THE OMATJA DAILY TVEE: STTSDAV, APRIL 1001. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI. '-(. MBNTIOJf. Dnvls Bella drugs. Htockert sells lace curtnlns, Castor milo today. 31 Main street. Oas fixtures and globes at IJIxby's. Fine A 11 C beer, Ncumaycr's hotel. Wollman, ecletitMo optician, 40S U'wny. W. J. Jlo3tettcr, dentist, Baldwin block. I. effcrt, Jeweler, optician. SO IJroadwuy. Tlio I.udy Maccnbces will meet Tuesday nfternoon. New fnncy f mines. C. K. Alexander & Co., 333 Uroadway. V. 1'. Oruff, undertaker and dtslnfector, 101 Houth Main street. 'Phono SOfl. Oct your work done ot thu popular Eagle laundry, 721 llroadway. 'Phono 157. .Scarlet fever wns iunrnntlncd yesterday nt mi West llroadway and 2.T. Avenue O. Morgan & Klein, upnolsterlng. furniture repairing, mattresM making. U'2 H. Alain st. I'overy mask ball, April 9, . O. W. hall, cents couplo, ludlcs, 10 cents. Itefrcsh incnlH. A want nd In Tho lleo will bring results. The sumo attention given to a want ad in Council muffs as at the Omaha otlleo. banco by Htnr of Jupiter lodgo No. Cfl, W. O. W. hull, Thursday evening, April 11. 25 rents u couplo. Kxtra ladles, 10 cents. Thn ladles' society of tho First I'resby teilan church will havo n business meeting In tho church parlors Monday afternoon lit 3. Following the meeting tomorrow evening of Ht. Alban'H lodge, Knights of I'ythlaM. at which there will bo work In tho third rank, there will bo a banquet. A stipulation was filed yesterday In the federal court tlxlng April 21 as tho date for tho trial of thn three eases against tho Council Hluffs Canning compuny. Jj 1'. Judsnii, 020 Sixth nvenue, telephone 318. has an (sOO-ucro stock farm and loo-itcre fruit and grain farm, threo miles north of city, for rent. Sepurato Improvements. Our lino of rarpets, rugs, portion's, hico curtains. mattings, oilcloths, window shades, linoleum, furniture and homo fur nishing goods of nil kinds 1h now complete for the spring trade. Keller & Hand, )t Uroadwuy. George Farlon, nged 29. died yesterday nt Ht. Itcrniird's hospital of tubercular peri tonitis, iffter an Illness of live weeks. Ho leaves a wlfo and llvo children. Tho body will bn shipped to Camp 1'olnt, 111., Mon day evening. II. 1'. Hayles, charged with stealing n pack or cards from u Uroadway saloon Friday evening, was discharged In police court yesterday morning. Hayles told tho court ho took the cards simply as n Joke on the bartender. A twentieth century good fellowship club has been organized nt the llroadway Methodist church with these ofllcers: I'resl diint. Hev. W. J. Calfee; vice president, V. N. Clirtord; second vice president, C. II. Park: secretary, (S. O. llulrd. Tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, will havo services this morning ut 10:45 In tho Sapp building. The subject will bo "Are Hln, Disease und Death Ileal?" Sunday school will bo at tho close of the service. An experience meeting will bo Wednesday ovcninc oi a. The benlitlful for tho Kilts' building. now on exhibition ut 333 Uroadway, Is n solid mahogany case, strictly colonial style. It litis been a mirsonnl selection of Mar. Ilourlclus, who ulso furnished pianos to the Odd Fellows' Hall association mid to St. Alban s lodge, K. of I'. Hd Fnulev. who had been released on his recognizance to appear in police court yes terday morning to answer to nn assault and battery charge preferred against him bj J. Isley. failed to show up. Ho was ar rested later on a bench warrant am charged with contempt of court. Charles A. Wright, aged r3. died Frlda. evening at his home, north of the city, near Hlg Lake, of organic heart disease. He leaves a v.'lfe nnd ono son, Albert Wright, lie was a veteran of tho civil war and tho services will bo thoso of the Grand Army post, from l.unkley's undertaking rooms Monday afternoon ut 2. litirlal will be In Falrvlew cemetery. Ilev. A. Overton will conduct the services. Tho attraction nt the Dohnny tonight, "What Did Tomklns Do?" Is said to bo ono of tho best comedies on tho road. Ati a fun promoter and n mlrth-provoker Harry Cor son Clnrko has but few equals. Yet Mr. Clarke's methods of inspiring merriment, while masterly, aro strictly legitimate. He never descends to horseplay, nor wins n laugh by other means than thoso of a most jellned, artistic and genuine comedy talent. Ills makeup Is eccentric, quaint or humor ous, us the case may be, but It Is never a burlesque nor a caricature. N. V. Plumbing Co., toiepnono 250. Fabcr, Dixon, Dlagraph, Mercantile and all tho best lend pencils, 30 cents a dozen, In our, stationery department. DeLongi tho printer, 307 Droadwny. Miirrlnigr Licenses. Licenses to wed wcro Issued yesterday to tho following: Nann nnd ltesldence. C. A. Honir. Crescent Cltv. In Age. Vlco nrotherton. Crescent City, Iii 22 AV. F. Schade. Glonwood. Ia :.... 