THIS OMAHA DAILV 1JJCF2: MOM) AT, AP1UL 3, 1001. rested at Hastings, Neb,, March 26, while Attempting to cash a draft which had been stolen from u mnll box In Cincinnati March u. Ho had been In Hastings several days trying to defraud business men and hd been partially succewful tmtll liU urrest. A day or two beforo that event ho shipped n vallao to John It. Palmor, Omaha, who proved to be nono other than Prentice Tlllor. 'SvhVn Tiller called nt the Omaha ofndc'of tho Adams Express company March 27' be was arrested by Sergeant Dcrapscy, tlien" a detective, who had been notified by the Hastings police. His Identification by thCi,rinkcrtoiia and others as Prentice 'filler followed. 4 litiiiK llecont of Crhnr. Tiller has a long record of crime, extending- back nearly twenty years, but ho Is bestr remembered for hlu first theft, where, by n bold and dnTlng stroko, he stolo more than J100.00D ol the funds of the St. Louis branch of tho Pacllle Express company. Ho fcns'icanttirod by n mero chance, but not be fore ho had mado away with $1,000 of the morioy. Tiller was sentenced to a term In tho penitentiary for this crime. ' .Mutt)' I'oatnl llolilirrlra. Sliico his St. Lot! In exploit Tiller has operated an a postnl thief from ocean to ocean, but principally In Hotithurn cities. Hocnuso of lilt I'linuliiR he has caused the poBtofllco Inspectors 0f tho country tiu trouble and his arrest In Omaha iyuA epurco of- much satisfaction to them. If Tiller Is sentenced to tho limit allowed by law In tho rases for which he Is now under arxost. It 1m estimated that he will have to spend the next eighteen years In a penitentiary. REAL FIGHTERS STILL FIGHT 1'rrtorla. Correspondent Sn lluera Who Have .Surrendered Are Xnt 'I'lioni! Wnttteil. LONDON', April IS. Lord Kitchener has Informed tho War office that eighteen vol tinted- companies, freed by reliefs, aro romlns homo and that arrangements arc 111 progieas for tho speedy reliefs of further companies. Ho thus appear to bo endeav orlng to meet tho demand that fresh troops bo sent to tho front to rcplaeo tho stale men. The Pretoria correspondent of tho Morn lng Post, who warns his countrymon against hoping for an early termination of hostilities or believing tho stories that tho liners are tired of war, hays: "It becomes dally mora evident that the Doers Intend to fight to ,i finish. Many aro surrendering, but thoy aro men of no standing. Tho real, lighting men are still on commando and, nlthough recently sue cessful Ilrltlsh actions tend to bring the closo nearer. It must be admitted that th Doers must bo completely crushed beforo a gcuoral .surrender Is probable." It la reported irom Drusscls that Acting President .SchalWburger hns removed tho scat of government to Lcydsdorp. According to a dispatch to tho Dally Mall from Hltvorsunij Mr. Kruger, who has Just arrlVed there! has expressed an In tcntlon to go to tho United States In Juno and visit Washington, Dostou and Chicago. It Is' definitely ascertained," aays a dls patch to tho Times from Kroonstndt, dated Saturday, "that (icuoral IJcwct and Ueneial Dotlu met at Vrcde." 'Hllek to It." (Icorge L. Heard of High Tower, (la,, writes: "Eczema broke out on my baby, covering his entire body. Under treatment of our family physlclann he got worse, as he could not sleep for 'the burning and Itch ing. Wo used a box of 'Hanncr Salve' on him and by tho time It was gone he was well. Tho doctor seeing It was curing him said, 'Stick to It, for It Is doing him more good than nnythlng I have dono for him.' " i i . . . ROBBER CRUSHES HER SKULL Mr. Thompson, Axed U7, Added to Mat of I'ootpnil'N VIctliiiN In Kiiiin City. KANSAS OITV, April 7. Mrs. Isabel Thompson, aged 67 years, was fatally wounded last night by a footpad, who In attempting to rob tho woman crushed her skull with a coupling pin. Sho was re turning homo from church when assaulted nt Seventeenth and Holmes streets, nn tin frequented part of tho city. Sho was found after midnight, after having lain uncon scions for several hours. Mrs. Thompson Is nt life city hospital In a dylnc condl tlon. There Is no clue to tho footpad. During the winter olght persons have been mdro or less seriously Injured by footpads. One. of tho victims, nn elderly woman, has becomo Insane, and another, n Kansas iCIty (Kan.) grocer, died of liU Injuries. Tho victims In every ease, save one, have beon elderly persons and cacn was rendered senseless by a blow on tho head. To Cure (He tli-lii In Two lli)n. Laxative ilromo-Qutnlno removes tho cauio. CAPTAIN CARTER'S RELEASE Attorney to .Unite Aitpllcntlou for It I'riidluu llcarliiK on Apnenl. WASHINGTON, April 7. Attorneys for Captain 0. M. Carter, now serving a sen lence lu tho Leavenworth penitentiary for defrauding tho government, have given notice to tho Roverninent thnt they will mako application to tho supremo court to morrow for the relcaao of their client on ball, pending a hearing before that court on his nppeal from tho Judgment of tho lower court refusing him a writ of habeas corpus. The application will be contested by Solicitor tlrnoral Ulchards of the De partment of Justice. Hood's Pitts Do not gripe nor Irritate the allmen tnry cauul. They net geritly yet orumpuy, cicanso eiiecinaiiy ana Give Comfort Sold by nil ilri'"lt'i '.'