, Omuhn, Neb. illt'i MEN to unit Witch-Hazel Shaving Cream InstcHd of Boap; 25ci at all ntugglsts. U-wf-AlD "WANTED Salesman and collector. Apply before a. in. Tho Singer Mfg. Co., loll Douglas. B-I1S-A2. WANTED, men to lenm barber trade; only I'lKht weeks required; rjulck and thorough method; no tlmu wasted; board and tools Included with scholarship: position;) guur mitred, (12 to llli weekly paid; busy season now. Write for Illustrated catalogue (riv ing nil purtluulurs, Molor Barber College, HU Furnitm st. B M227 U WANTED, everywhere, hustlers tu tack signs, dlstrlhiitn circulars, samples, etc.; tin canvassing; good pay. Hun Advertls- . Ing Bureau. Chicago. 11 Ml It 10 WANTED, naleHinan to sell wo!l estiib llshed brand California brandy an side line. Reference required, Address Box 295, Council Bluffs, la. U."8 lli WAXTBIi FEMALE IIEI.P. WANTED 2u0 ulrls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. X7ii C-77t l'.rllnblc help. Cunudlan Olllcc, 1S22 Hougl.ts. C-774 OlfU. for general hO'JHework; mnull family, M'Xi Pierce, C-M7I2 HAI.EHI.AUIES and dumonstrutora of abil ity tor permanent salaried positions. Thyroid-Lymph Co., ;uiK2-l lleo liullding, Omuhu: 94'fi-u Uurr lllock, Lincoln. C-7.M DllKSHMAKlNd taught thoroughly: svh- tem nicelved hlghcsl awatd at I'ails, ljtn, McDowell Dressmaking School, 2WJ S. 15th ul., rciomn u)a-51U Knrouch blk. ' C-M114 WANTED, ladles to learn hulrilrisslng, manicuring and facial treatment; special offer for thirty days to nupply demnnd for graduates; ti to Jin weuKly puld after only tour wecka with us. Call or wrltu, Moler College, 1U2.1 Karnam. C M220 11 WANTED A good cook, Mrs. T. J. Hogers, 1130 l'ark ave. C tin. AV ANTED Woman as honsekeeiier In small family. Address stating referencos, N 32 Hee. C 113-10 WANTED, n woman to do cooking niul general housework. 22H Seward st. WANTED First class experienced sales ladies In millinery department; large wnges pnld. Hoston Store, J. L. Hrnndela tt Sons, Proprietors. C 139-9 WANTED Strong girl to take core of bnby nnd help with sick woman. 311 S. 29tli Ave. C 129-9' OIIIL for ' fceiiWfil 'hoiisow'ork; Apply to Mrs. V. D. Wcad, 502 8. tilth. C-431-11 WANTED, four salesladies ; ehanco p tlon. Call 9:30 to 11:30, 12S Paxton romo. Build- ing. U M 150 10 WANTED, girl for general housework. SCO ho. .'Hi street. C MH9 12 WANTED, girl for housework. 2539 Cnll- lornia st. c Mtt2 n lll'.I.P WANTED. UOY or girl, 14 to 1, for stripping tobacco, a n. iniu, .nu nour. At 123 1C I'OH IlKXT lltll si:s. IF you want your houses well rented pluce ilirin iiii ijciittttv,u, u7,(j TO movo right, get Omaha Van Stoiagd Co. offlce, loU',4 I'ornam, or tel. 1559-S6J. D-777 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city Brennan-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street. D-77S HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Paxton Block D-779 SEE HENBY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE D-7SU HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglns u (SI HOUSES and Huts. Hlngwalt, Barker block D 752 HOUSES wanted. Wullace, Brown block D-733 -BOOM modern Hat; well located; largo iuuiiid, iwuciiu it ouii, oiv urown biocK U-78 1 FOB BENT New 10-room house, north part city, water and gas, near motor and 5S?10?!i. 1,17u,,.ro w'. ' Jilcrstend, Boom uiv, v,iij iiuii, i unit t.j inouin. ; D MISS x t rt ti I a t . . D 139 FOUB-BOOM apartment, modern, sis South -'2d St. D-725,-9 TEN-BOOM residence, with Inrirn irni,n,u irwiAii irvsriTUTE; will muko alterations and lease to llrst-class OMAHA. LOAN AND TBUST CO . 10th and Douglas Sts. D-M731 FOB IJENT. residence. 105C Georgia a v. cor. Pncillc; 10 rooms, attic, basement cas b Mum, miumv-iii uitd extra convei es; lot 68x110, with trees. Inquire st National bank bldg. D-Mis ences Firs uu iikk r. u-roam modem ,!.., house, lawn, shade trees, 135. Inquire 2548 Capitol ave. Tel. 573. ' D-.M2U I-ItOOM modern house, small barn. 3i Harney st., $10; s-room brick flat 2"20 Burt, $30; others. Blngwnlt Bros.. Barker blk- D-.M19S NINE-ROOM niodorn flat. VM Douglns, $'-'7.50. D-M299-13 FOUR-BOOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. D-42S FINE modern house, S40 South 19th. D-4X3-15 FIVE-ROOM flat. 1611 Leavenworth street. D-436-12 FOR BENT. 3221 Hnmey, S rooms, modern, nnd small barn, $to; 2020 Burt. 9 roems rnodern. $30; others. Blngwalt Bros.. Bar. ker Blk D-.MII7 for itio.vr-FtitMMiirai noons. DEVKY Europen hotel. 18th and, Farnam. IS 75S THE THUBSTON, 15th and Jackson; steam E-780 3 NICE rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 S. un. u tit KtmMHHKIl HOOMH AM) IIOAItD. UTOPIA, 1731 Davenport 8t, F-787 GLENCAIRN,trnnslents,$1.23 day. 16W Doug r 1 LAI1GE front room. 509 So. 25th Ave. F "M THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Rates reasonable, F-M323 A16' FOR Ili:T-tMM IIM9IIBII ROOMS. 5 UNFURNISHED chambers for man nnd wife. 313 N. mil, G-3..2 3 ROOMS for rent, S23 H. lid, P-MS' 5 UNFURNISHED rooms, all modern. 2121 Miami. FOR It CM STORES AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT, two-story brick building. 24i M) feet; lino store ground lloor; living rooms nbove; Hrst-class business place for live man. From May 1 apply to P. B. Brnyton, Geneva, Neb. jMiJ 14, VOM HUNT store, In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply, R. C. Peters &: Co., ground lloor, Beo Bldg. I 2y DESK. roonTs)Hee, Per month, ground floor room In The lien building, facing Farnnm street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor servlee. It. Peters & Co., Hcntal Agent, lleo building. J 114. FOR "RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Hee nt 916 Farnnm St. It has four stories nnd a basement which was formerly used ns The Hee press room. Tills will bo renteil very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C C. Hose water, secretary, room 100, Hco building. 