4 The Omaha 1 Daily Bee. .OMAHA, TUESDAY MOKN12fG, APBIL 9, 1901-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ESTABLISHED J USE 19, 1871. V MERGER IS MADE Amsrloai Smsltinf; and Quggtnhsim Corn paiits Accompliib Consolidation. DELMONICO PINNER REMOVES CONTENTION Faction that Oppsssd Increasing Capital Stock ii Tiially Won Oiar. COMBINE CORNERS SMELTING BUSINESS Through Matal-Stlllng Company It Con trols Bihar and Copper Production. ACTION FOLLOWS DIXON'S DECISION Xriv Jersey Justice 1 1 ml t'phcltl Mi nority In Cniilenllon AmilnM liicrrnnluu Stock lo Make 1'urchiinc. SKATES INTEREST emperor PRESIDENT STAYS AWAY T0 BUY UNDS Wllllnm ,rp(i'77Th Snort from Inspector MeLniiKlilln Selected to Con- HfiiHll II") from America. BERLIN. April 8. Emperor William, Empress Augusta Victoria and tbo Imperial princes h.ivc lately Indulged In equestrian excrctsci ry afternoon In the Thlergar- ten. 1 ' li luncheon, taken In the Chateu . ,s Thlcrgnrten, tho whole party tai.. .. horseback with n numerous cortege. ' The emperor stopped i. boy on roller skates the ton of a Gcrmun-Amcrlcan residing In Berlin nnd Inquired nbout tbo sport. All the princes gathered 11 round, Capota's Abttnca Costa Onban ConTention AnothsrDay's Tim?. duet .rntlutlonn vtlth Hunt' hudnif WASHINGTON, April S. (Special Tele- grnm.) Inspector McLaughlin has been florin.! In rntltlllrt negotiations Willi tho DELEGATES FEAR TO TAKE ANY STEPS Hosebud Indians for the cession to the United States of several thousand acres I,n l.tielia Accuse Tlirm of Lacking Independent Cnurnite llusnna llconniliiK Kicltcd Over Mnnlclpnt Kleetlnn, TRENTON, N. J. . April 8. Following close on the opinion glvou out by Judge Dixon today In reference to the suit to re Ktraln tho AmerlcAtt Smelting and Rellnlng company from purchasing the plant of M Guggenheim's Sons for $15,200,000 In stock of the Smelting and ItellnluK company there was tiled late tonight a ccrtlllnitc Increasing tho capltul stock to $100,0iil,000 Tho original curtlllcate of Incorporation was for 6ri.000.000. The roprcsentntlvoH of the corporation deposited a check for $7,000 nt th olllco of the secretury of state at n lato hour toiilRht to cover tho fees. NEW YOHK, April X Attorney Samuel Undermcyer tonight guvo out a statement In which he says that u protracted meeting was held today at his oMIco nnd continued tonight nt Delmonlco's which had reference to the litigation between tbo American Smelting company nnd the Standard Oil Interests, represented by II. H. Rogers nn Leonard Lowljohn, over tho merging of tbo M, Guggenheim's Sons' plalitB. Attorney CMeruicycr'n Statement. Mr. Undcrmejcr's statement goes on to my. "Tho differences were finally settled nm the Interests of the Stundnrjl Oil company nro now cloHoly allied with those of the American Smelting company, while tho I'nlted Motal Selling company becomes th3 rolling agent for tho consolidated company. Tbo certificate Increasing the capital stosk of tho company to $100,000,000 was filed with tho secretary of state at Trenton to night. '.'In order to nvotd any further complica tions the new stock was Immediately Issuo.l nnd delivered to tho Guggcnholms and they liavo conveyed their properties to tho com pnny. so that tho amalgamation Is now complete. There were $22,000 In rovenue clamps required for tho stock certificates nnd almost half that amount to stamp tho deeds." The World tomornw will say: Tho difference between the majority and ml rorlty stocMiolitirru t Ihn American Smell Ing anil Ueflnlng company havo been ad Justed and tbo suit restraining the com pany from Increasing Its stock to $100,003. OoO for tho purpose of purchasing the property of M. Guggenheim's Sons lias been withdrawn. "TIiIh announcement came yestorday Just prior to tbo handing down of a decision by Juntlce Dlxou In Trenton, ordering that the stay enjoining the purchase of the property bo continued and that tho pro ceedings to Increase the stock remain In Btntu quo ponding final argument and de cision by tho court of chancery as to tho rial value of tbo Guggenheim property. Why They Withdrew. "l H. Kogers and Leonard Lewlsohn of tho United .Metal Selling company opposed tho consolidation because tbu smelting com pany wanted to uct hh Its own agent after tbo consolidation, whereas the selling com jmny had haudlcd tho smelting company's business for years. Messrs. Rogers, nnd Lewlsohn withdrew from tho directory of the smelting company. "Negotiations looking toward n peaceful hcltlcment have been In progress for thJ last two months and culminated last night nt a meeting held at Dolmonleo's, "lly tho tcrmH accepted, tho selling com pany will ngnln act as helling agent for the American Smelting and Heflnlng com pany. Tho plans nro ulso to re-elect Messrs. Lewlsohn and lingers to the directory of tho consolidated company. "Tho Metal Selling company exports about 65, 000,000 ounces of silver yearly, nearly alt of which Ir bundled lu Its capacity as agent of the American Smelting nnd Refining com pany. "Tho Guggenheim company's yearly ox port Is about 25,000,000 ounces. Tbo con- Bolldated companies will control about 00 per cent of the business. Tho settlement of tho difficulties means that tbo silver ami copper