23 Margaret Kvuus, Oraybill, lu , 21 Duy your trees, shrubs and roses of Mcncra.v, 622 Kast Droadwny, Council Dluffs. Telephones, otllce, 401; residence, ,4405. Subscribers In tho guessing contest can register their coupons at the Council Dluffs ofllco the sarao ns at tho Omaha ofllcc. Gravel roofing. A, II. Head, Ml Ilroad'y. 0 And that swell suit will give you a neater uppcar anco If you wear ti pair of thoso elegant SHOES wo nrc showing for tho spring trade. They are stylish, made by skilled workmen nnd will wear longer than nn.v other shoo bought for tho same money elsewhere. Sco our show windows for tho latest novelties lit foot wear. SARGENT'S I.nnk for the. Ilcnr. A trial will convince you of tho suporiority of our work. Evans Laundry Co. Phono 290. 522 Pearl St. FARM LOANS Negotiated tn Eastern Nebraska ana xowa. James in. uaniy, jr.. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs Our Specialty Evans Laundry Company. Phone 290- 522 Pearl St. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Kitop) UK 1'li.illl. STHUUT. '1'taoue 07. Phone 290 And we will call for your package. Evans Laundry Co BLUFFS. SITE FOR BRIGADE CAMP Adjutant Qinaral Byers 8alecti Etietch of . Meadow Land, ONE MILE SOUTH OF CITY LIMITS Spot Make Farornlitr Impression nnd 1'ulillc Spirit of the Merchants Winn Ilia Approval Hate Knrly hi August. The brigade encampment of tho Flfty flrst and Fifty-second regiments, Iowa Na tional guard, will be on a slxty-acro tract of meadow land where tho motor lino crosses what Is known ns tho Mnnawa road. This slto was Belectcd yesterday afternoon by Adjutant General Dyers, who expressed himself exceptionally well pleased with tho location. Tho slto chosen for tho camp Is n beauti ful stretch of meadow land adjoining tho county road, ono milo south of tho city limits. Forty acres of tho land Is owned by nn eastern party, for whom Day & Hess of this city aro agents. This will bo used for tho camp, whllo tho adjoining twenty acres, belonging to tho lOvcrctt cMatc, will be utilized for a parade ground In tho Immcdlnto vicinity of tho camp arc 2.'0 acres of grass land, owned by II. Marks nnd others, which has been secured for drilling purposes. This will nfford ample spaco for tho two regiments tu drill lu. Vntor can bo supplied to tho camp nt a small expense by piping, tho connection being made with tho main nt Twenty-ninth nvonue. Tho motor lino passes through tho camp tract and tho slto Is but a short distance from the lake, which will nfford splendid bathing facilities for tho soldiers. Adjutant (lenoral llycrs arrived In this city yesterday nfternoon nnd was mot by Captain Tlnley nnd a committee from Company L. Manager Dlmtnock of the motor company had a special car watting and accompanied the adjutant general nnd party on the trip to Manawn. After se lecting the site Adjutant Oencrnl Dyers returned to tho city and left Boon after 5 o'clock for Dcs Moines. Tluuikn Council Hinds I'rnnlr, Speaking of tho slto for tho ramp the adjutant general said: "I am favorably Impressed with tho slto and It will make an excellent camp ground. It will be a pretty camp and the location could hardly bo Improved. Tho pcoplo of Council Bluffs have my thanks for tho prompt manner In which they responded fo tho request to raise the money needed to secure tho eu enmpment of tho brigade for their city, nnd It does credit to their enterprise. I be lieve they will be well repaid, as the cn ampment will undoubtedly attract a large umber of visitors to Council Dluffs. I as anxious to havo tho camp this year .1 Council Hluffs and am much pleased tho citizens made It possible." Tho adjutant general has not definitely fixed the date for holding the encampment, but said It would be early in August. In addition to tho two regiments. Troop A of Dcs Moines will bo In enmp. The cavalry, It Is expected, will bo nn attrac tive feature of tho encampment. Davis sells paint. lnnrtrrl- Water llllln. Pay on or beforo tho 10th and snve C per cent. Office open Saturday and Wednesday evening until 9 o'clock. i.vnicrr.n i on KMIIKZ.I.KMKXr. James .V. Canndv, lr., the Victim of Hank Fn 1 1 lire. Among tho Indictments returned by the district court grand Jury was one against James N. Casndy, Jr., on nn alleged charge of embezzlement. Ho gnvo bond yester day In J 1,000 for his appearance In court. Tho charge upon which Mr. Cnsady was Indicted is