Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Informal Bus Eall Conteit is Pulled Off
Jmt for Pmoiice.
"I'ltmi" Itmirko l.i (till In All lilt
tJltiry mill IIU llo llmr It All
'llu-lr Own Vn lluoUcrliiii
Keith It 'I'lii-rc.
It auy ona of the 200 nthuslastlc fans
who turned out to sea tha llrst ball gamo
of tho season entertained a sluglo doubt
of Mutineer Itouke'a utscrtloii that ho hag
the beet baso nail team this year that over
woro tho Omaha uniform, such a doubt wits
swept away yesterday afternoon. Tho
Omaha professionals played the Originals.
It was little moru than n practice gaiuo,
None of the players wcro In tho form that
Ihey will bo In In u week or two. Tho
ground was soft nml difficult to work on.
And yet tho Omaha men acquitted them
selves moHt creditably.
It Is needless to say that they won tho
game. Tho Originals had hardly hoped
for any different conclusion. They did
covet a run or two, but oven that was de
nied them, tho professionals administering
them it great big goose egg as tho sum
total of their endeavors. Tho Houku family
scampered around tho diamond singly and
In bunches and rolled up an oven dozen
When tho playera reluctantly left tho
warmth of their dressing room to do n
Httto preliminary work on tho diamond
there wasn't ono who didn't wish ho bad an
overcoat. That's tho way the utniospherlc
conditions affected them. And yU before
tho gamo was called at Icfst 200- enthusi
asts had passed through thu turnstllu and
sat tho gamo through with apparently as
great comfort as though It wcro tho hottest
duy In July.
I'll lill llllll'K; It I'ri'ti-nt.
Pupa "Hill Uuurkc llltted among tho
players clad In an ulster that reached from
his head to his heels. He helped every man
Into his best bib and tucker and told him
to maka as good nn Impression us possible
And thoy all mailo good. Iluckcrino Keith
captained tho game from the umpire's posi
tion and right well ho did tho Job, too. Hu
hud tho now playing rules at hui tongue's
end and didn't slip up u slnglo tlmo.
Expressions of the highest prnlso worn
heard on nil sides. I'very man on tho
Omuha team carried himself llku u real
ball player. That a was no hultlag, no
amateur movements. They were In thu
gamo from start to llntsh.
Even though the men wcro yet stiff from
their long Inactivity during tho winter
months, they Umbered up enough to show
whut sort of stuff Is In them. Dauzon and
Glodo were both trlod behind tho pluto and
they did their work well. Tho Inlluld was
fine. CulliQuu held down tho Initial bag
Ilka a veteran. Jimmy Tomnn cavorted
around tho cntlro lnflcld In his old-time,
Inlmttnblo way. Walters wns right there
with tho goods on second and McAndrows
played third well enough to suit tho moat
exacting. Ho has a good wing and whipped
tho leather across tho dlumond In lino style.
.ViitliliiK WroiiK with Ontllflil.
Tho outllcld shines with qulto ns much
brilliance as does tho Inllold. Hobby Car
, tcr. Milium Held and Thomas Letcher uio
a trio of urtlsts. They play fast ball. Noth
ing that reaches tho outlleld escapes their
mitts and at tho bat they each do a stunt
that promises to put .them at tho head of
tho "bating list If they keep It up during
tho seutiou. Graham did most of the pitch
ing. Ho wan In splendid form. Ho shot
tho ball over tho platu at a lively puco and
Krcd Ilrudford's Originals couldn't connect
with It worth a cent. Graham Is n south
paw and gives promlsu of being a valuable
addition to tho Ilourko family.
Tho Originals turned out with nil of the
old favorites In uniform. They put up
about ns stiff an argument for your Undo
William's family as would any professional
team at this time of tho year. Joo Scully
pitched tho first live Innings and his per
formance was llrst rate. Hurry Welch went
In tho box lif tho sixth Inning and was
pounded good and hard. The Oiuahas piled
up six runs In that Inning. Initio remain
ing three Welch was moro effective and
hold his opponents down to ono run In tho
This nftcrnoon tho Omahas will again fucu
tho Originals down nt tho Vinton street
reservation. Kred Bradford's team will bo
strengthened by sovurnl of tho Omaha
players and tho two trams will bo about
evenly matched. An 'interesting game Is
promised. It will bo called promptly
at 3:30.
Hov the StMirci Ntiimln.
Tho scoro yesterday tells tho story of
tho game:
AH. It. 111. I'O. A. 13.
Carter, If 4 . u I 1 0 o
Toman, ss C 2 2 1 3 1
Letcher, rf fi 0 0 1 0 o
Held, ef 5 2 0 :i 0 .0
Calhoun, lb 2 :i 1 8 0 1
McAndrews, 3b 4 1 3 3 I u
Latizon, o B 0 2 9 1 1
Walters, 2b 3 2 o o -j 2
Graham, p 3 2 111 o
Frcelaml, p 2 0 0 0 1 0
Gludc, o 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 40 12 10 27 12 6
AH. It. HI. I'O. A. K.