productions of the United Stntes will bo controlled by ono company. Tho Metal Selling company, which is recognlicd ns a Rockefeller concern, now controls tho coppor trade, Uh yearly shipments amount ing to 80 pur cent of the rntlro output of this country. It is Interested also In large foreign copper properties, Tho annual bus tness of tbo American Smelting nnd Re- linlng company Is about $"5,000,000. JUSTICE DIXON'S OPINION New Jprnf)' Supreme Jiiduc lluck the .Minority In Smcltum I'oin-Iiliii)-. DlNUiilr, of Indian lands In Oregnry and Lyman counties, South Dakota. The negotiations nro authorized under a provision of tho laat Indian appropriation net, vhlch empowcrrt tho secretary to treat with (he Indians for tho purchase of Indian lands. There nra two townships belonging to tho Lower Brulo exnmlnllig tho okates. Tho boy gave full uava.na, April . nic uuoan consuiu- inuinns oi souin uaiwu, mncu nfnnmillnn l III,, niMrn.. ulmlnnk t lie llOOni CUUVCIll ion U1U IlOl meet lUUUX, U HIS CrillUCIl I IIISU Ut'Bllun I" fummnv ...... ,, k. i ,i., m.t .utinllnl 10 me nDsence oi aenor inpoie, us prrsi- view in nrening iiicm i the youngster. ucni. i.n i.ucnn, rcicrrtug to mo ueiay, spccior .Mci.augnnn mm ukvu "ciccivu Tomorrow Orand Duko 1'rlcdrlch l'ranz . " ".Kiuue..L ., .. u.. .... ... ........ .... IV of Meklenhtire will nttaln his ma- ' tuo convention is unwilling to accept or ncquauunnco wnn ino uis: i i" Jorlty nnd begin his reign In Schwcrln with reject the I'latt araendmcnt. Three prop- Sioux. .nlm Mm,..,i. mt fp.tlvltlcs. osltlons on lines practically tho same ns I'rom (h.inha to liny Hume Tho Mb Ktirn.Ipl unrlni: at Nuuhrm. which tho amendmout have been rejected, but the Lieutenant Coloucl Forrest H. Hathaway, suddenly ceased to flow last week, has be- convention refuses to discuss the majority department quartermaster general, V. S. A., gun (lowing agalu, nlthough In Icsb volume repori oi iue commuieo ou reiauoiii, Wn proceed from umnliu to i,ouisvino on than before. which Is diametrically opposed." ofllolal business pertulnlng-(o tho purpose Thn nhiihnrmnnir. nrchestr.i. under Hcrr ii i inumattii iy i.a wicna mai mo 0 cava ry und artillery horses, ami upon Arthur Niklsch will leave Herlln April 13 delegates nro afrntd of public opinion, tho completion of this duty will return to for n spring tour through Austria, Italy, An effort Is being mudo to bring out tho ius j,roper station rumcrvHiivu uicnicni m me cuiuiuk rauiiicr ,.J ,...U- nt lr- I. pal elections, wun mis end in view sev- , , ,,,.,., ,-i t oral ..hnntrm. h.iv. I,,.,n mn.ln In lh nine. ' UPI'IICUIIUH ui .u...... . . ....p,, " tlon law. A new registration will be held throughout the Istnnd, beginning April V.) and ending May 13. It Is provided that representatives of the threo parlies shall compose the registration boards nnd there HKULLV, April S. Carrying out Prussia's will be new municipal boards of canvassers new program In tho l'ollsh provinces an of nine members, three chosen from encn outlined a few days ago In (ho Itelchan- party. The minority will havo a represen Spain, Portugal, Kranco ur.d Helglum. AID TO DEFEAT THE POLES Chancellor Von lliielinv I'mntlnc to l.eml it llnml to the Clerlenl l'nrty. C. Allen. 11, V. Ilotkln, II. C Heeso ana .1. R. tlomstoek. to orcanUf the First N. iinnnl imnL- nf PrcRcott. Inf. with a canltal of $25,000, has been approved by the comp- . 11 - .1. irouor oi inu vmii-.iu lonn I'omIiiI AppnlnftneiitH These appointments have been made In lown postofllees: Henry-K. Illoomgren, elgcr, Count on Iluolow, tho Imperial tatlon of one-third In thp ayuntnmlentos. clerk, Tort Uouge; l). k. nqjucr, suosimuu chancellor, has promised the centrists or The correctional Judges will not bo elected, clerk, Kort Mndlson; Clinton . v uson, otri,.ni t,.,riv rwiiiiir-ni niri n untinr s to n m formerly, hut will ho nnnolutcil ny ino substitute letter carrier, viuuon; nuy n, 1 J - ... ... . t H..II whero tho center, until lately had always military governor. All protests nnu ap- miiman, cieru, unnries uuyi neuiKe u. nun lected nil tho candidates and dispensed till peals in election cases will be decided uy and Charles .n. i-crrcc, Buiraiuuio cicrKu tho political patronage, the nudiencln Instead of by n commission, ucb Moines Now. however, tho l'ol sb national agltn- Tho national party has endorsed neuor Jnnlnii lleeonie Knutim tlon threatens to wrest tho whole provluco Gener for mayor of Havana und elected mo Tllc namc of tllp ,08i0ince ut Jordan, nwny from the center. Tbo I'russlKU gov- opposition canumnte lor ino mayorani, (Jarneiu COiinty, Neb., has been changed eminent will send the powertui uermau senor .aa, as pruHiueni oi mu ijuh). llakatlst society to assist the center polltl cally wherever otherwise l'ollsh candldato would bo elected. Tbo society controls nnd disposes of millions of money. Tbo llakatlst society Is an organization cstabllKhed for the purpose of furthering the Herman language and nationality In the eastern provinces of l'russia, whero tbo l'ollsh element Is on tho Increase. It dc HEIRESS WILL WED A COUNT DnuKhter of Stnnilnril (til Oftirlnl U Afflnnred to Nephew or Km preaii of Auntrlu. NEW YORK, April 8. Tbo romantic story of tho courtship of Miss