.' cents. MAP COUPON Bring this Coupon and 25c to the Map Department, Dee Publishing Co., and NEW CENSUS ! WALL MAP OF NEBRASKA OR IOWA SUe 2Hx32 Inehra. Has the 1900 census of every county and town In the state printed on the margin and the entire map, INCLUDING ALL IIAILROADS, etc. Correct to January lit, 1901. If sent by mail add 10c extra tor postage and tube. Address TUB HEI5 l'riJLlSIUNO CO.. i Map Dept. Omaha, Nb, ATRICK ANSWERS JONES Accuitd Attoincj Sj Kici's Vulot li Ultnplj Filiifjlnp. CONSIDERS OSBORNE A CONSPIRATOR Allcr Hint the AaslNtniit DIMi-lel Attorney In Aiding h Delllirrntc Kftorl to Defeat End of Justice. NEW YORK, April 7. Lawyer Albert T. Patrick, who Is charged with the murder f Millionaire William Hlcc, made a state ment tonight concerning the case. He had been nuked to say something con cerning a story printed in a morning paper o the effect that Valet Joucs had spent cvoral hours, accompanied by u policeman ttached to tho district attorney's office, In touring tho tenderloin district. Ac cording to this story, hotels, concert halls and gardens and theaters had been visited by tho prisoner and his attendant and ozens of Orlnkn taken. On this point Lawyer Patrick said; "I havo know thnt this kind of thing hus ben going on for seveial weeks. 1 could not havo sworn that such was tho rase, but 1 havo heard from various sources that Jones was plentifully supplied with money, was taken out buggy riding and was otherwise treated with kindness nud consideration," Patrick then went on to speak of tho Rico murder case. Thla Is tho first time that ho has mado any statement since IiIj rrcst. .tniH'N Murderer. Jones never killed W. M. Hlcc. Had ho dono so ho never would havo testified to It, especially as the district attorney lia.i promised him no Immunity, nor would his counsel, even though provided by Cap tain Dakcr, have permitted him to do so. His confidence Is due to the fact, that v. M. Rice, at the age of SI, died of heart failure, aa did his brother, V. A, Hlco, yes terday at tho age of 70, and there will never be any proof otherwise. The only crime of which Jones Is guilty Is that of con spiring against the 1000 will, and that of perjury lu tho present proceedings. His folry story Is the result of a collaboration with Captain James A. Dakcr, Jones' law yer; Mr. Dattle, who Is hired by Dakcr; Assistant District Attorney Osborne and Prof. Wltthatis, tho professional expert, whoso report Osborne for the last six months has been expecting "In a few dnys and who swoio that ltlco died of mer curlal poisoning, If ho did not die of somo thing else. Why He In Prosecuted. 'Tho object of Jones' story Is to have mo" held In prison pending the will litigation I have already been In prison six months on the forgeiy charge, without even being Indicted, and I do not believe that there la any Kerlous Intention to try rau on a criminal charge beforo a Jury. My arrest on a murder charge and the desperate at tempt to hold me Is due entirely to my ability and attempt to glva ball upon any less serious charge. The stock In trade of the opposition to tho 1900 will Is their already demonstrated ability to control tho district attorney's office; that Is to say that portion presided over by Osborne, over which there seems to be no administrative supervision. "8o far, the tactics employed against me havo been tho giving out by Mr. Osborne continually of statements known by him to bo false, in order to cause the public to prc-Judge mo guilty so as to Justify false Imprisonment and to prevent a fair trial; the wrongful Imprisonment tt myself and the hounding by detectives of thoso who appear to favor me; the abuse of the process of the courts by wrongfully sub poonalng In tho namo of tho court, persons to personally appear beforo him and sub mlt to examinations In his ofllcc. Spore the Expert. "The use, under tho gulxe of witnesses of professional handwriting experts to swear that the signatures of tho 1900 will. checks, assignments, etc., aro forgeries and tho procuring of false testimony are all In the same line. Jones aworo on tho wit ncss stand and Osborno admitted it In open court that Jones had Informed Osborne about January that Jones had killed Mr Rico with chloroform and that subsequently In collaboration with Wltthatis on Fcbru ary 27, tho present complaint charging mo with killing Rice with mercurial poison was made at tho Instance of Osborne lu an attempt to deprive me of all. knowledge of the nature of tho accusation ngnlnst me until ho had used a witness whom ho sup posed to bo for me. "I havo been Informed that Jones for several weeks past has been permitted to roam tho streots. So far us I am con cerned, I havo no objection provided that Jones bo kept within the Jurisdiction of tho court. "It would tako but little corroboration to convict Jones upon his own confession, but It would take u great deal to convict me upon Jones' accusation. It I am held or Indicted for murder, Jones will certainly bo also, and I would surely bo acquitted, but In his effort to have himself corrobo rated ha might be convicted, innocent though ho is, and then he would surety ho electrocuted, for no hand could snvo him. .loum TnUex Illaks. "Jones Is staking his life upon the ability of tho handwriting experts to discredit RIcc'm signature, which Jones saw him write and which he shows by bis numerous statements and uncertain testimony that ho knows Rice signed. "Jones may rest assured that those for whom ho had outlawed himself from man kind will abandon him when they can no longer uso him. "As to my own position, I can only say that I