Dnwler, .lb 4
Welch, rf. and p 3
Ilrudford, 2b 4
Jellen, If 3
I, ii Fontaine, lb :i
Glade, ns 2
O'Keofe, C 4
Stcole, of 1
Freelund, cf 2
' 0
o i
Mood Poison
The poison ejected from the fangs of the rattle
snake is not more surely fatal tlinn the virus of
Cont.n'ious lllooil Poison, which pollutes nml vitiates .
the blood, destroys the tissues and bones
a' ranker sore into the llcsu.
This horrible disease appears first in the form of ii little sore or blister ; soon
the glands begin to swell, pimples break out on the body, the mouth nnd throat
become sore, making it painful to cat or swallow ; dreadful ulcers appear on the
tongue, copper colored splotches nnd other characteristic signs of lllood roison
come as the disease progresses, and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the
system. The medical men are as sorely perplexed over the character of this blood
noison as ever : thev tell you to tike mercury and potash alternately for three years,
but the stomach of no human being can
not cure the disease ncnnanentlv. as thousands who, have tried it kuow.
WELLINGTON, KAS., Sept., 1000.
I contractod Blood Poison two years agro this fall,
and waa persuaded to try a mndlclne widely adver
tised by a remedy company In Chicago. I was re
quired to pay a large amount in advance, and oan
truthfully aay that I was worse when the treatment
waa left off than whon I uogan. Reddish plmplea
would break out and fill with yellowish mutter ; copper-colored
plotohee of all alias would appear on my
body ; my throat waa so aore I oould scarcely swallow,
and my mouth and tongue were seldom free from
ulcers; tonsils were swollen, and my hair waa com
In out rapidly. This was my condition when I bea-an
your 8. 8. B, I have used twenty-two bottles, and
am feeling apleudld. Every sore on my body has
healed, and my appetite good. JAKE MARTIN.
S. 8. S. is not a new medlcino ; for nearly 50 years it has been known and used
for this dreadful disease. It has brought new life and hope to thousands all over
this land ; it will cure yon ns it lias others. Send for our free book on home
treatment and write our physicians about your case. We will help you if you will
let us; we make no charge for advice, and all correspondence is conducted in
Scully, p. and rf ., 2 0 0 0
l.uuzon, ss 2 0 10
Totals : o 2 25 12 0
Omalin 22001C01 012
Originals o o o j o o o o o u
Two-lmso hits: Lnuznn (2). McAndrews,
CulhoUii. Three-base hit"'. Tomnn, I.nuzon,
First base on balls. OIT Graham, 5, olf
Freclntul, 2, off Scullv, 2; oft Welch, 1.
Strurk out: lly Scully, 5; by Welch, 8;
by Graham, i, by Freehold, 3. Pas.d balls:
lly Luuzrui, 1, by O Keefe, 3. Time of
game: 1:W. Umpire: lluck Keith.
I'rctlilrut SlcT Hi-port All luet
tlini SiitUriuMnrlly Settled.
LOUISVILMC, Ky., April C.-At a late
hour tonight the Western Hase Hall ni
dation representatives got together for
their llrst annual schedule meeting. The
clubs wero represented by tho following:
Indlanapollf, W. II, Watklns; Louisville.
W, It. Wllmot: Dayton. W. It. Armour;
Columbus, U. S. llurnard; Fort Wayne, I.
Mnutner: Toledo, t. J. Strnbel; Grand
Ilnplds, Georgu K. Kills. Marlon was not
represented nt midnight.
After the discussion of a number of minor
questions the meeting adjourned to await
nn ugrcemcnt by tho schedule committee.
ProMdent Meyer announced Hint oil iuec
Hons affecting the different members of
the association .hud been settled to tho
entire satisfaction of the various clubs.
At 2:15 this (Sunday) morning tho sched
uio commlttoo wns still nt work, with no
prospect of nn agreement for sovcrnl hours,
si;its lini.n roil oim:m.vs n.v.
Anu-rlcun I.piikiif Will .Vol Fill1 I'lippm
I'nlll April If.
CLEVELAND. O.. April C.-As the result
of ti conference today between President
Han Johnson, Vice President Burners and
Attorney Charles Hlghley, general counsel
for tho American league, papers will be
drawn up nt onco by tho latter In con
nection with the proposed proceedings
ugnlnst players who huvo Jumped their
"It has been decided," said Mr. Johnson,
"not to flic these suits until April IS, when
tho National league opens Its s anon. Then
we will huvo positive proof in tho matter."
Muleiii Of St; I'ltlll Ten m.
CHICAGO, April fi.-Jlrnmy Ilynn, ex
captain of tho Chicago National League
club, today announced the makeup or his
team at Hi. Paul In tho Western league.