Mario Satterfleld, to Easton, with Maria Warren postmaster, lottn 1'oHt iiinitcrx. These Iowa postmastera havo been np- pointed: Star, Marion county, Anderson, Hackus; Van Meter. Dallas county, II. II l'hllllps; Wnrrcn, Leo county, K. A. Wall- Ingford. I'enitlou lOtninliitiiK Suwiin, Dr. C. I llrown hns boon appointed pen rives Its name from the Initial letters of tho ,laughter of MrH. John Satterfleld of Duf- U'0" examining Burgeon at Centcrvllle. In names of Us founders Ilnmzcmanu, Kun ncmnnne, Von Tlcdmann and others. FAMOUS PORTRAIT IS SAFE MUhIiii; I'leture IteturiiM to Hh Owner After ii DUiipiienrnncH of Twenty-Klve Vfiirn, LIVERPOOL, April 8. O. Morland Agnew, upon nls arrival here ou the steamer Etru rln thin morning, admitted that ho bad the falo. nnd Count von Joseph Larlfff of South linkotn .win i-oinrnem Austria, has become known to friends of the Mall contracts were nwnrded In South counlo at Allentown, Pa., says a special to Dakota nB follows- Luffman to Frank. J tho Journal nnd Advertiser. The prospec- W. Harncs of Luffman; Denmark to jiouanii tlve bride, who has Just reached her ran- C. D. Jsuron of Dolf: Ocddlng to Hnrrol.l Jorlty, met her future husband a year ago W. J. Harrison of Ocddlng. vhllo touring the continent. Tho count, Kr o'.Velll ntionii v;ho Is 22, came to .America several months ,rh Omaha National bank of Omaha and ago, proposed marriage and was accepted. tle (ij)ase Xailonul bank of New York havo The empress of Austria Is his aunt and )een u,,proved ns reserve agents for the when he was baptized tno emperor bioou a.i n'Neill National of O'Neill, Neb. fjninuhnrmiPli nnrtrnlt of the duchess of his sponsor, became nis Rouiumer ami gate Devonshire. Mr. Agnew himself carried tho him nis name, .niss nuiierncu aim mo I fW plcluro nBhore, but beyond admitting tnut couni are vimunK ui uiiiunn. it was tho famous missing Grtlnshorough he Prlnco Helnrlch, ono of tho many Aus- dccllned to furnish any details regarding Its trlan princes and a close friend of the recovery and proceeded to London. count. Is expected In Now ork on Weilnca LONDON. April S. On hlH arrival at Llv- day ana tho formal announcement oi me erpool ( iMorlnnd Agnew wired to his son engagement, It Is expected, will then bo here asking tho latter to meet hint T.t Run- made. Mrs. Sntterfttd father, who was iiHniitt regurdlng" tho establishment of. civil ton railroad Btntlon with, two clorks rrom connected with tho Standard Oil company, government Is In nccord with Information the olllco and a detective. ,nP,i suddenly In Europe a few years ago, nrcil(iy mudo nubile hero that the new On bis arrival In London Mr. Agnew ftn,i Pft the futuro countoBS, who Is his only Philippine government will be established EMS OF BUBONIC PLAGUE Charlss B. Ham of Pawns Oitj Handlas Thsm in Oolleg . INOCULATED FROM THE CULTURE TUBES CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Vircenst for Nebraska; Showers In East ern. Hain or snow in western roruou Tuesday; Wednesduy l-'nlr; Variable Winds. Teniprrnture ut Oinnlin esterilny I l'lihllc Cnntlonert Xot to lie Aliirineil, luit Secret of Straime Mnlmly U Climely (iniirilrd nt the I'ethoiie. DETROIT, Mich., April S. A special to tho Tribune from Ann Arbor says: Tho university authorities refuse to mnke known tho name of tbo student In tho uulvcrslty hospital pesthouso with tho mysterious dis ease supposed to be bubonic plague, but It was learned tonight from n medical stu dent that the young man's name la Charles 1). Ilaro of Pawnee City, Neb. Ho IR a sophomoro mc'..cnl student nnd has been taking special work In bacteriology nnd has been handling culture tubes. It Is sup posed that In performing this work ho be ciimo Inoculated. Dr. Novy sild tonight that tho young man was coming out of tho dlBcnso all right, but again refused to make a definite state mcnt as to Its nature. "It will take sev eral days," ho said, "for the animal ex pertinents which wo nre making to bo In sbapo sr. that I enn state tho namo of tho youug man's complaint." The publlo here has been cnutloned not to bo alarmed, sb everything Is safe, con sequently there Is not so much excitement over tho strange disease as there Is over the few cases of smallpox In tho city. TO ENLIST ISLAND NATIVES Ail Ml I r ii 1 Itemey Aiitlmrlxeil to eept l-'lllplnnn for .Murine Service. Ae PHILIPPINE PROBLEM rroposeil Komi of (iovernment Leaves Itoolii for Speeiilntlon n to Ollleei'M' Mtnlns. WASII1NOTON, 'April S.