1-261 FACTO'UKS FOR ItE.VI. FACTOllY, laundry or .grocery building, corner. Daniel C, Patterson, ltwl Farnnm. -M311 A18 Aor..T.s WA.vrini. AGENTS make J dally selling the cheapest nnd most perfect water niter ever In vented; retails at 11.50; big prollt; ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo. J-MIW A21 "HE Wliolrnows and knows not that ho knows. Is asleep. Wake him. "Hut he who knows and knows that ho knows, Ih n wl.o man. Follow him." Then know me. inquiry costs you noth ing. Will pay you 2: to VM weekly. The dignity, beauty and high ehnracter of tho work Is FlltST In the WOULD. Successful book agents wanted. Teachers, High school and Collegn graduates will havo preference. Lock Hox ,V,5, Omaha, Neb. J-M513-A23 HELK-TH HEADING needles for weak sight, thread springs Into eye; packet free. ChaB. Marshall, Mfr., Lockport, N. Y. J 747 10 COMPANY owning SO acres valuablo oil Innd and dlreeted by prominent men do ulres reliable agents; liberal commission or salary Aimrens Expannlou Oil Company, 101 Sutter St., San Francisco, California. J-.M22.! 12 WANTED, agents, speclnf anil local agents to represent the strongest ond one of the oldest Hall Insurance companies In tho state. Itoomi 'MI-'JjI, McCugue building, Oinahn, Neb. J M335 13 NTUH AtilC. l'ACIFIC Storugo nnd Ware houso Co.. 912 911 Jonch, general storage and forwarding, 791 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511' Fam. Tels. 1K9-S63. -792 F)U SALE I'UHMTUIIE. CHICAGO FUBNITIJBE CO.. 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2U20. New & 2(lliuliii (urnuuro uougiu, l old, exchanged, s O i9J '(lit SAI.II-IIOIISES, VEHICLES, ETC- I SELL new vehicles of all descriptions. liurry lTost, iitn unu i.eavenwortn. P 91 FOB SALE, a round bay horse. Inquire. 1S2 St. Alary h ave. i' .miji ii BELIAHLE family horse and phaeton. In- iltitio I3l I'tirnam si. i' Ann iv I'OU NAI.E MISCELLAXEOl'S. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry & hog fence, wu uougins. y io 2DHAND sufe cheap. Derlght, 1110 Farnnm. It 7SW SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. TIMOTHY hay-of all kinds, feed ana coa. jwonroc oc uo, w 1NCUHATOBS. Send to tho Buro Hatch Incubator uo., uiny (jenicr, ."Neo., tor u huudsomu free catalogue. Q 793 WIBE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog Held or lawn, Wire Works, 617 8. 16th St. Q-.M67a Jyf MASQUERADE make-up outfit, contulns paints, powders, burnt cork, nose putty, beards, spirit gum. etc., ihu lot mulled fur Go cents. Onus. Marshall, Mtr., Lock port. N. Y. y-756 10 A GOOD guaranteed bicycle with Morgan & Wright urea xor vmaiia uicycie uo. W Aiou FOB SALE, cheap, n fine elk's head; also an American eagle, both mounted. 119 Board of Trade uiug IJ-.M656 SEED sweet potatoes, earliest Yellow Jer sey, $1.25 per bbl. Address Thco Williams, Ucnson, ;ncu. w -u;u 13- WIBE t'enco for poulti, Belgian hare, hog tlelu or juwn. iu nums, tn m. mill si tj MC7S Jy7 WE havo considerable Idlo machinery for sale cueap, Lousisiing ui uouers, engine, shafting pulleys, pillow blocks, hangers, etc. Address or call Purchasing Dept., Swift 10., ao. umaua, rcu. Q-.M210 11 WILL sell piano cheap or trade for room una boarn. Aiiurcss -i, uec. Q-M321 12 BABHED Plymouth Bock eggs for sulo, 50c setting, iv.'i -n. .J u. g .MoSj is T.'-T1 a A I .I." (.Vnali 1-I'm, r.nlil fnrtill,, 1' VJIV ,?fl. .VM.. IK.,,., J V,, Jersey and Holstelu, S. E. Cur. l&th and .Munderson his. ti ii2-iu THBEE Scotch Collie bitches In whelp; strictly first class; bred nencn snow win tier at New York; cattle workers. Ad dress, Turner, 36th nnd Center. 12-137-11' LORD BYBON mining ntock now selling $1 per share; need some money: make offer bw 10 l.V'i snares. AuurcK r .u. uee. Q-Mt.12 11 50 PAIBS Inside blinds, 1 large warehouse xcaie, l light spring wagon, sneiving nun tables, inquire mis iarunm. w smu v CI.MHVOVAT. MBS. FBITZ, medium. S19 North 16th, MME. GYLMEB. Omnha's favorite PALM 1ST, removed from 1605 Dodgo at. to the OBANITE BLOCK On 15th, between Farnnm and Hnmey sts., 3d floor; take elevator. o mmh ZENO, clulrvoynnt and henler. 1B15 Farnnm 8130-12' EI.ECTItIC Til K ATSI ET. MABEL CRAY, 317!4 N. 15th St. Flat E. 1 IIJ AoU" MIBS MAE LESLIE, 019 S. ICtli, third lloor, i lllf (-.!- CAMILLE DUVAL, 619 S. 16th. second floor, l ,M fllb ELITE parlors, 615 South ICth, second lloor, 1 VII2j .1l MISS WILLIAMS of 8t. Tuls.. massage magnetic, electric treatment, 302 N. 16th room 4. t M41S Mb JIME. SMITH, baths. 1105 Jaekson. top noor, n'lij iiM'iii -. i 1 ia- VERA DELSIOBE. massage, bath. 11,15 Howard, room i. -a noor. t mm I6 PEUSOVAI,, DR. BOY. chiropodist; corns ft superfluous hair removed uy ciecuicii). jv. i-. r re" block. u-avj miiVATK hnm beforo nnd durlmr confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 uuraette. u FBENCH nccordlon pleating; lvoryrlm v..... II ...,1... 'M.l,,, nldi. ,!.., I n U111IUU9, IIIUII uitiria, wiiiuiii ivwuiih u 152 iiougias. U BUi A BON of Bo-No.Mny Powder Is not a lnxurv when It nflords von a curr and secures tho comfort und happlpess of your, roommate. u .mkij RUPPL1ES for nil machines: machines fo rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Douglns, Tel. 2331. U f GOLDMAN & CO. Onlv ittrfect nc i-AVdeon pleating plant In the west. Mall orucrs suiiviivu. ojiiu mv, uuumur uikk u PERSONAL. WE RENT sewing machines at TSe per week. We repair anil sell parts for all makes of machines.