tho same on which he was ac quitted beforo Justice Fcrrler. Some years ago Mr. Cnsady negotiated a loan for John Fnrrell, living near Grlswold, la., for $800. Last September when tho Hcml-annunl In terest becamo due, Fnrrell decided to take up this loan and tho Citizens' bank of Grlswold remitted tho money to Casady, who deposited It In Officer & Pusey's bank. Tho owner of the loan, who wns In tho cast, declined to aqcept payment for the reason that It was not due. In tho mean time Officer & Pusey's bank went Into tho tinnds of tho receivers nnd tho $S00 which Casady had deposited thero awaiting the return of the mortgago and notes was tied up. Tho books of tho bank show tho de posit and that nono of It has been with drawn by Mr. Casady. This Is but one of the many unfortunate and embarrassing conditions business men of this community have been compelled to faco on account of the failure of tho banking firm of Officer & Pusey. John Olstrom, allns Armstrong, alias Wall, charged with breaking Into K. Mln- nick's livery barn on the night of March 29, and stealing a J6.' sot of harness, the property ot Undertaker Cutler, was brought back from Omaha yosterdny on requisition papers and lodged In the county Jail. The grand Jury returned nn Indict ment against him for breaking and enter ing a building In tho night time. Box ot 100 good envelopes, 15 cents, In our stationery department. Doling, tho printer. Subscribers In tho guessing contest enn register their coupons at the Council Dluffs office tho same as at tho Omaha office. ri.UMIIHltS NT II IK K ' U.VCIIAXGKI). Men Are Still Out, Though Some Want to Return to Worlc. The status of tho plumbers' strike remains unchanged and tho men aro still out, hut It wns said last night that several of tho men were anxious to go back to work. A commltteo from tho Trndes nnd Dulld Ing nssetnbly called upon tho bosses yes terday and talked tho matter over. Thn bosses Informed tho commltteo that they Evans Laundry Co. 522 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Telephone 290 COUNCIL BLUFFS BELGIAN HARE CO, M. H. WKi.KIIll, Mnnnwer. Member Nebraska Belgian Hiiro Club. UOT . MAIN NT., Council Rlnffs, In, Drceders of nnd dealers In Fluo BELGIAN HARES Red Jacket, Stud Fees, 5. Slro, Lord Drltaln, (Imp.). Dam, Primrose, J. D. Stevenson, Official Scorer of The American Dclglan Hare Institute, had no objections to offer to the wage or tho hours of labor demanded by tho plumb ers, bnt they would not accept tho other propositions. The bosses nro firm In their refusal to dis charge the helpers. They tnko the position that It would bo nn Injustice to turn oft men who have worked with them two or three years whllo learning u trade by which they hope to enrn a livelihood. i:.sti;ii mi'hic in cut hciiks. .Mini' Mouse nf Worship Arc llce n rated with I'lilnm nml I.llle". faster Sunday will he celebrated In tits churches of Council Dluffs with special mu sic nnd services. Many of tho churches have been decorated with palms and flowers, ntnotiK which tho Easter Illy predominates. In St. Paul's Kplscopal church the Knights Templar will attend tho morning service. They will ho reinforced by the members of tho Omaha coramniidcry. The Kilts will nlso nttcml at the special Invi tation of tho rector, Dev. George Kdwnrd Wnlk, chnploln of tho local lodgo. This program will bo given by the choir, tinder the direction of W. L. ThlcUstun, orgun Ist: Organ Prelude '. H. Lewis Processional Onwnrd, UliilMlun fcol- dlers II. H. Fuller Anthem-Christ, Our Passover Bhepperd (llorln l'utrl U. .1. Klvov To Deiim, It minor Ridley lluck .Iiil. lint,. F. II. Hrnckett Solo Life's Insurrection Hour...Neldllnger Miss Kleiinur Montgomery. Kvrle F.lclsot Sttilner Gloria Tlhl Woodward AntliKtn t'rnwn lllni with Mitnv Crowns Hrnckett Ilviun The Strife Is O'-r I'lilestrlnu. rirtVrtorv Anthem See Sow the A tur Faure-lluck DnsnliiL'V Sanctus Htalncr Hymn Ilrend of tho World Hodges Organ Solo on At Kvcnlmr Buck (b) ldylle Gaston M. Dethler Gloria In Kxcclsls Htnlner Recessional Mo Is nisen,. Nennder Orsmn l'ostlude Introduction to net 111 Lohengrin Wagner Tho program for this morning In the First Congregational church Is: Orcun Voluntary Hercouse ucnjamin uouani Miss Maude V. Mueller. Doxology Invocation Responsive Reading, CSth selection ICuster Hymn Christ, tho Lord, Is Risen Again Carey Scripture Lesson. 