Ilo will enrry eighteen men, ns follows:
Wilton, Holme: and Hunt, catchers; Me
GUI, liumpus Jones, Legoro and Myroakl,
iiltcheni; Andrews or Worden, llrst base;
Muggins, second; Holly, short; McKey, Wil
liams or Whclun. tilled. In the Held, be
sides Ityan lilmscir. are Lnrson. Kuvu
naugli and Parker. A number of tho play
ers uro from the Chicago City leugte,
where they stood high. Tho men will re
port In St. Puul April 13.
"IMnU" llnwle.v Isn't Slutted.
MILWAUKEE. April C.-"PIn!c" Hawioy,
who It was understood had signed a Mil
waukee American league contract and wns
expected to Join the team In St. Louis Mon
day, returned to his home In Heaver Dam,
Wis., tonight Ho now denies that ho has
slgneJ :i Milwaukee contract, but would not
statu his rcusons for not doing so.
Xnt I'iiiiiiif (or Jerry.
PITTSHIMIG. April C.-President Dreyfuss
of tho Pittsburg baso ball -club has very lit
tle to say relative to Jerry Williams' return
to thu Haltlmoro club and It is doubtful If
ho will resort to tho courts to get him
buck. Claude ltltchlo arrived In town to
day ami will leuvo tonight with President
Dreyfuss for St. Louis.
Similar In Many Iteipeetn to the l.lp
Iiiii Challenger for Amrr
. ,'vii'm Cup.
LONDON, April li. When Sir Thomas
Upton recently said that ho wan chletly
concerned about tho Herresehoir boat and
saw no reuson to count seriously on the
chances of tho Crownlilsfileld defender, ho
va,i merely echoing the opinion then gen
erally held of Irish yachtsmen. It is now,
however, dawning on tho experts that tho
Lawson boat Is worthy of moro attention
than was previously given to it. Tho
reason for -this change of opinion lies
chlelly In tho remarkable resemblance of
Mr Luwsou's yacht with Shamrock II.
Details seem to show that every Important
novelty In tlie Wilson boat has been dupli
cated In Mr. Lawson's. Tho lead of tlio
keel Is run ir.slde on both yachts, .in order
to secure Mtrength and lightness, with less
surface friction. Hoth masts consist of n
slnglo , spar, witlf the view of escaping
weight it ml tho weakness of a topmast.
Imperlsliablo aluminum Is also used for thu
decks of both boats. As It Is Impossible
for either designer to have plagiarized tho
other tin; fact that they have arrived at
Identical conclusions in thn Important mat
ters has suggested to Hrltlsh yachtsmen
that the designers aro moro nearly on thu
sumo plane than supposed.
Largely ItcxponKllile for Annapolis
l.'elllllK lite Honors.
NEW YORK, April fi.-Thn contests In
the Intercollegiate fencing championships
weto decided tonight nt tho New York
Athletic club, They began In tho after
noon and, with a short Intermission, lasted
until nearly midnight. Tho 1'nlted States
Naval academy won tho championship by
a single point, largely through tho work
dona by Cadet S. M. Henry, who won eight
out of the ulna bouts In which he par
ticipated. Henry also won tho Individual
Cornell llulsheil one point behind tho An
nnpnlls lads. Columbia wus third nml
Harvard fourth. Tho Yale team did not
compote on account of tlio death of Judgo
Arnold, tho futher ot ,S. N. Arnold of that
Arc I'lrnt' Wluncru In Coui-hIiik Meet
it Abilene.
AHILENE. 'Kau.. April ., Tlio annual
coursing meet closed tonight.. Thn all-ago
stake. $-0 .purse; wus won by Pity Me,
owned by Dayton. Jlugan & Grim of Lin
coln, Noli.; Town Hoy, owned by E. M.
Kellogg of California, was second: ImiIv
Gay, owned by. 1L U. Lowo of Herlngton,
Kan,, was third,
The. puppy stake, purso was won
by Lord Orfordj second, Miss Lucille;
third, Nun-O-Koc. all owned by Dayton,
ltiigau & Grim of Lincoln, Neb.
Tho next meet of the coursing circuit will
bo held ut Clay Center, Kan,, next week.
nuvs ii is kminkncij imiu ijio.noo.
Kemper of Clilciiuo Gets I'romUlnic
Derby Cnnilliliite,
t ntTiRvir.T.rr Atirii e. ni...
Journal tomorrow will say that J T. Kom-
per ot unicnKO lias virtually imUKlit Mm
Falsetto-Patroness colt. His Kmlnenen
from Frank von Meter for $10,000. Mr. Keml
per is limited as saying if tho deal has not
Ohio left for Chicago tonight. Ills Emlnene
is ono ui iiiu ihuiiiipiuk cniiuiuuius lor the
Kentucky Derby,
nml cats like" tfJr
stand this treatment long ; besides, they do
vj. o. n. is uic only
guaranteed purely vege
table blood purifier, nnd
the only antidote for
this particular virus;
it purifies the blood and
builds up the constitu
tion. The appetite im
proves almost from the
first dose,- the sores soon
show 'signs of healing,
nnd the unsightly, dirty
splotches aud eruptions
grow paler and pnleri
nnd finallv disnnnear.