-he news, from handed over the picture to the clerks and daughter. an Independent fortune detective, who deposited u in a sate in mo etllce. Mr. Agnew says tbo statements to the effect that Pnt Sheedy had something to do with the rerovery of the picture are not true nnd that he, Andrew Agnew, did not pay any money In America. The bill for the detective work in tho United States will be paid through Scotland Yard. about July 1. Immediately upon tho pas sago of the army appropriation bill the entire Spooner amendment was cabled to tho Taft commission And tho commission was directed to prepare n plan for tho government of- tho 'Islands in accordance with tbo law. This plan has not yet been completed, but It Is expected to be about NEW YORK, April 8. Emerson McMIl- thn time of the return of tho commission GAS PLANTS TO COMBINE Number of Companies In Illffereiit Cltlen Will CoiiHoliilnle vllh Kiiornioiin Cnpltiil. NEW YORK. April 8. A special to the Herald lrom Washington Bays: Instruc tlonB bavo been cabled by Secretary of tho Navy Long to Rear Admiral Ilemcy, com manding the Asiatic station, authorizing him to enlist- COO natives of tho Philippines for service ou board tho former Spanish gunboats and other small vessels which aro to bo maintained exclusively In tho Philip plnos. These men will form tho nucleus of an Important service composed solely o enlisted Filipino. Rear Admiral Crownln- sblctd, chief of tho bureau of navigation bcllovcB that, besides resulting In tho government obtaining efllclent service, tho employment of natives will spread respect for tho American Hag and create a strong feeling of loyulty. Reports received from Rear Admiral Remey huve shown that Americans, cspo daily those serving In tho lire rooms, be como badly debilitated and It Is necessary- to send tbem to tho United States to re cuperate. It Is believed tho health of th Filipinos will nut suffer because they arc acclimated nnd If they do become 111 It I nn easy matter for them to recover In th Philippines. No difficulty will bo experl enced In obtaining trained men. During th fall of 1899 Lieutenant Commander J. V, Coltman, now in charge of tho enlisted men's branch of the bureau of navigation opened tho "Escuela nautical," or nautlca school, to train Filipino youths to carry on their Inter-island commerce. Good results have been obtained from this school. There Is no law specifically authorizing the enlistment of Filipinos, but It is polntc out that whether tho supremo court nd Judges tho natives foreigners or citizens, 1 will make no difference In this case, ns al most one-fifth of tho enlisted men of tho navy aro of foreign nationality. L0UBET ARRIVES AT NICE II U l'retienee In Celehrrtteil by .Military SnluteM mill hy Much A p pi ii ii e. NICE. April S. PreHldenl Loubot's nr- rlval hero today was signified by a salute of 100 guna nnd by the hearty plaudits of great crowds of enthusiastic sightseers. He drove to the prefecture In an open landau drawn by six horses and escorted by gendarmes nnd cuirassiers. The streets were lined with troops and dotted with rlumphal arches, The buildings were res ooneil with flowers, decorated with flags lan, who waft ono of the prominent stock holders of tho East River GaB company, which Is now a part of the Consolidated Gas company, said today that ho Ik ar ranging to consolidate a number of gas light, traction nnd water power companies to Manlln, and It will tic cabled here lor approval' or amendment. The civil govern ment proposed will not be very elabornto, but sufllclont to meet the present require ments. One of tho most lnlcrstlng features Is lour, lieu.. Hour. lieu. .-, ii, in Ct I p. in R4 l it. ti t- - P. in ..... .s 7 n. in ii :t p. in S ii. ill 4 1 -I p. in lit) II ii. n IS p. til (II ii ii, iii n:t (t p. m nn i ii. in ."." t p. in nn i in no s p. in .vi 1 p. Ill is Young Teachsr at Harrison Saves flsr Fnpils from Flood. ILLER SECURELY SHACKLED Oiiinhn OMIcrin Redouble I'reciiutloti lo Prevent n Second Attempt to !-iciipc. CHICAGO. April 8. (Special Telegram.) Securely chained with shackles and hand cuffs, Prentice Tiller, wanted lu Cincin nati for tho alleged robbing of mall boxes, was taken from Central station to the union depot today by United Stairs Deputy Mar shal J. O. Mooro and Sergeant Michael Dempsey of tho Omaha police force. From thero the prisoner was put on n train nnd taken to Cincinnati. Tiller was ono of tho two mm who figured In tho exciting chase early Sunday morning after nn nttempt on bis part to regain his freedom, und every precaution was taken to prevent n second attempt to escape. Thus far tho police have been unable to secure any trnro of G. II. Grant, his partner, who escaped after the daring dash for libel ty. Detectives are on tho trail and n determined search I. being made. Pho tographs of the man aro being, sent broad cast nnd tho officers Interetted In' his np prehension sny It 1m a question of but a short timo before ho again will bo cap tured. HOTEL AND THEATER BURN 'ire nt ItunHcll limine lu OMnnn (on HiiiucK "llellc of ,erv York'" Clothe mill I'nrnpheriinlln. OTTUMWA. Ont., April U. A serious flro started in thn Russell houso block at 1 a. m. It Is believed that all tho gtlCHtB succeeded In getting out of the hotel. Tim flames nro making rapid headway and It now looks ns If tho whole square, which In cludes besides thn hotel the Rllsselt llouso theater and several Btorcs, will bo de stroyed. Tho Russell house Is one of the prlnrlpnl hotels In thin rlty and thero were nbout 200 guests In tho building when tho fire broko nut. Many of them wero forced to leavo nil their belongings behind them am! cscupo In their night clothing. Tho Russell theater Is ono of the fines play bouses In Canada and Is a total loss "Tho Ilcllo of New York" Opera company played In tho theater last night and los everything In the wny of scenery and cos tunics that had been left In tbo building. ARE WARY OF AGUINALD0 ntlve Filipino IlinlrUHt III nt Some Denlre lllm