1 Cor. xv Anthem He Is Risen Clave Prayer Offertory Violin Couoortc Mendelssohn .Miss Mueller. Solo Faster Song ...Charles Denneo Miss Chloe Ilrldcustcln. Announcements Hymn I Know that My Redeemer Lives Handel Sermon. Subject Tho Chrlstlan'fl Con viction of Immortality Pastor Anthem Hallelujah, Fairest Morning... W. H. Pontius Hymn Hark! Ten Thousnnd Harps and Voices Lowell Mason Organ Postlude State March Wultcr Spinney The program of music will be largely re peated r.t the evening service, when the pastor, Rev. J. W. Wilson, will speak on "Tho Dlcsscdncss of Those Who Aro tn Heaven." In Grace Episcopal church thero will be holy communion at 8 and 11, Sunday school Raster service at 3 and evening service nt 7:30. This music will be given by tho choir nt th3 11 o'clock service: Processional Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today ..Leimnn Christ, Our Passover Crotch fi fi .um jH.c "!"! J titillate Aldrlch Anthem-God s Luster Hells iI-,Tnj! i Unto Him Who Loved Js.... Hughes Offertory Forget All Thy Sorrow , Mlllnrd Recessional Jesus Christ Is Risen To day Harrctt In the Droadwny Mothodlst church this i , . 1. 1 - . .... evening this program of Easter music will he given by n choir of twenty-five voices, assisted by Mrs. A. A. Covalt, soloist, Tul- ley's qunrtct nnd A. A. Covalt, cornetlst: Organ Prelude At Kvenlng.... Dudley lluck Mrs. HvlveHter. Glorln Response Holy, Holy, Lord Ood Al mlulitv 1 Hymn Tho Ileuvens Declare Thy Glory, Lord Anthem Christ Is Risen Murtln Men's chorus, tenor solo and chorus. Hymn Jesus, Thy Hlood and Righteous ness , Hymn-Anthem Suvlor Who Died for Mo llnrwnlfl Offertory Andnnte Von Weber Mrs. Sylvester. Solo Tho Karth is tho Lord's. ...Schuccker Mrs. A. A. Cavnlt. Anthem They Havo Taken Away My '-"P" stainer Selection O Day of Lovo Kternnl Bnrtlctt Tulley's Quartet. Soprano obllgato. Mrs. A. A. Covalt. Cornet otillirntri. A. A. rnvnt Hymn Depth of Mercy Organ Postludo Durthold Tours Davis sells glass. Subscribers in tho guessing contest can reglstor their coupons nt the Council Dluffs ofllco tho same as at tho Omaha ofllcc. SMALLPOX HILLS UNSHTTLEIL County Supervisors Full in Hear from Attorney Klllnnek, The Doard of County Supervisors was un nblo to dispose of tho smallpox bills yes terday owing to the falluro of County At torney Klllpack to mako his report on them. Tho board adjourned until Thursday. It wns decided beforo allowing tho small pox bills to investlgnto tho condition of the people treated and ascertain how much, It any, ot tho expenso Incurred could bo borne by them. For this purpose Super visors Auld, Hrandcs nnd Kernoy wero np polpted a coramltteo to mako tho Investi gations In tho east half of the county and Supervisors Mntthows and Hansen to make the Investigation In tho west half. Acting on tho suggestion of tho grand Jury, tho board authorized County Auditor Inne.i to ennununlcato with tho manufac turers of tho rovolvlng stool cage In tho county Jail, with n view to having them send nn expert to oxamlno It nnd furnish an cstlmato ot tho cost of placing it in good condition. Subscribers In tho guessing contest can register their coupons at tho Council Hluffs otllco tho same ns at the Omaha office, t Rubber stamps nt DcLong's, 007 D'way. Ilenl I'.Mnte Trniisfers. These transfers wore filed yosterdny in tho abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street- J. W. Kyerson and vlfe to Gilford & .jv.iiwn.iu, mm o, ii mm iv, jiniirnaii iicld, Carson, w d t. o'Miwi i-wwi'ii io Junius iioini, lot ;i, block 2, town of Hancock, w d J. P. Greenshlelds und wlfo to It. V. InncH. ! acres In sw'i 1P-75-I3, s w d 1 v,J.IMn.-Y1 '"'at, "ud wlfo to Mary K. llllams, part seU tiwli 31-75-13, w d Susan P, Sherman and hushnud to wiiuam v. Hiiorinnu. lot 13, block 6. Jeffeils subdlv, i o d i Total, five transfers ,, j2,f,2S Tho best placo In town to buy lead pen cils Is at DcLong's, 307 Droadway. Plumber' Strike l.'nchniiKCtl. Tho developments looked for yesterday In tho strike of tho union plumbers failed to mntorlnllzn and tho situation remains unchanged. Tho bosses are standing pat In their refusal to ncccpt tho rules laid down For Good Laundry Work Try Evans Laundry Company, 522 Pearl street, Phone 2t0. by the union men, but aro willing that tho men should go back to work on tho old terms. Thero Is no talk of compromlso oil cither side. Unless tho men dccldo to go back to work today the bosses say they will take tho mnt tcr Into their own hands nnd fill tho va cancies with non-union men. DeLong will print It right. Sinnllno I'ntlent nl Home. Dan O'Leary of lilt Avenue- D was found to bo suffering from smallpox yesterday and the hottsu was quarantined. O'Leary Is n railroad man and Uvea with his mother nnd sister. Ho returned homo yesterday morning from Vail, la., where ho wns taken sick Friday. Ho will