Omafca Crack Will Erinj Homo Eporttmso'i
Atsocitticn Fiizi.
Weather hu llltit-rltiK (lint Seventeen
Leader Mine to (nlt Mi no tin a.
ami Di-nu Cuts fur 1 lie
Am arils.
NBW YOItK, April 6. The ninth annual
trap shootliiK tournament nt live birds,
which was begun last Monday nt Interstate
park, .Long Island, under the auspices of
the Interstnto association, was concluded
lute this evening In n drenching downpour
of ruin and half a .gale from the south
cast, From early morning the rain fell In
cessantly nnd ns tho day wore on the wind
Increased to such an extent that at times
tho trap shooters had to take refuge In
tho club house and tho storm was so severe
that they could not faco the traps.
Two contests were on the program, one
for tho Ollmau-Ilarnes trophy ami the
other for tho Sportsmen's association
trophy. Hoth were handicaps, the men be
ing placed at from twenty-five, to thirty
three yards and ench eveut called for
twenty-flvo birds per man and IG entrance.
Oluss shooting governed both contests.
The events were shot off simultaneously
nt two sets of traps, but owing to tho se
verity of the storm It was arranged by mu
tual consent on the part of the shooters
and the management that tho number of
birds In each case should be reduced from
twenty-flvo to fifteen.
I'linneter I'layn la I, nek.
In tho Oilman-Barnes trophy contest
nine men tied with straight scores of fif
teen kills each and In tho Sportsmen's
trophy contest there wcro seventeen
straights of llfteen each. These ties were
to have been shot oft "miss nnd out." but
the weather conditions prevented this be
ing dono nnd tho men drew lots to bco who
should get the trophies. J. L. D. Morri
son of St. Paul, who wns tho runner-up In
tho Orand American yesterday, won the
Ollmau-Ilarnes trophy and Frank S. Par
mcleo of Omaha wns tho lucy man In tho
draw for the Sportsmen's trophy.
Forty-ono men competed In tho Oilman
Dames handicap and thlrty-slx In tho
Sportsmen's handicap.
Tho following modo straight scores In the
Ollman-Hnrncs handicap: N'aumun, twenty
eight yards; 13, I'lerco, twenty-nine; Ala
baster, twenty-seven; Lcroy, twenty-eight;
Gilbert, thirty-two; l'nrmeleo, thirty; Mor
rison, twenty-nine; Llndcrmnn, twenty
eight; Helkes, thirty.
Tho following mado straight scores for
tho Sportsmen's association trophy: II.
Money, Allen, Townsend, Merrill McKay,
Alabaster, Tramp, Gilbert, I'nrmclce, Iludd,
Van Allen, Morrison, Llnderman, Helkca,
h. K. Parker and 13. C. GrlflUh.
There wcro four moneys In each event.
Those who killed straight divided 40 por
cent of tho purse, tho second mcu divided
30 per cont, tho third scpiad 20 per cent
nnd thoso with twelve kills each divided
tho purse, which was 10 per cent.
IiiiWHiiii Provides that Crcserun nnil
Charlie lli-rr Shall Also Itaee at
Kentucky Meet.
U3XINOTON, Ky.. April (-..-Secretary
Wilson of the Kentucky Trolling Horse
Hreeders" association is being congratulated
on bringing Messrs. l.uwsou and Hcnunell
together for 11 meeting of Horn I mil and The
Abbot hero In October and Incidentally tho
meeting of Cresceus and Charlie Herr on
the samo dny. Features and conditions of
tho match not given in press dispatches
wero stated by Mr. Wilson tonight. He
"Mr. Scannoll nccepted tho proposition for
u ruco in a terse telegram Immediately on
receipt of our offer and Mr. Lawson's
equally prompt acceptanco had been mado
by mall, tho letter having been received.
In Mr. Lawson's letter tho additionally
mado two extremely generous propositions,
ono being that In tlio event ho won ho
would donnto tho entire stuke to Lexington
churltles and tho other being that to Insure
tho spectators that day at least ono great
raco in cuso his great young horso should
not bo ns god us ho thinks ho will be, ho
will offer a purse of $.",000 to bo raced for
by tho griind stallions Cresceus nnd Chnrlio
Herr on conditions as determined by us.
"I think wo will ask tho owners of thpse
two horses to pay an entrance feo of $1,000
ench and raco for $7,000 under National
rules, best three In live heats, tlio winner to
get $5,000 and tho loser $,000. This generous
action of Mr. Lawson Is a big thing for
us, us It enables 11s to give this additional
race without going further Into our pockets,
for everybody knows that there Is not ono
chauco In a thousand of half tho gate re
ceipts netting $10,000 dollars."
Tnlhott II rot hem' Two-Yrur-Old Lends
at Memphis.