will be vindicated and will bo able to discharge all duties Involving on me and maintain nil rights belonging to me, all of which, however. Is in tho hauds o my able and conservative attorney!;. "Of personal rovengo I have no thought but If I am over convinced that W. M Rico was murdered, I shall do my utmost tu convict all Implicated, In which cvon I am sure I can provo tho motive to tho alleged will of 1890 and tho Instigators .o be persons striving to uphold II, and prove that Jones did tho deed, believing that he could thus prevent tho consummation o Mr. Rice's plans thruugh mo." District Attorney Phllben was asked today what ho know of Jones' altjgcd tour of tho Tenderloin. He replied that ho-knew uoth lng whatever, except wnat tic had read. "Haw you at any time given permission for him to absent himself from the house of detention, except when he was lu nt tendance nt court?" "I have uot," ho replied. Assistant District Attorney Osborno lo night said that ho was aware of Jones' trip, through tho Tenderloin Friday night and thnt It was taken for tho purpose of locat lng witnesses to testify In the Rico case. II added that six witnesses were wanted and that one had been located by meana of thla trip. ' Mr. Osborne said: "I have read tho statement mado by Patrick and havo notli lng to say. I cannot mako myself popu lar with tho criminal classes and expect to be maligned nt cvory chance." llr. Holier t Melntyre Itealaum, CHICAGO. Anrll 7. Dr. Itoberl Mclnlvre pastor of tho St, James Methodist Kplseopaj enurcii nun consiucrcii one oi ine most po-weriui nun attructivo proneliera anil plat form lecturers In America, will tomnrinw tender hi resignation lo his congregation Ut.mb tv i iivuiiu. MRS. EDDY SENDS A LETTER omiiiuiilrntlnit MtiliMltnted for llene tlli'lloii nt Deillen tlnn of ('blent" t It ii r eh of Chrlit. NEW YORK, April 7. -At all the churches lu tho city elaborate faster services were held and tho very bad weather seemed to have no npproclablo effect on tho attend- uce. The magnificent edifice of the Second Church of Christ, Scientist, at Sixty-eighth trect tind Central park, west, was dedi cated today, Just two years after the corner- tono was laid. There was a very largo at tendance, for tho great part made up of members from other cities. There was no attempt at decoration with the exception of a few plnnts nnd flowers around the readers' desk. Addresses were made by Mrs. Laura Lathrop, the first reader of the liurch, and John Carroll Lathrop, her son, who Is the second reader. Instead of tho benediction, a letter was read from Mrs. Mary Dakcr Eddy, which read; PLEAHAN'T VIEW. CONCORD. N. 11.. April I. To tho Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago: My Beloved Hrotlircn Your ruril of invltntfoil to thin feast of soul una duly received accept my thanks. i o sit not in mo icioi b tcmpie, ye mum not to nn unknown god. Yo worship lllin whom vo nerve. Roast not thyself, thou ransomed of illvluo low, but presM on unto no possession or unuumcncii nuns, ileal ho Mck. make ftnotles.i the blemished, raise the living dead, cast out fashionable lunacy. Tho Ideal robo of Christ Is .seamless. Thou haul touched Its hem and art being honied, Tho risen Christ is thine. The haunting mystery mid gloom of Ills glory rule not this century. Thine Is tho uprlslnglug hope, mo comiui'Ni over mil unit mortality unit lights tho living way to life, not death. May the Hod of our fathers, the Intlulto Person whom we worship, be and nbldo with you; may the btesslug of divine love rest wiiii you. .iy neart novers uronnu our clinrelieN In t tilcugo, for t tie dove or leoee situ smilingly on these branches nnd I sings of our Redeemer. Lovhmly yours, M A 1 v Y HAKttll ISUUVi GRAHAM'S SLAYER SUES WIFE Ilnnlel llolierty. Tie Wet-of-I.em e Mnll, (inlms Divorced Partner linn Iliineoeil lllm, CHICAGO, April 7. Daniel F. Doherty, nn English tlcket-of-leave man who Is well known in gambling resorts of New York and London, has caused the arrest of his former wife, Mary Doherty, whom ho charges with obtaining money from blm under false pretenses. Fifteen yeari ago. In London, Doherty slot and killed Colonel George M. Gru- ham of New York, following a dispute over a poker game that began on a transatlantic liner and win continued nt tho Churchill club In Plrcadllly. Doherty was sentenced to llfo Imprisonment and wns confined nt Dartmouth until 1899, when he was released on a tlcket-of-leave. Doherty bases his charge against his former wife upon allegations that sho se cured a divorce from him while he waa a pilsooer, but withheld the fact from him and continued to lake money from him for hor maintenance. He alleges that since sho obtained n divorce from him In Philadel phia In October, 189C, Bho lias had from hli.. about J7.000. He also states ilia -;n he went to prison he gavo her over $1G,000.. Mrs. Doherty's friends maintain that the divorce was not secured until a few months ago nnd that since being separated from him nho' had no money from him. Mrs Doherty has been released under bonds. RIO'S POPULATION IN DOUBT Bnnltnry Authorlllea Credit Janeiro with 7.'l,MIO, out MtutlNtlclnita Cut the Figure to 1.11,71(1. WASHINGTON, April 7. A wide ills crepancy between tho population figures given by the statistical authorities or Rio Janeiro and by the' sanitary authorities theio Is called to the nttcntlon of the Marino hospital service in tho annual re port of Acting Assistant