not bo removed to tho pesthouse, but will bo cared for ot his home. Council lllnrlH Society. The High School cadets aro preparing to give n imp late tins month. Mrs. F. W Houghton entertained nt n Kensington Tiiuminy nfternoon The unntinl ball of the Hont club. will be lu Royal Arcanum hall Friday tugni. Mr. .1. W. Hell of Third iiveilllo Is enter mining Mrs. F. II. Morgan of Donlson, In. Mrs. W. G. norland of Avenue O will entertain tlio calendar Card eiuu rnuny evenlriK. Misses lllaekstono nnd brother Hurry of Craig, Neb., arc guests ot Mrs. A. V. Card of Washington nvenue. No meetings of the whist clubs wore Inst week, ueing noiy week tho members wero nil engiigcd lu church duties. Mrs. O. G. llutts nnd Mrs. Frank P. llradley havo Issued Invitations for luncheon nt the homo of Mrs. Uutts Thurs day. Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank Marlowe, 152.1 Avenuo M. enlertulne.l nt cards Friday evening In honor of Miss Oepha Lane of Cumber land, in. Mluw Wlhi Wlrl Ij linmn from tlin Mi lirasku Stnte university to spend tho Kastcr vacation wnn nor parents, .Mr. una .Mrs W. O. Wirt of Willow nvenue. Miss Cherrln Wells entertained Informally lust evening for Cadet Hurry Van Hrurit mm ins suesi, (.auet iiarry srnunz, oi mo Military acauemy, culver, inn. P. G. Mlkesell of 2.W.I Avenue G wus given a surprise party Monday evening in honor or ins (am nirtniiay anniversury. Tile even lug was passed with music and games. Mrs. C. N. Woodford of Htiih School ave nue will glvo u course dinner and theater party today In honor of her nephew, R. Van .Murrei, who is whii tlio corson ciurko com pauy. Tho Calendar Untieing club met Frldny evening in ungues- nan. uespito tno urear Iness of the weather a lurgo crowd ut' tended und a lengthy program of dunces was Bivrn. Mrs. J. L. Slewtirt entertained at dinner Monday lu honor of Miss Genevieve Raid win. Covers wero laid for twelve. The liouso wns decorated with carnations nnd spring llowers Miss Genevieve R.ildwin. who has been passing the Faster vacation with her nar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Haldwin, will leave today to completa her senior year at vnssar couese Among tho Con. ell lllnrfH society neonle occupying boxes ut the Initial performance oi v.iizn i nursuay nignt were Mr. ana Mrs. John N. Haldwin, Judge nnd Mrs. Smith McPherson, Mrs. E. U. Hart and airs, cnrrle Juekson. Mrs. Lucius Wells nnd Mrs. Albert W. Cnsmly guve n luncheon lu honor of Miss Kntherlno Ktnyro of Oregon. III., guest of her sister, Mrs. S. 11. Wadsworth. The din ing room was decorated In pink and whlto nyacimns. covers wero lata for twelve, A delightful affair was tho roccntlon yes terday afternoon by the urt department of uie woman s emu at tno nome or airs. John Davis. The colors worn vellow and green. Rones of smllax nnd nsnnrnirns fern extended trom the chandelier to the four corners of the table, across which was stretched broad bands of yellow satin rinnon. Tiie centerpiece was u lurgo bou 'utt of yllow tulips and Jonquils, with ns- pnragus ferns. These llowers wcro used throughout tho rooms... Assisting in the din- nB room .were Miss VunOrdc? and Miss Dodge. Fifty women wpro In nttendnnrn The tlrst part of tho afternoon was given over to parliamentary drill nnd n musical urogram, with nlann snlns by Mr .tnlm Uono, Jr.. nnd Miss Hortense 'Forsyth was irlvnn Thn fnnflnll.i ilitli ... given. The Mnndolln club gave several cnoico selections. Tno next reepption wll ue hi iiu country nome oi Mrs. is. r Dodse. Amiinir the Clubs. The New Century club was cntertnlncd by airs. i-enuy iasi ween. The household economics' department of mo woman s ciuo win meet April 13. The local executive board of tho Rlennlnl will meet tomorrow afternoon nt 2 In the ciun room. The Ideal club met Tuesdny nfternoon nt uie nomo oi .Mrs. i; u. uevoi, thoso tak ing part wero Mrs. Southard nnd Mrs, uuaiey. Tho Woman's club met Wednesday nfter noon nt the club rooms. The program was oy jits, waiters Airs, wenster, Mrs Saunders ana Mrs. wlrt. The Oakland Avenue Rending club met Friday nfternoon with Mrs. Lulu Hlanch- nru, J nose on the program were Mrs. Rich mond, Mrs. Orcutt nnd Miss Cnsady. Tho next meeting will bo at tho homo of Mrs Kicnmor.u. The beginners' class In Germnn of tho Woman H eltib wns In rlinriro of Miss Jan son of the High school faculty, to the Illness of Miss Dodge. Miss Janseu will conduct this department tho remainder ot me term. Tho Atlns club will meet Tuesday nfter noon with Mrs. Robert Mullls. These sub jects will be tnken up: "Mucauley'a Lays oi Ancient uome, "in tne j'lnco or tlie Vatican," "Ht. Peters," "Stoddurd's Leo turo on Rome." Tlio Athenian club will meet April 11 nt tho homo of Mrs. Morris, Fourth avenue. Tho program will Include: "The City of London," "Tho Orange Stuarts," "Cur rent Kvehts," Joseph Addison. Miss Darudt will speak of her visit to Iondon. Tho current events department of tho Woman's club met Tuesday nfternoon with Mrs. Phelps hh lender. Mrs. Hunter con tributed nn article on "Our Colonies," Mrs. Webster spoke of "Our Soldiers" nnd Mrs. Cleaver read n paper on "Tho Great Sol diers of Our Time." , Tho literature depurlmcnt of tho Woman's club met Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. 