MEMPHIS, Tonn.. April 6. Wnlna Moren,
by The Commoner-Matilda, owned bv Tnl
hott Ilros., was added at tho last moment
to tho list of starters In tho Ardello stukes
for 2-yenr-olds at Montgomery park toduy
and Justified tho confidence of her owners
and backers by winning handily by a
length from Driimmond, who bent Tho
Iloston n head for second money. The
raco was run In OlSO1, good time for tho
In tho first event, for 2-yenr-olds. at
four and a half furloncs. ilclle's Com
moner, by Tho Hollo, won
untidily in a Hard drive Dv a noso from
South Klkhorn, with II. L. Coleman, tho
favorite, third. J. Woods, who rode Colr-
man, claimed inai Moutn KlKiinrn rouieu
him nt tho head of the stretch and tho
Judges allowed the claim, placing Coleman
second. In the second race, a selling nf
falr, ut six furlongs. Pirates' Queen ruled
favorite, with Bengal and Fred Hesslg well
supported In the ring. To a false start
llessig and Hengnl raced to tho far turn
beforo discovering their error. Tho raco
was won handily by Chorus Hoy, wbo
beat ICxpelled a length. Threo favorites
won. Track fust.
si'i:i:t) 1.1.ST foii .(i.ii.i mis mi:i;t.
Nix HventN with 11 Total of 1111
COLUMllI'S. O., April C-The Columbus
Driving association tonight nnnnuneed tho
entries In the early closing events for tho
Orand circuit meeting. July 2D to August 2.
There nio a total of 113 entries In the six
events, as follows;
Hoard of Trado stake. 2:23 trot, nurse
$:..oi0, 30 entries.
Tho Huckoyo stake, 2:17 trot, purso $3,000,
21 entries.
Tho Columbus stake. 2:12 trot, nurse $2.0fi0.
15 entries.
The Nell stake, 2:20 puco, purso $.'i,000,
25 entries,
The Clilttrnden stake, 2:10 pace, purso
$2.W0, 2(1 entries.
Tho Oreat Northern, 2:03 pace, purse $2,000,
17 entries,
xiiwi'out'h kiii st mown mt.vvrc.
lias to View 0iculuir ltuce In Cold
CINCINNATI. April fi.-rtucing nt Now
port today opened under most disagree
able conditions. The wenthc? Was cold and
rainy and the truck a sea of mud.
The nttendnnco was about l,20rt and tho
betting In consequence wns light Thero
wore only threo books In lino. A half dozen
or morn bookmakers stood around ready
to draw In, hut wero afraid to take a
chanco on account of tho poor outlook for
a big crowd. Tho racing was exciting and
tho crowd thoroughly enjoyed tho sport.
Wily Ilruen did splendid work with tho
Hag. There uro plenty ot horses nt the
track and tho sport Is bound to Improve
with favorable weather.
noMiMcic itim:s tiii
tine Jockey n Four Firsts at Tnn
fnrnii. SAN VRANCISCO. April i.-Tho colts'
second trial stakes, the Illlles' second trial
Btiikcn. the clever riding of Domlnlck and
two cloe llnlshes wero tho feature of tho
curd nt Tanfornn today.
The stake evonts wero won bv Corrlgnn
nnd SCIrl, both In tho string of Kellx fsrr.
f'orrlgan bent K. M. Ilruttuln by threo
lengths, whllo Zlrl won euslly from Flora
l'omomi and Dorene. the favorite. Doml
nlck had llvo mounts, binding four win
ners and being benlen only a head on the
llfth. Negligence, ut odds of 20 to 1, took
Have Been Wrecked on the
Rock of Sexual Vice.
Thousands Have Been Rescued by
The State Elecro-Metiical Institute.
Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both
Medicine and Electricity in Our Electro
Medicnl Treatment
Specialists for
U'hatrver may be th"
cnup of Varicocele. It
lnlurlojs effect Is well
known. It depreme
tli mind, weakens tb
body, racks the nervous
sytm and ultimately
.eadi to a complets los of scxuul power,
'f you are n victim of this dtr dlea.n
ome to out offlce and let mo explain to
ou my process of treating It. lou will
.hen not wondor why I have Positively
ured hundreds of cases of varlcoetlo
lurlns the past 12 months, Under oar
treatment the patient Improves from tlie
very bcKlnnlnv. All pain ltit.mtly censes,
florcness and swelling nulckly stlbildo.
The pool of stagnant blood are forced
from the dilated veins, which rapidly as
sume their normal sire, strength nnd
oundnes3. All Indication of dlsesse nnd
weakness vnrljh completely and' In their
stead come the pride, th power and the
plcueure of perfect health and restored
On acount of Its
frightful hldeotsness
III nnn nnionll Contaalous lllood Pol
DLUUU rUloUll son Is commonly called
the king of venereal
diseases. It may be either hereditary or
contracted. Once the system Is tainted
with It. the disease mav manlfet Itself
In the form of Scrofula. Eczema, Rheuma
tic pains, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions
or copper-colored spots on face or body,
little tilnrr In the. mouth or on the
tongua, tara throat, awoller tonsils, fall-
I mnkr no rxtravannnt assertion ivlicn 1 any that million of inrii hare been wrrokril on llir rock of xrxnnl 4 ler. Thr trouble Is inl so murh
that they net dltcnue, but rntlior Hint they iiIIimv It to ki-imv uorsc through neuleet or Itiiproprt treatment . This faet I reiponsllilr In man)' oases
for nine-truth of the sultri-lng.