Severely I'llIllKtlCll. and H0N0RE FORGETS TO VOTE Aldcrmiin 1'nlmer'n .Mother Him lo Aimnrr for lllm nt I'linl Council Mectlim. CHICAGO, April S. The new city nil ministration, beaded by Mayor Cnrter liar rlson, wan Inducted Into ofllco at tho city council chamber tonight. A plcturcsuuo feature of the gathering wnR tho presence of Mrs, Potter Palme with a coterie of prominent society people, who camo to bco her son, Honoro Palmer alderman from tho Twenty-first ward, swor In ns a city ofllclal. When the timo cam for Alderman Palmer to poll his first vol ho was so busy explaining the "dolugh to a young woman that ho forgot to vo and tho uuillenco laughed and applauded Rending Clerk McGaffey caught him un awarea tho second timo man, nut. ni mother, who wa listening, evidently knew ow her son should, vote, for she uttered nn Involuntary "Aye," and tho voto was counted beforo tho listeners realized tho Ituntion. throughout tho United States. Tho com- the question ns to who will bo In supremo nan lea already under consideration In- authority under the president. Tho law- Include tho Detroit Gas company, the says that "all military, civil ami juuiciai nlnghampton Gas works, the Columbus powers necessary to govern tbo Philippine (O.) Edison company, tho Grand Rapids Ulnnds shall be vested In such porBQn and (Mich.) Gas company, the Jackson (Mich.) persons as tho president shall direct. Tho company, the Laclede Gas company of Innguago has been weighed very care Long Ilranch, N. J the Madison (Wis.) fully nnd the designation "poison," fol Gas nnd Electric company, tho St. Joseph lowed by "persons" Is taken to mean (Mo.) Gas company, the St. Paul (Minn.) that tho president whall namo some ono to Gas company, the Westorn Milwaukee Gas havo supieme command under h! own toouea wun noer, iu-i:uiiru ' ..... ,he nenver Gas and Electric directions and that tho persons shall bo and crowned wun peopio wno Krecieu " nl. ,hn Smhern Lltrht irli.,, i uiKUt luiiii'iiiij i ...w " president with alternate shouts of Loubet!" nnd Vla La Rcpubllque." rim nfllnlal rprpnllnns at the nrefecturo wero numerously attended. Replying to nu ' nurcHH iruin ui-irnniuu i " .,, ., f ruhknah. Thp rnm. tween Ihn nrpsldnnt and the governor. riTSldeni i.ouuei iiuiiueu uui iuv uc .,.., ,. . . ., .,,!., i. , ns dent Loubet pointed out mat no nan . .....' .nnn. i .nu TWr,,.ni i, nroa .lnni nf hiwinna -m, ..r.rt tnlnran towards the eolsco- Ulncu capital oi iuv "' - - . " . "7 " ... - - . ' in i, nhnnt ir..ir, nnn.ooo. wuicn t no president cannot uunicn uim- pate, us he believed there ought to be a . H(,,f , cabinet olllccrs will be nnd thoso acting under that command. Judgo Traction company of San Antonio, Tex., Tnft, it Is understood. Is to bo tho gov tho Montgomery (Ala.) Light and Power ernor of the Islands, but It will bo ncces- tho Jacnues Cartlcr Water sary to hove some ono in Washington to company of Quebec and the Winnebago act as tho medium of communication be NEW YORK, April 8. Justice Dixon, nt Trenton. N. J., today filed an opinion in the court of orrora f .ml appeals In th3 cbbo brought by minority stockholders of the American Smelting and Retlulng com pany to enjoin the purchase of the prop erty of M. Guggenheim bons. ini oplulon has been awaited with great Inter est by corporation lawyers, as it is con sldered most Important as affecting cor poratlous In New Jerney. The Importanco of tho opinion Ilea lu tho construction placed by the court on tho forty-eighth and the. forty-ninth sections of tho general corporation net. Ico Chan ccllor Slou'iis held the court could not g beyond tho decision of tho board of di rectors as to tho valuo of property to be purchased by tbo Issuing of stock. The court of errors on tbo contrary hold that It must bo clearly ehown that tho valuo of such property Is at IeaBt reasonably near tho price to bo paid and that the action of the directors is subject to re view at tbo Instance of any stockholder who considers himself aggrieved. .Indue DIeoii'm Sjlliibiia. Tho syllabus of Judge Dixon follows; ruder section (0 of our corporation net. wiinii nn nrlstmil Istuio of corporate stock for property t" bo putvbasil Is content iiui.,,1 It u tlift dutv of the directors to see tlint the real value of tho property Is at least equal to the face value of the stock. Reforo nn original Issue of corporate. Block Continued on Second Pag 5.) stanch auxiliary of tho government In af fecting tho union of all Frenchman for the welfare of the country. KING CHRISTIAN'S JUBILEE llruiiinrk Olmervc llir Jionnreim HlKlity-Thlril Aiiul emnry vUh SIumt of Affection. COPENHAGEN, April 8. Tho S3d birthday of King Christian was ceio hrated today oerywberu In Denmark. Tho king is in quite good health ana received tho cougratulallous of olllclals, dlplomuts and other dignitaries. Tho streets of the city were crowded and In tho square front- lug the Amallenborg palaco several mou- sand people constantly cheered the king. who In response appeared on tno naicony with his daughters. At tho banquet given tonight at tho Crown prince's palace, Crown Prince Fred crick toasted tho king, his father. Queen Alexandra and Dowager Empress Mnrlo of Russia, who have been attending the celebration, leavo