10. C. Smith us chairman. Tlio subject was Kdgur Allen Poe. Those on the program wero Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Cutler, Mrs, Richmond nnd Miss Sherman. The next meeting will bo April IS und tho topic Murk Twain. The art department of the Womun's club met Monday evening, Mrs. W. H. Clifford acting ns chairman. The topic discussed was "The Last Revival of Painting In Italy." Thoso reading papers wero Mrs. V. Lubbe, Miss Foss, Mrs. J. IC. Cooper nnd Mrs. L. A. Gray. Miss Carollno Dodgo snoko of her visit to Italy, dwelling par ticularly on tho paintings In the Vatican. Tho next meeting will be April 22, with Miss VuuOrder as leader. WANTS HIS TEN CENTS BACK Attorney of I'oiulu Tlirentens to Sue for K'lti'fi Fare t'ol leeted. FOIIT DOnon. In., April C (Special.) F. Hamilton Houd, attorney of Fonda, threatens to bring suit for damages against tho Rock Island railroad to obtain 10 cents which was withheld from faro collected by a conductor on tho train. Mr. Dond was traveling from Poehnhontns to Fonda, and boarded tho Hock Island train, having neg lected to buy a ticket. The conductor, when ho collected tho money, withheld 10 cents, as is customary In such cases. Mr. Dond objected nnd tho two mon eugaged In nu. altercation, which ended In Con ductor Harrington's leaving tho money on the car Beat, where It wns left by Mr. Dond, when he left the car. Mr. Dond asserts that the railroad company Is prac ticing extortion and cays that ho will bring suit immediately. On ii Tin IVoiiiitu Is President, ON'AWA. Ia., April . (Special.) Mrs. Fletcher Howard, formerly of Onawa, has been elected president of the lies Moines Woraou's Press club. She Is nlso a delo gato to tho Federation of Women's Clubs, which Is to meet In Council Dluffs lu May, Ilnln Drlnyn HimmIIiik. DKNISON, la , April C (Special.) Two Inches of snow and rain fell hero yester day morning. Tho sowing of small train In this vicinity will bo delayed nearly two weeks. DARK HORSE FOR GOVERNOR Flin to Dfat Bmrnl Oandidfttia for the Nomination, SUICIDE OF AN ASSISTANT CASHIER AlKonn Woman i Sentenced for ThrsM elver for Otttitimn Vrnr lice Coiiipnny Dm Moines Schools to llcopcn. DES MOINES, April C (Spcclal.)-Ono of tho plans by which it Is expected the leading candidates for govcrn6r of Iowa aro to bo flnnlly defeated lu .the repub- , Mean stato, convention nnd a dark horse bo nominated has Just como to light. This Is to stctiro ns largo n number of dele- gates ns possible to tho state convention who aro old soldiers and havo out n sum- clem number of candidates to deadlock In the convention, then at the right time to bring forth an old soldier candidate for governor und to stnmpedo tho convention for him. Threo of tho cntidldntcs now be- foro the people hnve records as soldiers, but neither has been conspicuous In Ornnd Army of Republic circles. Thero Is much opposition to the lend-. ing cnmiiiintes and an undercurrent of effort to defeat them, nnd It Is known that this plan of arrnuclnir for n tmnt,r..i. has been freely discussed In many counties that nro not ntrongly for any particular candidate. This evening Sidney A. Fes ter, ono of the rcpubllcnu candidates In i this county, mndo tho first of a mtIcj , of speeches to tho voters of tho city, nnd It ' Is announced that ho will speak practically' every nigtit until the date of the primaries nt sotno plnco in tho county. lie is a popular campaigner. If ho wins In this county Cummins, his opponent, will not bo n cnndldnte for the nomination, but If Cum mins wins lu thu county Foster la ex pected to withdraw. Superintendent A. V. Storm of Cherokee, who has been announced ns u candidate for BUperlnteudeut of schools, has with drawn from tho nice. Sulelile of Prominent Yoiiiik Mini. Donjamln F. Ornyson, assistant cashier of the Iowa Loan and Trust company, died this morning from tho e'ifects of poison, supposed to hnve been ndiulnlstercd by himself, although thero Is sufficient