You should rrairmher that sexual iIIm-hm'H arc neer at n standstill. Neither ran you mnkr any compromise vtlth them. IJIIhrr you must
control them or tliry rlll control you ami render you nllerl) unlit for the oidlniiry ilnllr ami pleasures of life.
turcinea nnd Free Samples. Trial Treatment ami the IlUr don't cunt complaint of this kind, ail) one wlio tins tried them knovr.
Hut If yon have VAIllCOCHI.i:, STUICTt ItlJ, CO VI' 1 1 1 1 S III, 111)1) POISON. NICH VO-r.M Al. tM'.lllMTV or nil) asNoetiitc dlnrasc or nrnUneM,
you ottc II to yourself to fully and frccl la t ct tit'itc my treatment, .lly master)- of thee aialadleV l complete. I liruiin n apeelal study of then
noun after urniluntluK from college, now nenrl) a quarter or a century nun, and durluu all ol Ihc ) intra since thro they have been my study and
persistant practice, I treat uotliliiK elie.
Hoes It not occur to you, then. Hint I am better prepared to and eonniicr disease and veenknr peculiar to men than the Kcnernl
Iirnetltloncr, who. Instead of c once ntratlUK Ills facultle on a stuule oluss of dleaeM, scatter tlinn over the entire tlclU of medicine and surueryt
1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb.
CONSULTATION ln Perso1 0r y Letter FREE. 0UicG Hours 8 t0 8? Sundays, 10 to 1.
the steeplechase by n neck from Iord
Chesterlleld after n drlvo. Flashlight fell
ami tirnKo down, illd rider escaped in
Jury. Kavorlto pulled up. In the closing
nvont The Pretter beat yellowtu 1 n head
H. Ncutld, owner of Goorgo Dewey, claimed
Tcnny ueiio ror 700 111 tno tirst race.
Trent the lleniiliiK Croud In a
Dead heat.
WASHINGTON. April G.-A dead heat
between Uelgrudo and HpeedmiiH. In the
llfth event, was the feature nt the ltcnnlmts
track today. "Kother UIH" Daly, tlio owner
01 tieigriiuc, insisted on running on tlio neat
and tho owner of Spcedmas conceded tho
purso to him. The track was muddy, but
tho 2-yeur-old affair was tho fastest half-
muo run ut tlio meeting.
In this rnco tho Morris filly. Tho Hoyden.
the best 2-yenr-old- lllly shown ut New Or
leans, mot Sweet Clover, the best of that
cluss shown at this meeting, und the latter
won the contest by a baro half length. In
tho steeplechase tho gentlemen riders
wcro scratched and professionals wero sub
stituted. I'our or tlie stnrters failed to go
tno course, uiireu ot tno lavorites uuisned
Automobile Itaoe at IlnsthiK".
HASTINGS, Ncb April C. (Special.) -Preparations
uro being mado for nn auto
mobile raco In Hustings us soon as the
roads ure in good condition. Harry Wilson
of Doniphan, who bus manufactured his
own gasollna vehicle, has issued u chul
lengo to Chnrlcs Jacobs of Hastings for a
series of threo races with their nuto
moblles, ono race to bo run at llnstings,
one at Grand Island and ono nt Kearney.
Tho chnllongo has been nccepted and the
llrst raco will bo In this city the latter
part or April or tno nrst ween in May.
Trainer for Intra l.'iilversl t).
IOWA CITY, la., April C (Special Tele
gram.) Tho University of lov;i lins cit-
g'lgcu Hurry uiu ot uomwuier, uni., hi
train tho track teum this spring. Ho will
arrive In tho city Wednesday. Gill Is tho
holder of the all-'round championship of
tlio Amuteur Athletic union, winning lust
Bpring at tho Knickerbocker athletic field,
New York, by tho score of 6,3fi0V4 points, de
feating H. Jt. U'larK o ijosiou ana jv.. i;.
White of Cornell, both former holders of
tho title.
CoursliiK Meet at Clay Center.
CLAY CHNTBIl, Kun April 0. (Special
Telegram.) The Cluy Center coursing meet
will be April 9-11. There nro entries from
California. South Dakota. Nebraska, Iowa,
Indlnna nnd Missouri, Tho coursing park
I In ilnn rnnflltlnn nnd 100 lucks biivn been
In training for ten days, W . Otis Thompson
of Cincinnati. O.. will act ns Judge und J. 11.
Cnrhrnn nr Wlnllekl. Kan., ns slimier. Tho
circuit Includes Abilene und Munkato, Kan.,
and rrleml, ;scu.
lie Oro, (KM) llby, 1(1.
HOSTON. Atirii C The OHMxiInt nool
match between Do Oro nnd Grant II. Kby
was won by tho former, 0i) to 1C2. Kby
recently won tho championship tourna
ment In this city und Do Oro challenged
him to a BOO-poInt match.