Surgeon Havel- burg at that port. He says the sanitary authorities make tho present population of Rio Janeiro 793.000, while tho statistical authorities make it 431, 710. Tho Impression prevails that Rio has a laiger population than that shown by tho census, but nut so large as estimated by tho sanltnry authorities. The figures of the sanitary authorities show a total mortality during 1900 of 18 per cent, against over 20 per cent the previous year. Tho number of still births is equivalent to 77 per 1,000 of the total births, a lemarhable showing. The number of dnths has exceeded tho births, Tuberculosis furnished almost one- fifth of the total mortality. im:sios koh wkstuh.v vhtnha.xs. Wnr Survivors lleiiiemliereil l- the (ienrriit Government. WASHINGTON. April 7. (Special.) The following pensions have been granted: Issue of March 23: Nebraska: Oiicloul James Dell. Lake side, $(!; George W. Steadmun. Soldiers' nnd Salbtra' home, Grand Island. JS; Samuel uusii. umalm, ju; ueorgo Folts, York, JS; (special uct March 2fi) Peter Sundbnrg, Wayne, $12. Increase Aaron E. Rumer fleld, DIuo Springs, $10; Qeorgo II. Ilutter Held, Fnrnnm. $S. lowu: urluinal Frank l a r, Mann nc. $0; Christopher Hnrper. Crawfordsvllle, $12; Simpson M. Leslie, Dubuque, $0; Mlchnel 8. Cunning, RrooKlyu, $S. Additional Samuel vesy, uoini. b. ltestoratlon and increase Milton Swallev (dead). Luke City. JS. In crease Albert C. Boalc Hampton, $10; Qeorgo W. Olney. Wnttcrson, $S; John nat ion, .Moscow, jh; Lucius l'. iiriston, iiliml Rock. $12: (special net March 2G) Donjumlu r. Thomas, l.elianon. j:io. Relsnue Jasner N. Robertson. Albion. $17. Wur with SDuln. orlglnul Garrett W. Wlggera. Munentlue, $G, uoinrauo: uriginni tioorno w. urum mond, Denver. G. Incrense Robert G. Hub bard, Denver, $12: James WillotH. Florence, $8; (special net March 2ti) Thrruu Johnson, Denver, w, South Dakota. Incrcaso - (Sneelnl act March "til Adolphus Richardson, Sloux l'lllis, ki. North Dakota. Increase (Special net March 26l John Scott, Steele, $.'!. HORSE CAUSES A DROWNING l.eniis from ilrldtte Into lllver nml Sill vrmiliee Woman nud Child Meet Dentil. MILWAUKEE, April 7. Mrs. Michael Chart of the town of Lake and her 7-ycnr-old daughter Mary vero drowned In thu Kluulklnlck river at tho Klunlklnlck avenue bridge lu this city today. Mra, Chart, ac companied by her husband and daughter, were In a light top buggy drawn by a younj, nervous ,hqrsn. Aa they uearcd tho bridge, which wns open for repairs, the horse bo ramo frightened by : passing train arid ran away, plunging over the embankment Into the river, dragging tho buggy and Its occupants with It. .Mr. Chart was enved. but tho mother and daughter wero caught by the buggy lop aud carried lo Iho bottom of fhe liver. The brdlcs wero recovered later In tho day. FIRST TEST OF HURRELL LAW Steven Trial I niler Knnsns Prohlbl. . tury Statute Knilx Without n Vei-illet. SAUNA, Kan., April ".The first trial of a Jolntlst under the new Hurrell law passed by tho last legislature, which makes it u misdemeanor to bo found In posses sion of spirituous liquor, resulted In no verdict hero late Inst night nnd tho Jury wns discharged. It was the case of Henry Stevens and wife, whose place was raided by tho sheriff recontly. The pasrago of the law was a result of tho temperance crusado started by Mrs. Carrlo Nation. Kvory homo of culture and refinement In Amorlca should posfess Tho Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia and tla, Se cure If through Tho Dee's wholesale pub llthcrV price. Write fur particular). MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS J, Fiiipont Morgan nnd A. P. Mijirluttr the Dlggiigi Competition, LIKELY TO BECOME HEAVY OPERATORS Property on llometnke licit for Plill- nnthrople Work Clnrn Hell lie eoiues the Wonder of the Southern Hills. DEADWOOD, S. D April 7. J. Pier pent Morgan nnd A. R. Meyer of New York City hnvo decided to operate In the Dlack Hills. Representatives of both have been In Dcadwood and Lead lor several dayi. past, looking over various properties with a view of purchasing. A. R. Meyer is president of the American Smelting company and he has rent his representative here for the reason that properties are cheap aud as yet very few large companies have commenced operat ing. The Ironsides mine, In the Squaw Creek district which Is owned by a number of the stockholders of the Portland com pany of Colorado Springs, will bo thor oughly examined by an expert of the Meyer syndicate, who will arrivo here next week. Tho mine is one of the best properties In tho county, showing six or more verticals of ore that go through an upper and lower strata of quartzltc. It Is believed that these verticals pcnctrnlo Into tho slates. Tho property will go for $100,000, Including all of the Improve ments. Three carloads of ore wero i-hlpped from the mine by the proont owners foon after work wns commenced anil the re turns on the ore ran about $75 por ton gold. The property Joins tho Cleopstrn mlno on the south, which Is producing about fifty tons of ore per day, being treated by tho cyanide process very suc cessfully. Tho Meyer syndicate will have Its expert rxamlno a number of other properties both In Lawrence and Custer counties. Phllnnthronlc MIiiIiik. The Good Will Temple company, which was recently organized lu Chicago for tho purpose of developing a property in Crlp plo Creek which had been left by a will tov philanthropic