here tomorrow. Queen Alexnndra will go to Cronberg for a few days and will thence return home. POWERS SUCCEEDS B0UTELLE Former (inventor of .Mnlne Will TnUe I'nfortunnte CoiiKrcnumHii'a Sent. IIANOOR, Me., April S. The special election in tho Fourth Maine congressional solectcd to hnvo charge of tho Philip pines as well as other Insular affairs. Colonel ICdvtnrdN In Have n Say. Authority over the Islands probably will be exercised by tho president through Sec retary Root, ns tbo secretary already U familiar with tho governmriital machinery of tho Islands. More than this, tho law" INDIANA LEAGUERS READY Six Hundred llnve I'lHiuied In lieu- dent aim In CIiIciiko for the Trip Went. KRUGER TO VISIT AMERICA Intend" lo Snl I When IIU llenllli I'cr iiiIIm nnd I'ollllcul Oppor tunity Offers. (Copyright, 1W1, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, April S.-(Nov York World Ca hlegram. Specla' Telegram.) The Dally Mall correspondent at llllversum cables that paper as follows: During a private con versation Kruger stated that he would cm bark for the United Stntes ns soon as his health permitted and a suitable political opportunity was offered. He would prefer to make tho Journey when summer fairly set In, district today to chooso a successor to Hon. Bpt.cn.rally nsserts that military as well Charles A. lioutelle, resigned, resulted in a as clvii liml ticiat powers shall bo ex victory for ex-Governor Llowollyn Powers, prri8-,i )n ,h islands and It Is not believed tho republican candldato, by a majority feasible to divide tbo responsibility, hh for estimated nt slightly more than 2,000 over lnany ycarB to como thero must be Joint Thomas White, democrat. ' anil liarinnnlnim nullon bv the civil nnd In September, Mr. Boutelle s majority military authorities. Thero already has was moro than 10,000. The. weather condl- crown un In tho War department since tho Hons wero about as unfavorable today ns SDnnlsh war a division of Insular affairs could bo Imagined and tho roturjiB tonight whlch has In charge nil matters pertaining wero meager. to tho civil operations, not only In tho Philippines, hut lu Cuba. At present Lieu tenant Colonel Edwurds Is In chargo of this division and his familiarity with con unions In tho Phlllpplius. ho having spent a great deal of time there, makes him a valuable olllclal. it Is probablo that If tho Philippines bu administered through the Wur department, Colonel Edwards will continue lu chargo of tho division. Tho fact that tho actual control of the Islands will lunialn In the War departmcn docs not mean that Governor Taft will havo his power curtailed. Necessarily the presl dent will remain tho court of last resort for everything rotating to the Islands, but tbo governor nnd his counsel will exer clso tho broadest authority and much that hcretoforo has been Biibmltted to Wash ington for determination by tho military governor general and the Taft commission Is expected to bo kettled by tho governor, council and tho legislative assembly should ono bo thought necessary. Tho gen- l.enve cral belief expressed here is that tbo gov ernor and council will bo about all the government necessary. IF 'TIS A GIRL HE ABDICATES Kinnnor Mehnlim Tenure of the Throne ItrpeudK on Next 1'hlld'n Sex. LONDON, April ti. "The health of Era perur Nicholas has been tbaken by the re cent commotion," soys tho 8t. Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Express, "nnd ho will probably ubll.'ato If the next child of tho vmpreM should bo si daughter." MANILA, April 8. General MacArthur cays It Is Impossible to make a statement concerning Agulnaldo now. It Is possible that Agulnaldo will soon bo removed from tbo Malacanang palace to a large houso with pleasant grounds, SO General Solano street, a fashlonublo quarter of tho city, beside the 'aslg river, which Is being renovated nnd prepared for occupancy. Agulnaldo Is purchasing diamonds nnu other Jowelry. He continues to receive cer tain visitors, but newspaper correspondents are excluded. It Is said that the manifesto which Ag- ulnulilo has been preparing has not yet been signed, and It Is added that Agulnaldo Is reluctant to comply with tho conditions. It r.ppears that tbo majority of thn Fili pinos In Manila distrust Aguinnldu and dls llko to see him accorded special favors, They say ho ought to bo sovercly punished. General Sandlco, a former member of Agulnaldo's cabinet, has Burrendered to the American authorities at Cubana Tunn, In the province of New EcIJa, Ho has a bad record and may bo tried. Tho trial of Mr. Brlx Hoelterman, the Del glan, who was connected with tho Philip Pino Trading company and whoso arrest on the chargo of furnishing tho supplies to tho Insurgents, was announced February 19, Tho vldcnco of tho Filipino colonel, Herrar, who recently surrendered, clinched tho prosecution. Tho colonel testified that Hoolterman had furnished money nnu rico supplies to tho Insurgents. INDIANAPOLIS, April 8. Tho Indian apolis Epworth leaguo Is tho first to make official announcement of its official train for San Francisco for tho International con vention lu July. Northern Indiana will rendezvous at Chicago, leaving thero on July !; central Indiana will meet at Illoomlngton, III., and