- Nebraska Cycle Co., Corner 15th nr.d Harney. Telcpliono 1663. U-.MI09-A21 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger, send for circulars, Empire Hup turc Cure, 932 N. Y. Llftf Bulldltic, Omnlw. U-S09 VtAVl Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. SIS Beo Uldg. U MS PRIVATE hosiiltnl for ladles before and during I'onllnemcnt; babies adopted. S3f6 Grant St. t U-S07 FOREMEN ONLY Witch-Hazel Shaving Cream. Hotter thnn nny soap; 2c. All druggist. U-3S6-A19 ECZEMA CUIH- OwlliB to the number of Inquiries which are being constantly re ceived from those mulcted with eezema re garding the snlvo which cured . A. Pnx i..M ivn have deelded to carry n small nunnlv of this snlvo on hand. H. .1. Scan- liell, 5"9 Ware block, Omaha. U ,0j A26 EVEBYBODY wanted to call nt 117 S. 17th st. ami learn about corn feathers. U-M175 10 NOTICE! J. W. Voss Is not In our employ nnrt llitH nn rlr1lt tn rnltnrt tlintleV due US, Hertford Co., furniture nnd upholster ing, cor. mil ntni i.euvenworin sis. U-MI22 11 FOCNTA1N Syringe, kid gloves free to inrnes; new plan;- seun ror parucumir. Bradley'd Mall Order House, St. Joseph, Mo. U-MI51 10 TIIH tin nlinln cnllerv. 215 S. 13th street, will clqsc the season In Omaha .luuo 15, 1901: Sunday, June 2, will be tho last day we will make sittings, so get a movo on you, u-.miii i WALL PAPEB cleaner. i .Mldtllemlst. Tel. 12.V. Leave order with Henderson, the florist, 1519 Farnam. U MI57 10 MOXUY TO I.O.W-IIIMI, EXTATH. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa tnrms ut 6 per cent; borrowers can tiny SI0U or any multlnle: any Interest date: no delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., fflw S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-Sl MONEY to loan on Improved Otnnha rcnl W-810 WANTED City loans, bonds nnd wnrrants Ocorgo & Company, lltol Furnam street W-Sll FIVE per cent money. Bomls, Paxton block, W-S17 $1,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W Farnam Smith ic Co., 1320 Farnam. W S13 WANTED Clt and farm loans; nlso bonds nnu warrants, ii, u, i-oicrs Farnnm St., Bee Bldg. W-blt MONEY to loan nt 4'i nnd per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Jlelkle. 401 S. 15lh W-S10 PB1VATE money. F. D. Wead, 152 Douglas W-MS FIVE nnd CVfc per cent city nnd farm loans, Onrvln Bros., 1613 I' amain St. W-SJ9 RIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. nvi3 and 5Ms per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, i.tKU x..,T...,.i ii, ...l. i.,,ii,ii, t..i tr.iv W S-'l CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton. 605 Bee. v siuai HUM2V TO LOAN CHATTELS. ,ET US TALK "iMONEY" TO YOU. MONEY LOANED SAI.AB1ED PEOPLE. MONEY I.UANEU UN 1''UBN1TUU1S. MONEY LOANED ON 1'IANOS. MONEY LOANED ON HOUSES. Or any other personal property, at chcapor' rates ana uciter pians man ever. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. We give you options on loans that no other hrm can anoni iu give, xou aiwayti gui the full amount. You puy us bacK In small weekly or monthly payments. No expense or cnar.?es luKvn out ot loan You choose your own time for payments any tlmu from ouo month to one year, Uucil payment rciumo pruieipni nnu Hi' tercst. Everything remains In your dos, eesslou. All business strictly cOnlldentlu), Private mierviewing room. AMEB1CAN LOAN COMPANY, Boom 312 Brown Block Boom 312. S. E. Cor. 10th and Douglas streets. " Entrance on lbth Street. XI-M113 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE IIS It Is easy to advertise lowest rates, ns others do, but Wo tool positive that If you will mako comparisons you will bo con vinced that you can do better with us than elsownere. wo loan on furniture pianos, live siock, cic, or wo win man you it SALARY LOAN without lndorsor or mortencc. We chnrgo nothing lor making th loan ntni you receive the- fill amount In cash. You may pay It back In ono month or takci six months or moro In which to repay It. nnd von need not. pay lor It ono da longer thnn yo't keep it. Our terms aro the enslcst, utir burlncss Is confidential und our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 113 Hoard ot Trade Bid?. Tel. 2293. (Established 1S32). 306 So. 16th St. X-323. RULIAI1LK CRKDIT CO.. Sd iloor-PAXTON HI.OCK-ati lloor, ROOM .W. SALARY LOANS TO KMPLOYF.S UPON TlU'illl 1'lAlW NUTK WITHOUT 8KCURITY. RKUUC13U RATIOS in eomnarlson to whut some, eharce. Many who patrontzo certain concerns will ho surpriseu ni uinerence. you will llKe our method of payment. Rent und easiest known. R13LIARLK CRKDIT CO.. Room 303 Paxton lllock. LOANS ON SALARIKS, FURNITURE, live stocK, etc. yuicK sorvico ana lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAY'LOK. (top llooi) Pnxton Ulock, northeast corner 16th ind Farnam: entrance 011 16th St. X 82(5 MONKY loaned salaried pcoplo holding per manent posmen wiin reapoimiuie concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, Ru Uoard Trado Hldg. MONKY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, mm urgent n. a, uurKer oik X-S2S MONKY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, eic, v.. r. iii'tu, mv b. ij. X-S3) SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasants. Gl X-127 Darner uik. MONKY to loan. I. .Ztcglcr. 409 "Wnro Hlock. 001 Short tlmo loans. J. Pleasants, 51 Rarkcr blk iiisim:s ch.wcks. STKAM dye nnd cleaning shop in city of lO.ouo or 11,000 innaDiiunis ior snio ior a-", u good ehanco tor u dyer who understands his business; only shop In tho city. Ad dress, L 4.-, Hco. Y M165 FINK estnbllshed grocery nnd meat busi ness; spleiKUd opening; pariy leaving cny, Lymnn Wntertnii!!, tV,9 Rce. Phono 1892. I'd It KXCHAXtJK. TO KXCHANOK. good suburhan Chicago property loeuteu on un ami i.oomis, its. (Knglewood), conslitlng of 2-story framn Hat, 2 baths, strictly modern, price $-1,500, mnn. two. 6 ner cent, for stoek of drugs or Improved eastern Nebraska land, or rooming houso in Omaha; will assume 11 reasonnblo Inciunbrnnee or pay cash dif ference. It. o. t.