work, was represented In tho Dlack 1 1 It In this week by Dr. L. A. Rockwell and Rev. E. R. Stuart of Chi tago, being tho president, nnd secretary and general manager of tho company, A piopcity on tho Horoestalcc oro belt was purchased by the representatives and work Is to be commenced within ten days on a shaft. The property Is one of the best on the belt, there being numerous outcropping; of gold oro that havo given excelleut as says. It is stated that J. Picrpont Morgan will assist this company lu the develop ment of Its properties. Doth the property In Cripple Creek and hero In the Dlack Hills will be thoroughly developed and reduction works are to be erected as soon as advisable. Other properties arc to be acquired In tho Dlack II. lis by the com pany. This company proposes to establish homei for erring girls, this work already having been commenced In n number of the larger cltlt-s. The company In not telling stock at present, sufficient money having been furnished for the development of tho properties by a few Individuals who ore moro or less interested in the rescue, work. Tho Crosby-Ehrlch syndicate of Colorado Springs will probably have the Pluma mlno examined by an expert In a few days. The representatives "of the Good Will Templo company represent the sudlcate In tha deal. This is one o" tho olden .producer In the Hills, "nming been a dividend payer in the early days. Tho property Is cast of the largo block of ground that was re cently bonded by the syndicate, that Is being developed at the present time. Wooden of Southern Hill. A new shaft is to be sunk at tho Clara Dell mine, In Pennington county, near Ore vllle. Tho working shaft and Incline Is now down 130 feet and a shaft 85 feet deep will encounter the oro vein, when put down 150 feet fro, l the old shaft. This mine Is prov ing to be the wonder of tho southern Hills. Tho ore Is very rich and the grnde of ore Is becoming better very rapidly with depth. There Is scarcely a ploce of ore on the dump that docs uot show frco gold. The ore assays from $50 to $700 per ton gold. Tho owners of tho mine are negotiating for a five-stamp mill to take thu place of the Trcmaln. The ludgo of ore is now about tlfty feet thick. A largo mining deal Is pending in the Ragged Top district, embracing about 60,0 acres of mining ground In the same camp as the Spearflsh Mining company's mine and cyanide plant. Ed Hanska of this city has gotten together lately n number of groups of claims In the heart of tho lime ore dls trlct. Colorndo parties are having tho prop erty examined by their export this week. Thero aro numerous outcropplngs of tho lime oro that run high enough In valuea to pay well with a large cyunlde plant and a number of the properties! havo bqen quite thoroughly developed. Ono of tho groups is tho Dlack Diamond, upon which a thirty ton cyanide plant was operated succors fully by the Allen brothers, until It was de stroyed by fire. O, U. l'ryee of Deadwood has charge of the property. (Illleers for limn Coniiuiiy, At the annual election of officers of the Gladiator Mining company of Des Moines, la., held In this city, tho following ofilcers wero elected: President, Dr. W. M. Mc Kay, Des Moines; vice president, II: A. Giles, Deadwood; so-rotary, F. W. Tuilu, Des Moines; treasurer and general manager, C. II, Crabt-eo, Des Moines. The com pany Is operating the Murray group of clulma In Deadwood gulch. A quantity of copper ore was brought to Deadwood this week from tho mines of tho Dotilder Copper company and the Copper Dutto company, which aro operating on Spring creek, nbout eleven miles north west of Custer. The oro was tested at tho smelter In this city and It Is asserted that tho tests weie satisfactory to tho ni'ellcr people, who will uso It for a llux as son as arrangements can bo made for fhlpm:ntH. Tho ore carries about 2 per cent i.oppr rrd sovornl dollars In gold. Doth copper com panics havo encountered largo ledges of the ore, which Is In the form of a roppor ryrlto. Tiicro is considerable activity in tins virin Ity In the copper belt North of these it o compnules Is the property of tho Illavk 'lllin Copper company, which Is maklyg plans to erect a -smelter near Its mine. Ah incline has been put down about 450 feet and cross cuts havo thown ledges of copper uiid gold ore In paying quantities. (.'upper of I'roailne. East of this copper belt, lu he Slu-ildan district, a largo group of claims ai'Jninlng tho DIuo Lead and Gray Eagle clalrcs, which are being developed by the Malonev- DIuo Lend company, has been bonded by cx- Governor Foster of Ohio and asaslaies ntd development work Is to bo romme.iced as soon as possible. The work that naa leen dons by the ownors has opened lute a wen defined ledge of copper that jive excel lent hteays, It Is on the same ledges as the DIuo Lead mine. Thu Dlack Hills Porcelain, Clay aud Marblo company has broken Into n big ledro of mica north of tho marble quarry. Dlook of very clear mica eight to ton Inches cquaro aro being taken out and sacked ready for shipment. The ledge Is ono of tho larg est In Custer county. The company will open up the lithographic stone quarry this month, A block of stone that will cut twen-ly-lno liKluB square was taken out laat week and sent to Chicago to be given a thorough test In one of tho large lithograph establishments. The stone Is alrcndy being used In Detroit It Is stated that the Elizabeth Mining company of Milwaukee 13 preparing to erect a stamp mill and cyanide plant nt the JUi marck mine, In the Keystone dlstrlpt. The main shaft has been sunk 100 feet deop'r and a large amount of free-milling and con centrating ore has been blocked out in 'he upper workings. Tho company has recently acquired the Cross group of claims adjoin ing on the west. Chnniteft In State Institutions. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., April 7. (Special.) The State Hoard of Charities and Cor rections, as now reorganized under the ro- cent decision of tho stato supreme court, with four republicans nnd one fusion mem ber, will hold Its first meeting tomorrow at tho Statu Hospital for the Insane nt Yankton, when a change In the superin tendent of thnt Institution will be made. It Is expected that change lu tho Sioux Falls penitentiary, Planklntou reform school nud other Institutions under Juris diction of the board will speedily follow, the present fusion officeholders being dis placed by republicans. Cnptnlit Allison Will lie nt Cnrnlvnl. DEADWOOD, S. D April 7. (Special.) The committee on program and attractions for the qundro'centcnnlnl In this city In July, will got Captain E. II. Allison to at tend tho carnival. Captain Allison was with the great Indian fighters and for thlrty-fivo years has been actively en gaged lu tho ccrvleo of the government. For somo timo he wns engage! lu tho .Smithsonian Institute as an Interpreter of tho Sioux language. He, with Doa Mlddleton nud others will give exhibitions of western lifo during the Dcadwood carni val. I'ouniln n Niinltnrlnm. LEAD, S. 1)., April 7. (PpccIe.U-Dy the will of Qeorgo Drcttel, his two grandchil dren receive $10 a month until they arc IS years old, at which time each Is to get $2,000. To his sou ho left $10 a month tor five yenrs, at tho end of which time he Is to rccclvo $2,000, providing the son has quit tho cigarette habit. The Odd Fellows received a frame building on Main street, to be used for a hospital, and all the other property wtf left for a sanitarium In Drct tel park. I'lnh anil tinine Wnrilen, PIERRE, S. D.. April 7. (Special.) Governor Herrcld has appointed nn fish and gamo wardens: Edmunds county, Sony II. Dach of Dowdlo; Moody county, Mclvln A. Davis of Flandreau; Roberta county, Renler II. Arney, Drowns valley; Turner county, John Appleby of Parker; Faulk county, Vernon Marvin of Faulkton; Gregory county, Joseph W. Gibson of Fairfax; Charles Mix rounty, Thomas T. Dlgglna of Wheeler; Mc pherson county, R. J. Koch of Eureka. SiniiHlier of .MlrrnrN 1 Innnne. SIOUX FALLS. S. I)., April 7. (Special.) Matt Howie, a real estate man, who caused u senHatlon In the city March 30 by throwing rocks through large nnd expen sive mlrrorx In a local saloon In revenge for n fancied grievance against tho pro prietor, has In en adjudged Insane by tho board of Insanity of Minnehaha county, nnd has been taken to the Yankton asylum. Den Motnen Mnn'n 1'iiterprlne. DEADWOOD, S. D April 7. (Special.) The Graves building has been leased tn this city by C. J, Drnnn of Des Moines, and a dry goods storo will be opened. W. E. Adams & Co. have sold their largo retail grocery bualness to Arnold Dros. of this city. CAPTAIN AND STEWARD LOST Schooner llvciiln linen ANhore on MnNHlieliiiKOttN C'onHt nnd In Totnlly Wreehnl. GLOUCESTER, Mass.. April 7. Tho threc-maslcd schooner Hyenln of Calais, Me., bound to thnt port from Perth Amboy, went nshore at East Gloucester early this morning nnd Is n total wreck. Captain R. H. Dlx of West Trcmont, Me., and Steward Fuller, residence unknown, wero lost, while the two other members of the crew. Permit and Elmer Stanley, were saved. IS I.AVI.VG HAILS MICI.OW I VAIIA. Ort'uon Short Line IIckIiin Kxteimlou to I.on Anuele. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, April 7. Vice President William II. Danc-oft makes official announcement that the Oregon Shcrt Lino will extend its lino from Uvnda to Los Angeles. Traeklaylng began today and one mllo was laid on the grnde below Uvada. Mr. Dancroft returned today from New York, where ho had been to discuss plans with Chairman Hnrriman nnd officials of the Union Pacific, system. Womnn'H Clnh DUeiiUHex 5ovel. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., April 7. (Special. 1 Tho current topics and literature depart ments of the Plnttsmouth Woman's club held a session last evening. The review of "Allco of Old Vlnconnes," by Mrs. J. D. McDilde, was thoroughly enjoyed, being an accurate and conclso review of Mnurlcu Thompson's historical novel. A criticism of tho work by Rosslter Johnson was rend by Mrs. R. O. Fellows, president, and com ments followed. The current top'cs, led by Mrs. S, M. Chapman, embraced a va riety of subjects and wero discussed In formally. Several grave qucitlbuH were left unsettled for a future meeting, espe cially tho most Importnnt ono of "What Shall We Do with AgulnaLlo?" As a warning to club women nover by any means to neglect their club Mrs. II. D, Travis read tho sad account of tho rise and fall of "Mrs. Aramlnta Duhbs." KiiIkIiIh Templnr nt Church. FREMONT, Neb., April 7. (Special.) Dcauflful wpather and special services brought crowds of people to all the churches today. Chancels nnd altars wero fragrant with flowers, Easter 11' lea pre dominating, and thero wero special musi cal programs of music, Mt. Tabor com mandery, Knights Templar, attended the services In the Congregational church on tho Invitation of tho church nnd pastor. This evening tho Enster concert was given In this church by tho choir, nsststcd by a largo chorus and Plambeck's orchestra. There were Easter musical fervlees in tha Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal and Christian churches nnd tho attendance at all of them wns much larger than In tho mornln. Oimihii Mini II ii y n l'nt llorxe. PLATTSMOUTH, Nell., April 7. (Special.) John L. Kennedy of the law firm of Ken nedy & Learned of Omaha came to thU city Friday and bought from Deputy Sheriff J. D. McPrlde his Maxy Cob, driving h use, one of the finest driving animals lu this locality. f'lintntn In I'lntlmiHintli. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April 7. -(Special.) Easter services were In the church-s to. day. Flowers and potted ferni wero In prolusion. In the evening .in Easter ten lata was given In the First Presbyterian church by tho church choli-. T..1...M f!luurM mill Moilev. " LYONS, Nob., April 7. (Special.) Some- ono broke Into tho general More of D, C. Mussclmnn nnd took ?8 In small change and several boxes of cigars. Tho thlorea gained eutranrn through the back shed, forcing one of the windows. All III" Da III I'rUmi, TERRE HAUTE, Ind.. April 7 Charles Roger3, who shot nnd killed his father-in-law, Mllburn Daly, and serlouiiy wounded his wife Angellno Rogers, on March 10, was gl.'en a life sentence by a Jury today, STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Picritary H. W, GnlnVeli Galls Ifittiug of Fxioutlve Officer, WORK TO BE PLANNED FOR TWO YEARS I'rniiimltloim (n lli-onden the NelitnnLii WiirLHnnonle I.odte Heady vMh (Irlettfnl I-'nlr l.cunlltv of l.luhtltiK lln.idn. LINCOLN. April 7. (Special.) Secretary H. W. Caldwell announces that a meeting of tho executive officers of the State His torical society will soon be called for the ourposp of outlining a plan of work for the ensuing two nscnl years. The legislature granted the society an Increase of $,"i,000 In the biennial appropriation, but did not spec ify how any of the money should be ex pended. Various propositions have been advanced for enlarging and broadening the work of .gathering Nebraska historical In foimatlon nnd these will bo discussed at length by the ofilcers, It N likely that the office nnd library force will be slightly enlarged and thnt some competent person will be employed to complete a record of the Nebraska constitutional convention, but further than thlr all plans nre Indefinite. Free Ma mux' llrlentnl llnndn. The Oriental fair, for which tho Masonic lodges of this clly have been making prep nrnllons for six months past, will bo opened at the Auditorium one week from tomorrow. Half a doteu van loads of quaint and curi ous novelties, some useful nnd others orna mental, will bo displayed In the vailntm booths, nnd at the close of the fair all will bo milled off to fortunate speculators, Legality of l.luhllaia llonil. An attorney for tho Lincoln Gna and Elec tric Light company has given notice that proceedings will soon be Instituted In tho courts to test tho legality of the lighting plant bonds voted at tho election last Tues day. Tho Installation of the plant contem plated by the bonds would make a big re duction In the revenue of tho company nnd at the same time open tho waj for the clly at some future time to compete for prlvnto business. The former Lincoln charier placed a limit on bonds or tho kind In qucrtlon to $50,000, but the new charter lalscd the amount to $75,000, The lighting company contends that the old charter was In effect when the elec tion was held and that the bonds otcd for, amounting tn $55,000, or $5,001) In excess c' the limit, nre consequently Invalid, I'rle Itnnner to Lend (it v. Ralph E. Johnson of this city, state dep uty of the Modern Woodmen, hns been elected by the executive council of the order to mako tho presentation of the prize ban nor to tho Lead City camp. This banner waa offered tn the camp In South Dakota having the largest membership. Memnrlnl liny Orator. Congressman Durkctt has uccepted on In vitation to deliver n Decoration day ad dress at Lclch, Colfax county. GlnN llrxtro) n Hoy' K)e. LYONS. Neh., April 7. (Special.) While the thres little boys of John F. Schulze, liv ing east of toivn, wero having a good time exploding grain powder In empty glass bottles, one of the bottles exploded tn the hands of Wnller, destroying tho sight of ono eye, a piece of glass cutting tho eyeball over the pupil. The lad was taken tn the Methodist hospital at Omaha for surgical treatment. Genetn (rndiinte n Winner. GENEVA. Neb., April 7. (Special.) The seniors and Juniors of the High schcol last night gavo a reception In the opera hall to their schoolfellow, Chauncoy Hrubesky, who easily took second place at the Ktar ney contest. His themo wns the arena sceno In "Quo Vndls." Chauncoy Is one of the graduates at the next commence ment. ehi'iml.n (,'lty llexlilenee. NEDRASKA CITY, April 7. (Special.) Tho residence of Henry Katzcnsteln was partially destroyed by flro early this morn ing. Tho loss on the building nnd house hold goods Is nbout .$1,500, which Is par tially covered by Insurance. It Is not known how the fire originated. Soil (.rent lor Crops. NEDRASKA CITY. April 7.