southern Indiana at St, Louis, all leaving tho samo day and mooting at Kanuas City. Sunday, July 11, will be spent at Salt Lake City. This state will scud a delegation of too to tho con vention. MAIL TRAIN IS WRECKED Broken Truck fnue Cr to Truck Tsso Firemen Are Killed. OODEN, Utah, April 8. Westbound Southern Pacific passenger train No. I was wrecked at Mores Hill, near Wells, Nov., last night. Fireman Hickman of Ogden and Fireman Lodor of Wells wero killed and Engineers Warner of Wells nnd Uride of Ogden wero seriously but not latally In Jured, A broken truck caused half tho train to leave the track. The two mall ran caught fire, cremating Hickman. En glneers Warner and Hrlde wero badly scalded. The mall cam were entirely con sumed. MAKES STRANGE CONFESSION II. M. Ucpew, Arreiilcil for llrnllnif llonrd Hill, AdmiOi CoininlltliiK llolihery und Arnmi. COLUMUUS, O., April 8. A young man giving the nnme of I). M. Dcpcw, arrested nt tho Chltendon hotel on tho chargo of uttcmptlng to beat it board bill, today mndo a remarkable confession to tho chief ' of police. Ho said that his right namo Is M. R. Dopuy and that bis home is at Mlnno- polls, whero ho was employed as confi dential clerk and bookkeeper for Fletcher Bros, of tho Minneapolis Elovntor com pany, in that capacity, he claims ho had tho combination of tbo safe, and ono night stole $200 from tho safe and lied. A few months after this ho wont back to Minneapolis, and ns he bad taken ono of tho front door keys with him, ho let him self In and Btoln goods to tho valuo of $100. Ho says ho then collected a lot o! old Ict- ers, set them nflro and tho lire destroyed tho entire block,- FIRST ROPE FOR BRIDGE I.lKhler nnd Tunn Are lluny with llelvteen .Mnuhnttuu nnd Ilroiiklyu. It PAINT SAMPLES KILL CHILD Thelmii Til) lor of Lu I'nrle In I'utiilly l'olmtucd hy 'flume Kutcn OIT n Folder. LA PORTE, Ind April 8. Tholma Tay lor, the 1-ycar-old daughter of Charles Taylor, a Fort Wayne rnllwuy conductor residing In Chicago, died here today as a result of arsenical poisoning caused by eating paint samples off an advertising folder. NEW YORK, April 8. The first nioyu to stretch tho wires on the new East River bridge connecting Manhattan and Urook lyn will be niadJ tomorrow about noon, whem tbo lighter, uboard which iro tnreo reels of wlro rope, will bo towed from Its auchorngo at the Hrooklyn side of the bridge. Threo powerful tugs will make fast lo tho lighter und tow It ncross tho rlvir. Tho ropo thus paid out will lis at tho bottom of tho river. It Is probabl that trafllo will bo stopped fifteen mln utes. Thursday one of tho threo ropes on tho float will bo pulled up to tho top of th tower. From thoro It Is to bo pulled tau and tho llrst wlro for tho new bridge will hang between tbo two towers. If till operation Is successful It will bo repeated Friday for tho second ropo and Saturday lor tho third. IS EASY ON WOMEN RAIDERS County Attorney IHmnle Cnx AunltiNt Three from Armour dule After ArKunient. RIVER HAS SCHOOL HOUSE TOTTERING Lizzie E. Oottman fltrugclti Tarough Biting Torriut. ITCHES HORSE TO THE BUILDING Stands at His Hsad in Dtsp Wattr mJ Makts Him Pull. EQUINE ANCHOR HOLDS TUGGING BUILDING nil Student 'lrt .VclKhhur ns llelii- forci'mcuU Then Scholar" Are Tnken Anhore nnd Woiunu'a llrnvcry In Trliimphnnt. HARRISON, Ncb April S. "An act of heroism unsurpussod lu tho annuls of tho late" is tho expression used by Slouv ounty citizens In connection with tho per formance of Miss Llzzlo E. Cottman, teacher In tho district Bchool near here. Mono, facing a torrent of water carrying trees, bodies of animals und ull tho debris of a Hood, she rescued the students of her school nnd preserved thn building Itself from what Boomed Inovltablo destruction. Teacher und pupils were unconscious of tho danger awultlng them. Suddenly Miss Cultmaii felt a strange, uncanny , move ment under hsr feist. Again It was flt, this timo so strong that thn pupils looked up lu terror. Stepping to tho doorway, Miss Cottman witnessed a sight that stirred her soul. Tho White river was out of Kb banks. 'rim school building was already surrounded and tho rising Hood was swaying the school house. Mlsit Cottman Instnntly formed a plan of action. Across tho uxpanso of water, tugging at his long rope, was a homo ridden by ono of tho pupllH to the school. Springing out fearlessly Into the muddy nnd debris-filled water, Miss Cottman waded moro than waist-deep to tho horse's side, then sho began the struggle back, her helplcfs schnl- nrH watching her In terror and admlrn- tlon. It was frightful al best, but when a great wave struck tho building, causing It to totter nnd break partially loose, Miss Cottmnn'H courage almost fallud. Heroic ally, however, sho pressed on, fastened tho ropo to tho x addle, nnd then to thn building, giving tho building the old of tbo horse u strength, For threo quarters of an hour she stood at tho horse's head and almost up to her armpits In tho chilling torrent, urging tho horse to tug ugalnst tho current until ono of tho largest students waded across to land and returned with nsslstanco from uelghborH. Tho children wero rescued, tho building was Bavcd. It Is BUggCBted In- night that Homo gnnl recognition