It Will Cover Twelve Thousand Allies
and Touch More Than
Half the Slates.
WASHINGTON, April C Secretary
Cortelyou Is dally engaged In conferences
with senators and representatives and rail
road officials regardlug tho Itinerary ot
Iho president's coming tour across tho
continent. As near as possible, Secretary
Cortelyou is trying to coiuploto the
schedulo beforo tho train leaves on Its
long Journey.
Tho time of returning' to Washington
will bo Ilxed almost to the hour beforo tho
doparturc, d'aplto tho fact that tho train
will be away from Washington for six
weeks, and will travel 12,000 miles and go
through moro than half tho states of tho
Iteports received nt the White House nre
that tho entlro west Is making prepara
tions for tho trip. II. T. Scott of tho
Union Iron works of San KranclBco, where
tho battleship Ohio will bo luunehei, Is
coming to Washington to accompany the
president to California. He also has placed
his magnificent residence in San Francisco
at the disposal of the president. In I3
Angeles two prominent citizens have teu-
APRIL 7, 1001.
Diseases of Men
lne out of tho hair or evebrows nnd
finally a teprous-llko decny of the flesh
nnd bone. If you hnvo any of thso or
similar symptoms you nre cordially In
vited to consult me Immediately. If I
find your fears are unfounded. I will
iulcklv unburden your mind. Hut If yoar
constitution is Infected with syphilitic vi
rus I will tell you so frankly, and show
you how to set rid of It. Jlv special
treatment for Contusions lllood Tolson I
practically the resu't of my life work
and Is ondcrsed by tho best physician
of America and Kuroue. It contain no
Injurious druc or daiiKeroun medicines
of any Hnd. It iroe to thn very bottom
of the dlense and forces nut every par
ticle of Impurity Soon everv slcn and
symptom of blood poison disappear com
pletely and forever. The blood, the tissue,
the flesh, the bones nnd the whole sys
tem am cleansed, purified nnd restored to
perfect health and the patient prepnred
for the duties and pleasures of life,
It matters not how
lonr you have suffered
from Stricture, nor how
many different doctors
have disappointed you.
I will cure you Just hs
certalnlv as vou come
to us for trentment. I will not do It
by dilating or cutting. My treatment Is
new. entirely original with me, and per
fectly painless. It completely dissolves
tho Gtrlcture. and permanently removes
every obstruction from the urinary' pas
saire. It stops every unnatural discharge,
allays all Inflammation, reduces the pros
tate gland when enlarged, cleanses ana
Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure lmpoteney, Night Emissions, Loss of
cure or refund the
our mnKaDie juarantee Bond.
OWU1UI1VIO Immediate Results
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un
developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia,
Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By
mail in plain package, $ 1 .00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank
able Guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid.
Hernia Medical Co,, ciinton and Jackson sts., Chicago, III,
For Mile liy Kuliii Ji Co., intb n il DoiikIiim St., Oiniilm, Neli.i Grume H. IJnvU, Counc il Itluira, Iowa.
dercd the use of their hnuces, Whllo these
Invitations may not ho accepted, they
show tho hospitality that la being off moil
to tho president.
It Is not yet Known whether Attorney
General Knox will accompany tho party.
Ilo has Just comu back from upcndini; tho I
winter In California nnd may not caro to
return. With tho exception of Secretary I
Goko and possibly Secretary Hoot, every ,
other cabinet olllccr will ro. Knch ono will
transact department business aboard the I
train just as If ho wan at his doek In
WnshhiRton and will attend to ull legis
lative business. The executive machlner
of tho government will. In faoi, r..'unR
dally to thn nccompanlinent of thu notso
of a railroad train.
Whllo In Washington stuto tho president
has decided to stop at Chchalls, tho homo
of tho Hazzard brothers, tho two army
ofllcers who uecompanled General Kunston
upon tho perilous Journey which effected
tho capturq of ARUlnaldo. Tho president,
probably, will make n brief speech there.
Tho proposed eall by steamer from Duluth
or Chicago to Buffalo has been eliminated
from tho Itinerary owing to tho fnct that
tho steamers do not begin to run until 1
June in. After the trip through the Vl-.
lowstone pari; tho pnrty will go to Salt I
Lake City, Utah, thenco to Denver nnd I
Colorado Springs. Two dnys will bo spent
at tho latter plaeo In order to allow tlmo .
for a visit to Pike's Peak. Stops will bo
made nt Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo. j
No extended stay will bo mado at Chicago '
About two days will bo spent nt Buffalo
viBltlng tho run-American exposition and
Niagara Tails. 1
Master Specialist.