sus picion of foul play to ncccssltato nn In vestigation. Ornyson wns 33 years old, had n family, had been with tho company n number of years nnd his books nnd accounts were found to bo nil right. He was some what addicted to drink and to keeping bad company, hut his suicide wns n surprise to tho company officials. Ho formerly lived nt Fort Dodge, where his father and uncles wero prominent in business for many years, Hecelver Asked For. Attorney General Mullun has asked for appointment of n receiver for tho Enul.ablo Dulldlng and Loan company of Ottumwa, declared by tho examiners to ho doing business in nn unsafe way, und tho books wcro taken to St. Louis. Tho proceeds of tho snlo were distributed nmong tho share holders nnd the business closed up. It has slnco developed that there has been no proper accounting of tho affairs of the company nnd a receiver will be asked for at Ottumwa, April 23, to mako a thorough Investigation. Woiiiuii tJetii Three Ycnrs. Mrs. Frank E. Foster of Algona has been sentenced to three years In tho peniten tiary as an nccompllco of Clarence Robin son in the attempt to murder Frank Fos ter to get hlra out of tho way. Robinson Is serving n seven-year scnteuco as princi pal in tho case Mrs. FobUt first confess., tho whole conspiracy and nfterward sought to prove her Innocence. Selioolm Will Iteopen. Tho Des Moines schools, which havo been closed for threo weeks, will reopen Mondny. Practically nil tho rooms have been fumi gated and cleaned and every precaution has been tnken to guard ngnlnst tho break ing out of smallpox. Slnco tho city leased a hospital for tho use of smallpox patients all of tho cases that cannot bo cared for at homo havo been removed there and quar antine is much easier. Thero havo been thirty to forty cases lu tho hospital slnco .It was opened for smallpox purposes. Siniill ArniM liiNpeotor. Captain W. G. Cairns of Des Moines has been appointed assistant Inspector of small-arms practice In tho Iowa National guard and nsslgned to tho Fifty-first reg iment. Lieutenant II. G. Cushlng of Du buque has been appointed to a similar posi tion and assigned to the Forty-ninth reg iment. A general order was Issued today by Adjutant General Dyers announcing two UectBlons. One is that n lieutenant who has been duly qualified und commissioned n3 such does not havo to bo examined If ho Is afterwards appointed to ho battalion ad jutant. Tho other Is thnt a candidate who falls to qualify for tho ofllco to which ho is elected or nppolnted is not eligible for the sume otllce again for six months from tho dato of tho examination nt which he failed and on second failure Is forever disquali fied. I.onklni; Hp ho On in p. Adjutant General Dyers has gono to Coun cil Dluffs to oxamlno tho grounds selected for tho encampment of tho Fifty-first nnd Fifty-second regiments. All othor matters havo been disposed of and there Is no doubt that tho grounds offered will bo satis factory. Tho Maxwoll Tclcphono company has been Incorporated, with $n,000 capital, to build n telephone lino nt Maxwell, Story county. ,w Mleftrlo l.lnlil llnllilliix. COHNINfi, In., April I!. (Special ) Tho electric llsht company has bought two lois MEN CURED Our Vacuum Orem Dovoloper rurcii whero orerythint; elbo fniU and hnpn J dead. It re ttnrri small, weak organ, lint power, fnllhnr mnnhood, drnlns, orron of youth, etc. Strlo turo and Varicocele pcrinansntly cured In 1 to Ha'or'ucs to ruin thn f tomach, No Eloctrlo Belts tolillatrr nnd burn. Our Vacuum Do veloper is n local treatment applied directly to the weak niiil disordered rmrts. It bItci Ktrmgth and .lovolopment wucroror nppllrd. Old men with lost or falllncr manhood, or tho j on us nnd middle n;,cd who nro reaplnir tlio re sults of youthful orrnr, excess or over work aro quickly restored to ho.'ilth and MroDgth, Our murrnloiM appliance has Hfctouljlird thoontlro world. Hiincfrrdi nf lending physicians In tho United States nro now rrrommondlngour appli ance In thn sovormt cases whoro every other known devlrs has fulled. You will se and frM Its benefit from tho first day for it l applied directly nt tb eont of tln disorder. It male uodlffarouco how torero tho Easter Novelties S We have received the Finest and Latest line of Nov 5 el lies, direct from New York, consisting of MILLINERY, JACKETS, SILK WAISTS AND DRESS SUITS. IS? t I - Hats from $L2G to fSillc Skirts trom 3 -5 55 p5 S5 Our prices nro within the rench of nil. Don't fnll to visit our Htorc. Our nssortnicut is complete. Mnkc your selections early. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. cJ5 2 5 2 gS I 5 I t5 NOVELTY CLOAK STORE, 536 Broadway. Council Bluffs, Ia. OPEN EVENINGS. John Reno &C& COUNCIL BLUFFS. Our Special Salo of Summer Shirt Waists. All tills week we slinll offer jjrent linrgnlns in Lntlles' Shirt Wnists. We lutve it Hpeelnl lot of about dozen, in it full line of sizes front .'! to -18, patterns in stripes, checks and Hurcs; not a waist in the lot lint is worth TiOc, ami from that to .fU.CiO. Wo have niatlo special prices of 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 to close the entire line. Not one lu the stock but is worth double what we ask you for it. WK AKK ALSO SHOWING A 81'LKKDID LINH OF Shirt Waist Suits, MAIL ORDEKS PROMPTLY FILLED. Stoves warm the house only "in spots.' Hot-Air Furnaces chronically refuse to warm rooms on the exposed side While Steam and Hot-Water Systems genially warm the home through out. Why? Write us. J. C. Bixby & Son, Council, Cluffs, In. Special Rates On family and rough dry washings. EVANS LAUNDRY CO., 522 Pearl St., Phone 290. on Davis avenue nnd will build a brick building 40x00 feet for Its new plant, which ir,0-horso power nnd 100-horso power en gines, nnd oxpects to be In operation May 1. Without Drugs or Electricity by Our Vacuum Organ Developer No Cure No Ray 75,000 IN USE NOT ONE FAILURE NOT ONE RETURNED caso or how long ptntidlnir, It Is n fnre to jrlfld to our treatment as tlio mull to rln. Tho blood it tlm life, the fortlllzor of tlio hu; man Ixxly, Our. imtrumcnt forces the blood into circulation where most needed. RlTlnn strength and development to weak and lifeleax partH. Tim Vnrtium Orgun Devrlojicr was first Introduced In tlio standing arm lei of Kuropon fnw years iu?o by tho French epeclallit, Do IJoii9-!t, and Its roinnrkahle succexs in tlicso countrlejlcd thn Local Appliance Co. to eecuro the exclusive control of Its sale on the Western t'ontinentt nnd slnco Its introduction into this country Its remaikahU curei hire astounded the en'lro medical prnfe'alou. It has rnstorml thousand cf cataa ponotncfld Inrurabln by pliyiiclaiiB. It cure quickly, harmleuly, and without (lotentlon from businers. Itoinnmber there is no exposure, no C.O.D. or nnv other scliernoinour ileullnKWlth the public. Write for free particular. sentfealed in plain envelope. LOCAL APPLIANCE COMPANY, 137 Thorpe Block, Indianapolis, Indiana. I r s $10.00. 5 up to $15.00. i 5 Second Floor. On Windy Days Grates about equal a hot water bag. 4 IDEAL. Boilri and AMERICAN RaiUton A Ftw Pointtrs on Good Laundry Work will not come amiss to those who know what good laundry work really Is: 1. The way we wasli makes clothes elenn. ii. The way we starch makes clothes stiff, if stlffenliiK they require. .1. Tho way we Iron makes clothes fnnootli. Bluff Giiy Laundry, 22 & 24 North Main. Wnllnuu Jb Grnutt I'rups. Co. Illnffs. DC H ANY THEATER. SIJ'.-IAI SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 7. Tho Comediun, A Hoynl Foast of fun. A I'lonltiide n f Merriment. Tlir Al II x I in ii in nf I'll ret- ('niiii'dy. Co in p ii n y of Superior nxerllrnet-, CliitrmliiK ili ln In (ioriicniiJi Contuiur. A llrlitlit l.niiKlilnif I'luy Cleverly Acted. I'lUCKS 25c, 3uc, EOc nnd 75c. CHEAI' 1IOMK3. House of 6 rooms, two closets, pantry, cellur, well, small burn, J7u0; Bmall pay ment down, balance monthly, 6-room tioiine, ulo.ioi, pantry, cellar, stable, cistern i price m. C-room house, 'closets, pantry, cellar, city witter lu house, stable, shade trees, largo lot, good locution; price il.'M). P-room house .closets, pantry, collar, cls tern, bath, stable; prlco i'Mi. Good 0-room liouso. pantry, closet, chlnn, closet, city water, tilmi', bath, fl,&0; within I blocks of 1'. O, A snap. Good S-room house, bath and closet, pan try, chlnu ciohiit, cellar, city water, cis tern, burn, coal house, piped fur gas; price J2.750. 0-room house, bath nnd closet, city water, large burn, sliiido trees, lot MxllW, only $3 000, Fine large houso of VI rootm, bcMdcs base ment tun! utile, steuni lieut, bath, closet, gas and butn, two lots; cost about Ui.X) to improvu, only 0,ooo. FA MIS KOll SALIi. ISO-acre farm 11 miles from Council Hluffs and Oniuha, 12.1 ucres In cultivation, 4 rooin house, double corner!!), well, nlso U'l'oom liuufco, stable, corucrlii, well; iln coin laud l'rlco only $t.Vi per ucro, A snap. 211 lures IS mllesi from Council Hluffs nnd Oinntm, nil good, smooth level land, houso, burn, i.rlbs, well, etc., cioho to railroad: for rale for u few days ut J I ) per ucre. Very cheap, I.ark'e list of farms und houses und lots. Also houses for rent. Cull und gut par ticulars, JOHNSTON &. KiJItlt, Tel. ill. Oil Uroadway.