ho given Miss Cottman by the comity, but what form tho testimonial will tako has mot been decided. PRESIDENT SMITH THE TOPIC l.ntler liny Sulntn llnvet Their ectitlve I'rncdcnlly on Trlnl HurliiK (he Conference. US- KANSAS CITY, April S.Prcsldent Jo r.eph Smith of tbo Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints was vlrtunlly on trial at toduy's session of tho confcrcnco of tho church at Independence, Mo., for suppress ing tho action of the Quorum of Twelvo In reference to tho suspension of Elder E. C. Ilrtgga of Indiana. Elilor Columbus Scott of Lamonl, la.. nt tho after fcshIoii, Introduced u resolu tion to retcr tho matter to the Quorum of Twelvo for approval or disapproval. El der Milliard of Independence Introduced a substltuto resolution that. President Smith bo exonerated and sustained. Elder .1. R. Lambert of Lnnionl, In., was tho most vigorous speaker against tho president, and Elder It. C. Evans of London, Ont., was most nctlvo In his defense. Tho -confcrcnco adjourned whllo tho discussion was In progress. Tho consideration of tho nubj:t will bo resumed tomorrow. At this morning's session a testimony meeting was held, presided over by T. W. Williams of California. Later Elder U. W Green of New York preached a sermon. CHASE FIREBUGS INTO SWAMP liny .Mluctte. Citizen Catch .Veroen In Act of iKiiltlnw it Slorn nnd Corner Them. BUCKLEY OPPOSED TO WOMEN Imminent Metliodlnt Illvlue TnUea Stniiil AunliiNl Their Atliiilimliiu to tiencrnl Conference, NEW YORK. April 8. The Methodist preacherb' meeting today was chiefly do- voted to an informal discussion of tho pro posed new constitution for tho Methodist Episcopal church. The various 'conferences throughout tho country aro now voting on tho amended constitution. Rov. J. M. Iluckley was strongly opposed to tbo admission of women to tho general conference Rev. Dr. Thomas II. Neely Bpoko In u vlen similar to that or ur. liuck loy. Dr. S. F. Uphani favored tho adoption of tho new constitution. President R 8. Pardlngton of tho New York confcrcnco was elected president. FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT John A. CrelKhlon of i.IiIcuko Such Loudon Syndlcnte for llulf n Million, SOUTH REND, Ind., April 8. Suit tor $500,000 was lllcd todsy ngolnst tho Dyrd syndicate, limited, of London y John A. Crclghton of Chicago, u contractor. Ho alleges that ho entered Into u contract with James R. D, Gral4Ti. agent of tho Uyrd syndlcnte, by which tho syndlcato was to drill for oil and gas In Texas, to spend $100,000 within two years nnd $100,000 a yeur thoreaftor until tho dally output reached 2,000 barroli. Crelgbton claims tho syndl cnto did not carry out Its part of tho con tract. MOBILE, Ala., April 8. Reports from Bay Mlnette, near here, tell of a case of attempted arson by two negroes who are now surrounded In a swamp near Hurrl ean bayou. Tho negroes wero .discovered attempting to sot lire to a largo Htoro nt Bay Mlnette. They ran off, tbo llro was extinguished and a chaso was mado after tbo negroes by nn armed posso. Blood hounds from n convict lumber camp nt Dollvo wore sent down and picked tip the trail of tho negroes at Hurrlcan bayou. Tho dogs followed tho negroes Into tho swamp, which 1b now surrounded by a largo forco of armed men. It !h said tbo capturu of tho negroes Is only n question of time. One of tbo posHc. a 'man named McGcwan, was shot In the urm and leg by tho 'fleeing men during a pistol fight. His Injuries are serious. TJio country in tho vlc.nlty Is highly nrnused and thero Is ltttlo doubt the negroes will bo lynched It captured Mr tho posso. WANTS HER HATCHETS BACK Mm, .Vntlttu Sn She Will Sue Topekn If Police Don't IteHtnre Them. TOPEKA, Kan., April 8. Mrs. Carrie Nation Hays sho will stio the city for somo of her hatchets which are now In tho pos session of tho police department. Tim hutchets woro taken from her on tne oc casion of her several arrests during saloon smashing dayB, Sho mado a demand on tbo chief of pollco for tho hatchets today, but was refused. KANSAS CITY, April 8. Mrs, Prudence Smith, Mrs. Jane McNutt and her daughter were arraigned In Judge Manning's court In Kansas City, Kan., today on the chargo of destroying property In un Armourdalo Joint on March 11, and tho county attorney dlsmlftbfd tho case. The women refused to say whother they Intended to contlnuo their crusade ugalnst tbo Joints. Mo il of Ocenn Veelii April K. At New York Arrlved-Bovlc, from Llvor pool. Sallcd-Htutu of Nebraska, for (lias- BAt Opium (April 4) Arrlved-Kulsow, from Portland, Ore,, via St. Vincent, ('. V. At Stdmstopul (April Arrived Prinzes, sin Victoria Lulsc. from Now York, vlu ports on Oriental cruise At tjuoeiisiown Arrived fiuxonln, from ItoHton for Liverpool , At t'liornourg rumen uaruaroHu, irom juicmen, tor New Vork. ORIGINAL SMASHER IS CHIEF Flrt .Mnn Who Hver Hrnke. Saloon 1'roprrty In Wlohltn Reappointed to Old I'tiHltlou. WICHITA, Knii., April 8. Frank Burt was appointed chief of pollco tonight. Ho Is tho original Joint unathcr, although a frlond of tho "wide open" policy. Flvo years ago, when ho waH chief, ho took an ax ono night und smashed $2,000 worth of fixtures In n saloon that tried to nr. without tho permission of the mayor and council,