I do not treat all diseases, hut cure all I treat.
treat men only and cure them to stay cured.
hen Is the bladder nnd kldnevs when ID
rltnteit and congested, inviyorates inn
se.xunl orRfins and restores health und
souudueiK to every port of tho body af
fected by the disease
MCBVn.SCYIIAI M. many of you
llLiuu ukiunu are now reapitiR uio
result of your for
mer fo'.ly. Your
manhood Is falliiiK.
and will soon bo lost unless you do some
thing for yourself There 1 no tlm to
loso. lmpoteney, lllto all se.xual diseases,
is never on the standstill. Willi It you
can mako no compromise. Either you
must master It or It will master you
and fill your whole futurn with misery
nnd Indescribable woe, We hnvo treated
so manv cases of till kind that we nro
ns familiar with them us you uro with
the very daylight. Onco cured by us,
you will never ugnln bo botherod with
emissions, drains, premntureness, small
or wenk orRiins, nervousness, fulling
memory, loss of ambition or other symp
toms which rob you of your uiHiibood and
absolutely unilt you for study, business,
pleasure or mnrrlone. Our treatment for
weak men will correct all these uvlls und
restore yon to what nature Intended a
hale, healthy happy man. with physical, ,
mental and sexual powers complete.
In curing an ail
ment of any kind woi
never fall to removo'
all reflex complica
tions or usBortuto
diseases. If tho casn
Is varlcocelBj the
diseases, all etrects ot selt-abuse or excess
and indiscretion, A Nerve Tonic and
Blood Buildar. Brings the pink glow to
pale cheeks and restores the fire of vouth.
By mail 50c per box, 6 boxes for $2.50,
with our Bankable Guarantee Bond to
money paid. Send for
Dr, Burkhart's Wonderful
30 DaystTre
Do not mlsB guttlnK Dr. llurkhart'i Vko
tablu Compound. Positively cures l.u
Orlppe, Malurlu, IllllousnuHa, Liver Trouble,
IthuumiitlHui Cnturrli. l'ulnltutloti of thn
Heart, Putn In tho Hide, flick ur llloated
Utomach and Kcnutlo Dim-uuca, Tlio inadt
clnii of the age, uh It U without tquul, 10
days' trlul free, All drugjl:Us.
l)lt. W. S. lltlllillAHT, Cincinnati, O,
Hmttc nul.r Jlen. Price lOc. o box, t tiuie)
fort- Munvy rcluii.lfii fnut tiUUi'tur), lly mU
on receipt of price. Samples fren, Address
n, 11 UI I nhhO Veara'Contlnuous I'ructlo
Ul.n.Yi.LuUU ;tao .v.inu. st.ri.iia.nv.
Sold by Hherman & McConnell Drue Ca
H. W Cor 16th and liodtn Hts., Omsha,
weakness caused by It disappears. If It
Is Stricture nnd has developed Into I'roe
tatlc. madder or Kidney affections, the
Injured orgnus are all restored to a per
fectly healthful condition, If It Is Con
tagious lllood I'olnon, any and all Bkln,
lllood and Hone Diseases arising from
the taint are entirely and permanently
eliminated from fhe system. If It Is "Im
potency thu many distressing symptom
following In Its train and Indicating a
premature decline of physical, mental am
sexunl power aro totally removed and
rnpldlv replaced by the youthful energy
of robust manhood, Hence, all resulting
Ills and reflex complications, which may
b properly termed associate dlseaaes,
and which. In fact, are often more seri
ous than the orlgtna! ailment that gives
rise to them -nil, I env, disappear com
pletely and forever, with the cure of the
main malady.
mi iintaiBt'ml
Mont cases can ba
treated successfully at
home, One personal vtalt
la preferred, but If It Is
Impossible or Inconven
ient for you to call at our
oftlcr. write us a full
blstory.L ..your. .case,
tifnlniv ntutliiu viiur syiimtoms'. AVo" make
no charge for prlvuto counsel and glvo to
"null patient a tllOAb TONTItACT to hold
for our promises. If you cannot cull today,
write. Address
Memory, all wasting
circular and copy of
Aro You 9eaf ??
tonow(TnilU.rhxo;ir n.w liifntlononlTtTin.jKra
lef urn Incur&tiU. MX1D Misis itiir. IHIlDimi-rT
llo.rrlbi) jour cue. , Elimination nJ adtlca fraa.
lou can curs rourtalf at home at a, nominal coit.
Itoaomont, Neb., Nov IE. 1R3S.
Dear Hlr: I cun now aenil you the pleas
ant nuwM of my complete cure. I hnvo pur
posely waited so long In order to fully on
vlnco myself that It Is not merely tempor
ary, but permanent. I wuh almost deaf,
und thanks to your excellent treatment I
wan cured In 0 weekn, and 1 can recom
mend your remedied highly to suffering
1 Bhall inko pleuHiiro In recommending
you whenover nnd wherever an opportu
nity present Itself, und romuln thankfully
. HKHKND nitAUIJH. Hosomonl, Nob.
I.VI'Klt.VVriONAI. Al'll.1, CI.I.Mf,
n l.u Snlli- .v lli-pt, Jllfl, CIiIoiiko,
?? npciti -fo tci i !
5) iirr-rt'i m.'ciTf 'ru '