-aBsaway, u iuix ;i.', New Sharon, In. Z-MII6 IP I'UII SALIOHEAL HSTATK, WANT offer on fine lot und seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M, J, Konnard & Son, 309-10 urown uiocit. e n SKK HENRY U. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. CIIAS. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. UK 83S FOR KALK on monthly payments, S-room modem houso on N. 2lth St. car line: nlso vacant lots, which will bo Improved ror purchaser on moncraie payment nown Mutual Iyoan und Rulldlng Association O. M. Nattlnger, secretory. lice Hide RK-M711 FOR SALE-Houses nnd lots In nil parts of city: also ncro property nnd farm IhuiIs. Tho O, F, Davis Coinpanv, Room uco uuiiuine. iit,-ui- FOR AI,t4-HK.l ESTATE. Al'CTION SALE OF CHOICE LOTS AT THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. SECOND FLOOR BOABD OF TRADE 11I.DU. ON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1WI, at i:iu i . Lots 1. 2, 9 Mid 10, In Block 5, Kendall's Add., nlso lots 13, 16 block 5, Grnmtnercy Park. Also 160 acres In Holt county. For particulars call upon or address PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG, 11. i:. 117-3. HOUSES, lots, farms, lniuls, loans; alio fire insurance, iiemis, i-axion mi.. iiiu wi RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union Pacific Ba'.ironn company, u. a. MeAllnstcr, Innd commissioner, Union Pnclllu Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. BE 833 4 ACRE Belvldero add.. Just oft sot It st., near tho old fort, $275. Byron B. Hustings, 213 MO. 1 1111 St. x HM .M12U 7.7lu.C7,r::t ! 5-BOOM cottngc nnd lot, 2 blocks from .'mi st. line nut! l binctc irnm uiumc si, line; owner must Icnvo city; ttim.m cash, The Byron Bccd Co., 212 So. llth st. RE-MI21 FOR SALE, cattle ranch on C. & S. R. R. 2i) miles rrom Uheycnnc, vyo. Address D. M. Arnold, inlay, Wyoi RE-MISS 13 REAL ESTATE, rentals. Investments, se- curitlcs. stocks nnd bonus, urn tnsur nncc. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Far nam st. CHEAPEST vacant lot In Omaha, 60 feet front, about one mile northwest pot ofllce; Miltnblc for two dwellings; do not nnswor unless you havo about $700 cash. Address N 36, lice. RE-MI53 11 THREE HOUSES FOR $950. With a few repairs will rent for $".0 n month; l rooms eacn; mini years ago, this Is n snap for some one. The Byron Rccd Co., 212 So, llth st. RE-MII3 IIIGVCI.E.H. WE HAVE tho only Vulcnnlzcr In tho city ror buggy tires, wc no tins work as goon ns can bo done nt the factory, 1622 Capi tol Ave. SI6 IF YOt want one of the .highest grade, wen known, now nnji iiusn joint uicycics madn for only $11.75, nnd want It on free ten days' trial boforo paying one cent, cut this notice out and mall to Sears, Roe. buck &,Co., Chicago, 111., for free bicycle catalngfto und full particulars. M-II5 10 t MEDICAL. LADIES, ' I positively guarantee Golden beni, never tailing lemuie regulator, win relievo most obstinate cases of dulaycd periods In tlvu hours; sent secure, from ohBcrvntMon, $1.00. Dr. Annlo Fowler, 2741 OUvo St., St. Louis, Mo. 91S A30 VIRTUAMA r.ureb Impotenc) resulting from Imiiscretlons or debility, glvos vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirutlons of youth, health, ntttng for success, happiness in business,, profca. atonal, social, married life;, $2, c: for $3. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt ot price. Mho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American Office, retail, wholesale, .Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. uillon, Kouth Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Blurts. Full lino rubber goods. LOST. LOST, between St. Phlloincna cathedral and 17th und Douglns st., lady's gold watch, Hunttngcaso, inscription iC. H. on' back. Beturu to 1711 Douglas und get reward. Lost Mllu lu- LOST Mink fur boa, botwoen St. Mury's Ave. and Doago on 26th'St. und 2oth St. or on Dodgo lo 2uth St', ltewnrd tJr re turning same tu 111 I Farnam street. , ,Lost-l34-9 r7CI ; SIIOnTIIAXD AMI XY.'lj:WMlTI.U. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717. N. Y. Life. fn S12 1- BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. " " bl3 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'ii Theuter. . ' Ml GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug -SI5 OhTHOPATJIY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O., ludlea' dept.; Old E. Johnson. UaleopaUnst, .Mgr. -MO M. 12. DONOHUK, U. O., of Still school, KlrKsvlllc, jMo., wl Paxton Ulk. Tel. 1367. ill FOR IICY1' FACTORIKS. FACTORY, luundry or grocery building, corner, David C. Puitcrsou, lii23 Furnam, M-3U-A1B I'A'I'KNTS. PATENTS, no feu unless successful. Sues & Co., ueo liiug., oinaliu, -Net), acivicu tree. 153 Jul5 i.Aii.vim . OMAHA Steam Laundry; .shirts, 7c; collurs, :c; cuirs, ic. lull i.euveuworin. xui. -Jii. b lb l-AW.MIUOKF.RS. EAGLE Loan Olllcc, rellubte, accommodat ing: ull buumuMM conliucntiui. ivi uougius. air CAHI'F.M'UHM AMI JOIIIIKIIK. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repdlrlng promptly nucnucu to. j, i . ucuuircu, Jiin and Lake Sts, 370 I ' I! It M Tllll F, R I : PA I It I N U . TEL. 1331. M. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. SM TICKKT IlllOKKIt. CUT ratn tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil--S37 Din, VM'j Furnam. 'lei. ii. HIRDH AM) TAXIUIIHSIY. 8TOC1CS Iilrd Store. 1215 S. 16th. 32S IIHIISSMAKINC N FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26th St. "06 A2 WALL PAPER. 3c n roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kelsey, 117 S. 17thr Tel. 16uS. 661 STAMMERlMi AMI STDTTERIXtJ, CURED. Julia Vuuehn, 430 Ramgo Bldg, (SID VPERT ACCOIi.NTA.Vr, LKSSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, R. 15, Com. Nat. llunk. Q. R. Rathbiin. jo; Accnitiiiox pm:atio. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick est, Mrs. A. C, Mark, S, H. Cor. 17th und I'urnam. soJ J U. Mi ll. & M. Junk house, J. Milder. Prop., dealer in ail mitiuiH. bottlus. etc. Carloads a pectulty, nul-Ko: Farnam, Uinunu. Tel. 237 IPIIOLSTEItlNtL GI.ORE COUCH CO., 1519 Leiiv'th. Tol. 2329, -M710 III I.IIS FOR SALE. CALODll'M and tube rosn bulbs, 0c nnd 20c per uoi. v;ii nowuru st M-I55M9 It Ml, W W TIME t Mil). . ... CHICAGO, BOOK 1SL- sV . . Bjsl?JBnm1Bjie- mid At Puclllc Bailroad Cl!r 1 jVraTsVi - Ihc Uieat Buck iil- l,VlSra lflf?f3 iHRni'l nlKl, Route' - City JiX IWKwA itMMalPMiMli1 Ticket Oltlce, 1323 Far- U-Ea. llgTffJrpPHL am Street, Telephone, BaHisaUanBBSBl mhijv hi. r.,i..: I Ht. l.oills "t phone, 629. EAST. e' Arrive, Dcs Moines and Daen- port l-ocai a i;.j am nil -.33 am Chi Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., DenVCr. 1 UCUIU UIIU West a 1:30 tim a 4:15 nm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas v lyer a u;.u pin a am I u dally, u uiiHV excoui uunuuy, MISSOURI PACL'IC RAIL. rod General Otllces anj Tlckot Ulllces, Southeast Corner llth and Dougiui Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Ctutlon. ieav. Ariivc. ZTkIis anv' Kansas ...a 10:00 nm ur C., at. L. Express.. alo:o- pm t?.vp from 15th and Vnltrnulit I.IIPnl. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm n!0:45 am a Daily, u uaiiy oaikpi auuj. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- roau umaiia, ivausaa v-iiy & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Bouto-' Tlckot Of- lice, 1115 Farnam St. Tele- piiunv, ii""i a-4.1i. ii unu Marcy Streets, Telephone, W9. . . , LCUVC. Arrive I St. Loul3 Cannon Ball . Express n o:1j pm a s:-0 am K.nifv.s Cltv & Qulncy Loca. -v via a Dally. CHICAGO i NORTH. western Ballwuy "The North wustel ii L,lno'' City Ticket Ofllcc, 1401 X'UlllMlll Uk. A Vlt'llllUilv, L61. Depot, lentil and Murcy Sis. Telephone t29. lA-ave. Arrive, Dvlluht (Jlilp.-iL-n Sue- cial a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger u 4:15 pm u s:io um l-asteili lxprLss, ues Mulues, Mnrshalitowu, Cedar Banida and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:03 pm uasicru Special, uni cago unu mast a 4:55 um a 1:05 nm t.-u.r m m Omaha .'. a 2:45 pm Omaha-ChlcJgu L't'U ,.a 7:15 pin a :u0 am Fust Mull 0130 um Cedar ltuplds Pusacngvr a bM pm u Dully. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minllejliolls ibl UlllUila nuuwuj 'Tho rsuiiu WvHlelli Llnu Ueneiai unices, Neuiaskn Divi sion, -Jin una eusier tils. City Ticket Olilcu, . tti. Telephone, uoi. ueyui, lull! Leave. Arrive. Twin City passenger... a u:w um ujW pm Omaha Passenger....... au.iw uia Bioux City it naixu- . eust Nebrusku Pm a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & MiMsnurl Vmloy Huiiroad W'ino Northwotern Llnu Oeuerjal Oihce, UlllleU Biuiea iuiiuiiui Bunk Building, ti. W fiiriiiir Twuittii and Far rinknr nitipn. ltol ij'arnuni St. Depot, 15th ana Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Tflaflr llllta rnn rt w nnrl. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, cusper und . Douglua '. d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hustliigs. iuj., uavld litxoter und Suwuril....o 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm vliy, aupuxiur, uuiwiu, Noriom. veralure ana ' -.'in nm hin')R nm I ITfRlOr,. ... M v wv .an. . T liw.tllrt Wnhnn flllfl Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 um PrTn,ihi i.rttni .c , :3U am a. Uaiiv. b Dally except ouuuay. . c Sun-' day only, d Daily except Saturday, Dully except ilonuay. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ituilroud "The North- westuru Llnu' Uenuial Otllced, United Suited Nutlouut Bunk Building. S. W. Cornar Twelfth and Farnam ata. Ticket uiucu, . i'urnam tiu Toiupnono wu. uo- pot, icutn und Alurey bib. xeiepnono v.J. lvoavu. Araivu. Twin City Express a u:55 um aiu:25 pm Twin City J-lmlteu u i:oo pin a :i um Bioux City Local a b:w am a 3:w pm a Dally. VNION PACIFIC-"TIIE OVER. lanC Routo ' Uoncral Oltlcoi N. E. Cor. Ninth unu Faruuni HirtfutS. City Tlckot Olltte, 1321 Knrnum Direui. xeieonuue. uiu FJ jjcpot, lenth nnd Marcy ata. ? icicpnone, 629. Leave.. Arrive. Tho overland Llinlted..a !20 am u l;w pm 'II,,. , lr.fl HIW-L'DrilUllU HnretiVi " a nm a 7:30 Dm Thu Fust Mall n :b0 um a 3:25 pm , it, .n mm Mxuruss..all;uj ijiii u i:zj nm Tho Colorado Special. ..all:33 pm a 6:50 am Lincoln. Iieuirieu uuu Stromsburg Express. .b 4;0o pm bl2:30 pm Tim lMclllo Express. ...a ;.'a pm The Atlantic Expresb... a 6:50 am Urann ihiana x-ucai u u:v pin u rn ft dully, u uuny exuupi ounuu-. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad-City Ticket Of- tlcc, H02 f arnam Street, Telephone, 245. Depot, lenui unu itiurcy Birccts, Lcavo. Arrive, chlcak.1, .j'.nicss .. .wwu miiMi um i Chicago Limited a 7:15 pm a. 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul . , ..pies' ....... i. warn uii;jo pm Express ...u 7:00 am b 9:40 pm MUiLsnnlla & St. Paul Limited n 7:45 pm n 8:05 am Fort Dodgo I.ocal rrom Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodgo I.ocal trom Council isiuns a "i" a Dally b Dally except Sunday, BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General unices, Mortn west Corner Tenth and Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket and Mnuou , , ... n...iii,nu rin.i McCook . ..a 8:10 um a 7:35 pm , i;,V. Rr!A;,..iV. -ni,. riido Utah, Callfornla.a 4:23 pm u 3:00 pm Lmcoln & Rluck ! Illlls..a 9:00 pm u 6:45 nm Montana Fuget Sound, u 1!:00 pm u 6:1a um Lincoln I nfst Malv.......b 3:oo pm u 9:17 um R'l.mnfn V I tt' t V 1 f'ft fl t(i Llncolii n 8:40 nm bll:33 am Denver, Colorado, Utah and California a 6:45 um 1.',..! ,..nlr Hn TlMllll. ' .","V"' "r.ilZ.' ,. n.nv .. i. ii .nr. L,oulbVllle, i'lutism in.u ..v inn un, "m Bellovuo, Plattsniuuin ,,, vni'iiio Tiiiirtlim a 7:40 nm n 8 20 am Bollevue, IMnttsmouili Pncillc junction , uiaii u a Daily. I Daily except Sunday, ifAKHAS CITY. ST. JO- seph & Council Blutfs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllco, 1502 Farnum Street. Tele phone 200. Depot, Tenth und Mason Mucins. Tula- phono I2s. Leave. Arrive. v rii... rinv Ex. ...a 'JiVJ am n 6:25 nm Kansas' City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:1J an. Kt i.mii it Ivor, ir Ht Joseph nnd St. Loula.a C:10 pm ull:15 um u Dnuy. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & uuincv ltaiiroau tho Burililgton Routo" TIcKot olllco 1602 Furnuiu street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth und Mason st recta. Tolepnonu, 128. Leave. Arrive. .yntlii f:il ... I'ltlr-nco SDC tl I ,w am itiui.u iiu .. . ... Chlcat"? Vestlbuled Kx.a 4;0o pm a 7:45 n Chicago loci! Express.a 9:30 um u. 4:03 p Chicago limited n 7:50 pm u 7: 15 a nm Pin m Fast Mall a 2:15 pm a Daily. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul llullwny-city Tlckot Otilee lioi Furnam Street. Telephone, 281, Depot, Tenth , and Mason BtreeiH. Toicpnone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Chleaco Limited Ex. ...a fl:w pm a h;05 am a Ex b 7:15 mil b 3,10 pm ly except Sunday, C'hieaco A: Omah B ISSiilSWai:::::::" ils Ulii 2 ss op6sai.s" von indian" sppplie CldCHgo Fast ErVis u b M p", S Z pm Hrluirtment of the Interior. Oilier of Indian Dcb ToIiiA, RocTi lsl. 1,111 AfTalrs, Wushlngton, D. C, March 7. 1901. utid"uud Chicago a 7:40 pm a ?:3i um Sealed proposals, endorsed "ProposaN for WEST. b ankets, woolen and cotton goods, r ot ting. St Jr nam ou. Tvl 661. 'lei. 145s. I Olllcc, 1602 Farnnm Street. THURSDAY - At 12 in. (supplementary 12:30 ST Burlington Station. Tenth t!'i?U?f.or.'AS8AU' QIIANTANAMO nnd Streets. Telcpliono 128. HAN 1 'LVCIO, per s. s. Santiago; ut :: p. , . i . . m foe .1 A l A IP A ...... ., A , I - I -. , I lj , ... . i Dn MiLWAumJ n Dai'y i Dany RAILWAY TIME T.IILE.s, WABASH RAILROAD TUket Olllcc, 1113 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De not. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrhe. annon Ball" . , Express ,,, ,jl a.ij pin n ;.v am a unity. OVi:it.NMi;.T .MITICE. etc.," as the case may be. nnd directed to Ult' 1tl --luiiri in iumuiii iiiiu, ,ub, i, nnd 79 Wooster. street, New York City, will bo received until l o clock p, in. of Tuesday. Jl"! ,'v . i"' "'"k "' uuuuu service uiiiiihi'is, nuunn aim cmum good", eioilllll, nuiiuiiff, iiivin nun UM'!', iiiun lllllfiL ,. . ..... .,' ....... l.l...l,a ni,,. giving nil nccK.mry Information for bidders will be furnished on application to the Indian Ofllre, Washington, D. C, Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street, New York City, No. 1208 Howard street, Omaha, Neb., No. Johnson street, Chicago, III., or tho ("otnm ssary or subsistence, i'. . a., mi. Linns. Mo. Bids will be opened nt the hour n 6:25 pm nnd day above stated and bidders am lu ll C:iS uni lted tn bo present nt the opening. The de- pnriment reserves me rigui 10 iieiernune the point ot delivery nnd lo reject any nnd nil bids or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. AprS-lo-Mnyl 1'rniioMiiU fnr rnii.M ruction of water system. Department or tun inter or. u nce oi minim Healed ' lit imiosiiIs. endorsed' lToposnl for water Hvstem, YnnUtoll, nnd undressed tn tiw i'nmnii-iori,,r or Imlliiti Affairs. Washlngto'i. D. C . will bo received nt this omen until 2 o eloek p. m of April 50, 1901, ior lurniHiuug nnu delivering inn neevasiiry ninterlnls and labor required III the con- structlou nnd coiniiletlon of n water system ni the Viinlttnn llniirilliiir Si'bool. YnliUlon Agency. South Dakota, In strict accordance wm, phins, specllleallons nnd liiitruetlons in bidders, which may lie examined nt this other, tho r. H. Iiiillau W arehouses. No. 2 Johnson St., Chicago, HI., nnd No. 120N Howard St., Omaha, Neb,; the otllces of The Hen of Omaha. Neb.: Journal of HlolIX City Ionn, nnd Gnr.etto or YnnKlon, h, d., uni at Ynnkton Agency. For nny additional In fnrmiitlau nmilv to tins olllcn or Jolin Harding, V. S, Indian Agent, Grcenwoodj 8. D. w. A. .(ones, commissioner. rpr,u inn EtiAL NOTICi:. f'HIITII.Mt'ATI.: OF I'l'ltt.K'ATlnN. STATE OI? Nl'.llltASIiA. Ot'M'"lCE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, LIN COLN. Feb. 1, 1901. It Is hereby ceriliirn that the German-American Insurance rom- tmnv of New ork. in Hie Htatn. of New York, hns compiled wltu tho liiKiir- nnco law of this state applleablo to such companies nnd Is therefore nttthnrued to continue the business of tire nnd lightning Insurunco in this stute for tho current year ending Jiinunry 31. 1902. Witness my hand nnd the scnl of tho uudltor of public accounts the day and yenr nrst uuovc written. CHARLES WESTON. fSenl.) Auditor of Public Accounts By II. A. Babcock. Deputy. certifipath of piuilication. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OT? Al'DITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, LIN COLN. Feb. I, 1901. It Is hereby ccrtllled mitt tile rennsytvunia i-iro insurance com lianv of Phllndclnhla. tn thn state of Penil sylvnnla, has compiled with tho Insurnnce inw or inn stnto uppiicanie 10 sucn com panies und is tiiererorn nuthorizeii to con tlnuo the business of II ro nnd lightning In surauco In this stale for tho current year Jnminry 31. 1902. Witness my hand nnd tho seal of the nudltor of public nccount the day nnd year CHARLES AVESTON. (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts. By II. A. Babcock. Deputy. POSTO FI'I CM NOTICE. (Should he read DAILY by nil Interested ns changes mav occur nt nuv time.) Foreign mnlla for the. week ending April 13. liWl, will close (PROMPTLY ill nil cases nt tim Genprul I'oHtotllen :ih follows: PAR CELS' POST MAILS elcsu ono hour earlier innn closing timo shown neiow. l-arceiK 11 . 