-(Spcclal.) The moisture of the last month lias been beneficial to fall wheat, which Is in almcsi perfect condition. Tho ncreago Is large. Seeding of oata was begun actively last week. The soil Is In excellent condition for all kinds of crops. l.jniiN May Tnlk Afnr. LYONS, Neb., April 7. (Special.) The Nebraska Telephone company of Omaha has ii forc of men hero putting In n telephone exchange with fifty subscribers. --0 The Stir that meant quality VT For nearly sixty years the Ithitz wntcli-worii litis been Ii o ii e s t quality which means ubsoluto purity and correct methods. on merit alone has held fast to public favor. BLITZ MALT-V1V1NE (Non-Intoxicant) SPRING TONIC. Druggists or Direct, VAL BLATZ BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE OMAHA III! A VCII, H12 llonulna SI, Tel, luttl. FIHST CLASS PULLflAN SLKEPKHS ...DAILY BETWllEN... OMAHA AND SAN PRANCiSCO Without Chaat GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ..All the but Scenery of the POCKY MOUNTAINS and SIERRA NEVADA by Day light In both directions. DINING. CAR SERVICE TMKOUQM, t BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. For fall Information, reservations sndlUnrr- ' ry "Chlcagro to California" address City iiKi vniic. ijjj i-arnam cu., uniBs, E L nt a. Men's Suits $10.00 Examine the linings and general make up of our $10. suits. You will find them to be the best. CONTINENTAL GlothingCj If. B. CO II M3R 10th AND DOUGLAS. II please you tell othsti II don't tell ut. S5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without cuttliiK. palu or lose of time. e VOU 1 1 I C cured for life and tna poison 91 n I blO thoroughly cleansed from the system. Boon every Men nml symptom disappears completely and foreTer. No "UltHAKlNO OUT" of the illnease on the sUln or face. Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Kxcesses or Victims TO NRHVIIUS DEMMTT or KXH AUSTION, WASTINO VAK!rS8 With E AW.Y DlCAT in Vouno nnd Milium Aged, lack of Tim. vigor and streuKth, with organs Impaired and weak, STRICTURE cured with a new Home Treatment. No pain, no detention from busi ness. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. CHARGES LOW, Cossoltstlon Free. TrutmcM by Malt, Call on ou or address I9 So. 14th St. JDr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb. Mra. tVtnaloWa Sootnlnst flrrap. lias been uecd for over KIKTY YBAKS bf MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DitUN W1ULK TE1CT1UNG, with IKH- nccr success, it hoothhh the child, BOFTENH the OUMS. ALLAYS all I' A IN. CURES WIND COLIC, and la tho best rem, dy for DIAIlllHOIiA. Sold by Druggist In very part of tho world. Do sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wlnslow'n Boothlnc Syrup," und uko no otner kind. Twenty-tlvn cents botUa. Dr. McGREW Ofllvt? ii en from M n. m. tn U p. m. Min ilui'N from S n. in. In 5 p. ill (Dr. McGrow ut Abo K.) The .lli.-it .Siii'venxliil .SI'IOCl AMST In the ti'i-ittiiK'iit if "H lot nil ( 1I3- kahks am) nisoiiur.its OV .IIIIV OXI.Y. Ull yeiirn experleiion 15 years In Oiiiiiliu. VAiti:oc'i:i,i; a.m iiviiiiocjm.u. A permanent cure guaranteed without cutting, pain or loss of time. A quick, easy and natural cure. Chargca low. IU.OOU iksi:am:s i ih.ood roisti.v In all stages cured by n trcatmont which la fur mote satisfactory and successful than "Hot Springs" treatment and ut lesi than halt the :ost. All breaking out und slgna ot tho disease disappear ut once. Tho cure ih complete unci permuncnt. All liiiHiitural Aervima Ciiiulltloim and WeiiLncMs of Men, Nervous Debility, Lack of Vitality, Toor Memory, Luck ot Conlldence, nnd all dis eases of tho Kldiieya, Uliiddcr and Urinary Organs, a treatment that gives strength, Increases vitality and cures all unnatural condltloiiH. HOMH TitUATMUNT, Cures (iunriinleeil. Coiiaullatlon Krce. CUAIICKS LOW. r. O. Hox "66. Ofllco over 215 South ltlh street, between Knrnam und Douglas streets, OMAHA, NEH. MEN NERVE BEANS quickly cur V Mr... Mil rfllJ IS Of BJJUIP. filling iiianliiHxI. itrslni. lasses. Mirrlnl turn anil men Intending " msrry nhmiM i.ike a Irani sstniitililng r'fi'lljl I ii i..h. .....I Lit nwr restored. SLUOst Bhcrmsn McConnc!! unu Kiitui i.o., uruggUts ItlPAN'S TAilULKh' la an effective, cura for iho 111. which originate In a bad atom ach 10 for to At nil druggists. AMI SKMILVrfl. CRIIQHTON Omaha's Family Theater, 1'honc 1631. Week of Apr1 1 7. ovcnlng, 8 30. Mati nees Sundn), Wcdnenilay nnd Satur day, 2:80 ROBERT H ILLIARD & CO. Presenting Till; 1.1 'I "I I.KST (ill! I.. t BUNTH & RUDD CO. Dr. Swlndlei, Dorolh; Neville, Cnslcllot & Hall, .John J- Welsh, Miss McKeever and tho Kinodroine ..!, Prices never changing Uvonlns 10c, S5e. niutliifi, 10c ami 23c; reserved ents, W. Special Pleknnliiiu hoiivenlr for th ludlcs and candy lor the children nt th Saturday imitlncc. Saturuay evening - AM Vi lli II l .HMVl,. BOYD'S Woodward te Ilurgess, Mgrs. Tel, 1010. I. llkl ,rrforiiinin,e T( I M (ill 'I' Si 15. iloscoo & Holland's BIG MINSTREL FESTIVAL I nig 'omcillnh'H--l-IWFanilK, Huckor, Mc KlMdcU "' Jones, livening prices; 60e Three6'' NlghlH-f'ormrTriieliig TI'ESDAY- II. irgaln Mallnen WediiuKdity - h "THU IIAIIIV I'illM." Evening Prices. 2f. , Mo, 73e. tl 00. Mfltlnea Prices. '.'5c, 60c 9TANDINO IIOOM AT HOTII I'lCIH'OHM ANCKH YKHTH1UMY. . Miaco's irocadiro I 'lc,.one MVIINKI". 'lOIHl-IOc nml UOe. Entire week, oNceptliig Saturday evening The season's best offering, THE TAM MANY TlfiEPS ami NEW YOHK 3TA It SPECIALTY t'O,. prfKnntliig "The' Sous tilrl" anil "The Artist's Modol" -I'oinpletrt In all that makes a good burlesque presentation- Matlneo every afternoon J;venlng prices; 10c, 20c, SOc, Smoke If you like, mm