11.. . ,-. .... .. t - ... .... I'tll II1UIIM IU V.1 IJI lllill I J" -imil ilL U l. ill , "II Anrll 10. nor s. s. Aug. Victoria, via Ham burg, and April 12, per u. s. Pretoria, via liamuurg. Reculnr nnd Sitnnlcmenturv malls close nt Foreign llrancli half hour later than closing lime suowii nuiow Triiim-AtliililL' .IIkIIn, WEDNESDAY At 6:30 n. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. Now York, via Southampton: at h:3'i n. m. (supplomcntury 10 n. tn.) for EUROPE, per h. s. Germanic, via Quecns town; nt 10 n. m. for HKLGIUM direct, per H. s. Sout'.iwark (mull must be directed "per h. h. Southwark"). THURSDAY At 6:30 u. m. for EUROPE, per H. H Augusta Victoria (mull for France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portu gal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Hrltlsh India and Lorenzo JUmquez must bu directed "per h s. Augusta Victoria"); ut 7 a. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LO RENZO MARQUE,, per s. s. La Chnm pugne, via Hnvro (malls for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Chiimiiairno"). SATURDAY At 8 u. m. for ITALY, per H. h. tinnenzoiiern, via -Naples (man must lie directed "per s. n. Hohenzollcrii") ; at 8:20 n. in. (supplementary in a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s, Hervla, via Queens town; ct 11 n. m. for DENMARK direct, per 8, s. Inland (mull must bo directed "per s. . Islund"), PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This stenmcr uikcs iTinteii jintter, commercial l'apcrs and Samples for Germany only. Tho samo class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo scut by this ship un less specially directed bv her. After tho closing of tho .Supplementary j nins-Aiiuniio miuih mimed niiovo nuui tlonnl supplementary malls aro opened on the piers of tho American, English, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of Hailing ot steamer. 'IiiIIm for South mill Central America, Weil Indie., Eic. WEDNESDAY-At 8 u. m. for BERMUDA, Iter h, 8. Trinidad: at 9:30 a. ni. for INA OUA nnd HAITI, per s. s. Lauenburg: nt 10 n. m. for BRAZIL, per s, H. Catunln (mull for Northern Brazil, Argentino Re public, Uruguay nnd Paraguay must bo dlreeted "per w. s, Catania"): nt 12 in. for CUBA, YUCATAN. CAMPECIIE. TA BASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Orizaba, via Havana nnd Prngreso (mall for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. p. Orizaba"); ut 12: p. m. (supplemen tary 1 ti. m.) for ST. KITTS. ANTIGUA. GUADALUPE, DOMINICA nnd MAR TINIQUE, per s. s. Cnrlbbee. son, irnm Boston. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Senccn. via Tnmnlco (mall must be ill- rcvtvtX 'per s. ,t. Seneca"). SAT I'll DAY A t 9 n. m. for NEWFOUND- LAND direct, per s. s. Silvia; at 9 u, m. for PORTO RICO, per s, s. Ponce, via San Junti; at 9 a. m. Istipplemontury 9:30 a. m.) for VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per s. h, Muruculbo (mall for Savunllla und Cnrthagena must bo directed "per s. m, Marucalbo"); ut 9:30 a, m. (supiilc mentnry 10 n, m.) for ST. VINCENT, BARBADOS and DEMERARA, per B. ti. Glltra; at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per h, h, Morro Castlo. via Huvntm; nt 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:3o a. in.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVA NILI.A, CARTHAGENA nnd GREY TOWN, pel s. h. Alleghnny (mull for Costa Rlcn must bo directed "per s. s. Allegliany"): nt 12:30 p. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY nnd PAR AGUAY, per s. s. Harmoiildes; nt 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND und DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. per s h. New York; at "11 p. m. for iAnn.i., per steamer irom Miami, Fla Mails for Newfoundland, bv rail to North Myuney. umi tnenco ny stenmer, closo nt this orllce dally ut 6:30 p, m, (connecting cloo hero every Monday, Wednesduy and Saturday. .Mulls for Mhiuelon, by rail to Boston, nnd thenco bv steamer. Hnii nt this nlllco daily nt 6:30 p, m, Malts for i iiiju, uv ran 10 i-ori 'inmpa, Fin,, anil thenco by steuiner. close at this olllco dally, except Monday, ut 6 u. m. itlm connecting closes nro on Sunday, Wednes. day nnd Friday). .Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Flu., find thenco by stenmer, culm) in iiiih oiiico every Monuuy nnu Friday ut "ll p, m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch hv stenmer. close nt this olllen dully at 1:30 p. in. nnd 11 p, m. Malls for comu itica, neiize. t'lierio cortez und Guatemala, hv mil tn New Orleans, ami thence by steamer, close nt this olllcn dully at 1:30 pm. (connecting cIoh-h hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Corlcz nnd Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costu Rlcn). --iicgiHii.Tcti man noseu ui u p, ill, previ uus day. 'rriiiiM-Piifllln Mull. Malls for rhlna and Japan, via Vancouver, t'losn hero dally nt 6 TO p. m. up to April 1 9, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s, Em- po roiTK r. mith t.. press of Japan (registered mall must be dlreeted "Ma Vntieoiii-i'r"l. Malls for Tahiti und Marquesas Island. Via Miu i rancisro, close Here daily at :;' p. in. up to April lo, inclusive, xor illspatch Her s. s. Australia. Malts for Hawaii, Chlnn, Japan nnd Philip pine isiauus, via nan lTancisco, close nero dally ut 6:30 p. in. up to April 12, In clusive, for illsnatch tier s. s. Chlnn. Malls for Australlu (except West Australia, which is rorwarueti via Ktiropc), New Zea land. FIJI, Smuoii und Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. ufter March 'Ml and tip to April 'MJ, In clusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. s. CampstilR, due nt New York April 13, for dispatch per it. s. Ventura. Mails for China, Japan und Philippine Islands, via tucoiiiu, cioso hero dally at 0:30 p. in. up to April IS. Inclusive, for ill-mutch nor . s. Duke of Fife. Malls, for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine islnmis, via. an r rnnelsco, close Here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 20, In elusive, for dlsnatch ner s. s. Doric. Malls for Hawaii, via Snn Francisco, close here dully nt 6:30 p. m. up to April "22 for dlstmtch ner s. s. Mnrlnofa. Malls for China, Japan und I'hlllpplna isianus, via cieuiiie, eioso nere iinuy i 6:30 p. m. tip to April 2:1, Inclusive, for dispatch per p. s. Tosh Maru (registered mull must bo directed "via Seattle"!. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via i.urope, and .ew i.euinnti, which goes via San Franrlsco). and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. in. ufter April '13 nnd up to April 27, Inclusive, for dlsnatch per s. s. Aornngll(siipplemciitar.v malls, vU Seattle, closo nt 6:30 p. in. April 2S). Trnnspnclilc mulls urr forwarded to port of sailing nnny nnu ine scneuiiio ot rinsing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland trunslt. Regis tered mall closes at 0 p. tn. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllcc, New York, N. Y April 5, 1901, THAT BUGGY There's nearly 75 high grndc vehicles of all kinds to choose from at our special sale this week. COST AND BELOW. Drummond Carriage Go. Eighteenth and Harney Sts. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave, New York European Absolutely Fireproof Plan In the centre of the ihopplnr and theatre district A Modem I'lriKllll Hotel. Complne In ill lt pM"' menu. l-'urnliMngi anil ilKoitllont new Uirmirhout. Attorn, mmtatlmit lit yn ruMHi $ nutlet with I ttM, Hot an. tuM wttei tn.1 telephone, in eieiy toom. Lulilnt uneneUeJ. QEORdB W. SWEENEY, Prop. BIG MUDDY IS RECEDING River Spend Its Fury mill In t.'rnd unlly (iettliiK IUeU to ' Its Level. Tho crest of tho Rig Muddy's swell passed Omaha during ami the waters are now receding. While tho river gatigo yesterday morning that the wateis wcro cooing with each other around the 10.1 mark, It Is the opinion of Forecaster Welsh that this Is merely where tho river hap pened to bo when the gnugo wus read, nnd that It was on thn way down to Its level of Inst week. Tho reading showed a gain ot 0.2 of nn Inch over Monday morning In front ot Omnhn. During the dny It had fallen 1.3 at Sioux Clti'. Plnttsmotith nlso showed a fall ot 0.1 of an Inch, showing that the crest has passed that place nnd tho fall wm In progress there. St. Joseph nnd Kansni City wcro enjoying tho sprco of the Mis souri, tho gnugo ut tho former showing a gain nt 1.6 nnd nt tho latter 0.4. Thu annual recurrenco of tho question concerning the channel of tho rj.vcr Is ngnln on hand, hut will not be nettled until sumo bont attempts to como up tho river nnd llnds out by actual experience Just whero tho treacherous stream has plnced tho sand bars during tho winter. This matter, now that nnvlgatlon of tho river is practically n thing of tho' past, Is left by the government to tho research of any boats that care to try the stream. CONNOLLY HAS HIS WAY Decoration ot the County lltmrd'a Room Coei (In Deapltc () Ii'oiii'n Protral. Chairman Connolly of tho county board has gained his paint and tho olllco ot tho commissioners at tho court houso Is to ho kalsomlncd or "frcscnllucd," as the chair man puts it. Some days ago, when the decorators ap peared at the olllcc of tho board and pro ceeded to do their work they were stopped by Commissioner Ostrom, who declared that the Improvement could not bo inadu with out tho order of tho committee on court house, ot which ho Is the chalrniau. Ho disputed the authority of the chairman ot tho board to order the nrtistlo embellish ment nf tho room. Tho decorntors with drew then, but they reappeared yosterdny morning, nnd w'thln n few daya tho coin- nlssloncrs will bo surrounded with tho latest designs of tho frcscoors' art. "I gucsB I'm borne potatoes on this board," remarked Connolly, serenely, as thd workmen pasted pretty figures to the wnll, "and when I any this room needs decorating you can bet that It does. Ostrom says I'vo only got ono monBly llttlo voto here, but Just the same that voto counts. WhlH I'm chairman of this board you can put It down that I'm not falling nsleop over my prerogatives." And tho "frcscollners" smiled and worked on, COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL STAY I) eel iles tn Vny the Inerensrd Rental llriiiiiinleit by Hie llnnrtl ot Ttuile. The Commercial club tvlll retain Its pres ent quarters. At a meeting of Us executive committee yesterday It wns decided to pay tho $125 a month rental demanded by tho Board of Trade, father tlmu move its headquarters to a less desirable locality. Tho committee also voted to nsslst tho Ancient Order of United Workmen to sccuro for Omaha tho headquarters of tho grand lodgo of the Htatn, L, A, Garner wns elected as a member of tho club under n suspension ot the rules. HINKY DINK IS ARRESTED ClilcUKO Alilerinnii Acciurd of Vlolnl Inu the Siiliioii .M 111 ill Kilt f.'ln. lilH Ordlnniiep. CHICAGO, April Warrants were today sworn out for tho arrest ot Alderman Michael Kenua; well known as Hinky Dink Kcnna on churges ot violating tho midnight closing ordinance. Tho wnrrnnts were se cured by Mrs. Kate Mills Iloyland, treas urer of tho new antl-vlco crusadn society, who hfis been Investigating thn conditions prevailing In tho levco district south of Van Ilurcn street. I